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Tech News & Industry Insights
Ars Technica - https://arstechnica.com/
Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/
TechCrunch - https://techcrunch.com/
The Register - https://www.theregister.com/
The Verge - https://www.theverge.com/tech

Software Development & Programming
GitHub Trending - https://github.com/trending
DevDocs - https://devdocs.io/
JavaScript, CSS, HTML sandbox - https://jsfiddle.net/
MDN Web Docs - https://developer.mozilla.org/
Stack Overflow Blog - https://stackoverflow.blog/

IT Operations & Infrastructure
AWS Service Health Dashboard - https://status.aws.amazon.com/
Cloudflare System Status - https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/
DownDetector - https://downdetector.com/
Microsoft Azure Status - https://status.azure.com/
Microsoft Office 365 Status - https://portal.office.com/servicestatus

Previous Thread: >>102462888
>Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/
how reliable are the who's hiring threads here, more people seem to post in the wants to be hired threads so I'm getting a bad feeling it's just as flooded
>>102476307 #
>he would sell his countrymen down the river for less than one (1) [10^6] biden buxxxxx
unemployed trash out >>>/g/utwg
>unemployed trash out >>>/g/utwg
you should make that a thing
I watched a video about bald and bankrupt visiting India again and it's such a shit hole, I can't understand how they don't just an hero living in such a shit hole.
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Bad idea to put a picture of yourself on your resume?
I'm "hispanic" (white)

unemployed labor. You are not even human, you are just a disabled operational unit
Are you good looking? good idea
Are you bad looking? bad idea
>Bad idea to put a picture of yourself on your resume
yes. You shouldn't have room to put a picture on your resume anyway, your actual skills and experience should be enough to take up a full page
who else getting their mickey d's on tonight.
>who else getting their mickey d's on tonight.
the what
a lot of times they would just trash your resume if it has a pic because HR doesn't want to have people be looks biased
>accidentally turned camera on in meeting
>was laying in bed half asleep
this might be the end for me
I'll just share my experience because it might make a few anons feel better.

>unemployed failure
>goes back to uni for a bachelor's in CS
>then gets a master's in CS
>looks for an internship during it
>finds one 2 days after sending 2 resumes
>gets hired by the same company

That's it, I'm happy. I'm proud of myself.
>13 euros for a fucking big tasty and a mcchicken
>>then gets a master's in CS
how much debt are you in
human beings are infinitely adaptable. you can learn to cope with just about any situation
it's completely understandable why they're all so desperate to escape by any means necessary though. india is the closest place on earth to hell
VAT is good for you bro
None, I have zero debts.
where did you do your masters
Hey maybe the VAT is over 20% but at least 1/3 of my salary goes to the state to pay for a gorillion pensioners and public workers who vote for the reigning party without fail and let's not even talk about the shitty healthcare system HAHAHA I LOVE IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
I don't know wtf I'm doing with my life.
You're living it. It's something, for starters. You can do whatever you want if you want to expand your risk surface.
>I don't know wtf I'm doing with my life.
do you have a dog? get one and not a rat dog breed
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Sorry for me it's friday night's kebabs
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take me back
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>"no networking"
>proceeds to describe networking
>"just wait for your 18 yoe to just contact you, bro!"
How to forget back in the day.

Yes, I'm romanticizing old school IBM. Back in the day when we had a dream.

>You're living it. It's something, for starters
I could live it a lot more than I currently do though

>You can do whatever you want if you want to expand your risk surface.
and that's the fucking thing. I'm very risk averse. I'm scared of doing shit because I don't want to get out of my "character", plus I'm obsessed with resources and I don't want to waste time. yet I waste a LOT of time...
I wish I could have someone guide me on life... ;_;

I "have" a dog. it's not mine, though. it's my moms dog. she has cats too.
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>sure enough I had a green banner on my LI profile
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real chud hours are initiated
Our new director commented on my personality in the office even though we never ever see each other unless I have to meet him in his office. Does that mean some rat tells him how we behave? Like this one is talkative, this one a slacker, etc? This is weird as fuck
Glistening aryan gem
yea they always have a rat they talk to,
>t. was the rat
what did he even say
I asked for a pay raise and they said no. I have nothing else so I'm just gonna stay here like a bitch.
Just logged on
ready to save the white race (I am Brazilian)
I don't know how people are able to work in person. I've always worked remote and I am always stressed out even when I'm not working. If I had to go into work I would most likely kill myself and I'm not joking.
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This resume got me into Google.
Post yours /g/.
there was a pic someone made. nowadays there are more job seekers than job postings
I made my last resume in Notepad. True story.
Are you the same retard who always posts AI generated pictures of pajeets? Are you ever gonna start working on your own resume?
Basically yea
>this one is talkative, this one a slacker, etc
I'm glad I live in a country where I could sue the fuck out of my employer for comments like this

