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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>102375966
I have come to the conclusion that Plasma shell is a CPU hog on shitty dual-core Pentium systems.

I don't know what it's doing but adding its process to a CGroup and setting cpu.max to
50000 100000
fixed it. It uses barely any CPU now and is still snappy.
I can set it lower than that even:
25000 100000

Any lower than that and animations (e.g hovering over the taskbar, etc) are too slow to render.
Why do some image viewers like imv think 10 comes after 1?
parses the file name as a string, not a digit.
The only issue with this is any process launched by plasmashell then ends up in the same CGroup as it. Hmm.

I guess this is why they have special CGroup handling for Systemd that avoids this issue somehow. Launching processes with Krunner is fine still though.
You may want to try Zen/Liquorix kernel which is pretty good for multiple CPU stuff happening at the same time (like compiling). I use it and it does not destroy battery life like I was expecting. But, your solution is probably better.
I use Zen on my desktop. I'm using the Gentoo distribution kernel right now. You're probably right that Zen will help. I just need to build it.
Two questions:
1. Why aren't you using a more lightweight DE/WM on such a shitty CPU
2. Why are you using such a shitty CPU in the first place
Let me guess, you need more.
1. Because I can. The system only had 3 GB of RAM but I upgraded to 8 GB which should be more than enough for KDE. I was running LXQt on it.
2. I got given it. It still works fine despite its age. Believe it or not it's from 2010/11 and they were still making this dual-core shit back then. I bet you can still find this crap today. Intel should stop making dual-core processors.
Well guessed

Fair enough. If I was using that machine I would run something lightweight, perhaps like LXQt like you mentioned, or even just Openbox
Gentoo configures LXQt to use KDE's KWin which is actually more than adequate, it barely uses any CPU at all, it's extremely efficient.

Plasma Shell is the problem.
I wonder if Liquid Shell is still a thing? That could be a more lightweight KDE if it is.
You aren't wrongbut you can make things better. Turn off desktop effects and configure File indexing (Baloo) to only look for filenames instead of trying to index the files content.
The file indexing was one of the first things I turned off. I don't need it and indexing file contents uses way too much CPU.
Plasma is slow and bloated as fuck anyone who says its as lightweight as xfce is full of shit
>Any lower than that and animations (e.g hovering over the taskbar, etc) are too slow to render.
You can set animations to instant if it helps
>adding its process to a CGroup and setting cpu.max to
50000 100000
fixed it. It uses barely any CPU now and is still snappy.
how to do this?
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Why is it always the jeets? Do they farm content online? Is that why they are everywhere?
Is there a way to see what command with the full args is trying to be run as sudo so i can add it with a nopass setting in the sudoers file? I tried to use:
 ps -aux |grep sudo 

but it didnt work, i'm not sure if its because the command it runs is too long or something
I'm running distrobox-enter with the --root flag (which means it invokes sudo since it's running the podman container as root) and i wanted to bypass the process of having to put in the sudo password every time but the command is really long something like:
sudo podman inspect
and a bunch of args after
The weird thing is that putting only:
(username here)  ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/podman inspect

in /etc/sudoers wouldnt work at all but putting
(username here)  ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/podman

does work.
It's lightweight in terms of memory usage.

>Become root (Modifying CGroups requires root)
sudo /bin/bash -l

>Get the pid of plasmashell
pgrep -x plasmashell

>Make a CGroup for it
mkdir -pv /sys/fs/cgroup/plasmashell

>Add the pid to it
/bin/echo -n <PID> > /sys/fs/cgroup/plasmashell/cgroup.procs

>Adjust cpu.max
/bin/echo -n "25000 100000" > /sys/fs/cgroup/plasmashell/cpu.max

That stops plasmashell from hogging the CPU:

You will run into the issue I described earlier though that applications launched by Plasma Shell will belong to the same CGroup. KDE has some code to workaround that but it only works on Systemd (I'm using a Gentoo OpenRC system). They could technically make a setuid root helper to manage everything themselves or use polkit rules to become root and then manage things themselves but that's a lot more work than using the Systemd API so I don't blame them.
One thing that would be nice is if I could know what Plasma Shell is actually doing. If there were some sort of plasmashell-taskmanager or profiler that showed which widgets were using the CPU or whether it's the panel, etc, that would be awesome.
hi /fglt/
is there a bootloader better than grub i can use for kubuntu? i really fucking hate grub, i need something that supports encrypted volumes (not /boot, just /), easily supports multiple oses (windows, other linux distros) across more than one disk etc
i guess one of my concerns is when i update any of the distros, will the bootloader be updated as well for new kernels, or how i manage that. in my ideal world, i should be able to point said bootloader to relevant partitions
>hd0,p2 = windows
>hd0,p3 = linux1 /boot
>hd1,p1 = linux2 /boot
>hd3,p3 = linux3 /boot
and it should handle the rest without giving me conniptions
>i need something that supports encrypted volumes
If your /boot is not encrypted then decrypting disks gets handled by the kernel, not bootloader
>i guess one of my concerns is when i update any of the distros, will the bootloader be updated as well for new kernels, or how i manage that
No, grub automates this but on any other bootloader you have to manually do it every time there's a kernel update since the kernel filename changes unless you're on arch
As for the actual question, you can try rEFInd or systemd-boot but you will have to look into how to manually configure them so they point to the right kernel on every update
Ignore anyone who starts babbling about efistubs
does this have to be done on every reboot?
Probably, yes. I wouldn't recommend you do it unless you're just experimenting like I am.
maybe the pid part can be handled by a cronjob and the rest can just be done once on boot
1. They are the most populated country on the planet, so there's a lot of them
2. A lot of them speak English, so I guess that's why they make English language videos
3. India is not a hugely rich country so I guess many Indians are desperate for opportunities, like YouTube

Personally I have nothing against Indians, and also I would much rather see an Indian person making videos about Linux, compared to being in a call centre trying to scam people in the West, because of course such call centres do exist in India.
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Asahi sisters, are you ready for the wedding of the century?
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I need to install windows from an iso image.
Windows users seem to use rufus to create images, how is that different from simply dding the image onto a pendrive?
Do i need windows to create a windows pendrive?
Lina is hector martin right?
im confused, is this weeb, tranny, or troon shit?
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Staring at a blank slate Gentoo installation. What DE or whatever should I go for? X11 or Wayland? Planning to use Firefox and Thunderbird so I assume I want a GTK desktop environment??
Firefox will run on anything. It may be GTK but it makes no attempt to integrate into GNOME or KDE whatsoever.

I'd go with KDE personally.
Does anybody know why I get half of monitors refresh rate whenever I do something while on Wayland? Games don't have this issue mind you, it only happens on the desktop and it randomly fixes itself for few minutes only to do that shit back again
honestly fuck this tranny shit im going back to X11
Do you have variable refresh rate enabled? Also why do you need your desktop to render at such high rates anyway? As you said, it's not a video game. It really doesn't matter.
I give them two months and they'll break up.
What? Theres a big ass difference between 144fps and 72fps even while on desktop that you'd have to be blind to not notice, id go as far as that its even more noticeable than in video games
And no, im certain that VRR isn't enabled
Has anyone managed to make nvidia-suspend.service and all that jazz work outside of systemd?
It's noticeable it just doesn't matter. It's not like it's slow or stuttering just because it's rendering at 70 FPS instead of 144.
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I'd prefer not to argue about whether or not there's a noticeable difference between 72 and 144 fps but instead i'd like to get it to 144 on Wayland too like how it's on X11
I am going to install Linux Mint. Is it worth to create two / and /home partitions inside a LVM if i want to use BTRFS snapshots on /? I was thinking on just creating a big / partition but it doesn't seem like you can reinstall into subvolumes and want to leave that opportunity open just in case.
File a bug and if you're using Nvidia then switch to AMD.

