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prev >>102386417
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love the colours. could you please share the 4chan css?
Possibly not very original but I choose to be happy
my wife
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Fresh ubuntu install on a brand new ssd as old one was bad. New one's read is 3x faster and write 2x faster. Good upgrade, but there is another problem. RAM passed memtest86+ with 3 errors. Old hardware is slowly dying.
what are your theme configs?
fucking why? Should have installed Debian.
kinda boring if you ask me
Better defaults and better support for my 3d printer array.
>im going to use a completely different os just to make it look like an outdated version of the os i use to use
Window decoration: Klassy
QT style: Kvantum - Expose Modern (slightly modified)
Plasma style - Expose Modern (heavily modified)
Icons - RedmondX
Fonts - IBM Plex Sans and Fira Sans Medium for titlebars
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Yeah, quite possibly undiagnosed
Want me to chew your ear off with Sonic and TF2 lore?
Why are trannies so attracted to arch? It's so strange. Of all the hundreds of distros, why is arch the trannies choice?
it's not Arch and I'm not a tranny
It's not Arch, it's Artix
That's like, the Arch for pedos and system-d haters
Good evening, lad'uns.
Grim. Seek help.
very cutu! :D
Excellent wallpaper, sire.
Best in the thread (so far).
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>That's like, the Arch for pedos and system-d haters
and chuds too
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I need more info on who this perfect creature is
do it you wont
>Best in the thread (so far)
Thank you anon, but I'm pretty sure someone will pound my ass in a few minutes
(I wish irl too)

I kek'd until I saw the date, I thought it was something from 2011 thanks to his profile picture
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I will, don't fucking test me
I just won't do it here because I don't want to derail the thread
>quite possibly undiagnosed

wtf does that mean, either it's diagnosed or it isn't. You're a crap autist.
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>tranny-friendly anime series/generic anime styled thing
>pretentious tiling vm
>windows copy thats way off the mark
>Sonic and TF2! lol im such an autist X3 :transheart:
nuke this thread from orbit
It means I'm not paying a doctor to ask me some shitty Gizmodo quiz and then say if I am an autist or not
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yes because trusting doctors to be the end all be all has gone so well in recent history
undiagnosed means that he has all the characteristics of an autist, most likely is autist but hasn't got an actual diagnose by a professional, dumbass

>t. actual diagnosed autistic
sup frens
looks pretty good and i usually hate most xp wannabe themes
is it possible to remove the margin around the start button and clock
I do hate her, but she make make my dick go crazy.
Sadly no, it's something KDE devs added for some reason on Plasma 6 to make it floating panel friendly and doesn't go away even if you set it to be not floating
nice colorscheme
very nice,blurred bg on the panel would go a long way
go back to your containment board antivaxxer maga cultist
look guys its the car nigga who complains about anime in every thread
speak for yourself fag, bet you never even touched a woman in your whole life
I don't even watch anime, I just save the pics I like from here bud
-Plasma XP thingy
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Kys fag
takes one to know one
thats shit, the floating panel sucks anyway
bit too late for that, lost my v-card over a decade ago anon
>look mom, I posted it again
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forgot to attatch image
i dunno man you seem pretty obsessive from where im sitting
why are you so afraid of cute things, anon?
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my gf told me she likes me perverted as I am
we all know where you belong

