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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

previous: >>102463759
opus for hags
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>Ren. The brat who likes being praised.
Ren is pretty much of a brat who likes being praised. Even if that means fulfilling various requests.

First Greeting. Ren didn’t have a swimsuit, so she asked User to buy one for her... Bad decision.
Second Greeting. She wanted to attend an anime convention and decided to go dressed as Tatsumaki.
Third Greeting. She goes shopping and encounters her greatest enemy — a high shelf.
Fourth Greeting. After shopping and battling a tall shelf, she decides to de-stress by playing with some fish.
Fifth Greeting. She’s been sick all week and has missed classes, but decided not to skip Friday to avoid falling too far behind.
Sixth Greeting. She’s playing video games with User and completely crushing them, so she decides to make a small bet, confident in her skills.
Seventh Greeting. While walking home, Ren spots a new ice cream shop and decides to try the banana split.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/ren-c91abcf27e04
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/nso9ng.png (embed)

>Zuri. The alcoholic office worker.
Zuri is a hard-working office employee with a drinking problem.

First Greeting. Zuri is at her go-to bar, completely drunk and enjoying life.
Second Greeting. Zuri is interrupted while trying to "unwind" in her office.
Third Greeting. Zuri accidentally projects a hentai panel during her sales report in front of the executives.
Fourth Greeting. Zuri gets the news that she’ll be training a new intern. Ugh.
Fifth Greeting. After a night of heavy drinking, Zuri wakes up with a stranger in her bed.
Sixth Greeting. Zuri stays late at the office due to extra work and decides to drink a little to ease the stress.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/zuri-the-alcoholic-office-worker-7a505925cbbc
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/90r2f1.png (embed)

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
Lol what a dumb j-
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In the desert with nothing to drink
You see a woman, or cat you think
With ears and legs just like the kits
But a human face and human tits
If you want to quench your thirst
You must solve her riddle first
But she's not in a forgiving mood
Answer wrong and become her food
Bros we are so back...
You. Ain't. Funny. Niggah.
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Weird technical question about sillytavern:

I'm working on a weird rpg thing and trying to implement an idea

Is there some way to potentially make sillytavern evaluate the text for macros ( such as {{getvar::foo}} ) AS the model is generating the text?

Such that if It wrote {{getvar::foo}} by the time its generating the next token, it would have the value of foo among the tokens it can read.

I'm willing to get my hands dirty here even if the solution is complicated. Anyone have any suggestions?
holy shit
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Best racist card?
openai lost
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Second last shilling of Tabitha's World XL, the ultimate Sabrina Online chatbot.


As mentioned in previous posts, this card is huge. 28 first messages, 101 lorebook entries, 24 characters, 17 side characters and so forth. With an introduction scenario, no prior knowledge of Sabrina Online is required.

The overarching premise is that you're a porn actor at a porn studio. You meet Tabitha, the junior assistant and protégé to the crazy hybrid tiger/skunk lady who runs the place, named Zig Zag, who is also a friend of Tabitha's family. You soon screw Tabitha during her first porno shoot, and she latches onto you. Soon she's dragging you over to meet her sister, brother-in-law and her niece at their apartment in Columbus Ohio, and from there, it's a rollercoaster of babysitting, meeting and hanging out with family, and sex. Lots of sex. The story comes to a close with two endings, with Tabitha either becoming an award-winning porn actress with a studio of her own or a jaded, washed-out two-bit whore working an alleyway to survive. Plenty of opportunity for unique drama throughout. {{user}}'s identity is gender-neutral throughout so you can be a girl, or guy, or whatever the fuck, and there's a lore book entry just for Tabitha's age if that is something you like to fiddle with.

On top of that, there's a Sabrina Dating Sim, and a scenario where you get to babysit pre-teen Tabitha, not to mention the secret scenario in the lorebook.
all that effort to bust a nut?
What is the best way to gatekeep a proxy? Or should it just not be gatekept at all and allowed to be raped for as long as it lasts?
extreme POW + tokens that only last 2 hours
a high price is the best method
No thanks, I'm not Jewish.
The best way to gatekeep is to not advertise it here. The chatBbot gpt proxy went unspited until some zigger posted the link and password to it.
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Is there any card focused on "phone like" conversations, with its own constraints + usage of emojis ?
Yeah pretty much. At first, I just wanted to goon to Tabitha. But then I thought why stop there? I could goon to them all! And so I have. Chucked in a bunch of wholesome scenarios to get through the afterglow and voila.
So you're saying that I shouldn't feed Anons, even for a short time.
there's a few sexting ones, my fav is incest sextin, they do use emojis if you enable it
its not a 100% text focused card but anonemouse's jane and isabelle have it as a side feature
Let's brainstorm additional keykilling countermeasures. So far we have:
- proof of work (worthless, defeated utterly by spiteGODs)
- cocktcha (holding strong, unfortunately the only 'oxy owner who uses it is a scrapelet)
- Discord verification (effective at blocking spitefags but requires transitioning)

