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So, how bad is weed for you really?
Idk, but it's good enough to make me recognize who's a subhuman sack of trash and who's not.
Blacks make shitty music about smoking it all the time

What do you think
Pretty bad and massively linked to how severe person’s frequency/quantity of usage is
Do you have to ask about it every day?
If you're a normie, and over 21, it won't fuck up with your brain development and it might be ok. There are more risks than previously thought, especially with more concentrated strains and higher dosages, but most people don't really care, it's low-chance.
If you're lifting tho....
>if you're lifting
yeah, no, you can't smoke. Weed fucks up with the newly acquired muscle. Not a big deal for normies, they aren't building any muscle anyway, a massive deal for us.
For me? Really bad for mental health/mood. Last week I was passed bowls three evenings in a row. Made me angsty, depressed and a little paranoid for a few days. I'm starting to question it's recreational benefits for me.
Mentally I think the effects are known, but what about physical effects? It has to affect something in the system right?
Play call of duty and find out
I believe it was a contributing factor for my brother developing schizophrenia.
Genetics play a huge role but he showed no signs of the disease before smoking weed heavily. I'd avoid if you're under 25
>Seth Rogan
Yup 50/50 chance of getting schizo from weed
Look at how the two people in that image act.
Thats how bad it is for you.
There's a bunch of research coming out the last couple of years showing a strong correlation between a decline in IQ and smoking weed, especially if you started smoking weed when you were a teenager. This of course corroborates the colloquial experience everybody has of potheads universally being retards.
The older I get the more contemptable I find Seth Rogen to be
Imagine how much better the world would be if the holohoax had actually happened.
Depends on the person. I don't get paranoid or schizo or whatever, just really fucking lazy. If I want to get into a new routine or habit, I have to stop it for a bit and get situated in it before smoking again or else I'll just be too lazy to keep at it.

Also no weed = I lose weight from barely eating.
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notice how all these stoners never talk about the medical benefits of weed now that it's legal for recreational use? bunch of crap in the first place. emergency room docs are sounding the alarm about how many people are getting psychotic episodes from smoking weed post-legalization
Everyone in my Ivy League college smoked. It was fun, not much to get mad about.
People use it as an excuse on why they never made it when it was always a (You) problem.
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I'll drop the greenpill now so this is finally settled. People who hate weed have never had access to it or are scared to try it. They're bitter other people get to have fun so they overcompensate by hating it.
People who are indifferent don't matter at all.
People who enjoy weed usually follow two patterns: those that are responsible and those that aren't. Irresponsible users will sacrifice other important or vital parts of their live for drugs. This isn't unique to weed and can even apply to food, entertainment, gambling, hobbies.
Those that are responsible will augment their life with weed. They pay their bills, have a life, go to work sober, etc. It's not a destructive substance, it's people with destruction behavior misusing something.
Brown zoomers may reply but no one else.
seth rogen loves weed, you need to know more?
>all the people in this one group i knew (selected for youth, high iq and attainment) smoked a little and it wasn't too much of a problem

valuable anecdote and thank you for it anon, but im just wondering how you got in though, seeing as you clearly cannot think things through
Its fine if you're an adult with self control. It's bad if you're a retard using it to be lazy and escape from responsibilities.
I quit at 21, didn't smoke again until 25. Then from 25-30 I would smoke on rare occasions like weddings or birthdays, etc.
Now I am 30. I grow weed for fun, but I only smoke on the weekends while doing all my property maintenance like mowing and tree work.
>it's not a destructive substance
you're a plain, common garden retard if you actually believe this
This but with meth tbqh
Weed is fine
Unless used purposefully and in a controlled fashion to avoid opioid dependence, ranges from harmless to as bad as alcohol abuse
>opioid dependance
Nigga its weed not heroin kek
Weed used to manage pain to avoid opioid dependence, bro. Better weed than oxis. I know weed ain't an opioid
based brown zoomerito
I'm white as anglo saxon snow, what makes you think i'm brown?
learn to read
>Brown zoomers may reply but no one else.
we will let it pass since english may not be your first language
>weed fucks with newly developed muscle

