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>New Tor exploit just dropped

German law enforcement successfully used a timing analysis attack to deanonymize users in a world first


Opinions on tor?
>requires LEAs spying on Tor entry nodes and ISPs spying on specific customers for months
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They claim it was a Tor attack. It’s also likely that (((they’re))) just trying to scare people off Tor or hide the real method.
You cant even pirate on Germany so it's much easier for them to introduce such tricks.
>nation states can do nation state things
This pretty much. Anyway, still switch to I2P
in* fuck
Tor responded and said that if he had used ricochet refresh instead he wouldnt have gotten felted
aight cool, thanks for clarifying
It's fucking gay. I basically can't use it without opening a port wtf.
>I basically can't use it without opening a port wtf.
Wrong and even if it were true you are supposed to use it on a dedicated device.
Not wrong. Without an open port you'll be browsing with like 10KB/s
>you are supposed to use it on a dedicated device.
Also gay
>Not wrong. Without an open port you'll be browsing with like 10KB/s
>Also gay
No, having some small SBC on your network as your I2P router is based and it can be used for more stuff
Yes. Stop fucking lying.
torrc => ExcludeNodes {de},{nl},{us},{ru},{whatever you want},{??}
StrictNodes 1
That's all, thanks for your attention
I never opened a port and it works fine. Fuck off
TOR is worthless. Oh boy I love browsing at 30kb/s and slowly loading 4chan.
It works for an IRC but like why the fuck would I care about an IRC on the deepweb? I could just...use all my normal ones.
I see actually no use case scenario for TOR except for pedophiles
This guy is correct unfortunately
>Reduce your anonymity set by half just to evade this targeted attack
nice phishing attempt
Most of the time in Tor Browser I see hops like Germany => Germany (Exit node). It isn't normal.
Yeah that's because germans disproportionately care about privacy/anonymity/etc. I don't know why but you can get far in the dw simply by talking german.
Same! t. german
>tor is bad because i cant consoom my content faster
bitch nigger glowie go get buried alive underwater in the mariana trench
>spelling it TOR and not Tor
opinion discarded anon-san
This, Germans are into privacy because of Stasi and such
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these fags were never genocided, they still live among us
it's fucking hell out here sometimes, especially on the web. you basically get sued over anything, even a comment section on some fucking dumb blog can fuck you up real good IRL
Idk man where just grade A autists sometimes. Sometimes when I'm not in front of a screen I'm thinking about how to more efficiently let in air. I feel like this fairly precise language we have made us much more likely to develop autistic traits
Is it that, or is it because the German government is the most dystopian in the entire Western world, going further in its surveillance and censorship than similar countries?
>the German government is the most dystopian in the entire Western world,
You haven't been to Australia much, have you? And fwiw the German government now opposes chat control in the EU.
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Wait a second, I actually know this guy. It really seems this guys full time job is to go on CP forums and make reports about it. Of course it's him, who does reports about this. Note, I'm not saying he is a pedophile or anything, I just mean that whenever you hear in German media about Tor or pedos on Tor, it's this guy.
>now opposes chat control in the EU
*claims to

When the EU does unpopular laws, they always allow the countries that are close to elections to be against it.
They all know it comes anyway... and even if it doesn't, its already here through the DSA already.
There is no danger in voting against it.

I do think Germany beats Australia on the dystopia-scale. They are also the first goverment to do a MITM attack by abusing letsencrypt certs (hijacking the domain to request it).
Clearly he's just very passionate.
Does Australia regularly arrest people for dissenting on Twitter and other social media?
Tor died when they kicked Appelbaum for """allegations"""
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this why (You) have to torrent trough TOR 24*7
Don't forget NetzDG
Poor disk
>*claims to
Well I mean they can't do much besides saying so if there's not a vote currently going on. Also this has been going on for some time now, so it's unlikely to be election babble.
>They are also the first goverment to do a MITM attack by abusing letsencrypt certs (hijacking the domain to request it).
Australia is the one with the forced backdoor laws though

>Does Australia regularly arrest people for dissenting on Twitter and other social media?

No, you torrent through I2P because torrenting using Tor is bad for the network and I2P gets helped by you torrenting.

Oh no not my 'Don't be a degen online' laws that are in all 14 eyes nations and many others!
Can i2p even be used to connect to non-i2p seeders?
>I am hard enough to do it
yeah I bet he was rock hard in those moments
>Can i2p even be used to connect to non-i2p seeders?
No, but you can cross-seed.