btw 2 more weeks
windows & cunny. these people never learn.
I do not complain about anime. I complain about scantily clad young girls in anime and manga. Huge difference. There is nothing wrong in watching stuff like Attack on Titan, Death Note, Ghost in the Shell, Naruto, etc, but when you watch animes and read mangas that sexualize literal kids you're going down a dark path.
How old do you think the half naked girls in your photo is?
Correct. I am obsessed with ridding the world with degenerates that think it's super kawaii to masturbate to prepubescent children
Why are you so afraid to face reality? You are a pedophile.
In her defence 6 year olds don't really know what they want.
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why can't these people just shut up and post comfy desktops. this isn't /pol/.
>I complain about scantily clad young girls in anime and manga
that's funny because my pape isn't "scantilly clad" and yet you still tag me every single time. your obsession isn't healthy
nice one anon. what's the font? looking comfy as fuck.
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font is Terminus.
They're low IQ apes. Just don't reply to them, they will leave if attention isn't given to them.
>font is Terminus.
You will get there eventually. It's a matter of time. I hope you don't, just so you know.
I also feel that your obsession with young girls, scantily clad or not, is also a unhealthy obsession.
I will never have sex with TayTay and Angie why even live?
She will dump you and make a song about you. Not worth it
Being against pedophilia is basic human nature, not politics.
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GTFO with your off-topic posts, this is Desktop Thread!
nice wallpape
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fuck linux
fuck anime
fuck you
fuck /g/
>Riced Windows 10

Nice try, loser. You're just as mentally ill as everyone else here.
they're just trump supporters than think anything and everything is paedophilia
>linuxfag cannot believe his eyes when he sees a simple windows interface

you're looking at default windows 10 iot enterprise with autohidden taskbar on rightside.
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>simple windows
>windows 10 iot enterprise

Wrong again, fag.
Good now back to /lgbq/ where you belong
Because it is. Do you not know where you are right now?
no im not joining your evil cult
why are you being such a pedantic retard?
Wtf do dinosaurs have to do with this you absolutely smooth brain
go back there
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You're the one wasting your own time replying to me.
The IP counter's removal & the subsequent deluge of samefags has been a disaster for the human race.
Good morning, /g/.
I couldn't agree more.
based slackware chad
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Please provide the custom CSS.
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Thank you, Anoni
I installed an XP theme for KDE as well, and it looked really good. Only lasted until 6PM though. I can't live without dark theme anymore.
What is it with incel's obsession with cute girls doing weird shit?
Anon, I really love your custom wallpapers. Do you have similar ones for Arch?
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The fuck is wrong with you? Schizophrenia?
Dark mode is for weaklings
I run light mode on everything
Please share the chicken-pot-ocean pic.
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There you go
Something is wrong with my head, but tell you what, it's much more fun to live like this
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on vacation and using my old intel mac from 2015.
Miss some things from loonix but it's not too bad.
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No change.

