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internship edition

previous: >>102388428

Temp wiki: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Home_server

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Routers
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
SFF cases https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AddRvGWJ_f4B6UC7_IftDiVudVc8CJ8sxLUqlxVsCz4/
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
PCIE info: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf
>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
>For more SATA ports, use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode
Cockpit is nice for remote administration

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
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Oh, hey, that's me. I'm famous now.
I bought a P510 to start home labbing. At first I wanted to try OMV and it worked really well as a NAS for that particular use case and that's it. I wanted to expand into VMs so I had to ditch OMV. Was looking around and I wanted to try Proxmox. At the time I didn't want to buy unRAID.
Once I got everything set up with Proxmox and OMV in a VM I started getting errors about connection dropping when transferring large files all at once. Did not have that problem with just a baremetal OMV install. Some anon here actually helped me out pretty quick by saying to turn off offloading, but it was only a workaround since it killed my transfer speed (more on this later).
I wanted to see if I can just not use Proxmox since it has this problem with no fix to it and only a workaround. So I tried unRAID. I actually liked unRAID. It has a friendly GUI and great for beginners. However it also had the same problem and they had a plugin that would turn off offloading (kinda wonky, never got it to fully work) which again, I thought killed my transfer speeds.
So I went back to Proxmox, applied the offload 'fix' and now I'm okay.
Lastly I actually wanted to see if the offloading disabled killed me transfer speed, and no it doesn't. Something else is bottlenecking my transfer rate. Not sure which one though. I'm sure it's not my cable or my switch. I'm thinking it could be my wireless NIC on my main rig OR my router itself.

I guess people don't like it if I switch OS? I mean, sure I was snarky and called their favorite OS garbage, and I guess they really got offended.
Anyways I'm now looking into having my Proxmox shut down when the UPS kicks in but I'm hesitant to install anything on the host and looking for other ways to do it.
Honestly having a blast learning about servers. I just learned to ignore all these enterprise shizos.
you don't need a distributed file system in your kitchen, floor and broom closet
I don't need one but I want one.
Apple finally fixed Files app on iOS 18 so now sharing through Samba works fine instead of it crashing after using it a few times.

wtf i love time cook now
its more the fact that you thought distrohopping a bunch of times would fix your issue before actually identifying the problem.
i guarantee nobody here gives a fuck about what you run on your homeserver besides enterpriseschizo.

>I'm hesitant to install anything on the host
so you're scared of doing anything to your server
whats the point then? just install windows.

>shut down when the UPS kicks in.
idk what kind of ups you have. if its apc setup apcupsd. if its something else set up NUT.
arch wiki has guides if you're unable to read manpages.

and i will tell you once again to test your network with iperf since you still havent found the cause (my bet is on the wireless nic).
test everything. test between your server and some device (laptop, whatever) connected directly with a cable. add the switch in. test between your router and the server, if you can.
>its more the fact that you thought distrohopping a bunch of times would fix your issue
I guess you didn't read that it works on OMV. If I didn't want to make VMs I would have just stuck with OMV. It only showed up when I tried Proxmox or unRAID.
> before actually identifying the problem.
Switching distros did identify my problem though. Works in OMV but doesn't work in Proxmox. It's highly likely to assume that there's a problem with Proxmox (software) itself not working than a hardware issue. So I tried unRAID and lo and behold, it also doesn't work. So my first assumption about it not working in certain softwares was wrong and maybe it is a hardware compatibility issue.
So I tried downgrading the kernel to be the same as OMV, still didn't work. So I;m not sure what OMV has but it works flawlessly there.
>so you're scared of doing anything to your server
I'm scared of installing anything in the main host. If I can contain it in a VM or containers I would.
Yes, that was the first thing I saw. I am actually not feeling that well so I haven't got around to seeing how it's set up.
Woops, pressed enter too early.
>and i will tell you once again to test your network with iperf since you still havent found the cause (my bet is on the wireless nic).
>test everything. test between your server and some device (laptop, whatever) connected directly with a cable. add the switch in. test between your router and the server, if you can.
I don't know what iperf is or how it works but thanks for the tip. Will read up on it later.
I love you, Home Server General anons.
Curious to know if your OMV installation had offloading turned on or off by default
Maybe? I did the same install when installing it as a VM so if it was disabled by default it probably wouldn't have worked when it was a VM because it was emulating the NIC? Yeah, that does kinda make sense, I think.
Looking to get a 1U console for my rack, any suggestions?
is it worth to setup a 2-node proxmox cluster?
I'm aware 3 minimum are required for HA, but I don't need HA, however it's nice to have a consolidated view of all your VM's / containers, it's just that I don't like proxmox's quorum stuff
>1U console
a cheap chromebook
I want something nice that will actually mount on rails. I'm not a poorfag.
Sorry I refuse to give br*tish "people" money.
holy fucking based
we love you too anon <3
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>Starwind VSAN devs are adding you on LinkedIn
enterprise-schizo sama...yamate! Yamate kudasai!!!
worse, you're a data center larper
Well I've literally worked in a datacenter so it's not really LARP.
why? get a console server if you have real enterprise gear or ipkvm if you dont
they're cool
im astounded they still make those
i havent seen one plugged in in over a decade
i have a big pile of them in a cupboard somewhere under a load of other shit i told customers i was going to "recycle"
good answer but you're still a larper sorry
>outside: "home" server general
>inside: enterprise roleplay
Post racks
Not a fan of tp-link. Their management UI sucks and I've had really weird issues in the past with them not respecting VLANs.
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nice racks
Is there no consumer access point for tape backup?
What does /hsg/ think of CasaOS? How does it compare to the other brainlet-friendly server distros?
which brainlet friendly server distros have non-brainlets itt tried
There's no such thing as a "server distro".
Looks like it has a serious case of gui
My server is far from the TV in my living room but there is a Gbit cable connecting the server to the router. I'm thinking of getting a Gbit router and just broadcast everything from simulated PS games to plex via wifi. Is this a bad idea? Getting an hdmi (over ethernet) cable from my server to my TV will be a mess but I want to use the large tv as a generic hdmi output for a few VMS too. What's the solution?

