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old >>102326719
What can I use to redirect links on 4chan? Either on the page or when clicking on them, whichever is easier desu

I tried to set up a redirect with the Redirect extension, but it's only working when I manually paste the link in the URL bar.
can you really not factory reset an ipad without having the apple id login?

>inb4 give it back jamal
Is the Intel Arc A770 a good card yet?
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Can anyone help me to decode this micro QR code?
Not a single QR scanner recognize it, after reading wiki page on QR encoding I think it is valid QR code, but nowhere I can find info on how to decode 11x11 size (minimum size for micro QR)
I scanned this and my phone (I used my work phone) loaded a terminal of some kind and thousands of lines of code flashed and the phone shut off and won't turn back on. Now I have to explain to IT wtf happened you faggot
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>he scanned?
>I'm in
>question general #383728937493 where no one answers any questions
Poojeet coding at it's finest
What security risks exist when I join a Matrix homeserver? Can the owner/operator see private info like my IP or OS? What if the homeserver isn't on matrix.org but elsewhere?
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bros, is there any video streaming service that is easy to rip videos from? Any tools?
What would you need to keep a phone and laptop powered forever?
OpenRGB suddenly stopped working. Reinstalling it did nothing. My PC is in my bedroom and I want my RGB ram to be off when I sleep. What do I do?
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What is the point of this monkeyfucking command in 2024?
My Samsung 870 EVO 2TB SSD from 2021 seems to be well and truly fucked and I can't seem to erase data from it no matter what I try.
You can read the data with Linux tools, but I cannot erase it.

Everything I've tried so far:

>Windows Recovery Environments / Hiren's Boot CD

clean, delete disk, delete partition fails
Aomei partition assistant

>Linux - Parted Magic 2016 / Ubuntu 24.04
dd /
16+ hour write-zero operations did nothing
cannot read SMART status
can't erase partitions
hdparm can't ATA secure erase or write firmware from file


to try rebooting build sector

Fucking everything I try just throws an I/O error back.

Any suggestions?
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I've read that this is what SSD's do when they die, they become read-only. Retrieve everything off of it as soon as possible. It's dead, Jim.
Found something called Scoop, want to install it but has this line of code
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://get.scoop.sh | Invoke-Expression

What are the actual dangers from using that line of code in the future? Help a retarded anon please...
Low level questions.

I started assembly and it's much less intuitive than high level programming.

What is the stack and how is it different than a normal memory register? Why are there only a few general purpose registers to put data? How does the computer run so many programs if it only has a few tiny 64 bit registers?

Why do I need to push anything to the stack, what's the purpose of that.

Why can't you declare variable types, only the size being allocated. How does the computer know the variable type. Are there even variables or are you just pushing bits around at this point.

Why do I need to import libraries like kernal32. If those are literally OS functions why aren't they recognized by the assembler and linker without including the library?

Why do I need to use windows functions to write to the console. Shouldn't there be a way to do it without calling kernel32 functions?

What does db actually do, does it just literally insert a byte right there? And how does that help me at all?

Assembly seems real different from normal programming.

What the hell is assembly even doing, it's literally moving physical data between various memory registers? What even is the data, how does it store it, electricity?

There's no way that all programs on a computer actually get run like this. Assembly seems so limited to me and reliant on libraries how tf do you make anything like this.

Why is mov command backwards in most assembly languages. Shouldn't the first argument be what I'm moving and second be the destination. Wtf lol.
>actual dangers from using that line of code in the future?
you mean after you execute Set-ExecutionPolicy?
no Idea but never had any issues with scoop, can't imagine going back to regular way of managing your software

you can ask chatGPT every question you have listed and ask it to make answer short, you will have much higher chance of learning something than asking it here
I wish, but Samsung RMA will want an intact drive.

I can send them off for replacement soon-as.

Yeah, that seems to truly be the case.
Well, I tried. I can only hope Samsung Hanaro has specialist equipment to wipe the memory cells.
If I take psychedelics and I put porno in VR what are the chances of me cumming without using my hand?
How do I convert animated webp into webm without using annoying online converters that only do one a day for free?
This site appears to do it without limits.

I frequently use ezgif to make GIFs out of video clips for sharing in Discord.

I explored using tools like WebM for Lazys or ffmpeg directly, but ffmpeg apparently can't decode webp.

imagemagick or graphicsmagick might work but didn't try.
>solar panels
huge meme
electric bike is better
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I asked a stupid question here in the last thread ( >>102335643 ) and although people didn't give two shits about it, I'll provide my solution.

Apparently the solution all along was to just drag and drop the parent folder that holds all the target subfolders rather than the subfolders themselves. Doih.
Better than it was, still not great.
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why do some GPUs running pcie x8 still have all the visible pins for pcie x16? I took a GPU from a dell office pc that looks like this, and I noticed half the pins were missing, so I googled what was up with that and I saw that all RX 550 GPUs are pcie x8. So are all the other pins on the other RX 550 there just for looks without being connected to anything? or do those pins do anything?
>search for webp->png tool to go webp->png->webm
>nothing but javascript one-liners utilizing the browser render engine
>no fucking cli tool to be found
>guess you just gotta stitch libwebp to fpng yourself
what a fucking joke of a format. google just blind dropped it and started flooding the world with them and "lol guess you gotta support it now, huh?"
yes there are plenty but you'll have to be more specific if you want a proper answer. videohelp forum is a good place to start learning about ripping
nothing. scoop is completely safe.
I want to encrypt all the files on a hard drive that i use as a external hard i will be off for a few months it has roughly 250gb on it can i use kleopatra to ecrypt it then just save the key somewere?
-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

Might look scary but it's really just saying "make sure this code was verified by a trusted third party before running and if it is, give the current user the ability to run it."

As for the script itself, well, you're trying to install Scoop, so you trust scoop, right? The remotesigned part will confirm it's actually Scoop's script.
ok glowie
Why does it take 5 whole seconds to open the right click menu in Windows?
In Windows 11? Because they're building OS shell components with fucking web languages instead of native code.
Shit like React is used in the start menu too.

