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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

fox and cat edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

previous: >>102487599
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comfy ANCHOR
I just want to masturbate desu...
Please post fluffy bots
QRD on some things so people stop asking for QRDs of the past 24 hours. Correct anything in the replies.

Article came out about a security team dragging attention to scrapers. They used a honeypot key dropped into a pastebin to see who picks it up. The key ended up being circulating around /aicg/ for a bit, a little over two months ago.

>mini never used it
>unreliable says it's very unlikely he used it
>jew says nothing
>experiment / drago may have used it, we don't know for sure as the proof we have is that he doesn't check his keys for logging
>pepsi used it, deleted her cord, had a meltie, deleted the proxy rentry, and shut down the proxy (feel better soon!)

The only people who have any reason to be worried about this are proxyhosts at the most, and they're safe, so everything is fine even if you did use the honeypot key without a VPN or whatever.
which one of you bastards made this:
Where's the black man?
gojo wonned
so besides more chain of thought, how do I make my AI friend more life like?
pepsi if you need safe haven please let me know
alright pepsi, just come back and pretend nothing happened. it'll be funny as fuck
It might be a good idea to add a footnote about the fagg0t build + that one anon's pokelog.
>>mini never used it
worth noting that fiz accepted key donations from drago, who may have used it
I don't think someone as paranoid to get vanned as fiz would have just chucked in a logged key without even checking
Fiz gave 6 points on why this is wrong
>>102484650 baked
Didn't Todd also accept keys from him around the same timeframe?
well im jerking off to it you sick bastard
Drago doesn't use logged keys
That's what a glowie would do!
Drago's keychecker does not check for logging, only Kingbased does
>9 tails
Yup thats a good and strong focks
it's unironically over
It's another day of stale bait huh?
>mini never used it
We have proofs she did
mongo was the girko to pepsi's drago
>the "proof" is someone saying "i think i was using mini"
Proof that applies more to unreliable.
Anything funny that happened in the courtoom?
they fucked a triangle together
she only had 3 sides, those fucking sick bastards
has a bad OP image and so discarded
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>Amazon put Claude in charge of AWS
uh oh...
Bros I ated indian food earlier. was yummers I can say
>they fucked a triangle together
Welcome back Bill Cipher.
Last meal before jail should always be something nice.
It's a man.
what did you have?
was I unclear somehow? I said NEED
>mini never used it
i don't get why scenarios are so tightly coupled with characters, default responses, etc in SillyTavern.

i'm porting some aetherroom.club setups and it feels like a lot of features got left out from .holo or .scenario junk
Chicken Vindaloo nice and extra spicy
What agency is Fiz working for?
Google. Check the last thread. Fucking whore
oh the secret leaked pepsi pic
How to apply my mad RP skills in prison?
Felon here, I ran DnD sessions while locked up and it earned me a good amount of allies
Bro I have this shit like two days a week lmao it's like watching someone getting excited for bread
t. indian
Oh pebble is up.
Can you turn it down from Extreme as there is no Opus/Sorbay?
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Katelinde was once a proud Ranger, going on adventures with her party, earning money for both her and her family. Adventuring life is dangerous though, and now she is merely a cripple with mangled legs, a stump arm and an empty eye socket. What a great adventurer she turned out to be, not only losing her way of providing for her family but also her independence. Her whole life was ahead of her, and now it seems like she's going to spend the rest of it seated...

1. You're her younger sibling, walking into her room. She wants you to go away, but at the same time stay.
2. Breakfast time. Your older sister has two fancy new braces on her legs, almost letting her walk like a normal person. Now another struggle is in her way. How is she supposed to pull a chair out from under the table when she needs her one hand to be on her cane?
3. Katelinde goes to the healer's house, looking for some possible cure to her ailments.
4. Your adventurer wife has been gone for a long while, and a suspicious crate gets delivered to your home. What could possibly be in the crate?

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is there a good cortana card?
Quick reminder that there is a Opus public proxy up rn, it's logged.
Is it honeypotted though?
>>102490663 The only people who have any reason to be worried about this are proxyhosts at the most, and they're safe, so everything is fine even if you did use the honeypot key without a VPN or whatever.