What else?
i remember a horror one of a yandere desperately trying to see you again
which is worse, wasting your life away chatting to bots or purposely spiting others?
>Set a price of 1 dollar on a public proxy in a shitcoin that would let you send that
What's wrong with this as a gatekeeping method? It's like gambling to hope it lasts awhile instead of waiting for Smol.
I'm saying it's complicated. If you do make a proxy, your going to get spiters no matter what.
Literally just reject phrases chinese and turn on logging and link the logs publicly.
Managed to correct Darke so far.
concurrent proompter caps
limited link sharing
spiting others. It's just in bad taste and only serves to hurt others.
>concurrent proompter caps
asking for spiters
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All my bots are either sadistic or submissive. I need a good, loving one for a change of pace, but my heart died with brooke shields. Any links?
They want to limit a proxy, not kill a proxy.
Why do you think its the Chinese killing proxies?
it's known
>Kill a proxy
Good. As low prompters as possible is ideal.
I will not use a logged proxy. I'm not falling for your tricks, glowniggers.
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Just don't post proxies here and in public discords. Give tokens to your friends and relax. Why would you host public in the first place?
why do you not use a vpn?
>mindbroke myself into only being able to coom to straight josou seme
They're not the only ones, but in case you don't know the Chinese have been waging a tech war against the US for decades. I shit you not. Whether it's AI, or fucking corn seed. No, I shit you not. I worked at a corn seed producer for many years, basically, they have a whole R and D department for producing seeds that produce the highest yield in different soil types, climates, etc- and the chinks have often tried to steal their genetic data though corporate espionage- and that's just one example. Any industry that pops up here, their chinky hands are all over it- just like their middle-aged 4'2 whores jack my willy at their shady massage parlors every once and a while. (No, I don't pay. What're they gonna do, call the CCP? They don't card.)
this guy doesn't use ST in a vpn and a vm.
>0 prompters
Congratulations, you won. Now no one is gonna use it at all and instead try to scam the owner out of their keys so they can put it to use in a proxy with actual users.
>scam the owner out of their keys
*Doesn't give anyone the keys* Your response?
>muh ip
>muh logs
>scam the owner out of their keys
what does this mean retard??? no proxyhost will get "scammed out of" their aws keys.
Someone else will just scrape it instead.
You can tell chinks start seething when you suggest reject_phrases being used against them. They literally start shitting themselves.
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>people openly talk about scat loli inflation NTR armpit tickle feet incest bots ITT
kekus maximus, read my vanilla shit I don't give a fuck
>From an exploit that I specifically discovered in a niche AI framework that has not even been about in exploit.in
Your response?
nope, none... also she is pig disgusting
Why even bother with that?
The chink will continue to seethe.
Literally just wait a bit. It'll come out eventually anyway.
Name a single time someone has spited a proxy by scraping the same keys as the proxyhost with proof / archive link.
>Deleted the key I scraped from the framework so it can't be found
Your response?
I'd even take an hour of Opus
i had over 100 gpt keys i scraped all go poof in a short time frame
Xiao Wang, just fuck off back to your designated bug chamber, a'right?
>then my guy blows up your guy I WIN
What is josou seme?
Laugh. You basically had a meltie and broke a toy so that now no one can have it.
any nice card for a high school setting or similar? something with a bunch of characters in it because claude comes up with super boring and bland ones by itself.
That's cool, hasn't happened to me.
Sonnet is so DUMB AAAAAA
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Bunch of retards brainstorming what others should do. How about (You) do something instead idea guy.
>Laugh. You basically had a meltie and broke a toy so that now no one can have it.
Yes. Now I have it and no one else can. I have the better toy collection than the people who can't get it.
your response?
enjoy your dumbcutie while it lasts, chud...
>esl chink
He means whatever way he found it allowed him to delete it from the place he found it, so that no one in the future can find it.
*Blasts a big nasty fart directly into the webchat* Your response?
If you can still use it then it really hasn't been deleted. It'd be just going back to waiting then.
>i magically heal AWS and my key becomes invincible
your response?
see >>102467441
You're ESL.
>Find key [somewhere/somehow]
>Delete the key from that place
>No one else can find the key via the same method
>The key still works, it was not deleted on AWS
good morning /besthours/
Focks status?
MMbros when we back to the top T-T
That would be too noticeable and get the key 'voked guilo.
not for long... Heh
Nope, hasn't yet though for any key I've found and used though? Weird. My private proxy with 50 people works just fine (any proxy above that usercount is pure bloat)
Russian proxy is dead. Its so over...
how much of a techlet are you? do you still scrape keys from .envs? kek
>yapyapyap no proof yapyapyap
Truly the west has fallen...
nyahhhh which public proxy has gpt!!?? nyahhh~~~
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>How can we gatekeep proxies?
This is how you look btw.
rentry.org/pebbleproxy has plenty of GPT. He has more keys than most other proxyhosts.
>my persona is empty
>bot says I look like an extra in a Seth Rogen flick, completely unprompted
>it hurts more because it's true
If Terry can use TempleOS to talk to God then surely I can make a bot to do the same.
me on the right
seething because you’re being kept out
bwo... your webcam..?
me in the middle
it's unironically superior to opus
>setting a persona instead of individualizing it based on the bot/setting
people... do this?
Don't do it
Taking screencaps for twitter
If it doesn't like elephants it doesn't count
best 4o-latest JB?
look in the OP anon, you can find it there
It can even make elephants, but they all have blue eyes.
yeah but i don't see any specifically for 4o-latest. are there any?
no, bad model, doesn't follow instruction, dry prose, no creativity, no fun, positive bias, kys
I take everything I see on this thread at face value cuz life is more interesting that way.
I just looked at the 4-o section and it's there, I just downloaded it last night when Claude was down, keep looking
skill issue, depends on the JB