It really doesn't matter in my opinion though. Why are you spending all of your time staring at the desktop instead of using applications?
You should have one big btrfs partition and three subvolumes in it, one for / one for /home and one for snapshots usually mounted at /.snapshots
I dunno what you're doing, how you are testing it or even which of the many wayland compoistors you use.
It's very noticeable especially when you're scrolling or moving the window your mouse.
That's either a client application bug or a compositor bug.

Try a different Wayland compositor to compare against.
>which should be more than enough for KDE
Unlike what /g/ says, KDE is not lightweight.
It's lightweight enough as long as you have enough RAM. With plasmashell tamed most CPU is used by applications which is exactly what I want to happen (you don't want your desktop stealing CPU from your applications)
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>kde making an atomic distro with a/b roots
Thoughts? Will this be the distro to recommend to n00bs eventually?
>It's lightweight enough as long as you have enough RAM
So it's not lightweight
I have 8 GB of RAM, that's plenty. When I had three it still would have ran fine (it's using 2.6 GB right now).

KDE has a lot more desktop services than LxQt though so you expect it to be a bit heavier. It also has nicer power management and nicer settings configuration, a better Qt application theme, etc. It's worth sacrificing a bit of extra RAM for a nicer experience.
What is the most minimal browser that can still be used to post on 4chan, watch Odysee, and play light web games?
Palemoon. It's very good as far as small browsers that still have somewhat decent web compatibility go.
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I have this weird issue on fedora where neovim has an odd colorscheme by default. On the screenshot you can see neovim running inside an ubuntu distrobox on the left, and on the right the same terminal emulator with neovim open running on my fedora host. Both say that the "default" colorscheme is active, yet the fedora package has this weird much darker colorscheme; anyone here have an idea what/why this is?
compare the output of colored commands in the terminal.
What do you mean by "colored commands"?
commands with colored output, like ls or something
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Okay there seems to be a difference; the output is colored on the host but not in the container
dd will not work to to create windows usb, I dont know why. It seems like something extra is needed to make it bootable. On linux you can use a program caled woeusb-ng. Make sure you select "skip legacy grub bootloader" in the options or it can get stuck forever in the setup step.
ls --color=always
What is the most advanced command-line calculator?
Yes that gives me colors in the container too, making them look the same
African American commands, there are you happy woke bastard?
Who cares stop obsessing over atomic immutable distros just because its the new trend that ecelebs are doing
>making them look the same
well, that's not what I expected. So my idea what might be causing the diff in neovim is moot with that.
Other idea: The default theme changed between the 2 different versions of neovim you have there
the termguicolors option is now enabled by default in newer versions of neovim
Thanks to both of you! Setting
set notermguicolors
in my init file resolved it, so that >>102400410 seems to have been the "issue"
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please, I implore you
STFU if you never used two accounts and your knowledge of permissions on groups is ankle deep
you just use chown and chmod sometimes with your one account

I am planning switch to linux
I tried before, sticked for a while I am not a total newb

>question on two accounts sharing space
Jack - my main account
Porn - my work account

I have 12TB disk where I want to store work stuff
Both accounts should be able to write there, access there
There should be no issues if torrent client or jdownloader from each accounts download there stuff
I plan to use ext4.

What would be modern correct setup for this?
yeah i ran into that issue a few months back
Arcan is vaporware, thread already ruined.
Make a group and have that group belong to both accounts
The folder you want to share stuff between users should have group ownership belonging to that group and the sticky bit needs to be set on the root folder so that all ownership perms inside stay as that group
Both users will need their umask set so all files that they write to disk by default are rwx for both user and group
bros I love linux so much it's not healthy
>Linux mint
What can I use to make my wife's laptop turn off at night automatixally? I revived an old laptop with mint so she can browse the web, but it won't turn off at night if a video is playing.
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thank you
will investigate details of this with chatgpt
I was trying to solve this before
and people were just talking about accounts being in group
never carrying how the accounts save stuff on to disk
this one sounds like stuff that was talked before but did not get done
dont use chatgpt, just use regular search to look this up
It's time to go outside, anon.
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There are ways to do it with the terminal, but I think a GUI application might be more for you.
See if you can find this app in Mint's store.
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Thank you friend
need to make a new group for file permissions
better get chatgpt to write the command for me
Two gay men living in Japan, both pretending to be little anime girls on the Internet, are getting married. So to answer your question, yes.
mad made horrors, my man
That guy is the one responsible for developing asahi btw
Also the same guy who bashed and laughed at hyprland dev cause hyprland doesnt work on asahi
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The horrors being within my comprehension somehow make it worse
Dont need chatgpt when stackexchange and others can already answer like 99% of questions
People relying on chatgpt for everything is a worrying trend
Is there a straightforward way to reinstall if i do it this way or do i have to make a debootsrap install then unmount the subvolumes manually? I am still too new for that.
i can proudly say i've only ever used AI to make racist content
i was messing around with llama.cpp a while back and got it to run bash commands. it was legitimately dangerous. i had a confirmation and a preview of the command it would run and it got it wrong like 40% of the time.
/fglt/ what are your thoughts on linux gaming? i want to play some windows games on linux (but specifically through a vm <linux host, linux guest>). the space has gotten really interesting since steam deck i guess, i havent really looked at any of it since proton became a thing.

any tips? im planning on trying out something called bazzite in a virtual machine right now. i dont need ultra fancy graphics. i have only one recent nvidia card, no igpu or whatever so no passthrough. i have no idea what the state of 3d accel <linux host -> linux guest> with gpu sharing is
my fresh debian 12 desktop system cannot wake up after going to sleep for extended periods of time (e.g. ~1hour) which forces me to shut it down completely.
I have searched the web and encountered many such issues amongst other users.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Btw I'm using xfce DE.
tbf you cant compare some dinky model you run locally with chatgpt, claude, or whatever people use as productivity tools. note that i dont disagree that relying on these tools for bash and the like is very dangerous, just saying its a night and day comparison to use the super compressed models you can download and run locally vs hosted models using entire datacenters to run
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>tfw tailscale + syncthing
how do I run all of my traffic through a ssh connection in kubuntu? something like netmod but for linux
I still don't get what Tailscale is or how it works. Like I read the Wikipedia article, but I still don't have any idea.
It's Wireguard with some fancy setup and NAT busting
Far as I understand it, it's some kind of peer to peer-ish VPN. In the traditional sense of "virtual private network", not the "hurr durr pay us to MITM you for 'privacy'" sense.

If you just need to run your browser or select apps through it then use a SOCKS proxy:
Satanic black magic, probably using ssh or something.
My use case is probably the simplest: I'm out of town today, so I left my desktop turned on while I worked on my laptop. Thanks to Syncthing, all my worked is being sync'd in real time.
And why can't you just run regular wireguard?
Regular Wireguard doesn't hole punch through NATs and that's a problem given the lack of IPv6 adoption and fact so many poor souls are still stuck behind a NAT (sometimes multiple NATs with crap like CGNAT, etc).

