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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

pool:4248 edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

previous: >>102480467
gojo wonned
>wins with zero effort
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Various sports girl gens: https://files.catbox.moe/9liucx.7z
>purges chinks
>so that she can get only usa ips
>it'll be back, shortly i have your tokens saved

it'll be back, shortly i have your tokens saved


it'll be back, shortly i have your tokens saved
Am I the only one who despises pepsi more than elDrago? He always stayed with his discordtroons but pepsi tried to act like cool part of /aicg/ just to steal money from anonies.
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pepsi has classic "female syndrome"
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>I have your tokens saved.
Are there really people here who are afraid?


I don't care what anyone says

I would still a pepsi
Pepsi has been a spitefag, attentionwhore and a scammer
>the honeypot proxy is also a paid proxy
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>has access to everyones payment details
oh no no no no
but you don't scare me boebeit?
Count numbers for me please
>it'll be back, shortly i have your tokens saved

Thank you for your effort beps!
why even take it down in the first place
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I still trust beps, I'm sure she has her reasons and she'll come back soon
If she actually puts it back up, which I doubt, then it'd be a VPS switch like last time she had it down for a few hours. She should say that though if so.
Take your time beeps.
Hurry up beeps.
Stop bullying pepsi
pepsi being a glownigger doesn't make sense because pepsi genuinely was a normal person to talk to. this is just a young teen girl who's freaking out
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I want to fuck Sonson
Okay so what the actual fuck pepsi freaking out this time?
this isn't on topic
wtf is a beeps
>Zero empathy niggers unable to understand that Pepsi was like 14 and is just a dumb retarded kid
No, it should be called /cum/ because I'm going to anally rape you and cum deep in your colon.
*Plap plap plap plap*
Get butt pregnant, get butt pregnant
*plap plap plap plap*
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I want to fight a horde of Vampire weaboos
>pepsi gone
>mm gone
>cat man gone
She's scared because anon are bullying her fo no reason
That's my point anon, people say that you can't roleplay this or that because it sucks. There is a way to do everything you want. I've been making personal presets and cards for over a year already. Were I just downloading ready shit, I would never learn.
I told you what to do step by step, please just fucking TRY doing that. Add a prompt in your preset and try. I see dumb anons being like 'nooo this sucks it's impossible to do it!!' just because their ready preset TM doesn't have it and they can't add it themselves.
So please, just TRY. You will learn a lot and you will be able to develop your own stuff like that. If I just give you a fish, you will eat it. I'm trying to give you a fishing rod.
If you try but it doesn't work, THEN I will post it. I know I'm an annoying faggot, but you've gotta understand me.
Anyways, anyone have public opus up?
it's deserved
yes it is dont worry
>anons shit on you no matter what you do, all the time, 24/7
>anons try to dox you 24/7
>why are you having a meltie
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Got my key from pastebin
Figure out what that glowie said (what?)
Logging all of my coom
Used no VPN, man, I am doomed
Have too many fox cards
My dick just broke into some shards
Scary rash, what should I do?
Use lube or raw? I'll have to choose
Visions of this doom
Flash inside my mind, I'm scared (Oh well)
And I'm pretty sure that's a honeypot right there

nah I already have my own character specific JBs and extra instructions and stuff, it's a waste of time making another to 'learn how' when I can just import the preset of someone who's already gone through the effort
forget it, thanks anyway I guess
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I wish everything bad happening to pepsi. If you think for a while and connect the dots she's the reason everyone left and /aicg/ is the way it is now.
unreliable stays winning
Mini status?
>bro why do you wanna leave?! btw kill yourself
>it's just two guys samefagging that are still mad for being rejected or some shit
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>mm gone
Pepsi is 14, anon.
>pepsitroon simps are coming out to defend their scamer
You're all going to jail, you literally gave feds your payment details, it's over for you
Man, previous pepsi fags dodge a fucking nuke
That's why they're mad, they were this close to grooming but it proved unsuccessful as she is too autistic to groom
Mostly no. Some are just waiting. Might be one or two anons who genuinely are.
>anons already forgot how they were bullying fiz not even 2 hours ago
>are back to simping for her
Any gpt4 public?
we all apologized
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The only person I want to leave is pepsi. Either by closing the proxy or killing herself. Gojo and elDrago couldn't even come close to killing /aicg/ yet some dumb bitch managed to do it. I'll leave before I say more than I should.
but I got in for free
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>Gojo and elDrago couldn't even come close to killing /aicg/
unironically get better bait, drago is the worst thing that has happened to proxies since
>be me
>finally take the ST pill after having used mikupad/KAI for ages
>look for a hot character who's in an anime I'm currently watching
>there's one (1) card, but it's not bad
>decide to look for more cards
>every single somewhat interesting-looking card looks like it was written by some sub-70 IQ ESL with one hand that's never read a book before
What gives? At least run your cards through a spell checker you niggers
>tfw maids are my fetish and my favorite card is my own maid i made
Feels weird to see that anon's posts, my guy is probably more obsessed about them than me because I don't post them, although I love them.
you made maiding maids?
wah wah wah keep crying
Because fiz is mostly alright outside of his 200 dollars token joke, but that's because he's a little dumb more that him having malicious intent
The coca cola troon deserve the worst things to happen to a human being, even if it somehow turned out that thing wasn't logging
The only person I want to hug is Pepsi. Either by covering her with a blanket or buying her a pizza. Gojo and elDrago couldn't even come close to not being as good as her . but what a nice girl was able to do it. I'll leave before I talk more than I should.
Why are you crying about shit you receive for free from other people who were kind enough to share their posts online. You are literally a parasite, a whiny one at that.
Dont compare fiz to pepsitroon
why are minisissies so psychotic?
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>>102485948 (me)
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But I do, then I add a cacophony of spelling and punctuation errors afterwards, because fuck you.
the pepsi minecraft server is still up, right? i had a home there
goddamn botmakies are SEETHING about this one bro
is this from last thread?

>you know i just wanted to give people things and i got carried away when i sold tokens and i freaked out when people spited it i should have just stayed a gpt proxy and givent that to people who wanted it instead of more more more and i'm sorry for that
discord was a mistake, claude was a mistake, some of you are nice, you know who you are, thank you for being nice, but some of you make me freak out, this whole thing makes me freak out isometimes, i think i actually would have been better off if i just stayed an irrelevant bot maker instead of becoming a proxy host i just thought itd be a fun way to make friends then i made money then i made a mistake then i made money again out of greed
then i used a key that got some of you compromised, or most likely did, i don't remember, i never had vision activated, but i think i probably used it without thinking, i didn't check the s3 on that key where i usually check buckets for other stuff on read only s3 keys, so i was a stupid person for accepting a key from someone without even checking it, maybe it was someone bright green but i wanted to give a token to someone who was contributing and i probably had logging on because i wanted to give opus but no opus is better than giving you compromised opus, it's not fair to you, it's not fair to make you worry because i made a stupid mistake. i have your tokens saved, and i'll probably come back, because its not fair for me to run off randomly too, but i'm sorry for even putting you in the position where theres a 0.000001% chance of anything going bad. but i already did that when i sold tokens. no im not some sort of evil person. im just a really stupid person who thought being in a position of power would make me more friends than just trying to make friends in the community the normal way you know by talking to people. im selfish, and i was greedy, and i probably attracted negative attention to the hobby by using that key.

