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madness edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102440642
India super power by 2030.
anyone know anything about bloomberg? might go for a low level ish help desk role
EU if that matters
what are megacorps like bloomberg like?
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>what are megacorps like bloomberg like
Universally pretty shit, especially at the lower levels. They can be quite comfy if you're quite senior, though.

Would not reccomned for a help desk role.
Bloomberg technical support reviews
14% would recommend to a friend
(32 total reviews)

oh dear
I can only imagine ever taking these reviews seriously if I have multiple competing offers and I need something to separate them

Surely it must be better than being unemployed or whatever your current situation is
>Be me, hired in a relatively big company more then 1000 people
>Still completely alone when it comes to fixing IT stuff in the part of the company I'm in
>company finally decides to hire someone to do the same stuff I do
>jeet enters interview
>Within 5 min I reveal his inability to do the work required
I mean how hard is it? Just ask how they'd solve one of your daily tasks, and they'll fall. How do they even get hired?
I have failed every technical interview I ever did.
>better than being unemployed
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i was a buzzkill in my group's chat and no one has said anything since. i killed the fun. oh my god.
Quick give me some corporate buzzwords to make me seem like I'm doing a lot of work.
prioritize (or better: triage)
10,000-foot view
but what if people don't forget? i'm considering never speaking in the chat again and returning back to being a ghost in the chat. my manager said she liked that i was coming out of my shell before this, maybe i should go back into my shell
I love my nasa job
Shit OP.
>Helpful YouTube Channels
You're kidding, right?
>security clearance interviewer asks if i'm suicidal
>Boss wants new conference tech
>wants a 105" fucking TV
>get quote from supplier
>"Wtf anon that's too expensive!"
First off: I fucking hate working in the healthcare sector, Doctors and nurses are fucking peak retarded. Second: I DON'T MAKE THE FUCKING PRICES FOR A 105" DIGITIAL SIGNAGE-TIER TV
>Doctors and nurses are fucking peak retarded
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Yes, and?
I'm the one that doesn't get invited to meetings with the customer,
because I'm the one that always asks the awkward questions, like:
- "Is this at all possible?"
- "Is it sensible, to try to implement this?"
- "How about we choose a simpler alternative?"
Basically, if you're confident in the correctness of your actions and behaviour, then be okay with it.

... wait, am I actually an arrogant asshole?
They're too retarded to use iPads. Literally, we had to teach them how to use a new app that's required by our drug supplier for ordering opioids. It's essentially just built like Amazon or any other webshop. Yet these fuckers will pass each other handwritten notes about what opioids they need, then regularly try to ask us to order things. They cry and shit their pants if their screen has been powered off (they can't find the button to turn them on). Trying to teach them 2FA for Windows is like trying to teach a monkey quantum physics.

And these people are in charge of your health. gg no re
Do you guys EVER use arrays (like in Java or C# or something) instead of Lists? Fuckin stupid arrays are prioritized in leetcode/school when I've literally never used one professionally
You will learn to manually wrangle memory and you will be happy
Only when I want to be a smart arse, e.g. for my last interview.
In C#, you can get away with using IEnumberable, and then it doesn't matter, whether it's a list, array, set, or anything else.
In Java, you can't be that flexible: You have to decide, whether you want to deal with arrays in the method signature;
the alternative is using the Collection interface for iteration.
I personally default to doing as much as possible in Java streams/C# LINQ.
When a concrete collection is necessary, I use sets or sorted sets;
lists I reserve for when order needs to be preserved/arbitrary or duplicates need to be preserved.

