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Weekend edition

Previous: >>102418338

Temp wiki: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Home_server

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Routers
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
SFF cases https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AddRvGWJ_f4B6UC7_IftDiVudVc8CJ8sxLUqlxVsCz4/
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
PCIE info: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf
>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
>For more SATA ports, use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode
Cockpit is nice for remote administration

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
Does any filesystem allow you to have all file operations duplicated in memory (to simulate ECC)?
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I'm about to put a 1tb SSD into a small server than I will only use for torrenting. Is it a bad idea?
The SSD is quite old and has served me well inside my regular PC for the past 6+ years.
I can't think of anything to do with my shit
Everything is updated
I don't feel like rebuilding anything
Just put a 10g in my router last weekend and that went pretty smoothly
???? Guess it's over
Sounds like a bad idea. 1TB is nothing.
try to use a separate drive for the os if you expect it to fail soon
So is it better to make a separate VM to host the NUT server and just download the client in my host Proxmox? Or run both at host?
As a rule I try to avoid installing anything on the host, if I can create a VM or container I would.
It'd be good only if it was an enterprise grade SSD. Better than spinning rust, for hot data.
>got authentication working on my server
lets fucking go
ECC is for correcting memory errors, not exactly tied to storage as you can have memory errors even while running only from ramdisk.

What you might ve referring to is filesystem checksums
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I have something similar going on but mine isn't old as fuck as yours

i would be cautious
isn't DMA typically disabled? So all files that are written, don't they go to the butter ie generally system memory? thus any copy or write or move, it's going through memory, and that's where ecc mostly matters (or am I wrong?)
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Bros I bought 3 ax5400's for 10 bucks each from this euro country, do you think they installed a backdoor to each of these routers, will a clean merlin firmware asus be good enough to wipe it? it seems too good to be true
I'm looking to spin up a Bitcoin node. I'd also like to have some breathing room for some other shit on there. Any reccs?
long walk off a short pier
it matters everywhere, you're just scoping it to the filesystem
does double ecc exist, like extra protection in case of an unlucky set of errors that pass the checksum?
I'm not fully versed in ECC myself so I request other anons (looking at enterpriseschizo) to chime in.
The point of ECC is that besides detection it CORRECTS memory errors at the hardware level, so ir is highly unlikely that an error passes the verification, furthermore, there are filesystems specifically designed to prevent corruption and "bitrot", which, from your terms, can be called "double protection", these are btrfs and ZFS in case you're wondering
Does anybody here have experience with radarr / sonarr? Are they worth the hassle to set up?
What should I do for a website/dashboard for my end users? I want to give them a one stop shop dashboard at my publicly facing website, where they can go to my plex request web server, get news, and access to the other services I host, all under one website visit. I was looking at some of the free open source dashboard web servers with thoughts of tweaking to my purposes. Any thoughts? I'm no web dev but I can figure things out.
Anyone use an Intel Arc card for Plex or Jellyfin? How well does it function and what distro do you use?
post racks
I love you, Home Server General anons.
I saw a NAT definition for an outside global address as 'The IP address of the outside host from the perspective of the outside network'. Wouldn't that be the inside local address from the perspective of the outside network? Should it instead be 'from the perspective of other outside networks' or am I dumb idiot retard?
If you torrent a lot, then yes.
I don't use it since I don't torrent that often and I like to manually do it myself.
if you are an avid tv show enjoyer, it is
BTRFS or ZFS for raid mirror? Which would be better?
Should i be running podman containers as a seperate user whenever possible or is it fine to run untrusted containers as root?
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It pretty barebones as I don't have enough devices to justify a switch, but it's mine.
It's completely fine to let containers run as root internally, but I would avoid running containers as root externally as rootful containers are isolated from rootless containers. Plus, there's not really any reason to run them as root externally unless you're fighting with an NFS share volume and even then that is a fight you can win with enough effort.

As far as running each container as a separate non-root user on the host, I think the separation is also present between users but I honestly don't 100% know on that as I was not autistic enough to do that on my setup nor am I really willing to entertain it. It would give an additional security benefit... but really now, is it worth it?
Newfag here, looking to build a home server for
>Plex/Media streaming to 1-6 Devices
>Minecraft Server
What CPU would be powerful enough to drive a server like this?

First time doing server shit so I don't have a good intuition for how much processing power server applications need. I have an old Ryzen 5 2600 but not sure if that would be good enough or be optimal.
>It's completely fine to let containers run as root internally, but I would avoid running containers as root externally
What do you mean by internally and externally?
What're you using those ThinkCenters for? Thinking of getting some or just buy a mini PC.
Mostly just game servers/webservers. They're a little bit older and only the i3 variant, but I'm not even close to capping the CPU on any of them. It's just set up as a docker swarm currently and they're each capped to 65w. I really recommend them if you want something sub $50.
What model is it? That's actually really cheap. I don't need something strong since I want to just selfhost some stuff, like manga, music, audiobooks.
The M700, I think you could probably find a slightly newer model for around the same price but these were more than enough in my case.
>I have an old Ryzen 5 2600 but not sure if that would be good enough or be optimal.
good enough.
throw in a few hard drives and install proxmox then make a container for each application.
What's the advantage of Hypervisors like Proxmox vs just running docker containers on Ubuntu (or other Linux OSs like TrueNAS/OMV/Unraid)?
Easy GUI for container management and built in back up services. Not really much if you don't mind managing that stuff yourself but it's nice to have schedulers and one click migration, etc.
Doesn't Kubernetes accomplish the same thing?
Yeah, that's also a good choice. Proxmox is much more idiot friendly though imo.
virtualization and containerization are very different things
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isolation and ease of use.
docker can be great but it has a lot of particulars i personally dont like.
proxmox is simple.
you spin up a container. it gets its own ip address and you can do whatever in that container.
its just kinda best practice to have a container for everything. you could run everything you wanted in on bare metal with one os but this way you miss out on things like snapshotting in case something goes wrong. pic related is what im running on my dinky i5.
i run jellyfin just fine and hardware encoding with quicksync works also.
should work the same with amd igpus.
Overbloated. Proxmox is also more overly complicated than it needs to be
You can just run libvirt with debian/ubuntu instead to achieve the same result 99% of the time
This seems like a good place to ask.
If I want to retire a functioning, almost full HDD into cold storage, How do I store it in such a way that it survives for as long as possible?
(Within reason, I don't have a salt mine handy)

