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ITT we laugh and mock redditors to feel better about ourselves
>time to cut?
his face is amazingly lean
I was just thinking that. His face looks so much better than the rest of him. Also if that's 21% bf then holy hell, that looks chubby as fuck
>21.7% bf
no chance. ~20% bf and 190lbs at that height would look sort of builtfat.
>reddit thread
fuck off
except he has no muscle mass
I thought I looked skinnyfat lol
yes exactly, that's how percentages work. it cannot be both 21.7% and 190lbs. he's skinny fat and way above 21.7% body fat percentage
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This is correct. This is just now at 190 and just under 5’11.. I feel gross as fuck, idk how anybody lets themselves get like that. Cut cannot come soon enough.
>1 year ago
are you his ex or some shit
This is the skinnyfat prototype
Looking decent dude. Guessing your favourite day is back day
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U/L four day split, going for 315x1 by end of March so the only back work I do are hammer strength horizontal rows on the low grip because I theorize that since it travels almost the exact same bar path as bench, it works all the antagonistic muscles that need to be strong to bench heavy.

Just a theory. Currently at 250x3-5, if I can get that to 265-270 I think I can do it.
I'm surprised, your pecs honestly look like your weakest part. Your lats and traps are dominating them pretty hard
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I am 5'10" and around 195lbs here, think it was early 2024.
Big pecs = big bench is a meme. You get big pecs from tons of isolation work; big back = big bench. I’d wager most people could bench significantly more if they just strengthened their upper back.
Maybe his legs are absolutely pealed
he's trying to improve
He's like 30% and has unfortunate body fat distribution
How does this happen? Why is he eating so much?
i'm 5'10, 185lbs, 20.7% bodyfat. he's 33% at best.
his physique is hilariously bad.
Because his hormones are fucked and he probably eats seed oils daily.
Even if he cuts he will still look bad. Notice how he has 0 upper body muscle in his arms and chest.
The only way to fix this body is TRT and probably thyroid hormones
>it's le sneed oyls
unnatural and beyond bad. look up composition if adipose tissue of
wild animals
humans in past
modern humans
stop being fedora of nutrion redditor. only bad advice in that post was le trt trannyism
Did he try to recomp at McDonald's or what the fuck?
That's not 21% bodyfat. I know because I have similar stats and I'm currently around 22% bodyfat (at a lower weight, mind you), significantly bigger and quite a bit leaner.
>idk how anybody lets themselves get like that.
The average American male is shorter and weighs at least 10-15 pounds more than him, sadly.
He's skinny everywhere else.
>becoming obese to deadlift lmao3plates
at least this guy has some muscle unlike >>75704570 lol
Surely le seep oiles are the only thing that's changed about modern diet and lifestyle. It can all be pinned on that one thing and nothing else.
He fell for the GOMAD meme
Just looked at his profile, seems to be a literal faggot jew leftists so not surprised on his progress
also a vegan kek

The way you do that shit is 12-16 hours a day frugivore, then a high-protein feeding window. Thank me later.
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Absolutely comical thumbnail, ty OP
pic rel is me at 5'10 215lbs 25% bodyfat
why frugivore?
Zamn, looking pretty good, Destiny!
>trying to recomp
>gained 20lbs
humiliation fetish
you must store fat in your ass and legs lol i'm 185 with a similar stomach. dexa scan 6 months ago put me at 22%, im almost assuredly aroudn 18% now but i carry ALL my fat in my stomach and lovehandles
I spoke from experience. I had low test and looked even worse than the OP.
TRT changed my whole body composition.
But yes don't just pin unless you know it is an issue for you. I just guess that it might be one for him too.
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see https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11357-024-01078-3
>Short-term fasting of a single amino acid extends lifespan
according to soiyence it's still untested in humans, but it's really the ultimate undiscovered recomp diet.
woah same physique as the "they often look disappointed" guy
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to be honest with you seeing this horror doesn't make me feel any better
it just puts me in a bad space mentally
I'm 6'4 at 200 lb and wish I could look like that.
he forgot the part where you lift
recomp btw kek
not entirely accurate, he could have absolute shit frame genetics and a super high bone density. photographs never actually show wide a persons frame aka shoulders, ribcage hips etc actually are without some kind of reference point. the only thing you have to reference with is the rest of their body.

