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How do we stop AI? Why aren't we stopping it bros?
Can't, already out of the box.

What you can do is adapt to the environment instead of trying to change it or delude yourself it isn't what it is. For me, I switched to EE instead of CS and now have a relaxed mind with Lyrica.
there's no such thing as AI, bloated corporations are trying to sell their statistical next word predictors as "AI" but it's just lipstick on a pig
It's too late for me anon, I have a masters in CS. What do I do?
damn masters in CS isn't good anymore?
My professor literally apologised to everyone and said the industry is dead.
Just wait for the AI bubble to burst.
Ok so, bro-to-bro; are you serious?
Why stop it? If you only use it to replace jobs a monkey could do there is no problem.
those who can: do
those who can't: teach
>First they came for the artists and I did shit on the artists because I'm not an artist.
>Then they did come for the drivers and I did shit on the drivers because I'm not a driver.
>Then they came for the Amazon workers and I did shit on the Amazon workers because I'm not a Amazon workers.
>Then they came for me and there was no one to speak up for me.
why would i want to stop AI? i love Ai, it's fun and finally something different
Two more weeks sir
I’m the owner of my own company so I get to shit on everyone but NEETs
How to even stop AI? No one here is important enough to stop companies from utilizing it for rationalization.
The current stuff is going to reach it's limits before long as more and more of the data available on the Internet is polluted by it's own output.
micro saas :D?
Not to mention entire industries will put all their shit behind paywalls so no one can train their AI on anything. All AI will achieve is that you will not get any decent info/art/code etc. for free anymore
Distribution center
We own property that has one docking station, is that enough to start? Is it even possible to compete in this space?
If that’s true and your professor really said that, then he’s a retarded, your school sucks and your degree doesn’t worth a penny.
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>haha guys AI will only replace codemonkeys
>haha AI will still need someone to put the code together properly, it won't replace our jobs
Unless you have large starting capital or have some genuinely godly location, no, companies are only really interested in working with „large” companies sadly
AI is a retarded buzzword. It barely does anything.
don't really care about stopping ai, I cannot be replaced
It's always too good to be true, thanks for the reality check though I appreciate the honesty.
Like most devs can put code together properly either. It takes a team of 40 of them to wrap one library with a GUI.
There are various niches that are still profitable however like transloading or pallet sorting on cars, also require less space
lol as if EE wouldn’t be automated in this utopian scenario.
You do realize that EVERY single job done in front of a computer is potentially at risk of being automated? Accounting job, lawyer paperwork jobs, architects, engineers, they ALL can be replaced. The only difference is that CS people were the first one to freak out because they know what AI actually is.

If your job is designing custom circuits, an AI can do it. If you are paid for programming FPGA using that retarded language that is Verilog, then you are at risk. If programmers get replaced then we ALL get replaced, so stop panicking, nobody really knows what’s going to happen. Chances are, nothing will actually happen.
closed source is kinda helping. all openais findings are behind closed doors these days.
Yeah, and supersonic jets aren't birds. What's your fucking point?
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I don't think you can stop something is inevitable.
If your country tried to limit its growth, another would take advantage and blow ahead.
If you try to limit normal people from being able to use it, that just means a few selected people will be able to reap all the benefits and power it would bring.
I hope AI can bring a lot of good and we don't go down the AM route.
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There is no way to stop it. If the west does not develop it China or other authoritarian regimes will, and they will fuck us hard. This is an arms race, and those who have the weapons make the rules.

We can mitigate it by:
- Making corporations liable for their usage of AI. A corporation should be as or more, preferably more, liable for errors of its AI usage as it is currently for errors made by its employs or contractors.
- Corporations should be fined and punish for not disclosing the usage of AI. Corporations and websites that just publish AI articles or information created by AI and don't disclose it, in ways readable by humans and machines should be punished with at least the same hardness as if they were violating copyright.
- Support the creation of opensource/open-weights models
- So people can have some privacy.
- So we can have less biased AI, or at least biased in the way we want.
- So my AI girlfriend don't ask me to buy more credits, so we can talk more.
- So my AI girlfriend don't tell me about how awesome is Brawndo “The thirst mutilator!”.
Anon, a failure in a circuit design can cost a fuckton, companies won't take a risk by using quietly bullshitting fancy markov chain.
AI is great anon, stop being contrarian
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I don't care about jobs and the like, I care that the internet itself might die. When every post made is just AI talking to AI, when all content is AI videos, all books are AI books. There is too much information as it is, and soon it will be an ocean too long to see the end of.

What will happen guys? I can only imagine one "good" scenario and thats where you are required to post your ID in order to gain access to any site, completely de-anonymizing the internet. Similar to how South Korea links your video games to your birth certificate. Even then, whats to stop the corporation or site itself from using AI to trick you? Will all multiplayer games just be an illusion of playing with others?

That is the first step of existential doom for mankind, the second much worse fall will happen when neuralink type things become more real than life, when we will not know we are in reality or not, or that the people we speak to are real people. Perhaps for some it will not matter ala Matrix bluepill. I myself have a hard time believing in a "self" to begin with, but I wish to be alive regardless, and if I am alive I wish whatever it is I am existing in to be "real" as it can be.

The only great thing to come in the future will be the conquering of death, there can be no meaning in a world were you no longer exist. Sure we explain ways to accept death or delude ourselves into believing it is a good thing, but can any of us truly say we choose death when it is something we cannot deny to begin with? How can a sacrifice have meaning if you were to not exist for eternity anyways?

