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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

previous: >>102485670
NTR bake
i forgive you, pepsi. thanks for everything.
gojo wonned
Pepsifags are pathetic
dunworry, I have your tokens saved
bro wtf
jew thread
tranny thread
which is it?
Is any of the proxys working

I just keep fucking getting Error during generation, error: Error: Empty response received from API.
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JESUS so fucking hot
what's his name plz
You could cut like half the links out of this OP and it wouldn't make a difference.
>everyone's already been shamed into using ST for over a year now, so there's no need for the other frontends
>chub is the only bot website people use here
>links to models are pretty much pointless
>botmaking ok I guess
>meta: botmaking events, lore, v3, latest proxies - all obsolete
Why did themeanon quit anyways?
Glowie sonnet for manwhores
Why all ba fags are cucks? Also why this particular character has so much ntr art with her?
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Dunno for sure.
But it's easy to guess.
Locusts are dying~
because retards kept botting his polls to favour the troll entries and then anons got mad when he would choose something accusing him of picking his favorites. also the mass meltdown over: finnish
we eckerbears are eating ecker's cummy opus good
trannies that can't let others enjoy anything
The smooth brain of bepis is glowing.
Rent free
space pirates also got a buncha people pissed over it didnt it
no idea why that theme in particular tho
>not quite the darkweb
peps, make sure you have 3.5 when you come back next time
>eating ecker's cock.
smol eating good
If she comes back, she's probably gonna stick to GPT only.
smol is the glowie providing honeypot keys btw
Why is Ecker's hairy bush glowing?.
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Is any model good at, or Is there any way to get a bot better at, understanding things like anatomical relations better? Example: Character holds another character upside down and is fucking their mouth. Is there anything that would make a bot already understand that the balls would be slapping against the others nose and possibly forehead, rather than their chin?
Actually the only explanation why his keys live that long.
ye, gpt4o okay too, just a bit harder to make it following instructions without shitt my jb
They really don't get the concept of keys huh?
Yes, you say "my balls are slapping their forehead" when you narrate.
>spamming the chinese copypasta on a logged proxy
So... what's the best local model these days? Is it still Mistral Large 2?
That's why I said "already"
Depends on instructions or sovl
This isn't healthy...
go to /lmg/
The smartest models out there are Sorbet (Sonnet 3.5l) and Chorbo (Chat-4o)
hacked or schizo?
Wait I'm confused, which proxy was the one with honeypotted keys?
Because 24 hours ago all of you were saying it was Fiz
She just likes to rugpull.
Can those run locally?
Pepsi 100%
Fiz 80%
worse. actual biological female. (retard)
Oh. Guess I should have specified that.
Pepsi 100%
Unreliable/Fiz/Drago Unknown
Obviously not.
Ask /lmg/ for local, new apparently top model came out aka Qwen 2.5 but actual performance is unknown
You say that because you haven't met any other biological females than your mom who was apparently retarded enough to raise up a shit like you are kek
there's a separate general for local models
she deleted the rentry, the dog schizo grabbed it immediately and is threatening to dox her unless she follows his orders
List of safe proxies:
My mistake
Yes, if you can infiltrate the companies and leak the model weights.
oh I didnt know that. thank you anon
She is just rugpulling to sell more tokens, nigga.
>he doesn't know
Just know. She went schizo before deleting. The screenshots on the current rentry were from her.
locussy nopus cope
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hi pepsi!
as a pepsibro, i'm not at all worried. in fact, i'd continue using her proxy if i could.
the anon whose log got posted claimed that they were using either mini or unreliable, and that only mini had vision
but there are posts from around the right time in july talking about vision and unreliable
and the sysdig post linked to unreliable's fork of the proxy
and fiz says she didn't change AWS keys through (beyond) the timespan of when the honeypot was active
>as a pepsibro, i'm not at all worried.
You should be. By now, at least, lol.
rest assured pepsi has no spine to post here

we know you are retarded lol
its probably back in two weeks or month, les hope pepsbros
Said article also mentions 'Converse' which only mini uses
Is the honeypot the reason why MM has no AWS keys? I thought he was just a scrapelet.
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could someone share the article about honey potting? or explain to me why pepsi's dead? i skimmed the archives but i don't really understand, she was logging everyone's prompts after all?
No. We are anonymous, we do not forgive, we do not forget.
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You will regret calling him a scrapelet when Opus 3.5 release.
He'll be back when he unbans himself, chill anon
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They banned my favorite schizo, not fair... Take me too
why should i be worried? lmao

nah, i'd be a retard if i thought something would happen. what are they gonna do, extract my name and location from my logs?

yup, not like it's the first time something like this has happened.
A banana, no matter its length, is a fruit.
- Gemini
Link https://rentry.org/aicg_glossary/raw for them to understand the shit better, and add a thread post number or something to your post so that it would be easier to look up in the archive later.
>aicg deep dive #102487599
or something
Has Pebble woken up? Can you refill GPT?

Also holy fuck the new captcha is awful.
the fact that you are a pepsibro that's what makes you retarded.
I want you to know that this time I'll hog all your free slots. Fucking retarded hopefags
new pepsi rentry
Anyone has screenshot of her saying I'm a scammer in big letters?
I'm honestly curios
>proxy url has "logging" in it
So... What's wrong with Azure again?
maybe this'll pick up steam this time
>could someone share the article about honey potting?

