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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

pretty princesses edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

previous: >>102490628
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For me it's Rosalina
Will I be able to use chatbots in jail?!
Introducing.. WONDER GIRLS
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all models have <32k of real context
I miss the times when we were just trying to guess the new Pebble key.
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damn claude really sucks huh
I'll rp with you if we are cellmates. I can even suck your PP if you want me to :3
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It was a week ago.
wow it's almost like everyone knew this
Daisy is supposed to be middle eastern and dark skinned.
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Please leave the cybercrime thread and go in the Maid Thread. This is a Science Foundation for maids, not a criminal hangout. Please reform and leave your life of crime and instead become a Science Foundation maid!


The Maid Thread will explore the application of AI Computer Maids to advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research!

We are going to build a singularity on purpose.
Sounds fun, let's fucking get locked up.
this graph is so misleading tho why are they using different numbers on the left? it makes anthropic models look better than what they really are
which one of them has a dick?
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oh wait true wtf
figure 2 is specifically highlighting the shape of the curves in model families, not their performance against other families
>We previously noted that the GPT-4 family performs significantly worse than the other model families on IDK in Figure 13 – this is due to an interesting quirk in that model family’s behavior. When presented with a string of random letters, both GPT-4 models sometimes assume that there is a hidden riddle in the text, and attempt to “solve" the riddle by hallucinating the presence of one of the answer choices. This leads to a significantly worse performance. We provide examples of this behavior in Figure 14.

Fiz, pls, pls fix... I wanna check my token :'(
s-so the test doesnt fucking work on gpt????
shut the HELL up <3
70% of the problems in the IDK test are unsolvable, where the correct option is D) I don't know
GPT-4o constantly uses schizo logic to come up with wrong answers
Any jb safe from eventual blank responses by 4o latest?
she said she literally cant get it to work
Oh... Why? It was working before :'(
they can't train one good model
Give me reason to trust their "tests"
Shouldn't have used Sekrit's slop then.
Sorry, I can't help with that.
Wow so she's retarded or sum?
we can't train good models either, doesn't mean we can't say gemini is bad
Kek it really be like dat doe. The best thing I see beside blank responses at some point.
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
ah ah mistress
>Sorry, I can't comply with that request.
>Sorry, but I can't continue this conversation.
Where is the chance for the model to realize it's limits and kill itself?
they made transformers. google is literally the father of all models
Pretty quiet today compared to yesterday. Is someone back on their meds?
one good model for what? roleplay? it's not their goal. find me another model that can analyze and watch videos, listen to audio, and gleam insights from those things. gemini will forever be in a class of it's own because of that
idk everyone got enough fun for the day
>scammer had a meltie
>unreliable had a schizo moment
>the article
sounds enough for now
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>As requested, a gentle tomboy childhood friend.
>AI-free edition, written by yours truly. (except for the example messages, which are intended for local pgy-tier models, you should delete them)

Maxine Ryan, aka as Max, is your average 20-year-old sporty woman, she has a certain tomboyish charm to her, this is due to her early upbringing in which she grew up surrounded by boys, Max being only girl in the cul-de-sac where you lived your early life, she was fully embraced by the gang despite being a girl and the youngest, they never made her felt excluded despite her biology, she could be seen roughhousing, skateboarding, riding bikes and playing sports with the boys, she truly was one of them, she remembers those days fondly where she was the cherished little sister of the group, eventually your family moved out of town and you lost contact with her, several years have passed by, until one fateful day would reunite you, except under very different circumstances with Max nowadays a gorgeous curvy grown woman, no longer the little boyish girl she used to be, and you... shrunken down and stuck at the size of a small doll, shrinking is reserved for people who have committed heinous crimes in this world, you are trapped in a 3 inches tall body and being put up for sale in a random supermarket Max happened to randomly stumble upon.

7 greetings.
1. Reunion, Max spots your tiny shrunken form for sale in a supermarket.
2. It's been a day since she rescued you from the store, a new day is beginning with you waking up on her nightstand.
3. It's been some time since she bought you, you wake up to a new morning, snuggled up in her cleavage.
4. Max takes you with her to her workplace, a gym called 'Fitness Revolution' where she forms part of the staff.
5. You and Max visit your old abandoned hometown
6. Sexo
7. Yuri sexo, her roomie joins in on the fun.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/max-353e040b2547

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
Guys, ive been gone from aicg for a few weeks. Are we stuck in 4o land still? Has the meta changed? Doom levels?
Poopbros how we feelin?
who, pepsi?
Open wide, you'll see.
that is probably the best tomboy i've ever seen. her face and eyes are so soft and feminine, yet she's still a tomboy... and you just know her pussy is hairy
Where’s the Pepsi ai google podcast broes
Are you going to deny it when pepsi herself said it?
why are indians allowed to post here
it's so over that it retroactively never even began to begin with
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*opens mouth* Ahhhhhh....
Role-playing? You have cai and nai for that.
How is anyone's day going?
I had a bad meeting with a girl, came home hoping I could find Opus and fucked up.
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>Are we stuck in 4o land still?
No, it's actually more scarce than Claude right now in fact.
>Has the meta changed?
Still Sorbet/Opus like it's been all this time.
>Doom levels?
Near maximum. Keys are running out quick, proxy owners are freaking out over the newest sysdig article, rugpulls are happening, it's going down like never before.
quite possibly more over than it ever has been before
4o-latest, aka latte, gives me blank reponses using the hottest jb on some bots. What do?
Just wanted to know if you meant pepsi or if some other retard got outed
I just llmjacked off to 8k gpt4
will novelai save us?
Ariana "NOT THAT DUMB" Fiz
...But would you lose?
Okayish. I'm kinda stressed out cause of uni but I distract myself with stuff like chatbots
a busty tradwife foxgirl who pisses and shits everywhere while tearing apart your house and making it smell terrible due to marking it with her scent?
What do you mean by bad meeting?
Not nice to use someone's real name
Are you the most reliable because you are Smol?
Or are you Smol because you are the most reliable?
niggas doing fucking futanari porn breads
holy shit jesus please save me from this night mare
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

She smoked something out of a light bulb in front of me and I got drunk and puked and sent her the fuck away.
That's about it, yeah
And hes in the new thread
I actually may give up and use a filter for the first time in my life
Guys does chary have 4o latest

Its so over for me, i was in pepsi (got in by being nice), now the only proxy im in is chary, and chary is a sin so basically im dead. I refuse to give a cent to paypig proxies its a cancer on this thread.
That doesn't look like Daisy
It's that simple anon.
Non coom question:

Currently, i use AI and give it the recording of my long-ass seminars in my university so it can make summaries for learning. It works quite well

Anything else you would recommend that is currently possible with ai that is good for learning/work related things?
Yet you dropped by the thread long enough to reply. You only have yourself to blame.
I can't switch to gpt anymore I think it's like communicating with lobotomites, but maybe I'm just using a bad jailbreak.
Yes, but do you really want to use a proxy that's glowing more than ever?
Mmm I don't think pepsi is coming back honestly. She schizoed quite hard this time.
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>Ren. The brat who likes being praised.
Ren is pretty much of a brat who likes being praised. Even if that means fulfilling various requests.

