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Bedtime story edition

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Are you an x-KDE dev by any chance?
Any anons here making a trading game? Something like Patrician.
>like patrician
Not that I know of. There's a guy making a boat game but I don't know if he's making it a trading game.
Patrician 3 is goated
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Sometime you have to relax /gedg/. here's a couch for you to lay on.
Can you tetris them together?
No you can't. Also it wouldn't really make sense to make them be able to.
have any of you been too fucking lazy to take out a notebook or even notepad that you've just taken notes for classes as comment blocks in an IDE?
Dunno guys, I think I'm gonna give up. To much effort required to make a game. Not enough certainty that it will make money.
The good thing about gamedev is it filters people who aren't passionate about it because you can't just do it for the money
Dunno. I'm passionate about money.
Good to know it's at least possible.
Yeah, I am fairly inexperienced with programming in general. I understand the basics. I learned GameMaker Language like 12 years ago and had a decent working knowledge of it though I never got into more advanced concepts before I got bored and discouraged by the engine's inherent limitations.
Since then I haven't done much programming, though I started a C++ tutorial for Unreal and learned just enough of the syntax that I think I can learn-by-doing. I'm particularly drawn to a voxel game even though it's more difficult to program because it won't require me to spend years learning how to make good looking high-poly 3D models. I've always been a hell of a lot better at learning something like programming than I have been at improving my art skills.
Is there any pre-existing engine that might be more suitable for this kind of thing than Unreal?
wrong job for you then
It's hardly a job if you're not getting payed.
Fuck you I want to be able to place the couches inside each other. Your engine is DOA.

You will suffer.
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I'm sorry anon that was mean. I am just sexually frustrated and I took it out on your engine.

I love you and your engine.
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Love you too
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Any of you guys do property based testing on your C++ code? If so what framework do you use? I was looking at RapidCheck the other day, supposedly it works well with GTest which I use for unit tests
Anyone get to the end of a project and just want to rewrite everything because it's so messy
>Is there any pre-existing engine that might be more suitable for this kind of thing than Unreal?
Not really, Unity would be pretty similar except maybe more tutorials and plugins available. Easiest way is definitely that voxel plugin, but it's doable nonetheless, just try it. Just make sure you read devlogs and info on making voxel engines/games specifically and not just general Unreal stuff
I have actually been reading and watching lots of stuff about voxel game development recently. That's partly what inspired me to try one. I already wanted to make one before, but until I learned more about it I figured it would be impossible for someone anywhere near my skill level. Of course it's probably much harder than the videos make it look.
Most of the devlogs/videos I've seen have been people starting from scratch with no pre-existing engine, though I did see one video where a guy made a Minecraft clone with an 8 kilometer view distance in Unity.
So I kind of have a general idea of what I need to do, but there's a few things I'm not sure about.
One of the things I'm unsure about is lighting. Unreal has a beautiful lighting system, but I don't know how you'd make it play nice with voxels. For instance, say you have a block that emits light, how do you do that? You could put a point light "inside" the block (really just behind the chunk mesh face) and set it not to cast shadows on itself, but then it would cast no shadows on the whole chunk its in, plus it would be god-awful for performance. Rect lights would work better, since they would give the effect of the whole block surface being a light emitter, but the performance would be an even bigger issue (since you'd need one rect light per visible face). So I'm guessing I probably can't use Unreal's lighting system at all.
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Don't do it. Spaghetti code is better than no product.

