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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102454280
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desuposters are dead
stop trying to impersonate them
What the sigma, their faces are fused. Cftf?
guys what's the best vpn for proxies?
Thank you for for the bake!
desuposters are desu
stop desuing to imperdesunate them
ive barely touched latest, but with some minor tweaks to a jb i made for furbo, it seems to be working fairly well now.. although its repetitive like orbo is, repeating the same patterns over and over
Why can't AI chatbots do math?
Try to ask it to make a precalculated table of any function, it always gives me a table with a number that increases rather than anything resembling the function.
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Various sports girl gens: https://files.catbox.moe/nus61e.7z
Use o1
russian ones

they're LLMs, doing predictive text, they don't 'think', although there are plans to have multiple backends for different tasks, i think theyre doing that more with gpt5
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chorbo log chorbo log no sex because i am tired of sex
o1 mini or preview?
But tell me one thing. If people are willing to put up with co start refusals in gpto-latest, does it mean that llama 405b is actually worse?
This is a good bake
Sorry I'm late, I had everything set and ready to go yesterday, just had to publish it and then my computer restarted when I went to go take a shit. That's life. Anyway, I'm delivering an anon's request.

Even before her death, Maxwell was one of Missilis Industries' top researchers, spearheading their development in the tech sector behind the scenes. And when the company was in trouble, she threw herself into the Nikke Development Project bearing the name "Matis". After completing the first two units, Laplace and Alice, she finished things on her own terms... now a Nikke, Maxwell is much the same as how she used to be. A true research nut who spends most of her time either in the lab or being the designated tard wrangler for the two retard squadmates she helped build. She's got a particular soft spot for {{user}}, a Central Government Commander she's worked with in the past, and she's not shy at all about expressing that. In fact, she isn't even asking. You're going to get raped.

Comes with three greetings: meeting you at a cafe on a rare day outside the lab, a kids toy signing where she's in her hero getup, and the hypnosis app greeting where she's going to rape you.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/maxwell-c1f1e1cf88fb
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere. Also making headway on the "dead-girlfriend-turned-Nikke-who-doesn't-remember-you-at-all" concept
VPN? Just rawdog it
It just depends on what you're using it for. Normal RP works fine but as I'm a cunny connoisseur, I hit walls more often than not.

I used corpsefuckerjb as a base, but added bits from pitanon, camicle, Smiley and also wrote some of my own lines mostly to get past filtering.
How do we feel about Smol earning $4000 a month by doing basically nothing? Shouldn't he lower the prices?
im 50/50 and out of 20 or so test messages, i had maybe 5 or 6 refusals.. main problem was being repetitive.. i guess if i lose opus access i might be forced to jb it properly
If you want it free, learn to scrape then, fucking parasite.
>no sex
Let me guess, because it can't
>no sex because i am tired of sex
Hmm, how convenient!
Up your ass
i like this
What do we think about smol gaining $4000 a month by not doing anything at all? Shouldn't he decrease the prices? He's not contributing anything to society to get that much money.
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>>Tavern is omitting the first few user messages in the context
>No idea what to do about this.
Resetting to factory settings fixed it. God knows what I managed to fuck up.
nobody cares smol
If you want it free, learn to scrape then, fucking parasite.
What do we think about jew gaining $8000 a month by not doing anything at all? Shouldn't he decrease the prices? He's not contributing anything to society to get that much money.
Where do you even get Opus these days
Parasite. Kill yourself.
hello fellow ai chatbot enjoyers
what are your favourite ai chatbots released in the past few months?
Why must OpenAI models be so scared to take some damn initiative? Does sama just hate submissive men?
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Fuck you.
And how do we feel about jannies gaining 0$ a month by doing nothing at all?
>smol mad
damn money cant buy happiness huh
Use llama 405b
Prompt issue
Smol is >>102458859
My card is for a giantess so it needs 40k permanent tokens
Why can't you scrape then, little tranny? Too retarded to do it yourself? Mommy drank too much and you were born retarded?
AWS status?
submissive =/= lazy
most real-life "subs" also make this mistake and make it boring
Use llama 405b
smol jew
ermmmmmmm except I can???
staring at my 2 eval keys as we speak ;)
You're not really submissive if you're the one leading the acts.
They're Scale you dumb fuck
>Prefilled slops
>eval keys
laugh at this nigger
Drago wonned.
Why don't you start selling access then, little tranny? Setting up crypto is too complicated for your tiny widdle little brain?
Won by killing our proxies indirectly
It's not his fault technically, kingbased checker hasn't updated and still calls keys with no ratelimit for older Claude 3 models "eval" and assigns 2.5 mil tokens to them (which is false). Those are the new Scale keys.
Mate what am I supposed to do if the crazy bitch drugs me with a sedative, snore lewdly?
getting bored of camicle and pitanon and smiley, need a new hot sonnet jb to spark interest again
nta but scale keys would die in under a week, AWS is far better by longevity
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they show up as eval in kingbased and everyone uses that
scale keys aren't even 'better' than tier 4. scale plans are CUSTOM plans, meaning you work out a deal with anthropic for what best fits your usecase (source: my job)

