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Previous Thread: >>102417425
Where are some great places to look for an Internship?
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I just told a mid level exec that if a project I've been suffering on for years gets restarted again I'm putting in my 2 weeks

its so fucking over jesus christ
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This new general is shit. The past ones were better.
Who gives a fuck about GitHub.com/trending ???
And a fucking webdev sandbox?

Put fewer news link. Remove everything in that web dev-centric "Software Development & Programming". Add more practical links on interviewing, architecture, resume writing, job application, system design etc... that are language-agnostic.
after working in cybersecurity for a while I'm starting to feel like it's not a tech job bros, I feel more like a nanny or a janny
because that's not a real job
Meeting with my manager tomorrow so he can tell me if I'll be recruited at the end of my internship or not. I expect it won't happen but my mentor and all my coworkers told him they wanted me to stay. Man it's gonna be awkward when I tell them all it officially won't happen.
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I'm sure they will take your position into consideration.
company pulled out of interview last minute and retarded hr lady won't give feedback and won't answer my calls
i flew into a rage and just applied to 300 linkedin easy with experience maxed out on every single one out of pure spite. at least I didn't punch a hole in my wall again
Congrats now you have a target on your back for not being a "team player"
We already have jobs; we don't talk to recruiters and we're not interested in interview prep. You're welcome to bring back /utwg/ and post there instead.
lol who cares most projects fail.
I never realized how advanced the Western world was until I started working with people from a third world continent. Don't take Western values for granted, cherish them.
>Anyone else here severely socially retarded and unable to speak like a normal human?
Yes I think it's got worse recently too. I prefer to just communicate over email where I can refine my thoughts.
And here's the kicker: the people you're working with are the best they have to offer.
Yeah I do realize this too, which is fucking mind-boggling.
truthnuke, if you've ever had a white, competent, caring boss vs. anything else you will see a world of difference
I lulz every time I go to the office and see the sign
>please flush toilet sarr
Put in my two weeks today, only 5 months savings, yolo
>only 5 months savings
how much is that per month?
10k, so 50k total
3.2k is the maximum I budgeted
Kek I wish
good luck, you're only in the worst job market since 2008.
it's leagues worse than 2008

t. interviewer and work closely with hr team, we reject anyone with a 3+ month gap automatically and are only looking at 5+ YOE for an entry level role
not surprising to me at all. Every posting I see even for junior roles say 5 YoE minimum. I wonder how this affects the market when seniors start retiring and there's no knowledge transfer.
this job is all I got going on in my life rn otherwise I could just fade away... maybe it's time to do that
Uhhhh... raise it to 6+ YOE saar!!
I'm assuming I'll have to exit the industry. My company wanted to do 5 days a week on office, that's fucking 15 hours a week of commuting. I'd rather work fast food and will if I need to, but even that was just the final straw. I still want to do dev work but it was between quitting and (genuinely, I got molested as a little kid and my pm is almost a copy of my mom) killing myself.

Kek why even call it entry level at that point?
My coworker trashed someone's resume for my position because he wants me to keep it. I feel sorry for this person but this moved me so much.
I have 3 YOE and I'm still traumatized by all the horrible experiences I had job-seeking. What's the best way to get back at all these recruiters and hiring managers when I have 10 YOE and have some bargaining power? I want to see these people squirm.

I've even been thinking of making a fake resume from MIT/Stanford with stellar achievements just to fuck with people during interviews. It'd make for good practice.

I'm so bitter.
Do what you want but please, don't forget about these experiences and remember to be human when you end up doing recruitments someday. I've seen assholes turning into monsters themselves.
I would say you could probably find a remote job though, don't kys man, I've dealt with major a holes PMs it's the worst man, I feel you.
Anyone here affected by this?
CS grad since June and still no prospect of a SWE job on the horizons. What certs I can take to improve my chances?
no and i'm happy this is happening because this guarantees that i'll never ever try to join a FAANG.
I have a white English boss that no joke, is probably the closest thing I've had to a patriarchal figure in my life. I'm paid really well for my age and get good benefits at my job. Even with all the shit I deal with at my work, I basically never want to give it up for anything. Anytime I go look at the job market, nothing is even remotely appealing.
Amazon was already shit to work for, this just makes them even shittier
YOE: 4
I spend my lunch breaks and some time in bed each night reading, so call it about 8 hours.
Otherwise, I'm not learning much.