Is it at all possible it's going to spontaneously lose data without actually suffering any physical damage? like the data is gone but I can reuse it just fine?
Because everything of value on it is backed up and I want to just keep it stored for a rainy day.
>How do I store it in such a way that it survives for as long as possible?
>(Within reason, I don't have a salt mine handy)
Styrofoam box.

>Is it at all possible it's going to spontaneously lose data without actually suffering any physical damage? like the data is gone but I can reuse it just fine?
yes. that is always a risk. the drive should be still usable even if it loses data.
>filesystem allow you to have all file operations duplicated in memory (to simulate ECC)?
you're stuck writing custom software to do this, ZFS, BTRFS, whatever rely on the hardware like ECC mem to handle errors
btrfs saves you from recompiling the kernel module every time
but zfs is for the cool kids
65w really? those mini pcs usually idle at 3-4W
Oh they don't use anywhere close to that, the PSU's are just 65w max. I think the i5 versions come with 85w PSU's or something to support the boost.
/hsg/ is for discussion of home servers and services, not enthusiast consumer products and desktop hardware. Your question is better served elsewhere.
There's no validated ECC memory support for that processor. Use ECC memory if you love your data.
Minecraft servers (with the exception of Folia) scales better with higher single-threaded performance / IPC, less so with the amount of cores/threads.
>Non-production ready repository enabled!
>0 virtual machines
You'd be better off using Windows as your client operating system, instead of Proxmox VE.
This hardware is also end-of-life since March 31, 2024. You should avoid using it for security reasons.
fuck off enterpriseschizo
hey guys I'm trying to homeservermaxx but when I go to use downloaded files being seeded fucks them up.
how can I permaseed (incredibly based) and still use jellyfin
Put it in an antistatic bag and padded cardboard box. Leave in a drawer.
Don't forget about Schrodinger's backup, cold backups exist in both a broken and functional state until tested.
How does seeding fuck them up it just werks for me with transmission and jellyfin
Why are SAS HBA so expensive? Looking for 16e ones since I can't do internal anymore. No more space in my case.
Imagine complaining about regularly priced and affordable HBAs. You problem.
Jellyfin packaging on RHEL is ass
How is using a video card to hardware transcode for my media server that I use at home not home server related?
The video card in question is not supported in any server hardware, by any OEM I know of. It's consumer tech. It's also not SR-IOV capable.
Is that the regular price? I see other 16e for $30. Why is this one so expensive?
you have no one but yourself to blame.
its shipped from some business in the usa
other one for $30 is probably coming from china without grifter tax applied on top
Any computer can be a server, senpai.
Third-party components in servers do not receive extensive validation and pose risks for the data environment. Desktop hardware does not have remote management capabilities that servers do.
we dont give a fuck, enterpriseschizo
>Third-party components in servers do not receive extensive validation and pose risks for the data environment.
So do I.
>Desktop hardware does not have remote management capabilities that servers do.
I'm managing my server remotely via ssh right now.
I have up and just used docker.
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I want a 5 - 10 GB 10+ port switch

What's the cheapest/best value one I can buy?
Actually rocky (not a cuck)
Both of your statements tell me problems will be difficult to diagnose in your environment, with the lack of implied remote out-of-band management interface and the implied use of third-party components. You're certainly not following the best practices, if that's the case.
I can't tell if this guy is pretending to be retarded or if it's real
>try to rack server by myself
>thought the pins were secure
>drop it
>falls on the back corner
>rebounds into my safety glasses and knocks them off
>right rail is severely damaged
guess I should follow the instructions next time haha
I would say
>wearing safety glasses
but clearly your retarded ass needs them
What's wrong with safety glasses?
if he were ever pretending, hes gone on long enough that it has become real
If you're doing something with a home server that you think might require safety glasses, you are mostly likely doing something extremely stupid that you should not be doing.
How easy is it to migrate a VM to LXC in proxmox? Can you even do that? Or do I have to rebuild the whole thing as a container?
I like wearing them when carrying heavier things and dealing with thin pieces of metal attached to springs
that's ok
you should take any scar like a man
I use an A770 16gb for Jellyfin. It was a bit of a hassle to set up on Debian a la updating the kernel past 6.2 iirc and also updating some firmware, but it works pretty well now. Some devices have trouble with video encoding errors or just not playing at all, but most devices I've tried work perfectly
first time NAS, looking for a simple setup leaning towards QNAP, only need 4 drive bays. What should I look for/avoid in QNAP NAS units?

Any specific models i should go for?
what are the best content on structured cabling? I will not pay anything, but i can pirate books and the like
I have enough scars all over my body, need my eyes to stay as healthy as possible.
What's the best way to roll my own dropbox? is it rclone?
> Double ECC
I don't think there is a memory standard, but as far as the math goes yes there is. You have various potential error correction codes with different mixes or data and parity. You can correct an arbitrarily large number of bit errors by including enough parity.
Whatever is implemented in ECC RAM is one possible scheme. Some NAND flash uses something else entirely. Radio communications use others. CD's used a certain one. It's all just math underneath -- "Hamming codes" are a good place to start if you are curious how this stuff works.
M365 and OneDrive comes to my mind. You'll be a global admin, after all.
hi proxmox fren, heres mine
>want to back up a 240G drive
>gonna have to put it on the NAS
>open GNOME disks, create disk image, save on NAS
>try to restore it/copy it to a local drive
>input/output error
>o fug :DDDD
Obviously I'm a retard for not realising I had enough local drive space for the backup in the first place... and for not checking the backup was fine before formatting the drive... and seemingly for making an img file instead of just copying individual files, since that would have been easier to recover. Additionally, my TrueNAS pool is for the first time showing the word "DEGRADED". Could this be related?