Textures are hard. But I am harder.
Too late I've already started
It’s surprising. You’d think some autist here would pick one up
Refactor in small pieces, make sure your refactor in one area works before moving to another
Nobody, huh
You guys are testing your code right?
>You guys are testing your code right?
lol no
Quick reply to people from previous thread:
The biggest impact was merging all small textures (including font glyphs) into one huge texture, so you don't have to modify descriptors and samplers during the runtime, it also simplified renderer, since it's 2D pixel-art-only library.
0) All draw commands are packed into one vkCmdDrawIndexed,which limits what you draw and when.
1) There's only one graphics pipeline and no compute pipeline at all, there's no pipeline binding during runtime.
2) All loaded textures are packed into one huge texture (similar to lightmaps in Cube game engine) by simple algo.
3) There's no texture or sampler updating in runtime, and no descriptor pushing either, it's limited.
Those optimization decisions are based on my usecase for this, so naturally, it can do less things than Raylib can. My library supports 3D out of the box, but I'm not writing functions for it. There's depth buffer and stuff for it tho.
Previous answer, plus the fact that Raylib uses OpenGL (rlgl.h), which has better start-up time (even when shaders are compiled on the driver), but slower runtime than Vulkan (which is fully asynchronous).
lnao L:
The only thing that Xulkan (prototype name for my library, that'll be changed) has is gradient text rendering, for now, I plan to add more stuff, like rendering a sprite, and putting colour gradient over the pixels.
Big questions are:
> Should I simply remove every C-style namespace I ever used (no 'xulkan_')?
> Should I support custom shaders or not, it's easy to add, but user depends on glslc then?
> Should I have predefined vertex and fragment shaders, so header doesn't ship with 2 SPV files?
See correlation between the code and the window, it looks like shit, but you see what each function does...
Dear readers of /gedg/, anyone wanna try out my game? It isn't finished, I have not yet implemented all graphics or added any sound. However it's playable (on dekstop, if fucked up my mobile graphics). It does require love2d to run since I haven't compiled it yet. I would appreciate any feedback on the mechanics. It is meant to be a game for casual phone users. If you think it's a virus, just change the .love extension to .zip and you will see it's just lua files
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im about to use goto
Anybody use wxWidgets?
Not sure if this is the right place to ask but has anyone found source code or how AI token systems work in AAA games?
they work differently in every game
I dont even know what an engine needs to do exactly, what am I gonna write tests for
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So someone in the gamedev thread at /vg/ suggested that I should post this here instead of there because that thread is apparently ass, anyway we recently started doing assembly coding at my uni and I really enjoyed it so I've been thinking about getting an old retro console to tinker around with assembly on. Problem is I want something that is well documented so it's easy to learn and I can't for the life of me find out which retro console has the most documentation. It should be something where one guy could easily learn all the intricacies of the system with enough time and effort. Been thinking about something like the original Gameboy but maybe other consoles or even something like the C64 might be a better bet? This is purely just a hobby thing for my own enjoyment and not a serious attempt at creating a commercial game or anything like that.
I always get stuck after working with AI and end up quitting. I found this while looking up capcom AI.
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i have lost interest in making indie games. 99% of indie games are pointless mechanical masturbation, and personally i don't have enough skills to make good art to fit into remaining 1% that provide good experience.
Make hyper-niche fetish games instead.
I'm pretty sure it's the NES
Yes. I use Catch2.
Don't do it ANON!
you just can't
Depends on how messy it is. This is my third rewrite of my engine and it's going smoothly.
It was in my deck of card but I went with my sim tycoon game. Are you planning making a patricianlike?
made a lot of improvements the last few hours https://files.catbox.moe/9pd6zk.love
I just learned about patent being a thing because of jewtendo, does that mean being a gamedev you gotta review ALL the patent and stuff and make a game that doesn't have healthbar / walking / looking / etc if it's patented?
What programming tools (i.e text editors/IDEs, etc) did people use for making SNES games? And what about GBA games?
Yes, some great gameplay mechanics get patented because AAA companies are spiteful and evil.
really simple stuff, text editors, paint tools, nothing special
>does that mean being a gamedev you gotta review ALL the patent and stuff and make a game that doesn't have healthbar / walking / looking / etc if it's patented?
I've never heard of anyone bothering
Software patents aren't a thing in my country, so I can just not care.
But really, only hardware-type shit where companies stand to scam millions of dollars from each other is where patents are going to pop up.
the state of software patents is fucking grim. they either have prior art, are actually unpatentable, or (usually) both. yet the caravan still goes on because it's just a game of who can afford more lawyers. as >102486509 said, just move to france or something so you can forward inquires to spam.
We need to go back to computed goto.
Got laid off (with a severance) so I've got some free time to dick around, thought making a dumb game targeting DOS for fun.
Was thinking of using C but I'm extremely rusty in programming and only ever really used C for some really small embedded stuff where memory management was barely even a thing. Looking for a good C book to use as a jump off point.
Any recommendations?
I recommend you target a modern system instead of DOS
Na, sounds boring. Not like I have some notion that I'm making a game I'm putting on Steam. Just something for my own amusement.
It's more amusing not having to deal with the limitations of DOS and being able to make whatever you want
Figured this general would take an interest regarding doing stuff on alternative ISAs/non-modern platforms/OSs but I suppose I was mistaken.
All power to you.
make a game in a modern engine that emulates dos running another game inside the gameworld. much more interesting imho. actually you know what, don't do that. ima do it.
If you're interested in making games you don't really want to work on a platform that just restricts what you want to do
If you want to get away from modern development bloat you don't need to go to DOS to do that, if you're just interested in programming in a heavily constrained environment you're probably not interested in games
Bro, I just simply enjoy DOS. I've got an 8088 laying around I spin up at times, and had recently completed Wizadry Proving Grounds on. Figured it would be fun to play around on it a bit and also have some fun playing direct with VGA.
You're really turning this in to some bizarre headcannon thing for yourself.
now that's just retarded bs. there's a hugely popular subgenre of indie games right now explicitly centered around making the game seem as retro as possible. Inherently limiting the games/engines capabilities is a core feature of it.
I mean aren't you just confirming what I said? You're interested in the OS and not games in particular
None of them actually match the limitations of the platform, they just look like they do, it's purely an art thing, they're made with modern tools
I have no fucking clue how you're getting that from me... I can't tell if you're profoundly autistic or just fucking retarded. Ether way I'm out
You seem more interested in the platform than the creation of the game
People in here are more interested in games
That's not supposed to be offensive
Bro, I enjoy playing games, I love dungeon crawlers, why do you think I want to make one and specified what I most recently cleared? I ALSO enjoy retro PCs and I thought that doing a gaming project to refine my programming skills would be a fun experience to mix multiple interests together. Fuck man, its not that hard to understand that someone can do something for more then one reason. I'm just perplexed at how you're trying to make this narrative around me.
Because you asked the question? Dealing with DOS isn't fun, getting sound to work was horrible, if you do a retro-style game on a modern OS it's easier to get an actual game going
When in doubt, pick up K&R
IDK about any books specifically about C on DOS, though
They used in-house tools. Entire office floors of engineers designed assemblers and txt editors and gfx editors and
>I'm just perplexed at how you're trying to make this narrative around me.
welcome to 4chan discourse
good luck on your DOS thing
why do people do this? just throw a bunch of "pixel art" of different resolutions? clearly you don't care about the aesthetic.
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Has anyone been able to convince the Nsight shader debugger to do anything useful? I "step" through the shader and nothing happens.
I care about aethetics, but I don't know much about it, even after reading on colour palettes, colour circles and various other stuff. All of this is 70 KiB screenshot, because it uses only 115 unique colours, for example.
I admire simplicity and technicality more than aesthetics, because it can be quantifiable more easily, if something is pretty to you, it can be also pretty to 0.1, 1, 10 or 90 percent of others, but never 0% or 100%, roughly speaking...
I don't use such tools, but in case you're following Alexander's (or whatever his name is) Vulkan tutorial, and wonder why your triangle is too bright, it has to do with window surface VkFormat, switch between sRGB and unsigned normalized probably.
Also, Sims Anon, I really hope this will run on GNU/Linux, on potato 10 year old laptops with integrated Intel GPU. I would really love to build it from source, play it and show it to my friends, this project can be a big thing, if finished.
Cheers and best of luck to you.
Just getting your code running on real hardware where running ASM is actually useful is going to be way harder than something more modern like a Wii where you wouldn't reasonably need it. Perhaps there are kits, idk. But consider this instead: make your own gameboy on a breadboard.
>wonder why your triangle is too bright
No the window was just in a "not responding" state due to being halted in the debugger.
How do you guys deal with music and sound effects, free assets, paying for stuff or making your own?
I am thinking of trying to do the third but wanted to ask someone else.
Thanks but I'm sticking with RenderDoc.
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Ran clang-tidy before going to sleep yesterday. Checking the engine now it gives me a black screen............... this is going to be fun............
I've tried RenderDoc too but it didn't seem that useful. What do you use it for?
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It gives you access to the rendering pipeline while a running program. It is extremely useful for debugging. Try taking a snapshot, and click on the draw call. You will have access to a ton of information.
Is it any good for debugging shaders?
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nta but I get this when I try to use it
SMAA is the best form of anti-aliasing and I’m tired of pretending it’s not
It should run on crappy hardware. It runs on a shitty mini PC, so you should be fine.
Also check last thread if you want to build it from source.
Also nice to see you back
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Yeah, I've used it in different Vulkan projects and demos. Renderdoc itself supports multiple platforms and APIs. It is very easy to use once you play with it a bit. Here is me opening a demo program I've made. Notice I have a particular draw call highlighted (vkCmdDrawIndexed) on my left (I'm drawing a GUI with the others, but you could inspect those too). With that draw call highlighted, I can view different tabs and they give me different information.