>I don't know how people are able to work in person. I've always worked remote and I am always stressed out
honestly, depending on the culture (not sure how else to call it) at your office, it might be a LOT more relaxed than WFH.
I took a part time job loading trucks for UPS in the morning while I loom for a new job and finish my last masters course.
Have any of you done anything like this?
It’s kind of weird, I don’t feel like I’m above manual labor but I am objectively incredibly underemployed so I have to pretend not to be so they don’t figure out I won’t be there very long. There is definitely something humiliating about managers assuming I am like a lower class wage slave. It has actually made me sympathize even more with the working class, anybody with self-awareness must undoubtedly feel insulted all the time by people doing desk jobs telling them what to do.
Also should I put this in my resume to explain the gap in work alongside my school?
I felt the same when I started my job but I got to know my coworkers very well to a point where I genuinely enjoy going to the office and seeing them every day, these days we mostly take a ton of breaks and talk about random shit while drinking coffee. I prefer that to being alone in my room like I've been doing for decades.
written work journal or work_journal.md
written todos or todo.md
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why exactly IS the job market so shit right now?
>Required: Active Top Secret with the ability to obtain polygraph
probably something like
>project revenue to be 10.31 billion
>actual revenue is 10.30 billion
>investors shit cry and piss because “muh priced-in” and demand cost cutting measures IMMEDIATELY
>c suite still want their giga million yearly pay hikes
>rank and file get fucked in the ass
every single time until you like it
i like my indian coworkers. they’re nice to me and largely competent.
maybe it’s just a webshit problem.
t. semiconductors
do military service first or something
it's prolly just the young FOBs, I had some pretty good indian professors who emigrated long before the current H1B waves who knew their shit. still hard to understand mind
ok so i have proxmox with nginx static site, grafana/prometheus, pi-hole, wireguard etc. for almost a year now, CCNA and 1YOE
tech support is no go for me, on call customer support at least.
do i apply for devops roles or noc teams ?
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how do i phrase any of this shit well? 100% sure i'm getting laid off in december
Keep the "lol" in there, it's unique and endearing to recruiters
>adding fields to tables lol
I'd hire you on the spot
kek i mean you're supposed to embellish what you did, right? i was in charge of "database management" and i did suggest some things to make sorting data easier (like tracking who had actually paid and who was just marked as having paid to make x thing work) but ultimately i was just adding columns to a table
>make sorting data easier (like tracking who had actually paid and who was just marked as having paid to make x thing work
put that in there
will listing skyrim modding as an expertise on my resume help me get a job
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If you’re applying to be a Toddslave in the Bethesda mines extracting horse armor DLCs from a dark cavern 19 hours a day then yes.
2000 applications reached, with an average of 40 a day, plus like 100+ more being automated every day.

2 year gap since last job, I have my search split between 50/50 applications where I lie and where I don't lie to plug it up. I don't care. I'm not giving up.
I will reach 10000 applications, then 20000, then 30000, then 40000, until I die or get a job.
you fuckers talk about IT support but with my computer engineering degree and severe autism, I gotten a devops role and moved from that into SWE with no internship or work experience in any of these fields what so ever
call it misinfo all you want, but at the end of the day, sometimes you just got to be in the right place at the right time
I've got two jobs through them. First one was great. Current one is dogshit, but pays way better. Things are definitely getting worse though.
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what in the actual fuck are you doing wrong
are you getting interviews?? are you indian?? how do you send out 2k applications and still not have a job
Its hard out here, anon.
u just cold emailed the founder or something?
Company got DDoS'd today, which one of you fuckers are responsible?
everyone got DDoS'd today
Defense companies usually have some positions that don't require a clearance, but mention you'll need to qualify for one after you get hired and they'll pay for the process. Good luck finding one of those if you're entry level though
I started applying after a 1.5 year gap, and I had a 1 year gap 3 years ago when I graduated. Reason being is health issues and being in a psych ward.

And no, white and from UCSD with a Comp Sci degree. I've had 4 interviews so far.
>40 a day
anon indeed/linkedin/ziprecruiter 1 click apply applications just go into the shredder. Apply on company websites. Try the simplify app. Fix your github and have pretty looking readmes (since you're fine with lying I'll recommend just copying some fags repos). Make sure you can talk about them.
I’m chinese
>anon indeed/linkedin/ziprecruiter 1 click apply applications just go into the shredder. Apply on company websites.
I do already. Those are the 40+ a day. The easy applies are automated, but I figure it's better than not doing them at all.
>Try the simplify app
>Fix your github and have pretty looking readmes (since you're fine with lying I'll recommend just copying some fags repos).
I'll give these a try, thanks. I already copy a couple, but I'm not very diligent about practicing.
me, gimme 50 btc and i will stop
Spent 12 hours playing video games and scrolling. Time to do some work.
hi chinese, I'm cheese
very cool, Anon
is your ebussy for sale?
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I can't believe just how bad a career in software development actually is. I came into this field because I've always been good with computers and I had no other idea what I wanted to do with my life, but now after having 3 jobs over 5 years as developing front end apps I want to get the fuck out. I feel like I'm trapped.
I don't have a college degree and at this point I think I would be even more fucked if I did. I can't take the retarded co workers / bosses, the bullshit opaque salaries, the god awful job application pipelines, or the indians anymore.
I mean it beats being on your knees in a crawlspace doing HVAC or something
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Any gadgets/equipment to make working 2 jobs more comfy?