What are my options to recover that .img now, fellas?
I love you /hsg/
what cpu is that, if i may ask
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nvm I was blind didn't see the specs there
Love you too <3
i love me too <3
Is this the sbc/rpi general thread or just a home server thread? If it's the former, here I go.
How do I get the most out of my 4GB rpi4? I tried zram which ran fine but I don't see any performance difference. I tried overclocking it to the "recommended" 2000MHz cpu and 600MHz gpu clock speed and disabled throttling and enabled overvoltage, but even though I have a case+fan and it didn't overheat, the os regularly froze.
I have a Xeon CPU E5-2690 and it's power hungry at idle...

Heats up my room quite a lot.

My setup I currently have is a 10G NIC, GPU for CCTV object detection, 16i HBA, 10 HDDs.

I plan to add an external HBA for a disk shelf.

So I was looking at getting a intel i3-12100 but the lack of PCIe lanes is the only reason it won't be suitable.

Any ideas for a server equivalent while being as cheap? Looked at Epyc 2nd gen CPUs which are cheap but the motherboards are £600+ lol
seeing a server this overloaded and reliant on affinity make me wonder how strained the hard drives are for disk i/o
replace it with a mini pc if you need more performance, you'll thank yourself
nobody should run a pi anymore
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>have 2 identically specc'd m720qs
>functionally identical BIOS versions
>known working nvme and wifi key to nvme adapter works in one, but not the other
could I be missing a BIOS option or is there an unknown lottery on these motherboards in terms of PCIe lanes?
Is there an option to reset the bios to factory settings?
i3-12100 ought to have enough pcie for all of that, i dont see the issue
chipset has more pcie lanes too
Get a dell precision t7810 and throw two xeon e5 2697 v4 processors and 128gb ram in it. $400 max
Both Xeons are e-waste. Avoid using end-of-life hardware (pre-Cascade Lake).
What does this have anything to do with servers?
>mini PC
What does this have anything to do with servers? The guy's asking about Raspberry Pis in the wrong general and you're trying to sell him client computing? What's wrong with you?
it's "home servers", not "servers"
we are in the home server general
You keep showing of this e-waste client computing hardware with an unsupported operating system (Proxmox VE) in a server discussion general, without doing any improvements or taking feedback from the general. The hardware platform hasn't been receiving security updates anymore since at least September 30, 2022. You are still lacking virtual machines for security isolation and live migration capabilities. You are still running a no-sub repo, which is not ready for production use cases.
You are still using sub-optimal tools such as cgit, Gitea and BookStack for workflows.
What SLA can I promise to my international customers' data hosted on my chink mini pcs?
Mini PCs and i3-12100 hardware have little or nothing in common with server hardware, in terms of stability, validation, support and remote management.
my home server gets around two nines
you must realize that most people here don't give a rats ass about something being end of life
>pre-Cascade Lake
Whoops typo, I meant to say 'pre-Haswell'
Haswell is already EOL. There's certainly no ESXi 8.0 or Windows Server 2022 support.
You may be a little more careless yourself, but continuing to use the hardware poses both security risks and burden of maintenance. Such hardware will most certainly make problems more difficult to diagnose and troubleshoot, and carry additional risks that cannot be easily migrated without newer hardware replacements.
I'm bringing the available facts and knowledge to your attention, so you can improve yourself and your infrastructure.
it's either we spend an exorbitant amount of money on buying the latest and greatest server-grade hardware in order to compete with companies and corporations that have endlessly more resources than we do, or we take the "risk" on using older, much cheaper hardware that can do much of the same stuff anyway
What are the advantages/disadvantages of SMB shares vs NFS shares in a home server context?
>both security risks and burden of maintenance
oh no, my bedroom server will have to be maintained and secured by me?

