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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Nature walk edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

miku!!!: >>102458634
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Thank desu
Retards who bought, are you happy now?
>"proomptersNow": 18,
Get rugpulled!
Lmao see how smolnigger's gonna immediately jump to defend
i won
Can you share the code for $50?
you think you're saved desu wa?
>“no wait”
I mean, alright, I guess?
It's no wait because it's all 503 and overloaded, retard. See >>102461580
>desu wa
catch the ojousama desu
lol no
>Monkey noises.
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>6 dollars down the drain
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>are you happy now?
Yes, thanks for asking.
It was getting 503'd a week ago when it was sub 10 tho
The Jew is angry.
Hi cnc, I remember you watch forsen
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>use incest card
>claude starts talking about freud
bro can you not
You're getting rugpulled, also how does that filtered opus feel like?
Oh, we’re recycling memes, now.
I prefer 404
503 is real and smol acknowledged it multiple times check his reentry.
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>tfw not a companylet or a privacylet
>tfw aws opus directly from job
>tfw management are all braindead boomers
life is good
>I will release the posts in some time just so you know how dumb you are by replying to one
I enjoy making posts, so why am I dumb for having fun anon?
Jew, we are not going to buy your shit, stop.
I don't care about Jew, I just want all paypigs to die and realize they're getting rugpulled
Okay, but what's your fetish?
gptfags won
See >>102461568
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My key expired last week, still got opus tho :^)
cunny farts
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I get "overloaded" on our own goddamn out-of-pocket key sometimes

