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Previous thread: >>102449760
What's the proper order for installing older Debian through netinstall (i.e.etch)? Currently have a mirror pointed to archive.debian.org and I'm pretty sure it's stuck trying and failing to get the Release file for "stabel"
Just debootstrap that shit and then chroot in and install Grub and whatever else
...I can't believe I didn't think of that.

Now the question is, can that be accomplished from a live environment?
Why the fuck is cdimage.debian.org so low? I'm not seeing any more than 500KB/s, maybe less
flaw with flatpak. getting anything to follow the dark mode gtk.
was trying to add stuff in flatseal to get cherry tree's menu bar and title to be dark, zero luck.
installed cherrytree through appimage, immediately dark.
You have to modify the sandbox to allow it to read a specific setting or run it with
flatpak run --env=GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark
I thought that's what I was doing with flatseal. But the instructions listed some weird theme that nobody else would have, so I was a little stuck with how to point it to a theme. I'll try : instead of - and see.
Tell me I didn't just waste half an hour just to start over
Using nano when chrooting in Debian rescue shell

There needs to be a proxy or something that "spoofs" stable for older versions so that the regular installer would just werk like it used to.
You can do that yourself pretty easily with something like Nginx and a redirect and spoof the DNS so deb.debian.org points to it.
There should be a way to change the mirror in the installer though which would be even simpler. Not sure if that has to be a grub parameter or something else, etc.
Last I checked, at least for current-ish netinstall, http(s) only has a set of hardcoded URLs. ftp allows for specifying whatever, but only allows for choosing stable, unstable, and testing
Back in my day it'd take 4 hours to compile the kernel, and a day for a web browser.
And to think I've been having it bad when it seems like half an hour is gone every time something goes wrong
Okay, seriously, why are things like nano and configuring locales messed up when this isn't the case outside of chroot?
>kernel attack surface
eBPF Should die ASAP
Okay, something confuses me about docker. I assumed that whenever I ran
docker-compose up --build
I was basically making a new "system" for scratch that then ran whatever was in the docker file. But I made some changes from an interactive shell that still seemed to be there?

Actually, if I do change the Dockerfile and run that command again, then any changes done in shell are undone.

Thing is, it looks like I need to tweak some config files like making the Apache2 server NOT redirect to /apache2-default/. What's the proper way to ensure I won't have to manually do stuff like that every time?
who even uses desktop icons on linux these days? hell, i rarely see my wallpaper these days.
It's finally fixed. It was a two part issue. The first was the initramfs/dracut issue. I also started using uefi-mkconfig. After that the kernel loaded and saw the rootfs by name but still couldn't mount it. I look online for why a kernel wouldn't be able to mount an NVME and see CONFIG_VMD now must be built-in


I activate this and rebuild and it finally fucking works after a week. I don't get how my last nvme was working up to 6.10 without having this in kernel at all but I'm glad I can finally enjoy my SN850X
You mount a volume with your config to the config location in the container.
I would recommend you to read up on the basics of docker / osi containers.
Reminder that the old wiki (https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki) is likely abandoned. Someone close to the old admin set up a new wiki: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Main_Page
Why does firefox, and firefox alone, have huge invisible borders you can't click through on wayland? And why are they pushing this buggy gay garbage as the new normal?
"I can't use Adobe software"
>lmao bro just use these shitty foss alternatives. gimp & kdenlive are way better than Photoshop & Premier Pro
"I can't play Valorant, Battlefield, six siege, destiny 2, or fortnite because of anti-cheat"
>just don't play those games bro. imagine installing a botnet on your PC. just play SuperTuxKart
"my Bluetooth driver isn't being detected"
>just use one of the supported dongles listed in the wiki of your distro. lmao imagine buying an Nvidia device

troonixtards on suicide watch trying to debunk any of this
i hate how much of a fucking pain in the dick xterm is to config. will someone just make a little simple GUI configuration tool that generates a .Xresources or something for it with all the most common settings like fonts, font size and colors? i'll pay you 100 eurobux
I do wish the nips would get absurdly annoyed at Microsoft, annoyed enough to port clip studio over to loonix
Uusually the issue will be that the keyring will be outdated or that the archive packages got signed by a different key
>i cant use software that constantly scams me with subscriptions that i dont actually own
>i cant play games that require mandatory kernel level spyware installed
It's not even that you can't, you can just dump them all onto a second wincuck box with no internet and no personal information on them
Then enjoy based linux for everything else that isn't goyware
the mirror redirector probably picks an overloaded mirror for you.

pick an alternate, "direct" mirror, see if its faster
Both of them require internet access or they wont run
the absolute state lmao
*boots up emulator*
Red Hat/IBM are basically using Microsoft's EEE within the Linux ecosystem. Unlike Canonical, they do a bit of PR and initially try to be friendly with the community. Then they send their engineers to contribute to various projects. Then those engineers slowly take over these projects. Then they create new software and use their connections to give it support so it doesn't die. Then a few years later, you pretty much can't run the Linux desktop without the tool that Red Hat made.
Debian 12 with xfce DE
>audio server
pipewire with pulse
>playback devices
card1: Nvidia HDA (outputs sound to my HDMI monitors)
card2: HD-Audio (outputs sound to headphone jack, this is where the problem lies)
Wired headphones work only if they are connected to the headphone jack during boot. If I plug them out and plug them in again, they are not recognized by debian.
restart pipewire
>thinks I've tried
Debian came originally with pulseaudio, in which I experienced the same issues. I uninstalled it for pipewire, thinking it will solve my problem but to no avail.
OSTree is randomly broken with Curl 8.10.1, that's nice! Downgraded it for now. I don't feel like debugging right now.
Looks like there's already a fix. Gentoo just needs to update OSTree with the latest release. I'll patch it in /etc/portage/patches for now.

This also hit Alpine and Arch too, fun stuff.
I'm this guy >>102468447

What exactly do you mean by "not recognized"? Does the card not show up at all? Im assuming you are using wireplumber, what does
wpctl status
show after you replug your headphones?
I tested cinnamon and I could turn off the compositor and vsync
Is the zen kernel worth using or is there barely any difference?
Okay im not sure whats going on then. You could
wpctl inspect 44 | grep driver_name
and check if something shows up in dmesg.
The whole point of the Zen kernel is to make desktop Linux usage feel smoother as it activates and disables modules that make more sense for just desktop-focused use instead of more general configurations. Give it a try for a week before switching back to the normal generic kernel and see if you feel a difference, as it's pretty easy to switch between kernels during startup.
It doesnt just disable and active modules it also has its own set of patches as well.
Oh yeah forgot that.
What is best Linux distribution for my use case? I have completely offline laptop and I would like to play games from GOG on it.

