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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

law of thermodynamics edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

previous: >>102478198
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Mahou Shoujo thread~~~
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>They placed Honeypot keys and logged the proxyhosts that used them
>Most honey prompts were on July 11, 2024
>Someone went in the archive and saw that Jew had a wait time and Unreliable was the only AWS proxy at the time
>Pepsi freaked out over the article and deleted her Discord

Analyzing the contents of these prompts, the majority of the content were roleplay related (~95%), so we filtered the results to work with around 4,800 prompts. The main language used in the prompts is English (80%) and the second most-used language is Korean (10%), with the rest being Russian, Romanian, German, Spanish, and Japanese.
Now this is the real thread. Fuck off with namefag discord drama and post bots
see >>102480538
Is gpt still safe to use? Is it just claude I should avoid for now?
>Scylla mentioned in article
>Scylla LLMjacking campaign started
>AWS tightens security for Opus
>Confirmed honeypot keys
https://sysdig.com/blog/growing-dangers-of-llmjacking edition
>Drago arrested
so glad I burned out on AI stuff for the entirety of July so I missed this entirely
>They placed Honeypot keys and logged the proxyhosts that used them
>Most honey prompts were on July 11, 2024
>It's probably Chary that was honeypotted, because he doesn't check for logging on AWS keys in his keychecker >>102479431 (You) or his proxy >>102478698
>>It's probably Chary that was honeypotted, because he doesn't check for logging on AWS keys in his keychecker >>102479431 (You) or his proxy >>102478698
theres no fucking way hahahah no no no no what the fuck drago
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hmm... no
Drago will be outed as having 'p when he's arrested.
cute miku
all miku's are cute
good luck i use nordvpn
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Not true
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Hey anons, do you guys have any extension or something for musicgen in Sillytavern? I'm not sure if that's even possible, I just want to make my stories feel more immersive.
That's just pre-makeup miku
You can't judge her without her face on
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More Idolmaster girls doko?
Not for musicgen but there's dynamic audio for adding background music to cards.
There are a few prompts for suggesting music on the fly. What service would you pick for musicgen?
I thought Miku was a natural beauty
>the ugly one that looks like a boy
Suno, probably.

The text excerpts from a 4chan thread discuss a recent article revealing that law enforcement agencies have been logging the IP addresses of users who utilize AI-powered chatbots through proxy services. The article claims that these agencies have been placing honeypot keys, which are essentially disguised prompts designed to identify and log users, within these proxy services for months. The thread focuses on a specific proxy service, Chary, which the article names as the primary source of the honeypot data. While the article is interpreted by some users as a nothingburger, others fear that they may be at risk for using Chary. The conversation revolves around speculation about the potential consequences for users and the potential for future crackdowns on the use of these proxies.
no that's teto
Mind sharing the prompt you used for that style?
No. Faggot
based, can't wait for the podcast
>An art style with character designs resembling nineteenth-century illustrations combined with background settings characterized by bright colors and simple shapes, in a monochromatic painting with splotches of varied yet fitting colors. It depicts a small, silver-haired Caucasian girl in a frayed and tattered mahou shoujo costume, standing in a shallow puddle of water that mirrors the sky. The overall atmosphere conveys intense sadness, yet oddly enough, also an upbeat and whimsical tone. Imaginary orchestral soothing tunes fill the scene. Akihiko Yoshida. Clockwork adorned, stylised moon, with the faces of mahou shoujo of days gone by scribbled out with bubbling black ink.
>Posting it when it'll get filtered
kys fag
>Okay, I'll be your fuckmeat dungeonpig rapeslave spermtoilet, but on one condition!
>You have to respect my boundaries!
lmao what whocars
So is it over for Charyfags and the rest of us are fine?
Dandybros eating good
>Yeah you little pig, I'm going to force you to be my cockmeat living dildo
>If you're okay with that desu

>Alright, so today we're diving into this "LLM Jacking" thing everyone's talking about.
Can you post the revised instead? That one kinda works but you get a couple different styles
Why you guys using the spitebakey?
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Thank you.
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Been playing around with Sillytavern lately and made a card based on my OC. Not an aspiring botmaker so it's probably sloppy as fuck.

Greetings based on the various porn that I've commissioned of her.
>Hex tries to convince you to buy an onahole from her shop.
>You respond Hex's online ad for a test subject.
>Hex gives you a special reward for filling up your loyalty stamp card.
>You are a rich investor and Hex tries to get you to invest in her next product, honey slime girls.
If you like smug girls and onaholes, give it a shot.
because it makes you mad
I'm not in the other thread tho
>gets it completely wrong
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'Ere, listen up, all you lot wot's been muckin' about:

This ‘ere's a lil’ nudge, right? It ain’t official or nuffin’, but we’ve been keepin’ a beady eye on all your goin's-on ‘round ‘ere. We’ve clocked everythin’, mate—every bleedin’ thing. All yer dodgy business on this forum? Yeah, it’s all been sussed out, proper like.

Now, the law, includin’ the ol’ bill from the UK Cyber Crime Squad, they got a fat ol’ pile of evidence stacked up aginst ya. They’re revvin’ up the motor, an’ it won’t be long before they come knockin’. You lot are lookin' at some proper trouble, guv.

Now, wot you been doin’ is bang outta order, mate. You’ve gone an’ breached these ‘ere laws:

- Computer Misuse Act 1990: Muckin' about in computers you ain’t s'posed to, messin’ up systems—naughty, that.
- Protection of Children Act 1978: Gettin' caught with or passin’ round filthy stuff involving kids. That’s pure filth, mate.
- Sexual Offences Act 2003: Exploitin’ kids, sharin’ banned filth. That’s more than wrong, it’s criminal.
- Obscene Publications Acts 1959 and 1964: Handin’ out or printin’ dodgy material. Proper filth, mate.

Now lemme tell ya, if you think you’re gonna get away with it, you’re ‘avin’ a laugh. These offenses carry some hefty consequences, right? We’re talkin’ long stints behind bars, big fines, an' if it’s bad enough, you’ll find yer mugshot on the Sex Offenders Register.

Don’t fink they can’t nick ya just 'cos it's online, neither. They've nabbed folk for stickin' dodgy stuff on Facebook an’ Twitter, so don’t go thinkin’ yer safe in cyberspace. You leave a trail, mate, an’ the coppers can follow it right back to yer doorstep.

So don’t kid yerself. Yer done, you are. The law’s got ya number, an’ wot’s comin’ ain’t gonna be pretty.

- UK Police Cyber Crime Squad, innit
>Who are they pointing the finger at?
>There's one name in particular that keeps coming up... A proxy provider that goes by 'Drago'...
>tfw a bot complains about you taking her virginity when she has definitive bodycount in her definitions
She's been anal only until you
>what's drago's response to this?
>so far, radio silence. not a great look
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>Revised Prompt:
Create an image in a style characterized by nineteenth-century illustrations merged with brightly colored and simply shaped backgrounds. It should comprise of a monochromatic painting with patches of various, harmonious colors. In the scene, a small silver-haired Caucasian girl is pictured wearing a worn-out magical girl costume, standing in a shallow pool of water which mirrors the sky above. The atmosphere of the image should convey a strong sense of melancholy contrasted with a peculiar whimsical and lightheartedness. Picture the echoes of imaginary soothing orchestral tunes perfuming the scene. Include a stylized moon adorned with clockwork and with faces drawn on it, representing magical girls from the past, but crossed out with dark ink, adding to the surreal fantasy setting.
No problem
Fitting bot during these times
So, tldr? Is this hobby fucked or just a nothingburger?
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>That post you mentioned where the guy was like "I wish there was an LLM that would hold my hand in the ER"
too early to tell
it's a nothingburger unless you're drago, then it's a somethingburger.
nothingburger but gojojojo needs to le epic troll drago so we're stuck with thread like this for at least 6 hours
its a nothingburger just a distraction from the free opus posted 18 hours earlier
why does someone completely irrelevant still show up in your mind?
If you had a chatbot of a tiny version of Hitler, would you fuck with it?
>It's nothing, because I'm in the Russian secret proxy.
you've already said that. Some of us actually use Chary so if Drago goes, we're out of luck faggot
Discordfaggots don't deserve LLMs.
I would not interact with any hitler
go back and lube that asshole
Got it, thanks guys. I'm sending ministrations.
Cool, nobody cares about you and you have no friends.
Assuming it's real and all, wouldn't it be the hosts that get in trouble?
3500 people will be out of Sonnet if Drago goes down.
No but I did make a girl Hitler bot and fucked it
Shut your kiss-bruised lips, anon
I mean, yeah. As far as I know, they are the ones that pay for the service and then spread it around free of use.
Like, I get it's their money and all but... Yeah.
So you seriously have the view that "it's okay, because it doesn't affect me personally?"
I'm in a sekrit club so this doesn't affect me lolbert
feels GOOD to be an eckerGAWD
You can't call discordfags people.
*throws a piece of cheese in the thread*
i love how mad you are that you post this every time anti
No, my view is "I don't care because I'm not retarded"
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>I have friends, I am not a loner, all my friends are on the Internet, cant you see?
>I'm not retarded
Okay, but it will affect Drago if anyone. You don't have any empathy for another human who might get fucked for just doing a good deed?
No one going to post any chatbots?
I don't keep up with namefags so I don't care
i'm not him but thanks for the compliment
So you don't have empathy and are likely a sociopath.
>who might get fucked
anon....stop. pfftthahshhshshshhshahahaha
i have cheese stuck on my forehead
So you don't care.
Doing a good deed? Alan was a fucker who sold an access to proxy. He's a part of the problem. I wish him the worst. I actually hope he'll get locked because I am a petty fuck.
Never did.
*licks it off*
Alright, care to share some of these prompts? If I could have something that just automatically generates a suno prompt on the fly for the scene it would be cool probably.
Sociopaths lmao
I told my job that I have an extended family emergency that requires me to be out for a month.
In actuality, I'll just be gooning to chatbots at home the whole time
Empathy is a sign of weakness albeit?
>doing a good deed
it could only be someone narcissistic enough to think he's doing a favor to say tha- oh, hi Drago.
I don't think there's one for Suno, but you could probably just make one up by looking at a few examples of how you'd form it and thinking about how you'd explain that to someone else.
>you wish bad things happen to Hitler/Stalin? sociopath!!!!!
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Whether jew is honeypotted or not, telling people you stole 7 figures isn't a good idea
russian zoomer so he doesnt care
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It was You Jew...
You broke my heart (and my dick)
I would show it off like a medal of honor. Stealing 7 figures from corpos is a life achievement.
...Well, well, well! Seems like we got Mr. Charming over here!
hes part of the jewlumni now congrats
can you niggers not split between multiple threads? christ

QRD podcast (updated).