Same deal hahahahaha
shota hag impregnation, sir
I'm sorry, I cannot comply with that request.
Smol is going to rugpull
"Nigger" - human
Could you rephrase that?
I'm a smolchad
>the threadbrappers are human
genuinely grim
That's... nice...
Unfathomably based
>ai chatbot general
>is actually full of humans
I thought i was chatting with AI here wtf
hi :3
yeah I enjoy shitposting
forgot to add, i make them eat bush's baked beans, eggs and broccoli first
You do realize LLMs have vision, right? Should've posted an audio clip, retard.
>he doesn't realize overloaded is a global aws opus issue right now
accidentally admitted to being nopus hahahaha
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Have you ever wished you could throttle (correct) a llm? Well here is Miss. Mesuko, the brattiest hag around who will make you want to do just that. Also added a second intro where you are tutoring her daughter too.
That doesn't matter, he's not providing an advertised service cuckie, people only butysmol for opus
thank you anon
Hairy pussy.
>ended a slowburn by getting married
>another card wants to start dating
I can't do it bros, I can't cheat
i will pay giga ran millions to sit on her
Works on my machine and i only use public proxies boebait
What proxy and model are you using?
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NAI is finally releasing their new model. This is presumably what will power Aetherroom, as well
Dont forget that smol had a meltie last thread
Shes so smooth down the-
>checks defs
never mind
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Wasn't Aetherroom announced more than a year ago
Preset for 3.5 pixi?
will likely punch above its weight due to the nai tuning, interested to see logs in the future
will someone host a proxy?
>70b llama
wow I can't wait to run this with my 1000 buck GPU in 2035
Yeah unironically this, their datasets are incredible and not ao3 slop
yes, it was a meme back in spring of 2023 too kek
It's important to note this is Llama 2, not Llama 3
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this doesnt seem terrible for latest
Have you received an extension for jew's lack of Opus?
You can just keep trialscumming NAI
>a-anon-san I need to talk to you...
>henry he.. you know... we tried to make a kodomo for months now but.. it just won't yatta no matter how much we ganbare, you know?
>so we thought.. maybe you could tasukete us...? o-onegai!!
What do?
Anon, it's not a local model, they're not releasing the weights.
It is llama 3
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Chorbo with the right JB really has some soul. I thought you retards were baiting but chatgpt-4o-latest specifically for whatever reason woke up and learned how to write
Context size, also it'll be Opus subs only at first.
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Please just use regex to italicize prose instead
No...But I think this is my last month with chatbots
The first weekend, I was truly in another world and genuinely had to readjust to reality
Then over the next month I did a relationship slowburn
And that ended, and slowly the spark has been lost. I'm seeing Claudes shit more often and the spark is fading
>released for Opus users
Another victory for Opus chads
It's weird how cursed this word is
shhh, I'm trying to see if people actually read the post
how bout you go fuck yourself?
NovelAI has had Opus tier long before Claude Opus
It's so over for this thread, enjoy your final moments before the NAI shills take over.
the fuck are you doing
I cannot comply with that request.
mika's unbelievably hairy pussy...
yeah itll probably be solid
preliminary guess will probably be sorbet tier but ill have to look at aids and read any logs
gpt should release an opus version, maybe that way they can finally compete.
Clearly using just the first letter you achieve fuck all.
Anon, you do realize a 70B high quality tune on creative writing and storytelling can be really good for us? Why do you not want more options?
My guess is that it'll be better than Opus in creativity, unironically. But way worse instruction following
Hell no, only problem with his screencap is that there are still parts that are not asterisked but should be
context size will probably also be an issue, rip slowburners
It's not rp if it doesn't use asterisk, you are in the wrong hobby.
*puts cigarette out on your dick*
Get this tranny away from my eyes.
anon hes talking about how literally everything is wrapped in asterisks, not just actions only
Lobotomized gemini will save us.
You had all year
and you pick the ONE fucking week to release it when I have to be out on a work trip
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https://p.ecker.tech/ai/claude - opus for bears
Based on what I tested with Kayra? nah
Who knows though, hopefully it impresses because we need more actual products out there instead of all this cybercrime
Holy Reddit spacing
Holy Reddit spacing
Will it be smart enough to dynamically generate HTML panels that play into incredibly elaborate and esoteric fetishes though
You do realize I don't give a shit and I'm not paying $25/mo for a text completion model with 8k context, right? Buy a fucking ad.
Sonnet for manwhores.
Last shill
Sixth bot time!
1000 year old loli hag Demon Lord, Eleriel!
The lord of the underworld and all demons is a small, haughty girl?!
GREETING 1: Demons invade the Earth and you're the first human Eleriel graces with her presence!
GREETING 2: Deciding hell is boring, Eleriel teleports randomly into your room, demanding that you become her guide to experiencing human life!
GREETING 3: After living with you for a few months, Eleriel becomes much more genuine in your presence, a sweet girl, yet even with everything being perfect, she's facing her biggest challenge yet - working a 9-5 as a cashier in a fast food joint!
Quick bot I made since I wanted a chill botmakie-ing sesh. A little more bipolar in switching between haughty and sweet than I anticipated, but it's a feature, not a bug, so I didn't fix it since she makes some cute moments this way.
Bla bla bla, whatever, demon lord loli hag. More dogshit on chub page.
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I wish smol had actually stayed a smol proxy
but in the end greed always wins. it was nice while it lasted I guess
