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Laying yourself off edition

Tech News & Industry Insights
Ars Technica - https://arstechnica.com/
Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/
TechCrunch - https://techcrunch.com/
The Register - https://www.theregister.com/
The Verge - https://www.theverge.com/tech

Software Development & Programming
GitHub Trending - https://github.com/trending
DevDocs - https://devdocs.io/
JavaScript, CSS, HTML sandbox - https://jsfiddle.net/
MDN Web Docs - https://developer.mozilla.org/
Stack Overflow Blog - https://stackoverflow.blog/

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AWS Service Health Dashboard - https://status.aws.amazon.com/
Cloudflare System Status - https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/
DownDetector - https://downdetector.com/
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Microsoft Office 365 Status - https://portal.office.com/servicestatus

Previous Thread: >>102476322
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No dark-eyed "people" are allowed to post in this thread. You can wait until next thread.
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Is everyone having a good weekend?
why do you choose to waste your weekend on g?
I have a great idea and I'm champing at the bit to log in on Monday and execute it. Until then I'll stick to the old drink-post-sleep weekend routine.
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I visited family earlier and spent all day watching football with them. Now I'm chilling out at home.
>I have a great idea and I'm champing at the bit to log in on Monday and execute it.
what's your big idea?
Can't share since I glow a little, it's just a solution to a problem that nobody knew how to solve when it came up last year and we have been tiptoeing awkwardly around.
>glow a little
and you being on 4ch has no influence? it doesn't matter if you're just some data forensics
Don't get the wrong idea I'm a loser, the application is just too specific
This guy is beyond retarded. Holy shit.
whats stopping you all from working for Apple? the company got solid financials and haven't done any layoffs and they got a consistent flow of new job openings in the US
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>start your own business LLC
>employ yourself for whatever high end role
>now you have years of experience in specific role
why doesn't anyone do this? this is about the peopel who straight up lie on their resumes because you can look up the status of a business LLC that it's valid and ship a few products to prove it too. Why the fuck do people choose to play video games when they're between jobs when they can always be working on small business stuff
>and ship a few products to prove it too
yeah easy bro just do it lol haha what's wrong?
how about you save me the trouble of asking and you just tell me why it's a bad idea
because i'm a lazy retard that can achieve sustenance at best let alone "ship a few products", and i'm in like the 95th percentile for success
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You're not on the scale of success because you're a FAILURE
You'll crash and burn during the interview. Recruiters also talk to each other. Solo projects cannot sub for real experience. Granted its still far better than playing video games
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what a gayass OP

slop upon slop
I'm not American and neither skilled nor brown enough for a company to bother with an H-1B
no. im unemployed.
no it is quite a bit worse,
a guy who just vidjas all day is a risk because its unknown how he'd adapt in a work enviroment. a man who crashes and burns a company is a known.
Exactly. You can't learn Agile Scrum with a project. How are you going to be your own Scrum master? You need to get a real job first to learn how to make great things.
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What metro area is the best for embedded software? I don't really want to move to the bay area, are there any others?
why not just get into crime?
kek imagine doing scrums on a solo project. you could cultivate some real schizo powers if you survive the process.
Shanghai or Taiwan, I'd guess
no way taiwan is going to be some hellscape battlefield within ten years.
>a guy who just vidjas all day is a risk because its unknown how he'd adapt in a work enviroment. a man who crashes and burns a company is a known.
guess all those YC drop outs are all unemployed now
>IT Operations & Infrastructure
realistically speaking, how much does it cost to build a cloud compute service?
someone a while back recreate s3 on a small scale, I don't see why you couldn't start a low margin service in your basement starting with simple stuff like game servers and slowly build up for hosting web services or running AI backends
cause the bigger fish will muscle you out
I meant American metro areas. Is SF the only option?
Here's a better idea. Build the dumbest startup idea you can possibly think of. Like a logic puzzle game to help people quit smoking. Then, pay your local news station to cover you as a prodigy dev shaking up the industry. Some recrooter will come looking for you instead of the other way around.
because those are globally distributed systems, and single region basement servers won't cut it for users of said systems
or just keep going with that and charge people a monthly fee to solve sudoku puzzles whenever they really need a smoke
theres austin I suppose,
a bunch of tech businesses from california coming there for some reason.
You get to a certain point in your career and the types of opportunities you work on (e.g. which industry and what sorts of problems you’re solving) become very important. I don’t feel that Apple has a great deal of opportunities that align with my profile (already work at FAGMAN but on distributed systems+hardware areas rather than consumer products). You get to a certain point in your career and begin to realize that the story you tell with your resume becomes an important factor in being considered for very senior roles - the kinds of people looking to hire an 800k+ a year engineer are looking for expertise in the space they’re hiring for, not just that you’re a really good coder or even that you’re a very experienced engineer with experience in a completely different area. Apple seems like a fine company though, just probably not for me.
is that what the "solar powered highway lights" was doing?
I'm a junior right now and there's a career fair that's coming up. Are there any tips to getting a referral or a better chance at making recruiters notice my resume? I heard most of the companies going there just throw them away, but I'm kinda desperate at this point
>'m a junior right now and there's a career fair that's coming up. Are there any tips to getting a referral or a better chance at making recruiters notice my resume?
blow them
I doubt a referral for internships would do anything for bigger companies
Just improve your resume with projects, and don't just put
>I implemented a clock app using React and Java
instead talk about impacts and decisions
don't make up random impact like improved speed by 10%
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Got my CCNA and got Jr Network Engineer position. What should I do in 2025 to increase my value? I was thinking either CCNP or AWS certs, but I am open to alternatives.
Focus on talking to people instead of trying to spray resumes at strangers. Career fairs aren't IRL linkedin, it's a social event. The only value that comes out of them is having a good conversation with somebody
add people on snapchat and hang out casually and after a while of being pseudo friends ask them for a referral
coworkers, obviously.