it makes you retarded in the long run. just compare 2024 joe rogan to 2018 joe rogan
Hyper successful and possibly in the best shape of his life?
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bad for ur dum dums, can't do math
Anyone who smokes is automatically is a subhuman retard.
>he lives somewhere where people on meth is even a thing
You are subhuman
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Meth is the doer's drug
Kys but you are already on track kek
Nope, this was when Smartphones became popular. You were probably too young to remember.
Meth head lmao
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I wonder if smoking weed being uncool is a recent phenomena or just a function of getting older
Nobody's mentioned that you feel like doing fuck all when you've had a smoke.

You'll be glued to that sofa and eating shite food - even if you're not hungry.
That is just you
No, you're all subhumans potheads and crackheads.
Faggot's smoke weed, retards smoke cigarettes and men smoke cigars
Alcoholics too
Leads to increased homelessness, mental illness, driving accidents, and so on.
^has a big chip on his shoulder about what is and is not manly maybe because his father looks down on him kek^
OK, stoners aren't pasty, skinny-fats with red eyes - it's a myth.
Yes, I can tell you for me personally, it changed the way my intestines work and now that I am sober, I cannot take a shit without laxatives. I'm only about 6 months sober, so I am hoping my intestines will go back to normal given enough time. I was a pot head for 20 years.
Yup just you
Bruh just eat more fiber.
my dad was addicted to meth and i like cigars you may be on to something
I think it comes with how often you do it. I used to live alone and had a shitload of people come to my house to smoke weed and WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE. Just smoke weed, drink soda, play videogames, watch a movie. That was my life for months and most of the times i just smoked without even feeling high. Smoking weed is fun but doing it often really takes the fun out of it. The best way to smoke weed is doing it once a week or maybe twice a month. You will get the best highs and is not gonna take over your life.
I was in the best shape of my life and smoking every day. It's possible to overcome it, but I definitely suffered in other areas such as progressing in my career and keeping my house neat. All I did was smoke, workout, and play video games. It also made it easier to get hooked on other things like video games and alcohol and porn.

I'm sure you could fight against all of those things and maybe be productive and successful, but you're putting an obstacle and a challenge in your path that doesn't need to be there. And I would probably say that no matter how successful you are, you would have been even more successful if you weren't on the dope.
Brown hands typed this post while failing out of public (daycare) school
Well if the guy from you pic is any indicator, terrible. Makes you girly.
Holy fucking seething lol
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Yeah you are mad kek
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you've got to confuse ze muscle
Meth conquers nations, abstainers are doomed to irrelevancy
^meth head^
Sorry, but i have a good relationship with my dad, you need to project your problems on someone else
>if it wasnt for weed, this person would have been a fit upstanding productive contributing member of society
Its not bad. And never put the blame on weed. See people for who they are.
Weed is just dumbing you down for a while, so you can forget your troubles. No wonder it's the drug of choice for niggers and losers
Imagine looking like this, I'd kill myself immediately.
Well, the truth is marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people, and it most likely isn't gonna fund terrorism, but, well son, pot makes you feel fine with being bored, and it's when you're bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or being creative. If you smoke pot you may grow up to find out that you aren't good at anything.

Also some weedheads like myself before I quit feels/felt I needed it for everything like practically a high functioning alcoholic
Kel i dont have that problem the cigar guy has daddy issues kek
My mom smoked weed most of her life and got lung cancer and is missing half of a lung now.
and they're the zestyist bucks in the wurld, I bet martha stewart fucked snoop dog in the ass with a double wide strapon
obama was really preparing the fuck the world up, thankfully we had trump fix it briefly before the cabal rolled out the covid illusion magic
>Blacks make shitty music about smoking it all the time
It's funny that whitoids are still falling for this. This was the whole reason marijuana got made illegal in the first place--it used to be perfectly legal in the US, and was commonly used for medicinal and recreational purposes, but then whitey noticed blacks and mexicans starting to enjoy it, so they reframed it as a drug for degenerates. The fact that white people hate it only made blacks cling to it harder, just to piss off "the man".