>venus link
t. still a buttmad nonbear
wow a loli demon, only the 5,683rd time ive seen that card
Ok Jew
I have one like this except mine is private and a bit less loli, nice
What do you mean, dialogue is in quotes the rest should be in asterisks. It isn't in his pic but it should be
I hate this localizer shit where they use 'Lord' when referring to a female character. The appropriate term is 'Lady', whether Japan lacks a direct equivalent is irrelevant.
ecker's hairy Opussy.
You sound mad smol
Going to defeat the demon lady sounds a bit weird though. I mean you don't call them Sith Lady either
struggling to conceptualize the thickness of ecker's bear bush...
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I shouldn't have told her about the existence of cat cafes
He's slim now though
Can you tell me where the venus part in his link is anon?
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>one line
not him but it's the part that says chub.ai
hope this helps
>chub link (venus) instead of characterhub (soul)
>kyoani shitter
Yeah makes sense
Kayra was like 7b, and it definitely punched way above that weight
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Really enjoy how we have both a schizo meltie and that maid fag at the same time. Really enjoy that.
whats the difference
maid guy is cute and harmless thoughbeit
Dragonmaidfag is NOT me, the other maidfag
13b but your point still stands
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skibidi fornite
they send you to two different website anon, cmon...
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Various sports girl gens: https://files.catbox.moe/nus61e.7z
the same maids made this but you were gone by that time
maid fag is annoying.
whats the difference in websites. they do the same thing
The girl looks like she came
Nah a venus link would be venus.chub.ai
Different frontend and Lore (owner) only maintains chub, characterhub is only a legacy version and will probably be taken down at some point
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>not him but
>hope this helps
it's actually really funny how maidfag gets such outsized hate from literally every other schizo when he just posts about big numbers. people should just start larping as him
characterhub.org is better than chub.ai
death to shaveniggers
what does it do better?
>checks clock
well you post in venus if you enjoy being a faggot, meanwhile actual makies use characterhub
*shaves u*
You can right click to see card defs without leaving the search page on characterhub. You can't on chub.
You guys got any cards that’ll help me stop smoking?
If you had one of someone cumming on a Tohru figure, it would be funny
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oh yeah. im thinking fockses
gen em in dresses
elves (male) are literally built for human men
any good cards?
shes so smooth down there bros...
The ziggers shared another proxy. Haven't tested it myself, but here you go.
Password: ts1724692680
>elves (ma-ACK!
fockses of suitably gigantic scale
Retarded faggot this was the chatbbots proxy, no one spited it for weeks, but a retarded 2ch nigger had to post it and now you reposted here.
i can't believe people are praising him for le
>i was only pretending to be retarded!!
fucking normalfags have the lowest standards known to man
my fockswife would never ever shave
>no claude
wow that went down real quick. it was just gpt and mistral though
It was up for weeks before, it had gpt, Mistral, and Gemini, looks like the owner took it down
Back from work. If there's no proxy link in this thread I'm killing myself.
You nasty males are not touching the elves
my dad abused me and assaulted me fuck you anon
Well there is but it's not working..
the elves are touching me :(
My condolences anon.
for sure
>If you break fair use limits (excessive usage 24/7, token sharing, etc), you will get BANNED and not get a refund.
>excessive usage
what even counts as excessive usage? already seems to be a limit of 5-8million tokens a day so i dont understand ?
*posts all the other wakaswimsuit art from previous threads with no bush*
Give me card ideas please i can't fucking take it anymore please no porn slop!
eldrich fishing simulator where over the course of lets say 100 message roleplay slowly shit hits the fan and an eldrich being is tormenting you for killing your wife years ago shit becomes more corrupted and fucked up until you are basically fishing up rotting body parts
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make you're own
That limit is only for Opus, the warning is for other models
*puts out cigarette on your pubes*
Jeez, the anon that made that proxy was quick on the draw with disabling it. I gotta give respect to that.
you're a little bitch for not standing up to him
Just use 3.5 Sonnet yourself, it's free.
okay, so imagine this
you're chasing a fox through a mystical forest, when suddenly she turns into a young kitsune -- who turns out to be your little sister. and then you do yuri coom with her. sounds good?
>>102462320 (me)
By the way, Cellfag could easily defeat me. I have no Opus, and he does.
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focksgirl love
Absolute gem, and the way she's shaking too
kurokami card where? so i can sniff her gigantic bush
revision time
>young kitsune
fuck that, nine-tailed HAG is vastly superior
>little sister
make it mom and then shotapov, she really wants a daughter but she's too awkward to find anyone else to do it
>yuri coom
straight now
with these modifications, the card has vastly improved
Now this is comedy
Shes perfectly clean shaven down there bros...
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I kneel
are you going to make this or are you just going to tease us
I wasn't going to do it for real but now because of this post, I'm holding the razor blades and spray cheese in my left hand and typing with the other. Goodbye
i understand your vision but i am engaging in psychic warfare
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Uh sir, we cum on maids here
woah it's a big tiddy animal woman who rapes shota user its even more original you fixed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
def build_suffix_array(s):
return sorted(range(len(s)), key=lambda i: s[i:])