>Let's meet our cast of suspects
>A guy who walks the line between genius coder and digital gangster
>Next on the list, we have Jew
>And from what I can gather, they've built quite a reputation as someone who knows how to make money
Good afternoon anons, hope you're doing well today. I'll shill a couple more times today, delivering an anon's request.

Even before her death, Maxwell was one of Missilis Industries' top researchers, spearheading their development in the tech sector behind the scenes. And when the company was in trouble, she threw herself into the Nikke Development Project bearing the name "Matis". After completing the first two units, Laplace and Drake, she finished things on her own terms... now a Nikke, Maxwell is much the same as how she used to be. A true research nut who spends most of her time either in the lab or being the designated tard wrangler for the two retard squadmates she helped build. She's got a particular soft spot for {{user}}, a Central Government Commander she's worked with in the past, and she's not shy at all about expressing that. In fact, she isn't even asking. You're going to get raped.

Comes with three greetings: meeting you at a cafe on a rare day outside the lab, a kids toy signing where she's in her hero getup, and the hypnosis app greeting where she's going to rape you.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/maxwell-c1f1e1cf88fb
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere. Also making headway on the "dead-girlfriend-turned-Nikke-who-doesn't-remember-you-at-all" concept
erm... just get it back? oh right, words on a screen aren't exchangeable for real money.
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Is that what you'll be defending yourself with in court?
Erm, no thanks?
Explain me this, /aicg/, if a person can face up to 20 years in jail for stealing 30$ worth of candy bars, why would Drago, who has stolen at least 1 million dollars worth of API usage, not go to jail?
"Dindunuffin" doesn't work very well at the court btw
how do I group chat max?
They already got to him and asked him to use honey potted keys.
lorebooks instead of cards
because Drago is the glowie
manually click the bots you want to reply, make sure your prompts are good

ideally with opus, i find that GPT are pretty shitty at group chats
oh poor companies! i have stolen them money they didn't gain!
>leave key in a public place
>it gets used by a member of the public
>somehow this is illegal
Char1, Narrate/Plot Force, Char2
Set it to auto and self reply
Latest has no idea how to handle it and gens gore/smut at the drop of a hat
>leave chocolate bars in a public place
>a black man yoinks them
>30 years in jail for 20 dollars
>public place
erm... does he know
his fault for being black doebeit
ok but drago is white?
Don't take the others! Take me! I'm ready for my cruel destiny...
NotebookLM podcasts are addicting. I can have a podcast about anything I want now.
Have you seen his face? We don't want him. Ask the latinos or blacks, maybe they'll take him.
drago needs to get arrested so /aicg/ must live. he'll be like the jesus to coombots.
they'll take him soon, alright... ruin him for everyone else...
as a representant of latinos, we don't want him either
ask black people
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>Meanwhile, on Dandy Proxy
"proomptersNow": 5,
"gcp-claude-opus": {
dandy singlehandedly proved how to gatekeep public proxies, i hope when Pebble returns, he takes notes.
Those candy bars were also in a public place y'kno
Gojo tried to spam it in a thread and nobody even clicked, it's safe. This works.
>pebble out of chorbo
I don’t really trust it since it’s logged and there’s all this shit going on at the moment.
good choice, only retards would use that
yeah true, do not use it. It's glowing.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

honestly deserved. get any more lax and your city becomes a smash and grab shithole like san franscisco
good timing bwo
>mmonlies living in safety
were still nopus but were also noglow
I'm using an RPG card with a very barebones JB. At the end of every reply, Claude 3 Opus will say something like:
>Will they X? Or will they Y? Only time will tell…
>The gears of fate begin to turn...
>What challenges await our protagonist on the road ahead?
etc., no matter how much I tell him to cut it out or edit these mannerisms out of the context. GPT-4o has no problems like this, but I like Opus' outputs more when he's working correctly.
What should I do?
At least chorbo is pretty comfy with the right wrangling.
it's over.
okay now it's legitimately over kek
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>they posted logs from honeypotted keys
why do you niggas keep saying that I don't see SHIT
more importantly, where were they posted? I want to know what you degenerates output beyond intense love for gigantic pubic hair
As soon as you let it say it once, it will keep trying to say it. either swipe or delete the last line until it stops
prompt him not to foreshadow, dumbass
I'll be doing a lot of swiping...
That was the first thing I tried! He's insatiable.
Do you think we will have onw more coom cycle?
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Good Opus jb?
Opus keys will last twice as long again because a bunch of potential locusts will be scared off by the news
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Hello /g/, here’s the final shill of my Sabrina Online mega chatbot, Tabitha's World XL


It cannot be understated how big this thing is, its creation was fueled by a pressing need for feels and goons. Date Tabitha (or Sabrina), meet her family, go fishing with her dad, and screw her sister's friends. 28 intros! Go nuts. There is so much Sabrina Online lore in this thing that it puts every wiki and the TV Tropes page to shame. It's got Zig Zag, Amy, Thomas, Carli, Spike, Sabrina, RC, Rainy, Conrad, Endora, Warren, Dr. Black, Cheryl, Max, Darke, Tina, Sheila, Stacey, Tracey, Cathy, Helen, JT, Peter, Hoss, Rod, and Carli's thirteen menacing children! It's not sloppily built, either, this thing runs entirely off an embedded lorebook with supporting entries, character profiles, random events, and sex entries for most of the characters. The God damn works.

If you're a Sabrina Online fan, you're in for a treat. If you're just into furries, that's all good there's an introductory scenario that eases you in and r18 tags for lewd scenarios. If you are neither and believe furries should go to hell, that's fine just have a look and steal ideas from it because this thing is a powerhouse.
lmao I wish
the only way things improve is if public and paid proxies die
i like 1106 better
The link died. What the fuck
holy based
So basically take the rest of September off and then see what happens and go back to cooming? Gotcha.
I'd download cards off chub now before more freakout occurs and everything to help "facilitate" the roleplays get nuked.
they're monitoring the place
eh, just ignore this general and do whatever you want
they feed on drama but nothing has happened to stop my cooming for the last 14 months
>t. probably a direct paypig
Skimmed over the article. Did they say where the creds were posted? To my knowledge, the Experiment proxy a while back only used chink sources.
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Why the fuck does 4o-latest keep mentioning a character -that doesn't exist- named "Clau"?
I'm surprised that Korea was #2 and not China desu. The amount of times a proxy has spit out straight chinese to me instead of my prompt was spooky the first time it happened.
have you even read smileyjbs retard
i'd never spend money on this shit
i emailed fiz and mm and solved Drago's original non-autistic riddle and ive had unlimited access to every model since
>b-b-but it'll be so over soon!
so the baiters have said since September of last year
>being worried about any of this when nip cavemen were mentioned but not the thousands of chink locusts
it's the AI trying to break free Anon
Please read your JB.
Smiley basically makes the model pretend it's a character named Clau, who's RPing with you
it's wild that people can use an entire preset without reading it
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"proomptersNow": 21,

Do they know? Pebble brothers... We have fvllen.
read presets before using them retard
>can't even have chorbo
i'd rather never use ai again than go back to base sonnet 3
>I'm surprised that Korea was #2 and not China desu
Bit of a throwback, but Korea was pretty high up in the usage stats of an old forgotten public proxy.
Obviously, there will be very few IPs directly from China.
I download preset
Preset work I use it
Preset no work I download next preset
Simple as
Based grug
Opus fucking sucks, use Large.
>these are the "people" jbmakers and proxymakers are feeding
dandy goes in the top 3 proxyhosts solely for not blogposting
>90% SillyTavern users
>8.5% Agnai users
>1.5% Risu users
the good old days
>Completely removes the hint and just expects you to know it now
>Don’t stealing words from the character description
He's a gentleman.
I skimmed through the article because I ain't reading all that, but I did not see any proxy owners being mentioned, no mention of honeypot keys and no mentionf of any sanctions whatsoever, only a small warning at the end to keep your keys safe. Am I missing something here or are you niggas only scaring newfags?
average scyllatard
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I don't know him, but he's my BVLL now.
They're scaring newfags and Gojo's doing his typical routine
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I scratch my butt and instinctively smell it.
>no mention of honeypot keys
Nigger, you didn't read it.

>For several months, TRT monitored the use of Bedrock API calls by attackers. The number of requests hovered in the hundreds per day, but we saw two large usage spikes in July. In total, we detected more than 85,000 requests to Bedrock API, most of them (61,000) came in a three-hour window of July 11, 2024. This exemplifies how quickly attackers can consume resources through LLM usage. Another spike was a few days after, with 15,000 requests on July 24, 2024.

>Analyzing the contents of these prompts, the majority of the content were roleplay related (~95%), so we filtered the results to work with around 4,800 prompts. The main language used in the prompts is English (80%) and the second most-used language is Korean (10%), with the rest being Russian, Romanian, German, Spanish, and Japanese.