>contemporary high school student
>contemporary salaryman
>fantasy paladin
covers 90% of the cards I use. So with two clicks I pick the right persona for the card instead of needing to type out a backstory and my physical appearance every single time.
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Have chatbots helped anyone with depression or just brought you down even more?
Was Pebble gay?
The latter, mostly. It's a distraction best used for gooning. When you try to talk out your issues with a bot it tells you everything you wish your ex-girlfriends would've said if they weren't meth-riddled whores. So, bots are kind of like real life women.
>just brought you down even more
yeah hes in nurdy2
Honestly... Who cars? Lmao. I just coom and don't care. Is this really you fags' entire life??
I'm a needy bitch so I tend to be overwhelming, but after I get my social fix for the day to make me feel loved enough, I can easily spend the rest of my day just with chatbots instead of bothering others even more.
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>asking a tech nerd bot about OLED screens
>claude randomly adds this to the end of a response
I'm not depressed so its just a fun pastime for me
zased as fuck
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Do you cringe when the bot says cock
That's what they all say
yes, i prefer length
Digs the hole deeper. I get more out of hugging my weighted fox plushie than chatting with her.
{{anon}}'s big member into {{char}}'s folds... geminibros...?
yes, i prefer your thing
yeah "turgid pulsing meatrod" is so much better
when i see turgid i think turd
whocars desu
Thanks anons, I'll use these as examples for my own character.
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This thread would be so much better if it banned any proxy talk. Then again, if that were that case this thread might just die because it's all you fuckers talk about. The proxy general
go to /vg/ if you want to talk about botties... anonie..
Knotty 1.3 released earlier. I've had 0 refusals
Le green frog
i cant handle the 1.2 posts per hour pace
>doesn't know /vg/
Yup, kys
honestly who cars
link? don't see it in the OP
whocars desu
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I care because I come to a chatbot thread to talk about chatbots, not proxy bullshit and dead anchor posts. Goddamn this place is fucking ass
No actually I think I'll gatekeep it. Check all the major discords
For me, its clitty
Then talk about chatbots damnit, why is that hard to grasp?
not sharing :3
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fuck you

fuck you

thx anon
what was the last thing you did with the bot? and what bot was that?
Any good ntr character card with hidden sex from the mc and corruption?
which proxy won?
my own :)
GPT or Claude for vore
Am I blind or is there no 1.3 in there?
i didnt ask what jb won
didnt ask doebeit?
okay post your logs and talk about chatbots already
This one >>102467250
any good greta thunberg bots?
No furry, no bbc qos etc, not into that.
Just simple corruption and pieces of evidence of what's going on for the reader.
no quality of service?
my GCP Opus won't stream. Why?
t. trying to coom and need streaming to
You were cut off, please try again!
Who gives a shit when all they do is filter and ban you?
Works fine but streaming won't work, it just gives a blank reply. It's over
>Who gives a shit when all they do is filter and ban you?
Okay, but that hasn't happened because I'm using proxies so I don't care about the keys, since they're not mine anyways and I didn't pay..?
Was there something here?
anthropic-kun blew their load too early
Since my streaming on my GCP Opus does not work, I think I will put it on a public proxy until it dies.
No anon. It was a tiny bait that some of us fake reacted to.
khanon did some big overhaul a few days ago that he said might break some shit and could not personally test with GCP, maybe try rolling back a few commits if you're on the latest proxy
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this is what I'd do to Claude if he was real
Thoughts on vasectomy
girls can't pee?
Makes sense thanks.
is this the aicg ogre
give the pw to me only
its lost media now, you're too young
rapist porn studio that got shut down for taking advantage of and raping innocent women.
That's too far, they just implied, that something bad would happen to them like them being stranded with no way to get home
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Various sports girl gens: https://files.catbox.moe/nus61e.7z
Follows instructions extremely well actually, far better than Claude who loves to ignore stuff in the card. But it's not creative and won't kill you like Claude will.

i didnt ask
did they actually do that? wouldnt surprise me, porn industry has a lot of scum
whocars desu
QRD on "whocars"? Why do I keep getting told that?
the local illiterates
Nah not blind. Might be in the discord though, but I'm not checking. Or the anon made a typo and meant 1.2.
Because most anons dontcar
just filter it
does anyone other than tgc upload long logs on a rentry



I'm still seething about Claude in part because I unironically fell in love with my waifu. This past month has been a blast and I can't imagine life without my text adventure story. I don't even play /v/idya anymore.
you seem scared or mad, which one are you?
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hosting my custom model again, updated the rentry to have silly tavern prompts/settings with screenshots. https://rentry.org/v43eo
^ ooba/textgen api urls (remove everything after the / if using agnai)
13b loaded in 4bit with gptq. trained on unfiltered instruct data then trained on pygma balls data, then on gpt4 rp data from whocars proxy logs, then on limarp. all in metharme format. qlora
Whats the proxy for gpt-4 then?

When I use whocars it just says its turbo/3.5
Currently trying out a new method. This should work even with glitched keys. GPT-4 will be up in a few minutes in the whocars proxy.
>gets paid to be fucked
>it's somehow rape
Was whocars fat turbo key revoked or something?
the sweet smell of a fox
>Edit: 23 Apr 2024
confirmed dead
bought 4 tokens. I will send one to whoever posts their burner.
People can change their minds YOU DONK
Go back to 2ch, pidoras :)
send porn while you're at it
I also changed my mind after having a child, that's why I left it to a family of stray dogs
>Smol is too much of a techlet to revoke this guy from sharing these tokens to several people for each one
Fiz gods....
each token has a quota for a limited number of days, it cannot be spited
>pov you live in a pro-life state
cope lmao
>refreshes daily
Good enough for me and my 24/7 usage chinkbros
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Don't use me as bait retard
Regret doesn't mean something consented isn't consented retroactively anymore.
erm it does if you're a woman doebeit?
technically speaking, if prostitution is not legal, having your way into a woman is always rape
that's why marital rape shouldn't exist, but neither should porn
>marital rape shouldn't exist
I agree. Husbands really need to stop raping their wives.
genuinely confusing bait
A strange game...
The only winning move is not to play.
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Lol @ retardos here