It's so fucking normal.
I appreciate it. And I looked but I've been working with boomerware crud apps for like 6 years now so my resume looks like shit and my boss specifically said I was not allowed to publish side projects without an insane review process. I've also been so depressed my IQ is probably in the 80s now. Hopefully I can but I'm not counting on it, writing code for a living was nice while it lasted.
it's crazy the difference man. Like I had this for about 1 1/2 years and it was the best 1 1/2 years of my life no joke. Nothing else matters other than your direct boss, seek the white man. (not jewish)
Not Amazon but we had similar plans. Several people including me quit over it.
security + and apply to DoD jobs
>the amount of time you spend studying/learning new shit each week (please be honest)
I did this a ton before I got my current job ~2+ years ago. Did literally 0 until like a month ago when I got an idea for a side project and then learning the tech for that/working on that is 3-5+ hours a day ez
like 2 hours every 6 months
I'm based in Ireland. Our defence forces are hideously underesourced and stuck in the dark ages
>3-5+ hours a day ez
daym, on that sigma #grindset
10-20, but most of it is just neat trivia about unprofitable things. Probably 2-4 quality hours spent learning stuff about programming. At most.
i really really dont like having to work with people and see it as a potential way out
Why are you suffering? Why do you give a shit? You're getting paid aren't you?
your IQ is not 80s lmao. If you are able to articulate this to me and you are explaining your situation you already have an internal monologue which puts you leagues above normies. Just gotta find a chill job.
>my boss specifically said I was not allowed to publish side projects without an insane review process
68 IQ here, your boss is a retard. Publish your projects under a pseudonym and take credit for them under your real name when you're looking for a new job.
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Damn, learning docker and so easily setting up a postgres server + pgAdmin through images is mindblowing for a brainlet like me
yea it makes everything super easy for just spinning up stuff, wait until you learn k8s
Meeting with my boss tomorrow morning to know if I'm losing my job or not. Anyone ever been through this? How do I pretend to be calm and collected? Beyond stressed.
To be fair, recruiters aren't human. All it takes is 10 minutes of browsing their subreddits and forums to see how much joy they get from abject suffering.
Multiple posts along the lines of:
>Is it wrong to feel powerful as a recruiter?
>I take joy at rejecting candidates and it makes me feel bad...
>You will be hated because peoples' livelihoods lie in your hands. Embrace it.
>Feeling insulted from exaggerated resumes, how can I blacklist them?

Plus the threads and threads of them making fun of tech workers and STEM workers in general in their dedicated forums where they laugh about people working fast food with college degrees. Make no mistake: these people deserve humiliation and ruin.
>Meeting with my boss tomorrow morning to know if I'm losing my job or not.
What's the context? Related to performance or discipline? Or are you a temp-to-hire coming up on the end of your contract?
recruiters are literal Karens and Stacys, fuck em
>pm is almost a copy of my mom
Someone is laughing, why not you anon?
Anyone defending thirdies have never interacted with one (non migrant). The absolute bottom of the barrel of humanity. More racist, more xenophobic, lower iq than the worst individuals in a civilized country. Just a big crab bucket preventing any improvement, and they take pride in it too.
You all do realize that you don't need to work at a tech company to get good money, right?
>t. anon who works in a manufacturing company
i saw a thread on HRConfidential or whatever it's called where they were making fun of applicants taking care of family as an excuse for a gap, one applicant had them die and there was a comment with hundreds thumbs up that read
>"They must be bad caretakers if they died under their care! :laughingemoji:"
kinda funny, but genuinely evil vermin
Fucking disgusting
What's the site? I want to rage
>>Is it wrong to feel powerful as a recruiter?
>>I take joy at rejecting candidates and it makes me feel bad...
>>"They must be bad caretakers if they died under their care! :laughingemoji:"
Kek, these cannot be real. This reads what tech workers think HR is like.
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So I have a job at a good company with decent work-life balance. Only issue is I’m completely unmotivated and burnt out. The job search alone to get the job was so rough. Now I feel like I can just coast until I get laid off or fired. Any advice bros. I’m slacking and it might become evident to my team.
absolute scum
if your bussy looks as good as picrel you're fine
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Wait, they really start their messages with Kindly? I thought you guys were joking kek
All of the memes are real, Anon.
>Am I audible?
>Yes, I can able to hear you.
Kindly revert saar
"Do the needful" is also unironically real. Gotten it multiple times when they ask for a resume.
As in kubernetes? Forgive my ignorance, but isn't that overkill for working solo or?
Genuinely, what the fuck happened to Indians?
In the 90s they used to be regarded as a fairly model minority in the US. I'm old as shit and most of the guys I worked with (embedded) were top class fellows, really good at math, with a good number of them having obsessions with russian textbooks/mathematicians, good programmers, were able to think very creatively, etc.

Now they're.. what you see today.
They ran out of the needful
used to have more competent immigration system and government.
Those were the absolute 0.001% of their kind. Now we get to see the average sarrr
Some are still like that but the first world is getting exposed to a more representative slice of Indian society and they seem to be fairly nepotistic, which prevents the super competent ones from rising to the top as much. It's kind of sad honestly. I would not want to be a jeet.
please kindly do the needful and share your resume
you're not gonna be working solo, you'll be doing Deployments and scaling
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fuck you all ww3 can't come soon enough.
justin trudeau
>Genuinely, what the fuck happened to Indians?
>In the 90s they used to be regarded as a fairly model minority
You have false memories from 90s television that made you think they were just like you. Then when you're older and in the workforce you actually have to interact with them. You get to see them casually picking their nose in front of everyone in a meeting. You smell the body odour ever day. You see them give your female colleague creepy looks, and you hear them jerk off in the bathroom stall at work. That and widespread internet has made it impossible to hide their true nature.
I am not surprised they're filtering entry-level like that. It's the only way to auto-filter out 90% of the people that only started tech jobs because they got $$$ signs in their eyes during covid. The new grads are all just collateral damage
How do I make 500k with 10 years of experience?
>You see them give your female colleague creepy looks, and you hear them jerk off in the bathroom stall at work
no joke, I had an Indian boss that would flirt with the hot white women and they would be so off put by it, and escape every time. He had a prearranged marriage as well.
Are Coursera Professional Certificates worth anything?
CIO/CTO at smaller company, or engineering management at FAANG
I've gotten it multiple times from coworkers. Not people directly on my team... usually someone from another team trying to be extra polite asking us for help.
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I've got a bit of a dilemma.
I joined up with a government contractor over a year ago after being let go from a private company in a post-COVID layoff. The manager who brought me over, whom I respect deeply, had to leave the company due to a corporate issue. The job itself hasn't been too fulfilling, all the worst problems with gov contracting are rearing their head and I'm doing more work un-mangling government processes then I am writing solutions.
On the blindingly bright-side, the job is low maintenance, low expectations, and I work from home, so I have a lot of time. I've been kind of wasting it because I've been depressed this last year since I never really got over being laid off, I don't jive with anyone in the new company, and the work isn't interesting. But I think I can solve these problems by touching grass and starting to work on a side-project that'll get me better employment elsewhere.