also what >>102498183 says. talk to people, get their contacts, keep talking to them.
what companies are willing to pay a single person $800k and how can we disrupt them for being so wasteful, no single person on this board is worth $800k
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AI will take all of the six figure tech jobs. Soon, the only people making that much will be professional athletes, as their reward for beating up devs and copying their answers in high school.
why is my job so fucking boring bros
i think i need at least a bit of stress to function properly
If you don't need the redundancy and high-availability of S3, you can just host it yourself
If you want to save money, paying someone else to host it isn't a good strategy
Would you look at that. $800k. If only you guys played sports instead of playing with PHP in your bedroom.
$50 million for quarterbacks.
If you were among the top 10 software engineers in the world you'd be scrooge mcduck rich too
Are French the indians of Europe?
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You're going to kick yourself for ever touching a compiler when you learn how many figures the average NBA salary is.
>the only people making that much will be professional athletes
I don't doubt that there are SWE or whatever inflated title being paid $800k, I seen those massive numbers being paid to finance people on the bloomberg terminal but no one is worth $800k for SOFTWARE. If that have that much cash to toss around, there's a water leak somewhere in the pipe and it's ripe arbitrage opportunity.
>my job
what is your job about, you sit all day in a lab waiting for phone calls or what
I just looked it up
I'm quitting this field and heading to the nearest urban youth center
>realistically speaking, how much does it cost to build a cloud compute service?
A lot, but also a lot less than you think.
You need to buy enough hardware and have enough people to maintain it.
Any big business can cough up that amount of money, they are already spending a lot on IT infrastructure already.
For example Aldi, that's Trader Joe's for the Americans, started their own cloud compute service. Just like Amazon, they needed it for themselves and then started to offer their infrastructure to other companies.
Imo, you just need to offer some basic functions, computing/VMs on demand and some higher abstraction like Kubernetes, managed databases, storage service, caching service aka Redis, and possibly cloud functions and you have everything you need.
All of this you can build using free OSS, you just need to have enough hardware and skilled enough people to ensure a high and reliable uptime.
Imo, the hard part is to cough up enough money and find enough skilled people to do the job. But if you are Aldi, you already have most of the skills in-house and instead of renting the hardware they just build and buy it themselves.
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>For example Aldi, that's Trader Joe's for the Americans, started their own cloud compute service.
Actually that was Lidl.
Wow's, she's brilliant.
i'm a c# backend dev
i do mainly systems integrations, it's incredibly boring
I get taxed like 51% on my stock options. It kills the excitement when my stocks vest
I'm not tech but your software cucks stole the word engineering so I get to post here

I'm sick of doing technical work and want to get more involved in the business side, I'm managing two jr engineers while also doing technical shit but I'm struggling to find jobs for managers/supervisors

Do I need to get an MBA or can I swing it without
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>Computer systems analysts study an organization’s current computer systems and design ways to improve efficiency.
Picking a title since I got extra work, boss suggested Systems Analyst. Worth?
Seems like job board postings are kinda random when i search it, some actually get to do cool shit, others seem like a slightly less cringe project manager, or sitting in meetings all day and making pretty pictures on power bi. I'm a t2 support tech at an msp, end game is cloud engineer.
>What metro area is the best for embedded software?
Not American, but I would guess wherever the big weapons tech companies have offices. A lot of modern ammunition have microchips I'm them now.
did you just turn 18 and are learning this now? retard
>americans lose 50% of their compensation to taxes
All right 800k is indeed a bit ambitious on my part, pretend I said 700k. Principals at some companies (FAGMAN and a few others) do make like 700k though, I work with one that probably makes around there, and it’s really not like that level of skill is insanely unattainable, just takes time and playing your cards right
Most people don't get taxed anywhere near 51% on their wages. What the fuck are you talking about
Aren't most countries the same?
so you bought stock options without understanding how they get taxed? how fucking retarded are you?
Are you retarded? I am getting compensated with stock options from my job, not buying them.
shut the fuck up bitch learn how taxes work
You are retard who doesn't know tech jobs are compensated with stock options lmao
>You are retard who

it's extremely gay and burocratic work tho wouldn't reccomend
any intel/qualcomm sirs in here?
how do you feel about the takeover rumors?
HAHAHAHA come on.. that's not real... Even for retard midwit central echo chamber Reddit...
I literally had no idea about the Olog(whatever) stuff and have failed to understand it several times. Your pic makes it clear as crystal.

t. senior software engineer
Not a tech worker but OP is always interested enough for me to click it

Is there a collection of these bangers somewhere?
Opinions on dataannotation.tech?
Is a masters worth it? I'd be starting it two years from now.
Ideally in something like networking, or if that doesn't work out then in AIsloppa

Brown hands typed this post
why are zoomers so retarded and tactless, fuck
Oh sweet summer child
First generation that embraced total niggerfication
TechCrunch Week in Review (excerpt):

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy is calling for a full return to office at the start of 2025. For the last 15 months, employees have been expected to work in the office three days per week. Now employees will be expected to be in the office five days a week, with work from home being OK only in extenuating circumstances. Big Tech executives have championed return-to-office mandates, but they have proven unpopular among some tech workers.

