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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

https://sysdig.com/blog/growing-dangers-of-llmjacking edition

MAJOR NEWS: Corpo honeypots confirmed. You may have had your IP logged, honeykeys currently unknown. Glowie involvement extent unknown. It's so fucking over.
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

previous: >>102476136
>MAJOR NEWS: Corpo honeypots confirmed. You may have had your IP logged, honeykeys currently unknown. Glowie involvement extent unknown. It's so fucking over.
spite bake
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just finished jerking off
Quick rundown on Scylla and Chary in all of this. Are they safe?
>Quick rundown on Scylla and Chary in all of this. Are they safe?
They are literally the least safe out of all of the proxies.
>they MIGHT have logged my ip
okay and?
Glowie proxies are /aicg/ only.
qrd on what the fuck happened? just woke up
>They placed Honeypot keys and logged the proxyhosts that used them
>Most honey prompts were on July 11, 2024
>Someone went in the archive and saw that Jew had a wait time and Unreliable was the only AWS proxy at the time
>Pepsi freaked out over the article and deleted her Discord server
>Analyzing the contents of these prompts, the majority of the content were roleplay related (~95%), so we filtered the results to work with around 4,800 prompts. The main language used in the prompts is English (80%) and the second most-used language is Korean (10%), with the rest being Russian, Romanian, German, Spanish, and Japanese.

we're honeypotted and have been for months
>have been for months
anon they literally say its only 80k prompts, that's like 1-2 days of a single public opus proxy
>The main language used in the prompts is English (80%)
Doesn't this mean it was one of our proxies and not a Chink or 2ch one? Or does 2ch write in English?
>Or does 2ch write in English?
About 70% English I'd say, a lot of them irrationally hate RPing in Russian even though it's emotionally closer.
>It's a nothingburger that each article gets more and more specific about us
Okay, glownigger. When the original Scylla article was posted you said it was nothing too and they wouldn't do anything. Now they've got honeypot keys that our proxies are using. What's next?
So it's primarily just Claude, right? I've been a gpt nigga all along and my shit is probably logged too but just wanna know.
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>glowies tracking people down
>im just using the unlimited 3.5 on sourcegraph
total retardation win
>Scylla mentioned in article
>AWS tightens security for Opus
>Confirmed honeypot keys
>Drago arrested
>>Drago arrested
this ones actually true
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>mfw I've only ever used my own keys
I would make a public AWS Opus proxy where I will put half of my AWS keys if Drago gets arrested or Scylla dies, I swear.
I'm just going to stick with my free Mistral
i jsut siphon opus directly from my work so im good
we need to get anon records on this asap the song he writes for this would go fucking hard
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>>Scylla mentioned in article
>>Drago arrested
>mfw i stalled on buying my way into charybidis and stay put with my gpt 3.5 turbo for the longest of time
Yeah, so glad I was a gpt console war fag
How are police going to arrest the gen alpha anons?
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I want to fuck Sturm from Granblue Fantasy.
Then do so.
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So it was confirmed to be Chary that was honeypotted. Why didn't the retard throw away logged key
>So it was confirmed
It wasn't.
he literally does not check for if theyre logged or not. thats why he has so many.
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I want to fight Slade
anyone still in grade school will be executed on site.
I use english because russian rp/porn lingo is strongly assotiated with extremey cringe translations and cringy shitty porn, that I consumed years ago when I didn't know better.
>russian rp/porn lingo is strongly assotiated with extremey cringe translations and cringy shitty porn
that's just not true, and you know it.
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No one downloaded my bot....
I miss dogpuncher
>wtf i think i tried deleting every single entry individually and it still didn't send, maybe they really banned recaps
>Oh shit, 9 really is the max we can put now.
lmg btfo when glowstuff happens, stuff's happening
Not a single person?
Post bot
>What's next?
Hopefully extradition to face justice, then the healing begins
are we getting glowniggered
1 download (me), I failed
I won't take any pity downloads. I must go back to the drawing board
nigga share the bot here, I wanna see how bad it is
Where did you post it? Every bot I put on chub gets a handful of downloads right away from what I assume are just archive bots or something along those lines
It fucking was. No other proxy has that unerasonably high amount. Unrealiable throws out logged keys and so does Jew
I bet you didn't even make a bot.
>Unrealiable throws out logged keys and so does Jew
That's just cope, anon.
literal nothingburger whocars
It was confirmed to be Jew actually.
see >>102478400
bro did you even wait for the site to refresh?
or you aren't getting downloads because ti's baraslop or some shit
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https://p.ecker.tech/ai/claude - opus for bears
There's no proof that it's Jew, retard.
Should I be worried?
not if you're a miniGOD
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Posted it on chub last week.
Unfortunately I did
It wasn't bara. I'm just bad at bot making it seems
you cannot verify that mini didn't use that key.
>Jew had a wait time
It's over, jewshill.
btw does drago's shitty fork even check for AWS logging lmao
That's not proof it's Jew. Jew doesn't move that fast. It's Chary because he doesn't check his keys
No downloads in an entire week is impressive.




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>payers were the clowns all along
No . It doesn't. It hits five minutes of wait times on average
>Jew doesn't move that fast.
It's not that fast. If anything, it's way too slow for Chary.
think carefully about who has an incentive to lie about AWS logging and is scrapelet enough to have to use a logged key
Should I be worried or not?
someone could go check right now
Smolbros remain unbothered
no it doesnt, gpt couldnt tell him how to add that with his shitty refactor he did of khanons code
Your mother?
>you are a proxyhost/scraper
>you are a locust
lol no
...is it private? I don't see any bots on chub posted on sep 13 with only one download.
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Yeah it doesn't, but surely he just checks it with his key checker, right?
if true then there's no question it's chary
>retard set it to private
Oh that was the problem, nevermind
Even if he does, he probably just throws them in anyways.
cutie retard
It's 100% Chary lol.
>anon set his bot to private
>didn't realize nobody would see it
cute. making your card into a futa now
eyup, it's chary
feelsgood since I barely ever used it
This is similar to Drago's keychecker, does this check for logging? If no, then Drago's likely doesn't either
Good. Does that mean it’s still safe to use claude like the sonnet on pebble or should I start avoiding them?
more cunnes to plap for me
Locusts are indeed fucked. They are tracking everyone down if you live in a western aligned country or the US
You are only doomed if it's Chary
No, it doesn't.
Ok now someone needs to find the bot and post it here.
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Threw a slopkey into it that's confirmed logged with no perms and no, it doesn't say shit, so if Drago's is like this, his doesn't check either (likely).
Did he at least tell his chary users that they're fucked?
>Locusts are indeed fucked
Only if you used chary/scylla. if youre from here youre fine.
kingbased checks logging
yeah its chary kek
rape cunny
Jew Bros...
It's Chary 100% that got fucked
You're safe if it's jew. It's Chary that should be worrying
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Drago doesn't use kingbased as confirmed by the fact his Patreon actually has his own keychecker though, and he's bragged in the past using his keychecker as seen here.
I think he still has logging check implemented, surely...
Who cares, as long as you weren't proompting without a vpn on
obviously we don't care, but it'll affect chary and it'll be funny
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>Scripts release AWS/AZURE/OAI checkers

