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old >>102449794
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Is there a way to customize the goddamn fugly Windows 10 UI that won't wreck my installation and actually works? I know of open shell but this modifies only the taskbar and windows menue, not the rest of the UI.
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Is SICP still worth reading through? I checked it out like years ago but the problem where you have to do something involving phi and the golden ratio made no sense to me and I got filtered and I thought there's no point if I don't do the exercises. Is it still a good read in this modern day? I still am bad at math
I know this is a long shot but if I have a PC that randomly freezes, should I look at the hardware or software? It's an old i3 2100 build running W10.
try the task manager while running some programs that you normally use
It has always happened while watching movies using VLC.
It freezes and I have to restart, sometimes it even feels to boot again.
So I connected the HDD to my PC but every time I open a folder or click anywhere within this disc it freezes my fucking windows explorer for 2 minutes.
I can't even run a virus scan on this disc.
I'd say it depends on what you want or need to learn. I do web development and I'm aware programming here is kinda low level so after reading a couple of chapters I realized it was useless to me if I wanted to apply that knowledge.
My computer won't start. Things I tried
>plugging my PSU into different power extension sockets
>plugging my power extension cord into different power sockets on the wall
>checked wiring on the mobo, unplugged and plugged everything back
>rechecking power up connectors from case=>mobo
>starting up with reset button
i suspect t's either the PSU or the mobo. before I order a new PSU, did I miss anything? don't have a spare PSU or mobo to test it out
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I bought an intel i7 13700k late last year and just found out about the degradation shit. How am I supposed to know if my CPU is fucked or not?
what is the best way to connect a set of wired headphones/mic to 2 different computers? i would like to be able to use my headset with both my laptop and desktop.
how old is this HDD? if new, can you format it?
check and see if using a different SATA connector helps
boot into safe mode and see if it works. if not, see if you can run chkdsk in safe mode
use crystaldiskinfo to check HDD health and bad sectors, if any
then test on another PC or OS
I want a laptop for gaming. I was looking at Pic related, there's this same laptop but with a 4080 and 4090 also. I have a desktop at home but I do a lot of travelling and Ive gotten tired of my steam deck. It's just not convenient for me, I would rather have a portable desktop that I set up when I'm away and a laptop is the best thing for that.

Aside from the legion, are there other laptops I should look into? A nice screen is a big bonus l, I do with the legion wasnt IPS but the screen isnt a deal breaker for me
shit at least its not Adamov or something
The "files" program does have an option to set it as the default file manager. Not sure if it replaces file dialogs too though.
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Does hardware exist where I can have the ethernet cable from the modem/router go in one end and another go out the other end with a button on top of it to terminate/turnoff the conection? I want no affect on data transfer rates when connected and just a way to sever internet connectivity without physically pulling the plug every time. I don't presently need multiple outputs but am still curious as to whether ethernet switches can do this without speed losses.
A precursor search led me to these switches https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch but searching up "SPST -" or "DPST Ethernet toggle" doesn't bring up anything.
*googles reddit* They say maybe try a prime95 workload for a while and check for any errors.
If it's connected via an analog connector like an audio jack or XLR then you could just use a splitter.
If it's usb, maybe you could send the audio info over the network using some program. Looks like voicemeeter supports VBAN to do just this, though there is a separate simpler program: https://vb-audio.com/Voicemeeter/vban.htm
so my google chrome has been fucky, I get a few seconds of a video on youtube since I like to listen to bullshit on there while doing whatever, shorts and livestreams work but videos don't, I tried rumble and twitch and other platforms and all is fine on there but beyond that, nothing. I have two adblockers on chrome and I have them set to not block youtube, is it the adblockers that broke it.
I have a self hosted invidious instance. Don't know much about the internals. I use libredirect that sends me to it whenever I'd normally navigate to a youtube link. It worked great for months and just the last week or two and now the redirect fails and sends me to the front page. I tested with some other public instances and they seem to redirect correctly. Did I fuck something up on my invidious instance or something? I haven't even touched it in forever
what ways are there to create a bootable USB of my linux (lubuntu) virtual machine (so create bootable USB copy of running Linux os), I want ways of creating a static type ones (similar to os installation type of bootable usb ) and non static ones (so something that can be used as os)
Is it me or KurobaEx doesn't post anymore
theyre normal 3.5mm connectors. ive seen the 3.5mm splitter hubs, but looks i'd have to get 2 of them, one for headphones and one for mic to get it to work properly.

a usb headset is also an option. i already have a switchable powered USB hub i use for my KB and mouse to swap between pcs. might also look into that option.
>plug in new gpu
>it runs but no display
>fiddle around with cables+uninstall drivers from old gpu
>computer refuses to turn on at all
>unplug gpu from psu
>computer still refuses to turn on
>remove gpu entirely
>computer turns on
What's going on?
So stuff like GhostBSD I have to install the ISO from the PC that's going to run it before imaging it? I'm reading on some forums that is the case but there is also stuff saying that isn't true.
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I changed to FireFox
I click on youtube video
Page doesn't load
It loads

How to fix it?
I'm thinking of getting an 8TB m.2 for my PS5. Teamgroup is pretty cheap at $800, which is $200 less than most everyone else. Do they create decent m.2s, or would I be screwed trying to get the cheapest thing?
my computer used to freeze because of the failing audio inside my GPU, went away when I disabled all my audio drivers. You need to read through the event viewer and see what errors are piling up
>So I connected the HDD to my PC but every time I open a folder or click anywhere within this disc it freezes my fucking windows explorer for 2 minutes.
disable thumbnails
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>ethernet cable from the modem/router go in one end and another go out the other end with a button on top of it to terminate/turnoff the conection
>30C° ambient temperature
>phone/computer is at 40 C°
>very hot to the touch
>15C° ambient temperature
>phone/computer is at 25C°
>can't feel any heat at all despite there being the same delta from ambient temperature
why is that?
not even a stupid question imo it just doesn't make any sense to me and i cannot find any answer
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how do you download 4chinz webms on brave [spoiler]ios version?[/spoiler]
it used to be possible before by opening the webm in another tab. itd prompt you to download the file.
now it just plays the webm.
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Living beings don't have much of a temperature sense, more like the sense of heat flow. 40C flows into you but 25C doesn't.
>So stuff like GhostBSD I have to install the ISO from the PC that's going to run it before imaging it?
Same in english?
I can give you super neckbeardish guide for manually creating an EFI-bootable Linux USB thing.
>take some USB drive
>make EFI system partition and a Linux partition
>(and an optional FAT/NTFS so the thing works as an external drive for Windows PCs)
>compile a custom kernel with static USB+SCSI+whatever else support
Don't ask why but USB drives speak SCSI drive language to the OS. Also need the support for the root filesystem type.
>embed boot arguments
rootwait rootfstype=<partition type of your Linux partition> root=PARTUUID=<partition UUID of the Linux partition>