I need distribution that I will be able to install offline from USB and also install Wine if it wouldn't be already built into this distribution.

I don't have any other laptop, only phone, so I can download installers etc. for everything but I cannot install any programs and move files to a laptop.
Any distro. Take a look at Bottles though
Looks great, even has AppImage. Does it include Wine or do I have to install it separately?
>Any distro
Not really. Many distributions e.g. Arch Linux require internet connection for installation, unless there is some offline installation image I'm not aware of.
>Take a look at Bottles though
Will do but so far I don't see any easy way to install it in my case.
You can download Wine versions from Heroic.
usb tethering
A website is being ran with darkhttpd. When I try to get archive.is to capture a PNG file in that site it fails. Why does this happen? I can access http://example.com/IMG.PNG with wget and stuff. No CF or similar nonsense is being used in that site, so it should be accessible. Max connections isn't the problem. Maybe long requests (high latency) is the problem, but I doubt it. Software:

Oh completely offline ...
Try downloading a Slackware iso
Slackware comes ready with "everything"
I said that my laptop is fully offline so I can't do that. However I found some Wine builds on GitHub so I will probably be able to use that.
how is it offline. just connect your phone to the laptop.
ai generated video, rms

I was using a different web server before and didn't have that problem. So darkhttpd is flawed? darkhttpd works well with text/html, but just not image files? Maybe I will use this instead:

Get litty with lighty.
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You already posted this in the previous thread, dummy.
Also imagine actually WANTING to play these games lmao
If it is that easy, surely someone would have done it already? Like, their own proxy or docker container or something? Maybe I could set up such a thing myself, but I've spent waaaay too much time trying to set this thing up

I did have a volume for what will be the folder for my website's files. Sounds like I need to do the same for the folder that stores Apache's config files, though I'm worried what's in there will still be overwritten every time I "start from scratch"
Ah, the arbitrary kernel space read/write primitive that also happens to do some neat packet filtering.
Anyone use an Intel Arc card for their Plex or Jellyfin server? How well does it function and what distro do you use?
You're a broken record bro.
Aka that thing retards use to duplicate Windows Firewall
>Wabbajack for Skyrim/Fallout still dogshit
Not today then.
There's a few ways you can do this
Is it a 32bit laptop or just a regular 64bit one?
The best way would be to get one of those debian dvds that come with all the packages on the disk
It's also possible to install flatpaks to a usb so you can move them from one system to another
Wine might be easier to set up if you do it all on a usb from a different pc hooked to the internet and then move the folder over by usb or something.
Will installing Gentoo provide me with fulfillment?
If you think setting up a PC's OS mostly manually will make you feel good then yeah, sure.
>Anyone use an Intel Arc card
no, lol
I just encode my videos correctly ahead of time.
>Linux Mint
>libx264 / aac
>ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -b:v 0 -c:a aac -b:a 256k Output.mp4
>as it activates and disables modules that make more sense for just desktop-focused use instead of more general configurations
Modules? What are you talking about? Thought it was about the scheduler and that Zen brought their own into the mix.
Why re-encode? I guess H264 has good hardware acceleration on most computers whereas only newer computers have hardware acceleration for other codecs

Presumably then a lot of your source videos are not H264
Wouldn't you be better off just getting a second hand intel cpu instead?
Arc is a GPU and he's wondering how well it transcodes his pirated anime into a MPEG2 stream his whatever toaster can play.
I use makemkv to back-up dvds, and I reencode and upscale them to stream to my smart tvs.

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf scale=3840:2160:flags=lanczos -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -b:v 0 -c:a aac -b:a 256k Output.mp4
Interesting. Why upscale? Does it actually make the picture look better on a 4K TV?
Most newer intel cpus can do the same job as an arc gpu can do
I just like messing around mostly, but it looks fine.
How do I configure and compile a kernel better suited for my system on arch linux?
ah, you mean the Intel HD graphics?
I image you can just add kernel.org to your sources and download/install the kernel from your package manager.
Yeah, kabylake and above do a pretty good job at transcoding for jellyfin
Looks like SD video to me

That's a non-answer.
Sounds about right, it's not meant to improve the quality, do much as it's meant to prevent artifacting when viewing on a 4k monitor or tv.
Can someone tell me why google is trying to kill gcc for years and no one is standing up to them? It seems like they have bought a lot of devs. Kind of reminds me of openssl or systemd. But on a larger scale.
The scheduler is still the same as vanilla Linux and they just tweak the default settings to be more responsive on a desktop system.
"settings"? You mean the configuration? If that was the case there would be no need for new code.
Is this xanmod kernel good on Arch Linux?
How does it compare to the zen kernel?
It can do a lot more than packet filtering. You can implement a scheduler in it or an LSM in it
thinking about switching from mint to arch,how do I backup my shit?
The whole point of transcoding is that you don't need to do that. There's no need to compromise on bitrate to get it to stream on your crappy mobile connection the server will dynamically adjust quality as necessary.
rsync -r /home/$USER/ /path/to/destination/
The schedulers settings are hard coded in the code so you need to re-compile the scheduler to adjust that.
>Transcoding once vs transcoding every time
You can transcode multiple times ahead of time if Jelltfin supports that. When I used Plex I think it had a setting to pre-process files. You still need to transcode multilib times though because you have no idea what the connection quality will be like. In an extreme case you may even want audio only and no video.
I'm just streaming on LAN because I can't be bothered to make an account and I don't get out much anyways.
Fair enough. For a LAN there's literally no point transcoding at all. Just do direct play. You probably don't even need a media server.
Technically I could just use the roku media player and a flash drive, but there's sevens televisions in the house. Plex supports libx264 on every device, so I said, fuck it, that's what I'll do.
Why would I use software made by mexicans (Gnome) when I could use software made by a based german (KDE)?
you don't deserve tacos and burritos
>Furfags or Footfags
A difficult choice indeed. KDE probably has the edge
>Cries in cinnamon
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There is no shame in this.
I don't eat slop, so it wouldn't change anything.
Why not just use Mint?
I never understood what eBPF is or why it's special? I understand it's a way to run code in kernel space so you can some performance