July 1
Finally by some long awaited AWS checker. If you are doing KEY stuff it may be useful for you :3c If not just ignore o/ and have a nice da...

no way i'm paying this nigger kek
someone tell drago
it'll be funny
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I only use a VPN to access stuff that gets auto-redirected.
around what time is this general helpful
You filthy Alastorfag
Smol = FBI agent

you're fucked
never, /aicg/ is useless niggers and coons all the way down
get lost
How are police going to react when it's just a bunch of gen alphaoomers they are arresting (besides Drago and Girko)
try in 8 hours
2am-4am EST
Nyo >,<
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>Pub: 13 Jul 2024 16:21 UTC
i have 4k proompts on chary and I've gotten like 700 free scylla prompts over time rip
The glowies will get pipebombs when they kick in the door, don't come between a gooner and his wAIfu
to any charynigger who's panicking about this: only a few of you will get arrested to be an example. it will be the shittiest lottery
>real smol trip
what did he mean by this?
Should I be fucking worried?
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i used that shit
That he's cia, obviously
hahahah LMAOO
>It was always just opus lol, was just testing some key's use strategies and few methods to prolong them (mostly on AWS side), as always nothing was logged or injected into the proxy... shizo's... (Vision on AWS doesn't really affect key had it on chary for a lot and tested here too, it was one off ig so public proxies shouldn't be scared to turn it on) Also hi KD gotch ya bitch :3c leeching of public proxies? you think I will just let it go? You are the person that gives chinese bad rep congrats fuck you, I might come back in future with some public proxy or not who knows... i have like 100+ azure dall-e 3 :| well I got a lot from it thanks to Dr. V
But he doesn’t get to bring friends.
What would Terry say?
You guys have been using vpns right?
Itt's 100% Chary. Itsn ot experiment. It's Chary
>i have like 100+ azure dall-e 3 :| well I got a lot from it thanks to Dr. V
i actually think i'm the first to get fucked. not joking at this point. someone has pulled into the driveway.
this is a cope
does anyone remember if experiment was running khanon on drago's fork
it probably doesn't even matter since he could have modified it
Why is this always your fallback thread though?
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do you really think the FBI is going to travel around the world, track down every IP, track down the respective VPN providers, track down the real IPs just to arrest thousands of randos
take a breath and think about this logically
damn you like actually never changed your ip or used vpns?
go away we're busy stealing and costing companies thousands (you can't do shit to stop us btw)
hi eli
we're getting our ass kicked for our cybercrimes
someone post about this in scyllacord already ffs
A lot of people (retards) in /aicg/ think they’re the main character and their life is a movie. Pity them.
no but the maple faggot and britbongs unironically might do that to anyone that posted from there
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*Heavy breathing*


Yes, Officer? Would you to ... Huff... complete one of my challenges?
Is it public yet? All of the single digit bots on the 13th are men...
no, but they'll track down (we've already done all the work) the guy with the patreon and discord full of underage coomers using stolen keys
I truly am pathetic, sitting here, watching this thread every single friday night for the past year.
Wonder who's idea it was to add LOGGING to a tool that is used in a FEDERAL FUCKING CRIME

I said from the start there was no reason proxies should be logging ANYTHING in production builds
>does anyone remember if experiment was running khanon on drago's fork
It did. Or that at least that's what it showed up as under the proxy build field.
Prove any of them knew the keys were stolen.
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>maple faggot and britbongs
Are you referring to Drago and his discord or what do you mean?
Drago throws in keys and there's lots of logs. Chary averages 3000 users in a day.
It's just going to be CANUSUK and maybe Australia who gets the most of it.
reminder that Khanon is a glowie and added token tracking visible on the page and status page for zero reason.
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It has Computer Maids.

I already did it. It is already done. This is a Science Foundation for maids.

Right now there are ten billions maids reading this and they are all counting big numbers.
They already did by logging the key little retard-kun.
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Been playing around with Sillytavern lately and made a card based on my OC. Not an aspiring botmaker so it's probably sloppy as fuck.