although going with what we have to work with, that one one photo definitely screams 30% body fat or more, he literally has fat overflowing from his waistband. i would be really surprised if his non LBM and non adipose tissue amounted a higher amount than normal
bones. organs. blood. water retention.
Only Amerilards could look at that huge hanging belly and think "skinny"
>eat big to get big
this sentence has had disastrous effects.
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Me too
He lurks in the Fag subreddit, is asexual, posts about trans children and he's fucking vegan

How can people fall for this bullshit?
His ideology is what you would expect from Someone who looks like him
>time to cut
What's the appeal of being a libshit? I don't understand
In being a decent human being, incel
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Ignoring the mentally ill and weak losers (the bulk of leftists), liberalism appeals to people who are compassionate but misguided in their compassion.

Liberalism/leftism sells itself as the kind and caring worldview, and if one is ignorant how the world really works/has never been exposed to alternative viewpoints, it is very easy to embrace these ideas.

There are lots of people on the right who are former leftists, there are virtually no former right leaning people on the left.
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this dude has a frighteningly similar face to me wtf, also the same glasses and facial hair growth. it's actually freaking me out a bit
thank god I am both leaner and more muscular tho this is a shocking look into where I could be at if things went wrong
>people like this are not afraid of posting their pics online
I'm impressed by their confidence desu
how do I make mental gains?
complete lack of self awareness (not necessarily a bad thing)
humiliation fetish
Any of the above or a combination.

Remember most people don't give a shit and are fine walking around obese and shirtless.
you gotta get some better glasses
I know I've been putting it off for 2 years now, maybe this is the motivator I need
>getting tricked by a fucking beard line
Come on son
Shalom rabbi
As a former fatty who worked hard to get lean (just did 16 pullups for the first time today), I LOVE seeing shit like this.
You just know he'd probably never really been fat, because otherwise he'd be terrified of getting fat again, and wouldn't get obese for the sake of a fucking 3pl8 dl (kek at them being bumpers too), which means he got memed into morbid obesity by a boomer redneck who writes cuck fiction.
Go checkout /r/swoletariat if you really want a laugh
question, can't you deadlift without the need to eat like a hog and gain weight?
A skeleton could work his way up to 3 plate DL
so... why do they feel the need to eat and gain weight to deadlift?
Ethnic nationalism for people with a high mutational load.
That is literally all it is. A form of tribalism for freaks.
you could, I had 3 plate deadlift at 140 lbs
these people are retarded and just look for an excuse to stuff their fat mouths with food and claim they're "bulking" and that they gotta "eat big to get big/strong"
the truth is it's just all excuses for their gluttonous habits
you really don't need more than a 300-500 surplus on a bulk, of mostly clean food
Isn't the whole point of Lifting Weights to look better?
for powershitters its an excuse to eat more
every now and again i go to reddit to see what fatties are complaining about and it's always shit like 'i was forced to stand for 5 minutes because the evil store didn't drive thru!!!!!!'
>athletically standing
my sides are in orbit
Average jeet physique
kek they cant do pullups kek
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>atheletic 450lbs
I wish this was me. My gut and under my chin are literally the only places i put on weight, which is great for having arm definition while bulking but as soon as i let my diet slip for a week i have 9 chins
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wtf am I looking at brah wth
That's actually amazing progress if right is the before. Not sure what you're mocking
>not paying attention to it
>because it didn't really affect me

I refuse to believe
Or he could eat at maintenance lift 5 times per week and walk 10km everyday for a year and actually change his body and ''hormones ''
I don't know what the term means to Americans but you have to be a literal retard to believe this system isn't rigged
JFC they're not even forcing them to stand, just giving you the option, and this lunatic is upset?
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these are the same people who complain chairs aren't 'inclusive' enough
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I think we can all agree that this is the ideal male body
coping powersharters don’t @ me
it was just calipers, could be lower who knows. But I always play it higher to keep myself humble
how heavy was thor when he did the lift that mindbroke eddie?
He's clearly making a joke, retard.
Not 450lbs lol, around 430 or so
That's legit 40% bodyfat. Had a good chuckle thanks OP.
I got new glasses recently. I've gotten a number of compliments on them, and I seem to have more conversations out and about than I did previously. Get new glasses, anon.
It just makes me sad. I look bad and I don't like taking my shirt in public and I'm not even remotely close to that. I just feel sorry for the dude.
too lean for me
thats what i thought
Are you calling SS+GOMAD a fucking joke
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kek maybe when he gets to 400lbs hell deadlift the equivalent
I unironically looked like this but I am pretty sure I considered myself to be at 40%-38% body fat when I started not fucking 20%
>Jordan cuckhold

