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What the fuck is going on here? Why is everything in the tech industry objectively getting worse all the time and nobody seems to even notice or care about it?
Because corporations don't care about you, they care about profit
I notice and don't care. At least they stopped making logos pink or rainbows.
Then why are they purposely sabotaging themselves by making everything objectively uglier and destroying their own brands?
It's because the Ps were humping each other, and some people were offended
Because they don't make money via your opinion
So your argument is that most people think this new generic colorless bold text is a better logo?
the non-meme answer is probably that they fit better with different color themes.
Paypal already was dogshit
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need to justify the bureocracy at the company.
what else would they be doing? ACTUAL work? yeah right!
these kinds of redesigns aren't done internally
enshittification isnt just a reddit meme.
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Resource allocation (due to increased RAM usage) via minimalism is probably a standard feature that activates near the end of a simulation.
globohomo doesn't like colors. unless it's lgbtqwerty month.
well you see, you're dead and what you're experiencing is the 7 circles of hell
it looks fine zoomshit
How'd you discover that?
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I look like this and say stuff like this
>in the tech industry
ding ding fucking ding long live unchecked capitalism
No, you moron. His point is precisely that they don't care about what "most people think", you braindead zoomer.
Are you literally unable to THINK?
the new logo is good, you have no discernment
Everything is being dumbed down so it can be used and maintained by people of lower intelligence.
The answer that no one wants to hear, It's because of disability accessibility conformance. Disability advocacy groups are parasites who sue companies non-stop, made easier by retarded laws like the ADA, specifically Titles II and III. The easiest way to deal with the contrast requirements is just to make it simply and ugly
For once it actually did get worse. Usually it's like Zoomer incels glorifying crappy Windows 98 UIs because everything old is trendy.
They still have the humping Ps symbol as their smartphone app icon and on their website's header. It's just that they don't have any configuration where the symbol and the wordmark are placed next to each other, so people think the new logo is the wordmark by itself.
For some retarded reason, graphic designers in the 2010s got it in their head that symbols and wordmarks should be completely separate from each other and never be present side-by-side. It's why a lot of people still think that Petco got rid of the cat and dog logo, despite them still using it everywhere in ads. I guess they think it looks redundant, like people are going to interpret it as PPPayPal? I dunno
It gets worse because people still buy/use from the companies that do this shit. You may heate that every fast food restaurant is turning into a grey box but guess what, you still go and get a starbucks or a guac burrito. Being drab saves them money and increses throughput, that way you never stay, always moving on so they can serve the next guy.
You have to walk away once companies do this kind of thing. Go local.
because every one of those companies is owned by the same hedge funds and they invest billions of dollars to research the most efficient brain washing techniques and once they arrive at a conclusion they instruct every company on earth to align
they got rid of the PeePee?
it looks fine
imagine caring about this, jesus fucking christ, and i care about some stupid shit.
Every other week they rearange the fucking supermarket my parents go, so you basically can't find any of the basic shit anymore.
And every time we go to another one, everything is on random places with no sort of order.
Who gives a shit about some logo
>Cory Doctorow
this faggot is part of the problem btw
Does not mean the enshittification is not real.
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Nevermind they're copying the Design Language of CashApp because people have PayPal accounts and still use CashApp on the day to day because it feels like the app you're supposed to use for some reason
stop calling it enshittification (reddit word) and start calling it censorship again
Doesn't mean the same thing at all lol. Wat. It's about corporate greed turning all companies into literal scams.
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Paypal owns venmo, not cashapp. Cashapp is for brown people and drug deals, Venmo is for whites and asians, Zelle is for old people and immigrants.
Reading comprehension
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>Be team in charge of rebranding
>Pay Jeet in Fiverr $20 bucks for new "logo"
>Spend rest in R+D
>The R+D is cocaine parties with luxury escorts
>Jeet did a worse job than expected and ghosted them on Fiverr
>They decide to go with it anyways because you can't unfuck prostitutes and unsnirt cocaine
Unsnort* fuckkk
Paypal was never good. They make money by stealing people's money.
white people use physical money because it's immune to mossadification
Cashapp is a knock off of Venmo and its UI.
Man, that stinks. No idea why companies keep getting rid of their visually distinct logos for literal plain text.
i like that the designer acted like they made a WHOLE NEW FONT when they just edited one character in futura and changed the kerning a bit
poor* white people
enjoy paying taxes ig
>panders to lgbtbbq+
>panders to brown people
for sure they don't care what "people" think
Former graphic designer here. It's a DEI initiative to make all designs less phallic. So, they get rid of the "PP". Unfortunately, the untalented DEI hacks they hire are so uninspired that they can't make a good replacement. Anyways, does anyone have any work for me? I've been learning to code and I think I've gotten pretty ok at Python. I'll take a minimum wage internship if your company allows you to take that kind of initiative.
>I can reverse a linked list
>I'm pretty sure I understand DSA
>I know math up to linear algebra (proofs version)
>I've been watching a ton of ML videos on YouTube
>I've done basic webscraping projects
can we discuss the role geeks play in all of this? do they happen to be just the innocent bystanders?
No one is innocent bystanders.
How horrid.
Indicative of their continuously waning humanity
You have to go back to leftypol
because good advertisement and branding don't make them money, the paypal service does; and at this point in its life, paypal doesn't need to advertise anymore because everyone knows it.