As an experiment I forked the old kgtk abandonedware, removed all the kde specific stuff and replaced kdialogd with calls to libportal. And it actually worked! Here it is opening files in GIMP with the new experimental xdg-desktop-portal-tde >>102428193
How did you custom 4chan color
can you share the pic
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where is that color menu
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You're not him. That image is from 2 days ago. He would never re-use an image.
I'm not that guy but it she's 14 on that anime, which has a fanbase evenly split between pedophiles and
mentally ill women.
It's part of the settings menu in OneeChan.
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This thread will be better
I switched to KDE cause GNOME was really starting to annoy me with some of the things they decided to remove :[
Cinnamon looks gorgeous even on its most default incarnation.
based. coomers and pedos keep shitting up the threads.
>evenly split between pedophiles and mentally ill women.
Don't you mean mentally ill men who think they're women? They're also pedophiles btw
Also, fuck you pedo janny tranny fucks for deleting my desktop. Showing your true colors.
i like kde
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No. Genuine mentally ill teenage girls. They think it's a violent and edgy Sailor Moon. The 50% of pedophile men are trannies, though.
nice gnome
based angel admirer
>How old do you think the half naked girls in your photo is?
What half naked girls? Can't you tell reality from fiction? Those are facsimilies. Not even lines on a page, they are dots on a screen which your brain organises to look like people. There's no actual person in the image.
>which your brain organises
it should be obvious that the anon you're replying to doesn't have a brain, anon
The amount of cope in this post is wild. Why do you have this so called "facsimilies" (which it in no way is btw)? You look at it and you see young prepubescent girls which gets your rocks off. I can fucking smell your dirty unwashed asshole through the monitor.
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/g/ is truly dead. By the posts here it's like autistic sandpit wars. Underage redditors taken over this place.
>tranny swift
Yep. The board is now overwhelmingly pro apple all of a sudden too. /g/ has never been pro apple. Zoomers ruin everything they fucking touch
wow you people are all actually retarded
he is not questioning the meaning of 'undiagnosed', he is questioning the meaning of 'quite possibly'. a diagnosis is something you have or you don't, there's not quite possibly but maybe, maybe not probably perhaps diagnosed, he is diagnosed or he isn't
how is that hard to understand
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what did he mean by this
i think i've perfected it
xfce is nice but now i miss tiling window managers
but i like the decorations
the dockapps look cool but are a pain in the ass to get working properly, sometimes they just disappear, other times they don't stay behind windows
T.zoomer here
I hate Apple. Most people in my generation hate Apple. It's the soccer mom Karen types and faggot pajeets posting from India.
>xfce is nice but now i miss tiling window managers
you can use something like i3 to replace xfwm while keeping the rest of xfce
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Triggered pedo trying something
I think I'm done with 4chan. 2/3 of desktop thread is off topic. Fortunately there is other good chan here, but how long till zoomies will discover it and shit up it there too?
There isn't anywhere else to go. I tried the dark web and places like Dread hoping to find something else. While the posting there us better as far as the quality.. all they fucking talk about is
>muh drugs, markets, and crypto
I don't know where else to go
is this the power of freetardos?
What DE/WM do gentoo users use?
Yes, there is, but nobody will post link or name here, to not get it contaminated by zoomers
That makes sense
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Simply GNOME
Gnome is based and home to the white man.
Truly. It just works, and it does so beautifully.
Post the Kita in your 4chan pls
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It's straight from the movie website
Here's the link if you want to add her as a mascot yourself
thanks anon
no problem my brother in Kita
ur gay
Have you tried not being fat? 300lb hands typed this.
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calm down love
das not u
u don look like dat
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I recognize that ball
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no you cant trick me into posting my face tranny faget
cute :)
>Date a Live
Nobody wants to see your fatass anyway. I hate fat people so much it's insane. Kill yourself fatty mcdoodoo. Do the world and your parents a favor and take a toaster bath you fat sack of shit.
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nice, I also hate fat people
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What theme is that?
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we have to go back
this looks horrible
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i don't rice my desktop because i'd rather function in society. but yeah I'm using xfce now
>hmm yes I am boring normalfag
No. Learn to have fun.
NTA but I use a fullscreen browser and terminal all the time. I have no need for ricing what I don't see. I haven't even bothered to change the wallpaper.
it's not about need
it's about want
about the pure joy of computing for its own sake
Always a joy to see you post in these threads
>using linux skinned to look like windows xp but it doesn't look quite right
nigga that is the OPPOSITE of a rice
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Also to the faggot who said this wasn't real hardware in the last thread
Didn't meant it to look 1 to 1 like XP, rather like a "modern" version of it
>i'd rather function in society
>watching spongebob on his redhat install
What did you mean by this?
Trying to order a desktop but configuring the options is just very difficult. Fuck