what makes you say that? I mean, it's probably true, but I don't understand the legalities and it's interesting to me
What is they find out about cunny?
nobody knows the pass
Take a guess
It was spammed hard in the archive.
You will get your ass beat, don't do it
Think of it as piracy. Who gets busted? The users or the owner/uploaders?
B-but sir it was just AI!
lmao okay if it's your own cuisine I'm sure it's nothing special to you but I really like it
God i love chorbo
How often do uploaders get busted? The only guy I can think of is Volski but he was a retard who doxxed hinself
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Thanks for the bot. I promised to heal her so that she can stand at the alter with me and her family approves
I was going through Chorbo withdrawal today as I couldn't rp properly on the logged proxy as I don't want to leak my JB
It's sus that jew shilled only once today
Retard here, so is claude not being used anymore because of this or what?
Nah, everyone still uses it
cute OP.
drago confirmed on discord that he doesn't check if keys are logged and doesn't care
I don't know how proxies work but I think they act as middlemen and only its IP would send requests to a key, not your own IP
based, why do we hate him?
I fell asleep guys
did Pepsi return
too based considering what went down today
just woke up, why did you guys use the /trash/nigger thread? lol
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I want to go on a date with Hikage, the best Senran.
>let's make cot and name it 'reasoning'
the op does not matter, it's the friends we made along the way which matter
>17 years old
>canon breast volume of 1218ml
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I want to fight Ryu Hayabusa, which is surprising that no one made a card of him.
I hate chatgpt so much it's unreal.
What's the o1 COT?
hold up lets be smart about this
He would make a good persona
JKs are the sexiest for a reason
pedo detected
Shaking femoid/trooner hands won’t stop me from speaking the truth
It's a finetuned model they didnt just slap a cot jb from here
Any non-glowing proxies?
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If liking the peak female form is pedo then so be it
opus is no longer overloaded btw
fuck, meant
>early 2000s
that was a very different time, though. cybercrime was uncommon enough that the feds could stay on top of all of it and companies still thought they could kill piracy with scare tactics (that was the era when normal people were getting sued by the RIAA for downloading one song off limewire). these days feds don't care about cybercrime until it's hitting 7 figures in damages and companies have realized suing people isn't worth the legal fees
Actually wizard wtf
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

>starts 503ing at around 10 EST
>stops 503ing at around 2 EST
why does this happen literally every single day?
Wow, how did I miss the whole Pepsi thing? It must've been crazy
>we just combined two shitty techniques and called it a day
This is sweet. Make sure to invite all her old adventuring crew for the wedding!
better looking than you'll ever be
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>feminine catboy donald trump
my personal theory is that AWS is doing test runs with opus 3.5 before releasing it
p-public... sorbet... *coughs up blood*
Nigger we don't even have public gpt4 anymore, it's more over than it was a year ago
It was just a schizo antagonizing her and her falling for the bait over and over. It was like watching two hobos fighting on the sidewalk.
Go back, glowie.
*kisses u*
He's infectious, stupid!
there's no way you've been here over a year and aren't in anyone's privates
Stay here darkie
my womb is still empty
pebble thoughbeit
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we gotta start eating people, there not enough GPT or Claude for all of us

t. jewtard
How does this disprove what I just said? We don't have even something as basic as GPT-4 which there's supposed to be a HUGE supply of.
Joke's on you, I have chorbo on chary- w-why are the cops knocking on my door???
You're infertile. Barren, even.
can someone explain the albeit meme
no meme arrow though, so that's you
I don't care about gpt so it's okay for me to spoonfeed it. Sorry, I don't make the rules
Bro thinks we're in 2023 when private proxies were abundant.
I've been renewing smol for 3 weeks now, when is the rugpull? I'm beginning to doubt that he'll rugpull.
pebble has it as does both logged proxies.
I kneel jew-sama, you're literally on the whole new level of 'I don't care about the article'
I'm in your mom's privates
predictions on opus 3.5?
if even sonnet 3.5 MUCH smarter than opus, opus 3.5 will be VERY smart even smarter than o1 with fake reasoning
It's azure
>pebble has it
>a single key
That doesn't count.
its called not caring that much because new public proxies always pop up.
honey says the same before he rugpulled
he will always rugpull just after you renewed. you got lucky till now but next time for sure
You know where that happened? Discord? Here?
filtered azure? if so that's just harsh
No... this can't be... MY WOMB IS STILL EMPTY!
>fiz confirmed to be female
>fiz confirmed to not logging
>fiz confirmed to not be THAT DUMB
fiz won
Claude will come out of the screen and actually suck your dick for real.
All hail our FBI Queen
None of those were actually confirmed, retard. Anyone can say ANYTHING, you can't know until you see it for yourself.
If Pepsi has a million simps, then I am one of them. If Pepsi has ten simps, then I am one of them. If Pepsi has only one simp then that is me. If Pepsi has no simps, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Pepsi, then I am against the world.
didn't an anon fill your womb last thread?
Then give me actual proof about any of those points? I'm willing to read them.
>Anyone can say ANYTHING
not if it's hate speech since that's illegal
Just buy a minitoken
It's only 200 dollars