SMB works with everything
The value proposition is already there. Exorbitant does not necessarily mean $20,000 worth of new hardware per server, that lasts for 5-7 years. Refurbished hardware in the price range of $700-3000 USD is usable for at least 3 years, with access to the latest innovations in both hardware and software. You don't need to compete with companies for hardware, as refurbished hardware is in fact hardware that corporations are trying to get away from, as they find more value in newer and the latest hardware that'll be available to you for cheaper in a few years.
The price of this refurbished server hardware is not more than a typical desktop PC purchase.
Nobody answered this? Zoomers in this thread probably
Your question is better served elsewhere. r/homenetworking on reddit or something, with much more basic needs than servers and professional networking does.
I'm not surprised you didn't find answers in here.
now take that logic and extend it by another generation.
the xeons mentioned are hardware that the same corporations have already gotten away from, and as such are even cheaper than the generation-old refurbished hardware you speak of
>nobody answered my fantasy where i am important enough to have backdoors planted like i'm some kind of elite Hamas commander? bunch of zoomers here
there's not going to be persistent hardware level backdoors in consumer shit like this, but you should install openwrt on all WAPs anyway
Those pre-Skylake era Xeons you are talking about no longer receive security updates, nor does the remote management BMCs related to them such as iDRAC 7 or 8. You'd be investing into dead, less useful hardware.
Additionally, anything pre-Broadwell is not very good for IPC or efficient. You may find such servers for $100 USD, but the cost of operating them exceeds the cost of initial purchase in less than a year. (I'm talking about Dell PowerEdge R710, R720 for comparison.)
There's very little external support available for OpenWRT. It's much simpler and easier to troubleshoot dedicated WAPs, which see much more real-world use cases and polish for edge cases, backed by its manufacturer to make sure those products remain functional when problems arise.
I have observed /hsg/ long enough to know there are many anons willing to put their head into the lion's mouth, or have done so. I don't know what the hell they were thinking.
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Tried it but it didn't help, however it seems like using both the raiser card (populated) and the wifi key to nvme causes some fuckery. Annoying as all hell
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B.F. Skinner’s well known psychological experiments used electric shocks and food to condition a rat in a cage to press a button. In the same way, anons in /hsg/ are conditioned in this commercialized society to behave a certain way through repeated positive and negative reinforcement, essentially being treated as animals.
this isn't a rack its a shelf
buy a computer and a handfull of 10g pice cards
Correct, it's
, an empty rack without server hardware in there.
I'm sure that'd have more uses for software routing, than as a dedicated switch. One of those used, unlicensed Cisco C9300 models that can be bought illegitimately or something.
Haswell is well supported on Linux and BSD , the only hypervisor that matter
>the cost of operating them exceeds the cost of initial purchase
how do you know that, share the data
The plan is to rebuild that bottom computer into a 2U case, add another one for my beatmania setup, grab a few more thinkcentres to host more servers, and a switch to segregate everything, but it's just a thought as of now. I agree though, it is indeed just a shelf.
Got the 100Gbps IB switch racked. God I wish Ceph supported IB
Every dockerfile describes the user you’re running as within the container, or it assumes a default user. Every docker container is being run on the host by a user on the host. This is what they meant by external and internal
fuck off back to r/sysadmin
Damn, navidrome is ass. Player maxBitRate is ignored. Can't make it conditionally transcode. Had to create a whole ass bash script that handles transcoding dlacs and ignoring lossy files. And ffmpeg sucks in general.
It’s good practice to harden your docker images just like you harden the security of the host.
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holy fucking shit
>unplug nvme from nvme slot
>unplug pcie card from pcie slot
>set bios to defaults
>boot into wifi key slot'd nvme
>put in pcie card in pcie slot
>set bios to defaults
>put nvme in nvme slot
>put bios to defaults
>only NOW can I boot into proxmox
is it worth it if i get a 5TB seagate external hdd just for movies and series? im gonna be hosting a jellyfin server directly from my computer to access the videos from everywhere
H11ssl+7282 is like 400 bucks for 128 pcie lanes.
mikrotik limit wireguard tunnel speed to 20mbps because (i think) default firewall settings. what rule should i add to allow full band from other network i connecting ?

i see that some traffic get droped because invalide state

wireguard is on proxmox and i have dst-nat to allow connection
its default mtu but because that drop logs i dont assume its mtu problem
what is the catch with super micro motherboards?
I've never used them before but yeah the price looks good under £500 for the RAM+mOBO+CPU
>i run jellyfin just fine and hardware encoding with quicksync works also
Interesting. I was messing around with running Jellyfin in a vm, but I ran into issues passing the IGPU (which I believe is required for quicksync?) in. Debian host, Debian vm. I think you have to enable something in the BIOS for it to work maybe, I dunno. It's not a huge deal to me
Not him, but can you explain? Do you mean microcode updates, or something like that?
What's the source of webm? I couldn't find it anywhere
>remote management capabilities
This is the HOME server general. The HOME server is inside the HOME, it is not remote. Are you lost?
be kind to a retard (me) is it possible to host a website from my home without anyone (who knows the website) being able to find my home IP?
that's ok
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So much networking equipment I see online is from TP-Link, who are Chinese

Should I trust them? Or does China just want to spy on me?

Pic related.
the "catch" is that they're somewhat more expensive when new and less "integrated" than dell and HP shit, but for buying used, they're way better, since most supermicro stuff is standard form factors and easy to find parts for

there has to be some public IP address, but you can use a reverse proxy on a VPS, or a VPN, or corporate dogshit like tailscale, to "hide" it to some degree

if you're a baby about it you might as well just host it on a VPS instead of at home
VPS running a reverse proxy gateway connecting into your local service via wireguard is probably the simplest way and gives you fine-grained control over what the VPN host can access on the LAN.

But also OEM and OS support too, most likely.
Remote management includes power management and ISO mounting without being present at the server, and without preparing PXE or USB boot for server OS install. It also includes hardware monitoring.
That said, there are reasons someone in this general may sometimes need to colocate servers, such as for backup for home servers.
>SMB works with everything
Why would you lie to me? SMB doesn't allow file-based access control, so containers that run multiple users all fail since they can't chown files around.
Talk to a medical professional for professional help.
How is a doctor going to convince the Chinese government to stop their cyberattacks on the West?
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I have a netgear GS110TP smart switch and it looks like it only does MAC addresses.

Is it still possible to create a seperate subnet and segment my network for my CCTV cameras and personal devices (PC and server)?

