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I'm tired of the bullying and being passed over for romances, how do I enable iMessage on my Android?
fucking hilarious, I love america
Any person caring about that is probably not worth talking to, I have an iphone but jesus christ, that's ridiculous, only one person has mentioned that and I just was "oh yeah, didn't noticed" and proceed with my day
by going to a pawn shop and getting an old iPhone for $200
surely you can afford that much to solve this problem if you care so much
just buy a used iphone 12, those bitches can't tell the difference.
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If someone doesn't want to date you because of a green bubble, they're a subhuman gold digger and shouldn't EVER be dated
If someone bullies you for a green bubble, they're a retarded, toxic NPC not worth being friends with
If anything the green bubble is an excellent tool to weed out people not worth having in your life
Biggest TRVTHNVKE I've ever seen
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This post has same energy you see on /r/short
> "Sweetie, girls not wanting to date your 5'9'' manlet ass is a BLESSING, you're just weeding out shallow people!"
For a logical board like /g/ you guys sure love to cope a lot.
having a preference for height, and being a subhuman that cares about money when dating are different things, nigger
Having standard is coping now?
Maybe you should go back there if that's how you feel, faglord.
yes, being a sour graping retard is coping now
>muh sour grapes
>y-you just are coping ok??
kys and go back to xitter/reddit/whatever troon hellhole you came from
>kys and go back to xitter/reddit/whatever troon hellhole you came from
you sound very triggered
you cannot logically refute me, so you seethe like a bitch
literal female energy
> why
Obviously because you reject women who would reject you, so you don't feel like a total loser. Same logic fat bitches use when they "pre-reject" fit, hot men, because they know they could never get one.
It's pathetic, cowardly behavior.
A real man would just admit he is a green-bubble weirdo and be done with it, but you have to be little bitches about it
I'd die before dating a gold digger whore, NIGGER, and it won't be any different no matter how much you seethe and dilate with "muh sour grapes" and "coping"
Your sour grapes """argument""" has zero substance and logic in the first place, and is a misconception on your end
>being green bubble le bad and gold digger whores actually le good
>no incel chud you can't dislike gold digger whores you're a loser if you do that
keep kvetching incel
go enjoy your tinkerfag android
is this because iphone users can't afford sms charges?
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you keep repeating "gold digger whores" as if that's the reason. No, Android phones are more expensive than Android now. It's not that they're gold digging.
It's because your vomit ass green bubbles are an eyesore. You can't send images and attachments the same way you can to other iPhone users, the group chats don't work.
Also, owning an Android signals to the world you are a tinkerfag.
You don't actually need an Android, you just have lame hobbies like tinkering with useless shit, if anything iphone is safer and iphone app store vets their apps better.
There is a reason corporate executive and serious business men actually use iPhone not shitty JeetDroid
iPhones are more locked down and safer
>Hurrr, but you can harden AndroidOS
Nobody cares. Learn about "mental bandwidth".

As I said, Androidcels are generally of tinekrfag mentality. Men who like to play around, but don't actually achieve anything significant in their lives. It's kind of pathetic