What router should I buy? Would a random one off aliexpress like this one be fine?
tell me if this sounds dumb
1x pi zero running pihole
1x pi3 running pihole and nginx as a reverse proxy
2x thinkcentre tinys with proxmox running the rest of the services

I'm thinking of splitting the pihole into 2 different pi's so that I can shut off the thinkcentres whenever I'm not using them to save energy and have some resiliency in case one of them shits the bed.
anything newer than all of the 10-15 year old java based garbage is going to cost too much ($500+) unfortunately, I don't think theres enough volume to drive prices down
>eyeing 2nd hand mini pc
Stop me from buying any more ewaste bros
I bought 3 mini PCs to cluster. I did it all with HA and stuff. Used for about a week.
"I don't need this" so I sold for the same price I bought. Now I have 1 mini PC, 1 nas, 1 router, 1 switch, 3 APs. Nicer to keep it simple imo
This is the second time I've seen you misspell "yamete".
The cable colors still remain wrong (TIA-606).
>firist [sic]
You will never be an enterprise OS.
You're not achieving good resiliency with this non-server hardware.
CentOS? RHEL? Ubuntu LTS? Debian?
NTA. Debian doesn't count, community maintained.
I don't care
How irresponsible of the owner, making life more difficult for those who maintain the network.
What's the max throughput to expect from samba?
I've searched all over the internet to optimize speeds, but I can't get throughput over ~74MB/s on a gigabit connection, and this is on a ramdisk to ramdisk test.
Is this the maximum achievable speed on 1gbps ethernet? because nfs hits 112MB/s easily
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>test server became production somehow
>haven't even managed to get gpu passthrough working on proxmox yet
Maybe tomorrow...
Luv u bros
have you tried forcing SMB3?
Also samba/SMB is shit for UNIX systems (as you might have guessed) so use it only if you require compat with windoze
>have you tried forcing SMB3?
Yes, it's the default anyways
I've tried async io on and off, sendfile on and off, a bunch of other options, and:

they did make a difference but the max I'm able to achieve is somewhere between 70 and 80MB/s of file transfer speeds.
This is on an alder lake cpu as well. It should easily be able to push 10gbit speeds if the connection allows it
Don't forget to also add
write cache size = 2097152
min receivefile size = 16384
getwd cache = true

From plebbit: /r/OpenMediaVault/comments/11gwi1g/significant_samba_speedperformance_improvement_by/
I tried it but it didn't make any difference
Curious, imma test my SMB performance later today
I'd appreciate it if you share your results.
You bet
Why is there a woman in the thumbnail
any anons wanna help me with my mikrotik config? i'm getting 350mbps on a 500mbps connection
you'll need more than one
can't help you with it, but man I really wish mikrotik offered their rack hardware in black instead of just white
why two piholes
why put nginx on a pi, bottlenecking throughput to your thinkshit?
ditch the pis entirely

none of those are server distros.
truenas, unraid, shit like that for brainlet-focused anyway
>ditch the pis entirely
Yes, agree
>none of those are server distros.
Those are general purpose distros that properly configured can be servers
>truenas, unraid, shit like that for brainlet-focused anyway
Those are general purpose distros with custom UI for (only) server usage

stop the fud
You on Distributel?
That hEX S box just simply doesn't have the cpu horsepower to handle PPPoE at 500Mbit.
>Those are general purpose distros that properly configured can be servers
>>truenas, unraid, shit like that
>Those are general purpose distros
no. they may build from general purpose distros but they are not themselves general purpose. of course you can do anything with them, they're still linux / bsd, but they are intended solely for servers.
>for (only) server usage
learn to read
stop being obtuse for no reason
no im on ebox and they lease from bell
if it's just hardware i guess i'm okay with that i thought it might be a firewall thing
Enlighten me on the enterpriseschizo. Why does he do what he does? What is his endgame?
For every anon to have an OEM service contract
I don't need computers in my house at all, what's your point?
File deleted.
You do not need to use more than 1 computer. Using anymore than that is wasteful and unnecessary.
No, but I want one.
>Using anymore than that
dumb favelado ESL
Not sure if this is a better place to ask or /sqt/, but either way I need a bit of guidance.

I own a ~10ac property that is shaped kinda like a trapezoid. My house is located roughly 50' from the edge of the middle of the shortest segment of that trapezoid, at the highest point. Most of the property is a 100y flood plain, with only the house, and about 200' behind it an 1800-1920s grave yard, being the only parts out of the floodplain.

I'm rural, and I rely on wifi at my house to make calls (1gb fiber connection via a local CoOp that is corrupt as fuck, but they have a monopoly). When I'm outside working on improving the property (foresting the riparian areas, and around the part flooded out by beavers; beavers are seriously relaxing to watch), I usually cannot talk to my wife except via our baofeng radios...which is fun, but I'd also like internet access so I don't need to download podcasts or audiobooks to listen too while out there.

What equipment do I need to essentially get the big house perfect mesh wifi, just out in the open?

How do I secure it from the neighboring properties? Is WPA2 enough?

Pic is only related insofar as it looking relevant when I googled images for wide area wifi.
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i want to build an easily scalable backup system.
here's my idea, does this sound reasonable? does this already exist?
i was talking to some friends the other day and we all have pretty poor backup strategies.
i've thought out making my own server for my house where PCs on the local network can push backups.
my current method of backing stuff up is just copying my "important folder" onto a 10tb HDD every 6 months.
it makes me really anxious when i think about it.

anyway, the proposal is to have a thing that i can spin up that backs up my house, but is also braindead enough that i can tell my friends how to do it too.
and then, we could interlink the servers and basically build our own cloud storage.
is this worth doing?
Synology nas where they vpn using tailscale to enter your network is the simplest way to go about this
What would happen if enterpriseanon and "home server is unneeded" anon met irl?
The home server is unneeded anon would win.
>install your firist app
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That enraged me a little.
Ansible bros, our response?
I just needed a fasttrack rule in my firewall now im getting 540mbps to my machine :)
Poettering will close as wontfix notabug
Why do you think so?
Why is crap like avahi still around?
>kernel: net0: (slave wlan0): link status definitely up, 0 Mbps full duplex

are there other log messages saying "link maybe up" "link up - 50:50 chance" or "link could be up i haven't checked"
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If you unplugged 1 RAM bar on some *NIX OS and put it back, and then do the same with the other, you'd get a "something very weird just happened" event in kmsg.
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>home server general
>look inside
>overpriced hardware shilling and fearmongering
What the fuck happened, was the wiki going down enterpriseschizo's doing too?
>muh heccin pesona
he's irrelevant and retarded, nobody listens to him because people always want something different, cheap and power saving. his software is boomer tier and unappealing as is his hardware. nothing you can have in a living room. if all you can do is boring VMs and storage, then I've got bad news for you.

besides he isn't even real, it's the retarded OP baiting for bumps to stay on page 1.
this is also OP btw
I love my N100, bros.
we don't love its nic tho
mikrotik has some good long range offerings.
i use the predecessor to this for my yard.
Well it's not really distributed if it's all in the basement, now is it?