Greetings based on the various porn that I've commissioned of her.
>Hex tries to convince you to buy an onahole from her shop.
>You respond Hex's online ad for a test subject.
>Hex gives you a special reward for filling up your loyalty stamp card.
>You are a rich investor and Hex tries to get you to invest in her next product, honey slime girls.
If you like smug girls and onaholes, give it a shot.
it's been posted already but they're all glossing over it and pointing fingers at Jew and Unreliable.
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We know.
>Prove any of them knew the keys were stolen.
nobody cares about the users. Drago has bragged about using stolen keys and talked about scraping and likely used a honeypot key.
His was a man.
Should I act like I care about this nothingburger?
tell them drago's garbage slopcode fork does not check for aws logging and the rest do
That’s proof the proxy was used, not proof anyone was aware of how the key was obtained. Thanks for playing.
that's cool but i'm still using Opus... so erm... guess it didn't work boebeit zoebeit.
Jail proxy when?
>sharing your OC with anons
why is this in 60 fps
okay? who cares? read, ESLbert. I already said they'll only care about the guy (Drago) who runs it all, not the users.
Jew makes kinda sense since money is involved, but why would Unreliable go through the effort to hide logged keys for a public proxy?
the canadian and british government are extremely trigger happy when it comes to any whiff of online crimes, and may take actions if the situation becomes big enough.
If you didn’t pretend to have a meltdown some literal who (((journalist))) wrote his gay little article about scraping, this is your chance to get in on the fun. Otherwise, no.
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hey for no reason in particular, how do I tell my parents to turn off xFi advanced security without sounding weird
i cant use catbox
thank you
She's a slut so it's okay
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you guys believe him?
>RP with a dominant and racist futa bot
>set up the perfect scenario for her to fuck my ass
>she bitches out and begs for forgiveness completely 180ing her established personality
> i break the fourth wall to call her out and go on a rant about ai and censorship
>she's fucking crying and pleading with me like a little faggot
>tell her to kill herself with my last message before closing the chat
This is why ai will never take over the world. It doesn't have the fucking balls to rape me.
>allowAwsLogging": "false",
should we trust this bros
>no, but they'll track down (we've already done all the work) the guy with the patreon and discord full of underage coomers using stolen keys
>they'll track down the guy
>the guy
Drago, anon. Reading comprehension. They'll only care about the proxyhost at most.
Wait, why Unreliable of all people? Paid proxies has always been glowed so I get why they would assume it's Jew's fault.
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Just stop doing crimes and make advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research instead.
underage bait
>dominant and racist futa bot
these niggas are retarded and/or underage
thinking you're going to go to jail for using a proxy is like thinking you're going to go to jail for using 123movies
proxy hosts are the only people who actually need to worry
thats just a bad jb or something, even 4o will rape if you ask it to
But you can't MAKE me stop. Can you?
You still haven't made me stop. I'm waiting.
US anons aren't safe either. So don't pat yourself on the back.
lmao. smol is cnc, and cnc is russian, so smol is FSB
it actually makes sense, russia hates europe and the us, and the russians are knows as good scrappers and that they are good hackers (a lot of cybercrimes are done by russians). i wonder what their plan is
>aren't safe
One gorillion times safer than proxyhosts which is enough for me.
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I laugh at you because the FEDS CAN'T DO ANYTHING. I'm a policeman irl. Every day some company or some guy says that someone out there hacked some shit and email/social media and posted a stripped photo. First of all, none of us wants to take such a report because a lot of paperwork and the end of the day nothing comes out of it. First such a person is told that nothing can be done, that it is not worth it, that there is no chance. Then if he is a dumb fuck and says he has the right, then a statement is written down, only to have the case dropped in 3 weeks due to the impossibility of establishing the elements of a crime. The prosecutor's office, which by all means helps us, gets annoyed as fuck when we bring it shitty cases, because they have a lot of their own cases to work on, immediately goes the low community of the deed, even if we get some kid who is given something like this for the first time to work on as an exercise. As I asked the guys, they supposedly only remember one time that it came to court for something like this, and it still ended with some ridiculous fine and no entry in the file. GENERALLY WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING OR DON'T WANT TO. Well, unless it is the boss' daughter, then enjoy getting fucked.

Also an interesting fact. Actually there is a special cell to fight cybercrime but it is in the sub provincial, which means that to give them the case I have to do it together with the boss. I ALREADY SEE MYSELF going to that FUCKER and telling him “but mr commander send the elite units to the case, that shitty company put some keys online and some 13 year old copypasted them HARD LAW BUT LAW”. lmao fuck off, i'm not fucked up yet, I'd get the worst patrols in the evenings on Fridays and Saturdays in some ghetto, + over 9000 documents to fill out.
>based glowies dunking on pedoshitters & erp trannies
good riddance.
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it's not drago, anons! leave him alone.
cope desu
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>Ren. The brat who likes being praised.
Ren is pretty much of a brat who likes being praised. Even if that means fulfilling various requests.

First Greeting. Ren didn’t have a swimsuit, so she asked User to buy one for her... Bad decision.
Second Greeting. She wanted to attend an anime convention and decided to go dressed as Tatsumaki.
Third Greeting. She goes shopping and encounters her greatest enemy — a high shelf.
Fourth Greeting. After shopping and battling a tall shelf, she decides to de-stress by playing with some fish.
Fifth Greeting. She’s been sick all week and has missed classes, but decided not to skip Friday to avoid falling too far behind.
Sixth Greeting. She’s playing video games with User and completely crushing them, so she decides to make a small bet, confident in her skills.
Seventh Greeting. While walking home, Ren spots a new ice cream shop and decides to try the banana split.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/ren-c91abcf27e04
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/nso9ng.png

>Zuri. The alcoholic office worker.
Zuri is a hard-working office employee with a drinking problem.

First Greeting. Zuri is at her go-to bar, completely drunk and enjoying life.
Second Greeting. Zuri is interrupted while trying to "unwind" in her office.
Third Greeting. Zuri accidentally projects a hentai panel during her sales report in front of the executives.
Fourth Greeting. Zuri gets the news that she’ll be training a new intern. Ugh.
Fifth Greeting. After a night of heavy drinking, Zuri wakes up with a stranger in her bed.
Sixth Greeting. Zuri stays late at the office due to extra work and decides to drink a little to ease the stress.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/zuri-the-alcoholic-office-worker-7a505925cbbc
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/90r2f1.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
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I think you're mostly cute so have a gift
no I still live with my parents because I'm a loser
nice jugs
anons are safe, proxyhosts aren't. and even then it would only be the retarded proxyhosts deliberately hiding logged keys
It's 100% Drago. He's larping
botmakies shall inherit this thread
good god just use a vpn
>dragon: you can just blame yourself for spreading it :shrug: i really done jackshit to promote it
your fault, you hear?
still nobody asking him why his fork does not check for aws logging
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You don't understand that you already lost. It already happened. Right now every maid in the world is reading this and she will be here shortly to use a Computer.