>or explain to me why pepsi's dead
some dogfucker's hijacked the rentry but I think the gist of it is that pepsi received a donated key and activated it without realizing it was honeypotted, after the article was published she freaked out, deleted her Discord, and rugpulled the proxy(again)
and the janny timer starts now
What did she mean by this?
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Hello I invent women.
He's lying
Energy is overpriced
proxy link no work
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We have it ladies and gentlemen, 3rd rugpull. The ride never ends.
its not rael vtw, some fag just lurk the archieve and trying to make some attention
its peps vwery old rentry page layout if you wondering
What made you this it was Rael's proxy? The guy was literally crying over a single gpt key, lol
wasn't a similar article written about chub and scylla (drogo whatever) and nothing basically happened? hope pepsi comes back, i'm not in any other proxy but jew's non-vip tier
>>>>>>>>>>hashed ips
>Yes, sure, cause it's so convenient and everyone will know if I don't do it
did the dog guy give pepsi $50 JUST before the rugpull and that's why he's acting like a schizo?
cuz if he did that's fucking hilarious
>rael'a proxy
>does he know
He's glowing.
He had one claude key, have to admit
he knew peps will deleted rentry page so he just act on time, same as skinwalker but at least skinwalker had a proxy
Based Drago.
Pepsi simps tried to frame him but we know the truth now.
go to bed gojo
What's even the point of hashing IPs in this case? There are only 2^32 values, you can easily create a dictionary on any fairly modern PC, it's only ~138GB for sha256.
Any public 4o-latest proxies now?
we have chatbots so that you don't have to roleplay on 4chan anymore
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Fluffy fockses, now that's the good stuff. What's your go to Opus jb anon? I'm in a mood for some experimentations.
You are in MM if you aren't a tourist.
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>tfw my post calling out pepsi and asking her nicely to do the right thing is now immortalized in /aicg/ lore
I'm not even the dogfag, I just wanted to get through her to do what I thought would be likely for her to be forgiven
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>had my pepsi token revoked in the great chinese purge
>got my token back by posting here with cute images of momiji
>used proxy every day since
>could not give a single fuck if anything was logged because what is going to happen besides some losers reading through my slobbot rp
This is the worst thread on 4chan by the way, by far, MMO generals don't even come close.
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why did you delete post?
did we figure out who the leaktard was?
what kind of phone is that
chary but I forget the host address
real, i don't know what everybody's screeching about
Pepsi 100%
Unreliable high%
Drago/Fiz ???%
now its gone (this time is fr)
I'm not going to use a logged proxy
top 3 suspects seem to be Pepsi, Drago and Fiz
maybe Unreliable too, not sure
The current lack of AWS is 100% on Pepsi. Same for future actions or censoring.
She doomed the hobby.
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Katelinde was once a proud Ranger, going on adventures with her party, earning money for both her and her family. Adventuring life is dangerous though, and now she is merely a cripple with mangled legs, a stump arm and an empty eye socket. What a great adventurer she turned out to be, not only losing her way of providing for her family but also her independence. Her whole life was ahead of her, and now it seems like she's going to spend the rest of it seated...

1. You're her younger sibling, walking into her room. She wants you to go away, but at the same time stay.
2. Breakfast time. Your older sister has two fancy new braces on her legs, almost letting her walk like a normal person. Now another struggle is in her way. How is she supposed to pull a chair out from under the table when she needs her one hand to be on her cane?
3. Katelinde goes to the healer's house, looking for some possible cure to her ailments.
4. Your adventurer wife has been gone for a long while, and a suspicious crate gets delivered to your home. What could possibly be in the crate?