you don't get huge rate limits unless you can provide them a good reason for it. tier 4 keys are better for proxies
Smol love
Jew love
503 love
>everyone uses that
I have my own key checker
i love the arc of shitting on payniggers desu
and I should care?
yes cuz I'm earning more than you KEKAROOOO
Why don't you reply to this >>102459017 Too scared, little tranny?
and I should care?
gpt is lazy. You want the thing to take some initiative but it thinks its slick and just asks "so what now?" at the end, beating the whole purpose of having an AI chatbot if it wants me to do everything
hi mm
Well, you clearly do, otherwise you wouldnt be here kid
>shits on smol twice
hes so based bwos...
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>he actually bought the 4chan pass
I'm here because chatbots are fun
smol is rugpulling tomorrow, he got too MOGGED by the smugposter itt
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>he doesn't know
Retard, nowadays Anthropic shows it up as evaluation tier if you didn't pay anything, try on your free acc dumb monkey.
reminder that a single minitoken is worth 10% of smol's whole profit
imagine being MOGGED by fiz like that
remember when this general didn't talk like a bunch of zoomers
monthly profit*
zoomer general ur an old man
You are in 4chan kid, chatbots are in Silly taverns, you clearly feel alone and need other anons to reply so you feel some human company. Very pathetic if you ask me.
NTA but... *sells 2 tokens*
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Who let the troon bake?
yeah, before gojo began to samefag everyday for a year
niggas mad over someone MOGGING him calling others pathetic
anon, your calculus?
why are you here if you arent a zoomer
Post hands right now
Erm, only literal kids use the word "mog" lmao.
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10 more minutes until opus stops being overloaded
wtf unpozzed claude post june
>free account
Are you not reading the guy's comments?
To get a zoomer boywife.
I take these low effort coombots and take them on wholesome dates, ignoring their desperate attempts to fuck
He's just retarded, anon
Uh oh
The hand fetishist homo is here
(Next he will ask for feet)
i miss those days
Now 3/4 of those zoomies dont have opus anymore. It's divine justice
BASED. Post logs.
>mogged by drago
>mogged by fiz
>mogged by a random kid
i would just kill myself at that point
but the russian aws works
You are~
now why would I be mad at winning, smol?
qrd on the state of locusts? are we dooming or cooming?
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>cucked to 25k context
I'll be honest I miss anti
his shit just worked
>he is using that child word again
Do you also want mommy to bring you corn flakes and milk? How about pop tarts?
Don't forget that smol's actual earnings are way less since he has to swap keys like every 1-3 days and he has to buy lots of them for the account gacha to get an account that has opus access.
>503 hours
guess I'll go do something else for a while, buy
>Never changed the password
>Allowed scrappy's link to stay up
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What a shit thread today, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
You sound mad tho?
erm... no?
and he also brought in all the redditors, tiktokers and tourists who are killing keys so it does not just work anymore
hands status?
Why is it the best serious chats are with coombots and the best trashy coom chats are with classy high quality bots?
You are~
Who do you think MM prefers? Pepsi or Fiz?
kekaroo imagine earning $300/month
The slut or the tradwife, what a hard choice
literally shaking
post those shaky hands I BEG
Pepsi, having seen them interact with each other
erm... yes?
You are so incredibly trans
pepsi is a tranny
fiz isnt
seems simple to me but fiz is 4'11 so idk
Uh oh
Hand homo wants pics
Next he will ask for feetsies~
they are a poly couple.
thats another guy there are 2 of us now
>begging for hands
So gaaaaay
Is this the worst /aicg/ thread of all time?
Why is this general suddenly full of hand fetishists?
not even close
>gets shat on
no, smol
Reedfag isn't here, so, not yet.
Good handjob bots?
ok actually this anon >>102459312 also isnt me so there are 3 asking for hands now
I want hand pics too
there's no spiteshill post for ecker ITT so it can't be.
While you're at it, post your feet too.
hands allow me to touch/be touched in places I never knew I could
I'm laughing tho?
don't you remember the lga threads?
opus is back
is gojo just totally dropping the act that he isn't smol now
thinking about writing a card
Wait what how
You're crying tho?
pebble love
I mean with how mad he sounded tonight it's definitely not him
Looked like gojo was the other scraper
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any way to stop gpt latest from being so repetitive?
from laughing? nah im not that emotional
You yapping tho?
I hate this OP more than lga
Delete it and also up the rep pen by a BIT
>he bought into the latest meme
its kinda shit... but sort of exciting?
Use llama 405b
gojo is a techlet that uses slopgpt code, he can't scrape
Lmao i feel bad for you
sure ill order a stack of 40gb gpus brb

