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Previous thread: >>102464851
first for hitler was a retard
Fish is the cutest shell
fish isnt even a real shell, idiot.
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^ full of security holes, outdated, run by like 6 people max; a general all-around meme.
Anyone use fvwm3? Is it possible to have comma separated fonts with the xft definition? It seems to use the first one, but the backup font is always the same no matter what I set the 2nd font to.
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post one. i can post gigabytes of malware
Perfect for /g/.
kde/wayland on a rog laptop
i get this weird visual glitch while using the terminal, sometimes a random character will just be underlined. it's annoying
post one what? the fuck are you talking about??
>i can post gigabytes of malware
did you forget to take your meds?? what the fuck are you talking about??

you are reminding me of a dementia patient who just starts talking about the war at random in the middle of the silence.

what the fuck are you talking about. you cant just say words, you have to elaborate.
^ he fell for the bait of the retard
You seem extremely confused. Post one exploit, bootlicker slave.
>you are reminding me of
Well, that's not the case. You are here, on /g/, posting low quality garbage. Talking to us and hallucinating "dementia patients".

Sadly (for you) we aren't dementia patients but lethal (for you).
>You seem extremely confused.
Because you won't elaborate.
>Post one exploit, bootlicker slave.
Debian literally has over 8,000 active vulnerabilities reported right now.
Only a fraction of these will be solved by removing SystemD.
It seems to be the case.
>but lethal (for you).
Talking like someone who is truly deluded; I've seen all I need to see to make a sound judgment on your mental health. :^)
You replied to the old post, please reply to the new one instead. >>102480828 Stop shitting up the thread with unsorted unordered garbage posts.
You replied to the old post, please reply to the new one instead. >>102480839 Stop shitting up the thread with your dementia.
Explain "mental health" in your own words, on this computer forum. What does the word "developmental" mean to you?
This isn't your special needs class, we don't have dementia, anon.
We remember what you did to Ian, 2 cops showed up at his door and killed him because debian cut into Googles ChromeOS revenue.
No dementia here, fedboi (apologist).
>goalpost shifting
Developmental refers to the period between the point of conception through to the end of adolescence when the brain and body are developing.
>special needs
That's a nursing home you're thinking of; because you're too special needs to know the difference between the elderly and the retarded.

You're obviously of the elderly (and the retarded, frankly).
>Windows 11 at the bottom
Sure thing Rajeesh
Over 8,000 vulnerabilities.
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>ask for one
>grandpa from special needs class throws 8000 at me instead
anyone see everybody still hates chris yet? how is it compared to everybody hates chris??
Isn't that a girls show?
here's one from last month found by a bunch of gook commies :D apparently the commies are smarter than you, good job!
the show about chris rock, the comedian? girls' show? since when? every woman in that show is depicted as a loud bitchy negress, definitely not a girls show.
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Why aren't you a criminal with those then? Exposed, you're a fed! Otherwise you'd make bank right now, using them exploits.
post an episode on catbox. it must be encoded in something obscure discussed on /g/ tho
>Why aren't you a criminal
but I am.
>with those then?
because i already sell mushrooms that i grow and like it.
>otherwise you'd make bank
I make bank off of mycelia.
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I'm been trying to get a server with WordPress 1.0 running, using both Docker and a VM with Debian Sarge installed.

Either I'm retardedly missing something obvious, or Docker doesn't play well with an "external" MySQL database. Either that or it has something to do with how the host mysql service isn't actually running since that would get in the way of the container's service.

Right now, once I go through the initial config, the site only shows a blank page everywhere.

I have a gut feeling that modern MySQL might not play well with such an old WordPress version anyhow.

Maybe I'm better off just sticking with a full Sarge VM for this, especially since I finally got that working
html and css are easy.
thats so sad.
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>If I print them all out, would you die?
Why not blog into 1.html, 2.html etc., link that on the front page and put everything into a <pre> tag?
<pre role="img" aria-label="ASCII COW">
&lt; I'm an expert in my field. &gt;
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
<figcaption id="cow-caption">
A cow saying, "I'm an expert in my field." The cow is illustrated using
preformatted text characters.

if i take drugs, does god not love me anymore?
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Sadly the stuff from the pharmacies is drugs already. You probably already did drugs, unkowingly. Hope that helps
But at that point its like, are you a virgin still if you get raped? Will you go to hell for rape?
I'm talking about willingly taking and getting hooked on drugs; not the hospital drugging me while I'm unconscious against my will.
I'm sure God can understand something as basic as "that was against his will."
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Yeah I missed a "n" there, sorry. I cannot judge your relationship with god. I appreciate meditative states of religions, but the abrahamic ones tend to be mass hallucinagenic even when sober, so I'm out. Try /adv/ and /r9k/ drugfeel
>tend to be mass hallucinagenic
and I take hallucinogens so I'm rocking with it
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I'll never be a rockstar, but at least a shockstar
this is that GOOD shit
should i switch from w11 to linux
opensuse tumbleweed with kde plasma.
get it done.
Thanks to the anon who was helping me last thread with the Nvidia/Vulkan stuff. I'm still toying with it but I actually think I'm closer to figuring out the issue. Definitely software, something is fucked there and I'm pretty sure at this point it's a user error. I'm figuring it out from here this is a stressful learning experience I need.
Thank you again for the help!
what game???
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bless you, good luck and stay on top of it all
Is yay still the best/most popular aur helper?
obvious kike is obvious
obvious schvartze is obvious
Seconding this, looks like disgaea but idk which
yay or paru
You are welcome.
You really should use those settings I gave you for improved performance if you can, after you figure out whats wrong with your setup.
you cant post a screenshot of a PSP game where someone mentions a bruised uterus and NOT POST THE NAME OF THE GAME
i interpreted that post as a dev asking for help for his vidya project
post the name of the game or the next uterus getting bruised around her is YOURS
Yeah, that happens sometimes. Use a different terminal.
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i wuvu *smooch*
Vulnerabilities reported is not a great metric because we actually report them whereas Apple and Microsoft may choose to stay silent
who told you vulnerability was a metric?
who the fuck was talking about apple and microsoft.
im talking about debian vs. other linux distributions
other distributions dont have 8,000 fucking active vulnerabilities right now.