inb4 replies with more seethe
This is a non-issue that only affects the autists that primary use dating apps to meet girls. Stop being a snowflake, and ask girls out irl. Being an andoid user only matters on platforms where everybody suffers from unnwarranted self-importance.
this only happens in america so your only option is to kill as many people as you can before you go down, make the rest of the world a better place
Have you tried not living in the US? Since it's literally the only place in the world where women give a shit about this
I just don't like droidjeets
> This is a non-issue that only affects the autists that primary use dating apps to meet girls.
Normies use BOTH online dating apps and IRL to approach women.
By ignoring online dating apps you are willingly handicappting yourself.
>Being an andoid user only matters on platforms where everybody suffers from unnwarranted self-importance
This is wrong. Green bubble hate is most pronounced in schools and colleges where it's not about tinder at all.
> Have you tried not living in the US? Since it's literally the only place in the world where women give a shit about this
> Just move out of first world country due to bubble color
you're retarded
>everybody uses Snapchat, Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, instagram direct messaging
>but if you text someone without owning an iPhone you deserve a fate worse than death
you can move to another first world country, it's literally only the US that cares about this
women caring about text bubble color is not a first world thing, it's specifically an american thing
Just imagine physically penetrating the virginal blue box girl with your green rod of pleasure. Her physical revulsion giving way to ecstasy as she shames her pristine apple body with disgusting android semen.
Her dad complex will explode with joy as her creamy innards feel the green guzzing inside her blue bagina.
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What a weirdo would you have to be to switch counries, a lifechanging decision, based on perception of plebdroids?
What's even going on in your brain?
You know what normal people do?
If something handicaps them, they fix it.
They would just get an iPhone if they care that much.
There are only two reasons you'd get an Android:
- you like to tinker with useless shit that doesn't matter in the real world
- you are a gaymerrr
Both of those mean you suck as a human being
do better
>If anything the green bubble is an excellent tool to weed out people not worth having in your life
This. Only hollow people with no self-love, care about meaningless shit like this. Through modern society standards I'm a loser, but I prefer their hate towards me, than love. When flies stop being attracted to you, then you know you're clean. Just smile and ignore them, there's no way to make a man see without eyes.
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never heard of this wtf are those bubbles
no woman in australia or canada cares about this, for the third time this is a weird american hangup that no one else has
Pic unrelated?
it's an iphone issue, in the built in messaging program, imessage, messages from other imessage users have a blue background, while messages from sms users have a green background
basically, a "green bubble" is a green-coloured, bubble-shaped message seen on iphones that indicate that someone they're talking to is not using imessage (which is only available on apple devices)
>It's because your vomit ass green bubbles are an eyesore.
Apple designed social engineering
>You can't send images and attachments the same way you can to other iPhone users, the group chats don't work.
now fixed with RCS
God Euro hours are the best

>It's because your vomit ass green bubbles are an eyesore.
As if it's Android that decides to appear eyesore green

>You don't actually need an Android, you just have lame hobbies like tinkering with useless shit.
You sure about that? Last time I checked, iFag phone is adding more thinkershits and Jewgoole's Android is becoming even more Jew (restricted). Give your mom an Android and see how much tinkering she does. That will be the exact how much tinkshittiny 99% Android users will ever do
>if anything being 5'5'' is an excellent way to weed out women not worth having in your life
the coping here is ridiculous, you see how absurd this sounds?
fat women mentality
This is why I hate poor people
> Apple designed social engineering
Yes, and? It works. The green color they chose looks bad and is annoying.
> now fixed with RCS
Nobody cares, tinkerfag
It's not about dating, it's about having sex with hot girls. Have you EVER seen a hot girl with an android ? LMAO
> You sure about that? Last time I checked, iFag phone is adding more thinkershits and Jewgoole's Android is becoming even more Jew (restricted). Give your mom an Android and see how much tinkering she does. That will be the exact how much tinkshittiny 99% Android users will ever do
Give me one good reason why you need Android over iPhone. And it can't be about price (I know Androids are expensive now, too).
> This is why I hate poor people
Androidcels will cope with "b-bb-but some androids are more expensive than iphones now" ignoring that there is a large percentage of androids that BRAND NEW cost way less than a BRAND NEW iPhone.
So basically there are more CHEAPER phones among Androids which signals to normies that you have higher likelihood of being a poorfag. And nobody likes those
I will say that no matter if your country uses imessage or whatsapp, using an iphone demonstrates "you have money" (even if you financed it) This draws both women and men for a relationship.
A great "status symbol"
> It's not about dating, it's about having sex with hot girls. Have you EVER seen a hot girl with an android ? LMAO
Exactly. Idiots will claim "ohhh you need an iPhone to get laid, so pathetic"
No, idiot, ANYONE can get laid. Getting laid is not an issue. QUALITY is issue. People higher up on the totem pole, 8s, 9s, they have higher standards. This is normal across the world. So the higher you date, the fancier you have to appear. A good car and a normal phone without a case (only poorfags use cases) is a normal requirement for upper echalons.
Weird how none of these maps (I've looked at 7 already) show iMessage
refute him then
lots of seething
very little actual arguments
it refutes itself
This made the iFag shart himself so bad lmaoo
Americans are too retarded to install third party app.
despite most Japs use iToy, they still use LINE
well dont use iphone then problem solved
its overpriced anyway
Stop lying
In America we aren't jeets so we don't use WhatsApp and other turd world trash
It's not considered a messaging app because it's the built in system level texting app
>Normies use BOTH online dating apps and IRL to approach women.
No, that is a misconception by neets who don't grasp what 'normal' means, and thus repurose it as 'normie' ti fit their narrative.
>normal people don't about internet
>normies are glorified hipsters
cunt no one here cares about it
That's a non argument. I could throw the same question back at you and you will respond with mediocre answers. Show me your mom can't use her boomer social medias like Facebook on both Android and iOS. If your mom can't have an issue, no one will
>team green bubble
>team blue bubble
NPCs obsess over the stupidest shit.
They're truly animals.
The iFag who raged about le social order is a total integrated NPC
Funny how zoomies in USA roar against racism, sexism, transphobia but can't help themselves not licking the sweet taste of discrimination in form of message color.

