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What does my Costco trip say about me ($120)?
That you eat a lot of shit sitting in plastic. Even your apples are there sitting in plastic.
Are you my aunt?
that's how things are packages in the modern era, gramps
>protein bars
>making stir fry with ground beef
You're white and deeply homosexual
The only solace that anon can take in this is that it will be the minimal amount of plastic in his food given that he won't be heating any of the plastic up
should still go to farmers markets though
Based shopping trip. Anons ITT giving you shit are pansyass nerds
Yeah, but you don't need to buy shit that's been sitting in a plastic stew under a heatlamp. Have at least some self-respect.
The chicken's been sitting in high heat and plastic for hours. It is practically cooked in microplastics.
>lactaid milk
I know your skin color.
Yeah? So do I. That's not a threat
you are retarded
this should cost 30$ maximum
>No oats, potatoes or peanut butter

It says you're cutting and also don't know about the Kirkland protein bars and whey, or the o.n creatine on sale
You are human, you eat food
Oh you're right, i didn't notice the chicken in the middle, or that it was a pre cooked one
>under a heatlamp
Good thing he literally didn't.
>immediate tribalism
I know your bmi
>bananas unripe
>oil spray
>milk in a motor oil can
>no potatoes
>no year old mountain cheese
>no butter
california transplant
On second glace, could also just be a member of subhuman race.
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>protein bars
>avocado oil
>uber organic free roam chud eggs
buzzword eggs are a scam
based, I can't eat them because my lips throat and inner ears swell up and itch like hell
>greenish bananas
based, though that's unironically a rather small amount I'd say
>6lb of ground round
turbo based
>avocado oil
It's actually a pretty good oil spray
>free range
>certified humane
bet you none of these things are true and youre being hoodwinked
>fuji, not honeycrisp
>protein bars
>88/12 ground beef and no other meat
>precut frozen veg mix where i bet you dislike at least one veggie
>plastic bagged chicken like a third world food stall
>spray oil
depends, post fizeek keto king
>grillos pickles
based. I get some everytime I go, when the have them.
Sounds like not eating shit in plastic has caused YOU autism. Thanks for the warning
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You need more eggs
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not bad bro here's mine from a couple days ago
How much was that?
It's not his anon.
Thanks. Have just woken up. Not quite with it
>diet dr. slop for that aspartame
>junk food cereal, chips, and crackers
only that you suck shit at cooking
>No hotdog
It says you're bad with money
>Diet soda
How bad of protein farts do you have bro holy cow
You eat the same foods everybody else eats, just more of it, and you've been infected by what you read on the Internet and are therefore an idiot incapable of thinking for yourself. Protein bars, greek yogurt, lactose-free milk, avocado oil, and four dozen eggs? Really? At least you can freeze the ground beef I guess.
surviving on grocery items no stealing allowed week 58:
4 gallons of milk ($16)
30 eggs ($26)
1 lb butter ($6)
1 bag of tortilla chips ($5)
rotisserie chickin ($7)
these threads say you're a narcissist
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You have this haircut
>buzzword eggs are a scam
Costco only sells one kind of egg you stupid cuck

Turbo goy
Bruh I wouldn't trust that avocado oil spray
>what does my ah bla bla

how bout you eat all that food before i track you down and rape you to death on facebook live for all your loved ones to witness. consider it a last meal
For one thing, you should just get the 5 dozen box of eggs. Also, a big bottle of olive oil is better than spray can avocado oil. And I avoid the pre-cooked chicken in the (heated) plastic bag for health reasons.
Do you separate the ground beef into 1lb portions and freeze them, or is that just me?
you don't understand nutrition and are possibly female or homosexual, either way you aren't welcome to post here
You’re close to white but still humiliated by the jews, drop the seed oil spray (yes avocado is a seed oil) and the seed oil bars and the microplastic chicken.
I can't believe this is $120 worth of food these days. Thanks a lot Biden
>You don't have a garden
Else your veggies and maybe the eggs would be covered.
>You don't know how to cook
The pan spray is a dead giveaway, as is the precut, preseasoned veggie mix
>You're probably fat and trying to lose weight
The amount of meat and eggs is enough for 2-4 weeks, for a normal person, while the milk and yogurt are enough for 3 days at most, and the veggies and fruits are enough for 7 days max. So unless you're freezing most of that meat, I'm going to assume you're a fatty trying to replace the cookies with meat (not judging, btw, it's an improvement).
Also, the absence of carbs suggests that you're not training for serious strength gains.