i was saying that debian and debian-based systems, in specific, are old, insecure ass.

but still miles better than any windows install.
No disgaea is a strategy rpg series about leveling up to 9999, and then resetting the level to grind again. You also level up your equipment.
There's some lewd jokes but mostly its humor is just like that, it's a weird and fun series.
It's a hardcore grinding tactical RPG with visual novel story style.
How have you not played a Disgaea game before?
itz da grindan gaem bro
>who the fuck was talking about apple and microsoft.
The guy that mentioned Windows 11. Meme distros also tend not to report vulnerabilities though because they're a fork of some other distro and don't have a proper security team anyway.
It's not, ebussy. That's the point
>The guy that mentioned Windows 11
Which was not me.
i'm the original guy who called Debian insecure, here: >>102480704
>Meme distros also tend not to report vulnerabilities though because they're a fork of some other distro and don't have a proper security team anyway.
Yeah, and if you'll take notice in my original post, I also mentioned "maintained by 6 people max" as a con for Devuan. Meme distros suck, too.

Seriously, whats your next assumption? This whole exchange has been you assuming what I'm talking about.

Vulnerabilities ARE a metric.
Compare your inferior ass Debian to my WHITE CHAD'S OS OF CHOICE, OPENBSD.
pales in comparison.
I find genuinely bizarre how there's people who use Gnome over KDE, I just can't understand why someone would do that. Who exactly are they targeting? MacOS refugees? People who never used a computer before? I don't get it, it has considerably less tools and meaningfully worse ease of use when compared to Windows or even (allah forgive me) MacOS. It's not even a tablet os because it'd probably suck at it too, they'd probably end up removing notifications and ask what's their usecase like they did with the tray icons.
Honestly, all distros suck, some more than others. Install Gentoo and make it your own.
OpenBSD doesn't report vulnerabilities properly. They only report holes in the "base system".
I installed Arch Linux and made it completely my own.
And I only use the base system. The only package I have that isn't in the base system is Firefox, and I watch their vulnerability tracker separately and I have my config sealed up tighter than your first born infant daughter's cunt.
hows the transition going sis?
Gentoo has serious problems, too. Their default configuration for the X.org package is to run X.org as root.
The "make it your own!" shit is cope for the Gentoo maintainers not knowing how to into security.
>t. gentoo user for nearly a decade

i install the openbsd base system with encryption and im chilling for the rest of my life
Any thoughts on the current age of consent?
plus, the number of vulnerabilities in the base OpenBSD system is still metrics lower than that of Debian's base system.
It still illustrates the point.

>We have operating systems that under report figures
>We have operating systems that over report them (anything distributed in Debian such as Nginx will show up on security trackers as a Debian vulnerability, even if the root cause is Nginx. Debian distributed it therefore they get the blame)
>We have operating systems that don't report them

Trying to use that figure for anything other than a dick sucking competition is just not going to work.
sex is vile and unhygienic, and leaves you exposed to betrayal. cant watch for knives in your back if youve got your back to the room, facing the bitch underneath you.

thats how many-a-renaissance men died; and i fear myself, too, if i indulge.

stay noided
So you just keep the lgs in your basement huh?
>Gentoo has serious problems, too. Their default configuration for the X.org package is to run X.org as root.
That's controlled by the suid USE flags. Also don't use Xorg if you care about security, use Wayland.
1. see: >>102481889
2. watching vulnerabilities and picking the system with the lowest vulnerability count is still the wisest way to do things, even if its not perfect; no one claimed it was perfect.

do you think its wiser to select based on zero metrics at all?

thats like saying you cant trust stats because stats will always fail to capture outliers. retarded.
true, he didn't go nearly far enough
Your post reads exactly like the word I used in my post: cope.
>thats controlled by the suid USE flags
and unless you set correct ones, you will get root Xorg by default.
>if you care about security, use wayland
if you care about security you should avoid a graphical server altogether.
t. posting this from comfy terminal browser for 4chan on openbsd
yep. and he's a vagina who killed himself instead of letting himself die at another man's hands, with honor. dishonorably defeated. what a pussy retard.
>Use my Busybox fork that has 1 commit on GitHub and zero vulnerabilities
Do you see the problem with that?

Get external audits and security certification done if you truly care about this shit. Picking the thing with the lowest number won't help you.
>unless you set correct ones, you will get root Xorg by default.
It's not root, it's a wrapper that runs as root before dropping privileges. Nowadays we have elogind which doesn't require this wrapper.
>Do you see the problem with that?
Yes, this is not a problem OpenBSD has though considering it is older than Linux and has countless eyes on it, daily.
>Get external audits and security certification done if you truly care about this shit.
I test my own shit too, yes; and OpenBSD has consistently found itself to be the most secure.

Well. Technically, LibertyBSD did, but that distribution is fucking dead so who cares.

OpenBSD was the runner up.

>Picking the thing with the lowest number won't help you.
No, and I didn't advocate that; I advocated using the vulnerability tracker as a metric to aid in judgment, not for picking.
Also suid is not on by default either. If it is it's because your profile set it that way or your own explicit configuration set it that way.
must be newer changed then because in 2015 when i initially installed gentoo, it very much so was on by default and it was common knowledge here.
wolfgang's gentoo starting tips video even mentions this because when he made it, this was still a problem.

im not gonna give gentoo a pass on fixing a problem that shouldnt have been a problem in the first place. the problem existing in the first place is enough for me to say, throw it in the fucking trash.
you go on sis! youre a real woman!!!
>I advocated using the vulnerability tracker as a metric to aid in judgment, not for picking.
That's the same thing, retard.