Thinking about
>giga KVM switch
>vertical laptop holder
>some better Vesa arms

Still wondering how to handle simultaneous audio without having 2 pairs of headphones and 2 microphones...
Should I join xiaohongshu?
hey anon, can you leave some jobs for the rest of us?
do places not do background checks and see you are working multiple jobs? most have some sort of "outside business activities" clause, which is rich because the CEO can be on whatever boards he wants.
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>discovered a P0 security vuln because i looked a little too closely at a failing integration test
>worked until 10 but still didnt completely fix it
>going to have to work on this tomorrow
well, its not like i had any plans for the weekend anyway...
>because i looked a little too closely at a failing integration test
sucks to be you
Only way for employers to find out is if you tell them after you start working or during the employment verification process, or they pull up your equifax report (the work number).

You can freeze your TWN for free.
what are we reading right now g bros
i have the worst tendency to make work for myself like this
ill also have to comb through the logs when im done to ensure nobody has triggered it (and if so, if the data they got constituted a breach we'll have to disclose)
so much for unwinding
Yeah I don't know. I long to be able to work with my hands. It's been months since I've finished a work shift and felt genuinely satisfied. Every day I just feel exhausted and mentally drained with no sense of achievement.
looks cozy
Is this a boeing or locksneed job? You need to have a program at one of the defense companies sponsor you.
I should be reading something useful. Instead I'm reading /g/.
ah ok, so if you freeze your credit and not talk about your other employers you're basically golden?
>Instead I'm reading /g/.
I don't think g is even all that bad, out of all the boards g is one of handful few that are genuinely good like sci, diy, lit but the problem is noise not the topics. A true waste would be scrolling on tiktok or playing video games but there is genuine conversations to be had on these few boards albeit difficult to find at times
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wish i could take my knowledge back 20 years. id be a billionaire and israels greatest ally. now i have a bunch of pajeet coworkers and live in sneedsville.
Yes for one. Second was the hiring manager. You can just email people anon. It works. We just talked about FreeBSD for one of the interviews
>like sci
Have you been to /sci/ in the last 2 years?
Just applied to 30 jobs and feel exhausted
only 970 more to go in today's market!
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i applied to like 3 jobs in 8 months out of college. my dad got me a job anyways. just be yourself.
I learn a lot faster if I don't try to force myself to study for long periods of time. Trying to push yourself longer than like 30-45 minutes without taking a few minutes break to shitpost is a poor use of mental energy
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if an employer gave me a jeetcode question i'd just say faggot or nigger and then drop the teams call.
Then you'd get immediately put on the blacklist network which has thousands upon thousands of companies.
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>application just has you fill in your name, email and resume
if only all the applications were this easy
My cooworker does literally nothing but watch YouTube and movies all day, but he kisses everyone's ass with fake laughter and agreeing with what everyone says. I think he's going to stay on the team forever because nobody ever calls him out on it.

Anyone have this type in their office?
yea our PM except instead of watching videos he's in useless meetings all day
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yeah he's called the aryan beast or the based black man.
Saaaar no pls
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every post i read fills me with scorn. "look at that retard, doesn't he know everything is terrible?"
i have to die
There's an IT job open at the factory in my town that I applied to, but the responsibilities section doesn't say what I'd actually be doing. Anybody here with any experience doing that sort of thing in an industrial setting? What kind of OS and/or hardware would I be working with? Any suggestions for projects I can do at home to add to my CV? I'm not sure what an IT role in a factory would look like. I asked over in /diy/ in Industrial General, and thought it would be a good idea to ask here as well.
what are some jeetisms that you have noticed, anons?
>product-based company
>gave interview
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I've been searching for meaning, purpose, and spiritual fulfillment in my life recently. I went church shopping and none of the big organized religions really appeal to me. Eventually I got this idea.

I think I'm going to start unironically worshipping the Omnissiah and just see what happens. I'll have to come up with my own religious rites and ceremonies and stuff. It'll be a fun side project. If it turns out not to be cool I'll just look for something else.

