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>Intel stock crashed 60% this year
>Intel lost $80B in stock market cap
>Intel lost $50B in CHIPS Act subsidies
>Intel fired 20% of its global workforce
>Intel 13th/14th gen chips are garbage and catching fire
>despite all this, ALL companies within the US will be FORCED to use Intel chips
>US government will pump even MORE money into Intel

You are fucking stupid if you're not investing ALL your money into Intel right now.




I already did when it went below $20. Only had $10,000 to throw at it though.
You're stupid.
Even if the US government protects Intel, that doesn't mean it will protect shareholders, and ESPECIALLY not small shareholders.
You cucks are always the first sacrificial lamb.
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Smart guy. You'll make your money back at the end of the year, and triple your portfolio end of 2026.
Intel is selling their fab
I've had more luck with defense stocks
are stonks supposed to look like a square wave?
>down by well over half
>still has an 88 P/E because they're barely making any fucking money
I ain't trying to catch that falling knife
I have already loaded up on intel. All analytics have it on hold and target share price of over 27 USD. It's free money
no they usually follow pascals inverted red black tree, where each bear bull cycle is folloed by a heimlich step fuction

Just imagine a perfect triangle inside a circle spinning at 3/2 rate of the circle and then plotting a point each time the one of the edges makes 30 degree angle to the vertical and horizontal axis
Intel's stock is already bottoming out. They just announced they're cancelling their 2nm fab and that it'll be delayed indefinitely.

Barring any major catastrophe where they're NOT shipping their 3nm at the end of the year, this is as low as Intel stocks will go.

The US government just announced they're intervening and will pump tens of billions into Intel.

If you're a risk taker, wait for the end of the year to see if it'll drop further. If not, then the stock will bounce right back up and you'll lose a 50% free cash money.
Intel: 130k employees
TSMC: less than 70k employees
AMD: About 30k employees

Why do you think intel is not making money and do you see how they easily CAN make money once they cut away all the bloated fat, which they are currently doing?
>which they are currently doing?
Great! call me when they've done it.

>>Barring any major catastrophe
>"things will be great unless something bad happens!"
can't you say that about more or less any company?
>>despite all this, ALL companies within the US will be FORCED to use Intel chips
100% of global tensions are theatrics. Intel is failing because US workers are the laziest and stupidest in the world and are hired based based on racial statistics first and foremost which is a double edged sword because not only are most diversity hires unable to carry their own weight it also causes high performance employees to change sides and start to silently sabotage out of spite. Any companies that is forced to use Intel chips will also fail and when that happens it will cause Intel to fall even further over the long term. Sorry but US labor market is done, the stock market is pure speculation based on the new paradigm that workers don't need to be productive any more. It won't happen.
>Great! call me when they've done it.
Then it'll be too late for you to buy during the dip.

It's like you don't even understand proper timing.
You can make a speculative case for literally any stock that goes down by a lot. Some of them might go back up, some of them went down for good reasons and will stay there or fall further. Wall Street employs very smart and very expensive people in legion strength to try and guess this kind of thing and they still can't do it consistently.
Don't fall for the "Intel will recover after cutting the fat" statement. Intel is never recovering as a company because they're shit. But their stock will jump up after everybody in the US is forced to buy Intel and the US govt will prop up the company no matter what, like Boeing, GM, etc.

The whole point is to make money off stocks and following what the US does with their state companies. This isn't about Intel "recovering" as a company, the ship has long sailed.
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I've noticed you chinkshills keep repeating the "intel got $50B" line, like a lot. Like are you retards so little informed that you don't even know that $50B is the ENTIRE chips act pool, of which intel only got $8B? I'm just correcting you, don't bother replying.

America is objectively more productive than Europe. Are you an economist? What observations or research do you base your disinformation on?
Lol just like AMD in the mid to late 2000s

Oh wait no, they came back...
Meant for OP >>102381492
>this thread unironically brought out the niggermerica shills


Don't you understand? Intel isn't failing. They're just rising... downwards!
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Say the line again - "Intel got $50B" - so everyone can see you discredit yourself
Intel hasn't seen a single dime yet because the US govt keeps changing the terms of the deal. It's not like the money they're getting from the CHIPS act is enough anyways.
It's not even cash in hand at all, it's tax rebates
Ultimately Intel will be fine but not because of the CHIPS act. Retarded ass bagholders are expecting returns way too soon when Intel will probably only recover after 2030. They have no real risk of failing, investortards are just short-sighted gambling addicts who go full doomer when line don't go up.
It was never a question whether Intel will be fine or not, retards and youtube grifters unironically think they will go bankrupt.