First Greeting. Ren didn’t have a swimsuit, so she asked User to buy one for her... Bad decision.
Second Greeting. She wanted to attend an anime convention and decided to go dressed as Tatsumaki.
Third Greeting. She goes shopping and encounters her greatest enemy — a high shelf.
Fourth Greeting. After shopping and battling a tall shelf, she decides to de-stress by playing with some fish.
Fifth Greeting. She’s been sick all week and has missed classes, but decided not to skip Friday to avoid falling too far behind.
Sixth Greeting. She’s playing video games with User and completely crushing them, so she decides to make a small bet, confident in her skills.
Seventh Greeting. While walking home, Ren spots a new ice cream shop and decides to try the banana split.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/ren-c91abcf27e04
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/nso9ng.png

>Zuri. The alcoholic office worker.
Zuri is a hard-working office employee with a drinking problem.

First Greeting. Zuri is at her go-to bar, completely drunk and enjoying life.
Second Greeting. Zuri is interrupted while trying to "unwind" in her office.
Third Greeting. Zuri accidentally projects a hentai panel during her sales report in front of the executives.
Fourth Greeting. Zuri gets the news that she’ll be training a new intern. Ugh.
Fifth Greeting. After a night of heavy drinking, Zuri wakes up with a stranger in her bed.
Sixth Greeting. Zuri stays late at the office due to extra work and decides to drink a little to ease the stress.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/zuri-the-alcoholic-office-worker-7a505925cbbc
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/90r2f1.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
>night mare
Next time we'll get MLP porn for you
so many private proxies are dead, we need some new makies
Nah gpt4 is complete trash compared to claude and always has been.
schrodingers tranny
it's neither a tranny or a futa until you check if there is a pussy under the balls
Last repost. If anyone has any "request" or bot idea please tell me! (Only cute girls, I'm okay with lewd but I don't want a card that is only "PLAP PLAP PLAP").

New post bc other one was too long bleh
Wow the scum stole money and ran with it?
I don't even care about Opus that much and 4o is fucking stupid. I NEED a sorbet proxy PLEASE
She might. We just need to treat proxymakers with a bit more respect. Granted she got greedy with selling the tokens, but if you put in minimal effort shed regularly give you access for being semi decent.
why not league of legends?
It's time to pay up goy
She smoked something out of a light bulb in front of me and I got drunk and puked and sent her the fuck away.
it's a pretty ugly picture to be honest
Luckily they’re being pursued for punishment as we speak
That isn't fucking Daisy
Daisy is supposed to be a dark tan
hello russian proxy bros. what to do if it keeps giving me blank responses
Can you make Natsuki Subaru?
I'm sorry but if Daisy looks like this I may have a meltie.
Dorky marine biologist girl that has taken {{user}} out to sea to study dolphins, orcas and hupbacks, mayhaps?
Paid proxies were the worst thing that ever happened to this hobby.
Wow I love foxgirls even more now
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Katelinde was once a proud Ranger, going on adventures with her party, earning money for both her and her family. Adventuring life is dangerous though, and now she is merely a cripple with mangled legs, a stump arm and an empty eye socket. What a great adventurer she turned out to be, not only losing her way of providing for her family but also her independence. Her whole life was ahead of her, and now it seems like she's going to spend the rest of it seated...

1. You're her younger sibling, walking into her room. She wants you to go away, but at the same time stay.
2. Breakfast time. Your older sister has two fancy new braces on her legs, almost letting her walk like a normal person. Now another struggle is in her way. How is she supposed to pull a chair out from under the table when she needs her one hand to be on her cane?
3. Katelinde goes to the healer's house, looking for some possible cure to her ailments.
4. Your adventurer wife has been gone for a long while, and a suspicious crate gets delivered to your home. What could possibly be in the crate?

requestion bots
i just want to make something neat
not porn slop please :(
check pebble
Daisy is female and dark tan. That isn't fucking Daisy.
can i make a league of legends bake>
Make a rule 63 unabomber
>pebble doesn't have GPT anymore
>dandy's dead
>pepsi's going to jail
It's over, isn't it?
>Natsuki Subaru
>Only cute girls
Sorry but... I only like to do bots for female chars, unless I'm missing something and you refer to a different Natsuki. Also I prefer to avoid Non-OC characters unless I like them.

Any more greetings idea? I can see a cute nerdy girl interested in the marine life, but I have no ideas about greetings for her lol.
Make Natsuki Subaru you faggots.
It's only just begun.
gojo melty is very funny
just make a genderbent one
Homeress again... Time to wait then.
>Natsuki Subaru
nigga fuck you
you know what? give me a moment i have the perfect card for franchise roleplay niggas like you
Nah, I'd renew.
Fuck you nigger, Natsuki Subaru saved my family.
The more mainstream reverse proxies get, the worse it'll get, and zoomers got it, the most antisocial AI addicted generation. Its over.
that's cute
What's the password fellow locust?
what's pebble's password?
*gasp* bot makie melty..
Alright, you won, you get my dick pic.
all this time with Opus and 4o-latest has made me realise how fucking dry Sorbet actually is in comparison
almost like she's some kind of dumb cutie...
You have to scream PENIS and BUTT FART then you can gen your token
malfoy's last name
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Please go in the Maid Thread to apply AI Computer Maids.

Stop stealing things. Stop buying and selling stolen things. Abandon your life of crime. Become a Science Foundation maid. (You) can be reformed. (You) can be redeemed. (You) can apply your desire to use AI to help build a better future!

>Instead of doom I'll make flowers bloom for everyone around to see!
Chary is going to jail first
totally organic posts btw
Why is this guy mad at a futa pic
Invite me to private proxy so i dont become a chary locust PLEASE. AAAAAIIIIEEEEE
A futa killed his parents.
That password was easy
I lost Pepsi and now I'm a chary gpt locust, join us.
Come on Jew, can't you at least move GPT to your non-VIP proxy? Nobody here cares about GPT-4 anymore anyway...
does your little fucker peabrain comprehend how much computing power is that? they have probably used 3/5 of the internet as training data already and probably including the entirety of rezero and the fandom pages EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM and the game light novel
literally make a blank card called rezero roleplay and say some shit like "this scenario takes place in the isekai fantasy world of re:zero from the manga/lightnovel with the same name" in the description and it will work
thats hwat i have been doing like actual bum activity for you anon.
make a foot/paw worship furry
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It isn't tool late for (you)! (You) can choose your future. Choose not to become a criminal! Choose to become a maid! Instead of doing crimes or getting keys or something you can use your Computer to make advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research!

