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no one baked the next thread
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nth for spinning teapots
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Godot is shit for 2D because C++ sdl&co exists, and is ok for 3D because it loads and builds fast
Until you have a large 3d scene, then it not only takes a year to load but it's laggy as shit
>learn python for a few weeks
>it's basically gdscript
>use godot

Is that all iot takes to get started on my own game?
I'm not delusional enough to think I'll make the nest big indie hit, but I just want to get started on projects and make autistic shit
Pretty much. It's really easy to get started on making games, it's when you get to the midpoint that it can turn into a slog.
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Anyone here using LOVE2D?
I did some of the basic tutorials a while back and got sidetracked with life, now I've been working on my own detailed "blueprint" for a game and am ready to start actually prototyping the code and different features for it, but I'm not sure the tutorials I did are particularly applicable to what I'm trying to make.
Is it worth reading up on Lua 5.1, like is there a nice video series/book that would be useful for a noob to get up to speed on making basic games? Something I could use as a reference point for coding instead of shuffling between various beginner-level tutorials?
love2d is cool. There's literally nothing complicated about Lua (maybe coroutines? which you probably wouldn't need). just get started on your project after spending a day or two learning the language.
I'm currently tinkering with it.
Lua is pleasant enough, and there's mounds of example code to learn from. You can find lots of stuff on github and the Love forum.
This is the problem I've had.
Granted, I'm running a potato, but my potato can run steam and HL2 mods, and that shit is notoriously bulky.
It could also be that there's some optimizations I could be doing in Godot, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what they would be
It's just a lazily put-together editor. I'm on a relatively powerful setup (5800x/3070 ti). You have to keep in mind 3D was an afterthought until relatively recently; even then, barely anyone puts it under enough pressure for it to buckle since it's mostly used for game jams or procedurally generated content. That and Juan gets more retarded every time I hear him speak. I still like the engine overall though.
It's got a lot of features I like, and I want to like it, it just seems to derp in the most ridiculous ways.
Anyone have any opinion on Rust's traits vs regular OOP interfaces?
trying to implement regular functions in Unity DOTS, but with dynamic types
how is it going?
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Limited to compile time but zero cost abstractions vs flexible but you pay the tool of checking the real type at runtime. Overall, for 90% of your needs, I don't know why interfaces would be a bad choice.
Think that rust's hateboner towards oop makes it rely on generics too much (typeclasses are just that) which increases compile times a lot. I rather spend my time developing the game in a pleasant language, then spend the extra time optimizing bottlenecks than writing everything in a performant manner.
I don't think I trust the NIm shill's opinion on anything
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I'm a honest impresario, they framed me because they hated the truth.
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My engine is going well
This is why I come to /gedg/
Nice work.
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maybe even too well...
That isn't a /gedg/ project
Anti aliasing is a negative vibes.
Why is it wrong for volume in my sound engine to just be sample * volume? What the fuck is logarithmic?
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what'cha making?
fuck off
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You are welcome.
Inviting yourself en masse into existing communities and making inane off topic posts with the sole intent of spamming tranime pictures is rude.
This place is about to go the way of /agdg/ if we don't keep the troons in check
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>can't ask a fellow yesdev what he's making.
this is literally 1984
fuck off troon
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why don't you interact with progress posters instead of being a bitchy cunt?
No wonder people don't bother posting progress...
fuck off
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let's fuck on
Shut up and post progress.
/gedg/ is not the progress general. it's a general to dab on OOP and ECS.
As God intended.
I don't understand the difference anymore.
one is good and the other is bad
wrong. is good and is bad
interfaces allow to erase types, but generics always generate code bloat for every instantiation, worse if you have nested generics types, that's 2x bloat.
code bloat may thrash cpu instruction cache so it's not always better to implement everyhing as generics
looks good anon, nice aesthetic
It's something he found on twitter
I've been working on this, it's a top-down shooter written in C, but now i need a way to make a map faster, the only way i can do it now is by writing every single barrier like this:
spawn WORLD
barrier 528 254 914 164
barrier 914 164 1158 222
barrier 1158 222 1188 480
barrier 1188 480 892 320
barrier 892 320 914 543
barrier 914 543 871 720
barrier 871 720 1061 747
barrier 1061 747 1228 734
barrier 1228 734 1245 930
barrier 1245 930 1010 1036
barrier 1010 1036 602 1024
barrier 602 1024 456 963
barrier 456 963 505 609
barrier 505 609 458 332
barrier 458 332 528 254