What they NEED to do is shed all their bloat focus on their core business which is CPUs and fabs. I posted this earlier, they have 130k employees compared to TSMC's 70k employees. There's absolutely no reason for Intel to be this bloated.
They still haven't gotten any of it is that point, and the US expects Intel to build more fabs than originally agreed upon.
It's pointless anyways, TSMC in Taiwan is dominant because of the experienced Taiwanese engineers working long shifts Amerifats can't. Intel's fabs will have to pay worse engineers more money to be less productive and will thus be set behind. Forcing American companies to use inferior nodes is completely unviable
you sound really upset. investing in some stock ?
also holy samefaggot
>this statistical analysis done by americans proves that americans are the best
yeah, good luck with that
>quoted some post twice
How mad do you think this American is right now?
You are so salty right now kek
kek i was meant to quote this>>102381826
It doesn't matter how much they "focus" on fabs anon, TSMC processes and experience isn't something that you can replicate with enough manpower and money. Intel simply can't replicate the conditions in Taiwan that allow TSMC to be so dominant (better engineers, longer hours, lower pay). Shedding their other divisions will not help Intel overcome TSMC, it will just cause them go further behind to AMD and Nvidia.
Intel has more employees because it's far more diversified than TSMC, and staying diversified is the proper move going forward, because the biggest reason why companies like OEMs choose them is because Intel offers packaged solutions with enterprise support. It's literally Intel's biggest advantage. Trying to cut """"bloat"""" in the form of research and other technologies is exactly the short sighted thinking that the MBAs that ran companies like Intel and Boeing used to run them into the ground.
It's going down even more next earnings
>They have no real risk of failing
Worldcom, which was once worth 180 billion (double Intel's current 90 billion), went bankrupt. Intel has a very low chance of failing, but it is no zero.
WorldCom was a telecommunications company

Intel is a chip designer and manufacturer

Besides being large mega corps worth 10s or 100s of billions, that's about where the similarities end.
I don't think NVIDIA likes the idea of performance losses in their products, and neither would the consumers. Imagine buying RTX 6090, the government cheese-edition, now 80% slower than 5090.
Much like your "we're the best because we think we are" study, just because you say something, that doesn't make it true.
General Motors filed for bankruptcy in 2009. Intel has a very low chance of failing, but it is no zero.

i guess we know why Intel just doesn't give a fuck about making ass chips anymore. they got us taxpayer money to bail them out
Intel will never fail for the same reason Lockheed won't.

At the absolute worst, they'll get bought by someone else that also won't be allowed to fail.
I don't need money, any risk is all loss with little reward if I gain. Unless it's literally a case of getting millions in profit.
Sirs please read the thread Intel best company in the world.
Not my problem you're denying reality
i have a slightly positive opinion of intel
It's some money upfront + having to buy the new equipment (tax rebate later iffffff.......) + Meeting the governments desired production targets on said equipment and then only then like a decade later do you get the rest of the money and your 10% or whatever rebate.
It's kinda scammy. I don't know if there's "diversity" requirements but I assume there's quotas which will never work.
>unironic Intel shills

Wish I was a Jew so I could have golems suck on my dong for free all day.
I've been considering it. I'm less worried about 18A not panning out compared with Intel just not being able to transition to a foundry model. If they had gotten the Tower acquisition, they could have used their expertise to make it happen. Now I'm worried they'll have the node but not the customers. Hard to say.
intel and samsung will be the last players standing in the cutting edge fab business after the next taiwan strait crisis in 2027
>America is objectively more productive than Europe
What's it all for though? Median Americans have less than half as much wealth as median Belgians for example, even though we're more productive and make more money.
>please invest in our spyware despite all the rare earth elements being in the china sea because, murica

can't speak to stocks, i've never seen 10k in my life, corpo scum.
Consuming. Fuck America and ZOG
You forgot that FAGMAN is big into making custom silicon now and they can outpay Intel so badly it's not funny. Meta, Microsoft, Google, plus more are making their own chips. Microsoft has thousands of Intel employees alone that we have just outright bought. They are happy to leave their sinking TC ship.
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(((Gina Riamondo))))
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i did i have a 13900k
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The obvious moving of goalposts aside, muh median you're actually talking about people in their twenties. You can talk about that demographic all day long if you want to, but if you're trying to claim Belgians are just as wealthy as Americans you're sorely mistaken
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(((intel foundries)))
Yeah, i wonder where those foundries are.
Remember when resident cuck anti-white linus sebastian went on a tour of a intel factory? Remember where the factory was? Really makes you think.
Things that make you think.
The US government couldn't possibly make more clear how much of a israel pawn they are huh?
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Hmmmm, wonder why they might need more people to do the same amount of work.
sorry, the only dip I am going to buy is sweet and sour with my nuggets
The $8.5B in >>102381871 is supposed to be a direct monetary investment, and they got additional tax breaks on top of that. None of those companies have gotten paid though, because this caliber of enterprises have policies that they use only union workforces for construction, and the unions don't meet the diversity requirements that got shoehorned into the CHIPS Act. Maybe BAE got paid, because defense contractors always win, but certainly none of the others.
81.92 price to earning ratio? fuck no. it's a dividend trap. the government will crack down on it and it'll deflate like a balloon