Regular Wireguard also implies manual key management but Tailscale manages all that for you.
Is it sloppy and disgusting to install KDE on a Debian i3/xfce system I already have set up? I have an empty drive I could do a fresh install for KDE instead. I'm worried about tainting my current install if I end up disliking KDE and it leaving a bunch of shit left behind if I uninstall the metapackage.
Yeah uuuhh... What this guy said >>102402026
rEFInd my beloved
>spend nearly 2 days trying to get shim and grub to work for secure boot
>end up just spending around an hour setting up rEFInd with preload for it to work
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It gets worse!
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let me guess she is autistic and/or tranny? only autist would make chart like that.
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asahi is a tranny yes, all of the devs except one that is working on apple m1/m2 reverse engineering are trannies. It's incredible how many autistic incel programmers become trannies.
or if hector martin is asahi, then every single apple reverse engineer are trannies
how come windows supports gpu virtualization of consumer gpus (ie, no need to support sr-iov or vgpu from vendor drivers) but linux doesnt? why can i multiplex a gpu across a bunch of vms in windows but in linux i still struggle to get a single vm to spin up with 3d acceleration. am i just behind the times and missing something? should i not be using libvirt and has everyone moved on to something else?
how the fuck do people talk so much
Post the tweet he did where he bullies hyprland while under his hector martin id
Asahi linux main dev
Hating trannies is a ganew time honored tradition
i love KDE but the entire fucking widget system needs a rework
Not another one, please.
It needs text configs. Doing it by mouse is fucking retarded and nothing works.
declarative KDE configs would rock. i think there was an attempt with Nix but the problem is that KDE/Qt config files store state as well.
Configuration is state.
What is non state
Why is Xorg using so much cpu, for context I running lubuntu in virtual box, I plan to install clamav into it along with some memory test stuff and such to check an old laptop I have and see if it's functional and check for malware, I plan to turn the vdi of this into an iso used to create bootable USB. So want to check if this is normal since it's easier to deal with problems at this early stage
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thoughts on pic related?
the last tried I tried Linux was like over a decade ago and I had some issues with it, but I bought a Tuxedo laptop a couple of months ago and have been really impressed how far it's come

Tuxedo OS sort of gets the job done, but I'd like something cleaner I guess, interested in trying tumbleweed with KDE but haven't seen a whole lot of anons with it
How much more battery life can I expect to get by installing something like mint on a 2012 T430 with about 3h of battery on Win10?
Has anyone managed to get gentoo working with LUKS? My head hurts
i managed to struggle my way through getting it working with kubuntu and grub recently. do you have any specific questions
What are the educational benefits of running through a Gentoo install versus, say, bootstrapping Fedora or Debian? If I wanted to build out as minimal of a system as I can for an appliance, wouldn't one of those options be better?
Hi all,

I'm experiencing a persistent bootloop issue on my Artix system and could really use some help. Here's the situation:

Problem Overview:
My system crashed and now it gets stuck in a bootloop right after initrd.
This happens even when trying to boot from live USBs of both Artix and Arch.
I've tried booting from the GRUB shell and while GRUB recognizes my drives and partitions (data is still there), it still loops at the same point after initrd.
What I've Tried So Far:
Hardware checks:
RAM is tested and seems to be fine.
Drives and partitions are intact—GRUB can detect them, and I can see all my data.
Booting methods:
Tried booting from UEFI and BIOS modes.
Tried Copy to RAM and Fallback initramfs options.
Tried with older ISOs from a couple of years ago, same issue.
GRUB troubleshooting:
Tried manually booting from the GRUB shell, but the same bootloop happens at the same stage.
The BIOS works fine, but I’m unsure if I need to update it in this scenario. I also don’t know how to update it without a full OS.
Additional Information:
Distro: Artix (s6-based)
Live USBs: Artix and Arch (both fail to boot)
Hardware: All seems to check out fine, no recent hardware changes.
Has anyone else encountered this issue where you can't even boot from a live USB?
I've seen suggestions online about updating the BIOS, but I’m not sure if that’s the solution or how to go about it without a working OS. If anyone has any ideas or has faced a similar issue, I would really appreciate your advice.

Thanks in advance!
When your adding a new linux command how do you check if that command has been added successfully?
Any messages on screen? Can it boot Windows or its install media?
Modern BIOSes can be updated from BIOS setup, working OS not required. You just need the new image on a USB drive, possibly with a vendor-specific file name.
>adding a new linux command
Define this.
It sounds like a mobo issue if you can't boot from anything. try a windows boot drive, install the bios update, then try to boot linux. but if it was a bios issue then you would see other people with the same issue so who knows.
you can use your pacakge manager to list the intalled files, grep for bin
>type the command
>it runs
Command added successfully.
>What are the educational benefits of running through a Gentoo install
>If I wanted to build out as minimal of a system as I can for an appliance, wouldn't one of those options be better?
Nah, Gentoo is pretty much as good as it gets for diy appliances, assuming you offload the build process to a real computer.
Why does the clamav website recommend 5GB of free space when installation via discover on lubuntu only needed less than tenth of space?
> IIRC, antiX literally advertises itself as "Linux distro capable of smooth running on Pentium III with 256 MB of RAM". It's core installer ISO is also 520 MB.

I tried it, it crashes trying to boot.

> balena etcher? if you're on linux you can just do it with preinstalled software on most distros

Nah, not Balena etcher, that just writes images to drives. But I did find it, it's called Plop.

It also has it's own linux distro which does boot on the machine, but is basically unusable if I want to let it do stuff with the display off. I could probably screw around with config files but I want to see what my other options are first

> Ventoy usually emulates USB as CD/DVD-ROM, maybe it'll work.

I tried it, though not their livecd variant. I'll check it out. Plop seems to hang trying to boot via USB

> plop boot
> you boot from cd to boot a usb
> As for your system, just use netbsd. Everything else is going to be too much for it

Yep! I was thinking of Plop. Didn't occur to me to try netbsd though, I'll check it out!
I mean, it might work, but lower your expectations regarding user experience.
Why are you a porn star? Is the pay good?
Meanwhile his fagtop doesn't work anywhere and he's working to ship a fag X86 emulator on Fedora to attempt to even get a modicum of software running
Sorry for the delay. I went with "q-flash" to update the bios it's just really slow for some reason.
The bios is updated and it knocked off the grub label from my boot drive, and doesn't appear to be attempting to boot so I will try a liveusb again, and hopefully just have to reinstall grub.
If that fails I'll try another os like windows and get back to you
Love the snapshot system, good with flatpaks as it keeps the user and system software separate.
nevermind, I actually figured it out, thanks though :D
Probably so that you have enough space to download virus definition files and perform scans, etc. Just because the current size on disk is enough it doesn't mean it won't use more space in the future.
I'm trying to install gallery-dl-bin from the aur. It gives me an error saying unknown pgp key. The solution seems to be to add said key to my keyring.
Is it safe though? Also, is it the aur package maintainer key, or the gallery-dl dev's key? The package doesn't have many votes and I'm pretty paranoid.
>Also, is it the aur package maintainer key, or the gallery-dl dev's key?
It is the key of whoever is providing you with this binary.

I would avoid it personally. Python packages are not hard to build yourself and they generally don't require much CPU or RAM resources to do so. Using a binary for Python software is stupid.
>I went with "q-flash" to update the bios it's just really slow for some reason.
It's always slow, even on a modern high end machine it can still take minutes to write a few megabytes of firmware.
Could any ffmpeg/find wizards lend a hand with a script?