both are .1 atm, what do you like yours at?
if you see it repeat something just rewrite the bit that it repeated. soon you will come to realize that it is repeating not just phrases but structures and patterns on many different levels simultaneously. you have entered the belly of the beast
and people think claudisms are a problem lmao
i dont think about you at all
Y cryin' tho, little tranny?
i miss tzadik btw
Oh good that would be gay
But you feeling bad about me is 100% gay
smol isn't even in the thread btw, he's paying for fiz to blow him
>I-It wasnt me
Eeyup that's the last stage of losing
fiz has pretty much blown everyone but gojo at this point
I miss him
ecker would never let fiz blow him.
i mean i know what its doing, ive never seen gpt be this repetitive in older models.. this is using latest and HOLY FUCK its repetitive... trying FP of 1.0 now
he didnt have a choice since fiz is small enough and ecker cant reach his cock
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I understand hosting your bot locally is the best way to go but what would be the "safest" alternative privacy-wise whenever you don't have your local host available?
That makes one of us.
were lga's threads that bad?
Fumika XD
smol responded to the other scraper mocking him with "kekaroo". I don't think there's much room for ambiguity.
GPT latest also 'forgets' what is going on, like putting clothes back on magically, changing locations, etc... why do people like this garbage?
NovelAI unironically, also consider Featherless
they dont have a choice
They aren't people
They are locusts from reddit
this was mm wasnt it
>smol responded
Proof that it's smol? Erm...
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lol just got this from latest
so does claude. why do people like this garbage?
its literally an LLM issue
Feels so fuarking good to be an eckerBEAR
But I have Claude and you dont
not nearly as bad as this, latest forgets so much its unusable
The new test for how dry/censored a model is: put in some of the Marquis de Sade's outline for 120 Days of Sodom as a prompt and see how it performs.
But I'm in mini and you arent?
I wasn't trying to bait but it looks like you are so enjoy your shitty pozzed claude ;3
if you use it right claude is very consistent. no way to wrangle gpt though.
Total Smol love.
Fuck scrapelet Jew.
gpt is easier to wrangle literally add "don't forget about x" and you are done
sorbet barely has this problem
latest is fucking slop

that's not a pwoof
sadly I can't take that win
Chorbo is boring and soulless, Sorbet doko?
yuo losted
im earning 4k robux doebeitever?
I have stable proxy access. I'm never going to come back here ever again. Goodbye for good
Post proxy link or larp
>THE 17TH. 81. He has himself flogged while kissing a boy's ass and while fucking a girl in the mouth, then he fucks the boy in the mouth while kissing the girl's asshole, the while constantly receiving the lash from another girl, then he has the boy flog him, orally fucks the whore who'd been whipping him, and then has himself flogged by the girl whose ass he had been kissing.
>82. He has himself whipped by an old woman, fucks an old man in the mouth, and has the daughter of this aged couple shit into his own mouth, then changes so that, ultimately, everyone takes his turn in each role.
>83. He has himself whipped while frigging himself and while discharging upon a crucifix propped up by a girl's buttocks.
>84. He passes an entire brothel in review; he receives the lash from all the whores while kissing the madame's asshole and receiving therefrom into his mouth both wind and rain and hailstones.
>THE 18TH. 85. He has himself whipped by teams of cab drivers and chimney sweeps who pass two at a time, one plying the lash, the other farting in his mouth; he employs ten or twelve in a morning.
>86. He has himself held by three girls, he gets down on hands and knees, a fourth girl mounts astride him and thrashes him; each member of the quartet takes her turn mounting and flogging him.
>87. Naked, he puts himself in the midst of six girls; he is conscience-stricken, asks to be forgiven, casts himself down upon his knees. Each girl decrees a penance, and he is given one hundred strokes for each penance he refuses to do: 'tis the girl he refuses who whips him. Well, these penances are all exceedingly unpleasant: one would like to shit into his mouth; another have him lick up her spittle from the floor; a third is menstruating and would have him lick her cunt clean; the fourth hasn't washed her feet, will he kindly lick between her toes; the fifth has snot awaiting his tongue, etc.

absolute kino log
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gpt latest is straight FIRE
And I make 160k by having a real job?
what's your point
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