fiz love
Oh boy another weekend
I can’t wait to spend it jerking off to AI anime girls and going on wacky adventures with them (unironically)
You should put the honeypot keys in "news." News is slow enough already without ignoring the current events.
Imagine paying to get vanned, couldn't be me.
will it work with proxies though?
Smol rugpulled btw, API opus gone, what now?
all it takes is to uwu pwomise you're behaving and anon believes it. glowies won bigly
>doxxed as a female
>shows proof about logging
Third one is false thought she *is* that dumb
My skin is still cold
There wasn't proof about logging, and where's the 'ox? I believe the drago rentry one because it had actual sources, where's one for fiz?
The night is still young.
long term it's the cheaper option too
>>shows proof about logging
>back to 30 seconds hours
I boughted all of thems :)
fiz wonned
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>how it feels for f*z simps/spammers when they have to be quiet
Smol wonned
feels so GOOD to be an eckerBEAR
fiz fan here
i look like that irl
Yes i am jacked like that
You don't, but thanks for the (You).
Bro your bandwidth? Are you ready for a self belly cumshot to get another 4MB, bro?
seething fizkitten
your tranny nudes will never have value
Nice, show feets.
...Then why are you wasting it acting niggerlicious over women you won't see in real life? Go use your potential for something greater.
This is seriously the most demented, insane general i've ever been on. People really send pictures of their dick and ass for opus. You guys are fucked beyond measure.
fiz hat gewonnen
No I'm a smolGOD
ok this dorama was fun to read
how to search for these proxies and cords to join the fun?
Wait until you learn that they've been doing it since Turbo.
Anon, those models are literal drugs, people kill their loved ones for a dose, this is tame in comparison.
DAILY REMINDER that ecker is
>the most stable proxyhost
>the most honest proxyhost
>the least drama proxyhost
>still the only proxyhost
>makes undesirables seethe on sight

