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>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>Read the OP before asking a question.
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.

Previously on /ptg/: >>102367834
Should I update qBittorrent to 4.6.7?
GGN status?
ooouughh OPSirs!! i m pooooing!!
Daily reminder that I will NOT use OT until they allow junior idol
Sent ;)
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path to nzbs.moe?
not yet
I thought moe was a tracker.
Fuck... HDB invite thread is gone on BHD
it is, it tracks NZB files
What is the point of HDB?
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High Definition, Bitch
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A non tranime OP pic? Not sure if this is the official thread

Also, guy from picrel is really shilling red kek
Bitch, High Definition
already does that thobeit
You make a good point. I concede.
poo loo sirs
That guy's account is from 2015 and he is still User, 0 uploads and barely seeding anything
in 2 years i guess i'll be able to get recruited into the cabal trackers. i have a question though why is HDB the most exclusive one with higher reqs than PTP and BTN

imdb with links, any obscure movie available here
ratioless tv tracker where you can find any tv series
a tracker for hd stuff?

seems like there would be hd stuff available at the other two. what is the point of this tracker being so exclusive?
trophy tracker
most of their torrents have no seeds either
Don't think too much about it. It's a chill place cause everything worth downloading is either 50% or 100% freeleech, there are no HnRs and it has a bunch of bluray exclusive discs, but it's really no half as good as its cooked up to be. Invite forum is kinda rad cause there are virtually no requirements on recruitment bar having a HDB account, but by the time you're in HDB you wont need the invite forum any longer. There really ain't much of a logical explanation as to why HDB has such high requirements. They don't even want you to upload and provide content yourself but are content with you seething 1TB in content.
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>seething 1TB in content
I am honestly surprised this typo doesn't happen MUCH more often here
that's all the stats you need to survive on OPS
Topic name?
i have a friend on btn that wants to invite me. he doesnt have any invites to give tho what's the easiest way for him to get them? how much is it to buy them for orbs/bp/cubits or whatever
Taxi to a poo loo sirs
Just ask your friend, retard
>there are no HnRs
doesn't that kind of is a hint? (only one of a few reasons!)
if they would be easier to join, the tracker would be abused with HnR's.
According to the possible classes in your ranking
RED would be in the Great class, which would be BIB too.
Yeah, I don't get why PTP and BTN aren't Hit&Run free. It's not like the new flesh joining are knewbs
Anna's > Bib
Slsk > Red
i never said what you are quoting
>doesn't that kind of is a hint?
learn english jeet
it's a coworker and i don't wanna be too pushy. he's not a retarded tracker collector like me
i don't think they are selling invites rn but i am too lazy to login and check
he can either donate (i guess you can pay him) or spend 100,000 lumens
>tracker collector
>doesn't have cabal trackers
Anon I....
I wonder what the intention may be in trying to shit on RED and then
even to suggest something completely different than torrents.

