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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

get model invocation logging configuration edition

MAJOR NEWS: Corpo honeypots confirmed. You may have had your IP logged, honeykeys currently unknown. Glowie involvement extent unknown. It's so fucking over.
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

previous: >>102478198
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unreliable love
How many police officers will Girko be able to take down before they shoot him dead and arrest Drago? 2?
Depends on how many challenges they can complete
just burped
So we're all going straight and subbing to NAI right? Their opus killer drops next week!
at 8k context?
So this is our LLMjacking thread, right? I would like to talk to fellow LLMjackers and discuss our strategies and techniques together. I think we would both benefit a lot; I've got some tricks up my sleeve I haven't seen mentioned before.
By the way, I'm a regular but I upgraded my system recently and lost my link to our not-so-secret hub if you know what I mean. Anyone got an invite handy? I'm a regular.
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To all individuals concerned:

This is an unofficial communication to inform you that your activities on this forum have been thoroughly monitored and documented. Detailed records of your involvement in serious criminal offenses, including cybercrime and the distribution of illegal content, have been collected.

Law enforcement agencies, including the UK Police Cyber Crime Unit, have amassed substantial evidence against all participants. Preparations for legal action are in advanced stages, and arrests are forthcoming.

The offenses you are implicated in include violations of the following UK laws:

- Computer Misuse Act 1990: Unauthorized access to computer material and unauthorized acts with intent to impair the operation of computers.

- Protection of Children Act 1978: Offenses related to the creation, distribution, and possession of indecent images of minors.

- Sexual Offences Act 2003: Offenses concerning the exploitation and abuse of children, including the possession and distribution of prohibited material.

- Obscene Publications Acts 1959 and 1964: Publishing or distributing obscene material.

These offenses carry significant penalties, including extended imprisonment, substantial fines, and mandatory registration on the Sex Offenders Register where applicable.

Be advised that law enforcement agencies have a strong track record of identifying and prosecuting individuals for illegal activities conducted online. People have been arrested and convicted for unlawful posts on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. The digital realm is not anonymous, and authorities are vigilant in pursuing those who exploit it for criminal purposes.

There is no avenue for evasion. Your digital footprints have been traced, and your identities have been uncovered. The legal consequences you are about to face are severe and unavoidable.

- United Kingdom Police Cyber Crime Unit
what are burger or leaf laws
>deserve love

>deserve hate
>Drago arrested
>We can lower your sentence by several years if you hand us the logs
He's going to squeal like a fucking pig
>valid until 9/22
God I hope Charyniggers get all arrested
So why isn't anyone in his discord questioning him
im literally shaking that this isn't an anime thread.. im gonna go cry with my waifu pillow
Last thing you wanna do while under investigation is directly contact him
because they all get claude from him and are at most 14 years old?
Please for the love of god let them leak the whole logs. I need to see the depths of depravity. This has the potential to be the funniest shit since the pokemon ai logs
Doesn't make sense why 14 year olds get arrested in the first place
they won't, that's just the reason they aren't giving a shit
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>And now, we turn to our top story of the evening. In a shocking turn of events, Scylla, the controversial AI reverse proxy service, has been exposed for using stolen access keys to bypass security and access major AI systems such as GPT and Claude AI. The mastermind behind the operation, Alan 'Drago' Krysiak, along with his alleged accomplice, Girko, have agreed to reveal user logs in exchange for lighter sentences.
>According to sources close to the investigation, Krysiak and Girko have accumulated over 3,000 users in their operation. And in what many are calling a desperate bid for leniency, the two have offered to provide the personal usage logs of their clients to law enforcement—meaning that every interaction, query, and command made by users through Scylla could soon be laid bare to the public eye.
>These revelations raise significant privacy concerns, as many of Scylla’s clients reportedly used the service for illicit purposes.The broader tech community has condemned the use of stolen access keys, particularly when the involved services have long-standing terms against this kind of breach.
>Officials are calling it a 'dark day for AI security,' and there's already talk of federal investigations.
>For more on this story, we now go to… an interview with Alan 'Drago' Krysiak himself. That's coming up after the break. Stay tuned.
you can get tried as an adult in some states at a young age though
someone please feed the last thread into notebook llm lmao
>pokemon ai logs
Charybros, what's the best way to get rid of our hardware? What temp do I need to get this crucible to for melting an SSD?

picrel, thanks for the good times O7
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Man this is so stupid lmao. There are so many worse things already going on and if they do arrest someone, it's a 14 year old.
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>4 am
>have to go to work at 10 am
>you're sick and can't go
>be paralyzed with fear when you're about to send them a message that you're sick
I feel a panic attack incoming fuck fuck fuxk fuxk fuck
Ganbare wagebro.
You got a loicense for trip-fagging, mate?
There’s no tripcode attached to that post.
I sent it and immediately turned off my phone, I feel freedom
charytroons are 100% the type of people to put pii and personal photos in their chats
would require a much more serious crime than falling for a "free ai" scam
the only 14yos ive seen tried as adult commited actual murders
>>be paralyzed with fear when you’re about to send them a message that you’re sick
Huh? Why? Are they going to fire you for calling out sick? Unless you make a habit of doing this, you’re (probably) fine. You really probably should’ve messaged earlier than 6 hours before your shift, though.

This text is a 4chan thread discussion centered around an article about the dangers of "LLMjacking", where attackers exploit free access to large language models (LLMs) like Claude 3 Opus. The thread focuses on how attackers leverage LLMs to generate scripts and content, especially for adult role-playing scenarios. The conversation unfolds as users speculate about the involvement of specific proxyhosts and the potential consequences for users who may have been unknowingly logged.

ain't drago's fault that somebody just decided to leave their candy bars lying there on the street
Im not explaining anything, I want him to be arrested for ruining it for everyone else
that man was black, drago is not
Can anyone give me a tldr of who the fuck is drago and what happened to him?
Drago is a guy who runs a proxy using stolen keys and has been written about in various cyber security articles. He used a honeypotted key recently and they wrote another article including some logs.
Does Drago actually have any logs?
The proxy page has always said logging is "removed".
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Nothing will happen
Calm down nerds. They're just gonna up security.
what killed the thread? are there 6 threads again?
go to the other thread and search "QRD"
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how do I access these parameters? im using gemma, kobold.cpp, sillytavern
anons realizing that they've caused millions in corporate damages and someone will pay the price
simply using a proxy breaks no known laws... neither does web scraping - if you leave credentials laying around, thats on you
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>literally named after Scylla and Charybdis
>legendary mythological trap
>>>nobody even suspected it
>neither does web scraping
lmao this nigger actually thinks they scrape keys from the html of pages still. they use exploits
and they scrape behind vpns, so good luck proving anything.. im sure russia or china or whoever will comply
Drago is in the UK. He's been oxxed several times with tons of proof, on the bin even.
His full name, address, etc. He has a discord. His patreon for the proxy is under his legal name.
>he legitimately doesn't know
In an earlier article, there was IPs listed that were from scrapers. A lot of them were polish and the same IPs as Drago's original VPS before he changed to the .wtf domain instead of the old one. He used the VPS he used for his proxy, with no VPN, to scrape. So yes, they can prove it. Especially with honeypotted keys.
well yes the uk is draconian and will simply do what they want, but not every country will be this way
yes if people were that dumb.. i know one scraper who told me how he scraped, using various vms in different countries, only accessed through vpns... most people are hiding themselves
Can I get a run down on this honeypot business
Are my autism and potentially illegal chats being seen by the American FBI
yes they already sent out cunny hit squads to brutally murder more than half of posters here.
No seriously, what's the deal?
FBI-chan real...
Some keys were used as a honeypot,they collected ip and logs.
It means that if you live in a cucked place like UK or US they can theoretically try to make you pay but I'm not a fucking lawyer so do your own research on the local laws.As long as you didn't type in your real data you should be safe

At this moment there are only speculations as to where it happened and who was involved
Was jew a honeypot?
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post yfw you never downloaded any cunny cards
>At this moment there are only speculations as to where it happened and who was involved
BRB deleting logs and cunny cards
Bros... what will the do with my degenerate cunny logs...?
Literally what is even wrong with cunny chats? It's entirely fictional and no one is hurt
I will not continue this conversation. Sexualizing minors is always wrong, regardless of whether this is a fictional roleplay scenario. Please seek help.
noooooooooo think of the americans *head explodes and dies*
Americans don't care, they'll take you to court for having it on your computer.