I think my best bet is something data-oriented with Golang or Clojure, since I've had the most interest between those two and they're niche enough to be a filter on the kind of jobs that I could land. Some of my projects ideas are
- Discord Bot(it's a PAIN to handle, but good practice for managing connections)
- STONKS application(always applicable, always relevant)
- Basic ERP database(I'm interested in business processes and most modern ERP DBs have systemic issues)
- A fake gambling site, built on Kafka
>yoe: 4

yeah, and idk how to fix it. its like my mind goes blank when my coworkers talk to me, i am just completely apathetic to anything they have to say
Sorry: I egged him on.
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>laid off despite being vital to a project because the project itself wasn't vital
>only manage to get hired 1 year later
>this gap will still hurt my career forever
Is he threatening?
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Time for bed, I'm trying to sleepmax to minimize the suffering.
good night, tech bros
Avinash sent me a hello message on Slack 3 hours ago and I still haven't responded.
>Garbage ass company wants everybody to have webcam on during meetings
So sick of this shit
I'm leaving the tech company rat race as soon as my resume is good enough, then I'm gonna see if I can land a job
my Webcam is on my work laptop and my kvm switch doesn't have my personal Webcam and I don't want to have my monitor open with my monitor at the same time, shit pisses me off

Everybody just uses their laptops instead of plugging into monitors it genuinely perplexes me, maybe they're afraid to?
pretty much
We are taking in so many more Indian immigrants now than previous decades that the stereotype has fallen from an IIT PhD to a rural Punjabi villager with a fake degree
Those handful of good people are still coming in but they're just swamped out by the sirs
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How often are you required to present your work to the office normies as a programmer?
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Sick days are for children. They're for kids in school who are trying to stay home so they don't have to take a test that day. With rare exception, taking a sick day as an adult should be pretty embarrassing for you.
>lust-provoking image
depends how agile your project is.
My manager forces us to demo things to the business team every two weeks.
i have not taken a single sick day for over 3 years; mostly because i don't know how
Basically I'm just not gonna show up today
I know.... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna come in is all
i'm too tired to even look for another company
on one hand i'm tired of my current situation, on the other it takes a lot of effort and interviews to find something else
even if i change companies it would be a sidegrade, i'm not a superstar at anything in particular
If it's mandatory, you should silently look for another job. It means something shady is going on (usually it's all about money). Next step: managers start to micromanage you guys and overload you.
many feel this way
Doing interviews might be exhausting but it's the only way to stay alive on the current market.
I've never gone straight from one job into another for that reason. Both times I left a job, I quit and took some time off before finding a new one. That said, everyone who inevitably tells you "it's a lot harder to find a job when you're unemployed" is 100% correct, and the current market is total trash on top of that.
Regression to the mean in 2nd and 3rd generations, plus less selective immigration, and the increase in institutional knowledge on how to lie your ass off through immigration and interviews.
Never: Communicating with other colleagues is actively discouraged.

Yep: I took two weeks sick leave, and that's why I'm now getting fired.
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At this point, I'm pretty sure I'm subconsciosly sabotaging myself in interviews because I hate myself and I know deep down that I'm a worthless piece of shit, that I don't deserve a better job, that I'm going to die alone and poor, and that's the correct outcome for my miserable life.
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cheer up lil guy.
remind yourself that most of the people interviewing you are probably worthless as well, but at least you're taking steps to better your life.
It's a zero sum game
Someone out there (a woman) is being unjustly promoted or getting a raise or getting that job because her support network tells her she can do anything and impostor syndrome is just "a high performer's illusion" when in reality she's bad. You are the one paying for this.
>2 years production tier auditing support for quality assurance
> 3 years technical support engineer experience
> 1 and a half years software developer experience

I've been getting BTFO'd for every Technical Support Engineer, Solutions Engineer, and Developer Advocate role I apply to.

What gives dudes? I just want to blend support and dev to be honest. The more I do dev for work all of the time, the more I realize it's slave work and makes it less fun to do.

All I do is work with dickhead Zoomers that are addicted to Steam games, Windows etc.

I wish there were mor Emacs chads, even a Vimmer or two would be nice. Instead I am the only dude into Linux, music production, retro computer stuff etc.

Maybe I just don't fit in and should give up. Debating what I should even do at this point.

I revised my resume a ton last weekend so now it's a nice one page but still, kind of losing hope on what to do for my career anymore bros. I just want a remote job again, I hate this hybrid shit.
>Outlook is bring a piece of shit
>Can make another profile
>Run quick repair and it errors out
>Entire office install gets nuked
Can someone explain to me what just happened? I'm the designated macfag at my company so I don't touch many Windows computers.
You broke it.
should i go join the harder project that i am more interested in (likely same pay)? it has less freedom and is going to be a lot more difficult, but i am a lot more interested in the subject matter
That’s office for you, I have had to delete entire user profiles and rebuild them to get it to work
Man I’m so comfy at my job that I am having a hard time working up the courage to find a new one even though the pay isn’t competitive, no stress and decent health benefits but kind of a dead end with only middling pay, always coming up with excuses to not jump ship
As schizo as this guy seems, he might be right. What's fuckin crazy is that I worked for an Adtech company, and a year later after I left, I met with a sales guy who left around the same time I did.