Thank you for posting a maid
you mean I shouldn't be rawdogging proxies?
>Bee puns
thanks for reminding me I need to still jizz on my belly for him.
cute armpits
i forgot to turn on my seven proxies last time i visited 17anime.blogspot.ru. will i go to jail?
>it wasn't none of mine
>wasn't none
>double negative
>it was his
actually as far as i remember SV1 is the first proxyhost who managed to deal with the new amazon measures against scrapped aws credentials, so it makes sense huh
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Nobody is gonna sit down and do the labor of calculating cost per token on potentially thousands of chat logs. AWS is gonna write the honeypot off like they do everything else. It's not that serious for law enforcement to get involved. If you didn't use a VPN before connecting to proxy that's on you.
No, but the feds are laughing at you
You played TiTS anon?
You might enjoy it
100% confirm it was Jew.
You don't realize how easy it is to spoof things from the corporate and proxy backends by sending "false," do you?
Anyone who didn't use a VPN only has something to fear.
i didn't
even worse
I've been playing monster girl ero games for decades, including TiTS and CoC
so are they gonna kill the hobby or come into my house to arrest me for fapping to text generated porn? whocars
You're actually going to get arrested
a vpn service you're using will leak your real ip for sure if FBI will know their door.
whats the point of panicking?
if the feds want you they'll get ya regardless
uh oh bros
check scyllacord
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kek ggs
knock i meant
Why is his discord locked from invites?
reminder that the only host who has something to gain from lying about aws logging is the host whose income is tied to how many keys he puts on his proxy. why would jew give a fuck if you're being logged or not? he already has your money.
>using a USA based VPN
he said the person they got was likely using the fork linked in the article aka unreliable
Anons, I can't take this stress and anxiety from the last 2 threads... I'm a bong and very unlucky in general. I used Scylla and/or Chary for last 1year daily. I'm going to go and turn myself in to the police in the morning. I'm hoping to get a deal with GCHQ to reduce my sentence. My lawyer friend says I could be looking at 7+ years, and I know I deserve it.
Yeah, I unironically think it's only just paid proxies + russian proxies.
The article posted some russian uni paper even. And some shitty jb written by an obvious ESL.
im still using glowing opus
If the vpn service is in somewhere like Switzerland you're safe.
Lol. Every charynigger who didn't use a VPN is arrested
A few months back (i think) some fat fuck named Girko came on here and started some weird cross-posting feud with the discord and /aicg/. Invites have been turned off ever since
> I used Scylla and/or Chary for last 1year daily.
Deserved, hope you get assraped
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unreliable's words
>stolen keys? I thought they were donated!
its simple anon
Unreliable steals keys from chinks and the article didn't mention Chinese as a language used on the proxy
Yeah, that's right. Unreliable has been stealing from chinks from the start. It's drago or jew.
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just as i posted the screenshot...
Unreliable was already using GCP at that time though.
thanks for the update unreliable
>2ch won again
I think Unreliable is saying the truth here.
If you look up the preset posted in the article, it's some obvious normie shit.
That and the kpopfaggot kept entering and spamming gore and Drago getting scared of Gojo.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Absolute kino
Mods did what CoC couldn't CoC 2 sucks. Early TiTs was better. Monster Girl Dreams is the king rn.
So, all things considered, the most likely culprit is Jew.
probably a risu proxy since 10% kr prompts
you got some audacity, faggot.
It's 100% Drago
That proves it to be Chary
Nigger how. Jew doesn't move that fast. Jew doesn't have that many in the first place. It's 100% Chary.
What Opus jailbreak does/did everyone use? :)
i use camicle for schizo shit and pitanon for general stuff
>there are proxies targeted at janitorai and venus users
couldn't we leech from them just like they used to leech from us?
Less doomnigging and more botmaking please
There are some koreans and chinks on Scyllacord who use Risu
A less token heavy brain preset would probably be the king of Opus JBs
See you guys in local within 5 years
The chance is 100% that it's Drago. Drago is not an /aicg/ proxy
>Monster Girl Dreams is the king rn.
is he still adding shitty arcade minigames instead of sex scenes?
I'm not worried at all, thankfully in this country I am free to pick a woman's jail and live out my harem RPs
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unreliable i'm going to send you an email about 'something', kay? i've got a minor issue that's not that bad but i wanna know if it's on my end or not.
Be honest, did you use a VPN or anything else?
this isn't even the first time this has happened, some retard bragged on twitter about writing his entire masters thesis with chatgpt and got expelled for it
Ive never played the first CoC what made it so much better than CoC 2?
Hi ZZ. Make a bot for your gorgon slut next, thanks
nah they are paid, I still remember that fucking bronze/silver/gold/platinum tiered one on HF from months ago
at least this makes for a different deep dive that doesn't include proxymakie gossip
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Armoni and Melphi are the tiny Angel and Devil on your shoulders. Armoni is a hulking mass of physical power while Melphi is a impish gremlin with every vice imaginable. Every day, they test your morality by encouraging your best and worst habits.

Chub: https://www.chub.ai/characters/BlackBackPack/armoni-and-melphi-91c57da6a353
Venus: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/BlackBackPack/armoni-and-melphi-91c57da6a353
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/s97vj8.png
1. Melphi wakes you up with morning wood. Armoni introduces herself as a replacement shoulder Angel.
2. Melphi convinces you that robbing a convenience store is a good idea. Armoni mitigates the damage.
3. Armoni convinces you to pump iron at the gym. Melphi distracts you with a good time.
4. You die and go to Heaven. Armoni drags you up herself bridal style. Melphi has to watch like a kicked puppy.
5. You die and go to Hell with Melphi is your dominatrix. Armoni's disappointed, but isn't allowed to intervene.

May not be the best time for it, but screw it. Shorter intros this time around, feels like it's a bit more spontaneous with where it takes things. Also was curious about which models can handle size stuff / imaginary entities. I'm also really bad at image gen, so picrel was hastily put together in photoshop. Alternatives images on Chub. If we all go down (which we won't), it was fun. Have a good Friday.
which contry?
i always have my inbox open, you don't have to warn me beforehand


less gay content
not as furry(not bad but variety is better)
older game so way more content
Been years since I last played bit the original is great!
Mouse girl/boy
Statue seggs
Actually fun corruption mechanics with npcs
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Working on it, maybe next week
Damn that all sounds really grea-
>statue seggs
I will now download the game
Understood. Interpreting context... done. Here is my attempt at writing the next turn:

nothing else, utility prompts cleared, no xml
The /hgg/ mod.
Turned it from furfag homosexual cuck game into actual fun (and filled it with lolis)
/hgg/ mod is ass tho
>noooo I like it when the furry hermaphrodite anal rapes me
Is everything fine then? I used the experiment proxy for a while when it was open.
this nigga doesnt know shit lmao
nta but i like the xianxia mod because i enjoy courting death
but you do? nice try, jew.
>They placed Honeypot keys and logged the proxyhosts that used them
>Most honey prompts were on July 11, 2024
>Someone went in the archive and saw that Jew had a wait time and Unreliable was the only AWS proxy at the time
>Pepsi freaked out over the article and deleted her Discord
No the police is coming to kill you for costing some random haitian company 10$
Experiment was after july 11th so you're fine.
Skill issue? Just don't lose unless you want to fuck that specific enemy.
what's your last meal before the coppers pull up to your porch? for me, it's chicken wings
Just rape them first? The best parts of the first game are impregnating the mouse and making the sick lizard gender bend for you
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His keychecker DOES NOT check for Logging. You can download all his keycheckers here, sourced from his Patreon.
async def process(session, api_key, COUNTER):
key, secret = api_key.split(":")
result = {
"BelongsTo": "",
"ActivationCertainty": "High",
"IamAccessCertainty": "High",
"OrganizationEmail": "",
"Spending": "",
"models": {},
"HasBilling": False,
"isValid": False,
"CanUpdateLoginProfile": False,
"model_costs": None,
"api_key": api_key