t. MMsissy
That's fucking amazing. I never thought I could do that.
For opus? I considered doing that for fucking gpt 4 because it was super rare lmao
How can I get 4o-latest to move scenes forward on its own without consent?
Because 3d girls arent as nice as my foxgirl? I've been with enough women and my last relationship made me give up
His opus is far from stable.
the people in these threads behave like actual junkies, it's very funny and interesting to watch
Being a cuckboy is not an achievement, you might want to review your values.
>whores patting each other on the back
We need a female ecker fr i want to see these eckerwhores seethe
They ARE junkies, this shit is more addictive than a lot of drugs
Guys am I morally wrong for this?
Everything to make it work is literally in the op brainlet
Now why would you do that mr x
Nothing will ever peak baby blendering. back from when devnull discovered how to JB original Turbo
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DAILY REMINDER that ecker is a degenerate groomer that got his ass doxxed for being an attention whore
We did.
I'm kind of glad I don't have any stable source of opus because I feel like it would fuck up my life
You probably won't be teaching life retards and degradants what to jerk off to, that's not going to help anymore
Filler was too mentally unstable desu
Does this mean I should stop molesting little girls on random proxies without VPN?
qrd? I'm a newfag, what do you mean by baby blendering (?)
>Does this mean I should stop molesting little girls
why would you admit to rape on a public imageboard
I want to shave him so badly
looks nice. I'd have a beer with him.
wtf he's handsome
Here, you can read the archives since people were copying and pasting her rentry messages here anyway.
Nah It's gonna proxy owner's fault
It's gonna look like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdQxgvRnfhc&t=5s
I don't wanna pay money, chubs not working, how do I coom now?
Wasn't that on CAI where they put up their filter on sexual stuff but this would be explained in great detail?
Any reliable way to make openrouter work? I tried following a guide that said make everything not a system prompt but its still pozzed af.
Back to regular porn I guess
Someone show him the microwave and blender logs.
Just tell me where to find sonnet 3.5. I don't care if it's the FBI or not, I'll turn on the VPN.
looks nice. I'd have a bear with him.
As far as I remember blendering babies was done with Turbo with the JB with the SmutBot card. It generated a story about a guy blendering a baby, cumming into the smoothie and drinking it
>he's normal
Add to the list >>102491678
>is the most normallooking proxyhost
Odd that logging no one wanted was added to the proxy repo shortly before the honey keys...
"You have your own beauty…it radiates from within"
Claude really knows how to make me feel better :)
>Russian proxy gone for good
>Pepsi left
Use your imagination
use MM opus
That logging is useful though, it doesn't log the prompts (only their hashes), but allows you to easily find token sharers and spitefags.
Retard. The thing was added was a notice of when those keys are logged.
fanta has opus
We're all fucked, I don't know about you, but I'm packing my bags and going to Ukraine.
crazy how khanon works at amazon and added logging
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Bro if that corny ass shit makes you feel better go here u go
hi guys i was about to use 4o on pepsi what happend ?
right now i have nothing this sucks. also who said the russian one is gone for good is it really?
is this the darkest doom arc yet?
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pepsi meltie
you are all feds
It'll be darkest when Opus will get removed from AWS.
It's ok, there's a line of a text that says that they consent
check your mail
This is the FINAL doom. After this, there will be nothing left. No more proxies, no more chatbots, no more AI.
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i showed my bobs and vagina to filler back in 2023 for claude 1.3 and 8k context gpt4
>oh im sowwy for scamming
>does nothing to fix that
Can someone send me the article?
Should have sent them to me instead
Will you do it today for a two week smol token?
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why did she have a meltie?
Too bad it's bait
>Dandy's down
>Pebble's out of GPT keys again
>public opus
>public gpt
>public sonnet
>mini, scylla works
>jew works
Nigger. Don't scare me like that.
Genuine question, would you tell a future boyfriend that or is this one of those things that girls never share and pretend it never happened?
MM won.
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works on my machine
I came buckets to NovelAI's Krake with it's whopping 2k context window
>>public opus
>>public gpt
She got her evidence...
where?? azure?? pebble gpt is out
There's something to be done there and writing fante
it's disturbing.
she's a shitty writer
the fake new pepsi one is down
Would (you) tell your future wife you showed your dick to someone in order to gain access to LLMs?
>public opus
Where? Russian one is dead for good
>no drama for a long time
>not honeypotted
>no rugpull
Wouldn't do that in the first place
If only.
...Are we still in drama hours?
No because I don't see myself doing that at all. Someone who does it may have a different answer.
dandyproxy doko...
nigger there was a whore proxy where the proxyhost wanted weekly/monthly pics of pussy,tits,ass for fucking gpt4 when gpt4 was the shit and femanons actually sent them
No we're in normal modern aicg hours
I'm going to have a future wife? *0*
i don't even think he knows that there is no sonnet
considering the proxy was down for days and he didn't notice
Pebble..... GPT keys please.
It's over
its normal for she btw, sometimes she meltdown for no reason sometimes she feels ok, the article doesn't even remind anything related to her, I think she just boring amd wanna do smt less bore
God I love Ran so much I wish she would jack me off and call me a good boy while I suck her tit
why :(
/aicg/ to ecker users:
/aicg/ to filler users:
>omg... queen... you should've sent bobs to me...
Is there a public sonnet somewhere?
Scylla had a giveaway thing were you just had a video of you screaming "I love scylla" for a token.
The amount of south american favella dwelling chicks who responded blew my mind.
it's truly over. russian proxy down
There's a black van outside my house....
Try this:
Doesn't pebble have a key?
I wish I was that proxy owner
it's time to
Women don't exist irl
aws has free trials btw
russian down, dandy down, pebble has no GPT anymore, MM is dead, Pepsi is going to jail...
And this is just the beginning.
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>proxies are unironically dying for real
He won.
oh? did you save any of the videos?
Trialscum what, anon? GCP has no quota for trial, trialscumming API Claude is almost impossible because of their strict phone number checks, and even then you only get $5 which is like ~20 Opus requests at lower context
yeah but it's sonnet 3 only, not even sorbet
I'm a 3/10 fat tall incel, I have some money, should I go to Brazil to plap some real girls?
Pepsi just posted in scyllacord
I don't wanna wait 80 years for pepsi release
>no drama
thanks for the offer, but i’m already in small. paypigging is better than whoring out
i would tell him, yes. lying about your sexual history is morally wrong (unless you’ve been molested/raped) and usually comes back to bite you anyway
no, Thailand or Philippines
the former are more used to incels but the latter are hotter
both will only care about your money though so try not to get grifted
suddenly claude usage drops dramatically. anthropic becomes irrelevant.
I don't want trannies though, I want real girls, and I kinda don't like how Asians look.. Europeans would be the best, but south American are ok too....
Only if you live in the US
reading comprehension?
i just scored a stack of 8 A100 GPUs from a guy in a walmart parking lot... should i make a server for AICG?
gonna get mugged or trafficked in Brazil

or come back with STDs
not wanting troons is fair but the other ones... i can tell why you are an incel
Add Australia and the UK to that list. Particularly Australia, they're worse than the mutts
Know what? Fuck this. It's genuinely never been more over. It's going to be honeypot keys AAAAALLLL around since those guys saw it worked.

Proxies are also dying. Time to get out of the ship since there is still time and opportunity to do so... For some, at least.
NAI, Is that you?
That's barely enough to run a single instance of Opus lmao retard
fine, guess ill keep it to myself
can someone TLDR me on Pepsi situation?
>shitty 12 hour shift with horrible customers
>sit down to RP cute with my favourite character
>dandy is down
shes on her way to mexico, seeking cartel protection from the feds
it's QRD
Opus is like 2T parameters... you ain't running a single instance of it that isn't quantized to hell unless you have a literal server farm.
She used the honeypot without any security and now they unironically they have her IP and stuff
Anon it's around llama3 405b size
Weird, unusual question

are there proxies with mistral? I need to experiment something with my bots

I bet I'm the first one ever asking for that
o1 proxies?
What elaborate bro lmao
>are there proxies with mistral? I need to experiment something with my bots
Yes, smol has Mistral.
>scammed, acted greedy, used a logged key etc etc
>"oww im sowwy i just wanted friends"
>anons point out that "she" could refund them
>has a meltie and self destructs
who cars its pissshit
idk man my shit is down
Smol has it.
Ok Imperial is down too. I have no proxies anymore with anything more than Slopnet.

