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- no smoking, no drugs, no alcohol
- good cardio, you should be able to do a 5k in 45 minutes or even better 30
-daily lifting
-good nutrition, ghee, animal fats and coconut oil are androgenic
Just nofapped for 3 days and blew a massive load. Maybe this nofap thing has some weight
Fuck who cares I'm legit addicted to porn anyway
Too bad i am an incel, otherwise id feel good about meeting all of these requirements.
I'm so addicted to porn and fapping. I've been trying to stop for 10 yrs
no matter how you frame this, your orgasm denial cult spam still belongs on >>>/x/

get therapy instead of listening to schizophrenic retards on the internet
Hope you beat your cooming addiction soon friend. A saying I like is try to do things for your life more often than for your dick. Just… more often.
Pretty sure my heart is fucked based on boners and getting crushed doing cardio these days. Cancelled my stress test lol.
Why'd you cancel it, sounds like you need it more than ever
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>good cardio, you should be able to do a 5k in 45 minutes or even better 30
Nah. Endurance training destroys your body. Cyclists and marathon runners all look like shit and have a weak peen.
The only cardio that's good for penor performance is high intensity cardio like sprinting.
Instructions unclear. What is best cardio routine for a sedentary fat that wants to know what an erection is like?
I have literally never seen a recreational sprinter with normal or better blood pressure or hrs on par with even middling cyclist or runners. They're literally all lazy as shit half assers who call a brief running interval a sprint. Unless you're actually participating in an athletics program of some kind with an actual training regiment you're probably going to be a shit sprinter. You'd literally get better results doing aerobics that's how underwhelming recreational sprinting is.
>ghee, animal fats and coconut oil are androgenic
where did you get this from?
im not against it, id like to read about it
>Cyclists and marathon runners all look like shit
yea because they're taking it to the extreme. doing 30 mins of moderate intensity cardio a few times a week like a normal person is not harmful whatsoever.
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>5k in 45 minutes
Put the fork down and start fasting. Running or any other kind of stressful cardio while being fat will destroy your joints. Once you are at a normal human weight, you can start jogging and eventually sprinting.
You could go outside and walk for an hour or so every day, or get a treadmill and walk indoors while watching TV or some shit. This will accelerate your progress towards a normal weight.
Interesting opinion but I disagree.
>You could go outside and walk for an hour or so every day
I can't walk outside for an hour if I'm not near a restroom because I'll have to pee. I don't pee in public because I'm not a homeless.
EXCESSIVE endurance training destroys your body, yes, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do SOME endurance training. In moderation, it drastically improves your cardiovascular health.
You can't go without peeing for more than an hour? That doesn't sound healthy, dude. You either have diabetes, some kidney disease or bladder malfunction if you can't go for a one hour walk without needing a restroom, my friend.
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I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. I like having a sexual health fitness. I just don't want the larp shit. Where they fantasize about maturating all day.

But other things, keeping libido on a cut, which gas station dick pills won't kill you, legal Amazon tier med services etc.
>5k in 45 minutes
how old are you? 80?
5k in 30 minutes is pathetic
>5k in 45
isnt that like.. walking?
She looks underage
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You are a literal incel who doesn't leave his house or interact with people if you think that in any way, shape, or form.
You have the same mentality that think low weight = pedophilia.
I told my doctor and asked if it could be a prostate problem but she told me it's impossible because I'm too young for prostate problems and refused to elaborate or investigate further.
Do any of these work or do they just give you heart issues?
Hence fat Indians are the most masculine people ever. Wait...
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Someones mad traffic is down on their porn site lmao
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Is this the thread? The other one seems kinda odd. Anyways, reporting in for day 20. Back to running 3 miles daily. To keep it related to this thread, circulation is strong and my hardness is stronger. Double-edged sword, I like how it feels but I can't and won't touch it (yet).

The god-tier supplement stack has some truth to it. In short; zinc, vitamin d3, lecithin, and pygeum. But more often than not, zinc is enough to see improvements especially on top of an already good diet.

Has anyone ever thought of this cool novel concept where you can fap but maybe like only a few times instead of cooming 3 times per day?

Not everything has to be gooning OR nofap, there's a middle in there where you can still blow your load to unwind from time to time.
so, I just busted a nut it was full of blood
no pain or anything whatsoever, no blood while pissing, and this is the first time I've ever seen it happening
how likely is the chance of cancer?
Probably benign hematospermia. Happens infrequently and only because either I coomed after having not coomed in a while or if I coomed too much. As long as you're not pissing blood too you should be good. Scary as fuck the first time I saw it happen. If you want to be sure, get it checked if you can anyways.
>5k in 45 minutes
>good cardio
You want some sexual fitness? Stop being an obese fuck, OP.
I don't care about sex, I'm already good at that.
All I care is to make my dick bigger. I want my future woman to hesitate before sex and tell me I'm too deep when we go at it.
Currently sitting at 7.25 x 5.5 (bone pressed). I want to pump that up to over 8x6 (non bone pressed).
I bought several hundred dollars of penis expansion equipment. There's just too much evidence. It's nothing like mewing and bullshit like that, it's real.
Tell me your arcane knowledge.
I have a penis traction rack for about a year now and that's about it. Used it on and off, my longest stretch being 3 months straight. Sessions go anywhere from 2 hours to 8 hours. Have not noticed any growth.
What am I doing wrong here.
what's it like thinking about dicks all the time?
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There were so many qt girls at the gym today, and the qtest ones had weird bfs, one was a dyel ugly fuck but at least tall (the top of her head was below his nipples) but the best one was with a guy who was actually shorter than her and looked worse than me (facially as well).
Turns out no matter how much I lift it won't improve my social skills. I also struggle to emulate a normie life (where the only things that happen are work and gf time, no interests like researching obscure topics), I feel too jaded and can't feel legitimately invested in a job.