they could make their logo a fucking black semicolon on a white background, and people would still be fine with it.
>see: twitter still not losing a noticeable amount of users after becoming x
it isn't. you can't just make up words. enshittification is not a word, ergo it cannot be a thing.
not him but even the nazis, the furthest right ideology I can name, believed in regulated capitalism; unregulated capitalism will always lead to disaster.
yes, but then why change it in the first place
Guys please please please stop fighting and just give me a job.
because when they do new advertising / logos, they have to adhere to a more complex design
if they simplify it, it makes advertising rollout easier and quicker.

like i said, go back to the semicolon example.
if they use some complex design, they have to recreate that design frequently; but a semicolon is a literal key on a keyboard, and all they have to do to recreate their logo is grab the photoshop text tool and hit the semicolon key.

if they use the humping Ps, they need to pay someone professional to constantly redo the humping Ps all over the place; which while it doesn't sound all that complex because its literally just two humping Ps, that time and money adds up.
Go back to /r/communism
im a card carrying member of the AZP. try again, fed.
You live in California, you vote Democrat, and you fuck dogs.
Get off 4chan.

2023 Word of the Year Is “Enshittification”

I live in Arizona on my privately owned land, I don't vote because both parties are run by jews, and I DO fuck dogs, yes. I fuck anything that moves.

Including you, without vaseline. Gonna break your buck ass, nigger.
If it isn't in Merriam-Webster, it isn't a word.
That really shut them up, didn't it.
this trends toward minimalist design is a reflection of the human soul... some sort of dehumanized universal nihilism.
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Refinement culture.
ppl need to eat man, let the wagies be wagies
Soul, soulless
Because these companies aren't there to serve your interests but to turn the world into a transhuman dystopia where you are the product and a processing node.
hello I'm a designer and
otherwise they're not gonna pay me
Of course not, but that makes it very much the sweeter project. Years of project management, bidder selection, endless committees and reports discussing the pending change, choosing and then giving notes to the creatives, all the endless communications around this world-changing event; subcommittees and reports galore. Magnificent. Eventually some brainless committee led by a childless woman or a sociopath chooses the most fuck ugly design because it resonates with something that everyone head-nodded about at some expensive seminar and competitive jackoff competition not long ago and after all fucking *everyone* is doing their logos like that now so it's really the responsible choice for the modern day etc etc.
u need certs hunny
Who the fuck cares?
>open paint
>type "PayPal" in sans serif
>color background with bucket tool
>get paid $13 million dollarydoos
this shit is straight up money laundering. fuck pentagram. fuck sans serif.
design agencies do more than just the logo you know that right
>continuing to use paypal after their failed attempt at policing the users of their platform with political warfare and fines for free speech
>even remotely caring about anything that happens or changes with the service that you shouldnt be using anymore
Having a slightly less shit logo is the least worst thing about PayPal
Then why did they waste money on a redesign
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There will be a glut of graphic designers with names like Raiden Louise Abudaboo-Levy and they must be kept busy, kept away from software projects that matter. Logos must flow; its the least damaging thing they can be trusted with.
Convinced that only sheltered white people care about stuff like this like lol a website changed their logo oh no civilisation is collapsing I'm going crazy grow up and get some real problems loser
>you can't just make up words.
If you're a native English speaker, and masterfully skilled in its application, making up words should be part of your standard workflow. Neology is the master wordsmith's most powerful tool.
Wait so you're a nigger?
That black on blue looks shit.
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>less phallic
wasn't that the thing though... they want stuff looking more phallic like how they did android 13 dirty with all those phallic and spermies music thing even MKB had the ??? skeptic face when he reviewed it... though I kinda like android 13 design..
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Fucking hell – it's real!
you need to go back to suck Jewish cock

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