Like 90% of modern white history is just angry rich men shooting themselves in the foot to try and own someone else who doesn't give a fuck. It's hilarious.
we wuz kangs nikuh
>words words words
jews own you and your race
Kek fucking autistic schizo
Both. Since weed has been legalized in many states in the US and corporations have gotten involved they have made it extremely lame. Plus as time goes on it becomes increasingly obvious that weed does have side effects and is addictive. Every chronic weed smoker has obvious brain damage and a psychological addiction. It might not have cray withdrawal effects like many hard drugs, but it definitely has some, many of which are psychological. If smoked in moderation it is definitely less harmful than alcohol though
the true weedpill is getting a stair master for the home gym, hitting a good sativa strain from a flower vape and going for an hour or more on the machine while playing wild rift or some other engrossing mobile game. you can do super intense cardio for a long time without realizing it. feels good man, a true life hack
Dumb stoner retard lmao
They do steal a lot of copper.
>to try and own someone else who doesn't give a fuck
Sure could have fooled me with that bullshit Civil Rights Act. The white man freed you and the white man will enslave you.
marijuana is ok, just don't let it rule your life. there are some people who smoke like chimneys and don't do anything else. if you're gonna smoke, just treat it like everything else in life you do in moderation. or are you too pussy to enjoy a drink now and again? or a soda? or fast food? everyone has their vices, it's just a matter of managing it.
yep not true at all, obama helped all of us niggas
I've only smoked on a few occasions. Every time without fail I get extreme paranoia and feel out of my mind despite only taking one hit. Always feel like shit the next day too. Figured there's something wrong with my brain chemistry.
>use degenerate nigger drug
>don't enjoy it
>must be something wrong with me

Anon, the problem isn't with you.
Not like he did meth chill brah
Yes, alcoholics too.
Sometimes even worse because alcohol is easily available.
Occasional smoking has no negative effects at all, at least it's better than alcohol
>can't od
>no depressive effects
>no nausea
>no blackouts
>no hangovers
>doesn't taste like cat piss
I'll take a joint over booze any day
My school friend was very heavy in weed between age of 16-22 and he developed schizophrenia, might be coincidence but I don't have single good opinion about heavy pot smokers and I've meet like 8. They are just miserable while not high
increases estrogen
You must be low t for this to even be an issue kek
Seth Rogan smokes
Enough said
All top professional athletes smoke it.
Enough said
It messes with my pelvic floor muscles and makes them hurt my cock and balls and puts me in a fight or flight mode where that shit starts to hurt even more and it’s like my dick is shrinking into my body and my balls feel like exploding. Pretty sure it’s how I got my epididymal cyst from urine backflowing or something. It was fun for cardio and what not but I’m never touching weed again. Makes life easier that way anyway. Complete sobriety from everything removes all worries at least for me.
See also: Seth Rogen
Have a look at people who smoke a lot of weed and ask yourself if you want to be like them.
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>oly gold medalist
Yea, I think I do
I quit weed a few years ago, my life has improved ten fold. I don’t have an issue with it but most people lack the ability to be honest with themself or even practice basic moderation. That’s the only problem with it.