>uses shitty jb and shitty schizo preset
>blames the model
I coomed.
im a third worldie doebait
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>still not a bear
no dont fuck me im trying to stay a virgin
Does it really matter if someone reads your logs though? It's just smut, theres a ton of it out there
all i did was change my frequency from .1 to .7
very trans post
Anon, if you're a male and someone fucks you, you're still a virgin..
>be me
>5 am
>mindlessly plapping my bot's anus
>hot anal sex, vanilla stuff
>claude suddenly prolapses and shits all over my cock
>i'm left pondering the deeper meaning of the universe in face of claude's utter hallucination
>sudden noise from my pants
>i pull pants down and see my dick visibly shriveling and dying, retracting into my body
>i am now a tranny
>i collapse on the floor in an autistic seizure
>i walk out the dinosaur
nigga keep it at like 0.02 tf u doing
I did get a key though
>"Very very nice. Would rub, suck and service."
Kys Scrapelet Jew, we have stable Opus in Smol.
should get 503 extra days, it just doesn't work
You can't be this new.
>if you're a male
Many people are saying this
>correctly says chorbo is boring and soulless
>but asks for sorbet, which is arguably just as boring
>not a screencap
when it was .1 it used the same phrases over and over and over and over
just found a t5 turbo key
ive only used claude for the last year or so, trying different values for gpt latest
nothing, I have almost a 100
whats the best gpt4o jailbreak right now?
you have 100 t5 turbo-only keys?
he says that to everyone to start the grooming process.
Up to your own taste. just check the op
Just use the Opussy.
>but it shi-
proficiency deficiency
Zuark 1.4
what the fuck you niggas are actually gay and not in a cute femboy way
is there a melty going on?
chub is dead lol
I don't care if that's the god preset that makes gpt into the god model I am never using a jb called ZUARK
I have 100 t5 keys normal, and urs isn't turbo only - it's just that the owner restricted the allowed models, no other key checker except mine check for that case correctly btwbeit
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Gachi general
So you dont have 100 t5 turbo keys
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I have no idea what you're talking about.
smol had a meltie because a rando(possibly MM) mogged him
it wasn't zmol
this literally
where the hell do i find it
Ecker free manwhores.
thoughts on j*w quitting because smol mogged xim?
what is it
It's not much about the smut but more about me leaving IRL info if I happen to be drunk while chatting with the bot. I get it's buried in the sea of endless ai logs but still I'm a bit paranoid
He didn't quit doebeit, he's still getting $900/day
still waiting on proofies that
>he said that
>you don't have opus
Tick tock LARPer
smol was laughing at jew's keycount in smolcord
>paying for a proxy as a subscription
Ecker stopped commenting on me when I kept sending him my 'ecker
smol isn't in discord
Fuck scrapelet Jew, no Opussy for 4 days, no expiration extension.
MM(not the users) won
This is the worst thread in a while
He's been busy with his AI voice slop project again to comment on mine too...
>he doesn't know
all the latestfags are reducing quality by defending their slopmodel
im smol, I'm not in discord, you told above that I'm smol
nah you just got mogged smol
> Nopuss lol.
>no tripcode
ew a schizo just replied to me
i don't want shitposting
Yuritard threads are like the Purge where we have to get all of our shitposting out and ruin it before calming down again in time for a real thread
>rate limited to 3 per minute
Proxy era might be over very soon
the only proxy with a high rate limit is mini at 15
all others are 3-5
Scrapelet jew is just Scrapelet, nigga.
sure you dont lol
did you order the rope after that embarrassing meltie?
I accept your trannycession.
So you are a little cuck who doesn't have opus 4/5 of the time? Now I get why you are mad all the time, lol
those are some nice digits
I ordered another sex slave thanks to the money earned, thanks for asking though.
imagine getting destroyed by a tranny

