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Fox TWS edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102397813
the kinera celest gumihos are on sale on ali. under 26usd if anyone wants to try a cheap planar+ba combo.
From what I experienced with Tin C5, it's quite horrible. Bad FR, bad timbral mismatch between the drivers. I've never liked "+1BA" configurations. BA typically just adds a 6k-10k peak overlapping the other full-range driver. It's plain bad.
FurGODs won
I can't even see the filters on my novas. How am I supposed to clean or replace them if (when) they get clogged.
Also this stupid cable has nothing but microphonics out the arse.
S12 with a medium density+high density foam are kino
why did you buy them, everybody knows the cable is shit
Are the porta pros the only comfy and decent set of headphones under 100$?
>Hair gets stuck in metal band
Inb4 bald
I just got new earbuds and they fall out of my ears more than the old ones and I don't know why. Do ears adapt to new earbuds and could that stop them from falling out or not?
Try running your ears under warm water first. Human ears are made of cartilage which can be reshaped when heated a bit. Just don't use water that's too hot or you could burn yourself.
Because I can (will) just buy another cable. I bought them to listen to not for the cable.
have a graph? I'm curious what it sounds like with high density foams in addition to Pro's mediums, how's the air?
>buy treble cannons
>reducing the treble makes them better
many pos are tuned like this from the factory, see Kato for example, very bright drivers and very aggressive dampening to make its sound balanced
thief's prestige, you're a burglar, a robber's child
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recommend me the darkest, most veiled and muddy pos in the world at any budget, specifically for nigger music
Higher end hybrids don't have tuning filters on their nozzle (except the BA dampeners that are hard to reach) when properly tuned (laughing at KZ rn).
If you're really scared, get some earwax mesh guard and stick to the nozzle as an ad hoc solution.
see >>102419316
from previous thread
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*KZ Saga*

We. Are. Back

You are an alchemist, a cosmic wizard, a star child, an arcane architect, an astral adventurer, an accidental arsonist, an awkward astrologer, and an absolute anomaly. Your mission? Unlock your absurd array of ancient abilities, aim your aura at the abyss, and avoid accidentally annihilating all of existence before the (2012 CERN) EVENT.

This is your SAGA.
the plural of cannon is cannon
Why were the $15 iems removed
they were deemed a toy (I suppose)
because they are better than the OP reccs so people buy it and never return again, but if they buy something bad, they return to complain about the bright and shitty treble
Ah thanks anon

Those would destroy your treble response no?
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got some earphones with ANC

what the hell is the point of this. it's like hearing my laptop fans just whirring in my ear constantly. Why does anyone want this?
Sir... there's good and bad ANC... you know
What's the good kind? Isn't it all just white noise to detract from outside sound?
It won't sound any different will it?
Coarse mesh is pretty much acoustically transparent, it's the fine mesh (400-500, cheap lazy tuning solution) that dampens the treble and gets clogged real fast. KZ puts those on all their recent sets including pure BA IEMs lmao.
the main point is to cut off low frequencies (bass) coming from outside and mask everything else with your music, it's even better if it cuts off higher frequencies to a degree, if the earphones can't do this, emit additional sounds in the process or both, it means that their ANC is useless
for comparison, my Buds FE just cut off low frequencies and also slightly mids from outside and don't change too much how actual music sounds, let alone emit additional noise, that's how it should be done
despite being useful for blocking the outside noise and activities such as riding a bike without worrying about wires, twshit will never be real IEMs and as long as codecs, latency and batteries (among others) remain an issue, they'll always be inferior to IEMs and just a nice addition to them at best
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I want a Geshelli stack.
And yes, I'm going to OPAMP roll.
Funnily enough I have a pair of Buds FE arriving soon
I did some more testing and to be fair, while i'm listening to something the ANC will block out noise more. But it's when ANC is on and I have nothing playing. It's just irrtating white noise, how can anyone stand it?
As for tw vs regular iems, I don't have a pair but aren't Apple's air pods supposed to be pretty good and people say comparable to iems? Or is that just marketing bullshit? Will my cheap $20 chinese shit iems sound better than air pods?
I just ordered a tangzu wan'er
Real music
wanker in 2024 is crazy
I'm sorry.

