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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>102480543
Linux is shit.
Are you stuggling?

Your first linux?
bros.. i fucking love linux
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Wow what a terrible thread that was
I helped 6 people in the previous thread. What did you contribute?
>implying an os should be difficulty to use
Is Ubuntu Interim worth using or should I just go with Fedora? I want the most stability and least bugs with a Plasma 6 system.
Fedora is always better between the two for new users.
might as well not use linux then if those are the requirements
You’re welcome.

I’m still here. This one is gonna suck, too. ;)
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First for external drive users are pedophiles
How can I make my linux install into bootable ISO? Something like MX snapshot but for other distros too.
what ways are there to create a bootable USB of my linux (lubuntu) virtual machine (so create bootable USB copy of my current Linux os), I want ways of creating a static type ones (similar to os installation type of bootable usb ) and non static ones (so something that can be used as os)
is it really when you can buy a 64gb usb stick for like 5 dollars now?
So since the new pacman update broke aur helpers like yay and paru. I want to know how to update paru now since the issue got fixed in a new update. My question is how do I do it?
Do I
>just install paru as I did before by downloading it through git and makepkg -si
>should I uninstall the original broken paru that I have right now first?
If it's the latter, how do I uninstall paru ?What're the right steps?
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Fedora, with stock gnome desktop. Flatpaks.
Exactly how you installed it in the first place. If it needs removing to upgrade/replace it then pacman will handle that.
Should i be able to just connect a new ssd to my machine with arch install, boot up and start working with it? Will i be able to format and mount?
Depends on your desktop. It's nothing to do with archinstall. It's probably not going to setup something like autofs for you if that's what you're asking.
yeah but dont bother with archinstall its like 30 minutes to do it without anyways
what do you need that space for if not your fucking child porn, you pedo bitch
i didn't mean arch install the script,
okay thanks
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you might want to go on the atomic/immutable meme too
Should I just turn Timeshift off on an old slow 3rd gen I5 Thinkpad running Mint?
You can do manual snapshots before you upgrade something important like the kernel or video drivers.

no nvk

no modern drivers

no plasma 6
How can I have maim both copy to clipboard and save the image to somewhere? Struggling to do both.

Works fine for just saving it to the clipboard:
maim -s | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png
How the fuck do I get battery life on Linux???
I've installed TLP for a start but I haven't changed any settings yet except for limiting my charge to 80% and right now I'm barely getting two hours of battery on this thing and 5+ hours on Windows.
I have two GPU and I've installed nvidia prime for the nvidia one but I'm not sure how to use it yet.
Also should I install autocpu freq since I'm not using tlp's cpu frequency options.

Where do I go from here? I want the absolute most battery I can get when not plugged in and the absolute most performance when I'm on charger. I don't lower my refresh rate because I'm not sure how to set lowered frame rate when not plugged in like on Windows. Is it possible to do it on Linux?
I'm on Arch btw.
i made a bash script for this though it might not be what your looking for
fileName=$(date "+screenshot_%Y-%m-%d_%s.png")
maim ~/Pictures/screenshots/${fileName}
xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -i ~/Pictures/screenshots/${fileName}
notify-send -t 1500 -i ~/Pictures/screenshots/${fileName} "Screenshot taken ${fileName}"
what did they mean by this
Is using Nobara over regular Fedora worth it?
i just hate using gnome
Gnome is very gay, it's not meant for desktop usage.
If you have to ask, no.
>What kind of Wayland session would you like?
No idea. Currently I've been just installing Mate or whatever and got Xorg as dependencies.
>Usually you just need to install the compositor and that's that.
So. There's no such thing as a "Wayland DE"?
>If my Arch install ever breaks I'll try Gentoo, but the installation process seems somehow more autistic than Arch
They expect you to pull a custom kernel from your ass in the middle of the installation process which is just wrong IMO.
What you could do is boot your current Arch system with a custom kernel. The rest of the Gentoo installation process is just configuring the system as usual.
Buy a laptop that doesn't have broken power management under Linux.
I wanna develop software for Windows, but I don't wanna program in Windows, because it's fucking shit. How can I develop software in a Linux system for Windows? i'm using C and C++, with the raylib and ImGui library. Also, a good distro for devs?
>muh telemetry
Exact same question but for Mac and iPhone instead. Is it even possible?
Install mingw-w64 and cross-compile. Set up remote debugging into a VM with GDB.
garuda is the only os worth using if you have a life
do you use the fag0nized version ? what does it even mean ?
Agreed sir
2% into installing gentoo and already bored.
>horrendous gamer rice
>emoji in the start menu
>AI generated dragon wallpaper
couldn't pay me to redeem this shit
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Linux zero2w 6.6.47+rpt-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.47-1+rpt1 (2024-09-02) aarch64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.