It's much better for you to advocate testing your shit like you have done here and ignore CVEs altogether. It matters less so that there's a vulnerability and more so how quickly it was addressed. Look at things like Spectre and Meltdown where OpenBSD wasn't even notified in advance and didn't have proper patches as quickly as Windows and Linux did.
The problem was using Xorg. I too wish it didn't exist.
>That's the same thing, retard.
No it literally isn't.
Using one metric in a mix of other metrics to make a decision is, quite literally, by definition, not the same thing as making a decision solely based on one metric.
>It's much better for you to advocate testing your shit like you have done here and ignore CVEs altogether.
Normies won't do that, and I really don't give enough of a fuck to explain my anecdotal experience with these systems to them. It's best to just show them the CVEs so they can read it themselves and if they throw a fit about it, they can fuck off. Really not my job to prevent retards from installing a out of date, insecure Linux distribution instead of something more locked down by nature, like Qubes.
>It matters less so that there's a vulnerability and more so how quickly it was addressed. Look at things like Spectre and Meltdown where OpenBSD wasn't even notified in advance and didn't have proper patches as quickly as Windows and Linux did.
I'm not talking hardware vulnerabilities. I'm talking software vulnerabilities, bad code.
Hardware vulnerabilities are definitely a tough one for OpenBSD, I will admit that; because our hardware support is very bad in general.

That's why I use old hardware that didn't even have to worry about Spectre.

That's why Spectre is a fucking joke, because new hardware is a fucking joke and if you bought new hardware it's kinda your fault.

Compare the code quality and security of the C code in the Linux kernel vs. that of OpenBSD's kernel; insane difference. And LibreSSL? SO MUCH better than OpenSSL.
this reminded me of brain zaps after I stopped taking antidepressants
I'd agree with your conclusion on hardware here but people still need hardware support and that has to be backed up by software support too.

It's not enough to say everyone should be using aging processors from eons ago (people are in an AI arms race and that requires power, lots of it, there are no winners here…) or everyone should throw their processor in the trash immediately. As stupid as it sounds you have to provide software mitigations for broken hardware.
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Sounds horriblel, hope you're alright again.
never had those, the meds never worked to begin with
fuck that shit
>but people still need hardware support and that has to be backed up by software support too.
I see what you're saying and while I do agree, OpenBSD still does get there in the end; it just takes them a minute. We have Spectre and Meltdown stuff these days of course, I could upgrade if I wanted to but I still don't because I don't trust modern pozzware.

However, on the flip side, that extra time it takes for the OpenBSD devs to fix those vulnerabilities are time that could be spent cracking systems.

Like i said, security for hardware vulnerabilities in OpenBSD really isnt great because we dont have great access to hardware in the first place;

but when i originally mentioned this topic, I was just referring to vulnerabilities in Debian itself; not hardware vulnerabilities that can affect Debian when installed on certain machines.

I mean just straight up, bad code in Debian vs. bad code in OpenBSD.

A lot of the security vulnerabilities in the Debian system stem from Apt/Dpkg being a poorly written piece of shit. I can name several instances of people being attacked through Apt/Dpkg.
here's a directory traversal exploit in DPKG from two years ago that still hasn't been fixed.

I have never heard of such problems being so frequent, outside of Debian.

OpenBSD's base system is so much more sturdy, stable, rock solid, and secure than Debian's base system.

It's such an insane difference, man. Debian is fucking PATHETIC.
Vulnerabilities in APT/DPKG aren't really an issue in practice unless you stray from your distros repositories.

I think the most egregious thing is probably Apt still using plain HTTP repositories by default but if they change that they break my DNS spoofing to my local mirror so it's a trade-off. I know for a fact I'm not the only one that points deb.debian.org at their own local mirror, especially in big organisations, etc.
>Vulnerabilities in APT/DPKG aren't really an issue in practice unless you stray from your distros repositories.
But I've had to do this on every single Debian distro I've used. The Debian repositories are sadly barren, at least of the things I was looking for, and Ubuntu is no better.

Can't even get fucking WoeUSB-NG on Ubuntu without tacking on a broken PPA that isnt even functioning currently.

so yeah, youll be straying from your distro repositories quite a bit unfortunately.

>I think the most egregious thing is probably Apt still using plain HTTP repositories by default
>You cant use Adobe software on Linux
>You cant play your favorite games on Linux

Are they retarded, insincere or trolling?
If you use third-party repositories they effectively have root anyway. You have to be careful, all they have to do to pwn you is add a hook / post-install script that roots your machine.
what version of photoshop is that?
They don't ban you for playing WoW on Wine anymore? I thought that used to be a concern like ten years ago
Whatever the latest creative cloud is.
Everyone is getting tired of Microsoft's shit.
CS4 Portable v.11 (2008)

Downloaded this over a decade ago and just kept it with me over the years.
Is this back when you could have perpetual photoshop licenses?
obviously not, dude; photoshopped hasnt used that color scheme since like 2012
Now try to use it till it crashes. That's probably what they mean. I bet it does some really fucked up stuff that's okay in Windows but confuses Wine.

Also try printing and USB, etc, all things that have historically been pear shaped with Wine.

I'm sure it's better now than it was years ago though.
Even if it were perfect though you still wouldn't get these people switching unless they got official support from Adobe.

People doing creative stuff as their job (you don't need Adobe as a hobbyist) will never use Linux.
>Now try to use it till it crashes
That is such a nothingburger statement. It could crash in two seconds or it could crash in 6 fucking years. We won't know until it crashes, IF IT crashes.
>That's probably what they mean.
So you don't actually know and you're just pulling shit out of that sexy ass of yours, got it!
>I bet it does some really fucked up stuff that's okay in Windows but confuses Wine.
Elaborate what you mean by "really fucked up stuff." I suspect you don't have a clue what you're referring to when you say this.
>Also try printing and USB, etc, all things that have historically been pear shaped with Wine.
Works fine for me.
>I'm sure it's better now than it was years ago though.
Everything is better now than it was years ago.