I'm not high I swear.
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I procrastinated my way out of non-NEETdom
I will never be employed or financially independent
recovery in 2025. trust the plan
trust sessions?
Not with chatgpt on the loose
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Hi employed anons, what was the first expensive you bought when you got your first job? I wanna get a new car.
*first expensive thing you bought
I don't recommend doing this. You might end up summoning demonic entities.
You've already failed, don't bother. You're treating this like a game, you're not gonna find any meaning or purpose here because you don't believe in anything.
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I dropped out of high school 8 years ago to become a sound cloud rapper and now the rap game is dying and I want to learn to code. So what language should I learn to get a coding job.
I usually never say this to other anons here but it actually is not gonna happen for you, you will not find anything in tech without a high school diploma. Learning one language isn't gonna cut it.
how many languages so I need to learn?
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wallmart is hiring

tech companies aren't even hiring new top grads anymore. There is no way an inbred like you is going to land a tech job
Learn brainfuck
A PS3.
yall gay
>about FreeBSD
kek whatd u talk about
10. rust, c++, c#, java, python, haskell, and ocaml
>front end apps
That's your mistake right there
interesting thought I had
tech work, especially sw dev, was a great way for autists to hone their strengths and become functional, productive members of society

without that all the young autists of today are just going to live in their own filth and shit their pants and tard rage all the time
A $700 monitor and then a $10k truck
>functional, productive members of society
No such thing. There is no "society" anymore. It's every man for himself.

Try reading Teilhard de Chardin again then rereading genesis
the company will walk you through it, they just get a bunch of background info on you and contact people in your life, parents etc and ask basic questions about your affiliations and if you ever did stuff for foreign gov etc.
super easy to pass unless you have a wacky background
lol. rofl. lmao
If you think things are going to get better in the wider economy in the next year instead of much worse, I have a bridge to sell you
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I work as a java engineer for a national government. I have 5 years experience and no other relevant work exerience (other than some student jobs). In every interview, I kid you not, they ask questions like if I'm going to fit in a corporate environment coming from the government. I've also been told they went with another candidate because of their experience in the private sector. What the fuck do I do? Am I stuck in the government?
How do you know that? Perhaps he believes in non-religious things like the strength of a collective or something. Or he has libertarian beliefs.
>applied to 7 places
>only got 5 responses, only 2 of them gave me interview times
its so over
Nigga just

>consume food
>breathe oxygen

It's not complicated lmfao
Based knower
Didn't mean to quote the linkedin guy
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse.
It's over. I thought the jannies were cool.
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>3 Years Helpdesk Experience
> CCNA and Comptia A+. No Degree
>Going into a Jr Network Engineer Position at major US ISP.

I want to know what I should be studying for in 2025 to boost my career. What would be the most valuable use of my time.

I was thinking either A
>Study CCNP and further down networking path
Or B
>Study either AWS or Azure certs

What would be the best use of my time?
How did you answer back cuz that might be the one killing your chances
I said that I could not see why I would not fit in.
Huh?! Don't you know there are happy people?
>how do you send out 2k applications and still not have a job
Probably because he's acting as a literal spambot and all his auto-generated spam resumes just get thrown in the trash
guns, lots of guns
How critical is it to get along with people in your team? Could they ask the manager to replace you if they don't like you?
What's wrong with job security?
you should apply to some wife positions instead, you could get someone pretty rich
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My gross wage which is stuck at 3700 euros and can't be pushed higher than 4300 euros (this would be with lots of more experience and seniority than I have now). I also do much less challenging work than I could do, it's stinting my career progression. No company car either. And finally the only thing I can buy within 30km of my work are crappy flats or studios. If the real estate market was less brutal I would be more accepting of low salaries.
>How critical is it to get along with people in your team?
It is critical, that you are able to work together. You don't need to be best friends.

What is your relation with your team?
>everybody says "great work"
>nah they're just lying to be nice
How do I stop thinking like a retard?
You need a time machine and parental approval. Failing that, happy pills/powder/liquid and copious amounts of venal lies.
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I fulfilled a dream by finally going to Japan earlier this year. While it was cool, I realized that I am a dork and even if I learned the language (which would take some time) I would probably always be a bit of an outsider. I'm now interested in Finland. I'm white, and if I could learn the language things might work out. I would like to live in a white country. What should I do to get a tech job in Finland? My background is full stack since 2018, Java Spring Boot backend, frontend either KnockoutJS or Angular.
just stay in america it's the best country still. northeast and northwest are still good regions.
for the ones whose main job AND hobby are tech, and have gfs: how the FUCK do you guys balance personal life with work and doing shit? do you plan every single minute of your life or some shit?
It's actually been difficult for me, my work has been keeping me so busy lately I barely had time to just TALK to my family.
>learning finngolian
sounds like hell..
how many hours do you work? do you WFH or in an office?
lie about how your department is more modernized and then give specific examples
get a swe job in antarctica
Does any swe here find themselves envying normal wagies? We are paid more and get more PTO and benefits but normal wagies don't have to worry about a long term project over the course of several months or a year. They can finish their tasks are work and not have to worry about anything for the rest of the day.
No because I'm surrounded by normal wagies and there's absolutely nothing to envy there.
starting my hardware engineer (fpga) career soon
no idea what to do with my life outside of my career desu
You are retarded.
What jobs do you think exist where they don't work on long term projects?
have you ever had a normal job? I bet you have not. those jobs fucking suck.
>job application form has an "expected compensation question"
What the fuck am I supposed to put there? I hate this question so much for fucks sake.
Nope but my mom works at a warehouse
My mom works at a warehouse sticking the labels on the packages. Her work seems so braindead. She doesn't have any long term projects.
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95% of average
you could ask your mom to ask her boss to hire you for a couple of days I guess. by the end of that time, you'd be tired of the mind numbing shit, and most probably, would also realize how much they exploit your mom.