The number of items in your right-click context menu can also be a factor, if you've got a lot of programs installed that add loads of shit to it.
Programs like Glary Utilities are useful for managing your right-click context menu and removing unwanted things.
I'm incredibly interested in low-level computer graphics and I wanted to know the different ways of programming graphics (Excluding API's, drivers, shaders). Some say that you technically cannot program with the GPU unless you were making your own driver. I know that you can use assembly to create graphics but other people have said that you can do them using VGA, editing the frame buffer, (some sort of byte list display thing for pixels?), VRAM and so much more. There are so many abstractions and layers to it that I'm just confused and lost completely...
Run over it with a truck
I don't feel like responding to each of your questions but basically assembly is the inflection point where things get complicated and unintuitive and you have to memorize a bunch of rules for operands and binary words.
You should thank your lucky stars you live in a world where C exists. I know I do.
>Graduated in cs
>besides my $1200 job, I dont really do a lot of programming
>About to get a new Computer instead of just doing shit on my laptop, excited to make fun programs/games
>No fucking clue what to do
Any advice on what to do?
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is there anyway to get a free Adobe Portfolio account if all your adobe software is pirated?
You can, but maybe backup and reformat with proper block layer encryption like veracrypt or luks so you don't have to manually decrypt everything.
In regards to programming, or building a computer?
can it be used as a dynamo? What's the trick?
>KDE x11
>Nvidia GPU
>>screen flickering
>update drivers to 560
>still flickers
>switch to wayland
>works a lot better now and flickering is gone
what the FUCK
Take the output of the solar panel you think you need, multiply by 20. Multiply the battery capacity by 4.
pretty sure xmedia recode can do it
stupid hick retard
They could use the extra power traces without the bandwidth. You can actually trim lanes off any PCIe card edge connector.
I have an old computer that I want to check if its components are working and also check its files safely (just incase of malware) would pendrive boot of lubuntu be the best way to check functionality and what should I install for checking if the memeory is working and whats the best Linux malware scanner?
For creating a USB with lubuntu installed with clamav, memory tester and such, I was thinking of creating VDI of lubuntu with all of that turn into an ISO file using vboxmanage then using Rufus create boot USB with all of that
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Are you capable of identifying this chip? I presume it's from some simple electronic like a coffee machine or some shit.
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The markings visible, such as "03-04" and "R 2105," suggest that this might be a specialized IC (integrated circuit), possibly related to power management, control, or memory functions depending on its context within a larger system (e.g., motherboard, graphics card, etc.)

You could cross-reference the markings with component databases or datasheets using platforms like Octopart, Digikey, or other chip-identification tools.
is there a significant difference between the 7735HS and 7840HS for performance / gaming?
What is it called if I want to backup a carbon copy of the environment on my computer, onto an external SSD?

Basically I'd like to back what I have onto an SSD that I could plugin and boot up/access whenever I feel like it, then do a fresh install of my OS and start from scratch on my main machine.
Over the past year, I've been on a quest for the ultimate 4-8 player emulator PC setup.

You would think it would be easy to connect more than one Xbox controller to a Windows PC, but it is a fucking nightmare that hardly ever works consistently.

To finally solve this problem once and for all, I believe I need to buy a dedicated PCI-E bluetooth card with actual antennae. I've tried the USB dongles, and they just can't handle 4 controllers.

Does this sound right to you guys? I want to be able to pair 4-8 Xbox controllers to a PC so we can all play Smash on the couch on an emulator.
Thanks for the answer anons, now I am installing portable programs, and now I have a question... how do I make the portable browsers open up HTTP or HTTPS files? (Example: Live Servers like Plex, now its just asking me to either open up with my installed (not portable) Firefox and not another option)
Can't install Bypass Paywalls on kiwi browser be use it doesn't let u add unpacked add-ons
I want a 10 meter (33 foot) cable to run from an antenna to an adapter. Is attenuation always going to be a problem at this distance? When I search for what cable type people are recommending, I get all kinds of different responses
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10 meters is getting to a gray area.
Assuming you are talking about Wi-Fi: get an USB dongle and do a 10 meter USB run instead.
I was reading that usb is rated only for 5m
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Yeah, that's why there's a hub every 5 meters or so in these cables. Well, not exactly a hub but has the same effect: "rebuilds the signal".
I'd start by taking the drive out and making an image of it on a more sensible PC. And while on that sensible PC you'd mount the image and do whatever virus scans on it.
Yes, Lubuntu is fine.
>memeory is working
Boot up a tool called memtest86+.
>best Linux malware scanner?
afaik there's only one: ClamAV. It's a crude tool that's usually run by things like mail servers so it picks up (Windows) viruses from peoples mails.
What's a VDI?
why does firefox started to shit the bed trying to load 4chan?
i got stuttering on random pages
Panels + battery is not a meme. And you can actually make money with picrel type of setup, thanks to the battery.
>night time
>cheap electricity
>battery pack charges to full charge
>day starts and electricity consumption starts
>use mostly battery and solar instead of expensive electricity
>any excess charge on batteries gets sold back to the grid on higher price
It's always going to be substantial, but it may be in tolerance depending on 2.4 vs 5ghz and how good your antenna's pickup is normally. Good coax is pretty expensive though. Maybe try to eBay a PoE AP / injector rather than use fancy cable.
Problem with selling power back is it's dependent on local regulations because the power company doesn't actually make money buying a few kW here and there. It's just local government forcing your neighbors to underwrite your bullshit hobby.
>but i'm still making money
If you didn't make 25% of your system cost this year you're losing money.
>doesn't actually make money buying a few kW here and there
They take a percentage and this is an actual business here, anyone can casually do it. All the equipment is available and affordable. They use plain lead acid batteries in 12, 24 and 48 volt setups.
t. small northern euro country
>north europ
Bro you're just trading subsidy coupons back and forth so you can get taxed while you pay your taxes. The entire market is fake. Nobody creates wealth having solar in fucking Denmark.
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>Nobody creates wealth having solar in fucking Denmark.
Yes, it's the battery again.
It should depend on the filetype. For example, HEIC files in Windows are very slow to open and even access right-click menu on.
is there a media player for linux that doesn't depend on ffmpeg?
I’ve been trying to install Debian 6.0 on an L412 Lenovo ThinkPad. I’m using an 8GB SD card with a USB adapter to boot from, but for some reason I can’t get it to install the base system. I’ve made the drive bootable using Balena Etcher, and the only change I made to the SD card was formatting it to ExFAT so that the file would fit. I realise I’m working with older systems here, so it may be pointless to ask, but what should I do?
I have 2 dgs-3100-24 network switches, how much can I sell them? I may keep one if all that I have to do is to connect one cable from the switch to the modem and all else in others ports if it is auto-managed. I have many devices requiring Ethernet but I could buy a 12 ports model for $30 on Amazon after selling them
My siblings PC have an issue where it will immediately shut down after being started and the only way to try it again is by plugging and unplugging the power cable.
Then to actually get it to start i have to get into an instance where it shows the F2 prompt to enter bios where i need to just exit it and it will launch normally.
Any idea what the issue might be?
Is it true that every entry /g/ career has been replaced by jeet and its impossible to get a job as newbie now?
Might be a boot manager issue, depending if you use Windows Boot Manager or GRUB.

It could be worth trying resetting BIOS to default settings to see if that corrects the power on boot issue.

Changing the boot order to boot from a USB drive would be a step to troubleshooting booting too.
I want to thank the anons from the last thread that helped me get my old sound card working! I now have sound for the OS and games, but the CD player doesn't seem to work - I'm not too bothered by this, since I don't plan on using it to play music, but I'm kinda curious as to why.

The main thing now is that Age of Empires seems to have some graphics bugs, like the sprites for buildings tearing and random black boxes appearing on my cursor. I've installed drivers for the GPU (S3 Vision968), and Marble Drop seems to work fine, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
I've got a dual monitor setup and I hate having to go into display settings to switch to a new default display. Is there any program out that where you can switch main displays with a click of a button?
Back in the days we had connect optical drives to the sound card using this cd audio cable. if you haven't, try this.
At the highest end, do speakers or headphones sound better? assuming the speakers are set up in a room thats acousticaaly tuned and all that.

