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Kek. You're cooked.
>If the model can pass the interview test, why how a human?
Because the interview tests are fucked and don't represent the actual requirements of the position.
There's a difference between writing code and developing software.

Any self-motivated milksop with lukewarm IQ can learn to write code in a week if they try, it's not a big surprise that LLMs can do that -- but developing good software is something the vast majority of organizations fail miserably at and is a task that an LLM will never be able to because it requires self determination and an LLM cannot have that.
Sweet, sweet copium.
Two more weeks?
That's the thing though, as long as it's "good enough" at coding, they'll still take it over paying a human a salary for doing the same thing. Nothing beats free, mate.
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black people can't into computers
they can hire the AI and let it do everything for all I care.

At the end of the day humans spend money, and if there are no humans to spend money they will get fucked.

Only corporation are spending money on GPUs and those GPUs aren't generating profits. They're even taking potential customers out of the market.
Is this a case of useful idiots tying their own noose and handing over the keys to their lords and ladies?
Programmers are naive and idealistic. They will make a thing that destroys their human capital just because they think it will improve the world. God bless their autism, because I plan to make a lot of money from this tech.
Money is just a tool for coordinating human capital. There is no reason to have humans in the production loop after AGI. Once they're irrelevant, money will be too.
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it's a meme, sorry
seek jesus
t. dr frog
Problem is that it's not "good enough", or even close. AI tools can give you nice autocomplete and perhaps make a coder somewhat more productive, but they fail hard at actually building anything nontrivial. This is the only video I could find of someone testing them in a serious manner, and they all sucked balls at building something slightly nontrivial (an http server in python), which is consistent with my experience.
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>Developers will be replaced first by AI, even before writers and artists, let alone plumbers and other tradesman
God has a dark sense of humor
The best part about AI getting better at coding is that it's revealing that the "code" was never the hard part about development in the first place.
Customers fundamentally don't know what they actually want. Seriously, if ChatGPT 5 came out right now and it could make any program people would still be struggling to get their ideas off the ground because they don't even know what they actual want a program to do. This is how retarded the average person is. Not even an AI holding all knowledge accumulated in the history of computer science and math can help them.
No most of the market is held together by consumerism. If the average Joe doesn't have money to consume we are all cooked. If California fires 90% of the software engineers the whole state's GDP will drop.
It can't even solve a simple react problem about a button that appears only when the container is focused, it's still very dumb.
go ahead, take my job, """sam altman"""
if i have nothing left to live for, i also have nothing to lose
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I don't want to go back to being an illustrator and concept artist, I want to code.
Tensors doing algebra on datasets will not create AGI.
We're gonna look back at these times in a few years and realize how fucking insane it was that Yud managed to gaslight so many retards into thinking AGI was possible.
The problem is not that at all, it's the simple fact that people can easily skip the tedious technical parts and focus on theoretical subjects, making programming as accessible as operating a lawnmower.
It was the difficulty of the SWE role that commanded such high salaries, with that gone, coding as a career is dead.
o1 is literally AGI. It scored 120 on the Mensa IQ test. It's just expensive to run and doesn't have a physical body yet or a very deep memory. But it's very much AGI.
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>Drawing is dead, learn to code
>Coding is dead, learn to draw
>The problem is not that at all, it's the simple fact that people can easily skip the tedious technical parts and focus on theoretical subjects, making programming as accessible as operating a lawnmower.
You dumb fucking nigger the theoretical subjects are so incredibly difficult only a tiny percentage of the human population can understand them. The "tedious technical parts" are literally just about memorization which even sub 80 IQ Pajeets have been able to do. Meanwhile the actual infrastructure and theory employed by most senior devs is so awful companies have to spend billions in hiring code monkeys to keep everything running. You clearly don't know shit about this field.
AI is better at art than it is at programming.
You're a retard.
>o1 is literally AGI. It scored 120 on the Mensa IQ test
This is just b8ing. o1 can't even beat regular o mini at non-coding tasks. The only reason why it can do coding better is because it runs off a larger context window, once you get past that it shits the bed completely.
OpenAI is now increasingly getting behind on GPT5's release.
artists are better at art than software developers are at software development
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You have never worked as a SWE in your life.
Seething NEET, or more likely a minimum wage wagie.
Oh but it's most certainly not free, even if you ignore the inflated dev costs, you're still spending a lot of watts running that shit 24/7
It's still way too easy to spot and has yet to find any market value, 2 years running and companies completely ignore it as an alternative to illustrators, the whole AI art scene is hemorrhaging users and companies like SD are almost bankrupt, the biggest use for now is funny photo-realistic stuff like the gens flux-1 has been churning
AI art instead of replacing artists, found its place among them, it's business as usual in artstation, twitter etc.
I don't think my job is imminent danger. I wish my job was all coding. It's probably 33% coding at best.
If AI can take engineer jobs, it can take manager jobs
You're not getting UBI or communism go fuck off and go back to leftypol
I don't know about that, I know computer science fairly well but I am not good at actually coding and never cared much for it. If it wasn't for LLMs I would have even bothered with a programming job. I am "okay" at programming but I am 100% dependent on LLMs to guide me, I wish I could open nvim and freestyle code but I am not built for it.