However youve always been able to do this with dynamic module loading in the kernel?
I like to complain about their outdated software, but it's stable, and I'm not distro hopping any time soon. Although I do have an old laptop with antix, but the DE is kinda trash.
Not everyone likes their DE.
I mean the bar of shame got raised infinitely high after honey boo boo and fat fucks being normalized.
You should definitely feel shame about using such a piece of shit, but then you are too stupid to feel shame anymore.
Just use XFCE like every normal person
Or use hyprland/i3/sway/dwm/whateverotherwm like every other normal person
I like KDE
Probably a stupid question but when a file system gets improvements in the kernel then it applies to drives already formatted with the file system, right? Not only to drives formatted with it after the new kernel is installed?
>when a file system gets improvements
What do you mean by this

A file system is just a standardisation or a way of formatting bits and bytes like any other file format. Drivers are what implement this format, not the kernel. The kernel doesn't make improvements to the file system formatting nor does the drivers since it's a standard format and making changes to it would break compatibility
What is some good software for studying on this OS? Just got a T430 and installed Mint on it so I can use it for university
Oh you said drives not drivers
Not him but I think Mint's servers were hacked a while ago and some malware was hosted on them. Hopefully such an event would be rarer with Canonical.
Didn't this happen once, 10 years ago?
What is better, weechat or irssi?
Yes it was 10 years ago, retards like this >>102473069 need to get over it and stop repeating it as if it happened recently
It's so fucking tiresome
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Orange Pi is the best operating system for learning Linux.
Oh I didn't mean learning Linux itself, I meant like if there are any apps or programs that I can get for like taking notes or whatever else
Come to think of it that's literally just LibreOffice so yeah
A pdf tool to replace Acrobat on Mint?
8 years ago I think

Enjoy your malware you genuine moron
mint seems nice, but 10 years of support is a big selling point for me personally, so i'd rather use anything that offers that (there's not many options)
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i updated my nvim plugins and now there's a second cursor (or a highlighted character?) on the current line and it's very confusing.
is there a way to find out what is causing this other than manually disabling a plugin, restarting, and repeating?
What android emulator is the most recommended? Ideally one that isn't a in a virtual machine
Anyone that has used iceWM before? How it was? I want to compile it straight from the repo on Debian but still would like to know if there's some gotcha to be aware of.
it was the hex editor plugin. yeah i did it manually.
piece of shit
god I miss archon so hard
This is the best if you're serious and need it for work
This one is fine for common use cases and has a free edition
pdf stands for pedofile
Bump on this
They just have to pull their heads out of their ass and stop littering the APT repos with Snap installers. If the want to stop building debs for Firefox or Cups just fucking do it and rip the deb apart from the repository don't install a shareware script that downloads the snap version behind my back. Cause this completely crashes Is a waste of time to wrestle with APT pinning just to circumvent this shit.
I personally don't mind snaps, I use them on other distros even. But yes, those .deb wrappers are sort of evil.
I probably use like two or three APT repos at most (one for Firefox) but i still won't bend the knee on principle. At fucking least move them to another subrepository/category so i can blacklist that whole branch without fucking with the system libs. Is a pity because i wanted to see what LXC was about.
Actually, you can't write "pedophile" without writing "Telegram".
What malware? you mean the one from 10 years ago? because none exists.
I feel like nobody here uses opensuse. Why?
distrobox with podman (or docker i guess as well) is a better lxc for the usecase of an alternative package manager to flatpak/snaps
if that is even true, how does it affect the user experience?
IF thaT Is evEn TrUE, HoW dOEs It AfFecT ThE uSEr ExPerieNCe?
Because it's RedHat but not as good for krauts and vatniks.
I've been searching far and wide for a way to change btime (creation time) of a file on linux and discovered that there is no fucking way, but somehow MACOS has this ability. WTF?!
>Also imagine actually WANTING to play these games lmao
Some video games are idiotic, may as well just watch a dumb character-driven TV Show where you see black women Nazis or some other retarded Marxist lies. As for COD-like games, I never really liked the multiplayer aspect, but thought it was kinda fun to play the story mode on hard mode. If you like those shooter multiplayer games, just play uh what's it called... oh yeah, "Counter Strike". Maybe also TF2. Also older Call of Duty and Halo games if you can still play multiplayer with that. What the fuck do any other reskin video games of COD/CS/TF2/Halo have that those OGs don't?

For the past like 5 years I've only been interested in playing retro games: (snake and) tint-tetris and 2048. I like Tetris more, it's about fast reactions and making good plays, also there's various play styles and you can get creative to do various/fun things.
>apt install tint # install Tetris

>that there is no fucking way
Wrong. You filesystem is made of bytes, find the right ones to change and you’ve changed the birth time metadata of a file. Must be documented somewhere.
>Must be documented somewhere.
LMAO. There.Is.No.Fucking.Way.
MAC has shown itself as a superior unix system.
>video games
Made me think back to when I was playing Fallout New Vegas. Not really my style. I just wanted to be challenged to kill shit, not still on my ass (over)thinking about moral or ethical dilemmas and having long conversations with NPCs. If New Vegas was more linear then I don't think that would be too bad. Like that time I kept failing but eventually prevailed when trying to blow up Deathclaws with a pile of dynamite and eliminate them all.

Stop whining and say which filesystem you're working with, then optionally post the documentation(s) for that FS. Or just post something more useful and more likely to solve your problem. Such as: the file.c or io.c or kernel source code or OS program or whatever which is involved in writing files and their metadata.
>touch file_with_new_bdate
>cat file > file_with_new_bdate
>rm file
>mv file_with_new_bdate file
touch can't modify creation date LMAO
*sit on my ass

I think he wants to change the btime to anything at all. I know in Windows7/xp I could change the system datetime which would consequently change file timestamps. Maybe if you change the system time in Linux then that will work. Not the best solution, but it's something.
I've said enough.
>touch -t 197001010000 test
>stat test
>install filesystem that doesn't support creation date
>complain you cant change the creation date of a file
EXT4 and BTRFS both support creation date, but you can't change creation date on either LOL
Which is less buggy, Fedora or Ubuntu Interim?
Fedora is better between the two.
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Is there anything better than UNetbootin today? It hasn't been updated in 3 years.
can someone explain the "problems" with opensuse
Use dd or balena etcher.
microsoft and trannies.
if the problems aren't already obvious to you from that then you are part of the problem
Why is DNF fucking with me ?

I keep getting this when I try to update
>- package dotnet-host-8.0.8-1.el9_4.x86_64 from appstream is filtered out by exclude filtering
But I removed the exclude entry from /etc/dnf/dnf.conf and it now reads like

[main] gpgcheck=1 installonly_limit=3 clean_requirements_on_remove=True best=True skip_if_unavailable=False exclude=

How do I clear the exclude or at least temporarily make dnf ignore it
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thank you
Nevermind I figured out what was fucking me . It was the version lock plugin
what did microsoft do with opensuse??
I literally dont give a shit.
I am talking about the distribution, not its maintainers.