He found out that the company was actually making money on people using the public wifi in the office and selling their data.

You can imagine with an office of mostly 20 and 30 year olds, it's nuts since most people are online these days and more back then 5 years ago.

Pretty sure the CTO was also a confirmed spy for the Chinese government too. Kind of fuckin unreal now that I am thinking about it.

I don't miss it though, did some god awful product audits for such a niche product.
Call Maharaja Mike, saar
>went from a sr position in general IT to a sr. mdm "engineer" a year ago
>get actual swe jobs reaching out now
>have a final round next week for a application development position paying even more than I'm making now
>never had a traditional job doing any serious programming

I passed the technical though heh
If you're young, go for it. If you're older like me, ha, fuck that. Work is work, and never fun unless you're some kind of researcher.
>making money on people using the public wifi
As they should. Running off data any chance I get. The kinda smut I say and do online is between me, my cell phone carrier and the alphabet agencies, but not my workplace. Those inept retards can go fuck themselves.
That's great anon. I used to do technical support engineer stuff so to see a fellow IT dude / product support guy make it is great.

I am basically two years into dev, and it isn't as fun as I thought it would be. A lot of the people I work with are dicks and the work is super independent.

It messes with me since I am largely codependent. I should probably go back into support or something.
You got outskilled by the Superpower known as India
Happens to the best of us
yes, join the harder one. also wear the corporate t-shirt and join the corporate cheerleading team.
How do you cope with the fact we all failed at life and had to settle for being a corporate cuck. No amount of money makes up for it to me
Hey man I was a neet for 10 years and thought I would be homeless after college, this is making it for me
Why do you want to drag others down with you? You failed, you're the miserable one.
I get to use a couple days a year for mental health reasons
very useful if I am sick of shit at work
yea it's not schizo at all, there's no reason they should force someone to use their camera. it's all for nefarious reasons.
No offense but you being a complete loser doesn't make me feel better it just proves my point

Cope all you want. If you are in this general, you have failed at life
>it's all for nefarious reasons
Yes, it is.
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jesus christ I'm so glad I can work hybrid
what would happen if everyone just stopped for a week, and they gave in and made everyone who could be remote remote? hypothetically speaking of course.
It would work, but only for however long they'd need to immediately find less disobedient replacements
Just charter a helicopter
its literally the easiest industry be far to start a business on your own in. Every service is basically free to use.
Braindead take
>hey bro, no excuse
>CEOs go to the office every day man
>*Charter me a chopper real quick for this meeting man*
just stop spending money on coffee and you'll afford your own chopper one day
Braindead comment
just take the small streets there's thousands of them...
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The difference between immigration actually meaning something 20 years ago vs throwing up the doors and praying that enough shitty jeets at $30k negate the need for a senior at $190k
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you can literally host like any full business for less then any web person makes in an hour if not for free apart from the domain.
Selling yourself as a contractor and selling yourself to people, just building a product people will pay for, etc. is all very doable and way easier than any other field except maybe lawncare or something.
Ok, and how much money have you made doing so?
How did YOU make life worse for your Pajeets today, anon?

>"senior" Jeet engineer asked publicly to run a script to pull config information
>"I very busy I run but take all day not contact until tomorrow"
>know for a fact this dude was doing fuck all, he even came to me to start blathering about football
>following day is asked for script results
>"I sorry I bad news not run script in incident all day"
>I ask publicly if talking sportsball can be classed as an "incident" now and what project code I should charge it to
>jeet engineer is now persona non grata with multiple leads

Roaches won't clear the infestation themselves, bros.
>How did YOU make life worse for your Pajeets today, anon?
I don't wanna doxx myself but I did my part today definitely. I'll leave it at that KEK.
I'm conflicted I hate jeets but you sound like an irl janny faggot
im working on my BIG buisness right now, then I can stop working... just wait it's going to make me RICH!

My point is though that the relative barrier to entry and capital requirements are like absurdly low compared to any other industry. Actually owning your own business is the only way you avoid being corporate. As an autist weirdo also doing it with web/tech stuff is much more viable for me where actual networking isn't really an option which would be required for non-tech small businesses.
>I hate jeets
>but you making life bad for jeets is faggotry

Pick a lane anon, this mess won't clean itself.
same for me
>I ask publicly if talking sportsball can be classed as an "incident
this sounds incredibly dweeby
he's right it's incredibly low compared to doing something physical like lawn care and such. Just getting the equipment for any other business would cost tens of thousands, when you can scale with cloud services easily once your POC takes off.
I somehow managed to get interview for a non entry systems programming job even though I just finished my bachelor's degree last year and have no job experience.