don't overthink it. bad company = bad stock
You know that this is all common knowledge and you can just look it up, right?
Intel has a 10nm (now called Intel 7) fab in Israel, a 7nm (now called Intel 4) fab in Ireland, and the rest of their current and future production capacity is in the US. They're also building a large fab in Germany, but it's scheduled to come online a couple of years after their current foundry roadmap ends so it will probably be making 14A or 12A or something.
buy an add intel shill
the one in Germany aint gonna happen
if they were smart they'd stop it. it's in their best interest to, but these things are hard to stop once they get the ball rolling
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>Walk into intcel thread
>It’s actually an /int/cel thread
Btw forcing [rival company] to use Intel’s fabs will never work for the same reason it has never worked.
Intel would just steal their designs.
The biggest selling point of TSMC was that they don’t steal your tech.
sorry, it's not gonna happen. liquidation will happen. that company is very much fucked.
nobody steals nothing. you are simply retarded.
you're not very familiar with German bureaucracy, I see. the paperwork for initiating a request to examine the possibility of liquidation is going to take longer than building the fab
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Nigger you do NOT invest into a stock that trades below 50/200 moving average
that is true. but that does not mean the building cannot be build for some other company. we still have Infineon.
>muh divine numbers stock investing babby's first "projecting the future by the patterns of the past" gambling addict
Ok, that's the point when I leave the thread.
Forcing rival companies to use Intel's fabs will never work because they have no capacity. The reason why they're having problems now is because they're okaying chips that should have failed QA in order to keep their yields out of the sub-single digits, and the reason they're not replacing failed processors is because even with everyone knowing about their problems, they still can't make enough processors to meet the trickle of demand they have left; there is no production capacity to even make broken replacement chips for the broken chips.

Intel is literally the 1.7% woodscrew housefire meme right now.
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jeets do.
bugs do.
arabs do.
charting is astrology for dudes

So either they knew it would never happen or they want to have the factories fall apart in 18 months.

You do when it's a corporate darling in a managed economy. Anyway look at that textbook dead cat bounce!

>this is as low as Intel stocks will go.

Intel is flirting with being delisted from the DJA. If that happens, Intel is no longer a buy/hold for many index funds, buying slows. price drops, income from sale of capital stock slows, investment slows and so on.
You think everyone stayed away from Intel fabs ‘just because’ ?
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go on...
It's culture rot that can't be fixed without replacing the entire leadership.
>government artificially pumping a private company
Oh boy! How many layers of Comunistic failure the US is currently in right now?

>our artificial inflation of intel is totally not anti capitalistic guys! This is literally what the market wants! WE ARE THE MARKET GODDAMMIT
Fuck off Jew! I've been waiting for you to fail for more than a decade! FUCK YOU
It's literally okay when the US does it. They can and will subsidize any company they want and bail out whichever company they want.
Not buying your bags Ranjeet
Financially, I should. Morally, I must seek the destruction of Intelaviv.
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Already did, I expect them to recover to ~$30 by end of next year.
As you said, it's basicallu free money.
Intel is too strategically important to fail.
A technologically illiterate corporation cannot be saved just by throwing money at it. A failure company with in sudden influx of money is not going to change anything. It's just COPE. It's a last payout to executives before the real crash happens. Failure is inevitable.
>A technologically illiterate corporation
Your feelings are not reality.
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The market agree with me
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Okay bro, we heard you.
I'll wait until it hits 10$
jk I don't know how to buy stocks
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This technology
Just have stops and youll be safu
Raimondo is a typical Jew.
Rhode Islander here.

Not sure why you put an Italian Catholic in (((Jewish))) parentheses. Don't get me wrong, she is a cunt, like she had some obscure town ordinance enforced to the letter and then got told by a judge to go fuck herself, when her neighbor had a tree that dared drop leaves on her lawn.

She ain't a jew though. RI is a weird place, where every Catholic church used to come in 2 or 3 churches, because god-fucking-forbid, an Irish-Catholic goes into an Italian-Catholic church, or a Portuguese-Catholic go into an Irish-Catholic church. There would be less drama if the Greek Orthodox priest/patriarch/whatever-they-call-them came and did a sermon at one of the Catholic churches.

RI does have a high concentration of jews though. Where I grew up in Cranston, there were so many jewish students, we got all of the jewish holidays off in addition to the regular ones. Catholics ain't nothing like jews, unless you're a fundie baptist, in which case you're too inbred and retarded to tell up from down.
Maybe Nvidia can throw some pity money intel's way? Please sirs, half my portfolio is shintel...
There is a reason it's down anon. They are functionally irrelevant and have been for a decade.
Where is altboy going to get his chippies now that every fab is being shut down?
It's a random walk.
This is true I'm already down big time on Intel after "trusting the plan" essentially

Intel used to be the over priced but power efficient one .. now ARM us coming in.. china will replace them in the eastern half of the world eventually.. AMD is cheaper and faster & now they lost the server/cloud to Nvidia ..
I already hold a tiny amount of Intel stock. Obviously I won't sell it (for the reasons listed in the post among many others), but I wouldn't buy into it right now just because it looks "cheap".
Intel announced they would invest billions in Israel making then they canceled because of retarded the Israelis are, they cant stop themselves from being cartoonishly evil and crashing their economy in the process.
It's always amusing from /biz/tards think a critical major company is about to go bankrupt or fail because MUH STOCK PRICE. Shows how young the average age of this board has become over the years.
Never give your money to kikes, including even taxes. I'd love to see the day when every single globalist, kike and leftist gets brutally murdered.
/g/ just needs to have faith in gelsinger. He caught the falling knife that the past ceos left behind for us. Getting back on track with R&D and Fabs isn't something done overnight it takes investment
sorry, we are not religious. having severe cuts on your hands from catching the knife doesn't help either. and wtf do you mean they need to do R&D? what else have they been doing the past decades you retard? canned projects over canned projects. stop fucking with us.
Pat needs to go
LOOnar lake btfoes everything but apple m4 while being half 6nm
AMDlusionals will always keep coping
so they gave up on Taiwan and China has parity. reunification soon
I bought $100 at $18. Gonna buy another hundred when my next paycheck drops.
We'd rather bomb Taiwanese fabs into dust before allowing chinks to get access.
Taiwan isn't about chips.
if you can't protect it it's not yours
china is #1 in almost all domains now so unless they're stealing from ayys, you'll just have to cope with being #2 or #3, ameribrown
intel will cease to exist by the end of the decade
t. former intel employee
I put a little money into it as a high risk choice. I figure it's gonna recover in 5 years or so; or die, doesn't really matter since I only put in a little.
Delusional, they're essentially a national security apparatus just like Lockheed or Northrop.