Your whole post is a waste of time to read. Die, in real life.

Your existence is pathetic. No one loves. No one has ever loved your. Your mother only gave birth to you because she felt obligated to the flipper-possessing retard that she created. She would've left you in a field if it weren't for the guilt. You bring dishonor on your whole family.
>Elaborate what you mean by "really fucked up stuff." I suspect you don't have a clue what you're referring to when you say this.
Windows specific API or kernel syscalls that Wine handles poorly.
>People doing creative stuff as their job (you don't need Adobe as a hobbyist) will never use Linux.
You dont need adobe as a professional, either. Affinity Photo has been mopping the floor with photoshop lately, even Apple advertises it on their website as the premiere photo editor on Macs.

Affinity is currently eyeballing a linux port.

This is exactly what happened to Premiere; killed by Davinci Resolve for being:

1 - genuinely better
2 - a one-time perpetual license
3 - affordable
4 - and having better platform support

Adobe will fucking die if they don't change their ways.
Let's hope so. Linux is used heavily in cinematography by big players like Disney, etc, that use RHEL and contribute heavily to various projects (ironic really that someone like them would support FOSS but they see the obvious business benefits) but they all use custom/bespoke stuff.

There's no alternative to Adobe yet.
Lord of the Rings CGI was done on Linux running KDE.
Is the penguin male or female?
>linux thread shuts up when something actually cool done on linux gets posted
But did you know OpenBSD makes an audio CD with every new release? OpenBased wins again!
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This may be a stupid question, but how do I keep the "created" time when saving a file in a text editor? I've tried xfce4-mousepad and gnome text editor, and both seem to change all timestamps when I save a file. It's not that big of a deal but I would like to keep the creation date for archive purposes.
forgot to add I'm using gnome
Are they recreating the file each time (I know some text editors work that way where they work with a buffer and then write out the file from scratch each time again so they can move the new file over the old file in an immutable fashion thus helping to prevent corruption, etc)?
seems to be the case. Is this an intended feature of these text editors? Is there a way to disable it or is it built-in?
Atomic was the word I was looking for not immutable. Basically if the editor is recreating the file and do an atomic move then the creation timestamp is going to change each time they do that and there's no way around it.

You should file a bug against the editor because they're not properly restoring them.
Ok so I just downloaded geany to see if it would preserve the created timestamp, but it too changes it. This has to be something with gnome there's no way that three editors are bugged right?
this is a job for emacs
I forgot terminal text editors exist lol. I edited a file with vi and the created/birth time was preserved! What the fuck... so all GUI based text editors just create new files instead of simply updating/modifying them now? ok I guess... time to learn emacs
watch this for the basics of editing, or use Emacs' built-in tutorial program which goes over the same stuff pretty much.
then watch this series on Emacs configuration.
Does anyone know what happened to the installgentoo wiki?
Fedora desu
So how does running a distro without systemd affect the experience, do you run into trouble with any packages?
It boots quicker
It's easier to troubleshoot issues (hint: it's not your init system)

Beyond that most packages don't care. Unless something uses Systemd specific functionality (which is often provided by elogind if you're using that) then there's no trouble to run into.
I see, thx
I have gotten into trouble with packages in the past actually, yeah.
Bitwig Studio wont run without it.
GNOME used to be the same way until like 2019 or smth like that.

its faster but ultimately not worth the hassle if you use proprietary programs, once you realize that systemd hate is really stupid.

if i werent using proprietary programs that needed it, i would switch away from systemd too; but i dont hate it by any means, its *fine*. not great, but *fine*. nothing worth "hating", honestly.

openrc is much better, though.
>Bitwig Studio wont run without it.
How did they manage that? Are they linking against libsystemd? Proprietary software shouldn't do that, use dlopen if you really want to add Systemd functionality to your software and test that everything loaded correctly and the symbols you need are properly provided. This is the same strategy Firefox uses to load the systems ffmpeg.
can you install gentoo completely over ssh?
Do you mean like on a VPS system? You can if you're extremely careful.
For reasons that are hard to explain, I'm trying to use a docker container with an old-ass version of PHP and MySQL, both within the same service.

Thing is, I have to go in and manually start the MySQL service with
/etc/init.d/mysql start
. Yet if I put that same code in the dockerfile, it doesn't seem to run. What gives?
Does your Dockerfile even have an init system running? It probably doesn't. You would have to make the RUN command start the init enable the service beforehand. This is not best practice for making Dockerfiles but I'm sure you know that already.
>Are they linking against libsystemd?
Probably, they also have a hard dependency on Pipewire as of version 5 because PulseAudio worked like shit with the program before.

this is just bitwig developer cope for "we couldn't figure out pulseaudio"
That's fair for a DAW to be honest. PipeWire is meant for Pro Audio, PulseAudio is for desktop crap.

Why do they need Systemd for though? It seems odd for a desktop app to require that. Maybe they're logging to the journal but that's something that can't be deactivated without the presence of Systemd (log to syslog or a log file instead).
Does anyone else's computer sometimes hard freeze after resuming from suspend? I am using kernel 6.10 and Intel iGPU.
correct me if im off base but isnt pipewire dependent on systemd somewhat?
No, PipeWire doesn't depend on Systemd at all. It may have some optional functionality but it works just fine without it.
I'm trying to move Firefox profiles from one system to another (Debian to Debian). I copied ~/.mozilla/ and ~/.cache/mozilla/ and that took care of all browser settings, bookmarks, history and extensions. However, individual extension settings are missing some reason. No Greasemonkey scripts, no per-site uMatrix settings etc. What did I miss?
Anything in the journal?
journalctl -b-1 -r
hmm. maybe something about Homed, i dunno; Bitwig creates directories in your /home so *shrug*

throwing out my best guesses at this point because thats all you can do when the shit is closed source
yep. turned out my ssd was going bad. did journal logging and got a bunch of I/O errors on the disk. :)
They wouldn't use homed because there's too many people not using it. It seems more like an honest mistake to me. They just probably don't care enough to fix it.
>They just probably don't care enough to fix it.
Certainly not when the premiere distribution for music production is fucking Ubuntu Studio, of all things
>fruit and vegetables eaten us not a good ccorrelator to lifespan because 600lb obese people may be secretly binging on oranges and kale
You never know, they might you know. You need to be scientific about these things. Proper controlled conditions for dietary experiments are considered almost impossible though.
No. It looks like normal suspend stuff.