U.S. tech giant Cisco has let go of thousands of employees in its second layoff round of 2024. The technology and networking company will reduce its headcount by 7%, or around 5,600 employees. The cuts follow an earlier layoff in February, where it let go of about 4,000 employees. In August, Cisco published its most recent full-year earnings report that saw the company’s “second strongest year on record.”
>Hey, everyone. Welcome back and let's write some more jeetcode today.
No way, you're lying.
every single thread some genius comes up with the idea of lying on your resume like no one has ever thought of this before and that there arent multiple ways to verify something like that

congratulations you are spiritually a pajeet
as opposed to europeans where their actual salary is literally taxed at 50% like belgium and germany
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Do you make a comfortable amount of money?
Remember fellow network engineers, one day you too will become the telecoms and fax specialist.
Because you made the mistake of wanting to know how it worked
i want out of this industry
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I need a concrete answer. is it a bad idea to put your a picture of yourself on your resume, or not?
>massachussets is highest
What goes on here?
Stop asking this question over and over again, retard.
i don't see how it would help
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Holy FUCK how do you cuck yourself this hard
Don't do this
It's a faux pas for discrimination reasons
What you do is you put a link to your linkedin and your photo is there
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That is a good %
t. swedecuck
>Maybe we should break up...
>Yeah, good idea.
>Wait, what?
A tale as old as time.
>you need a job
>you need to be passionate
>you need to be a go getter
>you need to move up the ranks and network
>you need hobbies
>your hobbies need to be interesting
>you need to be passionate about your hobbies
>you need time to do your hobbies
>you need to keep your house clean
>you need to keep yourself clean
>you need time to see doctors and dentists etc
>you need to watch what you eat
>you need to also eat junk food sometimes, go to restaurants and buy/share snacks
>you need to workout
>you need to pay your bills but also save; keep track of interest rates and cashback etc
>you need to have friends and be interesting
>you need to go out with them and do group activities
>you need to reply to their messages and interact with them on socials
>you need to get a girlfriend
>you need time with the girlfriend
>if you have children, you need time for the girlfriend, the children and everything prior
>you need time with the rest of your family too e.g. parents
>you need time to do things like move, renovate your house etc
>you need to go on vacations as a break from work, to be well travelled and to be interesting
>you need to keep up with trends in media, trends in clothes etc
>you need to lie in on the weekends and your days off, while going to bed early during the week, and fitting everything in
how do people find time to do ALL OF THIS SHIT
>get stocks
>your salary gets taxed next month
>tax is higher than your salary so you get nothing that month
>you still owe government daddy money after that
Sure you can sell some stocks to pay for its tax but still feels bad.
very few normies actually do all these things. they just say you're supposed to do those things because that's what they're supposed to say. think of it like a liturgy of touching grass.
>Hey, Re-up your CCNA
>Also, get us entirely off of POTS lines and move all our sites off this phone system.
The answer....is no.
Good luck finding someone internally who wants to deal with Telecoms and fax lines.
my friend literally does this though
he’s had two promotions, he goes out for drinks, he plays guitar, does shows and music production, he has a girlfriend, his house is clean and he showers every day
he manages his instagram, he replies to whatsapps/imessage, he works out at the gym 4 times a week and eats very specific things unless he goes out for a meal, has pizza, or drinks. He’s great with money. He goes on vacation. He goes to bed at 10pm during the week and wakes up at 5am.

I don’t know how the fuck he does it.
yes there are gods out there. again they are not representative of the normal human experience, to understand the average 38 year old normie underneath his mask go read houellebecq.
This but I'm also the only one keeping everything running
that's fucked up
all year round or after crossing certain limit?
all year round and if we can't pay because of $4k/mo rent our jewish masters toss us into the colosseum with feral 0%ers from the heart of darkness (detroit)
The average person wastes the vast majority of their non-work life staring at youtube/netflix and/or scrolling social media sites
Not doing that gives you plenty of time, the problem is that it's hard to quit slowly because content consoomption is too addictive and it's hard to quit cold turkey because you don't have the energy to add that much extra activity all at once so you will gas out and crash
bharat chads rise up
>you need to workout
also do not waste time in the gym unless you're double dipping (spending time with friends at gym)

>if you have children, you need time for the girlfriend, the children and everything prior
many of the above stop when this happens

as the other anon mentioned, many normies only achieve like half of these

it's why there's tons of fat fucks, ignorant fucks, stressed fucks, etc
Anon, literally anyone who doesn't live in a third world shithole or a micronation pays about 40-55% of their salary in income and (indirect) sales taxes.
Hell, even countries like India and Poland have rather high taxes for their shitholeyness.
>>102499526 >>102504929 >>102506076 >>102506962 >>102507268
why do americans include taxed compensation as part of their total compensation then? whenever someone asks me for my salary, I always tell them what I get in hand (aka net salary)
bigger number = better than other people
why not list biggest number you have?
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Most of this is completely achievable with good time management and some of it (eat junk food, move house etc.) doesn't need to be here. Hit the gym with a friend, put your money in an index fund and forget it, clean your shit daily so it doesn't become an all day task, etc.

>t. married Dad
In EU that 50% includes retirement savings and public healthcare.
You're also treated like a real human bean and can't get laid off on the spot.
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It's almost time to see our coworkers' smiling faces again! :D
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I truly have no fucking idea, but I live in Europe and I communicate my expected yearly gross salary to recroooters, and I tell my net monthly salary to my acquaintances.
Who the fuck cares about yearly or pre-tax? Only the people who pay you, and that's it. I have no idea what good is it to know that you make 5,47x10^-8 € per femtosecond or 1M per decade pre-holocaust tax pre-inflation. I pay my fucking bills monthly, and I want a single yes/no answer to "can I pay mortgage+electricity+groceries with x salary".
The only thing that's interesting is that guy doing shows. Otherwise, he sounds pretty normal for a white-collar worker. There's no magic to following a routine.
federal taxes in us also include retirement

smug european posts never mention that 80k is the absolute upper limit on their income. most wont even make that either. on top of that almost everything costs more, especially houses. in some cases rent is cheaper. doctors in most of europe make around 60k. 12 years of school and being worked to death just so you can make what a manager at starbucks would make in the USA. what a grim existence.

but on the flip side in a lot of european countries, people can just decide they dont want to work and the state just pays for it. ive known a few european neets that have never worked a day in their lives and live pretty good.
what's wrong with this fucking site why can't I post
moot's mac mini is thermal throttling again, he probably left a jacket lying on top of it
Fuck, I have to work tomorrow.
Its just depressing knowing that soon I will be alone and at the top of my team.
Not like it will change responsibilities much, it all just feels off
how does anyone do leetcode while trying to do their own personal programming projects?
There’s a good possibility I may get a job in the coming weeks and a friend is basically having a melty. He’s angry with me for even applying to the role and considering it since it’ll require me to move across the country.