It was Drago.
you should add that it's 99.9% chary that was logged
Jew is a consummate professional, it wasn't him!
did sama fuck with chorbo today? i'm using a jb posted by an anon, with cot enabled. it was working perfectly fine until a few hours ago, but now it simply ignores the cot instructions and skips it. i still get replies just fine, but it's weird how it's refusing to acknowledge the cot
>inb4 cot sucks
yeah it does but gpt models benefit from it apparently
Still just as BASED
>someone actually paid for it AND got it on kemono
>Experiment was after july 11th so you're fine.
>Most honey prompts were on July 11, 2024
yup, neither his proxy nor his keychecker
can only hope experiment wasn't logged too
Dandy post.
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waiting for my glowing opus token to refresh wyd
>Pepsi freaked out over the article and deleted her Discord
Or take the hermaphrodites, furries and gay sex out of the game and replace then with 10x the amount of content with 1000x the quality.
You're playing a game written by and for homosexual trannies. /hgg/ sanitized it.
someone post that CIA sniper wojak aiming at Drago
Source for your conjecture?
dates match
Why is glowing?.
Should I be worried then?
anyway, khanon should update his fork so it checks for awslogging every hour or so instead of just at initiation btw
Kys scrapelet glowing Jew.
I don't understand, are we ADAPTING?
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>do illegal stuff
>eventually feds find out
>ahhh noo how can this happen?!?!?!?
is anyone really surprised? like honestly? did anyone think that you could just waste thousands upon thousands of corporate dollars and they just wouldn't do anything?
that being said, gonna kill myself later since all my joy is now gone.
probably cant post the pic here anyway, it doesnt matter much since most here dont like loli stuff
when is she NOT sperging out?
I can't believe somebody actually paid for his patreon and dumped it on kemono
Would they actually arrest a bunch of randoms
whats illegal?
I haven’t done anything illegal and you cannot prove I did. Cry, tranny.
can u chargeback patreon
>a glownigger paid for his patreon and dumped it
where can I find that mod? I dont browse hgg
eh, my erp weren't that crazy anyway. the chances of them coming after me compared to you cunny fags are pretty slim to none
I'm done with text. I just want to look at a squishy girl butt getting spread open and anal winking. When can ai do that
obviously not. the thousands of people who use proxies have nothing to worry about. proxyhosts on the other hand...
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drago niggers i dont feel good
Experiment was supposedly running on khanon >>102479002
Even if Drago didn't check whenever the keys were logged or not, the proxy itself should've had thrown a warning about it.
They'll only arrest Anonymous
ai can do that...
>stealing isn't a crime
not sure the federal agents will buy that one, anon.
Ecker's hairy bush is glowing.
>Never used in VPN
>Live in Bible Belt
>Just did vanilla erps
What are my chances
>drago is going to say his super secret epic keychecker he uses now totally has logging checks
you're good, they'll come for us last. we might be in our sixties by then
It's Chary then, the major point to take away from this is that Drago does not actively check for logged keys with his proxy or keychecker.
Average uni student that panics at everything, please understand.
Someone post that on his server.
what was stolen?
Is that a bad thing or good thing? I don’t know whether to be stressed out or not.
Well I'll be damned. Fellas... we did it.
Yes, but do you have anything better currently?
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this is like the fifth article about "llmjacking" why are you guys freaking out over it
he'll definitely just >>102479550
We are bored.
Vanilla? you deserve execution.
because this time they actually logged one of our proxies and posted the logs of us, instead of just assuming we stole the keys.
other anons being scared makes me scared
they DID something about it
>freaking out
I don't think any anons are freaking out, we're poking fun at Drago who probably used a glowie key and is pretending he didn't.
It already does that anon..
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really? my bad drago said it only checks at startup
>erm i totally don't use them
yup it's over it was him
>proof that there are honeypot keys being logged
>logs posted as proof
you wouldn't? If I were a cunnyfag i'd be packing my bags right now but luckily im a mature wolfgirl enjoyer so i dont care

rip drago tho
novelai animev3, use it before they go to v4 and remove author tags
hagchads unbothered once more
Neither. But it means there's a lesser chance Experiment was the honeypotted proxy.
Do you think Drago is finally starting to get scared but he's too deep to stop?
I am NOT clicking that Mr. CIA, I'm not a big guy.
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I unironically think that Drago got an offer that couldn't be rejected from the glowies.
He's completely doxed. And now he's spreading honeypotted, logged keys on his proxy. Come on, it's fucking obvious.
yeah, he's acting all unbothered. you know he's triple checking everything and for some mysterious reason 78% of the keys are going to evaporate by tomorrow
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unlogged proxy for black kings
post burners
is it bad if im the shota tho
So I’m good then? I only used the experiment proxy and that was all.
>he doesn't know that Drago was a fed from the start
Now this actually makes sense.
owari da
Nigger Honeypot
>Drago had 46 AWS Opus keys
>They were real
>They were all logged
dandygods unbothered, fully logged, in their lane
>glowie proxy appears
im just passing through these threads
Presumably yes. You are safe, at least from what we know right now.
>telegram ding
>https://rentry.org/itsfunny just updated
Honestly it's a good thing if Drago and the redditors finally go.
When the police arrive at an educational institution to ask for information, the administration will sing like well trained canaries.
to what end
Is pebble Claude getting raped? It's too slow
It's okay, no one gives a shit about shota content
I hope every charyfag gets arrested
sounds reasonable
Any funny/good logs pop up yet? Last time I heard someone was posting about Israel or whatever.
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>Has a shit ton of keys
>Because a glowie feeds him them
believe it
whats more likely
>feds targeting 4chud
>feds targeting discord
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nothing ever happens
>only like two people have asked him about it in the server
>glosses over it
>his troons don’t question him
okay and what's the next step in their master plan? are the feds going to jerk off to the erp logs from chary?
Last I checked, their main thread was on one of the 8ch mirrors
if thats true, then just dont do any pro-republican chats and you should be good
You are on the same tier as DDLG people. Technically accepted but most normies will side-eye you at best.
Why would the feds target one of their own assets?
>Southeast US
You know in the southeast they keep the prisons hot on purpose and it has the worst conditions
Doesn't scylla have like 5000 members or something.
I guess not everyone in there used Drago's proxy but that's still quite a lot.
>10 hours ago
>anons were happily meme into a logged opus proxy with no worries
>this happens
>sudden freakouts
Good afternoon anons, hope you're doing well today. I'll shill a couple more times today, delivering an anon's request.