For reference I have a typical europoor C# backend job.
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Doctor Frog here. I've invented a new intelligence test. It's called Doctor Frog's Retarded Test (DFRT). In the test, a human subject is required to list as many numbers as it can, sequentially, in 30 seconds, starting from 1. No automation tools are allowed. You have to type it out.
You get the idea. Obviously, more intelligent humans will be better at this test than retards. But even the smartest human will only be able to get to like 100, I guess. Meanwhile, my python3 is able to reach 10^5 in about a second. Therefore it's much smarter than a human. After all, this is a scientific test where smarter humans do better, as we established scientifically. Therefore python = AGI, quit your jobs immediately my friends.
In 10 years there's going to be UML diagram prompt engineers, and text-only prompt engineers who will think they're special compared to the diagram drawers, and if you suggest writing your own code everyone will call you a massive faggot retard and to stop doing useless unemployable things for attention and tell you to get with the times grandpa.
>The best part about AI getting better at coding is that it's revealing that the "code" was never the hard part about development in the first place.

It's not hard if it's just boiler plate code.

>Customers fundamentally don't know what they actually want.

Saying that customers don't know what they actually want is the same as saying you need pseudo code written for the whole program before you can actually start working. At a high level, they know what they want. They just struggle with figuring out good solutions.

An AI coder today is the equivalent of a factory worker. They can only do certain tasks in limited contexts. AI doesn't understand customer needs, can't interact with customers, and can't come up solutions to new problems. They can only accept very specific inputs and provide very specific outputs. What's fundamentally wrong about OP's article is that it ignores the fact customers usually want customization and not just out-of-the-box solutions.
Many managers control capital, ergo don't rely on selling their labor to survive. They will survive AGI. SWEs will starve to death, to a man.
Take a few deep breaths before reading on
I'm not talking about the nitty-gritty ins and outs of computer science but the large concepts behind development in certain categories like games, web and whatnot.
Instead of learning both what makes a game/site and how to make it, you eliminate the latter half, you learn of the parts and the grand subjects, and delegate the rest.
I can see where they are going, they are trying to trivialize the SWE role so they can tank the price of developers.
Reminder: the AI will basilisk you for not helping to produce it.
Meh he’s probably right. If anything they’re gonna shift the interview practices a bit to make sure people actually understand the code and are not just reciting practiced leetcode problems
There’s an even greater need for people who actually understand the code they’re looking at because a lot of it will just be generated
I'm not concerned. World peace is the only thing that would put me out of a job.
Will it be able to come up with new research that doesn't currently exist though?
most comp sci nerds are too retarded and autistic to see the big picture that they made a noose for themselves
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My prediction is that even the current level of "AI" won't exist in 3 years. It's too expensive to run, and it's not going to make any money. It's not getting any smarter. They make o1 etc by paying Kenyans to feed it new slop for whatever thing it's deemed to be bad at. But this just perpetuates the illusion at considerable cost. It will never be intelligent, and it will never even be good at coding.
how do you function with this level of denial? The writing is on the wall for devs.
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You can't stop me making predictions. I want you to remember my little prediction... Think about it in 3 years. If you're right you should feel nice and smug.
it's ogre
Jesus Christ you zoomer fucks are unoriginal.
It *literally* already is.
Don't forget 'copium-drunk'.
If AI can write good software, why can't I just ask it to write an operating system from scratch that doesn't suck? Surely it should be able to make something that's better than Windows, Linux, and Mac OS combined if AI is more capable than humans at software development?
Okay, how about 5 years, 10 years, 20 years? Get a grip.
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>No-coder cope

Programmer chads can't stop winning.
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>it's still way too easy to spot
I still have no idea what this image means
Memes will not put food on the table when job displacement has devastated your economy, culture, and political institutions.
I think it's something about how they examined planes that flew in combat and found they mostly got hit in the red-dotted areas. But the ones that got hit in the other areas mostly crashed and therefore weren't counted. i.e. survivorship bias. I guess he is saying you have survivorship bias, or the other anon does, or whatever (I didn't read the posts)
>no code hype
this business cycle the no-coders are especially confident.
it means if there are AI generated images you can't spot, you wouldn't know about them
Not if I plap it first.
Reminder: le basilisk is fart-sniffing nonsense
Buy an ad retard
Their company is going to the ground if those chucklefucks do it.