Look towards Data-Orientated Design for more reasons to use arrays over collections. Hell, to use arrays over objects!
>On today's episode of Hell at the Help Desk...
the tickets. they never stop coming in. please. someone make it stop.
Maybe give your coworkers the ability to manage their own accounts instead of having anal retentive levels of control over the simplest things?
NO. you VILL update your passwords every month and you VILL be happy about it.
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Yeah, and you VILL need to contact IT support if you want local admin to install software.
The password VILL expire in two days.
more like someone other than me do some work. we have one other tech but he's perma-in-the-field. leaves just me with all the tickets. its so fucking exhausting.
When the length is fixed and known.
can we please dump security people into a wood shredder
I work in IT for a national government. I have 5 years experience and no other relevant work exerience (other than some student jobs). In every interview, I kid you not, they ask questions like if I'm going to fit in a corporate environment coming from the government. I've also been told they went with another candidate because of their experience in the private sector. What the fuck do I do? Am I stuck in the government?
i got a raise. i now make $100k
congratulations anon. what do you do?
That's very impressive for defense. Congrats.
not necessarily. i started at 90k and only have 1.5 YoE now. a lot of places are paying closer to 120-130. it may depend on your specific industry
i'm only staying because of how much i love the job compared to the others. plus, i'm in the 6 figure club now, so i don't have to be pouty and leave over it
i will take the compliment, though, so ty lol
>there are people itt not making 800k tc while only working half a nano second every day from home while their boss sends them free lunch every day
Just grind lc harder then you will make it
How do I join an AI company and sabotage?
they lie so much
Anyone can set up such a company: just ask chatgpt for a pytorch example, make some slides, and go to a bank like Ycombinator and ask them to invest.
>customer I hate requested to work with me specifically
Fuck, I don't even hate their network I just can't stand working with assholes, let alone ones that don't communicate.
>pajeet breaks shit
>doesn't revert
>refuses to revert
>manager has to step in to yell at him
>reverts and gets pissy at me
I push the restart button on a Windows VM twice a day, I feel like my 100k salary is more than fair.
Can people still get 200k+ wfh code jobs from a bootcamp or is it really just networking, charisma and a firm handshake?
>reverts and gets pissy at me
kek who cares, what's sandeep gonna do lmao
Bootcampers only make $90k in 2024
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>I hate
>requested to work with me specifically
Sounds like you have a secret admirer.
Why are they like this? They pick weird hills to die on. Just own it and move on. I hate how Asian cultures treat everything like it's a total repudiation of their character.
>my honor, I have to save face!
Fucking pussies. Too afraid to admit you made a mistake. This is why they are always doomed to failure. Appearances matter more than results. They engage inass delusion just to avoid looking foolish.
Its not just one person its a team anon
But like with many in the past I am the only one with the ability to fix their problems, which is quite depressing
It sounds like they know that, and you know that. So guess what? They get to work on YOUR timetable now. You have all the power.
it really is true. they will go down on a hill faking they know something to appear smart when they get BTFO'd they just lie and say they knew that anyway. It's very weird. I recommend the article "Why Arabs Lose Wars" it talks about middle east (but applies to Indians as well) where their office corps is just based on nepotism instead of meritocracy resulting in bad decisions.
god I hate scrum so much
someone keeps messing with my jira board by moving shit around and deleting shit which then causes the scrum jannies to bother my ass to correct my board

I'm actually going to start screenshotting everything because this shit is driving me nuts
it should have a history tab where you can see everyone who edited it
We need to relentlessly bully people out of tech.
That way we will return to the times of tech worker scarcity and our wages will increase.
The problem is that it's the bullies and chads that invaded. You're asking that the nerds and dweebs start giving Chad swirlies. It's never gonna happen.
oh yea I see it now
they've been doing all kind of shit to my issues and now it's a clusterfuck

epic, I'm just not going to think about it
anon why is your jira board such a mess? this will affect your performance review fyi
t. your manager
if i was a scrum janny i would KILL MYSELF
I'm a frontend dev and what is the difference :^)
NTA, but funny you should compare them to Arabs.
I'm a yuropoor, and both my CEO and direct manager are from the Middle East.
Sometimes they make decisions beyond my comprehension, and I've slowly over the years chalked it down to "cultural differences" and saving face rather than being open, honest and candid.
To the point where one of our customers have recently described my company as "having a different interpretation of the truth".

I should probably also ask them whether they've been paged recently...
in my company, they unironically do it for free on top of their normal job
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I'm expecting a shit performance review too because my manager is also an idiot but my company made the terrible mistake of overloading me with critical work so if they want to replace me then I wish them luck

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>i am unable to take calls, please email me or continue via LinkedIn DM for x, y, z reasons
>teehee can you hop on a """quick""" call?
why are recruiters like this? pic related, real interactions I had with a r*cruiter yesterday evening
it's 100% true. It's embedded in the culture over there. They'd rather have people they know they can strong arm and not have full visibility because it makes them seem powerful and elite.
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do any of you autists have experience with feigning your real tech experience and pretending to be a junior IT admin, just so you can get the job? I have 15 years experience and my auto job applier applied for a Jr admin job and they want an interview (only looking for 1-2 years exp, out of college). I need a fucking tech job so plan to hide my exp and spill it out gradually so I can work and get paid, how much of a retard am I for that?