In one of these tabs I clicked on the fragment shader stage and I opened up a new tab to inspect the shader.

You look up the error? Seems like you are missing a font if I were to hazad a guess.
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Wrong image.
>You look up the error? Seems like you are missing a font if I were to hazad a guess.
Couldn't find anything, but it seems to be a Wayland issue because it worked after running it with QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb
Glad you got it fixed.
>but it seems to be a Wayland issue
A tale as old as time.
Higher resolution is the best form of anti-aliasing and I'm tired of pretending it is not.
Really sucks that I have to learn CMake.
The Nyquist limit is a psyop by the Swedish government anyway. You heard it here first.
Why bother with global illumination anyway
Stäng ner det
Damn. How I made it this far without RenderDoc is crazy.
Cmake is trash. Use Xmake instead.
4 hours of work. Couple of files heavily modified. Nothing will change for the user. But getting to the offline rendering stage. No image to gloat because the code does not compile yet.
What’s a cheap global illumination method I can slap on? Don’t care about accuracy at all
screen space :p steal blender's code

else you can do what counter strike 2 did and put probes everywhere
I hope that was a typo and you actually meant MSAA. Multisampling is godlike and second only to supersampling in quality. SMAA is just "ok" like all frag shader based solutions.
good part is you just need to do it once and then you can copy/paste the file for each project
Unity 6 is now adding GPU-driven rendering ("resident drawer" they call it) to that one nigger who always argues against GPU-driven rendering what do you have to say now?
The fuck is GPU-driven renderering?
Isn't that just normal hardware accelerated 3D rendering?
It means draw call instructions are generated by and stored on the GPU saving a fair amount of round-trip travel to & from the CPU, and some workload such as culling is done on the GPU in compute shaders (and used in part of the draw call generation process).
Bug fixed. It was an alignment issue.
In Vulkan you have to keep your structs aligned to 16 bytes.

If they aren't aligned, weird behavior occurs.

Praise be to the King Jesus Christ.
Bug fixed.
I had 3 when I should have had 8.
8 is important.
If you have 3 weird things happen.
Thank you for reading my blogpost.
Unity is shitty GE, I don't know on which planet you live, but check out licensing issues.
If corpos can fuck over their users for money, they'll gladly do it, history repeats itself.
Go shill your pajeetware somewhere else Rajesh.
>but check out licensing issues
NTA but they recently removed the runtime fee completely. They made a whole announcement about it and everything.
(still on the "I'd just make my own engine desu" side of the fence tho)
8 do be important tho
>no argument about performance, just "license bad"
They "failed" to fuck over their users for now, they'll repeat it in X months, doesn't matter.
They'll "fail" next 2-3 times as well, but after that, it'll become the norm, and they'll win.
If you repeat a lie 1000 times it becomes truth, but nowdays you can repeat it only once or twice.
Also, I don't care about performance if it's proprietary GE and uses fucking C# cancer.
Again, shill proprietary GEs somewhere else, you missed the point of this thread.
I'm not endorsing unity, I'm pointing out that even the big commercial engines that nodevs worship have admitted that GPU-driven is the superior rendering model.

I have my own engine (which already has GPU-driven rendering) and I advocate making your own engine instead of using a commercial engine.
Bro didn't read
>(still on the "I'd just make my own engine desu" side of the fence tho)
Vscode's cmake integration is just too good. All else being equal I would use scons.
Fair point.
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>have idea for game
>finally get the skills to make game
>no that's a shit idea
>months later and still not even started work on anything, all bad ideas
When you start working on things, you will develop new ideas that you wouldn't otherwise.
Just start making something and pivot from there.
For me it was setting std::vector size in the constructor when I should've used the reserve method instead. Very stupid.
this, use godot
You can probably use unreal's lighting, just make sure all your dynamic lighting settings are tuned relatively low. I'd use it for now and focus on optimizing later.
Testing game code is just a waste of time unless you're making a multiplayer game. Just makes it harder to iterate and change features around. Once you're basically done it might be a good idea for posterity but hell no, I don't want to have to change both logic and tests every time I decide to scrap some part of the game design.
My sweet summer child...