Got to have rootwait, it's an USB so "it's not there" right so instantly, loadsa abstractions and shit going on.
>place under \\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
>Debootstrap a deb-based system, extract Gentoo's Stage3, pacstrap an Arch system or do whatever you want to the Linux partition
>have a nice bootable USB Linux system
And oh, your regular old flash drive likely dies from this treatment, get picrel or whatever instead.
can't you long press on the link above the webm thumbnail?
Don't worry. You're too dumb to know the difference.
>Living beings don't have much of a temperature sense, more like the sense of heat flow. 40C flows into you but 25C doesn't.
nta but
It's about relative temperature to your body, not the air around like the other anon said
Because you have dogshit cheap hardware that can't take advantage of thermal headroom.
Just use a managed switch dumbass. Install openwrt and use a USB GPIO dongle if you absolutely must have a physical switch. It's still cheaper than a 8p16t high bandwidth mechanical switch.
>sever internet connectivity
Generic OS-agnostic advice: remove your default route. idk about others but on Linux:
ip r d default

There. Any attempt to leave your local net results in "no route" error.
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does't seem to werk
Is there an offline game client for pirated games on Windows?
Mostly to track the time I've played but other features are welcome.
I just have a Games folder now but I have no way to check how many hours i played in rdr2 pirated version and I don't want to repeat that mistake in the future.
With GhostBSD, some linux forums said you have to download it from the website with the same PC you will use to use it with, since it checks what CPU it has. But I'm not sure it is the case. I tried to run it, but it crashed when trying to run it
Dunno then. Firefox mobile has a download button. I guess you could get an extension to do it?
>It's about relative temperature to your body
I did think about that already... but then
if my body temperature is 37C°
then why does a phone feel hot when battery/skin sensor reports 35°C?
at such temperature, shouldn't it feel... cold? in fact, why wouldn't regular objects that don't produce any heat at all (and are therefore ambient temperature) feel cold?
my body temp is 37, ambient temp is 30, i touch a wooden desk or a plastic bottle or anything else, which is also 30, why do i feel no temperature whatsoever
stick your finger up your butthole and report back
very funny but i don't understand how that would help
Your core is 37C not your finger.
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How the fuck do I get my internal SSD to automount? I thought it was just a matter of adding shit to the fstab file, but that didn't do anything. I've been trying various methods for days, and nothing works. I installed disks and tried having that set the drive to automount, that didn't do shit. I've read that apparently udev might be a factor, but there doesn't seem to be any actual cut and paste solution available anywhere. I just want the SSD to be open and useable by default like literally every single other storage device I plug into this computer. This is the only one that requires a password. I've reformatted it too, there is nothing on the drive. It still wants a password to open. I have the password, I just don't want to have to type it in every single time I need to use the drive. This is what I have in the fstab file and it doesn't do shit.
># /dev/nvme1n1p1
>UUID=a1231fc4-1be7-4671-9894-78d19fef56fa Internal_SSD > ext4 >auto,nosuid,noatime,nodev,nofail,errors=remount-r,x-gvfs-show > 0 0
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How can I force Firefox to cache 100% of all images for at least 30 minutes so I don't have to download them twice all the time even though they are open in a new tab?

I'm looking at the image opened in a new tab and press CTRL+S to save it and Firefox fucking downloads it again, how retarded is the browser to download it again when it's right there in front of me? I swear it wasn't like this a month ago.
>average temperature of the palm heart in women was 30.6 C°, while that of male was 32.2 C°
so you were actually right... i just never thought about it but it makes sense that hands are much less warm than the rest of the body, you don't measure a fever by holding a thermometer in your hand after all...
this pretty much solves this whole dilemma
thanks a lot anon
and considering that this small important detail was quite obvious... maybe it was a stupid question after all
Nevermind on this post. I apparently fixed it. I don't know how, but it's working now. The fuck.
>forced to resign from company he founded
thats workplace democracy for ya. to be anti-democracy is to be anti-white, since democracy was our greatest invention.
democracy isn't working out as it is described on paper when the government keep doing a bunch of stuff not even brought up in the election. this whole "representation thing" seems like a sham. especially when they want as many young uninformed people to vote as possible.

but maybe i can fix my issue with firefox at least?
Hi, a relative want's windows 11 installed. how can i debloat it the best?
Is there much in the way of literature, blogs or articles discussing "stealth servers"?
So you tuck a RasbPi in an airvent or a cupboard, steal electricity for it and maybe use a fixed IP SIM card for network access.

I started thinking about this when reading some of the details of the Aaron Swartz JSTOR-scraping case.
I know there's bulletproof hosting, but I was really thinking about an inexpensive personal VPS.
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How to find this wallpaper?
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>fixed IP SIM card for network access
First, IP doesn't have to fixed in order to be reachable. And being reachable on mobile IPv4 costs 2€ per month extra around here. Most people would use dynamic DNS hostname in this case.
Second, you can host SSH on Tor for example. It acts as a tunnel and therefore works even thru over 9000 firewalls.
From the old thread.
Do you need to install chipset drivers?
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Im trying to migrate from mpc-hc to mpv since I discovered "emby to local player" which works on jellyfin and much better than the "Jellyfin-Potplayer" script that I was using before. I've got most of the kinks worked out, but I'm having trouble with 2 things.

First, I can't figure out a MPV keybind/command that acts same as "Next" in mpc. In mpc, next advances to the next chapter or next file/playlist item, if there is no next chapter. All I can find is next chapter or next file/playlist item, but not both.

Second, I can't find a way to use %{filename} for my screenshot-template when using emby to local player to play shit to my mpv player. Any time I try to take a screenshot, it just gives me an error message. The best I can do is use instead %{media-title} since the media title ends up as the file name when mpv is playing stream sent to it from "emby to local player." Only now, whenever I use mpv standalone and happen to screenshot a video with a title, it uses that instead of the filename, which I want by default. I suppose the solution here is making a separate copy of mpv for jellyfin and another for standalone use and it's own config for screenshots, but I'd rather that be a last resort.

