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>Crypto proven to be a massive scam all along.
What way to go for a technology.
finnish police confirmed some time ago that they were to trace monero transactions in the vastaamo data breach and extortion case
pretty much no one using monero understands how it functions and they shouldn't be so shocked that the marketing and pixie dust didn't hold up to scrutiny
>If you are a XMR (Monero) user, take some time and read the recent news about possible issues with not running a local node. In summary, a shady corporation found a way to make Netflow Analysis on Monero users easier/possible. PLEASE take the time and read into this. Once Netflow logs are aggregated, they will not disappear. If the reports are accurate this will be a permanent fingerprint once the Netflow logs have been handed over by your ISP and you used a poisoned node. Best bet it so start with a new wallet and run a local node, if that is possible.

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who, using monero, wasn't running their own node?
This is a nothing burger
surely a number of /g/tards
>KRP sent 0.1 Bitcoin to the blackmailer's address to use that small amount for analysis and tracing.
>This led to Binance, requests for information, and reception of some data about the attackers, including an email address.
So can we all agree that people who were glorifying cryptos were FBI agents all along.
smartphone users? how am I supposed to pay on the go?
also you know this thread is pure fud just by the same disinfo being spread as always.
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>smartphone users
No, not at all. Majority were in fact, pajeets
glowniggers and useless idiot manchildren wasting untold amounts of electricity generating useless imaginary coins. After the first kyc clampdown it should have been obvious it was the devil's trick all along
tyrone is going to have to come by the basement if he wants that monero
didn't that retard include his entire home folder in the leak?
good thing these aren't sophisticated and well funded attackers...
there isn't a huge bounty for tracing monero either.........
Shhh don't disrupt the glowniggers.
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There is no second best.
yes, he did
he also made many other mistakes but that was just hilariously incompetent
Congrats you don't understand how any of this works but do go on it's entertaining to see you niggers flailing around helplessly screeching at how you imagine things to work.
God I hope I live to see the day when murdering libertarians is legal
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I called it 8 years ago
anything that advertises privacy ends up being a spook
>Crypto was scam all along
>had to run poison nodes
>Had to social engineer admin status
>had to make decoys
>Had to map exchanges
>Had to gather all ISP data
How does this make monero a scam. That seems like a lot to resources to defeat moneros protections. I would argue if everyone who used monero ran a node it would be a lot harder for the government to crack it.
good morning sir
am i screwed?
>not using Monero with TOR + your own pruned node

it's 8 o`clock in the afternoon saar
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>oh no they have my I pee address
>how do they know where I pee?
>if you send your raw transaction request directly to a malicious node operator... they can track you through your 1:1 anonymity set!
> :O
And here I got all excited.

Do you not own any other device except your phone, retard? The problem was not with remote nodes, it was specifically with connecting to glowie nodes.
Just run a node on your computer, and when you have to use your phone, connect to that instead of some random CIA-funded one.
Granted I bet that still allows some minor traffic analysis, but do that through Tor and it becomes significantly harder: your traffic is profiled as Tor traffic, yes, but importantly not as Monero traffic.

This thread is filled with retards who think anything associated with the word "blockchain" must be some vapid nftshit or defi scam or boomer speculation.
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There's only one cryptocurrency out there, the rest is shit.
This also look into bitcoin ecash
Came here to post this. Host your own node or use Feather which routes through TOR. Don't use centralized KYC exchanges. Simple.
Is there any decent write up on using monero safely?
>That seems like a lot to resources to not defeat moneros protections.
Isn't it the same as it's always been? Host your own node, sell to individuals for cash, transfer between multiple wallets to raise entropy
>Don't use centralized KYC exchanges.
But then how do you convert cash to XMR and vice versa? Don't you need KYC exchanges for that?
"Crypto" is 100% ponzis. Monero is an actual currency. It alone is actually used for a valuable purpose. The rest are just scams, they don't even pretend not to be these days.

