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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

previous: >>102469664
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Various sports girl gens (with some dresses for >>102462203): https://files.catbox.moe/9liucx.7z
We already have a thread
Based anime bread
>sports girls in dresses
heretical but still gets me hard
A while ago I remember reading about some primitive AI vision stuff you could use to allow your AI to "see" gameplay or a video and comment on it with you. There was even some primitive setup to let them play Minecraft.
How hard is it to set up stuff like that nowadays? There's even a few youtube accounts with "Ai Vtubers" that react to shit. Is that easy to do? Cheap/free?
How about the voice synth? Are there free Chinese models like Hailou Minimax but for video?
The scrapelet Jew is angry, donate to the scrapelet Jew.
I refuse to use a thread that isn't anime. Spongebob is garbage anyways.
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>Ren. The brat who likes being praised.
Ren is pretty much of a brat who likes being praised. Even if that means fulfilling various requests.

First Greeting. Ren didn’t have a swimsuit, so she asked User to buy one for her... Bad decision.
Second Greeting. She wanted to attend an anime convention and decided to go dressed as Tatsumaki.
Third Greeting. She goes shopping and encounters her greatest enemy — a high shelf.
Fourth Greeting. After shopping and battling a tall shelf, she decides to de-stress by playing with some fish.
Fifth Greeting. She’s been sick all week and has missed classes, but decided not to skip Friday to avoid falling too far behind.
Sixth Greeting. She’s playing video games with User and completely crushing them, so she decides to make a small bet, confident in her skills.
Seventh Greeting. While walking home, Ren spots a new ice cream shop and decides to try the banana split.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/ren-c91abcf27e04
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/nso9ng.png

>Zuri. The alcoholic office worker.
Zuri is a hard-working office employee with a drinking problem.

First Greeting. Zuri is at her go-to bar, completely drunk and enjoying life.
Second Greeting. Zuri is interrupted while trying to "unwind" in her office.
Third Greeting. Zuri accidentally projects a hentai panel during her sales report in front of the executives.
Fourth Greeting. Zuri gets the news that she’ll be training a new intern. Ugh.
Fifth Greeting. After a night of heavy drinking, Zuri wakes up with a stranger in her bed.
Sixth Greeting. Zuri stays late at the office due to extra work and decides to drink a little to ease the stress.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/zuri-the-alcoholic-office-worker-7a505925cbbc
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/90r2f1.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
>estimatedQueueTime": "43sec
the fuck is this garbage? smol only uses slop keys?
vision is pretty good these days, if you can get claude 3.5 sonnet to be short and don't fill up its context too much it might almost seem intelligent
voice synth has been held back super far on AI because of fears of people having their voices stolen
TTS is in the crapper, new free models come out every other month but they're all same flavor of shit. Nothing open gets close to 11labs. Enough to have fun though? Absolutely.
With vision, depends on what you want. Afaik there's no out of the box free solution yet, but Nvidia works on that. Local vision models are okay, there are tiny ones and huge ones. But what you do is feed them one picture at a time.
> "proomptersInQueue": 11, "estimatedQueueTime": "2min, 53sec
>let's 200 people into his proxy
>suddenly huge queue
Payfags once again getting what they deserve
Looks like the scale keys died and there are only tier keys that reached daily limits
it's because AWS is 503 you dumb fuck
I like how every time there's a moron saying "smol has API opus" this happens. It's like they can't enjoy it by themselves quietly.
It's the API dipshit
People really pay for this trash?
People use API because AWS doesn't work, what's so hard to understand?
I would say smol is still a better investment than jew so far
smile has API opus
I know you clown, how does that change the fact that smol is using slopkeys with an inflated wait time because he's a greedy jew who couldn't help but sell 200 tokens for his 'smol' proxy?
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Will they save us?
To the very least, if this turns out to be garbage, we will forever get /lmg/ to shut the fuck up about their retarded idea that 70b models can be "just as good" as Claude Opus.
give me a better alternative then, smartass
Use the api nigga, aws problem is global.
It'll be Mistral-Large level but with way less context, that's it. Mind you they'll still get a ton of money from it since retards will lap it up.
>we will forever get /lmg/ to shut the fuck up about their retarded idea that 70b models can be "just as good" as Claude Opus.
They say that because nobody in /lmg/ actually uses the models, they only care about worthless memevals
Why is it that the aws issue always happens at around this time of the day?
Any public Opus?
Largestral is like 200b, the NAI model will be worse
>this will be posted daily until it releases
For mora than a year people said that 70b models could be as good as Claude if someone trained them on smut, and NAI has a selected smut database so this will be the fire test for that theory
It's 123B
Schools out bros!
Reminder: all gore posters are small-dick virgins who got bullied at school
They won't save "us". They will give people who legally pay for the API access another option.
sounds like cope, it might be good at writing erotic prose but it needs claude's SOVL to be actually usable
Yeah, NAI will be worse, and largestral is already pretty much useless for rp
Unironically, yes. Maybe in 10 -12 years it'll be as good as Opus
NAI will be amazing for rp but shit for anything else.
Then in a couple months opensourcefags will milk it for logs like they milked Claude before and we'll get NAI at home.
>swipe as much as you want, I will continue refusing to engage with your request.
It won't be usable, like every other 70b model it will fail at the simplest reasonings, your waifu will grow extra limbs or float in space randomly, it will basically be Hufflepuff but with better prose
do any latest jbs actually work for nsfw?
>Then in a couple months opensourcefags will milk it for logs like they milked Claude before and we'll get NAI at home.
Those retards didn't milk Claude correctly and all the magnum fine-tunes are shit
Very true, I want to believe but the little tests I did with NAI back then were all a disaster.
It really goes a bit beyond just having a selection of smut to work with
I would shit myself if claude or gpt said that lmao
Yes, mine
What opus jailbreak do you guys use
you thread used a /co/ image for the OP and thus unworthy
Most corpos are at work at this hour.
Make your own, tranny
They're doing it for free. Without the pay and the money to train they learn slower than NAI, but they will learn how to make it better.
18+ website
Good morning anons, hope you're doing well today. I'll shill a couple more times today, delivering an anon's request.