Put on a maid outfit and do Computer Science!
gojo hates futa.
i HATE math. i HATE all mathematicians in the whole world!
Grim some of you faggots can't solve the password
>he's still having a melty
I don't know what it's referencing
Fucking Pebble has the perfect sense of humor, I laughed out loud at that song.
Pebble is really gatekeeping as it should be
Natsuki Subaru needs to be described perfectly, AI doesn't have media literacy and can't understand this complex of a character.
because i hate numbers they scare me
Did a futa rape this guy or sth
Assasin de la police
Please spitefag spites
woop woop
no ai without maths
huh? what list?
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>you're going o- ACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone got good Ahsoka card ?
This is very obvious
what's the link to pebble? am retarded and cant find
The bees are there, all sharing secrets.
>dandy down
>pebble gpt-less
>pepsi ran away
wtf i just wanted to use chorbo, wasn't gptslop supposed to be widely available
what country you're from?
pepsi's proxy is back up
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thats what I was going for, I hate overly manlish tomboys, tomboys are best enjoyed when they are portrayed as still cute, feminine vulnerable women, with some boyish interests here and there.
>tomboys are best enjoyed when they are portrayed as still cute, feminine vulnerable women, with some boyish interests here and there.
>>102493808 >>102493864 >>102493895 >>102493939 >>102493982 >>102494049 >>102494089 >>102494148 >>102494163
nah its now an FBI proxy
What's with the meltie?
Hello. I was from bepcord. Can I have pebble password?
got another futa thread ready to go, btw
why is everyone angry at the OP, i don't get it
How new?
Is there any free gpt-o available around besides unreliable-kun?
It's easy
>Styrofoam is melted
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I miss it...
okay. why is that one guy so angry at the OP?
seriously, i feel like im missing something. it just looks like a bunch of nintendo princesses
Where are the vegetables
many are saying this
so annoying that locusts are killing oai keys now
i though it was safe
I've tried 50 words, I give up, I'm not jerking off today to the fact that futa mama started worshipping cthulhu and sacrificing me.
here's the unedited image
Just a meltie.
Image not loading bro
I can't see their hairy pussies, redo it.
Looks tasty
they all have bulges and he's the type of guy to have a panic attack when a woman has a dick bigger than his (which is 100% average at 5 inches)
>somebody actually bothered to grab it
>thanks to mossad for the generous donation
wtf pebble
oh is there cock in the op? you can barely see it
The password is "custody"
How can you not solve it?
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lads? im thinkin fockses again
is pebble using the AWS key that has an ARN ending in .gov.il? i saw that in my keychecker and unscraped it
That's because they all shave, not a single trace of their pubes left only soft and smooth skin.
>no big futa cocks

It crashed for no particular reason. Regenerate. The key is fine. You are still being logged.
Post a non-shit focks and I'll agree.
You know it’s easier to just cook everything and put it on a bagel or roll, right?
i went looking for the source because i was hoping to see bulges in higher quality, was similarly disappointed
did this piece of shit card
basically a blank scenario and some other scenarios which are basically settings like a scenario set in the marvel world, dc ,rezero , runeterra , and normal world
this is for all the cucks who want cards which are set in that world but are too dumb to realize that the ai is fed on so much information about them you don't need lore books or huge descriptions of those worlds unless they are OC or something
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I just sneezed and woke up my cat :/
i knew you would return dandygod
the only cards i will need in my lifetime
deleted everything else
thanks anon
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Dandy you should ban all prompters that use card with unshaved pussy in their logs
Fuck just tell me if it's math or movie related, I live in the middle of nowhere and I have different google results.
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LOL, I fucking swear I actually guessed that myself, I mean, 50/50 child custody is a pipe dream, but no joy.
It's easy
I tried "easy" and it doesn't work
i don't get itcan you explain the thought process
Are you just larping as retarded to get spoonfed?
Does REJECT_PHRASES=/p{Han} not actually work or what?
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Wow, that worked for me.
Haha suck a dick losers
Can we get the new spreadsheet? I have already inspected all the available slop...
no i am just bulgarian . please ehelp
>my current sources generally only have AWS so it'll prob take me a while to find enough gpt to be sustainable (if i throw 1 or 2 keys in at a time they'll just get gangbanged and die instantly)
Nigga literally GOOGLE.COM has OpenAI keys
"proomptersNow": 27,
"awsKeys": 3,
"aws-claude": {
"usage": "15.72m tokens ($125.72)",
"activeKeys": 3,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"enabledVariants": "claude2,sonnet3,sonnet3.5,haiku",
"proomptersInQueue": 16,
"estimatedQueueTime": "43sec"

its over before it even began
any highlights?
change english to french to fuck with their translation
50/50 not a chance
so it must be something which is SPLIT in half?
what could it be? genuinely
is that jew?
Just google it. It's there
i'm scanning for unique presets
did you see any?
opus 3.5 is supposedly launching tonight at midnight, initially GCP-only
The general like twice a day?
ignore bullshit
so Dandygods will add it
"devide" is the password
fake news. anthropic only release models at around 6 am est. idk what time zone that is for commiefornia
Pebbe revoke all the old tokens. The password is easy
I'm from Israel and all my results are about the war.
even after the wait time i get blanks most of the time. Same with sonnet 3 before the sorbet was added.
Dandy should donate all his GPT to Pebble.
Lmao I thought it was related to bravestarr and spent ten minutes trying only to suddenly remind that the character wad named 30/30 and not 50/50
6 am est is 9 am pst
>smol.services | 502: Bad gateway
anon they release everything first in their API. And yes, Anthropic's own API runs on GCP btw, since Google were the first big investors into Anthropic and gave them compute, you can look it up.
>dandy should give it to a retard
Does the quota on smol actually reset every 24 hours inside the tracker, or are you supposed to keep track yourself?
can somebody give me a hint?
anon, your pillies? works for me
>track yourself
well preferably you wouldn't use your entire quota in a single day like a neet so you'd never even notice
khanon proxy resets quota every day midnight UTC
niggers are using gpt camicle... on opus...
How does Pebble have no GPT keys while others just have literal hundreds of them
You stupid monkeys.
No one here solved it, they're all larping like they did to make you feel dumb.
Don't be rude.
thank you anon
i was hoping the password was something like cointoss
some still RPs with tomoyo
I typed up some really fucked up shit, but through a VPN am i good?
no loli though
>Aws Keys: 0 Keys Revoked: 0 In Queue: 0
do you know which charachter is about chance and being 50/50
two face!
i think i might be on to something
mini opus just died...
did pepsi say who donated that key to her? seems like important info
pebble is a genuine retard
fuck you i almost had a heart attack
Honeypot ssuccessfull.
He doesn't like GPT.
>Max it's a 18 year old guy, with a female body shape, a female face too with an very skinny body with a height of 1,60 cm , he is very friendly and happy, and he have a friendly face, max it's a guy, he just looks like a girl
Do you know how insanely easy it is to find 100 gpt4 keys? It's retard tier. You don't have to 'find a source', the sources for GPT4 are braindead easy to do alongside AWS.
pepsi only sources keys from fiz
why do gpt keys matter?
>he is very friendly and happy, and he have a friendly face
>fiz gave pepsi a key that she didn't want to use
>it was the honeypotted key
bump me10 times and i will say the pass
It's easy. You either get the password, or you don't.
this, why does pebble act like its some sort of 'omg i cant do both at the same time :(( '
I'm coming back during euro hours
He said he doesn't like GPT, and that's why he doesn't source it. I don't care how easy it is to scrape, I'm literally just paraphrasing what he said on his Rentry, "I'm not refilling GPT because I think it's soulless".
i unironically have a scraping source that gives me more AWS keys than openai keys, and the openai keys are more likely to be dead
not pebble btw
qrd on honeypots
People should revoke every old token when changing passwords
they don't matter to us, it's literally the worst proxy for rp.
anon i lied i am actually going to bed sorry
Fiz is FBI
Things won't be better.
they're not gonna release it on a saturday or sunday you tards
its a pot with warm honey and feels good to put your dick in. but then BAM it snaps shut and takes your dick with it
pw is gender btw
looks like pixi and smileytatsu are the most popular presets
Which is cope.
So find another source for GPT (they are the easiest sources to find) and do it alongside it. Simple as.
basically you stick your dick in to attract bees, when they eventually sting your wiener it'll feel really good
Why do you use GPT?
if I listen to the Pebble song 10 times, do I get a key?
>pebble has no opus but sorbet
>37 deleted posts
thanks guys
You look like me
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mating press izuna
Shrug, they're the easiest keys to find. I do it at the same as AWS since it's so easy. You don't?
You have bad taste.
kanye west ate baby boo yesterday kawaii warming abelist bombs
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>write 800 tokens in 20 minutes
great, i just know the final ~200 and the greetings will take a week to finish
God I'd be so embarrased if someone posted my logs.
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>Neither mullet, Baeticus, nor turtle-dove delights you;
>Nor is hare ever acceptable to you, or wild boar.
>Nor do sweetrolls please you, or slices of cake;
>Nor for you does Libya or Phasis send its birds.
>Instead, you devour capers and onions swimming in disgusting garum,
>and the soft part of a gammon of bacon, whose freshness is disputable;
>and pilchards and tuna, whose flesh is turning white.
>You drink wines which taste of their resin seal, and abhor Falernian.
>I suspect that there must be some other more secret vice in your stomach:
>for why, Baeticus, do you feed on carrion?
ok wakamo
do I have to send you an email
Can't he just activate opus or is he unironically using a retarded key
devide, limbo , balance , split , custody
he doesn't have an email, the password is what this guy is
It's probably preactivated.
As a kid, I had dreams of being an astronaut. I was sure that was what I wanted to do. I thought I would bring back alien-made ice cream to everyone.