>Inner magnetic dynamic driver
Sounds like that might be EDC Pro in a more expensive case.
Hopefully your earussy can handle them. They're the most uncomfortable pos I've owned.
wdym? you change the tips
>irrtating white noise
in the FE or your chinkbuds? there's no such thing in the FE unless it's damaged or you have transparency mode enabled and something noisy outside
>comparable to IEMs
avoid becoming another victim of relentless apple shilling when it's still time and don't buy that bullshit, they don't have any lossless codec, which makes them worse by default, their latency is nothing like a good 3.5mm wired set either and is noticable, drivers-wise it's as good as the cheapest recs from OP at best which is only slightly alleviated by the built-in EQ, in other words it's like many other twshits, but unlike many of (already nigh-unrepairable) models made by the competition, earpods WILL die along with their batteries and you WILL dispose of them for lack of other options when it happens, because even opening their shells is destructive
Buds FE on the other hand are one of the most repairable twshit sets out there, so have fun, they sound nice too
>Will my cheap $20 chinese shit iems sound better than air pods?
if it's one of the newer models and you use EQ (like airpods do by default), you can get close
remember that everything in the in-ear audio industry is going forward blazing fast, even half a year can make a difference in drivers quality when the new refined metal composite or an improved LCP is being used in place of the less refined driver of the previous generation including a simple pu tupperware lid
>It's just irrtating white noise, how can anyone stand it?
Tbh depends on both the quality of the ANC and how autistic you are. I have the Anhker Soundcore Life Q30, white noise level is manageable and you get used to it fast, specially if you live in a loud area or a third world country like me, doesnt fully block all the noise but it does the job good enough so i dont go crazy for hearing construction sounds and gunshots/fireworks constantly
rosefinch + some foams in nozze
Do most people here use the 4chan Pass? The captcha is super annoying lol
I don't have the FE yet, I just have the Pixel Buds Pro. When ANC is on, in an attempt to block outside noise, it just plays white noise. It just sounds like a laptop fan
I do have some other cheap tw buds, I swear the cheaper you get the better the wireless range for tw. I don't get it.
>in the in-ear audio industry is going forward blazing fast
Even still? I thought people just bought new iems every year on the basis of how cheap they are and rather than anything sounding better they're just sort of different.

I mean, I guess I get it if you want to block outside noise. When I have something playing and ANC is on, it does a very good job
But when nothing is playing and ANC is on, it's just an annoying fan-like sound
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I prefer this one
the point is we brothers in pos have wonderful times right now, we can ride on the latest and greatest FOTMs if we want to whilst if we want to use our pos for a few years and then upgrade, we can get groundbreaking options that make our old pos obsolete like never before, it's a chinkese dream come true
Oh right. Thanks anon.
I prefer real music.
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Sharing my pos measurements, hopefully gazette anon sees this
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Part 2
the new s12 is a beauty
seen and added!
also, i dont know why i didnt think of using a ruler, pretty obvious choice there
man i used to listen to Mili like 6 years ago
Used to really like some of her stuff, probably still would I imagine. Just don't listen.
>6 years ago
thank god asano is immune to time
i don't know what this means
>tangzi waner sg died after 2 months
>moondrop space travel died after 1 month (left side)
Bros.. just wanna something to listen after my daily /g/man activities while biking
is this custom space travel?
It's fox.
Moon blocked.
Chuaudio Prestige OCD,

Reconnect with the pagpag, you are a saar of the stars,
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lets say you already have 3.5mm headphones/earphones, and the apple usb c dongle (NA)
now what is the cheapest device with usb-c that you can plug this shit into, in order to play music?
assuming you have nothing on hand, no technology in your ownership at all.
a used phone
surely there must be a magic device that is only 20 usd that has usb c
how much do they pay you for each of these posts?
I must admit, Harman absolutely blows for iems. Just no.
Refurbished sony x compact is around that price.
I pay them instead to shill their products,
nice i like that its small
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Just... wait. The new B&K 5128 target will bring up more insights and they are using a better baseline now that won't have the annoying 5-6k hump.
about to buy the Symbio W hybrid eartips. are they good? or are there better hybrids cause I see the Zeos Render eartips are also recommended.
B-but Daddy Olive says IE 2019 is the most preferred target in blind tests (don't ask why none of Harman's brands make something that strictly complies to said target though, bigot).
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HBB is a retard, what do you retards think of this set? How do you think it will be received on release?
Why is he creating a new shartman target? He is literally showing all the bormies his previous "research" was utter bullshit, is he retarded?
for next baker, include the fosi ds2
>are also recommended
they generally are not rec'd. it's the worst of both worlds. the symbio are even cheaper feeling than renders.
literally zero fucks about it, ruining their (already marred) reputation with it. retards lapping it up, shaping up to be dogshit with impedance adapter copium. expect 3+ month delays too. they are saying they are on track to "start the first shipments" (of thousands), but even at this moment are delayed.
oh and goes without saying, if you're the typa nigga to buy used shit (could never be me) then i guarantee headfi classifieds and other places will have plenty of units up for sale once they start arriving. the people who buy their shit are so predictable:
>pre-order consoomie junkie jumping on hype train & when it inevitably fails to meet astronomical kilobuck expectations they sell
>retard who underestimates what "basshead" means
>retard who expected scarlet mini and got worse than maestro mini
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Amazing bassed set. Enjoy the farty bass.
damn. so they're both unusable after a month and they don't isolate sound well?... oh wait that's what double/triple flange tips are for...
more like they use shitty silicone on the outside and shitty hard foam on the inside so it isn't even conforming to ear canal in the way a foam would, and it's not a quality non-irritant surface making contact with your skin like good tips should be.
also the inner bore being silicone removes any effect of foam suppressing upper frequency resonances (often a sought out benefit).
like i said, worst traits of both types.
that sucks. thanks for the info anon
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>jewish tempered TWS prolly exists
>make edgy jokes
>literally blow up ur mind
yeah, im sticking with wired hifi
>joke about 6 million twshitters being tampered
>both units blow up rendering you deaf and blind for rest of your life
Good thing I'll be blowing out my ear drums from synth expo that weekend so I can't hear w.e. new target anyway
Real music.
Rail music.
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I got the Zero Reds
Only real music
Avoid nggar sets and graphs. KZ of reviewers.
why did you buy that pos...
I'm lovin it
azn as fuck
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So uhhh ummm uhhh I have a pair of Fiio JH3 from years ago, which you guys have told me are ass cheeks. My Samsung S24 isn't strong enough to drive them by the way, and that's with an EU apple dongle (according to the OP there EU one is ass cheeks?). I mean they do get loud enough to enjoy music, but not enough when I'm outside in noisy areas like the gayass subway. Being a yurocuck, audiophonics is good enough for me. I could get this SMSL portable DAC, but I was wondering if this DD M130B meme is any good, being an entire cable with everything integrated. Also, are the guides in the OP updated? Want to also get some wired "mid-fi" IEMs for like 100-200, but audiophonics don't seem to stock any of the recs.
Further reading the OP, audiophony has the Moondrop Dawn Pro, the Tanchjim Space, and the SMSL D10, and all of them have the same specs pretty much. I'm leaning towards the SMSL because I have a D-6S DAC though. For IEMs, from the shopping guide, they only have the TANCHJIM KARA, but I'm not a big fan of the aesthetic, and it says they're "bassy neutral", whatever that means. I do prefer "harman neutral" if that even makes sense. Not a fan of bassy.