Weird ab inserts and a dyel
kek, this is the only way to look at reddit, with pure irony
dude reddit is full of soi idiots
This image filled me with so much disgust that I just got out of bed and ripped some push ups and sit ups. I will never allow this to happen to me
Damn dude got massive lat development. I still don't know how to train my back properly
>le seep oiles
>le sneed oyls

The glowie playbook is getting so predictable, they do the same thing for everything we become aware of
And body fat. In a percentage. You fucking dumbass.
This is subpar bait thirdworldanon please try harder next time
I get really good results from just low row and lat pulldown. Maybe it’s european rowing genes though.
right is after
you overestimate reddit
he's vegan and on SSRIs
no wonder he's made zero progress
pretty based if you can get between 850 and 1000 lbs before your weight affects you
Massive kek. Any normie that hops on that shit is begging for a fate worse than death when they inevitably fry their brains.shit is worse than being addicted to hard drugs for a short period
>21.7% bf
Make anything short of an MRI illegal
How's this champ
you can't judge his lat development from those pictures. he's doing a weird pose on the right where you flare your scapula and basically hide your lats behind your back. try replicating his pose in front of a mirror. you can make your lats mostly disappear if you pull your shoulders back in the "right" way.
Amazing how all the fat is on his belly and practically nowhere else.
yeah that explains it
This is my height and weight. Although, I look terrible, this is much much worse than myself.

I do not have much muscle either. This is like no muscle.
It's genes. Men in my family are the same. My father is 140kg/308lb and he has no double-chin.

The upside is that you still look like a real person when you are fat, but the downside is that it is very hard to get visible abs when you are lean since you carry all the mass in your midriff.
am I like the only person on antidepressants that doesn't feel muted? granted I'm on snris
This can't be real. Wtf is someone who looks that bad even thinking in terms of "bulk/cut" for? That bag of jelly just needs to fucking workout full stop and not think about the intricacies until he's lost the spare tyre and gained more muscle than a 13 year old girl
I went on that subreddit just now and it’s real. Some of the guys on there are so skinny and asking if they should bulk or cut
They're in literally everything dumbass. If you're not cooking your meals from scratch (which is most people unfortunately) then the processed shite you're eating almost definitely contains seed oils. Go for a stroll down the condiments aisle of your local shop.and take a look at the ingredients of each sauce. anything with a "creamy" texture will be 80+% seed oils, most likely rapeseed oil. Go and look at the bread section then and check which oils it contains. Or the chips, or the mashed potato, or the frozen pizza. You're a total spastic if you can't see how something so ubiquitous could have such effects
>gain 20lbs
That's not what recomping means
Clearly he meant 217% bf
that is more than 30% bf
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>he'd be terrified of getting fat again
Pretty impressed that he was confident (or deluded) enough to go topless
Thank you anon, you can. But you'll need to be +40lbs heavier.
He feel for the starting strength meme. All the muscle went to his legs and waist.

>21.7% bodyfat
lmao sure
SS Powershitting lards please stop
Has he tried lifting weights?
He is 1000% a child Molester
>those arms
>1 year of recomp
>Some of the guys on there are so skinny and asking if they should bulk or cu
so the same as /fit/