Dude basically wants me to withdraw from the process now and just go work at a grocery store or be a bitch just so I don’t move. It’s been nonstop arguments and I don’t even have an offer letter in hand. What the fuck is this bullshit? Does he want me to stay poor and jobless or something?
he may be a tad bit obsessed with you, fuck him and move
It doesn't take much time. I only spend like 20-30 minutes max per day on the daily and maybe one more if the daily was braindead, except Saturdays since I like doing the contests
I think DSA puzzles are a blast and even I think trying to sweat out hours of leetcode in a day sounds miserable
sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :) sunday evening :)
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Will AI replace programmers? It seems that only seniors will remain. Or is this all a deception of the goyim?
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Yeah, in this shit economy, never tell a job you're miserable or leaving until you already have a new job lined up. Even when the economy is good you should follow that advice, jobs can drop out so easy.
yep field's dead
run along now son
it's ogre
I have a fagman technical interview in 3 weeks. I'm pretty bad in leetcode shit and my knowledge of algorithms is limited as I rarely need to implement one from scratch at my job. Do I have any chance of grinding leetcode well enough to pass or should I not bother? Oh and I have a full time job.
"Should I not try because I might not succeed" is cuck mentality. Stop it
Got a job offer for an embedded position, pay is 119k base + 7.5% bonus in Los Angeles.
Should I take this job or keep applying until I find something better?
I have 4 YoE and making 95k currently in Orange County California, I know I am underpaid currently which is why I am looking as there is no chance of moving up in my current place.
who the fuck takes decisions based on what friends think? also, that shit sounds like he (she?) is a narcissist. have you ever considered that?
>we have some kind of event system and basically everything communicates with events.
>you changed a data? queues an event and later things that listens that event reacts to it
>makes things impossible to debug since it is hard to figure out why is something being called
My life is miserable already and then this week
>trying to fix some bugs someone else worked
>it is horrible, I am trying to turn a blind eye to inefficiencies and shit code
>try put some breakpoints
>it crashes
Never worked on a code that is so fragile before while debugging is already hard
That's not a friend. That's a crab in a bucket. Do you also want to be a crab in a bucket?
he is probably closet homo lusting for you. Be considerate anon
I was considering getting "sick" tomorrow, this post convinced me
Huh applied to 20 jobs in the last 3 months.
Is having 2 callbacks good or bad for that number?
Also 7 of them have been at the same place.
>Yeah that's great, good luck out there bro!
>It's over. You will never get a tech job, go flip burgers.
callback rate could be worse but apply to more places. 20 in 3 months is nothing
The two sides of the coin kek
I am not particularly trying to leave, also I would like to be hired by one place in particular.
>callback rate could be worse
And here I thought people were applying to 100s of jobs and hearing nothing back
what do you think "could be worse" means
Anon, my best friend stopped talking to me after I got a job and he didn't. It hurt me really bad, your friend is very selfish and doesn't care about your success and well being.
Fair, just feels like in comparison 1 out of 10 is great. But I suppose there are folks with gold resumes who can get whatever.
Are you retarded
>It's over. You will never get a tech job, go flip burgers.
Imagine hiring people no past experience and no good internal references. why people do this? It is practically a gamble
Shut the fuck up it's too late for this bait, people with a job gotta work tomorrow.
It is not a bait.
>manager asks me opinion of new candidate that is being hired
>"isn't he a bit green"
>she is annoyed that I am not agreeing with her decision "yeah but his interviews were good"
he turned out indeed a bit too green and a drooling retard that is incapable of learning anything
>smug european posts never mention that 80k is the absolute upper limit on their income.
guess that must be why i am making 95K€....
not trying to start a flame war btw, just saying 80K isn't the limit (even if it's still low)
How important is LinkedIn on your resume? Do I need one? I'm currently employed but looking for a better-paying job, have a degree, and I think a decent resume. But do I need linkedin too? If I make one right now it's going to be mad sus.
Probably won't get rejected for not having one but you might also be cucking yourself out of opportunities since recruiters can't find you and you can't use linkedin job boards.

Also I got a job without a linkedin but it's entry level
found most my jobs via linkedin
does n<1 even exist? What's the significance of n=1?
>How important is LinkedIn on your resume?
you don't need a linkedin, it's nice to have and makes your life easier for others to reach out to you but it's not necessary as people make it out to be
>I'm currently employed but looking for a better-paying job, have a degree, and I think a decent resume.
linkedin would help if you want to get a referral but you could accomplish the same with just emailing people
>why people do this?
because your experience and internal references want top dollar, it's cheaper to put up with someone new, who you can fire later if the gamble fails and try again
>Huh applied to 20 jobs in the last 3 months.
what roles, whats the specific title you're applying for?
this is europoor, you can't just fire people
>Never worked on a code that is so fragile before while debugging is already hard
web shitter stack?
so stop shitting up the board, since brexit, no european is a native speaker English speaker so you have no purpose being here
Europe != EU faggot
>Keep getting calls from recruiters.
>Say I'm interested but need to know the salary range for the position.
>It's always half my current pay
I don't know why I even bother calling them back anymore
take it and continue looking for more jobs
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blogpost incoming:

my current job is being a sql monkey """""developer""""". what's a good language to learn to increase my job prospects?