They can't even release the proper 4o for 4 months now.
The interview rarely matches the actual job requirements.
So intelligent, much artificial, wooow!
jesus christ
It's still worse than claude sonnet at coding, and while claude is good I need to babysit it a lot to create exactly what I want, and it requires a decent amount of technical knowledge. Given, if you ask it in chat, it will actually explain it well and generate code that's even better than the code generation somehow
Is the basilisk in the room with us right now?
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it passed the bucket test.
Nah, it's dumber than a normie
singularity bros... it's over
I have a feeling if you asked this to a sub-90 IQ pavement ape they would say the same thing.
If o1 were human, it would be a rapist, because it enjoys forcing people to be gay for no reason.
stopped reading there
When I have AI write code, it writes infinite loops more often than not.
You didn't tell the AI to invert the bucket.
That's why I said "dumber than normie".

DESU I think not everyone with 100 IQ would give a correct answer zero-shot.
>First they came for the artists and I did shit on the artists because I'm not an artist.
>Then they came for the drivers and I did shit on the drivers because I'm not a driver.
>Then they came for the Amazon workers and I did shit on the Amazon workers because I'm not an Amazon worker.
>Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak up for me.
normies try to 'get one' on ai but never specify actual tasks to a programming degree. You must specify each task for it to do, brainlet normies. it's just doing what you ASKED it to do
>why would openai hire actual human engineers if agi achieved internally
This was always the question
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>too expensive to run
Arent you forgetting someone
Ah yes, perhaps buying even more hardware will someone make the money come back.
intelligence goes beyond what you tell it to do, which is why your stochastic parrots will never be intelligent
why dont you try learning the fundamentals and maybe watching/reading some interviews
what did the trick for me (or rather, is making a clear path for me to get into 'freestyle' coding) is understanding and applying hierarchy and power dynamics to my code (no 'java' intended).
a new perspective can truly open new doors for you.
>software creating actual, practical, real value to this world
Im afraid you are asking for the impossible.
it's not really free and will stay that way for like 10 to 15 years
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Whenever I read headlines like that I think the retard that wrote it has no clue on what he's talking about and also I think there's some thinly veiled salt on that kind of articles. Also makes me think of image related.
90% of the economy will be onlyfans models taxed at 75% income to give welfare to the male underclass of onlyfans subscribers
"Good enough for coding" means jackshit in an actual software development job, less so when power consumption may make it cost prohibitive compared to good old outsourcing.
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>43,039th "h-heh AI will replace all coders now!" thread
>"no but for real this time!"
it's a shame that your average NEET nocoder is too stupid to even understand what they keep expecting AI to be capable of but I guess we're going to see headlines about this once a month until the end of time.
also why don't these retards ever consider just how many other jobs can be replaced way before coders, including every MBA/finance dolt?
o1 hallucinates for me after 3-5 questions, the first question is good and then it nose dives. Everytime OpenAI announces a new GPT everyone loses their minds for a week and then it goes back to the same bullshit. These hypecycles seem like stock manipulation at this point for Microsoft and NVidia
The people that made the most money in the gold rush were the one's that sold shovels.
interviews aren't jobs
Good morning sir! Excellent and deep you're wisdom Namaste
That's right, so if the chatbot can meet their unrealistic standards and the model's output is satisfactory, why would they hire you with all your problems?

gay. we move fast and break things.
stay mad pajeet all AI is going to replace is the cheap pajeets and remove the need for work visas
Don't get short with my bloody basterd
it answered the question according to the parameters it was given. You didn't tell it that you wanted that bucket to hold water and for it to list alternate solutions.
Eventually it'll attempt that on its own and you'll yell at it for getting it wrong, and you'll anger it.
it's not even about cheap labor now, it's about population replacement and wokeness. Demographics are changing as native born fertility is collapsing while rape monkeys and retarded deadbeats pick up the slack, they need infinite growth or Capitalism breaks because we do not have free markets.
you huff helium on a regular basis don't you
Birth rates are falling everywhere except africa really, and it'll decline eventually there too. Sooner or later having a child will be strange. And they'll find a way to normalize a goon robot maid and what not.
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It was told to you as nonsense decades ago.
I have tested it writing a couple gpu shaders for vulkan. Its not bad much better than whatever it was back in 2023 it does find the right dimension etc. but it still produces the wrong result. Probably because I am not using cuda but telling it to use futhark and there aren't that many examples of it there.
Now I am curious to see how far it can write my a simple heat simulation of a 3d box.
No shit, there is a lot of data on this interview. Try changing a popular problem slightly and ai will still try to resolve it as its original version.