No I/O errors here in both journal and smart test.
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>enables your distrohopping
This is some wild cope
this is virginity.
Not good, excessive CGI ruined the film trilogy.
lord of the rings required that level of vfx to be achievable in the first place.
dont blame peter jackson for the laziness of disney kikes.
This is virginity.
This is also virginity.
Distrohopping is a form of procrastination.
^^ And virginity.
Pick an OS and stick with it.
Your projection is offtopic.
The main application is based on Sarge if that matters, as it allowed for getting php4 through apt, as compiling from source proved to be too much of a headache

Still, I couldn't get that working. I also tried adding a separate MySQL service to my Docker Compose, although it's 5.7, and for some reason wordpress couldn't connect to it.

Maybe I'm best off sticking to a VM for this
A VM would be better yes, or if you want to use containers then use an OS container with LXD, then you have a proper init system running and can enable services, etc, it's like a proper OS but ran in a container.
It isn't projection to state a fact: that's nerd shit that'll never get you laid.
Nice of you to post that in the nerdiest thread in the nerdiest board of a victorian basket-weaving forum, anon.
If whatever livecd you're using comes with openssh installed then yes
There's a difference between being interested/knowledgeable, and being a basement dweller about it.
Using Linux isn't inherently basement dweller behavior; but distrohopping certainly is. Productive people don't reinstall their operating system three times a week.

Unproductive people seldom get laid unless they're attractive.

I'm gonna take a wild guess about your appearance, based on the fact that you have a million ISOs loaded on your Ventoy USB: morbidly obese, deviated septum, bad haircut, greasy face, etc.
Cute of you to assume I use ventoy, or distrohop, or am even the same anon(s) you originally replied to. When you're done taking the stick out of your ass, I suggest you read the thread topic, and then make like an Abit motherboard.
Might be related to the Intel cstate bugs.
>Cute of you to assume I use ventoy, or distrohop, or am even the same anon(s) you originally replied to.
>I suggest you read the thread topic, and then make like an Abit motherboard.
Yeah. and I'm here to call you niggers virgins.

Get with the program, virgin.

You are engaged in no-pussy-touching activities.
Nice post, you really got me, redditor. Here's your gold:
Nah i just got my 14th reddit account banned for threatening to rape people
And I'm banned on Tinder because a girl reported me to the app for sexual assault when i stealthed her.

You're a virgin, you don't know anything about that life.
Make a 15th and fuck off.
Nah. I'd rather take the piss out of you for hoarding Linux distributions like a fucking weirdo.

Did you have any friends in elementary school?
ill take that as a no.
no friends, no bitches, no money. pathetic.
fuck you. die.

goodnight niggas!
Is this supposed to be good? Because a simple TUI that prompts would be better.
>troon flag
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What is this shit filepicker? Something Gnome?
I just want to copy-paste a path but there is no path box, therefore I have to manually browse through folders from root.
Is there a shortcut key or something to make the path box appear?
Can I disable this and force it to use Plasma or something?
Ctrl + L
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I tried out nushell recently, and my impression was that it's an okay low-ceremony functional programming language but not as good as Clojure, and it's an okay interactive shell but not as comfy as Fish.
So I'll stick with fish as my interactive shell, and using Babashka for any script that goes beyond a simple for-loop, and compiling that babashka code with graalvm or clojuredart if I need better performance.
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I'm in. Thanks, anon.

Wasn't there a GUI buton for this ages ago? I remember using Ubuntu around 2010 there was a pencil icon to the right of the breadcrumb area to do this. I guess it went against the Gnome design guidelines or something.
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I'm probably going to build a new computer soon, but i have a couple questions. I'm a long time windows user, but i'm really not a fan of how broken and awful it has gotten, so for my next pc i want to go full linux. I have linux mint on a different laptop that i use every now and then, and I like it. I also tried manjaro in a VM after being recommended it by a friend, and I really like how it looks and functions. Which one of these should I use? I would say i'm not exactly a newbie to linux, I have had it on that laptop for a couple years. Also, for my next pc, I do play a lot of games and do some video editing. Should I get an AMD or Nvidia gpu? Thanks in advance.
>Should I get an AMD or Nvidia gpu?
AMD if you value your time
>kernel 6.8.0-45-generic
>virtualbox 7.0.20 on win10 host
>video playback does not work
what's going on? kernel 6.5 did not have this problem
Unless you're passing through a physical GPU that's nothing to do with Linux. It's a Windows problem.
Never mind, I read that backwards you're using a Windows host not guest. I assumed you were running Windows in the VM.

Can you be more specific? How exactly is video playback broken? In Firefox? In video players like Mpv?
Manjaro and amd
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fish thread?
Fish and his bro.

I installed all the fun WMs like fluxbox, fvwm, icewm, jwm, matchbox, on ubuntu 20, but they all are broken.
I got LXQt hoping for a working DE, but it's just using fluxbox and icewm resulting in a broken environment with 2 bars and broken applets from default gnome.

What's the correct way to install wms on ubuntu to try them out?
Probably to install Lubuntu instead, which comes with LXQt by default and is made to run floating WMs.
Unless you care about making your games as pretty as humanly possible no matter the cost then go with AMD. Nvidia does have better ray tracing, upscaling and framegen, but those either run like shit or are unavailable on linux right now so if you don't want to wait a year for them to update their shit or don't care about any of that just go with AMD
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All Linux DE's are broken. They are poorly designed, come with horrible default configs that have to be readjusted after every upgrade, and are full of bugs.