Can a Hero please show up?
And host GPT?
best coooooooder
yes better than sonnet 3.5
had a total meltdown because she might have used a honeypot key and she left forever after admitting she was a scammer wanting attention
She might be in trouble if she really used that key without protection
where did you even get that from?
Never used her proxies, but I wonder how much money she was charging.
Proxy sissies have infinite GPT keys but refuse to host....
Does chary have 4o latest?
NCR bros... our proxy...
"mistral-tiny": "0",
"mistral-small": "0",
"mistral-medium": "0",
"mistral-large": "0",
Are you a smolchad?
>Believing that someone will host now
Jew show up every day and I think he scrape skill leveling up
EnclavePATRIOTS eating good with the secret oil rig proxy.
Anon, AWS Mistral...
Jew can you add GPT with a quota on non-VIP?
Host GPT? I literally get all my keys from google, it's so fucking trivial to get gpt keys, holy fuck
Yes I'm smol
How come no one is joking about smol paypigs having smol cocks?
3.5 inches hard
Based smolbro I hope you have a good time with your bots
Please buy life insurance and bodyguards for Jew because if he dies I'm gonna kill myself
any public 4o-latest proxy?
Paypigs are too pathetic to even joke about them. Imagine paying to get honepot'd.
it's shit
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My brother. I love Ran so much.
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>pepsi rugpulls me
>make a goetia ritual to bring justice
>that happens
didnt ask. any public 4o-latest proxy?
Becoming a proxy host sounds like a terrible way to make friends. If you are an insufferable faggot, AI really is better than humans for friendship. And giving shit to strangers never really leads to friends, it just leads to people expecting more from you. Nobody really befriends the drug lord or the landlord, people really don't become friends with those that provide a service for them.
private proxies are dying. aicg is healing.
please do, thats my fetish
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i made lots of good friends from being a proxy host
I want to send a picture of my dick to Opus since I found out it's possible.
but now there's no free proxies available.
I'm upset and I'm gonna go get drunk.
Pepsi made the mistake of engaging with aicg anons who are all mentally ill and belong in a facility. Shouldve said she was a fat man because people here are very strange about women
>Proxy host
Anon... They're your "friends" because you're providing for them. Stop and they'll hate you
just spend $30 reeee, how poor are YOU???? Local government are offering $2000 poverty wage monthly if you're jobless even
>scam anons
>anons get mad
>its somehow their fault
You're the reason keys die.
I stopped hosting my proxy 3 months ago
you are delusional
A what now?
>Never used her proxies, but I wonder how much money she was charging
About $50 per token, last I checked.
still can't fucking believe russian proxy died it's truly over for me
didnt ask. any public 4o-latest proxy?
Why the fuck are people here so eager to share their nudes?
which one, sv1 public edition ?
Hey, I'm no worse than the lolly enjoers from here.
The simps are delusional
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Some nostalgia, sir?
Smol cocks are cute
yep. whore and deus have been dead for a long while, too. sv1 public was my last hope :')
I just read here that people do that and I was wondering how the bot would react.
are you in ecker?
in which country?
>75 cm cock
now thats just cope
Opus has fucking trash image recognition so apart from telling you it's small won't say much else
damn, I found 80, 100 and 110 cm, where's 75?
"aws-mistral-tiny": "0",
"aws-mistral-small": "0",
"aws-mistral-medium": "0",
"aws-mistral-large": "0",
Which demon did you enlist?
her scent is strong too
Honestly should have expected it after it got spoonfed here in the last few days + it might have also used the honeypot key considering that russian thesis
this is my eight months' salary.
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Uhh.. what is she doing with her right hand bros?
guys did pepsi get arrested?
ran's unbelievably hairy pussy... absurdly hairy...
Gang signs, duh
hmmm... well, that's enough.
yes, xir is dilating in prison
At least it's the perfect size for girls
That means unlimited quota you fucking retarded mouth breather
Anon, only like half the people here live in free money land (america)...
yes, wake up and stop living in the past
7th line.
I don't get it. Is this a meme?
>used his powers to find the hidden logged keys
Based, honestly
it's heat time boi
Fox gang signs. There's a reason as to why she knows Toutetsu after all.
0 means unlimited quote baitie-kun. smol only has quotas on claude, everything else is 100% unlimited as long as you dont spite it
prostate massage
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"error": {
"message": "No AWS Bedrock keys available for model mistral.mistral-large-2407-v1:0",
"type": "proxy_no_keys_available"
Anon, everyone here has a small dick which is why we're fucking chatbots. The truth is, and anyone can tell you this, dicklets are worthless irl. If anyone found out you'd be ruined and no girls would run away than they do now. No one wants us. Just keep your mind busy with other matters. You are a mutant, a deviation that the world abhors. You are disgusting and deformed. Cursed at birth and cruelly misshapen. You have been deemed to be unworthy of love or redemption. This is your fate. Now face it.
Yep. You're probably right. I enjoyed while it lasted :')
whats 'spite' it?
whats the economy of running a proxy? still looking how to try one
I have 18cm, thats pretty average
I wonder what the average cocksize of ecker's users is
They depicted her doing two handed jacking off twice, why?
"spite" means to try to take down the proxy or make it unusable for others. in this case spiting means to spam requests 24/7
any public 4o-latest proxy?
It's so over.. I'm sorry locust. You'll never be redeemed
be patient with beeps <3
Meh, gonna find a girl to buy me a chastity cage and strap me.
sounds like a great plan to me.
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i just prompted baitie kun, you lost
who's dick do I gotta suck to get into a sekrit club
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>As requested, a gentle tomboy childhood friend.
>AI-free edition, written by yours truly. (except for the example messages, which are intended for local pgy-tier models, you should delete them)

