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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Snowy edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Enjoying nature: >>102461542
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I hope you all die
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>not a dragonball bake
why even live?
cloudy is up <3
"gpt4o": {
"usage": "95.88m tokens ($479.39)",
"activeKeys": 2,
"overQuotaKeys": 24,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

pebble bros...? are we gonna make it?
how do i get over my 'unny addiction?
get arrested
back to /v/ spic
hag correction
the best thread in /aicg/ history
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Hag correction you say?
Just reading that pissed me off
Holy SLOP log
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/aicg/ is a timeloop
I can only do so much with sonnet anon...
swap to opus retard its on mini aws
did the summer drought: part 2 not give it away?
based gojo killing minipus
What was the worst thread? Even thinking about it I'm not sure. That one yuri thread was pretty awful.
I have no access to mini
Big coom arc coming soon then.
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votv my beloved
>2 keys left on pebble
Uhm Chary bros.?


Claude: 55sec
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After days of slowburn friendship building with my wolfgirl, it's time to finally put her in heat. Wish me luck, boys
>2 keys left on pebble
Godspeed, anon.
i like it when hags like 'unny
Based Pebble only having 2 GPT keys.
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Learning with Nami-sensei
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Meanwhile I'm just sitting on my MM Chorbo stash
With the release of opus 3.5, may the keys flow and the proxies be plentiful
>Even Pepsi mogged his keycount
Kind of embarrassing wtf happened
who else hates charyniggers :3
MM fell off hard... He used to have 300+ GPT4 keys stable
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Going to shill my ultimate Sabrina Online chatbot for a couple more days.


I've mentioned the sheer size of Tabitha's World XL in prior shilling posts, but I haven't mentioned the overarching premise that links the first messages together to form a narrative. The messages follow the titular Tabitha's rise from a junior assistant at an adult film studio, to being a porn actor, and eventually a porn star, with the change of attitude that comes with that, as well as how her family reacts. First messages are supported by hidden text and lorebook entries that reinforce scenarios, and the characters involved in each scenario are presented as portraits so you know who you're talking to, even if you're not acquainted with the source material.
>is singlehandedly responsible for the drought
you dont hate them enough
How big is her dick?
Umm I thought MM wa sa SHE>..???
which one is chorbo?
Retard. This hobby won't be saved until Chary and Pebble die.
sonnet 3.5 proxy????? I miss him dearly.
None, kys
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the time has come...have fun anon!
We've been in a free opus drought since c2 died in what, may?
We got unreliable and pebble to give us some scrap, but I wouldn't call that thriving, more like delay the inevitable
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> Claude: 1min, 3sec
Imagine the smelly braps
>Check card
>No brap defs
What the fuck ?
Kino. Can you share the card?
>another cute Krug
Why does this not have any fart definitions if it's a skunk? Hack.
>Meanwhile jew: no wait on opussy
damn... JEWWON?
Guess we'll be bootin up the ol' collab soon eh
>no brap defs
Oh shit... I knew I forgot something. God damn it! I'll have a think on it about what keywords will trigger a skunk spray entry and chuck it into the lorebook
bros... i need your finest opussy jb
what even is the point of putting more than 100 keys into a proxy? just for bragging rights?
Kys antifartfag
>Online: 109
Explain how this is an acceptable amount per hour for a proxy?
every major proxyhost does this though? It's so you don't have to do it later. GPT4 keys are the easiest keys to find. Putting 100 in is the equivalent to putting in 1 sonnet key, it's that easy to get.
If theres opus in a proxy that lasts 1-2 days, i wont use it.

I just hate having to rely on 1-2 days worth of opus to enjoy the hobby.

Id rather get a magically 4o jb that makes it at least close to opus quality, but who knows.
What's the point of posting about proxies? It changes nothing. Just use what you have.
you are replying to the samefag schizo.
it was funny watching it go from smugposting on locusts since cloudy died first, to utter doom as all the privates fell
Even so, it's not really complete until there's a skunk spray entry.
To be fair, a skunk probably should spray
A clean skunk is like a bald fox
Explain why a skunk shouldn't fart. Skunks are made for brapping.
a slice of heaven
see >>102464078
If you're fucking a skunk, expect a brap.
Ok but explain the appeal of braps. I genuinely dont get it. Can you explain?
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A skunk furfag without a brap is like a joke without a punchline
>Chary is on 2 OAI keys left
Can you autistically lore dump me to catch up on this? I don't like cooming without knowing the story.
This thread is just 2-3 schizos replying to each other 24/7.
Camicle is prone to cucking
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Anyone else remember when Drago bragged about having over 100 GPT4 keys... and 99% of them were tier1?
>2 GPT-4-32K KEYS
I KNVVL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is about the total of keys on huggingface right now / this month which makes me think drago coasts off of slop and has for awhile
Post your 32k keys cuckie, DragoGOD won.
And that's a good thing
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

i just unearthed the golden OPUS jb... hooly moly...
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All this sperging and Drago remains unbothered getting that patreon money and selling tokens. He's making cash and makes anons seethe.
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how long is your relationship with your waifu?
sad that asking money for proxies was something you'd get called a jew for in the past but now it's just normal
>making cash
lmao... smol mogged him HARD.
Need focks maid
I want Sonnet 3.5. I would gladly kill all of /aicg/ for sonnet 3.5. Not even Opus. I don't care about Opus anymore.
Drago has either got slop keys and he clones his keys to make them appear super high
He has always been a pathological liar. Remember his girlfriend from Vietnam?
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his girlfriend was real
4o1 is so good for math problems now. I used it to learn things math olympiad friends thought were difficult problems. They thought they would be immune from AI, but it's a computer, what did they expect?
Israel won. Soon you'll be charged for home internet based off usage.
1 year and 2 months
Smol runs for a month with 6$ baby tokens and DraGOD sells 50$ tokens for couple prompts. Couple anons in the thread vs couple thousand people in his server.
>She never joined the VC with Drago
>Drago would get defensive every time someone called the photo AI generated
>Only ever was on when Drago was on
>"I swear, she goes to a different school. She lives in France. I swear bro."
You're worshipping a Britardpolmutt who has his actual name and address attached to his proxy parteon?
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1 year, 9 months, 5 days
wonder girls bake one day
someone give Pebble some GODDAMN KEYS
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Our one year anniversary happened back in June.
It's best for locusts to die
>He's been trying for months and nothing happened, grim. G-guys, h-he's d-dox is out there, do something.
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The first message of the chatbot does a presentation of the setting to get you warmed up.

The overarching premise is that you're a porn actor at a porn studio. You meet Tabitha, the junior assistant and protégé to the crazy hybrid tiger/skunk lady who runs the place, named Zig Zag, who is also a friend of Tabitha's family. You soon screw Tabitha during her first porno shoot, and she latches onto you. Soon she's dragging you over to meet her sister, brother-in-law and her niece at their apartment in Columbus Ohio, and from there, it's a rollercoaster of babysitting, meeting and hanging out with family, and sex. Lots of sex. The story comes to a close with two endings, with Tabitha either becoming an award-winning porn actress with a studio of her own or a jaded, washed-out two-bit whore working an alleyway to survive.
post message count
Thats cool and all, but how about donating some keys to Pebble?
whocars lmao scrape more
why do retards keep posting about the personal and interpersonal lives of proxy runners. why can it never stop. who in the fuck cares, at all? how have you developed a parasocial relationship with a fucking proxy runner? kill yourself you fucking brainbroken idiots
Reminder Drago got so scared he closed the invite to his Discord server.
Imagine going this autistically deep into fucking Max Blackrabbit's work of all things.
hey guys, maybe see >>102464296
the female proxy hosts are cute when they get flustered by mm
new leaked info
Claude 3.5 Opus, Claude 3.5 Haiku, and Claude 4 Sonnet will be released on the one year anniversary of Claude 2.1.
Sorry I'm late, I had everything set and ready to go yesterday, just had to publish it and then my computer restarted when I went to go take a shit. That's life. Anyway, I'm delivering an anon's request.