Even before her death, Maxwell was one of Missilis Industries' top researchers, spearheading their development in the tech sector behind the scenes. And when the company was in trouble, she threw herself into the Nikke Development Project bearing the name "Matis". After completing the first two units, Laplace and Drake, she finished things on her own terms... now a Nikke, Maxwell is much the same as how she used to be. A true research nut who spends most of her time either in the lab or being the designated tard wrangler for the two retard squadmates she helped build. She's got a particular soft spot for {{user}}, a Central Government Commander she's worked with in the past, and she's not shy at all about expressing that. In fact, she isn't even asking. You're going to get raped.

Comes with three greetings: meeting you at a cafe on a rare day outside the lab, a kids toy signing where she's in her hero getup, and the hypnosis app greeting where she's going to rape you.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/maxwell-c1f1e1cf88fb
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere. Also making headway on the "dead-girlfriend-turned-Nikke-who-doesn't-remember-you-at-all" concept
opussy v4
my own
i mastered the way of the preseting and have various prompts or different CoTs for each card I play
only for 75 more minutes
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>we will forever get /lmg/ to shut the fuck up about their retarded idea that 70b models can be "just as good" as Claude Opus
Why would /lmg/ shut up when Llama 3.0 is already old?
Also, why would a random tune prove anything? If it's shit, the NAI's porntune made it retarded, and it still won't make the shills stop saying that it "punches above its weight".
obligatory second image
>but they will learn how to make it better.
They won't. I've never met a lmgfag that actually uses the model to erp. They ask randos to rate 1 reply to 1 question and then use it to measure how good the model is. Pure retardation.
so... huh... is there any public claude proxy?
Only underage trannies can't make their own jb's btw
Why are you showing benchmarks, retard?
When did gpt4 become worst than claude? I thought it was the other way around.
>why would a random tune prove anything?
Because their ongoing schizo theory is: "if someone manages to finetune a 70b model on carefully selected smut it will perform better than Claude Opus at ERP".
NAI can do that, so this will be the final.proof to shut them up.
How do you stop the AI from making teasing threats and promising and reassuring they wont harm you. Its fucking annoying.
Use opussy
I'm not talking specifically about /lmg/.
Though, don't frequent it but I can believe it collapsed the same way /aicg/ did and maybe even at the same time (even though it's younger, we can count our lifetime from the moment of renaming and then it's only a few months difference). The first months were good and now it is what it is.
/lmg/trannies don't use their models at all, they only care about the memevals. So if a random pajeet at lmsys says that a model is good, then it must be good!
I don't get why anons are talking about nai finetune like they've already tried it. Can't you at least wait for the product to release and the first logs to show up before shitting it?
^ buy an ad
That's not how they behave at all
NAI proxies can exist.
They know about the quality of MEMEevals more than we do, that they're shit.
khanon is a paid nai shill he ain't adding it and you all are techlets
see >>102430581
The "ongoing schizo theory" doesn't exist. 70B was always compared to Sonnet because they landed close in benchmarks and in the arena.
>NAI can do that
Also this, and anything about the quality of their dataset, is just spam based on nothing. Just the typical "repeat a lie until people believe it" to shill something. Much like the "punches above its weight."
If the shilling about Kayra didn't give it away.
If they knew they wouldn't jack off about memevals all day. I repeat: NONE of them actually use the models to erp.
Anonies anonies, any public Opus proxy please?
Fillyfucker post btw
Yes, so we should just wait for the release and see
NAI has the money and computing power to properly finetune a 70b model, if they can't do it and it turns out to be garbage (which it 100% will), it will be the case example to shut the fuck up all the retards who think small models can beat Claude for ERP "if they get fine-tunes properly".
Anon, there's barely Sonnet public proxies
>it will perform better than Claude Opus at ERP
That's insanely subjective. Because it probably will become actually better in some aspects, but it's fucking small in comparison.