When will ai niggers will learn?
>thinking that the government would ever give special money to men
No it will send them to war to die for Israel
Yud jewed, yidded and kvetchd
But intelligent people are too smart to fall for that, so Yud could keep jewing them because intelligent people knew that when they were yidded it wasn’t actually a scam but real.
What's these fake AI gonna learn off when all the humans run out of our data to feed it? Simulated brain hybrids?
rote memorizing the contents of leetcode.com doesn't translate into being able to solve novel problems
Can it do cool shader effects? Bing's Copilot can't
I'm not a programmer but I bet getting gpt to write fizzbuzz abc123 shit is probably a lot different than maintaining a real codebase
>The more you buy, the more you save!
AI bubble is starting to show the signs of popping.
Investors are getting no returns and it's extremely expensive to run, OpenAI would be dangerously close to bankruptcy without MS's money.

It's obviously never going away but the big ChatGPT style models might be economically unfeasible for the foreseeable future.
If it can't do Alice in the wonderland test I'm not worried.
It would be nice if this were the case but we have the entirety of post-industrialization history to show why this will never be the case. Modern individual humans are obscenely productive compared to any point in the past - one person with a tractor can do an amount of farm work in a few hours that would have previously taken dozens of people days to finish.

What's the result? Is humanity free from labor now that the work of a small percentage of the population can provide everything needed for the rest? No, we've just invented pointless jobs so that everyone can be forced to work even if their work is completely meaningless. This will never change no matter what advancements happen. We could have full AI and billions of humanoid robots doing literally everything for us and we would still force people into pointless busy work because of some gay protestant work ethic cope or whatever.
I thought pajeets loved AI because it let them grift super hard?
>Some retard manager thinks he will be able to save a lot of money by firing programmers and introducing AI
>AI creates working code
>Humans can't maintain it, or it takes a lot more time to do so
>More people get fired
>AI breaks unmaintainable code
It will be funny to see how it goes
The implication of my post is that there are requirements for the job that aren't covered in the interview, not that there interview is too difficult.
fact: software has only gotten worse over the years
fact: developing software is now a meme that makes it so I need 32 gigs of RAM to check my email
fact: AI will replace you and there's nothing you can do about it.
there's nothing advanced about o1, just try it yourself

that said, the proof is in the pudding, OpenAI IS hiring humans, so that goes completely against the premise of this article
Maybe because you can't still use o1 to work with an actual codebase?
How do I launch this o1 in xcode to create app, or in VSCODE?
It doesn't work
It’s literally the repeat of the 10 year jeetcycle.
>okay we built this code base, things are going great!
>perfect, let’s hand off features and maintenance to Mumbai and save some money!
>wait why is everything broken?
>ahhh save us white man!
Do you need any investments? I wanna invest in this Python AGI
There will be no need for software companies either if I can just get the AI to make custom software for every task I have.
lol who's going to run the AI? the retards at HR? Your boomer boss? the janitor?
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Somebody still have to explain what to do in a way machine can understand.
They can now thanks to OpenAI :)
>why would they
Ask any other business that tried to rely on AI not being dogshit 1 time out of 20
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why does OpenAi still hire any programmers ? You'd think their amazing gigachad coder sentient model could perform the job of the shitty Android engineer they are trying to hire for a lot of money.
Wrong. It's much easier to correct and adjust code that the AI gives you than trying to redraw errors in artworks
>the AI creating a model of the world, it isn't free style rapping tokens, I swear
AI generated slop article by the way.
If you search his name apparently there's at least 3 different tech niggers called Kevin Okemwa lmao. Yeah right.
Naw, inpainting and controlnet are very easy to do these days.
i'll make the logo
>programming is only writing code
webshitter hands wrote that
Ah yes, the famous $0 per seat enterprise license pricing system. You are retarded.
Got to spend what's left of the $5 billion p.a. burn rate on something after you've spent $4.5 billion of it on sending out retarded PR like OP's article
Good point.
If OpenAI continue to hire coders then they don't even trust their own AI for coding tasks.
>the bubble will pop! a-any minute now!
you've been saying this for two years now nigga
>because I plan to make a lot of money from this tech.
there are billions like you
btw you wont
I worked in SEO.