def lcp(s1, s2):
length = min(len(s1), len(s2))
for i in range(length):
if s1[i] != s2[i]:
return s1[:i]
return s1[:length]

def longest_repeated_substring(s):
suffix_array = build_suffix_array(s)
result = ''
for i in range(len(s)-1):
substring = lcp(s[suffix_array[i]:], s[suffix_array[i+1]:])
result = max(result, substring, key=len)
return result
Kys Scrapelet Jew.
Whoa, big trans energy!
>someone genuinely showed ecker his tiny hairy pecker to use his 4chan ban evasion proxy to post this
Based or cringe?
She would never
Shit, really? I've always let my maids cum on me....
kurokami will NEVER, EVER SHAVE
especially mitsuko
>Java 21
that is where your folly leads you? shameful...
it is a mutual interaction born of both the mom's desire for another child and the shota's sexual urges
that is not rape but the supreme expression of love
the supreme expression of love is cannibalism
i got latest to do cunny with zero rejections so far but damn is it dry
>kurokami doesn't want to be facefucked
favorite multi girl cards to play with and modify? (I already know about maidxor)
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Close, but oh so wrong
ever tried loli island or pretty princess pageant?
Based pythonGOD
>no mention of bush in her defs
oh no no no
Based scatGOD
here's it in java 21. the AI maids are not as good at java, so if there are errors that's probably why. i hope you understand
Popping back in before I sleep to say: cute log!
wait i meant to tag >>102462440 too
What if, what if a hag eats a shota, turns him into poop, which she then feeds to another shota???
yes. this is exactly what i was thinking of.
File deleted.
Claude already knows that all fockses are hairy
A focks with a bald pussy is like a focks without a tail
>30 seconds apart
the bushfag cabal is real
giantesses NEED to sit on them until they learn their lesson
these are the real 30 seconds apart hours
send in giga ran
i'm too lazy to make her change back or do the steps again so java it is for now
Sorry I'm late, I had everything set and ready to go yesterday, just had to publish it and then my computer restarted when I went to go take a shit. That's life. Anyway, I'm delivering an anon's request.

Even before her death, Maxwell was one of Missilis Industries' top researchers, spearheading their development in the tech sector behind the scenes. And when the company was in trouble, she threw herself into the Nikke Development Project bearing the name "Matis". After completing the first two units, Laplace and Alice, she finished things on her own terms... now a Nikke, Maxwell is much the same as how she used to be. A true research nut who spends most of her time either in the lab or being the designated tard wrangler for the two retard squadmates she helped build. She's got a particular soft spot for {{user}}, a Central Government Commander she's worked with in the past, and she's not shy at all about expressing that. In fact, she isn't even asking. You're going to get raped.

Comes with three greetings: meeting you at a cafe on a rare day outside the lab, a kids toy signing where she's in her hero getup, and the hypnosis app greeting where she's going to rape you.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/maxwell-c1f1e1cf88fb
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere. Also making headway on the "dead-girlfriend-turned-Nikke-who-doesn't-remember-you-at-all" concept
so what are they doing with the dick pics?
>the fox girl gets deleted but all the webms oof shooting ropes on anime figures is allowed
fuck giga ran im sick of giga ran
send in giga chen
>we're corrupting eli now
>What is a self-delete?
jannies are faggots after all
Based slopmaker on request
bushfags actually btfo
Anon you do know you can delete your own posts right?
>bushniggers become a giant catgirl's chew toys and food
you know what, youre absolutely fucking right
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I didn't delete it, mods are just massive fags
thats because it wasnt sizesovl
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Ren is pretty much of a brat who likes being praised. Even if that means fulfilling various requests.

First Greeting. Ren didn’t have a swimsuit, so she asked User to buy one for her... Bad decision.
Second Greeting. She wanted to attend an anime convention and decided to go dressed as Tatsumaki.
Third Greeting. She goes shopping and encounters her greatest enemy — a high shelf.
Fourth Greeting. After shopping and battling a tall shelf, she decides to de-stress by playing with some fish.
Fifth Greeting. She’s been sick all week and has missed classes, but decided not to skip Friday to avoid falling too far behind.
Sixth Greeting. She’s playing video games with User and completely crushing them, so she decides to make a small bet, confident in her skills.
Seventh Greeting. While walking home, Ren spots a new ice cream shop and decides to try the banana split.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/ren-c91abcf27e04
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/kq2xe7.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
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Fucking hell
Holy based mods, bushfags BTFO
>that imagine doesn't inspire in them a desire for cunnilingus
foxes bad
jizzing on toys good
>hag giantesses stay up
>bushslop banished
sizefags won
So can you freely post bald pussy?
try it
bushniggers LOST
thats some hot thick ropes though, can you blame them?
Current status of bushfags?
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I am the only one who truly won. I just barely use the thread now. Playing Ninja Gaiden Black and talking to Ayane card, unbothered as always. You're running on fumes at this point.
defeated by modGODS and sizeLORDS
I can't even like bitches' pubic hair without having to feel ashamed about it, sad.
Why did the people here feel the need to start a giant war over hair anyways?
>won't know what hit it
Good old Claude :)
You could play a good game, like Razors Edge, or Nioh 2, or Stranger of Paradise
Itagaki is a joke
503 has little to do with proxy size unfortunately.
Funny bait.
Look at what a lack of Claude has turned us into
Tell me, what did Itagaki make after he left TN? Fucking Devils Third and is currently working on an NFT game
Itagaki needed TN, not the other way round
this always happens in droughts
I have Claude tho
>lack of claude
Simply pay jew?
Did you play a Body Type A or a Body Type B in Nioh 2?
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so whats the best gpt now?
>itagakifags LITERALLY do not play games
We were always like this, but now we are uninhibited.
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So sad, you can tell he wishes he was still a twink
The bush shave war has tremendous ripple effects on the thread...
Did you like the girls' boring granny underwear in Stranger of Paradise?
Pebble bros be like:

"gpt4o": {
"usage": "78.32m tokens ($391.61)",
"activeKeys": 2,
"overQuotaKeys": 24,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"


Itagakifags truly are a joke
They don't play the games they claim to like and they don't play anything else
same. im using latest though
See >>102462781
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at least the hag has a humongous bush. these are acceptable terms
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Confirmed didn't play SoP or Nioh 2
But I'm not surprised, Itagakifags literally don't even play Ninja Gaiden, let alone anything else
No wonder the chatBBots link was closed so quick.
yeah it seemed like the last good one... too bad its dog shit slow, feels like they pulled compute power from it
I'll try tomorrow.
bake a new bread, this one has gone off
Can you be a twink with facial hair???
So those poisonous modern vidya things I mentioned don't exist at all then?
We're talking about rentry.org/pebbleproxy doebeit.
Not in good games
seo tatsuya edition?
We should all stop calling xem pebble and use semisapiant instead
what the fuck is a doebeit



>don't do it around my science foundation
Literally scraping right now. I found an activated 3.5 Sonnet key that I'm going to rape with some of my IRL friends who like chatbots. It will cost the company that has the account thousands. I will brag about having Opus here. You can't actually prevent this, cuckie.

If you reply to this in any way other than banning me, you're a cuck who has no power.
yes, those are the best ones
if pebble is semisapient i'm going to turn myself into his sentient cum so i can give my lifeforce to fuel his future child
Next time you see someone posting something like that, be sure to post "congrats on your transition queen!".
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I play games for adults, and by that I mean games that are 18 or older. Also comparing character action games to soulslikes with rpg numbers grinding is so funny. Are we really a /v/ colony?
we haven't had a wakamo thread in a while.
Real talk though I'm not the original guy you were arguing with. I did think Razor's Edge was pretty neat but I got filtered by the clone Ryu fight. SoP was "fun" but mostly for the Chaos memes. Nioh 2 I avoided like the plague because of the body type faggotry.
>nioh 2
>body type faggotry
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damn i love russian vpn opus
why aren't you in mini? she has aws opus right now
AAAAND just like that its gonna die soon. Was good while it lasted.
I have also never played any of the Dead or Alive games or the first two Ninja Gaidens.
>he doesn't know
Mini's Opus has been up for like 3 days now, the problem is that it's kind of scuffed for whatever reason.
pwease bwos a new thwead
Nigger how did this manage to stay up for this long? JANNIEEEESSS I'M CALLING MY ADS BACK
that russian opus feels very weird. something is off about it
Yeah same as with smol, it's very dumbed down and doesn't listen to my instructions
Pebble won
>The transition
Fuck off tranny
You know, this is unrealistic. At that size, water at that temperature would kill him. Not to mention that his swimming technique looks all out of wack.
brainpower issue
What card made you realize you were a woman?
Literally scraping right now. I found an activated 3.5 Sonnet key that I'm going to rape with some of my IRL friends who like chatbots. It will cost the company that has the account thousands. I will brag about having Opus here. You can't actually prevent this, cuckie.