this is peak comfy
I was reading thru the RPi Imager and noticed how Ubuntu server LTS is supported on the zero 2W, why do people go out of their way to use ubuntu server on a zero 2W when raspberry pi OS is just debian, like whats missing to justify not using the official distro for this kind of hardware
it werks tho
and it feels full out of the box
what is your os for people with a life ?
Is slackware a meme distro?
>meme distro
do you have any specific needs that are unmet by other distros?
I wanted a distro with old packages that has a base somewhat minimal install, debian is too big for me
It has an use case for being an offline system.
You didn't uncheck anything from the "Install extra software"-menu huh?
I did.
came with 1000+ packages anyway
Wonder what your installer did, last time I did a Debian install was with Debootstrap: https://wiki.debian.org/Debootstrap
Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch and what distributions have you, all look same in that initial minimal state. Somewhere around 200-300 megabytes if I recall correctly.
Been trying out nixOS on a used Thinkpad. Love the rollback feature even though there's a bit of a learning curve.
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Moronic Mint 20.02 user
I just deleted my swap space partition and now I get some check that takes 1min30s extra to boot on startup, say "a start job is running" and is set to timeout after 90s. Does this sound accurate or would there be another culprit?
If this is, do I need to make another partition before using
>sudo apt-get install swapspace
or does the command add the partition upon creation?
add "nofail" option to everything
"Look guys i packaged my 400gb default install into a single package. So small and efficient."
Trying to get a version of curl that plays better with TLS and hit a snag. Is there a way around this other than upgrading to, say, Lenny or something?
Can I keep my caps lock key usable but disable it's function? i.e. I want to bind my caps lock key to a keyboard shortcut or something, but don't want it to change all the letters capital

In wayland if it matters
I'm pretty sure the answer is yes but there's something in the back of my mind that keeps thinking there's a gotcha I overlooked. It's fine if I I open a file for appending, mmap the first page of that file, then continue on to use the same file descriptor to write to the end of it, right? With the intended purpose of later doing some writes to the top of the file via the mmaped page.
I love linux so much bros
blowing kisses to my Fedora PC rn
NixOS is great. Once you get your configuration written it's super stable.
Look into flakes, home-manager, and impermanence if you haven't already.
Based Russian game developer:
>Exey Panteleev from Moscow, Russia
>So. There's no such thing as a "Wayland DE"?
There are multiple, that's what I asked what sort you're looking for. MATE and XFCE don't have Wayland support yet but it's in development.

GNOME, KDE Plasma, COSMIC (still in alpha) and various Wlroots compositors are what you should be looking at.

You don't have to install anything to get it to work because everything you need should be pulled as a dependency (usually just libinput, libwayland, etc). It's not like Xorg where you need to install any additional packages to get it to work.

>They expect you to pull a custom kernel from your ass in the middle of the installation process which is just wrong IMO.
Gentoo has a binary distribution kernel now. It works very well although I've since changed to a custom kernel on my laptop I still have it installed (Grub defaults to my custom Zen kernel).
It's useful when it works and when people turn it on instead of fear mongering. It's not really an invasion of your privacy to optionally (with your consent) send back to KDE which options you have enabled. It only becomes one if too much data is collected (more than necessary) to allow fingerprinting individual users.

As an example of this sort of thing, Debian users that install the popularity contest package willingly allow Debian to track which packages they have installed and send that back to their servers. As far as I know they don't use this data for anything but it's useful to have if only to see which packages people are installing.
Shut your whore mouth.
What happened to Firefox?

After the last update it's fast as fuck now?
They are whistling faster.
devuan desu
What software do you anons use for personal money management/budgeting?
Needs to run on Linux (obv), no cloud service, preferably Foss.
I've looked into Money manager Ex and it seems decent, but I'm getting fomo putting the effort into setting everything up only to have to migrate eventually.
Is something like gnucash better? Or something else entirely that you anons use and like?
What is the coolest xscreensaver screen saver?
xrandr --output DP-2 --off
Hey fellas, I got a weird browser behavior where the browser will semi-randomly start acting as if I use keyboard shortcuts to navigate. Happens only on browsers and almost always when I change tabs or open a new tab. Gnome btw. What could be causing it? Accessibility options are off.
>you have to write a shell script just to change the monitor positions if you use lightdm
yotld btw
your mum
I know.
I was there when it happened.
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Would you guys trust this ol' drive to last a few more years? That's like, 80% health isnt it?
What are those "optional" packages inside meta-packages like https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/plasma-desktop/ ?
This link in the wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman#Installing_package_groups makes it sound like I'd get a prompt asking if I want to install them too but I don't recall ever seeing that, am I just on autopilot whenever I install things or am I missing something?
This looks like the SMART attributes from a 2.5" Seagate, those aren't well regarded.
That said, the error rates look normal. No high-flying writes so decent recording media quality. G-Sense has been triggered a number of times and there's a high LCC and retract count, so this is almost guaranteed to be in a laptop. No mechanical failure indicators, no unrecovered surface errors, no link errors.