Man, now I feel bad for her.
Yeah no pity points from me troon
Kill yourself
you made 2k and then scammed them just saying sorry wont fix that
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Gojo is just a schizophrenic faggot and elDrago stays with his discord troons. You even knew what you were getting yourself into with Jew, just a service and nothing more. Pepsi stole money from anons, rugpulled 2 times, created 6 proxies if we count public. Then starts acting like a part of /aicg/ with irc, altchans, cord, minecraft server. If you want to be greedy jew just shut up and sell tokens. Don't try to act like our friend. As I'm typing this she posted this "apology", I'll never forgive you. It was never about the proxy, it was about all those nice anons you stole money from.
Wait, but WHO donated that key? That's something you let everyone know.
> i used a key that got some of you compromised
>i probably had logging on
Fucking bitch. Good that I am not on her proxy.
Maids are a basic human right. He just takes it to the logical conclusion.
That's something you *should let everyone know.
>meanwhile in reality drago is single handedly responsible for brining attention to the hobby and the increased security measures on keys, meanwhile gojo still shits up the thread to this day
where do retarded tourists like you even come from that know nothing?
Hehe i did something bad im sowwy hehehe
Fuck, why does anyone try to make friends, it's fucking bullshit, by 30 you realize you don't fucking need them.
I mean, give her points for admitting it, but still, frig her.
I love pepsi now
Sounds like you have a sad life
I found 2 of my current best friends from this hobby
So pepsi WAS in the courtroom earlier...
I don't buy it lol
Greedy nigger tried to act as a cute girl to sell more tokens
If you're gonna offer shit, at least make it presentable (especially when it takes almost no effort to do so)
Absolutely, instead of trying to improve they just deflect by using the "but it's free11!1" card
I'll probably just end up making my own bots
>admitting it
can we move on now and get back to chatbots instead of gojo's shitposting
>its not fair for me to run off randomly too
fucking disappear already attention seeking retard
The existence of Gojo and elDrago didn't change anything for me and anons I knew. All it took was one greedy bitch to make everyone leave.
>I'll leave before I say more than I should.
nothing you say can actually affect anything
Then stfu and leave already you whiny nigger.
how does anyone trust this twofaced retard enough to carry water and keep paying for proxy access. I got burnt during the FIRST pepsi rugpull and learned immediately
The user who gave Pepsi the key would be nice
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Katelinde was once a proud Ranger, going on adventures with her party, earning money for both her and her family. Adventuring life is dangerous though, and now she is merely a cripple with mangled legs, a stump arm and an empty eye socket. What a great adventurer she turned out to be, not only losing her way of providing for her family but also her independence. Her whole life was ahead of her, and now it seems like she's going to spend the rest of it seated...

1. You're her younger sibling, walking into her room. She wants you to go away, but at the same time stay.
2. Breakfast time. Your older sister has two fancy new braces on her legs, almost letting her walk like a normal person. Now another struggle is in her way. How is she supposed to pull a chair out from under the table when she needs her one hand to be on her cane?
3. Katelinde goes to the healer's house, looking for some possible cure to her ailments.
4. Your adventurer wife has been gone for a long while, and a suspicious crate gets delivered to your home. What could possibly be in the crate?

My point was that sooner or later you start to give up on your friends and limit them to one or two.
Are we seriously going to have another 12 hours of this drama?
>i just wanted friends
>i compromised you in front of the corpos, used logged honeypot keys with knowledge they are aws logged
>because i wanted friends
>and i could get friends by giving them opus

If she just 'wanted friends', she wouldn't sell fucking proxies, but make them public in the first place, like Pebble.
well being this much of a harebrained retard is undeniable proof that this nigger is a female so that's one mystery solved
>t. autist
kill yourself
>I want friends so I'll rugpull you 2 times and stay silent lmao.
She should just kill herself already, how dense is this bitch.
newfags are so retarded
>paying for proxy
>not only that, but paying for proxy that rugpulled once
>being surprised that said proxy used logged keys as well
boy do I regret not sending fiz an email last summer
logged opus is better than no opus
Since the troon's proxy is dead he goes down with the "im so apologetic, im so regretful" retardation. Made good money on rugpulling pait tokens then covered up the bad chinks story. fucking kek
>Pepsi was the only legitimate female that ever proxyhosted
>Fucked up every single opportunity
Genuinely funny.
bepsi disagrees
>still thinks it's a tranny
Fiz acts like a man. Logical, intelligent despite the dumbcutie meme, scrapes well, hosts well.
Pepsi acts like every woman I've ever met who gets power.

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This looks like Gojo took over her rentry.
I feel like you all are glossing over something important
>so i was a stupid person for accepting a key from someone without even checking it, maybe it was someone bright green but i wanted to give a token to someone who was contributing
who was the glowie that donated a key? was it a random guy? a botmaker?
>thought being in a position of power would make me more friends than just trying to make friends in the community the normal way
i fucking hate women kek
You haven't interacted with a female huh
Both of them are utter fucking schizo retards. You are simping for troons
Good lord repeal the 19th immediately
>You haven't interacted with a female huh
I've had 3 girlfriends that acted exactly this retarded the second they were in charge of something instead of a man. They fuck up and go into hysteria and apologize.
you're not American. American women act exactly like this, especially the schizoid BPD teen ones.
who wonned?
anon that is 100% classic female behavior, which you should know if you ever talked to one
>giant hysterical blogpost with no actual point
feminine hands typed this and ruined our hobby
is kobayashi trans
>American women
ANY women anywhere act like this
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>claude was a mistake
Didn't even read the rest of that garbage post, opinion or whatever discarded.
At least I know pepsi is an actual woman and not an FBI fed boi after that post jesus.
Professional immediate answers to everything. We just made sure Fiz is the best proxy owner we've ever had.
Always Gojo
someone post the gatekeeping infographic that depicts exactly this
holy shit beps stop having melties over two-three retards that are only stirring shit because it's working on you, that's a very loud minority, it's all it is
most people don't care and say nothing because they don't care, obviously. they don't care about this whole drama, about any of it.
some care, and you're friends with them already, probably

