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/fit/ - Fitness

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Remember when fit used to spam this guy?
What happened to him and his spammers?
fasting was discovered to be an unsustainable lifestyle and its general collapsed on itself
You can't make money on fasting unless you're doing something like selling electrolytes
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The guy is still up. But why is he no longer shilled?
probably because he stopped spamming his own videos here?
Cool videos
I've been doing OMAD for the last 13 years. IF is sustainable for some people. Mileage will vary.
People grew up and realized that saying "fuck" every 2 seconds does not make you based but makes you cringe
>one meal a day alcohol only weight loss diet
for a while everybody here was doing stuff like fasting and keto or carnivore and he was all about the fasting and meme-able, then some obsessed botfarm targeted keto and the board declined in popularity in general, now nobody discusses anything anymore.
>But why is he no longer shilled?
People got sick of his false advertising when it became clear he doesn't eat snakes.
there was a time he realized his whole channel was shadowbanned and started to put shit like "anorexia diet" in the titles
he stopped making videos for a while.
he also backtracked on /fast/ing because he learned it's an unhealthy lifestyle, just like all variations of keto.
so people who liked him felt betrayed.
Anyone remember when kimmo used to spam anon talk on /b/ like a decade ago? If you weren't autistic it was so easy to see that every single poster there was shitposting but I didn't think he realized it.
I stopped shitting on him and the /fast/ retards and tried it. So it works great but it’s not sustainable at all. I needed adderall to do it and melatonin to sleep and I still almost fainted a few times. I would only recommend it to someone over 20% body fat and it should be stopped once you get below that. I would also suggest only to fast on days off where you don’t have to leave your house. And not to exercise on fasting days. However I would suggest 24 hour fasts, eating one meal a day OMAD. That combination, 5 days of OMAD followed by 2 days of water fasting would shred most people up. Like take a 6’ 250lb fat ass who needs 2500 cals to maintain (sedentary), have him do an hour or two of walking daily and OMAD and 48hr fast each week, that’s easily over 3lbs of fat a week without doing anything unsustainable. He’d be down to like 210lbs in about 3-4 months which would be closer to 15% body fat (a level where one should just cut slowly and normally). Most people at 6’ aren’t gonna be more than about 20% at like 215.
How does OMAD work? If I need 2000 cals to maintain. Should I get all 2000 cals in one meal and then fast for 24 hours or go down in cals still?
>his spammers?
what do you do when you realize that was only one guy that was spamming this dude?
lol yeah
is it still filtered?
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Anyone who's done what he preaches quickly achieved his desired results, aka losing a fuckton of body fat (or curing some serious injury or disease).
It's not rocket science. You simply don't eat, and you lose body fat and water weight. Don't need a gazillion videos obsessing over hair-splitting nuances.

Fasting is not meant to be "sustainable". You fast to stop being obese and hit your goal weight, then quit fasting.
He literally proved that you can go from fatass to six-pack in less than two weeks, while plenty of faggots here struggle with it for years.
You can also use fasting as a tool to quickly cure serious disease and injury better than 99% of the shit doctors will peddle.

He proved everything he set to prove, and there is no argument against his results. Only seethe from those without the balls to do it.
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Fasting is based. Only that fat faggots are Weak as hell
Why are all his videos inside a car?
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do you look like this now?
>Remember when fit used to spam this guy?
yes, I was one of them
>What happened to him and his spammers?
I lost weight following his advice and moved on with my life
so just fast to lose weight? that's simple enough
I just watched his latest video. It's the exact same thing Lyle McDonald pushes -- absolute minimal calories while still getting your protein in, high salt, high potassium.
thanks. so protein and bananas
close enough.
I just got some of this 50% potassium salt. I started doing this type of diet on my rest days.
McDonald doesn't care about meal timing, Snake guy also tells you to fast. I lose my appetite on my protein only days so I do not fast.
they all look like shit
I wonder why
>looks like shit
>unimpressive lifts

literally who?
Cross eyed nipples. I'd still lick those abs whilst frotting tho
No shit. Yet you can still fast for a few days every few weeks.
fasting is also bad for body composition, it burns muscle like crazy, especially if you don’t have the energy to lift
No I can’t unless I literally have nothing else to do.
If you’re cutting just worry about getting your protein and lifting, but if you have the room to hit maintenance then go for it. Any size lost is just water and will return once you get enough carbs for a few weeks. But it will be faster if you don’t eat maintenance
If you’re on gear none of this matters just eat and go on walks when cutting.
If you’re not cutting then just eat how you feel best if that is still OMAD then yeah that’s all in a 1 hour window
>it burns muscle
If you actually lift you will lose as much muscle as fat
While on long fasts, you're supposed to lift with maintenance intensity and volume, which is way less than the work you need to make new gains. Obviously doing it on a normal program where you push yourself won't have you recover.
glad you made it bro
>it burns muscle