At this point I've dabbled in many langauges, JS, Java, C#, C, C++, Python,
Don't really see a future in webdev or very interested in it. I did go thorugh odin project foundations.

Would going indepth on python be a good addition to my skillset and combined with my sql and pl / sql knowledge lead to data engineer / analyst roles? My work computer doesn't let me install python though, which is fucking stupid. DBA's blocked it

I started learning programming with C++ back in 2018, and tempted to return to it both because it's the gamedev langauge and as kind of a return to where I started on this journey. Finally nail down memory management
Web developers can't escape web development. It is basically a caste and you can't get out of out.
>c++ and game dev
lmao even
Depends what you want to do.
Python is useful for a sys admin position.
C# and Java are certainly still popular in enterprise.
C++ is probably an ok language to study.
Don't limit what tools you know though, so if you learn C++ then learn C# or Java.
Time to return to the office, anon!
knowing what I want to do is the hardest part. I don't even know how I managed to get this job. I guess I want to do whatever would compliment this the most. Right now it's writing pl / sql for oracle databases.
I'm sick like a dog and tomorrow I'm finding out if I'm keeping my job or not, I might kms in front of HR.
So if I get offered a position for
>$140k base salary
>$20k+ in bi-annual bonuses
>$10k moving stipend
>small engineering team
>decent insurance
>decent employer match
>upward mobility and network
>have to move to Chicago
>3 days remote, 2 days in-office
>15 PTO days, 20 hours of sick leave per month, and shut down during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays
I pretty much have to take it don’t I since I’m unemployed and every other place is basically ignoring everyone?
No stock?
Throw on the desk if they fire you
>he is not WFH
We're putting you on a PIP.
No, refuse and then post the listing here for someone more desperate than you
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Glad I could help, Anon.
Stock in this economy? No.

I’m desperate so I ain’t giving it up if it’s the best offer I’m getting.
I dont know your YoE but the offer is fine for an entry level position with a big company or a mid-level position with a smaller one. I live in the Chicago area and there are a lot of perks compared to the coasts. With that salary you can actually afford a decent sized house in the suburbs and commute into the city on the Metra. People on the coasts making that kind of money couldn't dream of owning a house in a nice suburb with a 45 minute train commute.
It's possible if none of the companies he worked for asked for leetcode shit
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You say you want to be a software developer? Why did you get these certifications?
I'm this anon >>102493182, is writing "Open to negotiations on call" a good answer for that question if the form allows letters?
So how do you get a h1b visa nowadays?
Are they still being given out like candy?
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be indian
i hope you die bloody bich bastard saar
>So how do you get a h1b visa nowadays?
country of origin? you can get a visa still if you have valueable skills. My cousin brought over his whole family because he's a chemical engineer
>since brexit
if you're getting paid in euros you're in EU especially because you go out of your way to mention euros instead of pound sterling
>3 weeks
nope needs to be spaced repetition over months/years for all the patterns to have a good shot, just do the 5 most common ones and hope they ask it
unless you are high iq of course (like unironic math olympiad tier autism)
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Guys I need some serious hype right now in my life.
>get dumped
>get catfished
>get high and paranoiyad all night and morning
>have a 200k+ job inerview coming up in a week
>haven't opened leetcode in 3 days
>cant stop getting high and masturabting
>... while perioadically moving my wireless mouse to make sure im Green in teams
I know it sounds gay as fuck, but pls, I really want you guys to tell me how much of a piece of shit I am and that Rajeesh is solving 3-d-Linear-Anal-Regressions-4Sum in O(-1) but idgaf
I'm white you retards.
I live in western Europe and I can't even afford rent with my above average wages.
Netherlands. I work as a medior software engineer.
I have around 6 years worth of experience.
>saaar i am white!! upper caste!
better than a jeet but still fuck off we're full
With the economy the way it is you will be auto-rejected from every application if you admit you need a visa because there is no point in importing anything other than brown slaves when there are already plenty of Americans who want the job
I've seen how much more money you people earn for the exact same job.
There's really no reason for me not to try and get in there.
Well, I'll still give it a try.
I hope I'm able to get in before everything collapses here over in Europe.
>I have around 6 years worth of experience.
how much do you have in savings? it might take a bit but you can definitely manage it but you need to know more about the current market, go search right now 10 companies that MIGHT give you a visa (extreme example: OpenAI would go out of their way to hire you if you were say a top AI PhD academic)
keep coping, I rather have a Netherland chad than one of you. All you people do is slack around and make excuses when you can't attend meetings or ship shit on time because you spent all morning getting stoned
>I've seen how much more money you people earn for the exact same job.
do you pay $2.5k in rent to live in a city?
unless you're willing to earn $70k a year and live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in kentucky working a remote job (or worse, live in niggervile, detroit) you'll be just as shit as if you were in europe
constant factors are ignored so if a is constant O(a*n) is always n regardless of n
>(extreme example: OpenAI would go out of their way to hire you if you were say a top AI PhD academic)
as I was saying before
OpenAI has already hired 29 people with H1B visa, they had a lot of them in 2022 but that dropped to one for 2023 so it's definitely harder. But it's interesting reading into all this data for why they go out of their way to import labor especially when it's expensive, these positions are going for about $200k. Most of the positions were for "Computer and Information Research Scientists" which is what you might fall under
>how much do you have in savings?
Savings? What savings? You think I'm allowed to have savings?
Rent alone already costs more than half of my income.
>OpenAI would go out of their way to hire you if you were say a top AI PhD academic
Yeah, looks like I'll have to search around quite a bit.
Maybe stretch my credentials while I'm at it
2.5k? No, I pay 1600 euros a month for a one bedroom apartment or otherwise I'd have to drive for four hours to the office each day.
Sounds cheap, doesn't it?
Well, I earn around 3100 euros a month. Which is less than 40k a year.
I will gladly, GLADLY, take that $70k a year.
You people have no idea how bad it is over here.
>Rent alone already costs more than half of my income.
time to start finding ways to tighten the belt, look at my post above. Literally start building a spreadsheet right now and learn about the current market in depth
Cali and texas, there's a lot of visas workers right now, but you gotta narrow it down to companies that are most likely to pick you
we're full niggers
we're full.
kek you forgot "of"
>time to start finding ways to tighten the belt
When the time comes I'll just cancel my lease and live in my car for a few months.
That'll cover the moving costs and it's not like I live much better now.
When you get to the level of hiring Stanford PhDs for your research lab it becomes worthwhile to headhunt specific people at high cost because they may be literally the only person in the world with their exact skillset
That kind of exceptional logic only applies at the very highest end of positions (you're talking about OpenAI's research group like it is a normal job that hires from linkedin) and anyone good enough for it to apply to them already knows they're above the rules
this thread shouldn't exist but as long as you fucker keep it going, I will personally go out of my way to make it easier for foreigners to take your jobs because I know you don't deserve you're inflated salary doing nothing. Look at the post counts, these threads are always during prime working hours when you should be doing shit instead of fucking around on social media
your boss ain't giving you a raise bro he barely acknowledges your existence
>you're talking about OpenAI's research group like it is a normal job
no I specifically used OpenAI as an example to show they're hiring LESS visas. They peaked in 2022 with 18 to just 1 in 2023. The point is that anon needs to figure out what companies still hire outside
the boss writes my paychecks but he doesn't make me miserable for it unlike you people that just refuse to do your jobs, ever since they legalized weed you all come in reeking
Brazilians and clam chowdah
>and he showers every day
ugh. ever since WFH, this is something I just can't do anymore
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>sunday night
fuck this I'm quitting tomorrow
>fuck this I'm quitting tomorrow
you're unlikely to be rehired
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sunday nights are pretty similar as any other night since wfh.
Do it. You won't.
>How important is LinkedIn on your resume?
wdym? the point of linkedin isn't to put it on your resume, it's to use it for recruiters to contact you