Can someone pick me a couple from what these dues have in stock?
>I do prefer "harman neutral" if that even makes sense
it's either harman or neutral, the closest you can get to having the best of both worlds is the new meta (JM-1 DF with harman bass) or barbecuemas target
So what do I buy boss?
>Why yes i use Audiotechnica headphones, how could you tell?
They should make an IEM that strictly follows JM-1, but with an adjustable tilt. But instead of labeling it with db/octave, label it with the age of the listener, so that old people get more treble.
Is it possible that some graphs are a bit shifted to the left?
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W-what happened to him?
thats what happens when you keep picking off scabs
Graphs in total? Unlikely. But treble peaks depend on insertion depth/ear canal length/tips so they are definitely shifted, and most of the time the shift is to the left, unless you're underage, Asian or use extremely deep insertion.
I especially meant the big 3 kHz peak, not the 8 kHz. Someone told me the ety graphs are wrong because people don't measure them fully inserted, so I was wondering if the peak at around 3 kHz could be shifted on other iem measurements as well.
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>IEM slang section
From what I understand 3k is from the eardrum being the most sensitive to 3k and doesn't depend on the insertion depth. But it is variable between people. Adjust by ear if necessary.
The 3kHz "bump" comes from the ear canal TF and sometimes a very close driver resonance.
It will not shift around, whoever told you that about Etymotics is wrong about the 3kHz peak.
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Supermix 4 came in.
They are pretty good. I eq'd them too, picrel.
t. deafzo
more like chinkzo dog eater
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What did he mean by this?
Anyway, the review:
>Fit pretty good inmy ear
>Pretty light, I dont even feel them
>Sancai tips help with good seal
>Sound quality is pretty good
>EQ to fix the bass and treble so I can't say much about the sound signature since this is mostly down to individual taste.
Got some space travels coming in too. Hopefully they are also good, but it's mostly for listening while exercising outside.
What are some good wireless earbuds? Dont have much experience with these so here i am
about 60€ but it can be a bit more if its worth the money
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
mostly listening to music with maybe some gaming
>Frequency response preference and music examples
maybe a bit stronger bass
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
Never really used earbuds outside of some cheapo 5 bucks shit you can find
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>!NEW! The newly unveiled #A6000 is the latest wired earphone in the A series. Featuring a newly adopted copper cable, it’s flexible and easy to handle, delivering an aggressive sound while still allowing you to feel the spaciousness.
I'm used to earbuds like the regular AirPods and I never used earbuds with tips before. Are they really supposed to be this deep in my ears? It feels kinda uncomfortable
You are supposed to seal your ear canal. When inserting, push gently with a twisting motion until you feel like they stick to your ear. There's no point in trying to insert them as deeply as possible.
newly unveiled, but since it's final audio, it probably sounds veiled
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A series is the exact opposite of veiled, you could even call it ear rape
Should I upgrade to Simgot SuperMix 4 from Shozy P20? Is it worth it?
boring answer: use eq
>didn't fix any of the lumps
>just made the pos ultra muddy
A3000 and A5000 take a more chill approach. A4000 super bright. Final used the word "aggressive" to describe the A6000 so it's likely bright.
Used a set with too much clamp strength
Yeah these are all shit.