looked at the job desc and its definitely all basic shit that I can do
I knew a guy who did this because he was afraid he'd lose his job if he wasn't busy enough
Are you concerned, that they'll see you as "overqualified"?
what do you retards think unions are for?
but you are too coward and brainwashed for that.
the problem is once you start doing this they expect it of you
I can hide my expertise during the interview but too autistic to bottle it up during the actual job for very long. if theyre not complete morons theyll probably figure out I know more than I do. e.g. the job desc says they use ServiceNow (but dont expect much experience), so the first thing Im gonna wanna do is set up queues and auto filters to guide the productive workflow that Im used to. and will want to set up UPSes and VMs if they dont already use them
Entity framework (really LINQ) is the primary reason for lists usage in C#
Anyone else stuck in the office between people that are loud as shit? These people are so loud that I can hear them through my noise canceling headphones loud and clear despite me listening to music.
It's good if they find this out on the job. I had a pretty decent coworker who was hired to do SN administration and he ended up as a software engineer when someone realized he could code.
>Priyanka! get that incident done!
>rum ja ja beesh curry sounds
I would rather live out of my car than go back into the office.
Any anons advise or commiserate
>the team and higher up I report to isn't local
>genuinely don't think I could get it all done in office
>can't just shoot the shit and pretend to work
It puts me in a hard place where I'll basically fail to deliver to my team and I'm not just being petulant. So far I went in a few days and then just kept working at home but idk how long I can keep that up.

Yes a chinese guy who shouts at full volume on meetings and faggots who leave their desk area to stand near mine and have personal calls.

Same I can never go back to how things were.
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God please let one of these companies offer me. I am so sick of my boss.
Man Oracle really fucked Java. The fucking class file format is churning all the time now.
>Any anons advise or commiserate
>I'll basically fail to deliver to my team
Well, on whether to go above and beyond to meet the deadline: >>102445327
Just don't go back in. If you're actually important none of this matters.
>boss: why did you code this thing like this?
>me: just following the pattern, it was done like this on the previous 5 cases
>boss: it shouldn't be done like this in any case at all
I took over this product from him. All previous cases were his work. Why are managers like this?
Would you rather work with Eastern Europeans or Southern Europeans?
can a company be "too chill"?
i feel like mine is like that and it's really affecting my ability to take things seriously
True I did go above and beyond and have shit to show for it.

I don't think they would fire me without the blessing of the other team and they need me especially as one of the guys will be gearing up to retire soon. However I tried job searching and just had rejections and a failed interview so while I am important to them I'm not a superstar with options lined up.
Just preemptively move into your car and don't go in.
They probably won't fire you but if they do you're not missing out on much more than just extra retirement savings.
Because managers are fucking retarded
What do you mean? I would be afraid they would say something doesn't matter and then try to pin it on you later. I like when things are documented (which you can do just by sending email summaries if there is not an actual process).

I have a huge runway of cash which I increased when this got announced. So living in my car is figurative, but I literally would do it and prefer it to being an office slave.
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Slept like shit last night and was a hard day at the office
I'm completely fucking drained, I don't feel like doing anything but sleep
>90 person company acquired by an investment fund
>investment fund also acquires a 10 person startup and moves them under the 90 person company
>investment fund ousts original CEO of main company and replaces him
>company currently has 20 positions open
are these red flags
>follow pattern
>it's shit, why did you do it?
>don't follow pattern
>we always did like this, why did you do it?
The moral is: do what makes you happy and "apologize" later.
SCRUM more like SCUM amirite boys?
What happened now? Something new in Java 23?
idk they changed the class file format and none of our shit works.
Why do you care about the class file format? You're talking about compiled .class bytecode right? Does your shit need to parse bytecode directly or what?
It has to load someone else's jar file.

Don't ask me why this is built this way. I would have done it in like four lines of shell. I just work here.
>Well, on whether to go above and beyond to meet the deadline: >>102445327
glad you linked this. read that, all the replies and will add that all tracks with my personal experience. every time i've gone above and beyond it always ends up with me being left with more responsibility and no extra compensation (in any conceivable way).

when it comes to corporate entities, you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. don't let them take advantage of you.
sir pls do the needful and get on call we offer sexy job sir most pleasing beautiful
maybe she wants to fuck
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When you get pinged for a status update how do you deflect the question when you have been mostly slacking off?
not only that but I've had times where people legit get angry for doing extra stuff. There's no upside only downsides.
That should be simple enough, assuming the JAR was compiled with a target version that is compatible with your version. Like, if the JAR was compiled targeting 21, but you're running something earlier like 17, that's where most issues arise. Maybe their JAR is targeting a later version than what you're running?

As far as loading/reading, it shouldn't usually matter what specific version it was compiled with, because to "load" it you're usually just going to add it to a URLClassLoader and let it do it's thing. Or if you actually need to manipulate files inside of it (like the manifest or other extraneous .properties resources) then you'd load it in a JarFile, and it does the rest. Shouldn't ever need to be messing with bytecode directly.
looking for a job is the most soul crushing experience ever AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
It looks like it might be a permissions issue but I'm not sure
<insert error message here>
>assuming the JAR was compiled with a target version that is compatible with your version.
I don't know how I could assume that. It comes from outside the company.
Company just announced offshoring a bunch of jobs in Argentina. How do they rank among the other common foreign places (jeetland, eastern euro, SEA)?
Easterns are alright in my book. Southerns I don't care for. They are too apt to steal and lazy.
>retard complains about Java
>doesn't even know how to run the java executable
/g/ - Technology
Supposedly LUA came from there. And there's that one FOSS contributor from (Mexico?) I've never met a single programmer from Argentina.
They asked me all these C and unix programming questions in the interview and have me exclusively doing java stuff.