barrier 608 764 558 764
barrier 558 764 558 714
barrier 608 764 558 714

spawn PLAYER
position 530 300

spawn ZOMBIE
position 530 430

There's any tool that can export line points so i can convert them into these barrier shit?
Illustrator can export to SVG, which is basically just XML (Inkscape can hopefully do this too). Alternately, just implement a basic editor in your engine so you can click in the world to add points; not that hard.
I had a similar problem where I loaded the Utah teapot into a vertex shader before I had model loading sorted.
You could hack together something in Python pretty quick.
main :: IO ()
main = readFile "teapot.data" >>= write_files

write_files :: String -> IO ()
write_files in_string = do
let vertices = parse_words "" . drop 1 $ words in_string
writeFile "teapot.vert" vertices

parse_words :: String -> [String] -> String
parse_words vertices [] = vertices
parse_words vertices strings = parse_words (vertices ++ lineify (take 6 strings)) (drop 6 strings)

lineify :: [String] -> String
lineify [v1, v2, v3, n1, n2, n3] = "{{" ++ v1 ++ "f, " ++ v2 ++ "f, " ++ v3 ++ "f}, {"
++ n1 ++ "f, " ++ n2 ++ "f, " ++ n3 ++ "f}},\n"
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I can now add angled surfaces and I've spent some time fixing bugs of the "if you touch this button under certain circumstances, program crashes"
Next order of business is a color sampling, painting and Y-rotation tools. The last one is, apparently, the most used operation I do.
Cool. Looks like fun.
Are you making all the GUI elements manually? I've been debating whether to do that vs using Imgui/Raygui
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Many happy bugs in a simple renderer.
In games with large worlds that get partitioned, are the partitions stored on disk and then loaded at runtime when they become active?
Or is the main point of partitioning not to save RAM but to have a thinner slice of entities to loop through in the main game loop?
I think this is a really complex question. Recent AAA games have removed the loading screen in really clever ways, and the game studios don't really elaborate on their methods.
The partitions are loaded from disk, onto cpu ram, and then onto the gpu ram. However more than one partition will be loaded at once, and I believe that is really the key to getting rid of the loading screen.
Open world games can't load everything at once so it streams it off disk as you play
Didn't know we had Haskell chads here
Thanks anons, I thought about it out loud and realized how dumb of a question it is given all the OG large world games like TES have obvious loading screens, probably just done on a different thread now.
Just discovered that C++23 has a #embed preprocessor directive. It will be very useful.
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don't hate the player, hate the game.
look up how BSP works

bethsoft games are weird, the loading screens exist to cover up the fact that doors are actually teleporters and when you enter buildings you are actually being warped to the interior cell that exists somewhere in the overworld. in a sense, every area is always loaded all the time but its geometry is culled until you enter it. you warping, the culling of the overworld, and the rendering of the interior cell's geometry is all the loading screen hides. it's not actually loading anything at all.
That's interesting, thanks anon!
>the loading screens exist to cover up the fact that doors are actually teleporters
I assumed as much for doors like hatches and stuff that load when you go in. I struggle with how to do this in my game, not the teleporting bit but whether to use teleporting in the first place or actually make the world's geometry accurate.
>in a sense, every area is always loaded all the time but its geometry is culled until you enter it
This is what I want to understand. I have a really simple game loop; I have a big vector of entities that I iterate over. Entities have a Relevant field, which if true calls the draw function on it and renders it. My concern is, if all these environmental objects like trees/rocks/terrain are in that list, won't I end up with an absurd number of entities at some point? Or am I overthinking it?
I guess I could figure out some way to chunk all the static geometry into bigger entities to take up less iteration time. But for occlusion culling I'd like to iterate over the individual meshes.. I guess I could still do that inside each chunk though. Hmm I feel kinda stupid rn.
This is fascinating. Almost comical that entering a building sends you to the other side of the map.
Reminds me of the Team Fortess 2 maps. The out of bounds landscape, was an upscaled projection of a tiny miniature set that just hiding outside the playable map.
>and the game studios don't really elaborate on their methods.
what the fuck? chunk partitioning and loading is a solved issue with tons of ways to implement it, it's literally an infinite quadtree/octree with LODs, the hardest part about it is choosing between having a dedicated IO thread or loading files asynchronously with async primitives, it's language/engine dependant more than anything else. Most modern engines have async file loading out of the box.
if you're doing a randomly generated map you could just path some vectors together or merge shapes to get an outline. shouldnt be too hard to conditionalize the construction. idk?

or just program a level editor? should not be that hard desu.