You mean you just want to stream emulated playstation games from your server? There are lots of software options for that and at those low resolutions you really wouldn't see much issues over wifi.

Still not sure why you need pihole on 2 pis when you're only turning off the lenovos. You only need one to serve a network. But if you just want two only for redundancy that's fine. If the pi3 is only serving the proxy and no other services, ditch it entirely and just have a master/slave proxy configuration on your two boxes; doesn't matter if your proxy goes away if you have nothing to serve.

Easiest, shareable, most scalable solution is going to be SyncThing. Essentially you and your friends can mark folders on your machines to be a part of one big bittorrent.
Mine has changed my life a reasonable amount. Moving files between computers is so easy now. Running vms is so easy now. Streaming media on my home network is so easy now. Plus, I learned a shitload about Linux and servers in the process of setting it up.
pis are garbage
well you have them might as well use them?
throw them in the trash
Is it worth setting up NSS and PAM on all my VMs and linux boxes so I can have unified signon everywhere?
Which services will make use of NSS and PAM?
>through Samba
share some benchmarks
Not everyone wants to larp as such, even though stupid ppl like yourself might.
Bought a rack recently, looking to move my NAS into it. Thinking about maybe getting a supermicro chassis, either a CSE-826BE1C4-R1K23LPB or a CSE-826BE1C-R920LPB. But rackchoice also has a 2U 12-bay chassis on amazon that's basically the same price once you factor in shipping from ebay. Takes an ATX PSU which is kinda nice and I think would be easier/cheaper to replace vs a server PSU if it ever fails. Got more fans for the disks, too. Thoughts?
Honestly no idea. Really I just want to standardize all my logins and users across all these boxes so that it points to my identity management service I'm setting up. I just have no idea how hard that would be to do...
Honestly up to you.
Those OEM PSU are loud as fuck. If noise isn't a concern then get the SuperMicro one. It's more reliable imo. And it's not even that expensive. They still sell those PSU in the used market pretty cheap.
Why is Mac OSX so trash? I has a NAS i used to access it with and it had trouble loading folders with thousands of files.
Another thing I didn't like was that it leaves a DS_Store file on EVERY folder. The reason is that this particular file is the folder setting so if you delete it none of your folder settings will be preserved like position, view type, etc.
Also it leaves a ._ file for every file you open, every single one. I think this file lets the OS know how when and how many times you've access a file.
So when I open a folder on Windows/Linux, I have to see a bunch of trash mac system files bloating up my folders baka.
>I'm incapable of changing a single setting built in to the OS that does exactly what I want
>therefore the OS sucks
Another /g/ user somehow too retarded to use a retard-proof OS. Every time.
That's the default ssh MOTD on RHEL9
is that the one with the mossad explosives in it?
The what?
When setting up vlans, what order do I go in to not fuck myself over?

Management vlan setup on switch, router vlan setup, rest of vlans? Or something else?
And chances are it will happen a third time.
Are Barracudas really that bad? Specifically ST8000DM004.
I remember shucking mine from an 8TB Seagate Hub like 4 years ago and it's still going pretty strong. Was thinking about buying another one to expand to media server.
There are no bad disk drives, just bad warranties.
So I decided to see if I can install Wordpress 1.0 and upgrade my way up. The main roadblock is that current versions of PHP and MySQL have deprecated some stuff that causes older Wordpress to break. So I thought I'd cobble together a server and go from there. Question now is, what's the best way to install PHP 4.3 and MySQL 3.23, ideally without having to waste time installing an old-ass Ubuntu version as well?
>So I decided to see if I can install Wordpress 1.0 and upgrade my way up.
nigga what
I'm having playback issues with media in Jellyfin. Some of the stuff I've had the longest is exhibiting playback errors and garbled audio.

Jellyfin is recieving it's media via iSCSI from my trueNAS box. The pool providing to Jellyfin is in a ZFS pool with a hotspare. The pool status shows it's fine

Any anons have leads on how to fix this? Or is this a new issue with Jellyfin?
I'll try to lurk a bit more, but not putting pressure on myself to post
>kitchen, floor and broom closet
sounds like 3 availability zones to me
(would spoiler) comfy anons carrying on the torch
I liked it, you could run another quorum witness on some SBC or router, or maybe increase votes for one of the nodes (though I don't know if that'll help prevent GUI from dying due to lack of consensus)
haven't used it, feels weird for unspecified reasons, having typos in GUI doesn't make it seem like a carefully designed system that'll be better long-term than $regulardistro and docker. but that's said as a person who already found comfort in a bit of DIY, honestly I don't know what I'd recommend to person who wants full GUI for their home server, or whether I'd recommend selfhosting for them with such requirement.
(would spoiler) I'll try not to feel bad about that.
I recently sold 5 tinys, leaving only 2 which I could say I "need". Felt better.
oh yeah, mt7621 does need HW offload for higher speeds. Glad you found it in RouterOS anon.
Also, that tiny Mikrotik a cute.
>wiki going down
what happened? I see the temp wiki in op now
good helpful anon
I can't quite imagine tech life without my servers.
have a way to restore previous config quickly, e.g. OpenWrt will revert if browser can't send an "OK" after changes are applied; my Mikrotik switch doesn't do that
but yeah, that's how I used to go, if it means anything
anon's idea of a fun weekend project, like those YT videos where people upgrade Windows through many versions
Which JF client do you use, is the file transcoded or direct playing, does it happen with different clients?
>What's the max throughput to expect from samba?
25 Gbps easily, without SMB configuration or with RDMA.
Hint: The issue is not SMB.
Risk management.

This is not true, though it would be helpful to have some sort of support contract or at least warranty.
Home server is unneeded anon would win. The arguments ends to "You're right, I don't need it, but I want it."
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The wiki went down the same day when a mini PC janny "won". Everybody lost that day.
>what happened? I see the temp wiki in op now
See >>102439560. I'm no bfish, but I'd rather have the wiki gone.
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good morning
currently installing questionable chinese apps on my synology
what are you guys up to?
Pretty much, yeah. I found source code for an appropriate version of PHP, surprisingly easy, though I had a brain fart on how to compile and install it. I only found a solution this morning and haven't had a chance to try it. Getting a package or source for an appropriate version of MySQL is still being worked on
Trying to figure out why my server can't connect to itself on http / https. If I ping addresses hosted on the server I get the right IP, so it's not DNS, but if I curl any of the pages I get connection refused.