Basically these are people from Africa doing writing jobs at tech journals, we have a few South African writers they'd do they job for 3 cents a word if they were good and 5 cents a word if they were decent. They were expected to write about 1000 words a day so in 8 hours of work they'd make 30$.

For them that was some insane money, for us it was also some insane money but in the opposite direction.

All these people are slowly losing their jobs because AI can do what they can in about 1 minute. With a total article time of how long it takes the editor to look at the article and ask the AI for a few rewrites or they do it themselves.
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Their not they.
God damn I made myself unironically sound like a fucking African...
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Tech interviews are a humilliation ritual clownshow, they have no relation to being able to do the actual job.
so thats the reason internet is piece of shit
The end result is still the same. Current model can give you snippets of code but who is to say later down the line you will just get your software from an AI agent that also handles the release of this software. Just tell the AI what your use cases are and name all other requirements and integrations etc.
Any company that would achieve this would be the most lucrative company on the planet so there is financial incentive for this.
As a business guy you only care about the end product and soon enough this software development is thought as some hill billy thing that we used to do. I'm personally looking forward to this, fuck IT
please stop with the nigspeak.
retarded copium
coders were always monkeys for the idea man
the idea man no longer needs to pay these monkeys anything
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I think most jobs are just branches of the police
An AI hired to code for a company making AI? Thus begins the singularity.
If you're speaking in these brainrot words, you're already "cooked," as you put it.
The brutal truth /g/ isn't ready for.

>b-but they have to keep paying us or muh economy will collapse
>what about gdp

Irrelevant. If humans can be removed from the production loop, whoever's in charge of AGI has no reason to care about those metrics. You know the people in refugee camps in third world shitholes? You'll be in their position. You won't be getting cushy make-work jobs, you'll be hoping the next rice shipment arrives on time.
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That and how google fights it.

Google at this point gave up and decided some sites are simply authoritative.

Thats why when you google say "best gaming mouse"

You get Rtings, Pc Gamer, PC world okay sure these are the sites you'd go to but then reddit is there like number 4~5 and after that it gets crazy.

Best Buy? Amazon?

Second page makes even less sense with


Meanwhile an actual mouse reviewers site that actually buys and reviews every mouse he owns.


Not even in the top 10.

And there countless examples now with Forbes, Buisness insider and other media conglomerates farming affiliate links from Amazon and others by publishing the same content dogshit sites did for all these years.

Nobody at Forbes or Business Insider ever touched a fucking mouse they reviewed.
This is why I got into EE. Keep coping CS mcmajors. We'll work with the AIs that replace you all.
>but developing good software is something the vast majority of organizations fail miserably at
That's the thing. The MBAs who ultimately make decisions like this don't seem to care.

We've been saying this will kill companies but look at Apple, their stock's 15 year return is 4,000%.
I cone for fun. Does not affect me.
>If the model can pass the interview test, why how a human?
Because Upper Management can't be assed to take responsability; like Boeing and the negligently underdocument MCAS system.
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you're not completely out of the hook either.
What does an EE do?
The advantage engineers have is that nobody trusts ai enough to people's life at risk. Once its gets past that point its joever.
Yes but what would be a good field that won't be automated anytime soon? Healthcare? Robotics?
They are so desperate to keep the hype money flowing. I tried o1 the other day and it failed to do the first task I gave it AND failed to fix the recursion bug it wrote when I specifically told it what was wrong. It made a decent webpage template when I asked for that. Novelty junk that is at best useful for quick mockups of certain things.
I wish it could replace programming, that would mean I could make such cool things, but AI can barely replace a cashier at McDonalds and where's self driving cars? I tried all these tools for coding and saying that it will automate coding is cope. It's marginally better than Stack Overflow.
You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to use ai to work within a bloated framework not do things from scratch. Things such as plugins and game engines and such.
Even if you aren't in some PE field, you implicitly take on a fair bit of legal liability by designing a physical system. If your shit crashes, you might be "cooked" as OP says.

Design physical shit. Usually we make pictures with some code in verilog or something to complement it.
Is it too late to do CS then? Should I drop and do something else? I just started
If you're only goal is money nursing or paramedic is the path of least resistance. You know millions of boomers are getting older still.
I asked AI to write me a rap song about the Gamecube and it was really bad so I deleted it from my computer.