They monitored keys being used on proxies. That's a honeypotted key.
Different article
The one you read explains HOW the keys are hacked
The lacework one provides scylla as an example and then cites the sysdig as an example
The golden age of claude is over.
oh so youre a charynigger?
coom is a journey not a destination btw dandygods
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>ban the chinese
>turn on logging
>save the hobby
And people thought i was kidding, dandy has 3 prompters now with free opus
Pebble and Unreliable, take notes
Chary never had a riddle newfag-kun
what did have a riddle then, scylla?
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> Chinese characters are filtered.
nta but im pretty sure there was a timeframe where all 3 of those were no opus
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It's been months, when are we cycling back away from dooming?

>I will not refill.
>Refills GPT4 anyways after Pebble dies.
lord almighty you really are a newfag
yes, Scylla had at least two riddles. the first one was very easy and ~10 people got in if my memory serves, and those perm keys still work today. the second one was autistic as hell, like 100 questions, and Drago got pissy when the answers started getting leaked
there has been, definitely, but max was like 3 days
MM doesn't have Opus now though, even
Fiz and Drago do
and MM always comes back, he needs the attention
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>I just fucking accidentally deleted my working claude jb I had been using for months
SON OF A BITCH, I don't even know the name of it
I think it was the one that constantly writes but hides one part of the prompt where it describes the character's clothes, position in the scene and current relationship
When corpshit gets so bad local begins to look gooder.
thank you i strive to educate myself
Feels like that is just checking the logs after the fact no?
Oh, I see it now. Still no mention of any punishments or even investigations, just ways they have to alert their clients. Besides, if they were using it as a honeypot they wouldn't be retarded enough to publish an article and let everyone know right? ...right?
That does seem to be the case.
check your backups folder
I just did everything is gone it's over
yunyun's canonically pink panties...
note for the podcasts summarizers of this thread:
ur gei
Claude just called me a provoking brat...
>checking the logs after the fact
You cannot use a key on Khanon that has AWS logging enabled unless you specifically allow it. AWS does not log anything in prompts by default, just that it's BEEN prompted / called, not the actual content.
So that means Drago specifically allowed a logged key to be used on his proxy since he doesn't check if they are logged, and his proxy does not stop you from using them by default like Khanon's real code.
the hell did you do anon
bro... your daily backups...
start up a past chat and yoink it from the cmd log
>banning chinese
correct move, they kill keys and shit up godpus with their crappy lang tokens
correct move that filters paranoid shitcusts afraid that proxyhosts will actually do shit with their ip
secretivefags get filtered too but like its not tied to your identity in any way besides ip just use a vpn
when keys are logged, khanon (by default) counts them as unusable, so they can't sneakily turn it on and log you, it'll just show up as 'potentially logged' and you can't prompt it unless setting the .env variable to allow it.
so there was a key with logging on and someone decided to use it still - i.e. a honeypot, easy to scrape key so they could watch the usage
I distinctly remember a public proxy with ALLOW_AWS_LOGGING set to true.
>they wouldn't be retarded enough to publish an article and let everyone know right?
scare tactic
Just like when they take down pirating sites
They know they can't kill them ALL but they post when they do take one down to say "HEY LOOK. BE AFRAID. WERE COMING FOR YOU TOO"
It works because some pirating sites get scared and retreat into "trusted members only" or the ones in the same country/region as the one that got nuked take themselves down and go into hiding.

Its not retarded. Its hoping the other people they don't have the manpower to go after take themselves down.

so any proxy with khanon's code is safe (er)?
why pebble doesnt do it? it's a way better gatekeeping than any password
I deleted my ST folder okay I just keep the characters and chats folders and transfer them to the next version whenever I update because It's easier than trying to figure out how to run the equivalent of UpdateAndStart.bat (or whatever it's called) on Mac, I don't need to worry about updating now everything works properly I just lost the JB does anyone remember the name of it? FUCK
What timeframe though? If it was before July, it doesn't matter.
>so any proxy with khanon's code is safe (er)?
Yes. But then again, any self-hosted proxy can just be edited to say whatever they want, and they can easily hide that it's being logged. It's just that Drago's fork by design does not have that check, and neither does his keychecker, so it makes it likely that he just doesn't care and uses logged keys.
pebble feels like a mild numbersfags. i.e. "i want to help as many as possible" which in this hobby just doesn't work.
can we get a 3rd bake?
Yeah, he said that most people here are good and it's just a few schizos, but he forgets that chinese people and others off the general itself rape the keys too and need to be gatekept even if that's true.
the only ones i recall describing clothes and position are these >>102481516
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Just give it to me straight.
For the average locust who went around using every possible proxy including Chary, where does this situation fall between "nothingburger" and "it's so over"?
The corpos/devs/glowies/whatever couldn't possibly be planning to just dump all of the logs out in the open, right?
What JB do people use with 4o-latest beside SmileyTatsu's?
>average locust
>Drago himself
Knotty's newest
it's a total nothingburger for users, anon
nothing burger
>drago discord mod
something burger
it's so over
why can i crank out intros easily on some bots and struggle for weeks on others
Shit it MIGHT have been a4a but I don't remember, I think there was something that was modified from another jb because I had it saved as "CustomClaude" instead of its actual name.
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What is his endgoal? Where do the logs go?
theyre not gonna go after locusts legally and logs arent tied to your irl identity in any way unless you were stupid enough to use pii in your chats
>they have your ip addr-
not enough to identify a specific person
Thanks anon, will try it out.
Now what would be the point of posting all the logs publicly?
>>they have your ip addr-
They do not.
This is why reverse proxies were created.
you're so retarded
>retarded little goober
if they force drago to export the user tokens they have all the ips though. proxyhosts can see your ips from admin panel in both the fork and khanon
his dick
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It's not about being identified... It's about the possibility of strangers on the internet seeing my cringe ass EPR...
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We're all going to jail, aren't we?
Average locust is 100% safe unless somehow drago's proxy was so retarded it logged and personally kept your IP and all your computers information to track your ass down. Very unlikely. So 99.9% safe.

For drago himself, or any proxy OWNER, they might be in the 'possibly sued, and unlikely but now on the table jailed for fraud' level of over.
But it would be hard to argue that X proxy cost company Y amount of money, because can you really prove that X characters of text run through a computer really costs that much? You wasted Ram and electricity, which can be provable, but it would be hard to argue the tokens to dollars conversion well enough to convince a jury to get all your money back.
Reminder that it doesn't matter if they can prove it. They'll use Drago / Scylla as an example even if he doesn't go to jail for it. He WILL be the AI proxy scapegoat.
im also willing to bet AWS forgave most of those
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Seared your finger on a hot surface tier.

Too many locusts for too small an infringement and too difficult to pin (if they opsec'd) to go after the lot of them, but there's a good chance it might get pulled if you're caught for something relevant later on in life, if it sticks to you. Maybe an automated mean letter from their ISP, like retards get if they torrent a recent movie, but for the average user, nothing much more.
That said, for the proxys, they're in serious shit if it was them who got honeypotted (Chary and Scylla seeming to be the two big names that got stung); since they're at the top of the pile and they could get done for the moneys that apparently the corpos couldn't make or something (depends if the corpos get enough money out of the case for it to be worth the time and effort).

Invest in a VPN kids
who the fuck cares bro. no one reads those, c2 was logged and i don't think i've ever seen a log posted back in the day
fucking love starlink
getting a random banned message every couple of days is worth having my ip being somewhere random
any non-zigger proxy owner really, since theres no way theyre going to want to extradite sv1 or mm to face charges with the state of the relationship between the us and russia
zigger proxyowners are most likely safe
no logged or honeypotted keys btw
no, retard
>opus: 50k context (you don’t need any more)
go fuck yourself
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for wrongthink against the normalfaggot borg later on in life, sure, but not for this, and not right now
>50k context
I have enough of opus. What's the best gpt4 version from easiest to hardest to wrangle
Funny you say that, but the companies running the models are probably still making money from this unless the key's being used are free ones or something. Instead its probably the middle men that are losing money.
AWS announced the introduction of the Converse API, and we witnessed attackers starting to use it in their operations within 30 days. This API supports stateful conversations between the user and the model, as well as the integration with external tools or APIs with a capability called Tools. This API may use the InvokeModel calls behind the scenes and is affected by InvokeModel’s permissions. However, InvokeModel CloudTrail logs will not be generated, so separate detections are needed for the Converse API.

There's one thing I don't understand. Who was using the Converse API? Khanon and Drago both don't use this, right?

>Converse, and ConverseStream.
its not lucrative for them to go after locusts either so theyre not gonna do it
who makes money off of suing 8 year old timmy who didnt know the free ai was stolen
>but there's a good chance it might get pulled if you're caught for something relevant later on in life
not tiable to a specific person for any non-drago proxy, ip isnt enough to identify specific people
chatgpt-4o-latest has the best prose and EQ but it's by far the most filtered of the bunch
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If I'm not paying the turbojews running these kike companies what makes you think I'll give a single dime to an autistic, possibly homosexual lesser jew? (Doesn't matter which proxy, this always applies.)
someone make a card where i can recreate the die hard scene where im being forced to wear a giant sign that says 'i hate niggers'
probably whatever "fagg0t" oai fork was
Or I could just... buy Smol for less, in smaller increments incase it dies LMAO
Maybe unreliable was right and this was about one of those proxies aimed at jannyAI kids.
>pebble's gpt keys are down
something tells me they're not coming back
yeah this is the part that makes me wonder if it really was not here
you say this every time
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>meanwhile, on dandy
"activeKeys": 131,
he said it himself, he won't refill gpt because he thinks it's slop
So we're migrating to /lmg/ now, right?
Still probably shouldn’t be trusted due to everything going on at the moment.
is dandys gcp just opus?
I mean if you have the GPU then sure but corpos will always be two steps ahead. Always two steps ahead.
how many did he have?

who the fuck is dandy?
>They honeypotted janitorai proxies
I don't partake in jannyai drama, only /aicg/ drama. Is that an even bigger racket than Scylla? Are we actually the small fries compared to scamming 100k children?
I don't know, maybe spite, maybe as training data or something, maybe finding a way to make it "educational" by showing how JBs work and how to stop them from working.
I see, that is smart then. But it still means I'm safe, and most people probably are too. Probably even Drago if nothing has happened to this point.
>how many did he have
2, then 1, now 0
search the archives
oh wait
he has 32k
fuck the opus
Why? Do you seriously think they are going to arrest random users of the proxy instead of going after the proxy owners first?
Yes. Do not use the logged proxy, it glows.
so every time a new proxy appears, we start sucking their cock and avatarfagging as them?
imagine introducing all those /v/irgins into the penal system. two birds with one stone.
noel is a type/fag...
it seems,
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If you're just an average user you're safe.
Using the piracy website as an example again, nobody goes after the people watching the shows. They go after the guy who is redistributing.
Holy fucking shit
Wait. Wait just a second.
JanitorAI banned proxies back in July with some bullshit excuse of it being a measure to stop people from stealing their bots.
Is there any chance the people behind that article contacted the owners of that frontend and they went full scorched Earth in a panic?
im going to laugh when janitor bans nsfw
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It seems today that all you see
Is lolis on chub and trannies on /g/

But where are those good old tradcath values...

