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/pol/ are retarded monkeys
how does /g/ think those things could be made to explode?
based on the vids and other stuff being said (that these were all part of a recent shipment of pagers that were acquired by Hezbollah to replace mobile phones for OPSEC purposes), either a discrete explosive was added to the devicce (or perhaps added to the battery casing), or the battery itself was altered in such a way that it would explode. The explosion I am seeing in vids are lacking flames, so there is no ignition of the battery that is typical in lithium battery fires.
they we're communications devices which got mistranslated as pagers
they aren't pagers like what's in your pic.
most likely cheap android devices that got a ota update from a fake tower flying overhead that made the lithium batteries overheat and explode at a certain set date and time
the yids would love for you to believe hezbollah is using pagers from the 90s cause lol funny arabs they're so silly and dumb but nobody switches to unencrypted coms (pagers are fucking unencrypted gsm) in the middle of a war
>most likely cheap android devices
Nope, there's a reason the govt recommended to get them over smartphones
furthermore, the pics I am seeing of the pagers that were supposedly used are the really large multiline text ones (not the smaller ones like in your pic). They could easily have added explosives to such a case or even the battery itself, along with additional electronics. If the battery itself was altered, it probably would not have been noticed, since the battery life on these things is so long they could have reduced capacity a great deal and it would not really be noticed, especially by the typical user. Also, one vid shows the person checking the face of the pager for a couple of second before the explosion, but that could be that the go signal was a deliberately long text so someone would have to put their eyes on it and hold it to read it,resulting in more significant injuries to the hands and face. Injuries to the hands and face reduce combat effectiveness.
what govt
hezbollah is a militia you braindead chimp
>hezbollah is a militia you braindead chimp
that has throughly infiltrated and owns the lebanese government, and is funded and advided by the Iranians.
>This happened nowhere
Try again after reading more about it
didnt the israeli's employ a bunch of jeets recently? was that a spam text?
I saw reports that a bunch of Indian workers were arriving in Israel at the behest of the Israeli government, yes. For construction, IIRC.
Sorry for linking Indian times, but it is 2 months old article that mentions Hammas using pagers..

Pagers are still used in hospitals because they are immune to offshore hacks. Tbqh, I dont really understand why would hammas use them, as they still need base stations and dont tell me Israel cant track them. Maybe this is explains why Israel didnt "track them" afterall.

I also think it was embedded explosive or some extra spicy lion cell (I am imaging one encased in metal body for some pipebomb effect), delivered over supply chain injection. What have I seen, these devices usually use commercial AAA cells or motorola custom NiMH cells, both made out of plastic and with CE certification, so explosion is unexpected.
can you pls send images?
this tweet has the two vis I am using for reference

bro eats propaganda for breakfast lunch and dinner
Fucking underageb&. If you knew anything at all about circuits you would know how easy it is.
>find comm IO pins
>wire them to normally open relay on detonator
>Page energizes relay
Middle school tier wiring.
At the same time with a few hundred and without them being in the hands of the enemy for who knows how long?
If Hezbollah and other aligned entities want to so worldwide discord, they will insist it was a hack that caused the lithium battery to explode (regardless if that is what really happened or not, I suspect these devices did not have lithium batteries built into them at all).
Link me I'm not apprised of what you're referring to.
Just check the catalogue, we got like 5 threads of the current happening in beirut
not him, but these were supposedly all part of a shipment of pagers ordered by Hezbollah to distribute to their operatives. Either the shipment itself was intercepted and most likely wholly replaced with altered pagers or the company is a Mossad front that shipped the altered pagers directly.
I doubt they got one shipment of hundred of pagers all at once but this is going into the realm of speculation. The remote part is more astonishing anyway.
Can do they do this other devices with lithium batteries? My mobile phone? My laptop?
there is no way that's just a battery overheating. that's explosives
>how does /g/ think those things could be made to explode?

>Device requires 1.5V AA battery to work
>Put 1.5V button cell into the empty case of an AA battery
>Device works, as it gets its 1.5V, battery just won't last as long
>You now have a AA battery sized grenade in the device
>Make it explode as soon as voltage drops below xV