I have the Sehhneiser IE 500 Pro and they are phenomenal.
show how you EQ your pos, basedzo... I wanna laugh a bit
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Kiwi KE4, HiSenior Mega5 EST, Jizzaudio DaVinci etc.
>wireless earbuds
either find some very rare model with a dedicated RF dongle and pray there's no latency or just forget it, bluetooth will render your games unplayable
I wonder if I should buy an SMSL D10 to pair with my phone, or if I should instead just buy a SHANLING M0 PRO DAP and stop using my phone for music. I was thinking that maybe a DAP would have the benefits of a better DAC plus more useful features, but this one specifically seems like it's not as good as the SMSL, unless I'm not understanding the specs properly.
Audiophony don't have any of these for sale.
stop looking at the source specs, most are audibly transparent
the main difference here is how you'll use them, reflect on that first
Listening to music on the go with IEMs.
Thanks anon!
>There's no point in trying to insert them as deeply as possible
I actually tried to do the exact opposite to the point that the earbuds started falling off my ears lol
need some help, im trying to mod my koss ksc75 with replaceable cables. i already did the mmcx mod on two pairs and both of them started giving out around the exact same time, after just a years or so.
ive read that the mmcx connector simply isnt very robust and not made for many connection cycles.
i was thinking of doing the mod with 2-pin 0.78mm style connectors instead.
ive already got a pair of linsoul cables and a set of female plugs and test fitted them and they are incredibly tight.
is this normal for this style of connector? i suppose they could loosen up a little after a couple connection cycles but they seemed unreasonably tight to me. maybe i got poor quality parts of ali?
bought an s12 pro because 2024 was "sold out" the one time i looked. now that shit is available everywhere i look. limited edition my ass
on the go can mean a lot of things
you're looking for something compact in the case of a portable dac/amp. the shanling can be ok, just be aware of the limitations (os, small screen, storage and format compatibility, etc)
so either you get a dap and deal with the limitations, or you get something very small (ddhifi, kiwi ears, jcally, etc) that will not encumber you too much
>limited edition my ass
desu i was curious about this as well. it seems like they already sent out 50+ reviewer units. they'd actually be satisfied with only selling ~1,950 to customers? doubt.jpg
i know my katos have incredibly tight fits with some of my 2-pin cables. might just be a thing that gets better with time. just make sure that the connectors are .78 and not .75
fit comfort depends on all kinds of things. maybe you goofed by picking the wrong model IEMs in the first place. models are designed with vastly differing ergonomics. there is usually some adjustment period for people who are unaccustomed to wearing them. play around with the included ear tip sizes, and adjust/tilt/rotate the shell to find a more comfortable and stable position
different anon. from what they carry in no particular order, i would consider: hidizs mp145, letshuoer cadenza4, letshuoer s12 models (you can mod the original to save money, or go for limited edition), or tanchjim kara.
they are fairly different sounds, s12 and mp145 being the most similar (as they basically use the same drivers), generally v-shaped, thumpy bass and sharper treble. mp145 is a big metal shell, likely the least ideal fitting of the bunch. cadenza4 for clean and articulate. kara for soft and warm.
yeah as mentioned before, there are 0.75mm and 0.78mm 2 pin connectors, maybe you received the wrong ones. I'd say 0.78 are waaaay more popular, but who knows.

That said, it certainly would also feel different if you're trying to unplug it from the cable as just bare sockets compared to when you grab an entire iem to unplug the cable.
Definitely not. Next "upgrade" probably $300+ bracket
Doesn't seem very final to me if they keep releasing new ones
Your most sane option is a bluetooth receiver.
Hiby W3ii is just 50$ and just does the job well. Q5K if you're feeling fancy.
Next is getting a small DAP like M0. Another option is a small Android DAP which comes with benefits (you can play and do whatever you want) and negatives (Generally they are a bit sluggish because the hardware is a bit old to handle newer OS versions). What you never ever want to do is to buy a dongle for use on the go. It is a fucking nightmare every time you get a call or want to skip a track you need to get this whole mess out of your pocket and unblock your phone, same goes if you get a call.
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seems there just a huge tolerance margin on those. but i cant seem to find anything better for the job so i guess ill have to deal with it.
>hidizs mp145
Fuck metal.
>letshuoer cadenza4
Too much money.
>letshuoer s12 models (you can mod the original to save money
Tell me more. I like modding shit and these seem cool.
>tanchjim kara
Might just get these if the above mod option doesn't seem viable.
>Your most sane option is a bluetooth receiver
I don't want to use bluetooth anything though. Or are you saying this one has a good DAC and can be used wired?
>Next is getting a small DAP like M0
I did more research on these and all of them have gay touch screens so I'm kind of not wanting one now, unless there's a good one without touch screen bullshit.
>What you never ever want to do is to buy a dongle for use on the go
Damn is it that bad? They look small enough. For calls do they just not work while plugged in? Do they disable my mic or something? I am a bit annoyed by having to manage a portable DAC and a phone in my pocked at the same time though. That's why I asked about that cable with the integrated DAC and amp in the first place.
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Any updates on endgame faceplate tech? Still blows every other pos out of the water?
>I don't want to use bluetooth anything though
This is an irrational fear, as they work way better than TWS because a proper size antennae. You will never notice any difference in quality on the move and both can be used wired as well.
>gay touch screens
Surfans F20
>For calls
They don't work for calls as ADC, meaning you would have to speak through your phone mic. Imagine how stupid would it be taking the whole shit out of your pocket (bonus points if you have wire under the shirt) with dangling dac and trying to bring it to your mouth.
If you plug 3.5mm cable with mic and buttons to a DAC connected to your phone none of it is going to work.
>cable with the integrated DAC and amp
Yes it exists, Moondrop FreeDSP and even has mic but its shit and one anon said that it caused hearing damage because it randomly blasted 100% volume noise in his ears.
>This is an irrational fear
No bluetooth and that's final.
>Surfans F20
This is too huge.
>meaning you would have to speak through your phone mic
But I already do that. Where's the issue?
>if you have wire under the shirt
Nah that's autistic. I don't route the wire under my shirt.
Simgot EW300 DSP and Tanchjim ONE DSP options too for USB-C mic cables
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New eq.
kiwi ears allegro mini, ddhifi something something (just search usb c dac), or any dsp cable
Why are you setting the ear gain peak at 5K? That looks horrible to me but hey it's your ears as long as you're happy.
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>kiwi ears allegro mini
Damn this looks pretty perfect. Doesn't say what chips it's using and is also a preorder though.
>ddhifi something something
One of these pic relateds?
>dsp cable
Not sure what these are.
you can watch this https://youtu.be/kZkfiCLEu68 to see what it looks like in practice, although two low-density foams per earpiece can be too much for some including me because of low ear gain, if you're a fan of dark-sounding pos it might be a good mod, otherwise you can consider it a general overview which still applies to modding the S12
as for less aggresive damping you can mod the S12 into the S12 Pro by putting foams into the nozzles like in the video, but instead of two low-density ones per earpiece, you put just one, but mid-density, it seriously tames the stock treble and makes the bass more impactful
there's one anon who said that one mid- and one high-density foam put together makes the S12 sound nice, although I haven't tried it
the S12 has very nice moisture-resistant filters that you obviously have to take off before modding (don't force it, just use a duct tape to gently peel them off), you can slap them back on numerous times and the glue will still hold, when it stops don't throw those filters away, instead put a thin layer of fresh glue on the edges, it'd be a waste to dispose of them
Planars are bad. Change my mind.
I like them though
That's it lmao? I can't find these foams sold outside of aliexpress though and I refuse to buy from there. I wonder if I end up not modding them if I should get for these or the Karas. S12 being much more aesthetically pleasing to me in silver.
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>The Eye2 and Mountain2 do not have a built-in microphone, so they cannot be used for voice calls