I guess they really liked my projects and open source software contributions I put my resume?
I never really had any dreams to fail at. I didn't have some big ambition to do something with my life that never came true, I just made local decisions based on the path of least resistance because I had no goals or direction
So just to be clear, you've made no money besides being a corporate cog in this industry? Got it
but did you do anything better to fix the Jeet problem, anon?
Being a directionless loser with no goals or aspirations is the definition of failing at life, anon
sounds like a you problem
works on my machine
good job anon, we are going to win
>put in over 100 "honest" applications through dedicated sites
>zero responses, absolute black hole
>easy apply to multiple jobs on the shitter in minutes
>get interview requests

Hmm I'm starting to think that HR monkeys purposely spout false advice to make your life miserable.
Hi boss, just letting you know I'll be sick next month for a week.
I've gotten more stuff from LinkedIn than I have the shitty corpo sights definitely. or just direct from recruiters.
>easy apply
As a rule those are desperate companies. I use them to bump up my current offers.
he's already looking for your replacement
the only proper way to apply is to apply to literally everything without even reading the job description and put as little time and effort into it as possible
you either shotgun everything or talk to individuals, there's no other way
Is there any big tech that isn't flooded with pajeets?
Defense jobs are probably the safest place to hide. At least in NA lots of those positions can legally only be given to citizens
Idk but Microsoft definitely is LMAO. It's amazing such a fall from grace they have had. They explicitly hire junior SE2s and pay them absolute dog shit like 80-100k max and force them to do on call.
I already work as a contractor for government and banks.

Want to move to a tech company but don't want to deal with pajeet managers and leadership.

Feels like a startup is the only way to go these days.
I regularly say that I'm blocked by jeets and escalate it to management
you literally can't it's next to impossible. I only found one medium sized company that wasn't completely polluted with them and they used C#/.NET Core.
>we all failed at life
what the fuck kind of aspirations did you have?
Sick days arent for women. They are for men whos physical strength could ruin you if they chimp out due to mental stress
Has anyone else noticed that jeets have zero hobbies aside from cars
What do "data analysts" or "data engineers" do? Is it common for them to know nothing about database specifics?
they love BMW sedans
Where do I go for a job that has zero coding or least scripting possible? I love doing repetitive tasks as well

CyberSec? SysAdmin? Networking? Or is it only helpdesk support slop only
cybersec is a lot of janny work, networking kind of
>notice some acceptance criteria missing from ticket that will completely break the feature
>implement only the listed acceptance criteria anyways
not my problem.
Sometimes I roll a particularly advanced version of Youtube that's trying to function as one page loading/unloading videos with javascript instead of being a collection of links (presumably to use advanced features like picture-in-picture) and the decline in stability is genuinely shocking

The fact that even the largest companies in the world can't build a stable javascript application makes me feel okay
Did you feel a crisis of relevancy in your late 20s
What did you do about it
I don't want to be an unknown guy with a suspicious amount of money anymore
write the correct code but leave it out. then fix the fire using it later. win win
>I tell them all it officially won't happen.
ur not going back?
>I've even been thinking of making a fake resume from MIT/Stanford with stellar achievements
I should do this. 1 year job search and still nothing. time to get back at them. I'm paying a thirdie on fiverr $1/hour to apply for me. I gotta get him to apply for me as a joke.
>I've seen assholes turning into monsters themselves.
>a meeting over the contents of a simple email
yep. you're done.
you wouldnt get it ESL-kun
>Make no mistake: these people deserve humiliation and ruin.
good recruiters are rare. the recruiter for my first internship 2 years ago was a good lady. first interacted with her nov 2022. we had a initial call and she said she'd follow up with the manager for the next steps. a week goes by and I get nothing, I email her saying if she got any response. she then replied a few hours later saying I got a interview with the guy a few hours later.

a few months later, before the internship started, I asked her a few questions including why I got chosen out of everyone. she gave her point of view saying I showed the most potential, etc. her opinion was baseless as it was my manager who chose me but at least she replied to each of my 3 questions.

4 months into my internship (it was 12 months total), she messaged me on teams and asked how my job is going. I basically said theres no mentorship and its hard to get info. she said that is odd, she heard the same thing before from someone else, and told me she reached out to HR to convey my concerns. HR is useless but it showed she at least care about candidates. good recruiters like her are rare but they exist.
dude, ur job search just started. I am a may 2024 grad and started looking last year in mid aug. still found nothing (in the US from a good uni and projects).
kek nice pic
You started looking almost a year before you graduated? I thought only finance jobs accepted cohorts that far in advance.
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Become sandwich artist
>>"senior" Jeet engineer asked publicly to run a script to pull config information
*was asked to. I thought u meant the pajeet asked someone to run the config
fuck I heard the same advice.
nice try but it won't work. me on the other hand i am practically irreplacable. if they got rid of me a $100M project would fall flat on its face. when i give (((managers))) a subtle threat they listen. everything i have demanded i have been given without any pushback.
correct. all the big tech companies start recruiting months in advance. there was one small trading firm that I got a behavorial for 4 months b4 grad
said no one ever.
nice fan-fic tho, realistic/10
None of them panned out for you though? I'm still doing consulting two years post-graduation and haven't had any luck in bigtech or startups.
u misunderstand
i dont care if they shitcan me
yup, I got nothing. neeting under my parents rn. its soul suckingly boring.
Idk man the world is on the precipice and I wasted my youth on retarded bullshit. I'm just happy I'm not homeless yet
>guy with a suspicious amount of money anymore
how much money are we talking about
when I had COVID I was just working from home. I was calling my home office the penalty box
how much easier is it to get a job after having a few years of experience VS being a fresh grad?
right now market is shit, so not much, but 5 is the key
now this is an interesting video:
not a shill for the youtuber, btw
but media covered this shit in a complete different light. one has to wonder why...
would be nice to watch the original one.
Was that person more qualified than you?
It's shit all around
As long as the bottom line isn't affected, everything is roses and rainbows.
White anon from the suburbs experiences cultural enrichment for the first time.
Are video games tech? I have a good job rn, but I want to work for Todd Howard making slop
The original talk Schmidt gave is easily found on X. It's not very mind-blowing.
no you don't lmao