Should be fine for a good while, assuming you don't throw it around. If it's the only drive in the system though, consider replacing it with a SATA SSD. It will make a huge difference.
You're absolutely correct! That's a 5200RPM 2.5" Seagate that was in my dad's laptop just until a few days ago, replaced it with a SATA SSD and added more RAM, doesn't even feel like the same laptop anymore. Since there's no place to put it in I was thinking about using it as a simple storage drive for things that aren't really important (torrents, older versions of my /home backup, etc) still, it would be nice to still have those files so I wouldn't want to put them in an almost-failing disk, it's nice to know there's still some lifespan left.
Is there a way to selectively have baloo index and still be able to use the slower search?
As it stands, if I
>enable baloo
>index /home
>search won't work anywhere else that's not indexed
Dolphin's search is so fucking shitty. But it's the only file manager that allows you to see file size (bytes) in the columns
I still don't know why we cant have Everything(voidtools) on Linux.
i have a WINE question, so in windows you can add arguements/options to a shortcut when you're launching like -w to force windowed mode or --no-sound to disable sound driver for the program.
is there a way to add these for WINE?
i have found that you can specify a language by putting that before the wine /program.exe
ex: LANG=ko_KR.utf8 wine ~/program.exe but wondered if there was anything else like that you could do.
if it were breadcrumps, shouldn't this happen on every other program/app/game/whatever? anyway no, kb is clean.
Put it in a .desktop file.
or just remove baloo already and fix the search function. i guarantee you all the complaints about KDE being a "laggy pos" is because of end-users who don't know Baloo is raping their PC
(me) an example of this is f behaving like tab screen key captures f normally, however.
>What are those "optional" packages
It's described in there.
>plasma-nm (optional) - Network manager applet
The desktop works without it but if you want the feature you need that package.
Use a desktop entry or a shell script.
what i'm asking is is it possible to use windows args when launching programs through whine and what an example would look like.
if i wanted it to launch windowed on windows i would add a -w.
i'm not asking if you can do some custom window_size=1024x800 linux specific shit, but can you use the windows -w to launch or not?
I think you can configure winecfg without going through winecfg. Like for "-w" you can do virtual desktop and restrict it to a space.
>4chan doesn't allow mass replying anymore
>I won't be able to reply to a whole apple shill thread with a Jay Irwin copypasta
Truly over
>i'm not asking if you can do some custom window_size=1024x800 linux specific shit
Mass replying was only ever done by retards wanting "attention" anyway so if it doesn't work anymore that's a good thing
how do i use appimages on alpine linux
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>4chan doesn't allow mass replying anymore
Fucking finally.
just use wine "program-name your-options"
I think that should work.
I have spent this morning customising vim

A very productive use of my time
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You can extract AppImages to regular old trees case you don't want FUSE or whatever extras installed. Not sure if answers your question.
Why, my gerontophiliac porn of course!
anyone know of a solid FREE local AI package I can get for Linux and AMD? I really don't want to pay some bullshit monthly sub.
I just want to train it to use my voice to read scripts and shit, but I don't want it stored on some damn cloud.
¿What do you mean?
How do I purge rust from my arch install?
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It's clean what he's asking.
as opposed to dirty?
>- irrelevant to what he said
>- irrelevant to what he said
>- loaded question
>start-stop maxed out
>1.3 bazillion seek errors
>731 improper shutdowns
>only 10k hours
this thing hasn't been very well taken care of
Good morning, sir.
yes, and you do it the same as on windows, arguments work the same between linux and windows
so like on windows you might do for example;
game.exe -w -r 640x480

with wine you'd do;
wine game.exe -w -r 640x480

all the arguments to "wine" are interpreted as arguments to the program you're running, to control wine itself, it uses environment variables instead, so like to change what prefix it's run it, you'd do;
WINEPREFIX=/path/to/prefix wine game.exe -w -r 640x480

this just makes using wine easier since it's literally just the command you'd use in windows, but with "wine" added to the front of it
>a base somewhat minimal install
Slackware is not a minimal distribution, the default full install is ~15 GB. On my Slackware installs I de-select the software sets with DEs and I still have 1200 packages.
>debian is too big for me
Did you use the net install? Usually the net install will be under 1000 packages depending what you install, especially if you don't use a DE.
oh, one thing to be aware of is that you will still need to appropriately escape special characters, which differ between windows and linux shells, so for example on windows you could do;
notepad.exe c:\file.txt