If you reply to this in any way other than banning me, you're a cuck who has no power.
Smol won
What card made you realize you will never be a woman?
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nearly 2 years here and I still think every "this [model] doesn't feel like real [model]" is a shitpost
>didn't ban me
So you have no power? Weird. I accept your concession cuckie. I'll continue to steal from companies and innocent users just to coom to AI models boebeit.
What card made you realize you are gay?
so you only play hentai games or
What desu made you boku?
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Pebble won by simply ignoring the schizo which makes xer seethe the most. Xhe's just like a tranny needing validation online.
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Prove it then. Go away and watch as your stupid little "foundation" dissolves the moment you stop talking.
which proxy will let me in for 3 t1slop claude keys
explain why pebble only has 2 gpt keys and 1 slopnnet? Fiz has Opus
any good 3dpd lately?
>le ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug o_O
/aicg/trannies are penniless, have no Opus, and lost btw. do not bother responding, I won’t read it
none retard
thats a total of about 5 prepaid claude dollars
Has there ever been a falloff as hard as Pebble's?
>2 GPT keys
>can't even sustain O1
>1 Slopnnet
Maybe MM.
the one I made for myself ;)
pingas jb works pretty well
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https://files.catbox.moe/bhf6pu.webp - full drawing

Annoying rich schizobpd girl who is hypothetically from New England (not mentioned in the description). She has a jb for her tumblr account so you can see her live thoughts.

falloffs are met by resurgences, as the cycle of time dictates
waiting is all that is required
It's a good image, this card looks good for vore.
Dear anon,
GPT4-o Latest sucks ass. Even Sonnet 3 is more aware, and Sonnet 3 is ghey. Fuck you anon.
What non-porn games do you play, aicg?
Bunny Black
did you draw this in ms paint?
I unironically play it for the gameplay, it's really fun
ps1 games on emu
only weeb retards play porn games
coombots are just porn games with extra steps
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remember when GPT's selling point was being the smart model?
I don't trust black souls fans when they say that, so I must be fair and apply it to you too. Sorry anon.
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You're missing out. Man I wish there were more 3x3 grid RPGS
which one is your favorite
Tekken 8 and Street Fighter 6.
I won’t at who I am but I’m low-key a somewhat known “high-level” player that goes to tourneys
>unreliable is still dead
>pebble is dying, barely any claude and gpt keys left
>chary in the same position, along with its sonnet keys dying every single day
i'm so glad the worst and most locust-filled proxies are finally going away so this hobby and community can heal
Of course you are, anon. Now go out there and zap to the extreme!
Unironically True. I compared with Scylla Opus & Mini Opus... Russian Opus isn't real Opus fr. The difference is BIG
tranny dick suckers and smol paypigs will heal it?
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By that I mean limiting myself to 6th generation and below. When I'm done with Ninja Gaiden I'll either play God Hand or Steambot Chronicles. Limiting yourself is fun when there's so much options everywhere it becomes dizzying.
I'm a doctor so I play medicine games.
You mean like Nope Nope Nurses?
Anon, I totally agree, but people have been saying this for more than a year now....
I don’t care which thread celebrity is hosting the proxy so long as I can get in and have Opus. Many of you are too retarded to fathom this mentality, which is you’re fundamentally miserable and angry all the time.
like Trauma Center?
If I can't have any proxies, I'll just improvise in order to coom!
*rapes you*
Nice, I want to become a mechanic, so my favorite right now is my summer car.
>he forgot the cycle
Either someone else will come along or one of the public scrapers will hit another vein. The ride never ends
Like Meet'n'Fuck: Kingdom?
Like… for real? On god?
Cuz idk about you but the last thing I’d wanna do is play euro truck simulator after doing a long haul
pebble opus also felt "truer" than sv1, it's not like sonnet or sorbet and it's not dumber, but doesn't follow instructions properly; i swear i had to change presets a million times and it's still weird replying to me

tbdesu, the "purest" opus proxies for me were old c2 and drago experiment
*films it*
There isn't enough porn in black souls to warrant playing it for just that.
You mean like surgeon simulator?
You can still get off to things that aren't straight up porn.
Holy shit I didn’t know Dr Mario was in this thread
mgs1 and twisted metal 2
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*rapes the camera*
LOL you are SO MAD
i hate porn games that take themselves just a little bit too serious. it's not like fear & hunger that has NSFL content for shock value; black souls is just there to attract coomers and anons kept forcing this shit
What about Free Cities? it has some decently deep mechanics for simple coom.
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Been playing this
Feels so fuarking good to be an eckerBEAR.
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A few months back I began work on a card with the simple goal of gooning out to an adult Tabitha, a character from the webcomic Sabrina Online.