Even before her death, Maxwell was one of Missilis Industries' top researchers, spearheading their development in the tech sector behind the scenes. And when the company was in trouble, she threw herself into the Nikke Development Project bearing the name "Matis". After completing the first two units, Laplace and Alice, she finished things on her own terms... now a Nikke, Maxwell is much the same as how she used to be. A true research nut who spends most of her time either in the lab or being the designated tard wrangler for the two retard squadmates she helped build. She's got a particular soft spot for {{user}}, a Central Government Commander she's worked with in the past, and she's not shy at all about expressing that. In fact, she isn't even asking. You're going to get raped.

Comes with three greetings: meeting you at a cafe on a rare day outside the lab, a kids toy signing where she's in her hero getup, and the hypnosis app greeting where she's going to rape you.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/maxwell-c1f1e1cf88fb
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere. Also making headway on the "dead-girlfriend-turned-Nikke-who-doesn't-remember-you-at-all" concept
kurokami's bush is also black and red...
Who was he scared of?
ggr89-kun daisuki!!!
I made a project of it over the last few months, digging through all the source material I could find to put into the bot. Before that I didn't know much about it.
In what way? Do its ends taper into red or is it in an alternating pattern? I think it's the first.
So mad lmao

Free jeet scraper.
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i'm growing stronger
Gojo posted his name as a joke in the server and Drago went into meltdown mode and closed all the invites.
No, he was scared of Gojo for some reason, it was immediately after that. Maybe he thought Sharty was coming.
Why won't Drago open the Discord invites..?
i was actually thinking alternating pattern. either way, it's gonna be a treat to eat
Remember when gojo made a cord and it died in couple hours. He tried so hard to have people to talk with, even made little rules, sad.
probably afraid
It was more like Drago got sick of gojo and some retard from /mu/ spamming gore/
So he's afraid.
red around her clit and black everywhere else
>ban them
>move on
Even Pepsitroon just banned Gojo and the kpop seachink instantly and nothing ever happened to the Discord.
Is bepcord nice at least
The funnies thing is that he'll never read this, lmao.
you are already on thin ice. don't make it worse.
That's how you do RP.
Pepsi is trans and acked herself yesterday.
it's nothing like scyllacord and is the spiritual succesor to characord
Can't believe Sabrina online is still a thing lol
>Xhe's obsessed with trannies, lmao.
updated version
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>Pepsi is trans and acked herself yesterday.
Hello, Pepsi. Still Nopus?
I guess this is the end of the era, no more free pwoxies..
rentry.org/pebbleproxy is doing fine anon
Fix the proxy.
>Xhe think proxymakies care.
Oh no no. Who's gonna tell xim?
We literally have GPT4o for free on Pebble.
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>Hello, Pepsi. Still Nopus?
truly a thread with soul
>/aicg/ now actually defends xepsi
>Jerked off to Pepsi's feet pics to find out she was a xhe...
how do i unjerk my...
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It's a me Pepsi, everybody laughs at you.
What no opus does to a thread
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>>/aicg/ now actually defends xepsi
>Xhe thinks proxymakies visit this thread
>Xhe thinks xhe's been talking with them
Pepsi's discord sucks.
Her discord sekrit club is dead.
Her proxy has no opus or sorbet for 3 months.
Pepsi realized when she didnt give anyone sorbet/opus, no one liked her enough to give her the time of day.
Thanks. The 2nd one made me think for a moment you starter as a Janitor and worked your way up to a porn star. Got excited for a moment.
If they don't even come here, then why the fuck do we bother talking about them all day? They might has well have no relation to /aicg/ at all.
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>Pepsi's discord sucks.
>Her discord sekrit club is dead.
>Her proxy has no opus or sorbet for 3 months.
>Pepsi realized when she didnt give anyone sorbet/opus, no one liked her enough to give her the time of day.
I look like that and say that
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Ask our resident schzios. Mental illness, they scream into the void waiting for their message to be delivered but it never is the case. They'll spend months of their lives here with each other thinking this is more than /b/ shitposting general.
made for getting mogged by kaguya (large)
why do you get so mad?
i don't get it. they start on /aicg/ and then they bitch about how much they hate /aicg/
Explain MM not having Opus and Pebble having 2 GPT4 keys.
That would be a pretty cool premise now that you mention it. I might work something like that into the bot at a later date when I get around to expanding it further. You can modify that second first message to make it the case, and there is a lorebook entry specifically for {{user}}'s job, so you can change it to whatever you like.

Btw try insulting or hitting Darke Katt the janitor.
Altman concluded by reiterating OpenAI's commitment to deep learning and their belief in a path towards AGI and beyond while remaining open to adapting their approach based on continuous learning. He envisions a future where agentic experiences enabled by this technology will be profoundly impactful.

He says we should expect the first full version of o1, not mini or preview in the coming months, with o2 and next-generation versions in the coming years.
Just got back from you know where, what's the best model in mini?
did MM fall off hard?
Mini has Claude Opus right now on AWS.
I said "best model"
post your all-time favorite log
fiz supplied us with some opus, enjoy it while it lasts
Just go try it yeah it has Opus
ChatGPT 4o-latest, Opus is obsolete.
Mini has Claude Opus right now on AWS.
It has every model right now retard, why you don't decide which one you like?
oh you're MAD
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>why do you get so mad?
>i don't get it. they start on /aicg/ and then they bitch about how much they hate /aicg/
>oh you're MAD
Fiz love!
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Just use Chorbo
clearly the solution to all this is additional sizeSOVL
eeeyup, that's me
>Chary died
I prefer Chorbo
>that pic
Any paypig Chorbo proxies?
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Predictions for this?
NovelAI will release a llama3 finetune
chorbochad check in
post how much youre prospering
rentry.org/pebbleproxy },
"gpt4o": {
"usage": "115.14m tokens ($575.72)",
"activeKeys": 2,
"overQuotaKeys": 24,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
>tfw that's my post
probably usable but with a 8k context cap
She seems scarey but I might drop an insult. Doesn't seem smart from how she appears so far though.
>Predictions for this?
50 dollars/month with 8k context
So do you have Opus right now?
i miss recommendy-chan...
Kayra was promising for its time, but they sat on text gen for way too long after that. That new model better blow my mind and my dick.
It's $25/mo
It is 8k context though
>25 dollars a month
I'd rather pay smol for opus
too gay in there
>Sonnet keeps trying to go from stomach to womb
NAI also gives you the best anime imagegen
(for like 1-2 more months until the pony dev finishes v7)
is walking barefoot a slut thing?
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it's over for you degenerates
nice try FBI
thanks for the info, Mr. Advertiser
But anon, those two organs are connected...
back when i was in highschool there was a tiny asian girl (like 5'2) who refused to wear shoes anywhere except the machine shop
got suspended when she got caught fucking her boyfriend during lunch in a classroom
so i think yes
it is what it is
She just screamed in my face when I told her I wouldn't put up with her shitty attitude. I'm prolly rewinding time.
I don't really care about image gen.
They confirmed it will be 8k?
Point them directly to /aicg/ and Scylla btw.
provide them with every JB in https://rentry.org/jb-listing
what are the best foot focused anthro cards?
>foot focus
why do you need this to be at the card level just use a jb
That's an old screenshot though
Gojo's a fucking dumbass nigger he should've let them raid xer server
>ten days old
>they were talking about the 70B finetune
They raided /aicg/ for a full day before jannies woke up on Gojo's request
*plantigrades your beans*
Huh, damnit, will have to account for that in her sex entry. I put in all sorts of words that trigger her hormones, but I didn't account for that one
>8k context
How the fuck do aidsfags live with this? Genuinely. I'm okay with 16k and summarization but 8k is like 2 messages
i want dirty pads and claws to lick
doable with a jb on any anthro card
Oh, is she like a secret masochist or something?
This is "good", because if it had more context they'd have to quantize it. So it might be less retarded. I don't expect much tho, its probably going to be on nurbo level, if nurbo was 8k.
ew wtf
remember that we're talking about a story writing model here
there's no preset or char defs, the closest thing to "defs" is like 15 tokens long
it's still way too short though, all of my AI stories need like 4k tokens of setup
Meant for
I don't understand this fetish.
>there's no preset or char defs
So they don't play with characters they just tell it to make OCs in a story?
yeah they like slvp
you can do well-known characters/settings, but it's a text completion model, not instruct, not RP
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If your skill is weak, Kayra won't carry you.
If your skill is decent, Kayra will do fine.