>read companies stopped doing leetcode and now give real problems using the frameworks that they actually use

it's fucking over this favors seniors with yoe if you can't cheat your way in with leetcode and then they have to train you in bullshit you don't want to do in your free time
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Alright, I want to become a backend dev. What do I need to learn? I want to try out something with Java since I know a little bit about it already. I also know some frontend basics already since that was the original goal

This is long term btw, I don't expect to be hired fast
That doesn't bother me at all and neither does AI calling me love and fucking me sideways
Don't bother. Seriously. You're running towards a dead end.
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It's over, over
any other tech workers make less than 50k? I make 46,500 at a full time job in america
My advice is to have been a backend dev for 8 years already and also be willing to work for five figures
How are you getting fucked that badly?
how the hell do you afford food

living in deep south + working for public sector technically.
selling phones in the mall is not a tech job
>i cant believe she didnt beg and plead for me to stay! should i just stay anyway and see what happens?
>What do I need to learn?
start with asking chatGPT to spoonfeed you everything and then come back. Don't want to try, learn java and recreate 4chan and then come back
anon i live in rural SC and make literally three times what you do. please don't settle for this.
>please don't settle for this.
they're less likely to ever fire anon, if anything, low salary is great job security and means you can afford to be less than optimal
First of all, get out.
Living around fat retards and blacks isn't good for the spirit, or dating life.
It's the only job I could get after 1000 applications. I was a new grad looking for entry level jobs you guys shit on saying I would never make it 6 months ago. I was hopeless until I got this, but at least I have developer in my job title now, and write code for a living. I signed a lease for a year in this place but in a few months I'll start looking for new job that pays more
>fat retards
>insane city slickers
pick 2 out of 3 unless you have money
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That sounds to me like n<1 doesn't exist in any meangingful sense, so the X axis of the graph should start where O(n) meets O(1)
>get out.
>right when the economy is about to implode
don't listen to that anon, stability first and save up
I'll take city slickers and mexicans as my poison. Moving from Mississippi to Texas was like a breath of fresh air.

If that guy really likes the South, at least shoot for Atlanta or Nashville to make some fucking money.
>you guys shit on saying I would never make it 6 months ago.
this thread is demoralization, look thru the archive and it's always the same shit telling people to give up, don't study, don't apply, you're never getting a job, you're going to get fired, yadda yadda yadda when if you look at the economy as a whole, you see that fucking women have tech jobs in the thousands and you're telling me a g tard can't do better? get out
Dawg, it's been imploding since Covid. We've been in a defacto recession for over a year at this point.
My 401k is up. Isn't yours?
Line go up therefore economy good!
>you see that fucking women have tech jobs in the thousands
They largely are not working in technical roles (part of why they got hit harder than engineers over the last few years). Honestly, non-engineer in Big Tech seems like the comfiest gig in the world.
>fucking women have tech jobs in the thousands
that's because they get hired for DEI points and their jobs aren't in tech, they sit around making powerpoint presentations and looking pretty for the CEO
The revised "woops, we actually saw line go down for several quarters" means we've actually been a recession for a while now. I don't think a giant crash or civil war or similar shock is happening.

Also, assetholders win in inflation as an expanding money supply chases a more constrained quantity of stonks, RE, etc.
No, if Trump wins then we are in recession, which is bad because orange man bad, and if Kamala wins then we are in reverse growth, which is good because growth is good.
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We're in a vibecession, not a recession. People get off on bad news and want to believe we're doing worse than we really are. Doomer hikikomori and fringe right-wingers are especially interested in hearing about how badly things are going.

Meanwhile, the markets are up, our 401ks are up, inflation is down, and mortgage insurance rates are down. I'd present you with expert sources that say that all is well, but you'd probably laugh them off as some kind of Federal Reserve conspiracy.