>t. Zoomie
Nobody I know cares about that. Most people use a messaging app instead of sending sms.
We're talking about the USA here, yokel
No I meant that people who think the money difference, or the sums involved, prove anything, are poor and dumb.
>Android phones are expensive
this is complete bullshit
I have a decent powerful Android phone and it only cost me 50 dollars to pay for the upgrade. I didn't even trade in my old phone. decent enough mobile chip. 8 gigabytes of RAM. 256 gigabytes of internal storage. I actually still have a headphone jack (unlike iPhones lol) and don't need an adapter to plug in headphones through something retarded like the charging port kek
Also comes with micro SD card support (iPhones will never have this lol)
Give me one good reason - besides "status" the ignorant masses got memed into believing - that I should ever get or use an iPhone
All of the same features I can do with Android. iMessage is some pointless bullshit that people are memed into thinking is more "secure" while in reality it still gets backdoored by the NSA like every other piece of tech that goes through big tech. 100% of the claims about app security and all that are from smoothbrained retards who can't figure out how to self-curate the apps that they install. The whole "tinkerfag" thing is bullshit too. That's just a shit excuse for not wanting to use your brain to use your phone and make sure to keep up with features while also not giving the reins to your own device to the company that makes the phone. A very small number of people actually tinker around with Android to use stuff like Termux and Linux features and modding with a custom Android ROM. If anything why a lot of people believe Android is better is simply because you have control of your own device and aren't giving up control of it to the manufacturer. The only sacrifice you are really making is having a functioning brain. This is why everyone says iPhones are built for children. Face it, you not only got scammed by Apple but scammed by society into their bullshit about calling it a "status symbol". Yes it is a status symbol because congrats you let yourself get scammed and have the money for it.
>using the default sms application which is literal google spyware like every other preinstalled app
Every single normalfaggot or NEET who does this because "it just werks" needs to be killed.
The advantage of iMessage isn't security, it's not being immediately singled out as a weirdo
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This reminds me of the highly intellectual discussions on /lgbt/ where the majority think you need to have iphone in order to pass instead of ANDROid.
People don't care about me not having dominant FB Messenger here and are fine with regular calls/SMS, why would most people in USA care about muh bubble color.
This is a fake issue astroturfed by iKikes.
will give bj even if you are green bubbler. <3 just dont tell anyone.
It's true. A trannie with a Pixel phone can't pass
>owns an iphone
>types "didn't noticed"
checks out
I kinda want to read that, but I know /lgbt/ is a depressed hellhole so I likely won't.
>android users are weirdos because... they just are ok?!
Sure but you’re missing out so much just to keep your chink droid
He probably just didn't noticed
Like what?
unironically yes. the average toddler goes into literal debt for their new phone, which results in them being unable to pay for anything else.
Unique experience and memories with new people
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>using SMS in 2024
lol, lmao even
>being a poor nigger in 2024
rofl, xd even
In the UK nobody texts, it used to be just BBM and then you actually did miss out on hot sexy action... Now it's just WhatsApp though so it's fine, and Tinder, so it's not and (You) are now an incel.
Just pay for it. Women will literally date murderers if they have good genes, you're very very very likely just autistic and ugly (or just autistic).
Big Beautiful Madarchod?
>being brit*sh
>thinks he can call others incels
BlackBerry Messenger
>Mnnnn noo evyee one must use Apple
>use apple Dnont be diffeyent we must all
>use apple cuz I am a spazzy autist ..use apple
I can tell from this post that you are broke, stupid, and have no game. When was the last time you pulled an 8 or a 9 on Tinder? Yeah... thought so.
>8s or 9s
I regularly fuck supermodel tier chicks from Tinder. Meanwhile, you're an autistic virgin. Lmao.
bump, love reading more ifag seethe
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This all only happens in america
pic related, isheep
tfw I use Google voice and there is no RCS support coming ever because Google is garbage. Can't get anyone to use signal either they act like it's an insurmountable hurdle.
Skill issue. I don't passed over because I'm a chad and when girls bring it up I shame them for having an iToddler and rant how shitty they are.
>why yes I do use a custom degoogled rom
I remember how the linux shill tips guys was literally salivating about switching to the new base iphone 16 plus because it may be literally the best phone ever made.
The only differences with the 15 plus are a useless camera button, rearranged cameras, the last year's function button and supposedly a graphite pad to not overheat.
To this day I continue failing to understand the hype over that phone all the professional e-beggars are shilling.
unironically, the only reason i have an android is because i'm poor. you can't get an iphone for a $200 unless it's 6 years old cum stained secondhand one
>only poorfags use cases
apple users are......... poor
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Such quality!
Wow don't iPhones have spellchecking?!!!! KEK
the point of a case is to protect the phone, not to look pretty. the case getting yeeted means its doing its job.
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>cases are for poors!
>UMMMM i'm glad my Apple™ case protected my iPhone™
My new one off contract from apple was $50. Strange they can't afford even that
Jesus Christ, American society is truly fucked.
yeah you aren't completely wrong this is the same energy, but this energy is necessary in this case. its a difference of phone brand! are you an idiot?