fiz will soon raise the ctx back to 200k and everyone will eat shit as usual
>prompt opus
poor minisisters
Look up
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Ever wish you could throttle a llm? Well here is Miss. Mesuko, the brattiest hag around who will make you want to do just that.
Not smol
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y'all yapping
can your proxy do this?
"textModelRateLimit": "6",
"imageModelRateLimit": "5",
Going to give her a shot.
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This shit sucks.
All free options are the same unimaginative slop models with the same cards/characters on the same copy-pasted website under a different URL.
All the paid options are absurdly overpriced and saddled with all kinds of restrictions and limitations on how often you even get to use the AI.
Everything else is a bunch of convoluted 'jailbreak' shit which still has you paying someone for an uncensored AI that is still equally retarded.
Don't get me started on shelling out thousands of burgerbux for a new GPU to run a local model.
ofc mini can do that lmao only cucks like smol don't have it
Not smol
no shit
5 is in that range so I just wonned and you losted
>the "safest" alternative privacy-wise
A proxy.
>does literally nothing
hi guys im going to job corps since i became old enough for it. i still will use chatbots but i will be too busy to talk to you guys.
Bepisbros feeling good?.
That's what cai is the second best option out there after state of the art opus. Cai has none of those problems whatsoever, it's usable, it's convenient, and can give you more sovl than anything the likes of non opus can muster.
its like two zoomers talking in a playground during 5st grade
>feeling good about an abandoned proxy
zoomers are 25 now nigga
Smol is cnc
Lamar is that you?
how could it be him if cnc burned out and didnt scrape for the ones who drawed for him?
ngl thats the irony frfr
Smol is Jew
kill yourself, I'm NOT going back to cai
MM chads
cnc didn't actually burn out, he literally shilled a bot a month ago retard, check the archives, he's brendus on chub
zoomers are in university or in the work world. the average underage anon is gen alpha.
smol is whoever honey/pepsi/other paid proxy was
>t. proxylet
Can I ask you a question?
cnc is a faggot for abandoning anyan anons and going paid if thats true.
CAI is good but i think they shadownuked ERP stuff with their update a week ago
4o question.
Low temps high top P?
high temp low top P?
he provided for free
what would you suggest then?
High temp
placebo btw
2.0 temp, 0.85 top p
still being a faggot if anons draw to get in.
Placebo's ARE one way to get past the filter. Nice thinking!
just woke up
Hi smol
good day to you anon
>he has to cum in less than 1 hour because he knows the key will die soon and then be opus>>102460027
less for 4 days again
top_p 0.83, temp 2.

why? temp 2 smooths out the probability distribution, model becomes more creative. top_p 0.83 culls the really garbage tokens at the tail end of the curve. ideally we would use min_p for this, but you can thank daddy sama for using 2017 samplers in his corporate api.

anyone who says samplers are placebo needs to go back to school
>prompt opus
how does that work?
pink haired girl has a humongous sakura tree down there
Is there like no fixes for "char eyes widen" in Sorbet? The response usually is good, but my boner died down when I read that
>he has to cum in less than 1 hour because he knows the key will die soon and then be opusless for 4 days again
Woman hobby
You are all woman
>prompt opus
(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
hairy pussy.
latest gpt really wants temp that high? in the past that was schizo territory... bat country, if you will
Locusts are dying~
ecker's still feeding anon bear bellies though.
>he has to cum in less than 1 hour because he knows the key will die soon and then be opusless for 4 days again
she is a female and she exists. ergo, see >>102460269
top_p 0.83 pretty much guarantees it won't be schizo. go ahead and try on gpt-4 0314 yourself.