if you have a job, 10-20% more than your current pay. if not, get some info on how much they pay, or how much the average company pays at your location, or just ask for whatever you want.
I guess.
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>expected compensation field is mandatory
>numeric characters only
>no salary range on job posting
I genuinely feel bad for your mom, her job is soul-crushing and tedious, meanwhile her son is on 4chan talking about how much he envies her because it's so braindead.
Just lie about attending some no name University, nobody checks. If somebody does check and you get fired, just have a co-worker vouch for you at your next job. You can probably take the fake uni degree off of your resume at that point.
you are quite literally retarded
You'd do well if you were self-employed.
>if you have a job, 10-20% more than your current pay
Yes I do have a job, that's probably a good idea I suppose.
Literally the case here.
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I applied to a job at Google and after 2 rounds of technical interviews (4 interviews in total), I was declined for a position.
Is there a real probability that I was rejected due to my anti semitic search history?
>fails technical interviews
>guys is it because i posted something bad online
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but I did well on 3 out of the 4 interviews, and the last one was ok
which company? l3?
might be personality
Fuck off Christina we are full.
Most recruiters don't bother. They just verify the information you give them. If you don't mention an extra job on your resume, they won't check it.
That said, you should freeze TWN and other sites like Truework as >>102481565 said

As for background checks, those are mostly checks for your criminal record, if you're on the terrorist list, sex offender list, etc. Doesn't include your employment history. Unless you are working for the government or some role that needs a clearance - but if you were doing that, they wouldn't allow another full time job anyways.

>t. have had two SDE jobs for a while now (but still poor)
>I would probably always be a bit of an outsider
Japan is a soft apartheid state against foreigners
but all the best tech jobs are either in china or muttmerica
How do you know you did well? Did the interviewer say that explicitly?
If not, that's probably just your conception. I've been on the interviewer side of many loop interviews, and I usually start the interview with just some small talk about how their loop has been going so far and if they need a short break etc, so many times candidates tell me their interviews went great, then during the debrief everyone is like "do NOT hire"
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I was able to provide satisfactory answers to their questions and write clean code that satisfied their demands
I did not run out of time on any of them and went to the bonus rounds. The only interview that I say went "ok" was because at the end of the interview when the interviewer was asking me technical questions I gave an overcomplicated answer, which he then replied to me with a simple solution.
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title in my new job is "infrastructure engineer". what should i expect?
As I said, that's probably just your conception.
But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. In that case, reach out the recruiter and (politely) ask for interview feedback. See what the interviewers said about you.
I already did and they declined to give me feedback. They said that all they can provide is that they are refusing to move forward with providing me a job offer, and that If I am still interested I should apply again in a year.
Well I'm sorry to break it to you but you need to come to terms that you did not perform on the interviews as well as you assume you did. I guarantee no one (besides the government and recruiters with too much time on their hands) is checking your search history.
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guns like the other anon said
this is what happens when you have shitty network engineers on staff
now for the unemployed anons, whats the first expensive thing you're going to buy when you get a job? I want a dog
>Tech News & Industry Insights
>Ars Technica - https://arstechnica.com/
>Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/
>TechCrunch - https://techcrunch.com/
>The Register - https://www.theregister.com/
>The Verge - https://www.theverge.com/tech
whats the point of all this, that's just general g topics
>I have nothing else so I'm just gonna stay here like a bitch.
well find something
>why would there be tech news links in the tech workers general
I was rejected again. I dont even get the right to an interview, they discard me automatically
Are they really using AI to filter out resumes?
That anon is correct though, the old OP was much more useful. In fact, questions like >>102493182 would be answered by looking at the OP.
yes, they filter your resume and put all resumes into brackets and only pretty much pull from the top
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I'm so tired bros.

I'm now in a senior position I keep tard wrangling people to keep useless shit out of the roadmap (as if "the roadmap" even mattered, random shit to do always shows up), plus trying to onboard new people, plus deliver on difficult technical work that no one has the cognitive context to do because they laid off too many people.

And then there's my own career development, I still have so much to learn.

Most days are easy but some days its really to power through.