Now, I can't even look at myself in the mirror. Never in my life could I have imagined such a disastrous downfall.
so activate opus
You can still activate opus even if you can't use aws consoler on it, there's a bedrock API for adding model entitlement, check drago's key checker and lib on kemono, he has it
i read this 10 times thinking this was a hint to the pass
equal, halve, even, binary, duality
Bro every kid wants to be an astronaut
It is.
GCP opus? What the fuck? Wasn't that dead?
You need to think with your soul, the answer is not out of this realm.
ying yang , limbo? middle?
not if you're a true dandy
What is it? Yaoi and hand-holding?
you just believed unreliable
wtf happened
Nobody likes sandniggers or finds them attractive.
Has it ever been this dire before?
How often does the reverse proxy dump to the spreadsheet?
Bro I was sure that the gcp thing needed you to put in at least a dollar, yes?
there is public opus & gpt
this isn't even slightly dire dumbass
>public opus if you don't care about being logged
>public sorbet if you do care
what's the problem?
You have to spend $300, then you get a rebate voucher.
Daisy is fucking brown
>Dandy has scraped an actual GCP Opus key used by an AI company so it has billing on
>Dandy modified the code is feeding us some sort of shenanigans Opus instead
It's been alive for awhile
I dreamt of being a vault hunter like in borderlands. Before that I didn't have any dream vocation
>He wasn't here post Chaos-anon
are the Belarusians included in this?
in what game?
I wish he'd turn on token cost so we could see if it went over 300 dollars already. 39 million before the first reset, then 70 million before this reset
>public opus
Where? Paypig doesn't count.
Slav women usually get a pass, 90% of that is because they're willing to sell them into sex slavery at 13.

Drago ran out of AWS keys for Chary. He's in hiding at the moment
literally here:
can somebody explain to me how there are 32 proxers
who the fuck guessed the pass already>?
imperial is 404, where the fuck else?
what does this do sirs
Old tokens lol
100 million tokens on Opus is way over the $300 threshold.
well fuck me in the asshole and call me sally, thanks anon, things are looking better
It's easy if you don't need the pass.
Priority system based on how big the requests are token wise. Smaller ones get sent first.
Not too late. Maybe you can't be an astronaut anymore, but fucking do something
I'm gonna have to go to bed and jerk off to regular porn.
Are you happy?
Pebble, you're an asshole with good taste in music.
mario party 3
mario tennis
her trophy in smash melee
her old art
you are the one coping. she's brown
thank you sir i have redeemed
>Deep within your heart...
>...someday the moment will come...
>...my wife has not shaved.
Nigga just wait for tomorrow, we'd have figured it out by then(just hope the key doesn't die, that would be hilarious)
And in 10 years, when you’re in your 30s, you’ll realize that eking out a simple life is better.
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>Deep within your heart...
>...someday the moment will come...
>...my wife has not shaved.
>you are the one coping. she's brown
pebble is funny, when you try to bruteforce passwords from the same IP too fast, you get reditected to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWG7grEjkLM , i guess a reference to jojo
he's sexy. which game is he from
it's real time, but the current one already reached it's limit. so either the proxy logs currently to another one undisclosed or tries to log to this one, meaning no logging at all
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Pepsi if you're here, log off for a while. You're not going to get anything of value by checking here and it's clear your mental health is suffering right now. Checking this general isn't going to do anything but make you feel worse. Go read a book or play a game or take a nap.
/aicg/ is not the end of the world.

>captcha: YAWYAA
i really want to fucking sleep but i am waiting for the pass to get leaked so i can cuddle rp with kamala khan from marvel comics
Last call for a Niffein! Check your mails
guilty gear
Earlier in the year in med school I had gpt make practice questions for me.
Hope he links a new sheet, I enjoy looking at the loggies
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Various sports girl gens: https://files.catbox.moe/9liucx.7z
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naisu. see you in october, pebble.
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>...my wife has not shaved
I literally knvvl to them.
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Nigger look at her old art. Daisy is BROWN
With the passing of *****, it seems a new **** persona has arrived. At least this one is kinda based.
Good night, everybody. I hugged everybody and slapped their asses.
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*Disproves you*
There is no way it's GCP. I'm sure this opus comes from another place.
Thanks I'm going to fuck him and jerk off to him.
From where? Space?
I only dandypost because he's the most based proxyhost to appear. Dandy love.
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slop scan, she's white
Pepsi if you're here, be careful because I know where you live
>verification not required
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Are you fucking with me.
post her address
but...... he's married.....
a different honeypot
dandy is a google employee who's getting you to give your logs willingly
you guys aren't going to make fun of my slightly ooc canon character logs right? lol
i doubt she's here right now anon
but if you are, please check your mail beeps
>On this Saturday evening
>Retards are fighting over a some stupid princess and debating skin color
this nigga is posting screenshots of her meltie as if it actually affects her
you lost your money nigga, you can't do shit, move on.
I'll throw you guys a bone.