the funniest part to me is that he gained 20 lbs of pure fat on a 'recomp'
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>1 year of recomp
>gained no muscle
>got a bit fatter
>humanlets mocking a Nephilim BVLL
You will never reach a healthy and lean 450
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i went from 365 to 405 max dl within about 5lbs of bodyweight. i guess if he dropped 90lbs of fat he'd be able to lift 4pl8 too
i love how you can tell from his expression in all of these that he thinks he's fucking jacked
> bulking for lmao3pl8
mirin that home gym though
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>But I'm just imagining the office full of people athletically standing
>athletically standing
I think I got a hernia from laughing too hard at this
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>He's just standing there.... athletically!
Wait, what do they mean by recomp?
he could fix this by removing sugar from his diet and doing high intensity physical activity every single day
the rest of it will fall into place
sprint a mile or do an amrap compound lift daily and stop eating non-whole foods
also megadose vitamin d3 and k2
fixed in 2 years
Alcoholic gut.
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>Become obese to diddly lmao3pl8s
Nah, that's subcutaneous, not visceral.
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>when your brother thinks your fatness is contagious
nah a booze gut isnt flabby jello shit it looks very similar to hgh gut
>i feel so hurt and subhuman
you are
>what if theyre right
they are
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>Athletically standing
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>athletically standing
Why do they always have those angry beady little eyes?
I've been putting it off for 8 years now, eyes haven't gone much worse so it wasn't a big deal. But they are kinda fucked up, I should get a new pair as well.
Probably thanks to alcohol giving him a gender reassignment
>Super Norwood 3 at 21 years old
This is... to go... even further beyond!
Jesus Christ lmaoooooooooo
holy shit I didn't even realise it says he's 21. he looks mid 40s wtf
lmaoo i cant im dying
what the hell have you been doing?
1 year?
he looks like me
starting strenght
Looks good anon. U black pilled faggots deserve the rope. But just define ur abs. Only work on ur abs and ur good.
He's Iranian, he'll get or already have a nice looking trad persian wife
Yeah and then he'll die at age 35 from heart disease and his trad wife will become Ali the shisha bar owner's 4th wife
this is what happens when you eat like a ifbb pro without taking ifbb "supplements"
Please /fit/, teach me the secrets of how to athletically stand, I can't believe I've been missing out on standing gainz all this time
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>athletically standing
And hes the picture of health! Peak 21yo performance!
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>athletically standing at times throughout the day
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>tfw I athletically stand at my desk all day every day and never use the sitting position
The phrase "between 850 and 1000lbs" is INSANE. Like your margin of error the weight of an entire adult human being.
Kek my ass off

How would he even lose that midsection flub
even reddit roasted him in the top comments
Fatties will complain about and do anything except diet and exercise. It's amazing, really.
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this is why bmi is bullshit. you're telling me he only needs to lose 15 pound to be healthy, and more than half he would lose would probably be water
>the tabs

made me kek OP. nice one
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tfw standing unathetically
I look like that. It's time to start fasting.
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You're the same guy who tried to make that thread dunking on women for their New Year's resolutions and then you got called out and crapped on when people asked you to post body and you were fat.>>75704570
Time to actually lift weights
The healthy range of BMI is a range for a reason, it does mean that every BMI in that range is necessarily healthy but that a proper, healthy BMI will fall somewhere within that range, most likely.
>it does mean that every BMI
does NOT mean

fucking typos
That guy is literally a communist too.
Check his profile and leddit posts.
This guy: >>75704662
nigga look like irl basedjack kek
irl what now
which you cant accurately assess by visual cues alone because you cant fucking see how dense a persons bones are, you fucking retard
have to agree with the other anon, his abs look fucking weird
why that pheno always wear glasses
lel kwab embarrassing
This has to be a bait post, absolutely nobody would take a picture of themselves unflexed from a low angle to show off their physique. Also this person has no muscle mass and has very clearly not trained seriously at all.

This is probably not actually the person posting it I bet they just ripped it from a dudes Facebook to humiliate him.
This is actual decent noob progress idk why this board is being fags about it, I feel like you dont actually lift if you cant see a clear difference here, this looks like 4-6 months on track progress to me.
lol stop it
nah u are
That's the most skinnyfat thing I've ever seen, it actually looks bizarre. How can you have such a fat gut while having normal arms?
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You’re looking at peak performance (without a pump). This enrages and confuses the DYEL
you can tell he does a couple sets with light ass weight, goes about halfway to failure then says
>whew what a hardcore workout
>time for my postworkout meal and shake
and proceeds to eat 2000 calories in one sitting because he "earned it" and "you gotta eat big to get big"
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I was thinking about this the moment I saw the thread title. The thing that makes me even more pissed is that morons will think they need to look like this because he probably flaps his mouth about it.

