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Who the fuck still uses a pager?
People trying to avoid being spied by new technologies.
Now I believe they have learned that if you use a device, like a page, a computer, a phone, a mp3 player, ear buds or whatever, they can make it explode while you're using it.


Just don't make enemies in this life and you'll be safe.
Actually I meant to say, don't make enemy of Israel and do what we tell you, and you'll be safe.
First of all, the post is mine, not yours. Second, don't make enemies in this life with ANYONE. That's what I meant to say and that's what I said. Learn that lesson while you still can, wrongdoer.
*occupies your post*
not hezbollah anyway
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>Now I believe they have learned that if you use a device, like a page, a computer, a phone, a mp3 player, ear buds or whatever, they can make it explode while you're using it.

That's always been known by schizoids, it's just people laughed at the idea
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>if you use a device, like ...a computer, ...they can make it explode while you're using it
Intel CPU's have C4 in them and the purpose of ME is to detonate it remotely!
Do you think warranty covers that?
Can they do this to my mobile phone?
But yes, even aside from not making enemies out of ANYONE, you should ESPECIALLY not make enemies from Israel.

I forgot to say that, although I think most people did read Animal Farm and should be familiar with the concept I'm talking about, how some are simply MORE EQUAL than others and so just happen to, coincidentaly, be involved in more of these accidents.
Does it have a battery? Than yes
No (unless they specifically planted a bomb for you)
>Now I believe they have learned that if you use a device, like a page, a computer, a phone, a mp3 player, ear buds or whatever,
Stop spreading FUD, this is physically impossible, they specifically planted explosives.
To reduce retardation read >>>102428043
Is your surname mohammad? Then yes
How the fuck? Pagers are really low power devices, do they have some sort of internal fuse inside that shorts on command? That and some sort of radio frequency that heats up the batteries are the only way to make such a device explode.
Nope (read)
I see, but now hamas is going to check every electronic device to see if it has a bomb planted.
>new genocide, this time Lebanon
>boogeyman is Hezbollah this time
it all started on October 11th, 2018 in America
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>this is physically impossible
I can just picture you as a UFO abducts you and you keep insisting this is impossible and can't be happening
>distribute a bunch of free booby trapped pagers at a refugee camp or something
>remotely detonate them
>"yeah it was a surgical strike on hezbollah, only terrorists were targeted"

classic idf
So... every phone in the world is basically just a remote bomb. The USA totally succeeded in shoving a literal bomb into the hand of every human on Earth.
So, phones are not only a spy device but also a bomb. Wow, the USA and Israel are really something.
Nope, read.

Yeah, it'll be really hard... And it's not just electronics, it's nearly everything you can't easily open. Once they have gone into this "small IED snuck into your supply chain territory"... Things are real bad. It's probably a war crime, too.

However it's not something you can get away with putting in every device without getting caught. They will need a actual explosive at least the size of a bullet.

It is quite possible that they could open an AA battery, add in a tiny 1.5v button cell so it seems to work, fill the rest with high power explosive, and then have it trigger (Perhaps when the voltage gets too low?)
If it has israeltel chip in it, yes, basically
some devices have been identified as gold apollo rugged pager ar-294
taiwanese company with a branch in california
No shit. And I thought it was aliens.
Oh you sneaky asshole. I'm just curious, I dont have any ties to hezbollah.
If you look up "gold apollo rugged pager ar-294" you might end up on some kind of watchlist.
Why do chinks target muzzies?
Some kind? I bet it's a great list!
good to see how technology works for humanity good to see
It's the bomb
islamist terrorist groups, it seems
>all targeted were military age males
pure coincidence
Is your laptop & phone a bomb? Suggested mitigations?

RISK! Hezbollah and Hamas and Iran and Russia will soon copy the attack, using forensics. This is a threat we now all face.