Like, fuck, I know interpersonal communication is hard but this is a little over the top.
same here.
another thing i noticed over time is that if i'm the guy constantly picking up responsibility where other people aren't, i'm just expected to bend over backwards going forward. when the time comes that i'm not able to go the extra mile, that's when people get upset.
i'd be more willing to go above and beyond if it were rewarded accordingly, but that just doesn't seem to happen (almost ever) in my experience.
yeah it is. have you found anything that gets you excited? i've been considering changing specialties in tech for a bit, but every job seems to come with its own amount of bullshit that makes me reconsider. really only want to change jobs to make more money. don't think i find somewhere with a better QoL so i'd be sacrificing that for a paycheck.
Smarter than jeets but lazier. Not as smart as Eastern Euros but also less likely to steal your data or use your computing resources for crypto mining.
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next time they will think twice before asking for an update
the white man fears the latinx coaster
Well check on it first to see whether that's the issue. If it is, that's when you get the project manager or whoever to link up both companies and make sure that either they compile for a different version, or you run a different version.

But if you truly have no control over it, like it could come from a variety of sources and there's nobody on the hook to ensure compliance to some kind of project standard, then...
1. That's pretty unsafe then, an attack vector for receiving malicious code, and you need to ensure that the JAR comes signed by an authority you trust, complete with checking expiration and CRL/OCSP.
2. If you really need to then you can run a separate JVM process for the sole purpose of reading/loading that file. Use ProcessBuilder and so on, just like if you needed to run a local OS command like ps and get native output.
>1. That's pretty unsafe then, an attack vector for receiving malicious code, and you need to ensure that the JAR comes signed by an authority you trust, complete with checking expiration and CRL/OCSP.
Not my problem.
> 2. If you really need to then you can run a separate JVM process for the sole purpose of reading/loading that file. Use ProcessBuilder and so on, just like if you needed to run a local OS command like ps and get native output.
I only have control over the shell script that loads it. Another group that maintains all the java stuff has control over that.
If you're a White man and you're not coasting at this point you're probably a cuck.
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VERY based anon.
>Another group that maintains all the java stuff
Sounds like that's the group you need to contact then. Or have your project manager contact them, and (unfortunately, if needed) set up a meeting to decide which side is at fault and who needs to change something
Word. If they promoted me I'd be doing a lot more. Alas they expect me to do more for less and that just isn't going to happen.
>Supposedly LUA came from there.
that's brazil, retard

>And there's that one FOSS contributor from (Mexico?)
that's mexico, retard.

do americans really think latin america is a single country or some shit? have you tried reading a history book or looking at a map-oh, wait, of course you haven't. nevermind.
>do americans really think latin america is a single country
Yeah essentially, they're all the brown mongrel hordes that keep hopping the border.
We don't go by geography. It's just that we have to combine all of Central and South America's economies into one in order to make it even worth discussing.
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all the latin americans that want to be here are already here
now it's the chinese, indians, africans, slavs that are hopping the fence
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Wall Street Journal:
"Tech Jobs Have Dried Up—and Aren’t Coming Back Soon"

Text: https://pastebin.com/5tW4rhPP
Original article (paywall): https://www.wsj.com/tech/tech-jobs-artificial-intelligence-cce22393

It is _over_.
that's mexico, retard. and I bet (You) are as brown as any other chicANO or indian retard that enters your country and takes your job and hates foreigners.

that's why I mentioned history books. but of course you don't read those either, so whatever
Yeah I can find them all on a map but they're all full of lawless brown retards that I don't want to talk to.
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>and I bet (You) are as brown as any other chicANO
I'm extremely White. Except for my great grandmother who came from Germany nearly all my ancestors came from the Mayflower.
kek, classic autist
it's fine, anon
if they don't appreciate you being retarded, they weren't worth being around anyway
>that's why I mentioned history books.
Yeah we're obviously talking about all the Argentinian cattle farmers.
Tips on getting into defense? I've got about 7 years experience at a gov contractor, but not defense.
One time the PM was on a roll and I was super drunk and told her I don't recognize any of the music she was posting and just started spamming random irish folk music.