while it doesn't render them completely valueless as a person, feeling this strongly about something so inane is unbecoming at best and legitimate malintent at worst.
>Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) data shows that Latin American women's and men's average height increased by 3 centimeters throughout the past 40 years. Latin American men typically stand at a height of 5 feet 7.3 inches (171 cm), while Latin American women typically stand at 5 feet 2.2 inches (158 cm).
dont date shallow whjores
My work gave me an iPhone and I use a 150 euro samsung with a cracked screen as my personal phone. Could not give less of a shit about normalniggers and their apps.
Anyone shallow enough to make a big deal about bubble colour isn't worth your time.
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>you have to own an iShit otherwise you're a weirdo incel nazi maga racist russian!!!
>you're the NPC btw!!!
>you have to own an iShit otherwise you're a weirdo incel nazi maga racist russian!!!
This, but unironically.
I worked with some dude once that told me that he felt emasculated when he was on a date and the woman pulled out an iPhone that was bigger than his, so he immediately went and got the ifag itab or whatever. He had many other insecurities stemming from feelings of inadequacy. That's the kind of person I imagine when this sort of topic arises.
read my post again thats not what i said
emasculated by phone size? just bring a laptop with you
you can put an m.2 5G modem if it doesnt have one to make phonecalls
>If someone bullies you for a green bubble, they're a retarded, toxic NPC not worth being friends with
kek, my thoughts exactly
I wouldnt want to be close to a person like this
But I dont live in the United States of Appleistan, bubble colors are a non issue here, even though a lot of people use Apple products
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a new iphone is $50 a month........ If you can't afford THAT... you can't afford ME
>passed over for romances
The answer to this is arranged marriages and societally enforced monogamy.

If you let women decide whose genes are worth passing into the future, they will make stupid choices because their sexual preferences evolved during the Ice Age and are not really conducive to having a stable, let alone modern society.

Don't try to get a blue bubble to impress a girl. Work towards building a society that doesn't care about what she wants sexually, because her preferences are destructive. Ancestors knew this and this is why things like stoning adultresses to death publicly happened.

You want to reproduce with a man who is basically a gorilla because your lizard brain has discerned that he could throw a spear really hard? Well, too bad. Society needs aerospace engineers, not people whose intelligence tops out at figuring which end of the stick is pointy beforw throwing it. Here's your aerospace engineer husband. Have multiple children with him, or face societal shaming.