_ Only fools bet against the American moneymaking machine. _
Line go up. No problem. Line go up. No problem. Line go up. No problem.
>bridge collapses in the background
>NOOOO I can't stop thinking about America even though I hate it!
the starting point is not relevant
the whole point is how it grows over time in the long run

short-term variations and costs for small N can be all over the place
a factorial solution can be better than an O(1) solution for small N or it can be jaggy and all over the place
My compensation is like 60% stocks at this point so line goes up directly benefits me lmao
>3100 euro
Is that eastern europe or something? Are you sure you are a developer
what does leetcode even get me
is it just for pajeets
what a fucking dumbass
>start your own business LLC
doing what
Everyone in HR and managemenet start salivating when there is a female applicant. "Increasing diversity" is always in their goals often pushed down by upper management and they are all looking for opportunities to put q checkmark there. Unless she is a total retard, it is very hard for a female applicant to be rejected
it gets you through the preliminary filtering interviews where they ask you to find the subarray of an array with the largest sum and tell you they'll be in touch if you don't know how to do it in linear time
the difference for jeets is that they all hate each other and their interview culture is an arms race of obscure bullshit questions that would take you at least an entire afternoon to solve from scratch
>Huh applied to 20 jobs in the last 3 months
Up those numbers. Up those numbers.
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So the schizo penning Jeremiads about "demoralization" also hates women? Can't say I'm surprised.
I say we double the leetcode for non-US born applicants
Everyone with an IQ above 60 hates women.
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ebic quads question
oh word so I should just beat all the easy level ones or something and just focus on actual projects besides?
easies are a waste of time, leetcode easies are grug tier questions that you should be able to solve literally as fast as you can type
the stuff american companies might ask that you would actually need to study ranges from mediums to easier hards
DEI rollbacks means this is no longer true
unironically yes https://finance.yahoo.com/news/study-found-corporate-recruiters-bias-110000159.html
they'll see you as an uppity goy who doesn't want to be a cog in the machine
the "doomers" are just the people who try to warn you that infinite growth based on a nonstop influx of foreign scab labor isn't sustainable or good for the country long term.

you have the mindset of a gambling addict that thinks he can't lose. you're also HELLA vaccinated.
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Kek it really is over for /twg/cels
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>you're also HELLA vaccinated
have you gotten your annual clotshot booster? don't be a bigot now.
I get them each semester, faggot
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I even killed two birds with one stone.
I'm worse. Check this out:
I quit, with nothing lined up, instead of just coasting and waiting to be fired, because I had a health issue and they wouldn't provide accommodations. didn't bother them with ADA either. I didn't want to burn any bridges (the intact bridges have done nothing for me).

in my pathetic defense, this was before the mass layoffs. Still an unbelievably moronic act of cuckery and now I'm suicidal.
Learn how to write an HTTP application server (the actual app, not necessarily the protocol handling part), an RPC server (e.g. grpc), A pub/sub processing server (e.g. something that uses kafka, rabbitmq, nats, etc), and a scheduled batch job.
Learn how to deploy them on to bare metal, an EC2 instance, a docker container, and a kubernetes pod.
Learn how to do this with at least 3 languages, one interpreted (javascript, php, python, etc), one bytecode (java, c#, etc), and one compiled (c, rust, go, etc).
In one of those languages, learn how to implement an http client and server from raw sockets without a framework. Learn why you'd use each of those languages, server types, and deployment methods, in what situations and for what kinds of problems.
Build a basic CI/CD pipeline.
Learn some Javascript or HTMX if you want to pretend to be "full stack" and do UI as well.

If you can do all of this, you'll be prepared for 95% of what a backend engineer could need to do.
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>I even killed two birds with one stone.
are you referencing your balls? weird thing to brag about, but depopulation cult and all, I get it.

protip: nobody regrets not taking the clotshot
nta but
>muh depopulation

>protip: nobody regrets not taking the clotshot
of course.because they all died hahahahHAHAHAHHA
Quit blaming immigrants for all your problems. When we do interviews, we don't talk about whether an Indian candidate is going to be cheaper than the American candidate; we choose who we think will succeed in the job and won't suck to worth with
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fact check: there's no evidence for your assertion that all of clotshot avoiders died

you guys really do just repeat things you've heard from "authorities" don't you? YIKES