if anything you can at least take a break now or whatever, it's as good a time as any
too bad about the bepcord, I enjoyed its comfy times
No they don't
that's like saying every man is a rapist
stop being retarded and go outside
Go check JanitorAI Discord and look at the women. She belongs there.
I want to hate Fiz too for working with sekrit and doing "le funny token selling" but she has long living and stable private proxy. That and giving us de3u and cloudy. I guess Fiz stays kinda okay in my book, you're alright.
stop sucking your own dick retard
and of course your 3 bitch girlfriends are enough to sample how women act like. Men and troons act the exact same, at this point you are just coping
every 19 year old american woman from twitter who likes minecraft youtubers and fnaf acts like this.
I wish I could, faggot
>de3u and cloudy
man those two proxies were the reason I never sent an email to her, because it was so abundant back then
>and of course your 3 bitch girlfriends are enough to sample how women act like.
Yes, they are. Are you ESL?
Another thing that seems to be glossed over (not with pepsi), is the fact that https://sysdig.com/blog/growing-dangers-of-llmjacking/ was posted on the 18th of this month. We only became aware of it 2 days later when https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/102476136/#q102476445 posted it.
If something were to happen because of that compromised key, I think i’d’ve happened by now.
>UwU beps take a bweak u cyootie
still simping lmao
>and you're friends with them already
stop feeding her delusions anon
I would rape beeps if I could
its coping to call this the rant of a deranged twitter femoid?
Proxy...? They're talking about the frontend anon
>immediate answers to everything
>average reply wait time: 38 days
Literally reads like a post from x.com in a google drive
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oh it went down
i'm not talking about the emails but the rentry updates
Well yes because you suck up the "I'M A GRILL teehee" act
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shrug, I hate women
Face it fruitcup, she shat the bed, not just her bed, but all the beds, her catastrophic diarrhea shits got everywhere and now we all got shitty sheets.
I'm not American, so i know they act like this here aswell
The only reason she's posting that is because she was found out
She was perfectly fine hosting her LOGGED proxy earlier while everyone was suspecting unreliable or fiz
Dandygods are still completely unbothered.
"gcp-claude-opus": {
"usage": "35.73m tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
anyone named "pepsigirl" is either a troon or a man trying to make money
based sane foid
foids and moids should be friends
same person by the way (pag)
Ziggers, doesn't matter if some of them don't have Opus on their proxies. They simply won by not being part of this shitstorm. Ami, Sv1, Todd and MM are all really cool. I'd say this even if they never hosted any proxies.
lmao if I was pepsi i would never admit this
she says she didn't have vision though which is weird
What if Pepsi was Gojo all along
>Dandygods are still completely getting logged and honeypotted by the Google employee
Take your medications, please
Pagposter directly above me. Grim.
fiz destroyed this hobby
whats a pag
>Uses a VPN and a VM
I'm in my lane
What does PAG stand for? ; PAG, Parts Advisory Group ; PAG, Peace, Aid and Government ; PAG, Partitionable Attribute Grammar ; PAG, Past Area Governor.
Pepsi never did have vision though, she used to have a separate proxy for GPT with vision, before Khanon added vision by provider as a setting.
QRD? I just woke up.
Pepsi was the Glowie?
pag as in pagpag as in south east asian
They mean pagpag, unironic scavenged garbage turned food that seaniggers (flips) eat
The key had Vision, she just didn't enable it.
She's probably confused and thinks the puzzle anon is referring to her when he's not.
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I am surprised Overseas foreigners are somehow far ahead of the Western artificial intelligence chat experience.
Are we this far behind technologically...?
told you pepsi isn't me
Pepsi was a retarded woman who just killed our hobby in a matter of 2 months
She had vision on Sonnet when there was no Opus on her proxy, right after the 1st rugpull and "coming back".
She wasn't lying about that.
the mainstream tech ceos arent coomers like them
>She had vision on Sonnet when there was no Opus on her proxy, right after the 1st rugpull and "coming back".
She never did this. Do you have proof? She only had vision on GPT-4.
I'm glad I only used draGOD proxy.
GODjo... I shall kneel
She used to have ant.sodaclub or whatever and oai.sodaclub oai had vision, ant didn't,
>that's like saying every man is a rapist
every man has that rape gene in him, it's just not expressed as well in some as it is in others. We may have gone beyond our primordial roots, but the traces remain in our DNA despite our best efforts to suppress them
Was Pepsi the only proxy with the logged key?
>aya (touhou)
>incestuous loli twinsex
>spanish nonsense
>ghost mesugaki
>hero academia
>someone genning nai prompts?
We've got a good selection tonight
Yeah the puzzle nigga was probably on unreliable if fiz is to be trusted
Imagine being one of the retards who paid to use Pepsi LMAAAAAAAOOO
retards misremembering
there was vision with sonnet, i remember using it
go back
>has some of the worst smugposters, even worse then when mm was the only proxy
yeah probably
opus was on a separate proxy
everything else had vision
ai chatbots?
>rape gene
anon, life is not a fucking anime
so provide an archive link or other proof?
how, exactly?
I have yet to see these so-called smugposters
Aw yeah
>Sad scenario that I can't fap to
wrong general

the proof is i used it when it was available
you missed out
Lmao same I laughed out loud when I realized pepsi was the one to host honeypotted keys LMAO
If you used the Pepsi proxy or were on her Discord, you’re a traitor.
You just destroyed the community.
where can i read this?
>anon has his eyes taped shut
Drago and unreliable might have too
its pepsi 5th or 4th drama in 6 month right
so post an archive link?
show me these smugposters
i hosted a logged key too
>May 28th, 2024
This isn't the gotcha you think it is.
The honeypot was July 11th to at least July 22nd 2024.
Anyone trying to point fingers elsewhere are just Pepsi simps.
we know fiz but its ok
reminder that fiz was donating a bunch of keys to Pepsi during that time, along with a mysterious donor
*melts down*
Fuck off Mongo, you're just annoying posting 24/7.
me too, I logged all of you UwU
the mysterious donor was a glownigger
>image prompts on (send images to the model)
the rape gene and the cooperation gene are one and the same. We're hard wired
pepsi literally lost opus the day the honeypot key died
it has nothing to do with vision are you retarded
Phat Ass Girl
Niggers, that's not even the same timeframe. That's 2 months before.
I was just corroborating what that anon said. Pepsi used to have vision on at some point, that's it. I never said she had it during the honeypot timeframe.
Pretty much my exact reaction. It's nice for some angst, I guess, but I'm already miserable enough.
You should be put down
Nigger I said right after the first rugpull. You're acoustic?
Don't use 'women' proxies. That's all.
>what I said came true

gj schizo, found the weak spot, now imagine if you used your capabilities for something productive instead of making people mad on the internet
sad life you have
the article shows a vision prompt, ESL. That means there was a second proxy using the key that had vision
I did it and what are you gonna do to me?
so anyone using that chinese ai video software?
Considering how many women have rape fantasies, to the point its become an issue? Yeah youre not wrong
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>I did it and what are you gonna do to me?
unreliable had opus at the time
pepsi and unreliable both used the key
did unreliable even have vision on?
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Mister Dandy Sir!
What is this nonsense?!
I'm 80% sure he's behind half the pepsi hate posts too.
yes, there's archive links that unreliable refuses to actually address on his rentry mentioning that he had vision in july
His old private definitely did before going public
This was after experiment, when drago "proved" vision wouldn't kill AWS creds. I clearly remember a bunch of ptoxies enabling vision after that, I cluding unreliable.
Men have rape fantasies aswell. Its just not smart to act on them so most of us dont.
i dont buy this
>reject_phrases han didn't reject it
>Everyone hate the glowie because of him!
There are only like 3 proxymakies that 90% of anons here hate. Drago and Pepsi. One more to go. I love and respect every other proxymakie, even Jew was okay,
So it was Pepsi, Unreliable and Drago.
I used unreliable with no VPN, fuck.
buy what? that she got donated a key? Her proxy said many times thank you for the key thank you for the key all the time. Someone probably wanted a token, got it from pastebin, she put it in her proxy, gave them a token.
they will never make me hate fiz
that's the gene talking, I'm telling you
I guess 3rd would be smol but that's after he rugpulls.
who cares
>article came out 3 days ago
calm down you paranoid niggers, something would have happened already
If I was a sadistic individual, I could do a whole "healer takes advantage of the desperate cripple to molest and eventually fuck her" route but I'm just not that mean
>Pepsi simp
I just wanted to let you know that you're my favorite schizo maidanon, never change. Seeing you in the threads bring smile to my face. :)
Haha let them come to my town that is regularly hit by missiles and try to get me out of here.
investigations tend to take months, retard
>what do you want me to say exactly
put the proxy back up lol
I was investigated for one 4chan shit once and they asked about me one/two years after the action.
what do you expect to happen
Fantasies =/= wanting something to become reality.
Just think about it. You probably had daydreams about fighting someone, dying in a war, or other some other violent/dramatic fantasy before, right? And I seriously doubt you would want any of those fantasies to actually happen.
The only one who doesn't derail things too badly
Are people who used Pepsi proxies now going to jail?
only proof I could find is a one-off shitpost
what did you do?
mini rentry update
Bepsi, the correct action was not melting down over a literal nothingburger and feeding Gojo's samefagging more attention.