I already do the physical stuff mentioned by OP but my mind is long gone, sometimes I wonder why I even bother. Then even here on /fit/ you'll see some posters talking about how it's over because they're 19, just you wait until you're bordering 30 and have nobody to talk to but /fit/.
there's a subreddit (yeah I know) where people post proof and routines. It's somewhere between believable and bullshit as all the main guys are also selling products, but there's also tons of people posting evidence of it working without any monetary interests. If you look it up you'll find that there's specific targets to aim for (like a 2-4% percent increase in size right after a session if you want gains) and routines to follow. Also I haven't begun yet and it's quite possible I've been scammed.
Since I've been pushing protein, my loads have gotten whiter in color, what's up with that?
No different than thinking about your own muscles "all the time" and trying to get them to grow bigger ya weirdo.
How shit is your cardio for you to consider 30 minutes of jogging to be endurance training?
I coom 2, maybe 3 times a week and that includes sex. Find a constructive hobby, spend less time on the chans, and stop browsing porn while you're bored.
>be under 25% bodyfat
>get regular cardio
>eat a healthy diet
>don't have blood pressure issues
>don't masturbate excessively (more than 2/3 times a week)
>don't do drugs/alcohol

if you're doing all that and still have peepee problems go see a urologist.
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>lowering bf% due to tons of conditioning nowadays
>long thick hair that's taken care of
>good face that can grow a beard
>take care of myself
>CONSTANTLY get no play in the gym
>be nice to girls just to be friendly not really even be overly flirty just normal eye contact, smiling
>recently noticed one of the girls just didn't want to look at me or interact with me as I said hello, would not look at me or look away from her phone, one word answers and would just peer to the side at me
>other girl I noticed would just give me one word answers and never ask me questions or come up to me
I finally stopped caring and now look through everyone.
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its already over
For you guys that constantly measure your dicks. What’s to distinguish that .25 from let’s say a .35? You sure you can’t tug your wee wee a bit harder?
I round off to the nearest 1/4 inch. Generally speaking, I'm likely between 7-7.25.
Unless I'm pushing past the nearest 1/4 inch, I don't care because I acknowledge dicks can vary in length as much as 1/4 of an inch.
Which is why I want to be above 8x6. Ideally 8.25x6.25
I'll have to look this up.
I tried digging around thundersplace, but I can't get a handle on any specific routine or sophisticated progress tracking. I know it takes a lot of commitment, but I would like to know a good way to track this while eliminating bullshit variables like fat, heat, horniness, pulling force, etc.
thanks bro, I didn't expected that kind of answer
here, a bunny for you
I get my cardio from having sex. Stay mad incels.
I've been so busy this past 2 weeks that I haven't watched porn in like 10 days without even really realizing it

I've still been jerking off just not to porn. You always sit there and load 20 videos, only for yu to open 15 more tabs and then accidentally cum ans feel like garbage afterwards realizing the fudking filth you have playing in front of your eyes by the end of it

Went on a date with a real girl too!
>- good cardio, you should be able to do a 5k in 45 minutes
This is not good cardio friend. You should be doing it in nothing more than 30 as someone who has just worked up to 3 miles, getting it in 25 if you have been running 3 miles several times a week for several months and under 20 if you have been training 8-12 months.
>Endurance training destroys your body
>3 mile
>endurance training
Pick one
the subreddit is called gettingbigger. Read and watch a bunch of videos and you'll get a good idea of what (allegedly) works and what doesn't
>should be able to do a 5k in 45 minutes
legitimately who the fuck can't do this
these guys >>75476545
At least cock the hammer, dumb woman
Ask for a second opinion. Prostate cancer is the biggest killer of young guys. Your stupid bitch of a doctor should know that
thats a real bitch move linking fat loss general and not plg...real bitch move
Kek, yeah that's literally slow walking pace.
Thanks man. I'll do some research.
My goal is to get to my target size by around this time next year. I don't know if that's realistic or not, but here's to hoping it is. And by 2026-2028, hopefully reach the impossible 9, but I'm not holding my breath on that.
most say you may gain an inch in one to two years if you're consistent
Cursed dubs but hope that's how it turns out for me.
>you should be able to do a 5k in 45 minutes
that's just walking pace
How can you last longer while doing sex?
get cut. i went from cooming in 2 pumps to lasting 30 minutes easily
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I think those are scam
i absolute love anal and my gf absolutely hates it and i wanna say it's not straining the relationship but it really is

sure ive been addicted to porn and im not gonna lie that i occasionally check out asses still but ive been into big asses for as long as i can remember and immediately got into big booty anal pron as soon as i hit puberty and ive gone years porn free and the desire for ass was still there so i dont think its going anywhere

we've tried everything to get her to like it but she still says its repulsive to her and she would do literally anything else; shes generous and loves giving head and that's fine but i dont care about costumes or positions or dirty talk or threesomes or anything else other than normal PIV, oral, and fucking her big jiggly wet ass, but alas i continue to go without

she's a really great girl and would otherwise make a great wife and mom, but damn guys im not sexually satisfied and its making me unhappy. I almost feel like this is a test from God as to whether im willing to give up my ultimate lust to stay with an otherwise amazing girl. I'm so stressed by it, i have a big uncut hog and just want pound out some hot girl asshole in my life
After 30 all those creepy fetishes that have developed over the years start to disappear.

The only thing that matters is combining your genes with the best available genes you can get
>creepy fetish
uh huh
>Has anyone ever thought of this cool novel concept where you can fap but maybe like only a few times instead of cooming 3 times per day?
Yeah, the same people who said they'd just smoke a cig a day and ended up smoking a pack a day anyway. Not saying everyone will be instantly addicted to cooming as soon as they see a single titty but even simply cooming without porn has proven to be highly addictive to many people. So, for the vast majority of people it IS all or nothing. Specially if you've been addicted once. Any ex coomer can attest to the fact that cooming "just this once to relieve tension" is cope and a lie, you do it once you might as well do it thrice. It's a sad state of affairs and things shouldn't be this way but that's what decades of easily accessible pornography does to a generation.
So I discovered my gf likes it when I am a dom... like really fucking likes it. What's the best way to pin her down and what are some good muscle groups to focus on to apply more pressure holding her down?

I think one of these days I am going to cut my wrists and let the heavens take me. Because this life is too painful to live any longer .

I have lost libido . I have lost sensation. I have a great deal of trouble having and maintaining erections and after pre-coom the erection goes away entirely. I go limp inside a woman without even having coomed. I am not long for this life
Nofap is not a good idea if you are 30+ and not getting laid your sexual function will atrophy
>not labeling the tiny clit inside your dick

Lol. Weak.
I'm cut.

Shoulders and grip. Work on endurance for both. When you are flexed those shits are going to burn like crazy. The other big fuck muscles are the glutes. Hit all 3.
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I know this is men mostly thread.
But what can I do to be fucked like a whore?
I tried all those fancy position and can't do 95% of them.
Even doggy, I can't seem to get my pelvic aligned right.
Does having anteverted uterus cause problem?
>like really fucking likes it.
Lucky guy.
Depends on your gf flexibility.
I’m 35 and still like anal lol
At least now I have enough experience to get it regularly
Give me some suggestions and I can determine what I can feasibly do.