Any solutions to these autistic problems?
i need a vpn that allows me to post on Dvach (russian 4chan)
how do i get one?
i have one vpn but none of the russian servers for the vpn let me post on dvach cuz they are banned
Can you help me find this song in the middle, during the pissing scene?
I am looking for it for years, decades even.
It's not on the soundtrack, not on the extended score either.
>I can't figure out a MPV keybind/command that acts same as "Next" in mpc.
you have to use a lua script
function chapter_seek(direction)
local chapters = mp.get_property_number("chapters")
if chapters == nil then chapters = 0 end
local chapter = mp.get_property_number("chapter")
if chapter == nil then chapter = 0 end
if chapter+direction < 0 then
mp.commandv("script-message", "osc-playlist")
elseif chapter+direction >= chapters then
mp.commandv("script-message", "osc-playlist")
mp.commandv("add", "chapter", direction)
mp.commandv("script-message", "osc-chapterlist")
mp.add_key_binding("PGUP", "chapter_next", function() chapter_seek(1) end)
mp.add_key_binding("PGDWN", "chapter_prev", function() chapter_seek(-1) end)
I have a Dell U2711 (monitor from 2010) that occasionally just stops working. Just turning it off and on again fixes it, though sometimes it requires a couple of tries. Before it stops working I see the brightness get higher for maybe half a second.
Any idea what the issue is? I'm assuming it's just old age or some shit by now, but maybe there's an easy fix.
>have to use a script
No fucking wonder. Thanks anon, that solves that.
This is more of a stupid comment than a stupid question.
But it seems to me that people are attached the laptop form, when to me it seems like a failure and the tablet is much better, we should be using tablets more and manufacturer should be focusing their efforts on them, but they dont and people prefer laptops.
It makes no sense to me, the laptop heats easily add to that the body heat of your legs, or it gets smothered by your table. Is so bad people have to put it on a stand that looks ridiculous to let some air flow. A tablet on a stand looks more natural.
Why havent we ditched laptops for tablets yet?
Might as well just turn laptops into thick tablets, and use a Bluetooth keyboard
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Absolutely nothing happens? I would assume the PSU then yes, normally you should at least get some feedback from the mobo or fans spinning. You could check if you actually get voltage on the cable by plugging some other device like a lamp or some shit in there. Or if you know what you're doing you could check the pins of the PSU and see if that provides the correct voltage, but be careful with that.
I use Playnite but it's more to get all your Steam/Epic/etc. games in 1 launcher. You can add whatever the fuck you want to it though. Might be a better question for >>>/v/
Take a screenshot and cut (most screenshot software allow you to just cut immediately), and reverse image search (I suggest imgops.com since it collates a bunch of sites). I found plenty of recreations and originals like https://www.dell.com/community/en/conversations/latitude/where-can-i-find-the-official-dell-wallpaper/647f7c90f4ccf8a8deae5140?commentId=647f96f2f4ccf8a8de9d470c
laptops are for creators, tablets for consoomers
Having all that weight in the "monitor" would make it top heavy for the more powerful devices. Having it in the base makes it more sturdy. I get your point, but I think it's a thin line. A lot of the laptops I see would be better if they could be used as tablets as well.
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in cpp:
I'd like to create a class that, once instantiated, is able to receive different functions as members at runtime. I would instantiate the object and add the desired function depending on user input.
What's the best way to do so ?
Inheritance wouldn't be smart because you would need as many classes as there are functions, function pointer are cumbersome because of arguments and return type constraints, do you have any suggestion on another way to achieve this ?
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Thank you so much, Anona! Will keep that in mind whenever I'm searching for an image.
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Any way to reduce the image retention issue on this Dell laptop?
As you can see, the entire border shows previous content for tens of minutes.
People buy more laptops than desktops because it's convenient to carry home from Walmart. A desktop + monitor + keyboard amounts to many boxes to be carried.
Depends what those really are. They could be just a bundle of networking + audio drivers for integrated devices.
Will it work, me dudes?

dd if=2024-07-04-raspios-bookworm-arm64.img of=output.iso
What's the difference between VS code, Code OSS, and VSCodium
Copy the same file to "output.iso"? No, it won't make an SDcard image (containing a regular old MBR/GPT) into an ISO9660 CD-ROM.
Besides raspberries don't boot ISOs, that's a PC thing.
My posts disappear after submitting in certain boards, even though I get the confirmation popup, the hell is this?
The goal is to run RaspiOS on a PC.
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You don't, it's an ARM device and your PC is x86.
What's the difference to Debian?
Any UK anons help me pick out a decent tablet?

I mostly want one to stream shows on, and I guess it'd be useful if I could use it for emails, web browsing, and working on documents too. I doubt I need it to be top of the range. When I search on Amazon, I see lots of cheap options (£60-100) which seem to have fairly decent specs, from unknown chink brands (like "DOOGEE", "Hakaug", "RIYTISY"). Can they be trusted, or are they dogshit and liable to break easily?

My other options are to go for a more well known chink brand (like Honor/Huawei) or one of the more typical ones in the UK (like Samsung), but I don't want to spend any more than £120 ideally, so I don't know how realistic that is.
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What are some other tools other than Cardpeek to monkey around with chip cards? Cardpeek is abandonware already.
Thanks anon. Absolutely nothing happens, if it powered up and immediately shut down I could at least expand it to either-either, but this seems like its a PSU problem. I'm just hoping whatever happened didn't damage mobo and other components as well.
I tried plugging other stuff on all the sockets and stuff works, just not the PC. I could try your last suggestion, but is there anything I could read on it beforehand. PSU is prolly dead anyway, just don't want to cause any unwarranted damage.
Does iOS even support .webm? The browser is likely doing all the decoding, but outside of the browser it's likely going to be useless.
Both extensions, Aha music and shazam were able to find it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hGtUNMXGSg
Tablets suck, touchscreen sucks
do you guys know how to bypass ISP blocks on android? I live in a third world shithole and 4chan is banned here, goodbye dpi works fine but I couldn't find anything for android. I tried powertunnel, it didn't work
If you're connected to a wireless connection, manually configure the connection to use cloudflare or google dns
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How do I turn off these "shadowy" darkened bits on certain windows? If I move the window they also move.
I drew a line around them to make it more obvious what I'm talking about
Nevermind, I just solved it. It was being caused by Asus shadow boost
You are allowed to make derived template classes - hence each template different instantiation will be a different class but is still inherited from the base. Not a fan of this though.
You could do a type erased version using a wrapper function and pass the arguments in a tuple (or a reference to it) - that's how std::thread passes arguments
or at least, how the msvc stl does it
>I could try your last suggestion, but is there anything I could read on it beforehand. PSU is prolly dead anyway, just don't want to cause any unwarranted damage.
Maybe google "checking voltage PSU" or something. Or at least the pinout so you know what voltage should be across what pins. Honestly I wouldn't try it if you don't know what you're doing. I assume you don't have a spare PC you could plug the PSU in or something, that would be easiest.
Windows 10.
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pirating a LTSC version is usually the best option for windows, and then you set group policies to turn on as many privacy options as possible.
i dont think you can do much to debloat/fix consumer-licensed windows. at least make sure not to use an online microsoft account to log in.
Problem: Can't access imgur (get a message that tmobile blocked access cause its unsafe)
Partial solution: Changing my private DNS to 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com on my android phone fixes it when browsing imgur on mobile
Remaining problem: If i turn on mobile hotspot to use the internet on my computer, imgur is blocked there once again. I set ipv4 dns to but it didnt help.
Any of you having problems to post using 4chanX on firefox?
It says my post was created correctly then it simply won't show. If I post using chrome without 4chanX it works fine.
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Is there a way to unfuck this monitor?
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Is anyone here familiar with wine? In version 8 I can say
wine start /unix /usr/bin/pcsx2-qt[/code

And it launches the emulator inside the host. But on 9 it returns file not found.
What does gallery-dl use to find artists' new profile names on twitter?