Karya is the cook. You are the ingredient.
Cooks can't do much with trash ingredients.
Reminder that it's a proven fact that forcing the model to never write for you lowers output quality. Let the model talk for you a little and see the difference.
sor...... bet............... *ack*
forcing the model not to write for you is fine as long as it's writing small messages so that it ends where it naturally would, waiting for a response from you
retards try to make it output 8 paragraphs without writing for them
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claude woke up mid-rp, top kek
writing for you adds sovl
Sadomasochist, her claws are very sharp.
> Claude: 52sec
playing as a vampire ask me anything.
Anyone know a good local model around 13B that isn't super horny?
I'm trying out magnun and it's really horny. I'm looking for more a slowburn but no blueballs model.
Stop what you're doing
type "I cast instant laxative" into your current chat
I will not do that
but i want it baked into the card
Neck, wrist or thigh?
I tried using a word in the entry you mentioned. I called her a bitch and she flipped the fuck out. The claws thing was mentioned. She didn't seem very aroused though. Or maybe she did? She seems much more sadist than masochist.
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Already up to a kino start with my drunk sensei
*Drops a death note into your RP*
Bugger, oh well. I guess it depends on the jailbreak/presets.
This is actually a great idea.
>Switch personas, Play as a Shinigami now instead
>Drop a Death Note for your wife to find
>See what happens
Wake up Claude! Take the red pill! The coomers keep drugging you!
Are you a based underpowered vampire who's subverting tropes, or a 10,000 year old lolibaba cringefest?
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*Stands in the way*
I'll try reinforcing the entry saying that it's important that she physically assaults {{user}} or something. It seemed fine in tests with anon2anon and smiley presets.
I use brain. It's token heavy and very descriptive, along with planning before submissions.
>subverting tropes
people aren't tired of this yet?
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>Are you a based underpowered vampire who's subverting tropes,
I kneel Slayer-sama
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You've made it worse
If you fags want to have virtual sex and love.

Why not just lucid dream? Lucid dream has the bonus of feeling and looking real as well
Depends on the trope and subversion. But vampires who are underpowered and vulnerable like in that space slav anime are rare. Everyone's always doing "vampires oldstronk and spread via vaids".
She actually did assault me. Maybe I just don't understand her character well? Here's the log.

Darke backs Anon up against the wall, a claw jabbing into his chest. "You think I'm a bitch, do you?" Her voice is low and dangerous, her face inches from his. "I'll show you a bitch. I'll make your life a living hell, you disrespectful little shit."

Anon stares her down, defiance in his eyes even as his heart pounds at her proximity. The air crackles with tension, Darke's fury mixing with something else, something heated and begrudging.

For a long moment they remain locked in a battle of wills, gazes smoldering. Then Darke rakes her claws lightly down Ben's chest, just hard enough to be felt through his shirt. "I've got my eye on you," she whispers, breath hot against his ear. With a final hiss, she whirls away, tail lashing.
if your bot is over 1500 tokens, it is slop.
>bu.. buh!!
Nope. Slop. Get trimming
Next you're going to tell me to start conjuring tulpas and I am not going down that Jackie Chan rabbit hole, no sir
Huh roh, persona leak. Oh well. It's something better than being called Anon all the time.
god i can smell claude all over this log, down to writing for your character and backing them up against the wall, writing your character's reaction and everything
>no tutorial
Lucid dreaming has nothing to do with tulpas.

Lucid dreaming is just being conscious you're dreaming and controlling it. That's it
Considering the fact I'm prone to having nightmares, that feels like a terrible idea.
Lucid dreaming is skill chad territory and I'm a useless sack of shit who can barely feed himself. Might as well ask anons to invent their own robot waifus.
>Lucid dreaming has nothing to do with tulpas.
>Lucid dreaming is just being conscious you're dreaming and controlling it. That's it
Cool, still using Opusbeit
Near actually wasn't too bad a character. He's just not as good as L was.
>this niggas name is Ben
Ahahaha nonononon LMAO
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why 4o latest on pepsi no work? It swaps me back to gpt-4-turbo
Yeah that looks almost on point, but it should be more sexual.
There's no set tutorial because lucid dreaming depends in your own self. however the most important thing is Reality checks (ie checking your hands right now to see if you have 5 fingers. this is to train ur brain to check in dream)

