Have you ever successfully motivated a sedentary gf to become fit? How did you do it?
>>75524601I have never even had a gf
You have to become a threat. Make her feel like she could lose you to other women. She will join you then.
>>75524601If you aren't in love with her (as in "I'm not sure I could survive without this person in my life," not "she's nice and I can't see any reason not to stay") then just leave. People on relationships don't get better they get worseAnd to the youngsters out there, that goes double for bad sex just leave
The cray bitch fuck china dick
>>75524623Not true, usually that just makes them anxious and paranoid and they start eating their emotions. Also all her friends will tell her you're an asshole.
>>75524691I know for a fact you're a virgin. None of that is true lol. What you described is when they're getting porked by multiple dudes.