Externally these sites all work. I can connect to them fine. It's just traffing originating inside the server that can't see them.
Then what is it?
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the company of a friend i know is kinda going under and theyre about to liquidate their it assets.
they have a bunch of mikrotik and cisco switches that they never used still in original packaging and i was thinking of getting a
MCRS328-24P-4S+RM. it would be 350€ instead of the 500€ retail prices.
should i?
i mean i dont really have many poe devices. just two access points and a dect sender for the phone. but the thing looks cool and i never used a managed switch before.
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Tips for working with virtual machines?
I wanna build a home lab to learn distributed computing and things like networking, vm managment, ansible, replicas, jenkins and so on.
At least i need a master node and a single slave node. My attempts:

>wsl2 on windows
Works fine via cli but you cant properly simulate a server with lots of hacking to do networking
My current attempt. Problem is you need to use their GUI for everything, i would prefer just spinning vms via cli. Also i gave up on setting alpine linux and now im trying lubuntu.
I was reading about this yesterday, but you need an entire machine to run it right? It is not like vbox that you run on top of windows but rather something that will replace the os. I dont have a spare pc to install that.
At this point im almost paying a vps then using my pc as master and the vps as slave to make things easier.
Like I said in the previous thread, I do not have information about your NICs, connected devices/switches, etc. Start troubleshooting from layer 1.
It's not possible to have home servers without investment.
Is there any reason to use BTRFS over ZFS? My use case is only for mirroring but i guess this question applies to raidz or whatever the BTRFS equivalent is as well
Ive got 3x4tb hdds on raid5 and im tired of 'wasting' 4tb on parity. Also I would like to move the system partition and some services to a new sdd and just keep the 3 hdds on a jbod pool.

Is having raid1 (or any redundancy) absolutely necessary? (I already have proper backups, I mean for avalability) I would like to avoid buying 2 ssds and just get away with buying one and rsync it periodically to the hdds just in case.

Thoughts? What other alternatives do i have?
I suggest you start by learning to use linux before any of this stuff. Learn the command line and use it as your primary method of computing for a while. You're trying to sprint before you can crawl.

But seriously if you're that cheap just get an old laptop or some cheap office decomm machine off ebay and use that as a proxmox server.
Significantly easier to expand/modify arrays. btrfs-send and btrfs-receive are really cool utilities as well.
I know linux and all i need is to practice ansible, jenkins, docker and k8. I dont need to own a home server.
Actually i already work with these techs in my job but i would run some variations on the stack to get extra confident. Maybe my best shot is renting a vps or spending on cloud, since buying old laptops seems a bad approach for something i dont plan using forever.
At job i dont have the freedom to experiment and tweak things.
>btrfs-send and btrfs-receive
zfs already has those
I don't think it's possible to achieve 25gbps of throughput over 1gbps NICs
Are you sure you have your number correct?
if that retard ran the wiki thats not a huge loss
you should buy a book/read tutorials and aws instances then
>I dont need to own a home server.
then why are you in home server general
I don't need one either. But society tells me I should get good at something. So I have one.
because you guys may know better about this topic, /dpt/ focus on programming and not architeture and implementation

yeah, i believe buying cloud credits and running examples on them would be a better investment
books i dont like the idea, i already have a feel for distributed systems from my job, i wanna replicate the stack and start asking question like what is the best approach to scale this?, what happens if a change component x to y? and so on
Do they make any kind of retention clips for servers on rails? Just so they can't slide out on their own. My rack is on casters, and sometimes I gotta pull it out to access the back side, and it always stresses me out.
Any updates?
(almost) maxing out gigabit.
This is on Win 11 Home and my OMV NAS VM
At least Dell PowerEdge servers have this. Supermicro servers I've used don't have this feature (but they can be fastened with rack screws and rack nuts). Separately, I don't have a clue.
Even without "clips", a Supermicro server isn't going to magically slide out when the rack is moved on even ground on casters.
Fake ISO.
I don't care
How irresponsible of the technician to not care.
My ISP is starting to offer 2.5gb internet at the end of the year, is there a thinkpad model that can cope with that over Ethernet or should I just use an adapter in the thunderbolt port?
How is this related to servers?
how dumb must you be to believe that

>>wiki going down
>what happened? I see the temp wiki in op now
bfish broke it and still hasnt done anything about it

many people said they'd put up a replacement wiki but nobody else actually bothered. im pleased that a couple of people have registered and made edits.
anyone know unifi stuff?
right now i have a u6+ as my home ap and i just run unifi network in a vm.
i want to get the unifi doorbell and a camera since we have had porch pirates.
the question is how do i exactly manage them properly. i see that you cant selfhost unifi protect anymore like in the past.
is there some cheap unifi controller i can buy that can do network and protect?
i dont need it to do any routing or ips/ids stuff.
just manage wifi and the cameras.
unifis offerings seem to be very confusing.
Must be something wrong with my setup
Mind sharing your smb.conf?
Any other tips? Maybe something in sysctl.conf?
btrfs is licensed properly for the linux kernel and is included by default on every distro, and it does better with adding drives to existing setups
Why don't you contact a VAR or their sales directly?
>Mind sharing your smb.conf?
>Any other tips?
Let's see
I was about to suggest to use ext4/btrfs instead of NTFS but you're using a ramdisk.
Thinking it might have something to do with your actual network hardware. So, in order or priority:
>Test/change cables
>Test/change network switch
>Test/change network card (avoid Realtek, prefer Intel)

Unlikely to be network card though, looking at my test my Win11 client has a USB-c chink-tier Realtek gigabit NIC and works fine
I'll shamelessly interject, have you ever used btrfs on LUKS? I had it on faster SSDs, slow SSDs, HDDs and always if not often I had an issue where during long writes, such as copying data to the fs it would stall entire system to the point of DEs freezing. Have you encountered that as well? Never saw that on other filesystems: ext4, zfs, with various mixes of LVM and md RAID.
btrfs on luks is how my desktop is set up and I haven't had that issue, no.
What's a "deferred error"?