Technical discussion: Hezbollah hack involved maiming and killing by the hacking of pagers used by Hezbollah. However, it's doubtful that the pagers contained explosives, since Hezbollah has to go through security in middle eastern countries with dogs trained to route out explosives, and Hezbollah PRESUMABLY takes their pagers with them when they travel.

So, is it a Lithium-Ion -based attack? If so, cellphones have vastly larger packs. I will point out that the post office and UPS have gotten very picky about lithium ion batteries lately - did they get advanced warning of the hack?

GPU and CPU of pc are also a risk, they all need cooling, if they get stuck in a loop, with fans disabled, they have the potential to burn your house down.

In terms of mitigations, the first is switch to AA batteries. Second, I would like to see an external independent temperature monitor. It should begin beeping loudly if the temp reaches excess as set. Third, we need to have monitors that let us know if there are nearby devices operating on any radio freqencies. Basically a radiation monitor in style, so we know if there's a lot, a little, near zero rf in the area (and by implication potentially techbombs aka lithium ion devices).

chatgpt-tier pure retardation
>Just don't make enemies in this life and you'll be safe.
this will 100% be used to take out market competitors or anyone with a idea that threatens another chosen one's profit. Same as its done currently with the mass spying you don't play along with them they fuck you up. Never ends well to bow to the mafia.
/pol/ has fallen
Your sexual fantasies have little bearing on what will actually happen.
>So... every phone in the world is basically just a remote bomb.
No. Only the phones that have bombs installed in them are bombs.
>no argument
ok yid
Ok, so how can you tell?
terrorists retard
>No. Only the phones that have bombs installed in them are bombs.
Yes, they mostly have bombs installed in them: Lithium-Ion batteries.
AIDA64 needs an update to show bomb status
Try to at least use Google Translate, yid
Don't! It will explode
dude is absolutely apoplectic

batteries don't detonate, they deflagrate. all of these videos show detonations.
I'm pretty sure they got a great deal
Either they were trapped or their self-destruction system was hacked.
They're reporting up to 3000 now injured, many deaths as well.
This is one of the great dangers of having any tech supply running through their hands. Those genocidal bloodthirsty shits can't be trusted with anything ever. Utterly predictable, really.
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Lesson learned: Do NOT buy electronics from Israel, they may contain explosives to murder you
They do explode.

that's not a detonation, and pagers don't contain 18650's
die jewish rat
explode my PC I don't give a shit faggot
ChatGPT begs to differ:

>Yes, it is theoretically possible for a lithium battery to explode if the chip controlling it is "hacked" or compromised, depending on the level of control the chip has over the battery's safety mechanisms. Many lithium-ion batteries have a Battery Management System (BMS) that monitors temperature, charge levels, and other safety parameters. If someone were able to hack this system and override critical safety features, such as overcharge or over-discharge protection, it could lead to overheating, thermal runaway, and potentially an explosion.
>However, such a hack would be complex and would require bypassing various safeguards built into the battery and its management system. Most modern systems have multiple layers of protection to prevent this kind of failure.
that's a huge battery and that "explosion" would barely give you first degree burns
intcel 300W housefires were but the start
Wow if only those palestinians had chatgpt subscriptions they would be fine, AI for the win
gotta hand it to the israelis, this was cyberpunk as fuck
the pagers used don't have lithium batteries
Do you think they hacked the pager's firmware, or just added a small computer chip that pulls charge from the main battery and tells the explosive to go off at specific date and time?
Yeah, though pager companies stocks are in the shitter
Just in case, put your pager 2m away from bed tonight while we wait for details
I'm not a Muslim.
Jews taped a big red TNT stick to each of them.
Put it u de the pillow then inshallah
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Pretty interesting, don't you think? If it is just a hack of lithium-ion batteries, as I suspect, how did they achieve it?


>that's a huge battery and that "explosion" would barely give you first degree burns
This is nothing new. China has been adding explosives to their exported phones for years in the case WW3 breaks out. All iPhones made in China are affected.