Uhh, does that mean I have to disconnect it to have a call, or can I still hear with it through my IEMs and speak into my phone's mic? Also, would this provide more power than what's inside my Samsung S24? Right now it's not loud enough for my Fiio JH3 unless I have hearing problems.
Fiio btr13 and use EQ
But anon this is bluetooth and with a gay little screen.
Use with cable, the screen is for information only, and there is full PEQ on that bad boy
>or can I still hear with it through my IEMs and speak into my phone's mic?
>Also, would this provide more power than what's inside my Samsung S24?
probably. eu dongle + android = 25% of the actual power (ie cucked twice over)
>eu dongle + android = 25% of the actual power
What what? You're saying the yurop apple dongle gives me a literal 25% of the phone's power output???
Is it really that much better than the SMSL one? Audiophony also only have the BTR15.
apple dong + android = half output
apple dong + eu = half output
do the mathematics
>apple dong + android = half output
What the fuck why?
android audio stack is infamous for being complete shit
>You're saying the yurop apple dongle gives me a literal 25% of the phone's power output???
Those dongles are full blown sound cards. The phone doesn't output anything. There are passive dongles that output audio from the phone but they're an exception and they don't work with all phones.
Android doesn't support hardware volume control natively and it starts at half the volume. You can use apps with direct USB access like hiby music to unlock full volume. And EU dongle itself is half the power of the US dongle because EU.
macfag bullshit
>You can use apps with direct USB access like hiby music to unlock full volume
Interesting. I do have to use my boy vanilla music though. I'm staying loyal.
>because EU
Every single day I get reminded that FUCK THE EU
>dsp cable
>Not sure what these are.
They are cables with the DACAMP integrated into the USB-C end. They also have in-line mic and minor EQ. Good for minimalist wired phone solution.
Hey, looking for some advice. Sick of the wireless meme and having to charge my shit constantly.
175 €
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
Streamed/downloaded music on phone when out and about. Often in noisy public transport, sometimes on a bike. Streamed music in the office (quiet environment). Often use for prolonged periods of time. Won't be using amp or DAC. Would be nice if there's a mic but maybe that's a simple cable replacement?
>Frequency response preference and music examples
Idk about freq response. Jazz, death metal, soul, folk, rock, electronic, jungle, classical, vgm, pop, ambient, and everything in between.
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
IEM: Some noise cancelling JBL TWS. They don't really fit well and the sound is meh.
Headphones: ATH M50. A bit bass heavy but ok
Beyer DT880. Treble is nuts and fatiguing

S12 pro +low density foam mod
• Simgot SuperMix 4 (Harman) - $150
• Myer CKLVX D41 / Pula PA02 (mild V) - $180
• Tanchjim Kara (bassy neutral) - $180
• Aful Performer5 (bassy neutral) - $220
They are routinely ~$30 off MSRP. Order from Amazon if you can for easier returns.
>bad boy
from hawaii?
you mean low density in addition to the already present medium density?
Opinions on KZ EST? I know the brand has a bad rep but these don't seem bad and I can get them cheap.
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the model is zst, and it's irredeemable pos
What makes you think that they don't seem bad. Do you even know why KZ has a bad rep. Do you have a measurement rig.
Any recs?
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Impressions for S12 2024:
It's an Artti T10 sidegrade, S12 planar timbre wasn’t fixed on the 2024 ed

This is strictly a low/mid-volume set. At higher volumes, S12 2024’s planar timbre is worse than the T10 – cymbals have an unnatural shimmer and wind instruments have a metallic sheen. Also, the S12 2024 is prone to sibilance, so tip-rolling is required. I found DUNU S&S tips to work but foam tips would be better.