Consider: The people working the shitty paid jobs at walmart aren't doing it because they're passionate about stacking shelves
I don't feel like installing love but I don't mind trying it, could you ship a linux binary? or even exe and I'll just run it with wine.
Anything 8 bit is good. There are probably tons of resources for c64 and gamedev specifically so I recommend starting with that.
Another fun project would be to make an emulator, though you wouldn't be writing assembly directly (but still would need to understand it)
If you're targeting literal DOS then using anything other than C is gonna be a pain in the ass. You could use BASIC or some Lisp variant as well probably.
And the people making games are doing it because they're passionate about making games
>9. Rule: The use of pointers should be restricted. Specifically, no more than one level of
dereferencing is allowed. Pointer dereference operations may not be hidden in macro
definitions or inside typedef declarations. Function pointers are not permitted.
what the fuck Nasa? doesn't this disqualify OOP, vtables, callbacks and the ability to pass any function as an argument? how do you even work around it?
code that runs machines is very simple compared to abstract software like video games
Anybody here making a game with a story?
What program do you use to write it?
Me personally I'm using KIT Scenarist, it's a screenplay software, where I save each scene as a separate file (because like all screenplay programs it's only for a linear story, it doesn't support alternate routes), then I use Twine just for the flowchart-like interface to help me organize all those separate scripts into a continuity.

Maybe there's a better way to do this
Software used in avionics, trains, ATMs, banks, rockets and more doesn't need things such as OOP or anything else you've mentioned.
In fact, no one ever needs OOP, other things on your list could be useful. Safe software needs less, never more, Pust is failed language.
I need OOP. It's what I do after I P.
being simple doesn't mean not being allowed to model complex behavior. until recently, testing video games was a hard task because you can get screwed by the indeterminestic behavior of physics systems, or even an fps fluctuation. but the industry moved away from that so at least you can record inputs and replay whole levels without human intervention.

don't forget turn based games are basically complex state machines that have whole fields fields behind it. a rule based game engine for example can satisfy the Nasa requirements. and technically you can make a turn based game engine to run in realtime by stepping at delta speed.

I agree but it's still food for thought on how you'd avoid using function pointers for callbacks, I guess you can switch on a variable instead so all permutations are known at compile time.

I am intrigued by those guidelines, and video games need them because they are complex dynamic things, literally 99% of physics engine bugs can be fixed by forcing the state to stay within valid range, for example having a maximum speed for all moving entities would prevent ghosting and parallel universe/overflow shenanigans. setting valid limits for limb joints would prevent all those funny broken limb animations we always see. having sane defaults would prevent a single shader from breaking the whole game and giving people epilepsy for no reason... etc.

most devs think this kind of stuff is irrelevant until they want to make a low latency multiplayer game that doesn't suck, then you see this guy doing fully deterministic crossplatform physics based multiplayer game that is accurate down to fucking float arithmetic.
>being simple doesn't mean not being allowed to model complex behavior
It means machines do not have complex control flow so they don't need things like OOP and function pointers and memory allocation

Also games have become less deterministic, not more deterministic, don't know what you're thinking but prerecorded demos used to be in every game, now they aren't. Physics engine "bugs" exist because of their nature, they pick performance over accuracy. You can make physics engines that don't glitch but you have to sacrifice performance or simulation quality
that feel when you roll in and are able to talk shop with someone at Bethesda about building game engines.
Playing Morrowind and Black Ops 2 made me realize there needs to be a renaissance of old graphics techniques. Developers are pushing graphical fidelity at too much of a performance cost all just to make a shitty game. And people are in want of a good and performing game now more than ever.
The thing with graphics is that you can hire 1,000 teams of 100 artists to produce graphics assets and special effects, outsource all the work, and have each team work in parallel for a different part of the game. You can't do the same thing with game design, you can't outsource a good idea.
I agree.
There's no point in having ultra high detail graphics if they run like ass and aren't fun to play.
Eh, normally this general has a pedo poster and everyone puts up with it. The last 2 threads look fine though.
>normally this general has a pedo poster
no it doesnt
They're called indie games
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NES has tons and tons of documentation and tutorials and it's very fun and satisfying. I decided to do Pong as a learning project in 6502 assembly.
yeah it does, I'm right here
Indie games blow
Which is more rewarding -- making SNES homebrew or making GBA homebrew?
GBA is easier
i keep text files with their name, then put all the dialog under what level it's in for later implementation
Literally the opposite. Tests make it easy to change things because you have confidence that you didn't break the other stuff that you weren't trying to change. The tests should begin after prototyping, when you're pretty sure about the general features of the game.
That's only if you have low test coverage, otherwise you will still have to deal with tests breaking. In my case I'm just adding a big integrated test that just simulates an entire playthrough asserting the right end results, but that's not really unit testing and it's just to make sure I didn't break shit like the quest/experience system.
>backup single code file you are going to fuck with
>fuck around with your code with no consequences if something breaks everything just delete and reinsert old file