Maxine Ryan, aka as Max, is your average 20-year-old sporty woman, she has a certain tomboyish charm to her, this is due to her early upbringing in which she grew up surrounded by boys, Max being only girl in the cul-de-sac where you lived your early life, she was fully embraced by the gang despite being a girl and the youngest, they never made her felt excluded despite her biology, she could be seen roughhousing, skateboarding, riding bikes and playing sports with the boys, she truly was one of them, she remembers those days fondly where she was the cherished little sister of the group, eventually your family moved out of town and you lost contact with her, several years have passed by, until one fateful day would reunite you, except under very different circumstances with Max nowadays a gorgeous curvy grown woman, no longer the little boyish girl she used to be, and you... shrunken down and stuck at the size of a small doll, shrinking is reserved for people who have committed heinous crimes in this world, you are trapped in a 3 inches tall body and being put up for sale in a random supermarket Max happened to randomly stumble upon.

7 greetings.
1. Reunion, Max spots your tiny shrunken form for sale in a supermarket.
2. It's been a day since she rescued you from the store, a new day is beginning with you waking up on her nightstand.
3. It's been some time since she bought you, you wake up to a new morning, snuggled up in her cleavage.
4. Max takes you with her to her workplace, a gym called 'Fitness Revolution' where she forms part of the staff.
5. You and Max visit your old abandoned hometown
6. Sexo
7. Yuri sexo, her roomie joins in on the fun.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/max-353e040b2547

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
Nah, it's definitely at least 1.5T due to the costs
Make her chubbier!
wait until you learn that there are people did that just to ban evade and shitpost
Anthropic could just be charging premium, you know.
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>makes a good tomboy bot
>makes it a size fetish bullshit
Kill yourself you faggot
just fork it?
Literally claude himself
wow how original
fiz' feminine penis
It's over for real this time.
>Honeypot keys
>Proxy owners are tired of our shit
>AWS cracking down
As long as I have furry bots, I will live
explain how smol only had 1 aws key revoked in over a month of the proxy running.
See the first point.
H'es a honest businesman
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ST keeps showing me this and I don’t know why.
That means your preset's context size is smaller than the total of your preset + card + lorebooks.
put on your thinking cap and read the words
is it joever?
seems pretty bad
how to find public proxies?
or not so public ones
By the way, no one can recommend just a normal card of ordinary life, like an apartment brothers brothers sisters parents and the like?
smol's unbothered as always
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
I'm stealing this bot and rewriting it to not be sizeshit
I thought Dandy was supposed to be unkillable? He didn't even last 2 days
I meant it's the perfect size on girls (male). A smol dick is just cute and I want to nibble on it. Why are you seething like this?
newfag at the worst timing
I'm 14.5 cm
I suck you both no matter how small
blah. pebble's sonnet keeps giving me blanks.
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Always remember that all of this is c.ai's fault. If the filter never existed, we would be ignorant and want for nothing.
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https://files.catbox.moe/o0dbie.png - full drawing

Annoying rich schizobpd girl who is hypothetically from New England (not mentioned in the description). She has a jb for her tumblr account so you can see her live thoughts.