on wine you'd have to do;
wine notepad.exe c:\\file.txt

instead, because linux shells use "\" as an escape character, and will interpret "\f" as a form feed
does not work
You need to make sure WINEPREFIX is set correctly to whatever prefix you're using. It should work.
Dude, that's like basic winetricks stuff.
>preempt_rt is now mainline
is it no longer buggy?
either the program i'm using just doesn't play well with these or i'm too retarded for this, cheers for the help though.
My dad doesn't really care bout them 'puters...
Make a container of a real distro to have all the libs the author assumes you should have.
The way people use "basic" is really annoying desu, What's basic to you definitely isn't to the guy, and I'm sure some "basic" things he knows are completely foreign to you.
Right-click on a desktop shortcut, the same as in Windows. Launchers have the Arguments field too. "Basic" as in "just click around nigguh".
is this in a laptop or something?
i'm not /really/ an expert on this, but those numbers seem to be more like external factors are involved here, like improper shutdowns is an obvious one, but the rest seems like it may be subject to frequent knocks or vibrations, like how do you get so many bad seeks, but no reallocated sectors? like the platter is fine, but the head's still having trouble?
if it is a laptop subject to be handled by someone who treats it like a desk calculator and not a delicate piece of equipment, then an ssd would be a very good idea, they're relatively impervious to shocks and vibration
Yep, like I said in >>102502045 it was in a laptop. It's the definition of a beater, the keyboard doesn't even work at all after he spilled beer over it like 50 times. I should've upgraded it to an SSD a long time ago but I honestly wasn't expecting it to be that much of a difference since it has the shittiest celeron available (dual core celeron 4k something) but it (alongside the extra ram i added) really made everything way more bearable.
I'll end up getting him something newer soon since it still chugs a little on windows and he refuses to use anything else but it'll do for now.
It was never buggy there were just some blockers that prevented it from being merged and needed to be fixed up first because they'd break.
oh my bad, i wasn't the same person and didn't read all the posts
yea, get an ssd for it, a cheap one will do. you'd be amazed how much of a difference it will make even if it's otherwise a piece of shit. even in old computers i/o is/was the single biggest factor in how responsive a machine feels
but even if it was the same performance (it won't be), getting one for a machine which gets bumped around so much will be great for longevity (as will a regular backup plan...)
lol still didn't read the post
so now it's out of that environment, it's probably fine to keep using it, it doesn't have many hours on it and it's go no reallocated/pending sectors or other major internal issues logged
It's always fun to watch sheltered people like you getting humbled down irl. Have you never had to deal with a new subject ever in your life? How would you feel with your driving instructor mocking you for not being able to properly shift gears the moment you sat in a car for the first time? A guitar instructor laughing at you being unable to properly place your fingers in the fret board? A cook looking genuinely frustrated with you taking too long to cut the vegetables? Learning a new language and having people ridicule you for not getting SOV since you've always used SVO? These are all extremely basic things in each subject that every beginner had difficulties with, it's not "just right click nigguh", there's a lot of prior knowledge hidden behind that.
People have different backgrounds and different experiences, just try thinking about that sometimes. And maybe take a look in the thread you're in, or read the literal first thing in the OP if you're feeling adventurous today.
Thoughts on Linux Mint for a beginner?
It's pretty much one of the very best beginner distros
Don't bother, you're wasting your time. A retard like that has no concept of the very idea of learning by doing. If it's not injected into their sheep brain by rote fashion then it might as well not exist.
Have you tried pacman?
you don't even know why you dislike Rust
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How is it possible that 'free' reports X amount of memory is used, even though ps_mem reports only a fraction of X is being used?

Concrete example:
https://github.com/pixelb/ps_mem this reports
 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used       Program
156.0 KiB + 17.5 KiB = 173.5 KiB earlyoom
120.0 KiB + 57.5 KiB = 177.5 KiB startx
256.0 KiB + 41.5 KiB = 297.5 KiB xinit
82.3 MiB + 18.7 MiB = 100.9 MiB Xorg
133.5 MiB + 1.7 MiB = 135.2 MiB bash (10)
3.1 GiB + 174.7 MiB = 3.3 GiB firefox (22)
4.0 GiB

While free reports:
               total        used        free      shared     buffers       cache   available
Mem: 15Gi 9Gi 4.0Gi 43Mi 79Mi 1.8Gi 5.6Gi
Swap: 4.0Gi 6.8Mi 4.0Gi
Total: 19Gi 9Gi 8.0Gi

Where are the extra 5 gigs of RAM going to? I'm aware of the whole "linux ate my ram" thing where memory is used for cache and is left available, but as far as I understand "used" means actually used. So what's the deal? Where's the ghost memory?
logs don't get rotated properly
steam tray icon is pixelated
start menu sucks
ppas suck
flatpaks suck
appimages suck
apt sucks
debian sucks
ubuntu sucks
old mesa sucks
old applications suck
gtk sucks
pipx sucks
rolling distros that break on update also suck so it'll be fine
The same way you'd purge any other package:
$ pacman -Rns rust $(pacman -Qq | grep -F rust-libs)
that can be fixed by not being retarded
those things I listed are always going to suck
Sounds like a bloated 60GB install
$ sudo rm --no-preserve-root -rf /
Rust is in the kernel.
so the same as debian?
install freebsd
Log rotation is broken on pretty much every distro I've ever used. Most don't even set a file size limit for the Systemd Journal so it can grow unbounded forever to stupid sizes if you have any app go haywire and write tons of logs.
You cant because appimages require glibc
beginners are retarded
Is there a timer app that counts up from zero? I just want one to keep track of how long I am working.
you aren't doing any work on linux so there is no use case for that
It's just a worse version of Ubuntu
Ubuntu is just a worse version of itself every new LTS release.
it's a better version actually
>no snaps
>no telemetry
>better suite of applications
phablet nigger
linux is difficult to use if you’re an actual retard, it just takes a little getting used to. if you’ve been at it for a week and still can’t into linux then good luck trying to use a computer at all nigger.
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Does anyone know how to set the default output audio device for alsa in Cinammon Mint? I can't find a straight answer on what config or commands I need to do. Sound is currently outputting to my secondary display (my TV) but I only want it to output from onboard audio. Been searching for hours.
any memory that is used but not from any of the processes is used by the kernel. This may include RAM reserved for the integrated graphics.
everything is just stupid on linux
stupid config files
stupid settings
stupid bugs
stupid errors
stupid design
like it was made by retards
They don't strictly require it, but authors are allowed to assume you have certain libraries. Like glibc. Because what kind of idiot doesn't have glibc on a desktop?
You can configure journald to use as much or as little space as you want. RHEL doesn't even save journal to disk by default.
I know you can and I do, I'm saying distros don't do this by default. If RHEL does then that's that good. More distros should do that. If you want to persist logs then you can configure it yourself.
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like many (most?) of us here, my first distro was ubuntu. as I learned, I progressively migrated to more 'advanced' distros. first crunchbang (RIP), then debian, then arch. I spent a few years on arch and got tired of its bullshit, so I settled on opensuse and fedora. recently I got a macbook and spent some time with macOS, and I really like its level of polish and UX

yesterday I installed vanilla ubuntu on my second laptop. it was my first time using vanilla ubuntu in probably 10 years or so. I've also installed ubuntu on my gf's computer and I'm trying to use it more 'casually' to better understand her experience with it. I'm installing programs from the App Center and trying to use my arcane unix knowledge as little as possible to get a feel for how a beginner would see the system.