And also at the mid end? Im just using a small set of speakers 4 inch drivers 1 inch tweeters in my bedroom now, got no bass lol
t. guy whose dad sells solar panels

It's all a fucking scam. Come back to me when there's private tiny fusion reactors
>linux system
If you do manage to install it be ready to come here to ask questions VERY often
speakers win at high and mid
Oh shit, is that what those cables were for?
I'll see if I can find one online, I don't have any laying around.
Where could I get an invite to CGpeers? My old account got locked for inactivity and naturally I want some hot new software...
Why do big companies hide important things in patch notes? For example that AMD performance boosting patch on Windows is nowhere to found in Windows Update notes. The only way you know which build number is correct is by looking it up on YouTube.
Ok so recently (ever since my W11 force updated) i've been having an issue.

My WIFI just disconnects after around 5~ hours of use forcing a restart to connect it (all my other devices remain connected, only my PC disconnects and I have to use WIFI as the router is too far to use it).

I found a solution online that basically tells me to uncheck this box in the power management tab of the network adapter "Uncheck the box "Allow this computer to turn off device to save power""

This works, now my issue is why would my PC be turning shit off to save power? I have a beast of a PC with more than enough power, is my PSU fucking up or is this just some dumb issue that's known?
Install Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC
I have one of these, I'm 10 meters from the modem (same floor) going through at least four walls.
Signal is unironically as strong as ethernet, it's fucking magic and I can't explain it
it's dead, Jim
Best way to clone an SD card? I would rather not have it take 128Gb as just an image. Just compress it, maybe? Some better ways? OS is irrelevant, any will do.
Get 2.1 monitors?
ive considered getting a sub, but i live in a flat so idk
Sub is fucking awesome. Makes you _feel_ the sound. Works great in games.
Why do I get cloudflare prompts everytime I restart my browser and connect to 4chan recently? This also happened at a few other websites but 4chan will do this every-single-time. I use FF with Ublock and clean cookies and other data on exit. Anyone else experiencing something similar?
>clean cookies and other data on exit.
you need the cloudflare cookie, thats why
Copy paste into a folder then transfer on new one
Settings | Miscellaneous | Linkify
That's not a chip, that's a small circuit board that had been populated but now isn't.
dd, macrium, just copy and paste the contents from the old one to the new one if you're not booting from it.
They have a bootable tool for that on their website.
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I did actually try that, you can make a secure erase bootable USB from Samsung's Magician software.

Unfortunately it just calls the same ATA Secure Erase function that I could do from Parted Magic or Ubuntu using hdparm, and that just won't work.

Unless you're possibly referring to a different tool?
I need to get a new phone. I'm planning on getting it from Metro. Any phone recommendations? I imagine I want Android 14 and an unlocked bootloader. Their site doesn't go into much detail.
>open hotmail account i had as a kid +15 years ago or some such
>filled with arab stuff, scam shit, emails from social security in (My Country)
>somehow never got any legal notice, no bank account or actual social security tied to it
Is it safe to just delete it?
I never used the account for anything important. Somebody probably bought it after it got pwned and did God knows what with it. Not sure I really want to skim through all the shit on it.
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I've been using pic rel for darkmode on websites but the problem is that it is only global, and not website specific. Some websites have darkmode enabled, and then their contrast is high as fuck. I'm having to constantly click the extension in the top right, switch, and that's annoying.

any extensions for darkmode that remember which website enables/disables? i use brave and chrome.

also if someone wants to tell me about a 4chan extension that would be cool cuz i'd like to see all replies across boards in 1 tab. possible?
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Why did you mention cloning? Is it a bootable card from a single board computer perhaps?
What image-to-video AI models can I run locally? I have a lot of VRAM, I literally just don't know the names of the popular models for image-to-video.
https://wiki.installgentoo.com/ is down ? I was looking for the name of a music player I use to have on android
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hey /g/ i need some book recommendations for IT department 101. i'm NOT IT but our company is so small we don't have an IT department so I need to learn a few things but I want to start with the basics. essentially best books for IT without having gone to school for it. thanks bros
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looking for an alternative to Power Automate DESKTOP that is free as in free beer
go ask /spg/
In a way? It's an SD card with flashcart's firmware.
I feel retarded. Every time I want to download a book from libgen, it gets to the page of the mirror I selected, then immediately starts loading this fucked up game page or something and automatically downloads a file (I don't run it, of course). Is there a more "proper" way to use libgen?
Only if I knew what makes up the data on such a device.
If it's an usual FAT32 or similar filesystem and everything relevant is stored as files on that filesystem -> you can simply copy over the files to a new card without doing any cloning.
But if you got any weirdness like Linux/Unix filesystem with "shadow passwords" or if it contains bootloader code -> got to do a clone.
That's why I did ask about cloning -- just to make sure I'll get everything on the card. Chinkshit SD cards used in these carts do not last that long usually.
In that case, if you used something like Balena Etcher or Rufus to initially write the SD card's firmware, then there's a chance the SD card has hidden partitions on it that you won't see in Windows Explorer.
Sometimes flashcart firmware is dead simple and is just a single partition, like with Nintendo DS flashcarts.

Anyway if we are dealing with hidden partitions, you'll want to image the entire SD card with its partitions.
If you're using Linux, the built-in dd tool will work.
You'd first identify what device the SD card shows up as when you plug it in using
sudo fdisk -l
, paying attention to the expected file size.
It'll list out all disks (e.g. /dev/sda, /dev/sdb), as well as the partitions on each disk (e.g. /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3)

In Terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to write the backup image (alternatively, open terminal from your desired folder), and write a command like this:
sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=sd_backup.img

Where if is the source and of is the destination.
Replace sdX with the appropriate disk letter and you should have a backup .img file ready to copy to any other SD card.
If you're doing this to move to a bigger SD card, you'll want to use a partition tool like gparted to expand the partition for user data.
Yeah, I know how to make a dd backup. It just takes the amount of storage equal to the SD capacity -- despite the card being almost empty. I guess my best bet is just dd + zip.
Plug the card in already and post what it contains. I mean the partition table, filesystem and all that.
Yeah, identifying what you want to back up comes before performing the backup.
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good video wallpaper sites, list, please, so I can make more of this <--
please and thank you
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>contabo password never fucking works with putty despite me doing two password resets
what the fuck am i doing wrong
Well, the basics would be checking out the CMMC wiki, pick an OS vendor, and manage everything accordingly, researching various means of meeting all those requirements within the constrains of that OS vendor's ecosystem, or just how to automate things to save time. (don't sweat anything that's too much of a hassle if you don't have to comply to any cybersecurity standards.)
The key thing here is documentation. If you can't self host a wiki describing how you set up your workstations, phones, VPN, NAS, domain controllers, network video recorder, enterprise resource planning, SIEM, firewall, web server, mail server, chat server, encryption schemes, and application whitelisting, you'll at least need a lot of documents describing all these things and anything else you use.
.t the IT department.
Protip: don't buy used equipment, you never know how long it'll have OS support or what security controls will require late features. always buy self encrypting disks for storage. Try to stick to the ATX ecosystem for desktops so you can shuffle parts around. and yubikeys make really good 2fa devices.
I could be wrong but it sounds like you're describing mirroring your installation.
libreoffice calc: Is it impossible to center an image inserted into a cell without clicking and dragging?
What's an efficient way to learn containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes. Going through the documentation I'm overwhelmed by the barrage of terms which often gets me nowhere.
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it's just a fancy chroot.
Try to actually do something with it.
For example, run shinobi.video but make sure all the directories in the container are bound to directories on an external hard drive. Then have another container do something with the data. All while making sure none of the users who will log into that computer can actually access that data.
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thanks bro this is helpful. i have lots of words to look up.
I had my hard drive in my old computer and it served as a secondary drive and I was able to easily access files on it whenever I wanted
Now I put it in my new computer and, if I want to access files, I have to wait for it to spin up and then I can use it, but if I try to get more files like half an hour later it has to spin up again