why do you not do this
I already do this with git commits. Do you not use source control? I commit frequently so it's trivial to roll back changes.
The reason for the big test is that when your game gets large enough it's impossible to test how every system interacts with each other in a timely way. Having what's essentially a speedrun of the game that ensures certain outcomes gives me at least a bit of a guarantee that the core parts of the game are working right.
yes but im also retarded and like to play the game all the way through when i make big changes
I do this too if it's feasible but if you have shit like branching paths and conditions like that it becomes impossible
Testing makes things harder to change because you have to write twice as much code
Remembering what your code does is preferable to writing persistent tests
yes i get it, im only learning game development because they stopped making games like brothers in arms with the fps&squad management in realtime, loved everything about those games so im trying to use the same mechanics for my game, it's extremely hard to learn programming but i am getting there by cheating using ai and google lol
Text file with whose name? I don't quite get it anon, please elaborate on your method
character names as .txt

so "fatguynpc1-3.txt"

then inside that file a double space header for what scene, then the dialog
I see. So in your game there's no back and forth between the protagonist and character? As in, your protag is silent?
Shame that nobody is yet willing to give feedback, new version, fixed mobile and made a new background
you can run it on android with Love2d on android loader or run it on desktop with love2d's binaries (they're like 7mb). https://files.catbox.moe/n4ul4g.love The file is just the source code written in Lua. Please give feedback!
if you want peoplee to play your game dont ask them to install dependencies and provide screenshots
>Shame that nobody is yet willing to give feedback
>No source code
No I don't think I will.
This answer: >>102502913
I don't want to install Love2D, because as soon as I check your game, I'd uninstall it. It just wastes the time, but if you post some screenshots or soundless webms, you might get some Anons interested.
For example, Sims Anon got people interested in his games by constantly making webms of the gameplay and rotating tables. Yes, it's literally enough. GUI Anon and Derelicht guy did the similar thing with their screenshots.
>No source code
>The file is just the source code
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Sorry I can't read binary.
>doesn't know what to do with a binary file starting with "PK"
you're an embarrassment
Cute! Would like it better if I can control her with keyboard.
it's a zip file, just change .love to .zip
>install Love2D
bro there's a portable version, and you don't even have to assign the application to handle .love files, just drag&drop the file to the love2d executable.
>I'd uninstall it
I always find it useful to keep it, either for random prototypes or running gamejam games. the best use for love2d is as a sandbox virtual machine for tools not just games.
.love files may be the safest files you'd ever encounter in the wild.
That's awesome anon. I didn't know the NES was so well-documented until you mentioned it.

Take it easy on anon.
Let's see a screenshot of your large enough game
If even you, the guy who made it, cares so little about it that you can't even bother to make a regular executable, what are the chances that it's worth trying out?
If you didn't notice, people who actually put time, effort and love into making good things are always very eager to share them with others.
>Can't decide whether to make a dragon quest clone, a mystery dungeon clone, or something like cdda/nethack
I hate being indecisive
For GNU/Linux versions, I would make Arch and Debian package options if you insist on having people install love2d. I don't think love2d is particularly heavy, so you can always static link it. I have to work today, I'll post some feedback tonight.

The mystery dungeon games were inspired by rogue. There is enough overlap in how they play that you could make something that takes elements from cdda/nethack and mystery dungeon.
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From reading the replies, I will accept that I'm in the wrong here. I just thought it wasn't a big deal since installing Love2d is just a few seconds (doas pkg install love, love game.love, doas pkg remove love). However I shouldn't have assumed that everyone is so willing, I also admit that it's good practice to add imagery. The reason I didn't is because the background is ugly, and I'm ashamed for it (the other sprites are not ugly, I love how they turned out). Right now I'm away from my computer, but here's a webm with mobile gameplay showing off some power ups and handycaps. I will do better, next time I request for feedback.
>If even you, the guy who made it
I'm not the dev of the game, and no, I wouldn't trust a regular executable, even if it's easy to extract love2d executables like any ZIP files, I wouldn't even download it to check.
.love files are the safest to share, if anything, the dev's only fault is not posting a screenshot, but idk, he might be rangebanned from posting files.
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There is no cope for being a mathlet.
Don't be hard on yourself. Good progress post anon.

is there a single-file header-only equivalent of SDL2? I'm too lazy to do linkage shit right now
that's a soulful background, you already added sprites since last time i played it. try to fix your mixels for better art consistency tho, the background is pixelated while the sprites themselves look highly defined.
sokol.h maybe, never used it
SDL3 is single file header only, from what I've heard.
Dunno if you can already use it.
Nevermind, it's definitely not single file. But I do think it's header only. Still no idea if it's "ready" or not.
The two only topics of math usable in gaydev are 1) 4x4 matrices and 2) quaternions - and for quats, you don't even need to understand how they work, you just need to know that they a) can be applied just like rotation/scale matrices can, b) nobody uses them for scaling so you need to always make sure that the quats you use are normalized.
It's piss easy. What are you talking about?
OP picture is a tranny fucking a child
Out of curiosity what have you done thats only used those 2 areas of math
what about IK solvers? trigonometry for AI and intercepting a target? maybe some special shader effect?
actually forget the last one, it's just perlin noise and scrolling texture abusing.
Well I got GPU frustum culling going. Except I've called it frustrum everywhere in my codebase. Need to fix that.