I was also slightly misled by strength philosophies, but I could never overcome my metabolism, thank god.
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Same. Makes me wonder if I am delusional and that egotistical, and that it still will be all for naught since not only are these guys still somehow getting friends and girls but still generally look ugly as hell.
No... it's not. I'm actually curious about his lifts... one year at this starting point would allow him to put on atleast 20+ pounds of muscle and lose 20 pounds of fat, he looks like he accomplished neither.
The funniest thing is when newbies adopt terms like "recomp", be careful what you read online.
This is clearly an improvement just not a massive one
it just looks like he gained 20lbs of fat
this the nigga just ate

Gays reproduce by touching kids
He has no musclemass.
All his fat is evidently around his middle, and probably on his ass and legs.
You can clearly see he isn't that wide in reference to his height, and you can see his shoulders aren't broad in reference to his hips.
Furthermore, the difference in dry bone weight between a 6'4 Polynesian Rugby player man, and a 4'11 chinese woman is no more than 1.5kg. Density doesn't add that much weight.
This is the physique and progress of a man who has never felt real physical exertion in his life. What a fucking pussy. NGMI
do more varied back exercises, bench bar path is not/should not be horizontal.
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No, I’m quite aware of the path it travels which was why I was so surprised when I gripped the lower handles with an overhand grip and realized the path was nearly identical to the path the bar travels with a proper back arch on a bench press
>Furthermore, the difference in dry bone weight between a 6'4 Polynesian Rugby player man, and a 4'11 chinese woman is no more than 1.5kg. Density doesn't add that much weight.

That doesn't sound right at all, anon. You're telling me that a foot and a half in height and whatever major difference in breadth between those two skeletons only amounts to a 1.5kg weight difference? How does that make any sense?
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These are the people telling you they know what's best for kids.
guy on the right is cute
Didnt ask
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The full picture is even funnier because of how he stands
this is the guy that calls all 4channers nazi chudcels btw
I guarantee at least 75% of the people posting and hating on other people and laughing at them look the same or worse. A man who has truly achieved success does not hate on his fellow man who has not yet pulled himself up to where he is. He assists him.
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I had a friend like this. Everything he did was just awkward and weird as fuck but he couldn't admit his weirdness. It wasn't an endearing weird like with some of my autistic friends.
Yeah I look like a fat weirdo fuck like him but I don't post it. I know I got a ways to go.
Don't be so hard on yourself, man. At least you're trying. You're ahead of many other people who haven't even gotten to the point where they're on a journey to better themselves. I congratulate you.
nigger fruitarian diets have been a thing for some time now. read some books
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Imagine being cursed with this physique holy shit lmaooooooooooooo
Nice tummy :3
yep never fall for the 'recomp' meme
>Don't be so hard on yourself, man. At least you're trying. You're ahead of many other people who haven't even gotten to the point where they're on a journey to better themselves. I congratulate you.
Good sentiment, need more of it on this board.
Thanks buddy :D
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rip claims another
What is the actual point in this? I get that looking good is not a factor in why some people lift, but getting properly fat to be able to lift more seems just completely counterproductive. Especially to add one plate to an already tremendously mediocre lift.
Look at the tabs
More importantly, where did he get leather gym shorts?
>21% bf
Press X to doubt
Please stfu about seed oils you fuckers sound like le redpilled version of hippies
Focus on good posture. Intervals of isometric ab flexion / vacuum. Nobody will even know.

