Who is /fat/ for?For Large Lads who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/>What do I do first?1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).>Now what?Count calories, all of them.Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.Buy scales, be accurate.Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.Drink more water.Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html>DON'TEat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.Eat processed foods.Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks."Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.>Other resources:Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faqPrevious thread: >>75512648
Didn't track my food all week, culminating with Thanksgiving dinner. Scale reads +5 pounds from a week ago. Time to lock in and finish the year strong.
>>75519787My goal is to maintain. I know cutting now will be impossible, years end and all that.
So after waiting for a few days, and checking my weight after drinking this evening, I'm officially below 100 kg for the first time in about 7 years, give or take.That makes is a bit over 24 kg lost over pretty much exactly six months.Feeling very good about it.Planning on maintaining roughly the same daily target (2000 kcal) for some time.I'll be cautiously aiming at 80~90 kg, depending on how my skin will look when I start losing more fat.Now that I got to the cool number, I should really start getting back into going to gym.Feeling very lazy about it, but realistically, I should probably expect some loose skin even if I do get to a low BF%, so if I ever want to look "good" without a shirt on, I gotta start filling out that skin with muscles at some point either way.
>>75519793Damn anon you should file rape charges against whoever is literally shoving food down your throat forcing you to swallow. That's basically rape. Or you could just do OMAD for the days you have family functions and add some cardio if need be. Nah, better to cope
>>75519836Good thing you waited to lift until now, it'd be a shame if you were lifting for the last six months recomping and increasing your bmr and building a solid base, nope crisis averted
>>75519855>until now>now>implying I'll start lifting NOWlmao, you silly goose
Why is it so hard for me to cut below 195lbs for an extended period of time? Is this my new base weight now? It used to be that I wouldn’t get below 185 before several bulk cycles Don’t get me wrong I look great at this weight, but I wanna be shredded for once rather than beach /fit/
>>75519836congrats anon
Still keeping the diet up but lost all motivation to do exercise after work. Fuck being a wagie is soul crushing.
I’m officially down 70lbs as of today
>>75519937Down 71lbs myself, we are making it brother.
I feel like I have to choose between cardio, which will actively help me lose a lot more. Weight and weight training, which will actively help me with my recom, and looking like a normal person. I just don't have time to manage both and if anything weightlifting is incredibly harder to do, because it means that I need to do it during the daylight hours where I really don't have free time.
I am definitely developing an eating disorder, i'm actively afraid to eat because scale goes up.
>>75519978Maybe stop posting here and go to a more supportive place, might I suggest reddit?Imagine applying that logic to literally anything else. Guys I have a banking disorder I'm scared if I spend $500 on funk pops I'll be broke. Stupid ass
>>75519990Did i ask for your opinion? Faggot.
>>75519941You're posting on this board you have plenty of free time lmao. Get a cheap exercise bike and pedal while you watch TV dumbfuck
>>75519841Yeah keep having this radical all or nothing mindset and you'll neither lose weight nor be happy. I've lost 22 kilos in the last 6 months, how about you?
>>75519991This isn't your safe space to cope post fat ass. You could check out the maintenance phase podcast for more like minded individuals such as yourself
So, I know this is above this board's paygrade. But both of my parents died in a car crash on Monday. I have not felt full since then and I just keep eating. I've been tracking my weight over the past decade and I tend to gain about 10-20lbs per traumatic event. I constantly feel hungry and no matter how much I eat I don't feel full or sick or bloated. I was still tracking until yesterday and was averaging about 3700 calories over the past 3 days. I genuinely don't know how to handle this.
>>75520002260 to 180 lbs a day on protein sparring modified fast and 3x full body a week. I'm hanging around a little longer to actually post instead of lurk and destroy the fatty cope that I used to use to justify my bad decisions
>>75520009I'm so sorry for your loss anon I don't have any advice but I wish I could hug you
>>75520003You are mentally ill
In those trying days, it is good to be able to take a moment to reflect on our failings and what we must endeavor to fight against.And therefore,
>>75519990>>75520003Subconsciously you hope that by being an ass you ease your own pain by inflicting it on others, but trust me, this does nothing. Be kind instead.
>>75520020Nope your just fat and coping, I've been there anon it's up to you to change your attitude I wish you luck but if you are worried about eating disorders maybe try to see a HAES dietician?
>>75519923thats why we NEETs keep always winning :3No stress in life, carefully planning out my cuts and bulks with enough sleep I need.
>>75520028Did you learn that in your therapy for homosexuality?
>>75520031You should seek help.
>>75520009I am the exact opposite. If I experience trauma I have 0 appetite at all and I go days without eating or thinking about food. Its crazy.
>>75520013Good job. If a constant deficit until goal weight worked for you, that's great. This year I've already took a month break in july then back to cutting till now. Also, I'm no longer obese, my BMI is 28.
>>75520049You should seek help for your eating disorder, it'd be a shame if you, ya know, lost weight
>>75519551This is why I subscribed to a 24 hour gym. Its cheap crap but its available whenever I want>>75520009anon I am sorry for your loss, you shouldnt binge and cause more regret for the future you but I understand the despair. Maybe focus on a more modest goal like maintaining while you sort through the grief. But everyone grieves differently and yeah this is way above our paygrade. Godspeed
>>75520061You must be a blast at parties, oh wait you'd need friends for that.
>>75520052I thought you said all or nothing doesn't work? Hmm strange now it's "oh that's fine if it works for you good job"Funny innit?Congratulations on the weight loss, keep it up man
>>75520039Yes I'm very gay.
>>75520067The only party you've been to is the all you can eat buffet at CiCis pizza on your birthday
>>75520026My heaviest was 265 in 2016 or so when I was a lineman on my highschool football team, got down to my lowest of 195 in the summer of 2019, and this week I weighed myself at 250. Ever since I saw that number i've suddenly become incredibly self-conscious about my body. I try to look down as little as possible and I'm constantly aware of and uncomfortable with my fat stomach. Currently going through my last finals before graduation, so my diet's absolute shit right now and stress is leading me to eat more. I wish I knew what I was doing when I got to 195, from what I remember I wasn't really thinking about my diet much at all. It just kinda happened. I think food's become my only reliable source of dopamine over the years, nothing else really compares. Not sure what to do about that. Feel really defeated
>>75520009>I genuinely don't know how to handle this.Slowly but surely you have to just keep moving towards something positive in life. I don't know how it is to lose both at the same time but loss has followed me long enough that I know my bad habits. Sometimes it is okay to give into those as you are just human but it doesn't do good to fall into making them routine again.