I feel like my old one constantly stayed spinning and I'm not sure how to make it do that again. This is frustrating as I have to wait and I heard it's not good for the hard drive. Is there any way to just make it always spin?
you are cloning your drive.
you will need to assure that your external drive is bootable. most (at least all I came across) "travel ssds" or whatever, drives with a fixed cable, cannot do that. a normal drive (one that you could install internally) and a sata-usb3 (or something) adapter would be better.
if you have the space in the machine, you could also just plugin both drives and boot the one you want to work on.
I've been using PotPlayer for a while now, really like it, can play anything, but as I've been watching Game Center CX I've been noticing shit like pic related more and more.
Apparently the black text to the side is meant to actually be a black backdrop covering the Japanese white text, first I thought it was just badly made subtitles and opened it in Aegisub to edit it, but there it displays fine.
Anyone know what causes this or how to fix it??
Is PotPlayer just bad at reading subtitle styles??
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weird question, but after updating my windows I stopped being able to use my scroll wheel to interact with sliders using firefox
any idea what the heck is happening? pic related is one slider I have to click manually to interact with
oh, that was simple
It is.
It is possible. I was overlooking part of the settings.

Right-click image, select 'Position and Size...'. In resulting window, make sure you're on the 'Position and Size' tab then adjust positions X and Y as desired. Also make sure 'Base point' is also set as desired.

To operate on multiple images: Select one the images, then press ctrl-a for 'select all.' Of the top menu buttons, click 'Format', hover over 'OLE Object', click 'Position and Size...', make sure you're on the 'Position and Size' tab then adjust positions X and Y as desired. Make sure 'Base point' is also set as desired.

Note: Strangely, this doesn't seem to work properly if I select multiple images via shift-click: Of the three images selected, the middle one doesn't actually change position (though the selection indicator does).
libreoffice version (x86_64)
>music player I use to have on android
Was it Musicolet?
Is there a way to setup a drive in my RAM?
so that when I shut down my pc there is no trace left of what I saved on it?
wait what? explain your use case please.
I believe so, under linux at least. Look into ramdisks.
Any sensible Linux system boots with one.
$ findmnt /tmp 
/tmp tmpfs tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,nr_inodes=1048576

Simply save everything under /tmp. Host your $HOME under it.
actually based
I don't want the police to find evidence of my downloaded stuff.
so when they shut down my pc so they can take it with them there will be nothing left to compromise me.

thanks will look into that.
I hoped I didn't have to setup two PCs but I guess I have to.

I already tried this program but after rebooting my PC the files were still there lol
>so when they shut down my pc so they can take it with them there will be nothing left to compromise me.
just encrypt your drive
I already have one setup but I don't want to encrypt my drive everytime I downloaded stuff.
So I wanted save it temporarily in my RAM and transfer it when it's full to the encrypted drive.
I'm getting a macbook air and i was wondering: M3 8gb or M2 16gb? m3 16gb is just too much of a prize hop

I'm a computer science student
>temporarily in my RAM
Softperfect RAM Disk is the only ramdisk that still works in 2024
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If you're a student, go on fucking Marketplace or Craigslist and find a 2019 mbp for $300.

If you're "wondering" if you you should go w/ 8b or 16gb, stop. You can get by with so much less. and honestly, it's fucking based. while your peers sit there in lecture w/ their $4k laptops, imagine outcompeting them with a $300 mbp from 7 years ago.
>I don't want the police to find evidence of my downloaded stuff.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh breh
>so when they shut down my pc so they can take it with them there will be nothing left to compromise me.
breh u are so fucked, this isn't how the police operate unless you're outside of the US
Tell me about email, guys.

I want to create a few hundred UNIQUE email addresses under a commonly used domain name (such as @gmail.com).

The purpose is signing up for websites.
>this isn't how the police operate
how do they operate then?
don't they need evidence in from of data to fuck me?
>i want build a bot farm
kees chang
Yeah thats what ive been doing since forever. Old thinkpads. Just thought id go big now that im about to graduate
less is more, bro. congrats on graduating.
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Sure, but you're thinking that you can evade them at the local level when the problem is at the macro level with your ISP. What router do you have? What is your ISPs privacy policy? What VPN are you using? How are you routing your traffic?

also i don't want to help you if youre a kiddie p4rn enthusiast. if you're scared of the agencies uhhhh be scared of me n my katana too.
Which models are best for RP with 8k content? To use with koboldcpp
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I want to replace the third party the company I work at uses to view IP cameras.
The thing is I not only want to view them but I also want to save the raw streams to a file (saving the raw stream from the camera reduces the cpu usage since it doesn't have to transcode it, just put it into an mkv file) so we can view them back without having to download it from a server half the world away.
I have (this is going to increase a lot in the next few years) 1400 cameras with a sub stream at 720*576@30fps that I need to save so we can view it back (main stream is 1080P or higher at around 2 to 6 mbit per stream which I'm just not going to bother with for now) with each stream between around 70 kbit/s (empty hallway) to around 600 kbit/s (lights are flickering or something is changing the video every other second).
The software I want to use has an option to archive the file to another location when the drive becomes too full or if a certain time has passed instead of just straight up deleting it.
However I am stuck between two choices to save the files to before they go to a network drive with traditional high capacity HDDs (bunch of 24 TB drives in a NAS), I can go for a software ram disk (I cant find any modern hardware ramdrive from the last 10 years so I've almost given up on that or I'd have to find a place to make something custom which would be a massive pain in the ass), or I can go for an NVME raid card (this tops out at approximately 64 GB/s when using 4 high end gen5 drives on a PCIe 5 16x slot).
I feel like the NVME card would be the better option since it has way more GB/$ than the ramdrive (there is going to be a limit to how much ram I can put in a server and dedicate to be a ramdrive) but I'm worried about the write limit even when using really large drives.
Cost isn't an issue here, the company pays $50K a month (and more that I might not be aware of) for the current solution.
desu I don't really believe encryption is going to help that much either with backdoors being a thing
but you have to so something right?
like how can you have a huge ass library with terabytes of music and movies lying around on your drive as clear files.
don't you want to make it atleast a bit harder for them?
I literally want to build a bot farm, in runescape.
Hardware raid card with nvme cache, or I guess you can use zfs if you don't think it'll ever scale over 10 drives
If cost isn't that much of an issue I suppose you could try either option at a smaller scale and see what gets overloaded first, and you might have to considering that persuading anyone do sink that kind of money into something new is probably going to require a powerpoint presentation.
I haven't even considered ZFS, the ARC and L2ARC is pretty much what I want honestly so this is something I need to look more into, I've never worked with these things personally (most likely a new third party is going to manage the server for me while I keep busy with incidents seen on camera) but it's nice if I can make a document so the boss understands what I'm suggesting since it's still a huge amount of money (at least from my perspective) when setting something like this up.