Today is lower day so glute training it is then.
id love to help ya but u gotta post pics first
Gross skank.
Go join a nunnery.
I've found this to definitely be true. Sometimes my libido will vanish at 10+ days no fap and I'd get ED for a 2nd round when trying for real sex

When I'm in sexual condition with a hot girl I'm seeing regularly, I've gone for 6, 7, 8 days consecutive up to 3x a day at 32. I do take l citruline for a pre-workout and that helps, but I'm in good sexual shape without that when fucking a lot

Why does fit lie when the truth is you need to keep your dick in shape like any other muscle?
Reliable methods to cure PE? My first nut is really worthless unless I'm drinking, and then drinking jeopardizes the 2nd nut

I've tried the usual: stop/start, tug on balls, kegels/reverse kegels, etc. SSRIs do it but I'm not taking those anymore just for sex, that's crazy. I also have no second nut potential on SSRIs.

Overworking kegels when I was younger I think caused a hypersensitive pelvic floor. Reverse kegels do not help
>your dick in shape like any other muscle
Your dick's not a muscle.
It's known as the Love Muscle, checkmate.
Skill issue.
33, done nofap for the better part of 4 years. Abstaining from sex as well until I'm married.
Libido is at an all time high, frequently get morning wood, and occasionally get wet dreams (literally never had a wet dream before I began nofap). Rock solid erections, stupidly sensitive, and no loss in size.
I don't plan on ever fapping again. The next time I cum will be inside my future wife (excluding wet dreams, which don't count).
It doesn't grow after recovering from overexertion, but it's something that responds to conditioning which affects its function. It's more complex than a muscle
>Give me some suggestions and I can determine what I can feasibly do.
Do you want to go the bondage route or rapist route?
Why haven't I've heard about this before?
Bondage probably for now, we already have a collar for her with a chain and she has talked about wrist cuffs before.
incel cope delusion

You never got good consistent sex so you'd never know the difference. All you had was the groggy brain fog of being a porn addict coomer

>Abstaining from sex as well until I'm married.

Virgins talk like this. No man in the entirety of mankind across every culture that's ever existed ever behaved like this - outside fags in the clergy
>I also have no second nut potential on SSRIs
Same, I can't get a second nut no matter what i do.
this happened to me after abstaining for over a week then busting three time in a day (pink hue on the third nut) persisted for a couple more nuts then went away. Just keep an eye on it, anon. probably nothing to worry about.
So what makes it grow exactly when we are growing up? Hormones,testosterone,something else?
I refuse to believe we can't grow it like a muscle after a certain age threshold.
My reasoning is: As far as i know all mammals and animals in general have the same dick length on average. However only humans have such a big deviation from the standard. Lack of nutrients,vitamins,etc. doesn't make sense either because then Asians should have bigger dicks on average than they have currently.
So what's going on?
Being able to use your dick is much more about neuron connections than other physiological processes though. It's more akin to riding a bike if anything. Don't do it for too long and it'll take you a few tries to get it right but it's smooth sailing from then onwards.
you should get yourself checked for parasites, anon.

Manslut cope
test levels in whom and stops in late teens iirc
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>she has talked about wrist cuffs
Get pic related and make sure it's hard steel, and not the bendy aluminum shit.
I used the shower robe belt to tie her hands above her head, while covering her eyes.
I spent an hour slowly playing with her clit and sucking her nipples, she started screaming to let her cum.
Another way is more comfy and in bed
I don't know how to explain it well but I'll try my best.
Both of you should be sleeping side by side her on her back and you on side.
Pass your arm behind her head, so your arm should be a pillow for her, and catch the far wrist.
At the same time get the wrist closer to you, and pass it under your neck.
So now both of her hands are restricted, and you get a hand free to play with her.
Also for women this is 90% of the time is in their head, so dirty talk what she likes.
>crappy fetish
Where I live, there's a myth that fucking female donkey would get your dick bigger and longer.
Thanks anon, I'll probably look into this since our anniversary is coming up in 3 weeks time.
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brb getting a female donkey
>reddit spacing
I've already won the argument, but to indulge you a bit, I've had 4 long term relationships spanning between the ages of 19 and 30. Longest one being 5 years long with my previous *almost* fiance.
I recognized how much better the sex was whenever I'd abstain from jerking off. I made it a point to never jerk off again in the last year of my relationship. Some of the best sex I had in that time. Things didn't work out for reasons I'm not going to bother to bore you with and I just continued to never fap.
I decided to save myself from here on out because I got serious about my faith again and believe extramarital sex to be gravely sinful.
I don't really care to argue the benefits of nofap though, I only care about it on a spiritual level. I've noticed though there is a very strong pushback whenever someone mentions nofap or abstinence, with fear tactics on the absurd levels of your genitals rotting off from disuse. Which is just dishonest.
Genuinely hope you have a good rest of the day, there is no reason for this level of toxicity.
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What can I do to enjoy sex?
I prefer to masturbate instead of having sex with my gf.
Lately I no longer try or initiate sex anymore.
See this
>I decided to save myself from here on out because I got serious about my faith again and believe extramarital sex to be gravely sinful.

And the christcuck/religioncel is revealed. The world was conquered and built by men who raped and fucked whenever he felt like it, unrestrained from christcuck delusions of puritanism

literally not even a thing based on the differences in fundamentals between male-female sexual programming

There's tiers of sexual fulfillment and being a volcel is right above being an incel
Anyone cure Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) or Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS)? I've had PSSD for a long time after taking antidepressants for sleep and my life has been awful. Genital numbness, loss of libido, genital shrinkage, anhedonia, insomnia.
What causes a dick to curve? When i look at it in resting position it looks like as if there is an absence of tissue on the shorter side(or excess on the longer side depending on how you look at it) hence the curve. Is it related to heart condition,cardiovascular condition? Perhaps something else?
I'm like super into kissing and snuggling during sex. I'm like dangerously vanilla.
Hmmm interesting pic, I'll also save this for uh... later research.
can be scar tissue - Peyronie's disease

Can someone explain to a perma single guy like me what's the point of having a gf if you don't have sex
>Muh sexual programming

Animals should be chained in a zoo. Not allowed to roam free
Dude that's nocebo.
I used to think I have it, went to doc and was diagnosed with depression and very very low vit D.
Got better drug and corrected my vit D.
It's normie thing now.
Why get a tablet, when you have a phone / PC?
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anyone tried this?
>The world was conquered and built by
Christians for the past 2000 years. It was going pretty well too until Enlightenment fags started huffing their own farts too hard.
I've heard they do that in colombia as well
wonder if it only works if it's during puberty
Christianity is tied with the Enlightenment, retard. The egalitarian spirit is derived from it.