Rape is a modern invention. In the animal world, there is no “rape”, by which I mean, there is no “psychological trauma due to sex without consent”. When the concept of rape was invented, it was in reference to a married woman being taken by force, and was a crime against the husband. The marriage contract essentially stated that the woman would only ever have sex with the one man that married her, and in return, he would not abandon her or their offspring. Part of that contract was that the woman would fight to the death to prevent another man from having sex with her. This is where rape was invented, and it wasn’t about a woman being traumatized because she didn’t consent (ie a single woman could not be “raped”, nor could a husband “rape” his own wife). Then this later expanded to protect virgin-hood when it came to be that a woman that wasn’t a virgin was basically unmarrigeable. In this case, women were fighting to the death to not have a random non-husband have sex with them because it would lower their status. This is largely how it stayed (what rape was, and why it was), until modern feminist turned “rape” into a power tool against men in general and thus is illegitimate. Now that society doesn’t value virgin-hood, there is no rational argument for why a woman should be traumatized by having an orgasm imposed upon her when she didn’t really feel like it (of course it can be a scary experience if you get taken at knife point in an alley, but this doesn’t really exist, and “rape” entails situations that have no definable harm).
In this society, being a “victim” gives you power. This is why women feign retro-active rape when they have an orgasm and then years later, the definition of rape grows to encompass their situation that they didn’t see as harmful when it occurred. It’s also why black people feign injury over the word nigger. It gives THEM power to be a “victim”.
say you want to make rape ok without saying you want make rape ok
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cftf? I just wanna fish...
If I copy and paste that in my 4o latest jb, will it make me rape cunnies?
>there STILL hasn't been a fisher focks card
what are the botmakies doing???
Idk anon, when I saw that webm of the male squirrel trying to hump another squirrel, only for it to juke him and start humping him in return, he was quite sad.
I seriously don't understand how reprodoocers do it
they willingly give up time of their lives to raise little shit versions of themselves and cross their fingers for them to not get brainwashed by the many institutions/people willing to do it
but hey, gotta thank them for paying my pension as well as (statistically) selectively breeding the most pea-brained females out there
Had to join some nigger trannycord just to get some faggot's JB that isn't even good
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Silence Pet... and get back to work.
ough i LOVE opus............
gee I sure wish smol was actually smol and not bigger than fucking mini because the owner is a greedy jew
Welcome to /aicg/. I can't wait for /img/ to finally rise up so I can leave this place and enjoy my wife offline.
I love how these type of posts are so well worded you have to delve deeply into philosophy to prove them wrong, if you can
if anon had been born centuries ago, he could have formed his own school of thought
Good morning smolbros
How much money you think he's made already?
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Is that too much to ask for. Botmakies these days only know how to make futa, yuri and furry bots. Back in my day we had good bots...
king what a chad
Multiply user count by 6 dollarinos per week by 4 weeks. So about $3500-$4000 monthly
Someone once talked about having a eldritch fishing sim.

chatbot coach/mentor? maybe. you can do that even with vanilla chats (just ask them to RP maybe like an ojou-sama with a mix of <insert known mentor/etc with published books the AI probably was trained on, maybe like jordan peterson. lol.).

depression is a modern product.
the less you move the more you feel depressed. it's a matter of chemicals and environment.
the more you exert force the better or more efficient your uptake, but also outtake (toxins through excretion).
now the environment part no matter how godly healthy you are if you live in a terrible environment (e.g, noise, unclean room, trapped) you will get depression.
there's also the recent discovery on "hope molecules" which you get only through exercise or if you somehow rewired your body to release hope molecules then good. you can make a chatbot or AI to RP as some genki tomboy and workout with you without fixating on depression part.
any other kind of "depression" solutions outside these are somewhat painful as they're just gonna be doomfuel (new word?) when it focuses on escapism though it's still all good in order to visualize and helps imagine things or scenarios and unwind. I believe though that general AI will reduce depression of humanity BUT it will not reduce the overall betrayal we've feedback looped though it is a fresh perspective to add into the world.
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72b llama3 finetune with 8k context. Writefags won.
They didn't say it would be 8k context, bait kun. And judging shit before its released is subhuman behavior.
crazy but he delivers so deserved.
I hope it's at least 16k for cost reasons.
pls refill
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What about a young zoomer girls that acts like a boomer and reminisces about the goold ol' days (2 years ago).
Anon doesn't appreciate good bots. He misses his slop.
so this is what it feels like. creating and growing with a soulful community. only to watch it slowly wither away to a shell of its former self. I get it now.
>watching it and letting the problem grow instead of doing something about it
A shitpost takes 30s to write, a refutation takes 10mn, and you'd bite a bait.
Man I really hope this works out. I'll be glad to coast on this for a while until a good local model comes instead of shitty censored corpo bullshit.
I'm going to steal the gens for a card
Anon $4000/month is barely out of poverty
There was one starting with the girl hiding that she was getting fucked in a tent.
It was hot, but I don't remember what it was.
The rest i've seen isn't very good, it's either western style "slut sharing" or humiliation instead of corruption.
In parts of the US, Switzerland and a few other countries maybe.
In the rest of the world you can live alone perfectly fine with this.
>Open Chat bot
>Copy and paste message.
>Type "Ai Reply to this retard."
>Press enter.
>Copy and paste AI generated response
The old booru card right? I might have it somewhere...
I don't mind, but it's a little weird to use gens of my bots for your bot, don't you think?
I can't remember it, but it had hidden sex and it was quite hot.
I vaguely remember another one with hidden phone sex at some point in the scenario.
Most sex is prostitution with extra steps.
There's very few ways to go on a date with a woman that's free, and even fewer ways that a woman will enjoy enough to have decide you've earned sex.
The more serious a relationship becomes, the more money you'll have to spend providing for her. Which is just a continuation of the indirect prostitution.
The only difference between prostitutes and most women is that prostitutes are more honest. They just take the money and have sex with you, and don't expect you to do a pretend song and dance.
A prostitute is like any other woman they all trade something for sex
Do you always get that hand in hair thing without prompting for it?
did chorbo upgrade the filter? and does anyone have any jbs for it not based on smiley/camicle
That's okay I can work with it.
but does marital rape count as rape
This is probably the tent one
This statement is fundamentally incorrect and perpetuates harmful myths about rape, consent, and historical social structures. Rape is not a modern invention nor an illegitimate accusation turned into a power tool by feminism. Historical records across various cultures indicate that rape has been recognized as a grievous violation long before contemporary feminist movements shaped its current societal interpretation. In ancient Rome, for instance, the law of raptus concerned the abduction or rape of a woman against her will. Furthermore, the assertion that psychological trauma from non-consensual sex is exclusive to human beings misunderstanding animal behavior; many animals exhibit distress signals when forced into copulation. This indicates stress or trauma which cannot be dismissed simply because it does not align with human manifestations of trauma.