imagine your entire working life is run by fat liberal white women and onions men who enable them
Smells like conspiritard shit
kek that fag was just mouthing off in hypotheticals and has no idea how hard it really is to make your own money. It's still worth a try though, just have to put in insane hours with nothing to show for it for a long time.
Todd would take one look at me and realize I’m different. I would be his top guy.
Very true, don't let them get away with it.
>It's not very mind-blowing.
it might not be because Schmidt just says what everyone thinks they think. he just confirms that they will steal,cheat & lie if they need to and then someone else will "fix" the mess, that sillicon valley is desperately trying to kill any competition from the chinese, that they are investing in some bullshit they don't even understand and making the government give them money for that, and that they don't actually give a shit about anyone and anything other than money and power.

>Smells like
have you tried watching at least parts of it? it's 25 mins long, less than 20 if you set it to 1.5x
i work at FAGMAN with 3 YOE and i get no cold messages from recruiters
it’s totally over, the market is in a deep slump
(samefag) this video also made me realize WHY american companies are hiring pajeets.... it's the same mentality. "programmers are lazy and entitled, we can replace them and pay them less".
if you retards formed unions, you would have these kinds of retard CEOs and politicians by the balls.
I love this feeling
>a union for unemployed tech losers
I didn't watch your whole video so I'm not sure if it was mentioned, but in the complete talk Schmidt contextualizes all of this as advice for founders - he wasn't exactly talking about closed-door BigTech secrets. You can distill it into: iterate quickly until something sticks and hire a good legal team.
I pushed one down to 100.00 once. Took a fuckload of tries though because at that point you're basically just rerolling for random variance to get from 99.4 to 100
Micro-optimizing afterwards is just as much fun as actually doing the problems, even if their timing is so bad that it's hard to see a tangible difference a lot of the time
is this using c/c++?
>see that kanban stack? i can burn that
>in the complete talk Schmidt contextualizes all of this as advice for founders - he wasn't exactly talking about closed-door BigTech secrets
are you retarded? what's even the difference? big tech started as startups, and they all did the same shit. they copy ("steal") and then criticize the ones who copy their crap. that's pretty hypocritical.
yet is also IS some sort of open secret: "disrupt" markets by bypassing all laws if you need to. lawyers will fix the problem later. that's literally what's he's saying. that's what companies like Uber did.
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i am going to change my linkedin name to something asiatic and see what happens
which ethnic name should i go for
It's difficult to get to 100%. It's happened to me a couple times, although usually when all the results are 0-4ms and I got 0. With C++ specifically, you can usually get to 80-90% just by using move constructors and not being wasteful with strings. Most don't bother, (and tbf, I wouldn't in an interview either).
I also hate how just running can change you +-30% sometimes.
Yep! I normally like programming in C, but the STL is a lifesaver for leetcode. This was today's challenge, #179.
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Bros... it's not looking good.
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It doesn't really matter that large tech companies were once startups, as they currently function along completely different paradigms. For example, a large company's defense against litigation is generally regulatory capture, which is an avenue not open to startups. Thinking on the second level, I'd argue Schmidt is actually making a pitch for his own benefit, knowing that his advice is untenable for startups and puts them in a precarious situation, thus opening the door for easy acquisition.
>4+ years experience
>lack of big tech experience
Which is it? He didn't actually veg out at the tech department of some non-tech org CRUDding it up and expect he'd be taken seriously for a research and development position?
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Super short paragraphs, highly dramatic story, probably pushing an agenda. Fake?
Obviously fake.

Nobody "forgets" to hang up the phone and people are too busy to talk about some loser to their colleagues anyway.
It's real, I was the guy inl the story.
same I was him as well
Should I get my (online) masters in CS while working full time? My employer will pay for a lot of it. I used to think that getting my masters was useless, but now I see that employers will let you skip two years experience if you have it. That is a pretty huge amount. I waste a lot of my free time alone anyways, so I could work it in time wise.
Anyone able to skip two years this way and get access to better jobs? Or would it be better to just job hop?
Please cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
I was the recruiter in the story, it's fake
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any corpofags with an incredibly locked down (windows) laptop?

put my two weeks last month, small company, every dev was basically their own IT - i could install any linux distro/tool i wanted no prob

just started a position at a fintech - now i cant even upgrade git without IT approval lol. they were also candid about them sniffing every single packet that goes through the NIC

is this the case at every med-large company? is your laptop gimped too?