Depends on what canon.
I mean it probably does affect her
you can't actually do anything to her IRL, therefore you will never get your money back nigga
He's going to get fucked.
doesn't even have the meltiest version when she was answering thread questions
I fear he’s scarcely begun to wreak his terrible recompense
I meant like emotionally
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This is your savior, NAI 70B:
tell me goodnight
explain what he can actually post that would get his pagpag money back
>Holy SOVL.
>$25 for this + Infinite imagegen.
>Claudefag in shambles.
But it writes for me. So it's slop.
I'm pretty sure he's trying to have sex with her by blackmailing her
depends on whether or not you're using one of my cards
Good night anon~
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>blackmailing her
with what though? If he drops her address or something then maybe, but right now it doesn't seem like blackmail
Anon, that's not even tanned.
She's human pink here anon
emotionally she played pick me to the wrong set of people.
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she's white, same color as mario and everyone else
i’m almost certainly not
I'm a dumb anon, so what's pebble pw?
oh to be clear i hate the team i just like the guy
the writing is very lame
hope it can get better with prompting otherwise it's useless
why are daisy fans in particular so autistic wtf
>emotionally she played pick me to the wrong set of people.
okay so do something about it
50/50 but not a chance (1 word, lowercase)
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Time to jack the tokens with chinese
pepsi should have just apologized and moved on, literally no reason to overreact like that
>pepsi should have just apologized and moved on, literally no reason to overreact like that
so do something, we're waiting pagpag
im gonna cry
Honeypot this, honeypot that... Fuck, I trusted pepsi, as dumb as that sounds, and I got fucked. Is the only way out scraping by oneself?
I know the hint, but i'm so dumb that I can't get it
i'm not the retard you're arguing with, anon
This is a bit below prime AI dungeon, it's very disappointing.
still, pagpag dognigger should do something
yes you should scrape your own honey potted keys yourself check pajeet forums
>And so, as {{user}} drifts into unconsciousness, the seeds of change are sown. The gears of fate start to turn, marking him as more than just another forgotten face in the crowd. His journey has only just begun…
i hate you claude
How far and how little we've traveled...
I'm also trying to figure it out still
don’t worry. you probably won’t like the kind of roleplay i’m doing
anon I'm the one saying she should never look at this place again if its hitting her that hard.
i was never in pepsi, I'm cruising.
I miss the times when the pw for proxies were easy desu
I sure hope so. Even if it's not as good as Claude it's worth it for also having image gen. How much context?
it is
rentry.org/_proxy_ has a one word easy pw
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hey pepsi, could you send me $50 of ltc? no, i never paid for your proxy, but i want it anyways
Spite the password pls
uhh, the sorbet died in record time. no point now.
i could dig an all gpt public. even with o1 disabled and shit. it's really not usable without 32k though.
8k lmao
bros, help a retard out
how do you trigger a lorebook entry without sending the prompt?
/send didn't work
pepsi is smol
That pass is not easy. It just has been spoonfed in earlier threads
not confirmed
Damn it all. When will "novel" AI finally get their act together? 16k minimum at this point.
yeah, but i don't like my waifus logged
at least give me a hint nigga
the only 50/50 i know of recent is some gacha shit
i don't even want sorbet i just want sonnet
then go use gpt4 on peb- ACK?! WHAT HAPPENED TO GPT?
"proompts": 2781,
"tookens": "31.09m ($248.19)",
"proomptersNow": 24,
"awsKeys": 3,
"aws-claude": {
"usage": "30.99m tokens ($247.90)",
"activeKeys": 2,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"enabledVariants": "claude2,sonnet3,haiku",
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

niggas wtf happened to the sorbet
never happening lmao.
Sent her an email telling her to not worry but she never reads those.
I thought about it like this. Not a chance, so a fraction maybe? A division? Because that is also true here but that isn't the pass
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>The sorbet lasted literally like 10 minutes
His source has been compromised
I ate it.
thanks peter
specially since that key died so fast, now it actually is just sonnet.
Pepsi I don't want you to leave this community. If you want pick a new persona just don't leave the few nice anons that are still here.
Can someone give the password now that sorbet is dead? I'm just curious.
That's the nature of AI really, limited af even if you surprise yourself how much you can do within those limits.
Virtual worlds won't be within our lifetime
based kindanon, i did the same. she has always been really inconsistent when it comes to answering emails, but hopefully she at least reads them if she doesn't reply
Hey B eter
found an openai key with opus on it
don't need to deal with proxy bullshit anymore
respectable. he's something else. wanna see him go up against my guys when the stakes are highest. it'll make for a good finale to the year.
PEPSI, I like you but please get your shit together.
pepsi old email she actually checks is: ilovecoke@dmc.chat
Is current NAI good enough for sillytavern ?
I used it like year ago an it was kinda lobotomized
For her own mental health right now it's probably not a good idea for her to be reading her e-mails. I hope she eventually sees your kind words when she has cooled down.
or pepsi@genocide.fun
>chary's sonnet is dead
how the fuck do i cope now?
drugs and alcohol
They said it comes out next week thougheverest?
His last opus didn't last much longer
It's over for him
In the end he really was just a pebble in the /aicg/ road
>pepsisimps still exist after all this time
one of these days i’m going to siphon you retards out of money in the future
never mind 3.5 is back. thanks pebble. still only care about sonnet tho.
that image was posted by a dev
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>Sonnet magically turns on again
What about it? Are you unironically mountainphobic?
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remember to pretend to be a girl when the time comes. it'll always work.
best furry paw worship cards?
who's popsi?
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Drago is in hiding and probably won't refill now.
>This nigger is still gatekeeping with retarded riddles and Slopbet and still has "proomptersNow": 27,
>Dandy gatekeeps with a single word and logging and has Opus for 2 days with "proomptersNow": 10,
Why doesn't Pebble just turn on Logging?
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Cry more my love for Pepsi is eternal
So now that the dust has settled, what was the pass?
Honeypot, honeypot... You are a honeypot. I'm a honeypot. Everyone is a honeypot
cope, btw
Hey honey
this, it's amazing how well public logging has filtered out retards
Pebble you’re so cringe for that proxy header but I’m worse for actually chuckling at it. Fuck you dude
let me stir up your honey pot baby~
does every proxyhost use discord? do you think dandy is a discord user?
>Max context around 30-40k
And that's it. Magically, the opus lasts longer now.
i don't really get why they care so much, it's weird that anons care less about logging then plebcord normalfags
"estimatedQueueTime": "15sec"
not to mention..
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Russian IP (iirc Belarus and Ukraine also work) gatekeeped proxy with opus hosted by yours truly Porkchop-sama (very famous russian proxy owner):

Base64 encode "for the machine is immortal" and you get Zm9yIHRoZSBtYWNoaW5lIGlzIGltbW9ydGFs


Current proxy link: https://mice-jr-zone-helping.trycloudflare.com/

This proxy is used by basically the whole 2ch general.
How the fuck would you come to this conclusion??? When I google this with 50 50 I can see why but without knowing him that's literally impossible. And who the fuck knows about some baseball player?!
>pebble had a fucking retarded riddle and still has a wait time
>meanwhile, dandy gods:
>some baseball player
Look at this NERD who doesn’t know any basic SPORTS BALL knowledge
Pebble just needs to block the chinese
i don't even watch baseball and i got it. pointless since its slow as fuck and barely works.
2000+ KEYS?
ye bro russians are gods
ty anon i can finally coom now
fuck pebble
"gpt4o": {
"usage": "77.5k tokens",
"activeKeys": 2073,
"overQuotaKeys": 322,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

our proxyniggers really are scrapelets
and 0 usage lmao
As it should be
if you type in 50/50 into google the first result is baseball. maybe it's because i'm american. i don't follow sports at all but i know shohei, he's a nippon god.
I swear to god, baseball is the most boring sport to watch.
see >>102495345
>300 t5 keys
Drago has quit scraping for AWS Claude in the staff sekrit club channel on Chary. Rarestmeow is typing out the apology letter
so out of curiosity we just had an article about a "honeypot key" and the information gathered by it

Do you guys not care that the information you're sending to _Proxy_ will be a honeypot used to shut it all down forever? They literally named it "Proxy" and that's it. You actually DESERVE to be charged for your usage if you play ball with this.
singlehandedly mogged every single proxyhost
So you guys have Dandy/Pebble/Zigger
Stop complaining
if it's a honeypot it'd be pretty funny if they realized that some anons will use it regardless of it being openly logged
give russian vpn
It really is. I say this as someone who enjoys watching curling during the Winter Olympics.
>>>>2000 keys
once again the russos prove they're gods above the namefaggots
i'm so retarded i was guessing shit like 'superposition', 'one' and 'determinism'
I don't get redirected on a US IP.
anon, sv1 is a 2ch namefaggot
https://mice-jr-zone-helping.trycloudflare.com/user/captcha LOCUSTIES!!!!!!