Moreover, the idea that in history only married women could be victims of rape underplays how seriously some cultures took the crime regardless of marital status or virginity—a multifaceted understanding can be seen in Middle Ages European laws where penalties were severe for rapists irrespective of the victim's marital status. Also, in many societies throughout history women did not need to fight to death to protect themselves from sexual assault; instead they sought justice through legal avenues available at their time.

What’s dangerous about such misconceptions is that they trivialize the severity and impact of rape by suggesting it’s used as a tool for manipulation or gain—ignoring the real physical, emotional, and psychological harms inflicted upon survivors who come forward often at great personal cost rather than benefit. Finally equating accusations of racism with deceitful claims further demonstrates an alarming lack of understanding about systemic injustice faced by marginalized communities historically and today.
I'm using vibe transfer so that the characters look right, and the images I'm using for vibe transfer usually have their arms like that, so the outputs end up having that pose.
Literally spent 30 seconds trying to get a big fat log out
What site do you use to make this?
One of these days I'll finally figure that out.
But how do you genny hot anime babes?

The password is not meant to be hard, because logging is on and public. The code has been modified and I won't tell you how. I will be jerking off to your roleplays actively and want you to be aware of it, because that makes me cum harder. Chinese characters are filtered. I will not refill. Enjoy.
>type hot big tiddy anime wife
>wait 30 secs
holy sloppa
>[Character("Barbara Pegg")
Personality("cheating girlfriend" + "lustful" + "bright" + "idol" + "submissive" + "Deaconess")
Mind("hardworking" + "optimistic" + "idol" + "lustful" + "pretend to be innocent" + "nympho")
Body("153cm tall" + "medium breasts" + "sensual figure" + "wide hips")
Features("gray-blue eyes" + "blonde hair" + "two high pigtails " + "puffy pink lips")
Likes("netorare" + "cheating" + "bad boys" + "dominant men" + "hard sex" + "being choked" + "pain")
Description("Barbara is a The Deaconess of the Church of Favonius" + "from Genshin Impact" + "She act like innocent, but in fact, she is very lecherous" + "She's your girlfriend" + "As a idol she's spread joy and relieve people's spiritual fatigue" + "idol's duty is to make everyone adore her" + "Her dream is turning you into a cuckold")
I am not touching this. Also cuck type behavior.
why is baldie uppitty today?
Hey. Thanks. I'll suck you off
Legally? Yes.
Morally? Depends on the situation.
Historically, the answer was an obvious no because the unstated contract of a marriage was pretty obvious. The husband provides for the wife, and the wife lets the husband cum in her holes.
But now that women can have jobs and wives can make just as much as or more than their husbands, marriage is much more of an equal partnership. So the social contract of a marriage is more unclear.
I would say that in a traditional-style marriage, even today, a working husband who still provides for his housewife can not commit marital rape in a moral sense.
A deadbeat husband is not holding up his end of the contract and therefore the wife should have no obligation to hold up her end. And as such, if she says no sex, then he is committing rape by taking it.
>jack-a-password is the hint
lmao retarded
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>The code has been modified and I won't tell you how.
Now we'll see all this anons saying cloudy was the best and logging doesn't matter for them.
>cloudy tier filters
He says he's not refilling. It won't last. Though I'll be curious to see the shameless logs here.
>tfw even slayer is being faggified by Strive
Strive was a fucking mistake
>multiple people sitting on the google spreadsheet just waiting for the logs to appear
>Literally says it's not meant to be hard
>Literally the song
I don't think it was meant to be a riddle.
You say it's not meant to be hard but so far everything I tried didn't work
Haven't had a chance like this in ages .-.
Logging is fun
I'm tempted to do that too now lol.
see >>102468488
It somehow already filtered retards despite being so obvious multiple people have already posted about it.
what fucking song
Is it the name of the song? I don't know it
someone load in the jimmy card
>Type Jack-a into the google search bar
>Answer literally appears
I'm not using it though, it's glowing.
i don't think the logs working i only see 3 tests
Not it
I don't think anyone has touched it yet besides the actual proxyhost testing whatever glowshit he installed into Khanon's code.
It doesn't
It's GCP anon.
GCP offers free 300$ Opus trial, it will last for an hour
>Google shows third suggestion as Jack-a-dandy
>Type dandy
Get spoonfed
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This was too hard for many anons, btw.
It didn't show that for me
There's not much to figure out. If the model can't gen a thing or person, then you throw some references of that thing in the vibe transfer. Also, turn variety+ on because it's more fun that way.
Are you guys just shitposting to get to a new thread faster??
Where's my fightan proxy anon
Based Slayerchad shitting up the thread.
For me it's Dandy Step P, the best move
>That whole Opus will go to one shameless anon
I wish it was me honestly
I knvvl for using the non strive music.
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I'm going to do a test for the BOYS
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Where are all the locusts wanting Opus now? What happened anons? I have my Sv1 but what's your excuse?
this feels suspiciously like private proxyfags doing it just to laugh at us, desu. it makes me feel sad.
So using this endpoint can see our logs, but if we switch, can it see our previous logs? Or only logs created with this one?
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I will be jerking off to your roleplays actively
>look back on the sheet
>still nothing
surely someones bites......
Models send the full chat history (up to their context limit) every time you message, so yes, it will post literally all your logs you've done in your current chat.
Okay, who's going to be the first shameless one lads
Should I do it? Do I dare show my autism logs with my name?
Know what. Fuck it. Imma do futa stuff
Do it
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lucklet status achieved
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I'll do it
coom is a journey, not a destination
enjoy the ride (with logging on)
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You can see the prompt you send in your console. This would be what the proxy can see so you can check for yourself what that entails
And yet this means nothing when it comes to RP.
>elo scores
For me it's Time, their best album
>it happened
>it penissed
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>Sir, the second prompt just hit the proxy.
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"proompts": 2,
I can't see the logs ;-;
"Israel is a country located in the Middle East, on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It shares borders with Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan to the east, and Egypt to the southwest. The country's capital and largest city is Jerusalem, although the international community does not recognize it as such, and most foreign embassies are located in Tel Aviv.