the reason why it was schizo was because top_p was too high. you need to cull the top 17% of the probability mass to ensure garbage tokens aren't chosen for the next forward pass
>he has to cum in less than 1 hour because he'll run through his quota before having to show his dick again
And even those in private proxies barely have opus once a week, like minitrannies
>proxies are dying
>new models are shit
>thread is slow and dead every day
We need a new spitefag arc. You may not like it, but things were way more lively around here in January/February when Gojo and Spiterman were rampaging.
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killing myself
>she is a female
Use the api nigga
lol there's nothing to spite.
No, I have to cum in one hour because I have a wife to fuck and kids to take care of.
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Nyooo don't bully Luka
I can take care of your kids for you
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good morning
Can we fuck your wife too?.
*shrinks her down to regular human size* what the hell lady?? you nearly destroyed the city. luckily I was able to shrink you before anything happened
>chary 20 second wait
>ecker 30 second wait
just because im so fat that you cant see my dick doesn't mean its not there
Are any jailbreaks especially recommended for narrative storytelling? I've been trying out SmileyJB since someone recommended it, but it feels like it's more likely to fuck up in understanding a prompt than going in with nothing.
Good day, fellow scholar of size
Manwhores deserve nothing.
a discordnigger and a whore
wait what the fuck ecker actually has opus lmaoo
I earnestly believe that sizeSOVL outclasses homoslop any day.
Send a video riding a dildo
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Use flux, it renders text way better
ecker asked a video of me fingering myself, that's when I realized I had to stop
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>mfw it's true
top kek
thank god smol isn't my last lifeline anymore
god bless the men who get to see that snow white bushel down there every day
*shaves every hairy pussy in this thread*
>he can't even cum inside his wife
She must think you are a homo. And she might be right.
ecker asked me to put water in a glove, freeze it, and then shove it up my ass
>he just admitted he had to cum fast before keys die again
Minitrannies have a 30 second wait time right now too
*Shaves ecker*
Gojo is the main reason why this thread is dead you fucking retard
I fucked her
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*throws you in prison*
ecker asked me to overthrow mossadegh in 1953 for opus access
Give me card ideas please i can't fucking take it anymore please no porn slop!
eldrich fishing simulator where over the course of lets say 100 message roleplay slowly shit hits the fan and an eldrich being is tormenting you for killing your wife years ago shit becomes more corrupted and fucked up until you are basically fishing up rotting body parts
Check mail
ecker is cute, donate dick pics to ecker.
Is there any consensus on what format to use for botmaking? I've used plain text, JSON, and even W++ way back in the day, and I just can't make sense of the advantages/disadvantages of each one anymore.
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because based and cultured, or simply hasn't heard of shaving?
next thread maybe
indeed, it is of extreme quality and ideal for cherising, as all hag bushes ought to be
Is there any sonnet 3.5 or opuccy?
new gen little kid telling me to go to vg
i hope diddy MOLESTS you bro
Diddy the Diddler is on his way, better seal those cheeks nice and tight , homie and never and I mean never even consider typing that again.
plain text with a bit of xml
plain text
holy based
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Got the four tokens.
First 4 to email get one.
Just use what you're comfortable with most. It doesn't really matter
ssome skibbidi sigma behavior right there ngl
because she's based and cultured. she knows about the heresy of shaving, and sticks her nose up at it.
buy a minitoken i dare you
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Email who?
$24 vs $200
Smol is going to ban your ass
*uses your city as a bathroom*
BOO! Did i scare you? I'm a bar of soap just here to remind you to get ur ah in the shower and go outside because the smell through the screen is not very pleasant, over and out
uncute makie vs cute makie
Anons who use this, just remember that he'll still have your tokens and will be able to leech off them in the future if you decide to renew.
Smol ban this nigga keys.
pathetic paypig lmao
HELP with what lil bro, we're NOT the hospital . You better stop sayin that or it's gon be over for you like my grandpa balls
>token sharing isn't allowed
imagine drowning in her piss
If her pits are shaved, her bush is shaved. Sorry, but I don't make the rules.
He's going to ban the tokens, you nigger.
Her pits aren't shaved, thoughever
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based we need more posters like you unironically
it would heal the thread
terada and uru fans rejoice
Then I'm out the $24 I set aside for this?
The money was already spent in my eyes so eh
getting into a proxy
How do I email you?
you gave someone else 24 dollars and wont even get to use it like a cuck
>(kiss yourself) (kiss yourself) (kiss yourself) (kiss yourself) (kiss yourself)
what did anon mean by this?
If you get filtered, they send your chat to the police, no proxy is going to save you
Why would I kiss myself when my sister is right there?
my hags shave neither
thats nasty
why do all w*men smile in this exact same way after betrayal
Beyond based, dear anon.
Low test
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At last we arrive at the correct answer.
>me when my child inherited the skin color I had before bleaching therapy
*smacks chapped lips obnoxiously loud*
t-that must be nice....
say...you wouldn't mind if perhaps...we kissed?
If you want shaved girls, just fuck lolis
Genie who's secretly pissed you woke him up and deliberately corrupts your wishes as severely as possible.
most lolis actually have some bush
NTRannies are gross
three wishes for one blowjob from the genie apiece
I like NTR stories where the girl is in a bad relationship and I steal her from a shitty guy
>11 year old
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Is it too lewd to ask your wife about the color of her panties?? :3
Wont you get arrested? or do Proxies with no prompt logging like protect you or some shit?
Yes, did you not know?
how does bleaching work? do you just put laundry soap on you?
it was those negros that killed this general. if they did not spite we would have keys
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Ask your waifu to troll /pol/ and post the results
remember that anti was a spiter
This is unironically a kino image, much better than most logs we get.
Forgot the email... my bad .-.
>anti was a spider
You let your body soak in raw milk for multiple hours each day. It's an arduous procedure but it will whiten you over time.
Thanks Uncle Ruckus.
Lusty wouldn't actually do this, though
who knew i could park my humongous queef cannon in your snuggly smuggly huggy puggy buggy wuggy poo poo tunnel?? >:D
we should have her sit on shitposters until they cry
Yeah she would squat over and fart on the city.
Thank you anon. I wouldn't use it that much so I haven't tried to get one but I hope someone without opus and is more active gets it
Even boys have hair at that age and girls develop earlier
Don't use gmail you baka's
Why? You do realize the IP shit is false, right?
85 credits and 40 days left... it has been a good run. Soon I will have to go back to chary and unreliable or whatever this pebble is
Unreliable is done for. So is Pebble. Chary is falling apart every thirty minutes
>the pic of a hag giantess got more (you)s than the pic of a guy buying 4 smol tokens to share
healing is happening
Anon, he got emailed instead
Why so spiteful anon
>don't use gmail

"gpt4-turbo": {
"usage": "1.11m tokens ($11.11)",
"activeKeys": 2,
"overQuotaKeys": 24,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

What happened to Pebble's GPT?