it doesnt if you have enough fat. Do your own research.
>things that didn't happen
The community blew past his him. What he knew was largely superficial and he used dumbass snake-juice bullshit which barely scratches the surface of fasting supplementation.
the general didn't collapse, it's just that no one ever posted progress, no one ever got to a place where they were comfortable, no one there ever posted body evidence, no one ever actually discussed goals beyond "i should do another 48 man but right after i eat this pizza lol"

the crazy shit? snake juice shit works incredibly. fasting on a salt water mixture can seriously sustain you for several days and have you dropping a good 5lb of body fat. i mean beyond water weight, actual body fat. if you did it as crazy as cole does it, you'd get to where you wanted to be in no time flat. less than a month honestly. the problem is everyone in the fasting general basically either has no dedication, or just straight up have developed binge/purge eating disorders. the dark side of the fasting fad that no one wants to talk about.
fatfucks shouldn't be focusing on efficiency. They wouldn't even know what to do with themselves once they reach their goal.
that's the problem. but the other end of the problem is, the sticky covers literally everything you could ever hope to know about the secrets of just how fucking simple it is to regulate yourself and look even somewhat decent. the BIGGEST problem, is the fact that we have zero moderation and the people who keep this corpse of a board alive have absolutely no intention of actually working out, and are all just here to beat the memes from 15 years ago to death and continue to post barely relevant threads with half naked women in the OP for a sliver of (you)s that satisfy their attention seeking for a few hours at least.

this whole fucking place sucks and is in no way conducive to anyones goal of actually being shredded, or lean, or finishing a 5k, or just being strong, or any of the other normal fucking goals most people had here in 2010. i wholly blame the lack of staff keeping this fucking place on topic and not publicly banning people any fucking more. moot genuinely wouldn't have let it get this bad.
>he also backtracked on /fast/ing because he learned it's an unhealthy lifestyle, just like all variations of keto.
No, he didn't.
general should've covered mental health. your mental plummets when you're fasting but ofc you retards don't consider it.
look at the way you talk, hella negative. it's coz you're probably in fasted mode rn no blood sugar.
it's why ED is the end result of dedicated fasting without supervision. you can't see yourself go crazy.
plus you can't do it in a group coz what can you do? no energy, no interest in doing anything except chug salty water.
When fasting what matters is what you eat when you do eat. Millions of people "fast" because it's just a normal way to eat, one big meal every day. Where this guy goes wrong is he doesn't know about food so his methods are unsustainable. Fasting feels natural and easy if your diet is heavy in animal foods, you won't even want to eat frequently anymore.
> everyone in the fasting general basically either has no dedication, or just straight up have developed binge/purge eating disorders.
Or they got their results and moved on
>before: big bulge
>after: small bulge
what did he mean by that?
This is it. 4Chan stopped being cool
4chan is no longer culturally relevant/something people want to be associated with
he's homeless now
i am not currently fasting because i don't have an eating disorder and are constantly binging and purging the weight from my body because i can't handle myself. i'm just being fucking real.

rather than attacking someone's character and deviating from the fucking topic at hand based on an assumption, you might actually contribute to the conversation.

no evidence to support that.
low test from cortisol
It's anecdotal, but every single person doing IF and every single vegan don't keep to their diet more than a few days. IF people also tend to do IIFYM, which is already just another way of saying the ice cream and pizza diet. Everyone always asks why the keto people end up fatter and it's because they binge and cheat with junk food constantly. I've also known three people doing the carnivore diet and they were all binge alcoholics that broke down and ate tons of junk food every few days. In real life, no one sustains these fad diets.
I've been on OMAD since 28 November... went from having a gut to my stomach being flat when I wake up fasted
IDK anon, say what you want about other types of fasting, but intermittent fasting, or OMAD is super easy to maintain. I was doing that all throughout 2019-2020 and just using chipotle or some burrito type meal as my main course and i was the leanest i'd ever been at that time. It is a very easy way to restrict yourself calorie wise, and makes you think thrice about what that one meal is going to be to make it meaningful. you're still eating, but you're inclined to make higher protein choices to sustain your workouts. I had zero problem on that.
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I would totally drink his juice but potassium compounds are nowhere to be found beause they are illegal to sell OTC (and ofc neither the doctor nor the pharmacist is inclined to hel me out - the bastards)

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