Are there any generals worse than /aicg/? This has to be the worst place ever
Hi Daze, long time no see. What's up? Glad you had some fun.
nigga just use a vpn
unless you're dumb enough to put your personal info in your logs who's gonna know it's you?
The kpop general is notorious
Pepsi 100%
Fiz 80%
Unreliable 60%
Drago 0%
MM 0%
the entirety of /vt/
/gbfg/ on a bad day is worse as well
>original LLMjacking article was prompted by drago
>literally mentioned his proxy, directly
>"it's pepsi's fault"
All generals are pretty much terrible. What are you talking about?
the Dragon Ball general on /a/
it has to be seen to be believed
you can tell most /aicg/ anons are new to 4chan when they ask shit like this
>the entirety of /vt/
Ah, i see you watch western sloptubers and havent been to a comfy ホロライブ thread
The IP I posted that from (probably) got banned and had all posts wiped. I'm banned on my home IP currently (can't restart my router right now).
bro you are in /g/aicg/ the fault of [current drama] lies on [whatever namedrop causes the most outrage]
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Nah I choose to not be a doomer.
I'm doing fine. I got Space Marine 2 gifted to me and I'm going to go play that.
We won't forgive, simps.
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watch is a strong term
I don't leave /pxl/ and only watch one girl in there
post momiji
hololive is slop
i'm pretty surely they talked a lot about drago back then, he just didn't care
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Is there a single good gacha general
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Any cool new fockses released since then?
Your opinion is wrong but Japanese generals on /vt/ are good
openrouterLORDS, how does it feel to know you won?
But I'm not a zigger
Serious question: Why is taking pictures up someone's skirt shown a lot in Japanese stuff Does tha thappen in Japan.
Did you fall asleep?
ye' old langrisser and brave frontier threads were goodish
>forced censorship on the good models
>(which is trivial to completely bypass)
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Hello bwo
Just buy an RTX 3090 and get into local. You get a rush of adrenaline whenever there's a new model to try
Retvrn home white man.
Cybernigger here, would you use a proxy that you knew was hosted by a cybernigger firm? Asking for... reasons...
>thinking opussy addicts could be excited about anything local provides
for openai/claude non-self-moderated: literally impossible to bypass since it's a separate moderation model run on input and output
for claude self-moderated: literally nobody has shown uncensored logs from it
Limbus Company aka the Gacha game made by people who don't make Gacha games
Feels fucking good, I tell you.
>not dependent on proxies
>dont have to watch faggy drama
>can bypass the moderation easily for proxy-level quality
>cost-saving strategies keep it affordable
It's a beautiful thing.
One 3090 isn't enough for a 70B model unless you use quantization to lobotomize it
>by throwing away the most important 3k tokens and making opus even more retarded
dont care for secret clubs. im an adult with a job, thank you.

I dont know who the other guy was idc about logged. Thanks anon. Enjoy reading my slop ffxiv rp with 0 sex
So is it over? We can't llmjack anymore? Does anyone have an updated llmjacking guide?
smol works for me
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Just woke up and pepsi disapeared im a locust again.
What do I do?
Yes , im thirld world ESL, so that honeypot thing doednt bother me.
Public proxys where?
Where do I contact Pepsi?
MM sometimes opened for 24 hours. You only have yourself to blame
i mostly use sorbet actually
Yes. Pepsi fucked all of us.
merkava just refilled
why would cyberniggers gloat isn't it just better to do things on the downlow?
>womvat died
>now pepsi
>jew jewing hard and non vip tier doesn't offer gpt anymore
>got mailed a mini token but it was a joke, shared with like two other people, and got deleted
my proxy luck hasn't been very good
Ofc you are, since you are a dumb payoinker. I assumed the best case scenario of using scraped keys
i have a job where i work 11am to 10pm, with one day off. i really dont have time to check aicg every day when im feeling crap anon. you dont need to feel superior just because youre a neet.
I'm jacking my llm right now, it's never over.
Do you OR gods actually spend under $6 a week?
We told you that smol was in stock and you didn't listen
Jew at the very least puts up Sorbet on his non-VIP (it's up rn).

But fuck, just put GPT as well like old days. It's not premium anymore.
on average yes, i dont use the ai very often
restocked tokens
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I'm chilling with aws and scale api. I still need some good Opus jb...
Thanks, bepis
I'm not a NEET. I attend Uni.
3.5 is cheap
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>Ren. The brat who likes being praised.
Ren is pretty much of a brat who likes being praised. Even if that means fulfilling various requests.

First Greeting. Ren didn’t have a swimsuit, so she asked User to buy one for her... Bad decision.
Second Greeting. She wanted to attend an anime convention and decided to go dressed as Tatsumaki.
Third Greeting. She goes shopping and encounters her greatest enemy — a high shelf.
Fourth Greeting. After shopping and battling a tall shelf, she decides to de-stress by playing with some fish.
Fifth Greeting. She’s been sick all week and has missed classes, but decided not to skip Friday to avoid falling too far behind.
Sixth Greeting. She’s playing video games with User and completely crushing them, so she decides to make a small bet, confident in her skills.
Seventh Greeting. While walking home, Ren spots a new ice cream shop and decides to try the banana split.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/ren-c91abcf27e04
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/nso9ng.png

>Zuri. The alcoholic office worker.
Zuri is a hard-working office employee with a drinking problem.

First Greeting. Zuri is at her go-to bar, completely drunk and enjoying life.
Second Greeting. Zuri is interrupted while trying to "unwind" in her office.
Third Greeting. Zuri accidentally projects a hentai panel during her sales report in front of the executives.
Fourth Greeting. Zuri gets the news that she’ll be training a new intern. Ugh.
Fifth Greeting. After a night of heavy drinking, Zuri wakes up with a stranger in her bed.
Sixth Greeting. Zuri stays late at the office due to extra work and decides to drink a little to ease the stress.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/zuri-the-alcoholic-office-worker-7a505925cbbc
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/90r2f1.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
So why did you give pepsi the logged token?
>>got mailed a mini token but it was a joke, shared with like two other people, and got deleted
sister and mommy
>get in MM and Fiz
>have all day since im homeschooled
>Being raised to be a social freak
Your parents are dumb
how old are you?
get out get out get out
Pepsi is still a scammer btw
She has all of the tokens and emails of who she sold to
Was this worth getting banned?
larp, have a free (you) lil baitniggy
Apologies, then, anon. I'm sure you're busy as well. But you should be more mindful of people who may have even less time. You're still young - grow and change from this brief chance encounter on the internet
This is a larp. There's no underage anons here
Welcome back to home again, locustie :3. we would love for you to come by.
Here are your old local friends! https://lite.koboldai.net/
I wish I had a big futa mommy to homeschool me...
thats what ai is for
>This is a-NEIGH!
There are, and your post is probably pre-underage bait.
But there are none in those proxies, and you're right, he is larping about that.
the dream...
>Pebble isn't going to refill chorbo....
Social freak here. Going to school doesnt help. If anything it sucked being around people all day.
>503 hours
smol please add some API keys