"Hacked to overheat and explode" is a retarded take. A battery "exploding" means its shell bursts at some place and starts burning intensely, this seems nothing like it. Most batteries have some sort of pressure release weak spot to make it at least a little bit controlled and just burn like a prop comedy cigarette lighter would.

It was an actual explosive, nothing in the video looks like anything burning. There's even blood splatters on a car window in the end of the video.
The pagers had explosives in them, set to go off when a specific message was received, almost certainly. Look at any lithium battery "explosion", even from electric cars with battery packs hundreds of times larger, and then compare it to an actual explosion, like in the video.
>Blaming Israel for the incident, the Hezbollah official said, “The enemy (Israel) stands behind this security incident.” He further explained that the pagers in question were equipped with lithium batteries, which seemingly overheated and caused the explosions. “Lithium batteries, when overheated, can smoke, melt, and even catch fire,” he added.

Wayne Madsen claimed his iphone had been used in a similar way.
Have you tried to mail a lithium ion battery? It's crazy.
>jews can sent a code to your electronic devices to explode
It's only the tip of the iceberg.
That's not because it's a bomb, that's because it's a fire hazard. Ever sent a small butane bottle?
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i wonder why they did this now.
if they did manage to supply the pagers and plant explosives, then maybe they were discovered and had to trigger the explosives?

otherwise why would you give up a whole breached network like this? not only that, they're going to dump every other communication channel and start from scratch.

weird as fuck.
>batteries don't detonate
they can, that's why you shouldn't throw phones into a bonfire like uktra-orthodox rabbis like to do:

they don't call it the Samsung Option for nothing, those things exploding in your pocket is like a Huaweicaust
Now THAT'S what's meant by "lithium ion exploding", it's burning with oxygen.
The pager thing was a singular explosive bang without any fire.
lithium ion.

>heating up
>A Hezbollah official told The Associated Press the pagers were a new brand the group had not used before.

>At about 3:30 p.m. local time on Tuesday, pagers started heating up and then exploding in the pockets and hands of those carrying them — particularly in a southern Beirut suburb and the Beqaa region of eastern Lebanon where Hezbollah has a strong presence, and in Damascus, where several Hezbollah members were wounded, Lebanese security officials and a Hezbollah official said. The Hezbollah official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press.
I can't tell, is it shills at this point? It must be right?
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>i wonder why they did this now.
Because Hezbollah just ordered a big batch of new pagers for their members? Opportunities like this don't come often. Why they activated them specifically today doesn't really matter. It just had to be any weekday during daytime when most people are wearing their pagers.
Maybe their gig was up and it was detonate them or they were going to be replaced, because someone took them apart and that they know got leaked.
A lot of speculation in all directions, but is it actually confirmed charges were planted inside the devices by now?
Yeah, israelis. Not sure why though, we aren't discussing the morality of the attack, just the tech side
it had to be explosives
a pager exploding couldn't be so massive
>we aren't discussing the morality of the attack,
I think rigging all pagers going in some country or detonating explosives in public places can easily be placed in the 'unethical' pile
>pagers were a new brand the group had not used before
definitively supply chain attack
>Who the fuck still uses a pager?
the Jews keep destroying Lebanon's infrastructure, so they're stuck using a lot of outdated tech
this >>102429777
lmao, the absolute state of hezbollah's ops
someone's getting executed tonight

could've been explosives
>being THIS antisemitic
murdering 8-year-old girls is perfectly fine if you're Jewish and you feel threatened by her

Not "definitely".

The attack could just be "we know that they bought a bunch of x brand/model devices, target all new x brand/model devices"
you don't even know what detonation is you fucking mong
>Lebanon’s health minister, Firas Abiad, said at least nine people were killed, including an 8-year-old girl, and 2,750 wounded — 200 of them critically — by the explosions. Most had injuries in the face, hand, or around the abdomen.