Bitcoin pretends not to be a ponzi scam because it used to have an a use case. That ended a long time ago though and since seeing the financial success of the ponzis, bitcoiners decided to take the same approach.
>used for a valuable purpose
such as purchasing drugs and cp?
i wouldn't be surprised if monero is just the newest method for three letter agencies to acquire and launder black funding. it's long since been secret that government funding doesn't even come close to keeping them running
if you put gold in an envelope and write the destination monero address on the envelope, combined with sufficient postage, you get the coins deposited upon mail delivery.
No, Evading Taxes
the irs doesnt accept monero, retard
5 is nasty
I would hope so because it means theyre interested in not killing it. Similar to how the glowies fund Tor and Signal. But glowies can just have "dark" bank accounts and suitcases full of cash so I'm not sure.
Not running your own node is 'tarded
Uncensorable digital money, yes.
the kicker is that glowies love having those anonymizing tools available when conducting operations in other countries. eg tor was invented for the US government trying to destabilize China. they just hate it when citizens of their own country use those tools.
Not an unexpected result. Monero is weird.

This is exactly the kind of thing Zcash was designed to countermeasure - it has much, much better anonymity features and is considered state-of-the-art, pushing zero-knowledge proof technology forward quite a bit. (Just, uh, don't get Zooko talking about keto, lol.)

That said, obviously it only provides anonymity when you actually use the Z-addresses for sender, receiver and amount. Don't blame it if you don't ask it for anonymity and don't get it.

And still, end-to-end deanonymisation attacks are never completely impossible when the exact same thing goes in and goes out.
>insecure by default
zcash isn't serious
>FBI runs most if not all c p online
>FBI runs the crypto used to pay for said c p online
I believe it.
>Just run a node on your computer, and when you have to use your phone, connect to that
What's the best way to keep your wallet synced to your own node and connect to it remotely via Tor? Monero homepage mentions "lightweight wallets" but all implementations seem abandoned.
The problem is they didn't need to run their own nodes all along. They just set up reverse proxies to other nodes and logged everything for cheap.
>for cash,
I actually once tried to get XMR to donate to a website to keep it running. Fully legal, I just didn't want it to be traced back to me. KYC filtered me.
>Not an unexpected result.
What result. The presentation talked about efforts chainalysis is making, not their results. They've been "successful".

>Don't blame it if you don't ask it for anonymity and don't get it.
Likewise, don't blame Monero if you ask the CIA to send your transactions for you.

Zcash is worse for anonymity than Monero and has no chance of catching up because they are committed to staying "compliant". Monero also has FCMP on the way which kills the fudders.
The donation still wouldn't be traced back to you.
>A pruned blockchain is about 50GB.
nothingburger. there is nothing prohibitive about running your own node.
wire guard
No, but I would get another note added to my entry on my country's intelligence agency's watchlist simply for having bought XMR.
After all the shit they've seen of you I don't think having a potential cocaine purchase on your record is the end of the world.
misinformed, rookie mistake.
buy bitcoin.
They don't have any evidence of wrongdoing on me because I'm not doing anything illegal, just things that are inconvenient for glowies. Something like that could serve as circumstantial evidence if they do try to plant something on me.
Does Wireguard even support onion addresses?
Wg being UDP only and Tor being TCP only sounds like it would create more problems than solutions.
You can always mine XMR and donate that. Decent modern CPUs make like 0.50-$1/day. Completely anonymous way anyone can get some. You can also sell something. It's a currency after all. You have to do the same to get dollars (sell a product, your labour, or get it at the source (mining for XMR, loans for $)).
>go to an empty field to discuss privately with someone
>NSA has placed microphone in every place on earth
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ITT: Monero shills sweating
Does your phone wallet not allow you to enter your own address for a node to connect to? If so it sounds worthless, I'm pretty sure most do (if I'm wrong then rip).
Otherwise, just install Orbot and configure your wallet to connect to your node's onion address.

If you're asking about node itself it's really easy, you install the node and install Tor and configure a secret service to route to your node's local port. IIRC you may even be able to configure the node to only use Tor for networking so none of your traffic anywhere is profileable as Monero (though I don't remember for sure).
I'm not talking about connecting to own Monero node, I'm talking about the wallet being hosted on a server and always kept in sync, then interacting with it via Tor.