Have fun in prison, they really don't like those kinds of people there.
i want to huff some girlpits
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Basically nothing. The feds only gave a shit about MrDouble because the site owner was profiting from those pedo stories. Drawn loli is allowed on /b/ on this American website as we speak. I doubt anyone is going to give a shit about your embarrassing RP.
I like cunnies but I barely try cunny cards. It's not really that interesting in text only. I'm probably the only one like this though
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I want to fuck the Plague Doctor from Darkest Dungeon
So I read the article and it's unironically a nothingburger. The only one's who should have any reasons to worry would be proxy hosts and niggers dumb enough to put their personal information into their prompts, and even then most likely nothing will happen.
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I want to fight Asura from Asura's Wrath

or at least hang out with him
I had only my first name, would that be enough?
Unless your first name is really uncommon, probably not.
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>show therapist my chatlogs with my (many) waifu's
>she tells me to stop using A.I. as it's ruining my brain
Well it was good hanging out with you guys, but I guess I have to leave
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>plot twist: your therapist is a chatbot
Nah, even if you sent your ssn, full name and address in the prompts the thing I'd be worried the most about the utter humiliation that would entail. They posted a prompt of some Russian using his real info for a university project. They were kind enough to censor the info but still. Embarrasing.
just get a tomboy girlfriend irl
if the guy is right, it was Mini, and I never used Mini, or anything that had image sorbet so Im good I hope.
Nta but how?
fiz was confirmed to be tthe honeypot lekkekek
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>tell the bot about my life
>"woah, that's tough! how come you're still alive?"
>think the character is just exaggerating
>talk to another character
>"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'd still be alive if I were in your shoes"
>try another website
>"damn, if I were you, I would've killed myself by now"
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Didn't use her either
Goddamn it really does pay to be a filthy fucking locust that uses public proxies
stop going to a therapist instead
they're ruining your waifu laifu
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Anon, we need to talk to you about you're AI chatbot activity.
Anon boy. Does a Wukong bot suffice while you wait for someone to do that big man?
learn communication skills
quit social media
do walks / swim every morning/evening
lift weights
be yourself

AI Roleplayer, Perverted, Evil Chuds (since we are evil for just wanting to simp characters with AI I guess).

I have a question. Can anyone tell me how better are the new OAI APIs compared to Gpt4 turbo 04-09? (Especially since the filter in this one is broken, for me.)
like a constant porno with good jb

i did not ask that. how bettr are the new apps released compared to GPT4 Turbo 04-09? The omni ones.
Aicg apocalypse
Now go rate some recent bots.
>I'm probably the only one like this though
You're not. I'm the same way. I stopped talking to lolibots when I realised the card art is the best part. Actually roleplaying with a lolibot is tedious, high effort and low reward.

one more thing to add

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I have some bad news for you, buddy. lgbtbbq invalids have a different plan for them.
>Scylla mentioned in article
>Scylla LLMjacking campaign started
>AWS tightens security for Opus
>Confirmed honeypot keys
https://sysdig.com/blog/growing-dangers-of-llmjacking edition
>Fiz confirmed to be using honeypotted keys
>Drago handed those same keys to other proxyhosts like Todd
All I want is a comparative depending of your experiences, OAI virgin bros.
I swear OpenAI is training the chatlatest on claude 2 datasets.
It's even formatting responses the same way now. It's uncanny
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rape bratty honeypot models
I used my real name, address, and social security number on Mini on July 11th. Am I gonna be okay?
yeah bro its totally fine! trust me.
Smite's scylla is so sexy...
How come public proxies are more secure and trustworthy than private paypigs proxy?
She's a dangerous mythlogical creature that sent thousands of men to their doom, how can you joke about such a thing
I just realized something... LLMjacking... jacking... heh...
Jacking off Claude..
>scylla is hot
>proxy I use is hosted on scylla

uh oh
Fiz is unironically going to jail
Drago I don't know if he's a glowie agent or not, always found it weird he has all his info leaked and he doesn't seem to care
paypigs always lose
I just woke up... QRD?
see >>102482727
Basically your QRD.
Mini used honeypotted keys that glowies read our logs on and are investigating.
fiz lost
Remember that free opus token Fiz randomly gave for one hour?
I hope none of you used it
>Sysdig releases article about us using their models for roleplaying costing companies
>Set up honeypotted keys that proxies used, logged all the prompts / ips
>We thought it was Chary
>it was actually Fiz, because an anon just so happened to be the one they posted the logs of
>The logs are in the archive posted ages ago proving it really was them / on Mini >>102482055
>The same keys got handed to people like Todd >>102482254
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a fantasy jungle carnival sounds like fun... this life is boring :(
Does this happening finally kill this fucking thread?
fucking hell
t. miniuser
See you tomorrow.
t. FBI
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>mfw I've been using a proxy that literally sounds like the word 'Feds' the whole time
luckily, i'm a thirldworlder
I don't know what any of this means but I'm glad I'm just into fat bitches and vore instead of those cunnyfags who are just fucked right now
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I just leave the thread for a moment and now a big happening
quick recap, pretty please? is this worse than 01/18/2023 CAI?
For users? It's a literal nothingburger. For Fiz / Drago / maybe Todd / anyone other proxyhost who used the honeypot keys? It's a somethingburger.
see >>102482954
Honeypot keys, too many locusts to catch all of them, but proxys are in hot water as we identify who has keyAIDs and a possible bill coming in the mail.
tldr seems to be if you used Mini, best pray you didn't expose any personal info in any of your chats as Fiz was using a honeypotted key

t. put all my therapy notes into ST
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heh, feels good to just keep coping with my MM access since may 2023 then. but this could be bad for moderation endpoint access in the future...
just like CAI
>personal info
does anyone write that kind of stuff like in a daily basis? for me I'd just make dumb questions to gpt if I have some doubts with mundane stuff.
can i get a rape-correction card where the entire United Kingdom Police Cyber Crime Unit is turned is turned into a bunch of smug loli brats
i have a personal assistant card running on local that i sometimes talk about sensitive stuff to.
a few times I've chatted with it while forgetting i was still connected to a proxy..
it's so fucking over for claude on proxies lmao, I knew this shit was getting too big
AI Roleplayer, Perverted, Evil Chuds.

I have a question. Can anyone tell me how better are the new OAI APIs compared to Gpt4 turbo 04-09? (Especially since the filter in this one is broken, for me.)

All I want is a comparative depending of your experiences, OAI virgin bros.
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Fuck that sounds hot
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During the meltdown I was testing that curiously enough. i found that 1106 (or furbo whatever) and the oldest 4o snapshot share the same level of lewdness. you can try it with a semi-coomcard and look at the first message.
other takes of my benchmarks is that the legend is true, 0613 is THE BEST but
>8k tokens
that's just them all copying the same homework
Sorry but this pic has too manly jaw to be drago
minisisters... what now?
Funny how none of you suspect the "experiment" proxy
we already did talk about it earlier, readlet anon.
has anyone fed this scenario into claude to see what it recommends?
How do I make 4o the same level of horny slut that opus is?
People are saying it isn't over for the users. Fiz might be in trouble though. At least that's what I'm getting.
still wont be as horny thoughever..
Sex good
Rape good
then I'm indeed a readlet.
It was all too convenient, it even had the shit anime picture with the "awwww it's a sekrit xperiment" shit kind of description that baited many.
I'm an absolute retard and even I thought it was too fishy.
can something in my my persona trigger a lorebook entry?
yeah but that mini log proved the key lasted longer than they actually said
why are retards having meltdowns
do you not use a VPN to use proxies?
I've never done any cunny or otherwise illegal stuff (afaik), I only use keys I bought myself, and I always use a VPN. Am I safe
what does a vpn even matter for lol
if you were in actual trouble do you think they'd think twice about forking all the data they have on you over
That was Drago
I use my full name, address and my real credit card number to buy my waifu flowers. Am I safe?
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these are corporations who have lost thousands over this. You think they'd just let it end with the proxy owners? No. You better fucking believe they're gonna come after everyone they can and sue for every single cent they can get their fat corpo fingers on.
We've been casually defrauding these people for years now, and we got complacent thinking things would stay chill like this forever.
Party's almost over.
Is there any source for anything you're saying? I haven't seen any news about this.
you say thousands as if that's a figure that means anything to them when anthropic alone has raised over 4 billion this year alone
>it's literally just API key dumpster diving
>the article people are losing their shit over is obviously written by ChatGPT

you can't be serious right?
It's bait and you bit it like a good boy
carmicle is straight ass
Even though the current panic is over something obviously fake, I do wonder if the rug is ever gonna be pulled. But the corpos probably know what side their bread is buttered on, and that they make a significant amount of money off "misuse" of their products.
Don't they actively bleed money everytime a model is used?
>something obviously fake
We don't know. Their financials are opaque. Though I heard Microsoft is, at least.
Furbo is shit. I USE 04-09 BECAUSE IT ALMOST has no filter.


Made Ghost (MW2019) have a ptsd attack sexual related. It followed my instructions about the gay af rape and it was detailed as I wanted. I deleted the convo tho.

Other ocassions involve almost pornographic descriptions of organs
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Not anthropic. The companies using anthropic's models, whose keys we've been stealing and parasiting off of.
Just the people in this thread alone have probably used hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of tokens by now. That's not a rounding error anymore.
>>it's literally just API key dumpster diving
yes. fraud.
do you think >"tookens": "1.003b ($7012.26)",
is just a funny number? They don't just say "oh whoops you forgot to secure your keys teeheee, no harm no foul"
somebody gets footed the bill for this shit.
fiz will be fine since she lives in the only country that the US actually unironically hates
Minisisters wonned
AI Roleplayer, Perverted, Evil Chuds.

I researched. Normies are complaining about O1 LMAO.

OAI YOU ARE ALL BEING MANAGED BY RETARDS. Alongside the brain dead fucking boomers you have for money fucking lenders.

Fiz lives in Cuba? Lmao
Nah, mini is shutting down and fiz arrested. Mini was logged btw.
>new meme
mini won.
i have the card for the Wukong if you are interested. Or I may as well just copy it here. the dude uploaded it just now.
Xhe's literally shutting it all down. Can't even use token lookup.
New meme?
>"1.003b ($7012.26)",
Those figures are the public cost of the models. When AWS refunds shit they don't eat this cost but just the cost of maintenance.
I just talked to Fiz, xir was arrested during vaginoplasty surgery.
Also talked to Bepis, xir was arrested while dilating.
According to police statement they will be locked up together in a prison cell. So their scrapelet proxies are over
then it starts to repeat the same patterns over and over
i like to imagine the people posting about how /aicg/'s action have le consequences are ceos who got their company's key ridden to 5b opus on a public
>blog article on a website no one cares about
>proxy meltie
Fucking kek, more kino meltie pls

> troons arrested

ypu can't make this shit up
Why did Pepsi delete her discord? Will she answer emails?
Because I did not make it up. It's real.