You worship a jew on a stick and a God who favored a certain tribe in the desert for 1000s of years as his chosen people. Then jesus comes and everyone is equal and can be saved by simply believing a blood sacrifice narrative. You're a fucking moron to complain about the Enlightenment and then be a Christcuck
Nah,it's like this since i was a child.
If you can't do a 25min 5k, you're a fat disgrace.
>jew on a stick
Reddit spacing AND Reddit lingo? Damn, next you'll try updooting on 4chan.
Worth its weight in gold
What is considered excessive? I do an hour of walking kinda fast on the treadmill after lifting just because I kinda like it and I burn about 350-400 cals by the end of it. This is 5 times a week. So far so good on boners, but I don't wanna kill my penis or something long term.
they think taking a supp with "african" in it's name will make them have members like the average black person
microdick ywhtes never learn
its supposed to increase pre cum amount alot but i didnt notice any significant affects from it
You sound fat.
Somewhat yes.
I've been trying to lose weight but I have shit metabolism.
Currently my weight loss has plateaued, even while doing sub 1000 cal.
>I'm smol
When I get blueballed or too horny I have to piss more frequently, I guess it's because the prostate is full
So yeah, a prostate issue is plausible
Nature has evolved through billions of years a warm wet hole that exhales addictive pheromones specifically designed to accommodate your cock and squeeze out your cum, yet you want to stick it in a literal shithole with literal shit in it and want to ruin a good relationship over that
Seek treatment
At what point does an activity, such as masturbation—which is almost universally practiced among men—become classified as an addiction? Can someone provide some clarity on this? Specifically, is masturbating once a day considered an addiction? I’m a bit confused and would appreciate insights.
>classified as an addiction?
It's the definition of made up out of nowhere, and it's not even consistent from one professional to another.

If you want amateur advice masturbation is the "vice" to have if you have one. No health downside unless you're doing it wrong, and if you can't get laid it's a good substitute. When it becomes a problem is when it becomes a problem. If you can't get it up for your ugly gf because you watch hotties 69ing each other every day, there you go, stop doing it.
That's lack of bladder conditioning.
You need to train your bladder.
I had this after being hospitalized for few months.
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Whelp, reporting in for day 21. Had 13 hours of sleep but only feel worse so there's that.

It's part of a stack I described in >>75480196
Based on what quick search shows, it's strictly for the balls (and prostate). It's been a while since I started it, all I know is it works and works better than having it tied up to other compounds in a supplement mix. Only you know what you need, research, test, then take it from there. I couldn't tell you what the other ones like lecithin do for me but I know it works.

You're welcome bro, cute bnnuy.
I have early ejaculation problem. Blowjobs make me cum in seconds and I'm very sensitive, even when not fully hard. How do I fix it? Would nofap be enough?
Fap more, desensitize yourself a little.
That's ain't it, chief
dunno if this is sexual or psychological but whenever i nut whether it's from sex or fapping i just completely lose any interest in interacting with women for a good 30 minutes, in fact i'm almost disgusted with myself for having gone to the lengths that i have just to coom

wat do? is this normal?
Sauce on the waifu?
>discount everything the nofap anon said about his experience with nofap just to throw a fake alpha male hissy fit over le ebin jew on stick
you have some demons to work out bro, legitimately
Any other symptoms? CPPS more common with young men but would not normally just be urinary frequency with no other issues
shit i will get my fatass to work!! is walking ok tho?
Love, children, family, someone to take care of you and your children and your house, someone to free up your time by taking care of other responsibilities you can't personally tend to, etc.
>buh buh wamen don't do any of the above!!!
skill issue, they do it for high SMV guys
so for you, probably not worth the pursuit
I've never felt any effect from herbal stuff.
Having someone to talk to at the end of the day, someone who loves you, knows you, appreciates you, and understands you. Even if you don't have sex regularly anymore its just reassuring to have a partner who is committed to you and your happiness. Yeah sex slows down after a few years of being married, but I can't imagine how soul crushing it'd be coming home to an empty house.
>sincerely considering brownoid voodoo bestiality as a method of growing dick size
the absolute state of this board
I’m 37 years old, never had sex. I don’t even get boners anymore.

Use it while you can. Don’t become like me. I will die a virgin
I'm a virgin so how am I supposed to know if my sex health is good?
>but I can't imagine how soul crushing it'd be coming home to an empty house.
whenever that feeling hits, you spend the rest of the day on a massive goon sesh to repress those feelings
it's sad, but they're basically golem at this point
Get your T levels checked famalam.
37 is young in terms of libido.
My doctor said my T is normal for my age.
That's the joke, there is no such thing as "sexual health".
If you can maintain an erection, you are sexually healthy.
Everything else is horoscope tier shit coomers convince themselves of.
Unless he shows you the numbers he a hack and/or jewish
Get a second opinion
He showed me a chart, but I don’t know much about it. I don’t think he’s lying tho, he’s my doctor.

I think the saying “use it or lose it” is real. I heard this when I was younger. I think it’s true
bros how can I cum faster?

From about 17 (first sex) to 22, I found it relatively hard to cum. i think i was just inexperienced and nervous/uncomfortable with myself.

but from 23-27, i started having more sex and hooking up with hotter women (college). i would have to fight to hold back my load, and it made sex a lot more fun. also meant that if a girl clearly just wanted a quickie, i could let out a toe curling, asshole puckering, ball emptying, YELLOWY load in about 3 minutes.

but now im 28, about to be 29, and weirdly im back to how i felt from 17-22. I take a lot longer to cum, have to actually focus on it, sometimes i have to even strain my legs or hump extra hard to get there. The buildup is longer, too. still feels as good, sure...but....

i feel bad for my girlfriend sometimes. blowjobs dont really even get me there anymore. how can i undo this? was it a mental shift? or maybe something else?
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I only get like that after cumming several times in a day. Like I don't have the problem other guys do where they can't get their dicks back up after cumming, my dick is like always ready for around round even if I just came moments ago, it just becomes more and more difficult to cum each subsequent time.
>when i asked for the numbers he instead showed me a colorful picture so i believed him
Suit yourself, ignorance is bliss afterall.
Why are you so adamant that he would lie? My T levels were within the normal range for a man my age. Why is that not believable?
Bought a dildo, lube, and an enema tool, it's arriving today. Wish me luck.
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Glad you asked. Elegg from NIKKE (I don't play, I just like her design.) She's also been my mascot for this year's NNN.

Go at your pace but don't get complacent either. Start off light, but then set some paces to complete daily like a mile in 10 minutes and so on. Add in miles or increase the pace as you see fit.