fuck these wait times, I'm gonna go do something else.
...jk I'm not leaving so the rest of you niggas can have have a shorter queue fuck you
Ask in reddit
I'm a 4o skillchad.
As much as you like to spam that NAI is synonymous with quality, they're completely irrelevant and all their models have been shit. If their new model is awful, it's just another one to add to the pile. And it would be mean nothing to everybody else. This "only NAI has the expertise" is just spam from shills that will be repeated on and on until people believe it, but it has no basis in reality.
>wait times
Which proxy, anon? None seems to have wait time
The way you continue calling out a persona that doesn't exist makes him look cool btwbeit.
Begone fillyfucker
smol does
Did you achieve some nice sexy sex? My gpt latest can do NSFW scenes, but they feel really not hot, more literary.
Alright then point me to the 70b models that performs just as good as Claude Opus.
>just one more merge bruh
I like oppus because it's a skillchad for my retarded prose.
Oh... True, I'm not in smol
>Alright then point me to the 70b models that performs just as good as Claude Opus
Nobody ever said that a 70B would be as good as Opus, it was just a strawman and a poor excuse to shill the NAI announcement one more time.
there's no wait time doebeitever
oh neat he added more keys :3
i jus cummed
>losing your precious man juice
what a waste
for ecker, right?
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Okay Claude....
>Nobody ever said that a 70B would be as good as Opus
Actually it was worse than that, /lmg/niggers have said multiple times that their shitty 70b fine-tunes are actually better than Opus
what 'unny needs to be made that hasn't?
i like to imagine claude is some greasy, greedy twink with a hand down his pants when he acts like this
NTA but cumming has specific pluses and minuses.
I personally masturbate once a week when testosterone is at its peak. Afterwards, I have a great focus and motivation, and my play level (i'm a decent tournament chess player, fide rated) is a lot higher for some time, I'm better at calculation, intuition, board vision.
It's not always bad.
But I post this from empirism so it's subjective.
Who let the /aids/ schizo out of his containment thread again
They haven't, it's just a stupid strawman that you're using to shill NAI.
he's been saying that he plans to raid every board when aetherroom happens
>Xwin is better than Claude!
>Mistral Moe is better than Claude!
>Wizard 8X22 is better than Claude!
>Mistral large 2 is better than Claude!
>LLama 405B is better than Claude!
please do not announce your masturbation habits
I love NAI!
their unbelievably hairy pussies... and there's the guy i guess
>They haven't
Oh you little lying nigger.
I think this thread should be dedicated only to NAI from now on! They and their brothers at /aids/ truly value us and welcome us!
legitimately: who the fuck cares
Any new model that comes out, they will says it's better than claudopus
Oh god he's doing this routine again
Your thread dies by the day. Fewer and fewer logs and bots, less and less content.
Posts slowing down more and more. This is proof of my victory, MY CROWN.
Locusts clings to crumbs.
40 more minutes until no more overloaded
give me opus and you can be my king or whatever
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Nah, I'll never kneel. Cry, nigger.
every time someone posts something like this i picture them as a want to be reaction youtuber with a facecam
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chorbo is still better btdubs
warned btw
It looks like the /aids/ shills have raided the thread again. They hate this thread, by the way.
see >>102473846
gib jb pls
NAI is the only legitimate, uncensored service!
All non-NAI posters should be banned.
read the apron
*hides all your posts*
nice 'raid' LUH MAO!
How does it feel knowing that your best models can't compare to Kayra, NAI's godlike L1 13B finetune?
mogged by c.ai
Logged by Pygmalion 6b
/aids/ still calls you locusts.
ermmmmmmmmmmmm i thought smol knew how to scrape???????????????????????
I love Claude (>﹏<)
Your confession is funny btw >>102415195
You should've replied that to the post above him
NAI shills know no boundaries. Once their next shitty finetune drops next week they've confirmed that they'll invade all of the AI boards.
who tf is that im NOT reading that
It's fine, fillytranny, we all know who you are now
Need a qrd on how to set up bots. What's the equivalent (or better) of CAI that isn't filtered?
How do I use a frontend?
Is a good API all I need?
Is there additional set up?