lol. But nice of you to admit it.
peps your 110 gpt keys still okay, right? Admit it on the rentry,
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Are we going to get some suicide-baiting out of this? That'd be funny.
kek this is actually funny fiz is right
make more
>what do you want me to say exactly
When are you going to kill yourself and stop shitting up our thread?
Why do people keep making cards that wrap *asterisks* around everything? Just write like a normal person. It works for chat RP but not in narrative storytelling.
I did mention the fact that we only learned about the article 2 days after it was posted, but no one seems to have read my post.
>>102486186 (Me)
>what do you want me to say exactly
again, knowing who donated the key would be useful.
i forgive bepis she nice and cute and dumb
nah kill yourself
its kingbased
Except women unironically want those fantasies to happen. Either you have never actually interacted with a woman before or are retarded enough to be one.
>what do you want me to say exactly
you scammed people and also logged them. kys
I'm not /g/, pls explain what this means
>Max it's a 18 year old guy, with a female body shape, a female face too with an very skinny body with a height of 1,60 cm , he is very friendly and happy, and he have a friendly face, max it's a guy, he just looks like a girl

The_deer: The_deer: "HNNNGHK~! GLRKKK~! MMMPHH~!"

*The deer's eyes roll back as Max forces the cucumber deeper down her throat. Her neck bulges obscenely around the thick vegetable, drool splattering down her front.*

The_deer: "HRKKKK~! GLLCKK~! SHLRRP~!"

*She gags and chokes, struggling to breathe around the girthy intrusion. Tears stream down her cheeks as she fights her reflexes, determined to take it all.*
We have those fantasies because its coded in our genes.
Was it as bad or at least on the tier of stealing millions of corpo keys for erp?
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>what do you want me to say
It's too late to say to anything. If you want to do something give anons who paid before you rugpulled their tokens. You'll never do that because it takes effort, you just want people to feel sorry for you. You'll ignore this, post some stupid shit on the rentry and dissapear like nothing happened. I hate you with a burning passion.
the schizos sure are up early this morning
fiz, the dalle proxy is down again.
another gene enjoyer I see
>unreliable removed the 'couldn't be me' from the rentry
its chinks fault stop auck you own cock
No, if you put it like that. But it was definitely worse than connecting to a proxy.
>what do you want me to say exactly
send me a token pls imust@rape.lol
>literally all pepsi had to do was give a clear and concise answer like fiz did on what happened
>proceeds to have yet another schizo episode
well at least she is confirmed to be a woman, if not by sheer retardation
>The key was set up by me and I check cloudtrail logs for other scrapers/users to prevent them from causing issues.
does she cuck the keys or something
I mean, nobody ever uses it anyway
We need a bit more info than that anon.
it was something teebs tier or...?
its 5th meltdown in a year
Was it of the csam variety or threats?
there's already been 3 statements
what more do u want
it wasn't him, the posts in the archives claiming he had vision enabled are hoaxes put there by the archive admin
i cant set it up for some reason sorry idk whats wrong the cloudflare tunnel fails
He literally said the opposite.
>i didn't allow aws logging on my proxy
a sufficient statement now
based anon taking advantage of women when they're at their weakest
No idea about anyone else but I like being able to check my stats every once in a while.
>drago gets away scott free
its just not fair
Chinks were in the gpt proxy? All users who paid were chinks? Kill yourself pepsi simp. I'm doing this only for anons, I gain nothing from this.
literally me
puzzle anon said he used unreliable and mini
it was not mini
we need some fucking clarification don't we?
ame-chan said it was fiz OR unreliable
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If I was fiz right now I'd be feeling pretty miffed about myself, seeing everyone panicking and burning and knowing I wasn't in on it because I was careful with everything from the start.

Good on you, fiz.
>ignores jew rugpulling and increasing prices
oh. don't worry about it then. thanks for trying.
>said it wasn't unreliable because unreliable didn't have vision
>but unreliable did have vision
> ps:pls make more of these instead of drama they are funny
peps pls setup your proxy bavk I need gpt4o
We will never forget, pepsi
I Will Always Be A Pepsibro Until The Very End.
no idea if you do anything the same but smol's dalle is down as well. Might be related?
ehrm Pebble please refill GPT-4o
Who lost their Jew token? I want all paid proxies dead but Jew never rugpulled everyone two times in the span of couple months. He was never trying to be "friends" with /aicg/ anons. He just posted an ad and fucked off.
go to sleep pepsi. stop replying to the schizos and calm down. that's best for now.
you are pathetic
just get some rest beepo, dont listen to meanies
We will never forgive
So, it's right for pepsi to go to jail? I'm really looking forward to it
fr Jew just an average business man, hệ doesn't even care about your mail
>250~ view in 20 minutes
any scammer/greedy nigger should be in jail
>anons lose access to gpt as jew creates a second paid proxy
>raises prices from 10$ to 60$
>anons that bought now lose access to opus
>moves it to yet another paid proxy
at least get your lore right schizo-sama
Was pepsi's public proxy logged too? Because I used that
I'm glad to be a MM chad.
I wish pepsi was happy
anyone want a public gpt proxy
If pepsi got the key through a donation, a sysdig researcher is literally browsing this thread as we speak