The boss is already looking to break free of the current situation but negotiations with the new party and taking a while and if I can help him not get screwed over again I will.
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Help I'm retarded.
I bought a speaker for my pc and it isn't picking up sound at all. It just blinks like a retard.
What can I do?
It's in pairing mode, you need to open your bluetooth settings and pair it to the computer.
Is "learn to code" still good career advice?
Coders will always be in demand and it's a skill I'd suggest anyone learning even if it's a basic level of understanding.
Someone who is really proficient with coding will find it easier to converse with you if you have a basic grasp of the subject rather than nothing at all which makes you a valuable asset for any company.
how to fix a squeaky mouse wheel?
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>piped not working
>invidious not working
Any other private youtube frontends on desktop that are still functional?
If a wireless device is charging while it's being used, does it use the battery or does it use the power cord? Like does the battery charge independently and the device is being powered the power cord and then it swaps to battery after the power cord is disconnected?
Invidious uses yt-dlp, you've got to keep that updated.
It depends on how fancy the power supply is. Principally power only moves in one direction at a time, so if the charge in the battery is going up, you're not drawing on the battery.
ZFS cache is for readings only, consider an older threadripper system with 1tb of ddr4 ram, on Linux setting up a ram disk is just a single entry on /etc/fstab, it will even use swap space when full.
how does the OS decide if it needs to kill a program? I wrote a brute force solver for a programming puzzle and the OS killed it because of memory usage, but I can play a game that maxes my memory and not only does it not get killed, but I can watch the tabs in my browser all go grey as they get paged out as more memory is freed up for it
most likely you either ran out of stack space (stack space is finite) or didn't actually check if your attempt to allocate memory was successful and tried to use it
i have a gtx 1660 super, one day all of my games started running like ass, i tried a fresh windows install and clean instaling my graphics drivers, using my friends old gtx 1060 but still no dice. when i loaded up furmark i saw the power was being maxed out at 120w, and in games like street fighter 6 at max settings 1080po only 20w to 40w was being drawn from the system. what is going on? power supply issue? I also ran a cpu stress test during furmark and my system didnt turn off so i dont know if its a psu issue since i assume it would have turned off.
ARC is read only, but you can add a log drive to catch synchronous writes and keep your HDDs from seeking, which is pretty much all you need. 8x24GB drives shouldn't have any problem writing 1400*6Mb~=1GiB/s sequential.
>I hoped I didn't have to setup two PCs but I guess I have to.
Windows does RAM disks too but as usual requires poojeetware for the task.
(is that shit even compressed btw?)
Does coompoting science require an Apple PC?
I got a catch-all mailbox so *****@mydomain arrives to the same mailbox. I can technically abuse this by registering user1@mydomain, user2@mydomain etc but that's just going to get my domain into some asshole list.
There's incoming voltage from the charger, there's battery (pack) and then there's the voltage the device actually uses.
At it's simplest the device is hooked to the battery directly as it tolerates anything from 3 to 5 volts. Then you got the charging part that regulates the input so the battery doesn't explode.
>Shouldn't the first argument be what I'm moving and second be the destination. Wtf lol.
please tell me you've at least touched a single other programming language before
I'm sure freecodecamp has video tutorials for them
>How does the computer run so many programs if it only has a few tiny 64 bit registers?
"Program" is an OS trick. The processor just processes.
>Are there even variables or are you just pushing bits around at this point.
Everything is just bits. Up to you to interpret the meaning.
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>be Android OS
>be very popular on mobile and embedded devices
>have APIs for shit like downloading and drawing web content
>well defined graphics stack
>very secure
Why isn't Android a thing on desktops and laptops? Not one single semi-serious project to boot Android on my PC.
Linux is a big mess and Microsoft fucks everyone in the ass.
>at walmart
>buy indoor thermometer for bedroom
>can finally tell what temp it is
>bring it home
>says 78f
>know it does not feel that close to 80
>shit is off like like 4-5 degrees
>turn it around
>made in china
what is a decent accurate brand of these things, I just want a small one for my bedroom.
>Why can't you declare variable types, only the size being allocated. How does the computer know the variable type. Are there even variables or are you just pushing bits around at this point.

int x = 5; //allocates memory for an integer, 32 bits
int* ptr = &x; // creates a pointer to the beginning of the memory allocated above, reading ahead 32 bits and decoding that binary string as an integer

As you create variables in higher-level languages like C, the compiler is what writes out relevant snippets of assembly to request memory. The 'computer' as in the kernel has no idea what the address location of memory or its value means, but your program when it points to that area can read ahead the sufficient number of bytes to gather meaning from it. You'll see relics of what your compiler needs, like null-terminated strings in trying to make sense of the memory it requests. In C, integers are 32 bits. In python, integers are unbounded. Your computer doesn't know what the hell a type is because you can make any area of memory read any value, and how you decode that value into a 'type' is language-specific, or even computer-specific (OS) sometimes. Hell, windows usually throws memory at you in terms of DWORD.

>Why do I need to use windows functions to write to the console
Because windows defines standard input and output. You can look in user32.dll for functions like SendInput you can use the WinAPI for though. MSDN has good documentation.
do component to hdmi adaptors negatively affect image quality? trying to connect my wii to my computer monitor
Is there any /g/ recommended list for in-ear bluetooth headphones?
is it's a decent one then no there sould be no decrese in quality.
just don't get a cheap one.
That's ChromeOS. Or at least, it will be after some unknown future release probably next year after Chrome Apps cease to function.
Seriously... what is considered, by the tech community, the best internet search engine right now?
Im retarded, I dont know much about the specs nerds care about on TV but I want some decent TV not a smart one but there arent any.
Big Smart TVs are cheap but small monitors are more expensive. Why?
Are there some technical specs I am missing?
Is it because the SmartTV are basically subsidized by forcing you to see adds?
Is it just because they know gaymers will pay anything?
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Why is yt-dlp not working for me? Is YouTube screwing with downloads or am I just retarded?
I don't know what the tech community thinks, but I like Yandex.
On one of my NTFS drives, I use hard links for certain files.

When I'm defragging the drive, sometimes the hardlinks are shown to be defragmented (usually low fragmentation, 2-5 fragments), but their original is not.
How is this possible?
Also, if I defrag that drive, does it make my hardlinks become two seperate fileIDs?
How long do fucking shadowbans last on xitter? For whatever reason my account was flagged and now my tweets and replies are not visible to anyone without a direct link or visiting my profile.
No idea about "tech community" but nothing works better for me than Google, even now and even for images.
Particularly images, people like to praise Yandex but I've yet to have any luck with it when Google fails to find something. Either both find same images or neither finds anything.
Tried downloading a random YT video and it works fine so something up on your end. Try using nightly build of ytdlp or something.
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I'm assuming this is good (enough) speed for ethernet yet through protonvpn streaming something like a movie or watching Space Marine 2 on twitch its unbearably slow YET audio of stream works perfect?