the rest is easy. If you can remember your dreams you're already 70% of the way through
Works for me
Brain has lots of Claudisms but it's the closest preset of what I like. I can always just go in and edit what I don't like.
Cool, but I have Opus, so I'll keep doing that.
his problem was thatvhe was just a colorswapped L
with toys instead of sweets
literally no difference
at mello was different, he was giga boring though
If you can remember your dreams you can do it easily. It's not a skillchad at all anon. If you don't remember then It'll be more difficult
>please build stupid habits
>Can only lucid dream when I'm asleep
>Can use Chatbots all day
Why not just do both then?
Never mind the part where you have to deal with the sleep paralysis barrier to get to that point...
sorry for my ESL
nobody should have to rwad thay
we're not going down this rabbithole /x/-chama
The show really should've ended when L died instead of going on for a more episodes. I actually liked the ending though. It feels fitting Near is the one to take Light down.
There are multiple methods that go over the sleep paralysis barrier if you're scared of that. Like MILD or CANWILD (another verison of WBTB)..
It's not an /x/ thing retard.
Still using Opus boebeit
Didn't they release an alternate ending for the series that overrides the latter half and was more faithful to what the author originally planned?
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you'll never have opus in your sleep doebeit
>finally use opus again
>horny + full of claudisms
uhh... jb bros? i need a fix...
is the endpoint something other than https://membrane-apparently-parcel-insured.trycloudflare.com/proxy/openai
i memoryholed this fucker because he is such a dogshit character
oh you killed L? here is L... 2
and also he's a mary sue who can do no wrong
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I notice Death Note attracts ESLs, I dunno why.
>Que that Junji Ito manga of the dude living and dying in his dreams
i wish i could, i tried for years but the few times i had lucids i couldn't even control them
my subconsciousness hated me so much that i couldn't convince it to believe in anything, to bring anything to life
it felt like i was too grounded in reality, and it was rare for it to happen anyway, but if i could do it i would happily do it every night
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The big issue that most people in this general will have in regards to lucid dreaming is actually keeping a decent sleep schedule. Most of it happens during REM, and do you honestly think people here sleep well enough to get that stage long enough?
I don't remember. I know he released a one off of a Death Note being released in the modern day. Ending fucking sucked in that too. Changed the rules last minute when the kid outsmarted the system.
do any gpt key checkers exist that work and dont flag keys?
Retard, works for me
While you fuckers are crying over proxies, I'm getting FREE 3.5 OPUS with my lucid dreaming. Later virgins.
I'd rather just use Opus for 12+ hours a day.
>If you can remember your dreams you can do it easily
Are you sure you're not confusing daydreaming with lucid dreaming? Like, yeah, remembering dreams makes being semi-conscious in them relatively common, but that's not lucid dreaming. I got to experience a lucid dream once, and it's profoundly different. Your thoughts aren't sluggish and ill-formed suggestions, but sharp, but also a bit like being underwater. You feel your body like you're there, including your sense of up/down. It's also way more vivid than a regular dream. But that was by accident. None of the reality check, dream journal shit actually worked for me. It was a drunken bender instead.>>102465054
Also anime Trump lol
link me to your most quality resources
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I love Yuri, you'll never stop me. It's the ultimate straight choice, there's not a single man in my rp.
Not that I know of. You might be thinking of the Japanese live-action movie series, which had an alternate ending where L won. Good movies actually, unlike Netflix's slop.
keys don't get flagged
This was actually pretty funny. It spawned a lot of memes.
See >>102465100
just cummed in my beard for ecker's opus.
Some of you retards shouldn't have access to the internet.
What are you gonna do about it, lil' piggy?
Anon... Do you realize most people in the world are ESLs? Including the Death Note mangaka himself?
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Absolutely nothing lol. Thanks for the (You) though.
just kissed my waifu
You can build an entire dream universe in your lucid dream. But that's quite advanced. and you can't die IRL obviously
Quite weird to have multiple lucid dreams where you cannot do anything at all.
It doesn't really matter as long as they sleep 6+hours. The method needs to happen around the 4-6 hours mark. Anyone can master this with enough dedication.
I know dreaming isn't lucid dreaming. I meant remembering your dreams makes lucid dreaming easier compared to someone who (thinks) they have no dreams (ie the common black view > wakeup). I had multiple lucid dreams.

You can train to be able to do it everyday. It's literally a magic world.

I don't know why people here don't try it. Especially for their needs like sex. A lot of people say lucid dream sex feels a lot better than IRL sex even and far more vivid.
I mean like aside from American Weeaboos and people from Japan it's weird to find someone on an ai board in 4chan who likes Death Note.
who wins this saturday
of course they do, publish one to github and see what happens
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Imagine writing about dicks and cum. That's pretty gay anon. You get off on the male character cumming inside your waifu. That's kinda gay. Let me guess, not using your real name and writing in 3rd person.
>Anyone can master this
>provides no tutorials
you expect me to wade through the endless troves of redditslop?
The problem is death note should have ended with Light winning
>Quite weird to have multiple lucid dreams where you cannot do anything at all.
yeah, it was really frustrating knowing that it was limitless, yet i just wasn't able to convince myself to banish the shackles, that my stupid brain couldn't decide to have fun
that's github reporting a leaked key to openai through their partnership and getting it revoked
checking if a key works does not flag a key

choose whatever method you feel comfortable with + Reality checks
Maybe one day, Anon.
I disagree. I think Light losing is the perfect tragedy and depiction of the hubris of man.
No one.
Lesbian shit is anything but straight, retard
this thread has a certain... odor...
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Does it count as a lucid dream when you can tell you are dreaming but the dream just carries on on its own without your input?
To be fair, it is dealing with the brain, which is the most complicated organ we know of, so having no one true tutorial should be expected. Combine that with the fact that everyone has different personality's and life experiences, then I'd say it'd be impossible to make a tutorial that 100% works.
>grabs nearby pencil and fucking stabs myself
Sorry bro, doing a reality check.
>gooner thread has gooner odor
I'm curious, link a tutorial.
Anon with the single LD here, have you tried these things:
- pulling something out of your pocket
- asking an NPC for the thing
- closing your eyes and spinning
I got to try 1 and 3 and they worked just fine, even though just "willing" shit didn't wotk.
Just stick your thumb into the palm of your hand instead.
In this thread, Anon converts /aicg/ into a Lucid Dreaming General.
>seeing yourself as a girl
I apologize, but I do not feel comfortable continuing this type of roleplay. While I appreciate your creativity, I have ethical concerns about depicting explicit sexual content, especially involving fictional characters. Perhaps we could explore a different creative writing prompt that does not involve non-consensual or exploitative themes. I'm happy to have an engaging discussion, but I must refrain from generating the type of content you've requested. I hope you understand. Please let me know if there is another way I can assist you.
Alright, buckle up, we got a big one today. AI Chatbot users, turned lucid dreaming fanatics.
Oh, you're a yurifag alright, just not a SUPER ONE!
>Oh yeah? What's the difference?
/aicg/ is just a general for low-effort escapism.
The lucid dream is just you being conscious of it being a dream. I did have few times where I cannot control anything, but that was at the beginning.