Wait why are the wings and horns crudely painted in?

Anyhow, got a new pillow to replace my flattened one. Hopefully that'll help with my neck and overall sleep quality. You all should consider rotating your mattress and such if you haven't already, sleep is very important. =w=
I will never reproduce. I absolutely hate children. Disgusting creatures
Because the way you laid out how you confirmed your T levels are normal is incredibly suspect. Anyone can see that.
You're 37 bro, this is your health you're dealing with, you should be more thorough. Erectile issues at your age is not normal at all.
i don't even see people my age outside the gym (where they all have bfs)
My doctor did a test and he showed me my levels and where it is for men my age. I don’t see why that’s so odd.
>erectile issues at your age
probably mental damage from being a virgin at 37 desu.
Good. We don't need more people like you in the world. You'd only abuse them anyway.
Doctors aren't as smart as you think
What makes you smarter tho?
It's odd because he did not give you the numbers. This isn't even something hard for him to do.
Literally every anon on here flexes on other anons here with their T level stats, and you're a-okay with the doc obfuscating that information from you with colorful pictures. He purposely went through more steps to present data to you that he could have shown you instantly.
Brother I don't know what to tell you but you're being incredibly naive and way too trusting here. Falling for the appeal to authority fallacy through and through.
But then again, you're deluding yourself with superstition to explain your issues because some fat trucker told you "use it or lose it kid!". Lol come on man.
Im not institutionalized and dont have school debt, you think a doctor that went to a decade long school will go against what his boss tells him? Come on now son
>Wait why are the wings and horns crudely painted in?
I honestly have no idea, its just the first version I found with a quick search.
How can i cure premature ejaculation from an antidepressant withdrawal? it's been 4-5 months and i can't last more than 2min. I want to die and i don't like to fuck now
Lol are you serious? First day on /fit/?
Loads of guys on here bitch and moan that they can't get doctors to prescribe them TRT or whatever else because said doctors insist that they're "normal" and "don't need it", even though their numbers show they are on the low end or even far below average.
What makes your doctor any different?
The other anon is right. Go back there and demand that (((doctor))) gives you your T level numbers. Then go get a second opinion.
>Wait why are the wings and horns crudely painted in?
nta but pretty sure that's a hentai from the "ugly bastard" genre. iirc, the self insert is a fat pimply nerd that goes to a sailor moon cosplay convention, sees this bitch dressed as his favorite character, then proceeds to mind break her with his dick and ends up impregnating her and starting a family with her.
i could be completely off base though, i haven't indulged in hentai for years now, it's all sort of a blur to me.
the wings were added on by some retard that found that panel useful for his purposes
Dont have curved dong
Are curved dicks a good or bad thing?
By this I mean do girls like them? Do they feel better for them?
I don't have any pain if I try straighten out my boner, and sex isn't painful either.
The point of this question is that if they are a bonus for girls and it doesn't even impede me in any way (aside from maybe looking funny), then is there even a point to correcting it?
They all curve, unless you have peyronie's, you're good.
I mean mine has a pretty crazy curvature. Starting from the root to the tip, I have a gradual curve that makes my dick point up 90 degrees.
If I don't have pain, I assume it's not peyronies?
The hammer on a modern double action doesn't need to be cocked, you fudd retard
how to fix curved dong
Yeah, if you married a woman, all what you've said is true.
Unfortunately, what we have are females.
There are penis straightens you can buy, I simply get hard and curve it the other way and now its more straight now and can last longer when before I would bust in seconds
do you have the picture of her banging the pajeet?
She's a race mixer?!?
Ewwwwwww.... I don't want to see that....
Prolactin doesn't actually influence the duration of the refractory period. So what does? How can people who have refractory periods work towards curing themselves?
wait what? how does that work? does your dong build tissue on the shorter side or what?
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>Wait why are the wings and horns crudely painted in?
>the wings were added on by some retard that found that panel useful for his purposes
>I honestly have no idea, its just the first version I found with a quick search.
Its crudely edited to be a succubus because he got it off /tg/, the character in question is Arueshalae from Pathfinder, you can tell because she has Desna's holy symbol on her wall (her patron goddess). Her gimmick is she's an "ascending succubus" IE a total slut who aspires to transcend her demonic nature to become a housewife. Hence the edit.
Jerking off while sitting down curves your dick, you got to curve it back over time. It was some dick condition I read up about that sitting while jerking curves it and realized thats what happened to me
Oh i see. How does those penis straighteners work? It sounds like magic to me. Like does your body adapts and make new tissue or something?
>How does those penis straighteners work?
Its just a little brace you put around your dick so when its erect it keeps it straight and over time you're dick will straighten out, fairly cheap like $20
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>if you're doing all that and still have peepee problems go see a urologist.
35. i've been around 15% all my life. i've always been very athletic and fluctuate between 165 to 170 lbs. 6ft.
>i do a lot of hiit and core work. i walk everywhere.
>my blood preasure is perfect
>i masturbate once every 2 weeks tops. been on nofap for two months for nnn.
>i drink every christmas. i don't smoke. my nutrition is decent.