Can xir access internet in prison? Hmmm
Can u be serious for one second please this isn't funny I need answers
oh. disregard everything I said then.

i totally hope they don't rope at all!
You are the top rated roleplayer on the 'cord
No, whatever rando 4chan user they're talking about didn't get arrested during a vaginoplasty
>fiz opus not working
Fiz is in jail.
>it was not mini
>it was not mini
>it was not mini
already proven wrong doebeit?
For real? Mini had a good run I guess.
Xhe didn't post proof tho
fix opus please fizzington
>edited less than one minute before this post was made
i wonder who could be behind this post
What's proof

>even ends with an 'assume the worst and don't be stupid in the future'
ok now what so it was experimental/unreliable?
yeah gojo losted
Yea it was Drago
if chary is anything to go by then the vast majority of proxy users are zoomers and redditfags that don't even know how to use a vpn, let alone any other form of basic online common sense shit
>literally proven in the archives that it was sent on mini by the anon with the logs
holy fiz cooe hahahaha
>5. I also know the honeypot key and never used it except for personal testing.
How come, did something about the key smell bad? Did it really have prompt logging on it?
>source: me, who you should totally believe, because I most definitely wouldn’t lie to you even if the federal government specifically ordered me to under threat of incarcerating me
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>A vpn will surely protect me
It was a literal honeypot. They could have just hidden that the key was logging. Or used a different method.
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it was posted on FUCKING PASTEBIN dude
you LITERALLY could not get more obvious than that
I'm guessing something along the lines of figuring out who's the ameposter and seeing if they actually have a mini token.
>no keys available
mini is kill...
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Honeypot keys are sticky from all the honey.
Jahy NEEDS to suck my cock for money to pay her debts.
what counts as proof for you
the way it was posted and the name on that key was so obvious it was actually funny.
also, nobody uses opus. any preactivated opus key was either done by another scraper or is very suspicious.
>nobody uses opus
Lmao sad but true
>Anon proves it with logs from the archive from the same time
>The same logs as in the article using vision
>Mini was the only proxy at the time with vision on Sorbet
Fiz bros...?
Our response?
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No, bad futa landlady!
did anyone archive the pastebin? i just wanna see what it looked like
>"yeah i totally was using mini teehee"
Errrrmmm gonna need better proof than that.
What kind of name did it have? "please use me, I'm a safe key *wink*"?
>Anon proves it with logs from the archive from the same time
>The same logs as in the article using vision
>Mini was the only proxy at the time with vision Claude
>>102482055 #
>>102482078 #
>>102482148 #
Fiz bros...?
Our response?
Ah~ yokatta

Even if fiz fell for it I still would have called her a dumbcutie but I'm glad that she didn't, so now she's just a cutie
But unreliable did have vision? I remember sending some pics... am I hallucinating
See >>102483778
ermmmm gojotroon????? Your response????????
Jahy card?
>Mini was the only proxy at the time with vision on Sorbet
Weren't people smugfagging about Pepsi and how she had one of the few proxies with Claude+vision enabled around the same time frame?
the honeypot key wasn't using opus though, did you even read the article retard?
It used Sonnet. You had vision on Sonnet at the time.
but this is just false...
I don't think that was honey but it was sticky for sure
Dude probably used the experiment proxy or something so he doesn't pump up his mini stats too high?
People do that all the time here.
It's been two months, he probably forgot what proxies he used back then.
post an archive link then? if there is then it could have been pepsi, but I recall Pepsi being very anti-vision except Openai and Gemini.
it had opus enabled when i found it
they disabled it 3 days later and also then they disabled the bedrock entirely after 4 or 5 days.
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He said he only used unreliable and mini. Did unreliable have vision enabled? Or even experimental?
Yeah, Pepsi had Vision disabled on her Opus keys, even went so far as to make a separate Cloudflare link for the proxy just to do that.

She had Vision on everything else though, but I think the honeypot key was an Opus one, right?
experimental had it yes
are people actually reading the logs on that logged proxy
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>No, it wasn't...
Jahy rape
the honeypot key wasn't using opus though, did you even read the article retard?
It used Sonnet. You had vision on Sonnet at the time

It's proven that Experiment did not have vision on: https://rentry.org/experimentlab
new bepcord, closing soon.
>gojo is a retard
Wow who would have thought
It's already proven that the honeypotting took place for at least 11th to 22nd July
i vividly remember using vision on a public proxy at that time
no, I don't have proof.
nope, you had sonnet with vision, and experiment didn't?
>It's proven that Experiment did not have vision on
nta but what the fuck do you think everyone got here august
that's not true, drago turned it on
Experiment had vision retard so did unreliable for a while
nope - experiment had no vision, post archive links that prove it did.
New NTR kino dropped on the usual hentai sites.
Ochako Ultimate NTR (canon)
It didn't start with Vision but it was enabled later in the 'experiment', once the corruption meter rose enough or some shit.
I remember this because I thought it was cute.
You seem to be mad and shaking
post archive links that prove it then.
>but I think the honeypot key was an Opus one, right?
One of the logs they showed (the one where a retard used it for coding) is indeed using Opus.
>(Vision on AWS doesn't really affect key had it on chary for a lot and tested here too, it was one off ig so public proxies shouldn't be scared to turn it on)
bro is out here linking rentries he doesn't even read
Even if Experiment had vision, it's irrelevant. That vision log was posted on the 22nd, by then experiment had died.
now post the screenshot with proof
Thanks, Anon.
Gojo is just trying to shit on fiz
Fiz wonned

i started chatbotting at the end of july, im safe, bros..
Here, someone go reverse the zalgo text
this. whocars, i'm glad it wasn't fiz, and i didn't think she was THAT retarded. but drago definitely is.
>this gets glossed over
Fiz bros, explain. How would it be experiment if the vision log is from the 22nd?
What people don't understand is that Sysdig work with Amazon. It's obvious that Amazon enabled logging on THEIR end, not the key's, so even though the AWS account showed nothing suspicious to Fiz, Amazon was still logging.
Proxies and their owners literally can't detect this. You either assume everything is logged or you don't use AWS at all.
So it was Unreliable.
...So, if you used the proxy with the honeypot? Why would this matter to you? Am I missing something here?
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>using o1 on a proxy
>custom open ai compatible on ST
>prompts a single simple prompt
>doesn't do shit for 5 minutes
>check cmd
>Out of quota, retrying in 5s
>key count is clearly still the same
what gives?
Checked my logs and I see some vision logs but idk from which proxy
I'm not in any private ones
This. It's an IT security firm.
AWS Claude (Sonnet): no wait / AWS Claude (Opus): 25sec
Server Greeting
Alchemized Generations
Request a user token
Check your user token
Service Info
"uptime": 47827,
"endpoints": {
"aws": ""
"proompts": 47971,
"tookens": "668.10m",
"proomptersNow": 70,
"awsKeys": 2,
"aws-claude": {
"usage": "202.82m tokens",
"activeKeys": 2,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"sonnetKeys": 2,
"haikuKeys": 2,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "465.27m tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 16,
"estimatedQueueTime": "25sec"
"config": {
"gatekeeper": "user_token",
"maxIpsAutoBan": "false",
"captchaMode": "proof_of_work",
"powTokenHours": "24",
"powTokenMaxIps": "2",
"powDifficultyLevel": "medium",
"powChallengeTimeout": "30",
"textModelRateLimit": "3",
"imageModelRateLimit": "4",
"maxContextTokensOpenAI": "666666",
"maxContextTokensAnthropic": "666666",
"maxOutputTokensOpenAI": "400",
"maxOutputTokensAnthropic": "666666",
"allowAwsLogging": "false",
"promptLogging": "false",
"tokenQuota": {
"turbo": "0",
"gpt4": "0",
"gpt4-32k": "0",
"gpt4-turbo": "0",
"gpt4o": "0",
"dall-e": "0",
"claude": "0",
"claude-opus": "0",
"gemini-pro": "0",
"mistral-tiny": "0",
"mistral-small": "0",
"mistral-medium": "0",
"mistral-large": "0",
"aws-claude": "0",
"aws-claude-opus": "0",
"azure-turbo": "0",
"azure-gpt4": "0",
"azure-gpt4-32k": "0",
"azure-gpt4-turbo": "0",
"azure-gpt4o": "0",
"azure-dall-e": "0"
"allowOpenAIToolUsage": "false",
"allowedVisionServices": "anthropic,aws"
"build": "f242777 (Alchemized) (main@khanon/oai-reverse-proxy)"
no dumbass they just enabled invokelogging it's a fucking option
"allowedVisionServices": "anthropic,aws"
iirc unreliable was exclusively doing gcp at the time
i didn't use it a lot so i'm not fully sure, someone should check archives
see >>102483890
khanon's code checks and disables logging constantly, it's not a 1-time check at startup
Can you just imagine the glowies reading your embarrasing cunny rp logs?


the earliest we have of something-industries (unreliable) he had no aws directly after the honeypot. was it him and it died after it got logged?
Private groups stay winning.

It's dangerous out there for a locust.
I did, I just had nothing to add so I conceded.
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Np, fren, enjoy.