Syncing up an old wallet to a remote onion node can take 20+ hours. The goal is to reduce sync time as much as possible, while keeping all connections inside Tor. It could be that DDoS of the remote node is the main culprit, but it could also be an inherent Tor overhead, in which case hosting own node won't help.
Isn't hosting your own monero node equivalent to hosting Tor nodes, which means you get unwanted visits from the police all the time?
This is even worse. There is no bigger crime than evading taxes. Die
Oh I see. Yeah Tor does add quite a bit of overhead. I'm not aware of any setup where you connect to a remote wallet rather than a remote node (but granted I've never even looked into something like this).

I've never had it take 20 hours myself - if the node is synced (which does take ages), even several month out of date wallets tend to take a 2-3 hours or so at most for me. But of course that's still not ideal on a phone.
I don't know of a way to solve this, other than just keeping the wallet in sync. If you use Monero frequently enough to have it on your phone, it shouldn't be a problem. But if you use it seldom but when you do you just happen to be away from the computer, then that's tough.
A good app could keep the wallet synced in the background, whenever it detects that your phone is plugged in and on wifi; but I don't know if any phone wallet does that right now.
exactly you fucking nigger monkey they cant make you pay taxes on purchases they dont know about
There's MyMonero and rino.io
Post a single instance of someone getting ONE "unwanted" visit from the police from running a Tor relay. Fucking fudnigger.
>t. commie
NTA but yes. libertards against the wall please!
Purchasing drugs is an extremely valid purpose.
MyMonero seems abandoned, with the last update 2 years ago. Rino looks too spooky, it doesn't seem like you can set it to use your own node.
How can evading taxes be a crime when the government just prints more money at a whim?
Because then they will need to print more money, you moron. Which acts as a flat tax on the money you hold, so it's not progressive.
>have more money
>pay more tax
How is this not progressive?
taxes are about power. money is fake anyway. you're like a nigger asking his master why he needs to keep picking cotton
Progressive means that the percentage increases. A tax that's exactly proportional to the amount is called a flat tax.
Regardless, the main problem with funding everything through printing money is that it would disproportionately hit people and companies who hold a lot of cash, rather than the ones with most income/profit.
>taxes are about power. money is fake anyway.
i'm 14 and this is deep
american taxes don't even cover mandatory federal spending dumbass. you are required to pay in fiat. up until recently most of the world was forced to make payments in us dollars. it's a power game. if it wasn't, then you would have the option of paying taxes in gold and silver
>this is your brain after watching a few youtube goldbug videos
Things just get chaotic when you have double digit inflation continuously. Stores have to constantly raise prices, people have to constantly ask for raises. Cash becomes a hot potato, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible by buying things and storing value that way. It's extra work for everyone and the losers are people who are to busy / not clever enough to get rid of cash immediately.
You do need a bit of inflation to encourage people to invest their money back into the economy rather than keep cash for decades, but it's better not to have more than that because that just gets inconvenient for people. Which is why governments prefer to raise money with taxes, and only use the money printer to keep inflation from dropping below their target (usually around 2%) and as an emergency tool during recessions.
Only retards hold cash
MM android app was updated 1 year ago. Both of them are made to be used as a service. I would consider Rino especially good for security of funds but obviously both have your view key. Good if you want to use XMR like a bank account but maybe not if you're a hitman taking payments.

If you want to rig up your own wallet to stay synced, your view key at least will be hot. You could sign transactions for that wallet in a fashion similar to Monerujo sidekick. In a future update the view key is probably going to change and there will be easier ways of going about this but that's probably at least a couple of years away.
That's not how taxes work. Specially when the only thing you can do is buy shady stuff
Old news. Monero-gui wallet literally has warnings about this when creating a wallet. Are dread faggots really this retarded?
I guess I should have made it clear I'm only interested in native Linux clients.

>Both of them are made to be used as a service. I would consider Rino especially good for security of funds but obviously both have your view key.
I was under the impression one can simply use MyMonero client with my own node and have no interaction with their service. Is this not the case?