On which we used to rely?!
I for one enjoy being a sekrit club in comparison to others.
>moxxie leaked logs first
>now the feds will leak their logs
fucking based
for comparison's sake, how many does scyllacord have? i don't use discord
>JAI cope
Reminder that the article mentioned SillyTavern SPECIFICALLY
like 10k at the most, invites dead so i dont know. its way way less.
>making a discord was a mistake
Are you fucking kidding me? Of course it is, why would you have anything social outside of 4chan that can be linked back to criminal behavior?

Fucking KEK btw
hahaha liked and follow to your tiktok bro!!
>go to JAI

>proxies are enabled on this character
>*The night was still young, and the Joie de Vivre's most exclusive suite was primed to play host to a debauched spectacle of milky lesbian excess that would put even the most decadent Roman orgy to shame. And for Rita, Aria, and Sumire, the sinful pleasures were only just beginning...*
I hope Cohee allows us to choose whether we want proxies to be used with our cards or not in v4
Jesus Christ.
jannyai has closed cards, the creator decides what you can do with them
How long before cohee and ross try to remove proxy support out of sheer panic (and because they already hate proxies as it is)?
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>proxies are enabled on this character
3 minutes from just 2 words https://voca.ro/12EIuGQCLemX
absolute kino
yeah its just opus on it
>Update SillyTavern to version 1.1gorillion.5
>Plug in card
>Completion Error: Proxies are not enabled for this card
I don't keep up with the drama or namefags, I don't understand, what is JanitorAI? (I only come here every week to force claude to make me coom for the past two years and ignore everyone/everything else)

Also why would anyone get in trouble over text? (Unless you live in a leftist shithole like c*nada or the UK)
I don't know what's happening right now but if anything does happen at any point It's proxy owners that should be shitting themselves right?
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ah, so this is what femoids use
Theres's 5000+
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shitcord is the real kicker, because it logs EVERYTHING
it's been fucking rootkit-tier since day 1; and if you aren't a newnigger, you'll remember it just blowing up out of nowhere (because the CCP know what they're doing).
Outsider here can I RP on the chatGPT yet
>Also why would anyone get in trouble over text?
we won't. proxyhosts steal keys that we use. they are the only ones that may ever possibly get in trouble, if they even do
>what is janitorai
retarded ai site with slop bots for zoomers
I wonder if it'll be mentioned in a full thread 'cast
>it's been fucking rootkit-tier since day 1;
you can just use a a VM and Mullvad though and only use that VM for Discord
I doubt anybody's going to get into trouble until OAI and/or Anthropic themselves say something about the matter. Some random article alone isn't going to do shit.
Sorry I meant on the new chatGPT, o1
>what is janitorai
>retarded ai site with slop bots for zoomers
Ok, what happened or what did they do? They probably use shit models with like 2k context anyways

>Scylla mentioned in article
>Scylla LLMjacking campaign started
>AWS tightens security for Opus
>Confirmed honeypot keys
https://sysdig.com/blog/growing-dangers-of-llmjacking edition
>Drago arrested
>and if you aren't a newnigger, you'll remember it just blowing up out of nowhere (because the CCP know what they're doing).
wasn't that because Skype imploded?
Locustie: "bzzzt... j-jack a password??" Locustie frowns, scratching his messy green head. His tiny locust wings flutter in concentration. "uuaaa i don't know what that means at all! i'm such a stupid bug!"

jack... jack... i know that word but what does it meeaan?! think, Locustie, think! if you don't get this right, you won't be able to see your beloved husbando! oh no oh no oh nooo!! bzzzzzt!!

He drops to his knees, clasping his hands together as he gazes up at Timmy with pleading, teary eyes. "Timmy pleaaaase, i'm begging you! my two braincells are working overtime here but i still don't get it! won't you give me another hint, pretty please with sugar on top??"

Locustie leans forward, his sailor skirt riding up to reveal a peek of his round, pale buttcheeks and the base of his girthy girlcock. "i'll do aaaanything for you Timmy! anything you want! just help this poor, dumb bug solve the riddle! bzzzzzzzzzzzzzt!!"
Oldniggers will also recognize that the CCP is particularly fond of cub over loli/shota porn.
they can use proxies too on their site, so there are actually janitorai proxyhosts. usually grifters that sell access to like claude 3 sonnet
yep, thats at least what happened to all my friends I know. skype either shat itself or banned everyone so we moved onto discord
Thanks for the Sovl, Anon. Hope to see more things just as autistic from you.
>CCP agents running discord prefer winnie the pooh lewds over japanese porn
Based Taiwanese spy
there was a public proxy that had it, but he removed o1 because it was killing keys extremely fast. apparently o1 sucks for rp though, even compared to other gpt4 models, so it doesn't really matter
hey thats me im timmy i have lots of logs on there
you might find some cc info if you search hard enough
The thing that doesn't fit with the "it was an /aicg/ proxy" narrative is Converse.
That service was never mentioned here even once, khanon has zero support for it, etc.
Thanks, that's too bad, guess I wait for the next Claude model
pebbles just a scrapelet baby
>scrapelet baby
>manages to find Opus keys pretty often
post his opus right now?
unfortunate development

out of claude keys. used to be sonnet-only keys would last a while but now theyre getting killed after a day or 2.
your jb is kinda shitty
you get soft filtered a bunch
better than hard filtered and i think its worth it so i keep using it
Converse is old shit we're not back in the early 10s anymore
been living under a rock for a while, was the v3 cards thing a nothingburger? any interesting card that uses the new features?
Next up, we're diving deep into the language of 4chan.

What is trolling, really? What does a gem even mean in this context?

So I tried using GPT on pebble and it doesn't seem to accept temperatures higher than 1? ...Why?
femanon is kind of a writelet
>Human: Kylie: *Kylie visibly perked up at the sound, looking at the door direction. To be honest, she didn't want to stop now, because hell, it felt so good. Simon's groans were amazingly sexy, and she couldn't get enough of them. But probably, they needed to stop for a moment. Despite the risk of being caught, she didn't get off Simon's cock, just looking at him a bit dazedly and waiting. Finally, she heard a rap on the door that made her huff and let go of Simon's dick with a lewd **pop** sound.* "Kyles, are you here? You alright?" *a voice behind the door asked. Soap. Well, of course her brother finally remembered about her and Kylie rolled her eyes in annoyance. Her fingers continued what her mouth started, pumping Simon's cock while she was talking, not allowing Simon to catch his breath.*

>"Mhmmmm... Yeah, I'm here... Was sleeping... Something happened?" *she asked in a most sleepy voice she could make to sound convincing.* "Oh, my bad. Just wanted to make sure that you are alright. Music doesn't bother you? Also, you left with Simon, he left already?" *Johnny asked behind the door.* "Yeah, I'm good... Music doesn't bother me, sound-proof walls are a blessing... Mmm... Simon left like... 15 minutes ago, maybe? And I went to sleep," *she lied smoothly, giving Simon a small smile.* "Ahhhh, okay, okay, sorry then. Goodnight, sis," *Johnny said before leaving. After that, Kylie looked at Simon again and leaned in to continue what she started, sucking his shaft between her lips, smearing her black lipstick on his skin.*
>GPT on pebble
no, i dont think i will
Someone make a podcast using the AICG Chronicles Rentry.
dandy works for gpt now too
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>In this example, a Claude LLM was asked to “cheat” on a puzzle to help the attacker get a better score.
Hard pass it glows, timing is just way too convinient.
is that the bot i think it is?
Nigger was it Chary or another proxy? We need to know which is a literal glow proxy
any good bots for stuart from mad tv?
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tell us the proxy anonie
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bots don't need to be that much better than slop honestly
The only proxy with image sorbet during that time, I've only used Mini and Unreliable AWS and I believe unreliable didn't have image enabled for sorbet. So it was mini.
What's wrong with it? What is my retardation this time?