At the worst another company will buy Intel and all of their patents and fabs will continue under a new name. And if you own Intel stock at the time you'll now own stock in whatever company buys Intel
no, we don't go there anymore
Retard it's going to zero
Already did
Lol are you ten years old?

Remember when AMD was less than $2/share not even 10 years ago?
it was the same story with AMD 20 years ago. I think they will recover.
t. has 0 (zero) INTC bags
They were $1.80/share in like 2015.

9 years ago.
I am talking when they went from over 40 to below 2 in like 2 years.
Yea but they didn't actually recover until 2017+

Sure it was $30-40/share around 2000 then down to like $2-3 in 2002, then again up to $30/share in 2005/6, then again to sub $10/share in 2007/08 until just before 2017.

The idea that Intel at sub $20 is somehow moments from being shuttered is hilarious when AMD ran around for 15 of the last 25 years at sub $10/share.
it will still go down before recovering. they have nothing in the works. it's still several years before they come back.
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Do it for them.
Intel's foundry side isn't coming back anytime soon. They fell behind years ago and will not recover anytime soon. They are paying the price for not adopting EUV hardware early. They kept assuming their nodes will be unmatched and push off Apple. TSMC took the gamble of adopting EUV and it had worked. Apple and Nvidia infused them billions of R&D funds to make tons of product. AMD simply took the windfall of it and used it leap back from brink in the x86 game. Now most of Intel's talent are retiring or were layoff during trimming the "fat". The replaces have massive shoes to fill and it will take decades to fill them.
The infrastructure and foundries are not the company itself dingus.
Intel might go bankrupt and another company will come in clean the house.
Wow its almost like you didn't read my post

Good job
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>At least the Chinks are morally consistent.
Well you sure as hell aren't fucking chinese, that much we know
>Invest in Intel
You must be truly desperate if you've come to us for help.
everibody knows it's the other way around
hence my confusion about the "american chip industry"
>Intel: chip design + manufacturing
>TSMC: manufacturing only
>AMD: chip design only
gee I wonder why Intel needs this many employees! Intlel is in the shitter and they deserve it but employee numbers are not the reason
Ehh, intel could still probably stand to lose ~5-10k employees.
Intel decoupled the fabs from chip desing. I don't trust their fabs but their packaging it top notch.
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>China leads in advanced aircraft engines

I'm sorry, who the fuck wrote this shit list?

Chinese engines are based on 1960's western tech and 1970/80's russian tech. They've made a lot of strides lately, but to imply they're somehow AHEAD of the west? That's a fucking joke, they're unironically 15-20 years behind the west in aircraft engines.
>their packaging it top notch
bwahahaha. good joke.
kek ok chang
It's called too big to fail. They've done this one to many times in history.
They're definitely not random walks. The best abstract model I've seen that ignores credit cycles and yearly seasonality (which both have very strong effects on stock price) is this self referential fractal (thus it takes into account the effects of derivatives and momentum.)
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>smart buy
>Pls invest goy
Next stop: $800.
Intel also does ASIC shit and a bunch of other custom chip shit for people, not to mention their dedicated GPU hardware.
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I have the cash but not the know. How do I invest? Are there any requirements? What do I need to know?
Open up a Fidelity account, add a bank account, transfer funds to Fidelity, pick stocks you like, buy them, hold until you're ready to retire.

Don't fall for the meme about being a small time day trader, you're not going to beat the market, you're not smarter than wallstreet. Buy stocks you like, hold them for decades. Have no ragrets.
Thank you very much Anon. The only investment I currently do is a 5 year CD ladder so I've already got the patience, time to up my game with your advice.
pretty good advice; day trading isn't worth the stress either. Pick companies you know well or pick big index stocks like the SP500 or FTSE100 and hold for ndecades as if it were a long term savings account. Although if ther's an economic downturn or one of the companies you're holding pulls and intel and the value collapses then it's your risk.
Personally I would put ~30-50% of what you want to invest in an S&P500 pegged index fund (FNILX with Fidelity) then the rest into stocks you like.

I'm holding a lot of defense stocks currently because I have an interest in defense technologies. See >>102381527
>Next stop: $800.
0 when intel's employees can't deliver their next product for too long and suddenly there is a government competition to replace them
zombie companies must die or we all go down with them
I personally have 1 FDIC insured high interest-bearing savings account (5%) that is mostly full, when it hits the FDIC limit ($250,000) I pull out the additional funds and transfer them to my riskier investments.