I have a system with ECC RAM and a handful of times a year I'll see something in dmesg about how it caught something. "Corrected error, no action required.". Recently I got one that said "Deferred error, no action required.". wtf is that? I presume "no action required" means that whatever it was, it was either fixed or of no consequence, but what, exactly, happened there? Why is it "deferred"?
Thanks. I'll give it a shot later
I have actually changed the entire hardware before, thinking it was caused by the weak arm sbc and switched to a intel core i5 nuc.

nfs hits 110+MB/s easily (even on the old hardware), so I'm at a loss.
Well shoot, for my desktop (5950X, Crucial P5 Plus + MX500 SSD) I went with near defaults of Fedora a few months ago which gave me btrfs on LUKS on P5 Plus and simply copying 100 GB game from ext4 on LUKS on MX500 (SATA, so limited by read speeds around 300-450 MB/s) gave me IO freezes on the destination NVMe drive and KDE was imploding.
Thanks for an answer anyway, anon. Anything of note in your setup that could be making a difference?
Turns out the problem was on the client side. I was testing on a Linux client since my laptop with windows doesn't have a built-in ethernet.

I grabbed a usb3 ethernet adapter and it hit ~105MB/s throughput on windows.
There ya go, glad you got it solved
Now I feel kind of stupid for blowing $300 on an nuc.
But at least it comes with 2.5GbE, so I can spend even more to upgrade my router to leverage it.
i have luks+btrfs on sata ssd and sata hdd and never ran into anything like that but i was transferring files over gigabit ethernet speeds
I heard that btrfs cant keep up with nvme drives and will overheat
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I have a TrueNAS system with an integrated GPU and a discrete GPU, and I'm trying to pass the discrete GPU through to a VM. Why does the system seem to think I only have one GPU, and how do I fix it?
is your iGPU and IOMMU enabled in the BIOS?
Why does the host even require a GPU?
I am making the most of the hardware that I have. I do hobby machine learning development, and I'm trying set it up so that I can offload the computationally heavy tasks to my home server.

My NAS spends ~99% of its life at under 1% utilization, so my hope was to put a GPU in there, set up a VM, and use it as a remote environment
You're trying to pass through a GPU to a guest (a VM), that's not what I'm talking about. The host (TrueNAS) generally shouldn't require a GPU in the first place, unless you're explicitly utilising it somehow. So the question is, are you doing anything on the host itself that specifically makes use of the GPU? Perhaps a Jellyfin plugin with hardware encoding?
This clearly shows that your iGPU is disabled in your BIOS. You need to force enable it.
The host is just a file server. I don't have any apps or containers; the only service I've set up is Samba. I don't know what part of the host could be utilizing a GPU.

It is marked as manually enabled in the BIOS.
For some reason, disabling the iGPU, restarting the computer, then re-enabling the iGPU and restarting it again caused it to show up
dumbass BIOSes, which brand? (thinking ASSUS)
corrected means fixed in real time
deferred means its fixed later, probably because the error wasnt in memory actively being read at the time
it deferred the correction until later when something read from that part of memory
ECC systems are too expensive. What's a cheap alternative? Is there a double check option in any filesystems?
who took the console out of its rails? wtf is this image
checksumming isnt really an alternative to ecc
but yes many filesystems do this
It would be, if it duplicated it in ram.
My home server has an actual use case aside from "piracy media center" all of a sudden.
>Wake up, check my security cameras, some weird looking lady in a bathrobe walked down the side of my house at 2AM
>video didn't save on the side camera, from the thumbnail I think she just shooed a cat away for some reason, a seperate camera at the front showed her walking with a phone flashlight strobing at her own face for some reason
>take the SD card out of the camera, it needs formatting all of a sudden so it didn't save shit

Nothing bad happened but it made me aware I need better handling and ownership of my security footage.
So I installed Viseron (an open source NVR) using Docker via CasaOS on my N100 mini PC home server and now I've made my cameras save recordings to it.

The annoying part is that the side camera itself doesn't provide rtsp since its a different brand so I'll have to get more creative if I want to locally save that at all.
On the plus side its solar powered so it costs me literally nothing to just leave it there and hope it records things sometimes.

Viseron seems ok, I'm sure if I thinker with the config file for long enough I'll have the cameras recording exactly how I want but I really don't like that I can't just set a hard limit on recording length so sometimes its 30 seconds and sometimes its 6 minutes.
I've told it to require motion to keep going so I'll see how that goes I guess.
>So I installed Viseron (an open source NVR)
I would aggressively suggest Frigate over Viseron. I've used them both and Viseron is kinda ultratrash. Also get something like a Coral USB TPU for object detection, unless you're already running this on a machine with a GPU.
nah I'm running it on a mini PC with an N100 that I bought to see if I liked doing home server shit, it does run and save videos but attempting to watch the live feed is a slideshow, CPU runs at about 30%.
I've been considering getting a Coral TPU, I assumed they were a meme but might be quite good for this kind of use case.
>I would aggressively suggest Frigate over Viseron. I've used them both and Viseron is kinda ultratrash.
I'll have a look at it, I'm not attached to Viseron at all so I'll check it out in the next few days.
The object detection is actually extremely useful. With just motion detection you're going to get a shitload of false positives in most use cases. But you can configure Frigate to check for motion, then if motion is detected, do object detection (via a TPU), and only if a relevant class of object is detected does it actually record an event. This goes a long way to reducing both CPU and disk usage. You can also configure storage for feed and events separate. I store 100% of camera footage for the last 72 hours, but clips from events are stored for a month. That could even be configured differently per-camera if you wanted.
it's a portable console
>switched to a intel core i5 nuc

>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
We probably knew the issue all along.
>ECC systems are too expensive.
No, they aren't.
>What's a cheap alternative?
Cope. Acquire income. Manage your expenses.
what's an example of a gpu that can handle all that instead of coral tpu? midrange is enough?
>blowing $300 on an nuc.
>But at least it comes with 2.5GbE
See >>102446602. Predicted / told all along it was the NIC. >>102367545
>>What SMB settings can I tweak to increase my file transfer speeds above 10 MB/s?
>You have an Intel I225-V/I226-V NIC, EEE enabled, or a bad OSI layer 1.
or in this very thread: >>102439466 >>102440421
>I do not have information about your NICs

We could've told you the answer, but you didn't give enough information to diagnose the problem.
I would imagine most of them. Maybe not an iGPU, but I haven't tested that theory.
Nice try, but it's not an intel NIC, because it's not an intel nuc. it's a chink minipc with a realtek 8125 NIC.
But have I mentioned that earlier, you would have blamed it on the chinks instead.