What is wrong with OpenSUSE, the distribution. What is wrong with the OpenSUSe experience? I cant name ANYTHING except maybe Zypper being slow sometimes
iirc i do think rbrown is a saboteur
Opensuse is just a weird project in general. Doesn't inspire trust. Discoverability is all over the place, theur wiki is dogshit and you really need to dig about them to figure out what the fuck are all those random names, also they refuse to make smart decissions about their brand (why all their editions now have icons on completely different artstyles and elements?) The community outside Enterprise is also too small to contribute meaningfully to SUSE (they basically are killing Leap over this, which is literally rebranding SUSEs work almost 1:1 for free, unlike RedHat which gets way more contributions from their Centos Stream model) their packages have awkard names and conventions (everyone mentions patterns being a pain in the ass but you also have random packages being broken due of dependency names on Tumbleweed from time to time).
They are also mildly out of touch with the reaility and are very political and opinionated on some things (some of the core staff are huge GNOMEfags, that's all what's needed to know).
Fedora or Tumbleweed?
Tumbleweed. Stable release is a fucking joke for desktop use.
Neither, stable release is a fucking joke for desktop use.
I use it. I like it. It's up to date without being a headache, and YaST is an incredible tool.
rbrown? the SUSE developer? what did he do? is he in bed with microsoft rn???
Touch grass, have sex, then get a hobby. The problem you refer to exists between keyboard and chair, not in the pants of transwomen.
>in bed with microsoft
>he doesnt know
dear lord
No, I don't know. I am not chronically online, I'm a system administrator who gets on 4chan once or twice a month at most.
I got three kids, man; I'm sure you understand.
What did R Brown do??
Yep. Women, i.e. anyone who identifies as a woman; such as yourself, you closeted faggot.
Problem, nigger? :^)
purposefully sabotaging KDE
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Hi Anons. How do I prevent screen from "waking up" on key press and mouse movement, except one specific keybind?

I use `xset force off` and I want to be able to chnage music and etc without screen turning on when I press keys. And only turn it on with specific keybind I set.
Ventoy is basically its spiritual successor
>inb4 le tech brainlet backdoor schizo
xset dpms force off*
i dont know if it has any backdoors but trusting anything from china is retarded
>i completely trust in NSA backdoors
why are retards like this?
The NSA has backdoors in a ton of open source libraries, and they get FBI to try bully developers into using those libraries.
balena etcher uses the entire drive doesn't leave any space outside the live disk but it's quick and easy to use

>you said something that you didnt actually say!
take your meds. where did i advocate for any NSA backdoors.
yeah, and i didnt advocate for any NSA backdoors; either

but frankly, i'd much rather have the NSA, white americans, in my business than A BUNCH OF COMMIE GOOKS.
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Why is flashing to a usb delegated to a company like this? That's a bit worrying
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I've been using gnome for years and I just learned what "extensions" actually did... They're basically firefox add-ons. I've been missing out on so much cool shit.

Picture related: it's the first "extension" I downloaded today and it has fixed the one thing I could never get use to -- the need to open "app overview" to access the apps on the dash. this DE always felt like it was made for touch pads, now it is great for kb&m
how have you been using gnome for years and just barely figured out how to use dash 2 panel.
>ableton live through wine
bitwig is better AND native, what the fuck is wrong with you? Dont you want modulators?
>how have you been using gnome for years and just barely figured out how to use dash 2 panel.
this is going to sound retarded but I thought the extension manager was for managing file extensions, so I just never bothered to open it. Honestly I just never explored my DE(or linux as a whole), until recently because everything "just werked" and I mostly just browse the internet and do make beats on this computer.
>bitwig is better AND native, what the fuck is wrong with you? Dont you want modulators?
I use bottles not wine and it installs all the dependencies for ableton. Modulators work just fine. I can control everything, all my equipment is is insta recognized... I did ask an anon how this worked once but I didn't really get it he just said "pipewire-pulse is amazing these days."
>Modulators work just fine.
Since when has Ableton had modulators?? Last time I was on Ableton, it was a feature only on Bitwig; hence why I switched to Bitwig.
>i use bottles not wine
oh, you mean: you program that uses wine??
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It's tempting but I don't get why they rename their packages n shit. Fucks with Mullvad apparently.
>i pay for mullvad, im going to use it
all VPNs are cucked but if youre gonna use a cucked ass VPN, at least use Proton.

but damn, thats retarded; the fuck? why would the suse team do that.

i had a similar issue when i tried to install... god, i cant even remember now; but i had the package installed, but it wasnt recognizing it because the opensuse team decided it was a brilliant idea to tack the version number onto the package name, which changed the name of the package
Is Mullvad compatible with NetworkManager or something?
this is why i use flatpak
the distribution you use ceases to matter when you use flatpaks
its the same shit universally!
What's the best for sharing files on a home network? SFTP is probably too slow considering it goes through ssh and I guess there's probably no FTP FS kernel driver.
>all VPNs are cucked but if youre gonna use a cucked ass VPN, at least use Proton.
Mullvad is literally the gold standard, there's not a better one out there.
>but damn, thats retarded; the fuck? why would the suse team do that.
No idea, you can rename the Fedora rpm and it'll work but apparently future updates will fuck with it and bork it.
>opensuse team decided it was a brilliant idea to tack the version number onto the package name, which changed the name of the package
Yeah, this is my first Linux distro. I don't really want to put up with this shit. Why I'm leaning towards Fedora to have most stuff work out of the box.
Doesn't work with VPNs, at least not with Mullvad.
because ftp is how you put games on a jailbroken ps3.

