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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102435115

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Black Forest Labs: Flux

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news



>Fine-Tuning Image-Conditional Diffusion Models is Easier than You Think

>OmniGen: Unified Image Generation

>KALE: An Artwork Image Captioning System Augmented with Heterogeneous Graph

>Kolmogorov–Arnold Transformer: A PyTorch Implementation

>WaveMixSR-V2: Enhancing Super-resolution with Higher Efficiency


>Mamba-ST: State Space Model for Efficient Style Transfer

>ComfyUI-Fluxtapoz: Nodes for editing images using Flux

>2S-ODIS: Two-Stage Omni-Directional Image Synthesis by Geometric Distortion Correction

>Towards Kinetic Manipulation of the Latent Space

>DreamMover: Leveraging the Prior of Diffusion Models for Image Interpolation with Large Motion

>Beta-Sigma VAE (BS-VAE)

>Only Train Once (OTO): Automatic One-Shot DNN Training And Compression Framework

>Microsoft, BlackRock form group to raise $100 billion to invest in AI data centers


>CogVideo Image2Video Released

>HF Dev adds true CFG and negatives to Flux, refuses to elaborate

>USTC-TD: A Test Dataset and Benchmark for Image and Video Coding in 2020s
>mfw Research news


>Phidias: Generative Model for Creating 3D Content from Text, Image, and 3D Conditions with Reference-Augmented Diffusion

>OSV: One Step is Enough for High-Quality Image to Video

>Reducing Catastrophic Forgetting in Online Class Incremental Learning Using Self-Distillation

>Score Forgetting Distillation: Swift, Data-Free Method for Machine Unlearning in Diffusion Models

>LASERS: LAtent Space Encoding for Representations with Sparsity for Generative Modeling

>MM2Latent: Text-to-facial image generation and editing in GANs with multimodal assistance

>Towards Effective User Attribution for Latent Diffusion Models via Watermark-Informed Blending

>BAD: Bidirectional Auto-regressive Diffusion for Text-to-Motion

>Missing Data Imputation GAN for Character Sprite Generation

>Benchmarking VLMs' Reasoning About Persuasive Atypical Images

>Playground v3: Improving T2I Alignment with Deep-Fusion Large Language Models

>Optimizing Resource Consumption in Diffusion Models through Hallucination Early Detection

>GLEAN: Generative Learning for Eliminating Adversarial Noise

>Convolutional Networks as Extremely Small Foundation Models: Visual Prompting and Theoretical Perspective

>Ethical Challenges in Computer Vision: Ensuring Privacy and Mitigating Bias in Publicly Available Datasets

>3DFacePolicy: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Diffusion Policy

>NVLM: Open Frontier-Class Multimodal LLMs
the op pic.
why not do compilations like ldg?
I found it, you have to use an extension called Config-Presets then it is under the image preview.
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You are greta poster right?
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We're too poor to afford that
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I hope comfy fixes touch events in canvas some day
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Whoever trained this LORA did a hell of a job.
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>24 hour threads
Lets gooooo
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I finally got around to doing a bunch of testing with this but pulling out the fluxguidance nodes didn't help. picrel is a pixel art lora. I tried a bunch of different loras and none worked. maybe my gpu is cursed?
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I don't really like high heals but I fear that putting "heels" in the negatives will cause bad results.
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> I fear that putting "heels" in the negatives will cause bad results
face your fears
so it's come to this.
With 1girl, SD will usually just crop out body parts.
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That looks demonic and demons are all faggots and trannies.
frfr, I show a demon sucking dick in a dark alley last night on my way home
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directionally true; but hey, we all make mistakes, new friend.

say it loud and proud мoй дpyг-дeмoн
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I'm rejoicing


infinite blade works
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psst, hey? yeah, you! what if you made that same gen, but evil? ... ??! .. whoa just asking questions bro, no need to get hostile! inquiring minds want to know, ya know? sheesh... anyway, thinking black eyes, maybe some horns and red skin... fangs, maybe? yeah fangs, but maybe in that anime style where they're really subtle.

look, i'm just trying to spur anonymous to greater heights, it's not some kind of sick coomer thing, i swear!
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narrator: it's a sick coomer thing
this prompt lowkey sucks bro, fr fr, no cap. finna bousta make a new one cuz.
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same fr fr
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kot think he getting zyn. stoopid kot, u get nothing.
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the kot in question
why can't he have some zyn tho?
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Good evening, anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
I thought of Irellia from Lol.
You're lost
Not even rebirthing could fix you
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he looks like he needs to take the edge off. give zyn. I tried to get pw to post cat pics but failed


damn that sucks bro
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good evening
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because i said so!