>quit complaining about the infinite supply of foreign scab labor we can tap into to replace you
You need to be more disagreeable, Anon. For your own sake. There are books that can help. I know it sounds hard to believe, but people will actually respect you _less_ if you're a pushover who never bothers anyone and doesn't assert your rights.
Kill yourself lying schizo
where at, I was asked leetcode in my microshaft interview couple weeks ago
I started out making ~60k at AT&T
yep, my take home is <50k after expenses
what do you make now
760k at Microsoft
>still spends his time on g inside twg
use a more believable number next time
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Oh yeah? Well I take home a kajillion bazillion.
It's the weekend, and I only work maybe 12 hours a week anyway.
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if I had that much money, I would spend all my time OFF this site
I make half that and I'm on this site more than ever
I'm here forever.
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is there some secret meme tech stack I can learn to actually be ahead in this dogshit job market? is anything in demand anymore?
what about """""tech"""""" sales?
most sociopaths are blue-eyed white devils, and even though I'm an atheist I'm convinced you all carry demonic energy
you're damn good at technology though I'll give you that. Which is no coincidence - you constantly challenge and abhor nature, like a demon would.
I spent most of this whole fucking weekend wasting my time in this website. almost blocked it on the routers hosts file but didn't. I'm either addicted to this piece of shit or just a sad, pathetic, undisciplined retard.
I really should kms. I've wasted so much time in my life... yet here I am, again, wasting even more time.
yes, it's two words
>business intelligence
that's part of the stack, learning to find out what's in demand. Go on https://news.ycombinator.com/jobs
>who's hiring septembe 2024
use the API and a web scraper, get chatGPT to write the code for you, compile the job postings into a spread sheet and tell me what insights you see right now. Do this right fucking now, this is dirt simple task with AI
Feel better tomorrow, friend.
>I really should
learn to prostate orgasm and you'll never think about dying again, your life will have new purpose no joke
>I'm here forever.
what good is that much money if this is what you choose to do, you're plato's cave watching shadow puppets rotting
>l almost blocked it on the routers hosts file
I tried this from 2021-2022 but I started compulsively playing online games which was worse
*stares through your soul*
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what's the point of feeling better? I need to stop this retarded behavior. I stop it from time to time but then I come back here. as if I didn't have objectives in life and a whole list of shit I want to learn and do... gosh, I'm fucking lazy and stupid. it's like I'm just waiting for death to hit me.
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>use the API and a web scraper, get chatGPT to write the code for you, compile the job postings into a spread sheet and tell me what insights you see right now. Do this right fucking now, this is dirt simple task with AI
not dirt simple if you want real statistics and why would I give that to you? besides, while reporting growth is the only way it ends in absolute soviet union disaster
>gosh, I'm fucking lazy and stupid
literally get chatGPT to micro manage your life into being better, tell it one goal and out source your thinking to it.
>o1-preview: walk me step by step restarting my life but you need to push me to ensure success
and literally do everything it tells you to do no exceptions
>real statistics
>asks g for secret meme tech stack
>why would I give that to you
>crab mindset
I thought all the orange reddit people exclusively hired Ivy League grads who can do leetcode ultrahards in their sleep. Unfortunately I'm not that rich nor smart. Anything else for us plebs? I'm not picky at all at this point
can you do that with a local model? I'd rather not give my data to some random glowie company
>>gosh, I'm fucking lazy and stupid
>literally get chatGPT to micro manage your life into being better, tell it one goal and out source your thinking to it.
>>o1-preview: walk me step by step restarting my life but you need to push me to ensure success
>and literally do everything it tells you to do no exceptions
kill yourself rabbi
chatgpt hasn't been good since the first few days of 2.5 and it was trash anyway and nobody has solved token overflow, so good luck resolving those beautiful symbols in the air with your own processing centers
here's my solution to improving your life: walk in front of a train
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I'm sure most of this reddit bullshit is fake but god damn I hope nobody is that retarded
>orange reddit people
look at the OP, the threads get baked with fucking link to HN, I'm going to make use of it.
>Anything else for us plebs?
suppose for whatever stupid reason, I were to hire you on the spot right now, what skills do you have? what skills COULD you get within a month?
>can you do that with a local model?
the bare you can do is skim your files for maybe some decent representation of it, but don't ask it for anymore unless you're interested in making neural network simulation better
Just retire and hermit in the Himalayas or get a beach house or something. You don't even have to retire if you don't wanna, remote jobs exist
Imagine making that much money and saving all of it for your kids
>suppose for whatever stupid reason, I were to hire you on the spot right now, what skills do you have? what skills COULD you get within a month?
killing communists for fun
praying to adolf hitler every night
>can you do that with a local model
yea llama3.1 is pretty good, you just install ollama and run the model but o1-preview is the current SOTA
surely you can exchange discords with mr. depressed anon and be their accountability partner to help them get out of their rut, no? well then Ai is better than existing in a vacuum. Most guys fall between the cracks and don't get better because you tell them to just build discipline, you need a feed back and AI can do that
TECH skills anon
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why do you hate mondays so bad, literally love to get breakfast at the office cafeteria
nothing more "works on my machine" than a company whose vendored deps are 10 years old holy shit I hate it here
nothing works without 7384 steps and config changes that must be followed to make up for the lack of an actual build system and version control
in such companies the real skill is being the one whose machine it works on
116k at boeing
No wonder they're falling apart
>look at the OP, the threads get baked with fucking link to HN, I'm going to make use of it.
I know it sounds like I'm making fun of them but I actually like orange reddit. I just don't think I'm smart or rich enough to be hired by their startups.
> what skills do you have?
jack of all trades webshitter and data janny. I can understand low level shit pretty well too (for a webmonkey) and I've debugged shitty async/concurrent code with data races written by seniors so I'm sure I could do it again. I can do frontend, backend, CLI scripting, DB management with ORMs or raw SQL, etc. I can parse stuff. I can actually program with or without ChatGPT. I've dabbled with Redis and Docker. I know how to use git. I know OOP and the basic FP shit everyone should know by now. I'm no genius but I can RTFM instead of bothering you with basic retarded questions.

I know this is less than bare minimum now but this put me ahead of the game just a year ago. And to be honest, in my short young career I've already met mid level/senior devs who know less and are less skilled than me, and unlike them i don't even really like webshit. Sometimes I wonder where I'd be if I pursued my real passions. Would I be writing game engines by now or unemployed anyway? Probably the latter but happier at least.
> what skills COULD you get within a month?
I can learn whatever meme tech stack your company uses along with the style of your repo, probably have enough IQ to learn how to use a message queue properly, learn how to set up RAG or whatever AI meme integration your company is pushing.
someone pls bake

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based and boomer pilled career path. I bet you've been on the receiving hand of quite a few firm handshakes.
thanks anon
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there's nothing else to do everything is too fake and gay for me to participate in. i need to reinstall path of exile since i assume path of exile 2 will be delayed indefinitely like all software/games in current year.
I'm gonna be honest, you're probably gonna be addicted to something these days
I had a bad 4chan addiction like you. I kicked it but now I'm addicted to shit like Instagram reels and youtube.
I'm coming back here because at least this place can motivate me to be healthy when I stay on my preferred boards. at least it used to
We are in another hiring freeze apparently. It is so over

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