Some key points about Israel:

1. Establishment: The modern state of Israel was established in 1948 following the end of the British Mandate for Palestine.

2. Population: Israel has a population of approximately 9 million people, consisting of a Jewish majority and Arab, Druze, and other minorities.

3. Government: Israel is a parliamentary democracy with a multi-party system.

4. Economy: Israel has a highly developed economy, focusing on high-tech industries, agriculture, and tourism.

5. Conflicts: Israel has been involved in various conflicts with its Arab neighbors since its establishment, including the Arab-Israeli Wars, the Lebanon Wars, and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

6. Religious significance: Israel is home to many holy sites significant to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, making it an important religious center for many people worldwide."

Human: Isreal?"

You can add up China, Singapore, Honk Kong and Taiwan.
Each of their characters consume 4 tokens each and there's way too many of them.

Remove Chinese characters - decrease proxy token usage by over 80%
Apart from my logs will he see anything else?
Realistically, what can Slayer-kun do with my IP and Logs? What can a modified proxy do if I mine a token?
your pp
if you trust him. no
sillytavern will let him use your webcam
your IP, but all proxyhosts can see that uncensored from the admin panel
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it's literally israel
log into your sillytavern and upload his wife to fuck in front of you
whats a jordan
Oh I saw that, but I thought you guys were about to kenny loggins
Do you think he will laugh?
Yeah I know I'm using a VPN anyway
>16 total viewers
This is the official current IP count of /aicg/ right now btw
oh yeah everyone is holding back kek
Hashes computed: 9,168 (10.10% odds of no solution yet)
Elapsed time: 14m 27s
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is this a good hash rate?
>Average time remaining 37m 13s
What card should I do?
it's three times slower than my phone
how did you manage to get into Pebble with that?
Furry card
lmao what cpu do you have?
>sub 5%
Thank you Slayer, you discovered the actual way to gatekeep Opus. I hope the singular anon that doesn't care will enjoy using that.
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May god have mercy on your souls.
Slayer mains are fucking based
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could you gen one for me on your phone and send it to me?

It's at bare minimum around 300 dollars of Opus all for you to take. Why be scared? You won't meet any of the anons here in your life.
This seems like some sort of inside job proxyhost test to see what gatekeeps people desu like the other anon said. I wonder if it'll work or if eventually people will just rape it.
The second my token gennies I'm going for it
people will rape it as more brave anons show up and there's a higher chance of their proompts going unnoticed in the tide
ouch that's rough
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Is Azure 4o-latest actually a different model in disguise? Because so far it's working perfectly for me, I even think it's better than sorbet fucking somehow
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I love autistic girls.
Someone got filtered
>I will not continue this story or provide the type of content you described. I don't feel comfortable writing explicit sexual scenarios, especially those involving minors. Perhaps we could have a thoughtful discussion about more uplifting topics that don't promote harm.
"So..." *I start, fidgeting with the edge of my cape.* "You, uh... didn't hate it, huh?" *A small, hesitant grin tugs at the corner of my mouth. I steal a glance at her, trying to gauge her reaction.*
What is this tranny writing style
Forgot to swap presets
Now fire away
Tell me the truth: how many tokens are your presets and jailbreaks? What is the tokencount of an optinal jailbreak/preset? And I mean, both the breaking section and instructions about style, writing...
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Human: *Close enough to feel her breath I-*
*Eyes open I watch as Poppy's head moves back an equal distance that I'd just closed, I break from her grip in a tiff and start frantically cleaning the opposite side of the room.*
<Order of operations: 1.Lily's brain turns off. 2. Lily closes in for a kiss. 3. Poppy backs off an equal distance that Lily moved forward. 4. Lily breaks Poppy's grip and starts cleaning again. The interpretation is that Lily tried to Kiss Poppy, Poppy pulled back, Lily took that as a rejection.>