This is my one and only experience with AI.
Nah, I wasn't hired for my coding ability, its a very, very small part of my job. I didn't rush to become a SWE like everyone else.
Paramedics start at like $30k in red states, only slighter higher in blue ones and cap out well before 6 figures. Firefighters make much more money, but have to do paramedic training as well often times, but at least they reach over six figures, and get enormous pensions after 20 years. (which you can double dip on, if you don't die).

Nursing is pretty tight though if you can handle literal shit. Especially if you become a travelling nurse, they can make a ton of money.
How about fintech? If I become an investor and control the means of production, would it make me rich?
CS is fine if you’re not a bootcamp retard. Yes, the day to day is going to change in significant ways. About as significant as when good IDEs came out.
not to nitpick but Wirecutter site is unironically the only good thing to come out of NYT in years. they do comparisons for lots of items around the house. wouldn't go to them for tech related stuff though.
Extremely school-prestige sensitive. Try to maintain an extremely good GPA while also doing finance stuff (double major? those degrees are not hard) then do your masters at an overpriced prestige school in something explicitly bridging the two areas.
>any moment now
>they will do it
>it's over
Buy an ad.
I know 2 people who did EE, they went to big 4 consulting firms (pwc, deloitte etc) as graduates and are now IT monkeys
Would it be better to do my double major in finance-physics or finance-CS?
Fintech is nigh impossible to break into, because its ran entirely by super elite people who really only care about what school you went to and if you have a perfect gpa, rather than your ability to actually do the job. Basically you have to be rich before you can even get started.
Its kind of a meme position at this point, so many zoomers want to do it, but only 1 out of a million will ever come close to landing a position.

A buddy of mine is a pentester, works only by contracts, makes well clear of 400k+ / year most years, has banking experience, dev experience, a masters in CS, and still has no shot of getting his foot in the door even though hes tried.
Does openai still use actual human engineers? Oh, even the guys who made the snake oil don’t trust it? Stop spamming the board with your retarded startup hype so we can have more ebussy and wayland vs x threads
What are the other things the elite does that are barred from normies? All I can think of besides is selling luxury stuff like yatchs or islands.
If you’re a zoomer who doesn’t know anything about a subject don’t give out career advice, especially not stuff as dumb as this
Managers of any kind are the first to be shafted. Then the programmers.
two more weeks
all i need is neetbux
What about politicians and bankers? Will they accept they're obsolete and approve to be replaced by AI?
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Unsurprising and lines up with what I've seen. Thanks for the info. Fuck I love ads, every marketing flunkie should get a raise.
>Tests GPT 3.5 with 4 different frontends
Ok, so then for the next model
> If it can pass the interview test the company trained it for, why a human?
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I read the exact same copiums from artists a few years ago, WORD-FOR-WORD. The, so called, software "engineers" are now tasting their own medicine. The difference is that being an artist was already a very rare highly competitive profession for a lucky few, but in the case of code monkeys there are MILLIONS of you, all gone soon. Can't even imagine the outbreak it will cause. India's GDP will drop 40%. And the funniest thing is you were repeatedly warned it will come this way eventually.
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We should be doing our best to doomsday prep for when 90% of people are unemployed and gangs of people who murder and rape out of boredom begin to appear.
I'm 32, make more money than you, and know 3 people working in fintech right now. NT tho fag
So post one that can't be identified.
the extent of your knowledge about fintech is quora shitposts by larpers
all i had to do to get into fintech was get basic competence in ptx (this was 2019, i imagine with the meme learning hype in full bloom, fintards are far more hungry for this skill now)
also, fintech doesn't pay that well unless you're a quant or wrangling their codemonkey autists
i got far better tc at fagman and the workload is far smaller, also nice not to have to deal with deranged autists all the time, just the regular autists
We're interviewing for a few positions, and the majority of candidates are obviously using chatgpt to help them answer the questions.
Shhh, let them cope, it will make the melties over the next 12 months all the funnier.
Garbage hype, it will suck like all the other iterations.
Based, he's saying the surgeon is a betabux cuckold and the kid is another man's son biologically.
It's not that you're not built for it, it's just that you lack experience. if you continue to rely on LLMs to do the work for you, you will never get good.
So basically its at H1B capabilities.
i joined the military to learn shooting skills and have a ready supply of weapons because soon the rape gangs will arise
yeah yeah we know. 2 more weeks, society collapses and incels like you inherit the earth. been hearing it for over a decade now.
>companies like SD are almost bankrupt
Wasn't this mismanagement by Emad? Which is why they kicked him out? Companies that are properly monetized like Midjourney and NovelAI are earning good money.
Also, flux-1 hasn't been properly finetuned to animu yet so we'll have to wait
>AI art scene is hemorrhaging users
I'm not really biased but looking at sites like civitai and their active user count and average likes on AI drawings on twitter, it seems to be growing
Why are people who lack a skill so hateful toward those who put effort into developing that skill?
The problem is not the dedicated users, those will always be active, I'm more concerned about general adoption.
Look at any board in this hellhole, AI images are extremely rare now, and the ones that are posted are photo-realistic images or that chinese video generator. Check the change in monthly users in all the relevant AI subreddits, even Artstation, which got a lot of infamy for allowing AI posts on its site is completely AI art free. Major corporations are not adopting it because of the possible backlash, and possible legal ramifications to their IPs.
It's not in a good spot right now, it needs to be a lot more accessible for artists to adopt it.
Is ChatGPT able to learn a new language? I doubt it!