I'm still cringing from that.
argentina has 5 nobel prizes, 3 of them in science...

most modern argentinians came from spain, italy and even germany. they might be more white and less jewish than you actually.
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>Man Oracle really fucked Java!!!
>a dozen posts later
>actually he's just a retard who doesn't even know how to run basic shit, pebkac
Every time.
I still don't want them immigrating here.
The first one was the biggest red flag. Private equity has been the biggest business disaster of moderntimes.
??? why would they immigrate to your shithole of a country? they are getting remote jobs and replacing you lmao
also, who the FUCK is talking about immigration? again, do you not understand that argentina is not a mexican province? in fact, mexico is considered one of the worst shitholes in latam by south americans. and those shitholes include places like colombia, honduras and el salvador
>buddy took ML program because "why not, it's cool"
>now has absolute job security while the ice beneath me feet melts
it's like seeing someone who got filthy rich off crypto, feels like they only exist to let you know how much better you could have had it
This article is pure propaganda by the way.
I got interviews the last time I poked my head up (2 months ago.) I ghosted every one of them.
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Opinions? Guys?
What's the difference?
>latinx are getting uppity
The recession is coming.
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I'm on week three of my first IT job, starting my actual assignment next week. How long until I get as jaded as you guys?
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It took me three years.
if you didn't see ML coming then idk what to tell you
The only historical event of note to come out of Latin America is that one time an Argie strongman decided to take a swing at an Over-the-Hill empire's overseas holdings and got slapped down by that same empire more than a century past its prime.
The only lesson the world gained from that is that Latins can't do war.
arrays, half the time
linked lists, the other half the time
but i am stuck in embedded hell so my experience may not reflect most cases
are you in ML?
Someone should write a leetcode that takes into account RT/space/time constraints.
Try to delay that as much as possible being bright eyed means you'll be learning much faster. Took me about 4 years to finally be like not this shit again.
same boat here
>never heard of operación cóndor and related dictatorships
>does not even mention culture, pre-spanish civilizations or historical shit like the many times europeans colonized small or big parts of latin american countries and left their marks there
americans are so sad. they think their history and country is unique, that they are white and supreme to everyone else. yet if you look at your own history and current events, you should be able to see that you are just mutts and your country won't last long as an empire.
okay Juan I'll buy your taco calm down
Am I schizo or do I sense a little dislike towards the indian guy here
is Juan your mexican neighbor in texas or california?
I see you are giving him money while complaining about him immigrating to the US lmao. no wonder they jump the border...
>adversarial relationship gets worse between QA and devs
>it’s caused entirely by seniors and staffs on both sides acting passive aggressive or outright screaming at each other in hindi
>i become the neutral bridge just because i dont scream at QA like a raging ape
>it falls on me, a junior, to mediate conflicts
why are they like this
just literally be respectful
that’s all it takes
please do the respectful sar
Are things still bad in the tech job market?

I started studying accounting and haven't looked back kek
I graduated with a degree in accounting and went directly into pwc. Maybe its just b4 audit work but I would say it was 20x more soul sucking than my years in helldesk during college. Glad I was able to jump careers early after a year and a half at pwc that was about a 6 years ago.
Yes. See >>102458356.
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>hunting trip cancelled
>raining outside, can't work in the garden
>woodworking project still curing, can't work on it

I'm going to spend another 7 days in front of a screen, aren't I...
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What kind of exercises do you guys do? I got an office job a few months ago (good ol' typing numbers on a 'puter all day), and my legs tend to feel weird after a while. I try to do some sit ups but what's a better method of exercising during work?

What I'm seeing is that the immediate people you have to be in meetings with are not in your office, so you should be a freer man than most in the office. This is my situation precisely, so when I have to come in it gives me some breathing room and allows me to socialize with the fun colleagues I want to.

You can make the most of thankfully being far away from your boss.
Can you get to the gym at lunch? If yes, or can get out for a run, do that.