Can anyone tell me what storage options etc to choose?
lmao dat cope
Looks like fake hardware to me
I was recently invited to eat pizza and marathon spongebob with a group of mostly 30 year old women. I think it actually is normal somehow.
nice photoshop fagit
lol, i could do this in paint
Please share those beautiful wallpapers.
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I will not fall in your anger, as I am happy with my settings. Love you, anon <3
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I've been using garuda linux with the cinnamon desktop and its been pretty comfy
shortest long cat I have ever seen
I dislike this post
what theme? looks cool
>84 degrees
What can you do in this os? Is it functioning in the modern age?
So how many little kids still wanna act like me?
I'm a bigger prick than cacti be (yeah)
And that's why these (what?)
Words sting just like you were being attacked by bees (bzz)
In the coupe, leaning back my seat (what?)
Bumpin' R. Kelly's favorite group (uh), the black guy (guy) pees (haha, pees)
In my Air Max 90s
White Ts, walkin' parental advisory
My transgender cat's Siamese (why?)
Identifies as Black, but acts Chinese
Like a motherfuckin' Hacky Sack, I treat (what?)
The whole world 'cause I got it at my feet (yeah)
How to set mascot to the left and have big margin-left like that
great now i need to jerk off
Look under the sidebear header in the oneechan settings menu
Set the sidebar position to left and enable SS-like sidebar
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my mistake, uncheck minimal sidebar
SS-like sidebar is optional
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sorry cant help it yolandi makes me drool the portrait monitor is a looping gif
Yea, I do my word processing, printing, spreadsheets, shit posting and light gaming on it
she has a retard accent and is a slut
her accent is cute and yes yes she is she can be my little slut too
Any reason for going the OEM route instead of custom built?
Why would I want to build my own computer when I can pay a small fee to have professionals build it?
because its not even that hard
I'd rather pay the small fee, plus I get the cool Alienware software
you mean bloatware
bloat is in the eye of the beholder, anon
Sick, what kind of chinesium power supply did they give you?
1350W server form factor PSU that they use in their servers
do you still work at toys r us?
How do I rice this shit? This is boring.
Change the wallpaper to some 2000s anime girl aesthetic shit or something and this would be peak
toys r us went out of business in 2018
so where do you work now?
Target, I work in Assets Protection there and get people arrested for stealing
why not find a nice office job somewhere? or work from home?
i'm too retarded
also my job basically is an office job
how's the project going?
I really like your choice in colors (just the yellow-gray combo not necessarily other colors) and pape
Damn, Ted Bundy had access to hentai back in the 70s?
2024 desktop
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forgot image
it's so soulless to not even have a hostname.
>i7 2600 @5.9 GHz
that pussy is worth it.
everytime I see a cool theme and ask what it is, I get ignored
why does everyone hate me
I know the theme, would you like me to tell it?
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ok i wont post it
damn i thought this post used t he time nity it didn't
I like how comfy mine is.
why do you have broken characters in the terminal emulator?
Because I stole the config for neofetch and simply do not care to fix it.
is that comfy?
Is to me. I am unbothered.
install the extension manager
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Gave some alpha as well, thank me later
>t. ShopLyfter producer
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Here's mine... The hardware is a bit dated but still works okay... Also what are you listening to right now g..?
someone stole your corners lil bro
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Rewrite for 0.2 is about ~75% done, and it also comes with a few new features and fixes like:
- got rid flickering happening sometime on composited X (needs to be enabled through config tho as it disables transparency, I did not yet figure out how to combine Cairo, XCB pixmaps and Present with 32bit depth working)
- configuration syntax turned into a full fledged configuration language to enable more advanced configs
- improved "safety", it should be harder to crash the whole program when misusing the lib.
- better multi-threading support
- added "smart corners", aka widgets can adjust their corners to match the window or parent corner style and size (pic related)
- reworked my box-model that draw widgets
- improved API overall
Pape please?
Y'all are losers. Go outside, get a job and get a gf. Quit fucking your hand to thots and mentally masturbating with linux and ricing.
I go outside, I have a high paying job, and a GF. It's no harm jerking off to hot women. My gf loves to watch me goon to thots.
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There you go!