A lot doing that kinda work don't last long but he's a seasoned veteran.
>My government may punch me in the face, but at least mine doesn't kick me in the nuts!
>My government may kick me in the nuts, but at least mine doesn't punch me in the face!
How about we agree that neither is desirable?
Muslims are exempt from the law in germanistan
>How about we agree that neither is desirable?
I agree, just saying australia is gayer.
>ISPs spying on specific customers
That means they already knew the identity.???
Just saying, strange coincidence, the people you refer to make big money selling the very thing they chase people on tor for, as if the purpose was not to protect children but to protect their business.
>Hey ISP can you figure out who connected to this guard node
>Sure thing
Two weeks later
>Must be this guy
>Cheers mate
I don't like tor being broken, but we can't blame the police for catching a pedo. If he really was, that is.
>I don't like tor being broken,
Timing attacks are not new and they are easily avoided by having more nodes or updating. Ideally move to I2P where this kind of attack is way harder to perform relatively speaking.
bitchass CCC not acting in the name of freedom yet again
>German law enforcement successfully used a timing analysis attack to deanonymize users in a world first
they used a very old exploit for ricochet that some people never bothered to keep up to date.
>world first
not even a world's 10 millionth, german glownigger.

> From the limited information The Tor Project has, we believe that one user of the long-retired application
> Ricochet was fully de-anonymized through a guard discovery attack. This was possible, at the time,
> because the user was using a version of the software that neither had Vanguards-lite, nor the vanguards addon,
> which were introduced to protect users from this type of attack. This protection exists in Ricochet-Refresh,
> a maintained fork of the long-retired project Ricochet, since version 3.0.12 released in June of 2022.

> i2p
Are you serious? When Apple holds a keynote there are dozens at once and nobody of us "Anonymous" is affected, suddenly Tor is the topic and you want "Anonymous" to have just one thread? Who the fuck are you? What's your surname?
only a glownigger would post this

one or twenty threads, makes no difference. tor is still safe if you update your software that had known vulnerabilities. glowniggers seething hard today.
Good point. Roger D said years ago that doing this was a bad thing.
Still I would exclude US and UK exits at a minimum
Spotted the 12 year old.
tor is known to be vulnerable. It's literally in the tor projects goals that it doesn't project against certain classes of attacks. If you intend to use tor it's important to know what those attacks are, how feasible they are, and how likely they are to be deployed against you.
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working as intended
I have been a big fan of Congress for many years and it has been heart breaking to see these fags infecting it every year now
I've stopped caring about those netzpolitik (Grüne), Washington uniparty cocksucking pretenders almost a decade ago. Fuck them.
The Kapos gatekeeping the exploit are hanging out here:


Beware of exposing your IP, it's the german government/feds/pharma mafia at the other end of the line (They're all vaccinated good boys)
What happened to CCC? I'm out of the loop
Did you know that you can configure Tor so that it doesn't use nodes in unfun countries using the ExcludeNodes directive in torrc?
It's true.
oh boy two threads for the same topic, love jumping treads
>I do think Germany beats Australia on the dystopia-scale. They are also the first goverment to do a MITM attack by abusing letsencrypt certs (hijacking the domain to request it).
Oz is worse in spirit, the only reason they haven't MITM'ed anything yet is because they're busy jacking off crocs all day.
Sind allesamt Hurensöhne, wie sich herausgestellt hat.
Bin ich der einzige?
Raus, Politik als Primärsache, nicht als Nebeneffekt, hat hier nichts verloren.
Well, Covid happened, everyone sucked government dick, then BLM, then Ukraine, and now all those who were once opposition are totally mindbroken bootlickers. That happened on a global scale in the Western world, this too affected the CCC, but I know not the exact details of the CCC itself.

Does anyone give a fuck about what Wildschweinfresser thinks anymore?
Is he nothing more than a glorified tech-clown now?
Dont care. I dont watch child porn and I dont do drugs. Doesnt affect me
>Does anyone give a fuck about what Wildschweinfresser thinks anymore?
Er hat ungefähr so viel zu sagen, wie er Alternativlossendungen macht.
">i got nothiyng to hide"
aight, send me your browser history
Terrible strawman. Absolutely cringe.
Huh? :^)
From the article this sounds like the Ricochet software leaking metadata and an ISP dragnet to associate it with an individual. It's not an attack on the Tor browser bundle or the Tor network as a whole. Add it to the list of shitware vulnerabilities along with javascript and bittorrent/dht.
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Naja, vielleicht nicht allesamt. Aber ganz sicher bin ich mir da auch nicht. Digitalcourage seems to be a better Verein to join, I think. As a german technology man, I mean.
>police gives details on attack to state media, state media gives details to CCC but not the tor admins
>CCC is not giving the details to tor either
the downfall of the CCC continues
what a huge bunch of fagots
you're like those people who are against unconditional free speech because what if someone says something mean on the internet :(
Spotted the LGBBQ+ tranny
The logic behind the measure, which experts call "timing analysis": the more nodes in the Tor network are monitored by authorities, the more likely it is that a user will try to conceal their connection via one of the monitored nodes. By assigning time to individual data packets ("timing"), anonymized connections can be traced back to the Tor user, even though data connections in the Tor network are encrypted multiple times.