If no, use a standing desk, stretch and walk/run either before or after work, and get to gym for basic resistance training program 3-4 days a week minimum (I do 6 but it's a sanity thing).
work in a (transparent) ceiling for your garden then
After you get slighted by a department too many times you just say screw it and let it all burn. That story earlier in the thread about the Chinese guy not taking accountability happens to me so often I just let the product completely break rather than fix it. It is just how corpo life rots your soul the longer you're in.
I've heard big4 are nightmare fuel to work at. Usually people just tough them out to get qualified and fuck off somewhere more comfy
I started doing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BOTvaRaDjI and all my low back pain from sitting 14+ hours a day went away. Make sure to walk 20 ft every 20 minutes or so to reset yourself.
That could be cool, then I could pretend I live in techno-industrial hellscape where the closest we get to interacting with reality is through the barrier of a plastic screen, man imagine if we really lived like that haha
5-10 min ab workout during the day at work.
weight training 4-5 times a week after work.
sometimes ill take a week off weights and do cardio only.
That is the case after you get promoted to Senior and have your CPA you just jump into private accounting work with no issues, its probably even better now with the accounting graduate shortage. Its a fine career if you don't mind the work but the work is seriously so mundane.
>but the work is seriously so mundane.
Honestly going through tech hiring I couldn't care less anymore lol
>have you found anything that gets you excited?
I've narrowed it down to either networking, systems admin, or cloud security. I know they are pretty different from each other but from the labs I've done so far they are the one's I have enjoyed. I am still applying to helpdesk stuff just in case because I wait being unemployed
NTA, but thanks for sharing, anon.
Thats true it opens up a lot of doors and provides a stable job which is why I chose that major and you kinda learn the feel of corpo speak especially with it being so client facing. The only reason my career change was so easy was because I had PwC on my resume. Just beware of its soul crushing nature.
Scrum Master here. Ask me anything or even better tell me about a scrum master you had that was good
Oh no my coworker said
>I guess we're all getting replaced by Argentinans next year
aloud. Ooooooo the awkward silence. I mean yeah, we are, but you don't say that kind of thing out loud man!
To shame management out of doing it to him. Shame is a valuable tool, anon.
>scrum master you had that was good
0/10 bait
Why not? If you're losing your job anyway you have nothing to lose.
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I think Im just gonna play Deadlock all afternoon bros. I love working from home.
Should've publicly agreed with him.
Hey is it good? I don't love MOBAs but my bro wants me to try it with him.
I have 4500 hours of dota so my opinion is obviously biased. That being said I think it is the most fun Ive had playing a game since Elden Ring came out. It is easily the best multiplayer game Ive played since before COVID. Its really fun and definitely worth a shot.
I can't find another job. I have about 3 years of experience in QA, and only about 6 months of experience as a software engineer (current).
QA I did manual testing. I have experience doing typical QA stuff (demos/presentations, creating jira dashboards/tickets/test cases).
As a dev I mostly do backend work. I've only completed a single project and am currently working on the next one. I mostly use go, but have also done some typescript/javascript for some frontend stuff on the job.
I'm not getting much response for dev jobs. I've gotten responses for QA, but pay is kind of low (50k - 60k).
What other tech jobs should I search for? I literally don't know shit.
starting to get real pissed off at these retards putting tickets in about now. think ill fuck off and do something else too. o7
I actually got really good at go in my free time and never managed to land a job doing it. I came close once.

desu it went off in some weird direction and I'm glad I'm not getting paid to deal with it now.
I brought up a different point related to the subject matter. Clearly people are nooooticing.
Thanks anon that's helpful
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I honest to God couldn't explain to you what the hell DI is or why we use it, nor could I tell you what the hell SOLID is even about.
I have 4 YOE and just got a raise this summer.
>you don't say that kind of thing out loud man!
This might not be a popular answer but I would try to stick it out for another 6 months for two reasons. First, to have a whole year as SE, and second, the job market will likely improve next year if the pattern of interest rates holds.
The fed panicked we're having a recession. It will be a couple years at least before we recover.
Your body feeling weird is a sign that you need to get up and stretch for a bit.
You shouldn't sit for more than like an hour or two maximum before you find an excuse to go for a 5 minute walk, go get something to drink or take a piss or something
know someone already in defense and get them to refer you. it's a lot easier once you already have a clearance. getting your foot in the door is the hardest part
Should I continue working in IT now or retrain for electronics?
I personally think we're close to the bottom of the job market tightening, but I will admit that I don't have a crystal ball and you could easily be right and I wrong.
I've been unemployed for a year and only have a Network + and a shitty Bachelors in Computers.
Should I bother trying to apply for the nonexistent Help Desk positions in my state? Or should I try a different career? I have no clue what to do with my life right now LOL

How good do I have to be at Python to even THINK about applying for an entry level job as a software dev?
What's wrong with Go? just got into it for this job so I probably don't know enough, but it seems pretty good.
When I first interviewed I didn't know any backend at all and I mentioned I only knew front end. For some reason they're making me do backend almost exclusively.
Makes sense to have the year experience. I'm kind of burnt out working here which is my main reason for searching. It's just been constant tickets/meetings/learning and to be completely honest I'm unbelievably average at everything so it's just been hard for me. I wouldn't leave without having another job lined up though.
If I were you I would try to get a job in industrial controls. Demand is pretty high and your training is an easy sell. It doesn't pay as well as silicon valley, and it rarely supports remote work, but it's very stable and demand is good.
Something to think about. It's definitely the "blue collar" version of tech.
>it's just been hard for me
I feel that anon, I really do. The good news is it takes like 6 months usually to get fired from a decent size corporation, so you could always just stop doing any work and wait it out.
quantity over quality, apply to fucking everything because you will only get a response about 5-10% of the time in the current market. you have zero chance of getting a junior dev job unless you have a decent portfolio.
>What's wrong with Go?
idk if I changed or it did but I feel like it got more rigid for no reason and didn't evolve.
>quantity over quality,
I literally ghosted my current employer the first time they scheduled an interview. If they're serious and they like you they'll make it work.