>Comparisons with Artti T10
S12 2024 sounds a tad cleaner than the T10 but articulation is sometimes sharpened to the point of harshness. Call it “better techs” if you want, but I’d still choose the T10 because it isn’t as sibilant/painful to listen to. Ultimately both planars sound very similar and any difference is just a nitpicking exercise.

>Comparisons with Mega5-EST
The S12 2024 does sound more detailed than the Mega5est probably since the S12 has a noticeably quicker bass decay which gives it a cleaner midrange and better instrument separation.

New meta IEMs (like the DaVinci, KE4) sound muddy in comparison, but I wouldn’t call the S12 2024 a highly resolving set, since the S12’s excessive "SH" and "S" energy in female vocals can occasionally overpower the treble and cause higher pitch instruments to sound less detailed (masking the shimmer from cymbals and jingle from the tambourine).

The set is library/track dependent. Poor fit for jpop/kpop. I want to say instrumentals/classical is fine since I liked Vivaldi on the S12 2024, but it’s a genre with high dynamic range so I’ve had tracks cross into the harshness threshold even on low volume.

>inb4 planars are not meant for listening at high volume
At low volume the S12 2024 is painfully average. But if you crank up the volume to chase “planar techs” you are forced to play a game of tightrope with the volume knob. Why every reviewer praises this golden turd is beyond me.
based listenerzo
So you're saying I should get the Kara instead of the S12 non pro?
>articulation is sometimes sharpened to the point of harshness. Call it “better techs” if you want,
If one would call that "better techs" then KZ planars would have best techs of all of them, so lets not go that route
If your library is heavy on the female vocals then avoid the S12
>poor for jpop
ironic, jizzy from jizzaudio put the S12 on his list of pos recommended for jpop, so maybe the OG treble cannon is better for it than the 2024 edition
>jazz, metal, soul, folk, rock, classical, ambient
Avoid Harman like the plague. Get something with good mids.
I know jack shit about this stuff, so thanks for the heads up
>!NEW! Twistura bullet
>budget range
I listen to doom metal and harman tuning makes everything sound thin and shrill. I want the deep crunch like a punch to the gut, and only good mids can deliver.
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I EQd to it and it sounds extremely good! it's like underwater at low volumes but it gets right when you crank it up, the bass is so powerful and dominant compared to chink tuning. gosh i love equal-loudness contours
Based boomer
Hell yeah. I saw Conan last year. Loudest thing I've ever heard.
To get back on topic: what IEMs do you use/like?
I have the Chu 2, Wan'er, Nova, Hexa, Shozy p20. I recommend Shozy p20 or any iem with low mid emphasis. I do not recommend Nova, Hexa, and also Chu 2.
looks damaged
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Why are you guys not using eq?
>iPhone user
>PS5 controller enjoyer
>Tidal flac bit-perfect enjoyer
>DAW + ASIO enjoyer
You know, not everyone settles for less.
at least you use eq
So what you're saying is only retards don't EQ.
>eq guide in op
are you retarded?
>are you retarded?
At least I'm not illiterate like you, who is apparently unable to read this thread
>thread full of people not using eq for justifiable reasons
>other anons using eq
>posts retarded bullshit targeted at anons that dont eq out of principle (they don't exist as demonstrated by the acceptance of the eq guide)
enjoy being spied, t. degoogled lineage os user
>PS5 controller
enjoy your stick drift
enjoy not owning your music
>daw + asio
the only good thing on your list
Real music.
Only REAL music.
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Real Music(tm)
>no youtube link
>pic rotated sideways
try again
What are your favorite IEM reviewers? For me it's Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews.
I hate them all. I hate less the ones who give me graphs.
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Why does my phone do that doe thoughbeit
Works for me, I literally eqd to monarch mk3 and added some extra bass.
Why did you eq to that pos...
which fucking monarch mk3 graphs like that lmao
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Because I can EQ and try out any pos sound signature I want? I can try something else tomorrow.
Idk desu, the default one on squiglink.
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you're eqing to broken pos bro...
Thiefaudio stole the mids...
This statement applies to all pos and fr graphs
i'm dead
the absolute state of deafzo
I checked other graphs and half of them look like this but with less channel imbalance.
The other half looks flat and has a massive cliff at 6-9k.
Idk what graphs you use.
Only real music
Any safe method to unclog an ear?
The reviewer units don't have serial numbers.
>iphone user
retarded zoomer
>ps5 controller
retarded zoomer
>tidal + bit perfect
just retarded