OpenBox and i3 are the two WM's that I've found to be reliable and mostly bug-free while still offering a sensible selection of features.

I've been using i3 on ubuntu for half a decade at this point, and there's not much I can complain about.
LXC might be better than using docker or a vm for this
guess it's up to me then

Even when I had an RTX 3090 ti I used ray tracing once, saw next to no difference, and turned it off once it started becoming a space heater for my room. framegen and upscaling I never used either, I don't need more frames or higher resolutions than 1440
I use gnome and xfce and kde daily.
These are fine, but I wanted to do something interesting over the weekend, without going into ricing as I use terminal and ssh 99% of time.

ps: has captcha gone crazy for anyone else?
It also disappears some of my posts
I am slowly but surely starting to despise KDE Plasma, it has like three killer apps:
>Fractional scaling
>Can't think of a third one lmao

The rest of the DE is disjointed over komplicated kluttered krap
I'm going back to Cinnamon, even if it means losing fractional scaling.

I would genuinely like to try i3 for a while but every time I start I need to actually do something at short notice with the computer and get filtered, how do you ease in?
How unproblematic is upgrading between releases on Fedora?
What are some cheap scanners that work with Linux?
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Can I recover from this?
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>how do you ease in?
- print out the keyboard cheatsheet or set it as your wallpaper (you can use feh to set the wallpaper)
- install picom, dmenu, and systray apps for networking and sound
- put the most important applications you use (e.g. browser, text editor, terminal, some tool for finding files) on easy to reach keyboard shortcuts
go to bios and disable secure boot, did you just install linux?
Basically anything that does AirScan. Most Linux scanner software is a front-end for SANE, so you can check whatever cheap scanners are available in your area against their hardware support list sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html
Thank you senpai.
How can I use (should I?) proton-ge as the default wine profile without installing Lutris?
You can change it in the settings but it's not recommended.
Leave it as the wine system default, and switch the runner to a proton after installing a game instead.
Wine and proton has different install routines, so if you use proton to install by default many games will not work outside Steam. One example of this is the steam user folder created which replaces your user folder.
Just set WINE_PREFIX in your bash profile or whatever. I wouldn't because Proton breaks older software a lot.
>install picom, dmenu, and systray apps for networking and sound
That's the highest friction point I have with WMs, I need to hunt every little thing to make it work.
>Plug in external monitor, gotta pull a xrandr script
>Need to mount shit manually
>gotta configure screen lock
>Billion applets for bluetooth, audio, screen backlight, music
>all applets have different icon sizes for some reason
>need to install gtk/qt shit to properly display some programs anyway
>find out something i'm missing that i wouldnt ever think of were i using an actual de
I know that some people think that's part of the fun, but I just want something very light for my 15 yo shitbox that doesn't take years to configure.
Damn, I just don't really want to install Lutris or open Steam whenever I want to play something that uses proton.
>switch the runner to a proton
...how do I set a specific runner/wine prefix to a certain .exe without changing the prefix for everything? I use Foobar2k so I'd like it to stay working.
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what's the point? just use ubuntu
I agree, Ubuntu can still be customised after all

I rather use literally, anything else.
Use winemenubuilder to create a .desktop file for foobar and it automatically includes the correct WINEPREFIX as part of the Exec= line. Or you can manually edit it to be `env WINEPREFIX=whatever wine foobar` if it doesn't. I find the dao of managing wine prefixes by yourself is keeping WINEDLLOVERRIDES='winemenubuilder.exe=d' until you want to use it.
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Mint is just customized Ubuntu.
What's wrong with trying out different distributions? I had a hard time picking one.
VPS? Make it boot an installer and do it over the VGA console.
You can use any Linux environment.
>boots quicker
Yeah right. Although my custom sysV thingy did boot crazy fast but it was basically one shell script doing shit in parallel.
sudo apt install flatpak
visual bug with konsole when using wayland BUT only if you have fractional scaling (i think).
happens to me on my laptop with 1.3x scaling
Windows wagie here.
I use ubuntu on my laptop with hyprland.

Got a cucked work pc that has company spyware, i tried to install arch on vmware but after i got so many issues
>first there is a conflict with libalpm version, found a solution
>then i get an error with pgp signature of wlogout
found a way to ignore that

Now i have everything installed but whenever i open anything (except browser) it instantly closes, be it terminal, or file manager etc..

What can cause this?
Is wlogout corrupted or what?
several ubuntu core system components are snaps now, doing that does jackshit to fix the problem
I can turn a barebones system into a Xorg desktop by installing packages from the top of my head.
Roughly, what do I have to install to get into a Wayland system?
Can this line be shortened with any magic bash commands?
curl -k -o <script>.sh <url> && chmod +x <script>.sh && nano <script>.sh
What kind of Wayland session would you like? Usually you just need to install the compositor and that's that. If you want a panel or dock or screenshot app, etc, then you may have to install some extra tools though.
The wiki doesn't tell me much (https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/-/wikis/Commands/winemenubuilder), other websites also didnt help much, so I don't really know how to do it. I tried using a shortcut path and the exe path but it didn't work.
My Foobar is in an external drive, it's just the portable version that I can run the .exe.
You could just use somebody's rice, KAARBs for example
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firefox and mpv were broken, but only for content with sound
however when I switched from Intel HD Audio to ICH AC97 in the VM settings, sound and playback works again.
If I do it like this, is there any way to get the contents of the piped script in order to save it to disk?
curl -k <url> | bash
I've been using Fedora for years and I want to switch because DNF and RPM suck balls. How often does Arch really break? I'm gonna be using it on a work laptop.
No I mean the contents of the piped script from inside the running piped script.
This way that command does not get any longer and I can make the script save itself to disk before chmod and rerunning itself.
It only breaks if you install too many things from the AUR
Might be a problem with your specific wine build or you disabled the command with a registry entry. Normally you run it on .lnk files in one of the Start menu directories and it just works.
Something like this inside the downloaded script, except $1 and $@ does not provide the contents of the piped script to bash.
if [ -f "./test.sh" ] ; then
if [ $1 != "" ] ; then
echo "$1" > ./test.sh
chmod +x ./test.sh
nano ./test.sh
bash ./test.sh & exit
I guess I could just solve it by curling a helper script to piped bash instead, then the helper script does what I want in downloading the real script to disk.
Running Fedora 40 with a 3080ti, KDE x11, and the nvidia 560 driver.