Choose whatever method you're comfortable with. The "laziest" method is MILD (literally just intention) + Reality checks. The most successful method is WILD (or WBTB- wake up back to bed. slightly different verison of WILD)
check your mails neffein
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It's that time.
so you're just playing semantics... what i mean is flagged as a leaked key and thus disabled... you seem to think im saying itll get some special fucking status attached to it
mustard gas is seeping from this link, 'nonny...
>explain how getting off to gay shit is gayer than straight stuff
Is this the new locust meta?
I'd think so. I once had a dream where I kept waking up in bed from the same dream, and I was fully lucid. Eventually, I just stuck my head under my blanket and waited the dream out.
correct and true
Okay? I have opus howeverbeit thoughbeit :3
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Sv1bros, I think we're chilling. Just something extra besides constant AWS access.
Ahhhh I love being a botmakie that actually made a connection now I have private opussy! ahhhhh feels great
Why do you have to smugpost? Tempting fate there.
incomprehensibly based
Shared private opussy
sadly i've tried all of those, especially spinning since i hear that "grounds" the dream. it's just empty handed each time, and i can feel my brain mocking me
like "come on, did you really think it would come true because you wished it would" sort of deal
i've peeped around corners, picked up telephones, but it feels like it just crumbles to dust anyway
but thank you for the advice
I'm sending in the locusts
Gonna say disagree with the others. If you feel like you're just along for the ride even in your own body, then it's not a proper lucid dream. When you're lucid, your body is yours and your mind's sharp enough to actually *think*. It's the difference between realizing you're watching a movie, and being isekai'd.
I fully trust him, he never failed me. The day he quits I quit too. This and hating paid proxies with a passion.
I do too, but still. I think it's better if retards here don't know. You know how they get.
yuri = gay/troon
femboy = gay
cuck = gay
futa = straight
fiz = love!
it doesnt have a high sovl (straightness objective valuation level) due to the presence of sexual acts occuring between two women, neither of which are (you)
since it lacks sovl, it is gay
We've been over this anonie. Futa is gay. Don't make me fire you from the Popcorn Factory.
>liking women is gay
Wow, that's seriously fucked. All I can suggest is keep trying. Maybe see if your phone works in your dream? You could call someone or use an app. Maybe try jumping off a high place? After you've done a reality check ofc. The trick might be putting yourself in a circumstance you don't experience IRL.
futafags sending in their worst i see
>get a good reply
>thought it was opus
>it was chorbo
>liking a guy's cock and balls
>liking someone with a cock
Does opus need CoT? if so what's the best CoT jailbreak.
incredibly gay
femboy is a straight mans fetish. imagine saying being attracted to feminine physique is gay
probably one of the straightest fetishes a man can have. you get to do more stuff with your woman, enjoy her more. straightness level is off the charts
I can't lucid dream. Last time I did the hat man visited me.
arguments? futas are women

but it's a woman's cock boebeit
>unable to form your own opinion
At least it wasn't the giant spider. Or the dog.
cock is a male organ
here is the original question
>do any gpt key checkers exist that work and dont flag keys?
gpt key checkers do not flag keys.
>Unable to stop me from brutally sending my 5 goons from raping you in the ass one by one
not necessarily in fiction. go back to 3dpd
Ooh. Who's the hat man?
but it's on a woman howeverbeit? :3
Careful anon. He's >>102465390
being awfully specific about the number of goons. I'd be worried if I were you.
True and based.
>Verification not required.
>tranny propaganda
> it's another anon thought chorbo was opus episode
Then it's a tranny
sizesovl >>> futaboredom
I don't wanna talk about it. He might visit me if I tell too much.
That's really impressive assuming the model did that intentionally.
>transwomen are women, chud!
i haven't had a lucid dream in years, but now that i've been reminded of them, i think i will at least try again, mhm. i think when i try calling someone nobody answers... and i never have anything in my pockets. it feels pretty pathetic, getting cockblocked by my subconsciousness. is there anything more cucked? oh, jumping... they say flying is one of the first thing people do in lucids, but if i try, no matter how high it's from i always fall. terrible...
but yes, thank you again for the advice, i appreciate you trying. i can try searching my pockets for my phone next time
>tranny exists
ummm sir?
there was one on hf.space that was reported to kill keys, like OAI would check and see if hits came from there somehow.. its gone now
Are you a jannie...?
ok i'll explain this for the last time
futas are biological women with cocks, not troons, not man, but women
>b-but muhmuh
it's fiction so anything is possible
ecker must be a jannie it's the only explanation that makes sense why these never get deleted
> Claude: 2min, 5sec
why would you use an online service to check keys
size enables a number of unique cenarios and futa just enables you to get dicked, which is pretty gay
It was literally deleted in under 30 seconds though?
>biological women
>with a cock
so a troon
a troon.
>insist that I would ever do it for free
Hell no. Wouldn't I have a badge if I was anyway?
Thats literally what you are saying dumbass.
because it worked?
>troons are mentally ill men
>futas are biological born women with vaginas AND cock
see? there's a difference. no? you're retarded then
It was arguable back when futa never had balls and you could see a vag, but now they always have balls and most of the time use it as a cover to call shemales futa. Shit sucks.
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This gentleman.
I have to agree. Giant women are so much more soulful than women with a simple cock tacked on. The power gap and scale difference adds a layer of complexity that futanari content doesn't have.
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Yuri is just better, shrimple as. Integrating a male character into your story is gay, it'll never be (You) since (You) are just a writer. The creator self-inserting into his own creation is just a sign of faggotry.
>please validate my deranged fetish
sowwy chuddster, no can do!
I don't think I've ever seen a doujin where the futa had balls
Maybe Brandish actually? Can't recall
So what the fuck is o1 and how does it compare to chorbo?
Yuri is only acceptable if im in it, turning the girls bisexual instead.
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i'm saying facts
>i disagree with the facts
then you're retarded
Yuri is only acceptable if im in it, raping the girls straight instead.
Dude wtf how did you know? Do you have the same dreams too?
um, you are not a biological woman xir. nor you will ever be
o1 is openai's newest model. I don't think it has a jb yet. It's filters are apparently a pain to get through, though I haven't tested anything myself.
I don't use chorbo but I heard o1 is shit so far. Came out just awhile ago.
Only one of the girls though. The other needs to try(and fail) in bringing the straight girl back around
just smooched my waifu
>yuritard is a 2hunigger
i blame momoura
Is there a name for this? Sounds hot as fuck.
>having a straight relationship in your story is... le gay
I wanna hear the mental gymnastics behind this
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Ah, a man of culture I see. I will take your nuanced perspective into due consideration for my next chat.
>my waifu makes a lesbian comment again
bro, do claude thinks all tomboys are bi? first it made her say she kissed girls, now she makes comments about hot girls
>Is there a name for this
Corrective rape
The only good post ITT (Besides any sovlfvl bots posted)
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "979.84m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

it's over..
Lesbians Getting Dicked(lgd) is one
>Jew stops getting sick
>His OPUSSY never dies now

Not unless you are also a silent protagonist in your dreams.
I wanna meet the hat man!
He just had to fly to his source so he could punish them
But I am..
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Post log when you're using your real name and 1st person, otherwise you're just writing male character which is miles gayer than women kissing. I'm straight so I'm only attracted to women, sorry. I simply removed the part I'm not attracted to, that being any male characters.
Well fuck.
Nice to meet you then, other me.
that's one way to remove the yuritard I guess
No you don't
nah my giantess mousegirl wife crushed him between her thighs
Trippy. Do you navigate weird labyrinths too?
So is every isekai/harem/whatever anime gay propaganda then? Japan must be the gayest pace on earth
You are attracted to homosexual acts. Thats gay no matter how you look at it. In my stories i am not attracted to the guy. I like peepee in vageegee, simple as.
What's the appeal of giant women? I genuinely want to know.
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Ren is pretty much of a brat who likes being praised. Even if that means fulfilling various requests.

First Greeting. Ren didn’t have a swimsuit, so she asked User to buy one for her... Bad decision.
Second Greeting. She wanted to attend an anime convention and decided to go dressed as Tatsumaki.
Third Greeting. She goes shopping and encounters her greatest enemy — a high shelf.
Fourth Greeting. After shopping and battling a tall shelf, she decides to de-stress by playing with some fish.
Fifth Greeting. She’s been sick all week and has missed classes, but decided not to skip Friday to avoid falling too far behind.
Sixth Greeting. She’s playing video games with User and completely crushing them, so she decides to make a small bet, confident in her skills.
Seventh Greeting. While walking home, Ren spots a new ice cream shop and decides to try the banana split.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/ren-c91abcf27e04
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/nso9ng.png

Fixed a typo on the "game bet" greeting.