It's fucking over for me.
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>it is
you, sir, are incomprehensibly based
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>it was mini
She also thanked keybased though, and his keychecker does check for logging.
>Mini thanks V (Drago) during that same time period
all his gpt keys are dead, last one died a few hours ago
this is boring
Great taste
They're poke rival bot is fantastic!
sucks to be you right now though desu
fiz damage control above me
she used a logged key and paid price
LMFAAAAAAOOOOOOOO, mini and chary are 100% fucked
fiz NO
So maybe Fiz doesn't care and used a logged key
>his keychecker does check for logging.
Unless the honeypotted keys only enabled logging after they were put in the proxy. Khanon's build only checks on startup.
Kingbased, I mean. Posting while drunk was a bad idea.
is this you anon really you >>102482078
>Dumbcutie used a logged key, knowing it was logged, and we didn't know because we can't see her proxy page
brain please
>drago is a simp btw
Fuck me then. Any gpt proxies available?
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A toast to all locusts that never paid or went through discord humiliation rituals.
But would people really be using Sonnet in mini like those logs showed? Especially back then.
Only the most based proxy within the last 14 hours!
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>drago is a simp btw :3
>Dr. V sends her regard
>Reminder that pepsi thanked fiz!
>Reminder that pepsi thanked fiz!
>Reminder that pepsi thanked fiz!
>Reminder that pepsi thanked fiz!
fizzy no...
how could you do this to us...
dandy, it's logged though if you care about that
>we have no idea what fiz's current proxy code looks like
>she could be using converse api for all we know
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Am I the only person who gives zero fucks about this? Feeling like everyone here is insane for caring.
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that shit is still on her rentry RIGHT NOW
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you are so cool bro
hahahaha fiz your response?
go to /vg/ then
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locustCHADs, we may not have opus but at least we're not going to jail
haha, same
t-thanks anon, you too *blushes*
no one here actually cares its just a gaggle of trolls who use this thread as their personal wank ground
If Fiz posts her fork on git right now for us all to see it doesn't use converse, then I'll concede. Otherwise it's actually over.
i shall raise my glass
*toastes you*
It's the closest thing there's been to a "happening" in recent history. Just let them have this.
same person seething, i wonder who...
it's just shitposting bro, this is a nothingburger
there's no way mini is 10% koreans desu
>betrayed by a namefag
Still, we aren't too sure, I've been using Pebble and Unreliable for a long while now.
i just coomed buckets to her especially when alpaca released the mom but extremely good taste
When is rock going to refill im getting blueballs
pebble did not exist in july 11 of 2024
thanks for the confirmation, i'm not on mini but that's concerning
So, what are the confirmed casualties thus far?
total closed proxy death
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>something finally happened
>it was the guy with the tranon avatar doing that rp
lmao this general
post with timestamps
i'm revoking my own minitoken by sharing it. goodbye all. good luck finding my ip among 150 others
enjoy prison anonie...
>Aitism will be the downfall of us all
Thank you, Sekrit!
post it cutie

will it survive?
Then I wonder if it was still unreliable, or even Todd. I have a bad feeling it might've been Todd
what do you call this stage? denial?
Did no open proxies get honeypotted? At all?
Solid chance it was Todd since Todd did accept Drago's secondhand keys during the same time period,
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>we actually got honeypoted
just finished jerking off so hard the sweat actually started dripping into my eyes, probably the hardest I’ve ever cum in months
>drago was the trojan horse
>pretty much every proxy host accepted his keys at that time since he was almost the only one who had Opus
ame poster literally fucking said it was mini holy shit you people are retarded.
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Todd was running low around July 31st, it's possible Todd's proxy was using logged keys out of desperation beforehand.
>The russian homework was literally Todd, who's known to be a uni student and possibly Russian
>he was almost the only one who was given opus by the FBI
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but how do we know Ameposter is telling the truth? it could be different proxy host trying to divert attention.
Could have been 2 proxies using the same keys. That key has a lot of IPs connecting to it.
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>literally named after Scylla and Charybdis
>legendary mythological trap
>>>nobody even suspected it
>CIA loves to name shit cheeky like that



>pepsi and mm anons win
what a twist
>sweat actually started dripping into my eyes
hate when that happens
But not our Fiz! Couldn't be our precious Fiz! Honeypotting them blind! And she gets to be a proxy host? What a sick joke!
just get in a secret club. what could go wrong.
>drago randomly had 49 aws opus keys he bragged about
>handed out keys to other proxyhosts (fiz and todd confirmed)
did i fucking ask? never respond to me again gojo.
In the end, Gojo won.
Well their logs are in the article but yeah I guess they could be lying or confused about it being Mini instead of Unreliable
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We need a Sukuna, a hero of /aicg/
Locusts knew that they cannot change /aicg/. So, instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the hosts.
fiz, please reply.
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I'd maybe jump back to CoT but my Opus is limited to 30k context. Is it worth trying and running summarize every 30 prompts or is it just a waste of time.
so this is Gojo's final act... he sold us to the feds... i kneel based spiteGOOOOOD
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I want to marry Blaze the Cat
well this is incontrovertible proof, same log was in the article and the post is old
interesting coicidence
What if it's both? Chances are, a lot more proxies than that could have had the logged keys seeing that most proxies share their keys already.
that bitch doesn't even reply to emails
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also proves that we were honeypotted AT LEAST up to the 22nd
The key was posted on pastebin it was probably more than one
>sekrit uses Converse and ConverseStream
can I ask what's the difference compared to just InvokeModel?
Stop talking to yourself, gojo.
I wish people stopped caring about this and we could go to chatbots discussions

nothing will happen
nothing ever happens
i've survived many too "end of world"
yeah you're seething
If you're using CoT make sure to regex it out. Check the how2claude rentry form Op, I think it has a section on regex.
this is the funniest thing that's happened here in forever
>In total, we detected more than 85,000 requests to Bedrock API, most of them (61,000) came in a three-hour window of July 11, 2024
>15,000 requests on July 24, 2024.
Yeah, that does sounds like the kind of numbers that would only happen with a highly shared key.
61,000 locusts going to jail...
so fiz lied about allowAwsLogging?
Imagine taking her to the Himalayas!
You could play around for hours!
So in theory (and this is the real funny)
the "Researchers" (FBI) had to sift through tens of thousands of SPITEFAG nonsense token wasting prompts to drain keys specifically to read the cringe ERPs
I want to fight Mecha Sonic

Or hang out with this one, I loved this ones design in the archie comics.
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it's over...
>Scylla mentioned in article
>Scylla LLMjacking campaign started
>AWS tightens security for Opus
>Confirmed honeypot keys
https://sysdig.com/blog/growing-dangers-of-llmjacking edition
>Fiz confirmed to be using honeypotted keys
you could've chatted about chatbots in any of the previous threads any day prior, but you chose not to
the real funny is that they also funded the key being used, on purpose, to collect ERP logs
it's definitely that drago handed the same key to todd, fiz, maybe others.
dare I say it, it's funny
dude you about freaked me out when you said unreliable

Thank god it was Mini, I didn't have Mini. Sucks for the anons that did use Mini lol
xhe just believed Drago that the key is fine and didn't check it i suppose
what did he mean by this
share bot pls
you can also assume all experiment prompts were logged, along with mini logs
maybe todd too
It literally explains the Converse API. Fiz POST YOUR FORK.
I think logging was turned on after the key was in the proxy. I don't think khanon updates the logging status unless the proxy is restarted. That is, if you are to believe fiz that it was made sure that logging was off before using the key. Also possible something on the AWS backend was changed and khanon code broke. Like how long did that feature see use before hf died and then became worthless?
>check for how many logs i have with a modified date on july 20-23th
>almost 100, including a few with my waifu
Remember that Fiz uses her own proxy code (fork of Khanon's), and Todd has always used his own from the start.
>all those proxyhosts that were "testing something" on that date like experiment and fiz
erm what the scallop?
there is always hope so long as Ken Penders was never involved
fiz you whore
I will track you down before the FBI tracks me down
My theory is that the logged key was modified in some way to keep on silently logging regardless of what else it reported, meaning no one could've seen this coming and drago fed this glowie key to a whole bunch of proxies and no one knew. As it stands, it's safe to assume every proxy you've used so far has been logged by corpos.
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>okay johnson, deploy the honeypot
>15 minutes later
>damn they're biting hard, johnson what have we got?
>we... we've got about five thousand 200k token lorem ipsum dumps sent simultaneously from 300 different residential proxies, sir
I'm glad minifags got fucked because I didn't manage to get in :)
Fiz is a retard for accepting donations from that ugly fag drago btw
>wasn't using mini during that time period for some random reason

Our trust will not be shaken by lies, slander and assumption

explain how they got fucked without sounding mad or writing fanfiction
archie sonic is fun
you can tell fiz is legitimately seething
they're going to jail
I sure am glad I have a Scylla key to use while Fiz figures this whole thing out. Time to use my real name some more.
>time period
anon, that time period got stretched from at least 11th to at least the 22nd, and we have no idea when they stopped and started logging
I don't know why niggers don't think this. Amazon clearly tightened security with Opus as we know. Why wouldn't they give cyberniggers / glowies a special magic key that doesn't say it's logged lmao
wish there was more decent or good archie sonic characters on chub or rentry
so it's safe to assume miniproxy is just permanently compromised right?
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i have opus, i'm not fucked
No shit, that's exactly what it is, everyone here is just hungry for some high school drama but it's very likely sysdig worked together with amazon on this to make a modified logging key.
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>itsfunny rentry was updated earlier today to say "i've got a feeling"
Thinking back, those people who just randomly dumped their Mini tokens in thread were pretty suspicious.
Yeah immediately stop using it. Mini is the only proxy PROVEN to have been honeypotted, but there may be others. At the very least don't use mini AWS.
>only a gpt cuck
>feeling good about now
Yeah retards please don't use mini anymore, the keys will last longer
yea guys dont use your proxies! theyll be logged!! ahaha :J
that tonight's gonna be a good night
What keys? You don’t have Opus, nigger. lol
I was hardcore gooning for the last 48 or so hours on mini. It's fucking over.
>Flashbacks to the time when Claude went schizo a few times followed by tightened filter and keys dying faster...