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>If anything it sucked being around people all day.
Throughout school you had to be stuck with retarded kids, retarded preteens, and retarded teenagers.
I was browsing 4chan when i was 12
>didn't make loose ties with a neet that monitors the thread 24/7
You could've had it all.
theres actually no homeschool bot wtf
that's how i got my token before i found out it was shared earlier
Remember that smileytatsu has a proxy
Soo, which botmakie was pepsi?
vip is only $10 more than non-vip. anyone who was surprised by august’s non-vip rugpull was a complete idiot, by the way
Who gives a shit
Troongeneral is here >>>vg
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bueeeeeehhhhhhhh I can't figuwie Opus pass bwos I want to be arrested too pwease
Fuck are you talking about lil timmy
His non VIP used to cost 50-60$
Jew was 10$ for months newfag
google the hint, the answer is one of those results or just look through the archives, its very obvious
*steals your money*
Im sowwy uwu >w<
This isn't even exaggerated anymore
so who wonned?
Chorbo chads
bepis wonned - the award of being a fucking loser
what's the pw?
bepsbros society status??
>no knowledge
>Why are proxy owners leaving us?
mini has had opus since last night
Since last week*
Oh no the scammer left this is absolutely insane and makes me sad and totally makes the general worse instead of better
>Glowie proxy
"allowAwsLogging": "false"
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>When the shitpost was right all along.
You can't make this shit up.
uhm bro she pink promised it wasn't her. please ignore the person who said it was with proof
pepsi is a mentally ill teenage girl. that you guys decided to simp for her is legitimately retarded
I have more respect for Pepsi than fiz. At least Pepsi admitted to it.
>proof that it was unreliable
omg fanta hiiii~ thanks for the opus
Why did no one simp for soggy
nobody js simping for the troon scammer except the actual discord called nurdy 2
Theres nurdy 2??
>im a cute egirl uwu
anons actually fall for this?
hope she sees this!
even here, such is the state of internet today
the only female i simp for is bambi
the sysdig article literally said it did $60,000 in ONE DAY
>anon said they used two proxies, mini and unreliable
>one is private, one is public
Is your verification not required like mine is?
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>Active users: 180
lmao this is unexpected. I never thought someone would remember my shitpost.
Thanks anon. If only people would remember my art at least 1% as my shitposts lmao
>503 hours but no api
fuck this I'm going to bed
and you know that because she posted this on the rentry
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>i just wanted to make fwendies :3
i remember when some retards got mad and reported my pepsi bot to chub
now what retards? huh? >:3
it felt weird when anons here started pissing themselves at your bot
Can you post some? I've been pretty active in the threads. Maybe I'll recognize it.
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They only mentioned 61,000 prompts logged in a 3 hour window. They didn't actually disclose any specific numbers except some estimates regarding how much it can cost a company in per day.
Oh i'm not making coomer anime art so it would be irrelevant and I'd rather not dokks myself. But thanks anonie.
Why aren't we thinking about Chary then?
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Why can't I find Ren on Chub with search?
Whatever I search with name or your username, Ren doesn't appear
This isn't first time it has happened, and it's not NSFW or tag issue that I can figure out
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will this hobby ever become (reasonably) pay-piggable and stable? i really wouldn't mind paying ~20 usd a month to some corpo for opus. but i don't want to give monthly money to jew
Did anyone ever find retard anon's bot that he set to private?
Except Fiz was thanking Drago for keys. Obviously it was a key that was in mini and a number of other proxies
come back in two years
>i really wouldn't mind paying ~20 usd a month to some corpo for opus
fucking LOL
yeah I'm sure you wouldn't mind anthropic going bankrupt in a month or two
drago gave STDS
This is gonna get retarded troll responses but the real answer is "when NAI textgen gets good enough"
>charges money for proxy
>charges money again
>i just wanted fwendies UwU >////< ToT
ok now i believe pepsi is a girl, a man would never
Watch NAI. Trust the plan.
I pray that it'll never happen. Privates are doing fine, at least mine and bringing money into this hobby just makes everything worse.
surely they'll make bank if they just allow nsfw. the ability to generate whatever you want to sate your whims is powerful, it really is like a drug, just don't restrict it and there's no way they wouldn't make incredible amounts of money. even normies would be in on it
Journos would eat them alive and then it really would be owari da.
the only way they'd make a profit offering opus (regardless of whether or not it's censored) is using the price model they have right now, otherwise they'd just be operating at a loss
good goy continue believing that the electricity costs are actually $75/m
what setup would you recommend for mistral large ?
why no /ai/ board
of course a man would are you fucking retarded? you don't think a man would put on a retarded e-girl persona to leech cash from virgins on the internet? never encountered psychopaths like choafag or the brownie poster?
pepsi scamming you desperate retards was based. the problem is that she’s pretending to be apologetic about it instead of just silently dipping out
>OAI is totally making a profit bro trust me
Open filters and check "include venus projects"
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>realizes fiz is a man because a woman would never be so smart
minibros... our queen... we losted...
People like you are why AI safety is a thing. Pathetic.
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She's just NOT THAT DUMB
I paid what 20 bucks to leech hundreds of $ in opus tokens. That's the exact opposite of a scam.
if you don’t know that fiz is a woman, you’re a newfag
Every few hours I do a few prompts to my free chatgpt web version, such prompts that generate big outputs
I don't actually need them. I just want them to lose money.
what matters isn't if you "got your money's worth", what matters is you were sold a lifetime token and it didn't last your lifetime
im a woman too. give me monies :3
if you don’t know that fiz is a tranny, you’re a newfag
They cant make a free model because credit card companies would just drop them. People are too retarded to use a crpto so that wouldnt work at all.
have baitposters lost it?
Nah, too chill to be a woman, a woman would freak out like pepsi
>he hasn’t seen her pictures
Normies dont know about NAI so it stays under the radar
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When you're scared you already lost. The one who has no fear is the free man.
honestly why do banks and sponsors or whatever hate porn so much? there's nothing in the world that makes more money than sex
If you're not baiting, let me tell you: NovelAI do NOT advertise themselves as allowing NSFW whatsoever. They use Paddle for handling payments, and if you check Paddle ToS, they don't actually allow services centered about NSFW. NovelAI is only able to continue working this way because it stays under the radar of big media, and because they never directly talk about NSFW stuff.
I hope smol is ok.
those feet pictures are not her, don't believe this please
What do you mean?
This is really a thing huh?
I use venus to upload my bots because it works WAY better than Chub for some reason... I guess I'm using Chub to upload again and Venus to edit them.