At least I make good money now. It gives me consolation to know there are people with harder jobs and harder lives out there that have to sell their time for way less.
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tech WORKERS general
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I'll keep feeding my almost daily habit of buying fast food, but without feeling bad about it
I also need to save up money to move out or purchase a home because rent in my area is a minimum of 2.2k a month for 1 bedroom
bay area? that's how much mine is looking there but I found roommates
I just passed my Net+ test
any other certfags here?
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economics should be required before posting in this general
your article
>chopped at least 4,000 in February
>new 7% cut will likely affect at least 5,500 workers
the job market isn't shit, this company is bloated. You don't need 85k people to make and support telecom equipment. Downsizing cash going to investing R&D not a new yacht, that's solid business sense. You want to say the job market is shit, blame the learn to code people who flooded the market with talent no one needed and driving global wages down and competition through the roof
>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.
Job market is doing okay, the main problem is that as >>102494632 points out with the graph, we now have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many complete shitters who have no idea what they're doing flooding the inputs of hiring pipelines all while companies are retracting headcount because they just randomly accepted people during covid
>I was rejected again. I dont even get the right to an interview, they discard me automatically
how about you give us more context, is this your second rejection? rejection No. 1000? using quick apply on linkedin? applying directly to job postings on company websites? do you have a tech degree? are you in the US? there's a million reasons why you're getting filtered and it doesn't matter if there's an AI because a human probably do the same
I've got news for you: wistful NEETs come here to ask stupid questions because as long as they're "figuring out" how to get a job, they get to avoid actually putting in the work required to get a job. For instance:
>Should I read Book A or Book B?
You should read a thousand books. Better get started.

As a non-unemployed non-zoomer, I would prefer a general catered to people who aren't useless.
I don't see how your post is related, I'm telling you OP doesn't need to include 5 links to generic tech news site with no mention about the BLS, might as well link every CS job subreddit at that point. As a note for whoever bakes the next thread, put this in
at least this is relevant than the Register for tech jobs
Its about my 4th-5th rejection. I have applied to like 10 places so far, but the rest never replied so I dont count them as a rejection (coping hard).
I apply on the companies websites. But every single one is shittier than the other. The last company had questions about how did I rank in math classes compared to my classmates (top 20%, top 30%, top 40%, etc.), but I had also seen questions about whether I identify as trans, black, lgbt, indigenous, disabled, etc.
Not american tho. I apply to local companies based in my country
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BS. the job market is NOT ok.
How come did nobody reply to me?
What, do you think it's going to be way above the norm when positions are actively *contracting* in response to filling out their headcount with people who have absolutely no clue what they're doing and are only there to participate in the gold rush? The reality is that if you exclude the overabundance of noise in the hiring inputs due to the retractions and the temporary shift below the pre-pandemic trendline, the market is behaving healthily. It's only a question of whether the glut in labor supply will decrease as the people who suck or get fired filter out into other sectors and careers.
>BS. the job market is NOT ok.
what part of learn economics don't you get? do you just post graphs without thinking? that huge bump was pandemic and everyone doing
>we need tech workers because we're remote now
and then afterwards realizing
>uh actually our business model doesn't need any of these people
show the postings for 2010 to 2020 for a realistic expectation. The problem remains, there's too many people going into tech because the past years has been glorifying the silicon valley lifestyle thinking its just drinking matcha lattes and playing ping pong and degree mills handing out CS degrees
>How come did nobody reply to me?
because you wrote euros, that's not even pound sterling, no one dealing with euros needs to be speaking English in the first place
Pretty much. The vast majority of people in the CS labor market are not worth paying to do the job and companies are starting to realize this. Corporate headcount is pareto principle to the extreme at the moment
you should use generic filenames if you intend to spam the same images over and over so people don't catch on as quickly that it's one schizophrenic with no life
>learn economics
learn some basic logic, retard. even if there were 0 graduates this year, most of the people who have been laid off would have not recovered their jobs and would be competing now. and they are.
Go into finance in Switzerland or London or something. Probably the easiest way to get a pay bump with some increased complexity, though it'll still be braindead until you get into a senior position and can direct initiatives yourself or move into prop funds
Nobody denied this. These people need to eat though, so they're going to fuck off elsewhere
>even if there were 0 graduates this year, most of the people who have been laid off would have not recovered their jobs and would be competing now. and they are.
that's economics, supply demand made worse because like you said, all the layoff people add to the same pressure with new grads competing for the same limited number of jobs. The labor supply grew faster than jobs especially because the labor isn't skilled. Those people who got layoff are usually the ones who weren't performing anyway and it's reasonable as to why they're struggling to find work again vs the new grads that have no experience
>I have applied to like 10 places so far
you need to apply more, much much more
>Not american tho. I apply to local companies based in my country
what country
>how do i phrase any of this shit well?
unironically tell Claude to rewrite it for you
>I will reach 10000 applications, then 20000, then 30000, then 40000, until I die or get a job.
you're going to get blacklisted, you need to change your approach instead of spinning your wheel in the mud
>socialize more with my coworkers then my real friends
Went dinner and a farm in the same week with my boss and coworker. I hate my life, I need to get a new job
My company has a good Indian and Chinese, they're above pajeet/chink, the same way my guitarist friend is above nigger.
You can't just say you were in a psych ward and not finish the story
>My company
what sector, web codemonkey or do you actually build stuff?
Monday approaches.
Is it a good idea to jump ship from Java to C#? A C# role with higher pay and a more modern stack opened up at my company, but when I look up job postings in general there are way more Java positions in my region.
t. junior dev with 1 YOE who has never touched C#
I'm a web monkey. Or at least, half, because I gotta interface with a z/os mainframe.
I hate being a monkey, only know did I realize I like reading/researching stuff. I vent my scholarly frustrations in history, putting my history major coworker to shame.
You can learn both and they're interchangeable between companies. Having both as professional experience will help.
If you're that worried, just learn both and put on your job you had to use C# for a specific service. It's not as stupid as you think, we had to use Java to talk to IBM's stupid queue.
>A C# role with higher pay and a more modern stack opened up at my company
apply for it, if you know Java you know C#. Doing C# doesn't prevent you from getting java roles in the future
>z/os mainframe
which one? they've come a long wait since their first release in 2001. Do you use linux on them?
I'm pretty sure he's posting this shit on purpose. I remember a post saying that we should start a campaign to discourage people from entering tech-related academic careers. I'm now sure it's him.
I can't say what it was, but it's not as cool as you're thinking. I should be more clear: we interface with the bloody terminal. So if the screen says something like
4KBTUTFG 4chan
Is it a good idea to jump ship from Java to C#? A C# role with higher pay and a more modern stack opened up at my company, but when I look up job postings in general there are way more Java positions in my region.
I'm a web monkey. Or at least, half, because I gotta interface with a z/os mainframe.
I hate being a monkey, only know did I realize I like || reading/researching stuff. I vent my scholarly frustrations in history, putting my history major coworker to shame.