yeah, and nobody answered to you talking about HnR's ...
can you give me more information on this? how much does he (me) need to donate?
>stamp collector
>doesn't have the british guiana 1c magenta
Thanks. I knew this comparison was coming and I laughed out loud when you hit submit.
>answered to you talking
hope they use something other than usenet.farm to spam as they drop every other upload
It's the bio of the guy posting RED/OPS war stuff in the thread about the data scraping
Are you retarded that you can only use one thing (private trackers)...?
>can you give me more information on this? how much does he (me) need to donate
Stop spoon-feeding this poojet trying to buy invites
>no cute tummy
ywnb the official thread
Is there a tracker for privates?
Anyone have link to the profile of the HDB recruiter on BHD?
Only if you tell me what do you plan to do with it
I miss OT so much
let it go, good things don't last forever. find something new and treasure it
/ptg/ is sleeping, good night
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slsk is a dump filled with locked shares and youtube rips, it's only better than red if you're a complete retard who doesn't care about getting garbage quality files
needs to be some setting in torrent client to prevent seeding to timewasting 8kb/s fuckers
>needs to be some setting in torrent client to prevent seeding to timewasting 8kb/s fuckers
just report them on private trackers
cope cuck, you'll always use private trackers for everything like a retard even when there are better options
A bunch of faggots who take flacs from RED and hide them behind locked shares begging for you to buy shit and rip it in return for access to them, or only getting it in mp3, is not a "better option"
Anyway I want to say soulseek has it's uses but it's not "better" than a private tracker. If I search something and find it on a private tracker I'll be able to download it in good quality with no faggotry involved. It won't be a 20+ year old 192k scene rip. It won't be a youtube rip. I won't need to trade anything except my buffer to get it. It's a bullshit free experience unlike soulseek which is full of faggots begging for you to buy shit for them. Faggots who think they're special and deserve rare content because they downloaded everything off RED and OPS already. The private tracker experience is superior in almost every way. I don't even bother checking if I can get something from soulseek before I search it on RED.
What better options are there? Legitimate question.
I love AB so much bros
sorry but I only use RED since OPS doesn't care about security.
I guess there's no FullHD release of this wartime documentary ( tt2526924 ) ... ... a pity, because it's one of the best WW2 docs I've ever seen, by far ...
It's old so I don't think stuff on Aussie TV was airing in HD yet, The.Fall.Of.Singapore.The.Great.Betrayal.PDTV.x264-BARGE exists
best way to earn yen on ab?
It’s BBC which was airing in 720p on tv and iplayer in 2012 (it still is). There might be a 1080i tv rip if it was shown somewhere that was using that standard in 2012. Likely the master is stored and accessible in the BFI Archives but they won’t let you make copies, you can only view it.
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That rip was from BBC actually
Weird that they grabbed it from an sdtv feed instead of just ripping iplayer. Looks like it was only ever shown the once too
It might be the best copy you can end up finding. There's no telling if it was in SD or HD on iPlayer because it's been more than 10 years since it was available.
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> Likely the master is stored and accessible in the BFI Archives but they won’t let you make copies, you can only view it.

Today I feel optimistic ... ... ... MAYBE one day BFI releases it as FullHD content ... who knows ...
Perfection for comics. Soulseek for music. Anna's for books. IPTV for sports. I heard some based people use tachiyomi for mangas, but I don't read those so no idea.
>Perfection for comics
can you elaborate?
What is this indexer and is it worthwhile? How do we get in?
It's just a mirror of shit from animetosho. Not worth anyone's time.
Looks like MVGroup captured it in higher quality but I'm away from home and can't login to see if it's still seeded
>he doesn't know
It's shit. Not worth anyone's time.
You are not in. Cope
>he doesn't know
why do secret places make pajeets seethe so much

poo loo sirs
sour grapes :^)
anyone done any torrenting lately
We don't have a life. We use private trackers instead....... :)
sirfriend sir i'll poo on your cow if don't stop!!!!!!!
Please do the needful sir...
Sorry, I can't go out that day... I'll be busy on my private trackers instead!
1- How do you think Grohl courted Katara? Do you think he played the goodboi act (everyone thinks I'm nice!) or instead spoked about his porn fetishes and stalked all dirty?
2- Do you think they both fit into an elevator or would it broke?
yeah, forgot I had a filelist account and went there, got myself some classical music and some films.
private focking trackers... fooooock.............!
shut the fuck up zophylic subhuman
sweet, keep it up
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dead general
you should see the usenet general
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So wtf is up with Orph?
I didn't know what to do, so I simply deleted all my torrent with them. No skin off my ass since I have a high ratio, but what did they expect users to do?
They expected users to just change which port was open and also maybe block the IPs the ghostleecher was using
Minimum uploads should be discouraged. People upload so much dogshit it's insane. Who the fuck is Armaggeadon Speaks? Why is every song it's own individual torrent? What piece of shit did this?
Imagine getting scammed by an indian or being dumb enough to buy invites kek
I was getting leechers from multiple IPs, so blocking IPs was useless. I restarted my router and it stopped.
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LOVE RED(eeming my tokens sirs)

Anyone had only a few of their ptpimg files disappear w/ sql error?
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I open up AB and coom in my pants...
>anyone done any torrenting lately
every single day. I have 12 accounts and I use all of them.

