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Any advice? Is this stuff worth it or will there be negative consequences.
You need to drink extra water every day when you take it. Otherwise it's kino
say goodbye to your hair
I took the most basic creatine and in that month I must admit I did felt more energized and even the month after.
The problem is that I started grinding my teeth during the day, not sure why.
I don't know if it was the creatine nor if it's worth.
ive been taking this exact brand for a month+ now, ive noticed strength gains, no other side effects
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>negative consequences
Nothing to worry about bro. It's scientifically proven to increase your gains!
Worth it if you don't have kidney issues or if mpb doesn't run in your family.
If you're already bald there's no downside. If you're not, avoid.
That particular brand is gritty and a shit deal. The c4 creatine mixes way better and it's a much better value. ON has to be the most overrated bullshit ever.
its just a protein, its like taking whey
It's the same stuff my dude, only the brand changes
so does it cause hairloss or not??
i got creatine hydrochloride and proceeded to never take it because it tastes like vomit because its the same chemical lmao
the worst part is the chalky feeling stuck in your mouth after, like you just threw up
Buy hats. A lot of hats
no its a fucking meme, people keep telling this to make you scared
there have been numerous studies on this, it doesn't do anything to your hair
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No, you silly goose, it's a myth by the demoralization faggots to get you to not take one of the only valid workout supplements that exists.
Been taking creatine for nearly 30 years, I still have all my hair.
It's a meme. I'm not a fan of the meme, but the point is to trick retards into having superstitious beliefs.
>wake up
>10g creatine + instant coffee
>lift hard and heavy for an hour
>10g creatine + collagen peptides + brotein (half whey half casein)

I used to do the recommended dose but then I read some broscience bullshit about mega dosing with no consequences

just to be safe I take potassium citrate and drink 4-5L of water every day
It's the only way to maximize your gains
Do cardio, shit extra times, drink more water and control your cortisol
>megadosing with no consequences
Depending on the type you have and how soluble your formula is, it could cause GI problems like constipation or diarrhea. Also, the cost; you're probably just peeing money down the drain.
your hair?
>there have been numerous studies on this, it doesn't do anything to your hair
There have been 0 studies on if creatine causes hairloss
That's like saying there have been numerous studies and smoking doesn't cause cancer when they've never studied if smoking causes cancer
right, so again, no meaningful consequences, thank you for reiterating that point
If creatine "makes you go bald", you were already balding
In some profit can actually thicken your hair if you're eating enough
It can make you lose hair.
I would avoid it unless being 100% sure having good hair genetics, like juvenile hairline at 35 etc.
>If creatine "makes you go bald", you were already balding
Yes, that's the point. Creatine increases DHT so if you have balding genetics it will accelerate the process. It's like the opposite of fin.
Makes you bald and bloated
There's some evidence that it increases DHT but that's not directly related. If you care so much then just take a natural DHT blocker like saw palmetto.
>Creatine increases DHT
No it doesn't.
>There's some evidence that it increases DHT
No there's not.
I'm saying you were going bald already if you "start" going bald on creatine

Even if it *does* increase DHT, it can also increase collagen synthesis nullifying

My hair thickened a lot on creatine
I stopped taking it because I stopped lifting so often and it was causing IBS like symptoms

If you lift everyday and want to be as big and lean as possible, you have to take creatine

T. Formerly>30 FFMI natty @ 8% bf
Caffeine causes more hair loss than creatine
Keep that in mind while deciding if you want to be a sick cunt (by taking creatine) or a sad cunt
Creatine doesn't make you bald.
Creatine doesn't effect everyone. Literally. Some people just don't see any difference on it.
The majority of people will add 2-4 extra kg in the first year with your noob gains.
Shalom bald jew
I'm neither bald nor a jew, and you are a schizophrenic.
That's because nearly everyone is deficient in creatine. The only way to get optimal amounts from food would be to eat 2+ lbs of raw beef every day.
That's what a bald jew would say, hopint to make others as bald as him.
Post hair, bald jew.
Imagine psyopping yourself out of gains by believing a Jew would be shilling a supplement you can get at Walmart for $10
I smoked a pack of day and am currently 115 years old, therefore cigarettes do not cause cancer.
Can't tell if trolling. Cigarettes obviously cause cancer, and there are multiple landmark research studies proving this. Also, smoking is gross and is terrible for your gains. If you want nicotine, smoking is the stupidest way to get it.
That's very interesting but you still did not post your hairline, bald jew.
Cmone, show us that you are totally not a bald jew trying to get more people as bald as him.
is micronized creatine different than just creatine?
I think it's more soluble and more digestible than normal creatine, therefore you poop less out and you don't need to take as much. The most soluble creatines are alkaline creatine and creatine HCl. Both are more expensive per gram than micronized creatine but I'm pretty sure they're around the same cost per serving.
>you don't need to take as much

How much do you need to take then?
well just about every pro athlete in every sport -including women- supps creatine, and some of them are bald(ing), and some of them have full heads of hair. it’s more likely this is a reflection of a normal distribution of balding genetics than something influenced by creatine.
What does creatine actually do?
energy, a small amount of strength, increases mental cognition and might even work for depression
Constipation from dehydration scares the bawls off me.
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Creatine is a micronutrient found in muscles. It gives your muscles ATP (energy) when you do very brief high-intensity exercises, when oxidative phosphorylation is too slow and glycolysis doesn't provide enough energy. It would be useless for, say, long-distance running. But it's perfect for lifting weights. It's basically a rechargeable battery that depletes very quickly.
So its purpose is to allow you to lift better to get a better stimulus?
For the purposes of lifting, yes, you will be able to work your muscles harder. Bigger stimulus, more good damage to your muscles, more gains. I added a a rep or two for each of my lifts per set (aiming for 3 sets of 5). The other anon is also correct that creatine improves your cognitive ability if you're deficient in it, like vegetarians and elderly people who eat poorly.

>what if I don't like supplements
Just eat more meat, which is the best source of creatine.
Except the c4 stuff has a completely different texture. The c4 stuff is light, fluffy powder like cornstarch and the ON stuff is like sand consistency.

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