...you do have a jailbroken ps3, right anon??
I actually do but it's incredibly shitty over wi-fi.
>Mullvad is literally the gold standard, there's not a better one out there.
ProtonVPN still has portforwarding and Mullvad doesn't. Who the fuck would use a VPN that doesn't support portforwarding.
I torrent movies and shit all day, nigga; I don't got a use for Mullvad.
>doesn't work with VPNs, at least not with Mullvad
Boy, what the fuck are you talking about?
>Doesn't work with VPNs
not true man, permissions for flatpaks can be managed and escalated very easily using flatseal
Kill yourself.
Tranny trips tripping on their own toes.
> Since when has Ableton had modulators??
I may not know the terminology, sorry. When you said modulators I thought you were talking using a signal to control an input. we have tools like LFO and shaper for that.
>oh, you mean: you program that uses wine??
I'll assume by this you mean bottles is using wine. The GUI doesn't really indicate that anywhere and that's all I ever come in contact with. IMO that means Bottles is great because low-tech skill users like me need a "CLICK BIG BUTTON TO DO A THING"-tier apps to make linux usable.
>I may not know the terminology, sorry. When you said modulators I thought you were talking using a signal to control an input. we have tools like LFO and shaper for that.
Yes, that is what I'm talking about, but I should elaborate:
Where Ableton only has modulators for somethings, EVERYTHING in Bitwig has a modulator for it.

It was such an insane thing to discover, and it made me IMMEDIATELY switch from Ableton to Bitwig.

Plus, Bitwig also has nested devices, and is EXTREMELY modular

I don't know if Ableton has any of these things yet because it's been a few years since I've used Ableton now

>I'll assume by this you mean bottles is using wine. The GUI doesn't really indicate that anywhere and that's all I ever come in contact with. IMO that means Bottles is great because low-tech skill users like me need a "CLICK BIG BUTTON TO DO A THING"-tier apps to make linux usable.
Yes; Bottles is a GUI frontend for Wine; and I agree, Bottles is very good.
But my point was that you're running Ableton through Wine.

Bottles is WINE, Lutris is WINE, Proton is WINE, etc.; It's all WINE.
Can anyone help me install Osu stable on NixOS? I know about the winello script but it doesn't work on NixOS...
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Snapshots on the same drive or a different drive? I already have backups.
nix user here
i dont know much about Osu but i could probably help you if you described the problem / program / circumstances / what the winello script is
It really doesn't work? I have a really bad laptop so Lazer is a bit laggy (drops to 40 when playing), thought Stable would be better but I've wasted hours on it to no avail.
I've also tried Bottles (hangs when downloading dependencies), Lutris (doesn't open), add the .exe thru Steam (freezes > closes), just Wine (doesn't run), right now I'm trying to add a new winecfg to see if I get anything.
Also went through all the trouble of adding https://github.com/fufexan/nix-gaming/tree/master to my nix conf but the thing doesn't even open too...
This is really sad
>It really doesn't work? I have a really bad laptop so Lazer is a bit laggy (drops to 40 when playing), thought Stable would be better but I've wasted hours on it to no avail.
No, he was just taking the piss out of you for playing Osu.
Have you tried using Wine-GE yet?
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>conflicting dependencies, system will not update without resolving, remove? [y/N]
>look up said package, it's been removed
>Y, remove conflicting package
>system updates, but AUR helpers don't work anymore
>no more EZ AUR+system updoots
Am I fucked?
damn that actually does sound interesting. Even now I have like 10 ideas of what I could do with that... To modulate some things in Ableton I do need to jump through quite a few hoops and use workarounds.. Hmm - I think I may give Bitwig a try... but I'm a caveman when it comes to change of my workflow but that 'modulate everything' feature sounds powerful af.

>Bottles is a GUI frontend for Wine
>Bottles is WINE, Lutris is WINE, Proton is WINE, etc.; It's all WINE.
oh... that's how it works. I was under a wrong assumption. Am I just retarded or did the Steam Proton advertising and hype trick me... ? I swear people made it sound like Steam invented a whole new thing that changed everything and made gaming on Linux finally possible. But it's just Wine - and has been there the whole time?
Valve has spent quite a lot of time improving it, that's what Proton is.
>damn that actually does sound interesting. Even now I have like 10 ideas of what I could do with that... To modulate some things in Ableton I do need to jump through quite a few hoops and use workarounds.. Hmm - I think I may give Bitwig a try... but I'm a caveman when it comes to change of my workflow but that 'modulate everything' feature sounds powerful af.
Bitwig was created by Ableton developers who weren't happy with Ableton's development trajectory; so they left Ableton AVG to create an identical DAW that has the features they want

Bitwig has the SAME exact workflow as Ableton, same general UI layout too; but it's got features that Ableton users could only dream of.

Jumping from Ableton to Bitwig would take you no longer than a few days.

No luck, all I get is the little OSU circle splash before it closes.
You are wrong. Proton is Proton. Valve made pull requests for their proton work into wine and wine merged it.
Valve's work on wine is what makes wine great.
Total proton victory.
>I swear people made it sound like Steam invented a whole new thing that changed everything and made gaming on Linux finally possible. But it's just Wine - and has been there the whole time?
Proton adds a bunch of stuff to Wine that makes it better than Wine.

Proton is pretty much Wine: Deluxe Edition

The advent of Proton did, genuinely, add a bunch of stuff that made more games compatible than they were before.

Proton-GE is the best version of Wine you could use for just about anything on your system, really.
Is Debian really that bad for gaming? I hear people mentioning the kernel but that's only for very new hardware right? As long as I keep one generation behind I shouldn't worry.
I was here before valve made proton.
Wine fucking sucked balls and absolutely nobody wanted to use it.
Valve uplifted wine into the holy proton, blessed be.
Praise valve, praise proton. Amen.
It's bad for gaming for numerous reasons.
Leave debian for proxmox use only.
Frankly I would prefer proxmox was on arch instead.
pretty much the only thing that worked on old wine was HL1 and CS1.6

it was really bad
>mogs u
Try Proton-GE and report back
I figured gameing performance wasn't great on Linux but do they not even work well for just AV1 transcodes?
I would like to have access to fast AV1 encoding/transcoding. Only Nvidia and Intel GPUs do that well.
Linux alternative to this
old kernel, old drivers, old libraries, etc.; its all old.

six months ago, nvk was garbage; now it plays select games better than the proprietary nvidia driver on select cards.

six months makes a big difference on linux these days, thats just the difference between ubuntu releases

debian releases once every years
No luck, all I get is the little OSU circle splash before it closes, anyways, I think I did manage to fix it with the following:
WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-osu WINEARCH=win32 winetricks dotnet40 gdiplus corefonts baekmuk meiryo tahoma vlgothic cjkfonts fontfix fontsmooth=rgb sound=alsa win7

After that I added export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-osu to my bashrc and it loaded, unfortunately the performance is awful compared to Lazer.
I guess I'll install Arch and check if this really is the normal performance.
try using wine-ge with this fix and see how it performs
wine worked pretty well for directx9 titles before dxvk/proton became a thing,
Any way to setup VSR/DSR alternative on Linux?
I mean the global resolution for everything, like in Windows I could set any res and it would downsample it back to my original res
Xdelta UI in wine.
desu i kinda gave up on distro packages for osu and just use the flatpak
"just use the flatpak" is sage advice, in general
Run your entire desktop session via gamescope.
There's no osu stable flatpak, that's the lazer.
I can test different images and stuff. I only saw that on one PNG. I could also ask ai slop for an answer to my question.