"What did you expect?" moment.
If you have more than 10 trackers you are a loser.
>If you have more than 10 trackers you are a loser.
nah I need all 12
Only losers need that many trackers (collectors). You can't have that many hobbies while also having a life.
10 trackers is also an edge case, more likely 5-6 trackers are enough for most.
Why do you act like a zoomer?
>u are a looser if u have more than this arbitrary number of trackers xd
Having all the trackers you can get is never a bad idea, you never know when one might stop working/shut down so having an alternative ready is great
>10 trackers is also an edge case, more likely 5-6 trackers are enough for most.
1) PTP <
2) KG <
3) CG <----essential movie trackers
4) RED < --- muh music
5) HDB
6) BHD <---HD content
7) BIB
8) MAM <---books
9) BTN
10) TVV <--- 2 best tv trackers
11) GGN <--- muh gamez
12) FL <---general for popular content

This works for me! I use all 12.
>10 trackers is also an edge case, more likely 5-6 trackers are enough for most.
You're right but it does help to have more than 1 tracker for content you really care about.
You are a loser beyond redemption
You too, but it's not too late to change for you. Too much pointless redundancy
>You too, but it's not too late to change for you. Too much pointless redundancy
It's fine and I don't intend on getting more trackers. Over time, 12 will become 11. 11 will become 10. I might get new trackers if I need redundancy but only 1 at a time years from now.
>v4.6.7 changelog:
>BUGFIX: The updater will launch the link to the build variant you're currently using (sledgehammer999)
>BUGFIX: Focus on Download button if torrent link retrieved from the clipboard (glassez)
>WEBUI: RSS: The list of feeds wouldn't load for Apply Rule (glassez)
Not unless any of these are relevant to you. So no for 99.999% of the people using qbit
>I need all 12
No you don't unless they are all shit tier
don't post my oshi in this shithole
PTP is enough to eliminate KG, CG
RED for music is fine
HDB eliminates BHD
BTN eliminates TVV
BIB or MAM eliminate the other one
GGN is fine
FL does have a single valid use case when you're already everywhere else

So yeah you have a reason to use only 6 of those trackers
FL does not*
>So yeah you have a reason to use only 6 of those trackers
There's nothing wrong with redundancy. He might have to get BHD if HDB dies, etc.
>FL does have a single valid use case when you're already everywhere else
Wrong. It's good to have a general tracker for popular content. I'm not going to download popular movies from PTP so I get it from FL instead.
needed trackers:
all else is flair
useful trackers:
and then niches that need special trackers:

are you upload poor or pretending?
>There's nothing wrong with redundancy.
Sure but the original argument was "I need all 12". That's not the same as wanting redundancy.

>I'm not going to download popular movies from PTP so I get it from FL instead.
Why the fuck not? If you actually claim because of "muh ratio" I'm going to start seriously doubting you're on PTP in the first place considering you have to actually work hard to ever be in danger on that site.
Not to mention that if you have HDB then there is quite literally ZERO reasons to download movies anywhere else since HDB is virtually ratio free assuming you're seeding about 1TB of content considering how much BP you generate and the fact that 90% of the site is either 50%FL or more
>are you upload poor or pretending?
No. I just don't want to seed my gf's copy of Barbie on PTP when I can do it on FL. She hated it btw thank god.
I have no problem with redundancy. You actually want it for when a tracker dies or is down for longer periods. My problem is that you can't justify needing more than a general tracker for most cases. Like many here probably have BTN but they watch tv once every once in a blue moon. Same with games, only playing popular stuff. Music? Spotify could actually do it for most here, they don't listen to stuff that's only available on physical form, or have very niche interests.
You would rarely dive deep in more than 2 hobbies (same point as before: unless you don't have a life). Have redundancy for those, and use a general for the rest. Collecting trackers you don't need is pointless.
yeah, sure
what's PTP's min seed time?
>I just don't want to seed my gf's copy of Barbie on PTP when I can do it on FL
Are you retarded, autistic or both?
We always did it for epeen, simple as
t. Am here since wcd went offline (2016)
>Sure but the original argument was "I need all 12". That's not the same as wanting redundancy.
I crosseed to make sure all my trackers have my content on them.

>Why the fuck not? If you actually claim because of "muh ratio" I'm going to start seriously doubting you're on PTP in the first place considering you have to actually work hard to ever be in danger on that site.
Because I don't want my PTP account to have a history of downloading shit like Barbie for my gf.
Why can't I get a gf bros?
I'm way more mentally sane than this guy...
Some people grew up eventually. Looks like you didn't
>Because I don't want my PTP account to have a history of downloading shit like Barbie for my gf.
sure sure but
why can't answer >>102463756 question
even if you were to search it somewhere else you would have found it already unless you're retarded on top of being a liar
name 2 out of the last 5 uploads to PTP
>Collecting trackers you don't need is pointless.
I handle all 12 just fine, anon.