I have a directory with my entire FLAC library, and I'd like to convert it all to Opus and have the files moved to another directory that keeps the structure of the original directory intact.
Here's how I usually do it, but it would take a long time
for i in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -c:a libopus -b:a 128k "${i%.*}.opus"; done

Any ideas?
I switched to uefi only and got a hardware error
It's an amd error
Power, Interrupts, etc. Ext. Error Code: 4
seems like the cpu is unstable, any ideas I've never oc it or the memory. Should I undervolt it or what?
do any of you actually run games on linux? every attempt ive made has failed completely. why is reddit so up its own asshole about how great gaming on linux is? it seems like total fucking dogshit to me
>million different things to understand, whatever the fuck wine, lutris, proton, bottles, are
>none of them have a simple way to use them
>none of them 'just work'
>just spend hours troubleshooting stupid shit
why is linux always like this? why can i double click an icon in windows and not have to worry about any of this garbage, but in linux i need to spend hours reading wiki pages, browsing forums, accruing all this useless fucking domain knowledge about installing this dependency or configuring that text file. do you guys genuinely enjoy this shit? every single time i have a goal in linux, i spend (waste) all of my time trying to get linux to actually work. i absolutely refuse to believe linux would even be a thing if it wasnt free. theres a reason people who can charge for software actually do so. but none of these fucking shit tools like lutris or wine or whatever can charge because we all know they'd never make any real money since the quality and experience is so atrocious. id gladly pay for shit that actually worked
>do any of you actually run games on linux?
why do you even want to use a linux distro if all you do with your computer is play windows games?
the question that silenced gayming babies 'round the world
>if all you do with your computer is play windows games?
When was it implied that playing windows games is 'all i do'? What a cop out fucking response
>linux sucks for <activity>
>lol you do <activity>??
Who are you to say what legitimate use of an OS is?
Why are you here complainig about Linux if you can use something else that works for you?
maybe share the exact problem you are having? it really is just a matter of installing steam or lutris and double clicking whatever game you want to play, so you must have tucked up somewhere along the way
>it really is just a matter of installing steam or lutris and double clicking whatever game you want to play,
double clicking on the game does nothing
i have lutris installed, and i tried manually adding the game in lutris, with no understanding of what the vast majority of the cryptic fucking settings are, and i got a black screen with audio but no video. i tried the absolute simplest shit just to see if it worked at all, some random game from itch io with a small download size. not even 3d
So it's our fault you're retarded?
i acidentlayy deleted the last message but i managed to boot into a shell and had to reinstall grub cause of the bios update(not sure if that's standard), i'm still getting spammed with hardware errors so i'm probably gonna have to buy another cpu at some point
typical cop out answer
i think reading a phone book's worth of dead end forum posts to get shit working on linux isn't worth my time
He's trolling you. Obviously just double clicking any game on linux won't just work
does on my machine.
you can open a console output in lutris and see what your issues are. maybe you're an nvidia user and haven't gotten the proper drivers?
Anyone know how to get into Linux programming? I want to get a MacBook but the most recent ones don't have Linux. Is it really so hard and complex to look at the M2 Linux port and change some variables to make it work on the M3 or M4? Or is it mostly a lot of annoying grunge work to basically copy what was already done, with some modifications, and testing to make sure it actually works?

Like is adapting the existing port to the next version insanely complicated genius work or is it mostly high volume boring work but not necessarily complicated now that someone has already done it once and mostly shows the way?
any good selinux tutorial?
SELinux for Mere Mortals
>why is linux always like this?
There's not enough money for smoothing out the edges.
>goto AUR
>look at PKGBUILD
>don't use AUR but monkey the build instructions from PKGBUILD
You should absolutely not be trying to run Linux on MacOS. Use a virtual machine. One of the few things Linux is actually good at is running in VMs. Learn all you want about "linux programming" in a VM, whatever that fucking means. You can screw up your system, build custom kernels, whatever, won't cause any issues.
There's nothing wrong with your command. I can only assume your Ffmpeg and/or libopus has shit optimisation. Try compiling it yourself.
You don't have to build it by hand just don't use -bin packages when there's a source package available. Binaries distributed through the AUR are of dubious quality, even for proprietary software it's not ideal.
Either you misunderstood my comment or I didn't make myself clear.
My command is not recursive nor does it move the converted files to another dir with the same structure.
Use find:
find . -type f -name "*.flac" -print0 | xargs -0 -r -I{} -P4 /bin/sh -c 'i={};echo ffmpeg -i "$i" -c:a libopus -b:a 128k "${i%.flac}".opus'

Remove the echo if the commands look okay. It will also convert 4 in parallel, you may want to adjust the -P4 to your liking.
Thanks a lot! I'll try this out.
You need quotes around the i={}

Should be:
This works:
find . -type f -name "*.flac" -print0 | xargs -0 -r -I{} -P4 /bin/sh -c 'i="{}";d="$(dirname "{}")";d="${d#./}";mkdir -pv ~/out/"${d}";ffmpeg -i "$i" -c:a libopus -b:a 128k "${i%.flac}".opus && mv -v "${i%.flac}.opus" ~/out/"$d"'

It will replicate the directory structure in ~/out and move the opus file to it afterwards. You'll probably want to change ~/out to the directory you want to move the files to.
what linux software will let me check freq spectrum for audio files ? I can get free shipping to my house of a fuckton of audio CDs from the library and some of them are just .wav files without any track info so I am just curious to know if this shit is better than youtube quality.
This could probably be improved too if you feel like it. For example using a temporary directory as the working directory:
>Call mktemp
>Replicate directory structure in tmpdir
>Ffmpeg outputs to tmpdir
>Move tmpdir to destination dir
any recommendations on youtube channels, blogs or podcasts about linux?
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>just locked myself out of my computer while trying the VFIO single GPU passthrough meme
>can't find any fucking flash drive in my entire house for a rescue
I guess I will have to wait until the local shop opens and buy a flash drive.
If you're using Grub:
>Press e before it boots to edit the boot entry (if the Grub menu is hidden you may be sol)
>Find the line with init= or vmlinuz, etc and add or change the init= to init=/bin/bash
>Hit F10 to boot
>Congrats! You should be dropped into a root shell
Spek was one. Or Ffprobe for CLI.
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I managed to make out more on the issue I've been having on Mint, where after a few minutes of running a game the system will become completely unresponsive and require a REISUB. Took a few hours of trying random things.
Besides that it definitely only freezes the graphics and leaves sound and background services like SSH working, and that rarely the cursor remains responsive, I also now know that the freeze only ever occurs while these games are in fullscreen mode.
Apparently this is a semi-known issue with NVIDIA shit, although none of the dead threads on the 'rums have any sort of solution. Should I even bother with making a new post about this with the logs/data/sysinfo in hopes of finding a permanent tune, or just cope with the windowed mode workaround until some update deals with it all? NVIDIA has a dev forum, which is probably a better fit, but I don't know if they care.
(lied for brevity; can actually unfreeze without rebooting by sshing in through another machine and restarting the display manager, logs me out though)
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My disk is encrypted so I don't think it is that easy.
I just disabled IOMMU from the BIOS and now I'm back in. I really shouldn't do experiments like this without a rescue drive.
So no one has HDMI working on Linux?
I'm using ProtonVPN's free wireguard profiles on Arch with wireguird which is a gui program used to handle wireguard profiles recommended by the Arch wiki.
Now my question is, since you can't torrent on ProtonVPN free, how can I split my traffic so Qbittorrent so it doesn't use the wireguard profile and just uses my normal internet without a proxy? What would be the easiest way of accomplishing this?
Network namespaces.
>you can't torrent on ProtonVPN free
the fuck are you using that VPN for then?
I don't know how that works.
To hide tentacle hentai from my ISP.

Anyway I managed to figure out how to do it so solved I guess.
>I don't know how that works.