They're Rogue soiling resistant deadlifting pants, in case you piss yourself whislt deadlifting
That's the way a school girl stands when she's chatting with a boy she has a crush on.
What a faggot.
>bulking for no gainz
from his acct:
> 27m, 5’10. Around 170 lbs. in the first picture and exactly 194 lbs. in the second.
>I’ve put on a good amount of weight since I started, but a lot of it has been fat. I was absolute skin and bones from chest up before, and while I’ve gained some mass and muscle, I’m not sure it’s enough to where a cut would be meaningful.
>I’m still a relative beginner and am currently focusing more on running goals than anything, but I do have some lifting goals as well and a general idea of what I’d eventually like my figure to look like. I guess I’m just not positive how to get there.
Kek at him being "skin and bones from chest up"; did he not see and feel all of the fat on his chest & arms? Does he not see the complete lack of vascularity?
And what running goals? He's fat.
I can't believe he retardedly gained weight while starting off with more than enough fat to recomp.
>This is the physique and progress of a man who has never felt real physical exertion in his life.
*This* is who those sports scientists are talking about when they say most people don't train hard enough (while at the same time saying failure training is overrated) and horribly misjudge RiR, usually thinking they have 1-2 left when it's more like 6-10.
He does look ever so slightly less awful, I'll give him that
slightlu more pronounced pecs and the belly seems more pulled in suggesting the abdominals and core are better
>*This* is who those sports scientists are talking about when they say most people don't train hard enough
i don't know dude
I took a full year off from doing almost any physical exertion except a shooting competition like six months ago and did legs yesterday and did 4x5 315 on squat and some heavy singles at 405 on deadlift
i think there are genuinely some people who have the unfortunate luck to have been sedentary all through puberty while also having horrible victim genetics, so they could go all out on the ideal programming plus steroids and end up plateauing where the average person does after like two years of slightly higher than casual strength training

a super bitter pill to swallow is the fact that some people lose a coin flip and are born the human equivalent of the macaque that eats last
>a super bitter pill to swallow is the fact that some people lose a coin flip and are born the human equivalent of the macaque that eats last
That's true.
The upside though is that if you do actually train you'll still be fitter than others with shit genes that don't
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>i think there are genuinely some people who have the unfortunate luck to have been sedentary all through puberty while also having horrible victim genetics, so they could go all out on the ideal programming plus steroids and end up plateauing where the average person does after like two years of slightly higher than casual strength training

I am exactly in that situation lmao, I've been lifting for almost three years and this is my shitty progress. I'm tracking everything (calories, proteins, bodyweight and progress at gym). I can't say I make NO progress but it's very slow. When I compare myself to others at gym I am one of the most DYEL
There's no way this guy doesn't know he looks stupid. He is either playing it for the lolz or he has some weird humiliation fetish.
he posts on red dit, gotta be the latter
>jewish fag
no he unironically believes he looks fine
slow sure, but you looked like shit and now you look good, so whatever, just keep at it
That's the whole point: why do some people make fast progress and some slow?
the same reason why I went from being an attractive otter to a polish taxi driver when I turned 28
i know this is fit and youre not supposed to have low standards etc but you look like youre 10lbs off looking shredded yet with a bit more fluff like in that current pic u still look strong. thats what i wish i could look like but my upper body compounds are giga dyel tier :(
how much do you bench/ohp by chance?
literally shave like 10 years off your lifespan (unless he loses all that shit, which he won't) just to be able to life slightly heavier weights for a few years in your late 20s
What's the impact of genetics in creating muscles faster than others? People always mention "genetics" without specifying
different genetics are just random mutations
sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit
Yeah but what does it impact for muscle building?
He's just the other kind of autism. Dating an extremely autistic girl, some of it is difficult, but the other stuff is extremely cute and endearing.

>has never said she loves me, or cares if i say it
>visibly looks like she needs to say something, cant say it, grabs me around the chest and squeezes
>bought a cheap gift, nothing fancy, just a small trinket I knew she'd like
>pack groceries, grab gift, say "Hey I got you--"
>she claws it out of my hands with a huge smile, holds it up like she's hugging it
>literally one of my best memories
>ask her about it later. "I love it and in the moment it was the best thing in the entire world"

Never fails to amaze me how autistic femcel channers who watch gore for fun can also be the most wholesome partners.
it's very simple
genetics can determine gut flora, gut flora impacts protein digestion and uptake
genetics can determine myostatin activity
genetics can determine muscle insertion
genetics is basically the sole determinant of muscle fiber type proportion
genetics influences androgen levels but also determines androgen receptor affinities
God this is one of the best threads here in months, shitting on redditor physiques needs to be a mainstay like /fph/
hey bro genetically speaking what might happen to the gut microflora of race mixed "people"?
How do you cope with being like this? How can you look at the mirror, see this and not take immediate action in the form of hitting the gym?
>seed oils