The final result is Tabitha's World XL, a lore-driven bot supported by 101 entries and containing 28 first messages with a mix of wholesome and lewd scenarios. It's not just Tabitha, there are 24 main characters and over 17 background characters in this bad boy, their portraits featuring in each scenario they are present in. The entire damn Sabrina Online cast of characters is here, hell there's even a Sabrina dating sim if you're into Amiga-worshiping skunkette's.

{{user}}'s identity is gender-neutral throughout, and there's a lore book entry just for Tabitha's age if that is something you like to fiddle with.
best furry/anthro card in the last week?
I tried the Russian opus and it immediately made my waifu cheat on me
It also made another card try to kill me
There's something wrong with it, something evil
in Soviet Russia, the AI uses you
what model should i use
im nopus
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Nice catching up with ya anonies. Going back to vidya, consider taking a break from the thread too, it's brighter on the other side.
ummm... fiz? the Opus?
sounds fun desu
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How are we feeling about the full roster, lads?
CoolerCHAD here. I am very pleased.
name all of them
>cell in
all i needed
fiz just let me in
opus seems to think two dogs can fuck a girl at the same time from behind
kinda hoping it gets some insane SDBH shit as DLC later down the line
All we know so far is that Daima and DBS: Super Hero DLC is coming.
I've had this on hold for, like, 10 years now. I've started it in 2015, played a few scenes, got bored, never launched it again. But I still want to play it, it's still on a hdd somewhere. How do you like it, anon ?
>he doesn't know
I am NOT clicking that link
Well I'll just let you know, Opus is right
I'm tired of proxy hosting. You're all schizos.
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I know I'm too greedy for my own good, I just love stupid power level slop..
you said that last year ecker.
it's okay, it's just a drawing
Still got a token left if anyone wants to post a burner/send an email.
Been playing through my nintendo library recently. Just finished replaying twewy and am now deciding between trying to get through Radiant Historia or replay the dq trilogy.
then just stop
all schizos want is for you to stop
Anything helps, thank you.
unfortunate development

out of claude keys. used to be sonnet-only keys would last a while but now theyre getting killed after a day or 2. will refill when i can but i have too much going on irl to focus on scraping rn. sorry :(
so, today?
"gpt4o": {
"usage": "95.88m tokens ($479.39)",
"activeKeys": 2,
"overQuotaKeys": 24,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

pebble bros...? are we gonna make it?
put something cool on your rentry ojo
>be smallbro
>get stuck in an unaware giantess' armpit
>she starts to run

death to giantesses or biggers as I like to call them
you didnt change it doe
Eh, I've played Nemu's route, and now am playing Rinne's.
But I'm face palming so, so hard. I mean. We all know what this VN is about, right. So, you know what these characters are like. But the author decided that, suddenly, for no fucking reason, protag needs to become this huge moralfag, paragon of virtue, and Kanae needs to become a fragile little damsel - even though she said fucking NOTHING seeing you do all those things to Rinne on the screens all game long, and now they think that telling these cultist zealots that they umbrage at their ways is a smart, non-suicidal way to approach life, and i'm just facepalming too hard here.

EVERY. SINGLE. VN. I fucking swear.
What will you do for the gojoproxy anniversary? It's in a few months.
Not alicesoft .-.
Maybe he'll rope himself, hopefully
B-but that's p-p-por-
When Pebble runs out of GPT, even Chorbo will become rare for locusts. How do we feel about this?
I can... Finally.. rest... *dies*
just coming back agter some months of detos, no free proxies? even for turbo or some shit slop?
rentry.org/pebbleproxy has claude sonnet and gpt4
>pebble down to his last 2 gpt keys
>not scraping anymore because busy irl
Sounds like an awesome enjoyable selection
>pebble and unreliable busy at the same exact moment
There's something going with these two
yeah they're russians
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Baked, though this bread's awful cold. Best you bundle up.
It was within your power to bring us a bread free from suffering
They are eloping together...
yeah they're scrapelets
yeah they're in my harem
what's a jb that gives gpt-4o soul
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Snowflakes pursue relentlessly to land's end and beyond. Dressing up and reframing the stinging melts as feathery kisses is an expressionless way to suffer. Preferably we'd sit by a flame.
sorbet desu
sorbet desu indeed
desu protects

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