Create a network namespace:

ip netns add vpn

# create the interface
ip link add v-eth1 type veth peer name v-peer1
# add the v-peer1 to the namespace vpn
ip link set v-peer1 netns vpn
# set IP to the interface in root namespace
ip addr add dev v-eth1
# make the interface active
ip link set v-eth1 up
# add ip to the interface in the vpn namespace with a corresponding netmask.
ip netns exec vpn ip addr add dev v-peer1
# make the interface active
ip -n vpn link set v-peer1 up
# add a loopback interface in vpn namespace
ip -n vpn link set lo up
# make the traffic in vpn namespace go to root namespace through veth
ip -n vpn route add default via

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Flush forward rules, policy DROP by default.
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -F FORWARD
# Flush nat rules.
iptables -t nat -F
# Enable masquerading of
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
# Allow forwarding between eth0 and v-eth1.
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o v-eth1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -i v-eth1 -j ACCEPT
# Allow all output traffic

Enter the network namespace:
sudo ip netns exec vpn /bin/bash -l

Then start your VPN, then start your applications inside of the namespace like:
sudo ip netns exec vpn sudo -u $USER -- firefox

Anything ran in the namespace will go through the VPN. Anything ran outside of it in your root namespace won't.
I managed to do it in a simpler way but thanks anyway, your guide is very helpful, I appreciate it.
How do you make Alacritty to consume only 30MB of RAM? Is that some old version?
The latest git version:
$ alacritty --version
alacritty 0.14.0-dev (8dfd2e56)

$ emerge --info alacritty
Package Settings

x11-terms/alacritty-9999::gentoo was built with the following:
USE="X wayland -debug" ABI_X86="(64)"
CFLAGS="-O3 -march=core2 -pipe"
CXXFLAGS="-O3 -march=core2 -pipe"
FEATURES="assume-digests binpkg-docompress binpkg-dostrip binpkg-logs binpkg-multi-instance buildpkg buildpkg-live candy config-protect-if-modified distlocks ebuild-locks fixlafiles getbinpkg ipc-sandbox merge-sync merge-wait multilib-strict network-sandbox news parallel-fetch pid-sandbox pkgdir-index-trusted preserve-libs protect-owned qa-unresolved-soname-deps sandbox sfperms strict unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr"

Also RUSTFLAGS (it's built with LTO):
RUSTFLAGS="-Ctarget-cpu=core2 -Copt-level=2 -C link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld -Clinker-plugin-lto"
Are you supposed to keep mobile data always on when you're outside with no Wi-Fi nearby? Or what did they intend me to do?
I dual-boot Windows 10 and Linux on separate hard drives. Is the upgrade process as simple as
>enable secure boot
>install the Windows 11 upgrade
>disable secure boot
>reinstall grub
Or are there any other pitfalls?
Well, thank you. I understand now.
Mint XFCE or Cinnamon?
Huh. I didn't know you could do that. NM can't do this?
It's a Linux kernel feature and yes, namespaces are awesome. Let's see Windows or macOS do that.

If you wanted NetworkManager to do it then you could probably create a hook/script in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d
Alright I'm using this text editor called kate. Theres this thing where if I go to open a file the title reads example...example instead of just displaying the full name. Thing is though every other file explorer is capable of displaying the full name and kate used to do the same thing as well. Is there just like an option in the settings that fixes this because I sure as hell can't find it.
dunno but if microsoft didn't fuck it up you shouldn't be able to disable secure boot without losing access to your windows 11.
How can I fix font rendering in GNOME ? In some places it is too much blurry and in the other, piercingly sharp.
Use wayland. If you are using wayland then its probably apps running under xwayland, you should try to avoid that.
Should work, but i don't see the point. Setting up secureboot on linux is not that hard, i would do that instead.

>>102408027 is correct, windows will probably refuse to boot with secure boot disabled.
Yes I'm using wayland. Is there anyway to avoid using Xwayland ? I mean some apps are not configured to use Wayland, as far as I know.
the only way is to not use x apps
>Setting up secureboot on linux is not that hard,
Depends on the distro, and recently they fucked it up.
can i run wine in a sandbox? specifically i want wine to have all content associated with a given context (say, running a game) to be in a location that i specify. in addition, i dont want any of the subsequent processes that wine runs to have read or write access outside that context directory. completely isolated
Couldn't you use the kernel firewall to pass certain ports to certain interfaces?
>Is there anyway to avoid using Xwayland ?
Uninstall it, though im not sure if gnome depends on it. You also want to check if you need any apps that can't run on wayland before doing this. I think the easiest way to check if an application is using xwayland is to run xeyes and check if the eyes move when your cursor is over the application. If you find something that uses xwayland you can search the web for <application> wayland and you should find some info if / how it is supported. Also read this https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Wayland#GUI_libraries and do the steps for toolkits your applications use
this is /g/, anon
what are the advantages of fedora? i was looking at it because it uses kde plasma but i'm struggling to find anything really different about it.
>What are the educational benefits of running through a Gentoo install versus, say, bootstrapping Fedora or Debian?
Useflags, cpuflags, lots of technical stuff about the system
>If I wanted to build out as minimal of a system as I can for an appliance, wouldn't one of those options be better?
Just use alpine instead
>he's working to ship a fag X86 emulator on Fedora to attempt to even get a modicum of software running
Isn't there already one made for the pi called box86?
It's probably the key of the dev directly from his github page
If you're really paranoid and dont want to just use the gallery-dl aur package instead, you can just use pipx to install it
is btrfs not shit yet?
has somebody here tried installing gentoo or arch on those ~140 bucks e-waste chink garbage "netbooks" you can find on aliexpress?
try it, report back, contribute to the community.
[spoiler]it will be shit[/spoiler]
What XMPP clients to use in 2024, for GNU/Linux and Android (not necessarily the same one)?
Why would you bother doing that instead of just buying a second hand laptop on ebay?
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if you use the terminal daily, give FISH a try. It'll save you hours and hours of time. Don't be like me who wasted time with BASH for years because of "muh compatibility"
It clunky, use fedora
how i check if something is available in a generic manner without actually running it, is i enter part of its' name then hit tab to see if it completes
Dino for GUI, Profanity for CLI.
I'll try to implement the mktemp method later. For now, this does the job just fine and will save me so much time...
Thank you very much for your help!
How can I rebind one keyboard key to two keys?
Why does the first character of a filename sometimes is disappear in this script?

function fixsub() {
echo $1
NUM=$(echo $1 | grep -oE "[0-9]{2}")
NEWFNAME="Monster - $NUM.mkv"
ffmpeg -i "$1" -y -map 0:v:0 \
-map 0:a:1 -map 0:a:0 \
-map 0:s -c copy \
-map 0:t \
-disposition:a:0 default \
-disposition:a:1 0 \
-disposition:s:1 0 \
-disposition:s:0 default \

find -type f -maxdepth 1 -iname "*anime*monster - 1*.mkv" | while read file; do fixsub "$file"; done

Sometime the filenames have the dot at the start:
>./[Anime Time] Monster - 16.mkv
Sometimes they don't
>/[Anime Time] Monster - 19.mkv
What's happening here?
Nah you're right, gaming on linux is a complete waste of time. I fell for the meme and went down that rabbit hole like a year ago. Either people are lying through their teeth and coping or they just download the most basic bullshit game like counter strike which of course works effortlessly. Any time you want to play something mildly obscure there's a problem. But I think the thing that pisses me off is the protonDB where idiots will say a game is "platinum" or whatever and then say the game is playable after you install a bunch of fixes and only has a few crashes / gamebreaking bugs. Imagine that being title being the hallmark of linux gaming. lol
Which server is supposed to be good, haven't used XMPP in a while.
It actually alternates
Why does it not read the output of find properly?
>./[Anime Time] Monster - 10.mkv
>/[Anime Time] Monster - 11.mkv
>./[Anime Time] Monster - 14.mkv
>/[Anime Time] Monster - 13.mkv
>./[Anime Time] Monster - 18.mkv
>/[Anime Time] Monster - 15.mkv
>./[Anime Time] Monster - 16.mkv
run the find output through basename first
I think the problem was ffmpeg.
There's no problem if I run it in the background.