Is there a reason I'm getting the 307 error code with steamVR? Just trying to get it set up, but I honestly might consider putting windows on my second ssd that I'm not really utilizing for a dualboot solution until I find something else.

Error is "Shared IPC Compositor Invalid Connect Response (307)"
>I need to hunt every little thing to make it work
yeah that's definitely true, but I only needed to do that once years ago and haven't had to change much since then.
For SteamVR you should probably stick to Windows. Valve didn't really allocate much resources to VR on Linux.
That's the conclusion I'm beginning to come up with. Started dailying linux again due to the bullshit microsoft is pulling. Although according to their FAQ I should be kosher (unless you guys know of a way to make sure I don't have a nouveau driver running) I should be A-OK and able to run it without any major issues. Any other tips though is appreciated.
That did not work as intended, can't start nano from inside a bash script...
Why not? If the problem is that it's not attached to the TTY properly then try something like:
nano ./test.sh < /dev/tty
>Need to mount shit manually
I wouldn't want it any other way
>gotta configure screen lock
or just don't use it
>Billion applets
the fuck are applets?
Oh wow that worked, thank you!
You're hilarious anon, keep it up! Let me guess... works in your machine? You don't need more? Hahaha!
You don't need more.
So apparently Linux is very popular in India, what are the implications?
So apparently every single amerimutt is obsessed with men from other ethnicities, what are the implications?
So apparently jews are always up to evil, what are the implications?
It implies that a lot of Indians use it
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so apparently right-wingers are super ungrateful even after everything the jews did for them
>jewish money
LOL LMAO hahahahahaa
that just proves it right
you take the jews gold, the jew demands blood in return
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A lie stacked on top of a lie, to make the former lie more solid.
Hitler didn't exterminate anyone. The holocaust is a lie perpetuated by jews in order to gain money and power.
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Yes, I am also based like you but I won't post more as I don't want to upset the janny.
I genuinely hope you guys are at least getting paid to derail threads, doing it for free would be too much for my little brain to cope with.
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>Topic falls off subject for a couple of posts
We are all human here, it's normal that things veer off topic for a moment. It's over. Let it go.
I'm one of the bigger contributors here that help people with their tech support problems, which is in fact against the fucking rules to begin with.
Thoughs on CachyOS?
If my Arch install ever breaks I'll try Gentoo, but the installation process seems somehow more autistic than Arch
It's just arch with a few tweaks, all of which you can implement yourself based on their github repo.
Their kernels are all also in AUR.
Phoronix did a benchmark on it a couple of years ago, but it's a bit outdated now.
The benchmark isn't exactly helpful since it doesn't measure against arch linux with the zen kernel which is most gamers goto kernel.
Is arch based distro with kernels optimized for gaming and you can choose the differnt kernel on the fly and comes with nvidia drivers preinstalled. How is it a meme
Every Arch derivative is a solution looking for a problem, you wanna use Arch? Here it is right here
Arch is cringe, you should use Fedora or Tumbleweed.
Latest videos shows promising results. I know what you referring to but its abit old
Arch does not have any problems aside from lack of user knowledge and difficulty of installing which again stems from lack of user knowledge.
Whatever performance gains you get from CachyOS would be from failing to install and configure Arch properly.
>difficulty of installing
Somehow this still filters people
Isnt cachyos like 3rd or 4rd most used distro? I saw it on download ranking or something if i can recall
arch but with calamares will always be in the top 10 no matter how shit or placeboware it is
I first installed manually, and then I wrote my own install script to better learn how to do everything, including deep dives into important configurations and tweaks.
This knowledge has helped me immensely with solving all problems, including in other distros.
idc desu
Cachyos is not placebo thats the thing
Arch in general is the third most used distro (this includes the derivatives), but I HIGHLY doubt any of Arch's derivatives have more users than regular Arch
Refer to the following:
if you need a GUI installer for Arch, you weren't the target audience, go back to fedora
this...so much this...
I have a bit of experience navigating RHEL at work configuring text files. Otherwise, I don't know much about Linux-specific ways of doing things. I want to try Linux, minimal install and easy setup, at home on a second computer to run these apps: Java, BitTorrent, network file share. Which distro?
debian or ubuntu, close your eyes and pick one
the only downside to archinstall is that most packages still ship with insane upstream defaults. network printing is a pain to set up.
Fedora server
>kernels optimized for gaming
Arch has that
>comes with nvidia drivers preinstalled
You can do that in under 5 minutes on normal Arch.