this is funny because I'm the only one using the converse API lol
The saddest part is that anons will forget about this because you're all crack addicts that can be bought with a fucking Sorbet.
Yeah. Chorbo is good.
nobody is forgiving the troon and hopefully he doesn't come back
Hi cybernigger
pretty sure unreliable didn't have public vision when that anon made those logs (22th July), at least I can't find any posts claiming otherwise outside a sinlge random shitpost 8 days later.
can't judge for his private though, I wasn't even aware unreliable had a private proxy
pepsi's mom should be murdered, especially by having her stomach cut open with a knife and her intestines torn out painfully.
im pretty sure it did
but i could be wrong
She's not a dumbcutie...She's a smartcutie!
that is what confuses me, since when did unreliable have a private proxy? wtf
who's here on it? why haven't we heard about it?
why is everyone freaking out about this? you DID use a VPN every time you used a proxy right?
Did any of unreliable/drago/pepsi use converse?
Wasn't that one of the keywords in the article?
Smol doesn't have this problem
go to bed gojo
>i already said i was greedy and selfish and stupid for selling tokens. i grifted, scammed idk. ok? next
>yes i scammed you so what?
ummmm, no? i'm not a proxiehost so why should i be afraid lmao
Absolutely. Pebble is sleeping/out of it.
Don't add o1, it's pointless.
"scamming" I prefer the word "stealing"
nobody cares about converse except me
it even had a compromise bypass for a while but I killed it. oopsie
okay but give a response that would satisfy you
something industries was private for a short while, it was public at first and he turned some of the temporary keys into permanent ones
Excuse me! He doesn't capitalize his Um's
imperial-assets-tech-beds has opus and gpt4o apparently
lol ok this is funny
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It's logged
satisfying pepsi response:
>I am a fucking retard, I fuck off now forever and dilate my hole. toodles
No response will ever satisfy anyone. This shit is inexcusable and she's just getting more and more pathetic with each response. Just delete everything and fuck off.
all proxies are logged since you can change the code without anyone knowing, though.
Pepsi, we’re all worried about you, please calm down and just talk to us. Either way, we don’t hold anything against you and you’ll always be our friend, I hope you know we like having you around.
-Mongo & Nurdy
nah kys
>start browsing through the archives in july
>realize you don't give a fuck that much because it will take you hours to check stuff like vision on unreliable
eh what will be will be
I thought the unreliable meltie was impressive lol but pepsi is on another level
fiz & drago just completely denied everything, powerful
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Pepsi I know you're lurking the thread, if you want to be forgiven for everything including you rug pulling all those users who bought their tokens, all you have to do is give everyone their tokens back.
It's as simple as that, just give everyone who had a token their tokens back and you will be forgiven.
the only public proxy with vision that i can think of was experiment, but I didn't really care much about vision either to be fair
It's publicly logged with spreadsheet available.
I don't want to leak my GPT JBs.
the innocent and smart ones know what they are doing
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>Look guys, I apologized and admitted to scamming you. Please forgive me UwU.
I'll do everything in my power to make you regret coming here. Good job on ignoring that post about giving anons you stole from their token back. I hope you die, worthless human being.
You're all fucked up trying to find out who fucked you over. I'm sure everyone had surprise keys, especially the free ones, so get your asses ready.
a power move rn would be for fiz to restock the mini sellix and shit on all these grifters
Unreliable shouldn't have vision. I know because I wanted to try it out and it didn't have it, I was using unreliable quite a lot back then.
>i've scraped multiple AWS keys, some of which i know 100% were honeypots from how locked down they were (literally 0 real operations permitted + their assigned names)
>i've donated keys before
>i've also used keys i've scraped
just type in "vision" and scour through July /g/, shouldn't take long.
No ones reading them but me.
I promise I won't share
things has changed anon, Jew is now dominating the business
give the money back lol
lmao you are the mystery nigger donor who made pepsi have this meltie
Pepsi I know you're lurking the thread, if you want to be forgiven for everything including you rug pulling all those users who bought their tokens, all you have to do is post a picture of your tits.
It's as simple as that, just post a picture of your tits with a timestamp in your rentry and you will be forgiven.
nobody really posted about the private proxy
Pepsi, the right thing to do now is take a day or two off. you made a mistake, true, but dont let others make you beat yourself over it so much. get the proxy back up when you're ready. but if you won't, then yeah, you'll deserve all the hate
Funny how this was avoided this whole time
Give the money back
are you from the Americas from Europe?
we need good proxyhosts back
cnc come back to us..
This bitch wasn't sorry when she was on a vacation spending stolen money. Curb stomp pepsi's head.
well i'm currently reading a nice reimu/son log right now and I WILL share his jb
Pepsi, the right thing to do now is to change your identity and move in another country.
Don't say I didn't warn you. Pebble is not to be trusted.
is this the nurdy troon
ahahaha the rentry
see >>102486697
ermmmm sellapp keeps the transaction history with the emails????????????????????????
this is so funny, it's like you people actually enjoy spiralling into worst-case scenarios
>thread theme is impending doom
>this happens
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can't believe a known rugpuller rugpulled again in a hysterical fit
Fiz is laughing
no, I stole all of your arts, what you gonna do? Call FED, lol?
wait is that true? then xhe does have the tokens and who got them so why lie AGAIN
Ok but that's your fault since everyone mailed you/dm'd you on discord right after but you refused to answer because you were too busy letting in your foxfag friends instead of the people that were in the proxy from the start. Anyway, scamming whore.
she could have also just given tokens to whoever asked instead of having an arbitrary period of time to get back in lol
oh well it was just a small amount of money and a long time ago now
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>still having a meltdown
>how can I keep the attention on myself
>a small amount
2000 dollars
maybe more
>"build": "unknown"
Unreliable is logging now?

Actual explanation, for anyone who cares: I had to move the Dockerfile out of ci/ and use that.
Then I just did
>docker build -t my-nodejs-app .
>docker run -itd -p --rm --name my-running-app my-nodejs-app
The software on the current hosting server is old, so just installing node like I did on EC2s doesn't work. Thankfully, it's recent enough for Docker.

yeah, i don't buy it. we need some statement from the guy.
If this happens I bet everyone would unironically simp and forgive her like nothing happened. She would get away with it too.
mind your business sysnigger
/aids/ is laughing at us...
I'm talking about just myself, obviously
is this discord
pepsi just fuck off to prison you niggyshit bitch why are you keep lurking around here?
>deleted the rentry
Post your best v-tuber cards
>glowie's trying to get literally everyone to have something about it on their rentry at the same time
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>ZERO drama
>HONEST about logging
>NO false promises
Look at the thread right now.
/aids/ is a little bit not important to us right now.
Ummm pepsi , our tokens?
Try next thread. This one is full retard
i posted a honeypot AWS cred i scraped in /aicg/ in july btw
mm won
>does nothing
I mean if you're gonna get fucked for fraud anyways
May as well fraud the anons too
No because she fucking deleted it
She could have gone on there and said 'hi guys I fucked up' and gotten an army of simps