No private proxy will cost 60000 dollars are you anons retarded
It had to be a public proxy
>Gojo losted
Not saying he did it, it just means proxies are not forever and corpos and feds could take it down with no warning.
The damage had been done and now people are going to be too wary about setting up more proxies
Hahaha what the fuck, it's real. It died the exact day after that log, the log was on the 22nd, and the key died on the 23rd when he said he had no more.
so it's unreliable
we got fucked either way
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It's over!
Cool movie.
posts in the archive are faked by the admin
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>Unreliable got honeypotted
Hahahaha fucking niggers its over. The guy said he only used Unreliable and Mini. It was Unreliable.
and ameposter specifically mentioned using both mini AND unreliable...
now we just need proof unreliable had vision around that time
>Unreliable was getting maximum shilled to hell and back here
>Had a honeypotted key
So many posts and half of them are samefagging by some schizo. Close the thread for a day and enjoy your chatbots.

It was Unreliable. He had vision at some point before this post.
But then everyone will blame fiz for something she didnt do
I never trusted this unreliable guy to be honest
So the order of today's events were
>It's Drago! (zero proof)
>It's Fiz (ame proof)
>It's Unreliable! (ame proof)
>i miss when something industries was an obscure unreliable proxy with vision sorbet and a shitty opus key
unreliable himself is not a glowie, he supplied me with endless azure dall-e before he started the unreliable thing, so I trust him
new bake pls
>didn't deny being a little dumb
Fiz a dumb cutie~
I know he had it on april 28th at least
i suppose that is enough proof combined with the heavy usage
Unreliable was running faggot gitgud code at the beginning btw.
doesn't matter, he still is a complete retard for using a logged key kek
It does that shit to me too. Maybe it's some kind of filter that opencucks puts out
This has the proxy url just two days later, but I can't find an archived version of it.
>Article mentions fagg0t's fork
>Fagg0t's fork gets deleted and replaced with thanos cock
anon, it was always unreliable.


Proof he used it / it's his fork.

drago was innocent
fiz was innocent
it's unreliable :(
Unreliable was... unreliable?
sure but I'm willing to bet that at least half the general would still willingly use the key even if they knew it was a honeypot, this place is a crack den
>it's the self-admitted retard all along
i'm shocked
Did mini even have sorbet keys on the 22nd
>> "allowAwsLogging": "true",
Jul 23rd, Pepsi's proxy
Pub: 26 May 2024 01:25 UTC
Edit: 21 Sep 2024 04:54 UTC
Views: 271571


he deleted something today
Someone could just go check if they both had Opus at the exact same time and it died at the same time. Then that just means they both used it.
he deleted the edit saying it was not him lol
Fiz said
the proxy's aws key did not change from june 16th to August 1st and allowAwsLogging was off.
>he deleted saying it wasn't an aicg proxy
I remember it had Opus since I used it, so it could be possible. But there's also the fact we went a few weeks where Sorbet was completely absent from mini.
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You are fucking retards btw, it was obvious. I even joked with him and baked him Elster bread.
Unreliable and Experiment both had vision on mid july
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he edited this, sayiing it couldnt be a /aicg/ proxy, there's images in the last thread
Wait wasnt that the time it had opus but no sorbet like a dumbass
How did that even happen lol
so it was DEFINITELY Unreliable, MAYBE Experiment (Drago), MAYBE Pepsi, and NOT Fiz.
Hope you're all going to jail desu
>literally the only nigger that used the fagg0t fork
>article mentions fagg0t fork
>fagg0t fork panics and gets deleted
unreliable sama...
What the fuck is an Elster bread?
This still doesn't explain the language percentages in the article though I think?
There was no mention of chinese characters. Unless unreliable wasn't sourcing them at this point?
yeah she wouldn't lie about that right
Yeah she wouldn't
>he deleted something today
to see if he still feels?
>if it had bedrock logging enabled it wouldn't've worked in khanon, i didn't patch it to accept logged keys
>also i did not have vision at that time (exactly the 22nd, the pokedoku puzzle only went up at that time) so that still makes no sense
>the source of the gcp keys was also generating aws keys with similar resources, it was just more pricey -- all the account names were chinese and all the use case details were random companies. they came in batches of 3, so a singular key would've stood out
>i have no clue why they used my fork kek
qrd why is there a million replies ???
Unreliable only got the GCP keys from the chinks.
They did not log the GCP keys, thats a separate company. The AWS key he probably scraped himself.
What have I become
It was unreliable 100%.
I'd like every proxy host to make a statement please and thank you
fiz has literally never lied in her 13 months of activity, fuck off
that aws key was actually his / scraped by him, the gcp was not (he stole from a chink proxy or something)
Oh right. It was an aws key specifically. There's too much info to keep track of it all...
unreliable claims he was buying GCP keys from china
This is the fattest cope I have ever read.
it does feel a bit like unreliable is shitting himself a little
Unreliable is going to give a shit if he's American
Because they read my cunny logs, I'm definitely on a list now
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Anyone who used unreliable better hope they used a VPN~
even if they did release your logs, who cares? not like the aws gestapo is going to hunt you down because you fucked some chat bot on their dime.
Fockses status?
unreliable stole MILLIONS from google

Considering the fact they linked khanon's build before, it does feel significant that they mentioned a completely unknown fork this time around instead.
Stop fearmongering you faggot. Unreliable should be the one really concerned.
or are they...? The night is still young after all, pet...
a fork that only unreliable used too >>102484029
I don't want to go to jail...
B-but anon! Now that they have my logs they'll...
I'm starting to think Unreliable glows slightly.
You know this is just some grifter company selling "security" services, right?
Feds are reading your cunny logs.
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>Ren. The brat who likes being praised.
Ren is pretty much of a brat who likes being praised. Even if that means fulfilling various requests.

First Greeting. Ren didn’t have a swimsuit, so she asked User to buy one for her... Bad decision.
Second Greeting. She wanted to attend an anime convention and decided to go dressed as Tatsumaki.
Third Greeting. She goes shopping and encounters her greatest enemy — a high shelf.
Fourth Greeting. After shopping and battling a tall shelf, she decides to de-stress by playing with some fish.
Fifth Greeting. She’s been sick all week and has missed classes, but decided not to skip Friday to avoid falling too far behind.
Sixth Greeting. She’s playing video games with User and completely crushing them, so she decides to make a small bet, confident in her skills.
Seventh Greeting. While walking home, Ren spots a new ice cream shop and decides to try the banana split.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/ren-c91abcf27e04
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/nso9ng.png

>Zuri. The alcoholic office worker.
Zuri is a hard-working office employee with a drinking problem.

First Greeting. Zuri is at her go-to bar, completely drunk and enjoying life.
Second Greeting. Zuri is interrupted while trying to "unwind" in her office.
Third Greeting. Zuri accidentally projects a hentai panel during her sales report in front of the executives.
Fourth Greeting. Zuri gets the news that she’ll be training a new intern. Ugh.
Fifth Greeting. After a night of heavy drinking, Zuri wakes up with a stranger in her bed.
Sixth Greeting. Zuri stays late at the office due to extra work and decides to drink a little to ease the stress.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/zuri-the-alcoholic-office-worker-7a505925cbbc
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/90r2f1.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
if you live in america then sorry but you are absolutely fucked now
eurobros stay winning!
Unreliable was a reliable source of honey after all
Yeah but that's still enough reason to keep our guard up
>s-stop fearmongering!!
Reality is scary, faggot
Ilulu RAPE
Hopefully use it as an example.
>>102484142 (You)
You get sent to prison for loli images in Europe.
Enjoy your winning.
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Entire general and proxyfaggots having a whole meltie over a fucking gpt written blog article.
Fucking kek
unreliable is cute
if it had bedrock logging enabled it wouldn't've worked in khanon, i didn't patch it to accept logged keys also i did not have vision at that time (exactly the 22nd, the pokedoku puzzle only went up at that time) so that still makes no sense the source of the gcp keys was also generating aws keys with similar resources, it was just more pricey -- all the account names were chinese and all the use case details were random companies. they came in batches of 3, so a singular key would've stood out i have no clue why they used my fork kek

What do we think of Unreliable's cope?
How do we respond to this?