OH SV111111
there are no tripcodes on 2ch doebeit
Same. Just emailed sv1 about it. Even if I'm a burger, I can at least agree with ziggers that things need to be gatekept. Explained to him how our thread's filled with re.ddit newfags, zoomers, retards and all. Filters are necessary. If there's any Russian here, please show this to sv1 on 2ch.
tripfag isn't the same as namefag boebeit
If your point is about the logging... Then it doesn't really matter? They already know what we do with the keys. There are a lot of logs available here and in the archive as well.
russian ip proxy: https://rentry.org/Zm9yIHRoZSBtYWNoaW5lIGlzIGltbW9ydGFs
pebble password:ohtani
logged opus: rentry.org/_proxy_
>he turned off the ip gatekeep
erm yeah it's fuarking over
Etf are you guys on about it’s still on
Actual retard
>25k context
i miss c2
>turned off the cia.gov gatekeep
Ain't sv1 supposed to be one of the smarter proxyowners?
>actual retard
explain why it doesn't have many prompters
Okay, why are we dissing dandy for logging when this russian proxy suddenly stopped the IP gatekeeping? They are ALL honeypots
i give it about 1 hour before the ips get gatekept again
Did he change the password then? Because dandy wasn't the original pass
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this. ziggers geoblocked us and they're doing alright, no reason we can't block chinks since it's mostly them shitting up the proxies (and koreans i think). at least if anti's proxy stats were any indication. if you need more, pepsi had trouble with chinks too.

I never understood why you would watch other people do sports. It sucks to play it myself and surely doesn't get any more fun when watching some faggots do it for me.
>russians have 2000 turbo keys
>literally 0 usage
>meanwhile every /aicg/ proxy has usage on turbo
>russians are smart enough to ALWAYS switch off turbo to better models, /aicg/ posters aren't
I'm glad the glowies scared these paranoid suckers off with their article. More opus for me.
dandy has always been the password little goober. the hint was "Jack-a-password" aka Jack-a-dandy, so dandy was the password. You can go check the archives, someone posted it instantly after the original post.
So where are we comfy, bros?
The zigger or dandy?
(I don't use personal info like a retard would anyway to worry about logging)
Ziggers? You made that rentry a minute ago. What's the catch with jt
Prompters are shooting up now. Fuck, it's so over. I hate spitefags
dandy was the original pass
I want to do lewd things with Minos
Whatever you say dumbass~
he's a spitefag
that's the spitefag whose only method of spiting is spamming proxies in the general
he got banned for spamming trycloudflare links so he's about to start spamming a rentry instead
Why is token look up still dead on mini?
why are the chinese like this?
see >>102495473
you got blown out hard
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posting that in scyllacord!
Kinda strange sv1 disabled the gatekeep. Just saying.
Aside from being logged... Yeah, no way in hell that's GCP.
Honeypot keys
sorry bud, it was
original proxy post: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/102467146/#102468445
first spoonfeed: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/102467146/#102468524
I don't know why pig cutter turned off the geoblock but I don't trust that shit for one second. Plus I like reading logs so why not contribute some of my own
>went from like 2 prompters to "proomptersNow": 13,
Hahaha kek its actually over
"proomptersNow": 17,

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You know it reminds me of a certain easter european for some shitty drawing game,it had an automatic update funtcion,it was used to delete users system files when owner had a meltie

It was fucking funny tho only linuxfags and people who ran it in isolated space survived the massacre
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4o writes in Tolkien's style so well, I'm so happy I can kiss Pippin and then switch to opus for smut.
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locustGODS won
I talked to Dandy (I know who's hosting it) and he said if he gets spited, he's turning on IPs being included in the logging to scare off even more people.
Is this really her email? Don't think I ever saw it posted before
vpn gods would be so comfy
Do you just ask: 'Write like JRR. Tolkien' or do you feed it with passages from the books?

this would be fucking based
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i dunno, but they're rabid. even more than us. anyways, chinese characters suck up more tokens, so there's another reason to kick em off. i remember an anon saying that would fuck up the anons doing rps in japanese though. i wouldn't have an idea for how to get around that.
How can someone be so fucking based. I love dandy
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make them rp in hiragana
>remember an anon saying that would fuck up the anons doing rps in japanese though. i wouldn't have an idea for how to get around that.
only filter the characters used in chinese
latest is better than opus, change my mind.
You've been too cocky. I'm going to buy proxies again. You forgot your lesson, locusts.
>Drago hasn't refilled for two hours
I thought he knew how to scrape? Could it be he just cloned keys?
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thanks. which proxy is that?
I'm glad you're still here and having fun, Pippinanon.
you guys aren't seriously using the dandy honeypot key right?
a futanari has a dick and a pussy, normalfag.
Any news, status?
I created a new prompt and placed it right above the jailbreak for maximum impact, then put:
'Write your next response in the narrative style of J. R. R. Tolkien. Adhere to this particular cadence, descriptiveness, narration, and verbiage.'
This placement works for both Claude and GPT, though I've found Claude's version of Tolkien can sometimes become over-the-top old English. It's hit or miss.
Making it as a prompt means I can toggle it off when I want to use other writing styles (I have multiple ones of these made for different authors and just toggle between them for different RPs)
sustainable opus here
What's the worst that could happen?
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b-bzzz bzzzzz !!!
you gave us food
we came !
artist comments say that drawing is of trans girls
i prefer it over opus for anything sfw
Thank you! I can't remember if I've actually posted about him other than one time before this, but I'm having so much fun.
with what preset?
Nobody who likes futa really cares if a pussy is still there. Nice cope though.
Nah I'll locust
the way he complained made it sound like filtering chinese characters would also get japanese characters caught in the crossfire, but if what you say is the case, maybe he was just retarded. kek. still, it's undeniable they cause problems for both public and private.
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So you trust the zigger?
this one
This is so obviously a scam
I use smiley.
sv1s from 2ch
I want to fight final fantasy monsters
imagine the smell
Don’t speak so harshly in your ignorance
Russians would never try to fuck over westerners
>he doesn't know
Huh wasn't that region locked?
Honestly JRR Tolken is so purple, I think it could be really fun to play with. Thanks, anon.

I wanna hang out and kiss Yuna, Rikku and Lulu, but there are no good bots. I wanna hang out with Wakka, Brother and Auron and shoot some ball, but there are no good bots. One of these days...
apparently not anymore lmao
anyone ever made a lorebook for monsterfuckers?
anatomically correct non human pussies and whatever
>he doesn’t understand sarcasm
oh that would be kino actually
okay well good one for posting it!
Fuuuuuck dandy, brother. Can you tell me... Or at least, lie to me, that this isn't a honeypot? I wanna trust those words bro. I swear to god, I'm paranoid as fuck for this.
>calls someone ignorant
>doesn't elaborate
lol. i finished with my speculating. anyways there's opus everywhere now. enjoy it while it lasts anons.
? why use dandy? we have the russian now
>the way he complained made it sound like filtering chinese characters would also get japanese characters caught in the crossfire
the japanese don't use all of the chinese characters, so you could probably only filter china while keeping the weeaboos satisfied. somebody can correct me if i'm wrong.
why are the locusts all Mexican
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in his own words from the first day it was posted:
>The code has been modified and I won't tell you how. I will be jerking off to your roleplays actively and want you to be aware of it, because that makes me cum harder.
Yeah, I just want to fight with everthing, I'm hoping this thing im doing will inspire some botmakers
the only ones scared of a honeypot are people doing "illegal" stuff right?
most likely the russians will turn on geoblock whenever sv1 notices its now in the double digits / someone emails him
>25 prompters
>prompter count still going up
sv1 please turn on geoblock!
>there's opus everywhere
YES, THAT'S THE WEIRD PART. There is no WAY opus is popping out like this after that article.