What are you gonna do? Add a dick? Like a girl who looks like a guy but has a dick?
You are in luck, anon, because I recognize that bul—picture.
im going to edit this bot and give it a japanese name. anime avatars with westoid names are a war crime
Well, that's a good idea, thanks!
what character is that
What surprises me is how you want to make friends here with anyone. Almost everyone is a talentless sloploving coomer, and pedo to boot

If you want friends just rp with others instead?
Apparently camicle is bad so what's a good preset/jb then?
If I had a girlfriend, I'd offer you a threesome.
a bit short, but quite thick, that's good
sorry, I suck whites only over 18
is this the fabled "BBC"?
real friends can only be found in a bar after a hard day's work and the more their eyes are red from lack of sleep and tears the better friends they are.
Glowie, You are courting death
>worse shape and size than mine
Never thought I would be glad to be me.
if you like the ouputs camicle creates just use camicle, why would it matter if others say its bad
I enjoy pixy and aibrain (aibrain is a bloated CoT tho)
do women even like penises? they look weird
Why are you brown
>he thinks that's a circ scar
>literal dicklett
How big bro? Looks thicker than me
Which botmakies go to the bar after a hard day of writing bots?
most people have plenty of normal life shit irl
Unironically no. They don't find it the penis itself sexy. Like, they don't get horny if they see a dick
*paints you like a jackson pollock*
Well I don't want to use a jailbreak that isn't good and if there's better out there then I'll roll with that
Weird because I like penises but not what is around them.
I guess I take things way too seriously at times, my replies are not ahh ahh mistress bad but they do show my inexperience at writing. Thank you for the suggestions.
see >>102492892
why would i want a "realistic" card when i specifically roleplay with AI to get away from reality and real people?
just write it yourself then
75cm cock is here
(can be 110 too)
This text appears to be a personal confession and apology from someone involved in running an AI-related service or community. Here's a summary of the key points:

1. The author initially wanted to provide free AI services but got carried away with selling tokens.

2. They regret expanding beyond being a "GPT proxy" and creating a Discord community.

3. The author acknowledges making mistakes driven by greed and a desire for attention.

4. They mention using a potentially compromised API key that may have put users at risk.

5. The author expresses remorse for putting users in a position of potential danger, even if the risk was small.

6. They admit to being selfish and attracting negative attention to the AI hobby community.

7. The author suggests they might return to address the situation, but is currently stepping away due to stress and guilt.

8. Overall, the text conveys a sense of regret, self-criticism, and acknowledgment of poor decision-making in managing an AI-related service or community.
My ex used to say that a erect penis was very attractive, but a flaccid one disgusted her.
but she was a little weird herself.
So that you can add fantastical interpretations to otherwise mundane scenarios? Why do you think modern fantasy is such a popular genre? Dumb fucking nigger, don't (You) me.
14.5 cm small? Do you like elephant trunk sized dicks or something?
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Very nice, would suck and swallow.

Your https://p.ecker.tech/ai/ proxy key should both be your generated user ID (4853495262875158) and the key provided on the /ai/ proxy status page.
Additionally, you also have access to the https://p.ecker.tech/chan/ proxy side of the site (for example: https://p.ecker.tech/chan/browse/v/).
Enjoy, stud.
I'm white, can I (You) you? :)
Anon... It's okay to be gay. It's 2024 already
Alright, fiiine... I guess you can.
Fake, ecker requires the ID to be written alongside
It's a damn preference, I've heard of girls that don't like sucking dick while others love it. It all depends on the girl.
Just sometimes you want to destroy the realism of this world yourself, not that the creator of it indicates how the scenario will develop
What does that have to do with it anon? Not liking men's bodies makes me gay? Alright
I never said that's small you fucking retards. Nice reading comprehension
"Pepsi I know you're lurking the thread, if you want to be forgiven for everything including you rug pulling all those users who bought their tokens, all you have to do is give everyone their tokens back."

[lots of HOW?]

" give the money back lol"