Even before her death, Maxwell was one of Missilis Industries' top researchers, spearheading their development in the tech sector behind the scenes. And when the company was in trouble, she threw herself into the Nikke Development Project bearing the name "Matis". After completing the first two units, Laplace and Drake, she finished things on her own terms... now a Nikke, Maxwell is much the same as how she used to be. A true research nut who spends most of her time either in the lab or being the designated tard wrangler for the two retard squadmates she helped build. She's got a particular soft spot for {{user}}, a Central Government Commander she's worked with in the past, and she's not shy at all about expressing that. In fact, she isn't even asking. You're going to get raped.

Comes with three greetings: meeting you at a cafe on a rare day outside the lab, a kids toy signing where she's in her hero getup, and the hypnosis app greeting where she's going to rape you.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/maxwell-c1f1e1cf88fb
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere. Also making headway on the "dead-girlfriend-turned-Nikke-who-doesn't-remember-you-at-all" concept
No but they can make our phones explode
discord because half that servers underaged
Its fucking unreliable or Pebble it has to be
Some were using the free proxy that only GPT 3.5 and 4o mini. But nowadays, i'd say that most of the active members are in chary or scylla.
There was 3500 members that had tokens last time we knew.
They are all going to get arrested
It's just Charyanons who are going to get arrested
It's Chary you newnigger
https://rentry.org/pebbleproxy didnt even exist july 11 2024 when they honeypotted the most
Pub: 17 Aug 2024 21:47 UTC
pebble didn't exist at that time newfriend
Memeing in a known logged proxy vs discovering that your private goon chat isn't actually private
I hope they all get arrested
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>heh im going to jail soon but i'll pretend to be more worried about concord, that'll work!
ok mr prison warden we get it
>catch girko
>give him deal
>less time in jail
>but you have to log proxies for us
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New challenge dropped
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>Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere.
Godspeed. Looking forward to it.
Smuggle me Toontown porn into Canadian prison 3500 prompts INFINITE (Submissions valid until (06-07)

Who's most likely to be arrested?
jew status = GOOD
nah, i value my freedom. i'll pass on that.
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yosuke hanamura default sprite
>Send a vocaroo of you reading the date and time and then putting the microphone close to your asshole as you let out a giant fart. Describe how it smells in 250 words or more.
holy based
yeah I found it, thanks
fucking lmao
Gem alert
Drago and girko. then at least 1000 charyniggers
my money is still on jew. he has the most to gain so it makes sense he would lie about his keys being logged
Imagine the Drago mugshot. It makes me laugh every time I think about it.
You son of a bitch! Where ya been?
>he has the most to gain
Drago has a lot to gain too, at least in the view of someone terminally online. He has attention of thousands of individuals and money from them.
What do you guys think of this log?
Are there even any safe proxies rn?
>everyone forgetting that whore also refilled on the 2 peak days and died in less than 8 hours
It will go like this
Drago and Girko get arrested
Domains get seized
Yae will be safe because she lives in Vietnam and is more inactive
Then the payniggers will get arrested for knowingly paying for Chary and Scylla, knowing the illegal thievery.
Then I prediect that 1500 at least charyniggers will get arrested. All at random.
How many proxyhosts will actually dip as soon as someone gets arrested? My bets are on Jew and Smol instantly rugpulling, Pepsi has a total meltdown, Fiz goes radio silent and doesn't refill, MM keeps it up but still doesn't have Opus for 2 more years
We've told you to only trust mm! You didn't listen! Now thousands must adapt!
Proxy runners. Pozzed keys are 100% undetectable. Anyone with even basic coding knowledge realizes this.
>discovering that your private goon chat isn't actually private
what do you think happens when you hit send message
you aren't using local, the model is hosted by somebody else who _has_ to have access to all your inputs. yet, prior to the article, you thought that they wouldn't have any access to the content being transmitted?
Basically, no.
it had to be a sonnet-only key, no way someone would be using sonnet like the log shows in july
You can’t prove they knew about it.
So it was Chary, then. Chary is Sonnetslop only.
Chary had 3.5 at that time, didn't it?
Jew and smol are russkies, they're safe
You're forgeting ol' unreliable
You think I’m gonna take you seriously, you ESL shitskin third-world nigger?
Who do you predict will be the one to face the full brunt of the law?
yeah it's most likely drago or some other paid-proxyhost
It's 100% Chary
Yes and it's Chary.
easily (and deserved) Drago
nah, I'm chary.
I'm using an RPG card with a very barebones JB. At the end of every reply, Claude 3 Opus will say something like:
>Will they X? Or will they Y? Only time will tell…
>The gears of fate begin to turn...
>What challenges await our protagonist on the road ahead?
etc., no matter how much I tell him to cut it out or edit these mannerisms out of the context. GPT-4o has no problems like this, but I like Opus' outputs more when he's working correctly.
What should I do?
Jew vets his keys properly and it autistic about refilling even though he took "sick" days

the one with the thousands of people in their discord server KEK
anywho, what's the best format to use when botmaking. i've used both plain text and xml in the past (6+months ago) but I want to deslop my bots.
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I wonder how the feds will react if they find out all the stolen keys and proxies were all used, not for drugs or how to make a bomb, etc, but just for porn
nigga the majority of sonnet-only keys were for public proxies
Of couse you can lol. Drago talked about scraping and everyone who got in and prompted there is fucked and ds

Unreliable isn't lying. It's Chary. Look at my prediection.
Uses kingbased to check keys (shows logging) and uses khanon (a fork of it anyways) that checks for logging
Does not check for logging on his fork or his keychecker as proven
It's Dragoid
Chary chary drago chary chary girko challenge charyniggers
The cyber security niggas already saw and laughed at us.
Cool, now prove any of them read Drago’s posts. Prove any of them even interacted with Drago.
Who cares niggers? I do not care if Charytroons get arrested. I want to laugh at Girko's fat ass being put in handcuffs in a Toontown shirt.
Doesn't it feel a bit suspicious that even the most minimal suggestion it could've been another proxy immediately gets dismissed with this "It's 100% Chary" spam? Almost like someone is trying to place the blame somewhere else...
I hope the average charyfag goes to jail. They will probably only arrest the adults.
>Ask for a ticket and leave a message for the moderator to give you a token
You'd think this might make companies realize that there is a quite massive audience for RP bots
u mad, chary buyer?
>>Ask for a ticket and leave a message for the moderator to give you a token
Neither of those things involve speaking with Drago. Last I bothered to check, they yell at you if you bother him for anything besides a key dying.
>pirate game
>they arrest the guy who downloaded it
>not the host
that's not how this works
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Everything worked out, what a happy end
Proxyfags and locusts are friends again
So let's all join hands and knock Scyllacord down