beautiful render
Is there any reason to not use an IO thread and use the language's/a library's async primitive? I can technically choose either but I feel more comfortable just using OS threads.
What do you think loading means? If there are assets inside not resident in memory before you enter I'll call that loading.
>loading big worlds without loading screens
Planetside 2 did it, and some times with hundreds of players at once, in their golden times, that is
That reminds me of dark souls, where the map being loaded is purely based off of what collision you're in contact with, so e.g. when it's playing a cutscene, it just warps the player to some invisible platform which enables all of the cutscene assets.
And then in sekiro, you can just jump through some missing collision and fall into a boss fight stored far below the map.
It sounds like you're trying to reinvent the wheel, by linking frustrum culling and map partitioning together. The culling will remove vertices outside of your projected view. This is a GPU optimization, and I think your on the right track chunking your map into partitions. This will be necessary so that your game can have more entities than the host hardware can process at one time. Another consideration is instancing, so you can draw 100 rocks and 100 trees from 10 different entities, with very little overhead.
>100 rocks and 100 trees from 10 different entities, with very little overhead.
planetside was notorious for re-using assets this way:
at least that's what I think was happening, everything seemed built off the same assets, everywhere
Yeah I'm more worried about CPU optimization right now. I'm gonna use instancing for static geometry, so e.g. trees/rocks will be batched together anyways. Maybe I can just group them together in a single entity or something.
I've done them manually - including drawing of the icons. My only dependencies are Vulkan, SDL and OS runtime.
That's some intense determination. Kudos.
async is simple and easier to write code with, multithreading requires you to write multithread code with all the syncing and message passing shenanigans.
triple A use IO threads because they're using multithreading anyway for audio, AI, animations, other stuff...
in spiderman gdc talk they had a very complicated cutscene streaming mechanism where data is stored in a way that respects the physical disk reading mechanism to avoid any lagging. it's less of an issue in SSDs.
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I got a neat render afterwards, I'm going to post because I believe it is kino.
Batching and instancing are different things.
What's the difference? For me doing something like mesh instancing just means drawing all the meshes in the same draw call (batching).
Instancing is drawing the same mesh several times, and you have vertex attributes than are per-instance.
Ohh I see, in that case what I have is instancing.
I like your camera work as well
Instancing is as >>102365249 describes, and is a free performance boost.
Batching involves joining meshes together that have compatible materials, which is not always good for performance (and, I especially feel that dynamic batching is not worth it in any regular case).
Gotcha. My level editor is gearing towards being brush-based a la trenchboom/hammer, so I'm gonna have to probably figure out batching since most of the individual terrain/architecture meshes are unique. Should be free for meshes like trees and all that.
For gamedev, you should probably stick to threads. 'Green threads' were invented to scale to one million connections. Threads are limited in number, and if one hangs up it could affect the performance on the whole system. Green threads or async is implemented in usercode, usually there is a n:m relation of threads:processes/green threads.
I have read some arguments on using them for handling AI or dialogue scripts, maybe that works. But say you are thinking about improving the performance of your pathfinding. You are probably better off using threads directly. Asyn usually introduces additional code and wraps everything intro a glorified state machine structure, so I assume that will impact the performance in favor of throughput.
It's confusing how there's about 20 different terms for multithreading and they all mean different things
Thank you, I also thought along these lines.
Isn't it kind of the opposite? Unless you're multithreading actual game code, it should be relatively simple to spawn another thread for loading chunks or computing some algorithm like for pathfinding and checking if it's done periodically.
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I don't believe you.
>Unless you're multithreading actual game code
You're multithreading your levels, it a hairy subject, because a level isn't just static geometry, it has entities, effects, and all kind of things.
Consider the case of static geometry, let's simplify the map to a quadtree, how are you even locking it for multithread? lock the whole tree and you just turned your multithreaded application to a single threaded one, so you have multiple locks for each chunk. now the same can happen for entities that require initialisation and updating. The workaround is to always copy anything newly loaded, memory speed will always beat disk speed, but you still need to take into account the copying itself and the increase of memory usage.
Async is just a fire and forget function like any other normal function call, the implementation takes care of everything for you. So it's also a difference in level of control. With multithreading you can have exactly 1 thread per CPU core, and you can control the core affinity so a thread will always run on a specific core without contention with other threads.
So it's really a tradeoff of control and complexity. Not to mention, multithreading is hard to get right, and you get schrodingers bugs that only show up once in a blue moon, fun times.
Mutex, Semaphore, Condition variable, Atomic operation, busy spinning vs signals, job systems and stealing policies, shit you have to only use from the main thread or all hell breaks loose...
How the fuck do you know what to chose and when?
this remind of a fmv camera pan. good work
Rust traits support dynamic dispatch, so I don't know what you mean by limited to compile time and relying on generics too much. You probably don't know what you're talking about
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Nothing like whipping up a console on a friday (totally didn't give up on tile collisions and decided to focus on something else kek).
Looks really comfy. I'm making my game in Lisp so the REPL ended up being the console, almost wish I had an excuse to add a game one lol..
not even stb for image decoding? you doing signed distance fields for font rendering?
this is an uneducated response and you should feel bad.
maybe he's using SDL2_ttf
the problem here is that usually console commands are connected to how you script the game, or connected to game configuration.
If your game was scripted in lua, you would use lua to parse the commands (probably with a prefix).
or you store the game settings in a file and that file shares the same syntax as the commands in the console.
you seem to be mixing those 2 things together.
I assume you are using C++, which by the way I highly suggest you to port your game to emscripten then upload the demo using github pages.
And if you want to be able to modify your entities arbitrarily, I suggest looking into reflection, because there are 2 things you can do with it.
You can expose all your C++ data in a gui or command system. So instead of "select entity" + "teleport", you could just "debug click" on the entity (or select a entity from a global list), it opens a floating GUI window, that window lists all the properties, and if you are fancy you could make the position easy to teleport with (but I like your approach because you can bind teleport to a key, like quake).
If you are using unity, I think C# supports reflection.
If you are using C++, and cmake, I suggest replacing your code with flatbuffers, it's terrible BTW. (DONT READ IF C#).
Everything that has reflection would be a flatbuffer struct and you would need to add an external "context" / "prettifier" structure so that you can tell which variables cannot be serialized, make the GUI treat translations differently so it has a button for teleport, and etc.
This example shows how, but I don't like the idea of using flatbuffer attributes, even if it's attractive, I think mini reflection + manually defining rules externally is better (it could be a json file or something).
It's super awkward to use, but the alternative is to use macros.
*well the 2 things you can do with reflection was lua + debug menu.
And I also forgot serialization for save files.
multithreading is a complex topic and warrants the terminology overflow, that's the reality of it.
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The console system works mostly in isolation from rest of the game, and would be very very easy and fast to install into any other game/project, though its rendering bits probably would have to be rewritten to match whatever the other game/project uses. The reason I didn't go with GUI is because its there to just help me do stuff quickly, not for the end user to actually use (except if they want to muck around). Being text driven allows me to do exactly "the quake binds", or even execute script files (haha automated testing go brrrr).. or even do that horrible quake/goldsrc hack of "this game entity actually just executes console commands".
Pic is how new commands are defined into the console, and I can check the console class for the selected entity/tile which is the only bit that makes it depend on specifically this game' code. The actual command name is copied from the function name, the ConsoleCommand attribute is used to insert a description for the command (+ optionally define a category which is how the render. or entity. commands are categorized), prettify is there to clean up a parameter if it has "bad human readable" on the code side for whatever reason. All loaded assemblies are reflected upon start, so it in theory should support mod assemblies introducing more commands.
And yeah I'm using C# with Raylib_cslo here, I've written game engines before in c++/sdl2 and I thought I'd switch things up a bit because I want to actually make a game someday, not waste time writing boilerplate lol