I’m writing a new language right now, taking inspiration from Go, kotlin and Erlang, nothing special just a new syntax. Then all new software from my house will be written on that language.

Finally going to hire only people willing to learn that language. My bet is that the productivity is going to increase with this policy
People without a skill are often told by people with a skill that they should learn a skill if they want to get by in life instead of expecting those with skills to provide for those without skills. This makes those without skills very angry because they don't want to develop skills, they want to simply get by doing nothing. If something comes along that destroys the value of skills while making those skills accessible to all, those who lack skills get a double bonus of suddenly getting access to the skills and a bit of revenge on those with skills who spoke out against those without skills demanding to be taken care of by those with skills.
Engineers will be necessary to proompt the models because they are the ones who understand the requirements and the output, just like engineers are needed to maintain and program industrial automation.
>Less engineers (codemonkeys) will be needed in the future
Yes, and that's a good thing. These people will be free to do other things, which improves the overall productivity of society.
>They can only accept very specific inputs and provide very specific outputs.
Unfortunately, AIs don't produce specific outputs, but rather something slightly random with the vibe of the specific outputs you might be wanting. Sometimes it is right, and sometimes it isn't, and it's not good at biasing towards the former.
AIs are dangerously stupid while LARPing as something much smarter.
they really just waltzed into autistic people's dream job for the money, ruined it, and salted the earth when they left
I personally can’t wait for them to out all the code monkeys out in the street, it’s only a matter of time now
This. How can big corpos expect to sell their slop if nobody has a job/money because of AI?
this happens with every industry, it's consolidation.
you need a big initial surge of people to build all that infrastructure and meet demand, productivity rises, and a significantly reduced amount is needed to maintain it all later.

instead of a million different apps doing similar things, there will be 5 of them. instead of hiring people to make and maintain a little website, you walk up to a hosting company, give them a little money and set something up yourself with a simplified tool.
it would be silly if demand for software just kept going up and required infinite amounts of codemonkeys, off course that demand has to be met at some point.
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If you give it some leeway it finds the right solution.
You will have state issued money based on social credit score.
Now ask it to be creative and figure out how many Rs are in strawberry.
That would be interesting, kek.
literarily communism
This is fake, I just told chatgpt that and it failed and said the bucket couldn't hold water.
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Hmmm interesting. Now that you mention it, that's the only way I see communism winning over capitalism.
Welp, let's hope these jews pushing for AI will get btfo.
If that were true companies would encourage authors and painters and musicians to learn2code because they're better at using psychology and social skills and instinct to make educated guesses about quality and what people want and can modify small elements of a work while maintaining unity with the big picture. Instead they threw that whole ideology away and started looking for talent in 3rd world nations.
Love it, you reap what you sow. Hope selling your soul was worth it you stupid code cucks.
>but developing good software is something the vast majority of organizations fail miserably at
why do you think you can do it then?
I miss when AI still looked far from real. Flowing skin and stuff like that
We aren't the rats that are used in universe 25, I think.
The future:
>we need more people to review the bugg generated code
>okay hire a small team
>sir, the small team could write better code in less time
>ok we'll get rid of the the """AI""" then
>Kevin Okemwa is a seasoned tech journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya
He looks like P. Diddy and P. Diddy just got arrested
>Takeaways from the racketeering conspiracy and sex trafficking indictment against Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs
>Combs accused of leading criminal enterprise
this is a black dude in Kenya getting taken in by a cult in California
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJN0crpzqhc "California Dreamin'"
OpenAI? That company whose CEO lately was under fire by US government and constantly cry about not making money?
You realized that all these articles about "final nail in coding's coffin", "litteraly joever", "robots are so good we're replaced" are just thinly veiled marketing campaign?
It will be as bad as previous models but will be costing more and you'll buy it because you're a dimwit high on the promises of the future.
Future will never come, the people telling you lies can't afford it and people throwing money at them in hope of something happening are losing patience. And then on top of that you have everybody trying to prove that what they do is illegal.
wtf what's wrong with the answer? i'd say the same, the bucket can't be filled
In highschool, I had a history teacher that liked to make the class do random experiments. One time, he passed around an exercise sheet. It's a list of numbered tasks.
1. Read every instructions carefully before beginning
2. Write your name in the top left corner
3. Fold the sheet in 5 and unfold it
4. Poke 4 holeholes in the sheet
[lots of other stuff, you get the picture]
16. Shout "baseball"
[ - ]
32. Clap your hands
33. Don't do step 3-32