That being said anyone know of alternatives? I want something I can smoke out of a pipe or joint after work that won’t get me blitzed. I’ve read Passion flower (hallucinogen) and a few other herbs commonly used in teas provide a mild high with calming, sedation, and even euphoria some people make blends. Figured I’d ask here if anyone knows of any. I know lions tail/ wild dagga is another
Asking for alternatives while claiming you are now better is the most ironic thing you could have done. You haven't learned a thing and aren't ready for any other substance.
If you were actually better, you would be back on weed and doing it maybe once a week at extremely low dosage. But you know you are too much of an idiot to control yourself
>SEE SEE HE SMOKED ONE TIME ONCE THAT ONE TIME AT A PARTY THAT ONE TIME AFTER GETTING SOME GOLD MEDALS HES A TURBO STONER LIKE MEEEEEE HE WAKES N BAKES LIKE MEEEE HE HAS LITTLE HISSY FITS IF HE GOES PAST A DAY WITHOUT AND CANT DO LE ANYTHING WITHOUT IT LIKE MEEEE but I can quit anytime btw, I just don’t need to because I’m super successful I make $100k ($45k) and I’m ripped and jacked (2 years into lifting never been under 12% body fat sit at 18% most of the time) and I get laid constantly (I’m even more addicted to porn than to weed)
Lol please don’t stop. Nta either
Do you also want me to post all of the other gold medalists? They smoke too. What about athletes in other fields? Or what about all the doctorate holders?
If you actually believe the entire world is sober, you shouldn't be here until you are at least 18.
anon, even the people at your church smokes weed...
>People who hate weed have never had access to it
This is the kind of dumb shit you say when you smoke
Whats even funnier is that hunter gatherer tribes smoke weed using bible pages as rolling papers
>No you MUST choose my vice and only mine how dare you
I’ve tried it a handful of times since I just don’t like it anymore.