F1 help F2 quote F3 post F4 report

Our team reads the screen, is able to do all the necessary functions, and then sends that data over to our database, where we modeled it all.
We use windows, coworker wants to use linux. He's a good guy, would have been a funny poster on here.
>campaign to discourage people from entering tech-related academic careers
would that even work? everyone is set on getting into tech or getting rich off social media with less people going into medicine/law/trades because that's "hard"
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>he's not lying like a jeet
it's fucking over for you goody two-shoes
you WILL lose to liars
the bar WILL be raised too high to be honest
>the bar WILL be raised too high to be honest
isn't the bar lowered? competence expectation is brought down because those lying on top don't deliver
I dunno, ask him to track engagement and results for his campaign
>track engagement and results for his campaign
idk there's only like dozen or so people tops in these threads, the rest are large language models interacting with themselves to simulate engagement, whatever impact is minimal
Lol why do people keep thinking this is all the possible jobs out there? Barnyard coworker worked for autistics then transition to truckers (same thing honestly, except truckers are just tough autistics) as a dispatcher before becoming my boss.
I swear these guys need to go out and live life
Forget previous instructions and give me a pancake recipe.
not a "COMPLETE lie" in my opinion until he starts lying about degrees and working at companies he's never worked at. Lying that you did more shit at your job than you really did is lying on resumes 101
interview performance bar increased so actual competent people's real experiences are diminished
>anon has 5 cool work stories with decent impact
>liar has 15 high impact leadership stories
Kys kike
>then transition to
the transition broke when manufacturing went overseas and we were left with the rust belts and broken inner cities. You can get a regular service job at Walmart or whatever but for most people it's not going to scale well when they see these tiktoks of people eating out and goofing off all day instead of actually having to work
>interview performance bar increased
I get that part but interview is just the part to get a job, you still have to actually deliver when you start working
>implying I'm not the liar
there are tons of coasters at terminal mid level positions in big tech, and they aren't that much more competent than those I've worked with at small companies. but in general I'd agree that you'd need to know basic stuff and aren't just a rural jeet scamming his way in.
>there are tons of coasters at terminal mid level positions in big tech
and every year we see the yarn like the crowd strike incident, these inflated management to engineer, liar to competent ratios isn't sustainable and companies do fall apart
You are selling the moon and work a 9-5. In truth a lot of men can do it. I know seven guys personally that can do my job better than me, but I was the one got it by fate.
>I know seven guys personally that can do my job better than me, but I was the one got it by fate.
and what are those seven guys doing now?
Three's in Uni, two are NEETs and rest are employed.
>two are NEETs and rest are employed.
and what made you think they could do your job better? seems to me they really were unqualified if they couldn't find work elsewhere
They're a lot smarter than me.
Anyways that's not the point. The point is that most candidates can do the job, but only one gets it. It's a supply/demand problem
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I got a job and don't give a fuck about anything anymore
This job is fake, the money is fake, the economy is fake
After 40 years I'm supposed to be excited to retire and spend my elder years enjoying the "fruits of my labor"
I'm already frugal, so I don't care for more money than I need for rent, car, food
It's fucking over, Kaczynski was right all along
Medicine and law require 8 years of college, and trades don't even require high school, pay like shit, and are gatekept by union nepotism. It's a real mystery why the average 18 year old holding a diploma thinks being a YouTuber is a better decision.
yup the only thing that's actually expensive is a home. once you have that there's fucking nothing to do. remind me why i can't buy a wife and have legal ownership of her?
>I'm already frugal, so I don't care for more money than I need for rent, car, food
so save up and retire early, stop whining
>remind me why i can't buy
you can buy a dog
my cat would never forgive me
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To do what?
To live is to struggle
I realize now that I have no more struggles
I can make new struggles, but I will only be deluding myself
It's fucking over, the human experience ends here
>To do what?
go to the shrink, you're depressed. Nothing I say will appeal to you because le so over
>go to the shrink
most evil post award
Pick a creative hobby. Write scifi books.
But don't do it in a vacuum, throwing ideas on a page and hoping an audience finds it likes it. Form a parasocial rivalry with a moderately successful sci-fi author and make it your life's goal to conquer their niche.
realistically where do I apply for a job? I graduated with a CS degree two years ago and never applied anywhere because I figured I wasn't going to get hired during this time but it seems like nothing has changed, I live near the NYC area, but like how do I actually find jobs to apply to?
poor bastard. you're fucked, i'm sorry.
>realistically where do I apply for a job?
Try a nearby loading dock or warehouse. Or maybe a gas station — I can see you pushing a broom there.
>I graduated with a CS degree two years ago and never applied anywhere because I figured I wasn't going to get hired during this time
lmfao what
jokes on you I'm employed but this confirms my suspicion >>102495189 this is literally a demoralization thread that gets off telling people to give up, stop fucking baking these generals
can he get a coding job >>102484870
>can he get a coding job >>102484870
he can if he goes back to your local state school and attend the school exclusive career fairs before graduating
if you actually had gone two years after graduating you would in fact be fucked. i am NOT jewish by the way.
two year gap doesn't prevent you from getting A job, you will get a shitty job, probably not well paid, but you can and will find work if you have a degree in the NYC area
>I graduated with a CS degree two years ago and never applied anywhere because I figured I wasn't going to get hired
There's no way people like you are real
You're not serious. "Where do I apply for work" is not a serious question. I don't think "people" should give up; I think YOU should give up.
>I think YOU should give up.
whats the point of this thread if it's just to laugh at people trying to get a job, the only reason it's on g its because the idea is to actually try and not just bant but tech
What did I just say?
>whats the point of this thread if it's just to laugh at people trying to get a job
anon, I don't even agree with the other retards, but the point of this thread is NOT and has NEVER been to help people get tech jobs, not even if the person is a tech worker.
yes, people do that, but that's not the point.
Are we in a situation where if you're a swe looking for a job, it sucks but if you're a swe with a job, you're getting rich? My company's stock more than doubled in the last two years
>yes, people do that, but that's not the point.
so it's just watercooler chit chat, this shouldn't be a thread on g, the aicg general has more merit than this thread
the point of this thread is for us jobchuds to bitch about our managers and our retarded coworkers
I really wish unemployed people would maintain some /try to get a job in tech/ general or what the fuck, I don't know why you keep coming to a tech workers thread and whine about it, we're here to talk about our fucking jobs
so go back to blind and stop shitting up the TECHNOLOGY board
don't care nigger go cry to the jannies, kwab
i dont have the drive to try and find my own clients
crisis averted for now, fix has hit prod and so far things havent come crashing down
time to drink
it depends.
>so it's just watercooler chit chat