>what's PTP's min seed time?
It's not about seed time as much as having Barbie on my PTP snatches. Fuck that. I only want kino on my PTP snatches.

>Are you retarded, autistic or both?
What is so hard about understanding that PTP is not for getting shit like Barbie?

>t. Am here since wcd went offline (2016)
Me too but that's many of us.
>I'm on PTP but I can't answer basic questions about PTP
fucking larpers man
>What is so hard about understanding that PTP is not for getting shit like Barbie
It's not because... b-because I say s-s-so!
Mental illness.
>It's not because... b-because I say s-s-so!
Anon, if you get movies like Barbie, you don't need PTP at all. This is obvious.
Name your trackers then. Let's see how "sane" you are.
He's clearly a lot saner than someone pretending to be in trackers he's not
>Anon, if you get movies like Barbie, you don't need PTP at all. This is obvious
Of course, that's why the get mad when I call them losers.
>He's clearly a lot saner than someone pretending to be in trackers he's not
Is that it? Lol. I'll prove it just to piss you off. What do you want me to show I'm in?
The actual question is why are you not using HDB for barbie
It's okay. Maybe we are all losers but at least we don't have shitholes like Huno kek.
>The actual question is why are you not using HDB for barbie
hahahahahah fuck that.
i used filelist for that because filelist is my weakest tracker, reserved for popular trash movies I need to get sometimes.

HUNO is getting good reviews so it's not bad. I don't need it but I can see why people want it.
I can grind 500 uploads on RED but I can't find a wife...
Only by copium sniffers who can't get into actual good and relevant trackers.
>inb4 muh I'm brown Hone is good qualities sirs!!!!!
look anon it's not my fault you are ocd about how many accounts you have and wanna be minimalist because of it
>i used filelist for that because filelist is my weakest tracker, reserved for popular trash movies I need to get sometimes.
this is a well-known tracker strategy so I don't know why people give you shit about it
why waste PTP ratio on shit you might not even like?
I’m on BTN, MAM, Blu, TL, IPT… can I get a filelist or PTP invite?
>waste PTP ratio
a movie to watch and delete is like 10GB
I have 50TB of buffer
I am not going to go to another site so that I don't "waste" (read: use) 0.01% of my buffer
and there's no higher tracker, nothing with a bigger catalogue than PTP, I don't have to impress anyone with my esoteric snatches
>I’m on BTN, MAM, Blu, TL, IPT… can I get a filelist or PTP invite?
you can get it yourself moron.

>I have 50TB of buffer
you're basically a ratio farmer

>I am not going to go to another site so that I don't "waste" (read: use) 0.01% of my buffer
I don't ratio farm like you. I use filelist so I don't have to waste my PTP ratio.
I don't have a seedbox nor do I download shit I don't watch, all I do is permaseed
you don't have ratio because you download absolutely nothing
you know how to get more ratio? download popular movies, have more movies to seed, and generate bp
as if the system's designed for you to download whatever you want, shocking!
You are overthinking it. Just use the trackers for what they are retard
>you don't have ratio because you download absolutely nothing
i have plenty of ratio and bp lol
>you know how to get more ratio? download popular movies, have more movies to seed, and generate bp
nope. not doing it. i just seed rare content. works just fine.

>You are overthinking it. Just use the trackers for what they are retard
exactly. no reason to use PTP for popular movies I can get from FL.
>I use 2 trackers instead of 1
Holy strategy Batman
>Holy strategy Batman
It's not my fault you didn't learn to torrent the smart way.
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You are into some deep shit man, tell me more about your autism
We need more hot anime women to fix this thread
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*turns off autobrrr*
And now we wait for ratio instead of trashing it by racing..
Unlikely. This thread is only alive when I come to troll
private trackers... let's get some use for those useless trackers in our collections...........
Another day another thousand new uploads on MOE. Feels good.
Does anybody know what happened to Asian Cinema?
Why did HDB stop recruiting on BHD?
Because they didn't want any more curry to join
>This thread is only alive when I come to troll
get a job, anon
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never enough
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>private tracker
>no faggotry involved