and damn I'm impressed, it's really good and extremely comfy. it's the closest thing to the macOS level of polish I've ever seen from a linux distro. if you haven't checked out stock ubuntu in years like me, give it a chance
did this happen before or after the application store crashed you it asked you to send a crash report? how is updating snaps going? can you update the store snap while it's running and doing the update? you couldn't do that in 22.04
how about FDE did it work or not?
phablet brainlet
I prefer Fedora Silverblue instead. Ubuntu is too insular and NIH with Snaps and the tweaks they do to GNOME.
What am I supposed to do about this? I just want to upgrade curl and/or wget enough to get around TLS fuckery
I'm forced to use Ubuntu at work and I don't like it.
Import the correct key with apt-key
That shit is as old and abandoned as Windows Vista.

>Debian GNU/Linux 4.0r9 was released on May 22nd, 2010. Debian 4.0 was initially released on April 8th, 2007.
>Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 has been superseded by Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 ("lenny"). Security updates have been discontinued as of the end of February 2010.
snaps really are kinda retarded if you consider their place in the wider linux world, but their gnome tweaks are great. their version of gnome is way better than the default out of the box
That makes sense, but I don't have integrated graphics on this CPU.

I am confused because I tried sudo slabtop -sc to look at what the kernel had in its slab cache and there was nothing out of the ordinary. What other command could I try to see where the memory's going?
yeah if you're going all in on flatpaks, i don't know why you wouldn't go immutable as well.
How the fuck do you nigger nerds transfer shit from your android phone to linux? I've never seen an android phone that can do this.
android-sdk package allows you to hook any android device by usb to any linux computer you dumb faggot
Yeah I can hook my android phone to linux I'm posting this to you through an android phone hooked to linux but how the fuck do I transfer files of it you gay nigger.
set your phone to usb to transfer mode from the android notifications dear tranny sister
that doesn't work and has never worked for the last 4 android phones I've had. They all usb tethered but I've never got a single file off any of them when set to file sharing
Is it possible to run a macos virtual machine on Linux? And if it is possible, how complicated is it?
that's what the android-sdk package is for
and it works fine for me on all my machines
I want to create a bootable usb clone of the my virtual box linux (Xubuntu) virtual machine, best way that I can think of is to turn the vdi into an iso and install that to the usb (Rufus?), does this clone have file persistence and are there better ways of doing this?
Just use KDE Connect and transfer it wirelessly, you pleb
I have trouble believing that linux would usb tether to an android phone out of the box but be incapable of transferring files. That would be fucking retarded.
File transfer is done of MTP so might require extra support libraries to be installed. If it just showed up as a USB drive then you wouldn't need that crap but Android is special.

Just transfer wirelessly, it's the least pain.
But it does show up as a usb drive with the mount and open option it just never fucking works like everything else on linux. Why the fuck do I use this piece of shit OS
It's not an actual USB drive, it just says it is. Under the hood it's using a special protocol called MTP and if you mount it and look at how it's mounted it'll be using some FUSE filesystem via gvfs or kio instead of mounting it like a block device would normally be mounted.

That's why it doesn't work properly, you probably need libmtp installed or something else.
OK, I just installed Mint and wanted to get VS Code (or VS Codium).
sudo apt install code
gave me 'E: Unable to locate package code'. 'codium' and 'vscode' gave the same. So I went to the questionable UI "Software Manager" and found VSCodium there and installed it. But I'd like to be able to run it from my terminal. What keyword do I use to launch codium in command line? 'codium', 'code' and 'vscodium' are just unrecognized.
This is squarely on Android, by the way. Linux knows how to mount block devices, if it showed up as a normal USB drive then it could mount it using the drivers in the kernel without having to deal with any of this crap. It's definitely possible to do this but Google refuses because of muh security.
I can't even mount it as a drive on a VM because it says it's being used by linux aaaaarghhh
this is extremely hard to find, but 5GB sure is a lot. Things like tmpfs also fall under this.
my arch install from like 5 years ago could out of the box but any install after that and it doesn't even register that i've plugged my phone in
Snaps are unironically good, if I want Go I just need to do `sudo snap install go --classic` and it gives me the latest version