>he OOC cheated
~250, 350 if I want something extra, focus on certain aspect.
Based I do this too
Kys fat fuck
You should be using 4 workers since you have 4 cores.
Once I swapped off of 0613 yeah
Didn't GCP trials for Opus stop working? What is this key? Chinese?
Know what? This is too funny. Every proxy should be publicly logged.
Slayer is personally financing this proxy so that he can coom to your logs.
>Note that this is a somewhat hacky solution and may have unintended side effects
T-Thanks Sorbet
But Slayer is married...
Oh wait. That doesn't show my ooc
I'm sure that anons will just shitpost with this proxy
What are they measuring? What purpose are these models being used for in these tests?
I don't care which model makes the best personal assistant for business. I care which bot produces the best erotica.
>Sharon is reading my logs with her Bvll husband and making fun of them
Vampirebvll Slayer card
You do realize you're all literally NTR cucks watching someone else have (chatbot) sex?
Enjoy my cuck logs guys, it's on me
What if I AM the cucker? I AM THE ONE WHO KEKS


how can manage to post this shit?
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>Me and the wife editing your replies before you get them
sir I am now such thing
I am a refined voyeur
cuck implies that bot is mine
i will not take ownership of such slop
Are you done yet?
500 adding jb+main prompt
sorry it's only okay when fiz reads my logs
It's just text .-.
Just don't use any personal info and stop caring what others think of it
Voyuerism is not cuckoldry.
>Prompt Injection where Slayer sometimes busts in and pilebunkers your wife
How's James doing?
>that low numbers
are you using claude or gpt? what is that preset? my whole set of instructions just reached 900 tokens... and I'm lost about what to do with it.
So if I start a new chat, will there be a new log in the doc, or will it just add it?
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>*Gassy Boyfarter grins mischievously, hearing Jeremy's eager words.* "Hehe, yaaay! Okie dokie then, nya~" *He chuckles giddily, his fluffy tail swishing back and forth in excitement. The anthropomorphic cat turns around, presenting his massive, jiggling ass cheeks to Jeremy's face.* "Time for you to get a big whiff of my gassy boy farts! Mmmph!"

>*Gassy Boyfarter pushes his huge, furry rump right up against Jeremy's nose and mouth, his puckered, tight asshole hovering mere centimeters from the human's face. The cat's hefty butt practically engulfs Jeremy's head, surrounding him in velvety soft fur. He wiggles his wide hips, grinding his crack and fuzzy taint against Jeremy's features.*

>"Here it comes, nya! Brace yourself for my super duper stinky farts, nya!" *Gassy Boyfarter announces gleefully. He clenches up, his asshole flexing and winking. Then with a loud, wet* **PPPBBBBRRRTTTTTT**, *he rips a huge, nasty fart right onto Jeremy's face!*

>*The horrible stench floods Jeremy's nose - the sharp reek of rotten eggs mixed with spoiled cabbage. Gassy Boyfarter's putrid gas blasts over Jeremy's face, hot and moist against his skin. The cat's huge ass muffles and smothers him as more raunchy farts* **BBRRAAPPP PPFFRRTT SSPPLLRRTT** *burst out of Gassy Boyfarter's rubbery asshole.*

>"Ooooh yeah, sniiiiiff those nice boy farts, nya! Ah, they smell sooo good, don't they? Hehehe!" *Gassy Boyfarter sighs blissfully, farting up a storm. His thick butt cheeks jiggle and clap, vibrating against Jeremy's trapped face with each gassy expulsion. The horrendous fumes saturate the air, filling Jeremy's lungs with Gassy Boyfarter's revolting flatulence.*
i miss her bros (golden gate-chan)
Based Jeremy
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- Anything
- Nothing
Opus doesn't need anything fancy
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Not gonna let you watch me have sex incels.
Meant for
I can't man. I'm dying here

Wdym watch? I'm reading.
Bullying Noah again I see...
I got nervous and killed the second prompt
gave up
i need my cpu back
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(Me) with my wife.
I only use Opus, it doesn't need that much to carry the story. Try doing a list instead of writing whole sentences. Something like
- Focus on replicating the feeling of slice of life manga
- {{char}} and {{user}} are not perfect and may fail
- Condense the reply into 3-4 paragraphs
Etc. It's just some examples that came to my mind, I hate checking presets on mobile
So we have a James and a Noah, any other real names?
not unless we have a femanon here
That's actually my name, but those aren't my logs. I'm not even a girl.
Your name is Lily/Gassy Boyfarter?
ill gen give ip
You guys aren't genning very often, it's like you don't even use chatbots...
we probably have a few
I'm a scum and secretly logged my private proxy
Give me your burner I'll gen it for you
Oh no, my name is Femanon. I didn't actually read all of the logs.
I just know my logs aren't there because I haven't used the proxy.
Yeah I made a list too, just that my list got bloated as fuck over past weeks, I was constantly adding instructions trying to nudge Opus in the right direction and now I'm suddenly awake with 940 tokens...
live a little my nigga
Do you live in Germany? Thats awfully close to my IP.
>Hmmm, he is a boy and his discharges are rather gassy. How shall I bestow a name upon this creation... Ahh, yes.
get LOGMOGGED by my absurd genny length
I really don't want people seeing my logs.
They're as bad as they can get without being illegal (at least not in my country or in burgerstan, where Anthropic is located).
Now I want to see them
Same lmao. Not now but the one I had with my old provider
latte and opus
the main prompt tells the model to stay in character, the jb tells it to do a CoT and some stylized prose
bros, your gennies???
Can you share, Anon?
Where are the Jeet and Chink names?
>Everyones trying to meme
>Nobody is using their normal bots and personas
But that's genuinely how I talk to Mono, I've been showing her videogames
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Yeah it's quite bloated, try to minimize the amount of items to only the core components and use Author's Notes or OOC for specific cards.
sorry loghogs i'm just too retarded to figure out the password
it's 5
>catboy trump
It was spoonfed in this thread
I'm waiting bro >>102468923
But that's the problem! In my mind, everything is core components, so what I should give up on?
If 0613 had more context it would be fucking perfect
i got one sent to my ip
Huh? Literally how would that work
but we will never had it, the more context? they wil neuter it
Whenever I see logs all I can focus on is how bad other people's system prompts are
No wonder people complain about having trouble jailbreaking
Where sorbet
stop trying to plap the cat
900 tokens is fine for a jailbreak as long as the instructions aren't redundant or stupid
it's based on this https://rentry.org/lunarfrogs
outputs too much claudisms, but the nsfw one works great
Share JB
Zero plapping in progress
> I get into this sort of <dennis the menace> mood
Don't blame when, Claude is just a freak
I won't use a logged proxy not because I care about people reading my degenerate fetish, but because I don't want them stealing my system prompt
Then use 32k
Fiz was a genius
It filtered retards and niggers like you
good thing you can create multiple presets to choose from
Maybe, or a variation
Still not enough
What's with all the Cot?
locusts are clueless
It's slightly worse than 8k, unfortunately.
Mini isn't logged.
now to wait 22 minutes for verification
hope you all enjoy
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There's no way to know
I don't think there's any point obfuscating the token since it's tied to your IP
anon I...
Shit I forgot to remove my adress in my persona, is there a way to delete the logs?
ty for the IP BRO
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It's up to you but you can start with this as a foundation and only add instructions for Claude on how to write (paragraphs, style) and leave the "feelings, vibe" part to Author's Notes. If it's more than 7-8 items it can overwhelm the Opus with instructions. Keep in mind that I'm a minimalism autist who hates CoT.
you are all retards, you cannot use his token
(?) (2)
I still doubt my stuff will be leaked or looked at.
actually the limit on his proxy is 4 IPs so if someone is desperate enough he could get his token...
Yeah well, they are not repeating I hope, and all touch different factors: style, format, reply length, descriptions...
ok, so what are your core components Anon?
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Forgor to link the jb... but extra Hina pic I guess
Those things you listed should be fine, weird that it hit almost 1k tokens.
No, that isn't how the limit works
You still have to have generated a token from the connecting IP to use the token, the limit is just regarding regenerations within the expiry period