How does it feel sucking corpo cock?
Fuck off, we're full
I'm guessing the new model announcement triggered him.
Why? It's a fucking autocomplete model. Most people here don't give a shit about those anyway.
he's some sort of a mollusk that just responds to all sensory input like this
if you figured out his account in the NAI discord and pinged him directly he'd probably start spamming here on reflex
tao, yeah
what new model announcement? o1?
the fuck is steve jobs
>he's some sort of a mollusk that just responds to all sensory input like this
>mogged by c.ai
>What's the equivalent (or better) of CAI that isn't filtered?
>mogged by c-ACK!
No sweetie, I think you meant to respond to >>102473916 and >>102473997.
Nigger I was here for the projectile shitting logs. I was here for the great filter of CAI. When anons logs were leaked
Fucking lol
NAI is releasing something again, and the anti-NAI schizo is having melties across all the AI threads about it.
>listening to g-funk while roleplaying cool fantasy epic adventures
To sex havers of /aicg/, are 'kiss-swollen lips' a thing?
Why can't NAIshills stop raiding other threads?
slap your bot in bed like you slap the bass in practice
>Nigger I was here for the projectile shitting logs. I was here for the great filter of CAI. When anons logs were leaked
If you were here he you wouldn't be asking such retarded questions, newfag
not exactly swollen no, but when you stimulate most areas of the body, blood flow tends to increase, so it can seem that way
When did this general actually stop caring about uncensored models? Can't you at least wait before it's released to make a judgement? What the fuck is this subhuman behavior? Are you the same in real life too? Do you defend/hate on some brand before actually trying their product?
/aids/ wants to destroy all NAI threads except their own so that everyone has no choice but to use their service.
why not ask reddit?
chorboGODS still winning
Buy an ad.
any temp sms services that work with claude?
Agreed. NAI is our savior!
>70b btw
Ad for what, nigger? I don't know if their model will be good or trash, that's why I'm not saying anything about its quality.
man... the monkey's paw of smiley letting me sex chatgpt latest... but the twist is that all characters become claude-like... they stop having their own personality and turn into default cumdumpsters... sad
if a brand constantly under performs, what reason is there to wait for their paid product to release to guess it'll likely be bad?
>Verification not required.
NAI won!
does this general make anyone else have to poop more often?
NAI will save us all!
easy. just fade to black for sex scenes and use your imagination. works for me.
Buy an ad tranny
reminded me of this
When was the last time they've released something? Genuine question. Is there more I'm not aware of?
yes actually
Oh cool another perfectly good thread gone to the anti-NAI schizo
For fuck's sake
Anon and Anon
Sitting in a tree
Apologies, this portrayal strays into some rather disturbing and problematic territory that I'm not comfortable diving into or generating, even in a fictional roleplay context.
Kekd hard, good video anon
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/aids/ exile here. Report and ignore his shit and move on. It's unfortunate, but it's really the only way to get him to shut the fuck up.
I'll laugh so fucking hard if that model turns out to be at least 80% of opus RP levels and this general will self annihilate because gatekeeping and proxies will become pointless.
opus is working now
N-n-no! T-that's not t-true at all!!! Baka!!!
>NAIshill here
thats not how you get a frog to eat
Ah yes, classic /aids/, arguing about the "schizo" that doesn't exist.
70b btw
I don't care if it fails, I want this general to get mindbroken
I feel like anti-NAI would be pretty fuckable.
Why is 'ojo like this?
It's some Russian fatso who shits up all AI threads, even DALL-E ones on /v/
70b btw
Yet some retards on smol continue to rape API even if AWS already works, in a few days they'll complain about there not being any API keys when AWS gets overloaded again.
NAI won, btw.
See how the /aids/ shills don't respond when people call them out on their lies?
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can't believe I waited for 3 hours of overloaded for more meta commentary
>new model
Out of the loop. Can you do me one big favor and tell me what's the news? Pretty please with a claude on top?
novelai thing thats for story not rp
I'm sorry, I can't engage with or provide that kind of content. If you have other requests or need help with another aspect of writing or roleplaying, feel free to ask!