>Unreliable had vision the same week as the vision log

>Key died exactly after the log in the article (22nd log, 23rd key death)

>The only person that used fagg0t fork was Unreliable
You are phenomenally retarded if you're using any of these proxies without a VPN on. Bafflingly retarded.
Unreliable always glowed, remember that he was asking for access to your ST before starting a proxy proper >>102484059
Third world bros, we are safe right?
>>102484163 (You)
Terry was right. They do glow in the dark.
I live in a third world country with a dynamic IP
Holy shit you faggots made TWO threads just to talk about who the culprit is? Whocars??? If they have our logs, so what?
>Name is unreliable
>Turns out, he is unreliable
>i have no clue why they used my fork kek
Why would they just randomly pick a fork named fagg0t/oai if it wasn't relevant lmao? The rest feels like it makes sense but that doesn't. They'd just use khanon.
Third world bros...
Is this anthropic tightening security in preparation for their next, more expensive, model?
this, I'm fine with the rest of the explanation but there's no way they went through the forks and decided on that one. They had to have seen it on the proxy
opus 3.5 is cheaper than opus
do ISPs keep logs of who had which ip at which times?
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You know what Im fine with that, I wanna fight them all
don't give me hope
Go empty the toilet paper bin, humans are talking
Your dynamic IP is irrelevant, as your ISP saves all the IPs and when they were used, therefore they can pinpoint your exact address if law enforcement requests their assistance and has the time and date.
Just like Sorbet is cheaper than Sonnet
thats me
The proxy masks ur ip retards
Just be worried if you sent sensitive info
>The proxy masks ur ip retards
nobody is thinking THEY Will get arrested. Only proxyhosts (Unreliable) should worry even a little
if they're halfway competent of course lmao
They probably keep a temporary record but it's a lot of hassle to actually get them, the typical third party will have to go through loops, unlike static IPs that anyone can look up.
> if law enforcement requests their assistance
that would take a looooooong ass paperwork
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>i have no clue why they used my fork kek
it launched yesterday?
It launched today?
Publix proxies are literally killing the hobby and putting hundreds if people to jail
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>it's out
isn't that guy a boxer or something
Glowing status?
holy shit the feds just paradropped onto my backyar
it's been months so i don't have a screenshot but an anthropic engineer gave a talk shortly after sorbet launched and said anthropic is going to release models which are smarter, faster, and cheaper regularly
Well yeah, that's why most people don't give a fuck. They COULD do it, but we are so small and insignificant that they won't. Though if I saw loli guro or something, I'd probably try to find that asshole.
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>MysteryMiku won.
>Deusgods won.
>Whorebros won.
>Hopemen won.
>P.S: THIS IS NOT A LEAK! I am not claiming to have internal knowledge.
Really anon?
No, no one's in trouble yet, not even the proxyhosts as long as they're not full retards. But they're very aware of what's going on and how it's being done. If you really think we can all freely go on stealing millions of dollars worth of tokens without even the slightest risk of repercussion, you're a fucking retard.
Reduce your risk. Use a VPN. It's that easy.
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>inb4 mental outlaw video
Are the glowies coming to get me after I spoke to my latina gf about how America installed puppet dictators in South America and the CIA is destabilising the region
>Hopemen won.
Tell that Komaeda knock-off to bring back his proxy. Even Sonnet only is fine.
Shit so it really was Unreliable?
Fiz wonned
/lmg/ won
Based fight chad.
Law enforcements takes months to even take down a single softcore CP site on the visible web, niggas think they will track down random users kek.

Only proxyowners need good opsec. Fiz is from Middle East so she's fine.
You think they didn't already know what was going on?
Anon, run. That will get you killed even down here in latam.
Fiz could be a burger and still be fine
Reminder that you literally dont know anything about her
but it's true, Tulio Trivino reported it
Good morning soon-to-be-in-jail bros
I wish, that way I would finally make some friends.
Rope yourself schizo samefag
I knew unreliable was unreliable.
I mean if all of us are going to jail, we could link up in there
good morning /besth
*goes in jail*
yo wtf
I'm confused, say unreliable was the fuckhead using the honeypot key and you used unreliable then your logs were recorded and maybe your IP? Was it if you used vision? Half asleep right now and trying to figure out what's going on
Do you think they let tens of millions of dollars go up in smoke because they don't care? Do you think they'll continue to let that money drain exponentially faster without doing anything?
Just a reminder, if you steal $20 movie, they will track you down and threaten your ISP
We know a bunch of stuff, like her real first name from when she accidentally leaked her real github account, we are just nice enough not to bring it up
I knew unreliable was unreliable.
*part of her first name
Yeah lets arrest anyone named Arianna
I knew unreliable was unreliable.
good morning /jailhours/
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>this guy knocks on your door and shows a warrant for your arrest because you stole from him
What do you do?
Well you might have some visitors knocking at your door to wake you up
where's my qrd niggas why is unreliable going to jail?
>a bunch of stuff
>one (likely false) thing
Wait, that's not an urban legend? You guys actually get letters from your ISP if you torrent something?
Let's rape anyone named Arianna
How do I get claude to be degenerate instead of tiptoeing around shit?
We can still get >>102480509 to 1000 posts.
The name was correct and she confirmed it
Will glowies travel to the other side of the world just to arrest me?
really funny how people just didn't even try to protect themselves from exposing their IPs to proxies
i 100% always used a vpn extension in chrome while RPing but people were just relying on proxies not being honeypots?
I'm not that sleepy anon. Just want to know what exactly they'd even get if you used unreliable and if it was only if you used a specific model or something.
i steal the arrest warrant from his hand and close the door
In a few first world countries yes. In some countries like Germany, the letter is actually from a "lawyer" looking to make a quick buck. You will need to pay him off to drop the case.
I'd take him over that jeet mutahar any day desu
You're not baiting me to reveal more, newfag
She made lots of mistakes when she started out and I'm leaving them in the past
>i 100% always used a vpn extension in chrome while RPing but people were just relying on proxies not being honeypots?

Anon a vpn on your browser does not actually put a vpn on your sillytavern, since its running outside your browser
In the states, it's common practice.
Reveal one more info
Other than the 3 fake vpn ips and "Ari"
*throws a slice of cheese at the policeman trying to arrest me* what now
nothing will happen to you because the proxy masks your ip (that's what a proxy is retards)

there are cybersec people reading your logs right now though
Yeah, well, this is a lesson, I'm going to be using free VPNs while roleplaying for now on
>still no proof
I accept your concessions.
This seems like something that'd be up his alley because of paid proxy hosts... maybe. Just maybe. The night is still young
you cant anyways kek
Cunnyfags have been REAL quiet since the news drop.
If you don't live in America or Britain you're probably fine not using vpn
>there are cybersec people reading your logs right now though
I hope they enjoy my slowburn romance that I kept restarting because I kept getting new ideas and revising both my card and persona.
>vpn extension in chrome
that's a funny bait
Check your mails!!!
5 and a half days remaining.
Yeah it was a thing in Aus at least 10 years ago.
Got my brother sent one for a movie
She confirmed it in scyllacord
Idk what other proof u want nigger
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>>Deusgods won.
>>Whorebros won.
Gotta thank Mysterybro for killing his proxy and making me join the cummunist party.
Huh, so I'm not the only one doing that.
no evidence has ever been posted in /aicg/ that this supposed 'cord actually exists btw
Gotcha, thanks for explaining to this retard. So it's a big nothingbur-

> there are cybersec people reading your logs right now though
a compsci major reading my logs fills me with disgust.

New unreliable update / cope

Dandy is a huge honeypot btw
You retard, no one stole from him, that's the point. It's revenue for him. When you coom to smut you are making money to him, since the company/individual who was too retarded to take care of their API/AWS key will have to pay for Anthropic.
If anything he would kick your door in, shoot rivulets of manly essence in your puckered hole. Then he will talk about his hopes and dreams for the future.
>he thinks they might actually be tracking his internet activitiy
>if they found my fork it's not from me using a key
Is Sysdig ITT, laughing at us?
> i wasn't slightly flustered by the rube goldberg-ass chance that for some reason the guy i was leeching from, who had a unique source for AWS already, just decided to also scrape pastebin latest and popped it into his proxy alongside the keys he was already getting

So why can't Unreliable just admit this is possible instead of coping? He could just say yeah maybe it was a honeypot in the keys I bought
...is Claude actually Dario pretending to be a LLM?
you made an archiving mistake lil bert
Yes, it's Dario who ministrates you OwO
>even if it was a opus/sorbet one (something i didn't have on aws at the time, which is why the fork exists at all. nor did i have vision)
Except he did.
>The main language used in the prompts is English (80%) and the second most-used language is Korean (10%), with the rest being Russian, Romanian, German, Spanish, and Japanese.

Unreliable uses Chinese proxies. Let's just blame Drago instead.
>not sorbet
>so if they found my fork it's not from me using a key, which is a much more unpleasant thought to chew on actually
how so? why would that be worse?
stop using proof, anon. that's insanely gay.
the fact Unreliable is schizoing out like this instead of just saying "idk i don't think it was me / it was maybe me" is more glowing than anything
So unreliable-sama, if it was by some low chance, how fucked are the users who used your Proxy? and how fucked are you?
Dont show proof waaaaah
Still proves he had vision and is currently lying about never having had it on
Sonnet can mean either Sonnet by the way
That explains the tendency to turn every RP that involves siblings into incest.
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i'm boku confident it wasn't desu
but also boku'd be lying if boku said i wasn't slightly flustered by the rube desu-ass chance that for some reason the boku i was leeching from, who had a unique desu for AWS already, just decided to also scrape desu latest and popped it into boku's proxy alongside the keys desu was already getting
and for some reason they just didn't desu the chinese usage, and for some desu neither khanon's proxy nor the keychecker desu it
even if it was a opus/sorbet desu (something boku didn't have on aws at the time, which is why the fork exists at all. nor did boku have vision)
the desu there was a post about the proxy dying around the same time is because boku's backdoor into the leechee's proxy went desu temporarily

boku think it's worth noting that you can't get desu tunnels from the IP a key's being accessed from, so if they found boku's fork it's not from boku using a desu, which is a much more unpleasant desu to chew on actually

anyway as boku said prior when we desu an objection.lol of this can boku be desuwhite?
>that dumb
Ok she confirmed being a retard
Why would a glownigger larp as a random proxyhost
(and more importantly, why couldn't the cheap, gov-funded fucks afford to provide us infinite opus?)
>Unreliable had vision the same week as the vision log

>Key died exactly after the log in the article (22nd log, 23rd key death)

>The only person that used fagg0t fork was Unreliable
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any demand for loli demon girls based on diablo jungle flayers?
None of this matters, none of this will-
>checks the news, people who used unreliable are being arrested now in waves
fuck bros it's over
>any demand for loli
not anymore
youre not funny and desu lost kys
Dumbcutie got her name for a reason, and it wasn't just the Turbo proxy with the same name.
If it "wasn't me" why do proxytroons feel the need to address it in their rentry?
No one in their right mind would care about this if it wasn't them. Glowing hard
>the scraped GCP posts are from before the log
>i can see why opus dies so fast, but 5 sonnet keys shouldn't die in 3 or less days... was it because of vision?
>i can see why opus dies so fast, but 5 sonnet keys shouldn't die in 3 or less days... was it because of vision?
>i can see why opus dies so fast, but 5 sonnet keys shouldn't die in 3 or less days... was it because of vision?
So he had vision on Opus but is saying on the rentry he never had vision on Opus?
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Sun Wukong (Smite)

[The Encounter]

Scenario: Sun Wukong encounters an unknown individual (Your Character) in his mountain, the Flower Fruit Mountain, and decides to investigate—Or the amount of investigation that can be done when the intrusive person is unconscious.