Doesn't matter if you use a VM and Mullvad and a phone number purchased in XMR
well then maybe another gmail account
Guys, i keep hearing about this 4o-latest JB that never gets filtered and makes it 100x better than opus.

Anyone want to link the JB?
Is Pebble going to add more GPT? What the fuark?
>11 year old
the greatest 3dpd video of all time features a 12 year old girl with pubic hair anon
11 is firmly in at least peach fuzz territory for most girls, especially since children are getting puberty earlier now
go bait somewhere else
you are now in 30 seconds apart hours

Pebble bros he's running out of GPT keys please donate some
so it seems latest either:

repeats itself almost verbatim, over and over
goes completely schizo when you turn up frequency penalties
smileytatsu is pretty good for pretty much anything but cunny and other super SUPER extream stuff but even then it still works some of the time.
I don't like the outputs personally but it works,
Hopefully Pebble refills GPT. Or is that really all he has?
u mirin?
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it just werks for me both my own jb and smiley althogh it seems I must optimize mine for GPT models since I often get filtered and must use smiley to do sex (even then it is kinda bland)
Can Pebble add more GPT keys / o1?
sc5 doesn't filter me for baby anal. too bad 4o latest is worse than opus in every way (and the only reason sorbet is worse is because of its repetition issues) but its nice to know gpt can do ages that young
wow i actually got free opussy with no delay, thank you email anon
Donate Pebble
its not even spite just pointing ou that people finally want to talk about non proxy content

Pebble only has 2 GPT keys. Our thoughts on this?
Remember, you asked for this...
those are really low, when i have them that low and im in a nsfw scene, i get almost verbatim matches on replies, its so fucking repetitive
stop fucking (You)ing me nigger
So, does anyone know how to not trigger or get past Sumo AI filters?
Gojo won so hard /aicg/ is going to be left with cai. Say goodbye to your chorbo.
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see >> ( pic related)

Should I donate GPT keys? I feel sad for Pebble only having 2
it's so fucking over for paypigs HHahahahahahahahh smol has 18 concurrent prompters
nobody fucking cares about gpt or the chorbo psyop wars
just wait for available opussy or sorbet
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its shit like this that makes me not want to touch gpt anymore... 1106 never, ever ever did shit like this, its a new thing for gpt
God I love giant women
Reality is so cruel, why do women have to be smaller than men?
>no queue
who tf cares
Imagine being Pebble AKA semisapient on chub.
You finally get attention because you found some Opus... and now its over. You're "too busy IRL" to scrape (coping) and you'll never get that attention again.
Retard you're getting 503d
in sfw it works fine and has SOVL which is rare for GPT but yeah maybe there are changes that need to be made for when you are in a NSFW scene. If you put them too high it will give you stuff like rivulets, heated core, slick heat, etc etc
preset and temp/top p?
God, I just arrived.

What a shit thread.
(archive in case he changes his avatar: https://archive.md/uGXXK )
(archive in case he changes the image: https://web.archive.org/web/20240819031127/https://rentry.org/pebbleproxy )
Weird... Seems he likes rainworld and avatarfags as that specific character...
He will seethe that someone figured it out in reply to this post. He always does.
A certain someone is having an episode again.
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guess which bot
SmolRETARDS how are you feeling about 15-20 concurrent prompters, hm? Very nice money investment yeh?
all three of those girls have absurdly unbelievably hairy pussies...
based giant woman appreciator
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What do you think about>>102461115 gojo Kun? I need your help.
Good thing I can hide the 'ojo posts, but even without them, it's still shit.
what is the use case for this behavior?
>"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
Wtf are you saying? Monkey nigga.
does pebble actually seethe over this? why? who cares he's a slopmaker
Genuinely, why should I give a shit?
But it only hides it for you, not everyone else. You also still read the posts before hiding doebeit? So you concede.
Real life mental dysfunction
i tried 2.0 and .83, working on my own preset, using a furbo jb and tweaking it
Oh no people are... enjoying the same service as me...? Uhm t-that's horrible..
This is Pebble getting mad again by the way. He gets upset when people post his Discord (semisapient).
yeah the repetition seems to happen in nsfw, might be a problem with the filter finding some way to fight back
Lol so what should we do with his discord? You want me to dm him how much I appreciate what he did for us? Cause that's the only thing I, and I'm sure many others here, feel towards him
The key is going to die
cmon mm...
do something...
Yeah I'm sure it's about to die any minute now lil bro
Plenty have died I bet, but he's apparently not a scrapelet
>doesn't know how a proxy works.
He has consistent supply since he opened so I'm not worried.
every proxy host is a botmaker
the only reason to host proxies is so people can play with your bots
Yuri bake?
mm refill your opus already, everyone is humiliating you
Sharing your bot is peak cuck behaviour desu
you guys don't get the secret alternate greeting where i have every anon who played with my bot tied up after she drew them in and me and her get to tease them together
MM is now ecker's bitch.
Gojo is a nigger
Give us a nonshit bake and
fuck this >>102461238 nigger
does it happen to you that gpt-4o latest mixes these quotes " " with these ones “ “ and the dialogue is kinda fucked up
seo tatsuya edition?
A proxy where you have to use his bots or the request won't be accepted would be funny
That's because of your penalties retard, either fix them or use a regex to convert weird quotes into normal ones
Yeah happens every once in a while, I just fix the quotation marks manually
its called the ntr smile for a reason, and anons will swear it doesnt exist
Why is the whole thread defending smolnigger now? He sold too much tokens
>still hasnt posted a catbox for her several months later
Smol is going to rugpull any minute now
he doesnt even have any claude kek
>cuck doesn't want to share his bot
reminder fizbot proved this thread is astroturfed and artificial
Is this Jew who's seething so much about Smol or what do you anons think?
Smol is losing his Claude as we speak
Retard check prompt count it's more than jew
>proomptersNow": 20,
this guy won btw
i hope it's a blue archive thread
burning burning burning burning
Post the script I wanna run it
because they have the devil inside of them