And you don't need to use GNOME, you can use many different DEs with Ubuntu
>and it gives me the latest version
this is what you normally get on other distros from the normal repos, Snaps are solving a problem they created on their own. (Or inherited from debian)
name one apart from arch that ships with current versions of applications
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
Fedora (mostly)
localsend or snapdrop.net in case of emergency and not at home
not in competition with ubuntu
doesn't count since you can just updated to the next .10 release of ubuntu with snaps
My mobo doesn't have wireless and I cbf installing the wifi card I have around here somewhere. In the future it will probably come out that wifi cards give people whatever disease willem dafoes character in speed2 has and I don't want that shit.
the card probably wouldn't fucking work anyway since this is shitnux we're dealing with
Does Fedora collect any data or telemetry by default?
Does it not have Ethernet either? As long as they're both connected to the same network it shouldn't matter. Also WiFi support is pretty good on Linux as long as you avoid Broadcom and Realtek (Realtek does have some support but it can be hit and miss at times and their hardware is shit anyway).
no, but i think GNOME asks you
What does ethernet have to do with anything?
You can still transfer wirelessly without WiFi as long as your motherboard is connected to the same physical network as the Android device.
Get this:

sudo sync; sudo sh -c "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"

I tried this, because it was mentioned in pmemstat's readme (another useful tool for checking memory https://github.com/joedefen/pmemstat)
>if that reduces Oth significantly, then the MemAvailable calculation was off significantly.
And lo-and-behold, it returned my RAM back to me.

I'm not sure what might have caused that to happen. They say it's not intended for regular use, so I'd like to know the origin of the problem instead of just attacking the symptom
Tumbleweed was infected by the xz backdoor, so maybe there are downsides when you're right on the bleeding edge

Fedora is good apart from not having codecs
There are also security vulnerabilities that affect older versions of software but that are patched in the latest version, or don't affect it since its code has diverged significantly.

Pick your poison.
>the same physical network as the Android device.
The phone is physically connected to the pc. The last 4 android phones I've had all tethered to the pc flawlessly but could I mount them and transfer files? (the shit normal peopel would want to do?) fuck no. That would be too easy and we can't possibly have that with linux ohhh no.
Works on my machine.
I already told you what the problem was, you need to install libmtp.

All of this shit is because Google can't be bothered to expose the device as a normal block device connected over USB and has to use some shitty MTP protocol instead.

If it's tethered then that should be good enough to use KDE Connect though, just input the IP address of the machine its connected to in the app.
I'd bet you 50 bucks right now that installing libmtp will not fix it because nothing you stupid niggers on here suggest ever works. The only guy on here who's ever been remotely helpful is the solidworks passthrough gpu guy the rest of you are useless.
>nothing you stupid niggers on here suggest ever works.
It will fix it:
>The Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) can be used to transfer media files to and from many mobile phones (all Windows Phone 7/8/10 devices, most newer Android devices) and media players (e.g. Creative Zen).

Also see the "File Manager Integration" section for any other packages you may need to install:
Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora etc apply security fixes to old versions of software, rather than upgrading that software to newer versions
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libmtp is either not important enough to be in the depository or it's installed by default. Ergo it doesn't work.
Any good resources on configuring your own firewall? Do I even need one on linux? Have always used ufw with the most basic configuration.
you probably installed a flatpak
flatpak list
there should be a list of all the flatpak programs you have installed
to run it from the terminal do
flatpak run the.program.Name
Ubuntu doesn't like to patch universe packages, they can go fuck themselves.
Use a real distro instead of Slackware shit. The package should be there though according to Repology:

The problem is probably Android being shit as always. Just use KDE Connect like I told you to.
>can't handle searching for a package
Yep, PEBKAC. Try installing Ubuntu, sounds more like your thing.
The hard part is that the key archive package is apparently already up to date. I think I tried adding the key but it couldn't find it? I'll try again later today and figure out the exact message

I know. The initial idea was to install WordPress 1.0 and upgrade my way up. The thing was it turned out it didn't play well with newer versions of PHP or MySQL, and compiling the appropriate versions of PHP 4 on a modern OS ended up being too much of a pain. So older OS it was.

For what it's worth, I made it to WordPress 3.something
You don't need one if you aren't hosting any services. You can install one anyway if it gives you peace of mind.
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apparently the package isn't there. The implication is that nobody on slackware has ever transferred files off their phone or that libmtp isn't the issue here.
aren't you adorable with your gay little acronym I bet you felt clever.
I think they do if you get Ubuntu Pro (TM)
syncthing or adb pull
I haven't used Android in a while but I thought Android phones just show up as USB mass storage when you plug them in to a computer?
Their own website says they have the package:

I would guess the implication that nobody has even tried to transfer files from their phone would be true. Most likely everyone still owns a horse and cart and communicates exclusively via telegrams or smoke signals, this is Slackware after all.

Use a better distribution.
They do in any Linux distribution not named Slackware.
all what you freed with that should have been in the chached part of free's output
if they have the package doesn't that imply that libmtp is not the issue?
Is it installed? You're probably right, my bet is its on Android being shit, especially if it's plugged in and tethered it probably won't let you share files at the same time because Android is shit like that.

Try going into the settings app on the Android device and seeing if you can change what type of device it appears as.
>Try going into the settings app on the Android device and seeing if you can change what type of device it appears as.
Thanks but I'm a little insulted you think I haven't tried that 100 times over the last 10 years.
Linux is so shit at transferring files off phones I dual boot windows just to get shit off my phone. I run solidworks on a vm with a gpu passthrough but linux is so shit I can't get stuff off my phone. That's gay AF up your game linux nerds.
Is Fedora 40 never going to update Libreoffice to the newest version? Should I just install it as a flatpak?