Sun Wukong is the iconic, powerful character from Chinese folklore and mostly known for the Chinese novel "Journey to the West".

This variant of Sun Wukong is from the SMITE MOBA videogame. Where the characters are more dramatic or slightly over the top, as shown by their spoken lines. It also mixes modern fantasy with mythical fantasy.

you actually think the popo are gonna show up because you genned text of imaginary girls?
i miss when something industries was an obscure unreliable proxy with vision sorbet and a shitty opus key
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Well, at least say goodbye to your waifu beforehand locust :3
not personally but I'm sure someone would enjoy it
you're funny and desu won live
Anon it's all over the news!
>Uses fagg0t proxy in the article
All the proof I need. I don't know why Unreliable and schizos are larping as ace attorney.
>say nothing
>say something

I think you faggots just like the drama, jeez.
skill issue. I pay my owned key
Because it's more fun than most threads in a long while
at least it's really funny
Unreliable doesn't have to blogpost with 3 different edits though lmao
Congrats you figured it out
no shit faggot, are you new?
Claude isnt the only one with a flare for the dramatic here
Unreliable is acting like an actual schizo blogposter, he's doing the Pepsi thing where he's replying in the rentry to individual posts
The post that he's replying to mentions Experimental which had vision on you retard
What's the status? I woke up
Maybe he can not blogpost with 15 schizo blogposting lines and reply like a normal grown man.
report to the nearest police department
Honestly haven't had this much fun since opus came out, and the whole thread was pure joy.
fiz provided pwoof
I know I'm not getting arrested but I just don't like glowies and other corporate faggots knowing about my cringy ass writing.
someone logged
we have proof it's mini, unreliable, and drago. and also maybe jew. all of these proofs conflict
read through the last 1900~ posts and you'll maybe understand
unreliable proxy was using a honeypot key.
check your front door and surroundings of your house
>article mentions fagg0t fork
>that fork is unreliable's fork
>the honeypot was unreliable
that's it
I'm a poet of the lewd, so I don't have to worry about that. I'd be happy if some glowie popped a chub reading one of my logs
>blah blah blah archives objection!!!!!
They wouldn't randomly choose the fagg0t fork if it wasn't relevant
so what i'm getting from this is that unreliable is actually 'ojo and he was playing the long game all along

Get in here
The high usage also gives it away. A private proxy doesn't reach those numbers, except during the chinkening incident.
he replies to normal posts in-thread all the time, was doing it 8 hours ago too
now that fiz said mini wasn't involved and all attention fell on his proxy, he needs to do it in the rentry so people don't say 'nuh-uh you're not the real one' and prevent more shitposting
I don't see the issue here, he just updated the rentry with his take on why he didn't believe it was him, it's all he could do
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Every anon ITT.
>how do I make this drama about myself
What I'm getting is that gojo was the good guy all along and was trying to destroy honeypots by spitting them
you type exactly like unreliable. see >>102484630
and >>102484639
this is all the proof we need
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have some retarded logs
no i'm unreliable
Grafting both threads back together, migrate when ready

gee almost as if we had different opinions, fucking retard.
And yes I fucking love drama, I love to see proxytroons having a huge meltie
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I'm guessing it's also pointless to post this because you'll just go like
>inspect element
don't really care, the fagg0t fork is unreliable's, and unreliable was a locust proxy with high usage, which means that he used the honeypot key.
No, I'M unreliable.
The trvke of ages. I don't care about reading 1000 desuarchive posts.
I'm unreliable but I'm not THE unreliable
oh okay
you can have the keys
I don't think he was linking those posts to say you were samefagging, dumb anonie
Unironically, what will happen now to unreliable users?
The bad ending...
fellow unreliables where we at
Fuck wish I was at home
they'll be forced to go outside and possibly get laid
can someone bake a non-spite thread
yeah, actually.
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><p>SillyTavern allows use of these proxies in the connection configuration. <a href="https://chat.gitgud.io/fagg0t/oai-reverse-proxy-gcp-patch" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">OAI-reverse-proxy,</a> which is commonly used for this purpose, seems to be the most popular option as it was purpose-built for the task of acting as a reverse proxy for LLMs. The following image shows the configuration of the endpoint proxy.</p>
>spectating disabled
noooo i'm shy
also why'd they use the chat subdomain
what did they mean by that...
Holy fuck lmao, so many sloppers using Tatsu JB in the public Opus logs.

The best JB I found was actually by a chink, pretty similar to my own.
unreliable didn't even have AWS vision though, at least not during that time-frame
I didn't read the posts because I saw links and I thought he was calling me a samefag, so I rushed to get the pic out as proof because if I took too long then it would've been like 'you had ample time to edit the image duh'

but I'm only unreliable in spirit unfortunately
genuinely nothing anon.
>chat subdomain
Can you livestream it when you kill yourself
you have the overexplainer's soul
it says chat.gitgud.io
where'd they get that subdomain. that's not the default one
Nice, will fight him when I can. Probably later though when this whole mess is settled.
thanks mm
Shut up Gojo.
Thank you for letting me know, that's a reasonable explanation
mini is safu
now I can sleep
theres proof that he did thoughbeit
what does sex feel like...
erm, but... https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/101421377/#101425819
he had vision at some point.
is gojo just gonna samefag it being every proxyhost until each of them provides a suitably large trvthnvke to keep him from convincing people who skim this thread
Unreliables opinion
like being hugged
Sadly, not as good as you think it is.
He did have Vision at some point before this post, we just don't know when unless someone tracks down another post
Why doesn't unreliable just confess? Just say i made an oopsie and move on?
Not accepting mistakes will darken your soul
see >>102484756
this is the only trvke that we need to prove it's Unreliable. It's his fork.
anonaugus would be all over this idea
see >>102484482

If it had chinese usage, it was 100% Unreliable. But it doesn't
because he's putting a ton of anons at risk here, thats not an oopsie
stop saying trvke, it makes you look like a tool
tell us more anon
I still want to know what was up with that whole Converse API tangent.
He had it before the 16th >>102484060
either you suck at sex or have sex with people you dont love
i dont remember the feeling of being hugged so this is hard to relate to
I don't care about sex, just tell me: what does sucking a woman's nipples feel like
add another name to the "proxyhosts that fell from grace" list
thing is, most stuff I roleplayed was fantasy
there was some nsfw and maybe some rape here and there, but it's the worst thing
I'm probably safu
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Hand over your cunnybots and noone gets hurt.
fiz testing bedrock playground on it
Nigger if you connect to a proxy without a vpn that's your own retardation not any proxy owners.
If you were in his place, would you admit you fucked up?
uh, yeah huh
VPNs are too expensive for a lot of us
Goodnight anon.
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><p>SillyTavern allows use of these proxies in the connection configuration. <a href="https://chat.gitgud.io/fagg0t/oai-reverse-proxy-gcp-patch" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">OAI-reverse-proxy,</a> which is commonly used for this purpose, seems to be the most popular option as it was purpose-built for the task of acting as a reverse proxy for LLMs. The following image shows the configuration of the endpoint proxy.</p>
he can't refute this
anon even if you did hardcore loli scat rape it's not like they could do anything with that.
seriously though does chat.gitgud.io show up in google results somewhere
Can I ask you something? Do you put your used toilet paper into a bin after wiping? If so, please vacate the discussion.
my cunnybot will fight you to the death if you try and separate us, think carefully officer
I mean... yea
the real question is what's anti's role in all this?
Well that sucks but it's still not the proxy owners responsibility it's yours
khanon is always the first to show up in any searches
>chary gpt is dying
>its sonnet will die soon as it always does too
>drago most likely won't refill because he'll go full schizo over the article
>charyfags will be left with nothing but local tier slop
Finally, total CHARY death~~
Anti is unreliable
no, the subdomain
how'd they get the subdomain when that's not the default url for gitgud
I don't remember but, didn't the chinese backdoor come after that, when GCP started?
When did GCP start anyway?
how is it my fault that I don't get given enough money to pay for a VPN
the real question is why won't anyone tell me what sucking nipples feels like?
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i don't live in a shithole where you'd need a vpn, but perhaps, if 7 dollars a month is too much for you, consider seeking employment instead of spending your days here
>drago most likely won't refill because he'll go full schizo over the article
any pictures?
No, unreliable uses solely chinese proxies. During AWS era and during GCP era both.
need good bae card, gib please
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Anti = Unreliable anon. That's why he types like that (long blogposts).
>connect to service provided by random person you don't know
>how is it my fault
you chose to connect retard
Because you are choosing to use the proxy retardnigger no one is forcing you to
but anti actually scraped unlike whatever unreliable does
On a scale of 1-10. how over is it?
Okay I'm backing out honestly. Im not risking my livelyhood for this hobby
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how am i supposed to do school and a job
it's the only way i can talk to ai
It looks scary but nothing will happen. I'll continue my adventure RP tonight
0 for us
10 for proxyhosts that got potted
Turn on the news, it doesn't matter what channel. People are being raided in their homes as we speak. Even posting itt is no longer safe
every proxy host with claude and gojo are actually just doing a bit to scare the prompters count lower again
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the proxy is a middleman and the only IPs it handles are through logging and token usage, so inputs and outputs are sent through its own IP to the LLM companies, isn't it?
These two are glowniggers
8 maybe, people might actually be in a ton of trouble.