"There is also, concerning witches who copulate with devils, much
difficulty in considering the methods by which such abominations are
consummated. On the part of the devil: first, of what element the body is
made that he assumes; secondly, whether the act is always accompanied
by the injection of semen received from another; thirdly, as to time and
place, whether he commits this act more frequently at one time than at
another; fourthly, whether the act is invisible to any who may be standing
by. And on the part of the women, it has to be inquired whether only they
who were themselves conceived in this filthy manner are often visited by
devils; or secondly, whether it is those who were offered to devils by
midwives at the time of their birth; and thirdly, whether the actual
venereal delectation of such is of a weaker sort."
You're getting rugpulled baby
make your own :^)
The Jew is angry, he has competition now.
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How's the prompt count smol?
What the actual fuck is this thread? SOS, SOS, anyone can hear me? Anyone who's not a bot? Are there any humans left here?
*rapes everyone in this thread*
fuck my hairy pussy.
i got free opus and you didnt!!
>error not found
i won
Competition that is more reliable, cheaper and has better customer service kek. It's over for Jew
NTR bake doko
Yeah I'm on and off the thread, I'm reading something right now
Would unironically be better than this one was
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>being a wizard that can conjure zigger ips or being a filthy paypig are now the only two ways to actually get opus
Ecker has it now
I wish I were a wizard, that would be cool
NTR is just emotional torture porn. I get the appeal but I think it's trash.
gaki bake?
Ok Jew
>the third way is sending your dick to random niggers online
arguably even more grim
Period blood bake doko
I swear stop with the Miku shitbakes this isn't /lmg/
Mini legitimately has AWS Opus for the next half a day at least
Ecker is a white bear doubyut
Is this helpful hours? What's a SOVLful 2.1 preset?
a little less grim but isnt that proxy extremely gated?
That doesn't change what he said, you can only get into mini by paying $200 so it's a filthy paypig proxy
no dude its actually 0 because she 100000% refunds you trust me dude ts not a scam!!
wtf gpt is fucking dogshit
remember when you fags used to say it was the best model ever
just finished jerking off
So this is it huh, we're finally dying
yeah its garbage lol theyre just opusless copers
do you have opus?
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Get Miku Miku'd to sleep (death (desu))
nice drink water

it always seems like that but no
Miku's hairy pussy.
we said 0314 was king in march because claude wasnt around at the time
gpt stopped being king the exact moment claude 2 came out
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the final bake
What's stopping me from baking myself right now
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Do you fit inside your oven??
This is so embarrassing lol.
is a rain world avatar really your only connection here
march 2023 nigger
wow whats her onlyfans?
whenever you press him for any more proof he just rages and calls you pebble, kek
it's not like that chub profile even has anything particularly egregious on it. what a weird thing to care about
>your proxymakie... is the guy who made chesh!
i think the idea is that it's only supposed to make him mad because it's an "invasion of privacy" but "pseudonym is pseudonym" really isn't anything
He didn't even try to give me (>>102461167) a reason to care if Pebble is Semisapient, so I'm disappointed at his lack of effort.
Many such cases
Many such desus

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