Now, I don't take pics of my food (seriously, how gay are you?), but for comparison, my last load of groceries was approx:
1kg of ground beef
200g of kidney beans
200g of white beans
400g of tomatoes (canned bcs of winter, in summer, those'd be from my garden)
The above plus a cabbage andsome onions and garlic from the garden makes enough chili for a week's worth of dinners.
2kg of apples that, with ~20 eggs from my chickens, feed me during work hours
5 kg of skyr and 4l of milk for breakfast (with some coffee that I still had enough of)
400g of rye bread and a jar of hazelnut "jam" (roasted, ground nuts in water) for carbing up before workouts.

That's enough to feed a 90kg, almost-ripped guy for a week and 4 workouts, and keep up steady fat loss of 100-200g / week.
>minimal amount of plastic in his food given that he won't be heating any of the plastic up
>The chicken is practically cooked in microplastics.
This is a myth. Heating food in plastic does not introduce microplastics to the food. They have studied this an microplastics are mostly due to how the plastic is handled e.g. metal fork or spoon on plastic.

The danger with heating food in plastic is that estrogen like and cancer causing chemicals e.g. bpa leech from the plastic into the food.
Those are microplastics cringelord
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cosmic crisp make honeycrisp taste like crabapples
error 404 protein not found
Bisphenol and other plasticizers are chemicals dumbass. Plastic is a polymer. They are not the same thing retard. You'd think you would refrain from opening your mouth if you knew shit about fuck all but here we are.
Wanted to add for anyone else that isn't a totally lost cause with sub 70 iq that microplastics don't get broken down by the body because they're polymers but plasticizers and other chemicals are quickly eliminated from the body provided they don't bind to your dna and cause cancer first.
That you live in Canada, what a ripoff
Not bad except the spay oil cans.
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>They have studied
Apple have zero nutritional value
>but muh fibre
fibre is for lard asses
If it were you wouldn't be seething on an anime website
>Heating food in plastic does not introduce microplastics to the food.
Yes it does.
>microplastics are mostly due to how the plastic is handled e.g. metal fork or spoon on plastic
No, that's just one way microplastics get into our food.
>bpa leech from the plastic into the food
By way of microplastics.

Pedantic retard.
I can tell you are weak and stupid.
I love apples but they are genuinely shitty fruits.
Needs more limes and slop
Plastic doesnt leech into dry foods like apples.

The beef on the left, is a different story. I always transfer it to a glass container as soon as I get home.
it's lactaid milk retard. only the inferior races need that
>ready to eat cooked chem chicken and veggie slop
Fresh veggies/chicken when?
>minced nails/bone/meat from 7 animals in one package
You buy raw meat, try buying something recognizable and in one peace
>spray on mystery oil
Buy evoo and fry on low temps
All in all a lazy faggot.
It's lactose free milk. He's brown.
This isn't 2006 anymore dude
That could easily cost 120 bucks; even 73% lean ground beef is approaching 6 bucks a pound.
Eggs account for about a sixth of the till.
Drop the Grilo pickles and get Kirkland for half the price.
Wow anon I'm looking at that haul and no onions, no trans fats, not even insect protein? Just cool it with the antisemitic remarks, would you?
Very good anon
>The danger with heating food in plastic is that estrogen like and cancer causing chemicals e.g. bpa leech from the plastic into the food
guess what are those called
It's good but not very diverse, you buy prepared vegetables though that's lazy, avocado oil is a meme unless it's cold pressed.
Your cart is healthier than 90% of the people, but where is your kryptonite? Is it the meme protein bars?
Pretty based, Sam's Club is cheaper. I'd skip the beef for chicken though
>120 for all of that

Nigga wtf. No way all of that should've cost 120. It should've been around 80 at best
It says you are single and a boring virgin.
Definitely not Costco

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