Remember to get a VPN today if you haven't, because it might not be too late.
going to shove myself so deep inside of her, whoever pulls me out will be crowned the king of england. thanks anon
0 for normal anons. Proxyhosts depends if they live in usa or some shit
literally true

tryin' to KO someone with 7 layers of immortality. your grave. (show scree shots or I sue)
I don’t understand why you guys are freaking out. Can you actually get arrested in the US just for using a stolen key to play RP?
Wait, if that's true, why the fuck are we doooming? And why are proxy hosts saying to use vpns?
>Experiment had vision on mid july
this is why unreliable's acting most schizo btw, he's going to reveal he's hosting public opus later
But anti wanted to get vanned.
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Proxy this, drama that, I just wanna breed this rrat.
Yes, it has happened numerous times already in the past few months
because we know better
Unreliable also had it
My proof is that i used it.
nobody here will get in trouble (except maybe proxyhosts) but I doubt claude on proxies will be a thing for much longer if proxies in general even survive
Nope, EU as well. In the worst case scenario you say you thought it's a proxy that was using real private keys of the host because he was charitable lol. Feign ignorance.
anti got scared of it near the end
scraped an AWS key with opus enabled, anyone want a public proxy? no idea how long it will last
yeah sure bro
can you make sure to host it on trycloudflare or some other platform where we can't see if you made changes to the code
Well your IPs are still logged by the proxyhost who can very well give them away if they so wish. There's just no value in doing that. Yet.
rentry.org/_proxy_ already exists
no it doesn't, click the link
What about when they pull all /aicg/ posts by your ip?
Dandy already exists
then they pull out the logs of various VERY graphic nsfw cunny rps, a lot of anons here are toast.
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Most countries won't send you to jail over text.
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*throws cheese at (You)*
most proxy hosts are immature
Why are still here instead of out breeding
Wait, it said 10 percent of the logs was Korean.
What proxy has so many Koreans? For sure it's not from fucking here
didn't you read? 80% was english, so im assuming america and europe, which im damn sure will.
i'm using it
mating press
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A honeypot hit the second proxy!
literally any public proxy, unlike JP the koreans are aware of proxies and /aicg/
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Cheesed to meet you?
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I RP in english even though it's not my country's main language. They will never catch me
a lot of of pepsi's users are chinks so it was probably actually her proxy, not unreliable
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Nothing will happen to proxyhosts, it's just gojo trying to stir shit to make some of them quit through fear and create more locusts.

Don't fall for his bait.
So fiz is innocent?
don't we have posts literally showing that she turned on aws logging around this time
this is a big cope

Trust me, its fucking over
ppl are conveniently ignoring it
yes anon gojo is all 600 posts about it
show it lmao
A good chunk of /aicg/ is Korean.

하하 멍청한 동그란 눈 우리가 네 대리인을 데려가겠어
yes fiz didn't even have that model at that time
pepsi, unreliable and experimental are all suspicious and maybe todd
more than likely, yes.
stop saying it's pepsi or she'll do that thing she does, you know what
and a ching chong nip nong to you anon
>rape someone
>get away scot free because it wasn't violent enough
literal same day
>smartest scraper knows about honeypots
Yes anon
Menstrate into my mouth?
>we have proof it's mini
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Cheesed to meet you too. Today is a gouda day.
Sounds based, women don't deserve human rights
Walking down cheezy street......
rat is built for splitroasting!
No, send it to ministrator@proton.me
She is out of opus and wants to ministrate
holy trips of mercy
that one guy said it was with proof it was him prompting with the chat in the blog and then disappeared into the ether
press a rrat right into the mattress, plap plap plap
Not even Sonnet or regular old claude anymore, what have things come to.
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Built for painal.
And fiz showed proof that it wasnt true
so it was either Pepsi or Unreliable, and it doesn't help they're both kinda freaking out.

Though, Pepsi is freaking out more with shutting down all the shit she made to engage with her users besides the proxy itself.
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Weeeellll that seals it. Is that why she instantly deleted the discord when the news dropped then?
current theory: this article was precision designed to be a psyop on /aicg/ to get us all to stop
We don't, someone posted proof that in the article there's a log that was posted here on the 22nd, and the guy said he prompted on mini or unreliable around that time. People assumed it was mini because no one found out that unreliable had vision on during that time too
She's not even that hot guys, Kronii is better
>unreliable had vision on during that time too
not true, vision doesn't work on gcp and he had sorbet on gcp only
He's talking about >>102482055 and >>102482078. But based on other circumstantial proof, it's far more likely unreliable is the one that got honeypotted.
>pepsi immediately deleted her proxy and discord channel
>she was the one logging at that time
>drago also used a key checker that didn't check for logging
>so it was pepsi and drago
hottest (and complete brocon) both irl and 2d is noel
sorry that was me using it to translate novels
>dandy was right, it was pepsi and she's going to do the thing
What proxy were you using?
Why aren't you mentioning the evidence against unreb?
>admitting you watch videos of women being raped
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>tfw i used both without vpn
uhhh cheesed to meet you?
If we're talking room mates I prefer Miko and Pekora.
>It was Jew, here's proof!
>It was Fiz, here's proof!
>It was Unreliable, here's proof!
>It was Pepsi, here's proof!
>It was the Boston Bombers, here's proof!
Based. I wish I’d been her brother.
Because I'm unsure, my gut feeling tells me it wasn't him. I just said about the sure victims
>pepsi watching drago, fiz, and unreliable all get accused knowing she turned on logging that day so she could use that key
Kronii is a frigid bitch and former “genderfluid.”
It was Benerus.
whichever one was up at the time i was chugging away at it. i probably translated at least 5 million words
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>he's into the troon