>>75520075Sperm has protein so at least your hitting that macro nice
>>75520070I compromised and was decent and your response is to keep arguing and try to catch me on a logical fallacy? When I was just being an ass reflecting your attitude?>Congratulations on the weight loss, keep it up manThanks.
>>75520009You need therapy, friend.
>>75519997Posting here takes 2min. Watching TV takes a lot longer. I can't workout and clean my house, eat, do paperwork, do actual work, etc. The cardio i can and am fitting in, I just do it first thing in the morning. But that's running so it's not an issue. I don't think I can do a silent milk jug routine at 5am consistently.
>>75520090Well, actually I've had sex with a woman sunday and the next day she texted me saying she felt like she was beat up. It was pretty much 1h30 of sweaty fucking, I was literally dripping. Also she likes to be choked and slapped.I did take cialis maybe that's why I was such a straight stud. I may still be gay.
>>75520081Atleast i've been to something, unlike you.
>>75520009unironically seek help
>>75520098I'm not arguing just proving how you were wrong, when you stated with the confidence only a true retard could muster that "all or nothing doesn't work"Not that YOU couldn't do it, or there's easier ways, but that it actually wouldn't work, the rules of nature and science don't exist. I'm trying to show you the fatal flaw in that way of thinking, a way of thinking I myself used to engage in. People ask me all the time at work or the grocery store or wherever, "how do you get into shape yadda yadda" and I tell them and they just say "yeah that's not true" etc etc That's why I never posted in these threads just lurked but now I know 100 percent what works and will spend a couple days correcting all the bullshit before I move on to other more lifting based content
>>75520143Every single woman likes being choked man, it's a primal thing in the subconscious. Not sure why bragging about having sex proves you aren't a faggot but you do you bud
>body scan BMR is 200 calories less than the online estimateDamm
Eveeryone in this general is just larping all the time.
>>75520182I've never larped here but people have accused me of it because I'm just that based
>>75520156The next place you go should be anorexia therapy. Sure you might get some funny looks showing up at 300lbs or whatever but they are an accepting bunch who will validate you
>>75520164Ok. You can tell I'm a confident retard from 1 post on 4chan.I actually don't care about having low bf, I'm happy overweight, I may even start lifting and not care about losing more fat. But you won't believe me, of course. I must be coping.
>>75519793Twice in a row I’ve refed at midnight instead of in the morning, stretching my eating window from 4h to 12h.
>>75520182Agreed, ham planets talking about how dangerous sneed oils and artificial sweeteners are and how if only raw milk was legal they'd live to 100
>>75520173I just wanted to let you know that I'm having great sex with a woman and you're not. All while being "gay" and telling you to be kind. Man, when you learn that women hate bitter angry guys, your life will change. I pray for you.
>>75520184Based king
>>75520198Is your eating window a McDonald's drive thru? What is an eating window?
>>75520201People having sex don't usually brag to online strangers to win an argument brother in Christ. Congratulations on having sex for the first time since Obongo was president, may it sustain your soul
>Friday night>Still fat and aloneHow we doing /fat/ bros?
>>75520208I love eating widows, like your mom. You know why she's a widow? You dad choked to death on a massive african cock.
>>75520215Do you like being fat?
>>75520214She's coming over today so my soul will remain sustained.
>>75520216Have a snickers man, you're not you when you're hungry
>>75520221Have fun man!
>>75520225That comeback was not good enough.
Zoomie is on one today
How do I fix food being the only thing that really makes waking up worth it?
>>75520287Find something else
I wonder if i'll be happy again once i'm no longer fat
>>75520287You go out into the world and start doing things known to make people happy. Even if you're not enjoying yourself at first give it a couple months of hard work and dedication to see if your brain starts dumping dopamine as a response.I have a fat friend that discovered that there were local community garden plots for rent and he basically went crazy growing shit. He says it's the only thing keeping him sane. Things like that, but you could try other things like jogging, fishing, lifting, bowling etc. Just go outside and touch grass.Also stop eating "good" food, food that just tastes too good. You can have strong tastes, bland tastes, whatever tastes, but don't go for the stuff that is too good. You don't want a strong dopamine response to food to happen anymore or at least until you're thin.
>>75520184I actually do larp because it's easy to plug in all my numbers abd proportions abd call myself a 5'10 man and avoid manlet jokes
>>75520208The time inbetween rolling fasts is the eating window.
Has anyone here used this stuff before? How is it?
>>75520421meme pills
>>75520421Anon just get ozempic
>>75520456I fucking wish anon but I don't have the spare cash for even compounded semiglutide, let alone proper brand name shit. BCBS removed coverage for all semiglutides used for weightloss too, so I'm just fucked on that angle
>>75520009I'm just like >>75520050 so for FOOD i can't relate... But other addictions I can. A strong higher power faith (particularly our Lord and savior Jesus Christ) will carry you far. Don't be alone. Be with others who can even kind of understand your pain.
>>75520463just make it happen you fat retard, you have the miracle drug people could only have dreamed of and you still find excuses to be fat
>>75520463because they're shit, anon. Your digestive system stops working so food stays in your gut without passing normally, and you feel slightly sick all the time and have putrid breath because the rotting fumes come up your throat. If you want to go that hard just pay yourself thousands of dollars a month to water fast.
Fatty ContestThe O278.0
>>75520502There's literally nothing wrong with ozempic any health risks from it are outweighed by the health risk of being a fat ass. I didn't use it because I'm not weak willed but conspiracy faggots like you are just crabs. Why TF are people against any means necessary to get women to lose weight? I wish every woman got put on ozempic and the birth rate would skyrocket
>>75520545Cope crab
My mom was just telling me how her chiropractor fiance offers weight loss treatment at his office where they put a laser belt on your abdomen for 15 minutes and then make you stand on a platform that shakes you around and is supposed to burn fat while you change nothing about your habits. He's all confused about why no one's getting results with it
>>75520538You're such a sad larper
>>75520545>conspiracy theoristdo you know how annoying to sit on all these interesting but off-topic conspiracy theories, to then get called this shit when I relay common, non-controversial knowledge that any candid ozempic user could tell you about?especially the majority that can't take living on such drugs anymore and then rapidly regain weight.In much smaller doses, closer to the diabetic dose, it's a pretty good drug. The weight-loss use is just shit.A water fast is also practical advice, which *also* has many risks which are *also* far outweighed by the risk of remaining fat. But BCBS doesn't pay for that either because it's free to just not eat food. Therefore there's no insurance grift. Therefore doctors won't tell you about it. Therefore there are no commercials. You are going around as if this nightmare drug that makes you sick all the time is a very practical option that's just held away from you buy cost, when there's this free alternative that makes you clear-headed, because American healthcare is grift from top to bottom. There, that's a conspiracy theory. You happy now?