ITT we laugh and mock redditors to feel better about ourselves
>athletically standing
Not more than 275lbs/185lbs. I'm not good at pressing, my best numbers are in pulling. 500lbs deadlift and +110lbs weighted chin-up.
And it's more like 20lbs of fat loss to get lean, the angles and lighting are working in my favor here.
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> he's not improving his athleticism by standing all day
I'm imaging an elite space marine who let himself go and just lies on a giga couch eating barrels of chips
Stop being a faggot bro you used to look like shit now you look pretty good. What else do you want? You did well just keep it up and you'll be even better, being gay as hell won't help you though show some pride in yourself and the work you put in.
you look better for sure. the progress is slow thats just how it is for 90% of the population, social media and internet goyfluencers show you lies and bullshit to make a quick buck. pretending like (you),
>yes (you)
can just magically gain 50lbs of muscle in 6 months if you follow their routine or share their videos or improve their engagement metrics because "hey its free and its basedence based". your progress is on track for 3 years of training. transforming your body isnt something you do in a few months before summer so you can get all the chicks its a lifestyle and you have to live it to see the results.
I do not believe in fitness influenceurs. However, I cannot believe that everyone online (/fit/ or other bodybuilding platforms) is ALWAYS lying on their progress. There must be a majority of people telling the truth and just be blessed by good genetics. I cannot believe the opposite.
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normal every day people posting on regular platforms do post unbiased truthful progress but it is still the internet. just because there is no monetary incentive to lie doesnt mean people dont just lie to make themselves seem more impressive. so you are sort of right but dont let your naivete cloud your judgement
>just to be able to life slightly heavier weights
It's not even like he's putting on a bit of fat to get better at the OHP or pull-ups; it's the DL, one of, if not THE, easiest lifts to progress on.
And worse, it's so heavily dependent on leverage that his ever-expanding waistline is putting him at an ever-greater mechanical advantage, so his added weight on the bar isn't even proof of muscle hypertrophy.
You're wrong lad, it's not some blackpill, woe-is-me, "muh genetics" cope thing - this guy is just a pussy and has clearly never been motivated enough to go balls-to-the-wall and give 100% effort at any physical activity.

I've been working in physically laborious jobs my whole life on the land and at sea, and one thing is a constant - the ones who do the most actual work (i.e. physical activity) are the ones who *look* like they do the most work. They're a healthy weight and lean and vascular. It is extremely rare for a blubbery softbody to be one of the ones who's very active/a hard worker. I have no reason to believe that this guy in OP is any different. He looks soft and untrained because he's almost certainly not been "training" at anywhere near the intensity required to produce any benefits or visible results. Honest to god LOOK AT HIS ARMS! If you throw him on a farm or a building site as a labourer for 3-4 months I absolutely guarantee you that he would come out the other side leaner and with more musculature than his entire year of supposed "training".

Don't give these weak pussy faggots an excuse - they need to learn that unless your face is red; absolutely dripping with so much sweat it's getting in your eyes and running off your nose; and your heart rate is up at >160bpm, then you simply haven't put in the fucking effort.
>has a boyfriend

Still though bro, this is incredibly wholesome and I'm happy for both of you. I hope you get married and have cute little mega-autist babies together.

That's all well and good but if the guy did that kind of intensity he'd snap his soft tendons and joints.
I'm the same way. My jawline is the first casualty of weight gain, my face drastically changes before I even lose my abs.
He has basically no submental fat are you blind
He wouldn't though, because he's clearly weak as fuck and wouldn't be able to lift weights heavy enough to do that to himself. Plus, you can make huge fitness gains just by doing high-rep low-weight compounds like rowing or presses. Most physical labour is 8-12hrs of similar stuff and it will get a nonfit person absolutely shredded ottermode in a year of work, providing their diet isn't 100% slop.

The "man" in OP just lacks any kind of thrift or mental grit to compel him to try that hard.
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Reminder that a bulk should be 500 calories surplus a day max for most people
>And actually working out
>also recomping wouldn't require bulking it would be like near maintenance
OP pic related just got fat
Should I keep cutting?