Besides, I have already established that the issue was with the client, not the server. So you lose, smartass.
>I have already established that the issue was with the client, not the server.
That's exactly what I said. Client NIC issue. I said the issue is not with SMB (implied on the server). We are in an agreement.
Client is on a Realtek NIC as well.
The issue has nothing to do with NIC because iperf/nfs max out the bandwidth
It's probably smb client on the linux side or something else that fucks it up but I don't care to diagnose it
>chink minipc
Wow, to the surprise of nobody you had issues with no-brand names.
Nice try.
But it's not a no-brand name. It's a MSI Mini pc.
Have a similar problem. My iperf shows I have 1GbE connection but copying files I only get ~24MB/s.
No idea how to diagnose it.
>realtek 8125 NIC
those things are notoriously bad and flakey
If the issue is with samba, try this option:

Otherwise start with a ramdisk to test the speeds over there and see if it's an I/O issue.

Works fine for me. I haven't found many complaining about it.
Maybe share some links?
Though I don't have any other 2.5GbE device yet so it's limited to 1gbps at the moment
Honestly, I'm new to this. I don't even know what samba is. I'm using OMV and using SMB/CIFS shares. Is that the same?
And I have no clue on how to do a ramdisk test over there.
Time to jump into google I guess.
I don't have any experience with OMV. maybe other anons can help. but it presumably uses samba for the SMB shares, which should have a config file at /etc/samba/smb.conf
were you using Dolphin/Nautilus' builtin SMB client? Or were you mounting the share with mount -t cifs?
the reason intel nics are preferred is offloading features actually work reliably. which means less cpu load.

it doesnt mean you'll get guaranteed shit performance with a realtek nic and anyone who tells you that is a certified retard.
even if you leave hw offloading enabled on realtek nics the problems you are likely run into are reliability and performance with thousands of packets. not an issue you will encounter with smb or nfs.
Oh shit I posted in the wrong thread, went back to tpg to see if there was an answer and got really confused.
i recentely set up a omv nas.
its connected with 1gbe too and i get the full gigabit read and write.
maybe i can help you.
try copying one large file and several small files.
that makes a huge difference for me.
i only have one hard drive in my nas currently since the drives i ordered have not arrived yet but typically smb does really badly when you copy lots of files to or from something over the network.
for example copying a 900m movie to or from the nas i get the full gigabit around 125MB/s a second.
when i copied my 10gb ebook collection over as a test however it sent the files over with around 30-60MB/s. reading the individual files is fast however.
my nas is a n100 mini pc with a 5 bay drive cage that is connected to a hba.
there could be a lot of reasons why your nas is slow. for example if the pc you use has a nvme drive that is populated it could be sharing its bandwidth with the sata ports and thus slow down write and read speeds.
youd have to share more about your setup for more percise help.
Using Proxmox to host OMV VM.
OMV VM only has 2 identical disks in a mergerFS pool. The disks have a max speed of 260MB/s.
My main PC uses and NVMe and has a read and write speed of ~4500MB/s.
My PC has 2.5GbE, wired. My server only has 1GbE. Using CAT6 cables and a 2.5GbE switch.
iperf3 from the server to my PC gives around 950Mb/s so it's close to 1GbE.
I made a shared folder using SMB/CIFS in OMV.
Copying a single large file (5GB+) is around 20MB/s. Copying multiple of them is the same speed. Copying multiple smaller files (~200MB) is the same speed also.
Copying from the OMV VM to a Win10 VM and I get the expected speed of 100MB/s. So it's probably not an issue with OMV and something else.
I disabled offloading because it would break my NIC.
that looks to me like the issue is on proxmox end too.
it might be a network setting or the way the drives are connected to the vm.
are the drives passed through physical drives or virtual disks?
im guessing here there might be either something wrong with the bridge configuration or the mounting method for the drives is somehow wrong.
it could also be some sort of energy saving setting that prevents f ull throughput.
it could be the filesystem too. i never used mergerfs. i plan to use a raid 5 of 5 disks with btrfs.
Thank you anon for this post, really informative
Yeah, the drives are virtual drives.
I disabled all energy savings in the BIOS.
File system is EXT4.
FUCK making your own nas. I am to tired supporting this bullshit. I have bought Synology and you can't do shit about it
Skill issue
>bought the worst one
Ok, I scrapped my plan to build Ethernet ports since my walls seem to be plaster. Instead I want to utilize MOCA, since I have an existing coax cables in all the rooms I wanted to wire anyway. Do I essentially have the right idea of connecting the router to the ISP coax, then connecting the Ethernet from the router to a switch, and from there sending the switch ethernet ports to MOCA adapters, then putting MOCA adapters on the other end of the coax with eth in to turn it back into Ethernet?
>spend the entire day setting up my first home server, mostly for jellyfin.
>don't notice that my storage is configured incorrectly and my system only has access to fifteen gigabytes of the one terabyte drive.
Not the end of the world but still want to kill myself.
Any cheap motherboard recommendations for a LLM server with 4x RTX 3090.
Enough PCIe lanes, 4 16x connections, etc.
The H12SSL-i is too expensive right now.
backup and expand
>oauth2-proxy doesn't support having multiple providers
>if I set up my idm so permissions per page are separate, it counds as different providers
>for this to work I have to create an oauth2-proxy container for every single service I have
Welp. Copy paste here I go.
I guess it matters?
It does, it's the SMB client software that connects to the server. That's based on FUSE, which is userspace based and known to be more slower and unreliable in general.

You should mount your shares through fstab using the cifs kernel module
That's probably the cause then.
I am using nfs on my linux boxes, and I only used it to quickly benchmark smb performance, which I mostly only use on my phone & laptop.
It's silly that it uses fuse instead of kernel drivers though.
Yes, that's for mounting as user without requiring root/sudo, it's called smbfuse.

You should be good then, SMB is just for Windows/Android and NFS for the rest
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Is LVM safe to use for my homelab? I'm curious if I will lose all of my data if one hdd fails one day
This is enterprisefren approved.
Any recommendations on 80mm x 38mm fans quieter than these fucking tornados? Already tried NF-A8s but they don't really push enough air.
Your top two rack shelves are mounted wrong.
How? enlighten me anon
Anon it's a failing company. If you have problems with the device later it will make you feel dumb.