Artist is Nicola Samori, you can find plenty similar papes too.
thank you
>I have a high paying job
How high are we talking?
Bros what is the X11 equivalent to hyprland?
Pixel 8 pro
This how?
>life is strange
>kanye west
why do i get the feeling you still live in 2015 and haven't grown as a person at all in the last decade
>actually using your computer
do people really use floating windows
Good evening, big sir
Based Saiba twins enjoyer
Komfy Desktop
share css of chan?
love my cute twin wives
simple as
That hurt, anon
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Didnt do much ricing this time since everything is stable and thats what I want from Arch, so I have found some spare time to test Wayland's HDR capabilities.
I get some crashes with Steam HDR(its probably on the game I think), but when it comes to movies, everything seems to work like clockwork.
The 2k open mate hdr version of Bladerunner looks sick on my hdr monitor. This is probably the most "hd" movie in my movie collection. More movies should be released in open matte. I always hated those "cinematic" black borders.
I mean, don't movies have those because that's the aspect ratio they were intended to be watched at?
Linux mint without the minto
This >>102439332
I rarely go outside, but I do
Have a good paying job (at least for my shit world country)
Have a hot cosplayer GF
I jerk off to thots almost daily
explain how im supposed to play osrs in the corner of my monitor and have a window on the side with tiling
>nice CPU
>only 8GB of mem
anon c'mon
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You mean the classic aspect ratio, where movies have black borders? I guess, but I dont think there is a reason to still keep it anymore. That aspect ratio is made mostly to look good on cinema. I think the Imax theaters can support open matte ratio.
All these are new to me and I havent got the time fully look into it, so I dont know much about this technique. All I know is that it properly fills my screen and Im fine with it. To be fair though, all that extra screen is just filler area, so it might look awkward at first. All the detail is limited to the standard aspect ratio. I'll take it though, since other "stretching" techniques cut out details from the scenes in order to fit the movie into the new aspect ratio.
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why are you even trying
I still mog you
that's it
gfy you gay bitches
Anon, you're the retard here. You didn't consider the possibility that anon could be, against all expectations, not autistic, and therefore not undiagnosed.
taskbar on sides looks absolutely fucking retarded and its scaling is fucked. you have no sense of aesthetics and you should feel bad you peasant
>ur a pleasent if ur not a tranny
Please provide the sunflowers.
it gives me more space and only appears when I need it
What application is the genie lamp?
if its on autohide then how is it more space
I use an upside down vertical taskbar
how about that
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muh nigguh
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>taskbar sideways
its more space when it hides
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guten morgen saaren

taskbar hide
taskbar shy
more spac
Please share the x16_9417... crane image.
hidden panel still visible
desktop icon clutter
inferior id shooter
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Thank you.
oh that's nice. thank you too

What laptop & why the fug is it running so damn hot!??
pape please
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Most welcome. Have a joyous autumn & winter ahead.
very comfy
can you share the wp?
Seconding for pape
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Here's the 1080p version.
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And the base tile. 1080p and 2160p have this tiled + an extra border all around
2D pen lines do not have a biological age you dullard. If you move the goalposts to thoughts (crime) I will have you shaved, sterilized and destroyed.
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damn its lovely

thanks for the nice breeze
All good until I saw chrome, disgusting.
Idk how to make my desktop simple yet pretty but I want you to know you're my hero
would it be too much asking for the rest of the your configuration?
I wanna achieve something similar
np, here is it : https://github.com/fraawlen/workhorse

I hope you paid.


A telegram client? Any notable features?


So Graphene it is?
nyaaaa >.<!!!
thank you
Videos is outdated anon, get Showtime :3
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xps 13 with dual core i7, it's running hot because it is converting flacs to mp3s with 3 threads

firefox is good if you like memory bleed, fuck that
>Arch user
>into disgusting hags
C'mon man, even being a pedophile would be preferable.
>Arch user
>into disgusting hags
C'mon man, even being a pedophile would be preferable.
Fuck me yourself, or what, are you scared?
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>even being a pedophile would be preferable.
isn't it what Arch is about anyway?
Where is windows XP/7 Cross Days enjoyer?
if you don't have the need to self-stimulate and don't have social skills worse than an anime/manga protagonist you're unlikely to be on the jiheishou supekutoramu
You're a hero, thanks much.
The only one that I've made for Arch is >>>/w/2256855.
make more anon, you got it. let that creativity out.
I'll try to make one if you have a character in mind.
>not using arch
i was restarting to see if the dockapps fuck up or not

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