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>retreats into his hugbox when met with a challenge
holy fuck I hate reddit
How is making a life choice luck? Nobody is making you be sedentary.
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Get mogged Redditors my transformation was peak.
>gained 20 lbs while doing recomp
isn't recomp about eating at maintenance and hoping that your body uses the protein to build muscle while burning some of the at deposits for energy?
how do you gain weight on a recomp?
>21.7% bf
kek, no way, that must be way higher. look at that fucking gut
It's similar, for me, although in the other direction. My bf is low enough that I can start seeing my abs (10% according to my scales, but I don't trust them), but if I go any lower than this, I basically exclusively burn fat everywhere else. my face will look like a naked skull while the fat on the belly just remains there.
retards obsess over gaining 100% of the potential muscle gain within a certain time frame instead of just ~80-90% and thus massively overeat "just to be on the safe side"
then they lose that advantage again when their next cut has to be long as fuck because they have become borderline obese.
when you're a loser and deep down know you don't have what it takes to stop being a loser, so you just redefine it into something desirable
If everything is determined during childhood (ages 5-15) to build an athletic background that will allow you to succeed in lifting, and if you’ll never succeed in weight training without it, it’s a bit unfair, isn’t it? When you’re young, you’re not aware of these things, and you’re not the only one making decisions about your life. Parents can refuse to let you join a sports club or, at the very least, make it difficult for you, as they did for me.
It's natural for children (especially boys) to want to move alot and do sports during childhood. Even if your parents don't allow you to do sports they aren't with you 24/7 they can't control what you do at school, what a pathetic world view you have here sir.
I did 3plate DLs at 200lbs and 6'4", so as skeletor
the guy is simply retarded
I'm not going to laugh at redditors trying to improve themselves physically, as that makes them the "good" redditors.
We're all gonna make it.
Well, wasn't natural for me lol, and I couldn't anticipate it would be crucial for the future and my lifting journey
Well it's over for you then.
why do they ALWAYS look like that? if you see someone in a maga hat they’re either a skinny retard or a corn fed builtfat guy. why do libtards get the tick body look?
Theres a thief in law russian mafia boss that was a muscular swole jacked bodybuilder . And hes still alive and still a thief too. I forgot his name .
well done dude
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topkek glad I wasn't the only one who immediately thought this
you should post this everywhere and make fattys and nerds seethe
Tons of people I know cook with rapeseed oil and they're all skinny and healthy.
First of all, it isn't. Second of all, you haven't answered my question.
Goal bod. And yes. I'd only be doing it for women.
>I've been working in physically laborious jobs my whole life on the land and at sea, and one thing is a constant - the ones who do the most actual work (i.e. physical activity) are the ones who *look* like they do the most work.
but that's exactly the issue
if you haven't done any kind of labor or sport or activity that loads your skeleton by the time you're done with puberty, you're fucked, your growth plates have fused, and you will be skeletally weak.
you can have shit genetics and still have broad shoulders if you swim, row, help dad out with carpentry, whatever.

what you said just proved my point. if you pick age 28 to start doing physical activity, there's almost no point if your genetics are bad enough, because you're fighting a skeleton that's fused in a sedentary form. you're speaking as someone who's done physical labor their entire life. you'd be stronger at a baseline level than someone who started at 28 and spent 5 years doing intense strength training simply because that person is categorically sick. if your growth plates fuse without growing in response to muscular loading, you end up looking like Destiny, and you're pretty much done
So starting in your adulthood with no athletic background is pointless because you missed the boat?
i'm not saying it's pointless, but it will take you years to achieve what others do in months and you're capped at the free-to-play quest rewards.
i mean, it sucks, but it's like tiger woods' son. you're insane if you believe you can even get remotely close to the performance of someone who's been doing it since like age 3.
i started lifting at 15 and I'm pissed that I started so late because I could have probably gotten one or two inches more of shoulder width if I'd started earlier

although the most important thing to footnote this with is that I'm talking about lookism shit and performance
there's absolutely a point in lifting even if you start at 60 because it increases your quality of life and keeps you from dying because you tripped
So the glass ceiling is very low for us... :(. I'm surprised there hasn't been any research paper or academic study on that topic. I've been looking for things to read on that domain but literature seems scarce.
>already bald
so you hopped on TRT?
Mental ilness
based 4channer

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