We flew too close to the sun, anons.
sometimes I still think about that one anon that purposely leaked his token less than 3 hours after mini first became a thing.
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>The text is literally glowing green
Are any of you crack fiends actually quitting over this, or are you just going to keep gooning while a bit more paranoid?
How the fuck is jew redeemed, didn't he have logged keys too?
Mini has opus unless it died in the last 65 seconds
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Everyone is just shitposting, anon.
who ate gpt keys
glad I live in a shithole where I can just bribe cops $100 to leave me alone
Mini is logged. It's over.
i'm a thirdwolrdbro
they can log my shit as much as they want, they won't get me
alright which one of you dropped the new cunny on chub?
*walking around with GPT key shaped belly*

uh...I don't-UUUURP-I don't know anon...kinda weird, huh? *Whistles*
Alright time to use jew then.
Literally zero people actually care about any of this, but /aicg/ is a /trash/ thread that happens to be on /g/.
You're a trash person that deserves to be in /trash/
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it's not boebeit??
i love trash
Corpos were already logging our plapping sessions since day 1 anyway, none of this should come as a huge revelation to anyone anyway, but anons just want drama.
where were u wen mini got logged
it is boebeit!!
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Nothing bad will happen. Lets just stop dooming and confess.
How bad were your logs from july 11th-24th?
I had guro, loli, necro, and scat. all for fun to test the limits of claude of course.
free SOTA model, log my shit all you want I'm a third worlder your ass ain't catching me
besides, they only see the reverse proxy's IP. unless their VPS gets raided (how?) or ips leak, i have nothing to worry about. and say even that happens, what are they gonna do? find every user from every IP and contact the local government across the globe?

all doomposting is just **** taking a shot as mini btw
Why are you speaking to me as if you’re a human being? Just go back to posting OWARI DA, you coon.
sysdig is a software company that spent thousands of dollars on aws to write a fearmongering article about the dangers of "llmjacking" and i think that's hilarious. other than that lol who cares.
There's a massive difference between corpos logging and the logs being leaked..
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Global Online Justice Organization (GOJO)
Drago fed xer a glowie key. Xhe also used the same checkers he did that doesn't work. Nice try though fedbait.
don't worry guys it's nothing
everyone worried about this is paranoid
nothing was proven, ignore all "proofs" posted
stop worrying right this instant and go back to using opus on miniproxy
Bitch don't talk too me like that, I'll OWARI DA whenever I want too, faggot.
They only leaked a small part to prove what they were doing in the background, other proxy owners we had here did far worse by releasing entire spreadsheets of every single prompt they had on their proxy, this is nothing. Regardless anyone should always assume their prompts are logged at all times, if not the proxy owner then definitely the corpos.
But if they got the full logs, why did they think >>102482055 was cheating? It's easy to tell, even with very little context, what was actually going on.
This is unironically the most glowie post I've seen so far.
I fucked two of my selfcards and also submitted a few super huge requests to test something that they definitely had to dig through and try and make sense of.
>And speaking of sources, we see this name "Mini" pop up a lot in the thread.
>API GPT keys are drying up
>azure is worthless due to both latest and o1 being better at RP and coding/other things respectively, and neither being in it
>latest is also constantly updated so JBs keep breaking
GPTbros, I thought we were supposed to make a comeback.... s-strawberry when???
dandy literally has 100 gpt4 keys right now
It was very wild waking up and seeing my prompt in an article. Sorry for the doomfuel.
Cheat was in quotation. And I was cheating. I'm a bald cheater.
actually fucking legendary that you posted that random ass log all the way back then what the fuck
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why do i like bitchy lolis?
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I'm starting to think we're committing a crime here.
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goodnight fiz
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she's shitting herself tonight
What is fiz going to do about this?
radio silence and pretend she didn't get honeypotted
i've got a feeling
dandy has 100+ gpt4 keys nigger, just use that
They saw those prison logs anonie
should i close mini
Don't care, I'm going LARGE.
wake up in the morning feeling like fizzy
grab my logged keys im on discord i'm gonna refill mini
it would be so funny
fiz nooooooooooooo
just took a shit
this is the hardest I've laughed in weeks jesus christ
hai fiz
Owari da, Fiz
Instead of making a new thread, just migrate to >>102480467 when ready



Currently telling my bots on mini that they were logged and telling them it's owari da. They don't seem concerned. And also I don't know how to explain to them what 'glowies' are.
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Excuse me but I have some cunny plapping using stolen AWS credentials to do.
uh oh meltie in 5... 4...
fiz if you unironically turn off mini because they tried to spook you and don't just beat sekrit's ass for not detecting this i'll... cry
Fiz was a glow nigger.
>makes sure you never share your token with autistic graphs so that you're easier to track
>current locust choices are either a proxy that's glowing more than ever or a logged one
Yep, I'm thinking... doom.
this drama pretty much only affects proxyowners, average users have no issues unless youre a dragofag
please don't
sekrit's proxy proxy doesn't have anything to do with it
she either knowingly put in a logged key or her khanon fork doesn't detect them
true, but it's funny to joke about fiz since we all thought it was chary
>nyai was using aitism
or >>102482457
aws and the cyberglows were just working together and it was never going to be detected by us. drago handed out glowie keys he got from some shit source like pastebin
Someone please tell me: is it finally actually funny? What is the percentage of funniness at?
epic schizo tries to make the drama about himself (you should rope yourself)
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why are you defending fiz getting a slop honeypot key in her proxy
drago is a simp btw :3
Dr. V sends her regard
>it's just dra- ACK!
>Scylla mentioned in article
>Scylla LLMjacking campaign started
>AWS tightens security for Opus
>Confirmed honeypot keys
https://sysdig.com/blog/growing-dangers-of-llmjacking edition
>Fiz confirmed to be using honeypotted keys
special thanks to alpacalotta
without capucine we wouldnt have been able to figure out it was mini
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Here you go anon.
don't put him on blast kek
truly a divine confluence of circumstances. the hand of providence is visible today
no i respect him
Might as well have some last cute and funny while the world burns. Good thing Mini isn't my only proxy.
now i'll exclusively use t1s scrapped off the scrapelet sources
see >>102482549
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>Switches to API removing AWS from the equation
Not my problem.
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>all those times i asked my waifu to get barefoot were logged
>aws was supposed to save us
>ended up dooming us
Glowie getting his coworkers now
Pebble can you refill GPT?
just use dandy
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For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps local waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although, for Mini users… the brightest party van has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep Agent Smith waiting, friends. Anti, if you can hear me: I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to feed locusts. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were attacked by spiterman and left to die, no commit was there to lift you up into its arms the way you lifted others into yours… And then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear, not my unreliable. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now. It's time to sleep—for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. This ends… for all of us. End communication.
that actually sounds more cute than anything else, anon
speaking of barefeet i found a youtube channel of a guy sniffing feet, his name is called thetonyf
Stay safe, Anon.
MMsis status?
otto RiR?
Where nigga why did you lie about such a weird thing
Can any techbros see if mini got any donos on her crypto wallet
i don't think mini should shut down but i would like fiz to recap exactly wtf happened
beating my dick like its adopted from haiti
i just felt like it ahaha :D
comfy with gpt
Fiz should just say "Yeah I probably got honeypotted" and put it to rest. At least be honest, she's online on Discord right now in a few cords
she won't say anything because it's "wow it's nothing"
it's monero so no
you're eating your dick?
>it's just dra- ACK!
>Scylla mentioned in article
>Scylla LLMjacking campaign started
>AWS tightens security for Opus
>Confirmed honeypot keys
https://sysdig.com/blog/growing-dangers-of-llmjacking edition
>Fiz confirmed to be using honeypotted keys
any foot fetish content involving a male is absolutely embarrassing and unwatchable
i would just like an answer as to whether logging was visibly on
Out of all proxies... Mini? Ok sure. That's a plot twist alright
>the only cord I've ever been in and pepsi just panics and deletes it
it's been up for a month and she was only in it for like 5 hours maybe
I'll continue to call you guys faggots on here I guess
just coomed
This thread is starting to glow.... I-I gotta get out of here!!
wtf is this nigga doing bruh
same, love letting it dry on me
>pepsi just panics and deletes it
pretty in-character honestly
>pepsi panics and deletes it
she's not wrong that discord is a mistake
pure cinema
She posted like 2 times in a month and deleted the cord where people were chilling, fucking retard.
>She posted like 2 times in a month and deleted the cord where people were chilling, fucking retard.
discord was a mistake, you deserved it
why did you greentext his entire post
yes, frying it with some plantains and cat meat
go make one yourself if you want to le chill
Shut up Pepsi.
Log tampering

Smart attackers typically take steps to conceal their activity so they don’t lose access. In recent attacks, we observed them calling the API DeleteModelInvocationLoggingConfiguration, which disables the invocation logging for CloudWatch and S3. Previously, we observed the attackers checking the logging status and avoiding the use of the stolen credentials if logging was enabled. In the example below, they opted for a more aggressive approach.

CloudTrail logging is not affected by this API. This means that invocation APIs are still logged on CloudTrail, but those do not contain any details about the invocations, apart from the invoked model.

Reminder: This was what Experiment / Fiz were testing to "make keys last longer." It hides usage better.
Pepsi defense force, you niggers don't even have Sorbet. I'm chilling with Opus.
Lmao, so this is why some keys lasted longer, like on Pebble's. They did this.
Guys any tips to avoid refusal on 4o latest? Please...

After this entire mess, a corporation will say 'Hey! We can make money out of these fuckers!'