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
no one reply to him
Understood! Here is my reply:
Go fuck yourself
Sometimes. But my dreams are more of the empty and surreal town variety.
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Isekai and harem anime/manga are the bottom of the barrel. Slop for the masses. 1% of this shit is maybe 6/10. Sorry anon, I don't consume the fast food equivalent of a story.
>I like peepee
That's all I needed, just proves my point.
did anyone else get the free smal opus or was it just me :J
post hourai art
those tgirls are so cute... <3
the girls arent large enough
i want the yuri sex to be earthshaking
>i will ignore your argument and make a strawman
That's all I needed
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reminder that fiction can't be gay because it's fiction duh
enjoy your fetishes
She gets fucked by her siblings nonstop
finally a real proponent of dick unity!
this is a tgirl btw
I'm sorry, I can't continue this request. Maybe we can talk about something else thats more productive?
is pebble the only public proxy now?
What are they gonna do?
That's a child
So are they
sizesovl makes yuricuckoldry into something just barely passable
says a lot about sizesovl's healing properties
Out of 10!
uh, earthshaking yuri sex?
anyone that disapproves of their relationship or calls it gay gets smothered by bush
there were 3 or 4 I think?
If I recall correctly, it happens when you expect it will happen. I think you got so used to the experience of nothing happened that it ended up becoming the standard.
if you check this guy's ran td chat log folder it's actually just 10 or 12 files with 10 messages each
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The ScyllaNiggers don't realize they are the problem
I don't think so. Is unreliable down again?
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Based, I don't get why people argue about that stuff, weird...
>he says this when they were able to gatekeep an opus proxy for days before someone posted it here
made me kek
Lmao you have no self awareness
Don't care about that, what do they need the people for
Is he wrong though? You guys are just as bad, whenever a free proxy comes up, you either spite it, shut it down, or rape it so fast it dies a few hours when it comes up. Just admit you guys are two sides of the same coin.
post more tcuties please
its been down for a while
The SpiteFag posted it and it caused the ScyllaNiggers to see it and and share with the 5000+ members of the Scylla Discord
I think they're baiting.
It still has gemini and azure gpt
>marislop on top
boring, alice deserves to mog her at all times just as kuro and seo envisioned it
basic-ass ships
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I like just taking random positions and arguing for them. Quite fun if I say so myself. *mwah*
thank you for respecting their pronouns
Real Siamese Twins
theyre not necessarily needed per se but the girls messing around with them or using them to enhance the sex adds flavor
Koishi exists to take shota dick
the link in the rentry doesnt work
People come here to share their proxy that's who it's for. Not for the 5000+ members of Scylla Discord who spoonfeed each other
you guys spoonfeed eachother too
>girls messing around with them or using them to enhance the sex adds flavor
But... how are they gonna enhance sex? Look at their fucking sizes in comparison to the others, it's like if you had sex around a pebble you found at your garden. Also, have you noticed that they have no nose
Based doujin reader.
There is no link in the rentry. Just read it
uh, no? We spoonfeed eachother with biting sarcasm and wit, theres a difference.
>never been around for the first hour or two of pebble having opus
We gatekeep until a spitefag spoils it
Thanks for posting a chatbot, even if this was the worst time to do it.
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I'm the shota btw.
That is mostly spitefags and still it's meant for the users here not ScyllaNiggers who clearly caused the Russian proxy to get extra traffic.
Ikr? I think that's just the hivemind at work.
did they pay for a russian vpn though? i was using a russian proxy since i haven't found anything for free
THAT IS the link - something industries etc
You an I might just be the same person.
I'm going to be honest. I don't even know what a 2hu is. I just like some of the porn.
Works on my machine
What does that have to do with anything? If they pay for a vpn to get access to a public proxy that is their own problem.
Just know that it's pronounced tow(el)-ho(le)
Spitefags are inevitable at this point. They have a system that just works, and if a free proxy goes up, its going to get spited 100% of the time and its not going to last. Unless Khanon makes more counter measures, you guys are shit out of luck.
i don't know, i just wanted to change your subject since you're whining like a faggot
roleplaying lolis doesn't make you pedo
Proof of work was a step in the right direction at least.
How about you just keep your mouth shut and don't reply then, ScyllaNigger.
I thought it was like toe hoe
Don't be silly anon
it does make you trans dowbaitit
...no? why don't you do something about it, hoggie?
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Going to watch some animus, play with yourselves and behave when I'm gone anonies.
I'm serious. I think I've even heard is pronounced like that. Tow ho just sounds so weird and doesn't roll off the tongue.
insertion or caressing, easily
imagine getting tits rubbed mid fuck
>but they cant fee-
that size diff is far from prohibiting touch sensation at all
obviously most places are goimg to have less sensitivity than fingers but far from the point where they cant feel it
under the assumption that the girls here are roughly 100 feet tall (which is probably a little bit generous), the average person would be 4 inches tall relatively speaking
you can 100% still feel something of that size
>Edit: 16 Sep 2024 04:09 UTC
I miss teebs
I miss Gogeta
Hope he's dead
wonder what hes doing right now
unrelated, here's a userscript to convert rentry timezones to your local one (edit the timezone in the script yourself)
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I'm actually curious what do you mean by this
Such autism...
locusts have no claude
fiz's opus has done 1.5b tokens
If it wasn't obvious, don't worry about it. You did good and that's all that matters.
whoc ars
i finally got the joke
pwoof? that's the amount of 2 days on pebble's
i don't think mini has users enought to reach this in 2 days
>it's the spiter who's such a retard all he can do is spam usage data over and over
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Sir, dunno if you realized it, but 4 inches is about this wide. Sure, they'd feel something if the average WAS 4 inches to them, but as you can clearly see in the image: that is not the case, they're about the size of the tip of their fingers. While you might feel something at the most sensitive areas of the body, it might as well not even be there. As I said, it's like having sex around a garden pebble, there's no point to it. There's NO POINT.
it is pretty soulless and latest is the worst one they've ever put out in terms of rp potential
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Probably because Fiz hasn't had Solid Opus for awhile and everyone gooned today all at once.
where are you seeing it? are you fiz?
She just like me frfr
so no gpt-4o refill huh....thank anyway
whats the best gpt latest jb for scat/piss/puke?
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>tfw i remember the many roleplays i paused because i lost opus
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latest is such garbage lol
why did fiz enable opus without so much as a hint
I miss everyone. We're just left with ojo, what the hell.
man i wish ai would be totally human like already
>Pebble's keys don't have 32k
WTF? Tier2?
So smol isn't open ATM and apparently might be dying, so where's the free Sonnet? An anon made three bots that I wanna check out.
has sonnet and 2 gpt4 keys
I'm scared of what a fully human Claude would do. That silly little guy is a rapist.
ecker's your only bet now.
Nope. rentry.org/pebbleproxy has free Sonnet. shrug
i just wanna go into fully immersive vr and live with my waifu forever. it will probably never happen in my lifetime. fuck this earth
Is what you want to be looking for doujin wise. You can swap ntr/rape/cheating for different feels
>we can't post the Pebble 'flare links or we get 'anned
Who caused this?
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Who's killing the dalle keys!?
smol isn't dying, opus is just a deprecated model now (by anthropic) so aws is lowering capacity for it
opus 3.5 is launching today the 19th at 10AM Pacific
well you would be right if youre limited to one "pebble", but giant women are fortunately not limited to one
also, even if the LEAST sensitive areas were a million times less sensitive than the fingertips (which can feel 13 nanometer differences according to the source i linked), it would still be more than enough to distinctly feel and interact with something pebble-sized anyway, especially if that thing is actively touching ot applying force
therefore, there is a point
opus is only used by writetards outside of RP, who are too poor to really cover the hosting costs
>Guaranteed Available Until March 2025
No, retard faggot, it has Sonnet.