>tl:dr; women's rights were a mistake, women's liberation doubly so.
>No, Android phones are more expensive than Android now. It's not that they're gold digging.
>It's because your vomit ass green bubbles are an eyesore.
You probably meant that Android is more expensive than Apple now. The solution is simple: stop being a poorfag settling for iPhones and buy a big boy Android instead. What, you can't afford one?
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>fox and grapes
>>102401861 is right.
>Their love couldn't overcome their smartphone differences.
not a real relationship
>If I get Iphone, I will fuck women
The whomen:
>skin full of comical prank drawings
I guess that's what you get when you pass out drunk in a college party, but why wouldn't she wash them off before showing herself in public? She looks ridiculous. I would definitely advice her to lay off the alcohol for a while.
At least a couple may be tattoos...
I'm pretty sure those are all tattoos. Would be cool if it was in a GG Allin way but the iphone says enough.
what an ugly demon
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>tfw you use an iphone without an apple id and have imessage off
Based jailbreaker
You know that Greek quote about being ruled by weak cowards, or ruled by strong idiots? You want both, not some weasley weak, wimpy coward at the other end of the spectrum. Now, you have weak stupid people that think highly of themselves because of social decorations, which I'm sure you count yourself among them comfortably secure in the realm of midwittery.
What is the quote Mr. Intelligent?
women will fuck guys who have multiple baby mamas and can't work because of a criminal record and live at home in thier 40s but yes the text bubbles are the real deal breaker for women
"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." -- Thucydides

I'm sure it's been misatributed and butchered, but the idea is there.
When dating, not having an iPhone is a deal breaker for 70% of people
>New survey shows that 70% of people would prefer to date an iPhone user over an Android user.
>Also, a cracked screen could hinder your chances of getting a date as more than 1/3 of men think it reflects a lack of personal care and financial security.
We need to make it legal to kill people who admit to using reddit
i swear this is only a problem for americans. people at my school just used whatsapp.
Ain't reading all that, sorry that happened or happy that went well for you sport
>using sms instead of something like whatsapp/messenger
>I personally don’t care but I do know several ladies who have stopped texting a guy when they see a green text bubble.
>They think people who are against Apple products are stuck up/know it all/elitist, don’t like that they can’t Facetime, think the emojis look ugly.
This. There's literally no reason to use SMS in 2024.
>Uhhhh idk as a female android user I constantly make fun of my bfs iPhone.
>In the beginning of the relationship he's tried to show me how his camera is better (it's not).
>When he got an upgrade he showed me all of the cool things his phone can do, that Samsung users has already had for years lol.

>After about a year he finally admitted that iPhone isn't as great as he thought. Those green bubbles really piss them off
I’ve seen women select in and out for far stupider things so this doesn’t come as a surprise. If you want to turn down a good looking guy with lots of money, a house and a nice car and/ tons of potential because his text message is green, we’ll your behaviour is probably failing to adapt to the current environment.

This kind of one dimensional thinking worked years ago when success and/ or potential was much more immediately apparent via clothes cars etc. But I would suggest that in this world of flexible finance where anyone can get pretty much anything to show off with, the guy in the corner wearing a hoodie with the android phone is probably more likely to be able to provide for you than the douchebag in the suit at the bar with the iPhone 15 pro max titanium.

For all the women who ask “why is that rich guy with her” this is why. You didn’t know what to look for and thought his phone (or car or suit or watch whatever) choice meant something.

Women should be asking very simple questions: 1. What does your ideal future life look like? 2. What are you doing to get that future? 3. How far along are you to getting there?

You ask these three questions and I guarantee you you will get more insight into a man as a prospect that any outward facing “plumage” designed to short circuit your decision making when it come to selecting a good mate.
I don't notice. A friend of mine does though. She says Iphone guys are less nerdy and more arty.
I agree, even as an iPhone owner

Apples to Oranges comparison, you're comparing something that you can't do anything about and something inconsequential like what phone you have You may not realize this, but that poster is talking about people like you.
>Unique experience and memories with new people

Yeah, having fake friends is so worth it who will throw you under the bus at a moment's notice, amirite? Maybe I'm turning into an old-head, but judging people by their phone preference is utter retardation and I'm certainly not changing something stupid like my phone just to have a chance to associate with such people
South Korea as well, they're even worse with this shit as a matter of fact
which is ironic and puzzling, because that's Samsung's home turf. In the past I heard Korean girls would get wet if you used Samsung, but nowadays I hear teenagers see Samsung users as boomers and out of date.
That could be because like most countries, using products made by your country is looked down upon for some reason
Its not because of iMessage though like it is in america, because they all use kakaotalk, which is their countries version of whatsapp
never use cobson (hwabag) for your dumb cope again
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>dumb cope
sure thing iTard
americans are mentally ill