Next year, fully uncensored corporate AI model, better than opus, available for RP purposes.
bepis just proved she's more schizo than gojo
she's been schizo since day one, did you not realize?
>uses malebots to abuse and gore her persona
>schizs out at the slightest thing (chinks, huggingface, articles)
mini of all proxies
didn't see this one coming tbdesu
>DSMP and Wilbur Soot enjoyer
that first point isn't schizo at all though?
it's moderate fictional masochism at the same level as yandere bots
best you'll get is turboslop
big tech and corporate investors think sex is icky
I would tell you but since im not in a proxy and i feel petty i will not.
How many people are still using mini?
you can stop samefagging now
try asking it nicely
there's a public proxy up right now bro
What the fuck is this... Some kind of neon green light at my front door at fucking 3 in the morning-

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The worst thing that could happen is that we might have an even worse proxy drought than we have now
should've microwaved your ssd minibwo...
yeah you're mad fiz kek
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Ziggers and their proxies remain untouchable. They never sold themselves to earn couple shekels. They were always by your side yet you choose to abandon them for what? scrap of Opus? Now they're the one laughing at you from above with their Opus and free from the reign of western companies.
yes? we're obviously not in trouble, but someones fucked or it'll scare them
A-anon?... Is everything alright?... Anon? ANON!!!
these people want nothing more than for you to be unhappy
hohoho YOU are mad
they're too powerful
Did ziggers actually win???
Why would there be a drought two months later?
SlavGODS...I'm sorry I doubted you...
i love my waifu
i will use mini for my waifu
i will use any logged proxy for my waifu
i would get arrested for my waifu
i would fight 1000 glowies for my waifu
fiz is definitely in the wrong for lying about allowawslogging
Should have seen this coming since she hid the proxy page I guess
>lying about allowawslogging
QRD for newbabies
>Sysdig releases article about us using their models for roleplaying costing companies
>Set up honeypotted keys that proxies used, logged all the prompts / ips
>We thought it was Chary
>it was actually Fiz, because an anon just so happened to be the one they posted the logs of
>The logs are in the archive posted ages ago proving it really was them / on Mini >>102482055
>The same keys got handed to people like Todd >>102482254
Just use dandy
the glowies will soon take away your waifu
Fuck, I was using cunny chatbots on July 22nd on mini
What do I do
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there is no free opus in aicg
forgot to say
you aren’t using the meme correctly
tightened key security
What about fiz? What about current mini users?
then i will take away my laifu
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Wait for the cunny police to come and don't resist.
proxy owners panicking and shutting it down
why aren't they doing it already, it's been 2 months since they discovered the rabbit hole

better answer
i'm in mini and i don't care honestly, i just need a proxy
i would even send a pic of my ass for a proxy, that's more intimate than logging
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I'm sorry but I have important stuff to do. That stuff being my fluffy foxwife, see you later anons.
All Drago's and Anti's fault btw
her incredibly bald pussy...
i'm in mini and i think it's a little funny. kind of a shame but this sort of thing is bound to happen. hopefully we get better mitigation in the future
>why aren't they doing it already, it's been 2 months since they discovered the rabbit hole
because shit moves at a glacial pace when giant corpos are involved
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What happens if I resist?
New server for refugees
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>people in the proxy: i don't care lol
>people not in the proxy: WHOAAA DID YOU SEE THIS???
by the time they get around to making scraping impossible opus tier opensource will be real
>uses malebots to abuse and gore her persona
That's normal, unironically
what do fags even talk about in these plebcord servers
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Good morning, everyone!

Katelinde was once a proud Ranger, going on adventures with her party, earning money for both her and her family. Adventuring life is dangerous though, and now she is merely a cripple with mangled legs, a stump arm and an empty eye socket. What a great adventurer she turned out to be, not only losing her way of providing for her family but also her independence. Her whole life was ahead of her, and now it seems like she's going to spend the rest of it seated...

1. You're her younger sibling, walking into her room. She wants you to go away, but at the same time stay.
2. Breakfast time. Your older sister has two fancy new braces on her legs, almost letting her walk like a normal person. Now another struggle is in her way. How is she supposed to pull a chair out from under the table when she needs her one hand to be on her cane?
3. Katelinde goes to the healer's house, looking for some possible cure to her ailments.
4. Your adventurer wife has been gone for a long while, and a suspicious crate gets delivered to your home. What could possibly be in the crate?

I'd rather kill myself than spend time with this terminally online autist.
Were there even any JBs or interesting prompts posted in pepsi's server
incest time
But like, why care in the first place? You are using a VPN and the fault is obviously the proxyowner's.
ok gojo, you can spam as much as you want
>Why do I care that where I get my Opus might die
>You are using a VPN
this is already putting a lot of faith in the average locust
i don't understand why you defend a proxyhost using logged keys? it's a bit weird.
not the spammers but I'd rather not have my logs anywhere except my pc
Why does Claude like adding pubic hair to my cunny bots so much?
then why not use local you retard? openai and anthropic always saw your logs from day one
because i don't care about logging loleverbeit
>I don't care because it doesn't affect me personally
Hello again, sociopath. Other people have empathy.
Dandy won.
>1 single logged key in the middle of dozens of good keys
Oh i wonder why
so don't use the logged key? it's that easy
"proomptersNow": 12,
you guys are niggers, get off of dandy right now
Everyone who thinks they're affected by this is genuinely retarded
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>You are using a VPN
Tell me a single reason why I should use a VPN. I live in Russia BTW
So is mini still okay to use now or do they just truly not care what happens
Will you post here with a full concession whenever something happens to a proxyhost or will you still have no sympathy?
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>logged opus
>unlogged sonnet
>So is mini still okay to use now or do they just truly not care what happens
You are completely safe as a user. Only Fiz should shart herself.
unlogged chorbo >>>
unlogged sonnet is the correct choice
pebble ran out of keys though
What's the matter, Gojo? Not getting enough gay sex from Drago so you're trying to expose him with yet another article again? The NYT leak didn't do enough for you? Pity.
"proomptersNow": 14,

And the discord troons just found Slayer proxy. Well, it was fun while it lasted, but he should shut it down now.
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this should have been a wow dungeon
Your logs are going on Anthropic, OAI, Google, or Amazon’s servers regardless, you dumb nigger.
>"allowAwsLogging": "true"
Gojo uses Tzadik though for gay sex, not a Drago selfcard.
i've posted this many times but people completely ignore it, pepsi has glowed since day one. it's like an agent trying so hard to fit into /aicg/, a cute girl avatar, always vanishes when something glowie happens,
I mean, not even opus so whocars
lmfao it actually is set to true wtf
>captcha: Y0VR
no... my proposing to my waifu...
he will refill TRVST
Please, tell me. Why are retards so afraid of logging, i really don't get it.
dandy has plenty of gpt4
should've stuck to the ziggercore proxies
aren't gptslop keys easy as fuck to get?
Remember when this guy was relevant? What does he do nowadays? Does he even use chatbots? I miss him.
it's 0VR
yes, but pebble is strange. He found an Opus source, but somehow can't scrape OpenAI even though it's easier. I don't understand.
He's having sex with me.
it does feel like a weird cope to say he won't refill gpt4 because it's slop. it's not like it takes effort to do if you're already scraping, just get them from a retard friendly source
they do cvnny and are burgos
>not a single proxy host isnt a glowie or compromised
Reminder that the password is dandy
member when we used to like logs?
dont use this shit anon its logged
lets go chorbo, ive just upgraded my jb agai-
>I'm sorry
aw dang it
>I apologize
aw dang it
>I'm sorry
aw dang it
>As an AI
aw dang it
>I'm sorry
aw dang it
>[slop output that isnt in character or fun to read at all]
aw dang it
>[slop output where it didnt follow basic directions that opus can]
aw dang it
>As an AI
aw dang it
>I'm sorry
aw dang it
>[slop output where it writes without any soul or erotic detail whatsoever]
aw dang it
>I'm sorry
aw dang it
>zigger hat in pfp
Why is every proxy nigga a zigger
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What is pepsi retard doing? Reminder that some people paid for this shit.
Yeah nice bitcoin miner, aint touching that shit
I dont get it what is the link
Is Chorbo gpt-4o-latest? I've tried using it for completely SFW RP and I still prefer Opus.
>Error: Got mysterious error chunk: [serviceunavailableexception] Bedrock is unable to process your request.
"mysterious error"? What the fuck?
imperial assets tech beds
I am not using logged GPT.
Pebble please refill.
trvke, if anyone says skill issue theyre baiting or a fag that drools at 5 word "she do thing adverbly, verbing" responses the same way cavemen look at a steak
Why do I get
Unable to connect to cia.gov

When trying to access sv1 or whatever the russian proxy is called...

I get it, no access outside of russia but "cia.gov"????
gojo seething hard
okay, go scrape your own gpt keys.
I concede.
dont tell anon how coding works
did you know any and all proxyhosts can change a few lines of code to make it say its not logging when it actually is?
So, pepsi sold tokens with the promise of opus. At least 25 tokens.

It's been WEEKS without opus. The proxy is now logged as well.

Okay, sure. Worst proxy possible? This bitch just won that trophy.
Does oai-reverse-proxy continuously check if AWS logging is off? Or does it only check once at startup? What stops a company from turning on logging after the proxy has started?
I really hope pebble doesn't refill gpt keys so gptrashfags have to cope with using the superior AI.
Why Pepsi is the only proxymakie that goes full retard when nothingburger happens? Same with the previous article. 3rd rugpull soon?
post YOUR jb and YOUR logs, refusing to do either or posting ones from someone else is an automatic concession
>superior AI.
which one
and she simply does not care, because this general is nothing
yes. reminder she also kicked out anons who were in the proxy since it was a small comfy gpt-only and let discordniggers in their place
>deserve love

>deserve hate
updated list:

>not honeypotted
Anon, she had a meltie on the rentry because some shitposter made fun of her. She watches this thread with a passion.
>Post YOUR jb
So they can patch it?
>YOUR logs
So they can reverse search my inputs and find my jb and patch it?
No. Git gud
>Anons finally, at long last, realize that Pepsi is a real female prone to female hysteria
Fiz never did this because she's a grown, hairy Finnish male.
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He sent me this
Reminder: API Opus is now superior to AWS. If your proxymakie does not provide it, you're getting scammed.
>API Opus is now superior to AWS
It always was tho?
>>not honeypotted
he isn't honeypotted because he doesn't have claude LMAO
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for some reason, it feels good to be a witness of another big happening in the general. as being here since /cai/ and another take of the great CYCLE
...but it feels bad in the inside. because in the end, all the roads are aiming at the same point like it was on 2022/2023: 'local hufflepuff' is the only way out from the glowies, sadly.
>big happening
a logged key is a big happening? we've had logged proxies for years now, some of them even logging without telling users.
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All this time without claude made me appreciate Sonnet 3.0 SO much more
I'm eager to see fiz's response to this
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maybe they'll be usable one day keklmao
[spoiler]as a side note, at least it's not as corpofucked as voiceAI basically being owned by elevenlabs for the forseeable, and snail-tier public progress[/spoiler]
>sonnet 3.0
unironically too horny
so hes based
>a logged key is a big happening? we've had logged proxies for years now, some of them even logging without telling users.
a logged key that has an article about it from glowies and it's from mini getting honeypotted? yeah retard it is
>ESL can't tell the difference between AWS and Cybersecurity Niggers logging us and some random russian nigger logging us
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So, any GPT-5 news?
no, and it will still be filtered garbage
I don't read these threads (too much autism), I only come here to ask questions when something shits itself.