>>75520558After that study some anons posted a few days ago I've been considering doing this shit after I lose all my fat. Seems like a good way to kill shrunk fat cells.
>>75520574red light therapy? You can get at home lights on ali express
>>75520601Yeah, I didn't even look into any specifics yet because I have to get lean enough for it to matter anyway
>>75520571>Schizo in moms basement rambling while he's 300lbs and couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without taking breaks
>>75520538>58lbs in 12 weeks>4.8lbs a week on average>2400cal deficit every single day for 3 monthsNo one unironically believes this do they?
>>75520616Anon you can just drink three protein shakes a day and walk 5 miles on a treadmill and lose like 10lbs a week I know hard work and discipline is a foreign concept to most of you
>>75520610lost 30lbs in 2024, and 40lbs in 2023, and another 30lbs a few years before. From 2023 I was technically intermittent-fasting, often to the point of one-meal-a-day, but mostly eating at a slight caloric deficit while doing some aerobics that I enjoyed. The absolute most important thing that I did was to stop eating garbage. That costs more money in some ways (good cheese) and costs less money in most (no ordering out, no fast food). I'm at a pretty good weight now and getting more and more concerned with gaining muscle, because my BMR is already pretty low and I can't hit 2000 kcal burned without deliberate exercise.I regret that I didn't eat much more protein. I don't regret that I ate normally, shat normally, enjoyed a variety of food, and didn't feel slightly sick all the time because I'd paralyzed my digestive system. If you could pay $1000/month for my weight loss program influencers and advertisers would have brainwashed you into thinking that only sour grapes fatties would think you shouldn't have to pay so much to get food without seed oils.
>>75520499>Anything that challenges fatty cope is mental illness Have you tried visiting a site more in line with your thinking, maybe Tumblr?
>>75520574>>75520601>>75520603Red light therapy has been proven to be a scam for like years now. Probably the cool scoping stuff would actually kill the fat cells but you're right it would only matter once you get lean enough
>>75520657Post body w/ timestamp or you are just larping >The fattie is immunized against all insults, but tell him to post body and watch how he recoils, "I've been found out"
Today's tally up>2084 calories consumed>205 grams of protein Scale was touching just barely below 120 today, it's actually happening. Almost 5 kg gone in around 2 months. Low-ish carb, high protein, OMAD, counting and lifting. It's working really well for me.
>>75520667>5 kg gone in around 2 months
>>75520667omad fucks your metabolism eventually
>>75520681I really enjoy fasting
>>75520681Not if you eat 2k cals, cant even call that OMAD
currently 250lbs, my goal is to get to 196lbs @ 6'2.7"is a 900 caloric deficit too much? what if i split it up with half workout and half eating deficit? my bmr is 2600, if i eat 130p, 200c, 90f, (~2150cal) and do 450cal worth of workouts will that be a good idea?
>>75520699>You can't call having one meal a day one meal a dayhuh?
I'm tired of counting calories and being hungry. Will I lose weight if I eat unrestricted amounts of lean protein, veggies, fruit and potatoes?
>>75520665because I'm a conspiracy theorist, it's easier to believe that you're a drug-pushing shill looking to retaliate against me, than it is to believe that you think nobody but a fatty would have a negative opinion of your wonderdrug.here's a thin guy who still barely says anything negative about it.here's a thin woman from Business Insider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GPtQbeWW5Q randomly selected as a related video to "problems with ozempic" on youtube. Videos like this and reports from users aren't harrd to find.
>>75520704No there's no deficit too large as long as you get .7 g of protein per lb of LBM and refeed purely carbs once every 3 weeks. You will not lose muscle, you will not "destroy your metabolism" Think about all of humanity before McDonald's existed. You're fine Jesus Christ
>>75520711In your dreams
>>75520706>2k cals>One mealNo wonder you're fat
>>75520711Yes you can eat unlimited calories and lose weight. Brilliant why didn't anyone else think of that!
>>75520718I would eat way more calories spread out throughout the day instead. That's what got me here.
>>75520712>No body postedClockwork
>>75520711it's easy to eat reasonably if you're regularly bulking/cutting and know what a reasonable amount is. Such people can take the training wheels off after learning to balance naturally.If you've gotten fat, just count calories and macros. It's not that hard. You can eat a little more to deal with hunger, or take caffeine, or move your meals later in the day so that the hunger is more bearable when you're relaxing and can really get distracted by it. You can also eat a lot more of your calories as protein.
>>75520732>I have consistenly proven over time that I cannot control myself >Can I please start taking down the guardrailswill they ever learn
>>75520569>>75520616Thanks for the compliments! I was feeling kinda bad about not being able to keep up this leg score-wise despite everything I was doing. Previous leg I was #2 and lost out by one point and despite doing all the same shit this leg I wasn't even in the top 3.
i am done with this crab bucket general
>>75520750>If i post this larp surely it must be true
>>75520752Can you make one single post without the word crab?
>>75520009I'm so sorry anon.
>>75520752Try reddit, they are nicer there
>>75520753Thanks bro!
>>75520747You don't get it anon, if you don't eat in a 1500 calorie surplus you ruin your metabolism because of carbs and sneed oils or something
>>75520770How sad must your life be that you need to lie about your weight loss. Truly pathetic.
>>75520616I had the same rate for awhile but it slowed down in the upper 200s, idk why it's so hard for people to believe. When you're that big the tdee is way bigger plus you get a bigger exercise burn from having more mass to move
Fatty ContestAbuGarcia242.4considered waiting a few days for the thanksgiving damage to clear, but maybe logging the result of a shitty week will motivate future me.
>>75519978I worry about this because the feeling of losing weight is fantastic and honestly, I don't know how i'm going to feel when I try to do the recomp, and I have to start gaining weight to gain muscle
Fatty ContestEndless99.6kg
>>75520841>Recomp>Gain weightI do not believe you know what that word means...