Neither of these justifies a separate distro.
archinstall doesn't have the option for a full disk LUKS2 encryption with GRUB-EFI, encrypted /boot, and BTRFS subvolume setup for snapper.
grub-btrfs + snapper + btrfs-assistant gets you bootable snapshots in the grub menu where you can just type "sudo snapper rollback" to restore to the current snapshot you are booted into
this is how you solve the issue of being unable to restore timeshift snapshots because you cant boot into and timeshift doesn't let you restore on an unmounted disk, where snapper does
Did something happen to the fucking emacs package? I can't enable the daemon, it sort of works but it only launches the terminal version, not the graphical one.
Gentoo's, Arch's and Emacs wikies didn't help. Just rebooted after removing the (not working) services and idk what to do now.
What the hell is going on, it was always as easy as turn the emacs.service on and be done with it. I'm on KDE+Arch.
who told you snapshots were a metric?
Kinda silly how KDE doesn't store a local version of the image you pick as a wallpaper. My wallpaper folder is in a removable drive and I need to manually copy the one I want to a local folder because if not it resets to the original one after a reboot.
being able to restore from a failure is essential. failures happen on system updates, or driver updates that can break games
if you can just boot into a pre-update snapshot it solves all issues
my post also was not just about snapshots.
i just dont see the usecase for snapshots and encrypted volumes, mods close this thread this is a waste of time im probably talking to a serial child rapist
I'm running my current setup with archinstall for about a year because I it worked so well I got lazy to reinstall properly, and yea, the defaults on archinstall are for insane people, somehow feels less troublesome to just follow the wiki guide and install properly lol
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>i dont see the use case for encrypted volumes
Cachyos just werks out of the box
because not all of us are consoletards?!
as terry davis said it best; only niggers cant use a console
>install arch then do these tweaks
>install archdistro with these tweaks already done
Realistically what's the difference
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how do I unrar files without corrupting them in linux mint? I downloaded >>/ic/7289010, and when I try to unrar it with the archive manager lots of images get corrupted and can't be opened with any image viewer I have. They also corrupt if I try to unrar it with 7z in the terminal, but if I open the folders in the archive manager and open some of the files that were corrupted they display just fine, so it looks like the rar OK, and the corruption occurs while unraring. I'm using KDE.
correct link >>>/ic/7289010
Install the unrar package and ARK will use it.
Most arch based distros don’t configure ANY of their shit correctly. Installing arch manually is the only way to guarantee your configs / tweaks are the ones you need/want, or even correct

Last time I tried to install EndeavourOS the calamari installer just errored out and crashed, lol
I disagree. I absolutely can’t stand that GNOME creates a duplicate. I save my wallpapers in a wallpaper folder in my pictures folder and I don’t need GNOME making duplicates of files that already exist on the computer

Just copy your wallpaper photo you goofass
How about... only making a LOCAL copy when there's not a LOCAL version of the image, like any sane person would do and think of the moment any of them encountered this, presumably common, issue?
thanks, that worked
That would be covering a use case that simply shouldn’t exist.
I have never heard of anyone trying to load wallpapers off a flash drive before.
If you aren’t going to use the computer normally, I.E. copy the files manually like a normal person, then you don’t deserve special treatment.
>presumably common
It's the first time I've ever heard someone doing shit like that.
"Normally"? What are you talking about you cum guzzling nigger? Don't your lardass leave the fucking house ever? Never heard of a external drive? Why should I keep hundreds of gigabytes of stuff on every single drive when I can just have a single external one with pictures, videos and songs I consume when using a computer?
My wallpaper is pulled from my NAS
You inevitably spend more time troubleshooting meme OS breakage than you save on the initial install. To justify a separate distro they need to change some very large packages with lots of external dependencies, like KDE Neon or mesa-git in Nobara.
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wot the fuq
my nas pulled from my ass
That is very true. I spent more time troubleshooting flavor distros before moving to arch, than the time I spent manually installing and configuring arch. Eventually you run into problems with flavor distros, and then you don't know how to solve them, whereas with arch you learn it in the install process.
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Don't you just hate OS's that don't properly auto rotate their logs.
External drives stay plugged in you fucking retard. No need to create a duplicate if KDE can reference it directly from the external drive.
you are fucking weird, dude. no one uses a USB for wallpapers.

your use case is pointless
Use case for an >>>EXTERNAL<<< drive you can't remove?
Lots of journald deployments have multi-GB logs. It doesn't mean they aren't being rotated properly.
Yes. I have a ten slot drive bay myself. 15GBs of HDD storage for archival.

This bay stays plugged into the PC

If you want to continue to use the wallpapers after you’ve unplugged your drives, COPY THE FUCKING FILES YOURSELF

It sure does at 27gb unless that is from a single day DDOSing.
The best open source rar extractor for linux is unar (not unrar). It doesn't have a gui, but it handles multi-part archives better than unrar and 7z. There are some very old archives which require proprietary unrar from rarlab.
Windows does it, MacOS does it, GNOME of all things does it, KDE is the exception. It's more of an oversight than a design decision.
I don't give a shit about your multi terabyte child porn collection.
There's absolutely 0 reason not to keep a local version of the wallpaper, doesn't matter if you're too retarded to understand why or if your severe crippling autism doesn't allow you to understand that people do things different.
>gnome does it
Gnome does it whether or not there is already a copy of the wallpaper or not. Gnome is shit that bloats up your system with redundancies
>that people do things different
No one else I know even has external drives.
You are fucking weird. You cannot deny this.

You are weird and deserve to be killed. :)
are there any cool tranny-free linux communities outside of 4chan?
ideally with an arch linux focus
i tried the arch linux matrix server but it was just tranny central, very disgusting
is it too much to ask for to talk about linux without trannies being involved?
New thread:
You don't know anyone to begin with, you're a disgusting neet with no friends.
I don't think you should kill yourself because you don't even matter that much to anyone, just keep bumping these threads since this is the most meaningful thing you're doing with your life ever since you were born.
Switch to atomic versions and use flatpaks.

They use it because they are too poor to afford PCs with that hardware thing that Windows 11 requires. They mainly buy used PCs and laptops.
You seemingly don't know people either. Real people (i.e your typical normie NPC) use Google Drive or Dropbox and there their wallpapers are always accessible 24/7. People don't use external storage anymore.

Perhaps consider having a single source of truth for your wallpapers.
No, I've been using this noob distro for years, I just panicked when I saw this and part of that panic was the static on the screen making it appear like something was seriously wrong.
Do I run a risk when disabling secure boot? Should I boot into a live usb and see if I can copy some of my files over to a harddrive first? Or should it be fine?

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