>Hezbollah said in a statement that two of its members were among those killed.

maiming 2,750 people to kill two Hezbollah fighters, you just gotta love Jews
Was it all pagers? Some are saying just a specific new shipment.

Killing people sounds bad, but nobody criticizes people like kamala who make unhinged political statements that set off the crazies.
This is what happens when you mess with the jews.
The problem is, that once an exploit is used, it will spread. We can expect russia, iran, nk, etc to have their own version within the year. And that means you are also vulnerable.
Yeah, they'll pretend it was an issue with the batteries when pressed, despite the fact that it was clearly explosives. That explains the intense attempts to pretend it was just the pagers malfunctioning.
>Some are saying just a specific new shipment.
Well I seriously doubt they just ordered them in one batch. This all seems a little too weird. All in one batch? Nobody checked the batteries?
I just hope not all the weaponized pagers are destroyed and some survived for the teardown and examination, but they will probably destroy them without any second thought.
Yeah the battery used in a pager wouldn't have the same built in circuit protection as a 18650 so it's not a fair comparison. The battery that did explode was likely very simple and unprotected.
Tell you what anon, go find the smallest firecracker with the smallest explosion possible to match that explosion and light it clenched tightly in your fist to simulate how impossible it is for a pager to explode. Do that and i'll admit i'm wrong.
sounding very lithium ion like. The fact some were delayed could be pagers having bad reception, but it could also be variation in manufacturing.

>Pagers started exploding at around 3:30 pm local time, according to a statement from Hezbollah officials, who say that “various Hezbollah units and institutions” were impacted in the incident. The blasts continued for more than an hour, according to Reuters. A Hezbollah statement says a “large” number of people were injured and said they suffered from a wide variety of injuries.

>Nobody checked the batteries
My man, we have to keep an open mind.

I am pushing "it's just lithium ion" - but others believe it's proper explosives. I doubt that very much, just given how crazy risky it would be in terms of Hezbollah traveling to airports where there are drug and explosives dogs.

another possibility is a specially prepared lithium ion battery (that works, but is much less stable). Also a very risky move (what if someone drops one off a balcony?)
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>Israel assassinates Hezbollah's most senior military commander in the middle of Beirut
>Hezbollah tries to outwit Israeli intelligence by switching from phones to pagers
>Israel sabotages and detonates the pagers, wounding thousands of enemies to the free world
Holy shit.
They are not saying that lithium can't combust, merely that it can't detonate like traditional explosives. The exploding pagers are clearly not the fault of the battery (compare the explosion to the video anon is replying to), and must be some secondary, actual explosive.
What's their repairability score you reckon?
No, they have Iranian contacts that will be keen to adopt the attack for themselves, and russia will be there as well.
I think any teardown of this model should be interesting. I'd like to see if there was any space to put the explosives and if so where. Also don't forget you need some kind of signal to activate it all at once this accurately

>My man, we have to keep an open mind.
I'm fairly open on this but it just seems so unlikely that NONE of them checked for anything in their ONE shipment.

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQp79UuctlM [Embed]

>“According to information obtained by LBCI, initial reports suggest the pager server was compromised, leading to the installation of a script that caused an overload. This likely resulted in the overheating of the lithium battery, which then exploded.”
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>Shekelblyat accidentally blows up all smartphones in the world instead of just Hezbollah pagers
>no more phoneposters
>4chan becomes good "again"
Holly, dat lithium tho.
wtf kikes can just make any battery blow up?
rip apple, LG samsumg stocks
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The battery combusting can be just the trigger to detonate another explosive hidden within the device, think about it
With modern, small circuits you end up with so much space to put plenty of explosives in this fucking device.
Hell, if they did their job correctly they probably changed the battery several times without even noticing the explosives.
>Footage posted on social media claiming to show examples of the explosions from around the country depict blasts that seemed too large to come from pager batteries alone.

idk. there may be a technique for enhancing the power. Most people just shortcircuit them, which presumably shouldn't even be possible to do via software.
>With modern, small circuits you end up with so much space to put plenty of explosives in this fucking device.
We need a teardown.