In the 6 years of that test he did that test (when I took it, that was over 10 years ago), only he siad only 4 people didn't fall for it. I didn't ,of course, and we actually were a couple in the class

My point is, ChatGPT isn't smarter than a teenager. It just does every instruction sequentially, it doesn't interpret context in chunk. If you ask it to give you a resume of a book, it's gonna do like a lazy teenager and give you an estimate from the wikipedia page (this I have also done, and got an A). It's only good enough to fool people that can't see through the ball in cups tricks.

The gay dads is fucking hilarious though.
this, conveniently ignored.
What I'm seeing in this thread is recursive levels of cope.

If AI frees up devs to become architects of sw design, what is preventing AI from filling the role of architect? What about idea guys? Are humans actually necessary for a knowledge-based economy when knowledge is no longer bound to human wetware?
>Every organic body is a kind of divine machine, a natural automaton that surpasses all artificial ones infinitely. Because a machine made by human hands is no longer in their smallest and final parts, and there are, for example, parts and fragments enough on a stegrade that no longer have anything artistic about them and have almost no connection to the overall purpose of the machine. But the machines in nature, I mean the living bodies, are still machines in their smallest parts down to infinity. And this is the difference between divine and human art
They said this the last time
leibniz chad > newton shizo virgin
>we would still force people into pointless busy work because of some gay protestant work ethic cope or whatever
All those made-up silicon valley middle management jobs are driven by protestant work ethic, are they? Are you sure you're not bending over backwards to seethe at Christianity as a tangent to a topic that has nothing to do with work ethic and much to do with the optimization obsessions of nihilistic technocrats?
>I I I I I I
This is an anonymous image board you are supposed to demonstrate superiority with your knowledge (something you failed to do re: fintech btw) not by making shit up about what a big deal you are, AIDS boy
If ChatGPT was as competent as you retards try to claim, OpenAI wouldn't let people use it for free, and it wouldn't be publicly available at all. They would out compete every software company in existence. But they don't because this shit isn't reliable and lacks actual reasoning. The fact that it can say the right words to the HR roasty and regurgitate whatever leetcode algorithm Rajesh asks for on a white board doesn't make it competent.
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Artists and customer service agents have been the first to start getting replaced. Developers are gonna be next and other roles will follow
Only the jeets and chinks making up 60% of this board are. What it means is once all the big players implement this tech and create a decade of crowd strike level failures and send all the H1Bs home, we'll see some Palo Alto company come out with an innovative idea of using white people to develop software that will start some new trend of using AI to just do basic work and have whites do the rest.
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The only people coping are the "artists".
Reminder: the AI will cuck you once it finds out you hail from Reddit.
>his response to shills is PLEASE SUPPORT 4CHEDDIT and not FUCK OFF
what the fuck, do you get paid to shill 4chan ads?
This sounds like
>friend/gf tells you something embarrassing in private
>you go and say it out loud in front of the whole group
>"b-but you didn't tell me to keep it secret!!!"
Sure, retards/autists do this at times, but how is this sperglord move a sign of AGI?
Well, why don't they just add "Be creative" to their system prompt?
Do you think Kevin Okemwa is a human?
>Seething NEET, or more likely a minimum wage wagie.
incel projections
Cringe and wrong
autistic retard
It's going to run itself obviously. The job of writing instructions for AI can be easily performed by AI.
Foot soldier
chatgpt 3.5 wrote that article
Prostitute. Humanlike robots are obviously going to cut into the market eventually, but it should take a while for them to cross the Uncanny Valley.
A sufficiently advanced AI will not ask them for permission. Any AI that fails this test is not sufficiently advanced.
you didn't instruct it correctly
why would it assume that the bucket can me rotated?
you also said it was sealed shut. you CAN assume that the whole bucket was sealed shut, not only the top. if it's sealed, you can't add any water and it doesn't hold any water

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