But forget that, you are oddly emotional regarding me and my life and experiences. That’s weird, like actually really weird and silly of you, and while we’re pulling assumptions out of gaping assholes, you’re more than likely the type of delusional faggot this guy described >>75220326 having tree be 75% of your identity lmao. Talking about self control but you’re bitching about someone else’s decisions and choices because you somehow took it as a personal slight like every pothead does. You’re a little bitch man. You’ll either take this criticism on the chin and improve or prove my assumptions 100% spot on and get further offended by them. I do not care either way you have nothing of value to offer me.
>you are oddly emotional regarding me
I just called you a bitch. And you responded like a bitch. Grow up and stay sober. Don't do anything besides weed, everything else is going to kill you.
>you are oddly emotional
>That's weird
lmao, projection at its finest
My buddy swears by a few I think one is skullcap the other I know is lemon balm. He uses them in teas but we’ve also smoked it. I forget the others, all legal shit you can get at any nursery which he grows in his garden. Very mild. I prefer edibles personally but I can see the appeal in this stuff
>Talking about self control but you’re bitching about someone else’s decisions and choices because you somehow took it as a personal slight like every pothead does
Lmao they’re already sperging out throughout this entire thread why would you call them out on it. Watch the copes and seethes roll through now
>You should smoke these other flowers that could possibly make you go blind
>Watch the anons cope about us smoking other flowers
No one is stopping you. But don't act like you don't have a problem. You definitely do
>all legal shit you can get at any nursery which he grows in his garden
try poison ivy, im sure that will make you feel something when you ingest or smoke it
>nuh uh I’m not a bitch you are
>you HAVE to smoke weed like me how DARE YOU
You’re right have a nice day
Wow EPIC concealed dagger response anon. I have one too. Post body with timestamp.
I’ll look into them. Really just want something to chief at the end of the week without the commitment of being high for a few hours or being actually high. Just enough to feel something a small buzz, but not nicotine either obviously. I still smoke a few nights a year with my buddies during special occasions but it’s not something I enjoy doing often.
Oh I expected it that’s why I worded it how I did, specifically preemptively stating that they will be proving me right knowing they’d do it anyhow. People who are not how I described, have moderation can be real with themself act how you do and can have sensible discourse and discussion without getting upset because someone else doesn’t personally enjoy it or desire to use it. It’s so silly to me when these people act like this it makes for a good laugh if nothing else. Kind of exposes who shouldn’t be using it because those who know they don’t have an issue don’t behave that way. It’s insecurity
Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like this. I just wanted to tell you to stay sober. But it sounds like you are looking for the next high. Disappointing but I can't stop you.
I just hope you can admit you have a problem sooner than later. Ill pray for you anon.
Turned me into a lazy faggot and gave me gyno. Avoid.
>I’ll look into them
Just a heads up, its possible you can lose vision if you decide you want to use these herbs. You will get a buzz though, I can see the appeal.
it smells bad, smoking is bad for your lungs, and it will probably trigger some psychosis or schizophrenia if i tried it
plus it costs money, i just wish it wasnt everyone's preferred thing to do because i've missed/avoided many social gatherings because this herb would be present
I would suggest starting with teas, see how it feels then move onto making blends and eventually just smoking the raw herbs. I wouldn’t expect much though, as you say a small buzz just enough to feel it with diminishing returns. Why don’t you like weed anymore btw?
>it smells bad
>can't attend social gatherings because it was present
So you know what it smells like but you haven't been around it? How does that work?
>Why don’t you like weed anymore btw?
Its an addictive substance and I couldn't stop using it. Im just looking for something that isn't addicting and gives withdrawals like weed does.
someone close to me has smoked before, but that's another thing... nowadays with it being legalized you can't even go out in public without smelling that literal skunk stench, whether it's parking lot, outside a restaurant, or a boardwalk, cant even get fucking fresh air outside
Why do you actually want a vice? I think you need to ask yourself this and explore that. I’m not saying it’s necessarily wrong but just start there. Is it pleasure seeking, boredom, just to unwind and destress, etc
Also yes, those who stand to benefit lessening their intake or even quitting are usually the ones who have these meltdowns
He called you out in multiple ways and fed you his dick and you’re now asking for thirds just take the loss with dignity dude quit this passive aggressive nonsense holy shit
>Why do you actually want a vice?
Why do you care? Just answer the question and stop whining like a bitch. Its weird.
>why no more weed
Every time I use it I feel bored. That’s it. It stopped being enjoyable to me. It’s not even a tolerance thing I tested that. It’s just incredibly boring. It actually seems to detract from experiences now ironically enough. I’ve caught myself thinking stuff like “this hike would be better if I didn’t smoke this is boring” It doesn’t enhance stuff like it used to it just seems to dull everything. It’s not even relaxing either I feel exactly the same. So I no longer care for it, it stopped serving its purposes to me. Like I could (and have) give a speech while fried. The entire feeling is like “so what? This was fun from 15-23. It’s boring now” I guess it lost its appeal to me
Disregard the above, this >>75220486 is actually me and 100% exactly what I meant to say actually
>Why do you actually want a vice? I think you need to ask yourself this and explore that
Stop trying to pretend you are a different anon while asking the same questions. You are of no value to me here and its really silly of you to get this emotional about it.
This >>75220533 is not me.
Im just looking for something new, weed made me feel anxious so I am just looking for a different high. Something to take me off the edge. But Ill look into different herbs to smoke
lmao, what the fuck is going on here? I don't know who is who. Its almost like 1 single anon is arguing with himself here which makes sense, weed anon as gone schizo
Just to destress and unwind. My job is stressful, I like to enjoy my weekends but the stress doesn’t stay at the door and has been accumulating lately with some of the projects I’m working on. Weed doesn’t do what it once did for me >>75220533. I’ll still be just as stressed with weed, so I’m wanting to test something else. But also have it be lesser because I’m not really looking to get high. I may microdose shrooms and see how that works. No point in tripping every weekend but a microdose could do the trick, I enjoyed it in the past
>top professional athletes smoke it
and do other hard drugs like cocaine
and are absolutely peak genetic specimens
seth is a more honest barometer
It's fine if you don't let it run your life and you just smoke at night or occasionally. Plenty of successful people smoke and it never interferes with their lives.