We really don't know if there was extra space.
Lithium batteries don't explode like grenades. They catch fire with flames and lots of smoke.
>No goy, Intel Management Engine isn't a problem.
This shit is from 1997, I see plenty of room if you just put plastic explosives filling up every little space in there
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https://www.gapollo.com dot tw/rugged-pager-ar924/

website's slow as fuck, not sure if it's getting slammed or just chinkslow.

interestingly battery is replaceable, trying to find which one it is
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There was plenty of space. These are stone age devices, not something like smartphones that make use of every cubic millimeter of volume.
Hospital workers and Hezbollah. Both targets of a certain nation.
They're evil vermin, no two ways about it. As if that wasn't obvious
Found your problem
Mossad here. Actually you stupid goy this will save you. Just don’t be around any AMD processors tomorrow, some of you guys are all right.
How many times do you think these explosive pagers got past TSA screening? Surely these people are sometimes flying into the United States? Is bomb detection fake?
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Why are they so strong, terrorist bros?
Terrorists, until recently
They convinced lots of people to supply energy to their god, so Yahweh is extremely powerful now.
>Jesus is the problem not the AIPAC
>I am pushing "it's just lithium ion"
Don't, the video looks nothing like a battery explosion, it's a proper explosive.
The intact pieces of paper shot through the briefcase the pager was in shows a very clear picture. A li-ion "explosion" would have merely been a fire inside the case.

There is simply no way to make a battery properly explode like that. You can make it burst and shoot fire everywhere, but you can't create anything resembling a shockwave.
Gaben will explode all 'ecks tomorrow, mutilating hundreds of 'icks in the process.
>There was plenty of space.
That's a different pager, but again, maybe.

It's super risky to put something obvious inside of all the pagers, since someone might take it apart.

>manual self-test
The battery part is 100% bullshit, the rest might as well be how they triggered the actual explosives.
First, we have to verify any video. Some videos may be fake.
it was a discrete explosive, they got to a batch of phones or have been quietly sabotaging them for some time only to send it now.
If the devices they're using are similar to those listed in this thread, they use small lithium cells or even alkaline batteries with spring contacts. Take that nugget with the simplicity of a pager (part of the reason they're used) and I think it's more likely traditional explosives despite the obvious need of some for it to be some spectacular HACK
They aren't reporting having tested the devices positive for explosives like semtex (what israel uses).
AIPAC doesn’t work without Jewish magic.
All of the reports are of actual physical trauma from an explosion. I don't see any headlines that say "Agonizing hospital queues for disgruntled burn victims".

There is simply NO WAY to make a battery (or a gas tank, etc) explode like an explosive.
A container can burst, spilling the flammable contents, that could be colloquially called "an explosion", the same way a balloon bursting could be called an explosion.
None of those is anywhere close an explosion from an actual explosive. It's a completely different class of speed of chemical reaction, not just another fuel burning (in fact you can ignite C4 and cook with the flame, you can also explode C4 with a blasting cap, and that has no resemblance to the former)
That's talmudic, not yhwh
You're like in instigative teenager whose stepdad beats him when he gets home.
Have seen a couple of the pager videos, those explosions don't look like lithium battery fires...
Should have bought Xiaomi/Huawei phones.
Spell out the letters!
That's a thermos bottle.
There's a lot of evidence that the letters were actually other ones so people don't figure out what the name actually is
I see no hospital reports yet.
I used to work with a guy whose first and last name were both Mohammed
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based jews
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>Just don't make enemies in this life and you'll be safe.
So bending a knee to zionist and rainbow flags?
Just get tech from China where kikes can't infiltrate.
Why did they get pagers from globohomo controlled territory, idk how stupid you have to be to do that.
Israel won. Seethe, nerd.
They're not going to bring their terrorist pager into the states LMFAO.
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will my gpu be fine, moshe?
most of world inspect stuff similarly
First step to normalize exploding remote everyday devices, you start with terrorists, then later down the line you use it on civilians.
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>*does nothing*
I kneel.
Crazy how they did that mistake.
Like back in the day in most Arab countries you where not allowed to use Motorola radios because of connections with Israel but they obviously relaxed a bit too much over time.
>Don't forget you need a signal