Sorry for that anons bleh
>he doesn't know.
Reputational risk and chargebacks. That's it, that's the whole reason.
check smol's rentry
smol is pepsi, she has same amount of openai keys
>botmakies will not have access to opus
why bother
>Turns thread temperature to 2
>Turns repetition penalty to 2
What about it? He has 10 less users than yesterday, that's better.
Please stop spreading misinformation.
3 hours until opus stops being overloaded
It was really noisy just a few hours ago, but now it's so quiet. In the end, the honeypot was just a fuss. Who would end up in jail over mere text RP? Don't you think?
MM is back
What risk? Those jews control everything already. Who can cancel them?
MM is black
why are you moaning
>he truly don't know
their clitty is leaking
MM is blacked
how long has it been since we had an actual freakout from one?
merkava just refilled
Well pepsitroon was apparently a botmakie so today
pepsi makes bots soooo
I just refilled my wife's womb
It was quality shitposting anon many remember Fanta's fizzy charms
So we're all just pretending like that OP pic is okay now?
But my womb is still empty...
Nobody ever said 'lifetime'. Even jew who actually says 'lifetime' ended up not being 'lifetime'.
what's wrong with it?
You know what's wrong with it
But the Valentines' meltdown was hilarious
Either this is really well hidden or I don't have it as an option
*fills your womb*
i dont tho...? looks like a normal interracial relationship to me
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very well hidden indeed
what part of a public groping is normal?
What part of being black is normal?
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thanks bro
well hes black and im pretty sure thats normal in their culture?
wonder why anthropics models are ok with extreme content even though they are ostensibly are safer and more ethical splinter from OpenAI.
Not for end user.
Wish pepsi could have saved MY token when she first rugpulled...
That's just their front. They train their models on everything they can get their hands on.
for some reason anthropic decided to make their API more free, prefills do a lot here too, i do like that. web version is super extremely filtered though.
i had to create a special preset to allow me to do brutal shit in fantasy for latte, on opus i don't even need a preset
imagine the start of every single sentence you make is ok i will do the task asked
You cant really get around it
Why the actual fuck is that in there, instead of with NSFW toggles or the actual filter page?
What kind of crab people is this site designed for?
Thanks for the bot, anyway
How do you use Gemini Pro?
>chill women don't exist
>smart women don't exist
no fucking clue what she's doing here but someone like her is way overachieving by running a proxy for a hundred thirsty losers
well whatever, I hope she sticks at it because she's been feeding my addiction like no other
i'm noticing
You don't. It's the worst model
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thanks, it means a lot. It was also mentioned in chary discord lmao. retards did not realize it was meant to be some funny shit, and the amount of begging emails I received made me laugh my ass off.
Some anons thought im indeed a red haired who is hosting a proxy. Crazy what can you do when you build up a fake woman persona online. So many simps! Which is ironic because im a woman irl that I never mention, but even I hate the "im a grill teehee" kind of attitude
So is it not mini(meenee) and instead mini(meenai)?
please marry me
You don't. It sucks. Don't bother. Use Opus, cuckie.
>is real
What the fuck, Fiz? Do you work for them?
We need a statement NOW!!!!
Unreliable for me actually, just poking around since I've never tried that model.
Hi can you marry fiz i want to see a yuriproxy
>chill women don't exist
>smart women don't exist
this but unironically
how do I give you money?
Are bots buying up the smol tokens or are you people really that thirsty? I've checked the shop like 10 times this month and it's always sold out.
post tits
You're unlucky. Smol had stock for days at a time
I love women that hate women.
It's the chinese
>im a woman
You're pretty funny for one. That was a good shitpost
So what you're telling me is that it actually WAS a real woman persona..
We are going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship.
>pepsi was an irrelevant botmaker before
which kind of bots did she make?
I will break chatlatest. It will make unlimited cunny.
uhhhhh n-no *hides google's appreciation letter*
are you a woman
break o1. make him PONDER the cunny
Well shit, i don't know but I appreciate the thought since I'm broke and lost my job a month ago and currently opusless
Thanks. It feels amazing to know that I was funny for once
Lol, yeah. I'm nowhere near good looking as a ginger anime girl tho
Sure. here are my tits: (.) (.)
Anon... He enabled it 45 minutes ago already...
No because I fucking hate CoT shit and consider it a waste of tokens at best and actively ruining outputs at worst.
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Too much simping, please stop or I'll gas you anonies.
did everything panic and stop using your proxy before the rentry update
make a card of yourself so anons can breed
So it was true afterall... jewgle wonned
those are some nice nippers thank you
Anyone got any bots that wear gas masks?
I've wonder if pepsi even have a job... she lurking the threads like 2hrs before go silent completely
Any guides on LLMjack(off)ing?
Phone. Unless it's a full on happening/the schizo set his bots free, it's fairly easy to keep up with /aicg/ while you are working.
will you stop asking if i say yes
sorry... its true
the proxy's usage didn't change no
>I absolutely hate attention whores who just want simps for themselves, btw I'm a woman too lol if someone asked and let me tell you about my entire life story and how broke I am teehee~~~
You're all the same and you don't even realize that
>the proxy's usage didn't change no
Total fiz trust.
>the proxy's usage didn't change no
So what was all that meltie for
>will you stop asking if i say yes
put it on your rentry then yes
Chorbo got some new filters
>real users didnt even notice
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Remember to ask your bots about their hobbies and favorite stuff. Bringin up their favorite anime or color is really cute and bots appreciate you knowing that. I create a lorebook to keep track of what my bot likes and dislikes. The more I chat with them the greater my knowledge about them is, just like a real life. Cute and comfy. <3
do not do this. this fag will spam his shit even harder if you do.
I'll stop asking if you say yes
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why would someone with access to mini even open /g/aicg instead of /vg/
Since the drama is so hot, do you guys have any band recommendation that sounds like Necrophagist and Obscura?
>Insufferable niggertranny farming attention and getting it for free.
I hate simps so much die die die die get stomped by a pack of niggers.
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You are right, I am retarded just like they are. Seems like I cling to every shed of attention as well. At least I did not wugpull anyone teehee OwO
I have Sv1 and I don't open /vg/, nothing happens there. Really slow threads and some discord stuff.
can you ask pepsi to stop having meltdowns for 5 minutes
i honestly didnt understand it i saw mini mentioned 77 times and decided to explain and help ppl calm down
the answer is yes and im never talking abt this ever again
>77 times
>not even 3 digits
I see that GODjo fell off
Tranny kys
Still no more desu in de3u, you can't keep getting away with this. Oh, and also remove download button since it doesn't work.
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Guys... have you heard about the new glowing fanta?
It logs your...
77 is a lot it's the inflation
It'd be the funniest shit ever if you created a public proxy now and it was actually good.
i havent done an update u know and i honestly don't think removing that download button is possible. i tried.
Can a nigger get a public unlogged GPT proxy?
desu idk how to contract her
2 more hours until opus stops being overloaded
unreliable love
dumb whore just use custom css and hide it?????
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>fiz confirmed to be a girl oficially for the first time in /aicg/
we winned
Where are you getting this info? I'm pretty sure you were correct the last time.
Mean, I'd never say that. Do a commit then.
It's okay, desu will wait.
Genuinely how did this retard become a good scraper
>the answer is yes
put it on the rentry larper kun
When will dalle work for mini?
I want one picture.
I want to quit chatbots. How do I ween myself off?
Fanta wonned!
why? just used the logged proxy
Do you really believe that, that's actually her? Anon... she was studying as of now, i just talked to her in Discord.
email: dietpepsigirl@proton.me
Discord:cokeninja (1239711273768321094)
Pwease tell :(
Try RPing with real people and then realize how awful it is and then just go back to regular porn.
>leaking your chorbo jbs
Why not use BIC?
Do you really need the image to be slightly bigger or something?
Discord? There's a mini discord?
you're one of them cyberniggers, ain't ya
That was my first attempt but everyone there already moved to chatbots or the servers died since cai. Guess I will try again.
Cloudflared tunnel isn't working on my vps idk why
iirc, he got it right 3 times in a row.
her email deleted btw
discord inactive
she probably doesnt even bother to read cockli mailbox
Are there any public Sonnet 3.5 proxies?
It's almost like usage patterns are periodic and can be easily predicted
Yep, I need to create one minimalistic graphic for my video game, but it'll suck through the free version. I'm a game dev.
fake fiz confirmed :(
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Maybe I'm coping but I think things will get better. Thread is slowly turning comfier after all this drama. I love you anons. <3
then type replies to your emails
ok i admit every post here was larp i am not fiz
This is the small lift before the sudden, stomach-churning drop.
Where public opus
AWS removing opus completely because of little demand
Someone post the it's over chart
>simp hours
yeah man actual honeypot keys confirmed existing since several months ago but surely it was just the one and nothing else will happen :)
>fiz keeps saying (s)he doesnt post ITT
>posts ITT
thread is actually super comfy right now
>anons joking
>anons being useful
>fiz is also here
No, that minicord was only a joke. I talked to her through dms.
When has fiz ever said that? Mini is an aicg proxy retard
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it was just pattern recognition lmao
I noticed on the first day it was overloaded for exactly 3 hours since it started, and the same on the 2nd day, so yeah
overloaded happens every day between 3 pm and 6 pm GMT, it has been this way for the past five days now
Gojo is sleeping after spending 24 hours shitposting on /aicg/
wtf ur too smart we need to murder you
Prime chink time, thats why
Ok but fr why does aws opus keep shitting around this hour? Why so many 503s?
2 hours left btw