No idea where you got the idea of me mixing a save system with a console system there though, I have zero save functionality at the moment. Even then I wouldn't be feeding the (de)serialized save data or settings data into the console's ProcessCommand function.
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You must be a child.
Adults read book. Try that when you get older.
>POSIX standard
>video games
lol, lmao even
Well. Just in case it isn't clear I should probably expand on why flatbuffers is awful (I actually don't use it myself but I spent time dwelling on it, I am now running through the actual problems for my own purpose).
1. It's generated C++, cmake helps with automatically generating the files.
2. It's primarily for serialization, so when you allocate an reflected object, it gets pushed onto a place in memory in the flatbuffer API, so you can't delete it, but you can reuse the object if you put the deleted object into a list (easy: store pointer in vector, annoying: single linked list, each type needs a separate recycling list).
3. But since you want to add functions to your objects (behaviors, like naive render/logic/etc), you can't use polymorphism, and virtual functions could work but you are essentially making a class, with a reference to the flatbuffer struct, which just feels terrible when you think about the performance (you probably use std::unique_ptr or new/delete, which only allocates a vtable pointer and a pointer to the flatbuffer struct), so the correct choice is to use the C style vtable, where you have a struct of function pointers (not much different than C++ polymorphism, and you share the same struct of functions for all the objects with the same type) but you need to use void* (the pointer to the flatbuffer struct).
Also every member in the class now needs to use get_x() or set_x(1) because of the possibility of little endian CPU's (on x86, arm, RISC-V all use big endian so there is no conversion compared to using a normal struct, at least after optimizations).
What I mean by the save is how quake has .cfg file, and the cfg file is the same as the console commands, and you can change settings in the console using the same syntax, but that's not the main benefit of the console, the main benefit of the console for quake was the ability to quickly load a mission instantly (through the program arguments or .cfg file?).
boost::pfr is pretty good, needs modern C++ and only works on a subset of structs, but it doesn't need external tools and looks like way less of a hack (and is a standalone dependency)
My game currently uses it for its renderer, all the OpenGL boilerplate is automatically generated, including stuff for shader I/O and render targets
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You got me. I forgor :P Haven't touched that code since march.
I also use truetype for fonts and stb for png support. I will also need something for audio mixing and something for network - I'm not _that_ ambitious. But UI, linear algebra, game specific data formats, scene and resource management - I all do on my own.