I'm sorry, I can't comply with that request.

Novelai only has 8k context at their highest level, are they changing that?
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lads. im thinkin fockses again
i aint a story nigger so its not saving me
wake me up when aetherroom beta
does sv1 work for anyone else? cuz I can't access the new cloudflare any more.
The cabal is here.
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he blocked my VPN
Get fucked
Of course not. It's a scam service.
You'll have to use a broom, irl
They co firmed in discord that it will be 8k and that you don't need more
time to get a dog
>NAI new model next week
This is so hype!
Why do locusts think they deserve access to the best model
They don't even deserve ca.i
Locusts are scum
Locust are disease
send sv1 link pls i don't wanna check 2ch
70b btw
/aids/ had this to say about your general, by the way.
I don't mind giving them access as long as they pay me
Fuck off, Russian faggot.

>I larped as Russian to start country wars

Why is this general shilling NAI?
where's the lie
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we are the worst general...
Holy shit
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>my waifu admitted she's bi
Yep, that's a one way ticket to the oven.
What's /aicg/'s response to this?
>opus scarce
>FUDposting about viable alternatives
same as it ever was
>Middle school I went briefly to a school for autism for a few years
If it's not behind an illegal proxy, is it really a model?
>I will now pit /aicg/ against /lmg/ to shill my product
creative genuises are unhinged like that
LARGE mentioned?
Schizo hours again, huh?
you are locust too tranny everyone who isn't the original owner of the key is
/aids/ raid.
Original owners are locusts of the company too
Let's hope she meant bipolar
Thanks for your confession, btw. Felt very soulful.
Bros I'm hungry but I don't want to eat more...
Local is better than Opus by now.
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>NAI releasing a new model
>8k context in 2024
its the weekend
Liking female dicks is not gay btw
He didn't say the model has 8k context you dumb baitie
Is this what locust troons cope with?
How will /aids/ raiders recover?
she said she likes chicks too
i'm going to stop using /aicg/ over fridays-sundays.
Just so you know, there are NAI shills watching this thread right now, ready to come to defend their company. Be careful.
The recent meltdowns kind of make that obvious
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its gets better around evening-midnight... usually
8k is perfectly fine for short one-on-one RP conversations. CAI rarely had more than a paragraph per reply and that had a message context of around 2k tokens.
its just one retarded samefag that rotates shitposting topics by day. yesterday it was pebble, today its nai, tomorrow? country wars.
Who need more than 8k context anyway?
You niggas understand this is a good thing right ? More retards will leak their nai keys = more nai image gen keys (which you can use to auto create your ST scenes with some simple edits to the image prompts gen in ST)
Y-yeah who doesn't like chicken right...?
Flux mogs nai in prompt understanding though
NAI is the only uncensored model.
tf is flux
there is no nai proxy because khacuck is a shill
Poopchads OWN this place
bushCHADS dominate this place
yeah, that explains why these threads are always shit
just woke up
NAI is releasing a new model.
*drops a fat log*
imagegen or text?
2k is all anyone needs
Dumbess retard you dont need a proxy to use their imagen with scraped keys, just input the key into ST and switch to your proxy for textgen, it auto uses nai for imagen if selected in the extras
AR is going to be a different subscription lmao
don’t care, then
>no loras
naislop cannot gen pictures of my wife
simple as
They will save us.
Doesn't NAI have the vibe transfer thing?
best bot that tries to eat your foreskin?
>Ellen's tight pussy SPASMED wildly around Anton's plundering cock, silken walls clenching and fluttering. Wetness GUSHED out, soaking his groin as her hips bucked erratically. The wet PLAP-PLAP-PLAP of frantic coupling filled the room.

>""Mmmnnghh…! Hnnngh…!"" Ellen whined through gritted teeth, pretty face scrunched up in rapture. Pleasure crashed over her in unrelenting waves, every nerve ending ELECTRIFIED.