I previously used PIAccess VPN and the speeds were fine but I heard proton is "better". Is anyone else experiencing this with proton
right, day 2 so not asking nicely this time
live wallpaper (video) sites, list them
Would I be a dick if I download youtube music and put it in my soulseek folder? I'm asking because I would see a bunch of cool playlists and I would like to download them, but I don't really care to find each of them in high-def to download. I'm not an audiophile, so there's that.
Should I put a warning, like "SHIT ENCODING"?
Boss uses duckduckgo and he's smart. You can use duckduckgo to route to other search engines too. I had some fun with searx
dear ni/g/g/ers, I want to know if mega.io is safe to transfer a windows ISO from eastern europe to Germany, downloaded VPNless on the German end
Does me filling HDD even more (10% space left) can cause any problems to files in it? SMR HDD
I can't find definitive answer anywhere so I'm asking here.

Imagine that user A sends email to user B and then user B forwards it to me. When I reply to this email, who gets my reply? Only user A, only user B or both?
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Looks like cellular module: https://ja.aliexpress.com/item/1005003805271787.html
Is it an issue with hardware acceleration? You could disable it. You could also go through some of the graphics options if you don't want to do that
That depends on what "safety" you are looking for. Mega uses tls (as do basicly all websites nowadays) so there is no way that anyone could intercept or spy on the download. If the government asks mega for what you downloaded, they will know that though. If its just one file i would suggest going the p2p route. I have used croc for this in the past, but there are other options available. You may run into problems with NAT though.
Seems they changed the default behaviour in Firefox 130: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1741469
They added a config (in about:config) to change it back though: dom.input.number_and_range_modified_by_mousewheel
I'm having some strange issues on my phone and PC with cloudflare captcha. I moved recently and just got my new ISP. Could it be related to that?
Try standalone Wireguard and see if anything changes, Proton offers configs for the Wireguard app.
>Should I put a warning, like "SHIT ENCODING"?
soulseek already lists format and bitrate
Sure. Try using cloudflare or google dns
Ah ok, thank you.
i just installed arch on my laptop i think i have kdm as wm or whatever but it looks like shit how do i make it look cool like the desktop threads
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monkeying around with desktops and shit is distro-agnostic process
yt-dlp --version
it feels boring. its gay too? ill just leave it.
Yeah it's kinda like decorating a room. Start building custom hardware specific kernels instead, that's like having a custom exhaust manifold - manlier.
I suggest using Wormhole or OnionShare instead or you can just put this file into encrypted 7-Zip archive (encrypt filenames too) and then transfer it however you like.

good shit
Is there a way to get a notification for (You)'s for desktop or smartphone apps? Checking each tab repeatedly is painful.
Hi, what is a simple and fast solution to automatically mirror data between 2 hard drives in a Windows PC?
>for desktop
4chanX, little down arrow on far right - updater - beep
no idea
You should probably add that, yeah.
You could also get songs from streaming services with lucida.to (non-premium downloads only). This will allow you to download from qobuz which offers 44.1kHz flacs. What I do is to search deezer for songs/albums, get the song/album's share code and then use "Resolve to a different service?" on lucida to get the qobuz link. I think qobuz requires a login to get song/album links directly from them :P
ignorant of this myself. Could you download a decent enough theme from the internet?
Raid 1
They do add a metadata comment though so remove that if you want
But RAID is shit, also RAID 1 is for redundancy and availability, not a backup solution
>A back-up solution is for redundancy and availability
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Well, /g/?

Here are two different implementations of the OR operation
for Kleene's three-valued logic (possible values are True, False and Unknown).
Unknown is represented by None.
or3(True, None) == True
or3(False, None) = None

The first implementation is more elegant,
but if you accidentally pass a Generator, it will produce the wrong result:
or3((_ for _ in [False, None]))) returns False (instead of None)

The second implementation works with generators and is probably faster.
But imagine this was a more complicated function
where the first approach would make it much more readable.
Which implementation would you pick in that case?
How would you make the first approach generator-proof?
Mypy doesn't raise a warning when passing a Generator to it (by default).

def or3(ls: Collection[Union[bool, None]]) -> Union[bool, None]:
if any(ls): return True
if all(i == False for i in ls): return False
return None

def or3(ls: Iterable[Union[bool, None]]) -> Union[bool, None]:
unknown_flag = False
for v in ls:
if v: return True
if v is None: unknown_flag = True
if unknown_flag:
return None
return False

I have a long line of text.
How do I use awk to divide into multiple lines
witch each lines having 5 words???
>refusing to use API's
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If I have a movie file on my phone and I install this, will I be able to stream the movie on a TV set?
No. That's only the client software. Jellyfins server needs to be installed on a computer.
Is there some app that acts like a server on a Android phone?
Thanks, anons. Living in a country where piracy is commonplace and trying to do it in the West is really new for me.
Just dodging basic ISP and copyright troll lawyers. Croc looks intradesting.
Cheers, solid links.
You can run Jellyfin server on Android using Termux.
There's Emby. But it's a bit shit compared to JF and Plex.
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>Hey just use complicated thing!
Consider your audience.
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Completely depends on your TV set.
Use the second one. It's not your problem if the person who called your function passed an argument of the wrong type.
I mean the first one.
Explain the Jitter Buffer to me. Article writers tell me that jitter buffer waits some X amount of time after receiving the first packet, potentially reordering them in that time, then after X amount of time elapses it starts sending those packets to the decoder. The question is: what do they mean by "first packet"? When does it reset, i.e. when is a a packet considered to be the first packet considering that the jitter buffer is receiving packets pretty much non-stop?
What is the most minimalist browser that can still be used to post on 4chan, watch Odysee, and play simple web games?
What TV? Nigger, you're leaving out the most important detail.
Should I use the icc profile that KDE or another DE got from my monitor or srgb?
When is a good time to use a text-based browser?
no GUI at all or outdated GUI browser
is it possible to use microsoft office 2010/2013 on a new win 10 update? i've scoured all of the internet for a method on how to do it but can't find any
Specifically links2 with graphical mode enabled
You got all the familiar Linux tools inside Termux. idk what other anons do with all that but for me it made sense as the thing provided internets for all my devices.
Running iperf3 server allowed me to benchmark the Wi-Fi and doing stuff like traceroutes made more sense on the actual routing device. I could run a Tor node without having to install the "OrBot" app.
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I'm considering a cheap (less than 10 euros) USB RGB LED keyboard for typing in a dark room. I'm just interested in the part where the keys are identifiable in the dark, not specifically in the gamer vibe of the stuff. The packaging says that is possible to set the LEDs in 12 ways, but doesn't say how: does it probably require additional software? That would be a problem using the Linux, I guess... Thx.
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Why is the C3 cell 7 instead of 7.2?
You could use openRGB and see if it'll connect, but there's no guarantees it will.
Most likely you need to hold FN and press keys until you find out what they do. If they're generous they might even give you a manual even though they were too cheap to indicate anything on they keys themselves.
I'm a retard who would like to download youtube videos.
What is an easy way to do so?
>Buy new HDD with more storage space to replace the older one
>Plug the older one back in to have as a backup drive years later
>End up not using it at all, out of fear that it might fail soon
Is this an unfounded worry?
download yt-dlp
open a context menu by right-clicking in an 'empty' region of your Downloads folder, or wherever the fuck you saved your yt-dlp file
"open command prompt/powershell here"
run the program:
.\yt-dlp https://youtube.com/watch?v=