What should I do next? Lighting? Scene tree? Saving animations/bones for later, right now I have gpu-driven uber buffers for drawing, texturing, and fog.
are you using bindless textures?
working on animations is fun
I use a mega/uber texture approach instead as it seems bindless texture support is spotty on different cards, so I just pass a texture slot parameter into the shader via the renderable data, and that is used to index the appropriate texture from the mega texture. Right now I assume all textures are the same size, but will probably move to making it variable.
>it seems bindless texture support is spotty on different cards
oh really? shame, I thought most of the industry moved to bindless resources


what a true shame.
I mean bindless textures specifically are a vulkan extension that may or may not be supported on a specific card. A mega texture that a shader indexes at runtime is functionally the same thing, as that mega texture is bound once and contains all the texture data you would need in a scene.
you can't avoid linking because opengl and vulkan and etc are all libraries that need linker flags.
but sdl offers prebuilt binaries so it's pretty easy to just download the binaries and add the include directory (add the "include" folder path to your compiler command which has the headers), add the link objects (add the .lib file to your linker commands, this connects the DLL to your binary).
if you are using mingw/msys, you are inflicting more harm to yourself compared to just using WSL to run linux or just using msvc. Mingw used to be great before Community edition 2015 came out, since you had to pay for visual studio in the past, I started with mingw, but it's very bad because it doesn't have address sanitizer, without ASAN you are programming in the dark ages, I would rather code in rust than code in C++ without ASAN.
If you are using linux, it's really easy to just build a single file, just use:
gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined main.c -o output
run with ./output, you should use something like vscode to use a debugger, but I guess you could use a gdb frontend?
You need to set a global variable for undefined behavior sanitizer to print a stack trace (but it will still tell you the file and line of the error, the stack trace helps because ubsan wont "stop" the debugger unless you do something fancy).
There is also valgrind on linux which does 90% of the same job as ASAN, but it's incompatible with asan (and gdb?), but it detects uninitialized memory access which asan wont, but valgrind won't detect stack errors unlike asan...
Msvc enables all the flags you need by default (in cmake and the default VS project), except address sanitizer (but it gives warnings for incompatible flags, you should add a new build target just for asan which doesn't use the flags, in cmake you would use a cmakepreset.json to make a asan target).
clion can generate cmake stuff, but I dunno. PVS Studio is really smart but hard to setup.

What did Nintendo mean by this? They suddenly own Sisyphean mechanics? Why is this allowed
You're now understanding why a lot of us are against software patents, let alone GAMEPLAY patents.

They're strictly used to bully people that get too big or annoy them. In the US this is supposed to be like everyone building up nuclear silos for a supposed war, and they only sue eachother with patent violation claims if corpos actually go to war (this is rare because everyone is using eachothers patented tech anyway).

For Nintendo on the other hand its just a regular Thursday. They only seem to sue in Japanese courts though, I don't think they'd be able to do much in the US. So just don't release your game to Japanese markets.

t. has 4 patents
I wonder if someone in third world country can simply use all those US patents intentionally, and go away with his life without issues.
Since proprietary software is leeching on cuck-licensed open source software, or simply violates GPL, why not do the similar thing...
Also thanks for the link, reading it, it's interesting...
>mega/uber texture approach
how does that work, do you need to create that texture yourself on the cpu? I currently fill my buffer until all the texture slots are used up and start a new batch when the next one is added
There he is now
the issue starts when you're monetising the game, you can't go through international money transfer platforms if you're breaking laws, worse case scenario they can take anything you'll ever make or ban you completely.

what annoyed me about palworld are the artist whistleblowers, never trust an artist ever. in what world does "make a pal that can rank in top 100 pokemons" is the same as "steal pokemons designs"? if anything, it sounds like "make better pokemon designs that are better than the authors themselves", which is literally what fakemon artists have been doing since forever.
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I finally got around to adding dynamic lighting, behold
There's some seams visible between where walls meet the floor if you zoom in far enough, but it's good enough for now.
You create it on the GPU, you can then stream textures in and out of slots using a staging buffer (CPU-visible) + vulkan transfer queue. DX12 probably has a similar queue.
delicious progress my dude :)
Pretty cool. Can you easily add more lights?
Not yet, but that's the next step. I'm halfway through implementing a shadow atlas texture for that
what resolution is the shadow map?
1024 x 1024
how dare someone want to make money!
Consider that lots of games do this anyway
vectors, plane equation, trigonometry and lines you retard
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I just got rotating an object with it's children done.
How was your weekend /gedg/?
>How was your weekend /gedg/?
My main PC has been out of commission and in the repair shop (and still is) and I'm stuck with my raspberry pi 4 which can't do much, and I have made 0 progress.
So not very good
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Cool, is that vidya or is it going to be a furniture planner?
Why make it even that complicated? All you really need are addition and multiplication.
do you update it every frame or just when dynamic objects/lights move? interesting stuff
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that's a bummer.
I tried a rpi400 and even with a lightweight DE it's barely usable. I can understand your pain.

vydia. Right now it's getting near feature parity with TS1 build mode.
For full webm: https://files.catbox.moe/pmy0ac.mp4
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Wow, I am deeply impressed. You must be kind of intelligent to pull that off so neatly, mirin!
It's just once per frame, nothing too fancy yet. Optimizations can wait until after I have something nontrivial to render
Anon, window was completely black for me unless I reduced resolution. "push" library you are using should probably handle this and you are probably using it incorrectly, but I'm unfamiliar with it so I just written the usual letterboxing with translate/scale
>The reason I didn't is because the background is ugly
It's actually charming. Looking forward for progress posts.
Works with your lib if I set pixelperfect=false
What's the button for rotate? I can't find it in help menu.
we have a new mascot
my vife
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I stopped using push constants
I just use SSBOs where each entry is a varble....
I only have one drawcall per frame anyways
Why? The spec guarantees 128 bytes, which means you can stuff a world and normal matrix in there.
I can just copy that into an SSBO all the same with all my other constants. With only one drawcall per frame I don't have a use-case for push constants
Are you doing GPU driven rendering or are you batching everything into one call on the CPU
Because if you're doing the latter that's actually slower than just doing several draw calls with push constants
it's all gpu-driven, I just used indirect draw
I haven't practiced enough with the almighty compute shader. I've made things, but nothing impressive.
im starting to think that unity is not intended for 2d games...
Thanks. I tend to overthink things.
I suppose that even if Unreal ends up being a dead end, it will still be a useful learning experience.
>I suppose that even if Unreal ends up being a dead end, it will still be a useful learning experience.
100%. And again it's definitely possible it just takes time and after a while a similar amount of effort to just making your own in this specific case (depending on how much of Unreal's featureset you actually use)
Still can't decide what to do first, a dqlike or a roguelike
The dqlike would be feature-wise a mix of dq1 and dq3 (in other words, dq1's simplicity, with dq3's character customization and full parties)
The roguelike would be not necessarily a roguelike actually, but more of a lifesim with roguelike elements and the graphical presentation of most nethack-ish roguelikes.
It's R. I haven't updated the help menu yet.
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Deleting objects are now implemented and I also fixed a bunch of bugs with the object tool. Time to spend some time cleaning up the code and move the object definition to outside of the code to make adding new objects easier.