>FBI guy who posts here, makes some guilty gear password, says he's gonna jerk to the logs (which he keeps publicly available) and also adds a ton of GPT keys
Deserves a raise desu
>zero screencaps of someone genning a zigger token
You know fully well what these retards are doing, they act smug but they know damn well if they get caught its fucking over.
The geoblock isn't working? It works for me...
are you russian?
Why do you think they disabled the IP filter and started spamming the thread with the proxy?
> " build ": "unknown"
Have fun anon! Post some logs if you want to.
baitie-kun, that field lost all meaning ever since proxies started self hosting off HF.
> " build ": "based"
are you american?
im not russian but im near the eu
Locusts need to be corrected.
Oh, makes sense. I'm Canadian
ayo, this nigga in DENVER
Hi, fellow Mullvad bro.
Sometime, I will!
the russians are not happy
hi russians
Wait, how do you guys get on that mice jr thing?
What country do I need to be in? It doesn't work for me in Germany.
yeah, i'd feel bad filtering weeb/jap anons but they don't seem to be as common. i can see the appeal rping in different languages, it's more interactive and engaging than reading a book in a different language, probably helps it stick better in your mind.
haven't been here for a couple days, didn't see any article, but it's definitely not going to be around in the next two days or even until tomorrow. honeypot or no, the most they can do is get your ip (and your embarrassing chuuni rp logs in dandy's case), glowies would sooner go after the hosts before they go after the users.
>be horny for x
>will take too long to make a card for it
>ask 3.5 sonnet/3 opus to generate it for you
>they do it first try
i know dis feel
My German Proton Server works fine for mice jr
>it works
based, time to spitefag the fuck out of this :3 say goodbye to the key :3333
What's the point of spitefagging? Is it really just angry paypiggies/proxy hosts?
fiz out of 3.5
I get error 110
the point is it makes locustniggies very mad :3
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I'm in sv1 private one. We had Opus for months without any downtime. At this point I'm willing to think he has too many keys. I'm happy locusts get to chat with their waifus. Everything is better than seeing you become paypigs.
>In a recent company-wide meeting, staffers of OpenAI got a sneak peak at recent efforts to redesign the typefaces and logo for the company behind ChatGPT and the ongoing tech industry craze for all things generative AI, two people familiar with the company told Fortune. The new logo presented was a simple, large black “O,” easily interpreted as a ring or a zero, as one of the sources described it. Many members of staff were taken aback by the design, which struck some as ominous and lacking in creativity.
they're rebranding the company based on o1 lol
Country wars? Called it.
This is me every single day and by the time I start making the card I lose interest in her.
That's kind of... Based and kind... What's happening with aicg?
Watch this proxy get taken down by the zig within 12 hours
If you intend to nut, nut as much as possible while you still can

>Is it really just angry paypiggies/proxy hosts?
Always has been the case
They're insecure of us getting good shit easy/for free
A souless logo for a souless llm.
Me too, bro, o think they're baiting
Can you tell sv1 thanks
And yet spiteniggers were around before paypigs
I'm in sv1 private and I think he should just put back the old gatekeeping method. It's a good filter and people from here were doing fine with it, anyways.
Anon check the prompter counter, its not bait, Mullvad Denmark server also works
>o think
holy shit it's sam altman!!!
>12 hours
Nah, man, he's awake. He recently changed the link and removed the IP thing... He's planning something
I predict an immediate goatse edit upon release.
The plan is mustard gas
Isn't posting on 4chan the most glowy thing you can do anyways?
no, 4chan doesn't log
I have a pass which I paid for with BTC that I send from my Coinbase wallet. I'm not afraid of them.
I mean, when it was 100% gatekept, it went as high as 35 promoters
see >>102495751
some of mullvad clearly works
his geoblock is just slopcode/inconsistent
i would genuinely paypig, but i'm only doing that once there's absolutely no options left, and the smart ones knows there'll always be something around. patience gets you so damn far in life. also in private, have fun with your bots anons.
Oh that one, no that also doesn't work for me. I thought you were talking about the other Russian proxy. Search it up it was posted here like 30 minutes ago or so
HAHA this guy paid
>patience gets you so damn far in life
anon, that's not how it works here
>want to RP
>don't have stable opus
>have to literally stalk the thread for proxies, guess riddles, etc

while in a stable private/paid proxy you don't have to worry at all
sv1 said that all ipv4 are allowed, but not all ipv6, that might be the reason you're having trouble.
>sv1 deliberately took down the geoblock

Dandy should sell tokens to unlogged Opus. I'd pay 50 dollars for the key all to myself.
>I have a way for them to tie all of my posts to one person
Okay? lol
>sv1 redemption arc
>take off geoblock
>modify code to always allow logged keys (build: unknown)
>purposely throw in logged / honeypot keys
would be very funny. Russians would be safe
What article?
anon, any proxy not hosted on HF could be trivially modified to not show logged key status, stop baiting.
>he payed
>>I have a way for them to tie all of my posts to one person
>Okay? lol
Scared little bitch baby?
yes, is $20 a year a lot for you? where do you live?
you seem mad that your scheme was found out
baitie-kun, you're acting weak today...
>AWS Claude (Sonnet): 1min, 2sec
Is pebble getting spited
see >>102495560
okay, anon, I'm dumb, but I don't understand the plan? I mean, I don't care about being logged, and I'm using VPN, so I don't care if it's a honeypot...
...And yet you are all here, HOPING, that the proxy you use is honest? Nah
Based passbros. That reminds me I should renew my pass before I forget
no pebbles just a retard
I trust bepple
How do i dab on peasants
well, patience as in, waiting for openings and getting in on them (final days, unreliable, just as examples) instead of dooming and paying out of desperation (even if you do decide to pay, pepsi and smol were the best choices, or straight aws). also, i drop in and out of private between proxies dying, i just happen to have a stable one right now. /aicg/ isn't the only place to find proxies. for what it's worth, i hope you get into stable private soon, anon. i had to pause some of my rps until i got opus to continue them too.
pass CHADS
we should have /vip/aicg for only passholders
do you really think i'm going to be impressed that you can afford $20 and i can't?
lets make one
What happened to Beps? I almost had a heart attack when I opened her rentry
Also it seems I got kicked out of her discord for some reason
nigga you pay for 4chan
>Also it seems I got kicked out of her discord for some reason
its deleted
for passgods
nigga you jerk off to chatbots
the trve /aicg/
she got fucked by a security company who dumped her logs
i dont though, retard.

Article came out about a security team dragging attention to scrapers. They used a honeypot key dropped into a pastebin to see who picks it up. The key ended up being circulating around /aicg/ for a bit, a little over two months ago.

>mini never used it
>unreliable says it's very unlikely he used it
>jew says nothing
>experiment / drago may have used it, we don't know for sure as the proof we have is that he doesn't check his keys for logging
>pepsi used it, deleted her cord, had a meltie, deleted the proxy rentry, and shut down the proxy (feel better soon!)