In the event of a market collapse i will take that $250k and invest heavily during the downturn and hope for the best.
It matters less how much you make, it matters more how much you have to spend for yourself on non-necessities.

Even if you make more money than you would in another country, it doesn't matter when 70% of what you're making goes directly to your rent. I'd rather make less while needing to spend less so I have more disposable income than barely making ends meet.
Yes put all your eggs in one basket classic financial advice.
no , let fucking intel die with their bloated shitty X86 chips.
invest in riscv and ARM things.
Fuck intel
See >>102389783. Also ARM is a dead end. It will be replaced by RISC-V while x86 continues to be carried by backwards compatibility with business software.
there are other companies that make x86 chips. Intel is fucked. ARM hasn't even begun. RISC-V is a coping strategy. wait and see.
2bh I would but I'm a NEET so I don't really have any money.
Explain how the yield curve supports your thesis.
i'll give you 5 dollars worth of monero if you want
Intel will get bailed out, they represent 95% of the world's advanced semiconductor fabrication capacity outside of east Asia.

ARM is finished, RISC-V has almost completely replaced Cortex M already, and in the SoC space, ARM's licensing terms are alienating their most prevalent customers. In the next 5 years or so, Qualcomm, Mediatek, and Rockchip will all be making primarily RISC-V SoCs, and within ten years I'm guessing that ARM gets bought out completely by Apple.
Intel is finished and bankrupt. Next earnings is another bloodbath
Remember IBM? Exactly...
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>IBM at an all time high

IBMchads... We've WON!!!
>30yrs graph
Now adjust for inflation...
cool it with the anti-semitic remarks
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>invest in IBM 30 years ago
>x12 your investments

> chingchong china man has mental breakdown: the thread
If you want index funds (hint - you do), look at Vanguard. Though holding individual stocks is ok too, but you won't be diversified.
Their dividend payout has been higher than inflation for 25 of the last 30 years
Intel shills desperately trying to raise their stock price again.
yes saar no problems at intel saar
I don't invest in Intel because it's too easy. Intel always wins, where's the challenge, the thrill of earning your money.
Wish I still had money. Fuck medical bills man.
Their "bloat" happened from trying to hire DEI employees, which TSMC avoided by being in Taiwan.
They proudly proclaimed about it 5 years ago.
No surprise they're failing now. Old dudes with knowledge retired and only zoomers remain, high on their own farts.
>Why do you think intel is not making money and do you see how they easily CAN make money once they cut away all the bloated fat, which they are currently doing?
Wake me up when they get rid of DIE and woke policies. Patrick P. Gelsinger should just cut his fucking dick off and troon out like that fucking faggot butcher Jennifer Pritzker. Fuck them all.
>invest in IBM 30 years ago
yeah you practically dead now retard
Man that 3.5 B from Pentagon sounds a lot until you realize most of those funds will go straight to Israel
I may scoop $1k, maybe 2. I don't like Intel tech-wise, but they will definitely recover from this. the question is only whether this is the good time to buy or are they going to $2/share first.
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Wait, if they lost out on that deal back in 2022, why is that article only coming out now ?
>just reverse engineer an IC with billions of transistors from just a GDS file
You have never taped out a chip and it's obvious
>has been cutting R&D for years
>has sold and continues to sell business segments that aren't raging dumpster fires
>losing market share in the DC space to AMD
>losing market share in the consumer space to AMD
>completely lost to RISC-V and ARM in the maker space
>GPU division seems even more dead than AMDs
>couldn't capitalize on the AI hype
>now actively paying engineers to retire early
>but they will definitely recover from this
Not sure if desperate or delusional.
AMD was $1.65/share in 2015 and had been on life support for a decade.

Stop being a moron.
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is this because israel and the us govt has access to the backdoors in intel chips so they want everyone to use those
Because outside of American companies being FORCED to buy Intelaviv shit, NOBODY buys from them.

Except goymerican consumers.
no one knows how to use Intel fabs other than Intel. You're betting on a really long game and I don't think it's worth the risk.
Delusional it is.
AMD has won every console for a decade+, why would this change now?

Unless Intel was offering chips below cost, I don't see why Sony would change from AMD after using them in the PS4, PS4 pro, and PS5 and PS5 pro.

So no shock, PS6 is also AMD.