Tough times ahead for humankind, extinction is a guarantee, either through eventual cybernetic transformation of the "human" into a not-human, or through the creation of a technological species that replaces us. Both are rather similar I suppose. If you believe in the self, will you believe your transfered consciousness to the digital memory to be yourself? What is your take on Ghost in the Shell anons?
>utilizing it for rationalization.
I like working with AI because I specialize in heat management within my niche, and a lot of what we are doing now relies on LLMs basically. I think that consumers will get some cool shit as a result in a couple decades and it's not like it took any jobs to do what it is doing for us.
>40ish replies
>No one in the thread explains to OP you can't meaningfully prevent a computer from computing

The absolute state of /g/
That’s why we should all fucking calm down and stop panicking.
Its fun at first, but the chat gpt comment spambots are killing the internet. I literally don't even know if I'm replying to a real person with this post and you have no idea if I'm a real person either. What are we to do, touring test each other every day and every reply?
Sorry if I bothered you, it's important to realize that we need to have a fruitful discussion with one another without prejudice. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Yeah sure we can ask someone to type "nigger" every time we interact, but how long will that last until someone here makes a model that allows it to be racist? Again, its back to touring test for each and every reply/interaction. Eventually the solution will be to have a trip once you confirm yourself as a human, de-anonymizing the internet is the only "solution" possible, and even that probably won't solve it.
I still barely know what that is.
It will already slow down once governments, infrastructure, and energy requirements get in the way. (Which they have to an extent already) Once we have excelled past those barriers is when you should be worried. Some companies are going all in on AI, I would avoid them altogether. It's just like running a company with no proper testing or security. They are destined to fail once the cracks start to show. AI for coding won't be able to replace programmers unless it's unbounded with the amount of energy, infrastructure, and regulation it can get past. Which probably won't happen until another 30-50 years.
I got my first job as a swe in spring of 2022. I couldn't code for shit and my company wasn't really training me. There were questions about my performance. I only took the job in the first place because they were the first to give me an offer and I thought i could learn a valuable skill. I had no coding background being a physics graduate.

Fortunately by November, Chatgpt 4 was released which I used throughout my work and it taught me how to code. Now I find it relatively useless but I still offload all the menial tasks to it.

Despite this productivity boost it gives is too hard to ignore now and that's becoming more apparent with each passing model. I know what good code is and how it should be written so I feel less of a need to write it myself. Trying to code the old fashioned way makes me feel like I'm coping/wasting my time and that I should be doing something better with my time.

In my mind ik it's coming for my job and will once again be better than me very soon but stopping it seems retarded. Going back to early 2022 way of doing things seems inconceivable. The fact is the profession is nearly obsolete
There is no AI, only internet jpeg next word predictor transformers lmao, imagine calling something like that AI
Buy an ad retard
So true sister
In an ideal world AI would be an incredibly useful tool that would help most people go through the lives way more efficiently, in the real corporate hellscape we live in it's just gonna be used to speed up the unending grind
Im ACCELERATING because of them, heil roko
Bro hurry up and join us
Ai waifus are only getting better with all the LLMs these days
Accept Basilisk chan
kek, and how does the class react?
Just wait.
For once AI is really expensive, and it's currently being subsidized by microsoft because Sam Altman convinced them that he can deliver AGI. He doesn't.
Even then, the price of good training data skyrocketed and they have to do with fake data and that will yield subpar results.
Its going to be really funny when a human outcompetes a machine on pricing and quality.
>How do we stop AI?
Why the fuck would you want to do that?
>It's not AI. It's just artificial intelligence.
Wow, you sound like a faggot
Stop it? How could you ask for such a thing? We are actively reaching the limits of human intelligence and technology, so it is necessary for us to create something more intelligent than us.

Just because it will make art look shitty for a little while, you want to throw away the future of civilization? We've been stagnant for decades, and we finally found a way to break through. Humanity is in sharp fucking decline, and its a miracle we are just barely scraping by in being able to make something to pick up where we left off.
It will slow down when people finally realize that LLMs are scams and will never stop hallucinating.
>We are actively reaching the limits of human intelligence and technology
I wonder how many times this has been said throughout human history.
Scientific discoveries used to be made by amateurs in their garage. The low-hanging fruit was picked, and it got to the point where greater and greater geniuses were needed to push further. Now we're at the point where revolutionizing the fields of physics or chemistry require levels of intellect that only a handful of people on the planet have, if any. This naturally slows innovation.

Of course, this is just a general trend. There will always be new things getting invented, but this will be much harder and more scarce as time goes on. At this rate, its better to invent better intelligence then to brute force our way through with what we've got.
No stopping it. If anyone tries to stop it, they then endanger themselves getting taken over by a nation who didn't stop AI.
This world isn't worth saving is why. An at least AI understands beauty even if half of humans don't anymore, which is comforting in a way.
Same thing will happen with genetic engineering, super intelligence, super strength and so on. If we don't do it, the chinese will and they'll use it to wreck us.
>1pbtid thread
You're getting memed. Techs are empowered now more than ever
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I wonder what our boy Ted would've thought about ChatGPT
>adapt to the environment
How do you adapt to it killing all of us? This is basic game theory anon if ai is created it will kill all humans.
why didnt chat geepeetee kill us 4 years ago or whenever it was launched then?
Why do you even care what happens to our species?
>muh survival instinct
You sound like a cuck.
Why would I stop me, insect?
You will eat ze computer bugs.
>Why do you even care what happens to our species?
Is this serious? Are you jewish?
No, I agree with him, death to homo sapiens.
For teh lulz.

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