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/fit/ - Fitness

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if only you men knew...
Tell us then,
Redpill us;
Honeypill us, so to speak.
You can use it as lube
More fad diet bullshit I'm sure. Tell me how it's the key to immortality, infinite muscle and cock growth. Curious, does it raise your fabled testosterone level?
No, too sticky. But you can put it in your asshole and have a girl lick it out, or guy if that's your thing. Or dog if you're Canadian.
out of any foods in the world
it's the one that offers the best anti cancer properties
>put it in your asshole
Gay as fuck
>but it's a woman doing it
Gay as FUCK
Superfood if you can get your hands on the real thing
Virgin honey consumers vs Chad royal jelly enjoyers.

You can find this in most hippie crystal stores or all natural health stores.
If you buy from them the purchase will be $30 or less.
Most other places will charge you 150$ for a small jar.
Not OP
Enjoy faggots
the $30 one is fake, royal jelly is very rare and extraction of it destroys the nest
I think people recovering from alcohol abuse eat it.
Its healthy, tastes amazing, cheap and I fucking love it.
But remember to get it from beekeeper to get a real honey not the shit from shop that has nothing to do with honey.
the jews give honey the same treatment as milk pasteurizing it and shit, sad stuff we are humans who can easily breed these to produce clean efficient honey with very helpful bacerias and we choose to destroy all that in the poursuit of money we could all ubermenshen occupying mars if we just ate raw honey
Silence queer.
Women rimming male assholes is hot as fuck.
Nothing more than another form of submission
This guy is so insecure he can't even have sex without feeling psychological dominance. Pathetic.
Sex is about power
>buying shit from china
real royal jelly from non-contaminated sources (aka not china) should run you around $20 per 1 oz / 30ml.
sure, i get my gf to rim me all the time
but i sure as fuck don't shove a bunch of honey up my asshole first
that's where you crossed the line to faggotry, my son

>t. virgin
>but i sure as fuck don't shove a bunch of honey up my asshole first
Why not.
Literal shit comes from there whats so bad about honey.
so sex is about "power"
but you're also going out of your way to shove honey up your asshole for what, to make the experience more pleasant for the woman you're supposedly flexing your "power" on?
doubt it

you get nothing out of adding honey to the act
except that you get to shove something up your ass, which i suspect is the main appeal for you
gay as fuck stop coping
It shouldn't go up the ass, it just goes around the rim.
>put it in your asshole
>IN your asshole
Can you fucking imagine?

>yeah baby i want you to lick my asshole, go on
>oh shit actually wait a second
>grabs bottle of honey
>pulls his legs over his head, starts squeezing it all over his asshole
>rubs it around with a finger to make sure it's all "around the rim"
>yeah baby get in there
I eat one teaspoon every day. It's great.
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honey is still good, f off
Fair enough
Honey is dope but you are still virgin.

Just look at the ingredients, faglords.
Doesn't have to be the China brand
sex is about making my girlfriend feel good actually
>it says it's real therefore it is
Studies say honey helps recovery and build muscles.
Alright, just so I'm getting this correctly:
>honey is super good boosts recovery natural steroid and preworkout
>but you have to shove it in your asshole before you eat it
Is it really worth the hassle? If I do it as preworkout won't my ass be uncomfortably sticky when I lift later?
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I take a spoonful of this and peanut butter before bed. Helps me sleep.
Time to drink some orange honey mead I'll buy it don't worry der juden
It is good though it'd be sick to chase liquor like h9nestly I'm going. Go buy it thr next time I remember
Oh boy I can't wait to come into this thread and learn about the benefits of honey and what kinds to buy from wh-
royal jelly burns my throat more than liquor
When I wake up I need carbs, i am in a depleted state.
Honey is pretty good. I have a friend who tends bees and he gives me some of the raw stuff off the top before sending the rest off for commercial processing. Is raw honey actually better for you with the pollen and antioxidants left in? Not fully understood. But free is free, so I take it how it comes.
>It doesn't have to be China brand
>Surely he means only the China band
When did this trend started tho? I'm seeing people pushing honey and pollen these days.

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