>save twitter artist by bookmarking the page
>come back to visit it later
>404 this user does not exist
>put the link in gallery-dl
>it starts downloading the artist's gallery from their new profile name that's nowhere to be found on my bookmarked link
Time to get off N-mobile. Verizon doesn't have this problem.
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I hate to ask but is there any add-on or extension that expands tweets in-line in a long twitter thread? I hate clicking "Show more" and getting sent to the tweet permalink. Some people use a lot of "returns" when tweeting and it gets real annoying. Thank you.
To add, I don't actually have to click "show more" in the Android app. I see the full tweet. I wanna know if there's an option that enables the full view for individual tweets in-thread for using Chrome or Firefox too. Or something like "Show 4000 chars. per tweet".
I use "old twitter layout" which does that automatically. Without it, I have no idea.
Where can I get free pdfs of college textbooks? The greedy book jew has informed me (after taking my money of course) that my book will be delivered in march. The library’s only copy is never available since everyone got jewed. Libgen/zlib now require accounts with non temp emails. I’m going to fail literally because I can’t get access to the required material, through both legal and illegal channels.
Can most programming language do 3D graphics, game engines, blender stuff and all that fancy thing? Even if you have to program a library and everything from ground up. Like a unreal engine-like made in haskell, C or golang. I'm really curious
Holy shit, Anon. Thank you so much, it works perfectly. I need to save about a 100 threads of things and I was taking long screenshots on the android app. I'd even gotten a month's worth of ThreadReaderApp (and then hit an API limit after using it to unroll two long threads).
Strictly speaking yes, practically no.
Any reccomendations on relatively cheap, decent headsets that are repairable? I don't care about sound quality
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Flow Control question. Even top of the line TP-Link routers have TX Flow Control enabled by default. I'm having a few dropouts here and there on LAN line a few times a week with only 1 PC and occasionally 1 or 2 phones connected. (500MB\s line)

Options are:
[ ] RX Enable
[X] TX Enable

Any reason to keep it ON?
Is there a way to hide everything on Firefox except the content area? Basically what you get with fullscreen, but while it's still windowed.
I want to create a bootable usb clone of the my virtual box linux (Xubuntu) virtual machine, best way that I can think of is to turn the vdi into an iso and install that to the usb (Rufus?), does this clone have file persistence and are there any better ways of doing this?
I think it's possible to use gallery-dl to download twitter text too. Not sure if it does full pages though
I can't restore minimized applications from the taskbar on Windows with left mouse click. If I have multiple incognito Firefox processes open, let's stay, and all of them are minimized, I need to manually use Alt + Tab if I want to restore one of the processes. How do I fix this?
How do I check on battery and data usage for a specific site on Android?
I use NewPipe for background videos, but want to try Brave's background play.
The video picks up immediately with Brave so I suspect it's streaming the whole video.
Newpipe only pulls the audio iirc?
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I have an old pic related as my daily. Is it worth it to upgrade from 8GB to 16 GB RAM even if the PC doesn't feel slow? I only use it for spreadsheets, watching videos and browsing.
When a tweet has 1000+ replies, it only lets me see about 200 of them.
How do I see all replies? or is it impossible?
Sorry to say the answer is "maybe".

What OS and version of OS are you running?
Have you used any kind of tool to check memory use and memory paging while you are using the system?

In general I found over the years that modern Windows version (Vista and above) do perform better with 16GB vs 8 (i have an old workstation with 128GB, kek). Most Linux distros seem to be more efficient and can work well with just 8.

The machine you have can run with either ECC RAM or non-ECC but you can't mix and match the types. It can have 16GB of non-ECC and 32GB of ECC.
Ye, you can disable swap/virtual memory and spare your drive from premature death.
Look up Turing complete.
>No ham radio general

there's a guide in the /fwt/ op
My mini pc with 7735 680m (512 vram allocated) for some reason performs better than my 7940 780m (8gb allocated) when it comes to games when i was testing them?
As in the board, do NOT make a ham thread on /g/.
Try clearing cache (or a private window), rebooting your PC, reinstalling FF, asking Google/ChatGPT
Performance tends to become an issue on high-level languages like Java (i.e. without direct memory management)
Is there no way to natively prevent DDOS on your device through whitelists/blacklists or any mechanism? Is cloudflare/third party intermediaries really the only way to prevent ddos? Like if you have a p2p system are you basically always exposed to ddos? Obviously an application can deny requests, but if the IP is visible are you always fucked? Do you have to have some sort've onion routing to obfuscate IP, and even then the network nodes are still vulnerable as intermediaries?

I'm guessing in a p2p system onion/garlic routing is maybe the best? and then just make it so users can easily change ip or something? I am just trying to learn moer about the vulnerabilities of p2p apps
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Currently I have my ISP modem/router in bridged mode and another router (OpenWrt) connected to it where all my devices are connected to.

My question is, can I connect my Windows PC directly to the bridged ISP modem/router, bypassing the OpenWRT router altogether?
I know I probably need to be running a firewall but other than that will it work?

Basically, can my Wintard 10 PC be directly connected to the interwebs or is there too much risk, will it even work?
No, not with one device anyway. There's no way to prevent DDOS either, only ways to mitigate its effects. You need a bunch of devices and to leave them lying around all over the place and set them all up so that they serve the botnet (literally a botnet this time) the same landing page (that is, whatever a user who isn't logged in can access). You don't need quite so much redundancy for content users can only access when logged in, and that probably should be on separate machines for best results. Look I'm not an expert, I'm just saying the answer to your question is to throw more computers at it. What DDOS protection services do is, among other things, dynamically, automatically, allocate some of their gigantic mass of compute resources to copies of services depending on what's being requested.
So that gets to the heart of my question is that there is no way to mitigate DDOS without something somewhere having to be subject to requests, as in some thing will have to process those requests even if they're wrong or invalid? And, at best in a fully decentralized p2p network the best way is maybe utilizing the strength of the network in a dynamic way to constantly spread and dissipitate those requests across the network rather than a single node.

Because even a request you know is bullshit has to be processed to see it's bullshit first....
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Proč zrovna Brno?
> stupid
Ah, jasně...
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Why can't this piece of shit site just work?
Is it possible to run USB version of Kali Linux or Ubuntu from a USB pass through to a virtual machine, so have my virtual machine boot an os from the usb version of kali or ubuntu on the usb
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I want to try my hand at app development and my first idea is a web scraper That's similar to lolisnatcher but for social media sites like iG or Twitter. If I'm a complete beginner, how long should I expect making an app like this to take?
I'm shopping for a laptop cooling pad, but I don't know which brands are chinkshit or not. Does anyone know if there are any other somewhat trustworthy Chinese brands besides Lenovo and Anker? Should I ask /csg/ instead?
what's the quickest way to change the md5 of a video or gif?
I upgraded my ssd and successfully backed up windows, but when I tried to bring it over to the new drive all it did was make a new partition and dumped all my shit there. How can I bring all my programs and whatnot into my main partition without fucking everything up?
If you still have the old one and you haven't wiped it you can try cloning it onto the new one, which presumably is bigger.
Shave off one frame.
When I plug my phone into a docking station to output to an external display it slows to a crawl. It feels like everything is moving half as quickly on the source device. Does anyone have any ideas how I could troubleshoot this?
I have a backup on an external. I have the drive itself, but it's M2 form factor. It's cloned already to a partition.
>Aside from the legion, are there other laptops I should look into?
Every brand has issues, so it's a "pick your poison" scenario. Lenovo laptops are considered to be the best overall due to their good balance of build quality, performance, and price. IIRC the glaring flaw with them is that the RAM is soldered, so you can't upgrade it yourself.