function fixsub() {
echo $1
NUM=$(echo $1 | grep -oE "[0-9]{2}")
NEWFNAME="Monster - $NUM.mkv"
ffmpeg -i "$1" -y -loglevel panic -map 0:v:0 \
-map 0:a:1 -map 0:a:0 \
-map 0:s -c copy \
-map 0:t \
-disposition:a:0 default \
-disposition:a:1 0 \
-disposition:s:1 0 \
-disposition:s:0 default \

find -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "*anime*monster - 1*.mkv" | while read file; do fixsub "$file"; done
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>install nautilus, ffmpegthumbnailer, totem and every gst plugin in existence
mp4 and gif thumbnails don't work
>install thunar and tumbler
everything just works

why is he like this?
It slows down if it spawns 70 processes and then the issue re-emerges.
How can I wait for ffmpeg to finish before continuing the while loop?
get rid of the & at

no idea why you're forking ffmpeg in the first place
Can confirm. Used zsh with a bajillion plugins for half a decade and then installed fish which has most of the features i want built in. Its faster and the syntax is saner than any other shell imo.
If I don't fork it then this happens: >>102410320
However, that workaround doesn't work for 70 files:
./[Anime Time] Monster - 26.mkv
./[Anime Time] Monster - 65.mkv
./[Anime Time] Monster - 01.mkv
./[Anime Time] Monster - 14.mkv
[Anime Time] Monster - 67.mkv
./[Anime Time] Monster - 63.mkv
[Anime Time] Monster - 46.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 37.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 13.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 04.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 57.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 45.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 24.mkv
[Anime Time] Monster - 09.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 51.mkv
./[Anime Time] Monster - 03.mkv
./[Anime Time] Monster - 07.mkv
./[Anime Time] Monster - 55.mkv
./[Anime Time] Monster - 49.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 21.mkv
[Anime Time] Monster - 18.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 27.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 54.mkv
Anime Time] Monster - 40.mkv
./[Anime Time] Monster - 15.mkv
[Anime Time] Monster - 33.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 62.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 70.mkv
[Anime Time] Monster - 16.mkv
/[Anime Time] Monster - 29.mkv
ime Time] Monster - 19.mkv
./[Anime Time] Monster - 32.mkv

All I want it to do is wait for ffmpeg to finish before moving onto the next iteration
Fixed it with
ffmpeg -nostdin
>Used zsh with a bajillion plugins for half a decade
same here. There's probably not much that fish does which zsh cannot do, the difference is that fish comes with sane defaults and good functionality out of the box that you'd have to spend dozens of hours setting up on zsh.
Someone other than me gives a shit about Arcan! Great. I hope it succeeds eventually.
oh shit that's really helpful, thanks!
Fish is not POSIX compliant
command -v 

I have a wine program that keeps crashing and I'm not sure why, how do I enable the log that can tell me what the error is?
Did you have ssh-server running or were you locked out at the password prompt for unlocking the drives?
see >>102409866

I use fish interactively and either dash, bash or babashka for scripting, btw
I am conmused. If i store /oot on another partition and I make it under / will it come encrypted or do I have to decrypt it manually or does it come unencrypted if boot isn't encryptred even if it's in /
I dont get your point
It doesnt change the fact that fish is not POSIX compliant
I have no issue with using either bash or zsh and dont use a billion plugins for either
Has anyone tried using podman/docker or LXC with some kind of headless desktop session like vnc as an alternative to virtual machines?
>~140 bucks e-waste chink garbage "netbooks"
Depends. If it's a regular x86, the install process is the same.
But I wouldn't want to compile anything with e-waste.

... anyone an opinion on fedora kinoite/silverblue?
why exactly does your interactive shell need to be posix compliant
>can't compile librewolf with 16gb of ram
it's ovyir
You need to limit the threads a bit.
How do you run KDE in a cgroup? I've got decent hardware but I'd like to do that if it can get better performance out of the desktop.
i'll give it a shot
t. about to lock up
>I dont get your point
fish has many features that save you time and make your computer usage more comfy, and it not being posix compliant is a non-issue for interactive use. What's not to get?
>shell features
Fancy completion and getting an exit status (like picrel) are the only things I can think of. Do I need more?
I'm just a retard who "fires commands".
I assume they be testing scripts with the same shell.
hmm isn't working, even with makeflags=j1 it's still spinning up all 4 cores.
maybe it's something in the PKGBUILD file. i'll run through it
Basically what >>102411264 said
You can also just write a script in the shell to do a process instead of having to write a file for it
Most common use case would be something like a for in loop
>fish has many features that save you time and make your computer usage more comfy
Zsh does the same thing and is posix compliant
>and it not being posix compliant is a non-issue for interactive use
But it is an issue.
What is the difference with zsh with autocomplete, syntax highlighting and fzf integration?
Good for something you want to just work, I use Silverblue on my laptop. On desktop the immutable model is more trouble than it's worth IMO.
Just add zram or physical swap. zram by itself should be sufficient. Object files are very compressible.
It's been fine for like 6-8 years at this point.
not him but yea, zram is great for this
on more than one occasion i've had something big building in gentoo while having too much other stuff open and notice i'm using like 40GiB out of 32GiB and it's only just starting to slow down enough to look
What are you talking about
Which Pentium you have? I ran Plasma with absolutely no issues on a G3220, G4560 and G6405
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Zstd or LZ4?
>Enable multiple compression streams (CONFIG_ZRAM_MULTI_COMP)
Yes or no?
lz4 if you're looking to provision <=1.5x physical memory, otherwise zstd
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This shits all space math. What numbers do I go for when I have 32 gigabytes of RAM?
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>just got done reading ch4.
Wrong thread, I'm literally retarded
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I really like the look and feel of the LCD option for the taskbar clock, but I am unable to get it to display the time beyond just the current minute and hour, which I can do with the digital option (Custom format %I:%M %p %Y/%m/%d) Is there any way I can replicate this for the LCD option, for clarification I am running Xubuntu Linux.
reminds me of old windows which is cozy as fugg, but I'm kinda leaning more into moving wallpapers these days, so I like to have a bit more snappy taskbar unless its a retro wallpaper
Anyone have an input on this? edited my /etc/makepkg.conf to restrict compilation to 2 cores but makepkg is still spinning up my entire CPU. I didn't see anything relevant in the PKGBUILD script
I am switching computers is there like a way i can auto install all the shit i had on my last computer like can i list out everything i have copy paste it into the new one and just click instal?
>Zsh does the same thing
Yes but zsh does it much worse and is slower.
>not being posix compliant is an issue
Its not though. You can still write your scripts in bash. We have a tool for that, its called shebangs. And if you ever need to run a posix one-liner or whatever you are trying to do in your posix shell, bash is only 4 characters + enter away. It doesn't make sense to sacrifice usability for the 0.01% of cases where i need my shell to be posix compliant, when i can open a posix compliant shell in less than a second for these cases.
>inb4 muh multiple syntax
its not that hard to keep minor syntactic differences between two shell dialects apart. Also i have a language server to help me if i write something that doesn't make sense.
I am using Chicago95, which you can get here: https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95?tab=readme-ov-file
I am thinking of going over on >>>/w/ to find a new wallpaper.
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>decide to try Linux again after years
>literally everything justwerks, even NVIDIA drivers
>install Steam, Proton-GE and Heroic
>start installing games
>each game has a Wine/Proton prefix folder that's as large as the actual game installation itself
>starting to eat up a lot of space on my boot SSD
Is this some shit I really have to deal with? When I read into it I get mixed messages. Some people say you can just have a singular Wine prefix for most games, others say if you have a single prefix everything starts fucking up.
Some people just don't learn.