hmm. maybe red skin is too much, but otherwise, a+. black eyes == picrel. i've got some lora for it... lemme figure out where to get it
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Someone heretic left the doors open.
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guess that's 1.5, idk i'm old fashioned like that
heard you're resisting kot pics. △ says "SHAME"
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we'd sure hate to see more empty eyed, blank expression sloots. that would be """bad"""
Evening PW :)
speaking, for instance, exhibit A: "black sclera". flux is shit btw
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make them soulless demon girls. can't stop, won't stop, until the whole thread is evil whores who stop at nothing to suck out your pathetic soul
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Heya Debo! Great to see you again :]
Cool gen!
Good evening, anon! That's a super cool scene!!
Heya Illuminatianon!!!
Huh? LOL
Actually last night I kinda put my guard down cause I also fight for that same cause! In a sense... LOL
Good evening, Quokkanon!! It's always so great to see you!! :D
That gen is so cute!!
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nah, I didn't like this prompt at all. I already gave up on it
no, it's fine, but it could be >>102452675, he understands the assignment.
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my own black sclera is slacking. this stupid lora just won't behave. looking into a lawsuit against the creator, on the grounds that he is making me look stupid ITT
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I want to be cool too so i put demon a dozen times into a prompt
hell yeah!
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Well I had a great night. I dont know what this is but I love these tags.
needs more sexy tho desu
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very fun series. I enjoyed it
here, but, watching "The Fountain"... again
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never satisfied!
finish it
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ok I added "sexy" to the prompt.
this is a sexy demon, by definition
r u still using flux? that piece of ass wouldn't know creativity if it kicked it in the hypothetical nuts
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I am but I'm not trying very hard atm

not jonesing enough
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just a tree holding a lantern
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Morning fellas.
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Good morning, anon!
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Hi how are you
This might be the wrong place to ask, but--where to i find weird fetish loras that would not be on CivitAI? I know the furries and loli lovers have their loras (because they post a LOT), but I have no idea where to get other fetish stuff. Please help if you know!
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I'm doing amazing! :D
How are you?
Your scenes are so cool!
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Thanks! I'm okay too a bit tired though. That gen is amazing.
love when you get a random evil thing in the background, completely out of nowhere
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It is quite late, huh? haha!
Thanks so much!
Those rocks look like they should be mined for minerals or something hahaha!
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Its very early over here. Almost 4am. Is it late by you?
Last one from me, good night anons
isn't that nice?

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Oh wow! It's 1:18 here hahaha
You must be on the east coast haha
Good night, Quokkanon! Sleep well :]
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Good god!
Glad you returned!
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Good evening, anon! It's so great to see you again!
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Hello, nice to see you too.
I'm doing well, thanks, and still enjoying your ost 9.
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I'm so glad to hear that!! :D
Omg i'm so glad! I finished that one this morning!
It's pretty much the same except the ending haha
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Very enjoyable. I like the solo section in the middle especially, and the clapping at the end is a nice touch.
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Oh whoops! I sent the wrong version LOOOL but I also loved the clapping at the end hahaha!
This is the one I meant to send, but you don't have to listen to it all again hahaha it's just the ending that's different
Thanks so much! :D
I'm glad you liked it!!
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The new outro with the high notes is also nice. Hard to say which one I like better.
I didn't see the other OST tracks on your page. Are they published or are you still working on them?
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Hahaha same! I love the ending of the first one, but the second one works better for a game I think!
Uhmmm this link should have everything I like so far! A lot of it hasn't been worked out, but they're my favs so far!
I hope you like em :D

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Wow thanks for sharing all of that. That's a lot of work you've put into this! The first track already had me bouncing in my chair. I think your game will be a winner.
I hope you keep the version of OST 9 you shared the other day, I think it works as a shorter piece as well.
Nice chaos warrior
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You're welcome, and thanks so much!!!
I'm SO glad to hear that hahaha! I always visualize it in my head when I listen to these songs hahaha! They keep me motivated to want to make it and I really should get on it desu hahaha!
I absolutely will!! I really like that one too hahaha!
Omg thanks again though, it really makes me wanna work on it! Soon I should have much more time to do so!
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Are you making a video game?
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I am! Very slowly though
I'm working in UE5 right now haha starting over from Unity hahah
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No problem. I'm glad if I helped motivate you. It's good that you can use the songs to focus on the game, and visualizing it will help you achieve it.
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I miss Schizoanon
I'm not here at the moment
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Here's the catboxes for the two images with myth lora applied that I attached in previous messages.