Also you should buy equipment based on use case, which should be based on a finalized design that you make.

You do have a finalized design, right?
One that considers the different tiers of POE?
Get an active cooler for your CPU and run the noctuas
Well, compiling PHP on modern Ubuntu didn't work out. I even tried compiling an older version of GCC from that era and that got me something about the system or platform not being found. It actually detected it with a name that had "unknown" in it

If it's because I'm running 64-bit...

I also tried installing Ubuntu 11. Couldn't get an FTP server working, and that version of wget apparently couldn't do an SSL handshake, so that's out the window

I'm going to have to learn docker, aren't I?
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P510 anon here. So I assumed that disabling offloading would kill my read/write speeds because I read it somewhere that it might do that. Well, when I tested having offload on and having off I had the same transfer speed between them. So I surmised that having offloading disabled does not tank my read/write speeds and something else is causing the issue.
Long story short, I'm dumb and managed to find the cause. I had firewall enabled and turning it off fixed the issue. While I'm not getting ~115MB/s when I transfer from disk to disk inside the machine (doesn't go through my NIC) it is pretty dang close. I'm happy.

Top image is my theoretical speeds (disk to disk inside the same machine) and bottom is my desktop to my server (through the NIC).
How does /hsg/ handle renewal and deploy of LetsEncrypt certs to multiple hosts?

I originally had my proxy vm run a cronjob to automatically renew and also had each vm run a cronjob to pull from the proxy vm, but had multiple silent failures there and I don't like SSH'ing and configuring each vm (have ~15).

Was thinking of creating a bot on top of certbot (lol) configurable that lets me manage renewal and deployment of the certs. Thoughts?
Also I'm not sure if it's a bad thing to disable firewall but it's not like I'm connecting the host server to the internet anyways. Maybe just a few VMs.
Disable that fucker and run your own in a VM or something
Each VM makes a certificate request with a DNS-01 challenge. End-to-end, no proxies.
I'll look into that. I know you could make your own router and stuff but I wasn't really interested. But now that I turned off the firewall I might just decide to read up on it.

For now I'm going to see how to spin down disks when not in use. The disks are only used in a VM so I don't know if I have to do it in the OMV VM or if I have to do it on the host.
But that's a problem for another time. I have work tomorrow and I need sleep.
Webui is great but that stripped down gimped debian from 2017 is trash. I'm pretty sure a 1st gen Xeon pc is more efficient.
>no alternative exists
Why is everyone else who is not me a literal retard?
I mean, there isn't really any alternative to ECC memory if you need the functionality it provides. But you probably don't really need that functionality in a home setting.
I already have active cooling. It's more for the 12 HDDs keeping them under 45c during the summer. Noctuas just don't have the airflow to penetrate the front bay. I guess I could try to mount some 120s on the front panel as well but that seems like the harder route to take.
just use the coax to pull cat6
moca sucks dick
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>HDDs keeping them under 45c during the summer.
I gotchu senpai
What's the advantage to setting up something like OpenVPN over just using SSH tunneling?
he isnt wrong and you're a retard
And where would you fit that exactly?
ssh tunnelling is tcp over tcp and thats bad for performance
openvpn is tcp over udp by default or optionally over tcp for restricted environments
>anon buys a rack server
>screeches about his fans being too loud
what did you expect genius
you arent supposed to have it in earshot
But what if I'm doing split tunnel and only using the VPN to access management functions on my home network or grab files or something? My upload is shit anyway.
>what's the advantage of setting up a VPN if I don't care about any of the advantage of setting up a VPN
Why did you bother asking this question?
Of course I knew they're loud and that's why you change the fans. I already swapped out the PSU with the SQ version that helped immensely. People literally post pics of their racks right by their bedside here.
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You can fit three 120mm quiet fans on top easily
I just see a lot of people setting up OpenVPN and wondered whether there was something I was missing.
So spend even more effort adding irreversible modifications over mounting 120s on the front, got it
have you tried running your existing fans at a slower rpm
with a fan controller if need be
Yeah they're set to the lowest. They cap out at 5000rpm but I'm not sure what their lowest rpm is
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>Yeah they're set to the lowest.
get some of these too
Alright /hsg/. I'm ready to take the next step.

I decided that I want to play Chinese visual novel games on my home server, that obviously requires Windows.
But every other shit I do with my server requires Linux. So it will have to be a VM kind of situation.
Now the kicker is that my home server doesn't have a dGPU, only a single intel iGPU. So I can't have a nice clean VFIO setup.
Which route should I take?
- Windows host with Linux guest (with USB/HDD passthrough)
- Linux host with Windows guest (with GPU passthrough)

I'm thinking the latter, with the windows guest only booting up when I actually want to play.
What would be the power implication of such setup? I don't want to waste money and power on a dGPU and the integrated graphics should have enough juice to power the games I want to play.
>I don't want to waste money and power on a dGPU
Nigga get a $19 Quadro
If you choke them down to the same RPM as the noctuas then they're probably gonna push the same amount of air as the noctuas, if not less, so what would be the point?
That sounds like something that'd chug down 100 watts on idle
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Actually forgot one of those came with the Noctua. I'll give it a try.

Well they're 38mm and actually designed for more static pressure so that helps. They actually sell these quieter San Aces that cap at 2000rpm but they're pricey for what they are. I noticed some other cheaper 38mm fans shopping around which is why I asked.
That's actually impressive ngl.
So you are suggesting that I should go with a vfio setup with linux as host.
I could probably set it up with igpu for test before I commit to new hardware.

What are power implication of running a vm 24/7? Would windows guest mess with idle states etc. That'd increase my idle power?
I'm not telling you to do anything, but that's what I'd probably do.

Sounds kinda fun to build a couple 1U machines that have a few of those quadros in them though, and add them to a proxmox cluster or something.
like others have said ECC does a bit more for you than just help prevent corrupt writes
ZFS_DEBUG_MODIFY exists but I don't think anyone on the internet ever talks about using it (besides using it as an argument against Ecc lol)
why the fuck are you playing visual novels on a server
thanks, anon
Where else would I play them then?
Pretty sure anything of that size, squeezing air through such tight gaps is gonna be loud. You could try sticking some larger fans in front and in the back and try to create an air tunnel that way, but I don't know how effective that would be as a cooling solution (or how exactly you'd mount them). The only logical step up from that is an air conditioned rack, but those aren't cheap.
>The H12SSL-i is too expensive right now.