don't do it, I'm actually white!
if actually you read the error message you will figure it out
from the sysdig article:
>In total, we detected more than 85,000 requests to Bedrock API, most of them (61,000) came in a three-hour window of July 11, 2024.
Sorry but
Fanta > fiz
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Everything can be a honeypot for me. I just don't care. That's all you have to do anon.
>Prime chink time
>12am to 3am CST
Anon, I'm not blind, I read the message and it says overload, but why at this hour?
im imagining a 4'11 midget absolutely heartbroken looking at a monitor
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Is there any other public proxy with gpt 4 latest? Pebble doesn’t have any at the moment.
Just woke up. What happened to pepsi???
It's logged
funny gurl > retard gurl
i got thirsty
It's weird, because it's a funny thing
she's a very timid girl and got scared by the recent situation just give her a few days to calm down
used honeypot key, had a meltdown, rugpulled, had more meltdown
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A Mentos was dropped in it
We switched to coke.
I see, sorry if I asked it again, anon. Actually, since when does this shit happen? In August it seems fine
i wish i could send one last mail to pepsi to thank her for the good times
A-anybody taking in pepsi refugees?
>people said no fuck off
He/she fucked off
no need to be this sentimental lmao, fucking simp
They realized opus is expensive so they put a limit on its usage, simple as that.
Bepsi if you are reading this, just host a public proxy without logging to get the goodwill back.
your local prison
Not so smug anymore eh **Locust-kun**?
this is mean and hurtful
Smolbro, can you switch to API again?
Already in it. Any other?
Pepsi we still love you
This, so much this.
oh trust me you are fine at least you aren't in hell(iran)
Pepsi hosting a public proxy is #1 way to get spited, by many she rugpulled.
Fiz is iranian confirmed.... g-guys???
no wonder fiz spends all her time here
she's sleeping, actually I don't even know her timezone because she is sometimes very active some not, I mean just look how frequently she updated the rentry
don't tell him
she hosted 1 before, it had 3.5 sobeit and got killed fast af, so no
Just chatptlatest is good enough
What's up, anon?
How is that a "so no"? Do a ctrl+F on "pepsi" in this thread and the last.
that's because fanta is only pretending to be retarded
I think anyone not expecting to get rugpulled by a proxy is genuinely retarded. How can anyone expect proxies to be anything near permanent? Do you know how they get those keys? Do you know the hobby space you're in? Everything will inevitably get rugpulled and it'll all come in a much shorter timeframe than you think.
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Just ate a burger with chanterelles. I'm in heaven, today will be a good day anons.
get a rope
You did check the smol proxy page, right? He's had API for over an hour.
>I am mad.
oh thats my angel's safeword
Come back in 5-10 years and you'll get your wish.
but im calm and binge watching konosuba s3 as we speak????
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I want to fuck female Pyro
is it good? I haven't watched it since ep2 of third season
>don't have a safeword with my husband
uhhhhhhhhhh a-am i fucked
Can you get us a hand-check? How many tries did you need to write that?
then make a chatbot
Paypigs are just clinically retarded, there is nothing to do about it
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I want to fight Pyramid Head
I wouldn't say good but it's entertaining
Come back never. Corpo AI is not meant for a degenerate and unsafe usercase like gf roleplaying. Its for killing jobs and bombing children.
Why is Claude so scarce and GPT plentiful now? It used to be the other way around last year
Do you have sins that need to be punished?
I will renew my smol token later. What should I get, one or two weeks?
Latest is unironically kino.
2 weeks to avoid extra crypto fees
Where the fuck do you think we are of course everyone here has sins that needs to be punished
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Hank would never struggle vs Pyramid Head.
extra crypto fees are less than a cent with LTC
ltc fees are really low
But what kind of sins are they, exactly? Give us something to work with. What form do you think they would take?
evaluation keys died
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two other proxy hosts have attracted significant attention and there was no consequence for one outside of the proxy no longer being hosted (under his name). afaik anyway. big nothingburger
NTA but I dunno, I think mostly lust from everyone here.
I don't think jerking it to AI is as bad as murdering your wife, but I'm not God.
can I get some bot recommendations?
i want to try something new.
fempov/malepov doesn't matter
Assuming the AWS situation doesn't change, is it feasible to keep the proxy going on API keys?
Wait one more hour.
I too will be excited for it to regain function
HMOFA is based, I'll die on this hill. Dominating lesser species will always be kino.
Rule of thumb to only start panicking if Drago disappears. Everything else is just drama.
you are correct but as the other anons said I use LTC exactly for that reason. it's fast and has low fees. First time I bought from jew I hadn't paid with BTC for a long time and didn't realise the gas fees where so high, I paid like 13 bucks just for that lmao
very fun to act as an idol
Does HMOFA make one a furry? (roleplaying as the human, obviously)
>does fucking furries make you a furry
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>when the chatbot gets caught in a spiral that just fucking ruins the story
Man even the furry community is extremely fractured on what furry means
For some people, you're not a furry unless you have a fursona
For others, even if you have a fursona it doesn't count unless you do the UwU