It wasn't some hackerman magic code that made a lithium cell explode. Lithium cells burn really fast with an orange flame, they don't explode. It was a literal explosive in the devices as the explosions were rapid and completely fire- and smoke-less.
Put explosives in them, dummy
because small bombs got put in them.
they opted to use an old cache of pagers they got from their enemy and they never bothered to crack them open to check for anything dangerous.
Forgot the part where the rest of the empty AA battery case is filled with explosives
>Now you finally have a AA battery sized explosive in the device
and none of this was detected if any of them went through airport security anywhere with the pager?
this can provide you with the general idea:
You know most of these people are familiar with explosives and know how deal with that, right?
doesnt your video show 2 guys with pagers (or what is the one with the blue trousers holding?)
and if this is the case, only the one on the left explodes. (it looks like the one on the upper side gets "a message" too? if I'm not wrong.)
Like >>102428720 said they could have modified the battery and made it look right, or lined the interior with something that just looked like part of the assembly. The latter imo is more likely, maybe even made it look like it was what was sticking down the circuit board.
Uh they're literally bombs, your pager won't explode rofl. It'd be like watching a Mafia hit explode a dude in a car bomb and then asking if your car might explode too.
they weren't pagers they just don't want westerners thinking their phones can be turned into bombs
>/pol/ are retarded monkeys

>how does /g/ think those things could be made to explode?
Use your head. There was obviously an operation to insert explosives into a shipment of beepers, individually. They have done it with other devices in the past.
Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN)
yea ur an idiot bud
this is the most likely scenario as supposedly there was a hezbollah memo telling people to get rid of any devices they'd received recently.
So they had some people find out where they were getting the pagers from and sabotaged them with discrete explosives as the first post in the thread said
high voltage to the vibration motor
like imagine if you spun up a CD until it shatters
Fill it with plastic explosives, edit firmware so it detonates when some specific message is received.
and somehow distribute 5000 pagers without ANYONE noticing?
are you retarded
Supply chain attack, make the explosive black, you don't even need to open the device to change the battery, you think some of those towel durka hurka know how a explosive will look like?
Galaxy Note 7 battery upgrade.
yes anon they're in the middle of a war, in the year 2025
even if you're completely retarded you know basic opsec
the story that men switched to a less secure comms (unencrypted beepers) during an active war is retarded even for jewish propaganda. we're missing facts
>you don't even need to open the device to change the battery,
Who doesn't open a random battery powered device to put a battery in? Batteries included is not the norm.
>you think some of those towel durka hurka know how a explosive will look like?
Yes, that's how they do most of their attacks
it's a IDAF psyop to make their enemies throw away their primitive communication system that they can't track you retards
how is no one else seeing through such an obvious psyop?
They can easily be made to explode. Why couldn't you? There's no technical barrier to it. Your damage control is very thick now. It's suspicious, it glows. It proves you're worried that people will figure out that nearly every mobile device is a bomb.
i don't see that here, I mean it's obviously going to cause some devices to be thrown away and some supply chain reshuffling but that's about it. They'll never just *stop* using these devices because they're cheap, plentiful, and as you said they can't be tracked using gps.
what he means is, you don't need to open the case proper. The battery compartment has its own lid; so yes, these devices were delivered in a regular shipment, weren't checked and were handed out to insurgents. Supposedly they got the son of the hezbollah PM also, so I am thinking there were more than one shipment.
getting explosive material is harder in the US
Yeah, the moral of the story isn't don't use pagers, it's don't let your enemies sell you something that you keep on your person 24/7
we had a bunch of /pol/yps screaming about exploding lithium batteries here, arabs are even dumber than these people.
they have to vet all the devices that didn't explode, and possibly deal with a bunch of people who will want nothing more to do with anything electronic. also keep in mind that the people that did explode were higher ups, most likely. it even included one Iranian diplomat. it's a big blow to their leadership.
>/pol/ are retarded monkeys
/k/ here. Damn near anything can be made into a bomb. Especially considering you could make more then enough space in a pager by replacing older components with smaller modern ones, then using an explosive compound and some easily fragmented metal to mask the reduction in weight and add more bang.