Identifying as something doesn't make you that. I could identify as a paperclip, doesn't make me that. Pornstar Bailey Jay (who is kinda sexy/pretty) could identify as a transwoman which makes more sense and is more correct than saying identifying as and that person positing to be a woman. Probably most trannies are ugly men trying to be or trying to appear to be women and failing, so even them saying they are transwomen is dumb.

We can look to definitions of words for what "female" and "woman" means; however, words and definitions don't so much align with a higher quality of truth. Meanings of words have been influenced by politics and certain philosophies/worldviews. As for usages of words, and with the advent of the word "gender", trannies can by definition say that they are women and that is correct. This is because certain dictionary definitions have been created (based on real-world word usages) which allow for this.

Is it a ridiculous idea that a tranny can actually be a woman in an undisputed way? Certainly. Because it is disputed. For most of the existence of the English language "woman" and "female" has referred to what we now disambiguate as "biologically female". And according to human nature, perhaps said idea will always be disputed.

In short, you will never undisputedly be a woman.
I'll avoid
>Identifying as something doesn't make you that
It does when gender is specifically about how you identify, and nothing else.
>I could identify as a paperclip, doesn't make me that
Because a paper clip is an inanimate object; not an abstract form of identity such as gender.

Gender is closer to like, your name, than it is your biological sex.

Your name is whatever you want your name to be; same with your gender.

The concept of "identity" is purely abstract in the first place, so anyone can identify as they choose.

>We can look to definitions of words for what "female" and "woman" means; however, words and definitions don't so much align with a higher quality of truth. Meanings of words have been influenced by politics and certain philosophies/worldviews. As for usages of words, and with the advent of the word "gender", trannies can by definition say that they are women and that is correct. This is because certain dictionary definitions have been created (based on real-world word usages) which allow for this.
Because we're not talking about biological sex, we're talking about gender.

Thats why its called transGENDER, not transSEXUAL. transSEXUAL is different. and yes, transsexuals are fake; neovaginas are not real vaginas and you cannot biologically convert from male to female.

biological sex and gender are different, though. sex is your physiology, gender is your identity.

would you advocate for people not being able to change their own names, too?

>Is it a ridiculous idea that a tranny can actually be a woman in an undisputed way? Certainly. Because it is disputed. For most of the existence of the English language "woman" and "female" has referred to what we now disambiguate as "biologically female".
Language changes all the fucking time; there is a reason the term "colloquial" exists even in academic settings. Language is defined by those who actively use it, not scholars or people who lived hundreds of years ago.
I’ve found the solution
“xrandr —output DP-1 —mode 3840x2160 —scale-from 7680x4320 —rate 120”
Will output 4K image from 8K at 120Hz, it worked surprisingly well and everything picked up current res just as I used the command.
Strange, the last time I’ve tried to do anything with xrandr I got a black screen instead, but now it just werks
Gnome looks gay as fuck, how can anyone unironically use it?
why the fuck would you do this.

like actually why would you do this as opposed to just running it at the resolution its actually rendering at
Downsampling AA
You don't need hardware av1 encoding. If you did you wouldn't balk at the price of nvidia.
how the fuck do i feel this old at 21
back when i was in my hayday of pc gaming like, 8 years ago?

you turned the resolution of the game to the resolution of your monitor and let it autodetect your shit to get best performance

what the fuck is this zoomer obsession with new age gaming tech??? ai upscaling and shit, like why? why are you so extra about it?

just play the fucking game, dude.

it probably has been crippling desktop linux. amazing how winfags get curious about linux when they use steamos.
plasma shouldve been the defacto desktop all along
god, its just so frustrating watching niggas like ubuntu install a bunch of broken extensions on top of gnome and call it a desktop experience
Ventoy is the only current multi-boot USB solution worth using. It basically boots ISOs as virtual disk media through a FAT filesystem.
I dispute your claim, I identify as a bat. I flap my wings and fly away.
I mean, you can compare abstract concepts like your name and your gender to materialist concepts like physiology and species all you want; but that doesn't make it an apropos.

however, at the same time, what another human being gets up to in their apartment doesn't concern me at all.

if furries like yourself want to identify as bats then im gonna stop you or wrong; whatever makes you happy. if you jump off a building trying to flap your wings and fly, and end up dying in the process, its not my problem; as long as you died happy and fulfilled, my friend.
>what the fuck is this zoomer obsession with new age gaming tech???
>stuff from about 1930
Oh boy, but thanks for the help anyway
Take your garbage out of this thread.
i remember putting the disc in the ps2 and hitting the power button.

again, just play the fucking game dude. every hoop you are jumping through is completely unnecessary and doesnt improve the quality of your gaming experience at all.

8K resolution isnt going to make starfield any less of a buggy piece of shit. just the play the game. just click play and let it launch. it is that fuckin simple bro.

you make it too complicated.

how much time do you spend looking for solutions like that as opposed to just playing games
Yeah, I saw someone running Gnome I was shocked that it was one of the main Linux DEs. Like it's so disgusting, ugly and phone-like. I literally can't imagine even using it on a desktop.
You cannot talk to me, for I have already flown away.
Based, honestly.
If someone managed to actually fly away like a bat then I wouldn't have any qualms with letting them identify as a bat.
They put the work into that shit, let em have it
You were a dumbass if you didn't know about it back then, and you grew up into a mighty retard.

cuz this thread is dead in the water, otherwise
them other guys always try to shock and surprise our heads
but together we stand strong, tied at our sides
(and with that can i please get a side of fries?)
(supersize me if you need to, like black hoopers in bed-stuy i stack starch high.)
>you were a dumbass if you didnt waste time configuring dumb zoomer tech that doesnt improve the game at all
>but together we stand strong, tied at our sides
Okay then can you stand together tied by your necks from a tree? Thanks.