my veredict: kill yourself
eq eternally btfo

L + ratio
>buy a tanchjim
>eq to your liking
literal endgame.
Letting medical grade peroxide soak into the canal, then rinsing it out with warm water using those small ear douche bulb things
just use the correct channel
so true
t. using tanchjim one (built-in peq in the cable)
just arrived
ok now return it
>Dunu ear rape
>Be chink company dunu
>Make dunu falcon
>Be hyper chink company TRN
>Copy design with the v80
>Copy design again with the conchs 6 years later
>Be Canadian 64 audio
>Make u12t, trio, tia, etc
>Be chink KZ
>Copy design with the as6/as10
>Be super chink TRN
>copy the AS10 design with v30
>Be super mega chink Truthear
>Copy design with the Gate
>he doesnt do 12 tone analysis
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>Name your iem after the Enemy of God
>Design features Star of David
So heckin' based bros. The chinks are chuds just like us!
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what the fuck is this shell shape
Retarded can't even spell verdict... typical EQ slave dumbfuck
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>S12 has a noticeably quicker bass decay
What? I can imagine the Mega5-EST could have a measurably (but not audibly) slower bass response because its a multi driver with the DD only handling lows but the signal processing theory behind that doesn't really hold up.
>he doesn't know driver techs and speed
planars are quicker across the frequency range. DD has the most "natural" decay, air movement, and reverb particularly for bass
How can a DD with extension anywhere near treble have an audibly "slower" bass decay?
Also what does "natural" decay even mean? It either reproduces the sound correctly or it doesn't. Are you trying to imply planars have a bass decay that's faster than their input?
like moths to a flame
Hey everyone, I'm looking for some wireless earbud recommendations.

>Intended use
I'm looking for earbuds to wear while working out. Sound quality and noise reduction are a secondary concern since I'm not going to be focused on the music. I also workout at home so I would like to be able to hear my mom if she calls me or if someone knocks at the door so a lack of background noise reduction is actually better. My main two concerns are durability, battery life and being water-proof. I would like a pair of earbuds that actually last and won't break down in a year or less. I'll also be sweating so some level of water-resistance would be reassuring (I won't be running outside in the rain, sweat is the only real danger). Bonus: I don't mind those bluetooth but not wireless earbuds, the ones with a cable joining the buds together.

My ideal budget is around $60-$120, but please recommend anything even if it's outside that range if you believe it's good. I'm willing to pay for quality.

>Past gear and your thoughts on them
IEM: KBEAR KS1, I'm very happy with them and the sound quality and fit. Anything that resembles them in quality would be great
Headphones: AKG K72, also very happy with them, but don't expect to get anything similar from tiny earbuds.
I've also previously owned two cheap Chinese wireless earbuds from Amazon. My main disappointed was them breaking down in less than a year.

Thanks in advance, any recommendations are appreciated
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RIP early adopters because what the fuck is this?
So they're KZ tier now kek
maybe get some bone conducting headphones?
I read the name and thought you were joking. I looked them up and it looks like something I might like, I'll have to do some digging. Thank you for your reply, if there are any specific ones you recommend please let me know
any of the hifi t2/t3/t4 worth it?
shokz openmove is right around your budget. they should be pretty decent, but the battery life is only 6 hours if that bothers you.
Apple airpods regular not pros are good within your budget. The best you can get is the newest airpod pros, but mine broke after 2 years. It was the first gen.

Another perspective: spend $200 on one pair that's top of the line like I did and can break in 2 years and apple wants you to pay $200 to "fix" it, or buy 2 cheap space travels that'll last you 2 years at below $50 total. I run in all weather conditions, including rain, and space travels have yet to break in 6 months. It also lives in my gym bag.
Mine didnt even last a month (QC batch 8) so honestly none of this matters.
Buying moondrop AND collab? At this point you deserve this.
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how reliable is the bluetooth on the qudelix-5k? and when wired does it sound better than an average desktop's headphone jack?
was considering getting and having it wired to my pc most of the time. and then i'd switch it to bluetooth and carry it around with me when i do things around the house.
no. everything about them (and their various re-releases) are outclassed versus options of similar / lower price
Bluetooth on PC is a disaster regardless of the reciever. Also I'd be vary of using something battery powered mostly wired. For the sound it's better than desktop but there are cheaper and better wired only options. If you can set up ldac on PC(free on linux, paid on windows) it'll be comparable too.
>Bluetooth on PC is a disaster regardless of the reciever.
how about with a phone? not sure under what circumstances i'd do that versus just connecting it with a cable.
but i was mainly just concerned about bluetooth cause i heard the shanling m0s was especially bad at being a receiver so wasn't sure if receivers were unreliable in general. and i mainly just want something portable for like an ipod shuffle experience.
>Also I'd be vary of using something battery powered mostly wired.
You can set it to not use the battery at all (no charge or discharge) when wired.

I use it Bluetooth with my phone and its probably them most reliable Bluetooth device I have. Range is outstanding (~30m unobstructed before it drops out completely IIRC).
>when wired does it sound better than an average desktop's headphone jack?
IME the average desktops headphone jack is noisy shit both from the poor quality DAC and often also because of the EMI inside the case. You could get acceptable performance with a $20 dongle though.