i am confused
I watch youtube on TOR. It isn't 2006 anymore. You just have to fish for exits that sites you want to visit haven't blocked.
This ^^^^. At best they could show a lazy person's packets going to an entry node. I say lazy because real Tor users never use it from home. They use an SSH tunnel to a VM or some other schmuks house and run the tor daemon there. So not evidence, just correlation.
OK then, tell us how to make TOR not run at a snail's pace.
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I use TOR but I never do anything illegal. I simply use it for privacy.
I use TOR but I never do anything legal. I simply use it for nefarious acts.
ISP always know which device and IP (and so customer) is using TOR but usually they cant digure out wjst are they doing. The more TOR users the better
For example if you are the ony TOR user within you college wifi and you are sending bomb treats in order to avoid some final then you will get caught for being retarded. If every student uses TOR then it would be nearly impossible
Just elimination method like OP link
>t. happens every month in my country
what happens if you use a vpn
Noted, I'll keep in mind.
Absolutely, but I suppose it was just a matter of time until the de-facto national hacker club is coopted, though I would've expected them to at least be aware of the paradox.
Consider CCC absolutely compromised, there are maybe nice guys there and those who have "legacy connections" and all that, but I don't have faith that anymore that whatever they say will stand the test of scrutiny.
>I say lazy because real Tor users never use it from home.
Entirely incorrect
Doesn't really help and isn't recommended. If you can't let your ISP know that you use Tor you should use a bridge.
*Covid and Ukraine are both topics so big and polarized, any official club statement should've been
>The club refrains from issuing official statements about $CURRENTTHING; every member's opinion is of their own and their own responsibility
but these niggers just cannot resist to use any fucking occasion to virtue signal their performative Betroffenheit.
Meine Fresse, INS HIRN GESCHISSEN, mein Gott.
uniskings are we going to jail
Retarded take, if some group wants to come to some statement they can do so. Being apolitical is correct but there's no such thing as enforced apoliticism
At this point if you're doing actual criminal shit on the Internet you should just make/rent a botnet and use that to bounce your communications around.
Unless the provider of your botnet gets busted. Having proper opsec still helps since in the case above was a timing attack that only was possible due to not having updated his software.
a p2p network where most users use it for CP. and you can't control what you send and receive
what could go wrong
>a p2p network where most users use it for CP
Incorrect, unless those are not in indexes for eepsites.
>and you can't control what you send and receive
Partially correct. You can't control what you send and receive as a node, so you get some encrypted data you can't decrypt and send some encrypted data you can't decrypt. This does not implicate you in any crime and doesn't make you liable in court. If it did the postal services of each nation could all be sued if any illegal item was sent through their services.
>what could go wrong
Nothing because your bait is bad
>f it did the postal services of each nation could all be sued if any illegal item was sent through their services.
yeah because the postal service and hackerman in his mom's basement would be seen to have equal standing by the legal system
They would in your faulty logic, especially since the postal service doesn't need 48 billion years to encrypt a single letter or open some package
you're making the false assumption that the legal system works in some transparent, unbiased way
>No the legal totally is busted
>Yes of course I'm posting this from my home without obfuscating my IP
I hate your victim mentality so please stay where you are and don't use I2P
so now discussing hobbies on 4chan is the equivalent of transmitting encrypted illegal content?
>Legal system is so unfair they will jail you when you are sent and send messages you can't know the contents of
>Legal system is so just that you can criticise it online openly and face no repercussions
If this doesn't help to show you your flaws in your mindset I'll stop responding because I don't like picking on retards.
>you can criticise it online openly and face no repercussions
That's because your critique doesn't endanger them. It's only once you start eliminating a federal judge or two that they get all butthurt.
>Legal system is so unfair they will jail you when you are sent and send messages you can't know the contents of
>Legal system is so just that you can criticise it online openly and face no repercussions
They only come down on you if you try to organize irl resistance
>I'll stop responding because I don't like picking on retards.
Guess I finally have to be a man of my word.
>I've run out of arguments, but can't appear like I'm running away with my tail between my legs
Classy, anon, classy.
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Tor has always been an obvious honeypot. It was invented by the US Navy, and if it was actually secure they'd have never released it.

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