imagine screenshotting your own samefagged thread to post it two years later
cringe ruskek
>more cope
3rd world problems amirite?
What's the threshold for this? Is it an age thing? I've genuinely never met someone with this flavor of retard.
If they said it was the green bubble, then it wasn't actually the green bubble. If you are unattractive then everything you do will be seen as a negative and will annoy people, and they don't want to admit that they're shallow so they'll just make up some random bullshit. If the green bubble is the reason, then fixing the green bubble won't fix your situation.
wym aren't you enjoying your capitalism, babe?
Golddiggery shows this doesn't apply.
Can IPhone's run Morrowind natively?
First plebbit post says you can stream it.
I said natively, Android has OMW IPhone does not.
this stops happening after high school op, i wouldn't worry
you fucking wish, people who peaked in high school basically form a support group and continue to act like that
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Every single iPhone user is fucking vaxxed, prove me wrong
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>new iPhone and new Android are both around ~$1200
>somehow you're poor if you buy the Android

commit suicide asap
Wrong, cause I never took one and yet own an iPhone
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>fell for the iphone psyop but not the vax psyop
Perhaps jailbreaking.
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>pull out my prepaid tracfone in the middle of the restuarant
>3 women immediately grovel at my knees and beg to suck my dick
Difference is, height is something you can't control. Phone is something you choose, and only a retard, or a poor person who can't afford a high-end Samsung and thinks a (cheaper) Apple phone will make themselves look wealthy, would choose an iPhone.
Bunch of poocels on maximum copium to this post lmao this IS the trvth nvke unlike the faggot cobson poster earlier.

Short? Just own it or improve situation instead of coping with "it's a blessing to avoid shallow people!!!"
Ugly? Just own it or improve situation instead of coping with "it's a blessing to avoid shallow people!!!"
Broke? Just own it or improve situation instead of coping with "it's a blessing to avoid shallow people!!!"
Android? Just own it or improve situation instead of coping with "it's a blessing to avoid shallow people!!!"

You are NGMI and bound to have your dick intact and never touched by a female entity except your smelly hands before lowering to the grave if you never get out of this autistic ass mentality. Sure is a logical board but suddenly gets ass mad when facing this actual trvth nvke. Unironically ickiest ick of all ick.
people say androids are for jeets but in america I've only ever seen jeets and other asians with apple stuff because they think it makes them high class or whatever
I really hope you don't talk like this IRL, because if anyone avoids you, this would be a valid reason
Try another reason to hate women
I genuinely think people that buy Apple products do not have inner voices and are NPCs
>don’t like that they can’t Facetime, think the emojis look ugly
These are valid reasons. I mean, I don't know why you'd like Facetime since it has dogshit video quality compared to Telegram, but if you genuinely prefer it then sure, that's valid. Same with emojis. I don't agree with those reasons, but they're not retarded or anything.
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You're just doing the same fucking shit but the other way around
I have an iPhone 12, 2nd gen Airpods, and a series 7 Apple Watch.

Laptops are for faggots so I haven’t gotten a MacBook yet, but I would probably just install gentoo in the event that I did.

iOS is just better functioning and more polished than android could ever hope to be, plus the brand recognition and value of social signaling to normies is pretty valuable and underrated by /g/.

It’s the Calvin Klein of phones.
>iOS is just better functioning and more polished than android could ever hope to be
>press hang up button
>whoops, the other person hung up a millisecond before you, now your thumb has pressed one of your Recents and the phone is calling them because Apple was so stupid they made each item in the Recents and Favourites list into a "call immediately" button!!!
I use an iPhone for work, it's objectively an amateurishly designed pile of crap, and only a retard would call it polished.
I have to give Apple a little credit, although I have used Android phones exclusively since... forever, my Airpods are great and they look cool
>Any person caring about that is probably not worth talking to
Ironically, it also means they are perfect for pumping and dumping.
You can cope all you want but saying something doesn’t make it true. No manufacturer or brand comes close to the level of polish and cohesiveness that apple does for their products
Actually, now that I think about it a bit more - yeah, iPhones are bad at the actual "being a phone" thing. Maybe they're better for other stuff. I realize that most of the time a smartphone isn't actually used as a phone, it's used as a portable web browser, texting machine, and gaming platform. Most people probably aren't actually having phone calls on it most of the time. If you do actually use it as a phone many times throughout the day (which I do, and I don't have a choice because the company replaced our excellent Kyocera flip phones with iPhones), it's really bad.