>>75520863It means you 'recomp' all the weight you lost
>>75520882Body recomp is losing fat and gaining muscle either in a deficit or at maintenance. Gaining weight is called bulking fyi
>>75520215Better every day. Howeverthoughbeit today was kind of awful. They handed out sweets at work, setback was only 150kcal because luckily it wasnt too many but I had already accepted the package they came in before I realised what they were and was socially obligated to eat. Then due to an extra shift I had to work out - nothing against working out but it's the second day of working out in a row, normally I have cardio/rest days in between but my schedule didn't allow that. Really sore. But deficit mostly maintained, ODYM and WAGMI
>>75520901>HoweverthoughbeitThat is not a word
>>75520907Neverthelessyetwhilst my point still stands.
>>75520914God you zoomies are so retarded
>>75520013PSMF-bro what did your meals look like on the diet? I’m on my second week and have been eating mostly turkey breast, egg whites and tuna
>>75520961I'd eat boneless skinless chicken tenderloins with cucumber slices for breakfast and protein shakes for the rest of the day whenever I was hungry. All the supplements I'd take with breakfast. Only free meals were when I was forced to for social obligations. Carb ups were just plain bagels with honey.
>>75520983How long were you on the diet for and did you have to alter your training frequency/intensity at all?
gays does keto work better than cico or is it a meme?
>>75521006keto is a meme but thats one guys fault specificallyketo is fine iifym
>>75520863It means I'm changing my body composition. From fat to fit. I lose as much fat as I can then I gain muscle as lean-ly as I can. But I will gain weight.
>>75521011Thanks, I've found better satiety from a high protein/low carb diet but am hesitant to go all the waymight keep it at 15% carbs then
>>75521006Keto works through cico Some people swear by it because if you're particularly addicted to carbs it's easier to cut them out almost entirely rather than try to keep them at 30% or something, but whatever deficit you personally can stick to will work the same
>>75521006If you can reduce your calorie intake below your calorie output, wether that be via veganism, keto, twinkies or carnivore, you will lose weight. Find a diet where you can manipulate your energy balance positively with least resistance. If that's eating a lot of meat, go for it, if that's eating a balanced diet go for it. You'll probably be a lot healthier and happier eating lots of protein and veggies instead of just twinkies though.
How long did it take before friends and coworkers started commenting on your progress? I'm down around 15lbs and my family has noticed.
>>75520999I did not lift before starting the diet. 5 months 260-180. MWF full body 2 sets to failure for large muscles and 1 for smaller muscles. Tried to beat the logbook every workout. Incline walking Tuesday and Thursday. Now I'm bulking with Ultimate diet 2.0Squat- 315x3 Bench 235x1 deadlift 405x3 so far are my PRs. Natty 34 years old 6ft tall. Good luck man it's literally hell
>>75521054Depends on how fat you are, I'm down 50+ lbs and no one has said a thing to me yet.
>>75519757How do I lose 20lb before Christmas?
>>75521054Where did you find this picture of me?
>>75521066for sure? fast.reliably? calculate a steep deficit that adds up to 5lbs/week and then be more miserable than if you were fasting and still fall short of the target.your best option? to go back in time and start earlier. Maybe you could shoot for 20lbs by next Christmas.
Can anyone who lifts give me a workout i can do with dumbells? Was thinking something like doing Arms and Chest on Wednesdays and Shoulders and Back on saturdays. I am a beginner so i don't know shit.
>>75521083Chest/Tricep/Shoulders Monday/FridayBench Overhead Press Lateral Raises Flys Overhead Tricep Extension Back/Bicep/Rear Delts Tuesday/Thursday One Arm rowsCurls Hammer Curls Rear Delt Flys
>>75521093Thanks, will try this.
Fatty ContestMoonlune174.8lbsUnder 175 finally, on a liquid diet of protein coffees, yoghurts and ice creams until I recover from having both third molars extracted at the same time so eating right now is a real thrill
>>75521109Np, I'd at least do split squats goblet squats and rdls or something for the hamstrings once a week. Leg muscle boost test and increases BMR
>>75520657>paralyzed my digestive systemHow do you think you would have done this? By not eating enough?
>>75520013Mirin. What's your full body routine look like?
What are things you wished you did more when you first started out?Anything you wish you started doing earlier in your progress?(After beginning to lose weight) I wish I took more photos at my highest, cause I never want to be there again.
>>75521133not something I did, anon, because I didn't take ozempic. 'Paralyze' is a bit pejorative but it slows down digestion enormously.
>>75520704900 calorie deficit is right about the point where hunger starts to really ramp up, Good luck trying to do that 450 cal workout though, take it long as slow as possible so you don't burn out. Working out on a deficit does get legitimately hard.As long as you aren't doing something absolutely fucking retarded or go past very clear warning signs you can do whatever you want. The human body is very resilient when it comes to nutrition because human beans were sqeeezed through the bottleneck of famine many times through history. It's part of the reason everyone is so goddamned fat.Pretty much all the advice here will work, whether it's the easiest or fastest is whats debatable so just play around and see what works for you. If the 900 calorie deficit seems easy then cut out more, too hard and eat a little more etc. It's nearly impossible to do permanent damage.
>>75521139I should actually take some photos probably, but then again who wants to see that disgusting shit
>>75521139I wish I started lifting and setting protein goals from the beginning The weight loss was fast but it was burning muscle too
>>75521137All lifts to failure. Heaviest set first then back off set. Try to progress weight or reps every time.Bench 6-10, 12-20Dips 6-10, 12-20 (weighted)Lateral Raises 8-12, 12-20Pulldowns 8-12, 12-20Chest Supported Row 6-10, 12-20Squats 6-10, 12-20RDL 6-10, 12-20Barbell Curls 8-12, 12-20Tricep Pushdown 8-12, 12-20I have the gym completely to myself at like 3 am so it takes me about 1 hr 45 minutes. I'd blast my music and take 500mg of caffeine. That's from 5 months of lifting on a PSMF like 850 calories a day. I'd vomit multiple each workout. 260lbs to 180lbs now I'm on week 2 of a bulk.