>full of faggots begging for you to buy shit for them
you can filter out people like that on nicotine+

>It won't be a 20+ year old 192k scene rip.
learn how to use the search tool correctly, pussy
I'm on 45 trackers and I can't bring myself to let my accounts die. For some reason I'm still seeding and actively cross-seeding on LST when I'm on PTP
I love AB so much bros
I love junior idol so much bros...
What's the best, fastest go to from Red? Everything seems like it's 6 months minimum.
If there's an exclusive HDB encode, you won't find a better one anywhere else in the world
Sounds tough
Just wait lil bro
AB usercount?
Im not into your faggotry, go to PTP for that
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A redditor got lucky after trying to buy an account.
Anyone knows where wtf and in recruited the last time and what the class requirements were?
>implying they'd know how to use anything that's not a private tracuck
Just look at the HDB thread. Everyone has posted there
Classing up on private trackers
Spamming shitty Deezer FLACers
we need drizzy to come back
you mean the invite forum? my account isnt old enough yet to see it
no, the usenet thread isn't in the invite forum
which thread are you talking about?
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Look at the most replied usenet thread. You can't be this stupid. All the information is there. Not my problem that you will have to go through multiple pages to find it.
private trackers... show me your privates and I'll show you mine as a fair exchange........
FNP open for a couple days. Stats:
Active Users: 26387
Movies Category: 52605
TV Category: 52450
Music Category: 26530
Total Torrents: 134700
Total Torrents Size: 1.26 PiB
Seeders: 594491
Newish general tracker with huge traction for some reason, might become a good backup.
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Shit tracker, begging for donations 24/7
just ignore
I'm not sure if this got translated properly but it looks like M-team only accepts gmail and qq for registration?
I too would seethe if I was a pajeet and could not join
Not even a pajeet would want to join
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In the past, you needed HDB to prove you were white, now that any nigger can join it, only by having a MOE account you can prove your are one of us. If you don't have your own MOE account, I'm sorry but you are brown.
are there any other PTs with active userscript and app sharing forums or is that just a RED and OPS thing
good trackers have good forums
yeah thats what I also found so it seems I need access to the invite forum.
i forget where I got invited to nzbgeek from
anyone know which tracker had it offered in their forums?
how do i get into extremebits?
nzbgeek is open
drink more cow urine, jeet
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let's do the needful, kid sirS
i hold the world record for continuous street pooping, and i won't give it up easily!!!!
Anyone interested in a JPOPSUKI invite in exchange for a kPT one?
Stop insisting, you'll never be white
Why does he look so mad?
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seeding, leeching, seedboxes, bonus points
yep, we are living the life
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The term is moeshit, you brainlet
captchas are useless, bots are still doing their thing >>102477396
Any trackers for phone apps? My mobilism sub expired. :\
Noob question here, how many levels do my pet drops every time I unequip it?

My doves went a few levels down so I'm not touching anything anymore until I get some clarification
thank god
white guys are cucked as shit lol
that's not a bot
you don't know what bots are, do you?
Ask in the irc but dont ask too soon or I'll know it's you kek.
Someone will answer you near instantly, I guarantee it.
The term is moeshit, you brainlet
so it was you then? learn to write proper english sentences before posting faggot
are you sure it went down levels?
I can't find anything about that
Is there any tracker that accepts Dutch OTT requests?
private trackers... foooock i love em.........
what? they require a subscription now? I remember when you just needed an account
I don't like clicking through 5000 ads.
I'm phonefagging when I download apps.
bit boring but you could grab the latest scene rip megapack off a general like TL. Just look up the name of the app you want on TL and you might get lucky and find it in a pack. Otherwise, can also sometimes get lucky with RED.
english is not required in mumbai sir
private trackers are my fucking life, i want to become one with em..........
good morning
i have sexual emergency
What Tracker????
ops sir, get in the taxi. i rape you if your woman!!
fuck you bloody benchod
I need the trackers not fake taxi
Trackers to cure my autism ?
we the motha focking /ptg/ we OGs in this shit since 2006 you feel me?
I'll give it a go, thanks anon. Just really getting basic shit like e-book reader/phone call recorder is a bitch. I actually pay for the premium stuff like SkySafari 6 pro because I like stars and stuff.
Path to RED from nothing?
With only 7 days left until our 1st anniversary, we are excited to announce that we will be opening our doors for 3-7 days. This marks the end of our first year together at FNP, and we are proud of what we have built. We'd love to welcome new members and strengthen our community further.