Pic related is what I'm looking at but have terrible networking skills
VLAN is a layer 2 concept. For subnets, you'll need a layer 3 capable device, e.g. a router or a firewall.
ok but how do I isolate my CCTV cameras from everything, but have my server still be able to reach the CCTV camera + reachable by other devices on the network?
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Not sure if troll or an actual mongoloid
>how do I isolate my CCTV
>but have my server still be able to reach the CCTV
L3 router/switch
C9300-24UX on ebay. no license needed for it to operate fully featured, just need to input a single command to go to advantage mode to get advanced features. however, you will need a friend with a cisco account to provide you with .bin files to keep the iOS updated. or, just run the same code on it forever. whatever suits you.
You setup VLANs on the network infra, including switches and routers/firewalls on the data link path.
Your "smart switch" doesn't need to know about IP subnet management, it only looks at the frames for VLAN information and ignores any layer 3/IP data.
I said this last time, but Cisco has those downloads available for free with a registered account, if you agree to their terms to legitimately download and use them.
What I said about illegitimacy applies to your described instructions.
i have an unlimited account, so not much familiarity with trying to grab code without an entitlement. however, i know for a fact that there are some platforms which require entitlements to download code. firepower being one of them.

so, if that's the case for catalyst i wish juniper would follow cisco's lead stop being fucking gay and let me download the base junos code for my SRX 345 and EX 4300.
containers are not vms
with a container you can just expose the host's gpu (/dev/dri/) to the container and then it uses the gpu as if it was running on the host
with vms its more complicated.
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all i had to do to get quicksync to work is make the container privileged.
everything else worked out of the box.
when creating a new container all i had to do was untick pic related.
>Announcing Authd: OIDC authentication for Ubuntu Desktop and Server

Have you tried it yet, with Entra ID login? (Not to be confused with aad-auth introduced in Ubuntu 23.04, which has been deprecated already.)

I've only tried on-prem AD so far. There's some broken software like weechat, which sets the default nickname incorrectly with AD logins which prevents connecting to Internet Relay Networks.
I've found out that Windows Defender has been silently deleting files from my NAS. Is there a way to completely nuke Windows Defender from a PC, or at least stop it from scanning files on a network share?
>Internet Relay Networks
who fucking talks like this?
piss off, bot
First server, didn't have time to set it up cuz of work. Hopefully tomorrow I'll set up tailscale and a computing VM. What should I self-host? I'd like some kind of automatic backup from all of my devices at night and something to store/share media with wife.
Forgot pic
>computing VM
Dunno what to call it, the whole point of the server was to be able to run some bio simulations at home. The rest are side projects but it's been very fun so far.
It's in the original RFC 2812 message. https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2812#section-5.1
> "Welcome to the Internet Relay Network
> <nick>!<user>@<host>"

If you see an IRC network advertising "Welcome to the [servername] Internet Relay Chat Network [hostname]", that's a bug.

It seems you got upset due to your own unknowledge, or you've not used IRC before.
sorry i didnt realise i was replying to enterpriseschizo
>AMD EPYC 7542
Nice server CPU.
>128 GB RAM

>What should I self-host?
Look in the OP for the "awesome-selfhosted" list for some good and bad ideas. You could start by securing and automating your infra, setup an IdP early so you won't need to manage user accounts locally on tens or hundreds of services individually. Consider enabling Proxmox VE's production repo if you get that far.
>automatic backup from all of my devices
What kind of devices? Personal mobile devices can be setup to backup to Google Account and iCloud. Windows and Ubuntu can be backed up with Veeam, for example.
>something to store/share media
I'm running WordPress 2.9 on a Debian Etch VM (long story). Apaprently anything to do with thumbnails doesn't work and I can't figure out why. Group is set to www-data and permissions are 777. Uploading images themselves works fine

Just for kicks I also tried setting up a "site" in MAMP and thumbnails work fine there. So maybe I'm missing a mod for this one? But what?
Well, apparently the "gd" extension is the trick. Now if only I could regenerate thumbnails of already-uploaded images...
Cisco is gay and isn't hosting the iso for me to flash on my old switch.

Is there somewhere where I can easily find the iso for an end of life Catalyst 2960?
look in the maintenance scripts, there should be one even back then
All that seemed to be their had to do with database repair. Though I did find https://wcsuccessacademy.com/how-to-regenerate-thumbnails-without-a-plugin-in-wordpress/ which did the trick
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>those mini pcs usually idle at 3-4W
nah, 10W at least. get a wattmeter and stop trusting software approximations.

>proprietary software
What did you expect ? Buy a new one like a good boy
What is the iperf equivalent for testing LAN stuff?
that's a 2960 plus. you need his general 2960 model before you can suggest code like that.
use idrac
root / calvin
you are wrong
it's time to shut up idiot
could i do anything cool if i replaced my isp router with a minipc
...and now I'm wondering if there/their mixups in the wild are unconsciously done, because that's what happened with me there
reset it
You shouldn't be replacing equipment that's not your property, without authorization.
You shouldn't be removing 802.1X.
if you can't physical fit a sas drive in it, its sata
You should kill yourself.
You should do everyone a favour and kill yourself immediately.
Looking for a piece of equipment, I'm not sure if it actually exists. I want some kind of IO panel that fits in 1U, maybe 2U. It'd have a whole bunch of shit like USB ports, SD card slots, maybe some space to hotswap 1-2 SATA disks, or NVMe disks. Maybe also some bays to install something like an optical drive or similar. They you could hook the whole thing up to a server over USB.
minisas hd (sff-8643)
>how do i use it
refer to the manual
You need an SFF-8643 to SATA passive adapter cable.
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Ok so now I get VLAN but its not working as expected on my smart switch.

>Port 1 is connects to router where internet comes from
>port 2 is CCTV Camera
>port 7 is windows pc
>port 8 is my NAS

I setup VLAN4 so all devices except the CCTV has access to the internet router.

Then on CCTV VLAN I setup so my windows pc + NAS can connect to my CCTV Camera.

Its not working as I can't ping or access my CCTV camera from my windows pc or NAS.