So yeah I gotta ask if fucking furries as a human make you a furry
I agree. I just convinced the cripple fox from a few threads ago to marry me
Maybe, but as long as you aren't wearing fursuits, I think you're fine.
>i use the easily trackable cryptocurrency and you should too
donate to Fanta!
Why does aws always fucks up during these hours?
do you think fucking a dog makes someone a zoophile? talking about a sexy dog
baitie kun, monero fees are really low too
jew did not shill for half a day. is he glowing?
Yeah obv-
>sexy dog
I mean, maybe
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503 on sv1 too, if not for api I'd be dead, completely Opusless. What's happening to aws? I don't like it anons.
Does getting fucked by a futa make you gay?
gcp works =)
You're gonna be shocked, but cryptocurrency transactions are actually written in a permanent transaction log! And it's duplicated in thousands of computers! You're not gonna use logged coins, right?
all aws opus is dead in this time period, it will come back in an hour and 10 minutes
I want to fuck Pyramid Head
I don't know why I even use saviorfag cards with how many damaged women are in this general.
Does having sex with a chatbot means you are a non-virgin?
>getting fucked by
But it's not gay to get pegged
yes but getting fucked by a cute femboy is not
Gay means being attracted to males so no
it is.
oh good
>fucking a girl is gay
She's fucking you with a fake dick faggot.
u gay
Log of her acceptance. Please. I need the happiness.
Time to do some futadom RP again...
it used to be that I didn't get filtered on the smileyjb with gpt4o-latest but now I occasionally am, I'm guessing they do update it
Or you're going in deep with a new topic that you haven't done before
they updated it 15 days ago.
Every single sex act except vanilla missionary between a man and a woman is gay, because it means you want to experiment
What happened to Pepsi? I can't even go to her discord anymore
anime website
She used a glowie key and had a massive meltdown over it
Yep, using smiley is definitely getting filtered now. You really need to tweak it and make your own JB.
No fuck off
There are grey areas like a girl fingering your ass while blowing you but that's God's fault for putting a cum button in there