But the average iPhone user is probably mostly texting and such, not making phone calls, so they aren't exposed to just how fucking godawful it is as an actual phone.
I use an iPhone all the time for work, you can't pretend the Recents and Contacts lists don't behave like that. Have you ever actually used an iPhone to call someone? Somehow, I doubt it.
Recents and contacts work perfectly fine what are you talking about lol
are they even worth using if you have an Android? i've considered getting a pair but it seems pointless if you miss out on functionality due to not having an iphone
I think so but I guess I don't really know what all they can do with an iPhone. They fit/stay in my ears really well, have great noise cancellation and sound really good. I've had other wireless earbuds which were shit in comparison, but they also didn't cost $200
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I actually want to follow up and say they're actually the best fitting ear buds of any sort I've ever had in my life. I dunno how Apple figured it out but they did
I would say 30 and under is the demographic that was targeted for the psyop. Then again, I've noticed women 30+, particularly the single ones, as they try to hold onto their fading youth adopt zoomerisms.
Not wealth. Strictly social status.
You sound like a jeet. Everyone in the USA uses carrier texting.
I have never in my life given a fuck about apple users and i'm not about to start now for still no pussy, take your psyops to the correct board cia.
In an hour or so he won't be triggered any more, and you'll still be retarded
Just a symbol though.

the fuck is that? just use Signal
droid jeets dont understand the psychological impact of having to deal with green texts. when a serious person opens a green text, their first assumption is that they're getting messaged by a 3rd world scammer. its a great way to filter yourself from ever being taken seriously in a business setting
it's not that i don't understand, it's that i don't give a shit
green bubbles are a you problem
there are those who are bullied and those who are not
having an iphone won't save you
also the bullied kids won't be in these group chats
yeah because bitching about something people have no control over like their height, and something as frivolous and retarded as a fucking green bubble is completely fair and valid, yaaaas queen slay these white bois
That's clearly messenger apps and not texting apps you fucking brown thing, how tiring you all are.
This jeet is mindbroken, spigen cases are like $15 on amazon.
Green bubble = Indian flag

You make communication shittier for everyone else and society avoids you for a reason
executives use iphones for the same reasons executives don't know jack shit about how their employees actually do the work. all they care about is appearances and so do you, get off your high horse faggot you're impressing nobody apart from your reddit friends back home.
i discriminate iphone users i see them as easy to fool money out of
RCS solves this or is your iPhone incapable of being updated to iOS18?

The bubbles will still be ugly green with white text, violating Apple's UI guidelines, but you get read receipts, typing indicators, etc. You just won't get end to end encryption because Apple is half assing it.
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apple logo = nigger flag
you want to avoid niggers? avoid apple
apple is a nigger brand
6'5 tall male here i would never date an iphone user
haha you have an old iphone
>The bubbles will still be ugly green
So RCS doesn't solve it then does it? Retarded monkey
So status it is? That's the argument he already said is shit
I ain't gay
It solves group chats, read reciepts, large attachments, typing indicators... If you harp on the colour of the bubbles you're missing the point, like many thots.
A serial killer is also a "new people". Doesn't mean I have to hang out with him. Same goes for maternalistic people
As long as the bubble's green
There won't be no poon for your peen
Funny right? Those iFags take loans to buy iShits. Do they need to eat? Do they need a roof over thier head? No, they need a iPhone. Truly a poofag momment
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My gf uses Android. What does yours use? Or do you not have one? =^)
you need to look at the cause and not the effect. If you were able to date iPhone users, you would have had an iPhone before all this and you wouldn’t have asked this question. you need to look for someone with a similar marginal/autistic mentality, it will be much easier if you move from the USA to Europe
Wow this thread is still alive?
My wife uses to android phones, check mate atheist.
I apparently need to buy a new keyboard, two*
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>that woman
Enjoy, itoddlers
lol, lmao even
It's only an issue if you're trying to get laid but it's an unironic real issue in a way I could have never imagined. There's a lot of things people say you need to do for girls, that you don't really need to do. But these bubble colors are actually deeply engrained in women's psyche in the US in an unfathomably retarded way and you will get shot down by unexpected people because of it.
engineer niggas will optimize everything except their sex lives
>in the US
Found your problem.
I’m an itoodler and I specifically disable iMessage,FaceTime,photo sharing,find my and Apple Music.

No matter what apple can’t fix the zero days, exploits are always from these. Check out Pegasus attacks
Do you use WhatsApp? That's how the Saudi government used to compromise that journalist using Israeli Pegasus malware. He didn't even click on anything.
Good thing all of my friends used whatsapp when we were in high school

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