I am considering ditching stb, as it is very heavy code wise and I am only using png. Decoder for that does not seem to be that hard to make.

Anyhow - I moved the brick placement buttons to the tools menu.
>I am considering ditching stb, as it is very heavy code wise and I am only using png. Decoder for that does not seem to be that hard to make.
I'm considering doing the opposite lol. Maintaining it is such a hassle.
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Progress on the object tool. I need to rework the way objects rotate. Right now they rotate from their origin but it cause some weirdness when picked up not on the origin. Also it doesn't move the objects on top of a moved object.
>warrants the terminology overflow
You say this but most of the terms seem to describe abstraction built ontop of threads yet people act like they're threading fundamentals
Did you just write an entire story telling this guy how to make his game based on a single sentence
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Anybody here actually work in the games industry?
I made two edutainment games for a nuclear power plant (for the worker training), does that count?
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Given the screen's coordinate, how do you determine where the point is on an isometric map with elevation and slopes like this?
if you have the stomach for it look into spatial transforms. fuck, that's just going to pull up AI garbage. this stuff:
find the column of tiles, iterate through them from bottom to top and check their heights vs the cursor position
If your game supports arbitrary overlapping tiles, then you basically do raycasting.
However, in the example you posted, it’s probably just a 2D tile map that looks isometric, so you can work out exactly what tile you are on, then work out the height from that.
look at how fucking clean this API is.

dynamically loaded functions for dynamically loaded libraries from other dynamic libraries at runtime, with options for statically built versions, all in pure C.

frameworkdev > enginedev
i feel more accomplished than any vulkan renderer has ever made me feel
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> guy just discovered typedef function pointer's
> loses all over it
Any decent game programmer knows this stuff. Next you will find memory arena and think of it as something new.
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multithreading interface
im learning and building, not bragging.
> frameworkdev > enginedev
totally learning not passing judgement
>frameworkdev > enginedev
what does that even mean?
true but the point i was trying to get across is that i am having a lot more fun learning about handling function addresses and i feel very accomplished about it, moreso than I would feel doing the gamedev equivalent of building a PC aka writing a vulkan/openGL wrapper
Oh I totally agree with you on that part. writing a vulkan/opengl/direct3d wrapper is the least interesting part of game dev. 100%
>add physics library so I don't have to do my own collision detection
>realize I need to do it anyway because I need triggers the players can walk through
Fuck me, that's 3 days wasted.

I once applied to a studio in my city. They made these shitty pay or wait browser games and I played a ton of them in preperation. They never replied, but a coworker used to work with them and told me how things worked there. Horrible place to work apperently, like most of the game industry really.

You write a helper function that converts your coordinates, based on the angle of each axis. Dust of your highschool geometry book I guess.
All roads lead to writing you're own physics engine.
My goodness look a that hideous Crap.
looks neat, can you show more code?
here's the backend.