Cya in the office /gedg/, back to the cagie.
Based, I don't use them either.
the RPG Maker company is moving their products to run on top of godot, including their 2D Action Game Maker line of products
so... idk that's a pretty good endorsement when you're willing to use godot as the basis of your 2D pixel-perfect game maker
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Started writing a manual for mechanics, so I can understand how the code is supposed to work.
Planning things out is more complicated it turns out
If among potential rulers there is one individual with height > 190cm, weight > 90kg, white, male, blue eyes and blonde hair, he's automatically selected.
Why is already holding land a disqualification for inheritance?
This is why it's so complicated.
There are three classes:

Character might act as a Holder and/or Ruler at the same time
A country has a Holder
Every province belongs to a country, but each province is ruled by an individual character as its Ruler

Ruler of the Country's capital province is special and has power over other rulers.
If the Holder of a country is not the Ruler of Country's capital province, he is merely a figurehead

So, holders don't hold land, they hold countries.

The reason why Holders are disqualified from inheriting is that it would make them holders of two different countries, i.e. personal union.
While including personal unions at some point would be neat, at this point system is already very complicated personal union would further complicate it.
anyone have any advice for Mesh simplification for LOD?
That's something artists do
there's a mesh-optimizer repo that might be able to help automate it
same guy that wrote volk maintains it
Decimate modifier
Yes. I will post updates.
Tell me you've never worked with other programmers
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Much healthier edge costs, going to start building the priority queue now.

Things are looking much better.

Praise be to the King Jesus Christ
Let's say I want to make something like a roguelike or a classic rpg in something like SDL2.
Nothing serious.
Suggest what programming language I should try for this; C, C++, C#, etc, or god forbid, rust
SDL2 has bindings for literally everything, just pick a language you're interested in. I did something similar and learned Common Lisp, totally worth it. Just find a language that's interesting to you and I pretty much guarantee it'll have SDL2 bindings.
Between unity and unreal, If I'm trying to make a 3D, first person game (not an FPS), which should I use? This is my first time doing anything game dev related but I've been programming for 4 or 5 years now. I'll probably start out with a couple of small projects before I work on my main game that I came up with
Flax engine
Unreal is basically an FPS engine, so Unreal. It ships game components like a character movement component for you out of the box.
anyone got some good resources about game scene graphs and game object/entity structure? I've been spending a lot of time on rendering but I want to move towards a structure that supports objects with children, colliders, meshes, + best practices for layout for that in memory
How would I go about making sure my game (especially the character models) don't look cookie cutter?
You're making the models, that's just on you. If by cookie cutter you mean that "unreal" look that every unreal game has, it's kinda hard to get rid of. Depending on your needs I suggest using the forward renderer instead of deferred and using MSAA instead of TAA (will look sharp instead of blurry like every Unreal game). Make your own shaders (materials) and spend a while fine-tuning the post processing settings.
I don't use Unreal anymore but really those two things work well to shake off the "Zelda made in Unreal" feel.
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There is now a hole in the market for Sims games.
and that Korean game isn't soul enough to replace it desu.

Sims was a bit whacky and weird.
walmart anon gonna hit it big
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>page 10
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Multiple lights are working now
For some reason the antialiasing stopped working, but whatever. Lights in webm related are 768x768, and are stored in chunks inside a 4K x 4K shadow atlas. There's still some minor artifacting and edge cases, but it's not too noticeable

RenderDoc is the eighth wonder of the world
Is that deferred rendering or forward rendering?
Forward rendering
Pretty impressive.
>depending on how much of Unreal's featureset you actually use
I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get away with using, but hopefully I can use as much as possible.
I wonder if physics will work.
Is there something like blender that can run on a raspberry pi 4 (OpenGL 3.1, GLES 3.1, Vulkan 1.2 ES)
My main PC is still being repaired by Geek Squad (as in, they got my PC 5 days ago and only yesterday got the replacement parts and are probably gonna take another 2 days to fix shit because they're slower than a kid with the downs)
Odin + SDL2 for comfy dev
maybe an older version of blender. like pre 2.8
There are no available downloads for any arm64/armhf build of that, and building from source is difficult as it depends on libraries no longer available for the current OS
the best I could find is wings3d. https://www.wings3d.com/
there's no binary for arm64 (other than for apple). but it requires OpenGL 2.1 so hopefully you should be fine building it from source.