There just aren't many that are serious and like you.
def, sitting that long can compress your spine too much, and doing stuff like lifting weights and standing straight can help decompress , the standing desk meme is real
IEnumerable<T> is not a zero-cost abstraction. It just means you have a (could even be infinite) sequence of values.

Instead, you can unify strictly contiguous ranges of memory (as in, types where data is laid out linearly) by passing Span<T> everywhere instead - strings, arrays, stackallocs, native pointers and even lists with CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(list) - all can be turned into spans. It's a great slice type.
i'm so glad i don't work with a shart language that has these pointless fucking street shitting issues and arguments
what do you work with then dumbass
it's deferred isn't it?
>If I were you I would try to get a job in industrial controls
I never even considered this option anon. Thank you for bringing it up. I'll spend today researching on what I need to enter this field.

I live in Los Angeles, so there's bound to be something nearby.
And I am now the most senior engineer on my team
Fuck, anons
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happened to me too, most 1st most senior guy switched teams, other one got laid off, i got promo'd, suddenly leading a team of 12.

it's been great desu, more pay, less work, just sit in meeting and say nice words and shovel all actual work down to juniors and mid levels by claiming i'm doing "architecture"

i'm sure the team will grow to resent me but im gonna milk this for all it's worth
gotta milk it man
If you live out of your car you only really need a couple years of milking before your really don't have to care.

Financially speaking anyway.
>If you live out of your car
You guys can afford a car?
If you make six figures and can't afford a $4k corolla from Craigslist you're doing something wrong.
I can bet I'm better, cleaner and more good-looking than (You) in every possible dimension. And my code is always faster than yours.

The implementation does not specify this, for all intents and purposes it works in a very similar way to Rust iterators. Unfortunately a golet complaining about this here is incapable of appreciating a good language.
>$4k corolla from Craigslist
those are 2012 prices, when's the last time you went outside?
Nowt wrong with a bit of ol' Irish, laddie!
Yeah, and then come the taxes, the gas, the maintenance fees...
I bought a highlander for $5k two years ago.
Honestly as long as my senior/manager shields me from bullshit I dont really care what they are doing.
Still cheaper than renting or owning a house.
True, but I can't afford that either so that's a moot point
>i'm sure the team will grow to resent me but im gonna milk this for all it's worth
Do read Peopleware by Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister.
You'll hopefully find ways to mitigate the build-up of resentment.
I work a software engineering job that pays above average
I do not live in America
Too bad your great talents are wasted on C# jeetware.
>senior/manager shields me from bullshit I dont really care what they are doing.
I had a guy that was the worst of both worlds, not only did he not shield anyone but he was constantly up people's asshole 24/7. He came over to my desk one time breathing down my neck asking when something was going to be done, I just kind of stared at him for a few seconds and he went back over to his calls.

I don't mind if they don't know what's going on, but to be ignorant AND want to be up someone's asshole is wild to me.
They may be. But most other languages end up sucking more in their own unique, often terrible, way. I might need to just accept it and move to Python or C++, or maybe Rust, which is what all interesting projects use.

Could you suggest something different?
>I just kind of stared at him for a few seconds and he went back over to his calls.
This is a technique more people should learn. It's very effective against bullshit.
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I haven't done anything at work all week
To add to this, I personally used this technique against a higher up who I asked a question to to clarify some of the bullshit he wanted me to do.
After asking said question, he silently stared at me as if I was a retard who just spit in his coffee mug.
What did I do in response?
Well, I just stared right back at him.
This lasted for around a minute until he backed off and went away.
Lol I do tech support in a healthcare company

Peak retards are Haitian doctors and Nurse women
I don't care about owning a house I don't care about nice cars I don't care about traveling I don't care about retiring early I don't care about making lots of money I don't care about working hard I don't care about how the company is doing I just do not care
What do you care about?
same, I literally don't care about anything anymore. Nothing makes me happy.
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Here's what I care about.
speaking of cars I have the goy itch and might just spend 1/3 of my savings on one
and no i don't have a house
>1/3 of my savings on one
that's insane
Anon, you're not gonna impress no one with that thing.
i'll be able to drive fast and listen to spotify with my phone without a cable
You can do the same with a car worth much less.
...wait, how much is "one third" for you, exactly?
get a motorcycle instead
a used jap rocket costs $10k max and is faster than 95% of production vehicles
it'll also get you laid
Some old lady was arguing with me about politics on monday and she said "Oh I treat my boyfriend (WTF why does a 50 Y/O have a 'boyfriend?') nicely, I just leave him alone."