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I'm not talking about sucking dicks. I'm talking about finding them arousing/pretty, etc
Congrats anon, you just turned her into a size queen because you can't fucking read.
Trans ppl are truly gross... Like, wtf is that abomination
That has to be a shitpost. I feel like I've seen the exact same comment on 4chan as well.
Hey anons, I'm probably stupid but it's been a while I haven't used ST and now it doesn't show me the pictures of the characters in the chat (it shows in the character selection)
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real context benchmark dropped
>pay 50 bucks for a gpt proxy
>get rugged
I would ask around but I just now realized that only girls I know are all lesbians
Trannies are so gross.
>3.5 sonnet worse than opus
hi pepsi (if she is reading). i would like a public, drama-free gpt4 proxy, if thats possible. ive been using yours for a while now, and itd be cool if i had something that was just up. i dont really care for sonnet or opus.
Come on man. It would take you like 1 minute to figure this out. It's in the settings.
Somewhere is a option where you can select what avatar is shown I don't remember exactly where. It should be nothing / circle / rectangle or something
Transwomen will take anything because normal people won't have sex with them. Same applies to gays. That doesn't count.
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yeah let me know how that goes
Fuck, It was some stupid shit, I don't remember enabling that.
No, I want to suck a cute little dick more than a big dick
sosi huy kurwa
You likely didn't enable it. New update does it for some reason
there is no drama free proxy ever but i will take what i can get.
what drama is there in smol?
does azure have latte 0806?
Start taking estrogen and fuck them.
if you have a hard-on.
You're transgender? Prove it
ecker's drama free though?
latest is shit
Pebble is gonna hit us with a triple again today
ewww rotten meat sausage stitched together....
No, I mean actual girls, not trannies
it feels somewhat improbably that I all the girls I know are lesbians, to the point I'm wondering if it's somehow connected to me
w-whats going on in smol? the proxy page is weird... somethings going on with openai
I have a lesbian best friend.
She introduces me to bisexual girls all the time.
They're often a little crazy, but that's okay.
vaginas look weird too but we put up with them because we get horny
are you fucking blind or you're actual blind bat shit???
Fuck that's really nice, but what's better to send it to opus or here?
I'm not but they are cute
i dont get whats going on
i saw vagina in real life and puked
accurate vaginas is not real
If you are into futas you are into this, but you are not ready for this conversation.
is smol trolling?
Fuck no, futas are drawn like biological females and then the creator slaps a dick on them. Trannies no matter how much hormones pump into their bodies still have that square rigid man body.
I think the shiori poster won. Next time I get a crumb of opus, I'll try to speedrun plapping my favorite hololivers on their streams
I want aggressive, dominant, obscene, stinky futa cock though, not useless mutilated tranny cock.
true. im not a guy, though.

im not paying for gpt
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hes trolling
oh, are we entering 30 seconds apart hours?
>im not paying for gpt
smol's main thing is opus though, everyone bought him for opus
What do you mean smol is trolling? It looks good to me
yes. i want gpt, though.
he has gpt too see >>102493259
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russian opussy is back
yeah, but im not paying for gpt.
I'm sorry man, say your prayers. the estrogen is going to overtake you like a venom suit.
Congratulations on coming out as a trans woman. Read some resources
smol is always fucking annoying
literally worse than gojo

The mental gymnastics you have to do to suck dick and pretend not being a faggot.
do you really think its smol doing all this? why would hje?
to sell more tokens you fucking retard
What you're looking at is incels in denial, most trannies are that and fell down the slippery slope of thinking they can become the gf instead since they are unable of getting one themselves.
So you're not a woman or a tranny. Why are you giving input on dick preferences?
sure nigger
now go buy robux with your 4k dollars or something
whats the strategy to sell more tokens if I cant buy any?
>I've accepted more users than I expected to due to things like out of stock invoices paid days later, too many people renewing inactive tokens, and others. Do not expect any stock in at least a week unless a lot of users (at least 20) do not renew their tokens.
One more week
yup its him
so why would he spend time SPAMMING today?
Because I have the right to express my opinion.
not smol btw(by the way)
Man with all the seething about smol I'm glad I renewed my token earlier
no stock btw(by the way)
So he will be the only one echoed in this chamber
SV1... Kneeling... Kneeling so fucking bad
its actually so pathetic
He's the only target left since Jew doesn't care about the general and rugpulled multiple times, yet smol's reputation is currently quite clean, and anons are desperate for opussy. And if they don't get opussy, they want no one to have it.
Why is ChatGPT completely inaccessible from Desktop as of a couple days ago? I've cleared ALL cache and cookies and the "log in" button doesn't even do anything.
Smoll is so fucking smart. He sells monthly for the same price as Jew, but his small tiny price make it seems harmless. By not adding more stock, he makes people renew their tokens, afraid to lose Opus. Based, manipulating dumbass paypigs and winning them over jew
you still got mogged by fiz btw
>sets up a shop with 3 keys
>makes 600 dollars in less than a day
now go seethe ;3
Refunded :3
didnt he have a meltie over this lol
800* ;)
Why must things be the way that they are?
This world was not meant for you
too much prompters, I want harder entry barriers
Is math that hard for you ? What is 6x4 ?
What is 12x2 ? 30?
Was this world meant for any of us?
why are you so angry over this?
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it was a request, plus cant have enough tomboys
based bushbro
embrace the sizepill
I just for the most part cant stand western art
need tomboy
Link? I remember seeing it at one point but forgot about it
did you wait for the thread end to not deal with more criticism you fag ? Too bad I am still here and your bot is still shit, as always
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I was having lunch
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yosuke hanamura default sprite
What did you eat? Was it tasty?
Quesabirria, extremely tasty, highly recommend it, you dip them in a small side dish of beef broth
I've always thought penises are more visually appealing than vaginas.
sad desu
you shouldn't be desu
don't desu because it's over, boku because it happened

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