the framework loads the library, then retrieves the correct function for each address.
Physics engines can support triggers.
and lead to dropping your own and trying out bindings until one works in your game
pretty good, you even have a default behaviour and error detection, do you support hotcode reloading too?
I want to try that. Is it common lisp? Do you use that library which that tranny made a kind of metroidvania with?
>that library which that tranny made a kind of metroidvania with
which one?
What physics engine? I'm surprised you couldn't set up invisible triggers.
He can, he just didn't know how so like a fool he gave up
I don't use Trial, don't really trust it. I'm making my own using :claw-raylib, working well so far, just make sure you're ok dealing with cffi for the initial groundwork/wrapping. The other raylib library is easier to set up but is not as performant due to a bug in the library it uses sucking at passing structs by value (which to be fair is only done in a few places). Are you familiar with CL already?
Cannon, but the es-wasm version, with my own abstraction on top. That's where it the issue was, so I just had to rewrite that, or I'll just live with some code duplication.
Look at DoomBuilder or SLADE. They are literally made for this. Check out the Doom UDMF map format. You could convert linedefs to barriers trivially, as the UDMF map format is human-readable.
What's your opinion on binary vs textual data representation, for example, for serialization purposes? Is it worth the space savings of binary in exchange of the impediment of editing the data?
if its a small amount of data or it needs frequent tweaking: textual.
if its a large amount or it needs to be transmitted across the network: binary.
>I am considering ditching stb
Is this is just a little editor that only needs a few icons? If that is so, then .xpm would be very appropriate; loading is just #include.
Im considering your mom
I can't edit these with paint.net and STB is a header only as well. But I can roll my own BMP support and zip them for extra nerd cred.
A JSON file is going to be much larger than a binary file, especially if you're doing named data members, which, if you want it as readable text, you're probably going to do. 10-20x as large, or more. If it's a relatively small file anyways, it's fine. Otherwise, stick to binary unless you specifically need to troubleshoot/diagnose it.
what data structure do they use for those space games with fuck huge map sizes? Is it just a chunk in a chunk in a chunk world type of thing?
What kind of space game?
mix of base building and rts
sparse octrees? space is 99% empty.
Name an example.
You mean like starcraft?
That is not what comes to mind as fuck huge map.
Only a little bit. I made a few simple scripts with it. I'm moderately familiar with elisp. I've messed around with raylib. I might be better off just making a game in C++ though, which I'm very familiar with.
>I might be better off just making a game in C++ though, which I'm very familiar with.
Most likely. Try it anyways if you have any interest, it's surprisingly fun. Recompiling core game logic on the fly feels like cheating.
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haha codebase starting to become a mess... I will NOT start over again...
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I’m going to make my own cod game, with blackjack, and hookers. And Vulkan. Aiming for graphical fidelity around BO2, which is good because it grounds my desire to do over the top stuff. Don't know yet if I’ll use forward(+?) or deferred. Performance is a priority. The exception being that I want to use some kind of realtime GI because I don’t want to deal with lightmap baking unless it’s ridiculously easier to implement. For UI hopefully I can get away with using something like nuklear. I want to avoid doing my own UI at all costs at least for the initial prototype. Maps will be made out of modular pieces, that is if I cannot easily import bo2 maps. For now I only want nuketown. As for guns I will make my own. I plan on learning hard surface gun modeling by loosely tracing existing cod (and maybe Destiny) weapons in Blender. They certainly won’t look detailed but they be satisfying. I anticipate the hardest part will be animation, and not just the technical side. I want to avoid creating 3rd person animations at all costs. If I really have to I suppose I can use Cascadeur to do the heavy lifting. I don’t mind doing first person animations in fact I look forward to it. I have an idea for an application tailored to making first person animations but it’s hard to say whether that or the game will come first. I don’t care about genuine assets because I don’t plan on releasing an actual game. It’s just a project to propel my desired fps engine. If I can make something that me and my friends or anons can enjoy than great. Initial game modes will be team deathmatch, domination, hardpoint, and capture the flag. Hitscan bullets instead of physics projectiles. The exception of course being grenades and rockets.
where have I seen this copypasta
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when do i start enjoying coding?
It can certainly be a tedious slog.
For me, the payoff is seeing something actually work.
You either born with a soul or you aren't. You weren't.
The stuff I get recommended on my front page
I just wrote an anti-anti-anti-debug library that detects and removes user-mode hooks commonly used by debugger-hiding plugins like ScyllaHide and so on. It was pretty fun writing it, and I learned a lot from the process.
You start enjoying coding when you start doing cool shit.
you don't?
apple tree.
What lang?
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Core features are implemented, but some polish is required for the general ease of use and UX. Which is what I intend to do in the next week or so. At the same time, I'm thinking over the compilation stage between this brick-based model and a usable 3d mesh.
wtf if unbound?
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Wtf are you me?
Have you learned how to enjoy your own suffering yet?
I don't think he's read enough Dostoyevsky yet.
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When you stop worrying about optimization (or following rote guides and algorithms on coding) and start testing the limits of mathematical expression instead.
Not at the moment but I've worked in it for 4 years over as many jobs. It's as bad as they say.
I thought the thread would be more active in the weekends, but it's fucking dead.
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I fixed the orthographic projection.
Good. Now it's time for an orthopaedic inspection.
gosh i need some progress so i can post here
I'm working with SDL2 on windows and I can't seem to load png files (the code compiles and runs but the sprite doesn't appear). I'm following the "remaking cavestory in SDL2 tutorial," so it might be a version issue, can anyone tell me if "SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface" and using SDL_RenderPresent is proper? Am I missing a dll file? Anyone run into this issue before?
ngmi just use unreal/unity/godot, chad++ isn't for you
Switching around when things get a little bumpy is the mark of eventual failure, anon. I'd like to keep at it with this.
SDL has error codes and error messages, start there
this guy is such a gem
it's rare to find actual help with graphics rendering, and apparently PoE 2 went from directX 9 to directX 11 to Vulkan, so fo you Vulkan nerds you made the correct choice.
lol, lmao even.
Do I need to start using quadtrees or is there a simpler way to check for collision/overlap in my game loop than the dumb n^2 way?
grids are simpler
a simple grid, aka array of arrays/vectors, any entity registers itself to a cell based on its position, collision checking is simply checking the neighbouring cells. cell size should be big enough to fully contain an entity, bigger entities can end up on their own simple list because there's few of them anyway.
a somewhat simpler way is bruteforcing it on a sorted array (based on the most relevant axis) so you can early out, the rest is a simple binary search.
Thanks, that could work.
i forgot that you can optimize bruteforcing even further by ignoring duplicate checks (A vs B is the same as B vs A, that's why you sort), you can also pack your rectangle data tighter, for small space you can fit the position and size in a single integer, or drop the size all together if every entity has the same size. the compiler will autovectorize the whole thing, and cache will take care of the rest. it's so fast and can handle a high number of entity it'll make you feel stupid that you underestimated the cpu.
don't forget that bruteforcing is always faster on a small number anyway.
Yeah I can bring it down to N^2/2, that'll probably work until like 1000 entities or something.
You shouldn't try to brute force n^2 algorithms
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I hate all the artsy fartsy games about mental illness and depression and shit. Why can't we have games about becoming so powerful, you overcome anything and everything.