I would only get it if you want the features (available settings, PEQ, Bluetooth range, etc.), there's cheaper Bluetooth dongles that would perform acceptably.
>there's cheaper Bluetooth dongles that would perform acceptably.
I just now saw the HiBy W3 II recommended elsewhere on the thread. Was that what you had in mind? Does that have the option of not charging when wired too?
With a phone it's good. One of the most stable bluetooth connections.
>stealth revision
>with 5k shrill bigger than the ear gain
don't know if it's moondrop's or cringable's fault but don't buy dusk
>fox edition
>Averibuds nowhere in sight
This general has fallen
the bluetooth stack in windows is a dumpster fire, but if you manage to replace it with a better one (which can be very tricky and sometimes you have to pay) it should work better at expense of having to use some external tool instead of the one provided by the OS
in my experience Linux with a well-supported BT adapter is very reliable, that's what I use on my desktop and that's essentially what Android phones use to many people's satisfaction
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I was thinking of the Fiio one but I don't know what the alternatives actually look like or how they measure so can't help in choosing one.
>Does that have the option of not charging when wired too?
Doesn't look like it but it is also half the price. It would be a rare feature because IIRC the Q5k has proper power flow switches so in that mode the battery is physically disconnected.
>implying they ever lost
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My type of collab
good to know. thanks anons.
>Cable isn't flush to the IEM
Nice 2 pin QC there lmao
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Please stop buying BA distortion slop. KE4 is disgusting. 1DD + EQ is all you need.
OCD baited.
>technical score : C
good luck next time
Techs = price, just get an expensive 1DD.
You're not allowed to sell expensive 1DD iems
Don't sell them. Who buys used IEMs anyways.
techs = faceplate
so best techs are custom faceplate 1dd like epz g10
ChuDDs keep winning wtf
>!NEW! Moondropped new pos will be announced tomorrow
I suppose these companies rely on releasing new products that get a boost of sales from some youtuber, then the sales drop and the cycle repeats.
You can still upgrade techs on those with an expensive cable and case.
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>tech-harmonic distortion
>higher is better
Is Sony WF-C500 (Wireless) good?
need a pair of tws around that range ($50-100)
wb samsung buds 2 ?
i love female vocals, bjork etc
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Are there any wireless earbuds with the same long insertions as my Shure SE315? They fit perfectly for me and block most outisde noise without any ANC bullshit.
I got the Oneplus buds pro 2 with my new phone but they sound like crap and even with ANC on I can hear almost all outside noise.
if they fit perfectly maybe consider an mmcx bluetooth adapter instead
>Distortion is only audible at 105db+
Based deaf anon
Why do you need a bunch of deaf niggers to do more measurements on some new fancy toy mic instead of just listening for yourself? it’s so funny how Harmaniggers are such bootlickers they can’t have a single coherent thought to themselves just blindly following authority. Now that their sand foundation is crumbling they’re backtracking like they were always part of the cool crowd and aware of the issues with Harman’s bass tuck and shouty bullshit LMAO.
Harmanfags were always subhuman
Congrats you turned it into literally every generic shitty $8 chifi set ever since 2021?
what is the plural of pos?
$24 for 1DD WTF ? is kz thinking we are rich now ?
how do you guys store your iemgs? i am a zoomer and literally cannot remember the last time i used wired earbuds or any wired audio for my phone. i keep my wallet, keys, and earbuds all on a lanyard, is there a case that can retract the earbud wire like a measuring stick or ship anchor? how do you conveniently take them out and put them away or am i being unreasonable and just have to get used to shoving them in my pocket and untangling the spaghetti to take them out of my pocket
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I haven't had an issue with mine, but I only use Bluetooth with my phone, as the one in my computer tends to be less reliable, despite every device being Bluetooth 5.0 compatible.
>better than desktop
It can make things louder. That's it. Not much, if any, different than your average mobo audio.
in their carrying cases
How do get ldac for windows? Last time I checked it wasn't a thing.
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I want to touch Asano...
Where's the numpad?
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just one? small zip case. many? watch case. throw a silica gel desiccant pack in too. learn to roadie wrap your cables.
Just use a case, you'd break the cable pins if you always shove them into your pocket
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One of these gay boxes, which are more expensive than all the pos I store inside combined.
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For me? It's the yume II case.
>It can make things louder. That's it. Not much, if any, different than your average mobo audio.
i see. so it's not gonna suddenly give my hd560s a nice soundstage then. thanks for the info anon
Wtf bros, space travels are so good?
For the price these work so well.
What's the best option right now if I want a JM-1 tuned pos (w/ tilt ofc)? It must be 1DD and as cheap as possible; no more than 80 bucks.
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The graph looks very sexy, apart from the channel imbalance at 8 kHz; this looks very odd, maybe a measurement error? Is this the version without switches?
>What's the best option right now if I want a JM-1 tuned pos
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Good, I'll touch her
new bread >>102459721
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This with EQ
>gets more displeased the smaller the layout
She's just like me...
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Averi is so cute I love her so much

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