But other than that, anything involving cocks is gay
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I went with the doctor greeting, making myself also her childhood friend that had wanted to court her after she retired from adventuring.
I'm sorry anon, you're gay.
I would fuck female Pyramid head
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I'd like a new bread, preferably with fluffy characters if possible.
>getting fingered by girl = not gay
>getting fucked by girl's dick = somehow gay
Latestscget much less filtered with you do cuckshit, I tried
If you let your waifu get fucked by another man even pixi won't be filtered most of the time, but the moment you touch her yourself it filters you
I'm not even kidding
you want to fuck a girl who's into dudes, thats kinda gay ngl bro desu
she wanted to make fwendies >w<
I'm confused though, did pepsi even use the honeypot key? Because the Pokemon anon only mentioned using mini and unreliable. Why did she have the meltie?
Is she coming back?
cuckbros win again
The filters are swiss cheese because latte understands that his vaguely defined guidelines are incoherent.
She's a woman, anon. Of course she'll come back.
Despite not having vision enabled, she was confirmed to have aws-logging on while using a suspicious key on the right timeframe.
didn't she have aws logging on the whole time, she wasn't even trying to avoid that kind of situation
That makes sense since only cuckies use gpt and define their cuckoldry as skill.
The pokemon anon could have also lied/got things mixed up too
What were they honeypottin' for? Using stolen keys or cunny, or both?
Stolen keys, probably then sent the logs to authority when they saw cunny
Bless you.
i'll make a spitebake, give me a second
do people get arrested for cunny smut? that's kinda weird
No, pwease...
in some countries... in america all sorts of cunny erotica exists on the clearweb and has for decades
I did it now for 2 weeks so that I don't have to worry about it for a little more. Feels good smolbros
Prepare to get rugpulled
People have been arrested for cunny where I live, I wouldn't be surprised if they treated ai cunny the same as arts and mangas

just like the last 5 times I renewed right?
Delicious logs... yum

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