I want to make a survival horror game where the protagonist start as a normal guy in silent hill type setup but as time goes on instead of being a weak loser the guy would becomes increasingly unhinged by the monsters he sees and eventually becomes a badass who kills monsters with his bare hands. 90% of the game would be survival horror but it would slowly transition to an action game.

The music too would shift from spoopy background music to slow menacing, powerful drumbeats by the end, to signify that the protagonist has become the Chad he always was, and to signify that the monsters are the weak prey now.

In the end the guy wakes up from a coma with a cocky smile on his face

Yes it's just a powerfantasy but there's nothing wrong with that. It's a lot better than having selfpity fantasies like a lot of indie games about mental health of whatever fruitcake shit.

I'm actually an embedded dev, i don't know game dev and i can't do art
Now ask him why his game runs like shit
>In the end the guy wakes up from a coma
No. Just no.
works on my machine
Ok we can remove that part. What about it being a delusion or a dream?
Why? Just have it be real - if you want to do some follow up game without the monsters, just have it be that he completely destroys them.
Go back to school and learn about big O
A linear increase in speed from SIMD doesn't mean shit to an exponentially scaling algorithm
>big O
When you become a big boy and you program a real game you'll discover how important it is
My entity list is just an array of pointers to the entity objects. I'm curious, how much of a speed increase would switching to a contiguous array of the data itself yield? Wouldn't be possible and I'd have to re-do the whole thing but I'd like to know how much worse off I am.
depends on the size of the entity in memory
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If you game doesn't run in a minipc, it's bloated. Your opinions on garbage collection, objects, languages, engines, frameworks, they are all irrelevant. This is the true benchmark. Anything else is cheating.
that looks better than my current laptop
So, you just reinvented COM?
Depends. For a simple AABB there are simpler way to do it.
That is strongly dependent on the size of the task size and constant before the O. If you have - I dunno - 10 boxes to collide against - then it probably does not matter what the complexity is. But for 20k objects to collide - obviously it matters.
depends on the size of the map.
I personally never reached the point where I needed to fix the naive code because I could spawn 1000 entities and it would still run at 60fps on a 2008 CPU, and I was doing networking so I could barely handle 100 entities moving due to my naive networking code.
How do you deal with overscoping?
organize your scope on a scale of most important to least important and work on most important first
by having specific goals and pillars for your design.
content overscoping is impossible to recover from, just accept the fact that you can't have tons of art/music/assets, or at least make a finished product that you can add stuff to later.
game mechanics overscoping is actually the easiest to deal with, simply cutdown mechanics until you have something solid, less = more, nobody cares about having tons of shallow systems, it's just leads to more buggy code to maintain instead making the people have more fun. a focused design with tight and few mechanics will always beat the kitchensink of a game.
by embracing it.
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what the fuck is this monstrosity
lold hard enjoy your first job when you are out of school in 5 years
Explain as to a small child: why some things in the game code cannot be ideally multithreaded across all cores, resulting in a multiple increase in FPS depending on their count?
most operations depend on the result of another
it's hard and requires extra IQ points
you can't abstract it for shitware devs either
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Godot problem with using signal for area2d.