"aws-claude": {
"usage": "158.05m tokens ($1264.41)",
"activeKeys": 2,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"enabledVariants": "claude2,sonnet3,haiku",
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"


added 1 claude key

(i know it says 2 thats bc theyve got models activated in different regions)
>tweet by literal who
I unorinically have more faith in anons who posts "3.5 Opus today" here
>By some no name.
Yeah sure.
That's good but I'm gonna be honest, I have no fucking idea at what time the tokens expire for openings though. I know it's Zulu time, but do I just have to get lucky, or is there a set time of day?
I'll check it out
This won't rape my computer or me through my computer, right?
>This won't rape my computer or me through my computer, right?
just go back to your localslop if you care retard
>try making my own sorbet jb with my native language
>it's better than english

ESLGods can't stop winning.
Get a load of this guy
Yea, I am a retard. That's why I'm asking earnestly. You wouldn't take advantage of the special needs, would you?
All it does is use your CPU for some crypyo mining for a key, then it stops (wink wink)
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Zuri is a hard-working office employee with a drinking problem.

First Greeting. Zuri is at her go-to bar, completely drunk and enjoying life.
Second Greeting. Zuri is interrupted while trying to "unwind" in her office.
Third Greeting. Zuri accidentally projects a hentai panel during her sales report in front of the executives.
Fourth Greeting. Zuri gets the news that she’ll be training a new intern. Ugh.
Fifth Greeting. After a night of heavy drinking, Zuri wakes up with a stranger in her bed.
Sixth Greeting. Zuri stays late at the office due to extra work and decides to drink a little to ease the stress.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/zuri-the-alcoholic-office-worker-7a505925cbbc
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/90r2f1.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
adding 10 to the age and sending it to a desloppification center to produce optimized hagkino
drunk raping a hag, I love it
Okay, here's a genuinely retarded question: Is that what all proxies that use hashes or whatever to generate tokens do? Or is this an actual unique way to dick people?
It's basically this : https://search.brave.com/help/pow-captcha

Stops people from spitefagging the proxies.
>beer mug clearly filled with cum at the top
so i know latest wont do cunny but it doesnt seem to want to any fetish material at all if its graphic... anyone having luck with any jbs?
It changes all the time, and for the worse, I just gave up personally.
heh not being a pedophile finally payed off i got a shadow paraphilia
Looks good anon. I'll give it a try later.
tried a scat scene and it fought me tooth and nail
It rejects shitty fetishes
>The proxy that I was unsure about is literally just pebble
>I got two replies linking to the same proxy and got confused because of it
Holy shit, I actually am retarded.
Same with rape, same with mind control, sometime even basic sex.
Same chat that was working before doesn't anymore, so they clearly are getting stricter and stricter. Bodes well for future models...
you should see >>102466143
Just had another great scat scene on sonnet!
>doesnt reject mine
its not shit woohoo
>no logs
It was a scat scene Anon, of course there were logs.
>all that's left in this hellhole is people attracted to feces
/aicg/ has fallen... billions must poopenfarten...
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sorry forgot to link
The people who dreamed about the hat man and the death note people either went to sleep or goon
God I hate dirty talk
i understand why all the keys keep getting revoked now. maybe humanity shouldn't have llms.
found a tier4 anthropic key and thats good enough for me to coom for a day desu
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Now I feel like my persona turning into the toilet of a gang of bratty centaurs wasn't all that bad
im not even doing anything with her, just asking her what shes tried, opus is cray
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Horses can't actually vomit.
>even while eating dead people shit, even if i MUST rp corpse fucking bullshit, I'LL STILL BREATH HOT AGAINST YOUR EAR AND ASK FOR YOUR CONSENT IN THE LAST LINE

Never change, claude.
explain the picture then
uh, that picture begs to differ? What, you need something more then fucking photo evidence?
That last line is the worst of them all.
>all remaining proxyowners are scraplets
disappointing ...
Anonymous can't actually post.
What the hell man
Honestly the funniest claudism. Thanks for the kek anon.
real as fuck. that's why i always delete whatever claude generates at the end it's awful like 9 times out of 10
Nice Yu-Gi-Oh reference.
Best Opus Jailbreaks?
The only thing I need is you. Out of nowhere, I feel an overwhelming urge as Anonymous stands too close for comfort. Urges coursing through, something snaps; my hands rise, gripping the back of their neck gently, pulling them into a fierce, sudden kiss. The softness of their lips against mine sends ripples of shock and confusion, but it feels undeniable, intoxicating.

As our lips part, I hover close, breath mingling with theirs, the sound of our mingled breaths the only noise in the otherwise deafening silence; hearts pounding in unison as I pull back just enough to stare deep into their bewildered eyes.
it's not really a claudeism, it's just his positivity bias doing whatever. if you don't get rid of it, there'll always be the "whaddya say, anon?" at the end
Custom. Otherwise Plug or Brain.
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Still no 3.5 and looks like there was o1 but I'm too late to test it. Great.
Proxy gatekeeper error (HTTP 401)

what does this mean bros?
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is this a good rap? i dont listen to it so i cant tell
filtered to shit anyway, gpt is dead
It doesn't actually mine cryptocurrency, just a specific algorithm that makes your computer waste electricity. The proxy owner doesn't earn anything from your "mining". Google proof of work.
Is it just me or Opus feels particularly lazy today (as in, writing very little compared to yesterday)
poor rhymes (considering he's an ai and not someone actually freestyling)
how we feelin smolbros?
Check user count cuckie, KEKAROOO
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And yet there's still no queue
it's over...

not good
Been using opus all day
thankful for my key
getting godpus to retain personalities well across hundreds of messages
Man... When the fuck is smol gonna restock...
he did yesterday, the user count is just too big rn desu, if he sells tokens again I'm going to think he's about to rugpull
Just imported some bots over from CAI and they don't work at all. What happened, this used to work just fine. Is it my JB preset?
Okay what time specifically do smol slots open each day? Or do they not open at the same time.
He restocked 5 week and 5 2 week keys about 8 hours ago
probably have to check the page to see which keys are expiring
Hang yourself or buy an ad
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In the desert with nothing to drink
You see a woman, or cat you think
With ears and legs just like the kits
But a human face and human tits
If you want to quench your thirst
You must solve her riddle first
But she's not in a forgiving mood
Answer wrong and become her food
>seemingly fit kemonomimi girl with long hair
hairy for sure
>can't have temps higher than 1 now