What am I doing wrong?
>Then on CCTV VLAN I setup so my windows pc + NAS can connect to my CCTV Camera.
>Its not working as I can't ping or access my CCTV camera from my windows pc or NAS.
Do you have anything actually routing between VLANs? You need to configure your router to do this. Also you don't have a trunk connection from your switch to your router.
>Do you have anything actually routing between VLANs?
I didn't set anything up more than this.
I only have my router ISP gave me and don't want to touch it as its in a shared house. How would I go about doing this without touching the router?
where there's an angle grinder there's a way
Literally the only thing a VLAN does is tell hardware like switches "Do not mix packets from different VLANs under any circumstance." The point is so that you can pretend to have completely separate physical networks, without having to run 10x as much ethernet. Every VLAN should generally have a subnet associated with it. You would need to configure your DHCP server to assign IPs based on VLAN. You would then need to configure your router to route between VLANs (subnets) based on whatever your business requirements are. You can't just slap some VLANs on a switch and expect it to do anything other than break your network. Your network needs to be designed with VLANs in mind.
so put the drives outside you absolute fucking melt
ok so I need a layer 3 switch then right?

My router doesn't have intervlan, its the default isp one.

any cheap layer 3 5+ port POE gigabit switches out there?
can use ACLs to do blocking right? I see a HP 2530-48G on ebay that does ACLs but is layer 2
WS-C3850-24P on ebay for $50
ACLs aren't stateful so it's going to be a learning experience compared to a stateful firewall like you're used to.
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why does it look like it'll make a lot of noise and turn my room into a sauna
What you're trying to do sounds stupid and painful. Just stick something behind your ISP router. Double NAT if you're too much of a pussy to switch the ISP router to gateway mode.
Onionshare is pretty cool, but not really the answer to your question.
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I have a surface pro 7 that I may retire soon in favor of a new laptop.
I'm also tempted to get some sort of home server going as a NAS and a Jellyfin thing, but I'm not sure how much I'll actually use it and if it's worth spending money on.

How practical is it to use my SP7 along with a USB HDD as a Jellyfin/file server?
I know it's very far from optimal but would it be a good way to dip my toes in the water by using stuff I already have?
I can throw Ubuntu on it without giving up much (pretty much just the camera) so that saves me from some bloat on the 8gb of RAM it has as well as spares me the headache of Windows' idiosyncrasies.
Plus it will only ever be used by one user at a time (me and maybe occasionally my parents if they want to watch something through their chromecast) so the workload should be relatively light.
NTA, you can't run the latest IOS XE 16.x.x code with security fixes due to always-online license checks.
>How practical is it to use my SP7 along with a USB HDD as a Jellyfin/file server?
>I know it's very far from optimal
This is not the appropriate venue for discussion how to use a tablet computer as a tablet computer.
How do I backup my Linux machine locally? What's the smartest approach? I want to do this before kernel updates, and installing of software that gets deep into the system.

I presently have external hdd, and on the pc I have an m.2 ssd (my Linux system, entirely, boot, home, swap, and everything is there).

Like I think backing up to a home server makes sense. But it's not a backup? idk. rsyc is de weh?
btrfs subvol snapshot [...]
btrfs works with ext4 (Ext4 (version 1.0)) on an lvm2 (LVM2 Physical Volume) volume?

Sorry for the dumb q, don't know how it works.
Is it possible to download the entirety of Library Genesis on a NAS? Can I hook up a ereader to the NAS to access my library?
rsnapshot is probably the quickest approach for your set up
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there are no always online license checks. you can run the newest code completely freely. i have one right next to me. dont talk if you dont know what you're talking about.

it's the same noise level as my idle computer tower which uses an AIO and maglev fans. low power usage as well.

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this is my old core, now i'm running a 9300-24UX also completely for free no license needed on 17.9 train.
guys i'm trying to set up an apt cache. should I use this aptcache-ng package or should I just use existing nginx?
hello remotebros
parsec or sunshine+tailscale?
so I setup Authelia, its similar to other authenication apps and found out its not really useful for protecting your docker container/apps from other people on your local network. since in the first place you need to isolate your docker apps first from everything lol
is there a good selfhosted dhcp/dns software?
i wanna compartmentalize my network and wanna have stuff do really one thing only so wanna move the dhcp and dns away from my router and onto something more specialized.
Is Ansible worth learning for my home server?
Don't publish any ports on your docker apps. Have them only reachable on localhost. Put nginx in front of them, and have nginx authenticate via Authelia as part of the proxy flow.

This way only someone inside the server can access them, and frankly if they're in your server it's game over anyways.
My autism detects both as laggy

That's a thin client not a minipc. Try again with a elitedesk/optiplex/thinkcentre.
Jeff geerling did a whole series on it. I might watch it one day
I'm getting a Raspberry Pi 5 to use as a budget NAS system, after looking up videos and seeing how well it can perform I'm willing to give it a shot, at worst I can re-purpose it to something else.
>Used 4GB RPi (£45)
>Case+Fan+NVME board (£30)
>Power Plug+SD card (£30, its a good SD card)
>1TB M2 NVME (already have one, £50 otherwise)
Fairly cheap overall.
I'll probably upgrade the NVME later if the system works well, I don't intend to do anything except samba file sharing since I hate my current system of depending on a USB SSD for that.
well I current have it so my apps are in an internal docker network anyways and aren't reachable by anything but ngnix (its in the internal docker and LAN network)
obviously not an ideal setup and pain to manage when I need apps to be able to reach out to get data sometimes.
ie no, but it would be fun.
would you rather fuck a usb 3.2 gen 2 ssd or an emmc
futros are literally the same category my man
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here you go
What is that abomination?
>a thin client is the same thing as a minipc, here you go here's another thin client:
a minipc with i5-12500T inside (called "micro computer" or "minidesktop" on Dell website) is not in the same category as a OptiPlex 3000 thin client (called "Thin Client" on Dell website).
they are called different because they're in different categories you stupid fuck.
you should read some more definitions to lose your nitpicking hubris
you should learn the difference between a minipc and a thin client you spastic
no u
Looking for help, I want to upgrade from a T910 server, (Mikubox - 3 P40s) used for LLM hosting, to an AMD Ryzen box with DDR5.