>>75519836Nice work and good luck man. I dropped from 150 down to 100, but have spent the last 12mths around 100kg. Still feeling pretty good, going to the gym etc, but its going to take a whole other level of effort to drop this next 10kg. Cant get away with as much as I did losing the first 50kg. I think some of it has to do with not having the time to keep pushing myself to progress, so maintaining becomes the default. During the first 50kg lost I was walking further and further every week, then walking and doing eliptical at gym more often and for longer. Now I dont have the time to walk everyday like I was, maybe a good 90min walk once a week now, and gym twice a week. So I have to be more on point with diet, which I havent been. I do ok during the week, but on weekends now there always seems to be catchups and catchups always involve eating a meal, its just how my friends and family are.
>>75521139I'm not worried about ever weighing that much because my diet's completely different and I'm not tempted by the old addictive foods.I mainly wish I'd trusted more of the advice on /fit/: get some dip bars, eat to much higher targets for protein, and lift more weight.Also, get dumbbells instead of kettlebells. Not because kettlebells are bad, but because kettlebells are much easier to fuck up with. Even the Russian swing has subtleties that'll save your back that are hard to pick up from a video of someone doing it. Instead of doing a bunch of easy and productive push/pull exercises, I did weird stuff that wore me out in a worse way and caused me to never lift as much as I should have.
>>75519923Same, fortunately I'm on my feet a lot at my job. Going to try to start lifting at least on my off days.
>>75521159>>75521180warms my heart, if you are in here posting and NOT lifting you need to start tomorrow
>>75521166Thanks bro, appreciate it. Tracking my lifts is something I need to start doing. I got no idea of progress, feels like I've been doing the same thing every time. My caffiene intake has been creeping up slowly this year too, not sure what a workout would feel like without it now.
why cant the thread be like this all the time
>>75521159Ive only really started to up my protein recently. I was getting maybe 50-100grams during the bulk of my weight loss. Now at around 120-150 and do feel better, stronger for it. Im down to around 220lbs, aiming for 190
>>75521139I wish I hadn’t allowed myself a weekly cheat day my first year of dietingGenuinely amazes me how I was able to lose weight at all given my own capacity for gluttony
>>75521166Interesting. Do you do a warmup set or any sort of warming up before you lift?
>>75521208yeah same i lost like 25kg this year without caring about protein, all i wanted was to lose weight first, then start lifting when i got lean because i didnt want to deal with having to try and eat low calories but also high protein. in retrospect, i made the right choice, i probably saved myself from lots of binging caused by stress, and now im eating enough protein and lifting and its working. but man is it hard to eat right when you live with someone who doesnt respect your goals and actively tries to sabotage you by buying junk food and things you didnt ask for because "i thought you might like it."
>>75520667>Almost 5 kg gone in around 2 monthsWoahhh Anon don't lose weight too fast now!
>118kg>182cm>22 years old>Walking for 2.5 hours at a moderate pace with 20 minutes of calisthenics and 15 minutes of lifting everyday>My average of daily calories is 1700-1750Let's see if I can loose 10kg before January 7, 2025.
>>75521203No problem brother, if I couldn't progress a lift (say I got 95lbs barbell curls for 8 next workout I wanted 9 and I only got 8) I'd rest pause to get the last rep.>>75521233Yes but minimal to not fatigue the working sets. Like 2 reps 135 bench then 2 reps 175 then 1 rep 195 then working set of 205 to failure back off set to failure 185ish. Look up TBJP on YouTube he explains it
>>75521115>on a liquid dietI bet you are, you big queer.
>>75521207What's different about this one?
>>75520667Good. Don't let the "5kg is fucking nothing" crowd get you down. Steady sustainable fat loss is what matters.You're not trying to lose 400lbs here, and it's completely reasonable to not take drastic measures and to give yourself some time to gain some lean mass while you lose fat.You're making it.
>>75521144>Oh noooo I'm full for longer it's anudah shoah!>Implying people who are 300lbs eating boxes of junk food slugging sodas back don't already have fucked up digestionEvery single gash I know on ozempic has been coached to eat nothing but protein shakes, veggies, and some healthy fats and they are all dropping pounds and shaping up nicely at the same time.You aren't special for losing weight without it, you will need to develop a personality when the obesity crisis is solved by GLP-1 drugs. Your only defining quality (not being obese) is about to be common place for everyone with no effort. Make women fuckable again 2025
>>75521466>it worked for these girls I knowthe context of this discussion is someone for whom it can't work because it's too expensive. What is even the impulse to puff up a treatment he can't afford for which there are competitive alternatives that cheaper and healthier? Do you think an angry enough online mob will result in free drugs?There are also, out in the world, a lot of people you don't know who do very poorly on the drugs or get gut cancers or who dropped pounds some other way.>the obesity crisis is solved by GLP-1 drugsdid you just come out of a coma, to not have built up some resistance to pharma hype?I'm more hopeful about RFK doing something about the food.
>>75520750I'm rooting for you
>>75521603Ah yes rfk the heroin addicted roid tranny junkie braindead legacy trustafarian will fix muh sneed oil problem. Once glp1s are covered by Medicare and such it's over for you. Also you can buy it cheap online. Everyday more people get on it and start losing weight. Don't be a hater anon>But you could get muh side effectsAs opposed to obesity. Nice
>>75521083alternatively: https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/3-day-full-body-dumbbell-workout
>>75521648why would you want it covered by Medicare? Why not put a harsh price ceiling on it like Trump did with insulin? Isn't this the much more obvious example that would generally benefit people and get the drug wider distribution to finally solve obesity once and for all? The companies selling this shit only have a patent on the *dosage*, they're utterly useless vampires in this story.Even if you're getting paid there are reasonable limits to shilling for pharma companies.
>>75521699>why would you want it covered by Medicare?The shills want this so it can be pushed on children
>>75521139I wish I'd taken starting pictures. I wish I'd been much more firm and stood my ground when others tempted me with food. I wish I'd lifted more. I wish I'd kept my old "thin" (less fat) clothes instead of pitching them.
>>75521149You will. You will want to see the change. The difference. The hard work you put in.
I want to update my weight but I don't feel """safe""" doing so, like it's actually going to go up because of thanksgorging and I'll be a sad liar. Yesterday morning my dehydrated weight was 165lbs, post gorge was 170.5, this morning was 166.5lbs, and as of right now (post leftover gorge) I'm 170lbs. So just how heavy am I? The last weight I logged was 171lbs
>>75521763Just pick the same time every week to weigh yourself and stick to it.I do my weekly weigh-in after my morning walk/piss every Friday. Tracking every single little fluctuation in weight makes you go insane.