Or it's time to pick up the pen and do 2D art instead of 3D.
How to even start making games for pc if all I know is some python and web?
Speaking of 3D modelling.
Since music trackers and module files make music production "accessible" to programmers, how would something similar be done with 3D modelling? I.e what tools and formats could be devised that would make 3D modelling easier for an artlet programmer like me (and no, AIslop is not allowed in this scenario)
Learn an actual programming language first.
>Since music trackers and module files make music production "accessible" to programmers
What the hell are you talking about
Can I learn C or C++ on the job? That is, while doing things?
No really. I guess you could try, but If you don't know how to handle pointers I don't think you'll get far. Oh and also use Raylib.
Languages are tools, to learn them you would have to know language similar to them.
Python is baby's fist language and pretty different to C++.
C++ is pretty similar to Java, so if you only know Python you will struggle, Java/C++ requires a lot of time to learn.
C is drastically different from them
I'm mainly talking about the UI, which uses stuff like hexadecimal more than your average piano roll fare.
Ok, thanks, Anon. Will check them out online then commit big honor.
If you have the idea that programmers can suddenly make music because it's written in hexadecimal that's very wrong
>Can I learn C or C++ on the job?
Obviously yes. imho that's the best way to go about learning something.
you know what? You're right
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something broke my lighting and now i have a disco ball in my level
Lisp with a rule based engine
My straight line equation from arbitrary sized points works just fine until I import it into my engine then it spits out nonsense. Bro's im not smart enough to know why the same function changes its output.
maybe the issue is somewhere else in your engine.
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Solving pic related for /agdg/.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static unsigned heights[] =
0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2, 1

int main()
size_t len = sizeof(heights) / sizeof(unsigned);
int trend = 0;
int* indices = malloc(len * sizeof(int));
size_t indices_len = 0;

// find valley peaks
for (unsigned i = 1; i < len; i++)
if (heights[i-1] < heights[i])
trend = 1;
else if (heights[i-1] > heights[i] && trend == 1)
indices[indices_len] = i - 1;
trend = -1;

printf("These points make up the valley peaks.\n[");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < indices_len; i++)
printf("%d", indices[i]);
if (i < indices_len - 1) printf(", ");

// For every pair of adjacent peaks, the water height and the height must add to a constant. This constant is the smaller of the two peaks.
unsigned sum = 0;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < indices_len; i++)
size_t idx1 = indices[i-1];
size_t idx2 = indices[i];
unsigned v1 = heights[idx1];
unsigned v2 = heights[idx2];
unsigned v = v1 < v2 ? v1 : v2;

for (unsigned j = idx1 + 1; j < idx2; j++)
sum += v - heights[j];


printf("The sum is %d.", sum);

return 0;
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stop procrastinating and get back to working on your game, froggy.
It was just a little brain teaser. Did it when I woke up after briefly thinking about it last night.
I call this time that could have being spent on your game. But atleast it's better than wasting time gaming or gooning to cartoons.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static unsigned heights[] =
5, 5, 5, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2, 1

int main()
size_t len = sizeof(heights) / sizeof(unsigned);
int trend = 0;
int* indices = malloc(len * sizeof(int));
size_t indices_len = 0;

// find valley peaks
for (unsigned i = 1; i < len; i++)
if (heights[i-1] < heights[i])
trend = 1;
else if (heights[i-1] > heights[i] && trend >= 0)
indices[indices_len] = i - 1;
trend = -1;

printf("These points make up the valley peaks.\n[");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < indices_len; i++)
printf("%d", indices[i]);
if (i < indices_len - 1) printf(", ");

// For every pair of adjacent peaks, the water height and the height must add to a constant. This constant is the smaller of the two peaks.
unsigned sum = 0;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < indices_len; i++)
size_t idx1 = indices[i-1];
size_t idx2 = indices[i];
unsigned v1 = heights[idx1];
unsigned v2 = heights[idx2];
unsigned v = v1 < v2 ? v1 : v2;

for (unsigned j = idx1 + 1; j < idx2; j++)
sum += v - heights[j];


printf("The sum is %d.", sum);

return 0;

>But atleast it's better than wasting time gaming or gooning to cartoons.
Baby steps.
Many such cases when one uses C.
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>those digits
C bros ... I don't feel good. I ... feel cold.
Why are they jeetcoding?
I know that CrapOS and Windblows people won't understand what this means, but:
> gcc -g -Wall -Werror -Wpedantic -Werror
> clang -g -Weverything -Werror
> splint -weak +boolint +charint
> valgrind --show-leak-kinds=all --leak-check=full
And all your C programs are safe, even safer than using Pust or other meme languages.
No clue but I wanted to flex my superiority so that nobody would notice that I had no game.

The weak fear Valgrind.
You could also add -fsanitize=address
I fed floats when the args expect ints. So it was on me.
and yet >>102533172
If you are trying to say something you should be specific because I don't know what you are implying.
Dumb idea for a 3D model format
Instead of storing everything as vertices/edges/faces/etc, the format can define an object that is made up of specific "prefabbed" 3D shapes with specific positions//sizes/rotations. The shapes are then provided by the program loading the model, and said shapes are rendered with those aforementioned specific transforms.
Also CSG could be used too.
So for example a car could be:
>for the body, a circle with the bottom half cut off
>for the trunk, a cube placed at the back
>for the wheels, flat cylinders
and so forth
Again, it would have to be up to the program loading the model to make and render the specific shapes the model is composed of.
cnile moment
Use your words and form actual sentences. He was talking about memory leaks and valgrind. How is that relevant to the post you quoted? I'm waiting.
Either post progress or fuck off to your containment general rustroon.
try solving it with a stack.
Nta but just pointing this out to you
>captcha: DMT AY
Hey if that happens I'll change tripcodes. No biggie. I don't think anon is coherent enough to be referencing that though.
It's unrelated, just wanted to point that out
New bread!
You can get physics to work but you'll have to get creative. Fine for entities/mobs, but every voxel having collision will tank your CPU perf.
>made up of specific "prefabbed" 3D shapes
gltf already does it like that, except the shapes are also in the model file
>retarded cnile nigger AND a tripfaggot attention whore
oof size: big
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New thread


Still waiting on an answer to my question ...

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