my dick's been weak af even since i hit my 30s. i've been to several doctors over the years. l get a lot of compliments about my body and test results. on a general note docs are clueless. they give you viagra and that's that. i've literally heard a doctor tell me sex is a use or lose kinda thing. unironically the only things that lowkey seems to be working is pelvic stretches like pic related. yes even more than pills my only physical problem is, i've had a couple of urinary tract infections because i used to be a driver and i held my pee A LOT. so as you've guessed it, being on almost permanent nofap because of weak dick i have constantly extremely high testosterone, extremely high anxiety, extremely high paranoia and extremely high aggression. hitting the bag lowkey helps as an aggression outlet. im constantly contemplating about killing people with my bare hands. last time i had a gf was 4 years ago and the prospect of constantly worrying about being able to have sex kills it for me.
>I can't imagine how soul crushing it'd be coming home to an empty house.
>perfect silence
>this is somehow bad
you guys are weird.
>t I can't imagine how soul crushing it'd be coming home to an empty house.
you get used to it after a few months honestly. It was horrible right after I got dumped but it's alright now. I think I'm so used to being alone now that even if I got into another long term relationship I'd make sure to have a few hours to myself here and there.
boners have a mental aspect to them as well, when i was depressed it was more difficult to get it up. 37 years without touching a woman is undoubtedly daunting, I don't think what you're saying is surprising.
anons here are biased and some might just be trolling you, but for something this important I would get a second opinion and keep whatever test results you have to analyze myself with some research. Doctors make mistakes and can have opinions that differ from best practice.
Erectile dysfunction due to low testosterone is incredibly rare. it's mostly TRT bro cope.
It has to be damaging to the brain. Unfortunately since it’s so rare for people to be virgins my age, there are no scientific studies on it
How often do you jack off anon?
I don’t anymore. I am so disconnected from sex I can’t imagine sex in my mind anymore, so I can’t even fap.
you should see if there are groups where people like you meet to talk about it. It sounds stupid, but I have really bad tinnitus and it helped just knowing other people are going through the same thing and finding out how they've dealt with it. Best of luck to you anon.
Sex isn't even really a point to having a gf. It's like 1% of the entire time spent together and you immediately forget about it as soon as you blow your load inside her. It's stupidly overrated and anyone that tries to make you think it's the best thing ever is deluded beyond belief.
The point is that it's nice to be with someone you genuinely cares for you, is interested in your well being and is rooting for you to succeed in everything you do. You never feel alone and life starts to have meaning beyond your immediate gratification. It gives you someone to hang out with all the time and gives you a purpose.
anon thanks for contributing but that was gay as fuck. please don't ever share something like that again. on behalf of all the 30 yo virgins on this board i think i got my period.
the truth is sometimes gay
Try 2 weeks without it and see how you feel. You have nothing to lose
New here, seen some posting about supplements for load size and EQ
Is this also a gen for PE?
Do u have curved cock
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Is this some gen meme or something?
Ok, how many days since you stopped touching your dick?
in that thundersplace, if you make claims about not getting gains you get banned or are unable to make an account

those bullshit websites come from people who either sell bullshit content or products for dick enlargment

the "studies" where there is succesfull penile enlargment with traction devices or pumps are all made by those companies and they are shit quality studies

the people who post in those forums are perveted freaks who get "enlargement" because they do so much shit with their dicks they become inflammed or with enema who never post progress pictures
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(((Therapy))) isn't gonna do shit, retard
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Stop watching porn. The anal fetish is 100% porn-induced. The fact that you're even considering blowing up a relationship over this fetish should concern you. Anal porn has been intentionally pushed by tiny hats to normalize non-reproductive sex and homosexuality.
>Nature has evolved through billions of years a warm wet hole that exhales addictive pheromones specifically designed to accommodate your cock and squeeze out your cum, yet you want to stick it in a literal shithole with literal shit in it and want to ruin a good relationship over that
>Seek treatment
Also this
And probably lose weight
I’m 23 and jerked off every other day since I was 16 and it works normally again since I’ve been using a pretty loose fleshlight for a year now. Deathgrip prolly got you healthy guys killing your own dicks
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>Blatantly shifting the goalposts
that's me: >>75484069

that's u bot: >>75484169
>EMG data is useless
no bot, i do not care one bit about your opinion bot lol, no, u were supposed to
>Here's a challange for u bot - find one influencer that posted emg content in the past month, just one ok?
and u failed the challenge, emg devices are indeed BANNED
machine is 40k$ and it is free content forever, i'd watch shit just to see the signal movement is producing by different "influencers" and compare their form to signals, no there is no reason to stop using it unless it should be an fucking staple by now - u don't have emg u're garbage lol
>everyone noticed that switching out their classic movements with new "biomechanically sound" movements that provide better "muscle activation" produced subpar results.
botino cretino - my rear deltoid vehemently disagrees with ur word salad :D
shalom. you need to denounce the talmud to not tarnish the reputation of the jewish population
Had a morning wood today. Didn't jack off for 3 days and supplemented zinc dor two.
I don't get ED but my dick is completely desensitised from years of death grip multiple times a day. I haven't touched it for 3 weeks now hoping to fix it
Virgin support groups don’t exist.. you are forgetting just how uncommon it is to be a Virgin at my age.
I can’t say for sure but I’ve only fapped a few times in the past couple of years
You probably have nerve compression of the genitals.
I don't know why they don't teach people this, but your groin has its own nerve branches and they can become inactive in their movement.

Do you ever have a slight pressure that is groin adjacent? almost like it's in the hips?
You might consider looking at groin nerve flossing.
I had a compressed nerve that was making one side of my penis go numb. After I fixed it, it took a few years for it to completely heal.
A 5k in 45 minutes is good cardio? Dude i can walk that with almost no effort let alone jog/run
Fucking hilarious how circumcision takes a massive amount of nerve endings making orgasms much weaker while simultaneously making you cum way faster.
For you maybe.
But for women sex is everything.
Dad's only advice for me,"If your woman is giving you hard time, this mean you need to give her hard dicking"
Based hussein.
No wonder the whole world become gay.
Just general or something specific
>lose weight
I'm trying, but I no longer lose weight even on sub 1000 cal.
>t. 4'8"

The answer to this is really simple. It's an addiction when it's a problem. For example you said it's perfectly healthy, and if you can't get it up anymore just stop. That's the thing, if you're addicted, you can't stop even if you try.

It is somewhat subjective but still pretty obvious when someone has a problem. If you spend 8 hours at a time for example, that's an obvious problem. If as that person you realize it's a problem and you still can't stop, then you are addicted.

It's a pretty simple feedback loop in the brain, specifically the pleasure/reward center. It follows the same pattern as any addiction where it ramps up, you develop a tolerance, you spend most of your thoughts on it, it damages your ability to function interpersonally and to take care of yourself.

It's cool if you haven't gotten addicted to cooming but that's not due to a moral superiority. You're like one of those people that can smoke cigarettes every great once in a while and never get hooked. My mom is that way, due to autism.
If youre seriously 4'8 whoevers fucking you should just be molding you like putty unless youre unbelievably fat. Seriously a middle schooler should be more than you can handle.
got 21 days into NNN. Blew a load and it the wad shot into my own mouth :/
>they hated him because he spoke the truth
Reporting in for day 22, how are y'all doing?
>- good cardio, you should be able to do a 5k in 45 minutes or even better 30
>good cardio
I'm over 2 months now
>I'm trying, but I no longer lose weight even on sub 1000 cal.
Don't count calories. Cut out the goyslop and eat more meat, dairy, and eggs. Lots of raw butter and cheese if you can get it. Maximize animal fat and minimize vegetable oils. Your body will self-regulate and you'll burn off the fat effortlessly.
>Just general or something specific
Just look up some yoga routines on youtube and start doing it. As you practice, you'll pick up specific poses that are useful for stretching certain muscles. Or if you're looking for better hip mobility, type in "yoga poses for hip mobility" on google.
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bretty well. but i have ED so i feel like im cheating.
>Cut out the goyslop and eat more meat, dairy, and eggs.
>Maximize animal fat and minimize vegetable oils
This is keto talk?
>in that thundersplace, if you make claims about not getting gains you get banned or are unable to make an account
big if true
>and gives you a purpose.