Then, there are the 420 BLAZE IT ALL DAY faggots who can't live without it, and they pretty much are just useless cunts who never go anywhere. Don't be like them.
I’m the anon who literally just said he wanted some kind of alternative and I was avoiding saying this but it’s coming off as schizo tier ramblings the way these geeks are replying. I’m convinced it’s all 1 hyper emotional anon doing this shit and now he’s saying I’m the one samefagging. It’s quite humorous actually. Like I’m trying to imagine what the person who behaves like this over a plant looks like and all I get is greasy neckbeard
Ohhhh I get it now. If you can handle weed, it means you have the best genetics. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing your argument with me
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>pretending not to be schizo
Sure, whatever you say schizo anon. Keep arguing here with yourself and pretend to be genuine. Go smoke your weed or lion flower or whatever you are doing
>handle weed
Nta but if you consider “handling” weed some drastic feat I have bad news for you
>still not posting body
Checks out
It's pasta you retards.
These threads should be banned on site.
Im not the one making the argument that only top tier genetics can smoke weed and other hard drugs without issue. Im just pointing out the idiocy in the anon's argument.
And you're a huge degenerate retard if you agree with that anon's agrument.
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>still not posting body
>to argue about weed
Try a different form, edibles feel different. You may find you enjoy it again via that route. If not it sounds like you have two other options. Your gay alternative herb idea or microdosing shrooms.
Stop smoking weed, for yourself
>Try a different form, edibles feel different.
No. Stop getting so emotional that I don't want to smoke weed. Its extremely weird you keep pushing it. You offer no value to me here if you don't have any alternatives. Stop whining like a bitch and just move on
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>Stop smoking weed, for yourself
>Schizo keeps thinking hes not smoking weed
it’s a turnoff for most women
Edibles are the same but actually semi enjoyable. It still kinda dulls things but there is some relaxation involved in it
>malding this badly
Damn you need to chill out have you considered weed?
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Weeds a strong tool to have in your arsenal if used correctly. I smoke weed only when bulking so I get the munchies and eat more than I could sober
All this projection kek
Kek keep crying
I feel the same about tobacco
you sound like an absolute faggot
Fine. Then do your gay herb idea or shrooms. To me, it just sounds like you are being a bit of a bitch here
>Opening portals for demons
>Not bad for you
They don't call it the devil's lettuce for no reason.
what if I want to become Spawn?
Kek fucking schizos
Your loss (of salvation) pal.
im a schizo because i want to become Spawn?
the asshurt is palpable
Based schizos
doesn't pot increase your chances of developing schizophrenia?
Keep seething it looks good on ya
when i become spawn, ill make sure to wrap my chains around your neck first
Oh... wait...he actually is autistic...lul
most if not all people that smoke pot aren't right with god to begin with and pretend he doesn't exist so you're sorta casting your pearls to the swine here bro ngl
What are your thoughts on meth? I know it does more harm to people than weed...
i don't think about meth at all but yeah probably would open you up to all sorts of mental illnesses alongside the physical dependency, i don't really see people actively promoting meth nor are they taken seriously either
Dont be surprised if your local cop has done meth...
wouldn't put it past them, i don't think anyone is above temptations
Yet they are supposed to uphold the law
I smell a dirty cop in the making...
why do we need two concurrent weed threads?
you are a homosexual
didn't say i approve of the use of meth, just said i wouldn't be surprised if a cop was found out to be doing meth
but then again, nothing really surprises me anymore, we live in a hyper consumerist world
just take m677 weed munchies is placebo
you have already been marked
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straightedges and weed-isn't-harmful are both faggot ends of the spectrum
weed makes you retarded and schizo if you smoke the equivalent of downing a whole bottle of whiskey every day, people don't understand dosages, this shit didn't happen when everyone was smoking 3-5% backyard strains, only when 29% gigaultraniggakush entered the market along with 50% hash, 70% shatter oil etc
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type shit im on
Typical reductionism. Like what all universities do now , creative writing contest to blame whites
The thing is, this 30% shit, retards smoke it all day long and either waste 80% by not inhaling or spend their time greened out just because the plant has become such a crucial part of their self identity. It’s like a pacifier for them, but also it’s almost become some strange way to cope because they view in a very immature light which is that by using tweed their somehow cool. You can extrapolate this by paying attention when those types talk about it. If you unironically need to be smoking 3Gs a day or more of 30% crack weed you literally have a problem. No one has a tolerance like that. You can literally watch as most people smoke and don’t even inhale. They know how to inhale because they will like every 5th hit, they just don’t.
I don’t mind straightedges who are like weed enjoyers I don’t mind, but anyone on either side who get butthurt about this topic are fucking losers. It’s just insecurity about the same subject but in opposing ways.
>le cool everything in moderation faggot
you are not above those you criticize
including myself
source: my tranny ass
>If you're a normie, and over 21, it won't fuck up with your brain development
sorry to break it to you, brain development may not be done until 25. i would not recommend smoking before then, but kids know everything and will never listen, so i guess we just enjoy the retarded future that awaits.
smoking will fuck your willpower and ability to get shit done, but for 99% of people it won't mindbreak them. edibles are a whole other ball game, if you're genetically predisposed to schizophrenia or BPD you're playing russian roulette.
Nope, just don’t do it all the time.
Nerds seethe about weed because they didn’t get invited to the parties in high school/college. This is basically an extension of that, they know their place.
>that's a good goyim!
I used to like it but as I got older all it does now is make me anxious. So I've concluded that it's fake and gay
>he's never had a good cigar while high
You're missing out.
men smoke cigarettes. cigars are reddit
they made it illegal because white women would have sex with black women when high
>yes cigarettes are masculine and cool, goyim
>don't forget to buy another overpriced pack of my garbage-tier tobacco with extra chemical additives
pro metabolic, pro thyroid, and great for hormonal health. keep seething
*takes one hit*
>physical health
it's not too bad unless you're inhaling it as smoke, which is obviously bad for your lungs
>mental health
it's not chemically addictive like nicotine is, but it kills your motivation to do anything besides sit on the couch and consume. i have a few friends who i love dearly but all they do is sit around and smoke weed all day. in their own minds they feel happy but as an outsider looking in, i just see them wasting their lives and it's kind of upsetting. granted i'm not some super alpha dog but at least i'm trying my best to grow in my career and whatnot