>Active investment from Facebook (and others)
>Used as default filesystem on Synology NAS units
It just works as long as you stick to defaults and if you do then double check the stability of the features you're trying to use
Why zram and not zswap?
Linux will definitely run on an Intel Atom (or whatever shit processor they're sticking in these things) if that's what you're asking.
no idea about steam shit but throwing everything into one prefix is fine. optimally you'd be using a file system with deduplication to make this a non-issue but btrfs is shit
Where would you go to get live wallpapers though?
Ebussy is a giant faggot but the question is more like "Why are distros like that?".

It's rare to find a distro that ships all of the required codecs by default.
Do you never interactively script? When I'm in a prototyping phase it's quite common for me to just be typing into the prompt, banging out pipelines, etc.

I can't use Fish for that. Zsh works almost as well as Bash for this purpose whilst still being better for interactive use.
I don't have a live wallpaper but you have inspired me to get one. I did just do a search and found this link: https://www.makeuseof.com/set-live-animated-wallpapers-on-linux/
If you're using Systemd it already does that by default. You just have to edit the unit files to set sensible limits.

Fedora also has interesting tool called Uresourced which does some things that Systemd can't do yet:

In my case >>102398311 I'm not using Systemd so things are more tricky.

The next step would probably be disabling DBus activated services altogether and making separate user services for each service but that's currently a pita with OpenRC.
Okay, now I'm curious is there a way to prevent the wallpaper from looping now cause that would be sweet when you log on, this pops up does its animation then stays paused on the logo in the background.
I don't have much of an idea what is wrong but my best guess is that with the first link I mentioned, it says that Wallset only supports videos up to 10 seconds long, and the video you linked is 18 seconds long.
>optimally you'd be using a file system with deduplication to make this a non-issue but btrfs is shit
Why would you write non-trivial scripts in shell instead of Python or Ruby?
There's no issues besides plasmashell hogging the CPU too much. It's a schedule issue rather than a KDE issue. It shouldn't be getting as much CPU time as it was.

By me putting it in a CGroup and setting limits explicitly the kernel sets hard limits on how much CPU it is allowed in a given period.
i can't be bothered with out of tree shit
xfs would be an option
I haven't set up wallset yet, I'm gonna look into if there is a feature where you can have the wallpaper only play once on log in out of curiosity
Because shell is better for prototyping. Changing directories, reading files, loops, job control, etc, all of that is nicer in a shell script compared to all the boiler plate you need in Python..

There's a reason shell has a reputation as being a glue language.
Honestly, that's fair. But I find that I'm not much slower in Python if I use a bunch of templates and snippets, and the end result is better, so I do that these days. Shell languages make it super easy to shit out something barely working, but they actually need more effort than Python once you have some quality standards for your program.
By all means re-write it if it gets unwieldy but when you're in that prototype phase of trying to get the thing to work, shell is so much nicer.

I mean just compare the code you need to pipe two processes in Python with that of shell. If I'm going to re-write a script in another language then these days I'm a big fan of Rust with Tokio, that is actually a pleasant experience to work with and run commands and form pipes, etc.
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as it seems, there is no llm/ai that is specifically designed to deal with linux problems/issues? how difficult would it be to realise it for people who know what iam talking about ... i am so tired, no sleep can cure, to search the web for non issues just because i havnt read 9000 manpages before dealing with linux systems!
Yeah, piping things is way less convenient in Python. Fortunately I don't need to do it that often. Usually I just run one command and parse its output in Python, sometimes line by line and sometimes as a whole.
I've noticed that my wine games kinda bottleneck sometimes and it causes a slight audio tear/glitch but it fixes itself, sometimes the animation just slightly stutters. What causes that? I do have a bunch of youtube videos open, so that might be why.
Iunno I kinda find Linux kinda easy to use once you get up and running. That being said I've asked roleplaying bots how to set up a database before and it actually took me through step by step and I actually got it running.
zram is more focused on interactive desktop / mobile where you want to avoid flash writes, and zswap is for specialty enterprise batch processing where you assume you're going to need physical swap. You can make one act more or less like the other. It's just a matter of which starts closer to correct for your workload.
>If I wanted to build out as minimal of a system as I can for an appliance, wouldn't one of those options be better?
If you wanted to build a system that's as minimal as possible for an appliance, you wouldn't use any off the shelf distro. You'd build your own with something like Yocto.
You could use GNU parallel, or the -P option of xargs, to parallelize the conversion.
How hard could it be to do it with Puppet? It already has Augeas support.
Do you need to disable swap to use zram? i see that zswap should be turned off.
>Iunno I kinda find Linux kinda easy to use once you get up and running.

a running system isnt the issue, when problems occur, thats the issue! it would even help to develop linux/distribution faster/better! ... it would not even be just a nooby user tool!
Just as hard >>102402919 is correct. A lot of KDE apps mix state in their config file which should probably instead belong in the $XDG_STATE_HOME

In order to manage KDE in any centralised way you essentially need to be able to understand these config files and preserve the state when ideally you don't want your centralised config management having to store or deal with state in the first place.
Lennart Poettering, is that you?
>when problems occur
Like what?
KDE doesn't really have an answer to "I need to be able to configure my desktop in the enterprise", either. GNOME has things like Fleet Commander.

Under KDE the official answer to wanting to centrally manage things is "Hack together your own using scripts"
I'm sure there is someone who tried or did dev a tool like that out on github or w/e.
Makes sense. I've already had a swap partition by the time I've learned about them, so I just enabled zswap (25% RAM, lzo, zsmalloc).

kek ... are kidding?
No, I'm asking you what problems your having, I'm assuming you are on mint?
I was going to make some joke about that but I decided against it

Poettering is some kind of wizard, probably too smart for /fglt/
>try to sudo ./install.sh
>you need to download ffmpeg
>"Didn't I do that?"
>Open up Software Manager on Mint
>Search, its there
So is it missing a key ring or something...?

...fedora 40 live cd, cant establish an internet connection because it thinks the cable is unplugged, win 10 works fine.
>>102414751 (Me)
Nvm, I just forced it lol.
...Did you look up if your wireless card is supported by the fedora onboard drivers? If not you may need to get another computer and hunt for a driver to download on another computer to then install on your fedora desktop...
>In order to manage KDE in any centralised way you essentially need to be able to understand these config files and preserve the state
Yeah, I get that. But Puppet already has some tools for dealing with convoluted things like that. You can say "here's the grammar of the config file, now go and change setting X to value Y while preserving everything else". For example, here's an implementation for shell variable files:
So maybe it would be possible to reuse this technique for KDE configs that contain state? Modify the configs with Puppet/Augeas and then hit the program with a DBus call to make it reparse the config.
Or I guess you could just hack something together with calls to kreadconfig6 and kwriteconfig6. That would be slower but easier. Actually, I think I may have done something like that for KDE 5 a decade or so ago... I wonder if I still have it on my hard drive.
>Yes but zsh does it much worse and is slower.
>Its not though.
It is, it has nothing to do with script files
>And if you ever need to run a posix one-liner or whatever you are trying to do in your posix shell, bash is only 4 characters + enter away.
I shouldn't need to do this in the first place
>It doesn't make sense to sacrifice usability for the 0.01% of cases where i need my shell to be posix compliant, when i can open a posix compliant shell in less than a second for these cases.
It doesnt make sense to sacrifice usability and shell posix compliance just so i can have an allegedly better shell
>ts not that hard to keep minor syntactic differences between two shell dialects apart.
It's a waste of time when i could just use a posix compliant shell
>Also i have a language server to help me if i write something that doesn't make sense.
Shouldnt need to run a fucking language server just to keep track of a separate shell language because i want to be hipster and use a shell that isnt posix compliant
New thread:
I see.