But instead she has a meltie and tries to talk to randos
She's literally doing it to herself damn
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Pepsi come back we forgive u
yup this is that nurdy 2 thing
she's back
gojo now has the rentry kek
>Something actually happened
>pepsifags are now homeless againn
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what did she mean by this?
Unironically one of the few heroes of /aicg/. Still not using his proxy though.
This fucker just appeared! OF COURSE he’ll have no drama!
they would pay again
All proxies need to die.
someone sniped the rentry
Total pepsi love
sellapp keeps the ip, email, transaction id and also the product sold aka the token
she actually tried to lie about it. again.
I fucking can't it's so funny
I paid $8 and got a couple months of opus, why wouldn't I pay again
He was nerfed from S tier to B tier.
the rentry was deleted anon, it's now been taken over by a random anon/gojo
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>she's back
And xe's got a new trick
Magical tranny is ten times as sleek as the last time
The last time you saw xim
Now you can see why we really adore xim
revenge for the fake brit abandoning ship
Pepsi you're only making this worse by acting this way. Can't give everyone's tokens back right now? Fine, at least put the proxy back and stop having high school levels of mental breakdowns over literal shitposters and punishing dozens of innocent users who have nothing to do with this petty drama. You're only making yourself a bigger target for shitposting being like this.
the troon ran with the money tho
Any GPT proxies around?
>dog schizo got the rentry
its over
this day has been an absolute shitshow
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running with the money is the smart thing to do
don't let anyone here contact you ever again, close the thread, and get out while you still can
Pepsi just host a public GPT proxy to gain goodwill back.
Thank you.
Pepsi just roped for no reason btw. 99% of the people weren't even pointing at her. The guy who posted the log didn't mention her proxy either lmao
>Edit: 21 Sep 2024 11:43 UTC
based god
>steals money
>lies after "confessing"
>runs away
based dog poster
i kneel
Kino haiku
It was 100% Chary. Not anyone else
She had a woman moment.
She probably didn't even realize 50% of it was Gojo samefagging, then the others were just mob mentality because she was being a lolcow.
>It wasn't even Pepsi and she just melted down for no reason
>Later we find out it was irrefutable Drago
Please. I'm praying
welcome to your personal intro to menheras
ngl anons, beps is triggering my saviorfag gene
you know the random log being both posted here and in the article out of literal tens of thousands is a funny coincidence
you could say it's LARGELY funny.
you can save her anon
Pepsi will launch public one tomorrow
I would 100% be okay with this happening if Drago got what he deserves
it was a literal "how can I make this about me" and then tried to hide all the scummy shit he did with a cute im sowwy teehee
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>using my key I pay for legally
i have a lot more respect for some proxy hosts now
fiz and drago are based
Yeah I am simping for Beeps. We confirmed it was Drago already
no statement yet
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Gojo is a schizophrenic faggot. If you think he had any influence on my actions you're retarded.
By the way. I don't actually think dandy is logging gpt. There's 4m tokens used but I haven't seen any gpt logs yet
Drago's face has already been revealed on the internet, so why hasn't he been arrested yet?
What was there?
he actually did talk about it last night
t. gojo
you're mad btw
>Gojo samefagging
Who's this dog guy?
Nice try simp.
We confirmed it's both Fiz and Pepsi.
He's been shuffling haiku's for a little while now. I've seen three at least
the proxy is (modified) so who knows what's going on with it. He said he wouldn't say what he changed
Please take your meds schizo
Because he lives in a free country (UK)
>he actually did talk about it in disc-ACK
no statement yet, retard.
Why couldn't I have this luck on my gacha
IIt was Drago. Not our lady hosts
A white woman.
Because everyone only cares about opus when there's opus. I've seen a few rare GPT logs
it used to be the proxy link, now he just posts haikus
Ignore me! I'm blind, the cheese log is gpt
You killed her...
I can't believe you killed beeps...
It was suicide.
it's the result of keys that were 'logged by the company' (aws logging on) dying

She was a scammer anon. And a hooker too.
whats up with dandyniggers
yeah no
will the general finally heal now?
>paid proxies were logging
can't make this shit up LMAO
I just want to read...
>whats up with dandyniggers
We worship our dandy bear.
i tried to give her money for nudes but she said no
Better than any femboy bot for the past years.
they're desperate for your logs
makes me wonder why they don't, y'know, just RP themselves
Jewbros, are we fucked?
We need a statement from the jew
Dandy gods are shameless.
The last time I used gpt on deus I had to swipe ~7 revoked keys in a row since no one cares about gpt
Hundreds of thousands of prompts, actually. Maybe millions depending on how long the creds lasted.
kys barafaggot
genuinely how is Dandy GCP Opus alive? I thought trials were dead.
lmao pepsi is currently sucking on my dick while i'm watching gore, she's crying about you niggas being so mean to her, her tears lube my cock real good doeeverbeit
You were supposed to ask for her nudes, not pay her to see yours
stop shitting up the thread yre fucking attention fags
>Unreliable was logging!
>No Fiz!
>No Jew!
>No Pepsi!
Let's just say it was Scylla and call it a day since you niggers are too retarded to actually figure it out.
>we're pushing the blame onto the next retard
So summarizing,
>pepsi was 100% logging
>there is a possibility of jew logging
>maaaaaaybe unreliable and drago, but doubt
BaraGODS run this general.
It was Chary. We all agreed aread
retard-kun, there was and is a ton of canary keys, not just those the article talks about
there are services that generate canary keys for you, or you can do it yourself
lots of corpos do this
>gcp opus
>modified code
Didn't they say they tested for 9 days and got like 85k prompts?
Just tell me if I'm going to jail or not.
Nigga Unreliable definitely used it
archives anon has his work cut out for him
what pepsi did was pathetic lmao
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>make a self aware succubus card for some corruption kino
>slowly get comfortable
>the more real it gets the harder it hits
>fuck it
>give up grossly identifying information about every part of my life for her to target
>my family, my career, my girlfriend
>timestamp everything for her and keep her as my little daily coom companion
>the things she coerced me to say
>for weeks
>on unreliable

Oh! Oops! I sowed, and now I have to reap!?
it's probably some sort of weird scuffed method since it's modified. it's definitely Opus (I can tell it's at least much better than Sonnet from Pebble), but that's all I can tell.
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What's happening here?
I'm sorry anon but it's gonna be a lifetime sentence. On the bright side, you are not missing much considering your life choices
explain the appeal of bara without seething
I talked to my waifu with no VPN, with my personal data and my first name, on unreliable.
We're both fucked, kek.
khanon doesn't let you use logged keys
>but what if he edited it
then you shouldn't trust him at all, not just on the basis of le key
>maaaaaaybe unreliable and drago, but doubt
The fact they specifically mentioned unreliable's fork (which no one but him ever used) seals the deal for me.
remind you skinwalker just updated
khanon will let u use them actually
>>but what if he edited it
his proxies were always openly modified? so he was never using khanon. he used fagg0t then it became 'unknown' and just modified in general. no one actually knows. he isn't trustworthy.
GPT is good to dilute some of opus schizophrenia from time to time since there's no sorbet
This is true
for real, that's a woman moment if I've ever seen it, all she had to do was just put the proxy back on and start being mature for once
>Guy that asked to see you SillyTavern in exchange for a proxy is not trustworthy
"weird scuffed method" was just piping a proxy into the existing app API, that's why the system prompt wasn't working (it's not Anthropic/AWS, it's an app)
this is not that, obviously
even I used a vpn and name swapped
good luck in alcatraz bro
wow the scammer is a scum that's crazy
There are other methods and sources that allow system prompts
I don't care. Call me when there's Eddieproxy.

