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HI am currently jobless and dropped out of college but can't find work in construction or labor. I been job hunting since januray 1st but can't find anything only have 800 dollars left to my name
what state?

also frozen veggies
florida i tried applying on indeed and calling places
You can live well on eggs, potatoes, and milk. Very healthy and cheap. Whatever vegetables and fruits are on sale are your friend. It's gonna be annoying to eat like that but it'll keep you good to go until you can get some money coming in. You can also hit up food banks to fill your panty but it's often gonna be stuff like mac and cheese. Good for survival.
Rice and lentils. Tap water. Prayer.
Food pantry is ace too. Seconded.
Can you get a guard card? Security companies will often hire people without experience if you don't have a criminal history and can pass a drug test. Companies will sometimes help you get a card but you should call them and ask when inquiring about the job.

It will pay the bills until you can get hired somewhere else.

You should look at your states requirements to get food stamps since you may qualify.

Also consider jobs Corp if you are younger. It is a government jobs training program. If you qualify they have campuses where they offer room and board while you learn a trade.
eggs are fuck all expensive right now
Yeah but still relatively cheap.
ok but whats your actual food budget out of that 800

Also consider subscribing to r/scams on reddit. When I was job hunting almost fell victim to some fake jobs scams. If you see a job posting that looks too good to be true do a search on that sub reddit and see if it is one of the common types of job scams dirtbags use to trick desperate people looking for work.

It might not be any better than indeed but I found my job ziprecruiter.

This isn't a healthy food rec but preppers will often have a jar of peanut butter since it is calorie dense. The prices aren't great for someone with only a few dollars but it is easy to store for long periods and lasts a long time https://trueprepper.com/peanut-butter-survival-food/

Good luck on the job hunt I know it is hard out there.
I have a 50% discount at grocerie stores. How, you might ask. It's simple: I steal half the shit I bring home.
Everything's so expensive, I disagree with the prices, I refuse to pay them and at the same time I refuse to having a low quality of life.
Ramen noodles. Not healthy but dirt cheap.


Job Corp link.
How are you for phone service? If you can get on government assistance you can probably qualify for an Obama phone. They aren't great but can help in an emergency. Search on reddit or do a Google search and try to find companies that have the best phone and phone plan for your state.
bulk white rice. bulk pinto beans. canned tuna, chicken quarters. your choice of vegetable, id recommend canned green beans since they last a while and are way cheaper than fresh broccoli. if you can stomach it stewed spinach is perfect. thats literally all you need
rice, beans, pb, and canned fish
I miss when chun li didn't had ronnie coleman legs.
I can't vouch for this since I haven't used it yet but I've heard about an app called too good to go. You can buy heavily discounted food that is about to expire from participating stores.

Margarine and vegetable oil. I know people are going to rant a out how unhealthy they are but they are cheaper than butter and olive oil.

Wallmart often tries to get rid of spices no one has bought. Theyll have a huge pile of them in a bin. I was able to get powered onion, garlic, lemon pepper, and paprika for 1 dollar per plastic container about the size of a salt shaker.

You can fry up some potatoes in oil and spice them up with discount spices.
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Food Bank, social services, food stamps. Don't be a dumbass, don't starve to death in the greatest country on earth.
gunna spam my ex wife with this pic every night until she responds then change my # and block her on all social media
dry beans

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