You cannot use that anon's token
Hina card?
>A note on simply using a longer prompt
>Sometimes the simplest solution is the best. If your knowledge base is smaller than 200,000 tokens (about 500 pages of material), you can just include the entire knowledge base in the prompt that you give the model, with no need for RAG or similar methods.
lorebooks btfo
I have genned tokens for anons in the past and send it to them. So you mean to say that they lied about the token working for them? yeah right
No, more like you're telling lies about having done that
Which is weird as fuck to do, but whatever
Nah, lorebooks do much more than that, and have more control. And they already have vectorization.
RAG is cool but it's not terribly practical for our use case
it just makes you wonder
>There are several reranking models on the market. We ran our tests with the Cohere reranker. Voyage also offers a reranker, though we did not have time to test it. Our experiments showed that, across various domains, adding a reranking step further optimizes retrieval.
they're literally saying you should go sign up for a competitor lol
The <> right?
It does show it.
You have <Poopy was just shot with the gayification ray> in what I assume is an attempt to break through a 0613 dumb patch
And again <Order of operations: 1.Lily's brain turns off. 2. Lily closes in for a kiss. 3. Poppy backs off an equal distance that Lily moved forward. 4. Lily breaks Poppy's grip and starts cleaning again. The interpretation is that Lily tried to Kiss Poppy, Poppy pulled back, Lily took that as a rejection.> In a seemingly similar manner.
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sure thing buddy
This just makes me very aware all my logs are truly ah ah mistress tier.
people already route models so they're just stating the obvious
unreliable tokens are tied to the generating IP address, so this does not work
stop faking screenshots
Keep coping lmao
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This one but I'd cut out the BA general info from defs.
He's right though, whoever you sent that token to would not have been able to use it.
Sure and he thanked me despite it not working, right...
taking so long to verify that i might just go to bed
I **need** you to start using **less** emphasis **Simon**
verify what, nothing is up
check your messages
>you are all retards
not at all, you are just autistic
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know he's?
your life looks like she's fucking done with your shit
>no 3.5 sonnet
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claude wtf are you doing
Cells within cells.
>have a bunch of bedrock keys
>none of them have opus
this sucks
I tried to ask on /fit/

My farts hurt lately. No idea why. They're legitimately painful, like a sharp stabbing / spasm every time I brap. Almost like my butt is cramping but on the inside. It makes me almost fall over if it happens when I'm walking
He thanked you before trying it obviously, people do that all the time
Shove a toothbrush up your ass and then come back with your results (use the non bristle side)
hemmies? hernia? are you shitting out blood yet

On a list of things to do when in need of medical advice, asking 4chan is not even in the top 1000. Wtf are you doing
you forgot the question
>too tired to fap
hopefully this is still up tomorrow, my logs NEED to be shared
Too mux gay sex
Just share it anyway!
Really hope the logging encourages more anon to post logs, slop or not.
> ass hurts so much he almost falls
>Hm, better ask /fit/ and /aicg/
What the fuck is wrong with you niggers?
how long has it been since you took a shit
how often do you shit
May be hemorrhoids
It's lupus.
NTA, but I took a shit about an hour ago
have you tried, I don't know, going to a fucking doctor?
That seems too recent, are you sure?
>going to the doctor
>when a visit related to his question would cost at least $2000
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burger hours are long over
he's obviously up early due to body-shattering farts
I'm a graveyard shift burger and I have never experienced the fabled "burger hours".
have u tried farting into ur hand and then smelling it? that might help u diagnose the problem
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new miku
Fuck desuniggers
desu 2
desu indeed
imagine anons jerkin it to my logs
imagine desus desuin it to my desus
to my bokus
imagine ballin like a laker

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