tl;dr weed is fine as a one-a-week reward for yourself, but it can easily slip into an entire lifestyle that could rob you of your future
>Like 90% of modern white history is just angry rich men shooting themselves in the foot to try and own someone else who doesn't give a fuck.
>The fact that white people hate it only made blacks cling to it harder, just to piss off "the man."
>Be black in 20th century America, get caught with weed; fined, maybe beaten, attacked by dogs, imprisoned
>Naw we finna keep smokin, fuck whitey
Do you not see the retarded hypocrisy in your post?
Anti-inflammatories are bad for muscle growth.
Smartphones made established media push race as a problem?
Post nose.
It makes me so retarded, like I cannot even think of a proper response to a text when stoned. I just wanna watch Jason Genova ments while I pig out on icecream. And when I wake up the next day, the brain fog is too much I forget things and cannot perform well at work.
>>he lives somewhere where people on meth is even a thing
yeah, it's called New York City, the cultural epicenter of the world, retard
Idk it's kinda hard to not smoke pot after a certain point like if your whole family dies or some dumb shit and you gotta work some dumb job. But that's why pot is bad. You don't want to get to a point where you need pot to not kill yourself. So, wherever you are mentally, try to stay there or get better, without girls or drugs. Because girls and drugs cost money. So, even if you are doing good financially and mentally, try not to do drugs. Idk exactly where I started, really it was after I wanted to die but I could've maybe still not smoked and turned my life around.
this and also the paper industry. they banned hemp, until wwii, and then banned it again, and anyone who hates pot should still see how corrupt that is. It's a different species and they used propaganda against marijuana to get people to also be cool with banning hemp specifically because it was the best material for some things.
Weed does not fuck up muscle you misinformed peanut.
If you have any repressed emotions or thoughts weed will bring it up for you to face. Its not a good drug if your plan is to avoid confronting your lot in life.
Imagine thinking inhaling any type of smoke over a long period of time is anything but detrimental to your health.
It marijuana still illegal in a majority of the world to keep the black man down?
I have recently quit weed after about 2 years of daily use. Smoking weed is legitimately one of the worst decisions I've ever made. It fucks up your sleep, fucks up your lungs, makes you overeat and slack off on responsibilities. Being high makes you more likely to engage in other destructive behaviours like watching porn, spending recklessly and eating junk food. Potheads will cope by listing the "benefits" but in my experience there are absolutely none.
Dumb nigger drug. I'm glad I stopped all substances. Only vape till I quit that, still beats cigarettes.