Getting it to go off when you want it to, though, that's the tricky part.
The battery IS the explosive material.
they 100% either filled the cases with explosive, or replaced the batteries with explosive ones.
I remember in middle school our teacher told stories of nazis hiding bombs in toys to kill children (fake). It's quite obvious it's a store jews invented. It's the way they literally operate.
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Finally I get to post this.
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They snuck explosive material that was activated in excessive heat.
Reprogram the charging circuitry that at a specific time or signal, it heats by pulling excessive voltage.
Or more direct and just fire the discrete explosive
Black magic
Easily enough, just put explosives inside.
Pagers has been around for like 50 years. The tech in them can easily be shrunk down enough to pack them with explosives.
Not 1 person in this bred has addressed how you get thousands of rf devices to go off/respond SIMULTANEOUSLY to a trigger over an area of hundreds if not thousands of square kilometres.
Detonation could be easily tied to a specific time, a battery level, or a peculiar incoming message / number, as has been mentioned repeatedly today, you absolute retard.
>he doesn't understand how radio frequency works : The Post.
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These things are 90s tech that trickle power and can run off AA cells for a week.
Either they are Li-ion models where the battery is 20% real Li-ion and 80% explosive, or they down scaled the actual electronics to a SoC but retained 90s fuckhueg DIP package chips that are actually explosives.
I'll be waiting for them to do teardowns on ones that didn't blow up for whatever reason.
Send an emergency broadcast trigger text message over the previously backdoored cell network and boom.
It wasn't triggered by rf you dolt.
How was it triggered Mr Mossad?
Pager networks are really dumb and everything is unencrypted but their range is massive compared to cellphone towers and since there is no SIM it is very hard to pinpoint users locations.
they were triggered with a message and pagers don't transmit data, so they're pretty low power. what could cause such a draw to increase battery temp?
looking at the photos you'll see cases melted all around instead of shattering. most likely scenario is plastic or moldable explosive packed inside the case outside of battery. then you have to somehow trigger it to explode, with a message. maybe doable but pretty unlikely they were AAA batteries.
if that was the case it would have made way more sense to just replace all AA/AAA batteries that get in there with exploding ones. so any flashlight could go boom when battery runs low. why only put them in pagers
My idea is that pagers use some outdated GSM CDMA protocol or something, which has some exploit like:
• fake base station asks "are there any mobile devices nearby? ping me back" like million times per second
• dumb pager tries it best to sent back "ping, i'm a pager, i'm here" like 100 times a second -> overheats -> battery catches fire
they don't have tx anon chill
why hijack pager shipment to replace their AA batteries instead of hijacking AA batteries shipment and they go in way more devices?
Not by radio you fucking retard.
A little more sophistication and you could make them go off from a certain message being received.
They may even have had their firmware modified.
So how Mr "I'm an Expert of Israeli Covert Operations"?
prolly some small detonator connected to some GPIO/chip pin that gets activated with some service message? but this is wild speculation have no idea on their radio protocols how it works etc
Assuming they wanted it to pass a cursory inside inspection, they wouldn't want to add any suspicious wires.
Israel is pretty good at hacking, whether they got a clean version of the firmware or were able to dump it, they could modify it to react to a certain message being received. Most devices like this have pads they get programmed through available on the PCBs.
Then they could attach the detonator to the sense wire of the battery, many have three pin connectors so it's not unusual, and when the device received the target message it could trigger the detonator with a specific code over the sense line by pulling it down in a certain pattern.
All evidence points to the pagers being set to detonate upon receipt of a particular message. There is no evidence of there being a separate receiver in the devices specifically to trigger an explosion. It was a physical supply chain attack, not magic.
AAA batteries have wires to pcb?
and there's a lot of them unexploded anyway it's not like they wanted to hide it, they disassemble the remaining ones and see how they were set up.
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>All evidence points to the pagers being set to detonate upon receipt of a particular message.
Unless they're 4g/5g devices (don't know or care) then how the fuck do you think they received that message?
You do know that pagers (NON 4g/5g ver., as in OLD) work on receiving radio signals. Don't you?

Aside from the other anon and their monosyllabic
>u r a retard
I'm struggling to understand why this is even being argued.
Modern pagers are more likely to be Li-ion even of they don't need more power.
Harder to put a receiver into AA batteries, you can't target to Hezbollah and if you didn't care about collateral by detonating children's toys it's way more expensive to flood the market with enough AA battery bombs to do any damage.
>Hijack a pager shipment
They would have used moles to plant the idea of using pagers when their leadership declared phone=bad and just so happened to know a friendly merchant with a lot of pagers for sale. This is exactly how they (Australia I think) duped a bunch of criminal organisations into buying up backdoored phones falsely claiming to be secure.
I think small bombs in each pager is the most likely explanation
Batteries don't explode, they ignite. The only "explosion" you can get is a shorted battery creating an arc inside the pack and then creating a gas ignition that bursts the foil pack.
It's actually very unlikely a battery does damage unless you intentionally set it up to do more, it's basically a programmable fuse.

Subcontracted to European company that modified the package.
as an European I'd want you to reason how they couldn't have replaced the ordered ones with tampered ones while shipping?
>mainly the AP924 Model Pager, were Subcontracted to a Company in Europe.

1) european company subcontracted by taiwanese company makes the model
2) european company subcontracted by taiwanese company acts as reseller/modifies the pager
I don't get it, why would a pager company make fucking terrorism bombs? that's quite illegal anon. especially for fucking Europe.
again, you need to prove they couldn't have been replaced in transit with modified ones.
while being fully aware not will will trigger and they'll eventually see how they were made and find out who assembled them. that sounds like a 80 IQ move
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sound very plausible to me desu.

"The Mossad injected a board inside of the device that has explosive material that receives a code. It's very hard to detect it through any means. Even with any device or scanner," the source said.

The source said 3,000 of the pagers exploded when a coded message was sent to them, simultaneously activating the explosives.