Again, you're delusional if you think Intel having a bad decade means they're moments from failing as a company entirely. They've got tons of fat they can cut and still survive for DECADES.
Apple stopped relying on Intel. why do you think that is?
Because Intel is the best company in the world?
It is 2030. Samsung has overtaken both Nvidia and AMD for GPUs because Nvidia was stupid and fabbed their RTX 30xx series at Samsung some years ago or something. idk, got the info from some rando on 4chan.
sarcasm detected
This was probably a good move for Intel. Imagine having to warranty hundreds of millions of rusting chips that they were making razor thin margins on in the first place. It's bad enough as it is.
is this the feds trying to validate their $20+ billion corpo welfare chips act bullshit? I hate china but intlel is being propped up too big to fail style
Yup, there was basically no chance Intel was gonna win unless they offered the chips at or below cost, which is just not a smart business in most cases.
ZOG already giving up on Taiwan huh? LMAO
short sellers getting nervous
Yes but AMD's problem was intel market supression in the first place that created a chicken and egg situation like it is now with Nvidia Graphics cards(although isn't nvidia giving chips for free, cuda made everyone dependent on them and AMD sucks at marketing(RT is A fucking gimmick, and dlss is a tool to sell less silicon for more money, and RTX 4090 is Nvidia consumers corvette). Intel isn't being suppressed by amd with rebates and free processors because they don't have the capacity to do that.
P.S. Nvidia is 100% correct in it's market aproach, is despicable, but they are in the bussiness to make money.
>but AMD's problem was intel market supression
i mean, the fact they had dog shit CPUs didn't fuckin help
That is before the dogshit bulldozer. i am thinking k7 and K8 era. And i am pretty sure it continues until now on laptops.
>continues until now on laptops
That's 100% AMDs fault, they're leaving money on the table and even the OEMs are fuckin mad at AMD for it.

Forgot link
I invested in Intel, if it ever gets back up to 23 I'm dumping it.
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They almost hit $21 today and basically hit $23 in the aftermarket trading.
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Chrysler came back.

Chrysler investors on the other hand...
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If you invested $100 in Intel stock in 1996, you'd have $90 now

But I'm sure it will start to soar any year now
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>Why do you think Intel is not making money
>what are dividend payments
Also the stock split twice around that time, once in 1999 and again in 2000.
This. Intel will probably die. The government doesn't care about Intel. Not unless Trump becomes president.
People are fucking retarded, the US government ensuring intel never actually fails was already priced in at $20.
Intel is "too big to fail" in the proper sense of the term. How many semiconductors companies are actually based in the Yiddnited States on that level? Support dropping would be fucking chaotic too.
>what are dividend payments
A shitty joke. What's next you can make 100% returns in 10 years with ETFs?
>many semiconductors companies are actually based in the Yiddnited States on that level?
Globalfoundries has one advanced fab in the US that they got from IBM and another one they're building with chips act money, everything else is ancient 45+nm shit, mostly owned by TI and used for analog radio stuff. If China invades Taiwan and the US does a Nordstream on TSMC, Intel will be the largest and most advanced foundry in the world by a huge margin, only Samsung and GloFo are even remotely close.
Samsung fabs being in Korea also make them a potential risk/target, in the even shit pops off in Taiwan, I wouldn't expect shit to be doing much better in South Korea.
>100% of global tensions are theatric
So much this. But the cattle keep falling for the meme and enlist to die for a ww2-brained boomesr chilling in their comfy office.
lol you know TSMC is building a state of the art fab in arizona right?

I'm sure they are spending the free money they were given but there will never be an operating factory.
It's not state of the art although it is an advanced node, it's 5nm and not expected to come online until after TSMC starts shipping 3nm. It's also tiny and represents less than 5% of TSMC's 5nm capacity. It was basically just a test run to check if US subsidies are worthwhile, and the answer is a resounding no. They'll probably end up selling it off to Intel/GloFo/TI.
None of the CHIPS Act money has been paid out, which is why Intel is firing a third of their workforce. They started building two new fabs expecting over $8 billion in public funding, but then they got fucked and now they're left on the hook for all that money. Same shit happened to TSMC, although their factory is far less ambitious and they only stood to gain a fraction of what Intel did. They did get tax breaks from the state of Arizona, but they're still paying federal taxes and it's doubtful they'll ever see the kind of return from the Arizona fab that they do from their Taiwan fabs.
You're trying to exit, aren't you?
Currently $22.50 in aftermarket trading.