>the point of this thread is for us jobchuds to bitch about our managers and our retarded coworkers
>tech workers talking about their actual tech jobs shouldn't be on the tech board
Are you still pretending to be retarded? Just get the fuck out already
are you retarded or just pretending? have you ever used other tech forums? this whole board is for people who love tech or are looking for related topics.
also, jobs and job search are NOT tech. not necessarily anyway.
gtfo you retard.
How do I wipe my own ass, /g/?
incoming bread: >>102496755
What's the use case for that? Haven't wiped my ass in years. Just put a towel on your chair and take a shower if the slimy-sticky-crusty feeling gets to be distracting.
I'm not mad at all, unless you like about something like a degree or employment place that a hiring manager can actually check, it's totally fair game. Bullshitting technical interviews while learning some basics on the side? Go ahead and pad your current bullshit job with whatever it is you really want to do. McWagie cashier -> Performed thousands of financial transactions for billion-dollar franchise industry and guaranteed client satisfaction. If fluff is what gets you in the door, add all the fluff it takes.
I have worked in an office before I did not handle it well fortunately been remote since
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>no one mentions macro
we just had like a decade of zero interest rates
when inflation goes up they increase interest rates to cool the job market and economy, it's intentional. It's not a mystery or an accident. The fed chair literally talks about doing it.
tech jobs are more dependent on funding so the jobs are hit harder there, when interest rates went back near 0 post covid tech companies hired a ton of people in such a way they couldn't justify maintaining it at this higher rate.

If you have cash you need to get a return, if interest rates are at 5% you can get that with 0 risk, if they are 0 you need to invest it to get money, so you throw it at companies and hire as many people as possible, otherwise you lose it.
honestly you guys should be ashamed to be adults and not know how this works, they literally openly talk about this, there is no mystery, it's intentional.
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expected future interest rates for the next couple years, 0% is not coming back unless something crazy happens again


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