Another security source told Reuters that up to three grams of explosives were hidden in the new pagers and had gone "undetected" by Hezbollah for months.
Interesting to see that nobody in either video did anything to help those who were taken out.
>implicating pagers aren't tracked in the provider's Home Location Register

The security gain for the terrorists was practically zero compared to a regular mobile - even before the bombs.
This is the mode of operation that Shin Bet used in the 90s.
You can hide enough explosives to kill or maim someone in a much smaller device than a pager. A pager, however, is already designed to receive signals, which means you don't even need a separate receiver.
I am surprised toxins were not used to make sure also surface scratches would be fatal.
>Intercept batch
>insert penthrite
war cime
Make it try to divide by zero
the running theory i've seen is israel was able to have these in their possession, put PENT(explosive) on the batteries then send some amount of data or signal or whatever to cause the pagers to do a lot of work and the batteries heated up and the PENT reacted to the heat by exploding.
Does anyone n the Middle East even care about that?
>Be in war torn country, maybe even a refugee from a previous war
>Somebody explodes next to you
>You have 28 relatives who lost their lives by helping those people when security wasn't assured yet
You mean like attacks on civilians?
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That is not plausible. You could see people hanging around, looking and then leaving. If they were concerned about security they would have left immediately and not milled around before ambling off.

It looks more like total lack of empathy.
They still got things to do and people get numb after some time, especially since the explosions were fairly small
So, lack of empathy, then?
For reasons, I had to read up on Israeli - Arab wars, and much has been written about why Arabs always lose in armed conflicts. One explanation was that Arabs do not care about or even trust anyone beyond their clan, and that this hinders orders and information flow to the extent it works like self sabotage.
>So, lack of empathy, then?
No, look at rekt compilations on gif for a day. You won't react much but you will still have empathy.
>One explanation was that Arabs do not care about or even trust anyone beyond their clan, and that this hinders orders and information flow to the extent it works like self sabotage
Or maybe it's because Israel constantly gets funded by the state with the biggest military spending in the world and they enjoy attacking civilians?
do you think they actually understand opsec
If your life depends on it, you better be doing so.

Either our media have been sprouting nonsense, or the terrorists have no fucking idea what they are doing.
This is not an exclusive or, mind you.
rent free
nobody on pol ever talks about g
these aren't clever people anon. they made an effort and got fucked by someone far more skilled.
>shipment of pagers going to Lebanon
>Mossad knows atleast some of em will end up with hezbollah
>intercept it and plant bombs in em
>blow em up after a while
>1000 civilian dies and 10 hezbollah dies
>operation successful
Well, I need to correct myself: They were apparently using pagers, that only receive and don't log into any network like a mobile device.
While limiting the usage area, those are in theory safe from leaking position data. Of course, if Israel was able to place explosives in them, they could have probably equally leaked the position (risking detection).
You're very welcome to correct me if I'm wrong but there's no way that every tower owned by an operator sends a packet every time they want to send it to just one device. There's plenty of ways to communicate off grid that can even be proven to be safe.
Mobile networks have a central register about in which area any currently active mobile device is located-
At the area level there is information in which cell the device is located.
This is used to route calls, messages and data.

Traditional pagers don't use this system, though. They simply constantly listen for an incoming signal and do nothing else.
Are you *sure* that this is still the case with the protocols that are in use today, which are not the same as those used even at the start of the millennium?
It has changed, but in the end it appears to be the same functionality with a different name.
I mean, how the fuck else would you want to route data to a mobile device?
>Mossad knows atleast some of em will end up with hezbollah
Now, guess who ordered these pagers after mobile phones were considered unsafe.
In whatever way requires the least amount of manhours to achieve. If LE want a backdoor too, they'll make you build it that way anyway. I don't think either of us work in telecom but I definitely suspect that they talk to the tower. It was never about it being a privacy feature.
POCSAC does not require a two way communications. That is part of why it is attractive and why it uses so little power.
I know they existed. WP talks about POCSAC and related bands being mostly abandoned now though. LoRa seems to me to be the hip new thing if you want to be dangerous. Even if you don't trust the messenger, you can encrypt your message. Again, if you had any idea what you were doing... I just don't think that these guys had no access to charge devices and sorely needed the battery life. Modern batteries and chips are brutally efficient compared to the old stuff. Get what I mean?
they emit a special frequency that detonates the microplastiques in ya balls
Thanks, Obummer
>bands being mostly abandoned now though
Though a POCSAC band was stamped on the devices used.
thank you for telling me!
So those pagers are new products? Not produced in '90s?
Wow, on the 2nd vid it exploded after the guy checked on it.
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cishet chuds WILL have their balls blown off unless they willingly switch to Rust

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