Can anyone explain to me why the print function, which has been copy pasted 3 times in this function, cause errors of the variable being "null" for the first two instances, but not for the third. This variable is declared earlier in the code in a function that turns the area2d's monitoring on, so I don't understand how it could ever perceived it as null, let alone only for the first half of the function.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've been bashing my head against the wall for the past 2 days trying to figure out why its doing this.
How the hell do you manage to record your progress like this?
Every damn OBS setting I've used produces 25fps garbage.
Any suggestions?
>Inb4 upgrade.
Yeah, like 16 cores of goodness and and RTX 4090 with 64 gigs of RAM ain't enough for this piece of shit.
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Every frame is built of interlocking systems which, in turn, rely on hard to parallelize algorithms, often of the deep & branch kind. Which is why most of parallelization in modern games comes from either trivially parallelizable algorithms ( like shadow volume calculations ) or pertain to a specific kind of games - namely - massive simulations - and even there it is hard to scale past six or so cores.

On an unrelated note. It turned out my issues with font rendering were due to enabling depth-write on the font render pass.
Probably some weird scope issue. You should declare placeholder somewhere else and see if the issue disappears.
I'm using a state machine and the variable is declared in the enter function, so I don't really know where else I would do it. I have tried making a new function with the explicit role of declaring the placeholder variable and calling it from the enter function and the same thing happens. Also, I didn't mention this before, but if I change the if statement then it can cause the third print function to not work either...
Although, there is still some fuckery with kerning - as the 'Move' is all wrong. Sigh, back to reading the docs.
Is there a way to define the default version of c++ for visual studio??? Every time I start a new project it's set to c++14
Used a number of years ago, although I don't think it's changed hugely. Since it's a framework rather than an engine you need to look after a lot yourself, so I never got very far using it. I've tried using defold recently which allows you to script in lua whilst handling a lot more for you, and also has some good tutorials. Depends what you want to get out of it, ultimately.
Am I correct in my belief that it is absolutely possible to parallelize the rendering engine multiple times over at least 16 cores, unlike game logic?
In Vulkan you can compose multiple command buffers in a separate thread, but whether frustum culling, occlusion or resource loading can be parallelized it is entirely up to your engine.

Once command buffers are submitted - it is all GPU side and from the perspective of the game - it is a serial operation. I _think_ that several frames in flight might be doable on separate cores but that is probably messy.

Look at it this way - if there was a trivial way to parallelize games, people who get paid to write engines would already be all over it.
When you use the default template to create a project it uses the default settings, go figure. If you want custom settings then make a custom template and use that to create a project. I will refrain from berating you for even complaining about having to customize the most simplest settings for your project.
Almost all of the actual work done in a renderer is already parallelized on the GPU. And, finding ways to move parts of the renderer to the GPU is often better than multithreading it on the CPU
Do people use their GPU for physics?
What about compute shaders?
PhysX used to work like this, don't know why they stopped but I'm guessing it wasn't worth
only for simple particle physics. you'd be insane to do anything further
do you think people do fluid dynamic sims on cpu?
I started working on an engine in Haskell, but it has been on hiatus for a while now after I got a triangle on the screen and wanted to start on sound. My triangle used GLFW, Vulkan and Reactive-Banana. I wanted to start again last weekend, but I still have other stuff to work on.
looks like gedg is still a pedogeneral, no thanks
Based but skip the coma/dream part, would play.
fluid sims are particle sims
ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -vf format=yuv420p -an -b:v 1M -fs 3M -pass 1 -f null /dev/null && \
ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -vf format=yuv420p -an -b:v 1M -fs 3M -pass 2 -y output.webm

And I also capture via ffmpeg

what in the actual unholy fuck is this abomination?
Setting a struct field to a constant.

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