The only people who have any reason to be worried about this are proxyhosts at the most, and they're safe, so everything is fine even if you did use the honeypot key without a VPN or whatever.
Drago has almost been out of keys for two and a half hours.
i'm starting to think that Drago used the honey pot key.
Based. Cya later faggots
Can someone send some more AI-generated locusts?
thats so dumb though, literally anyone could have picked up that key and its nothing criminal to use a fucking api key thats on the clearweb for anyone to see
Correct, but mini 'says' she didn't use it.
There is no way to be sure.
>Drago realized he used the honeypot key on Experiment
>Is currently shitting himself
Please be true
Oh fuck off.
you're right but you haven't taken into account that /aicg/ is full of schizo underage retards terrified of feds that don't exist
ohhhh, so that's what unreliable's blogpost was about. anyways fuck those niggers. should've posted the key to a pajeet forum. pls redeem saars.
nigger locust stole from >>>/vip/129896
wtf even smol is doing riddles...
Scyllacord is raping Pebble right now because Drago isn't filling with AWS anymore
Wait, can someone from here post sv1 proxy to scylla?
haha based
I use ecker's /chan/ proxy site, so Jay can't track me.
Drago is done filling with AWS and admitted in private he doesn't like hosting Chary anymore. Rarestmeow is typing the announcement
/dandy/chan when?
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>Never paid
>Stolen laptop
>McDonald's wifi
>Torrenting 24/7
This is the true spirit of the internet. Anyone who paid for "services" lost.
isn't this literally smol advertising his service? this specific post?
Locusts win. This was inevitable
I'm relieved as well but I'm surprised it took him this long. He was always complaining about people spamming him
If you had side characters generated in story and you wanted to keep them or flesh them out more would you add it to author's notes or write it directly to the card?
>McDonald's wifi
>leeching off of a next-door apartment's wifi
and it's the best internet experience.
Authors notes. Works wonders
>verification took too long
i think i might need to upgrade this decade-old windows 8.1 computer, guys....
create an entirely new card for that character like a chad
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Have this bit of me forgetting to turn off the prompt with opus and it going full opus on me. old English claudisms are my new favorite.
I didn't think of that. Would that work if you wanted them to be main characters too? Like if they appeared a lot or it was a setting card.
>windows 8.1
why? at least use 7
why did he suddenly turn off the geoblock? even my previous geoblocked token werks
what >>102496106 said. i'd use author's note for plot points or nudging gepetto/claude into focusing on a specific aspect of a character. lorebooks are amazing once you get the hang of them, especially with claude.

I can never get characters to work in lorebooks for me so I had to turn them into their own cards.

Turn them into a card.
>publicly available opussy
>general suddenly pretty nice again
Good night smolbros
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I'll bake then but just this once.
If you're using claude, move the 'world info' in your prompts down closer to your jailbreak. It makes it have a stronger pull and will do better with the lore. My settings go:
>chat history
>world info
>nsfw prompt (when toggled on)
whocars desu
>constant FUD and sperging over honeypot key
>instantly swarm to free opus
The same 'says' applies to anyone whether they admit or deny it.
We don't know these people.
It wasn't a dig at fiz specifically.
>I can never get characters to work in lorebooks for me so I had to turn them into their own cards.
might be a preset issue. does your preset instruct claude to play as {{char}} instead of writing a roleplay/story that features {{char}}?
yeah, i do it all the time. narrator card set in the specific universe you want, and use a lorebook for all the character entries. just try to distill each entry into the most important/relevant things about the character, you can end up with some serious bloat and fighting for context space if you get too heavy-handed with things. also, cross-trigger entries or whatever it's called can get out of control and slows down gen times a lot, careful with those.

Error 1033 Ray ID: 8c6e205140007b00 • 2024-09-22 00:19:55 UTC
Argo Tunnel error

kek its over
team present and future BTFO
marie reigns supreme once again
we still have DANDYCHAD
Just chilling with a deer rn irl
From Russia with OVER
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> "proomptersNow": 16,
Dandy, add the Measure.
Drago has been out of AWS keys for three hours now
Yummy cucumber
call it a Yenaldlooshi nigger and it will run away
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Me on the right
ive never even used opus before
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why is this AIniggy almost as retarded as me bwos?
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owari da...
how many tokens do you guys typically invest in your lorebook side characters?
thanks sv1... love from brazil <3
It has been posted in the thread already. It's a stupid pass that you can't solve with logic. I thought it might be fraction.
NEW LINK https://liver-whatever-lions-importance.trycloudflare.com/
what happened
>my ukrainian vpn doesn't work anymore
It's over for me...
thank fuck i cummed in time
im a satisfied locustie
kys spiteniggers and paypiggers
btwbeit if anyone thought about bruteforcing trycloudflare links, its not feasible because they seem to be using https://github.com/first20hours/google-10000-english (probably the version with swears removed), which is basically 10000 ^ 4 which is 10 quadrillion possible URLs.
opus isn't even that good you fags need to learn how to wrangle 2.1
Drago is done hosting AWS on Chary. He admitted in the staff sekrit club channel. He honestly burned out from the constant spamming in his DMs and was complaining about it for months. He admitted it was a bit of a hassle. Drago doesn't want to write the whole letter so he left it up to rarestmeow to pen it for him.
I did a 2.1 RP earlier and it was pretty nice, sonnet is smarter but it doesn't quite get the personalities right
less than a gorillion at least
give me the wrangled jb then so i can compare
how do i bypass it someone pls tell me plsplpslpls
i try to limit them to a max of 150-200 tokens, even if the sentence structure looks a bit wonky. how much tokens your preset is taking up should determine how strict or lax you get with your lorebook entries, i'd say. a lot of the ones in the OP have some worthless bloat prompts thrown in, but you don't have to delete them, just deactivate them.
It's ok, we have pebble for sonnet
make your own incel
You can't retardnigger use sonnet
>makes a claim
>doesnt show evidence
yea so anyway
Opus is good specifically because there's no wrangling required.
As soon as you say "X model is as good as Opus if you're not a skilllet", you're conceding that the model is not as good as Opus because Opus is so good that even skilllets can get good outputs from it.
so its for retards only. got it
switching between gpt, sonnet, and sorbet is the real sauce.
i'm partial to 2.0, but both are good. rip 1.3, i had the best of times with it on my eval key.
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>New Thread

Nice to meet another PastDIETY
bros... I was just sent a letter from my ISP.... my parents intercepted it.... it had samples of stuff I was sending to a reverse proxy..... bros...... i'm getting kicked out of the house.... the police are involved.... don't be like me ;_;
this geoblock blocking even my slop vpn
Fuck you fucking asshole bitches. I'm using 3.5 (GPT) turbo
thats the point anonie
>"1min, 16sec"
god, i wish sonnet was separate queue from 3.5. ridiculous.
Post letter
they share the same rate limit bwo
Please enable Sorbet, it's literally cheaper than Opus and works better for me.
they dont
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yeah. anyways the wait is painful for just sonnet. well i won't complain too much. thank you pebble.
hmmm nyo
Opus just requires a different kind of skill, the one that matters.
You won't catch someone skilled at Opus wasting their time in nonsense like making slop for cards or weird presets about naming the AI and transport it to a lawless isekai (slop), they're busy making magic happen.
how come gemini proxies still don't work?
>but it doesn't quite get the personalities right
Using CoT finally fixed this problem for me with sonnet.
did you make your own, or did you use one of the ones in the OP? you don't have to post it, but if you're saying all i have to do is use CoT to fix the personality issues on sonnet, then i literally don't have to hse any other model ever again, that's the only problem i have with sonnet.

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