........ it's a pager
>Just any signal will do
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>buying electronic devices

We must go back.
>MITM easy
>Low quality
This will be a nice reminder to them for the next century.
DUDE, stop posting actual solutions on the fed site
I am sure those Hezbollah fighters were thinking the same, and look at their missing balls now retard.
looks like the schitzo were right once again.
>california outlawed internal combustion engines
>now everything from your car to your yard equipment is a bomb

i hate the antichrist i hate the antichrist
its any device with a lithium ion battery. which is all of them.
The same people that think Lithium Ion batteries can immediately explode are the same people who think nuclear reactors are capable of fissile explosions
/g/ never disappoints...
yeah holly, i read it on 4chan so it must be true
yeah we do. Look at it, it's a fucking brick. How big do you suppose a pager board is?
And if you see the video and still think those are battery explosions I don't know what to tell you man
>BIG: Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon reportedly lost his eyesight following pager explosion.

Fascinating, how?
>Over 500 Hezbollah members lost their eyesight today during pager explosions, Saudi Arabia’s al-Hadath reports.

>Security sources contacted by Clash Report confirm that Israel has planted explosives inside pagers supplied to Hezbollah.

At least 3 types of pagers were planted with bombs:

Motorola LX2
Gold Apollo Rugged Pager AR924

>Mossad planted a quantity of highly explosive PETN material on the pagers’ battery and detonated it by raising the temperature of the battery enough to detonate it, Sky News Arabia confirms.

>can immediately explode
Reports indicate the devices heated up first.
So it was a special battery.
israel is a good country that stand for what is right, i support israel land of peace and freedom (don't kill me pls)
Double whammy
>a pager can take a aa
>this means all pagers take aas
Here's a dog. It's white. Therefore, all dogs are white.
If I show you a dog with four legs, are you going to argue that there are breeds with two?
Show me a two legged dog and I'll argue they're all two legged, just like you did above.

You're just not any good at this sweetie.
>not even an explosion
Need to try harder.
>quantity of highly explosive PETN material on the pagers’ battery
There it is
Here's the second from the list of reported pagers.
Wanna keep trying sweatie :]
You lost memetically
You won memetically
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>China where kikes can't infiltrate.
if only you knew how bad things really are
Either youtube or odysee. Anyway, either you agree with me that Christ is King and then I don't need the video or you disagree with the most basic truth in which case I don't care what you will post
oh fuck off kike worshiper, go suck on some nigger toes like your yarmulke-wearing top monkey here

Jews would be no problem at all if it weren't for Christianity.
all their non-Jewish supporters are die-hard Christian Zionists
uh actually a 28% success rate is good if israel does it
Lithium-ion bursting into flames is very different from a bomb. You will easily survive a li-ion fire in your pocket with a few burns.
foot dragging. Hey, I know that address!
My guess is that not all pagers had the "special battery", but some were regular lithium ion.
i finally understand. The jews intercepted the shipment and replaced the included alkalines with carbon zincs. Bastards!
They recently started using them thinking the tech was too old to get spied as easily as with cellphones.
But there's tons of cellphones, tons of brands and tons of ways to get one. Same with the cartel people and their secure blackberries. It makes you easier to pinpoint if you are the only one using that shit.
can we finally conclude that it has nothing to do with lithium and they just replaced alkalines with explosive batteries, or filled the cases with explosives?
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the problem of course is we will not be safe, that is why everybody hates you you know.
Yes, only shills keep arguing otherwise.
arabs can only cope and try to deny reality itself when something like this happens, this is why they'll keep losing.
sorry muslim but I refuse to play ball with anyone who hates music no matter how much they hate people who eat their own childrens peepees
yeah they won the right to eat your dick, cuck.
they detonated them for the news cycle you retards. its ALWAYS for the news cycle.
you'll never get your hands on one, but god speed if you do. post it here.
hey mossad, do you think anyone is dumb enough to believe Hezbollah and hamas is real? theyre the ISIS of terrorists, IE you faggots dressed up like clowns.
how can a pager explode tho, does it have like a short circuit and the li-ion battery blows up like used to happen to samsung phones?
Are you saying that P. Diddy was behind this?