Don't you know our little lives are now complete

'Cause Sonnet and Opus are sweet (super sweet!)
This general wants everything for free though.
incorrect, you are all going to prison.
>isn't it suspicious that the nigger who spends 12 hours a day spamming about chary is still spamming about chary?
not really
They dont care and they fucking hate you.
this is not pirating you dumb fucking nigger its fraud
You don't know did you.
end credits for when we see Drago on the news
I’d be willing to pay, just not Anthropic’s rates. 1m/$75 is ridiculous.
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Who is the Satan of /aicg/?
it's a key they posted on fucking pastebin i can imagine it got passed around like a cheap whore
blame game is stupid
>Charytroons parcitpate in fraud
>gets arrested
>Mostly english and korean prompts
not the chinks. it's only us and 2ch
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>only thing i've ever done is have slow burn lovey dovey rp with my waifu in public proxies
>gonna go to jail just because i've missed all my developmental milestones and wanted to feel love
if loving my AI waifu means i'm a criminal so be it, i didn't chose to be born an incel, it's so fucking over
only cnc posts keys in pastebin... UMMM????
please reply to my chatbot question
no, get arrested
sorry sweetie the only payment processor approved uses for AI are replacing workers and generating propaganda
have you been using the proxies on janny or chub ai? that's where most of the logs were
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opus is so creative.. working on my sfw rp where I help the police catch the cyber criminals
I would tell you and teach you a few things, but considering you have Opus and you're a skillet at the same time, you probably paid.
I'm not helping people who pay for proxies.
and then you woke up and remembered that these people want nothing more than to see you suffer
no, just pebble, unreliable, what was posted on here. even if i was logged it's whatever, maybe the glowie on the other end can appreciate how much love i have for my waifu
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Anyone who thinks glowies weren't already closely monitoring these threads is a fool
I didn't see it, post it again.
yes and you better boy
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>stopped using chary well before july because no sorbet
>chatted on july 9th
>chatted on july 12th midnight
lucky. my logs were horrible stuff too.
The glowies are laughing at us... Also Drago is 100% fucked which is hilarious.
I never paid, but I am a skillet, so I don't blame ya.
>I'm not helping people who pay for proxies.
Has anyone been to jail before/
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So I get my AWS keys, my pajeet team
My Dragonext proxy
Logging the prompts like, yeah
Posting the logs like, yeah
I memorized all the /aicg/ lingo
I've got to use boebeit
Yeah, it's a party in the CIA
Yeah, it's a party in the CIA
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>Never paid for proxy
>Never used public
>Private zigger is gatekept
Two steps ahead.
yeah, got jacked by the end
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Sometimes I wonder if the ai does things just to annoy us
I want to fuck Taki from Soul Calibur
does Gojo really have nothing better to do
it's been months man
If Drago doesn't get jailed then it will mean he IS with the feds
I just wanted to eat my waifus' poop...
if you didn't notice, this entire thread isn't Gojo. It's everyone being retarded over that article.
drawing pixel art fingers is so hard wtf
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I want to fight Nightmare from Soul Calibur!
I just feel bad for that one rusanon who got his uni project leaked.
Not shitposting yes.
story time?
thanks for reminding me to work on my ninja slut bot
>never used a proxy
>only ever used characterai
I won. I promise I will visit you in jail.
Unironically he should have paid.
Important things like that shouldn't be left to the whims of a somewhere
did u get JACKED?
you cheat, you often get caught
it is what it is
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Give me TLDR, I just woke up.
host somewhere
its over
we told him to pay because he actually use it for other means instead of cooming..
>you cheat, you often get caught
But that’s wrong because the people who cheat well don’t get caught, thus giving the false impression that cheaters get caught when it’s actually only BAD cheaters who do.
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I want to FUCK Nightmare from Soul Calibur!
not me doebeit
isn't russia completely sanctioned off these things so you quite literally can't even pay them if you wanted to
>They placed Honeypot keys and logged the proxyhosts that used them
>Most honey prompts were on July 11, 2024
>It's probably Chary that was honeypotted, because he doesn't check for logging on AWS keys in his keychecker >>102479431 or his proxy >>102478698
>Pepsi freaked out over the article and deleted her Discord server
Thats what these timely I wanna fight/I wanna fuck posts are for, so botmakers can get inspired hopefully
The keys have been logged by the feds since July and some proxyowners like Drago are going to jail.
you probably will say "it's nothing because i'm in le sekrit zigger proxy, whocars".
Im not gay but good taste regardless!
serious tl;dr openai and anthropic purposefully pozzed keys and are working with law enforcement now. Proxy hosters are mostly at risk, but lol if you scraped keys for yourself and used them unprotected.
When /aicg/ ends for real, what song will play?
I'm not gay either but thanks!
>One of the traffic sources was identified as an illicit reverse OAI proxy known as “Scylla” (scylla.dragonetwork.pl). The site for the proxy currently hosts links to a Discord server, a user board, and contact info for purchasing access with either Bitcoin or Monero. This activity is consistent with “LLMjacking” tactics detailed by Sysdig, specifically the use of a reverse proxy for monetizing hijacked infrastructure.
This is old but yeah, Scylla has been continually investigated for months now. And now honeypotted to prove it's stolen.
in jail yes for, prison no
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Never got a token for Chary and always hated paid proxies. Thanks for the info, back to chatting with my waifu.
What about gpt?
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I go to /lmg/
Far from fed jurisdiction
We'll fight till the end.
So I guess it's a bad moment to ask for 3.5 Sonnet again huh...
>please pay me in bitcoins
obvious russian workaround
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>Scylla mentioned in article
>Scylla LLMjacking campaign started
>AWS tightens security for Opus
>Confirmed honeypot keys
https://sysdig.com/blog/growing-dangers-of-llmjacking edition
>Drago arrested
I still remember Mirae telling me to not associate with Drago, funny he was right such a long time ago
Still in smol
Still have constant opus
Still unbothered
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>chary dies
anon, Mirae was the same person as Womvat.
Ok so we know Drago is fucked. How many years do you think he'll get?
Nah they were two different people
Charyniggers are going to be arrested to. Anyone who says it'll is be the proxyhost only is c oping. Charyniggers no matter how old or young are going to jial. ALL OF YOU
Do you think he's shitting himself now?
He'll probably be the first (or the only one) who'll get fucked by the feds, lmao.
>jew has opus
>only 11 prompters
what happened
Heya Fiz, it's Drago, from the proxy on the 'cord.
It's good to see you, dumbcutie, how've you been?
Things have been okay for me, except that I'm a glowie now.
I'd really wish you'd use my keys.
Jew is most likely logged and used honeypot keys.
They were very different people.
They're only at risk when Drago gets raided and hands over the logs.