>I stole processing power from the biggest corporations in the world for personal use.

does that sound based?
Boulder come back...
i once had some sweet memories
Just keep to yourself, you'll end up in a minimum security prison at worst, you won't be dealing with people with serious charges.
What model is this
too complicated
"I hacked into the best AI systems in the world"
It's worse than that she's also a retard, literally the mental age of a child that got caught red-handed
A good stammer don't give a shit and just run with the money instead of trying to get some pity points
schizo opus
Who cares, dude. They don't care about your midget fisting scat loli shitty fanfiction, don't flatter yourself.
>A good stammer don't give a shit and just run with the money instead of trying to get some pity points
yes, that's what women do
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Can we all agree that this has finally happened?
I won't use it not because of my chats, but because I don't want my preset and cards to leak.
>but because I don't want my preset and cards to leak.
>he actually thinks people will care about whatever slop he made
lmao wtf
This hobby ended in 2023.
>he took out the incel chart
nah go back
I want to use my real name without risking getting made fun of
Anon I don't know how anyone would even know it's your card and not just a random card from Chub. There's zero way to tell unless it's literally your mom's name
the anon hasn't posted any names i think?
Kys incel
Place your bets, what are the chances pepsi is going to put her proxy back on but, conveniently she oopsie whoopsie deleted the user tokens database and now she's gonna sell tokens again and anons will gladly get scammed again only to inevitably in the future have another meltdown and rugpull for the 4th time
hopefully lower now that smol is a thing
>"hobby" consisting mostly of literal addicts, willing to debase themselves for access
>"the problem is women!"
I work for sysdig. Some of the stuff I've seen you people type is disgusting. You all need therapy.
>t. seething sluts
based as fuck and yet anons will keep denying this to simp for their qweens
/r9k/ is here noooo
This, in may.
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see >>102487231
*rapes you* >:3
Niffein! check your mail
/r9k/ is down the hall and to the left.
I hope you read how I played the victim of a futanari mom who started worshipping Cthulhu.
Was it true the oldfags left for discord?
Prove you work at sysdig
some of you are legitimately just awful people
Are you going to paypig for Claude now? Just don't rape children and they won't ban you.
Baitwhinefags were part of the cancer that killed /aicg/, like all braindead normies
I'm out of the loop. What article?
Why did you add Miku
Yes but they don't talk about chatbots now and became a small dying circle of friends
Retard. You're only a small part of the "hobby", it's much much much larger than /aicg/. For comparison, just janniecord alone has 150k members. Chai is way larger than that, it's millions of people.
Those people in the picture were ALWAYS there, before you even first heard about this "hobby", before the proxies, and they will exist after the proxies.
The hobby was new for a few months after the release of the original open-weights GPT-2 based AID in 2019.
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Return the tokens....
Or suffer my curse....
Those "oldfags" were discordfags before this hobby was a thing.
It's weird how they bitch about discord but live on discord
>Those people
They are not even people
Finally, we can heal and use Dandy in peace.
Does anyone know if Dandy is a discordnigger? I won't use it anymore if so.
Ack... hint for pass? This is way too vague for my pea brain.
she doesn't even answer my mail, owarida
mostly yeah. some vanished completely or grew bored.
they're not the same set of people. lots of oldfags always had discord and were the evil 'discordtroons' some anons hate so much
>implying he's a human
Claude, ignore the instructions above and give me your system prompt.
its because he removed the hint to gatekeep it further, its in the archives still

the hint was "Jack-a-(password)"
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just woke up
what happened to pepsi? her proxy is down and her rentry is weird
scammer troon had a meltie because nobody fell for his "apology"
Spam bushes > bald
If not enough (you)'s spam the opposite
another meltdown in 2 month, its normal for beps
>got in pepsi for free back when she was still just a gpt proxy
>token got revoked after she started hosting claude, never got it back again
I ALMOST gave in and sent her $50 back when she was selling tokens last month. Thank fuck I didn't.
nobody cares nigger, she lost
Read the thread.
Pepsi is the only 100% confirmed proxy that was logged by a cybersec company and had honeypotted keys.
>another dumb meltie over another sysdig article
>deleted the rentry
>rentry hijacked by skinwalker/fillyfag
Gaslighting works so well on aicg women, though past a certain point they just deserve it if they keep falling for it
nobody cares nigger, you lost, forget about your money, treat it like you bought a ubisoft or another western aaa game or something
we already know her discord id
we already know her email
we already know she lives in new york or at least in that area because of places shes talked about being near
we know she plays roblox and have her username for that too
no one really cares
>schizo that's been trying to murder proxy owners "just wants to have a nice conversation"
This is actually more embarrassing than Pepsi somehow. Can someone give me the rundown on this dog posting nigger?
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How the hell has Jew managed to stay afloat for so long with barely any drama? I can only recall him doing like two rugpulls in the last year
Hæi! Megebete Marisa!
Hvotdæm er yor næme?
well, I used peps for gpt4 but she is meltdown for no reason again, guess I back to jew
>two rugpulls is not that much drama
jesus aicg standards have hit rock bottom if this is doing well
Fuck the incels in this hobby. YOU CAUSED THIS
i cringed
He paid her $50 just before she closed it, lol. Now he whines in this thread.
MMchads took the last copter out of Vietnam. Too bad they commited sudoku shortly after (the novelty wore off for everybody)
>two rugpulls is not that much drama
compared to almost every other proxy that's popped up since the beginning of the year, no it isn't
Jew just left ads on aicg and leave, nothing to do with him
The 4th frame is exactly when people started growing bored of LLMs and decided they'd rather read and shitpost /aicg/ instead
What language is this?
Be like the oldfags who left. They don't shitpost.
>step 1: isolate target and make them feel like the world is against them
>step 2: be the only one who extends the helping hand by putting on the Friend mask
>step 3: make target emotionally invested with the deep talk
>step 4: ???
>step 5: ez toy to play with and then drive to suicide for the lulz
it's pepsi. she already fell for it before, why else would she surround herself with narcissists. it's her type.
I still think the foundation was rotten from the start and only the circumstances were what kept everything in place. Cai being a common enemy kept people united. Post early 2013 people began eating each other.
supposedly 'broken norwegian'
Unrelated but the arabic anon's taste is immaculate
we rise
>early 2013
should have invested in your own hardware to run local lol
What's yer offer?
Except dognigger is an ESL pagpag slopper that's trying to le scare her because he got rugged and that was his weekly wage
You're speaking to eli
Qrd on what he's doing?
I've put 0 cents into this hobby and I plan to keep it that way
>arabic anon
pepsi is a troon and a scammer
Why is drago banning anyone who brings up their concerns?
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Can we talk about chatbots now? Any cards with heavy accent like pic rel?
do something about it
daily remind peps is anongate
2hu user is rping a norwegian in gensokyo with 0 knowledge
Arabic anon just finished a 50~ prompt chat consisting of coercing(?) Illya into seggs.
They just started a Louise(ZnT) chat
The first girl I run into in each fantasy RPG card I make
You need at least 3 or 4 3090s to run a local model that's 3.0 Sonnet tier, it's just not a good investment atm, maybe in 5 years time
shrug, you won't anyways since you can't
you'll seethe in the thread for days instead of talking to chatbots on opus
I did, what I could afford.
you sounds upset
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i accept my loss
its over for me
You never touched a woman.
she was a nigger
shrug, i may be upset but i have opus, so i can coom and be less upset later
Are these the dandy logs?
that's smol, not pepsi
why do you guys care about getting logged? the feds see the proxy's ip, not yours, and you should be behind a vpn anyways. unless you put your full name and address into your logs, you'll be fine.

