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/fit/ - Fitness

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>just lift bro, that will solve all your problems
KEK he looks like a 7th grader on roids
the guy on the right or the gnome?
Alpha Destiny would look better if he didn't dress like a 14-year-old from the year 2009 and fixed his juvenile attitude.
This is discrimination against nonwhite men kindly fuck yourself
Zero people have ever said that lifting will solve all your problems. You're making something up to start a divisive discussion. Terrible bait.
probably because they're dressed up like 7th graders. was that on purpose?
this is like a decade ago
I'm 5'8 should I kill myself be honest
Reminder his dad is 5'9 and his mom is 5'0
Don't reproduce with womanlets or your son will be a 5'5 manlet
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hes still young but he already has muscle and a decent beard
give him a few decades
btw hows your life goin anon?
Yeah but I don't look like that so I don't have to worry. I'll keep lifting thank you very much!
now post the pic of sam sulek
he's 5'9" and taller than alphamanlet but still looks like a DYEL bitch next to an average height normie guy
but 5'9 is the average height for white men, 5'10 in a few low population countries
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Pajeet cope
I think he said his mom was 5'2. Regardless he never stood a chance
That's called a growth hormone deficiency. My little brother had it, doctors said he would be 5'3 at the very best despite my parents being 5'11 and 5'5.

Insurance paid for his growth hormone treatment and now he's a 6ft adult

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