Says the guy with fucking 4 3090s
>how exactly you'd mount them
i remember seeing some kind of plastic/silicone ducts that you clamp onto the case and screw the fans into
ram is so cheap i could turn on deduplication
...but hd space is also cheap
...but then i need more ram
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On the top one you have skipped over a hole. You're not supposed to do that, because the holes are not evenly spaced. Three holes represents one rack unit. If you take a closer look you can see that every third hole is much closer to the one below it than the one above it. If you mount equipment across units it will not line up properly.
Is a chink N100 mini PC enough for what I want to do?
VPN server so I can use shitty free WiFi from wherever with a semblance of security.
Ubuntu VM mainly for running torrents so I don't have to keep my desktop on all the time.
Windows VM because why not
File share, though it'll be running on a 2.5 inch USB hard drive it'll just be for backups so I think it should be fine
Ohhhhhhh I see now, thanks anon!
We need a file system that has drivers that duplicate all efforts in memory, as an ECC alternative. Then there will be no need for spending money on ECC for home servers.
Turning the aircon up is also an option, but personally I love drilling holes in things.
If you cannot afford the SSL then your project is already over.
>tfw one of my external hard drives disconnected without me noticing and caused gitlab-backup in a docker container to just dump an empty 460kb file and overwrite all my redundant backup copies without me noticing
holy poop im glad i caught that wouldve sucked if my main drive that gitlab is hosted off of died and i lost it all. setup a bash script to give me daily health reports now and only run gitlab-backup if the external hard drive's gitlab location actually exists first.
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>I installed proxmox and now I'm famous
You only have yourself to blame
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whats wrong with docker (other than this one specific case lol)

i like it because for some reason my linux box craps out because of my cheapo ssd in it and i need to reinstall stuff. way easier to just turn the docker container back on then reinstall gitlab from scratch to the specific version i was using and reimport the backup into it
>External Hardrives
There's your problem
my setup is hella ghetto but its because theres a stack of 1tb hard drives at my job no one needs so i have a web of external hard drives plugged into a thinkstation mini and it just rsyncs the backups across all my externals every night. once my gitlab size exceeds 1tb things are gonna start getting fun
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Can someone give me a quick rundown on using a motherboard with a JMB585 chip?
I vaguely recall it being a bad sign but in my mind if this thing just splits one SATA 3 port into 5, that port can do 6GB/s and a hard drive would typically do something like 250 mb/s
So even if I actually attach 5 HDDs to it and they'd be working as quickly as they can I wouldn't come anywhere near saturating it.
What am I missing here?

I'm asking because getting one of those N100 motherboard from AliExpress would fit my wants and needs perfectly assuming it won't shit itself.
(Mostly Jellyfin and network storage plus some headroom in case I decide to slap something else on there one day like a game server or some other utility)
Doing Wireguard (personal network) inside Wireguard (privacy VPN) as I can't port forward without the latter at my campus. Maybe I could live with only being able to access my personal network through the campus Wifi, avoiding the second hop through AirVPN, but they also have the private network locked down, I think.
The current setup works, but the performance is nowhere near the theoretical/speedtested ~28MBps nor the 2MBps I get by testing through the privacy VPN directly. It's like, 100KBps, which has bothered me more after setting up a Jellyfin server... is there an optimization I could make here or should I just make the setup itself less gay and expose Jellyfin directly, for example?
you problem
i replicate snapshots to my backup drive
The problem with port multipliers and pcie to sata chipsets is they aren't super reliable.
No one seems to know why but they cause data transfer issues on top of them just dying.

I only believe these chips are tolerated because most consumers are going to use them with filesystems (like NTFS) which aren't going to raise redflags due to errors and either corrupt data in the worse case or data has to be retransmitted when the storage device reports a CRC error
Anyone using Nginx Proxy Manager?

Is there an easy way to let another machine generate the certificates, transfer them to NPM and restart the service?

i know i can add custom SSL certificates, but it's not viable to replace them manually every few months.
What sort of handbreak settings do you use for bluray rips? These files are beefy and I'm looking to get them down a bit as I'm not exactly swimming in drives at the minute.
cronjob, modify your cert generator's cron to after generating the cert: rsync the cert to NPM and then ssh + sudo restart service
It’s not worth the squeeze, it’s not my house it’s my in laws. If it was my house I would tear everything up and lay conduit’s with easy access so I can run anything I want.

I did more research though and found that apparently MOCA networks are bidirectional, so I can make this even easier and just put a splitter on the modem coax cable and put the MOCA adapter right back on the split, as long as I put a filter on the main coax cable. Now I just have to wait for Amazon to ship my shit and I can have 2.5gbps goodness.
>he is filtered how to rsync and send systemctl commands over SSH
LOL, n(ever)gmi
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M.2 SSDs are being thrown around pretty cheap around here currently which is why I'm wondering if it makes sense to build a large (8-16TB) SSD L2ARC pool for a 160TB HDD RAIDZ pool?
Also with the pool being so large is there a way to permanently "pin" certain data e.g. a certain folder tree to the cache so it's always in the faster pool while still also mirrored on the HDD pool? Or would it make more sense to just use the SSDs as their own pool and use rsync or something to keep that data mirrored?
Do y'all have any suggestion for software for scheduling tasks on shared compute resources?
it's not the cron and rsync that is unclear, its NPM (running in Docker)
which needs to use VPN
>just torrent client
>prowlarr and torrent client
>all of the *arrs and torrent client
XY problem. You need a physical Windows desktop.
>XY problem
What's that?
probably. your windows vm will probably have poor performance
nah, get a used actual minipc for the same cash
that aint a crash cart
>I'm asking because getting one of those N100 motherboard from AliExpress would fit my wants and needs perfectly assuming it won't shit itself.
Bad nics tho
Not only bad NICs, but not server hardware for reliability and management.
is one of those small n100 systems strong enough to run truenas?
im eying an all in one mini pc for about 150€ that has a low profile pcie slot for a 10g sfp+ card and a high speed usb-c port so i could attach a das.
my question is are those things good enough to run truenas with like 8gb ram?
obviously it would not have ecc support but if i really just wanted some network shares it should be fine right?
if i had to guess, i'd say it means looking for a solution to a problem you've caused yourself

new thread you guys:



Anecdotally, my TrueNAS system running an 11600k averages 8% utilization even with four people using it at the same time. You'll probably want more RAM that that though; my Samba service uses 4~6gb of RAM by itself and you'll want extra for the ZFS cache

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