>Just don't make enemies
You realize Jews hate you for simply existing, right?

>Michael: Ok, you know what? You're making it sound kind of lame. So, skip ahead to the really dangerous stuff. Like sometimes computers can explode, can they not?
>Toby: No, no.
10 years from now:
>post something mildly controversial on social media
>cellphone or computer detonates killing you
You'll call me crazy now but it will become a reality.
They get infinite money from the American government while Americans live like third worlders
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> assumes every military-age male is a terrorist
> a woman can't ever be a valid target
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are you still crying about lost fingers?

hope you live longer,
live long life without eyeballs

you will become kind person, but i will spit in your charity cup

hehehe, horror is technology
Wouldn't it be more likely that women would get hurt if the booby trapped devices were given to random people instead of hezbollah fighters?
What do you think TPM 2.0 is?
How do I check if there's bomb in my phone?
make sure it has no lithium battery inside
basically this
yes this is most likely, it was a supply chain attack to put in a small explosive hidden inside the battery, batteries themselves wouldn't explode enough to hurt and kill people like this
Check everything and replace the battery with one you bought off the shelf yourself.
>batteries themselves wouldn't explode enough
Oh, I guess its ok that its just thermite in everyone's pockets then
each of those Hezbollah militants now cannot fire rockets or missiles into Israel (for a while anyway). they've been taking fire for 11 months, with huge wild fires, a druze child was even killed by a rocket the other week. the ethical option is to protect your civilians from missiles and rockets
m-muh nasrallah w-w-w-would never lie!
>it was a supply chain attack to put in a small explosive hidden inside the battery
Look, that seem true, but this is FAR from proven. What is most likely is they had spies implant the "special battery" in the pagers of certain targets (and likely the spies were told that the purpose was eavesdropping). The idea is that Mossad gained total control of the shipment at some point, I find rather improbable. Not impossible.
I think it makes more sense they implant the bomb themselves in the pagers so that they are ready for terrorist attacks. And the hackers simply found the way to trigger the bombs.
>super risky to put something obvious inside of all the pagers
That's why the thing you put inside the pagers is a normal-looking battery that is 3/4 full of explosives.
they probably thought they can't be hacked
There are jews in your phone
Jokes on them, I keep my phone in the oven.
What % of lithium ion batteries have the explosives in them?

"All is bombnet" now, not "all is botnet".
iranian, obviously biased:

So you will want to keep it near a fan or other source of white noise to keep conversations safe.
100% of the ones Mossad installed in those pagers, obv. Do try to use your brain once in awhile anon.
There might be a way to increase the yield of a lithium ion battery, we can't discount the possibility.
You will notice the code has not been released!
I'll release my penis into your mom's mouth.
This, we are all on their mercy.
Your hypothetical "might be a way" is a lot easier to discount than they made a few thousand look-alike batteries that are mostly high explosive, since we have extremely solid evidence that high explosives are easy to manufacture, in plastic form can be packed into extremely awkwardly-shaped containers, and will deliver satisfyingly large booms when detonated.
It's funny to LARP that Isreal can blow up anyone on a planet and induce schizo panic.
Hopefully people will also be afraid of television.
>Who the fuck still uses a pager?
better than phones if you deal crack
From Clash Report (found account via harmless yard dog)

>Reuters confirms our reporting. Here’s more details from their latest:

>— Senior Lebanese source said the devices (Gold Apollo model, produced in Taiwan) had been modified by Israel's spy service "at the production level."