Originally, we planned to reopen around the festive season for 2-3 days maybe, but this feels like the perfect time for us to do so now.
Another day another thousand new uploads on MOE. Feels good.
my recc is typically foss apps for basic stuff. I have mupdf for simple pdf&such reader, and KOReader for advanced mobi&such reader with progress saving. Almost every pirated app I have I'm probably going to just pay for because they're good projects I want to support (and there's very few of them, most of my shit is foss)
Path to moe? i already have .in and omg
Impossible, closed.
When was the last time thye opened?
Hmmm. I don't think they've ever opened. Everyone joined by knowing someone, not necessarily staff.
Sir please, invite me I beg you I need to coollect
Sent ;)
(Check your 4chan PMs).
Bloody bastard I see no invitings for me I rape you bitch
I love AB so much bros
You can use adblocker on mobile retard
Firefox+ublock origin on Android is the best
poo loo sirs
Ywnbw (you'll never be white)
Moe this moe that I want to feel the warm inside...
Sour grapes
do i need to become an anime expert to join ..? maybe ab legend rank >>102487038
For starters? yeah, that could help.
you can get many moe invitings from desi sir ....
its over
sir they only have invitings for pootopia and oops nothing for moe sir >>102487291
im also looking for a toilet sir kindly and help
Over 3k new members in 24h… terminal pajeet infestation
Pretty sure FNP is for jeets by jeets
Sir do NOT disrespect uncle Vinnie and the BLU team. We are the premiere Desi tracker for our population
We are ranked the highest, even more so than PTP. QUALITY and PROFESSIONALISM. Blu sirS
Join and donate so a lucky one from the blu family can buy a new toilet. Do the needful
Does BTN or HDB have Jap dub Spongebob?
you've asked this a year ago, still no
maybe U2 has a BDMV with jap audio
EMP recruiter not answering since 4 weeks. I am sure I'm qualified and my PM had the format requested...
Is it over bros?
No, just be patient. Or, bump your message and risk waiting even longer.
The site admin is a massive sperg and went off on vinnie at one point (vinnie is also a sperg but still).
From breaking uploads with his shitty bot to begging for donations literally every day I see no reason for someone to join that site.
How can I be a mod on a cabal tracker? I want to BAN
>maybe U2 has a BDMV with jap audio
maybe try some jap trackers
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i don't think such a thing exists, piracy is treated as a serious crime over there
>they exist
drugs are a serious crime there too, and yet some japs take drugs...
can you name some?
Keisuke smokes weed and there's a guy called Junichi in Ehime who loves amphetamines
Can someone tell me if the new Ghost Files season is on BTN ?


It's the first thing I can't actually find anywhere and if it's there I'll start grinding for it.
idiot. sooner or later it's gonna leak to other trackers/ddls anyway. no need to grind.
Yeah but I have to wait for that. I'm extremely autistic, otherwise I wouldn't bother with private trackers.
it's available on multiple different streaming platforms, all you have to do is rip it man
or make a request

also there are hours and hours of it on youtube, but it's compilation slop
wouldn't that be a dupe on BTN, and even trumpable?
put it on bhd
>extremely autistic
>doesn't already have BTN
>or make a request
I don't think there's a tracker for the garbage he is asking
they have crap like this
Why do Redditors hold that tracker in such high regard anyways? Because it just has rare stuff? Because it's hard to get into?
It's a tracker around nostalgia, and boomers love that shit. It's useless for the rest of us
>I'm extremely autistic, otherwise I wouldn't bother with private trackers.
you'd have btn already if that were true you fucking poser.
True, I ranked up on red in like 3 days. Did not do anything else (besides eating and shitting) until my task was done.
Same, except I'm actually autistic (and not a sperg) so I wrote a transcoding script and let it run all night to go from 10 uploads go 500. How could you do something for 3 days and not automate it?
fuck off lost media wiki zoomer faggot
Where the fuck does TrollHD upload now?
where? im on every good indexer besides .in and i see more of their new stuff on random ddl sites than i do on usenet.
oh and rutracker
monolingual faggot

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