I have 3 3090s I'd like to stuff in it, but would be fine with just 2 fitting inside the case.

Does anyone have any recommendations on HW specifics or has done something similar?

What I've currently pieced out but am out of my element:
PS: Corsair RM11000e
RAM: G.SKILL Trident Z5 2x32GB
Gigabyte B650 AORUS Elite AX AMD
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7700X
CPU Cooler: Thermalright peerless Assassin
>CPU: AMD Ryzen 7700X
Look into AM5 EPYC CPUs if you're building a dedicated server. A 4364P is the EPYC equivalent of the 7700X, 8c/16t 105w TDP, a bit more expensive but potentially worth it for the reliability and the ECC support.

Also if you do go with an EPYC CPU, make sure to get ECC RAM. Might as well use all the tools you've got available.
>"homelab server/NAS/workstation"
>no ECC
Why even bother?
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How do I actually read SMART info? I know for a fact from past experience that drives can fuck up the entire array to a stall while technically passing, so screw that. Wiki says to read Current Pending Sector Count, but is that all?
I know of https://github.com/AnalogJ/scrutiny, but obviously an entire container and web GUI for monitoring is a fat solution, and depending on the situation, such a thing may not be available or appropriate.
what would be the best way to go about having a host with no internet access but with multiple internet capable VMs?
I think you could do that by adding all VMs to a bridge containing the host's real NIC and then dropping all incoming and outgoing traffic from the host. I've never done it but I guess it should work. If you want the host to have LAN access only, you could just drop packets that aren't to / from the LAN and I guess that could work too.
If you don't need an iGPU for video transcoding then the best entry-level NAS would be a QNAP TS-473A or Synology DS 923+, whichever is cheaper if you have no preference regarding BTRFS vs ZFS (which the QNAP supports via QuTS).

I made the mistake of trying to build my own, and it's been a massive headache. In retrospect I should have just bought a QNAP but now I have a mobo/cpu I'm stuck trying to find a suitable case, and all of the options are either intended for a rack (no space for one in my current place), around a decade old, known for cooking HDDs thanks to terrible thermal design, and/or out of stock.
Ultimately I might have to go for a Fractal Node 304/804 because they're actually available to buy in Australia, and even if lacking a backplate and hotswap capability are apparently the only models without either airflow/cooling issues or horrendous fan noise.
you can hotswap without a backplane anon
just unplug data before power.
a lot of cheap/diy nas backplanes dont do anything besides have longer connectors for power than data

also otheranon should buy asustor. synology fucking sucks. asustor and qnap are ok but asustor miles ahead imo
Neither QNAP or Asustor are enterprise ready. Synology can be.
NTA I would agree with you, but the three 3090 GPUs will be likely incompatible with those EPYCs from hardware validation/reliability perspective. Nvidia's GeForce EULA prohibits data center usage of those too.
...anon, I know about smartctl and smartd... I meant, how do I understand the output?
VLAN-aware bridge, host management interfaces in its own management VLAN without Internet access (dropped at the edge firewall), VMs in their own data VLAN with access, and no inter-VLAN routing between these two.
>hmm, before i go to sleep, really want to watch last episode of plus size elf on my phone without awful speeds, for now while the double wireguard shit is in place, let's at least poke open the port directly through airvpn for performance
>shit not working, fiddling with my firewall and checking syslog but 99% sure they just broke remapping to a different local port
>okay, you know what, it's fine, that'd be fucking dumb anyways, let's open https on a different port and forward that
>of course certbot can't deal with domains you don't manage the dns for on anything but port 80, so self-sign
>finally manage to get up after more fiddling, for reasons I'm too tired to figure out the external port can't be accessed from any device within this whole setup, move my phone to another tunnel to test
>cannot connect
>self-signed certificates are unsupported on all jellyfin clients
i'll watch the fat bitches in my phone's browser and try to figure out the deal with the double tun perf tomorrow
PCI passthrough a NIC to the VM and disable (or simply unplug) onboard ethernet on the host. For multiple VMs get a NIC that's SR-IOV capable. Probably not as flexible as letting your host manage it via virtual switches/bridges, but kinda cool to have complete isolation at a hardware level.
I want to get some storage, I only have a mini pc. Should I go for a sinology or get something like a microserver?
Get a bunch of usb drives and connect them over a usb hub.
Make an lvm raid if you want to see them as one whole drive.
Don't fall for the enterpriseschizo
its fine as long as you understand it could die at any moment. do not keep important data on there at all. as soon as you store one important thing on there, you will get complacent and store more. i would suggest plugging in a small usb drive and backing up any .torrent files you download. this will allow you to easily redownload everything or at least remember what was on there when the ssd dies
>Synology can be
that OS is trash