>"The Mossad injected a board inside of the device that has explosive material that receives a code. It's very hard to detect it through any means. Even with any device or scanner," the source said.

>— The source said 3,000 of the pagers exploded when a coded message was sent to them, simultaneously activating the explosives.

>— Another security source told Reuters that up to three grams of explosives were hidden in the new pagers and had gone "undetected" by Hezbollah for months.
I'm saying that any time "thing" happens its because its time for the news to switch over to reporting on it, not the other way around. real important news is almost never reported. not all films ensure no one is hurt during production.
>at the production level.
>state of Israel
>territory of Israel
It looks like the attack on Hezbollah was meant to be coordinated with the attack on Trump.
Do you really think that in a patriarchal muslim culture women would even be allowed to have pagers let alone be out looking for one in the streets of a warzone?
>Chinese guy in Communist China with a dozen reporters at his door says he didn't work with Western intelligence agencies as he sees his life and the honor of his family for 3 generations hence flash before his eyes
American education moment
Yeah, likely he knew.
they should have done that when they got the fucking pagers. in fact, they probably got infiltrated and one of their retarded leaders gave them their devices and got paid, then "died", fled or some shit

I thought they had hacked the devices to make the batteries explode, but apparently it's been confirmed that they put explosives in them.
what kind of absolutely retarded paramilitary org doesn't check the devices they redistribute to their forces? if they are paranoid enough to tell them not to use smartphones, why wouldn't you check a bunch of these before distribution...
looks like the jews had infiltrated (or maybe even controlled) the whole org for years. musilms are fucking retarded.
It appears they came from the factory with explosives built-in. Doubtless some are just "out there". The question is, how many devices have explosives integrated into them?
>It appears they came from the factory with explosives built-in.
from https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/17/world/middleeast/israel-hezbollah-pagers-explosives.html
>The pagers, which Hezbollah had ordered from Gold Apollo in Taiwan, had been tampered with before they reached Lebanon, according to some of the officials. Most were the company’s AR924 model, though three other Gold Apollo models were also included in the shipment.
>The explosive material, as little as one to two ounces, was implanted next to the battery in each pager, two of the officials said. A switch was also embedded that could be triggered remotely to detonate the explosives.
of course the company will say they had no involvement on this, but yeah, they probably got paid well.. even though no one will trust them anymore
but even then, the muslim retards should have checked a bunch of random devices to see if had been tampered with.
Meds and/or kys
JerryRigEverything and Louis Rossman would've been dead a long time ago if that was the case.
go rot
>Tel Aviv calling? Dozens of INNOCENT CIVILIANS are wounded when their PAGERS explose
how does a simple pager explode
this, the credit goes to the explosive shape and color
anyone talking about muh breaching, doesn't even know how plastic explosives were detoned by PHONE CALL in the past century
Pager is perfect for task they used it for. One way communication. You receive a message and quickly report at your command post.
send a letter, too slow you need to be at your post in 30 minutes not days
public message on tv or radio, the soldier might miss it, different people need to be sent different orders anyway, you carry the pager at all times an
a text message or a call to your phone, phones may be hacked, can be used to locate your fighters, count how many there are
pager was a good choice only if they let the supply be compromised
pagers are also not reliant on the public cell networks which will get taken down instantly if there is a war
Are there still public phones around or what is the point of pagers? Just to tell them to get to a certain location?
They used pagers specifically to avoid getting traced by Israel but Israel pretty much turned that into a weapon
>the ethical option is to protect your civilians from missiles and rockets
Maybe don't settle in foreign land then
It's just a cover story. What actually happened was the application of jewish magic, empowered by the approaching completion of the third temple.

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