Anyone who bought at $20 or under is probably decently happy right now.
You think it's a good thing when a CEO starts quoting the bible on Twitter as his company's stock price is obliterated?
I've been looking into Raytheon, what's your opinion?
Good buy
I don't see anyone outside of Qualcomm or Nvidia buying Intel, and that's a big if(s).
Apparently Intel can't even accommodate Sony profit margin, now imagine dealing with Nvidia lmfao. Also, why would Nvidia and Qualcomm feed a competitor? Unless Intel broke off like GlobalFoundries and Amd, there is no one who would be dumb enough to fuel a competitor like Intel.
>stock is going down because they are shitty jewish company
How about I loan you 100 intel stocks and you give me the total price today in about 3 months? Low interest.
Guess that's why china still buys Russian Engines.
WTF? OEM expect AMD to design a laptop for them?
Stop living in 2014
You talking about the J20 where the Chinese WS15 still cant keep up with a 30 year old American F119.
Did the congressmen buy Intel already?
Those sources are lol. Lmao, even.
In what way does Intel compete with Nvidia?
IBM ranks up there with stable dividend payments for years you fucking retard
>already up 12% before the thread even dies
OP with the god tier timing
/biz/ could never
what does IBM actually do these days, which other companies can't?
I picked up seven stocks when it was at $20. I won't get much but it was money that was sitting there after some other little trades. If it drops further than it's no real loss.
how do you feel about it? I would like to know how being retarded feels like.
us manufacturing is absurdly expensive. No one is going to pay $5000 for a low-end cpu.
this. but inflation is upon us. we will see 5k$ desktop CPUs in our lifetime.
And what are you gonna do when the US sanctions/tariffs any non-American CPUs? Everybody MUST buy Intel or American.
then there will be even more inflation
I am sorry, but you are either a shill or you have absolutely no fucking idea what you are talking about. ARM is FUCKING EVERYWHERE. RISC-V is competing with FUCKING LOTS of different microcontrollers. do you even know what microcontroller is running in your toothbrush or toaster? making a working microcontroller is no big deal anymore, everyone has their own fucking implementation. but having a performant desktop or server CPU is no easy task. RISC-V still can't compete there. it will take them at least another decade to get there. at this point x86 will be fucking over. ARM won. deal with it.
He's up 11% retard
sell now and buy a cafe latte with the earnings?
>RISC-V is competing with FUCKING LOTS of different microcontrollers.
Yes, and it's winning.
>do you even know what microcontroller is running in your toothbrush or toaster?
My toothbrush and toaster don't have microcontrollers, but if I were to go out and buy some bullshit I didn't need it would probably have RISC-V inside.
>making a working microcontroller is no big deal anymore, everyone has their own fucking implementation.
Yes, and that's a problem. Maintaining a one-off ISA for a toothbrush is not worth the effort, which is why there was so much industry support for RISC-V. Retards think it's about "muh FOSS hardware!" but that's a load of shit and it was always about making the shit you don't even think about cheaper and easier to implement.
>but having a performant desktop or server CPU is no easy task. RISC-V still can't compete there.
I never claimed it could. ARM can't compete there either, it's all just cope from x86 anti-fanboys desperate for anything else to displace it. Snapdragon X is a dumpster fire and Apple Silicon can only pretend to compete with x86 with a process node advantage and a single cross-platform synthetic benchmark that blatantly favors Apple software.
>it will take them at least another decade to get there. at this point x86 will be fucking over. ARM won.
x86 isn't going anywhere. If anything it's going to get even bigger. ARM loses now in microcontrollers and system processors, and soon it will be squeezed out of mobile SoCs from both sides.
>ARM loses now in microcontrollers and system processors, and soon it will be squeezed out of mobile SoCs from both sides.
okay. I see you a delusional. why did this not happen earlier? we already hat Intel atom and whatnot. what happened? I do both macro and micro optimizations btw. and guess what? Apples faggot silicon blows all the other out of the water at the same power draw. I understand that RISC-V is more ideology and coping than being practical. I would love to see a better ecosystem but it is not happening. there is always a catch with these assholes.
with the 13th/14th gen chip fiasco not being over yet, aren't their shares far from dropping?
and how do I start investing as a private britbong investor?
>13th/14th gen chip fiasco
priced in already
now intel lives or dies by the 18A node
Look at the success of the Steam Deck and the number of clones. Microsoft Surface, too. x86 is impinging on ARM's traditional space in the tablet market. Qualcomm is trying to do the same thing to x86 in the laptop space but it's going to flop as hard as Intel's attempt to make phones a decade ago.

Apple Silicon only has a power advantage because they pay extra to get first dibs at every new TSMC node. It only performs particularly well in a limited set of tasks due to its massive memory bandwidth. This has nothing to do with the ISA and there's no reason why Intel or AMD couldn't do it if they thought it would be advantageous overall.

You're exactly the retard I was talking about for thinking RISC-V has anything to do with ideology. It's all about making it cheaper and easier to bring small products with limited processing power to market.
>Steam Deck
it has AMD in it. AMD is doing fine. AMD is going to have their own hybrid x86 / ARM64 soon.
>Apple Silicon only has a power advantage because they pay extra
see? that wasn't so hard. Apple is a functioning company. Intel is not.
>RISC-V has anything to do with ideology
there you go, you just proved my point by shilling more
come one you shills. I know you can do better. are you just gonna let Intel die like that? shill harder, dammit!
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>just gonna let Intel die like that?
Trading starts in just under 20 minutes, how about you wait to see how it performs today?

Last night it performed quite well.
did you look at the volume? pathetic piece of shit stock.
You should leave emotions out of your investments, it's clearly you're overly emotionally involved in this company, thus it would be dumb to invest (or bet against) said company.
cool, another coping shill. it's now the emotions. sorry, it's not working. try harder.
Dumbest post today.
You're the one in here shitting on a stock that has demonstrably improved like 10% since the OP started this thread.

But I'm the shill because I told you to wait for the market to open before bitching, and that you're clearly emotionally involved in this company?

It's down for a reason
actually the smartest. line go up, line go down. akshually, line go down really fast.
I don't know 60% crash is quiet a bit
Intel needs a around a 3x now to get to where it was.
not involved, not anymore. not since a decade. just a customer that got fucked in the ass by Intel. there are many customers like me. Intel cannot be trusted.
You're clearly still EMOTIONALLY involved.

I never said you owned their stock or owned intel products.