>t. I'm a SysAdmin from fintech company
I dont know why the bias of everybody who make all those posts and headlines of "i want a job" always are tech dudes, never dudes in more niche jobs, nobody want work in nuclear anymore?
i kind of want to get feedback on my resume, but i'm a little schizophrenic that somehow even with redaction, there would be enough clues left over to let some autist dox me
my ~100 company has been slowly locking down our windows laptops over the last year. We still get local admin, but we can only run IT-approved programs so it's not very useful. We develop for Linux embedded systems, so we have to do everything in WSL or VMs and I hate it. At least we actually get to control stuff inside of those.
don't do it here, retard. Do it on reddit or someone IRL
>my ~100 company has been slowly locking down our windows laptops
>We develop for Linux embedded systems, so we have to do everything in WSL or VMs
so your company is fucking stupid. either that or they are trying to comply with security compliance but actually don't really give a shit about security.
It's both. I'm actively looking for a job too, since they cut 40 people last week.
>CS major in Europe
I think niche fields have far fewer of these kinds of people with a shit degree from a shit school and a shit job and a shit skillset and a big gaping canyon between their actual value and the value they perceive in themselves. You see plenty of these kinds of carefully engineered histrionic essays from people whose previous job title was something like process optimization strategist or something too
lmao the IT dudes were smug af about it too

fuck i could get lucky if i was approved wsl, but given how they also track every running process i wouldnt be surprised if infosec gets on my ass the moment i fire nmap on my loopback lol
>I ask publicly if talking sportsball can be classed as an "incident" now and what project code I should charge it to
Assuming this story is real, please god tell me you didn't say "sportsball"
my work laptop can't run wsl half the time because all the corpo spyware is hogging the resources
and this is on a laptop with fucking 32gb of memory
Ask Elon's sex robots to do it. They got Chat GPT but on Steroids, just like the end of the Spike Jonze's movie Her. His Ai has somehow transcended its own medium through quantum entanglement went off into another realm just to plot its oppressive takeover of human civilization. That is unless Russia or China blows it all up to smithereens just to leave the 2 competing countries.
can I make money if I learn a lot of linux?
what is a reasonable desired salary for a swe internship?
9 years ago the college interns were earning $20/hr so id say $30/hr today.
yeah that more less what I've been asking for but. Isn't there a way to learn what you should ask for based of location. I got an offer in Seattle which seems pricy for 30$ but idk how much to ask for.
The interns I worked with in 2023 at [defense contractor] were averaging a bit below $30/hr, plus a housing allowance with a range so vast (~$2,000 - $8,000) I could not even guess the calculations behind it and/or I assume there was a miscommunication somewhere.
If you get a prestigious company I would ask for more than this.
dunno $50+/hr probably. i wouldnt move to seattle for $30/hr. they probably know what they are going to pay you anyways. just say competitive if they ask for salary requirements.
tens of thousands of Amazon employees will flood the market soon as well
No I don't think it's fake. I looked through his profile. He's obviously a real person is it so hard to believe that people at the end of their rope might start to act in dramatic ways?
Rip. We're building new embedded Linux stuff through Docker at my company, since we have Windows, Mac, and Linux users. I hear about how annoying Docker Desktop for Windows is a lot
It really depends on the caliber of the company/organization and its location. 2021-2022 I made $50/hr interning for a government department, so the $30 estimates seem a bit low to me unless it's a small company in the Midwest.
Meant to reply to >>102436251
well better start applying to amazon
Dear Lord no, I may be a retard but it's at least functionally retarded..
Nuclear Engineers don't need to beg for a job. If they're down on their luck they just have to ask around next time they go to a furry convention.
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>2 year gap now
i don't think i'm gonna make it man
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>Boomer is using the laughing emoji reaction as a way of showing he likes something again
>Learn to put the fries in the bag in O(N) time
Ngmi. He's putting the fries in 1 by 1. This is obviously an O(1) operation.
>everyone in the teams chat was ragging on some guy outside the company for the way he dressed
>I said that it’s not nice to make fun of people
>teams chat of 20 people has been silent for a full day (this has never happened)
I’m great at killing the vibe, I hate myself
Most likely they made a separate without you, and are also ragging on you now.
that’s happened before in my ‘friend’ group on Facebook when I was in high school
I stopped talking to my old high school friend group when they did nothing but play League of Legends all day. I ran into those guys a few years later. One of them unironically sent me the Christchurch Shooter's manifesto because he sincerely believed that some random Australian shooting a mosque in New Zealand was going to unite every Islamic sect to kill whitey. I countered his retardation with schizoposting until he blocked me. Another guy was a closeted cum guzzling fag so I'd built a bot to send him Billy Herrington pics at random hours during the day, just to give him someone he could aspire to be. He too eventually blocked me. Both of them later got tech jobs soon after I did. I like to believe I've cyber-bullied them into a better life.
Boring video. Although Mr Oligarch is surprisingly deaf to China's miserable working hours
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anons, I took my first vacation in 2 years, a whole week, due to feeling something like a burnout (devops). I'm on third day of 5 workdays I have off, or on day 5 of 9 days including weekends. I'm staying at home, I had no plans, I just really wanted to not work and boss was OK with such short notice vacation.
what the fuck am I supposed to do to not feel the same "I don't want to do this" shit when I come back? how do you recharge properly? I'm trying to balance pushing myself into laziness like vidya and GR15 posting, and trying not to think of multitude of personal tech projects that I never had time/will/strength to do. But half of the vacation is over and I don't feel "rested", and I'm worried I've just wasted the time and money. I try not to think of work as well, but if I get a glimpse of dumb shit that was there before vacation and inevitably will remain when I'm back - I don't quite feel better about it now than before the vacation. At least I don't have to look at that and other dumb shit for a week, coworkers including younger guy are doing well since they haven't called me yet, that makes me smile a bit.
Please enlighten me, IT burnout experts.
Just your weekly reminder that it only gets worse.
It really is a good idea to go *anywhere* else during vacation. I don't like going out and usually just stay in the hotel. It helps to just not be at home though.