Lightweight wallets aside, hopefully a private node can help alleviate syncing times over Tor somewhat.
Fake news xmreur is still 154
If you think this isnt fake short it or load up on put options
>I was under the impression one can simply use MyMonero client with my own node and have no interaction with their service. Is this not the case?
Nodes sync with the network, wallets sync with a node. This is because all the data on the blockchain is encrypted so a wallet's private keys are needed to know what's in the wallet. The magic of MyMonero is in the backend where your view key stays synced and I don't think they've open sourced that bit https://enterprise.mymonero.com/
I have a question. Is it okay to use KYC exchange to buy LTC using CakeWallet, after swap in Cake to XMR, and after swap to monero-wallet-gui through Tor no KYC exchange x2?
Lmao this FUD is so bad. First of all, this isn't a problem if you've been running a node and it's also not a problem if you've been connecting through TOR despite of what this shitty article says.

They tried to get rid of XMR by banning it from CEXes and now that they see it had no effect, they're trying to FUD it.
Not gonna lie, I do love seeing just how FUD resistant XMR is. It either doesn't react at all or, in the case of binance delistment, bounces right back up.
The funniest part is, their FUD operations backfire. First they made people use DEXes like Bisq and now they'll make people run their own nodes.

Thanks I guess?
Hilarious. So what are the go-to DEXes now that localmonero is gone?
For the surprise of no one over the age of 16...
Hm tseting. I think i am shadow banned,.
>some hack 10 million
>random guy suddenly tries to witdraw 10 million
mmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder how do they find them, such a fucking mistery
>t. esl thats never payed taxes
>>102443155 (checked)
Nah, you're good to go. The internet really is dying, its not just you.
Pulled all of my money out of crypto a while back. The second the ETF was confirmed Bitcoin became locked in step with the s&p. At that point you may as well just buy $spy. Same velocity without the retarded transaction fees and the risk of hacking/scams on exchanges.
Thanks anon.
>implying i ever connected to some sketchy service owned nodes
ugh, ass, forgot to bump
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Users: Run your own nodes with tor or i2p and at least a VPN, you fucking retarded plebs.
Non-users: Keep fuding instead of watching the actual video.