to summarize, you're choosing the appropriate program file from github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest needed for your particular device. If you're unable to determine which format you need, and have exhausted all available formats, then you are retarded. Kill yourself (you're welcome)
write the program's name (probably C:\Users\shitforbrains\Downloads\yt-dlp.exe ) and paste a YouTube link after it.
Got all that, retard?

pro tip in case you're chromosomally abnormal this program can be used to download basically any media from most websites without doing anything differently other than providing a different URL
There's a gui for it too
I need to rant somewhere.
> don't have email or steam.
> Want to play GGS
> Create a proton account because it doesn't need a phone
> Go to steam to create an account, need to click a link in confirmation email
> Proton doesn't let me get my fucking confirmation email because i don't have recovery mail added to fight bots
> Alrighty
> Go to cock.li, create an account
> Try to register steam with it
> You can't use disposable email address
This is the gayest shit i've seen ever. Just fucking wasted 20 minutes of my life trying to buy a game. Back to pirating, i'll never buy a game again in my life.
I want to compare the number of shared followers between two twitter accounts. Both have a number of followers such that doing this manually is not viable. Is there a script or program or service or something that I can use to do this for free? Google just gives me paid options or things that are dead because the person of gender developing it through a fit that Rocket Man did a heckin' wrongthinkerino.

Tutanota. Use Tutanota.
Yea, that would work. But i'm not gonna do it either way just in spite. Like fuck proton and fuck steam, how hard does registering an account have to be.
>this program can be used to download basically any media from most websites without doing anything differently other than providing a different URL

There are cases where it's not as straight forward, and you need to supply a link retrieved from a .m3u8 chunklist instead, via devtools network request inspection.

To give a basic example, you can't just right-click save as the videos on this webpage:

Trying the following won't work:
yt-dlp "https://www.naturalhabitatshorts.com/shorts?pgid=ku471zfv-0de3adbc-182a-48c4-84c8-2c07850bc2e7"

You have to go into network requests and identify the .m3u8 file that page is requesting, and pass that, e.g.
yt-dlp https://repackager.wixmp.com/video.wixstatic.com/video/433b65_60673b727232429a99a5c5b845042447/,480p,1080p,720p,/mp4/file.mp4.urlset/master.m3u8

yt-dlp should be smart and identify the highest resolution video stream in the m3u8 list and download that.
If you've set up a config.txt with presets targeting YouTube, it might complain about formats or something.
pipepipe just works
euro cs student here, I'm trying to buy a budget laptop under 500 € (or 550 $), my needs are running IDEs like vscode, intellij , one linux vm,at some point running my own application. I will probably settle for a lenovo/hp with ryzen 5 7gen /i5 12th gen with 16gb ram and 512gb ssd. Should I also consider the integrated graphics ?Most low-end have intel uhd graphics but I saw one with iris xe graphics and I think there's a similar radeon for amd. For my usage (coding and some light gaming) is it worthy to try to get the iris xe graphics which I understand is not the bottom of the barrel as the uhd?
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Is there a way to rotate a single window in windows?
Or if there isn't any, is there a way to rotate the whole screen orientation like in the picture BUT without rotating the mouse orientation?
Help me win an argument.
Putting fridge magnets on the case of my media server NAS is a stupid idea, right?
not really since those magnets are not strong enough to damage a HDD.
also HDDs are usually in a metallic housing which protects them from magnetic interference from the outside.

but yes putting something magnetic near something that could break/lose data because of magnets is stupid.
No it's fine. You need a huge neodymium magnet to mess with hard drives. The "magnets damage computers" meme came from ancient times when tape drives were human operable and operators used degaussing machines to secure erase tapes. Those are powerful alternating field electromagnets and they'll fuck a computer good if you get lazy and run it too close.
Thanks. It would be all so easy if I could find a cheap keyboard with just red backlight...
May have also come from the CRT days. If you stick a magnet on a CRT it diverts the beam and produces cool looking effects on the screen, but you'll also be hitting parts of the phosphors with more energy than they were designed to handle. And if the CRT is integrated with the computer (as were all CRT imacs), and even if it's not, I can understand telling a kid not to put magnets on the computer so as to not mess up the screen.
You never know, better encorders can come in handy at any time.
Is monitor brightness a meme?
you're not forcing anyone to download them and the bitrate and all that is displayed when you search. some people like small low qual files so do it, why not?
It's better than nothing if it's just a backup. Use a format that records checksums and scrub periodically.
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anyone here know how many amps can the 12v output hole on old dell monitors do? It's supposed to power the dell sound bar I think, pic related is a wall adapter for the soundbar to use without a dell monitor I think, and it only does 1 amp, but I can't find any information on the monitor themselves, I've read a bunch of user manuals and documentation on a bunch of dell monitors that have the 12v out, but none have the info I want. I was thinking of powering my wii directly from the monitor itself but I need to know how many amps it can draw, but I don't know much about electricity to figure it out, I just know how to splice cables and solder stuff when the numbers match up and I can't find the numbers.
Is there some software license that gets the closest to "we won't make this open source, but only because we lost the source code long ago. But we'll make this free distribution and you can study and yes, attempt to reverse engineer and decompile it"?
FOSS and associates require the source code but what if the "legitimate" owner lacks it too?
Why is Xorg using so much cpu, for context I running lubuntu in virtual box, I plan to install clamav into it along with some memory test stuff and such to check an old laptop I have and see if it's functional and check for malware, I plan to turn the vdi of this into an iso used to create bootable USB. So want to check if this is normal since it is easier to deal with problems at this early stage if my vdi installation is corrupted or something
Why is there 4chan.org and 4channel.org?

Why do they use the "org" domain?

Why is "4chan.com" a porn website?
League of Legends by Riot uses Vanguard, a "kernal-level" anti-cheat. I'm not too good at understanding things, but if I have some linux distro on the same drive, would vanguard do anything? As far as I get it, it still needs "windows" that it's installed on to actually run? Or do I need a completely separate drive for my linux fun?
what's a decent browser video download extension? by decent i mean doesn't want full permissions etc
/lit/ and /tg/ here,
I dropped my e-ink tablet and the screen got so cracked it's distracting now but am to much of a poorfag to buy a new Boox Note. E-ink is so expensive that I don't know if I should get a "normal" tablet instead.
It also doesn't help that I have the same autism as /g/ and only Boox's poodroid os to run Koreader and Tachiyomi.
>Why is there 4chan.org and 4channel.org?
It's so some ads wont be on the red boards. I don't think I need to tell you why some people may want to advertise on the (relatively) sfw bule boards but not /pol/.
>Why do they use the "org" domain?
This dump was started as a clone of 2channel for weebs to talk about waifus. Moot was a teen at that time and no one ran a message board for money in 2003.