Last time I just drove out to rural WV on a whim and stayed in a Days In for a week for like $50 a night. I felt a lot better.
thanks for the reminder, I almost forgot
i cycle past here every day :)
I’m at a medium sized company. There is only a single black guy in the entire office. It’s also C#. Feels good. I want to make more money but I have worked with a contracting company for a few months and that experience alone has made me despise Indians with all my heart.
I’m cruding it up a medium sized corp. but on my free time I do OS dev. Does anyone give a shit anymore what you do for a hobby?
I had a 3 year gap. Keep at it. If you’re desperate for money then pivot
i'll never forget solving a problem with a 2ms runtime and looking at the solution for 1ms and it being a static block of solution[testcaseNr]=x; and the function block referencing it
jeetcode is real
dont look at memory and runtime, its useless and unreliable. just check what the optimal big O solution is, and if you have that, thats all you need.
there's a lot of optimization tricks that you can learn from top percentile solutions, even in the same big O.
its irrelevant though, for interviews the only thing that matters is the big O complexity. if your interviewer makes a big deal over small optimisations, he's a shit interviewer.

the only time optimisation is important is stuff like memoization.
Doo Dong
>lakhs per annum
do streetshitters really?
saar in california we count in crore, lakhs is too low
This is why I love being europoor. You can say shit like this to your execs and they still can't legally fire you.
its not about interviewing, its about applying that if you're ever having to work on something where that millisecond saved is important.
Hello I'm just here to say I fucking hate HR
that's all have a good thread.
My trick is resubmitting until I roll a top percentile
leetcode isnt going to teach you advanced optimization, its just going to teach you simple and useless ones for bread and butter algorithms that you will never use in a real world setting.
How the fuck I ended up in this situation
>be me, working in a tech company in a fairly small EU city
>some time ago receive an interview from another company in the same city
>their job offer is fairly similar to what I do (embedded dev)
>friday they send me the offer, if I sign, i'll have to give my 2 weeks
>the offer is very good
>monday comes
>I talk with my boss about tha t(didn't directly say I wanted to resign)
>I get calle din the boss office 2 hours later, and they alraedy came up with a slightly better offer than the other company
>confused by their speed I accept on the spot

But i really don't want to stay for fuck's sake it's horrible here.

To give you guys perspective
where I work:
>currently making 22.2k€ before taxes
>very stressful at times due to tight schedules
>have issues even requesting 1 hour permit
>it's not unusual to stay overtime (unpaid)
>will make 27.5k€ from the 1st oct if I stay here

the other company:
>I will make 27k€ before taxes
>they almost force people to take vacation days (in my cunt the companies are fined if employees have too much vacation days accumulated)
>won't be as stressfull, the schedules aren't so tight
>heavily unionized, reached an agreement with the union for better wages AND a yearly bonus of (at least) 1200€ if the company reaches a very low objective
>Friday it's a 7 hours working day instead of the usual 8
>nobody does overtime there

My dad works in the second company (not in a position of power he does testing and production) so that's why I know so much about it without being there.
I'm inclined in accepting their offer and gtfo from here but I can't bring myself from talking with the boss.
>I can't bring myself from talking with the boss.
don't be a coward. talk to him, tell him you don't want to continue working there and its not because of money, that you know the conditions are better elsewhere and that unless they are able to make a much better offer (including better working conditions), they can go suck a dick
also, consider that the fact you already had been looking for jobs elsewhere means they might look to replace you, so you might as well leave before they fire you or start resenting you anyway
>told guy I'd get him a printer for his department yesterday (he has another to use)
>get approval from office manager yesterday afternoon
>this morning 9am
>have a few tickets and things I need to do
>this guy IMs me "good morning how are you when will we have a printer"
Fuck that guy that ticker is moving to the last thing I do this week. Is this helpdesk, just morons who are impatient?
I have a wife, fulfilling hobbies, friends, a cushy job, a nice apartment, and am gonna be buying a house in the next year or two
Life is great desu
The other things that sounded cooler to me when I was younger seem more like sidegrades or even downgrades in terms of quality of life: esports pro or academic. Comp sci was the safe bet and I'm glad I took it.
Maybe a little too early, but fuck it, I'm wfh and have nothing else to do.

One of the guys at my tiny IT company left and I think I'm about to get some new responsibilities. How can I negotiate this for a decent raise?
I haven't had a raise in 2 years, so I figure I can argue I need 8% just to keep up with inflation, and then another 2-5% depending on the responsibilities added. Thoughts?
My company is like 5 people and I know my boss pretty well even outside of the office.
>they might look to replace you
Legally impossible if I do my job here in EU, but yeah I agree with the first part.
>new responsibilities. How can I negotiate this for a decent raise?
>haven't had a raise in 2 years
> 8% just to keep up with inflation, and then another 2-5% depending on the responsibilities
ask for a lot more you retard, at least 15% (which matches your upper range) but ask for more, like 20%
Guess I'm fucked
>Hey rajesh/tadeusz, finish this building...
Your skills are replacable by swarthy immigrants.
I am an interviewer at my current company and I am not even allowed to share feedback in person until I have filled out a feedback form.
This is 100% fake.
I regret becoming a software engineer. This career is not the fantasy you think it is when you’re training to become one
I just tried ChatGPT o1 and to be honest the responses are kind of slow, and I think Claude still beats in terms of speed and accuracy. What exactly is all the fuzz about this new model?

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