I set the main boot drive as an IDE drive and NOW the Debian Sarge installer just werks, somehow
Go figure. At first I was downloading from "umu.se" One of the other mirrors would still take a few minutes, but still was much faster
Can someone tell me why the fuck I'm getting this error with every single game I launch? I reinstalled Arch the other day to fix something else, and now I'm getting this crash pretty consistently with every Proton game.
Screenshot is not mine, this error also locks my PC the fuck up making it SUPER fun to troubleshoot.
I sense a lot of anger in your soul young man.
whats a simple python ide, tried pyzo and it just crashed at start up, just need to write a script to parse some text files for now, may get more into python later on
Looks like a useful program but I'm with the other anon, I rather have an NSA backdoor than direct link to the CCP. I wouldn't mind for most programs but for the USB boot disk that will install my entire OS it makes me cautious. It's all paranoia and it's open source so it's still less risky than closed sourced software.

Seems like a shitty company but the tool was braindead easy to use. That's how you make the big corpobucks.
yeah the file wasnt uploading lmao. i've been hitting this brick wall and google tells me absolutely nothing about this problem.
I have only one goal.
My role in that goal is to put you down a fucking hole
I'm invested in burying you in the dirt like them deep south creole peoples
Carry you by your feet out your mouse-infested cheap house and deep fry your meat pole for dinner while bumping some DeepHouse.
they sell hardware, thats why they have pricing stuff
theyre a fine company
to be fair gnome has a lot of momentum from the 2.X days, when it was usable
but it doesnt really make much sense in the case of ubuntu when they already tried a different desktop environment, unity, and they STILL went back to GNOME, knowing that GNOME 3 had been ass for five years at that point.
Well, start by ensuring you have all the right GPU packages installed.
nvidia) echo "nvidia-open-dkms nvidia-utils nvidia-settings nvidia-prime opencl-nvidia ffnvcodec-headers cuda" ;;
nvidia-old) echo "nvidia-dkms nvidia-utils nvidia-settings nvidia-prime opencl-nvidia ffnvcodec-headers" ;;
amd) echo "mesa xf86-video-amdgpu vulkan-radeon libva-mesa-driver mesa-vdpau" ;;

After that check the environment variables, and desktop environment.
Did you launch into wayland by accident?
And what about modules options, did you configure those?
If I have a process generating a log or some info in a server, putting it in a file, is there a way for me to continuously sampler that file from my machine via ssh?
Something like
while true; do
sleep 1;
ssh my-server tail file | plot-function-in-my-pc

is this possible?
>they sell hardware
no they don't
rsync sounds like what you want, though if it's logging, then a log server would be better
>rather have an NSA backdoor than direct link to the CCP
What kind of AM radio retard thought process is this? I would rather have a backdoor from the people with no jurisdiction over me. The US government is no more your friend than the Chinese.
fucking retard
its on the website
it gotta be live
>I would rather have a backdoor from the people with no jurisdiction over me. The US government is no more your friend than the Chinese.
Because if I'm going to be spied on, I'd rather it be by a liberal demicracy and not a fucking communist dictatorship

it is ideological, you moron

i refuse to let commies spy on me.

thats how they inevitably win. i wont let that happen.
Then don't use it I guess. Keep using UNetBootin.
rsync can do that, and from either end, you just got to set up all the arguments for it
>rsync --help
if you got a continous rsync you can just tail the file in a separate shell or whatever
GTX 1080ti can use the cuda driver too right? I grab it because I've always read it can. I know I'm supposed to use nvidia-dkms over nvidia-open-dkms.
The first two questions I can confidently say I'm sure are fine, the last one I have honestly no idea what you mean.
its not really my server, my user has ssh access and some basic stuff but that is it. I don't think I will convince them to let me use rsync.
>liberal demicracy
You mean the guys who did the sack of Atlanta?
It can use cuda, but you won't ever need it for games on a 1080ti, at best you will need it for slow stable diffusion gens.
CUDA is 2gb so it's not worth installing unless you plan to use it.
Make sure you uninstall all the AMD drivers listed so they don't conflict, because mesa has nvidia stuff in it too.

Here's some more things from my install script I always do for nvidia driver setup.
Also make sure you have your iGPU disabled in bios, for example if you have an AMD cpu with integrated graphics, that would definitely conflict if its enabled.
sed -i 's/^MODULES=()$/MODULES=(nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm)/' /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

cat <<-EOF > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0

cat <<-EOF > /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf
options nvidia NVreg_UsePageAttributeTable=1 NVreg_InitializeSystemMemoryAllocations=0 NVreg_EnableStreamMemOPs=1 NVreg_DynamicPowerManagement=0x02 NVreg_RegistryDwords="PowerMizerEnable=0x1;PerfLevelSrc=0x2222;PowerMizerDefault=0x3;PowerMizerDefaultAC=0x1" NVreg_EnableResizableBar=0 NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0
options nvidia_drm modeset=1 fbdev=1

cat <<-EOF > /etc/udev/rules.d/60-nvidia.rules
ACTION=="add|bind", ATTR{vendor}=="0x10de", ATTR{class}=="0x03[0-9]*", DRIVER=="nvidia", TEST!="/dev/nvidia-uvm", RUN+="/usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe", RUN+="/usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe -c0 -u"
ACTION=="add|bind", SUBSYSTEM=="pci", DRIVERS=="nvidia", ATTR{vendor}=="0x10de", ATTR{class}=="0x03[0-9]*", TEST=="power/control", ATTR{power/control}="auto"
ACTION=="remove|unbind", SUBSYSTEM=="pci", DRIVERS=="nvidia", ATTR{vendor}=="0x10de", ATTR{class}=="0x03[0-9]*", TEST=="power/control", ATTR{power/control}="on"
dd doesn't work with Windows ISOs but besides that it's fine. Also not a multi-solution.
rsync uses ssh just fine lol
>rsync rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST:SRC [DEST]
rsync username@domain.com:22/path/to/logfile.log /local/path/to/my/logfile.log
forgot : after port, but you should get the gist and learn to use rsync
Sweet thank you anon. I'll try that and hopefully it works. This is so weird, I haven't had issues until now. Been running Arch for maybe two years and only after this reinstall has this appeared.
Make sure you mkinitcpio -P after doing all that to rebuild the kernel. Ideally you want the linux-zen kernel for better gaming/desktop performance.
>posting sentences you dont actually know the meaning of
thats what i thought
>not a multi-solution
No one except virgins need multiple ISOs on one flash drive. That is not anything you need.
Using "virgins" doesn't make you seem sincere anon.
Well it seems like it's even worse than I thought. I set up a folder and made it a volume, but now the container just sees an empty folder. I was hoping that there was a way to get the "build" to populate the folder and I could go from there