Other lines to consider are Acer Predator, ASUS ROGs, GIGABYTE AUROS, HP Omen, Lenovo LOQ, and msi Raider. Do not buy Alienware, Razer Blade, or the msi Titan, they're not worth it. Do not buy any of the msi budget lines (GF, GS, etc.) because they're built to fail, and then you'll have to spend another 3-4 figures on a replacement. Do not buy any of the chinkshit lines on Amazon (ACEMAGIC, AOC, etc.), buy from an established brand.

Also, if you don't care about warranty, then you ought to buy Open Box or Used to save money.
Thanks for the reply. I decided I want an OLED screen and it's a big factor in my choosing. The zephyrus g14 seems to be the conclusion people like me end up in so I'll probably just grab one of these on sale in the coming months. I thought about le epic powerful gpus but really, a 2060 would be enough to play what I play. I just really want an OLED screen and I can't find anything with a decent gpu. Also upgrading doesn't matter to me since it'll only be my option when I'm away from home and whatever modern specs I get, will be enough to last me a while
problem: when browsing the 'chan pics and webms are taking an eternity to load (Brave), it doesn't happen with Firefox. i have 4chanX in both browsers
question: why?
I want to be able to monitor my entire home network to see how much bandwidth all devices are using up in real time. Is there a specific tool or general setup for this?
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I don't see a reason for it to not work.
idk about your SeaBIOS or Tiano Core or whatever though, does it have USB booting capabilities to begin with?
I'm interested to hear results.
Does going to the last tweet and clicking on replies show the rest?
All my online haunts have had at least one "major incident" in the last few weeks with intermittent issues. Something's afoot.
I got 2 mini pcs today to come in (wanted to tinker with them). Got a 7735hs and a 7940hs, but for some reason the former performs better than the latter? It seems more responsive and faster, and i tested it out in the black myth wukong game (just wanted to test it out for fun) and the 7735hs got on avg 10 more fps than the 7940. Any fixes for this? Or should i just return it?
how do you do that without reencoding the video?
ffmpeg and copy with one frame left off the beginning of the end.
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What settings should I give gallery-dl to scrape my Deviantart's favorites folder?
I want to get all the URLs in notepads with each artist/submitter's name in itlike this:
>link a
>link b
>link a
>link b
>link c
Last year I tried to scrape images and their metadata and DA gave me an error or capped me to download 10 posts, I think. What should I do to bypass that and download the files and their metadata as well?
Help me, bros. PLEASE!
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I'm on an updated Firefox, on windows 10. When I, say, hold down the mouse on an image/thumbnail/link/etc and drag it around, randomly my entire browser freezes and I have to manually close out of it. It can happen twice within an hour or twice within a week, its super random.
Any reason for this?
that reencodes the video
Copy does not re-encode, anon.
post the command that does it without reencoding
ffmpeg -i Video_Input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map_metadata -1 Video_Output.mp4
why do i get codec not found errors with ffmpeg when attempting to merge m4a/mp4? what is the fix?
that doesn't shave off a frame
.m4a is a container file, the codec inside is .aac
ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -i input_audio.m4a -c:v copy -c:a copy -strict experimental output_video.mp4
thanks for the response, anon. i tried that and the output is "unknown codec...: could not find codec parameters" the video is vp09. my guess is the codec doesn't exist or ffmpeg does not know the location
ffprobe both files or use mediainfo to get more information about the files/codecs ect
ffprobe says:

Stream #0:0[0x1](und): Video: vp9 (Profile 0) (vp09 / 0x39307076), ...
Sceenshot would be nice
What version of ffmpeg are you using? You compile from source or using a static build?
static build, i'm on windows
Considering that we know what the video codec is, maybe try..
ffmpeg -i input_video.webm -i input_audio.m4a -c:v copy -c:a libopus -strict experimental output_video.webm
Presuming the video is a webm, right? Otherwise change the value of the extension to meet your requirements (.mp4, .mkv, whatever the original video container is)
the video container is mp4 and codec is vp09. it could be the version of the ffmpeg build i have is too old. i'll mess around with it some more. thanks for the help anons
ProtonVPN works on my phone, but the PC app cannot connect. Both are using the same network. What could be causing this? I'm on Windows 10 and my phone is Android 13.
I want to buy a cheap tablet with a pen, just for basic shit: Excel, Obsidian.md and ebooks. I want to spend the LESS possible, I am considering two options:

Lenovo Tab M11, has 8gigs ram and an IPS screen, but the pen uses a AAA battery as far as I know—I have a duracell charger.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite 2024, has 4gigs ram and a tft screen lol, but the pen is battery-less or something magical and has less shitty chipset.

Which one should I buy?
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I'm trying to use this app:
To swap MD5's on the go while I goodpost and it does seem to work however even if I change the image hash for a file 4chan isn't letting me post it twice in a thread, and it also shows up with the old archive history. Did 4chan get more intelligent at filtering images or something?
Do you think that fridges/freezers could be made even more energy efficient by covering them in additional insulation? Or are they seal well enough already that additional insulation won't do anything or even be a detriment to how they keep things cool inside?
I use a Galaxy A9+ and think it's great
9 anime had the best watch list for me

how am i supposed to keep track of anime now? is there something i can run local?
Is jewtube and just sites in general slow? Not relatively slow, just slow. Its not fast. I have 850+mbit internet with a really good PC and its far too slow. I have time to get angry before the fucking thumbnails load. I have been here since 56k and this shit is unacceptable. Do I need to dump win10 and get some kinda fucking openBSD system to avoid the kiking? Is it jewgle/jewtube just actively nerfing me. How can I not fall into a rage spiral over how fucking gimped the internet has become. If I could just disconnect from the internet I would.
how long 2 no censor video ai for make porn??? thanks very much
Did youtube automatically change people's usernames to their literal real life names? I've never seen more full names before, I mean literally every video you click on has 90% of commenters formatted as firstnamelastname1234

I can't imagine most people would genuinely want this
if i wanted anal i'd just use mal

Or just use MyAnimeList and download the torrents from nyaa.
This doesn't work.