You're right.
>wall of text
notice how there is not a single reason why you need a posix compliant shell in there
Why is POSIX compat valuable? For interactive commands you don't need it, for scripting you should use a better language anyway.
It's valuable because pretty much every UNIX computer comes with one.

Do you know how many come with Fish?

Imagine if you're writing a script to bootstrap a new computer. You wouldn't write it in Python because the computer may not even have Python yet.
Most distros come with Python 3 these days. But even in your rare use case, I would write a short script to install Python and then do the rest in Python. Even when coding stdlib-only, Python is still better than POSIX sh, which doesn't even have arrays.
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I'm >>102409866 and I definitely didn't want to start an argument or insult anybody's favorite shell or whatever, it was just a suggestion along with my personal experience that in hindsight, sacrificing usability just to have a "posix compliant" interactive shell was a bad decision that has cost me many hours in aggregate.
Didn't you say this one post ago?
>It is, it has nothing to do with script files

Doesn't count. You can install bash and fish on the same system.

>It's valuable because pretty much every UNIX computer comes with one
Just because every computer comes with sypware (cpu microcode) doesn't mean its valuable.
You often don't even need arrays when you can iterate over a newline delimited list of strings and strings word-split automatically.
>I'm >>102409866
yes im sure you are
>cost me many hours in aggregate
give 3 examples of your many hours
>I would write a short script to install Python and then do the rest in Python
>You can install bash and fish on the same system
You can and you'll be writing the scripts to do that in shell. At that point you might as well write the rest in it too since you're already half-way there.
Sure, I know that you can hack around many of POSIX shell's limitations with half-solutions that break in edge cases, like values that contain newlines. But why would you do that when you can use a proper language, with real data structures than can be passed as arguments and returned, as well as proper error reporting? It makes no sense to me to impose such a productivity divider on yourself just to avoid a short bootstrap script in one specific case.

>At that point you might as well write the rest in it too since you're already half-way there.
A 30 line shell script that installs Python tooling + tens of thousands of lines of Python, versus tens of thousands of lines of shell. It's not half-way unless you do very little scripting.
>versus tens of thousands of lines of shell. It's not half-way unless you do very little scripting.
That's how you know you're a shit programmer. Write small scripts that work together instead of large monstrosities.
still not a single argument why i need posix compliance in my interactive shell.
Not a single reason why i need posix compliance in general for that matter
I meant total, you retard. Of course I don't have everything in one huge script. (But the "Unix philosophy" is stupid regardless and I don't follow it.)
You already have one solid argument presented to you. If you want to use Python then you have a bootstrap problem on systems without it. POSIX shell can help you overcome that.

>(But the "Unix philosophy" is stupid regardless and I don't follow it.)
I disagree. Smaller scripts that do one thing and one well are easier to test in isolation than large monoliths.
>solid argument
I dont bootstrap a system from an interactive shell. And as i already said, you can install a posix compliant shell alongside fish and use the posix compliant one for the bootstrapping process.
I would say the argument is wonky at best
But you are using POSIX shell to do that, no? Therefore it is an argument in favour of using it over Fish and presented with error messages like:
>fish: command not found

Some people also do not want such a complicated bootstrap process that can fail in certain circumstances and complicates things.
I never argued for using fish to bootstrap a system. And if your bootstrapping process can fail just because you installed an extra package then you have much bigger things to worry about.

I will give you that using a posix shell can be useful for bootstrapping systems. But still no argument for posix in interactive use.
>give 3 examples of your many hours
not having fish-style automatic suggestions for completion

not having a navigable tab completion and history list (by default)

misremembering arcane syntax that has a simpler counterpart in fish (or in real programming languages)

spending hours configuring things like syntax highlighting, auto-indent, fancy tab-completion functionality and prompt info in bash and zsh that comes ootb in fish

perusing man pages to find out how to configure things that can be clicked together in fish's web interface
Interactive use is just scripting from a REPL. A lot of people write their scripts this way, even Python has a REPL.
>Interactive use = REPL
Moving goalposts. if you need a posix repl you can still start that from you fish shell. Next argument
Or, just hear me out for one fucking second, you could use it in the first place. Nobody wants to constantly context switch between Fish and POSIX shell. Maybe you do but not most other people.
Okay so i guess what it boils down to is how much you have to use posix. I personally have never needed to rely on posix compliance in anything that i have done for the past decade. If you frequently need to rely on posix compliance it could make sense, but personally i would still not use a worse (in my opinion) shell for the times i don't require posix compliance.

I think we have very different perceptions of interactive shell use.
That's a fair assessment.
Okay i just read >>102415053 again and i completely misunderstood the post. I thought you were arguing that not having a posix shell cost you time, when you were arguing for the opposite.
Sometimes its faster to write one liner scripts for things like for loops in the interactive shell than to have to either switch shells or write a shell file instead
Also sometimes you can test if you're writing shell scripts properly in the interactive shell itself (i usually do it for things like "${VAR##}" because i keep mixing up the % and #
There's also the usecase of making alias functions for your shell
There is, you just cant read
but you can do all these things in fish. Imo fish has a better syntax than any of the posix compliant shells, which makes it even easier for me to do these things. If a script needs to be portable (which doesn't happen often in interactive use for me) than i will write it in bash
then, fuck me i should just go to bed
>but you can do all these things in fish
You cant because its not the same syntax which is the whole problem
You can't write one-liners in fish because it has a different syntax than bash? Im sorry im not sure i understand your point
He's saying everyone uses Bash therefore you should use Bash too.

A flaky argument but a valid one. Converting scripts for no reason is annoying, alias you mean you should do:
>alias blah="/bin/bash -c 'do-one-liner' -- "
Which is fucking retarded
Yes thats the whole problem.
As >>102415570 said more or less.
It's fine if you dont need to do this at all, but its not somehow better than zsh IMO
No, fish is not better than zsh because its not posix compliant. Fish is better because its more ergonomic, has sane defaults and more features out of the box, see >>102415299

I wont respond here anymore, doesn't make sense.
I still want to discuss posix compliance though. But not in this thread. I will make a thread for that probably tomorrow
All of that can also be done in zsh.
I have already responded to this argument itt.
I prefer fish and everyone else seemingly zsh. Two people here said that switching from zsh to fish was a good experience. No one who actually used fish said it was bad. Either you try it or you leave it.
A lot of us have tried it. People wouldn't make things like this if if weren't for Fish:

The problem with Fish is not the user experience it's the shell language it uses, something you've been told time and time again by many people in this thread.

For what it's worth, I don't think POSIX shell is perfect but I also don't think Fish is the answer.

Something like the Oils project is interesting but a long way from being usable by distributions:
It doesnt matter if posix is good or bad, it's what /bin/sh uses and nothing will change about it. I avoid bash scripting when possible as well to keep it strictly posix.
That's exactly why the Oils project is interesting to me. Unlike Fish it aims to remain largely compatible while still enhancing the language for newer scripts and older POSIX scripts can still benefit from the better tooling they plan to offer.
The pitch is essentially:
>Run your old POSIX shell scripts today
>We will give you better tooling and error handling
>You can opt-in to newer features over time if you want something better
That does sound interesting.
I also avoid bash scripting when possible, I use real languages like Python and C.
what /bin/sh uses depends on the distro
how to hack an instagram account?
Install Gentoo
There's something wrong with you if you can't appreciate the Rube Goldberg fuckery of shell script.

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