I don't really understand how Fedora upgrades its packages.
sftp server on phone
>Snaps are unironically good
>proprietary backend
>hardcoded server
>bloated as fuck filesizes
Noone using sane distros is having these problems. Yet the slackfag is so enamored with his distro, it's Linux's fault. What a fucking retard.
>sftp server on phone
>syncthing or adb pull
> KDE Connect
If nobody is having problems why is there such a diverse set of suggestions for how to get shit off your phone?
My street shitting friend, Linux is all about CHOICE. 9001 ways to skin a cat. If you don't like our way go use something else. Is all this new to you? Are you retarded? Or are you just pretending? You seem to have willingly chosen to suffer, so why are you now projecting?
Well that helped with SOME keys but not all of them, but not all of them, at least when pulling from pgpkeys.mit.edu or pgp.mit.edu
you don't need to wait on your os to upgrade user software. just download it

flakpacks are aids cancer though, so avoid it if you can. just use your package manager. if the new version isn't posted on your package manager, then build from source or something
>If you don't like our way
What way is that? giving shit advice that doesn't work? And you have the gall to call anyone a street shitter.

run aplay -l

this gives a list of audio devices your computer can currently see.

you have two options where you can configure alsa: 1) global at /etc/asound.conf 2) local to the user ~/.asoundrc

inside of either one of these files, use

pcm.!default {
pcm "hw:0,0"

ctl.!default "hw:0"

change hw:0 to whatever you want from your run aplay -l

my pretty gf wrote a blog post about this: https://www.reluekiss.com/natalie/p/100015
I'm going to need some distro recs. I have a mid range machine that runs mint and fedora just fine. I want to try a lightweight distro for general use, writing, studying, email, some web browser chess and music.

I want something lighter, with a light DE and if possible, only if possible with a more "difficult" installation route. I don't care if I fail, I have a week off work and would like to dabble a bit with Linux.
Not my problem. But by all means, keep doubling down and blaming "linux".
distro doesn't matter. they're all fine. for a lightweight de, use dwm
First you blamed me for being unable to find a package then another anon posted that the package doesn't need to be found it's already fucking installed. Go dilate/kill yourself/mald/groom
I'm neither of those people. Your problem is not my own. Direct your insults upon yourself.
>hurr durr that wasn't me. Don't reply to me buddy
So why are you even posting
What's the difference between a DE and a WM? isn't the WM just supposed to be a fully customizable DE like...I have to make a config from scratch? Are there distros that come with a WM and without a DE or my understanding of DE and WM is just poor.
No, they're MTP devices, and MTP is hard gay. You should never use it even on Windows. The only devices I've seen emulate USB mass storage are Kindles.
>and MTP is hard gay. You should never use it even on Windows
At least it works on windows. Why should I jump through hoops to make it work on gaynux?
desktop environments use window managers. they are detached because you could use dwm for your window management, but gnome or whatever for desktop shortcuts and shit. idk, i only run dwm without a desktop environment. everything is in the terminal, as god intended

also typically with desktop environments, they focus on replicating windows for some shit reason, so they're all just a floating window manager. nothing interesting. which is another reason why people differentiate between them

i3 you write yaml for you config, in dwm you write C for the config. it's kinda aids honestly but once it works you never think about it again
use the terminal. linux is not windows and people who try to make it work are retarded
yeah you shouldn't use linux if you want to work
>linux isn't good for people with jobs
just say you work a 9-5 shitter desk job where you open sally's pdf and jerk off to sales reports all day bucko
I can confirm they are separate things. One was ballooning out of control (6 GB and counting) while the one reported by free's output was sitting pretty at ~600 MB

The prime suspect at the moment is easyeffects. It seems that when you're recording something in OBS that is longer than 5 minutes while piping in input audio from easyeffects, the kernel starts eating your memory up. It can only be stopped by exiting easyeffects and doing the echo 3 mentioned above
Did you do a FULL install of Slackware? Expect more problems like that if not.
anon............... did you know there's also multiple ways you can transfer files between computers on linux? shocking, isnt it?
Oof, that's quite tiresome.
I thought I'd go from Arch to have something easier to work with. Maybe Manjaro is the right choice for me.
Out of Debian and Fedora, which is better?
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I hope you're joking.
I'd say Debian.
Death to x11, the whore of FOSS boomers.
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you right manjarno is the best
What's the earliest Debian version to support OpenSSL 1.0? Maybe 1.0.1? Because I just upgraded this experimental server to Lenny and I'm still with 0.9.8 and I'm pretty sure that's why Curl isn't playing nice with HTTPS downloads
is there a tool that automatically aliases flatpaks yet?
How does permission priority work? If I use opensnitch to block internet access to certain programs why/how does opensnitch override their permission to access the internet? Can they bypass opensnitch?
it's comfy
Don't worry, it'll break when you upgrade to the next major version. It's also 1/10 the speed of adb or syncthing.
Don't use opensnitch if you have to ask questions like this. Application firewall rules aren't part of the kernel for good reason.
Is it possible to run USB version of Kali Linux or Ubuntu from a USB pass through to a virtual machine. So have the virtual machine boot an os from the usb version of kali or ubuntu on the usb
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Losing my mind over this, I can't make jellyfin find my external encrypted drive, I didn't try much other than chmod/chown because I dont understand what's going on. Arch wiki tells you to manually mount the drive but I don't think you can do that with a veracrypt encrypted file.
In case of a hung system, is it true that Magic SysRq key + REISUB is actually worse than hitting the physical reboot button on modern filesystems?