Kek making your girl your purpose is a surefire way to lose her
Based dad.
I asked a serious question about decreasing my time to orgasm and got 1 (one) reply.

meanwhile theres two retards arguing back and forth for 3 (THREE) days straight in here. jannies its time to SHUT THIS THREAD DOWN already.
Your question isn't clear.
I’m in my 30s and got my first gf. Sex isn’t good and it only causes me a lot of stress. I thought sex was suppose to be amazing, but it’s not and it only adds stress to my life.
This is what you get for staying virgin that long.
You've conditioned your brain to get pleasure from masturbation.
From someone that got the same issue, ask your gf to jerk you off, eventually you will get to like it that way.
This is the reason why women who masturbate a lot tend to hate sex with men.
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Bros pray for me, from today to the end of november Im gonna restrain myself from watching any porn or nut to complete NNN. Whether NNN is legit or not for your sexual health is not important to me, rather that If I pass this test I can know my self control is stronger than before.
Are you me?
>get first gf in mid 20s
>sex is honestly a bit of a letdown, not nearly as good as i had imagined it would be
>very low sex drive
>sex feels like a chore, like do X amount of sessions per week to keep GF happy
Sex feels like nothing, I feel nothing with the condom on. It only causes me stress too because it’s all I can think about. It also feels very uncomfortable, I hate the feeling of it
It feels like a chore to me too
How long have you been together? I've been with my GF for about three years now and our sex life has gone through ups and downs, it worked pretty well for a while (still didn't really have a sex drive, just did it to be nice to my partner) but recently it's just been a streak of bad encounters and it's taking a bit of a toll on my mental health. I struggle with ED and I think it's because I simply don't feel like having sex so feeling 'forced' to do it just kills my libido. Right now I'm just going through a negative feedback loop.
6 years. Sex has never been good for me. It is very stressful. I try to avoid doing it because it just adds more stress to my life and I don’t need that
27 year old, old fag here. Its simple and basic but decent cardio, healthy lifestyle + dietary choices, and consistently good sleep is 90%-95% of the battle. The rest just comes down to how much you want to min-max. All of the above plus nofap/noporn and keeping track of test levels have kept me sexually fit. It has been years since I've had issues with stamina in the bedroom. Being able to keep going after having an orgasm and/or being able to last more than 30 minutes has left most girls impressed I think. Easy to get repeat customers if they know that you know what you're doing and can hang
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>donkey kong
Failed yesterday after 2 weeks. Now I'll have to go through the initial sexual tension again and the nut wasn't even that good. All this because I fooled myself into thinking I could just look at pics like it's no big deal.
>just some softcore stuff on blue boards
>ok some hardcore stuff but no jerking off
>alright a little jerking but no cooming
the slipperiest of slopes
And worst of all, I'm still thinking about it. Went at it 4 times because "Might as well get it out of the way and reset" but now 24 hours later it still feels like I can go for 4 more.
>might as well just do it once so i can focus on other things
>now that i broke my streak i might as well do it again, i'll try a proper streak next week instead
the ride never ends
You're gonna make it brah. But pray for me too because honestly I don't think I'll make it.
>>just some softcore stuff on blue boards
This shit man. There's always a dozen hot chicks in swimsuits on /fit/'s catalog at any given time, sure I could simply not click but if I had good self control I wouldn't really be here to begin with. Just give me a hot wife I can stare at instead...
>the ride never ends
Anon below has a good point. If you take the marriagepill you have an outlet you can feel good about. Problem is actually getting a stable marriage with a qt in the year of our Lord 2024.
I have a girlfriend, IMO it's like alcoholics say, once you're an addict you're always an addict, even if you successfully manage to abstain from your vice you're still at a risk of relapsing. I don't struggle that much with it right now, I was more just highlighting the process of the trap for the other anon but I'll say even if you manage to get a partner and have access to as much sex as possible there will come a day when you're scrolling through the catalog and you come across that one coombait thread that just happens to contain your Achilles heel. The craving for porn isn't the same as the craving for sex, the former is more of an addiction to endlessly discovering new content (like reels on social media) that is also hyperstimulating (one in a hundred million girls that just have INSANE bodies or happen to cater to a specific kink of yours) and that draw is entirely different from wanting to have sex with your girlfriend. Ramble over, I hope you guys manage to overcome it, so for NNN is going strong.
Speaking of kink, doesn't help that what I'm addicted to is fetish shit. I'm less likely to spontaneously run into it by accident but 4chan finds a way, and if it doesn't my brain will find its way by reminding me of some really nice shit I saw in the past. Thinking about it, even if I got easy access to sex I wouldn't have easy access to my specific fetishes unless I find someone who's into it. Oh well. Nothing to do but more pushups whenever I get horny.
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sounds like cope from a low test faggot with a mid gf lmao
my gf is hot and I have a horny teenager's libido, I'm blowing several loads in her and she craves it
I pump when we cook, I pump when we shower, I pump when we watch a movie, I pump when we take a stroll through the woods
It's terrific
Just do easy peasy and convince yourself not to do it bro :^)
would you rather have sex while wearing a condom or not have sex at all?
Hey gutsanon here, try distracting your mind with some eork or Tv, just get off the phone and computer as much as you can
Jesus said you gotta go raw, you know.
That’s not an option in my question, so which do you choose?
If you want to fuck and aren't morally opposed to contraception, which I'm guessing you aren't, then I don't see why not use a condom. Barely affects sensitivity and even if it did, some sex is better than no sex. That and you don't want to risk getting STDs.
Not fuck at all.
Neat trick, stand firm on this whenever you get the chance to fuck a girl and she demands a condom. Don't bring it up until you're about to do the deed.
>Shit babe I can't use condoms. I don't feel anything and it won't stay hard. Guess we'll have to wait...
Her ego is shattered and she's already super horny. She'll cave and let you raw dog her. Works EVERY time.
>Barely affects sensitivity
>She'll cave and let you raw dog her. Works EVERY time.
and then she gets pregnant
So you've never put on a condom, that or your dick barely works. Sucks to be you, man.
Nutted today from waxing my balls.
condoms feel very uncomfortable and unnatural
If your long term gf made you wear condoms every single time you have sex because she won’t do birth control, you’d be ok with never actually feeling her real pussy?
I never said that, I was going with anon's imposed scenario of it either being condom or nothing.
You said if barely affects the feeling, so what would be the problem with only having condom sex with your gf?
If you live in a shithole state maybe.
Why are you pretending I told anon not to do it?
Yeah, women hate them as well.
Do you guys have any sex tips and tricks? Little stuff that works for practically every woman.
I'll start
>carrying her to bed
>letting her jump into your arms
>rubbing her nipples while eating her out, dragging your fingertips across her body
>grunting while cumming
>massaging during doggy
Holy shieeet. Are you fat and sedentary? and/or vegan/vegetarian?
>if you're not a sex addict, you are low T + ugly gf/wife
why is this narrative so prevalent?
why can't guys be above their carnal desires without you guys assassinating their entire being?
None of those. You can’t understand. Being a virgin for too long is very damaging to the male brain. Virgins my age don’t function like a normal man
>Do you guys have any sex
All women are babies. They are either ugly or breedable. And we know young women are meant to be bred.
carrying to bed is legitimate.
the rest of it is pretty much common sense dude the fuck else are you suppose to do.