The first one is your workflow (and a fixed prompt since I don't have wildcards) with the FluxGuidance nodes muted and the second one is Comfy's basic flux dev workflow with gguf and lora nodes swapped/added in. The workflows output to a subfolder with the current date as the name when you go looking for the generated images in your file manager.

There's a few things you to need to change before attempting to queue either one up: Select the q8 gguf you're using and also the clip model unless you also have that recent version as well from the same author. Also reselect the myth lora as I put mine in a subfolder.

If only one of these workflows end up showing the effect of the lora it should be the modded comfy one as it takes your workflow entirely out of the equation.

In the event that neither show the results of the lora then at a I guess I would suggest creating a fresh venv and a new comfy install without copying over the custom nodes folder, just get everything (apart from checkpoints, unet, lora etc) fresh. See the attached image for the torch+cuda combo I've got in my venv. The graphics driver I've got is one or two versions behind being from June.

Something else I remembered, change the vae as well since I downloaded it after BFL changed it to the full .safetensors whereas it looks like you got yours before that changed happened and was only .sft instead.
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Good morning
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Howdy. Nice gen.
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You absolutely have! :D
Omg hello Koff!!! Long time no see!
Good morning, anon!!
Heya, anon!! Good morning! Cute gen!
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nvm, i'm exhausted
be back another day
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Goodnight, well morning, anons! I hope to see you all tonight haha
aight man, peace
Take it easy dude!
In CivitAI, how would one correctly use the prompt to create bangers? Say, if I want to make make a cute femboy spreading his legs open showing his cute cock and balls and a big butt while giving a smug look. How would one go about it?
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Newfag here, why is my performance terrible? I installed EasyDiffusion and this is what I'm getting, stuck generating an image for 20+ minutes and it's barely done. I have a 4080 and a good PC.
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Generation settings.
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thanks for this. I'll give it another go when I have a chance; though I'm not likely to do a fresh install...


thats funny cuz I post here more when I'm exhausted, lol

see you around

bruh wtf. maybe you're somehow genning on CPU instead of GPU? can you post what the startup logs show from your terminal?
Here's the startup logs:
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hrm, it does seem to detect your 4080 in cuda0 and uses that. I have no idea why you'd see such terrible performance. can you try a 512x512 image?
My installation SSD is pretty full but still has over 30GB of space left. Could that be the reason? I'll give a 512x512 image a try.
i would try a different ui like forge, fooocus or comfyui, maybe its fucking up the environment setup
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View of GPU on Task Manager, idk if this utilization is normal or not.
there is a "cuda" graph you need to toggle on in taskmgr to see cuda utilization. thats the chart that actually matters
close it and open it again then try a lower resolution
you can see already that it's using shared memory
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weg lora?
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Mo just "sai 3d model" from Forge preinstalled style cards and "from below" in prompt other than that it's pure hallucination.
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Oh I forgot and mature, big eyes, big head in negative to prevent Pony sameface.
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Morning anons
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this one keeps really good consistency. nice work

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I guess some niggas just can't get no (You)s
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sometimes the motion behaves and sometimes... i does not haha
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Such a glum girl. Why is she so glum?
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280 KB
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2.34 MB
2.34 MB PNG
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1.79 MB
1.79 MB PNG
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where'd everyone go?
File: output.webm (246 KB, 380x380)
246 KB
gn frens
*raves to bed*
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1.75 MB
1.75 MB PNG
gn raver
Who took her torture device away?
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1.73 MB
1.73 MB PNG
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I hope baker is around
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2.41 MB PNG
lycoris users were hyping it up as the next big thing that will change everything

ignored it

Did it ever do anything?
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1.92 MB
1.92 MB PNG
Are there models that do sprite work?
Can they do animation sheets?
File: delux_ci_00105_.png (1.69 MB, 1536x968)
1.69 MB
1.69 MB PNG
they can get kinda close but nothing thats actually usable in a final product without manual cleanup
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1.85 MB PNG
can someone bake? I have to leave but dont want to miss the news
I thought you baked every time
File: delux_dc_00077_.png (2.34 MB, 1152x1344)
2.34 MB
2.34 MB PNG
I don't bake
you baked

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