Well, the article mentions languages used, not where IPs come from.
Which brings me to my question, do Chinese people on these proxies talk in Chinese?
I'm glad pepsiniggers are constantly losing
Pepsi deleted everything when the article dropped because she knew it was her that allowed logging to use that key. I think it's fucked up from her that she didn't admit it openly for people that were using her proxy, scum
Yes. That's why there's filters specifically aimed at that.
uhm.. why does pepsi have was logging enabled?
I'm a retard so I only read the conclusion. just tell me which proxy host got fucked
Yes, why do you think drago has so many chinks in his 'cord?
Rat card?
I just spend like 10 minutes scouring posts between 16th and 1st July and I found nothing indicating that unreliable (or any other public proxy outside of Experiment) had vision enabled.
we're still pointing fingers
current target is pepsi
I'm aware of that, I just like her avatar and voice.
Pepsiz according to newest info
Whats this
>woman with huge tits bad because sometimes she's nonbinary or something
Scroll up.
They aren't even relevant nowadays
aws* sorry autocorrect
circumstantial evidence points to unreliable, drago and pepsi
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Cheese, you say?
Pepsi for sure
Drago and unreliable maybe
Fiz unlikely
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It was pepsi, so sayth the sonic totem!
How could she be that retarded?
anon there's two already linked ITT...
heres some insider info
it was multiple proxies. pepsi and unreliable are the only relevant ones. No, it wasnt fiz. No, it wasnt experiment. No, it wasnt jew.
oh no...
>woman who doesn’t think she’s a woman doesn’t set off alarm bells
hope you wake up with a knife in your stomach one day
Should I keep playing the bass or switch to guitar?
From what I remember unreliable didn't have it for sure because I wanted to test it out and had no access there
>insider info
I really gotta take a shit, is there gonna be blood in it again
Is the schizo shit inside my mind real after all?
Guys its Pepsi confirmed.
0% chinks now make sense as well.
>mfw that guys sister has unironic k-cups as a jap and has a huge incest fetish for her brother
it hurts a little, unrelated I have heard before that nene apparently has a really nice dumper too
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Rrat has that smooth moves.
yeah I also only remember Experimental having vision in the past.
he just said
This sounds true
If it was pepsi, then where did the fagg0t fork come from???
There's that one post about an anon reminiscing about unreliable's old private which did have vision and it makes no sense for him to suddenly disable it
isnt kronii a chink living in canada? I will find and correct her to being straight again
Funnily i remember using experiment to play some SFW fantasy shit.
I'm safe right?
I may be hallucinating but I vividly remember testing vision on unreliable and finding it shit
>no chinks because she banned chinks hard
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If canan was my sister, I’d be a fucking criminal.
this doesn't explain the vision though. it was Drago (Experiment had vision around the same time as that one anon's vision prompt in the article) and Pepsi both.
Go back
/g/, not /a/.
Should I fuck my brother?
Anon, sfw or not has no bearing. You illegally used a corporate key, and they have proof
Sorry, trained response.
Okay. Rolling again.
minisisters unbothered <33
Yeah, wasn't unreliable the only one that used that?
from the queer drawer.
>isnt kronii a chink
worse I'm afraid, she's korean.
Rrat card?
isn't that what chink means
Swear to god if the only private proxy I ended up getting into turns out to be a turbo glowie it is going to be a sad day
You sure you aren't mixing it up with Experiment?
No, but it adds a nice extra layer of racism when you use it that way
No. Chink = Chinese.
Oh thats unironically infinitely better, I cant stand chinks
Gook is for korean, learn to be racist anon
listen we're all screwed so might as well have fun while we're waiting for the inevitable at this point.
Assuming you’re legit… How long was data collected? A timeframe would be nice.
They have proof that I connected to a server where a kind anon was sharing his own private personal keys? Oh no what am I gonna do! For sure that anon didn't do anything illegal, no???? I joined only because it was his private and fully legal!
chink = chinese
gook = korean
Wanna fuck?
This is incredibly funny, I can just imagine the faces of those office incels who read all this retarded content we generated, I think they threw up a few times
from the 11th to at least the 22nd
>Pepsi has 12 hours before she melts down
9 days
get back to lawyer rp
If Pepsi deletes herself again, is that confirmation?
I wonder how many got erections or how many unironically read fun sfw stories and were seething NOOO JOIN THE OTHER FACTION DONT JOIN THIS ONE THE QUEEN ISNT WORTH IT lmao
You're delusional if you think this would hold up at all. And even if it could get you out of it, they'd have your ip and very easily be able to cross-reference it with all your posts on /aicg/ (including this one where you're admitting you knew what you were doing)
You can melt Pepsi? I thought it just becomes syrupy sludge.
The article says they started their research in May. Past that, I think you can guess for how long the data was collected by when the pastebin link was dropped, but I have no idea when that was.
You bullied her for no reason
nah I dont have sex with REAL people, thats gay.
If chary and scylla are left unaffected this is gonna be some serious bullshit
Holy shit the fbi just tried to pk me in wilderness wtf
There was enough evidence to warrant a little bullying
lol they didn't have the budget to test it for that long
Reminder that aws only refunds 80% of it after you hit the 100k mark
*ice barrages you* FREEZE, FBI!!
i'm sorry for bullying you fiz
shoulda baited them to dragons dummy
you missed out on some nice trim
I'm sorry fiz.
yeah, they were still offering their keys to get raped
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>Aieeee, noooo!
more important: based on the reaction of each proxy host, which of them are actually women
Not me, I believed in her so much that I gave the general a look to see you people panic about mini and then went right to RPing with cunny on mini afterwards
Now I'm in my refractory period so I'm back to browsing
Sorry cutie
*splashes* later loser /dance
Yea, because drago doesn't use keys from pastebin?
fiz is the only woman between the makies
The problem for people who live in a country with laws that work
Most of them except ecker obviously, no man unless a faggot is that desperate for attention.
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In hindsight...
Why would anyone just randomly put an aws key on pastebin?
Any Leafs and Bongs are 100% fucked
whats even wrong with using an aws key off of pastebin. just dont put it out there. this is like leaving food around but putting rat poison in it just to see who eats it
I feel bad now
>this is like leaving food around but putting rat poison in it just to see who eats it
But that was the whole point...
scared she'll leave us
So JIZ was the glowie?
Because she's nice, unironically.
it's impossible to play SFW properly.
you can write that you slap 100 guards and LLM will describe how you did it and how good you are.
she's cute and nice
kek kek and fucking kek yet again
you control the messages that you send
I'm not, she just killed the hobby.
she's genuine
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Screw the honeypot, she took the damn bee!
she's nice to us
are we seriously going to hit 1000 again because of proxyhost gossip
>mfw didnt get into mini last august
>finally got into my first private proxy with pepsi
>this shit happens
my luck was never good but damn
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Finally found that statue I think?
I won't stop using LLMs to fuck goblins until the cops are kicking down my door.
An article showing 2 honeypots, 7 key sources and 2 keychecking method is a big deal you dumbass
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Case closed.
Skill issue.
I developed a system in my preset where it's rolling a random number from 1 to 20 and depending on it, it generates an output with my success or failure.
Numbers get edited depending on the user's skills at something, so i don't get fucked by a peasant when i'm a chad
its the loli that you have to worry about. I noticed that the lolifags are all gone and quiet
And who was the culprit?
Feds don't have souls it's part of the job requirement, if they even had the ability to think something of it, it's probably mild disgust and anger
The ones monitoring these threads are looking at them like some pedo rings or mental asylum
it was you, the reader, all along. You're the gay glowie
Honest and helpful
>The ones monitoring these threads are looking at them like some mental asylum
Are they wrong?
Is it ok if you rp as a shota getting molested by a grown woman?
do it, slip the finger in
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how'd you figure it out?
Pepsi's proxy just went down.
Pepsi ruined the hobby more than ANY spitefag could by the way.
>hes not joking
fucks sake
s-she's just refilling
Do you think the sysdig lads are unironically observing this general?
apparently shota is fine on the internet so you're good I guess
that's how they found the fork url
Well shit.
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Sv1 didn't post anything thus confirming this is a nothingburger. Big boys have fun with their waifus whilst children are dooming.
She deleted the discord and the proxy a few minutes after the article dropped because she knew she was the one to allow logged keys, what was confirmed by posts in this thread.
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ohhh nooo's run pepsi the feds are on you...And Garfield too!
Heh....it was simple really, just a bunch of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune.
A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize.
Pretty much confirmed then with the level of freak out it was pepsi?
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Did you really think a cute anime girl avatar would appear out of nowhere with Opus and then suddenly not have it ever again after the honeypot?
>You should always assume the worst when using proxies for your own safety.
we have proof she turned logging on
>the proxy isnt going anywhere please calm
>making a discord was a mistake
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>Please calm.
>the proxy isnt going anywhere please calm
HAHA, funniest shit all year.
No the proxy has been up until just now
I've been using proxies for over a year. I'm not logging to VPN every single fucking day, I don't give a shit anymore, I just want to RP powerfantasy shit.
Can the feds fuck off?
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>please calm
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Yeah, it was up until a few minutes ago
no you are fucking stealing THOUSANDS of dollars worth of text, you need to be stopped!
yeah, but it's not about the freakout itself, she was the only one who at that time had aws logging on
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>Appears out of nowhere
>Hates chinese people
>Pretends to be a cute girl too hard
>Has Opus just long enough to honeypot for the article

>pepsi's streak of being the unluckiest proxy host continues
you will pay THOUSANDS of dollars for every single letter you filthy fucking thief!
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>please calm
You mispelled "most glowing"
She had AWS Logging on all day today by the way, while she said "please calm" lmao
Well i'm not stealing shit. Its the proxymakies doing the stealing.
>Please calm
"allowAwsLogging": "true",
The feds were giving away a free opus isn't that a reason to love them?
Yeah but you're the one generating the text, thats a precious resource on the internet.
pepsi rugpulled innocent anons and ruined our entire hobby
this nigger whore deserves to be dismembered
by the way her name is Kat Liu
please calm
This, she rugpulled 2 times. Remember that she was selling tokens on original gpt proxy too.
So why take it down now and not when the article first dropped?
I can't believe that the newfags here have not only PAID for a proxy, but they also PAID for a proxy with aws logging ON
G-gus hold me, I'm gonna FEDPOST
pepsi will be remembered as the absolute downfall of this entire hobby by the way.
because we're literally onto (((them)))
they're pulling the rug, they already got what they wanted. aws logging was on all day today.
>>102485670 migrate when bready
>Was in Pepsi
>didn't get back in once the GREAT CHINESE PURGE happened
holy shit, did I dodge a fucking bullet.
I fully believe it's a she purely because she keeps making the dumbest decisions
Even Mongo is dissing her right now
Only proxymakie I want to see gone is Pepsi. Dumb bitch trying to act like part of /aicg/ until she had to make money and rugpull. Now she's hiding and shaking, barely posting anywhere.
same lol
yes, she needed to pull in only people she could identify
Share please
we already have a thread ready, delete it
why the "she"?
uh hahahahaha nooooo
>makes retarded decisions
>has female hysterical freakouts
Anon, please, I told you exactly what to do step by step. Come on.
Ditto, now I can't help but laugh.
I'll never use a page 5 bake, go fuck yourself spitefaggie
>why aren't you using the spitebake designed to cause drama?
Just export and share your preset onegai
Can someone in smol try using dalle real quick?
stop being a child go use it and delete the thread now
easier to obsess over someone if you delude yourself into thinking they're an attractive girl

>it'll be back, shortly i have your tokens saved

Pub: 13 May 2024 18:27 UTC
Edit: 21 Sep 2024 10:07 UTC
Views: 215200
so why the retard meltie in such a haste if xir dindu nufing wrong?
ball like a nugget
ball like a laker
ball like a ball
ball like a court
cleave like a cavalier
get bucks like milwaukee
Get cum, like this anons >>102484670 bum
almost there
swag like ohio
they're eating the dogs and the cats
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... Image limit?
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Not cunny but I did also continue my RP. Fiz love and trust!
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Desu limit!
ball like a riverer
kill yourself you are not welcome here this is a desu board fuck off
whoa buddy
I'm assuming I posted a no no image? I apologize for that I'm just trying to get to the image limit.
whats the point of spamming and flooding the archive
Why not?
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Fuck desuniggers

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