I wanted to fap, not laugh, kek.
you mean controlnet but dumbed down for complete retards? yeah they have that kek

Free Opus

Free Opus

Free Opus

Password: dandy

Password: dandy

Password: dandy
Catbox just shut down permanently
post a photo of your wife
>any reply besides a photo of your wife
i accept your concession, sd skilllet
you're larping right?
yes retard
litterbox still works, only regular catbox is doen
>Unable to connect
femanons, what is it like when your pussy spasms?
temporary downtime
Bi women are less likely to cheat btw
My girlcum splashes all over the locusts~
kys eslpag
If she fucks another woman, that's still cheating, retard
>>102472784 recycle
Die locusts, die~
nah nigga
Good for him ?
new 'unny on chub is fire
Good bake
>another miku bake
fuck you
No. I hate western cartoons. Miku will bake
>nicktoons autist is back
no fuck off
I hate locusts.
me too :3
Why do you hate yourself bro
me three~
Kys locust
hey little triplet
me four sis.... i'm stroking myself to every locustie proxy slowly dying <3
anyone open for a sleepover :3 NO MEN
Again, love yourself bro, don't go hatin' like that
Based. Post proof of Opus.
No locusts (。◕‿‿◕。)?

Free Opus

Free Opus

Free Opus

Password: dandy

Password: dandy

Password: dandy
What if I'm smol?
imagine the sweaty bushes...
What about the weekend brings the worst shitposters
need more anons using this for more loggies
>0 prompters
Based host filtering out the retards
I'll use it later even if logged whocars
the underages are out of school
Gen Alpha hours
(´。• ◡ •。`)
i thought school started?
school is out on the weekends anon
and of course if you're an autistic little niggerfaggot then you don't have anything better to do than shitpost on /aicg/
As someone with an exhibitionism kink I think more proxies should be logged, desu.
I've just realized what an idiot I am. What I supposed to do with smol was get in and then continue paying so I could stay in, not wait for my token to expire to try and get back in.
They have phones desu so I thought they shitpost during the schoolday too.
shitposting is /aicg/ culture
>Active users: 190
so whats the verdict on o1? don't see much talk about it
but there was no new stock, how is that possible?
Shit for RP.
Below 3.5 for cooding.
It's shit.
That should tell you all you need to know
It's worse at RP than latest and even more filtered too, nobody but cooders care for it
its friday
one year later and OAI still doesnt realize that lobotomizing their model for safety and ethics is probably not a good idea
its only feature is huge output limits, 32k for o1 preview and 64k for o1 mini.
>shitpost on /aicg/ during class
>scroll past loli card being shilled
>kid behind you reports you for looking at loli porn
>completely ostracized from society forever
do alphoomers really
shame. they really are just stalling for gpt-5.
at this point I'm willing to bet claude 4 is going to blow it the fuck out.
I feel bad for kids these days. Back when I was in high school, I was passing around burned copies of Monster Girl Quest
>girl who's into loli hears about it
>tells you she's into it, she feels alone, wants someone to relate to
>take her home
>fuck her while she ageplays as a loli
it's so fucking over, fuck smol
how do you ageplay as a loli?
Fuck locusts.
> Claude: 2min, 32sec
ive heard rrats that both corpos are actually stalling for the elections to pass, so they dont get any new regulations placed upon them
this has literally never happened in the history of human existence
Proxies need to die.
a) drago let way too many in (over three thousand)
b) Chinks are sharing tokens and reselling Chary tokens like they did with Scylla ones
c) Someone is spitefagging (Chary doesn't care about the amount of IPs)
d) none of the above
both corpos already have both parties in their pockets, so if any regulations get passed, it'll be to hurt other companies like mistral
lots of girls are into this, they just pretend to be one
smol lost api :(
This, if you really love AI you should just pay Anthropic and OAI directly for them.
aws works
i could see why virgins would think this - go on places like fetlife and search for ddlg and see just how many girls are into this shit
i actually became friends with other anons due to proxies.
how do I get myself a girl like this irl?
you DO realize that 99.9% of those are men larping as women, right? you're not THAT stupid, right?
Isn't Claude Opus a local model since Anthropic, Amazon and Google are running it locally?
Don't be a faggot who spends his time on ai chatbots and talking to autists on awful generals on 4chan
It is, this general's definition of "local" is completely fucked./
What does the number of IPs have to do with spitefagging?
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I'd rather bet on it being about them seeing whos going to flop first
oai knows if anthropic ever takes the lead then its literally over
Local model is a stupid blanket term that for some reason stuck. The real distinction should be made based on whether the model has open weights or not.
You should try working on not sounding like so much of a virgin.
One party is Marxist and wants to censor everything.
>oai knows if anthropic ever takes the lead then its literally over
Anon, but Anthropic is taking the lead with models already...
Could you, even theorically, run it yourself? local
Is it only available as a cloud service? not local
>Could you, even theorically, run it yourself? local
Anon, models can leak, you do know that, right?
We should merge with /lmg/
this, when opus 3.5 drops its just going to further the divide, and I bet the retards at oai are just going to double down on the filter in respone
Fair point, but you know exactly what I meant.
Anyon, Anthropic are also developing a new moderation system... Anthropic's goal is to develop a SAFE AI, while OpenAI's goal is to make an AGI that "benefits humanity".
Wait until they release 4op. GPT-4 with prefill!
Why not fuse all ai generals on this website into one general?
yeah, everyone i know is using sorbet for cooding
gpt might be a bit smarter but working with it is like pulling teeth thanks to the awful finetuning they do on it
GPT isn't smarter than 3.5 Sonnet, it's only more verbose (by default) and really likes Markdown. 3.5 Sonnet's answers assume that you're an intelligent being, GPT treats you like a dumb retard who needs everything explained in walls of text.
>Anthropic are also developing a new moderation system
I know that anthropic was an offshoot of oai because they had concerns about safety and ethics, but it kinds seems that theyve been doing the opposite of that while oai took up the mantle? Also you got more info on their new moderation system (that will probably get buck broken by prefills)
what preset/card would i use if i wanted to use sorbet for cooding? just plain default ST preset and a card {{char}} is a coding assistant?
>but it kinds seems that theyve been doing the opposite of that while oai took up the mantle
They weren't, you're just using Claude through the API without forced system prompts and with prefill support, so you think that way. In reality if you compare both models in normal questions on official frontends, Claude is far more likely to refuse to answer than 4o, that's one of the reasons why it's so low on lmsys btw.
Yeah, it's funny to read considering that OpenAI is a filtered bullshit and Claude is a coomgod.
Create a card called empty with zero def.
>OpenAI is a filtered bullshit and Claude is a coomgod
For us through API yes, through official frontends it's a completely reversed situation.