>>75521779Thursday was supposed to be my day, I'm just afraid I've legitimately gained more weight
>>75521795stop overthinking it. just log the weight and move on.
>>75521648He won't get a position in the cabinet. Neither will the guy they're talking about for SecDef, the one with the cringelarp crusader tattoos. Tulsi Gabbard will be DNI, though.
Fatty ContestGrug282.4
Day 30Current Weight: 201.4lbsCalories Eaten: 500 (protein shakes, Türkiye)Protein Eaten: 80gExercise Today: 3x33 push ups, 3mi in 39:15, 64 sit ups in 2min, 1x6 chin upsCreatine Today: 5gStarting Weight: 211.8lbsHeight: 5'10"Goal: <15% bodyfatI planned on running 8mi today instead of 3mi, but I made it a mile before my calves got extremely sore and I called it early. I ran 34mi last week alone and I run across very uneven ground which puts a lot of strain on my calves.Tomorrow I'll eat 500cal again, jog 3mi, and do 1x30 + 2x35 push ups throughout the dayPrevious: >>75518033
>>75521648Faggot shill kys
>>75521988>80g of protein>500 calories4 calories a gram of protein4x80=3209 calories a gram of fat 500-320=180180÷9=2080g of protein 20 grams of fat.The fuck?What are the macros on your protein shake? What are the macros of the turkey?
>>75521996>>75521708>>75521699Cope sneed feed reed repeat. We WILL have thin women in America again wether you like it or not. Idk how much pharma makes if women become cute again. Every white woman is 30 lbs away from a 7/10 minimum
>>75521818Don't care go back to your containment board
Went on a 2 hour walk today. Feels good.I WILL be sub-100 in 2025.
>>75522036>74g turkey, 20g protein, 5.5g fat, 0 carbhttps://www.nutritionix.com/food/turkey>2 Body Fortress whey protein shakes360cal, 60g protein, 8g fat, 14g carbpicrel, do you believe me now?
>>75521988>I called it earlykek, ngmi, it's only downhill from here.
>>75522102Yes, I believe you put those numbers onto a piece of paper. No, I do not believe that's the only thing you ate today.Fair?
>>75522131Actually I typed them into a notepad document
>>75522138Based. You should do one of those videos where each picture flashes briefly in descending order from day one to now to show off all the progress you aren't making
>>75521988walking for calories will take 2+ times as long to catch up with running, but you'll be able to sustain it easily, and you'll be able to divert your attention more easily and can enjoy it more.supposedly walking will also burn fat better as higher HR activities require burning sugar, but the main thing is just that running is much harder to sustain.
>>75522158I would have thought running would burn a lot more calories than walking the same distance, that's very surprising. Thank you for the info>>75522149How come my posts make you seethe so hard every day? My head canon is that you are the keto spammer guy and that you're mad at me for eating things with carbs
>>75522192no, it absolutely burns more calories. That's why I said "take 2+ times as long". You need to walk for longer to burn the same amount of calories. But, if you have the time, you can always easily do that kind of walking and never have to cut it early. Even if weather forces you inside, you can pace with some weights.
>>75522197My bad, I misread your post. I thought you meant it takes 2+ as long because walking takes a longer time than running
>>75522192I'm not keto guy I'm the guy who posted body earlier in the thread. Not seething I just like poking fun at you because it would be physically impossible to run 34 miles do bodyweight exercises every day and eat sub 2000k calories and gain weight. It's meant as a reality check. Take it or leave it
>>75522223So will you bend the knee when I'm dropping weight again? Weight loss is not linear and as I've said before I have been taking creatine which adds a few pounds of water weight, now that it's out of the way I should be making steady progress again shortly
Just a little bit of fat left to go. I regret not starting lifting weights earlier in the year and all the times I went over my calorie limit. If I was more stricter I would've looked a lot better by now. Oh well, all I can do is keep going
>>75522235Will you acknowledge that it is a physical impossibility for what you say you do and what you say you eat and your progress this far? Which is more likely, you are making a mistake, or reality itself is bending the time continuum and we have entered a third dimension where 200lb 5'1 and a half men eat 1500 calories and run 34 miles and gain weight? I've lost 80lbs brother I know how this works
>>75522223>it would be physically impossible to run 34 miles do bodyweight exercises every day and eat sub 2000k calories and gain weightThat depends on the timeframe. How long are you talking?
>>75522249You look great bro, you already look better than 90 percent of the population. Seriously
>>75522262I think hammy davis jr said 9 days. Literally impossible for that to happen. He's not eating enough carbs at 1500 calories and 130 plus grams of protein for it to be water weight. Look at his fucking picture. He'd be in like a 2000 plus calorie deficit a day. I can't believe people are this mystified by basic science
>>75522250Congratulations on your weight loss, that is very impressive. I am not some delusional moron that believes in "starvation mode" or whatever nonsense, I am fully aware that my weight will come back down because I am burning lots of calories and because weight fluctuates. You don't see me throwing my hands up in despair and giving up saying it's "impossible" to lose weight. In the past week my weight has not gone down because of normal weight fluctuations that happen at this size and because taking creatine adds a few pounds, that's all this is and the scale will be going down again fast. I am fully dedicated to losing weight and I am lying about nothing
>>75522276So no you won't kek
>exercise bike made my dick hurt when I got off itMan what the fuck is that I'm sticking to incline treadmill
>>75522263Thanks, I wish I felt the same way though. I think I've done well this year but I still have to continue losing weight and lifting for a while before I'll feel like I have a 'good' looking body. The pic on the left is me at the start of the year, the pic on the right is a few days ago. I think most people mog me because I have really skinny arms and a thin frame compared to most people, which doesn't look good in a t-shirt. So I'm mainly working on two things: trying to look good in a t-shirt, and have abs so I can look good shirtless at the pool or the beach. I don't care about having big muscles, and with my frame that would take a really long time of bulking and then cutting to achieve. So I'll be happy just to be lean and have a bit of muscle definition, just enough for people to think 'he takes care of himself.' Sorry for the blogpost>>75522274Yeah that doesn't add up. Even without exercise, if you're in a deficit for more than a week and you still haven't lost weight, you're eating too much. Either that, or he first weighed himself on an empty stomach, and then weighed himself with a full stomach. But it's more likely he isn't counting calories properly. I made the mistake of not counting olive oil for a while.