>Specially when the only thing you can do is buy shady stuff
>Source: I spended 1 minute to type the letters of my question in gogle, and 1 minute reading the first three search result titles while dragging my finger over them to help me read the words better, and I concluded it is impossible.
The incentive to run poisoned nodes is much greater and the fact is the government possesses the resources to waste millions if not billions on tracking their civilians. And the government isn't going to forget to stop tracking, you might stop running your safe node. The only protocol that will ever work is one that assumed everyone is compromised.
I should also say, that the civilians generally don't like the idea of ransoming people's grandmas using untraceable digital currency so they wholly support the government spending resources on this. Just like we're fine with paper money having serial numbers and other tracking mechanisms.
What kind of bozo wasn't already using a full Monero node already? If I recall correctly it even said upon setup that not doing so is less secure and puts your privacy at risk.
>Decent modern CPUs make like 0.50-$1/day
what kind of CPU are you talking about exactly?
also do you have a dedicated mining rig?
$1 sounds very little and I'm sure that would be a net negative after you check the power bill, but that could be fun to learn
its been known that you need to run your own node if you want your transactions to be secure.
Yeah and good thing it's easy to tell which nodes are compromised and which aren't.
>"Crypto" is 100% ponzis.
>"Monero" is "Crypto"
You have the mental acumen of a 4 year old, keep quiet.
He's still right.
>the first thing a slave dreams of is his freedom, the second a slave of his own.
> - Anon
So the answer is just...everyone runs their own nodes and remote nodes get abandoned en masse???
It sounds like a spooky attack but from the looks of it much of it is based on people not using their own nodes, now that this has been a proven line of attack surely more steps just need to be taken against it.
Monero is still being developed so it'll be quite interesting to see what happens from here in response by the devs.
Pretty much. It was already known that using a remote node you don’t personally control or know in real life who runs it is monumentally stupid, this is just something that can be pointed to when someone asks why
I have to pay it so you have to pay it too. No second class citizens!
cool it with the antisemitism
personally I'm more concerned with broadcasting my ip to the world saying "OH BOY I SURE DO LOVE MONERO- NOT THAT I WOULD USE IT FOR ANYTHING BAD OR WHATEVER-I HOPE NOBODY WIRETAPS ME~~~~"
It's just money.
>crypto is a scam
>nfts are a scam
>ai is a scam
when do techbros stop losing?
Gormint tracking should be the basecase for these things
Cryptotards arent unaware of gormint MO
>extremely sophisticated attack that doesn't even work most of the time
>meanwhile btc and others are constantly in court documents
>buy bitcoin.
>Users: Run your own nodes with tor or i2p and at least a VPN, you fucking retarded plebs.
Just run it normally. There is literally nothing wrong with running a Monero node. Grow some balls.
nice fud lol
whats next, encryptions are insecure because somebody could physically type a correct password on site and gain access to the contents?
tldr mitigated within 1 week
This got me interested in running a monero node on my orange pi even though I don't even have any monero
>signing for a glowie visit despite no personnel gain
A true patriot
b-but if you have a keylogger? Password are INSECURE
thanks chief, this is looking good
yes, those are the most valid purposes possible
>Just run it normally. There is literally nothing wrong with running a Monero node. Grow some balls.
If your monero activity is limited to tor/i2p, then there's no reason to run it on the clearnet.
>Just run it normally. There is literally nothing wrong with running a Monero node.
At least read the manual before advising people: Running a Monero node over Tor doesn't even mean that all its connections go through tor. It's a regular node, with regular clearnet connections to other nodes, but it also keeps a pool of a few Tor connections to random nodes that it doesn't download blocks from. Instead when you make a tx, it always goes through Tor to one of those random nodes, and then it follows the usual Dandelion+floodfill from there. Enabling Tor on your Monero node is about making it even harder to associate your IP with your txs, it's not about hiding the fact that you are running a node. Same goes for i2p.
He was the one advising people and was implying that those were necessary steps to have privacy. There was someone else on twitter saying the same thing who didn't know about Dandelion++. It might be nice to run over Tor but it isn't necessary and making the uninitiated believe it is just creates a barrier to entry that isn't actually there.

Also my comment was partly in response to the posts saying the feds will knock down your door for running a node.

Also running a node over a VPN will almost always prevent incoming connections which is unhelpful for the network.
god I wish that were true
it's literally highlighted in the OP pictures
>glowies control major nodes and use them to deanonymize transfers
if that was obvious to you and you hosted your own nodes and avoided major ones then congratulations, you have at least one braincell
Wouldnt self hosting make you stand out and so asking for being targeted?
Oh, that's weird... Who could have foreseen that using a centralized service operated by strangers would lead to this outcome?
no, because that's how monero is supposed to work
there's a multitude of easy to use applications for it that will fire up a node for you and even connect it to Tor
this is all just glow in the dark IDF scare campaigns only applicable to a minority retarded subset of monero users
pedophiles aren't the brightest bunch, decentralized currency however is very real and very threatening to the Yid and other agents of Satan
>crypto is a scam
Crypto only became a scam when people let it turn into a clone of the stock market where the value of the currency fluctuates based on random circumstance, mining ceases to be a thing, and acquiring or selling crypto involves using some bullshit service that demands a significant fee to do nothing.
>nfts are a scam
Conflating the technology with retards selling glorified YCHes that are pre-built.
>ai is a scam
Misapplied marketing label for algorithmic generation of garbage. The closest we have to actual AI is in videogames.
anyone else using monero as lifesavings?
>monero devs: use the nodes you trust or, better, host your own
>crypto cattle: I am silly, I will use whatever node, it is crypto therefore safe
>crypto cattle: *gets pwned*
The warning was there FROM THE BEGINNING goddamn retards. Just kys brainless shitters.
Yes me
The pedos in this thread are on the verge of an anxiety attack.
God forbid they take responsibility for their own dumb actions. They will lay the blame entirely on Monero since its suppose to ensure "privacy". Completely ignoring the fact that it entirely their own fault it failed to do so.
>you shouldn't use banknotes
>shady people use them for drugs and organised crime
This is how stupid you sound.

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