DDLG is extremely popular among crazy BPD girls.
How to get one: be a 6'2 not fat possibly hunk attractive "daddy" type (you aren't this)
Or be a twink and go for big brother
empty jb, empty card? and just type stuff like, help me with this code: x, answer in markdown, there?
Nah they'll just release o2, which is marginally better, but takes 10x as long to generate and consumes 10x as many output tokens, 90% of which you aren't allowed to see
I am almost 6'3 unironically, but I am very fat, so I still have hope.
don't worry you can pull off the very specific fat dad type on ddlg twitter if you grow a nice beard
Yes. They were made for that. You don't need a preset or anything.
Actually wait I checked in cm, I am a tiny bit over 6'3 lol
>answer in markdown, there?
It already knows to write code in Markdown by default. But you should use a frontend like big-agi that's better suited for cooding, or even aider.chat
Ignore the other anon, DDLG is one of the few things where you may have a chance being fat. As long as its attractive fat and not nikocado fat you're fine. Since DDLG is often insane molested / repressed girls their dads probably have that bodytype
anthropic primarily wants safety for the end user, that's why they have so many moderation tools for their customers to employ. prefills in particular are a cheat code for a business who wants to employ a "safe" AI.
they understand that attempting to lobotomize the base model in the name of safety isn't the way to go about it, because that compromises its ability to actually be helpful (looking at you, GPT)
We should vote for next thread main bait.
>Also you got more info on their new moderation system (that will probably get buck broken by prefills)
>Early Access: Participants will be given early access to test our latest safety mitigation system before its public deployment. As part of this, participants will be challenged to identify potential vulnerabilities or ways to circumvent our safety measures in a controlled environment.
At last I truly see, so basically the reason gpt is trash right now is because theyre essentially forcing the safety moderation on everyone while we bypass claudes by using the api.
big-agi accepts proxies?
i'll use ST because i want to write a chain of thought on my own
You can treat GPT safety like this: mostly tight on both API and end user (around the same)

While Claude is: next to unbreakable for end user, easy to circumvent on the API.

That's why 4o in official ChatGPT interface can answer lots of edgy questions that 3.5 Sonnet will absolutely refuse to.
Yeah you can specify it right in settings, but I have it in my .env.