>>75522099>I WILL be sub-100 in 2025.good luck anon. i hope to be there by may at the latest.
>>75522330Very inspirational, great job!
>>75522330what did you name the baby? (sorry i had to)
>>75522341Good luck.I need to drop 40kg to be sub-100, so I'm giving myself the timeframe of 2025, but I dropped 50kg in 6 months before, so I may be able to do it by June.
>>75522330Dude you are being to hard on yourself, triceps coming in nicely, you have visible forearm veins. I'm the PSMF bro who posted body earlier, I know the feel of looking skinny in a t shirt but lean is truly king. The face gains must be incredible, and they stick out in a t shirt. Just start hammering cable lateral raises to absolute failure with as many partials as you can muster to widen your shoulders up. Do them fucking heavy as possible, multiple times a week. It's hard to be happy when you look in the mirror all day every day but just imagine you saw how you look on the right back when you looked like the left pic, you'd be ecstatic and in disbelief. If your taller or have longer limbs it's hard to pack on enough size to truly look huge. I'm so proud of you stranger
>>75521139I wish I focused more on building easy, fun, and consistent habits that I could do for my entire life instead of caring about optimizing everything and getting the weight off ASAP.
>>75522330wear tighter shirts
>>75521763Im out of town without a scaleThe few times that's happened I just input my weight the morning of leaving for the next contest entry on the weekend Usually that means any additional loss carries over to next week. I don't think I gained from Thanksgiving I've been intuitively eating little without counting but all the fats and carbs could be deceiving me at small portionsOh well it'll all get accounted for next weekend
>>75522468This. I've got a closet full of XXL xl L and M now kek
>>75522472Do far I've got 4X and 2X, gonna go load up on XL this weekend Wgmi
>>75522486So far*shit
love hearing other fatties talk about clothes sizes. i have a fucking drawer full of aspirational size M and L shirts i've never worn but also have never given up on the idea of someday wearing. been a XL-XXL for going on 2 decades but someday SOMEDAY i'll be a L.
>>75522580I've got a really wicked suit jacket that I WILL wear in 2025.White, houndstooth pattern, purple lining. Got it from an op-shop and never been able to wear it.
>>75522353niggerfucker5000 :)
I caught some sort of viral infection that left me stuck in bed all week. It feels like I lost all progress in terms of building strength.
>>75522468I'm 5'9" and with my build I look skinny in size M and S is too tight. But the more fat I lose, the more I come to accept having skinny arms.
>>75522860you aren't going to lose any muscle after only a week even if it really does feel like it.
>>75522860i have really bad hayfever right now, ive been blowing my nose all day and i feel really weak, should i skip my workout or do it even though i barely have the energy to give even 50%
willpower sucks
>>75522580>>75522584You guys are personally responsible for companies labelling XXL clothes as L
>>75522927you rack disciprine
>>75522981NoMy willpower is great and obdurateIt always makes me do stuff I don't want toSucks
The numbers on the scale aren't declining fast enough.
willpower FUCKS
>>75521988>gained weight againLmao
Fatty Contestdman94.9kg
Fatty Contest TheObeseBrit 270.8lbs
>lowest I've been in 2 years>arms and upper body looking cut>still feel like the pillsbury doughboy when I take off my shirt
>>75523144Post body
Thanksgiving did brvtal damage to me, bros.
fatty contestitsogreguys129.8 kg3x gym this week feelsgoodmanI also quit nicotine. It's actually been really helpful for losing weight (the quitting, not the nicotine).I don't understand how people see it as an appetite suppressant. For me it's the complete opposite. I eat way more unnecessary meals and snacks throughout the day just to avoid that unpleasant nausea that comes from using nicotine on an empty stomach. When I haven't eaten in a while but don't feel hungry, the best way to draw attention to that empty stomach and highlight it as something that "needs fixing" is to use nicotine. It's like an appetite stimulant.Now that I quit I often go 12hrs+ without even realizing I haven't eaten a thing, because I feel just fine all the time without any noticeable highs or lows. The other benefits like better sleep are nice too.
>>75522580I admit I also own like a whole wardrobe's worth of aspirational clothing. Glad my style is pretty timeless so it won't matter much.
>>75522099>>75522407Looks like we're in a similar situation. I have a little less to lose, but the same goal of sub-100kg by the end of next year. If I squeeze out a little more next month I should be able to start next year at 126kg and have a round 26 to go in 52 weeks. Very reasonable.That's the "official" goal anyway. Totally doable by 1st of July if I want to push myself (and I just might) but I'd rather aim for the slower pace and be positively surprised. I'm also trying to proactively prevent crash dieting and yoyoing.Been walking every day too just to stay active. Did an hour this morning, and 2 hours last night. After training legs! Active rest and all that. Mainly I just wanted to enjoy all the Christmas lights tbqh. With all these corporate Christmas parties there were so many dolled up girls running around in cute beanies and knit sweaters. Not that it really makes a difference for me on my solitary fat guy night walks, I just enjoy the people watching. But for the first time in a long while it's making me feel hopeful instead of depressed, which is a welcome sign. /blog
didn't go for walks while roughly eating the same amount of calories and I only lost 0.7kg this week... usually I've lost at least 1kg. that 0.3kg makes a massive difference in the long run so better get those steps up agian
>>75523272>your chartBruh......
>>75523402Well I've literally done everything I aim to do before (and I had done it before I even started graphing the chart) so I have a pretty solid and realistic understanding of what it takes and how to achieve it.
>>75523413Was gaining 60lbs from you all time fatty contest low part of that plan?
>>75523417Do you think I was attempting to lose weight during the times I took like 6 month long breaks from logging my weight, or that I plan to use a lifestyle similar to those periods in order to achieve future weight loss?
>>75523425So you wanted to be 300lbs?
>>75523429I certainly acted as if I did.
>>75520717>>75520732>>75520719Despite your warnings I have decided to try. First meal: Boiled potatoes, chicken breast, stir fried veggies. Sauce made from low fat greek yoghurt and garlic.
Fatty contest Mithra105.7kg
got sick and unexpectedly dropped the final amount below my goal in like a week instead of the month i was expectingto 80kg from 120kg in a bit over a year, not terrible. first time normal weight in my adult lifewill post a summary and a pic soon
Fatty ContestStretchMarksMan226.2lbsI managed not to eat too much during Thanksgiving since I don't live in the USA and never have.