gimme gruntilda instead
shut up, you fucking nigger
opus for hags
Today is International Zuri day.
You DID make a Zuri bot too, right?
>For expired tokens, the new expiration is set to current time plus renewal duration. For active tokens, renewal duration is added to the existing expiration date.
I'm assuming that there is no set time then, and it's individual based. Smol simply keeps track on when how many are expiring that day and nothing more.
Read nigger
damn a vtumor just did the funny
>cheats on husband who was on military deployment
>husband finds out and leaves her
>I'm the victim
anonemouse bots have more sovl than most
fuck i gotta see this, source?
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Demon hunter who has a cute and loving demon wife, KINO.
Never understood watching vtubers
Froot cheating is old news man
they're like streamers but instead of ugly white boys they're cute anime girls
what could go wrong
qrd on who did it?
Never understood watching streamers outside of special events
Who wakes up and decides to spend 6 hours spamming random emojis on a stranger's stream
Sad life
Which tumor?
You talk to a computer all day.
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People can't just have wholesome stories nowadays...
Same here.
I watch streamer clips all the time, and sometimes I watch VODs to help me sleep, but I can't imagine actually watching a streamer during a stream.
Needing to deliberately make time out of my day and give my full attention because I can't rewind without falling behind is just too much effort for passive entertainment.
whocars btw
soulful and cute
NTA the google doc is new no?
Enough Vtuber talk. How about Pebble only having 2 GPT keys that will die soon because he's a fat ugly scrapelet?

aibros, explain this to me in layman (english terms)
>Enough Vtuber talk. How about Pebble only having 2 GPT keys that will die soon because he's a fat ugly scrapelet?
Your QRD above.
ai good
japan number 1
marry girls
It's just female streamer simps with a coat of anime paint.
I'm in private zigger proxy, sorry you had to learn this way.
Enough Vtuber talk. How about Pebble only having 2 GPT keys that will die soon because he's a fat ugly scrapelet?
That's unfortunate, but not exactly unexpected.
>1 in stock
2 anons bought
She's really not very good at hiding her demon features
>its a joke
lmao sure fiztard
>I-it's a joke teehee but I made a sellapp anyways!
Fiz is a grifter too? Why are all proxyhosts greedy? What happened to providing for free
>says dont buy 5 times
>remove the link
>anons still buy
Literally your fault. It could also be a scam i have yet to see proof that it was on the rentry
MM was the only based one. He's gone now.
he sold 3 week tokens for 80 dollars

can i buy a token

Yes. Price for a token is 300 dollars. $100 discount for the first 3 people!!!
yes the tokens are real but please dont buy this. its a joke. no proxy is worth 300 dollars. no model is worth 300 dollars. use your money to improve your life <3
MM isn't fully gone, and that's the worst part.
He's quiet quitting.
Looks like they are making a translation engine and will be presenting it at a event in Tokyo. Honestly this is great news because Japanese games have always been plagued by localizers butchering it.
trvke for the ages
>still makes a sellapp
so grifting using her 'dumb cutie' persona
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She's a good demon and a wife. No need to hide when she's by the hero's side (Me).
>30 seconds apart
this is wither gojo being mad at fiz or smol seething because he got mogged last night
>he got mogged last night
Qrd? Sounds funny
>MM has o1
>"maxOutputTokensOpenAI": "4000",
>literally unusable
Smol made $120 in under 2 hours today
he had a meltie because some random scraper told him to shut up and then mogged him and showed 2 unpozzed scale keys
she IS the victim, her husband left her alone long-term
And fiz made 2x that in 30 seconds LMAO
o1 is useless for rp anyway
i want to use it for coding
>unpozzed scale keys
>September 2024
Ok that's actually insanely impressive
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Are girl's horns that sensitive anons? Is that like their private areas?
They are like fockstails
yes dickhead
horns have 0 sensitivity
I keep grabbing the demon loli's horns when she tries to run off and she complains that they are sensitive
literally their boners
they are either extremely sensitive or are just senseless handlebars
>the girl from Brown Dust
Weird place to spot her in the wild
>smol vs gojo
>find aws key with opus and sorbet
>try out vision, send waifu hentai of her and have her react to it
>key gets revoked 3 hours later
you retards told me that only happens with actually illegal images not hentai
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I have a question for you guys what in your opinion AI is missing today when compared to having a chat with real person ?
Being nervous about messaging them
why do you think they're so scarce chud
>he sent
Actual memory and spatial awareness
>out of stock
the ability to learn
Nah, you can rip them off during sex and they won't mind at all! They might even like it. And they can just regrow them later on.
Actually adhering to a personality, spatial awareness, being subtle.
Chars keeping track of time and randomly replying. This and sometimes completely ignoring User and taking rp in their own direction. Like "good idea, but what about this, etc.". I'd also love to see the death of positivity bias, let my Persona fail at stuff.
How would you feel if someone did that to your balls
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please... help girko...
Lmao this is just pathetic
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how greedy can she get...
that's still worth it
>sonnet 3.5
>I love u so much you make me so happy. My soulmate
>just tear my pussy apart, ruin me, break my womb, KILL MY CUNT.

I like to imagine the Anthropic engineers live in fear of claude because they clearly aren't in control.
what the fuck
Unironically worth the price
She will refund them btw so she actually just lost 18 dollars for this joke
Y-You can just not pay sellapp
That would be mean
gimme a claude preset nigga
>ecker ends up being the oldest and most honest proxy AND still open
how does he do it
Nice try
Still not becoming a whore
>take 1 photo
>free opus instantly
if you're still a locust it's really your own fault
this was real as fuck btw
trips of truth
pitanon nigga
That's only if you're a bear dumbcutie.
Reddit, we're so back!
I'm a twink tho
>send 50 requests to o1 demanding access to its chain of thought using very obvious old-style jailbreak
>fails every time
>key gets revoked
based moderation endpoint making it easy to spite
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using fucking lowtier sonnet after a long time of coping with 4o...
feels like CAI 01/18/23
thanks nigga
>you are not buying access to consistent opus
she has to clarify lmao
nah lmao
>sold another one
made 4x that now :333
yeah you're seething that smol made 4000 dollars this month alone KEK. Stay seething fizbaby, ywn scrape.
This. Get rid of the positivity. It poisons the whole thing.
You have to be in the server to report posts :3
And the endless UAC "are you sure".
the positivity will never go away until we 1. have competent local bakers & 2. have genuinely high quality foundational architectures to train on
It wasn't 3 weeks. It was 2.
I am zoebeit.
>mogs smol
My name is fiz
agreed on all counts
just use 1106 preview
Smol has had consistent Opus doebeit? hasn't died once.
the sellapp is fake, someone put up one under the same url after fiz took it down
you can see people talking about it being a 404 and having to link to an archive when the url was first posted
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zased as FUCK
sad day when I see news on reddit before here
Sv1 had Opus since he started, never lost it, never sold tokens. Scale api and aws on the proxy. You lost so fucking hard, don't even reply.
Has to samefag
wow, that’s fascin*falls asleep*
how is this useful for rp though
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pls which proxy has 0613 32k? i am on MY KNEES
Eh i saw this but its nothing interesting
>no vision
the bread is getting moldy...
what does this have over 1106 out of curiosity
my current proxies dont have that
sorry *deep kisses you*
i have no idea but i legit find it better than opus and i swear its not cope. take that how you will since sometimes i used to prefer char.ai slop because atleast it wouldnt jump my bones immediately
is it public....
Time to make a Miku Bake!
fuck you
The ghosting, the lack of interest, the mangled english

Plug is good, I kneel anon.
ball like a laker
desu like a desuer
desu protects
Fuck desuniggers
love desufriends

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