build your own. get a supermicro itx soc board and 2x16TB mirrored sata drives
Does opnsense work well on proxmox? I want to migrate my server from esxi.
why do you want to migrate?
I'm currently running it on KVM(what proxmox uses) and it works flawlessly
NTA but probably because ESXi is proprietary trash
ESXi mogs proxmox in a work environment. it's not even a contest. but for home use it sucks balls cause licensing shit.
They removed the free licence.
>ESXi mogs proxmox in a work environment.
supposedly proxmox 8 will get a huge redesign to make it more userfriendly in the enterprise environment.
Looking to build an NVR. I wanna squeeze it down into 1U, if possible. I'm gonna need space for a network card (need two ethernet ports, one for main network and one for camera network) as well as a small video card (probably like a quadro or something?) for transcoding and object detection. Not sure if I'll have storage in the NVR itself or just record directly to my NAS over NFS. Any recommendations on chassis/mobo combos?
used poweredge r230/630 or 240/640
>work environment
Is this wsg or hsg?
Will I regret getting a i5-12600K for my NASy/Jellyfiny/arry/game servery think? I've recently started ripping my blu rays. I don't even know how demanding this stuff really is.
a minipc can do that easily enough for you. i think look at minisforum and beelink. they have pcs that range from 100 to 200$ and come with low power efficient cpus tha have igpus and often come with dual nics up to 2.5gig even.
even a n100 is more than up to the task of object detection and hardware encoding.
more than capable enough. probably even overkill.
use proxmox and you can run everything easily enough on it.
the gpu can be passed through to the a container running jellyfin and do hardware encoding.
that cpu is actually fairly powerfull and youll probably end up not even using most of it even if you have set up all your containers.
I don't want a minipc you faggot I have a rack
put the mini pc in the rack then???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
i swear you people think n100 is some magic ultrapowerful beast
when really its a low power quad core for iot and laptops
No one said that. People here recommends it because it's low power and only good for one thing. If you need one machine to do one thing then the N100 is good enough.
>the cpu is actually fairly powerful
yeah no fucking shit genius, its a 2 year old i5 in the era when that doesnt just mean yet another 4c4t part
Don't be a cock.
Thank you.
dnscrypt-proxy as an OPNsense plugin, or as a seperate container on the network or something?
why did it go from about half done back to 0%?
>literally being this much of a scrub
Would eSATA to SATA be essentially the same as SATA and without the (albeit largely non-occurring) problems seen in using storage devices via USB?
Does anyone sell boards in traditional formfactors (ATX/ITX) with any of AMD's low-power chips like the 7220U or 7320U?
It is the same as SATA, yes, just a slightly different connector.
I've had some issues with Windows not always recognizing it as a removable disk but I think an update fixed that.

USB should work perfectly too.
It's what the vast majority uses whereas eSATA had fallen out of fashion.
I only used eSATA because I had an old dock with only USB 2.0 and eSATA so eSATA was a lot faster.
I now have a USB 3 dock that includes a M.2 slot and see no need to use eSATA anymore.
What's a good motherboard to run four P40s?
>or corporate dogshit like tailscale
tailscale isn't corporate dogshit, tailscale is great. just because corporations use it doesn't mean it's corporate, nor does it mean it's bad. you /g/tards really have some fucking dumb opinions, god damn
>contact us for pricing ;)
confirmed corposlop
I really don't understand why you'd bother using Tailscale instead of just Wireguard. I guess theoretically Tailscale might be marginally more user-friendly or whatever, but it's not like wireguard is even remotely difficult to set up, it takes a couple seconds.
Intel Xeon E-2400 or AMD EPYC 4004, bro. Look where you are.
NTA, good luck managing WireGuard at scale or setting up MFA for it, or getting any support out of WireGuard in hardware or enterprise distros.
IKEv2/IPsec gang represent.

Decent support of OpenWRT across the brand, let say decent enough to be picked with Asus for Google to make their Onhub routers and overall have decent prices even in low-medium range since it's not overated like Asus so not overpriced.
>install client
>type tailcsale login
>your machine now has access to all your networks everywhere on the planet
wow so hard. now tell how how you set up wireguard at scale? can't wait to hear this, i really want to laugh
You didn't even answer OP's question, nor is the original question related to servers. Avoid using unsupported OpenWRT anywhere.
my bad, I should have said "venture capital funded corporate dogshit", enjoy your enshittification when they sell out to broadcom next week
yeah cool but you're not running it at scale and you don't need MFA
You may not "need" security either in a home environment, but it's desirable to follow the industry best practices.
>but it's desirable to follow the industry best practices.
have fun buying all your hardware new with extended support contracts, I guess.
are you ok? tailscale is FOSS, it's not going anywhere. notice how you say nothing about what's wrong with it on a technical level? that's because you're an amateur techlet. you don't know anything about tailscale, you're just using a bunch of dumb words and think it means something. it doesn't. you're a flaming homosexual

new thread you guys:



Tailscale has FOSS components but as a whole it is not fully FOSS. They openly admit as much on their web site.
which part is not foss, link me to proof please. because everyone can see the source and you can host it yourself. you're lying
don't care
>which part is not foss
>Is Tailscale open source?
>Mostly. Tailscale daemon client code is open source. Where the operating system is open source, the daemon and GUI are open source, and where the operating system is closed, the daemon is open source and the GUI is closed source.
>Tailscale’s DERP server code is also open source. This lets you verify and build these components yourself. Tailscale’s coordination server is closed source. If you want to run your own coordination server at home, check out Headscale.

so again, you've provided no evidence
Headscale isn't Tailscale. They are unaffiliated. Are you telling Tailscale they're wrong about their own licensing?
headscale is for if you want to fully hos tyourself. you still haven't pointed to what is not FOSS, but also the server doesn't matter at all since the client is end to end encrypted. you clearly don't understand software licensing, you don't understand what repo is what it sounds like, and you also don't understand end to end encryption and what it means.
Anon... None of that matters. You said Tailscale is fully FOSS. It is not. If you are using Tailscale as a service from Tailscale the company, there is proprietary, close-source code in use. Maybe you don't care about that. That's fine. I'm not even saying you should. But it's not completely FOSS. Tailscale themselves say that it is not completely FOSS. Tailscale says their coordination server is not FOSS (as well as the GUI on certain platforms). I'm not sure what's confusing you.
>e2ee doesn't matter
lol idiot
>foss client doesn't matter
lol idiot
> there is proprietary, close-source code in use
ok can you explain on a technical level how this matters. please explain in detail. trust me, you absolutely will not as usual. watch
On a technical level, it matters very little. No one is arguing that it does. Again, I'm not sure where your confusion lies. Are you just moving the goalposts?
>can't explain literally anything
>doesn't understand proprietary control server doesn't matter
>doesn't understand that you can host it yourself
>doesn't understand e2ee

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