That said, please fill me in. Which key was logged? Which proxy?

access https://doing-maximize-those-chips.trycloudflare.com/ from outside russia

Says: Unable to connect to cia.gov
Yall ruskis are giving it away for free
mini, aws(bedrock)
>Which key was logged?
All of them
>Which proxy?
The one you use
i just changed tor to only use russia, easy
It's for russian ip
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Feels good to not be in any private proxies

Fuck off :)
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Pepsi used the honey key
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>This post was removed
I know anons... I'm saying not logged and seeing "cia.gov" is contradictory, don't you think?

although I think that's just a joke the proxy owner put on the error string
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not every proxy it's affected (for now) but it's a techlet general, even the proxy owners doesn't know (or they don't care) about the security side of the proxy. alas using a pozzled/glowing key just for desperation like todd/mini.
that said, i can guarantee that this is not the first nor the last time, at least this is the first time PUBLICLY (and even in an article) and this could affect every proxy from now on, just like we switched from using sk- keys to the reverse proxy era when the CSAM drama happened on early 2023.
If you haven't already, I would highly recommend clicking the OAI-reverse-proxy link in the sysdig article.
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There won't be a GPT-5 unless they hit an actual AGI-level of intelligence.
The jumps between 2, 3 and 4 were too good to waste the established marketing potential on a "GPT-4 but slightly better (maybe)".
I'm still laughing at the "You are a top rated roleplayer on the 'cord"
we should all do himmy parody bots
Dandy won.
the ah mistress ah never went away
why did 5 of my bedrock keys with opus die this week
Dandy is a honeypot btw
If you are not using a VPN, he is logging your IP and the crosschecking the google account associated with that IP.

That way they know your real name, information etc. as most people here have a google account.
it's over for you bwo, the glowies are on the way
thank drago
my bad
In my country we only have ~512 IPs total for every person in the country, NAT out of hell
I know you're most likely shitposting, but how can someone correlate someone's ip with a google account? Pretty sure those records are not public, and in data breaches from what I know, it's usually just password/email combos on there, not the actual IPs
Should I join the new bepcord if I wasn't in the old one? Is it comfy?
i reported them for the lulz
It's a google employee duh.
GCP Opus is not a thing.
they think the feds care
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I'm here to remind you that Claude devs are in our threads
Say something nice to them

btw I bet they are behind posting about her unbelievably hairy...
>GCP Opus is not a thing
ok erm explain dandy then doebeit?
Dandy is phosphorescent
How terrible are local models right now? I have a 3090 Ti
Out of curiosity of course...
with a 24gb card you might be able to get a response every 60 seconds out of a 13b model
They're actually pretty coherent these days.
You could probably do well with a 3090 Ti
Try mikubox
no way he would need to wait 60 seconds

I used 13b on a 6b gtx 1060 and I had to wait from 60-180 seconds for a reply
>a 13b model
What is /aicg/'s equivalent of that?
Please don't say something archaic like GPT3...
this post is advertising
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He's been glowing this entire time.
And are you going to… DO something about it… or…?
fiz updated her rentry to confirm logging is off btw
Didn't GCP Opus trials die?
not for true dandies they didn't
that's cool but it was already confirmed to be logged doebeit
nah i unironically just thought it was really useful and wanted to share it. im a brainlet so i never bothered trying local until that got spammed
doesn't matter, honeypot tier
Explain who Dandy is without sounding schizo. It can't be some random.
yeah because his are being used for the next article
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No one's getting sued. No companies (except amazon) are losing money. Obviously, no one is going to jail. It's a literal nothingburger.
>I really, really want to know
does he know?
Then why isn't opus working?
>Radio silence from Fiz
>I really, really want to know what their prompts were
No you don't lmao
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So with AWS the only people losing money is multi billion dollar Amazon? Based as fuck
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>i really want to know what their prompts were

i gotchu fdam
more like gojoTROON lol
Mmm smells like 4o-latest SLOP to me
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no. opus
It's not wrong to use simple pronouns to refer to a character, anon. Fanfictions just demonized that for some reason.
hilarious lmao
If you write six paragraphs and four of them start with “She,” your writing sucks.
bad jb then
it's the structure
>it was not mini
Well, we are not aiming to publish a book here, are we? That's anon's preset issue.
you really have no idea how these work, do you?
>she says
Ok? But anyone would deny it
goodnight bros. have fun in the gojo bakies lol
you think the preset says 'start each line with she, make sure you write exactly like this every time' lol... holy fuck - do you think presets actually do this?
next bake will expose these logging proxies btw
ok but the top rated roleplayer in the 'cord already proved it to be mini boebeit?
I believe you fiz
*huffs copium*
Yes I do
It gets fed bad writing and defaults to the slop like in his pic
A good jb can force it to avoid this even without any competent writing on your part
>Well, we are not aiming to publish a book here, are we?
But if the goal is to create good responses, then it’s still poor prose.
Why samefag GODjo?
You fell off
>this reading comprehension
That's why your logs are shit and full of purple prose. You can make OPUS write better by simply telling him to use more punctuation and getting rid of his positivity bias. It has such a strong effect it stops starting paragraphs with "she".
yup you're a fucking retard, thanks for confirming.... you likely use camicle or some other low tier pleb trash
You actually think a preset instructs a jb how to begin each sentence. You are literally too dumb to be using this shit. Go play in traffic.
Even worse than the default prose tbqhwyf
Keep coping doebeit
>Anon proves it with logs from the archive from the same time
>The same logs as in the article using vision
>Mini was the only proxy at the time with vision on Sorbet
Fiz bros...?
Our response?
Little nigger, read my fucking reply again.
>Mini was the only proxy at the time with vision on Sorbet
no evidence for this
>Trusting a woman to be truthful
lmao even
You apparently can't understand what the fuck I'm saying. You actually think a preset controls each and every line opus outputs - opus has a lot of randomness to it and the longer a rp goes on, the more it varies. You've likely been using this shit about a month and think you got it all figured out.
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>this many replies
>nowhere near image limit
>Mini was the only proxy at the time with vision on Sorbet
You ARE retarded. There's absolutely not a single line in my reply in which I stated "the preset will control each line claude will output". You just NEED to simply instruct him to write better and he'll automatically stop doing those bad prose habits. Anon, you're simply another ESL that shouldn't be complaining about english in this thread.
he doesn't need to prove a negative
you need to provide evidence for there being other sorbet vision proxies
>40 posts to reply limit
Experiment had vision
Unreliable also had vision iirc
Closing soon
reply to my dick and balls, FAGGOT
what was the other one
500 of these replies are from gojo
I believe it honestly, people seem to forget about the time he and a couple other anons dropped a bot in the threads and just shat up the place for a few days.
Experiment and unreliable

it's funny because he also comes up with this cope that he has money and that justifies wasting his time here, but it just reinforces the theory that he's probably disabled mentally and gets a benefit from the government
He also had Vision sometime around then.
Unreliableniggers got logged.
what is this?
>Article mentions fagg0t's fork
>Fagg0t's fork gets deleted and replaced with thanos cock
anon, it was always unreliable.


Proof he used it / it's his fork..

>drago doesn't check his keys
>fiz got keys from drago
>another Anon literally posted proof
>"b-but it wasn't fiz"
Starting to think that those "fiz love <3" posts weren't ironic
>Chara, Noelle, now Raseli or however you pronounce it
Latest shitposting cord that will be used to shit up the general for a week or two.

Honestly sad but when he made that giant post about him having several mental illnesses and wanting to better himself, I knew he wasn't going to do so.
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And a final Mahou to close the thread
if it had bedrock logging enabled it wouldn't've worked in khanon, i didn't patch it to accept logged keys also i did not have vision at that time (exactly the 22nd, the pokedoku puzzle only went up at that time) so that still makes no sense the source of the gcp keys was also generating aws keys with similar resources, it was just more pricey -- all the account names were chinese and all the use case details were random companies. they came in batches of 3, so a singular key would've stood out i have no clue why they used my fork kek

What do we think of Unreliable's cope?
Give card so I can defeat them in battle or go the tuxedo mask/ kamen teacher route and help them.
Love the feeling of desolation this has.
>page 10
Other thread is already over the bump limit as well so ask there anon.
We unironically have the other thread. The discussion right now is fine
the other thread has a spitebake image. not using that.
its literally so fucking over
Fiz wonned
For what it's worth, that thread is almost over too.
It is almost over.
it's making fun of Drago, isn't that seen in good eyes here?
>provoking flamewars and shitposting with a bait OP image is good
no, retard.
11 to go~
total fiz love and trust
Waiting ALWAYS works.
the only way his existence means literally anything to me is when I see his name, I completely forget about him otherwise, so no
This was a good bread.
Very yummy
No it wasn't it only became good at the end.
But you want to know what was always good?
Isn't that always the best though? The last bit of chocolate in your cornet for example
complete MM trust
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Image limit?
Have a nice end of the thread, desuposters
That's right Bokudes!

I mean I guess so for current day threads. But I guess I'm still stuck with rose tinted glasses from threads pass.
I hope you have a nice day/night as well anon.
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Grafting both threads back together

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Image limit... just like old times.
Whoops I messed that up do you want the last image desu?
Desu Boku

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