Fatty contestmammajamma86.9kg
Fatty contest Dresden 267.8lbs 5ft 9
shitanon here,i took laxative pills and and pooped out some painful pieces while others went fine.my butthole became sore. after, i went several times and most pieces came out fine but some were painful.my butthole still hurts.i feel there is still some poop so i took more pills.you were right that there is something stuck and i guess anon's theory of fecal impaction was spot on.i'll blogpost some more when developments occur.
Is it normal for the caloric deficit thing to last days? Cause I left the Thanksgiving to eat normally but even after a Friday of it, I’m still lightheaded today as if I was still eating low caloric food.
Fatty ContestHealthy2026499.2
>>75523877I believe
Fatty ContestMage228.8lbs
Fatty ContestBig Frigate260.4 lbs
>>75519757Fatty ContestFatverick219.8lbsa sub 220 plateau isn't too bad, but it is a plateau nontheless
Too fat for the exercise bikeMy ass is bruised just from sitting on it for 30 minutes
>>75524043try rowing, elliptical, or walking. On a treadmill, walk incline. It's good exercise.watch a video on how to row before trying it.
I fucking LOVE cabbage soop
>>75523760buy powdered magnesium citrate and SLOWLY take larger amounts over days. If you OD you'll continuously shit liquid for an entire day and you'll wish for death. But it's super cheap and you can mix it with drinks.
>>75524115Yeah incline treadmill is my usual, I'm at family's house for the holiday and gave their bike a try Good burn but I'm feeling my ass in the morning lol
>>75522580I used to wear XXXL and can wear L now. It feels good.remember to get suspenders if you don't want to throw out all your pants though.
>making it for a fictional characterprobably mentally ill but I don't care at this point
>>75524240>probably mentally illIt ain't probably anon
Fatty ContestFatToFit198.2lbs
>>75524536>Literally 201 earlier todaySo you're just larping now
>>75519757Your metabolism is over 800 calories down and you're surprised you're losing muscle.
>5'9, 157 lb>do well on diet, no refined carbs or sugars, sober and ex-smoker>no space in my unit for equipment>gated complex and I hate having my keys / phone / wallet in my pockets while I run>only gym in my city is Planet Fatness
>>75524563There's absolutely nothing wrong with planet fitness. Your a manlet that weighs less than 160 lbs. The fuck you need that isn't there? Somehow I doubt your curling 75s for reps kek.
>>755246075ft9 is average height
Is sticking to my deficit while sick a stupid idea
>>75524563If you're looking for reasons to stay stuck, you will always find them.There are plenty of phone holders for running, as armbands and more.Get a phone case that lets you slide a few cards in it so you won't ever get caught after curfew without your papier bitte.Wear your key around your neck, courtesy of a shoelace worn under your shirt. Or whatever, maybe they'd fit in your phone holder thingy too.
>>75524553That was, what, 14 hours ago? People can do a lot of shitting in 14 hours.IDK why y'all are piling on the newbie so much desudesu.
>>75524780Because he lies, the most pathetic thing you can do.
>>75524673When I got sick I was feeling like shit but I recovered almost instantly after going on mainentance for 1 day. I think it's worth it.
>>75524673When I'm sick, I'm usually on a higher deficit than normal, because I feel like shit, I sleep a lot and I have to force myself to drink enough and eat a little bit.I'd much prefer to be at maintenance, but it's usually not a choice.
>>75524800I think at worst he's just really shit at counting calories.
>>75524563>want to work out>also dont want to work outits not fair bros
>>75524637In the sixth grade maybe
>>75524921It's 5'9 in US and 5'10-10.5 in yurope unless you're a nederlander then you get an extra half inch for averageHope this helps
I got a used Bowflex for $140 today. Just something to play around with on the weekends.
Fatty ContestGarfield156.6kgI am slowly replacing my loneliness with junk food. it's not good.
>>75524973Pass me your discord if you want someone to talk to.
>>75524990plenty of people to talk to, too little people i want to talk to. Thanks for offering, but I'm just upset my gf doesn't have much time for me lately.
>>75524973> I am slowly replacing my loneliness with junk food.I have been replacing my loneliness and listlessness with a somewhat obsessive foray into well-being and fitness.It's a mix of gamifying my life with food and fitness trackers that tell me if I'm getting a good score at mundane bullshit like eating and sleeping, and filling my day with weird new routines like workouts and cardio, but also eating some of the same stuff every day. Basically 700 calories each day are consumed across three identical daily rituals, providing a baseline of nutrients that I can then supplement with 1 large or 2 medium meals for variety.On top of that I've added several other non-food-related rituals, mostly around self-care.> Once I get fit and healthier, my real life will begin.
>>75524994It’s okay, remind yourself that she loves you and is not going to leave you.
Wow so the figures on my spreadsheet were way off. This is accurate now. As long as I accurately count my calories, I'll have a rough expectation of how much weight I will lose each week/month. This assumes that a deficit of 3500 calories is equal to approximately 1lb/0.45kg of bodyweight. I added 1401 calories to each day of December (my daily calorie limit, to test if the formulas work) and it predicts me losing about 2.3kg at the end of the month. I'm happy with that.
>>75525015i envy your enthusiasm and spirit. I'm slowly feeling my motivation fading. That type of planning and going-all-the-way stuff gets tiring after a couple of weeks. I need to get back into my lower-calorie routine, but i don't want to. i'll be happy if i just keep my current weight for a while, while i figure myself out.>>75525016thanks.
>>75525032Hey anon, so you’re eating about a third of what you used to eat. How does it feel?
>>75524973I know the feeling, but I want to see you succeed. You beat me last leg, so I know you have it within you to make it.
>>75525032>has a spreadsheetNice. You're going to make it
>>75525057Oop, miswrote that. You’re eating a third less than you ate before.
>>75523877Checked. You got this big boy. WAGMI
>>75524934Correction the 5'9 is because of mexicans, humans in the USA are average 6ft. Hope that helps
>>75525059i only won by a technicality, one point. You're gonna get #1 this leg. i can feel it in my fat.
NEXT THREAD>>75525101>>75525101>>75525101>>75525101
>>75525085Controlled by race the white US average is half an inch up
>>75525111Well yes, most beans are counted as white. I'm talking about actual white people
>>75519923homegym aesthetic