The fact that you haven't even used intel in a decade and you're STILL in here attacking them should say everything that needs to be said, that isn't the behaviour of someone who doesn't care.
This kind of crash might be normal for bitcoin (not meme coins memecoins die after a 60% crash) but this is a stock we're talking about. I think intel's done for.
I am attacking because you are attacking with shit. you are ruining this place with shit. maybe you like to pick up and throw shit. but I don't. Intel has fucked us over one to many times. it is time for Intel to go.
Yeah cause AMD never had any big crashes in their company history and they're basically a failed company at this point.

Oh wait no AMD turned it around in less than 5 years.
Did AMD have a 60% crash?
$44.25 in June 2000
$16.19 in December 2000

$40.10 in Feb 2006
$18.26 in July 2006
so, no
The first one is a 63% drop
The second one is a 55% drop

but hey, whatever cope helps you keep up your "totally not shilling for AMD" facade.
can you show the other companies in the same year? please, pretty please.
Intel is a jewish company and should not be supported.
>what does IBM do
Things you and your 3 mil startup can't afford.
auto fellatio stops working when the body loses too much nutrition you faggot
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Should I get 500-1000 DOGEs before the elections? I feel I will miss out on the coiny dog.
They use their extensive boomer contact network to shill broken, undocumented, unfit-for-purpose products to boomer companies so they can later sell support and consulting when they need to be fixed and customized.
Starting with consulting services to calculate how much money you owe them for using their products due to byzantine pricing structures.
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OP has good timing

$100,000 last week is $114,000 today.
>good timing
you're two months late. the moment the price floor was hit should have been obvious.
>it has AMD in it. AMD is doing fine.
Sooooo.... x86.
>AMD is going to have their own hybrid x86 / ARM64 soon.
lol, lmao even. Even if it were possible to make such a thing, ARM's licensing policy wouldn't allow it.
>see? that wasn't so hard. Apple is a functioning company. Intel is not.
Nice goalposts. Intel or not, ARM is an inferior ISA with bad licensing terms that's operating on life support.
>there you go, you just proved my point by shilling more
I don't see how anything I said could be construed as shilling. It's an objective fact that the "freedom" of RISC-V is a red herring since freedom doesn't have anything close to the same meaning for hardware as it does for software. It's also an objective fact that RISC-V being unencumbered by patents and licensing requirements makes it very attractive to component manufacturers, and that there's been a huge amount of industry interest in the ISA since it was released.
That's such a shit article, it didn't make the news in 2022 because duh, Intel has no game in the console market but now that the company is struggling it is somehow relevant.
If anything, newer Intel iGPUs might be worth something on handheld devices along with the e-core bullshit, considering how reddit gobbles up $1000 chink shit mini laptops the barrier of entry is quite low.
>Invest in Israel Inside
they don't even have a plan to get out of this hole. the only way they can survive is to eliminate all the jews in their leadership
Atl was last week retard
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So... a big nose woman uses all her power to help a big nose company because the big nose gov did not give it enough dozens of billions (of your money) for free... so you want us to buy stocks and give it even more money, pretending that we supposedly could make a few cents, while it's clearly a scam. Wow, big nose people really only have money on their mind.
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here, have a banana. can you please continue amusing me a little longer? tell me how good of an investment Intel is and how ARM and AMD are basically done and RISC-V is gonna replace everything.
How do I learn how to do this? Buy something good for the long term..
>Cool it with the antisemitism and just buy the defective backdoored chips GOY!
>They're also building a large fab in Germany, but it's scheduled to come online a couple of years after their current foundry roadmap ends so it will probably be making 14A or 12A or something

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why do americans default compare themselves to europeans

its so weird how american's inject europeans in context that don't involved them. Literally rent free whiteness

also question for actual white europeans, how do you feel about americans constantly inject europeans ethnics in the conversation

Like we're talking about TMSC foundaries. if anything we anything korean, japanese, and taiwaneses can spin circles around average fructose-blooded, pudgey american
you just buy a S&P500 index fund. stocks are always a gamble.
I’ll spell it out for you:
>You have to ship in your designs to the fabs many months in advance. (Sometimes years)
>Now Intel knows exactly what you’re going to have.
>Not a rumor, not a leak. exactly how much you’re going to make, how much it will cost you per unit, and how it will perform. Months if not years in advance.
>Introducing a new surprise tech into the chip? Yeah, not a surprise anymore.
>You however, have no clue what Intel is making, because why would they tell you?
>Intel can then use this tremendous information advantage and out maneuver their competitors every product launch.
Samsung is fine (for now) because they aren’t making competing products.
If they did Nvidia wouldn’t touch their fabs with a barge pole.

This is basic conflict of interest.
Why is it so hard for people to understand this?
omg, is that why Intel is so secretive? don't tell me they have the designs for the next killer cpu right now that will turn this ship around and blow everything else out of the water? is it so good that they need to build their own subsidized fabs first, because they know so much better how things are done? I must be dreaming.
Imagine how much more different the timeline would be if Intel knew about Ryzen and how it worked months in advance…
I accept your concession.
It wouldn't have saved them anyway since they bet on the wrong lithography technology and refused to buy EUV machines until 2020
investing money into wishful thinking and ideals sounds like a sure way to lose it
although he might be one of those rare zealots who's genuinely happy to burn money as long as it's in the name of something he likes the idea of
fair enough. still no reason to pull bystanders into their self destructive behavior.
off topic
also kill yourself Israeli kike

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