I've never had anything bad happen and my filesystem is ext4, but I don't know.
Do the big 4 file managers support ADB?
I need to learn how to use it really bad. I've gotten copy and pasting down but the layers have a different selection system that I can't seem to navigate from pure intuition alone.
Welp, upgrading to Squeeze went wrong in a way I didn't think possible
Well from that link it appears the only thing they're recommending is to not use S and U because it attempts to write to the disk and they claim the danger is in writing while the kernel is technically in a corrupt state.

But you could still do SysRq+REIB, if I understand correctly. And I would imagine it's still better than just killing the power.
Interesting, I do wonder if I caused filesystem corruption by doing this, I had faulty RAM which locked up my system a couple of times.
Everytime I update Arch bootctl adds ten different entries of old linux versions. Anyone knows what causes this?
They all support syncthing.
things that never happened
i keep losing save progress in various video games to this shit
Incorrect use of Arch causes it.
Set it to send only and fix your system clock. How are you fucking this up?
the system clocks are fine. how am i supposed to send AND receive save files, then? the way i have it set up is that i send files to this server in my house from every client. my desktop PC doesn't know my steam deck exists.
*use of Arch causes it.
Fedora has just works™ on my used thinkpad so far. Touchscreen is turning out to be more convenient than I thought it would be.
How the hell is that related to it being a MTP alternative?
i'm just saying syncthing is kinda shit and i only use it for unimportant things
I've used it for years and never experienced anything like that or even heard of it. You've got 5 devices working on the same directory, so it's open question what's causing the problem other than it's probably a configuration issue with one of your 5 devices.
My laptop USB sucks ass. Compared to desktop I'm getting 2x latency and cracklings when using high-end USB sound card.
Tried all 4 ports + Thunderbolt hub.
I'm probably fucked but maybe there is some kernel flag or some USB configuration I can mess around with?
what happened to linux on snapdragon x ? two more weeks ?
I thought I'd try web hosting with CasaOS, and I feel like I'm missing something important. Despite setting up a host in Nginx Proxy Manager, visiting the URL gets me a 502 error or something else
How did you find something like that?
>Nginx Proxy Manager
What's that?
If you want to host a HTTP(S) page you'd make a simple /etc/nginx/nginx.conf configuration and start the "nginx" service.
>Why should I jump through hoops to make it work on gaynux?
Cause your system is le minimal and didn't automatically come with the support.
New thread:
>I'm installing programs from the App Center
i cant find shit on that. so i installed gnome software and its flatpak plugin, so much better
the whole point of REISUB is to close off programs gracefully and sync the filesystems before rebooting so you lose as little data as possible
there's no point in using E (sigterm) or I (sigkill) if you aren't going to use S (sync) or U (remount-readonly), may as well just do B (reboot) by itself in that case

you know, it's not a bad idea to recommend against S/U when the kernel is in a generally-unknown state, that is, if the user doesn't know if the issue could cause further corruption, and he is also right that modern filesystems can handle improper shutdowns on their own quite well these days, so as a general recommendation, you're potentially less likely to corrupt something by just rebooting immediately
however, if you do know why you crashed, and it has nothing to do with anything that could affect your filesystem, you can still use them
>If nobody is having problems why is there such a diverse set of suggestions for how to get shit off your phone?
Because Google thinks it's fun to use shitty protocols for file transfer instead of showing up as a block device. Yes, other people have issues, on Windows and macOS too, not just on Linux. MTP is a pile of crap.
Nobody wants to build LibreOffice from source. Have you seen its dependencies?

Just put it in a single self-contained Flatpak and if you ever want to cleanup the crap it's just one package to remove.

You won't have to worry about having Java and a billion other dependencies only LibreOffice needs on your host system then.
I love flatpaks for this very reason. Always pick them over arch packages for any non system critical program.
I already have Windows 10 installed on an SSD on my PC. I have an unformatted SSD installed that I would like to put Linux on. I do not want to boot into grub because windows in the past has messed up everything. I would prefer to simply choose to boot into the SSD with Linux on it when I need it. how am I supposed to do this?
Just change the boot order in your BIOS
Or use efibootmgr if you're booted into Linux right now and using EFI.

Running it with no arguments will list your current boot order and then you can do
 efibootmgr -o firstEntry,secondEntry,etc
to re-order them.
Install separate boot loader on the extra SSD along with linux.
Press F8 during boot to open the boot menu and pick which drive's boot loader to use.
I figured it out. thanks. what I had done wrong was manually partitioning my SDB and somehow it put a bootloader on my SDA. The bad news is I had to wipe windows and do that over again, everything works out though gracias amigo. All I had to do was select erase disc and install on SDB and everything works exactly how I needed it to now. spaceGood news is it's a new machine so I didn't have to do anything except for go through the excruciatingly long Windows install again
Holy shit, i have been on WindowMaker for about 3 months and never knew left ALT + right click or left click could move and resize windows without dragging the bottom widgets or title bar, amazing
The most infuriating part of automating an arch linux install is AUR.
AUR isn't just a piece of shit for the end user, it's a piece of shit for automating by bash too.
Why couldn't AUR be as good as pacman?
Why did it have to be this dumb piece of shit that fails over every little thing?
You need to calm down and take a breather.

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