mpv https://www.youtube.com/live/OSQpBKmpw2Y

How do I watch this livestream on mpv?
works for me. do you have yt-dlp installed?
Software wise? I understand there is a huge gap between an A9+ with that S6 Lite 2024
Is there some software that lets me find and download music (usually some weeb shit of varied popularity) with a couple of clicks? I currently use a free streaming service but it doesn't have everything and removes tracks sue to copyright complaints from time to time. Torrenting is too much work and it doesn't exactly suit me because I usually don't need the whole albums/band collections/OST packs but only a single track I've heard somewhere.
But keep in mind that it's for music SHARING so you have to upload as well or else some people may ban you from downloading off of them
Yes, I do.
It was the firewall. Now It's fine. Thanks!
this but with the nicotine client
Also need an open port for any kind of functionality.
Does PDF compression take a long time? I am compressing a 50mb file to ~22mb and it's taking half an hour long with PDF gear so far.
As I posted this it finally finished. Lol.
To be honest my HDD might be fucked, it's freezing at writing/reading files for ~30 seconds at times for seemingly no reason (and yes powersave mode is disabled, and I turned out automatic defragging).
Probably W10 issue because it's coded by fucking pajeets.
Depends. PDF itself is like a Zip file with loads of crap inside like pictures and stuff.
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Can anybody identify exactly what product this expansion card is?
PCIe USB adapter
not in the most basic sense, like just recompressing the pictures and making a new pdf, that shouldn't take much longer than it takes to compress the pictures
it may depend on the program used and if it's doing anything else as well though, and of course the speed of your computer. like for example large-resolution pictures can take quite a bit of time relative to their compressed size to compress, just because there's more of it the compressor has to analyze, or maybe your program is ocr'ing the pictures as well, that can take some time. or maybe your program is just shit and not well optimised
I deliberately let dust build up on my computer.
Is it normal for it to start happening after a day or is my room a dust pit?
It is the year of our Lord 2024. USB-C has been a buggy failure. It broke backward compatibility with many devices and failed in the initial goal of the USB standard - to be a universal serial bus. How did we get here? Did it have to end this way?
Surely looks like an USB card but it could be something totally not-USB.
Don't some weird ass PCIe risers/extenders use USB connectors and wiring for the job? Usually mining applications where you attach GPUs to those risers.
It's a PCIe USB extension, but what model?
Can't you use something generic like openVPN or WireGuard instead of their rando spyware application?
The root cause was USB3 and two data pairs.
Nah the crystals are a dead giveaway it's 4x independent USB HCIs. A PCIe riser wouldn't need those.

If you can't tell from the silkscreen or system properties, I don't think anyone else is going to be able to figure it out. Those are generic parts with millions of variants.
Vacuum and consider a hepa filter.
I could do that, and I used to do that in the past when just using Surfshark became impossible, but then the whole service and its connections were blocked. I've recently found out that Proton VPN still works, but this is only true for some connections. The app can automatically change the connection if it doesn't work, but just downloading a connection file and using it through OpenVPN either doesn't work or gives a false positive where it says that there is a connection, but no website loads. As for the spyware thing you mentioned, I don't care. My only real enemy is the Russian government, some rando company can have my browsing habit data if it means their service will help me.
>My only real enemy is the Russian government
Complete delusion. All governments are your enemies.
We installed a SmartTv at my parents' home, and immediately my mom lost access to her email from our home WIFI. Me and my dad have access to our mails on the same website/email service provider. When we try to log in to hers from any device, it says the site is unsafe and it wont lets us through. If we switch to mobile data, everything is fine.
Worth mentioning that its a shitty email provider from our eastern european country, and they've had multiple security breaches over the years.
It's not the smart TV, and it's not the login name specifically because TLS makes session contents unreadable to anyone but your client and the mail provider. It could be she gets a different ad on her login that triggers some gay net nanny software built into the router, or it could be the mail provider selectively serving different pages to different IPs for unfathomable reasons.
Check everything for updates and maybe swap to quad9 or adguard dns
Asking again, is any of you having problems posting using 4chanX in firefox?
Most of my post don't even register.
your immediate enemy depends on where you live. If I were in Russia and critical of the government (or gay), I would not care about the CIA spying on me or Amazon knowing my location at all times.
Living in the "free" world, I have to worry about basically everyone and my only consolation is that I am not important enough for Mossad or CIA to care about me and I am not a sicko who looks for the stuff the FBI or Interpol takes an interest in.
Yes, a few times. Make sure you put the correct captcha. Sometimes the captcha solver doesn't give a perfect output, so always check that. I think that problem only happens when you use both 4ChanX and the captcha solver scripts.
The weird thing is that I actually check the captcha and fix it and I actually get the feedback for a correct post.
So you don't live in Russia? Why are you afraid of them? Russian propaganda is pure shit that doesn't work unless you're an imbecile. It's just used for the purpose of slander and fearmongering by the Democrats (even though Democrats and Russia are much closer than Republicans and Russia).
CIA actually did make the US worse, directly and by a long shot more than people say USSR/Russia did.
Yes, in case you lived in Russia Russian government would be your biggest enemy, but unless you messed up the post you aren't.
>and I actually get the feedback for a correct post
That didn't happen to me when 4chanX made make ghost posts. It's really weird but I don't have that problem anymore since I started checking the captcha. Maybe it has something to do with the Firefox-based browser you're using.
I see, so the smart TV thing was a coincidence. Thanks for the reply
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Ok, i'm absolutely lost right now.

So recently (this past month or so), i've been having an issue. My setup:

>Desktop PC
>Connected via wifi (Router is too far away)

Internet works, but then, randomly, the internet ONLY for my desktop will cut out. Nothing will fix it, not restarting router, nothing. The only thing to fix the connection to my PC specifically is to restart my PC entirely.

It happens at random, sometimes I can go 5 hours, other 7 or 8 or shit even leaving it on all night and going on it. Doesn't matter, it will just cut my internet connection. Which is weird because the Wifi connection will show as "connected".

I've tried:

>Disabling Adapter being turned off to conserve power setting under network adapter power settings
>trying different DNS servers
>reinstalling my network adapters

Nothing, nothing works. Right now, i've tried disabling IPV6 (dunno what the fuck this will even do) but i'm utterly perplexed. Because the network is up and running, it's like my Desktop just gets booted out or my network adapter turns off or glitches or some shit.

I have no idea what to do.

>Windows 11
Boot to a Linux Mint usb drive, and connect to the wifi, use it for a day or two, and if you don't get disconnected, then there's something wrong with Windows, if it does, then there's something wrong with the wireless card/adapter.

Have you tried setting up a static IP? Maybe your DHCP lease time is expiring.
I don't think it's the WIFI adapter for one reason. We currently use a MESH network in the household and when I connect directly to the internet through the MESH (ethernet cable) same issue happens, so the WIFI card itself isn't likely the issue (which I thought it was too)

Will try rolling back windows I guess.
i've gotten that a few times recently, but i'm not using any solver scripts
How many AP nodes do you have? Did you try out that static IP?
Ignore me.

Turns out I didn't update my drivers.

I found this form


Which is the same manufactorer of my adapter, turns out my one on my PC is from fucking 2022. The newest one is 2024 so just downloaded that. That person in the thread also reported similar issues.

Here's fucking praying this fixes it.

Gonna try out that static node if this doesn't work.
Does having every filter list enabled (except 'Regions, languages') in uBlock Origin break anything? Like would it cancel each other out or break each other's filter lists (i.e. EasyList vs AdGuard)? Because sites/pages seem to load faster when I have every list selected vs when I only select some of them.
Are there any good places for used electronics in the Austin/San Antonio area?
Lucida is pretty good for downloading music from streaming services (including flacs from Qobuz)
Rushing dickfirst into GNU make.
Am I correct that
$(eval FILEPATH := $(patsubst %.shbin.o,%.shbin,$@))
means "for any file matching the pattern '%.shbin.o', set variable FILEPATH to '{wildcard value}.shbin'"?
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Can I get a honest opinion on adobe and macshit?
I want to play around with graphics but I only have a laptop with linux.
Is m*cbook air an OK option for casual mobile device + photoshop or do I need to invest in a good PC anyway?
thank you sirs
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Mullvad VPN doesn't allow port fowards. Somehow, downloading and seeding torrents still work behind this VPN.
I watched a few youtube videos on how to create my own torrent and apparently it requires to port foward the port used by the tracker. Is that really necessary? I can seed without port foward, but I can't make my own torrent? Is there a way to do it?
Can someone recommend some good wireless over ear headphones? willing to pay around $150 to $200
Include a bunch of public trackers in your torrent because the only way people can connect to you is pinging off a common tracker. You can't simply put it out on DHT like a normal person.