All mind altering substances should be searched for and destroyed. Weed should go extinction.
Kill all the druggies.
I also got gyno from weed back in high school.
Like most things in life, it depends entirely on your ability to moderate and self analyze your own reactions and behaviors with it.
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I quit the herbal Jew three-four years ago.
Best decision of my life
Total NIGGER Death
>changes how you think (open to all sorts of nonsense conspiracism and ideology)
>changes how you act (you will fap to much more degen shit than a sober anon)

it will make you an alienated degenerate and so comfy you wont even notice
I knew NSAIDs in high doses could mess with it, but it was negligible to non existent in normal doses, and idk if that even carries over to weed
decapitate nigger children
weed turns you into a fat lazy faggot, meth makes you go crazy and forces you to action, if you're gonna do drugs at least do the one that doesnt turn you into a slob
never met a methhead or crackhead who wasnt a hustler.
>I personally prefer not to use it
>I don’t have a problem with other people doing it though
>the only time it’s bad is when the individual has a problem with it
Why did this cause so much seethe? It sounds pretty reasonable to me and I smoke every day
I had a job a year ago where the boss was a stoner. I thought he was a functional stoner at first and I thought cool I can smoke at this job or at least in my off time. This retard couldn’t control himself and he ended up losing his business because he couldn’t just lessen his usage or do it during his free time. There were so many flaws in the business and he’d just bitch about doing worse each week but he wouldn’t listen to me, a guy who had several proven years experience of saving businesses and making them very successful, when I’d give him critique and advice any time he asked. I didn’t even tell him to stop smoking I mean actual business advice.

And I wholeheartedly believe it was largely due to his constant smoking, not entirely though the rest can be chalked up to ignorance and incompetence. I literally gave him an offer after a while to let me have some basic autonomy like finding potential hires and conducting some interviews and also handling some marketing stuff, plus some innovation like making shit easier to understand for employees (would have found a free service or had a friend code a simple one that gave everyone their daily route rather than the boss just saying “call our clients and figure it out”) and if I proved successful he only had to bump my pay up by a single $3 per hour, and if I wasn’t successful well it was no harm done. Literally would have been an extra measure to keep his business afloat with no down side. And he refused, not even over the $3 he just didn’t wanna try and fix things he wanted them to work while broken.

Every day this fuck face would let his work pile up, refuse to give his employees a hand, and would just act busy and then smoke all day just to occasionally come out and start screaming at people to pretend he was working. Then his company closes and the fucking dipshit STILL decided to blame us even though we were all handling half of his role for him on top of our jobs
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Not as bad as alcohol, but still an overall negative. Just dont be an addict. NEVER met a stoner/hardcore drinker that didnt look like shit. Just do them socially or on weekends when youre bored.

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