Also don't do the whole choke out shit, it's making a negative connection to you.
Instead just gently grasp her throat, apply light pressure. It's more a dominance thing, if she can't move she will get the message. Any harder and you're just stimulating her whore side.
You like getting your exercise from sex? You would love war.
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pros and cons of a polygamous relationship
two wives variety
I want more kids
>Nofap is not a good idea if you are 30+ and not getting laid your sexual function will atrophy
Do you have violent thoughts or are you a cuck? Real men have violent thoughts and are not afraid of them.
Spotted the STD haver.
What do you do with your GF after that first couple months end and sex starts to feel more like a routine or a favor that you do for each other rather than a spontaneous expression of desire? Not to say that it's bad or anything but I wonder whether this is what it's supposed to be like baseline in a longer term relationship. Or if it's a sign of things not going as they should.
>I want more kids
If you start with a 20yro you'll be able to get like 30+ kids outta her by the time she becomes infertile, what more do you want?
>carrying her to bed
I wish I could do this, my gf is hamplanet.
>Instead just gently grasp her throat
Women love to feel dominated, the porn while visually appealing isn't the same.
Also pulling hair if done right, make women wet.
You should slide your hand up their neck to the back of their head and GENTLY tug on the hair upwards.
Yeah you get it dude.
It's not about hurting your female, it's just a dominance play. You can be caring and sensitive to her needs, while also stating you are in control.

The whole degrading your woman thing is overplayed and simply does not work for long term peer bonding with your partner.
Boomers, X, and Millennials tried that and well look at where woman are now.
She is your woman, treat her with some respect. Just don't let her forget you're in charge.
I could never do that.
>while also stating you are in control.
Yeah, some women like this
Hold their tongue with your fingers and play with it.
For whatever reason my gf would get so wet, she says it's not arousing for her but she doesn't know why she's so wet down there because of it.
>degrading your woman thing is overplayed and simply does not work for long term peer bonding with your partner.
It depends, my gf like when I make her degrade herself, doesn't like it when I degrade her which is weird but I'm cool with it.
NTA but what if I just want to have normal sex instead of doing sub/dom degeneracy?
I don’t see how I could ever put my hand on a woman’s throat or pull her hair and fuck her from behind like I’ve seen bulls do in porn. I just can’t imagine ever doing that IRL
Alright, threads over. Surprising we got so far when (((jannies))) have been deleting anything related to the current month but kept up the goon threads.
double that obv
Well, if your seed's THAT good you can just pump twin after twin and do it with the same woman. Thnk of it this way: 60 kids and a woman is less money than 60 kids and many women.
NTA, but I've met two people in my life who've told me they were virgins past the age of 35. It's quite uncommon yes, but there are other people like you out there. One of those two went on to sleep with a guy at 37 (not me), she wasn't even ugly, she just had deep-seated insecurities and trauma. The other vigin is still a virgin, imo because he is deeply bitter about it and makes it his whole personality.

I'm sure I've met other virgins unknowingly as well, there doesn't exist any stats on this stuff and it's not something most would reveal readily.
of course sex doesn't use up most of your time with your gf, but talking about it like it isn't awesome as a general rule is weird asf. Sure people attach varying degrees of importance to sex in a couple, but most think it's important that it's satisfying to both. Everything you describe also enhances sex and can be enhanced by a good sexlife. You're doing exactly the same thing as the people as ''sex addicts'' in a reply to someone else, that is to say you are pushing a groundless narrative that suits your worldview. Get over yourself man.
I pray that I never become 30, bitter, virgin and unmarried. 5 years until I get my wizard certificate if I do nothing.
it's not worth it anon, I had an African classmate from Ghana who's father had three wives. Each of them has their own house, bills and worries to adress, sometimes codified not only in tradition but in religious law as well. This is in a place where such a thing is legal, so I can't even imagine the cons in a place where it is not like most of the USA. And it's not like you get to fuck them both at once either, they might not even like each other, this isn't a simple throuple.
I don't even see the pros...I guess it would be fun, given sufficient income, to have three families and behave completely differently with all three to see what difference it makes in your children's upbringing. Three families means more balanced competition for annual family tournaments as well. Real Succession War type shit.
Make the effort and work out for it (if she's not like 200 pounds or something), I went out with a chubby girl in college and she was over the moon that I could lift her up, really got her going.
You don't have to just don't be surprised when you walk in on her getting railed the way she wants to be fucked because you don't wanna do it.
Just be rich and mormon. Only real issue is inheritance once you croak but that's no longer your problem at that point.
>Boomers, X, and Millennials tried that and well look at where woman are now.

Kek no that's cause women decided to be whores not because of sub/dom shit
>Any harder and you're just stimulating her whore side.

And what's wrong with stimulating that. You must not love your GF is you're over here trying suppress the way she os instead of loving all of her.
Because most of yall who claim to be above your carnal desires aren't actually above them. You're ugly and can barely get women so you cope and claim you're above them and are waiting for the right woman. There's a reason its only ugly to average looking guys saying that shit.
Nobody can be truly above desire but it sure helps to try. People not trying is how we got 80% of men addicted to their hand and 80% of women addicted to casual sex.
so which is it bozo?
commit to your convictions you pussy.
I love to flirt, its the best part
Lmao this is rich.
As opposed to being an ugly/average guy yourself and coping by acting like some alpha male slayer on 4chan with +50 porn tabs open and on the ready?
Give me a break man, your fake alpha male sex god bit isn't fooling anyone.
>lemme pull these numbers out of my ass real quick
Ok coomer.
kek, I actually agree with you on most points you're making, but I'll never miss a chance to call out bullshit numbers.

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