Stop using mullvad too. It's shit service for idiots.
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Why does 7Zip even exist?
>Stop using mullvad too. It's shit service for idiots.
As someone who doesn't use it anymore, why? I jumped ship from them because they got rid of port forwarding but it's otherwise a good service
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Court forwarding isn't required for torrenting but it makes the process a lot better for everyone involved. It's required if a lot of your peers have shit internet connection, or if you yourself have shit upload speeds. Port forwarding allows you to connect to and switch between different ports at once, which means your machine can talk to a lot more clients at once. This way instead of depending on one or two piss poor connections, you can rely on like 20 or 30 piss-poor connections, which one added up and used at the same time and result and actually decent download speeds. Port forwarding isn't required if everyone in the swarm has decent internet but if everyone has terrible Internet or appears or on another continent, This means that a torrent that would typically only take half an hour will now take (and I'm not even exaggerating) several hours, days, weeks, infinity, etc. I noticed this when I switched from Mullvad to [REDACTED. GOTTA GATEKEEP SORRY] and suddenly Torrents that were basically stalled suddenly had lightning fast download speeds. If you are downloading cape shit or recent releases that are popular, then port forwarding isn't that important because there's a higher chance someone near your IPs location has it and can upload it to you at a reasonable speed. But if it has a bunch of seeds that are on another continent and/or The connection is slow, then that makes getting the content nearly impossible to do in a timely manner.
Mediahuman's programs stopped working and I do have the current version. Do (you) recommend other youtube downloaders that aren't browser based?
I've been trying to create a 65536 x 65536 vp9 webm for... scientific purposes, it's the maximum allowed resolution for the codec
and yet, i just can't, ffmpeg gives you a picture size is invalid nowhere near that, every other program has a limit way below that
how the fuck do I do this?
Can you run your own DNS server to ensure your lookups are private? But doesn't it fetch the addresses from somewhere upstream? Is there a way to fetch everything so you don't reveal what addresses are looked up?
Hi, /sqt/. I'm dumb.
I have a window that pops up now and again, and I've made a python script that automatically detects it and interacts with it to fill the form and close it out, using just the built-in libraries like ctypes to poke WinAPI functions. Great, right?

I'm finding the window by looking through active processes, finding if it's visible, and checking the title with what amounts to
if window.title == 'Popup Window Title'
. I have a handle and I can find PID, so I think there should be some way to check if this is the right window more securely, like finding the executable path that spawned the process, or if there's some certificate somewhere I can make sure is signed by something I'd trust from a CA.

What's the best way of filtering processes to find a window I want to interact with, while making sure I'm not just relying on something easily manipulated like a window title?
Yep! That's exactly what it does.
Use yt-dlp. It's much better than youtube-dl.
If you want a simple GUI interface, use this.
You will need ffmpeg btw.
Because the only thing commercial VPN is good for is p2p, and there are at least 10 other companies better than mullvad for that purpose even if you can't configure your own network. Go on /r/vpn and pick one.
>but that's one time they told the cops to fuck off
Because their lawyer said they could in that one instance. No VPN company will ever go to bat against their local government for you if they perceive any risk. Especially not in the GAE.
>You will need ffmpeg btw.
Not if you don't plan on transcoding it.
Resistfingerprinting settings or Canvasblocker plugin can interfere with captcha, especially if using an autofiller.
new fag to yt-dlp, finally learned to use it with the help of anons. ive begun data hording all the stuff i can. problem, when trying to grab vids on x/twitter, sometimes the post is too long so it cant get to the vid. how to grab the vid with the long post/filename? can i shorten it some how on the url?
>learned to use it with the help of anons.
Can you link the posts? I'm a few days behind you on the youtube downloading path.
>yt-dlp --video-multistreams Video_Link -F
>yt-dlp --video-multistreams Video_Link -f Video_ID
Pretty simple really.
NTA but I suggest you use this command.
>yt-dlp --yes-playlist -f bestaudio+bestvideo --write-info-json --merge-output-format mkv --sub-langs all --sub-format vtt --embed-subs --embed-thumbnail --embed-metadata --output "%(uploader)s/%(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s" "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAYLIST_URL"
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So from what I understand so far: apt, dpkg, and debsums are my main tools to see if I find any trouble among my system's packages ahead of time (if I don't get notifications of packages crashing, kek).
Is there more or that is all? Is there better?
Then apt clean, apt update when I'm done.
I am testing tiktok and somehow it is recommending me stuff that I searched on other devices that I don't use cookies on. I use a firefox browser with duckduckgo and no cookies saved or history once I close my browser. Also I use brave for mobile. How is this possible that they recommend me stuff that I didn't even search on that certain device nevermind on the app tiktok?
They must be going by your IP address. Try using tiktok after setting up Windscribe on a given device (Windscribe offers a free tier to their service, requires only that you make an account with them and nothing more, never expires) to change the IP that tiktok sees for that device. If you still see recs related to your searches, then something else is off.
transcoding or making combined mkv or webm outputs or whatever you want, ffmpeg is the needed extra tool
Chrome or Firefox's "DNS over HTTPS" is the only solution, as far as I know, apart from configuring your connection to use the Quad9 DNS IPs, Google's &, and Cloudflare's bunch of DNS IPs. SUPPOSEDLY. I don't know for sure, but usage of those DNS servers is recommended for increased security.

Pawn shops. I've yet to try Facebook Marketplace, it may be the other alternative, otherwise, pawn shops and cross your fingers, check them out every 4-6 months.
Can't beat eBay, though, or popular forums specific to what you want to buy/sell.
Stay away from craigslist.