Yeah if "being left alone" is the best we can ask for why show up at all?
yea this is all I ask
I don't expect my manager to hold my hand or do my work but for the love of god please don't let retards try to encroach on my work when they have 0 idea what's going on
15000 euros (that's what I'm aiming for anyway the car is listed at 21k)
You're doing something wrong then.
and killed
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boohoo faggot death is inevitable
a motorcycle is the greatest sensation of personal freedom you will ever experience
live a little you closeted homo
I really prefer sailboats. Casting off and knowing you could go anywhere in the world if you just point is the most free feeling ever.
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Anyone else /high at work/ today?
Back when I wasn't forced to move back in with my parents I got paid around 2800 euros a month
Income taxes remove around 400
Rent + "service" cost 1500 a month
Groceries cost me 200 a month
Miscellaneous fees cost me around 150 a month
Power + internet + phone bills cost me 150 a month
Water + gas cost me around 150 a month
External storage + server hosting fees cost me around 100 a month
Which left me with 150 euros a month
I was making do until I was forced out because my landlord wanted to raise the prices higher than he was allowed with someone still living in his property

Now, I could technically afford it, but being allowed to rent is another story
Without connections you generally have to earn three times the rent before they'll even consider your application
Jesus. Anon, are you sure? You know that thing will lose 10k in value after three years, right?
>piss cheap used, pretty affordable even brand new
>beautiful to look at
>avoid traffic but riding between cars and infuriating morbidly obese karens who think you're "cutting in line"
>can run no plate
>if police fuck with you, simply twist your right wrist and enter a new dimension
>girls assume you're a mysterious bad boy even if you're a retarded dork
>can take it to the track and use it as a social medium too
Yep. For me, it's the sportbike.
If you're going to blow your money on a retarded vehicle buy a boat. At least those are legal to live on in most states.
The privilege of coming home to a nice apartment is basically my only motivation for working in the first place
Nothing else I care about costs any money
Moving out as a single guy is the biggest fucking scam.
I got laid off last year and lost that. I'm not going back to blowing my money on it now just to lose it again.
what practical application do you have for linked lists?
how do euros ever get ahead in life? even in the USA as a McDonald's manager you can eventually claw your way to home-ownership and some sort of nest egg.

i can't fathom working just to have zero disposable income and no hope for a better future.
They're nice in real time contexts.
this is just mgtow but for housing
>how do euros ever get ahead in life?
We don't lmao
Not anymore, at least
I'm literally moving to the USA the first chance I get
At least rejecting MTGOW with women gets you kids. idk what you guys want in a house that you can't get with a decently converted mini van.

You are the force that constructs, you don't need other people for that.
what I want in a house that I can't get with a minivan is a house
it's already used
what's the big deal with buying cars?
also you realize a nice car is a necessity for getting pussy
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I'm a retard who skated by but never actually learned anything. Now I'm a paper graduate and I flunked out of my doctorate since lmao autonomy. It's pretty clear at this point work will be subsistence only.

Do I even bother aiming for something with good effort/returns in tech or do I just take a detour to the nearest job that doesn't actively make me want to rope if there even is such a thing?
>what's the big deal with buying cars?
You're pissing away money you'll need for your future family.
>also you realize a nice car is a necessity for getting pussy
No, anon. It is not. You want pussy, you hire a prostitute.
>idk what you guys want in a house that you can't get with a decently converted mini van
full-size kitchen
full-size bed
full-size etc.
Working part time is an option.
Work there for a year, then quit no matter what.
In the meantime you'll be developing your skills by building stuff/contributing to HOT and TRENDY open source libraries so you can use that on your CV.
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walk up the stairs few times a day.
>for your future family.
now you convinced me to buy the even more expensive version for the fun of it
20 years is a long time for society to change itself, anon.
It literally can't continue like this.
Why? Do you flail your arms around like some kind of SFM animation? Is it really worth *24k/yr*?
You seem like you're trying to convince yourself that being homeless is actually based and sigmapilled more than you're trying to convince anybody else
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>It literally can't continue like this.
Yeah but it's definitely just gonna get worse.
t. other anon in yurop
You are probably a smarter man than I am, but I refuse to give up hope.
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did a ton of 10x tier work in my defense job today.
>securing the state of israel
>keeping mr. shekelstein's wallet nice and fat
crack. sip. ahhh.
proud to be an american
new bread pls?
I doubt it.
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it's true that leftist trannies are better devs, fortunately i am not a (((sweng))). real engineers are mostly chudly.
fake news the entire DoD is incompetent or apathetic.
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nope i work extra hard to escape how empty my life is
Heh maybe.
i have nothing going on in my life and yet i still fantasize about being shitcanned
maybe we do need a ww3 i can get blow up in
>jew hater
>empty life
You don't say.
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I do say, though
I like pepe, i find pepe cute... man
says the chinese pedo cartoon poster
sir the bread?
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why are philosemites so angry and combative all the time
Tomorrow is Friday!
And after that the weekend!
And then it's Monday.

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