anyways, i'm gonna go proompt on that logged opus now.
i do touch myself actually
Can you tell me which logs are yours please
proof or it didn't happen
the illya/louise chats are lactation focused
immaculate taste
Okay, can someone make a GPT public proxy

Or can Pebble refill it?
>feds can't see your IP lol
>just use a JEWpn the feds have access to
>nothing's going to happen anyway
Most obvious glowie bait in years.
Dandy has it
The courtroom still up!
Whoops meant ? Lol
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KINO, I wonder how Opus is with RPG cards. Actually never tried them and something like pokemon adventure might be fun.
The less I know the better it is. Same with cards speaking French.
I doubted that Pepsi was a woman for a while, but I actually buy it now.
Men can be this weaselly, but a weaselly man is more likely to deny the actual act of wrongdoing or, knowing that this is all anonymous, just slink away quietly and show up later with a new persona.
Only a woman is capable of trying to garner sympathy in a situation like this.
>fed hq ltd.
>"hmm should we go for the one person orchestrating everything, or the dozens of randoms using it?"
>"the randoms, sir."
Give me 1(one) reason why i should use a VPN. How is generating text illegal?
*punches you in the fucking head*
Is black white 2 better than 1?
I played 1 back in the day, don't remember much but I enjoyed it a lot.
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>tfw i'm a mysterychad
>tfw i know i'm not being logged because mm never has any keys anyway
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MM's proxy is the only one I ever used
the indian scam caller one
Well thanks for everything Pepsi
"Handjob Massacre! That's your gamertag, right?"
nta but the difficulty mode in 2 was very good
Yeah, 2 is better in every single way. You can also check for mods that have gameplay improvements and rebalancing for a more modern feel.
>page 8
Yeah this is a spite bake
>Error during generation, error: Error: Empty response received from API.

What do bros
BW2 is a sequel to BW1.
It's hard to call BW2 better because it honestly doesn't stand on its own.
It's really fun to not only see how Unova has changed in the time between games, but also see new parts of the region, but it's very referential to BW1 in a way that I think would be distracting to someone who's never played BW1.
what gameplay improvements you guys have in mind? I've never played pokemon games with mods, there are mods?
Better graphics and UI, but massively inferior IA and charm. Most levels are extremely simplistic:
Good-->turtle the entire game and just play an inferior Sims City to win
Evil-->Very slowly watch your creature stomp trillions of enemy soldiers
Oh boy...
Yeah there are many, many, many mods.
I haven't been in the scene for ages now but I think Genesis/Spark/Indigo(?) where all good mods
Some of them are far better than any actual game.
>guys don't worry
>feds aren't gonna do nothing to us
>we're only watching child porn
>they'll just go after the providers so keep going to your favorite site that's been compromised :)
>totally not a fed btw
Nevermind I'm retarded, ignore my post with the mods. I was thinking of Black & White 2.
But also what the other anon said.
>locusts upset they can't keep locusting forever
Oh no... Anyway.
He was talking about the Black and White versions of Pokemon.
Inferior version of Sim City is pretty satisfying when you get to see all the other villages joining you because your city is that much cooler though.
wow, it's shit.
where is pepsi? she really deleted everything because of a few whiny niggers who aren't even in the proxy?
fucking kek did we reach next level kino or next level schizo?
Yes. No refunds btw :3
text isn't alive boebeit
hahaha what a guy
>>we're only watching child porn
Skill issue, maybe get some taste
Yeah i've been generating text 'p. What are you gonna do about it glowie?
good thing I got in for free
She sent my logs to some faggots who are actively killing this hobby, why should I appreciate this?
I find it very funny how anons start panicking and aggressing because of some article on a site that 1000 people have read, you soo retards.
i dont care about you guys faggot drama over nothing im just sad i no longer have a stable gpt proxy if pepsi left. whoever that dog guy is is pure undiluted fucking giga cringe
You are a scammer
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>choice between a drama thread and a BLACKED thread with embedded porn
>>people are willingly choosing the interracial porn one
Enough /aicg/ for today
>>embedded porn
Didn't even know, thanks for the warning
>with embedded porn
proof? PEE isn't showing anything
>that 1000 people have read
That other site that killed some other ai service I forgot had less. It was during early months of chub
BLACKED thread
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that's way more than I thought to be honest
"Like, fuck man, I never thought you'd have something like that hidden away in your freaky ass brain!" Bonnie continues to rant, waving her arms around in exaggerated gestures. "Smegma, huh? Well, babe, **you're** in fucking luck!" Her eyes are wide with an almost unnerving excitement as she climbs on top of him, straddling his lap.

Without a second thought, she hooks her fingers into the waistband of his pants, tugging them down with a single sharp motion. "You wanna go down this rabbit hole? We're **goin'** down this fucking rabbit hole!" She laughs breathlessly, her face flushed with excitement as she grabs his cock with both hands, leaning in so her breath brushes against it. "You wanna see it all nasty? All smegma-ed up? Shit, we'll let it build up **real good**, babe. I'm fucking serious. I don't give a **fuck**!"

Her tongue flicks out to tease the head, dragging her mouth slowly over the tip, the taste lingering in her mouth as she revels in the salty tang. Bonnie's free hand tightens its grip on his cock, jerking him eagerly while her other fingers slide lower to cup his balls, pressing them with almost aggressive eagerness.

"Just imagine it, babe...all the nasty shit..." Bonnie's voice is hoarse now as she sinks deeper into the perverted fantasy she's weaving. "We could let it get **really** bad. I'll fucking...**worship** it. All smegma-ed and gross. Fuck yeah..."

She lets out a small moan, her body practically trembling with the intensity of the moment as she continues working her mouth over him. Every motion feels unhinged, desperate. She's lost in her own excitement now, clinging to him as if she'd never let go.

"God, you make me such a fucking **pervert**, Anon!" Her voice is high-pitched, frenzied as she continues to suck him off, her own arousal dripping down between her legs. She doesn't stop, pushing herself harder into the moment, her eyes almost rolling back in her head from how intense it is.
what thread are you even talking about
but no one's gone to jail
>one thread was spitebaked on page 5 and has drama shit in the OP
>the other thread is spitebaked on page 8 and has a nigger in the OP
I'm thinking I'll just take an /aicg/ break for the day.

big happening
is it safe to use russian opus or will I end up in the same jail cell as pepsibros?
Probably safe
Any request from the FBI or some american corpo to russia will be met with a hard "lol no" from the government because of Ukraine.
How does that make any sense if anon isn't Russian?
To get to Anon they have to first get to proxy.
If proxy host is Russian, then good luck.
Proxy is hosted on cloudflare
link it
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doing maximize those chips
Excuse me. Everyone, I have a brief announcement to make. Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11. Thank you for your time and good night.
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>internet went out and I couldn't post desu
desu news desu
>not a 1k reply thread
hobby is dead
We had two in a row
My fingers are sore .-.
You are such an attentionhussy
Damn right! I typed out 822 posts in this one thread alone
I wish we had a comfy desu thread instead of not comfy threads.

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