Most folks are morons.
Windows and Linux have tools for this, but I've never tried them and I don't think they get any discussion here about them. I only know they exist, there should be guides out there if you web search.
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Question for everyone.
Is twitter loading images slowly, or is it just me? This has been going on for about 2 days.
All my 4chan x links died
Did 4channel die?
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>don't think they get any discussion here about them
Reason being it's something you got to do on the routing device and I don't think that many people have fancy routers.
Bumping your question, got a Linux router but have no idea how to traffic capture in this context.

this helped along with yt vids that i used, step by step vids.
>7735hs and a 7940hs
Am I supposed to look these up?
>for some reason the former performs better than the latter?
It shouldn't? Why?
>It seems more responsive and faster, and i tested it out in the black myth wukong game
>tested it out in the black myth wukong game
So you like had a graphical desktop OS and all that? There's stuff like GPU drivers to consider. Did you have drivers installed?

you could try vpxenc directly, but yea, not many programs support pictures that large, usually before that point you should be using more specialised tools like splitting the image into tiles
the only reference to 65536x65536 i've found was on the webmproject website, in reference to it using 16bit values for size instead of vp8's 14bit values, technically it doesn't actually say any encoder can make such files, just that the bitstream allows for it, it's possible there isn't anything to make or play such resolutions
why respond to a product comparison post if you both aren't familiar with the products and aren't even willing to look them up?
Come on now, could've just posted the number of cores and shit.
i'm not the same person, and if he's confused about why an apparently slower machine is running faster, how would he know what to post?
though i will agree that posting links would have been better, especially for lesser known products
Guess he slapped the models into a comparison site and saw 1% difference?
honestly i have no idea, i'm also not familiar with those model numbers, though they look like amd cpu numbers and not mini pc model numbers, which isn't really enough to compare two pc's with
Mac tard here I have a flash drive filled with important stuff (hentai) and I want to encrypt. I do encrypt the folders or the drive and what software do I use?
You're being compensated very generously for your time Anon, the least you can do is look those up.
im trying to download this twitter post with yt-dlp https://x.com/_God_is_TruTh_/status/1836591188499140731
before it gets scrubbed. but i get this error message.
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I've been getting this alot these past couple of weeks, what does it mean
I'm just browsing stuff whenever it happens
does anyone have any experience accessing a Samba server on linux via a Wii? There are a few emulators that can access ROM's via SMB but my wii can't seem to connect and I'm not sure why.
I know I have the Samba server working because I can access the files on my laptop and my phone, but the wii just says it fails to the server
Judging by the image, your gpu is failing or has a very outdated driver.
What pc/motherboard do you have? Model?
Specs and components?
well it tells you exactly what to do
Does the server have ancient smb protocols? Sound like the wii is using an old smb version and up to date distros already ditched those in pro of security and only support newer ones.
looking at the wiki for it, https://wiibrew.org/wiki/Tinysmb, it seems that it relies on ntlm which is an older windows authentication method. there seem to be ways of getting that working with samba. i may have a crack at that tomorrow
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oh no that's not my picture, but the ones I had look very similar to that. computer restarts pretty quickly after getting one of these so I was never able to grab my phone to take a snap of my own.

here's my specs, it's a couple of months shy from 5 years old (I think)
do you guys have the big scroll thumb for firefox android?
my firefox is fine but i just miss the big scroll assist similar to opera (android)
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Any good route planner for delivery drivers with dozens of stops a day? Something like Circuit but free without limitations
Check the Event log for critical errors in the system tab. This should give you an indication what happens when the PC crashes and post it here. I can tell you more then. The errors usually go back a month, just filter it by critical or time.
I'm pretty sure that the error is related to the GPU, this can have a number of reasons. To rule out common issues I'd start by re-seating the graphics card. While you're at it change the 8pin PCIE cable that connects to the PSU and make sure your PSU has enough capacity. If your graphics card is very heavy, stabilize it by gently propping it up with something.
Maybe stupid q but I want to download the file via curl

mkdir $curlpackages
curl --output-dir $curlpackages -JLO <someaddress>

$curlpackages returns the path correctly (as /home/faggot/), yet curl downloads the file into /root/curl-packages, not into my $HOME. Why is that?
I'm stupid, what kinda RAM do I buy for an aspire f15 f5-573G-57E8 laptop?
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because youre running the script as root user
/ sudo somewhere
I using a NAS hard drive for a regular desktop PC ok? whats this hoo haw about error checking?
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Laptops with touch screens.
Who's the market for this design?
Lost my Onee Chan config and didn't have a recent backup...
How do you enable the search bar in the catalog again?
How do I download photos from tinder? Any software for that?
you need DDR4 sodimm 1.2V
it has 2 ram slots so it depends how much you already have in there. you can go up to 32GB max (two 16GB modules)
Lexar 16GB (1x16GB) 3200MHz CL22
would that one do?
If you asked Microsoft apparently that would be anyone who'd buy a snapdragon X laptop. But in reality I just find it useful sometimes to be able to just tap the button I want to click instead of moving the cursor to it, especially if I'm standing over the laptop while it's sitting on a table.
if its 1.2V and SODIMM, yes its ok.
For old people and zoomers
And when you want to show some visuals for client.
The man command is pretty handy, it provides a manual when available.
>man apt
>man dpkg
apt-cache search is pretty handy as well
whereis and find pretty much do the same thing, helps locate files.
find ffmpeg*
How do i send large files(1GB+) to a friend online? i hate using cloud
>The man command is pretty handy, it provides a manual when available.
Too bad some manuals - often written by GNU people - are lectures without examples which doesn't serve me personally very well.
And yes, I'm stupid and have ADHD and all that.
I'm old and touchscreens are hard to use. Depends on the programming of course, it's not the physical screen itself which is hard to use but the "gestures".
>i hate using cloud
So you want to peer-to-peer? At least one of you has to be reachable in order to pull that off. Figure that out and we'll talk software.
>I'm stupid
We all learn at our own pace, anon, you'll get there if you want to.
>you want peer-to-peer?
it would be ok. but I just meant public cloud services, like dropbox or google drive. even something like discord can be fine but those things usually have limits
>I'm old and touchscreens are hard to use. Depends on the programming of course, it's not the physical screen itself which is hard to use but the "gestures".
I bought one of those to my dad, He love it, because he love reading Wikipedia news on it.
More so on this stand.
And he says it's easier to edit presentations with fingers than navigating with touch-pad.
>learn at our own pace
Nah, I just used a search engine to get that damn example I was looking for in the first place.
The whole studying thing is just awful, can't people just show how it's done so I can get along with the learning part on my own?
>And he says it's easier to edit presentations with fingers than navigating with touch-pad.
Extra info?
>Extra info?
He's college professor, He wear thick glasses and had cataract surgery.
These laptops come in FHD by default if not 2K.
The pinch to zoom work in most applications, which he find it easier and faster than looking for his glasses.
And can control UI elements with fingers better than touch pad or the track point.
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I don't understand computer communications. I don't understand OSI, Jsons, IP, the network in general. It seems alien to me. I can understand programming but not networking.

Does anyone have some good tutorials or can explain it to me?
which software to use to have:
a laptop connect to my main windows PC with 1 GPU to play a game on while I can still use the PC normally?
why does rainmeter go over the start menu despite me choosing "on desktop" or "bottom" as the layer, makes no difference which.
and can it be fixed?

(my guess is no since i've seen this on every computer i've owned in the last ever)
>you could try vpxenc directly
can't find a compiled windows executable for it
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How do i open a .sav file from a game and edit it? I can't make fuckin' heads or tails of this shite.

I want to edit the "hof.sav" file from the game "a legionary's life" to add a particular stat (enhancement points) but fuckin hell, i can't figure out how to do it. I tried cheat engine, but i can't find the damn address. There isn't a single answer out there, and i searched.
I'm moving to the united states soon, do I have to worry about my accounts not working because my phone number doesn't work in that country?

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