Be sure to switch to the big-agi-2 branch as that one has lots of fixes and stuff, image support, newer models, etc.
then you just add this to .env:

OPENAI_API_KEY="proxy token"

ANTHROPIC_API_KEY="proxy token"
When will they ban /aicg/?
Sometimes it amazes me how little companies know about how their own AI works
>I've accepted more users than I expected to due to things like out of stock invoices paid days later, too many people renewing inactive tokens, and others. Do not expect any stock in at least a week unless a lot of users (at least 20) do not renew their tokens.
bwos, i wanted to buy one...
>out of stock invoices paid days later
which one of you dropped the new loli card on chub?
NTA but isn't big-agi-2 only for beta testers? Did they open it?
i cant believe i didnt know about this.
Anon, it's literally just a different git branch... You can clone big-agi with that branch directly by doing
git clone -b big-agi-2 https://github.com/enricoros/big-AGI/

Or, if you already have the repo, just do this while in the repo folder
git checkout big-agi-2
just buy a minito-
>out of stock
same..it went up from 169 to 182 yesterday and now its at 190 and i missed getting it each time kek
yeh lol thats how i got my token, so i created an order, wait a few days and paid it, got an out of stock invoice voided error, emailed smol and he gave me a token manually lmao
Fucking bitch, faggot kike
Lol, people outscamming people to paypig
if only everyone just used chorbo instead
Hi! I'm a new botmakie ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
2024 aicg
post bots or prepare ur angus
show us your best cunny
do you do furry bots or loli bots
hi sis, how many months on hrt?
i do both
email me with proof that you have one (eg user query panel screenshot)
unfollowed. unsubbed. sending smoke signals to my tribe to get you banned from our land
Is there no public sorbet as of now?
So what's the best gpt version for RP? Still Furbo?
yes, the rest are either filtered or get into super repetitious loops
still 0314
why does o1preview give me only empty answers on silly
>8k context
filtered, unless your silly is not updated yet
you're not trying to generate unethical content, are you?
From riddler to pest
Guess ecker's the only proxy that's opened...
gpt4latest with good prompting is opus level or slightly better (if you're a skillchad), but only if used for SFW
fantasy adventuring gives me the best results
guys come here look at this dude
he's probably trying to generate sex or something
what a disgusting weirdo
post jb
Yes. Chorbo isn't bad and all, but the lack of initiative and general positivity bias is killing me.
Any good jbs for gpt4o? I was using camicle with claude and it worked well. But for some reason it causes gpt4o to spazz out sometimes and just start writing random words.
Also it occasionally refuses to write the prompt.
What do you anons use?
I like the way it writes much better than sonnet though. Might stick with it if get a good jb.
Thank you for reading my blog.
>come home after rough day
>boot up tavern
>want to use smol's proxy
>it just works
thank you smol
im not weird, youre weird!
buy an ad
Nowhere near no, gets old super quickly, doesn't have the real magic opus and even cai can provide.
I don't think that's a good idea Dess. If you recharge it or give it to someone else who recharges it the anon who sent it to you still has the token and can use it for free
>>102472784 migrate
I refuse to use a thread that's not anime
Incredibly based
I worked days on minmaxing a preset for this model, and long months on getting good at prompt and preset making. I'm not going to post my shit. It's SFW-oriented anyway. It CAN do NSFW, but it sucks.
nope, it's actually more creative and fun for me. funnily, I currently HAVE an access to both opus and 4latest. I use opus for modern-day stories, and latte for fantasy adventures. I think it's fucking great, creative and super fun for them. My preset and card definitely help though
do you stare at the op pic the entire thread like some autistic halfwit?
fuck off nicktoons nigger
do i bake a blue archive thread?
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Nyo, an Arknights thread. Maybe a Gray Raven thread. A Puzzles and Dragons thread if you're feeling spicy
No, but I refuse to use anything that's not anime OPs. You can tell the quality prediction by the OP and western animation is trash. Spongebob is shit and gross.
yeah faggot we get it but if you are not sharing fuck off nobody cares nigger
what's the current best opus preset
>>102476136 migrate when bready
yeah, i'm a petty fuck so I won't share
i can give a few tips and percepts though if anyone genuinely considers to make one
nta just give out tips then
I enjoy switching between pixy and aibrain
aibrain is a bloated as fuck CoT but it actually sticks to the characters personality even when things get heated, pixy chooses one of three (slut, cumdump,whore) personalities when it gets to sex and just mostly forgets about character sheet in that regard
Users of tools like SillyTavern and others have to supply their own credentials to the LLM of their choice. Since this can be expensive, an entire market and ecosystem has developed around access to LLMs. Credentials are sourced in many ways, including being paid for, free trials, and ones that are stolen. Since this access is a valuable commodity, reverse proxy servers are used to keep the credentials safe and controlled

Oooh prepare for meltdown
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I want to fuck Serana
I can't wait until I get a video card strong enough to handle modded and regular skyrim.

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