Now gtfo newfag
If the sound bar only needs 12W it's very unlikely they built the DC out on the monitor to supply 48W. Also those amps are designed to run on dogshit quality automotive 12V. Just come off $30 and get a Delta or TDK Lambda from a real parts shop.
>Why is there 4chan.org and 4channel.org?
I think it's an advertiser thing. For various reasons (particularly demographic and the, shall we say, mindset of a person browsing a porn board), advertisers segregate ads they show on porn sites vs non-porn sites and the latter are much more valuable. And they aren't going to navigate the nuances between chan culture non-porn NSFW board vs porn NSFW board, because 4chan users aren't a very valuable ad demographic anyway.
Monitor brightness is controlled by the backlight to an extent.
Is controlling monitor contrast very similar to doing it through software/gpu?
Why does the clamav website recommend 5GB of free space when installation via discover on lubuntu only needed less than one tenth of space?
can someone help me with a 4chan-x filter that filters posts with an image but no text?
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If I have the option, are there any downsides to increasing the buffer size when moving files? Say moving files from 1 external HDD to another external HDD. Normally I just leave things at defaults but I have large files I want to move over which takes a pretty long time. I'm guessing you just can't set everything to max so if there's no risks, is there a least a limit I should keep the buffer size at?
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How big of an upgrade is this going to be?
took out motherboard. put it back in. put all connectors back. can't get it to power on. when i press the power button the fan moves slightly then stops and that's it.

I don't think i shorted anything with static.
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>decentralized currency that was intended to allow for anonymity in commerce
>need to provide photo ID in order to make transactions on a centralized, government-regulated exchange
Absolute bullshit. It took less than 15 years since its inception, for clown world bureaucracy to bastardize crypto.

Does anyone know of any reliable non-KYC brokers that I can trade forex and crypto on?
>>102404723 Check all the release notes from all the versions between yours and the one you will updoot to.
Bitcoin has failed in it's original purpose, but Monero should still work.
For the past two weeks I've noticed Youtube has been fucking up in ways that others aren't getting. I presume its due to something related to the ongoing advertisement war. At random points in the video, the video will either skip 5 seconds ahead for no reason, stop and begin buffering endlessly, or the video will stop but the audio will continue followed by it stopping to buffer endlessly. I can (temporarily) get around this behavior by changing the video quality, but then it usually happens again around 30 seconds later.

I'm using Firefox's latest with only uBO to manage adblocking. Any suggestions?
My headphones' headband broke, so I got a bluetooth speaker to replace it, because I got tired of having my ears hurt after extended headphone use. But this thing's volume is all over the place. From one song to the next, one will be too loud, one will be too quiet. It's annoying. My headphones don't have that issue. I don't understand what the difference is.

Why do these speakers do this? Is there some way to equalize all sound entirely?
found the problem
I don't know anon, but I will say I also use firefox and ubo but don't have anything like what you're talking about. I also use sponsorblock, not sure if that is changing anything.
Are TP-Link EAP235-Wall Omada inwall aps any good? I just moved in to a new house. It's made out of concrete and wifi signals are utter dogshit here. These need PoE to work, right? Do consumer grade switches have more than one PoE port? Or is it better/easier to just buy a PoE injector?
The non-firefox-world is too alien.
>normal Chrome
Can't take this as it contains Google's viruses.
This is completely free and open but for some reason /g/ shits on it. So it's a no??
>ungoogled Chromium
I'm supposed to use this yet no Linux distribution packages it. Curious.
>mt7621, 128m/16m
Good enough for residential. Openwrt will probably support them for 10-20 years. Consumer switches don't have any PoE ports unless they say so on the box.
figured it out. turned out i had plugged a single thing into an unknown header and that was preventing the entire PC from booting for some reason.

I was about to make another post about my graphics card not sending a signal to my monitor, but also got that working by switching up my SATA cables. guess your boot drive needs to be plugged into SATA1 or it won't work.

sure is nice to waste 4 hours of my wagecuck life trouble shooting computer shit on my weekend.
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>recommend 5GB of free space
For what? Building? Building from sources does indeed require space.
>for context I running lubuntu in virtual box
>I plan to install clamav into it along with some memory test stuff and such
>to check an old laptop I have and see if it's functional and check for malware
So. You are going to take some old laptop. That runs Windows I assume? Then you are firing up a virtual machine under that Windows installation? To check on that Windows? Doesn't work like that lmao, it's completely upside down.
What you want is a bootable Linux system instead.
>>ungoogled Chromium
>I'm supposed to use this yet no Linux distribution packages it. Curious.
so what? i use Thorium. a chromium based web browser. it doesn't come packaged, but its the best web browser for linux so far and comes with a lot of privacy shit. my only complaint, is that i don't know where the files it stores your settings and bookmarks are, and how to transfer it across another browser or if its even possible.
not a chip, but a circuit board that has had all it's components stripped off
judging from the exposed outlines, it probably had a shield on it at some point, possibly something RF-related
it has pads on one side, so it would have been soldered onto another board, which is also common for RF devices. however it doesn't have an integrated trace antenna. alternatively it could have been something else sensitive to interference, like a sound dac
yea, the cd drive itself plays audiocd's (as well as music from games that use audiocd tracks), and the analog audio is sent over that cable to a sound card to be mixed in
are you sure you aren't just confusing the defragging software?
Same for me. It seems to happen on longer videos, like 60+ minutes. Also on firefox with UBO.
>so what
If everyone needs it and wants it why don't they package it?
The drive itself plays the audio-CD and that's the analog output. Ones with play button could be used in ghetto stereos.
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Is having too many blocklists toggled really a bad thing? Ignoring redundancies and a site potentially breaking are there any actual negatives to it?
I'm not sure what a delta or tdk lambda would be for, the idea was just to power the wii from the monitor if it was possible because it would be cool, but if it's not possible it's no big deal, I have a wii brick already. I'm guessing there's no way to "test" this with a multimeter right?
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how do i make the little bar thing way bigger in mpv net, I've been using it for years and now it's small for no reason

cpu hog
Nah you need an oscilloscope.
not happening, you can test the current until the breaking point with a multimeter and a pot but it is probably way below what the wii needs.
What is the worst that can happen if i open all the ports on an ip cameras NVR?
Is there any way I can
1. Find out which games run perfectly from steam WITHOUT steam, i.e. completely without signing in or any kind of internet connection
2. Download and archive a linux and windows version to put somewhere else to install from when I want
depends on what is worse for you: someone deleting all your recordings or someone watching and copying all your recordings.
Is gaming on linux basically just configuring wine?
If so, why is choosing a distro for that important? Isn't it all the same then?
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I need to find list of torrent hashes, with names if at all possible. On linux. I have no idea.

this is an old version, I need to evac the machine fast

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