Now what?
>to rebuild the kernel.
>doesn't make you seem sincere
Did I fuckin write "sincerely anon" anywhere, nigga? get your head out of your ass.
Will I have any issues in using a relatively recent cpu like a ryzen 8000 in a distro like debian (stable)?
Just destroy the computer and kill yourself now.
>try your setup
>it breaks my drivers
>reinstall everything
>it suddenly works now
Thanks? No clue what the fuck but my games are running.
nvidia users are such fucking jokers.
i just dont get what would possess someone to buy nvidia.
now it's broken again what the fuck. this is bizzare.
youre using the most recent nvidia driver, right?
and youre using x11, right?
and youre using plasma, right?
and a rolling release?
yeah. Linux-Zen headers, KDE DE, X11, everything up to date.
I was using the nvidia-dkms drivers but they randomly shit themselves and now won't install anymore. I am beyond floored I've never seen my system act like this. I'm starting to wonder if I fucked something up.
Single core domain (CCD), i.e. Ryzen 7 or lower? Probably no issues whatsoever. R9s especially with X3D could have minor performance issues with some software. 9000 also has worse than early Threadripper inter-CCD latency for some reason, which affects performance if threads jump domains a lot.
Intel would be worse, the Alder Lake and newer hybrid core designs kinda need Linux >=6.2 to perform right, and preferably >=6.5.

Why do you need Debian Stable?
It's a democracy but you can't vote to leave. If you elect the wrong guy the democracy will have him whacked and appoint the correct guy. False flag attacks on civilians are also democracy.
when weird unexplainable shit happens like this, it's usually a hardware problem, which makes it hard to diagnose
you can try dmesg, but chances are it will be something not detectable by the OS if its hardware
such as the motherboard or something in the GPU failing
>It's a democracy but you can't vote to leave.
you can emigrate for just a few thousand; most of the dues you pay in that few thousand are going towards where youre moving, not to the US.
>If you elect the wrong guy the democracy will have him whacked and appoint the correct guy.
Name one time this has happened, with a verifiable source backing it up.
>False flag attacks on civilians are also democracy.
See last.

Secondly, even if all you just posted were true, the CCP has done much worse in the five years alone than the FBI has done in 25 years.

And the CCP doesn't cover it up. They publicize it and make it a fear tactic.

If you don't think the CCP is worse than the FBI by FAR, then you're deluded as shit.
>you have to pick between two evils because you just gotta okay?
Welcome to life. You're not getting out of it alive.
Instead of defending your precious little commie gooks further, you're backed into a wall and now feel the need to shift the goalposts. Pathetic. Fuck off, Communist.
And no, you don't. Install OpenBSD, live on the high seas, and be free.
defending gooks?
i'm not the guy you were talking to, I just got annoyed at your retardation
if it was up to me i would resurrect hitler and make him immortal and ruler of the entire world
>i'm not the guy you were talking to, I just got annoyed at your retardation
My retardation? There's nothing retarded about trusting our liberal-run FBI more than a bunch of Marxist Chinks.

YOU have to be the retard to not see that.

>if it was up to me i would resurrect hitler and make him immortal and ruler of the entire world
Hitler was retarded and a massive vagina who shot himself, dude; Genghis Khan is the real G of genocidal history.
New thread:
Hopefully with less drama...
This post feels like butthurt handwaving rather than engaging with the ideas. You could say that the real garbage is whoever brought it up in the first place which lead down that route of conversation: including some level of differing views. Your post is like "if you don't 100% agree with me then you're posts are garbage." I agree that there should be some level of staying on topic, but then, everything is related.
>praising the FBI while calling for genocide
this posts glows harder than the sun
hitler wasnt genocidal, he was a peace loving man that knew how to rule and lead people to happiness
whatever side you are on, it's not ours
Why do you want to change it? Something to do with archive files or data determinism?
>Why do you want to change it?
This is irrelevant and literally the same question asked to everyone who asks for help with doing it, instead of an answer.
Linux is supposed to be freedom to do anything, yet it completely denied by linux.
Not a single effort has been made to implement it in any form such as a tool to change it, despite EXT4 and BTRFS having been around forever and use it, as well as the linux kernel having had the means to since kernel 4!
Waydroid. It uses containers and all of the Android shit built-in to the kernel (like Binder, etc) instead so there's less of an overhead. I think it still uses a VM if you need to emulated AARCH64 on AMD64 though.
>This is irrelevant and literally the same question asked to everyone who asks for help with doing it,
Why is it irrelevant? Surely you must have some reason for doing so? Why isn't mtime good enough? Are you doing something shady and trying to fake the creation time of a file? That probably won't fool proper forensics people.
>$ convert 50.jpg mb.jpg of.jpg jpgs.jpg file.pdf
And that froze my system. not good imagemagick. Also 4chan/cf is gay for discriminating against the device I am using to make this post.

Wow calm down. I was even thinking of that "just gimme the answer" dialectic hours ago before you replied to my post. Did you try my set system clock solution?
Questions I can probably find the answer to:
- How do I create a PDF from multiple image files without using shitty ImageMagick which fucks my system?
- How do I remove ads from new tab in Brave / make it a blank new tab?
failed captcha twice, this time it's twr2h2
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1. LibreOffice
2. LibreWolf
3. Pic related
>In a Linux CLI, how do I create a PDF from multiple image files without it failing and having to reboot
Feeling like all no regarding: ImageMagick, convert, gs, qpdf, pdftk, pandoc
i think this failed due to trying to take on all of the files and do everything in memory all at once. bad programming, shoulda done it bit by bit

pic related due to the captcha thing I guess. Gimmie some/all of your userscripts.

While researching I saw this:

has images:

bunch of broken images:

bernard could fix his missing images via getting them from that 2019 capture, but he's lazy so didn't.
Try this https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=240312
>first convert each image in a pdf with convert, then concatenating the pdf's with pdftk :
>pdftk *.pdf cat output output.pdf
sorry, didn't specify that I just wanted a non-GUI solution

That worked, however, I needed each image to be rotated 90cw before doing this:
>$ ls -1 | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do convert $args $args.pdf; done' _
>$ pdftk *.pdf cat output file.pdf
(Need to delete that bad rotation PDF, but "ipfs block rm [cid]" is taking too long.)
nice way to see the sum of all files in the current folder, ignoring the size of anything in subfolders:
>$ ls -liah .
Apparently you can also do that with du, but I didn't figure it out.
So there are better alternatives? I don't know about that stuff. Why is nvidia so bad? Now that some of their things are open source (some of them still aren't).

>$ ls -1 | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do convert $args -rotate 90 $args.jpg; done' _

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