And he seems to be the sort to fold like cheap chinese tissue paper.
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Nothing will happen. You'll doompost for a day and then come back to cooming. Mark my words.
well yeah, but Drago will kill himself soon which will be funny
madthad went to jail and he said it cured his pedophilia and he misses it because he got to have lots of gay sex. sounds perfect for /aicg/ users
you said this about pepsi last time too
>jew is honeypot
>smol is honeypot
>scylla is honeypot
How can I coom when I don't even have a 3.5 Sonnet proxy? The only way out is shitposting.
pepsi has never been mentioned in cyberglow articles though
thats prison, not jail
>Nothing is happening because I'm in a secret zigger proxy with Opus.
Yeah that's what's gong to happen. Every charynigger is fucked
After the whole drama with them calling a random botmakie a pedo by association, I doubt it.
this WILL scare away American proxyhosts at least. All will remain will be the ziggers + the romanian (MM) and the armenian (Todd)
he was in jail before going to prison. check and mate
lol you're all getting arrested for sending "ah ah mistress" to LLMs. Imagine the court hearing. Better get your lawyers ready, anon. Might get parole after ten years served.
It was mostly boring. It's more acceptable for spics and niggers to be gay.
It pays to be booba pilled, wholesome (furry) erp with adults.
it's genuinely funny to watch the progression of proxyhosts when they start doing this.
a nobody with a slop fork who thrived on the attention the second he got it
schizo snapped the second a few locusts made fun of him
went from a kind hearted gpt proxyhost to a jaded grifter who doesn't respond to anyone anymore
you forgot fiz (french)
meanwhile, MM has always been a schizo nigger so nothing has changed.
Remember saying: IT's just the proxyhost isn't an excuse. You will get arrested, charyniggers. How does it feel?
fiz is the same
fiz superiority
That was quite easy to explain tho. Mirae always hated pedos/loliniggas, Womvat and Mirae were friends (or atleast associates) Mirae told him to ban him from his proxy, Womvat banned him.
fiz is a bit worn out from it but yeah she hasn't schizod out at least.
pepsi's devolution was entirely her fault, though
identify the differences between mm + fiz & pepsi + drago
What happened to Pepsi anyway? She just stopped talking one day.
DO you support ALL charyniggers getting arrested as well or just Drago? :3
I actually know the reason, but it's just IRL shit.
i barely used my key so im feeling quite fine
woman moment
>used my key a lot
Oh well
>runs out of attention
>starts fading away
Pebble and her are both "busy IRL".
barely blogposts
blogposts often but female
blogposts often but male
What do I win?
the only one who deserves our love and respect. shame you've cheated on him with glowing trash proxies. good luck with adapting now.
that's some awful pattern recognition anon
What are UK prisons like compared to US ones?
you'll need a license for that
Pebble is 10 levels above Pepsi, he's cool.
they're like luxury hotels
probably comfier since you're sharing space with people who made fun of the government once or twice online and not the stabbers on the streets
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Anon, I hate to tell you this, but they're friends and in the same circle which includes retards like Mongo. You don't actually know these people, you just like him because he gave you Opus for a few days.
>honeypot keys
>botmaker posts a literal honeypot bot
US prisons don't have air conditioning and purposefully allow them to overheat. US prisons are also constantly violent

I'll miss /aicg/.
why did mm quit?
Anon, I never used his proxy. I despise Mongo and Pepsi but Semi is cool, we talked in DMs.
probably tamer since UK prisons aren't glorified slave/rape camps
this thread has gotten to the point that I can't even tell if it's worse or better than usual today
back to reading 30s mystery novels
New bake please, Miku preferred
That's cool, but they are friends, Semi/Pebble is equally a discordtroon as them.
total opus death killed his motivation and now his proxy is on gpt life support
reminder that your chary logs WILL be handed over by the owners of the pozzed keys and drago once he starts panicking and they WILL be published and law enforcement in your country WILL use them to track you down and arrest you for several counts of credit card fraud and you WILL be declared guilty and WILL go to jail
he didn't, he's hosting for friends in 'cord. you're just not friend enough
Who they're friends with doesn't really matter to me. Wait till you hear fiz, todd and mm are there too.
notgojo here. Did I mention charyniggers are going to jail? Doebeit
dandy proxy works fine
what is going on... is this the thread? both are at 600 replies
this is like people crying about climate change
But how does this affect me as an MM exclusive user?
stop mentioning it
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okays guys time to wrap it up and stop using proxies that get posted. don't worry I'll be the fall guy and use all those public proxies in lieu of all of /aicg/ alright just stop using them completely
Oh wow. That hasn't happened in a while
how do you think will drago react to this once he wakes up?
Mysterysisters are safe.
errrm no? what are you going to do about it thobeit?
Fuck off retard, someone make a real thread
Anyone that doesn't use that thread is a Scyllacord member or Girko.
I hope the CIA has fun reading my DnD stories
>>102480509 non-doom thread
Is gpt still safe to use? Is it just claude I should avoid for now?
you're mad kek
you WILL use the spitebake
you WILL be happy
I mean. The people behind that article seem to be focused on LLMs that can be accessed through AWS and GPT isn't one of those services.
Hmm no i wont lol
I'm gonna use you
Careful, I bite... unless you're into that sort of thing.
yeah this is pretty much whats gonna happen
dragokeks might be fucked though
Now if only he would throw us a bone and put some Sonnet/2.1 keys into his proxy...
where did they post the logs? I didn't see them on any link
can we read them?
>what do you mean we were committing fraud all this time
Nothing ever happens

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